______............................ 11.111 11.11111(4143., - 1.- :-...:,..-'....: • ' ' . - . . . . „ . . . -.-- __-......,... . . - .... ia . ... , - /-**. P - N.: . . .. . . I- II ! , , , N. . , .....,..), • . _______•,____ .v •• '^r •-• 7 ' -_--_-.--- _ ---= . •. . . .. . .. - . -. - ----- 7------ --4=-7 ' — ' 7 - ii - "`-r-,:—ii B y GEORGE BERGNER. • I ' d . It AP ti • LA:4J Kt: KVt4IY DAY. ( i 1.:()R( - } F: BERGNER. , E , ms .—sutaut Eltroweinmiot. e iWLY nTt,i cptOen A we ek Yea rly en b e s e o r t i i b b eerore Inn will be 00. In advance AYII Iinn•WHILT TIFLSGRAPII. sd,th•,!,e publisned twit* week during Logislattira, and weakly ' during the the year, and imbibed to subscelbers at 4 1 eh rates, viS : I, e r bore per yeor . lonil•Weekty..sl 10 " .12 oo .:22 00 ... 1 00 y.... u Y l ,unrcriber, Weekl RAI 89 OF ADVICEMIWIC r 1. 11 , 1 less constitute one.half Nowa. Sigb. , T r,or than 10nli constitUte squat's. •111100, 000 day 80 28 • one week 100 otle month .... .... .. 2la three months 02 months ........ ............. 8 00 , ne year.. 800 one day ...... 60 one week ........ .............. .7" 400 month . three mon ........... .8 00 pis months 10 00 one year ......,...• . ~16 go r Eolue , F novas inserted in the Lewai Othaass, gcartge, , and Deaths, FIVE GRITS Pin for o.erra. if M3roget , sod Deaths to be charged as regular • f.rr,cc iEtbical. JOHNSON 8./I.LaTINVIONL. I33 LOCK HOSPITAL. tHta.drecovered the most certain, speed) i .0 A 0,0.3.; remedy le the world tot + , I4,ASES OF IMPRUDENCE. iSLIII/ IP Nr to !WILTS AOO. Nt, mercury or Nostovie Drew. t ,lijarip, OP 10 ClAtal, nPI 071 Tt Two Dacia ^ .0 14 ( , 1 the limb or robs, 131riattaree, Pabli t, a:h•eatuo of the Kidneys end Blodder, Or= w OP, ~0.11. 1 1Ue t.obility, Decay*, therbyeioa languor, Lay Spirlte,Contwitou of data, ~:v Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dltonagt r kovllgria, ineesso or the Stamm:lb, ,Alfrotioom Hod Nroe or Skin—those terrible dtsat ,. the indlocrebot or %Wry nitbila of dr,..oitd and dottettetive praettoel whieb cot,F ,, l,A,onai debility, render ntarAfte Impose trd destroy bath body and mind. YOUNG MIN. inn! ire wpeclally who Rive become the vkdhae of Med dreadful and destructive habit whiet c...,zi11 !eerie m aotirtiely grave thetteaetda 0! ,he most exalted talent and brilliant tnteM r e NIA olherwleo Rave entranced Bakst*. ttikITHIST. 01 eigoOIIOOCO, or waked to co- • J). the war lyre. may cal , wit b full confidence. vAHRIAGE. Woe.. contemplating marriage, be n ,:151: ;a1)11'3 , % Mania, ShOUidbaniedillidi OW -0 I Iv, TrOnid to perfect health. ma Amt. WELK.NIB Noeduddy ondand f algor reskrod. tu. into blau,! undo , the cue of Dr. L i way re:011.1y rdi # o oti Low. gentleman, lift 066 !dead ; nry CMIIOIO !kill rah, iTOAV v: tdloo street, Baltimore Oa thr ren Lad Ride gets Jain linkhnone mint, fart from the ranter. Be par nenhyr 0 1 M1011 1 / 1 11 1 aqlP or Ember, or you will whitoke the oboe. Pe per. for for Irwood, Billing Quacks, with hate nedees, pay"doming Ourildostot, attracted by the repels : of Dr, J.toon, inn noes I luiien nun oontudo I Poetise Stutp, 41 us cc tin DR. JOHNSTON J ,, tlaton member of the Royal Collage of Surgeons, Gt. e% lute from one of the meat eminent Colleges .'eLuLLI •tataa, end the greatest part of whose life to see .pnt m the Hospitals of London, Paris, rlsewhare, has ellheted some of the most as. r .14 tree that wore ever known. Many troubled ^. o fLiat le he fare and head when Wee great air. 4 etug alarmed at sudden sounds, me, . blushing, attended sometbnes with Ursine. of were cured Immediately, 'IA lilt PARTICULAR NOM& testes all these who having injured thew u, k. r., le and improper Indulmencies„ that secret wry Abit which ruins both body and mind, on• them for either burilltheaor society. ate LLtote ul the and and melancholy micas pro iZo, Ira early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the ;SL , Urns, rains le the Head, Dimness el ES . 10 MIIEIIIO Power, l'aiphation or dif th ßsarils,„ . „ • Nrrrnar irritability Devangernent e to oil :119L11. weneral nobility, SystMolus dr . ' 1024 / 1 0 P' tt. u OVALLY. Alt i ll l lllT, the Uncial enema OD the Imhof are mush be rl,lllnl :—Lies of Memory, Confuskm of Ideal , Dr 81 , 10, Mril Forebodings, Aversion toSocia 'tnrust, Love of Solitude, Tlntldity,twwere Sante .. siesta. II of perinea of all ages, can now ledge what Lt. stale of their decline In health, lade, their Tiller -Eg vest, $llll3, nervous and stosWitted, have . it , paarance, abcut the eyes, cough, and flgtcP toantriptlon. . YOUNG MIX ~re..nmrei themselves by eorbith preetthr, to when a lone—* habit frequently leaned Item towantona nr at Reboot, the ernsots of wtdoh ree 1 -4 even when asleep, and If not cured, renders heittoble, and destroys both Wad and body, tat ly Inowthwtely. Ity that a youn ma; e hopes ot tds q:,tt ni ol bin pare g nta, shou th ld he snatched fresh mut esleyments by the 11 0 1110 61 ~.7 ,134 !Tom the path of nature, sod Inds ID 1 e lr , earl habit pence' mutt, before emstme. MARRI/191, • frit a mood .”.nd lad - body hapet promote connubialess. n Int em l i Zi 4 e en, the journey through life betimes a weary ‘`. tha unspent hourly darkens to the view; the 'TOMO Shadowed with despair, and tiled with th Y re tea toc•U b on that the happiness of another b•• Nh iu own aNKwu INvIGOXATINO REMY POE cit; (Wile WEAIENMEM. 'ti treat sod Important remedY Wen/am' W"iepeedfly cured, sod fill visite restored. u;rNude el the most nervous and debilitated wail bePe, have been ImmelisdelY taftlis lo Marriage, Myeloid or Mental %rom, Trembling, Winakiinen Ilbthamdlon ~ifeartuf kind, speedily cured. ar STRANGICIIB. ~j- IT IeS &bottom:ids Oured it thin lusting= within mu Mars, and the numerous Important Bur oltorised by Dr. J. witneaellg by th en f the and many hither persong, **MO al appeared again and again Wore the publics wa n to. oulMes rimasotan shareehr and sor to. o I sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. n it kiY IM PRUDENCIL—When the miltraded ery of pleasu ands he has imbibed . or this em mom disease, it hearten happess that t,, '4l fomap of ehatne or dread of discovery deters ~,1 5 , t hs to thaw who, from education and re. t, S • tab&lune befriend Wm, delaying till the con i•:‘,;,'Y'rneoffea of this honid disease electing the head, throat, n make thei r ose, skin, nno " 1 ' *lth frightful rapidity, tiD death puts a ft dreadt til sudaringe by sending him to ntLhat lot r w w w hence No traveler returns." It Is a ntel• %at thoutianda tall victims to tide terrible by st ui th:: y e t tn i ful nese el Ignorant pretend r".'4°l,lotion and make the reititf=ifilertrlberi role bist lt,‘444"o.—The Doctor's Nplogasta bang In Inn gr, ls, meat mutant a Stamp Joan on the real es tent by MU. • l.i.,,iivuth I'er...tering street, Ileinnkam• ;r'-----ckerk loaf, Ba l and (lonise T trlci Ltd other augers forby Nte.nOis t BOWMAN, wrOor front and Market sizeees. --Three Hundred Ctrs 81W ' 4l 6,4 3 mu received by RN 00414 " , , tints at cli.rauti ft tranavortatiu,, *NNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AMR MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1862. The Paaaaavir Train ,ot the Poodaylvaida Railroad Oompany will depart groilaaild arrilm at-liarilaborg fdidadalolfaliii fallow* E•S T IP) AI IR THROUGH UPR TRAIN 16IVO HllllllOllll dilly at 8.20 a. my sad arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.40 TAM UN leaves Harrisburg daily, (except guiday,) at 1.00 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 • P. HAILTRAIIi leave. Harrisburg da l l7 ( 800087) at 8.66 p. m, and arrives at ,West Ph iladelphia at 11.00 11. m. ACOOKKODATION MAIN, pla Wawa Joy, learn Ractiabarg at 7.80 a. m., and enrol at Wert PbUa dalphia at 12.115 p. m. EiMUO2=6l /00011:110DATION TRAIN , via Ootam biao leaves iberisbarg at 2.00 ;A. m.. mat &MTN at Wait Philadelphia at 7.20 p. m. WUSTW AI IR D. THROUGH 11:1CPREBus TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.30 p. m., Harrisburg .st 8.06 a. to., Altoona 6.40, a, and arrive...at Pittsburg at 1.26 p. m. NAIL TRAIN lean. Pldladelptda at 8.00 a. m., and ar ives at Harrisburg atl.2op. m.;Mayeenerrisbneg at 9.00 a. m., Altoona, 8,80 p. m.; and arrives at Pittsburg at 9.80 p. M. PAST LINE lams Phlladelgibk as 11.26 a mh Saris. burg 4.06 9. m Altoona at 9.10 9. sa., and arriribir at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. as. HARRISBURG 10001010DATION TRAIN leavo delphla at 2.50 p. la., and mina Ma theriabang at 5.00 P 121.: MOUNT JOY .tOOOIIMODATIQN sic Mount loy,leases Lancaster at 11.88 a. m., Wives at Harrlebtirg at 1.80 a. Di. e Tb N 1598 ICIPitiSB sad PAPIIHNGIR TRAIN will lam Weat Philadelphia' at 4.00 a. m.; Lancaster 7.01 a. m. ; Mount Joy at 7.48 a. m., Middletown at 8.25 c m., sad arrive at Harrisburg at 8.55 a. m., connecting with Mail • weet, from Harrisburg, M 9.00 a. m. BANURL O. YOUNG, Built. last, ay. Penna. Railroad. Harrnburg,Jannary 24, 1882 —dtf Northern Central Railway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTBB AILBANGIMEINT. 1.011 MUM DAIL', 10 AMT.= 13 A. Li `l l l 35411 Rd EL Close Connection made ar Harrisburg TO AND FROM N$W YORK. SLEEPING CARS RUN ON , ALL NIGHT TRAINS. gN AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 24, 11101,168 Pamomer trains of th e Notiltatt Oetdre low will arrive M mid ddpsrt from Harrisburg sod iliattmore Y Mows, : GOING SOUTH. MIL PILAW arrives at liariieborg 1.05 P sad leaves " LSO P. M. MIMS " arrives sie " 5.41 A. N. anti learn " LAO GOING NORTH. AWL TRAIN leaveANaltimoro M. . ...... 0.26 A. Y. and arrives at Harrisburg 1.00 P. N. and 1010111 North at 190 P. N. NORM TRAIN leaves Salaam's at..., .... Leo P. N. sad anivao at Harrisbur g.... 8.00 P. N. and laws North at • 810 P. Y. ItABRISBIMO AOKXIII2IODdIMON TUN Lases Raelsbarg for BAMinors at.. L 46 A. Id Returatog—lravo &Maori 44............. L3O P. 11 'MS only train lawring liarriabarg o Handay will b the Sprawl Train, south at 8.21 A. Y. For tardier intbrinatton apply at the Wag in Petmh► Railroad 1)apol• JOHN I. lIHRIOH, Agent. Harriaburp, soy. 28, 111111.—dU WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT NM AIR LIN RORK arii‘EMINES Tam mum nar AND PHILADELPHIA :WITHOUT MANGE OF OABB.I Q u i:AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEM BER 4, 111614 the Paseedger Trains leave the P plila ado Reading Railroad Deaokillnarrhhari t Nor New Ye& and PhileAtelphis, ea !Wows. w • EASTWARD. MI ISMS tfantsburi al SAO a. m., mar. rival of trams Railroad Impress Train from the Hest, arriving New Toth at 11.6 IL m., and at Phila. dslpbla at 9.00 a. in. A sleeping car is attached to the Vain through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at $ a. in.. arrivlol In Maw York atir.3op. ea., and Philadelphia at LIS p. PAST LINE Maass Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., onirrival of Penurrivania Railroad gnat Mail, arrtritig in New York at 9.60 p. m., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New York at 6a. m , and Mandel. phis at 8 a. sa., arriving at Efluvisbnig at 1 p. m. Van TRAM !sates New York et 11.00 noon, and Phil. adelphia at 8.76 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p WHIRS UNA leaves New York at 11 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg 0.8.10 a. m., andoonnecting with the Pennsylvania Sprees Train ibi Pittsbnrg. A sleeping oar is ohm attached to ibis train . Cloonmaions are made at Harrisburg with trains on the PanisaylMuna, Northern Central and Oamberlsad Valley Railroads, and at rag far Philadelphia, Pottsville, inksobarre, Allentown, Usiton, ko. checked through. between New York anst i lerkbarg, $6 00 ; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $8 26 in No. 1 oars, and ita 20 in No. 2_ • For notes or Miter leennation apply to J.J. 004 General Agent, Harrisburg. ANOTHER NW STOOK ! portable Writing Desks, Backgammon Boards, Traveling Bags, ?arms, Wallets, Toilet Bo on" general assortment of FANCY ARTIOLIDB OW at paGNEws (!9 AP 8001. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1862. ID. W. erase & Co., D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRU GGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET BARRISBURG, P.EhN'44 - DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, _ We we daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articleae•aa are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock iu this city, of DRUGS OHENIOALB & on. varldidies and Gillum, Ihrodtadils, Ohm Wad Putty, Pours Oremld Spies* Burning irltaideauid ALleakol, rd Sperm and Pins 011 ti Boadaa, Vial. and Illmakp Globes, Cimino ilietp, Spo s eges and perks, die., Me n doe., ere., die., Me., eke With a general variety of D.1:1100)41 selectedlrom the beet manufacturers and Pe umers of Europe and this country. Being very huge dealers In PAINT% WIEMI LEAD, LINSEED OIL, 'PAEN I WINDOW GLIM, , COLORS, PAINT AND sitars BRUME IN AIL uncui vAanensts, owas AND BRONZY 4TAIIaNDS. . , • .•" • t .• aT • - We regieethuly invites mil, feeling, cio4li, dent that we can supply the wantsol 4 Oa: terms to flu& satishotios. ' . TEETH I TizTalt ; • August MIMCWI3IOIO3IIILATS 111161 : 4 4 , h ta . PATLNT MEDICINES AND, .1144.41 REI3fiNUM'Ef3 Of all kinds, dlreat front the-Proptharelap. ; Saponifka and Cloitoentinted:lol . .1, 0 . Wholesale Agents for flapinfiler, whOhiire as low as it can be purchased In the CEELYER43 MEDICAL FLUID 1414 CiB GOAL O.ILI CARBON OIL 1: •i q • Being laraa pnrchamis in theta 004 we can ofbm indacementa to clam bum.. 911 011 Lamp sot the most hapioiraf very cheap. All khida of lamps changed to lolrn - Cm' 9 11 * . ti FARMNAS AND GRAZIERS) Thom of you who have not even out ailla 'AND CATTLIE PpWDERS a trial know thew antwkwity;-and the advantage thigitla Initeeping Horses Oattle healthy bud , vod, coudltion. i t , 7 4 Thoisands can Wify to the profit tl have derived front the use of our 04141,e Poalisi4 by the inoressing quantity and quality kit i ntik, besides impreving the general heellea ll 4 pearanoe of • their Cattle. Our long experience in the boldness Wee us the advantage of ii thorough krundedgaiif the t ra de, and our arrangements in the Oise 14 such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our busirmak ea . the bast of terms. Thankful for the liberal patrOnagn; beitgwe on our house, we hope by shire ettentroi. to bushman, a careful selection of : . PURE DRUGS at fair Owe. and the desire to please at, t o merit a oonthitume of the 4‘or ed roilieihna inathig • CIBRAP ErUGABEIT I'—taill - st • . z - • * At -N.60 AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOB PUBIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy cure of the aub . Joined varieties of Diseases : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, 'Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pastales, Blotches, Boils, Blabs, and all Skin Diseases. Osaeasz, Ind, ash Jima, 11159. J. 0. Arita BoCo., Gents : I feel It my duty it torktiowl. ledge whityouellmrsayarlUa has done • for me. Having Inherited • Samenlons Initealtit,l have suffered from it to various ways tor yen's. Sometimes it buret,out In Minis on my bands and arms ; sometime turned in ward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it bro .e ont on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one acre. whit* was painful and loathsome beyond description. I teed many me& We; and several. pliyal ckms without much relief from - anything. In fact, the disorder grew WNW. At length L was mimed to read in the Gospel itessenger that you had prepared an alteroative (Sarsaparilia,)ite I knew Dom your rep. utetkin that anything you mate . must be good. I sent to atteithati and got Is, and use it till It cured me; I took it, as ion advise, In snuff doses of a teaspoonful over a mouth, and used almost three beltles. New and healthy skin soon began to ferm under the scab, which after a;while fell off, my skin is now clear, and I ksow by my Endings that the disease has gone from my system. You cad well believe that I feel what lam myths when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the at.ostles of the age, and remain ever lours, ALFRED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony's Fire, 8010 or' Erysipelas, , Tette! and' .Salt . Rheum, 'Scald'. Hood Ringworm, Bore Eyes, Dropsy. • Dr. RotiertlL Preble writes from Went, ?I. 12th ' sop., 1.8419, that ha gum cured au inatatwate cum Or NOW. ay, which threatened to terminate Wally, by Gutters*. Tering Oise of oar Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous at tack of Malignant Erysipelas by Argo doesepf the same• myrtle wreathe common Etuptrous by it constaatly. OM Bronehoeele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebokm Moan of Prospect, Tema, writes' "Throe bet- Wee of your Sepaperilla awed me teems BINITMS-4 bid ems swelling on the meek, which I had suffered from over two yeas•" Lenwirrhcess or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Utering Ulseration,Famale Diseases. • Dr. J. B. lE Chinning, of New York City, writes ; " lost cheerfully comply with the respect or your agent in saying I have found your sarsaparilla a most, euellent alUrnative in the numerous complaints Aw which we em ploy such a remedy, but especially to Ewa* Disease, of the Scrofulous diathesis. Ili ,ve cured many Inveterate itassiecif Leuoorrhcea by it, and some where the com plaint was ceased by Mend* of the WOW. The ul cer** Itself' me soon cured. Nothing within , my V r oZ e lt eg ra= fur of th N e V i i m ir ria ) 1, , l a rr, l e, e 11 ' 1 1 ' dm. pleasMleicit hater on one of the femme in my temily, which detledell the remains Ire neabi, employ, has it, beaMempletely cured by your attract of Sar um* (kir phytdatan thought within but extirpa tion ovoid allbrd relief, but he advised the trial or your ilersapirilla as the Mat ream - before mating, and it ved. effectrud. A ft er takiegour.resmedy weeks no siniPtimi of the Mame remains." Syphilil - Slid iterourial Ditienu . .. Saw Oataans, 25th Savant, 1059, ' Dr. J.O. Am : alga itheerhally amply with the re volter/cur seen leald ire io rat eras or the adhota I have realised or ftanvirilk. 1 . I have oared with in my practice, most of the oral. w 4 s, :palate tor which la recommended, and- have lbtand its *As holy _rauderoo, in the ware of roursi ousil , arid Ditiossx.., Visit id torpid's* had alycAllitid Wears Ado then* wideh me matnuina. bit palate Ala= et bid 'rah. You Suisparilia, steadily, mired Main eve week alaothes was sitealtad lif i.e. undhuy symptoms labia me, and the niceration bad eat-. en - sway a etraidhaiddeput, or it, so that, I believe the ,}reorder would mom each his brain radii:ill him. That it yielded to my adadatietratra of your Sarsaparilla': the doers healed, and he la well again, not of came without some ailativostlep to his two. A woman who had been treated for the stone disorder by mercury will Wirer tog *mai this poison in her bones. they bad become so Osositlve to the weather that on a damp day she suffered = "ti en=y in y her IQU" ►allitrilaeLa She; w e '6'l know thirouf forin‘zzAkstk you agent gave me, that ibis preposition Dm your laboratory mud be a great remedy; rampantly, these trtaly reinarkeble Peelle lOWA haV rat t r ilDrlnd me. , ~ : , . . G. V. LA81.111,111t4M.P., .Ithrounatimie, Gout, Liver Complairit. Lf 1 liDgialo.olol, Pretkin 00.; Val,lith July, 11169. Dn. 3. 0. Aria: Sir, I have been ellifo.ed with a pain. ad ehronielthe , for a long, lien y which . baffled ap padglar ph astratriok 'terns In 'pie of ell the remedies I maid Du=, MD I trindlYwor Ikrospol Gee bottle eared we in two wrap, load restocesi my gen teidittealth so 'much tbit I am fir bettor than before 1 imp osays, rugs* it, ii, wonderful medicine. . UM Met Y. Getehen, of St. Leah:. Writes : have been "Opted fur years with an affection of the laver, which destroW a my lialth. I tried every thing, and orrery • relieve . me ; se:Mom been a broken 41,wp , w!aufor some years trout no Iter moss than do. voo l iaveray t Lbw , . My beloved pastor, the Rev. hr. titgritadvsed: ti try your Rarsegismille, bemuse he osid.he blew and anything yen made was worth loythg c . ool, 7 the biassing of God It has oared me. I feel mat u. The beet that can be said `of you Is not Pt enough. Tumors, Rolargoment, tafion,' . Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. ;‘- ,4,graks V: of aunt ese have bate reported i Lle 'Warne of this remedy, but one P s not admit them. *um of %hammy be tbund In our Amer - pia nlntisnimlN which the *genes balow_ussaad ars phased taltilithighltil hi al who call Dispepshi, Heart , Fits, %Molt s7,ll4.llinahahr, reiw i rkapft WM . o Musa airootioos have;bose tba alienartvarwar of this medicine. It stint. functions , into v*rius action, and thus 'remedy has sa bab which would =ed by t posed tonnoi people, and we articourldeat that Oda will 1' : aa::Ayer's7' eat ITERAp::: CourColds, lama 1 Hoarscontss, up„ Bronchitis, Indipient Cop; staapticul, and for the Belief of =ConsnmptiveP ts in advancsd4itages • - of theldiSise ThM lea remedy so universal/7 known to =noes any other for the cure or throat and lung complaints, that it I. itedent here to publish the evidence of virtues. Its Mutvilisdnioellenen for coughs awl colds. and its trulY wonderful cum of pulmonary am i s s , have made 'mown throughout the clvilisid mations of the earth.— Taw are the COMMUDitieti, or even families, mem them who have not some personal experience of its .ab- • awe living trophy is their midst of Its victory over the •siManand dangerous disorders of the throat and lunge. Es all know the dreadful %talky of these disorders, and as they know, too, the Whims elide remedy, we need not _do more than to assure them that it ham now all the vtr thee that Mild have when making the cures which have won so WNW* upon the ootilldenoe of mankind. Pieta ed by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., gold:by 13.. A. -11111111 , 11",. H.Xeller, D. W. Hrosa k OD., J. 111. . di Os., artosiraog , Harrisburg, and deal -3,01 OTUT ill* 10 0011.11dikW ITBBEII,II3IOODS Tyubbh' tall; Rabbet; Watches; ; • litabber 'Battles; ••= 4 • .; BebbeProys i zentliy at ' , Vinittilat'S dna' Kgrorks._,... ifltt.ti J. PRIAM. Lowell, Kw. BY TEMPI FROM FORMA MONROR: The Rebel Steamer Merrimac and the Gun boats Yorktown and Jamestown, ATTACK ON OUR FLEET. &SPORTED RUSIN° OF TER 1411.111IGATI 011.11BIRLAND. ThesU. B. Frigate Congreee, Captured. . and Burned. The 11. S. Frigate Minnesota Agreund ;It '.R I 1.1! ' I ;It 8' !‘ —a— . . The Rebel Fleet Engage the Bat teries at Newport News. REPORTED FLIGHT OP TRH GARRISON .1V TEE WOODS The Merrimac Supposed to be Aground, PROBABLE EXPLOSION OF ONE OF HER BOILERS. FEARS FOR THE SAFETY OF FRIGATES KINIIEt3OTA AND ST. LAWRENCE. The Iron-clad Steamer Ericsson Ar _rives aethe Scene of Action. ho Engages the Monster Merrimac and Gnn• boats Yorktown and Jamestown. FIVE HOUR'S BATTLE. The ,Ilebel Fleet Driven Off. =l= The ]Merrimac in a Sinking Condition. FOIIIII.IIBB 160140111, !torch 8 The dullness of Old Point• was startled at 10 o'clock to-day by the announcement that a mystarous vessel, supposed to be the Martha%) lookinglike a submerged house with the root only above water, was:moving down from Nor folk, by, the ohinnel In •front of Seim.lni = Falai batteries. Signal guns were also fired.by the Cumberland ana Gangrene to notify the Min moot% St. Lawranoaandßoanoke of approach ing danger, and ail was excitement in: and about ,Fortress Monroe. There. wee nothing protrnding above the water bat a flagstaff, flying the rebel flag, and a short smoke-stack. Shemoved along slowly and turning into , the channel tending to New port News, steamed direct for the frigates Cum berland and Congress which were lying at the month of James river. As soon as she cake within the range of the Cumberland she opened on her with, her heavy guns but the balls struck and glanced off having no no more effect on her than peas from a pop gun. Her ports were all closed, and she moved on in silence, but with full head of steam. In the mean time, as the 'Merrimac was approacA leg the two frigates on one aide, the rebel iron clad steamers, . Yorktown, and Jamestown, came down James river,. and engaged our frigates. On the other 'side, the batteries at • Newport News also openeed on the Jamestown and Yorktown, and done everything in their [ power to • assist the Oufnberland and Coa -1 grass, which, seeing the sailing vessels were at the mercy of the approaching steamers. ,The Merthnec in the meantime kept steadily on her course, and slowly approached the Cumberland, when she and the Comment the dieter= of one hundred yards rained full broadside on the iron clad monster. The shot •took no effect glancing upwards and flying off, . having: only the effect of checking her for the mo • meat. After receiving the first broadside of two frigates, she ran.on to the Cumberland striking her about midships and literally laying upon her sides. She, • then- drew off, fired a broadside into. the disabled ship, and again &shed against her with her iron olad bow and knojittsln har side, and left her to sink while ifba. otlffellTl Nu? 1 00 421W14. Which laid about a quarter of a mile distant: :Mope on board of her seeing the hopelessnems.a, ra• slating the iron clad steamer, at once stint& her colors. Her crew had been. discharged [ several days since, and. three companies [Of the Navy brigade had been put on -board temporarily until she wcedd be relieved by the St. Lawretice, which was to have gone up on Monday, to take hit • position as our bloclueling, vessel on the James river. Oa the Congress striking her colors, the Jamestown • approached and took from on board her; all the officers esliritiOniars, but allowed'the crew to escape in boats: The vessel tints cleated was fired by the rebele, when the Merrimac and her two Iron clad companions opened with 'Jolt and shot on the Newport News batteries. The firing was briskly returned. Various reports have been received, prinet pally from the frightened sutlers andnlerks.-- Some of them represented that, the garrison had been compelled. to retreit flota the bat teries to the woods. Another .was that two smaller rebel steamers had been compelled to retreat from their guns. • , In the meantime the steam frigate Miruituota having partly got up stetim ' was being lowed up to the relief- of the two frigates, but dlo . l :iia get too late to, assist thaw:. `Be iwits plactfollowtxliw bylke i r k - t 1 131.; . 'T wMcli tto I — tow b - rBO 4 von d i it e„eat h e -- 2 4 1114:41 ' It' kr tit PCP' PRICE ONE CENT. . that neither of these vessels had pilots en board them 'After a short engagement both of them seemed to'be, in the opinion of he pilots on the point, aground. Tha Idinnedota either intentionally or from necessity, engaged_ three steamers at about a mile distance withonly her two bow grins. The St. Lawrence also, poured in shot from all theinua she could tiring to bear, and it wai Oke impression 'of the most experienced naval °Moen en the point that both had been consider ably damaged. These statements it must be borne'in mind are all based on what could he seen by the glass ala distance of nearly eight miles, and by a few pank‘stricken non-combat ants "dwelled at almost the first gumboot New port News': In the meantime darknees approached, though the moon shone out brightly, and noth ing but occasional flashing of gems could be seen. The Merrimac was also believed to be aground, as the remained stationery at a dis tance of a mile from the Minnesota, making no attempt to attack or molest her. Previous to the departure of the steadier for Baltimore, no guns had been fired for half an hour—the last one being fired from the Min nesota. Some persons declared that immedi ately after this lest gun was fired, a dense vol ume of ve.por.waa seen to rise from the Merri mac, indicating the expiation of a boiler, wheth er this is so or not, cannot be known, bet it was the universal opinion that the rebel monster was hard aground. Fears were of course entertained for the safety of the Minnesota and the EC Lawrence in suck an unequal contest, but if the Merrimac was really ashore, slurcould do no further harm to them. It was the intention of the Minn , iota with her picked gallant crew, to have run into close quarters with the Merrimac, avoid her iron prow and board her. This the Merrimac seemed not inclined to give her an opportunity to do, being afraid of the crew approaching her at close quarters when aground. At eight o'clock when the Baltimore boat left, a fleet of steam tugs were being sent up to the relief of the Minnesota and St. Lawrence. and an endeavor was to be made to draw them off from the bar on which they bad grounded. In the meantime the firing had been suspended, whether from mutual consent or -necessity, could not be ascertained. The rebel battery at Pig's Point was also enabled to join in the combined attack on the Minnesota, and several gene were fired at her from Sewell's Point as she went up, pone of them, however, struck her, but one or two passed over her. Tfie Baltimore boat left Old Point at eight o'clock last night. About bell an hour after she left the wharf, the iron clad animal" steamer and Moniteur peened her going in, towed by the large steamer Moniteur, and un doubtedly reached Fortress Monroe by 9 o'clock and may have immediately gone into service. If not, she would be ready to take :a hand early on Sunday morning. WASZEINOTON, March 9 —seven o'clock, Erelegrtua from Fortress Monroe.]- I Th. &rico son arrived at Fortran Monroe leak night.— Early this writing she was attacked .by the three Veen* the Merrinutc, Jhunciptonn and Yorktown, and, after five hours' citaitan, they were driven off, the Merrftruic in a sinking con dition. The above is official., FROM WASHINGTON. TEE REBEL BITTERIEB AT COCL•PIT POW ON TIE POTOEAO UPTURN). THE REBELS FIRE THEIR, HINDI AND OTHER IQUIPPAGS AND Rlllll. Stars & Stripes Waving over their Works. The Destruction of the U. S. Frigate, Otuu berland—Capture of the Congress---a d grounding of the Minnesota. MILITARY AFFAIRS ON TB Et BIM. linix•rtant Rooomifmanoo from Port Craig. No General Engagement with the Siway, The Recent News from. Denver Dieeredited :Wegaunsor, Hach 9 The stars and stripes wave over Cockpit Point. About 2 o'clock P. Y., to-day, the reb els commenced to fire their tents and - other property difficult of removaL They also burned the steamer Page and all the other craft :in the creek. Our gunboats opened fire on. Coc kpit Point battery about 8 o'clock P. n., s a nd at half-past four landed and ran up the glorious old. flag. The , government has received information from Fortress Monroe, that yestardAy the iron clad steamer Merrimac and the gunboats Jam"- town and Yorktown attacked our fleet, sunk the Cumberland and took the Clowns. The Minnesota was aground when the Sartre's Monroe boat left. Judge Watts, the delegate from New i Mexkm, has Wiese of an authentic characiiii from Fort iWto the 4th of February, and Santa Fe to 6d!clotik, evening; Sunday the 16th. At that date, the advance guard of the 11. 8. forms 600 strung,. under Capt. Wingate, were Cei the west ilde of the Rio Grande, eight miles below Fort Craig, being at Barejos. On the driving in of our pickets. COL Gauley Marchedin force to that point, sad after lonely waiting until night without any !inmate ance of the enemy, returned to FOrt Craig, leaving his camp fires burning. Cot Caldera spy, Graydon, bad capthred the principal spy of Qen. Sibley, and from him it was martehuid that tbe forms under Sibley coeeisteii of 1,600 troops at stammer and I,soo'bebind under Sibley with 8 %cannon and 800 %eves, and that he expected reinforcements .00n of 1,100 lancers. Muter these circumstances Judge Wade is confident that no general engagement had token piece, but perhaps only skirmishing of the advance guard which resulted Id the falling beaky( our. troops on Fort Craig in order to prevent the Texan cavalry trom,get tingtietween our forces in the advance and the forlifications at Tort Craig. . The recently published despatith from-Den ver to Jubesbarg is not on its face authentic, ilAd must have been verbally Communicated thio,Olifi a lino of ozPrees,riders _oier a distance of Minn hundred miles ; and' Judge Watts has Other intbrinatica which inithites him that the sown* totsaytheleast of It, goaded, sad scsAkpaxise, eattAllib.-1 ?I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers