.' ' ' Iknknj American. SUN BURY, JANUARY Sl.lSTi l.itllriiail Time Tables. EAT, I WI'.ST. UjiTilo Kx. I've -Wm!T!rl Mull I'ro liaSum I'no " " lOi.lOani l'.hiilra " " ISJpm Mali ' IMC p m Krlo F " BMOpm Erie Mull, " 12 OS m EmiKr" Tralu Wwt arrives it 119 . SHAatflKIJi DIVISION W. C B. W. tMH I Arriw HiAiiburj At ll-.0sm AtSuubur H m u ' ii 4.-l)ln " 4:09pm WJ.THLD, BA!!JT)!lTwiira-BAE!!E i. L twM Junftw-i-W A. M S'60 and :20 P. M. jtrriic al Sunbury 11.80 A. M.. 0:lW ami 11: P. M Uv Danmllt 1Mb A. M. 8:80 anil 10 P. M. Amvt at Var.viUt i:U A. M.. 4:li anil 7:45 P. M. "oko.'f. Rotoi & Co., 40 Park Row, N. Y., & II. PnTrrNoii.t. & Co., 27 Park Rovr, N. Y., nnil YV. W. BiunrE & Co.. Trilii-no TltilHln'M, N. Y".. ara tin? nolo agents for this piipsr in tlmt city. Tim grovrh a baker una tin cinofr SEWING MACHINKS ore acknowledged su perior to any other uow manufactured. Miss C. Dnllus, Market street, this place, is the agent for the pale of them In this nud ndjoinlnn coun ties. Instructions hi sew I113 Riven free of churifc to all purchasers. A lot always on hr.nd. Cull nd examine them. Mil, W. Hoovrn, his lately purchased the Flour and Feed store from Jeremiah ru..so!d, on Market street, and U prepared to furnish his friends with llo'ir, food, reliable, f. Ki'.ly Is i.lw.ivs eort.ions mid af com modal ine:, and ".vjll al ways be found happy when he is doing business. Cold Wkatiieii. The weather on Sunday and Monday was Intensely cold, probably the eoldist sf the season. O l Monday i cmiine'ieed snowing-, and snow M! to the cvp'.ti of four or five in ekes and on Thursday ten inches. LicENsr.s. The law reiiuins that nppllcnnts for licenses for taverns and restaurants, must have, the bonds and petitions tiled In the l'rotho nctary's uflice, not less than-Cl days before the llrst day of Court. All applications must be ad vertised three cousceutivo advertisements, the last of which must be ten days before court. Those desii i:i licenses should tend their peri lous to the Prothonotary at once. Dank Dmiy'Tins. At an election held on Tuesday lust for Dirwtoio of the Tirst National Rank or Sun'oury, to serve the ensuing year, the I'ollowlnc persons were electud ; John B. Packer. James K. Davis, snr., Jessi ( Korton, Win. H. V.":i-, Siiiiou Cameron, Win. I. (Jivcnouiih, John Haas, Win. M. Rockefeller, Geo. F. Miller, Win. Cameron, B. Warford, AK'Sandcr Jor dan, and Gi'o. FmulliT. Ti'.r. River was frozcu over for the second time on Monday tiVl.it laH, The wc.Uhr h l-n very cold the pat few dsys, the thcrmoiuiter standinj; at C de;'. at 'J A.M. A Frni.ic examination of the Scholars of the Jiiinhiiiy Academy, was held la the Court House, on Wednesday and Thursday last, which wns lilt i'.ttei:(!e.l as well as micht have be:i ly pa rcii's. The c:.-aininr.tioi:s we uinr-tmid, wrre V-ifciy ciedital le, and the pro(;res made by the nd'olars.nnier their fitor Mr. Hrnn,lY.nc:p.i! oT t'.i- Aradciny, has been very tlatteilir and satis itutvi-y. I'.'.i. T. I.iuMuru.Kr. is huiily cn icel ia ;!t:.v: ir.a'.rriai tiwihcr for the erection of a inr.di.lKei'iit l.oiel licildini; on the sue t the o il Wc.iv-;' Hotel culuei' of slaikel and Fourth Mr '.-t. h iseal'.'Uic.teJ to tetli'. hii'--t in tli p-iit of the Slate, and wil.be Uui-!ied in firet ; style. We wih Mr. DruiMheller sjciess in !:;s -.iiidtTt.tkl;;ft a'-'l hope he nviy, after it f .:.-,:i!pieted, b.i we'd com; euf.at?d for his e.il-ryr'.se. lio' Hi:s to rent ave very scarce in tl-i-: place. Tiio.-e h.4Viu housi-s to rent lmvo uo tnmh'.e in Ui Iliac i;oo.l lev.aato, au.lat irood prices. It is a irre.it wonder to us that moie menib.-in of the Ilai'diu;; Association d uo. build houses fur lUemselvc-, ioslesd of paying tlictrub rents that ..re ii iiK.tete-l. Any m.-taber owutiDr live shurc-, iird luvi'i eiio ith money sa'-ei' up to parch. a 1..., ca p-t. .noiich Oal of there a,.,o( iatams to I I..1.4 . ,:. r, .... '...... ...4 .11 Ii. n.ui'l 1 lvv-j to I'l llli -jr.HOci.il nm Vj-j l:n .)l- j Midi ill"! t'.i, nu.l nt the end nf eiubt or t.-a j a would bar his huau pa! 1 lor, wherens j , now pay ten dollars for rent, und ut the ' 10. ii. u li ne in. j ..in ii lu.oi.ij.. s ... ail.'fi mvci'lul 1 h-lier '.h.ii'ec tbita .11 11 c ia l.it.eaief.rth-.ii'.el'.escoiiifor.iba' bMics, ' '-'" 1 uar-aay inoir;nS 1 -av te, ' i.u.viiuvl if nmnv of tbe.n fallv n:e j !' 'V:'' Fo-a,1-v -CVC'vl t"u ''al'uid l.c. n -:t..-a ll.e working of thesi asaieiati .us U.ey j taAC!l "at of his shop durin.' the r.l.ht, iuul llii'i a;l,l Lai d hoii,t-s ii.s). ...i el re., tin.- them. foot-print ' ia thi- snow, he tru-v.) Faein up Narrow liottjai wesr iu t! c iia, St linpoi ; -d j ,t !..: an 4 seirs, for ladl.. Xfl s'l eliildrc.i. j Jcl ,10 Is of various hand.-, siare.l at;:v in the A P.ku aiors revival h. sheen in rrvn-'i. far , n ., 1 p 1 .11 ' I iio'.isc. He then Inform,' 1 s, veal man haul- ..,'M'is! e-k pa,, In the Lutheran tt h in , w.,.tf MnM ,,,,, ,,,,. ,.,,,,, ,. av u H tl.l-pl. ,, e:d."tc1l.) !;.vir.He.upe:'ly,ps,.U(,ir(..i W:rri ,,,. ...,... Mr,".' Church. Snaie Kl'v or nMy pirsons . ,' , rvan-.n I, an I oooJs ,0 Ihe luiiouiil of a' oai -.M h 'V' a. ,':',,' 'o;. ,, I I t '. U I i ' ol W ;'. a I. a. I. I.l' , , . ... 1 or e.al . hiinilr. d doll . i i was 1.. n.' s ci : ,1 1.1 .0! ie ia trie sw,.i.e l.'.i.io.'.t i..ie coaie ''"'-!, . ., . .. .. , n.aO l.i oi.:!'" a i'l.aa"! of ili'e. 'I be I'a.-lor i . . , lie! Uo l. b 'l S 'II ' desei ', ilie ot rredU fol' lUt lllle- ie. I in v I: iu taken in hi lnaiax ulvlit a rc foil 11 j .ia 11-:,! b art .-i.l IV.-n!.. and i.jiti,: ihem '' ,:" 11 ' 1 "f '-h-- lo''. 'y ib'luciu- I .! . I " la a l w hi , In the pi ll. i" of lit ', l: I l " ;. a -y b.e..,r..'. u.. Tal 1:1 I il.vo'it mein , a . (' b. -i'-. lain h. To-ill 'i "ow- I5.iad.iy; ' r i .'. .aoii!. :. uf the Cli'ireli -,t il. take . .,.!' I.' v. In. I oiiniil of I'lilla l.-lpi.l.i . ' . : ted bt a niiuib. , of oi li, r 1 is I'. "i, ....I. A e, i.l. il ia ,:..ti,i'. it I'iieii I- I lo . . I , ..'leerl. Me, lilies IS ill I'olllll.lle (t, lie b e I ,.1 I .. I b ireli i-iii) ev, iilie; I...H vt.-e'i, and l!..- ;.. o v. . 1 U to on. V I'. 1 li.;! I .-l I;'.- li-si'.br H.t, .b'i-. Iia k. I. alia:, a.. I i n.davf Moie. ll iiipt'o !. ..1 i ..i.l, Ma.!.' I ..i.i..le. I. ; . 01 "!am I 1. T .l:v. --Tlieia I 11. .'bin,' lb .t I 1. . a. a li p. I a u.. i'.-i .1 . 01 a p. ate it ) lo I .. .. .' i .'i.l I II ,t. . : tt -1 I I '. ta.i i i i n! i a ii b in i I . i 111 la . lol " .1.. 1 , I ' e 1 . !. a.,,;, i ,1.1 1 11 1 t!i nf bill p' .0 ', '" " ' '''""''" I "I foil. Mil bloo:,,,, I I Ol l..i- llio i ii, i I 1,1,1' ill I, I", "'li ''', . !.. I...l IJ.'.-'ill) it,.-itcl a t t, I ... oi b i , , ,! lot:, 1 1 ' Jill I li t'l',l' 1 Il"l Ol.' -i 1 1 L ,1 J al ui p., . , ; ; . . la.i i i .ta . ... li b. ... 1. .. ,. . , and I . i l .1 , I u a I. I I Itl U .' I ,,. a i ., ul I ' .1 . I i'l ' J l 1 4 I , I n , i .'..'. i.. I . i I. I I , i, -I Ll. ...I,.,. . t . l ' .. . .. u ,. . .. i ui . -i .. i, ii, . I t " 4 ,. il a- . i .. i .. ti. .. i t .. ; I .. ... I . .. . . . a " . .,l l.it 1 :.l I i. . e .il i. 1 . , :. .ii t, .4.4 lb Orn nghbnrs of tie Vtmterat nppwir to show a dioposltion to ha sarcastic, In order to blindfold their readers In regard to the (treat upheaving of tun "Kimr, "on account of "Olley Gammon'" report of a "Ring" meeting. They cast up to ns that wc. were "erark-braintH," and tlmt wo "era ployed u lunatic to wilto" for this paper. Now, If our neighbors had any compunctions of con science, or any sympathy for a, they woulfl not rejoice so lustily over onr miaforluno In employ ing a lunatic, particularly vh(en they know that they will never bo subjected to the necessity of "employing a lunatic" Whlto the Junior remains tn tho editorial department. The old adage says, "that fools nnd children will tell thctrulli." nnd even a lunatic may mako the Rtillty squirm. Since the Pcmneratlc Gv.anl, n Democratic paper not In the employment of the ' Kin;:," has taken upon Itself to reply to our rcpoiter, and has h-t the cat out of the bur;, we hope, to bo credit. .1 lit least for candor and lioiieit Intention!", In cxpr-s-Imr corruptions witliov.t bciu;r charge, with ma lice. P. M. S. F. & n. A. At an election held en Friday ovcnlna, January "Mth, for ulllivrs of the Sunbury Mutual Savin:; Fur, 1 and Uiiildini! As sociation, the folloHii"; persons were elected t Directors Henry Clement, N. V. Martz, Jacob Filter, Samuel Faust, Win. H. Mill r, I). C. Dissiniier, John Slii.-sl r, Jacob Siilpnun and Joseph Fisely ; Vice Vreshlent, Ira T. Clement ; Secretary, J. WcUer linclicr: Treasurer, 1. H. Mooie j Solicitor. A. N. Krice. Below will lie found Ike report! of the Secre tary and the Audilm;; Committee : K"poit of J. Wei. or livelier, fcn.tc.ry of S. M. S. F. A B. Association for lS7i: Thee ure s.pj shares lo.'hl by IS'' tVaroholdcrs. Twi) shares beitiLr i'ahir.iun daiii.ij t!ie. yoar. loans were sold darinsf tne year at an average piviniuni of fji.fi" 7-'J4. Total Loiiiis,L".'!l. Total Premium, C--I,- 00. Total cah, f..iCa 00 pairon L.oau Present Pienii'.lin on each share. Liuli paid ill ou each share, Value each .-.har, t"3 Gi kkckipm run TAP. 1S70. Baes, iln.l'U "ii Interest li-D 1 Fines, UTS js) Transfers, 1!I tW Insurance, &., ls S3 From tale of T. llinics' property, 1,'J33 22-15,147 &i tXl'EXDITL'UFS Ol'.DBliS OI1ANTLD ON Loans , U,77FOO lid.i,., .vj oj Stationary and Ineidenlal IS) 00 Secrclaiy Salaiy, lot) 0J Insurance, ' f'O Janitor's .Sthiry 14 00 shares withdrawn, 71 Cd Attorneys Fees, Ul J3 51.i,07S 117 Ol'lSTANDlSO TIKr.i, &C. Ton TEAR lJ. Dues, J.")7:l 71 lntcrc-t, "". 75 Fine?, J73 'J I Insurance John Zimmerman, c-i O'J " Wrn. Ziiin, 11 ULi $1,13 '.'7 All of which is rcpoctfi.lty submitted. ,1. Wejs,-:u Bl-cue::, Scc'y. Report of Auditiuflr Conmiitte" to examine ac couats of Sccittarv and Treasurer for the vear 1J7J : J. Weittr Riic lier, Secretary, . ir.;. To Cash r'd ou Dues.. ..$10,159 SO " ' Ii,rc.-t a.s-..s IS " ' " ' Kines,... !i7;j ya " " " " Transfers,..- 13 00 " " Sr O f T. Himei' propel ty, lSo 415,147 54 , CK. 1 p.iid Tr. j.-r, as per recelMl, 115,147 M ' ' ,. t . P. II. . icore,. Treasurer, 1 PR. j By cash paid To e.m't rre'd of TT. Y. Frvline;, foiM'isr Treis., till CO 'i'.. ,..".... ...... "ii . r .1 vv..is,.,. 15.iclier,fc.eerit. v,..".'.. 1.V147 04 ,15,W f4 i r j By cah pnid on Order,..! 14.CC1 87 j balance in Treasurer's '-'lias f-oi 1.0 -i..,...i.) 00 i Jai ou Sllll'JUN, i Jusri-ii F.iai.v, l A. '. iillKK, S Wi: find the following notice In the la-t .V,'i'!o- ' ;,, in u,ard to, he ,,. at Noithumbc, land, , which was published iu ,1ns paper last week : ; Ar; llvi'i.A n . nv:. We have received from 1 Mr. John .Mel'arlaiiil a letter denying the ac-'; ei.'Jt.t we vc.vo hist wc.-h, of the. vi.il to that bp- 1 i.i'uli or live .e'v mk iramblers, so lor ns Mr. I MelariandN conneciio.i whli the allaii- was ton- j . ... , ,,;,,,. .; , Il; .;;.,. W(. ,.,a,;(: : 1 .0... .. ... 1 1 1 j . vii -ii ! Miiiiii.i-.ii s.-.j . tv ..,. V v. r. : 1:1 i .i.- u::n i . i , mi? -.iiniu luu.i, ;.i .ii.M in mi h.iii inf in .:ri i'i 11 .1 '." : ', '. .""-I "'" .""""si .-.... u . ---- I to ihe lani-e of Mr. W. McC.irmiek, u. Walnut -1 ic, t. He intercd the bon e, and found the meat which had b.-.-a mi- in-;, and abo ,U-tnver- '. '.. . , .. " . '. '.' , ' ... ', . .. , '. I .tills. I. IV l tell, lie, UUU cw.lilllill '4 u J,llt...i ov . p . " ' , , That f J),t;: Il 1 mm. red since the Count ..,:,,., ... ... ..,,. in a the f'.'l 0,1 1 1 ,v. . t ill all Iu 1 i.; iaiiit I in Ihe iu, th, oniio r lepoi' and that lli.' liole mallei U n.ov in i:.-:, a fl:.a,' lioiv ut m:.'!i a i.i.u .f that it will 1 ,ke s,,aie , . . , . , p .ool.ll.- alb a' to oter tllat il ll.lfc not l" "I pl'i.p.'llj i sl..leil. A ,1 ..I I .: lio'i of 111 S S', I I Ilia oll al I 1.. 1 ..t , is to beilpolbil lis 1. Iti.l, ll ell p li.l plVti'l . La;.' ai.ioa.'l i.t I. .vote, b.n i til lo III,- i laie, in, llo- I .1 ia, j fir , aai ly ih'im.-i?., tl 'I I, i ml sp .a 't iia; i .e i, I,,. 1. 1. 1 ol i ,at t ... t -, and I'lil".!' I al I ''"1.. lo lo. -. lb, '...a au(, Willi lie., ul of an .lln r -la i t ,t 111. ll i iac ia. I t i b an In llt.it ibif lion !.,. n e,.u. i.t, ,l to boA up I lit! I, ol t, an I In. l I.t it . pear 1 1...V e b iti bet ii .1 -I-.1-I.V 0 ' "L:'i;" tt.. ..! oil. b. .,i lb.- A... .lip... .ill 1 ,'1,'W ... li,.. ..'.' aa 1 b..i. . lllle., I.. -I ile I thai lb' ,' li ,te sti..i! tf... , inil t' I. in kin ll .1 lit ,n. , I Ib .1 It I. 1 I I. a a - ' I i lol t la lb p, p . , tt . .1 . ...Ills lb a 11. I, o '.....i ,,,,,,, t', k . II .1.. !" on lie ill tile .1 Ul.n ..Co (ui up, , jv.il, . ,.tu i pabllc ,11 ii, ie . , . ,, ,.t ,i ,1. ii.,.y i, i "' 1 l-il't- li 1 I.. 10 u W I II lol.l dui.l Iht I t on: I 1. 1 1. 1. 1 i, . t ! 1 o .'. . I ' ,"''' ' ' . ' '' 1 ,.n.. II ii , U i"'.l l .r.'i l.il'.'l. I I ill. I. l .. A KM h 1I..X j - 1 '-I i .... ' ' I '. I ll - . I.t ) I 1. . I I I ,..,i,,li41 l lb ' I' ' -Ul. I l , I t ,, .1 .... 4 j.. I ... I. "I . i I , l: I l ol' i i .1 . .. II, ,,i b I u , I ' ' ' '" J;' ''''"'' " ' I " l i ' . I a' '.. a, 1 II 4 .1 1. , , , . ,,i. . ,. , i I a. 1 . I." III.. 1 I t. it. J I .. . '1 1 ' I ' 1 I I ' U ; i . .. . I-.'. I .11.1 ..,. I .!.. u. l, , I i,.. i .. 1 1 1.4 1... . .. '. ,s . . ... .1. 1 .. , , ... , . i.P .. 4 l ..i , w.. il. i. .,..n. , i , U4. lb I - 1 I ' ' 1"".' I t . I , t.,t .1.1,1 K..I i , 4) -ii - u .. .'ui i.,, ui, i a. i i.t ,, Ji .( ...I 1 1 y I . I ii.4 . i ... ..u. . ( . , ! '- --. J .4 t-. . . .... ui ... tt , I ,, j I '.b 1 ,'..! b P.I .w M I ."..I" . tt.l, Mk'luil 4 lUi . I...I... - ! raAM0Ki;i Irrrr.. Wc cony the fidlov.:n t f ir. tho y?ti!U'.',in 7.d.'i, of t!i..' wL..it j l MTstriuiMS O.-rprAiiAxog. An r or, a mnirled iiui ijre! nhpiit HO yivi , ' .1 niisslnij from his honiu in Mi. C'ai ,v.r .. . Ia Inst, llo Was ;lst r'ta e.t (V ' . I : twecn 9 nnd 10 oViH-k in til" cvi .111:. i i I . mentioned, on his ret mi fma fie R IT Wtuato abowt 1W miles from that p ae i, on tha Ciitawl'sa road), where It nppaira be bail been during tho day. It Is supposed be started to go to Mt. Carmel Hint nl(rht, and cither fell Into one of the numerous pits nmj: tho mail, (catiso l by the cavlnn In of old workings) or c!fu was fo illy dealt with. Renrch wns inn .la In till the j,:u where It irns lhono;ht likely be could have f.ilien, but no tmc' !i of him were (INeoverc 1. A r n .1 ofSIOOIs oll'i'ie l hy his I'ulher for Inloi -.t tim of his whereabouts or the rocov. ry of tin I.-:.ly. On Friday nieht last, between Onivl i ' oi. a!;, sonio womI ! he ar,:.a':i firs-1 i:.t. the hoi ,. oc cupied l-j Ciiarles l.h ua'.v.iltj li this Wo.ieli, the shot a sl.n.; Iioai a revolvi-i pa-:.i j t !iroii!;h the ilnor of 1 lie .-ii tine; room n:i'l sti ikin ; the wall oppo- ite. Mr. Cii,.,1.ira,t v. as i:i 1..-.1 i,t the time, but diirin-; the tveiir: ;, Mil ::; to v, :t;.. Ill a few minutes of the. oe mit, .',ee, hi! 1 a scat directly In raup; of the sin t. The y ". oe. tiator was not detected. Chcn iw i!! is a mim r. ' ami nas occn worKuo; nii":oii'ciit o! th" unio ,. At nil elect in hold by the Direcl e-s of t'.c Noith'd County National I!. ink i f I'c.oo ia, on We 1iicm1.iv, Hills inst., F. W. Pollm-k. V. , was unanlinously re-e'.ecte.l I': .'!! "it, .in1, 1". ?. Ilaa:1, F-q., Ca diier. to serve the . nsaiaj; ; ar. .s'oiU!if.M,.T!.LAM) Cot.'MY om, Tn.-. in:. We have but little, to rep ot. The r.db.wln - six .). liorlen are now i.t work! The t '1:1: . a, V. -nr ValUy, HurnsUlc, ;-. nuckin, Frn:.!; Gov. en, r.i.l Hen Frnnkliiii mil v,o learn that oao or ten more expect lo resume la a lv days. Vac cold i weaiher mid snow darin;; the (iis.t patt of ila week CUl tailed the shipments coa 'i J nalily. A 'vrat 179 cars are uow sent uway d..:ly luir.i th.se operations. The reports oi'il',.- tea bailees in ojr IV .ion have been exnL-gerated. Around Ehatr.okiii and its vicinity e;.,0j order prevails. Thk f)iicraf iu lefcniii"? to an nitlele in 01 l-.sn,. nt tin. 14,1, Wt 1, T.,.- !.. ...... i I if he belong, la the Repablican RUiir'- We j have only to say that we belonc; to or know 110 i "Rinir," and stand rea.lv to denounce wro'iir and I corruption without r.'.'arl t. paity. 1; II, :s wo ditler from the editors of the Dtwrtit, who could not readily be iu.l.ice. I to pnl.lls'i an artlcte I rolleetini ou the Collit iioase "llinj Its tntiuberj. or any of j List cf Coal Opera' ir-, toixiiher ivii'i th quantity of coal mined mvI sr ;t to lti-irl: t 1-v eaeh company, firm or in. liv id .'ail Pi So !l:a:.i- berland county, in IsPA V!.e CV"ieiI.- w-.r. o'.- ly at work from 5 to 9 moat'.. ; uaih,'.- ihe ...... r . CWi'iVry. I.Kue. IV:,..-. r-'l Cameron !'aa, Facvly ": Co., il'! II 1 : R.unsi ie h. tiiitei.bliidt'i' A '..'o.. ;it,:,. 0' Rear Valley hlian.okia Bear Val- le Coil Co., I!.:. ;r, c.j Henry Clav Robertson. Gultei ir.an Co.. 1".7-,", t .. ! Bii Mountain J. I.nigloti & Co., !:',:: fi Buck I'.'abre May l'altersoa p;..., Ll.b.'.ti. ; Luke Fiddier Uaruside Coal a ima 1 t.o.. 4o 7-17 1(1 1 lainii'cri t to. rewees. Ae t, 0,4 .0 c , Tliel?,irv sl ir,.,,,, el ..... a:.. 1 " , . 1 Ileiirv Clav No. U John II. Doale. uj j. 1 u ; Crccnbi'-k Colliery Ouitcrinaii, Uor immiVL.i., E:; n , Kv. eisi'.i Kxcclsioi- Coal Mining Co., 7,u; 1 u8 ! Lnlcrprie l.ntcrpi i-e (,'oal ( o., l.tClai Mamie Frauklin Fnterprise Coa! Co., . ' tal ! I (iic.'ii Mountain g. John Sons, O.'J. ij b.l Lancoter, No. li John II. liable. .k'CJ ltd 1 j Coal Mountain F. Roads it Co., bttiartville Wm. Moiiteliai. 1 1.li'J 1 i uo.b.i 1 1 : ''i WVb'tjr - Sauie- B. Ilciry, Coal Ridge S. P. Lon-stie.i, Mnlw.-r! V 1 .1,..., I. II... l.i: 1 V'-4'- 1-, Frui.kliii liec'itel, Kulp & Co.. iVj ; Hickory Rid j;eJ. I.aiio Ion A Co., COIi vi Locust (la). Collieries) :.il.r, ' iveinpie o. ... .1., lJ.Ci :j J . . inim i.omcii voiiieries1 uoiiga- ner, Shlpp & Co., C,7M IS Royal O il; D. 'Fillet A Co.. 17 ol. Cal. doi.ia II. & i.vlor, 4,: '! 10 ' HI jt. I'.tat.iut '.fin. A. hiehardsou, 17 1. Total, 4S1,1,14 10 Mr. Caumcl. Jan. 1?. Iv?!. Mess1!3 fpiTCliS : Onr litt'c town -.i 1 11 ar. ' 'I'1!;'''. 'f '':t'c ' "' '1""."" '" " ... i't 01t.ro.. 1 i.l-i t-rt 1 l:niro- .Miii'ii! imw m i-a'lv.ii or, .11 .n. v).v v. i.I ! to t h v.f.in e of oar I oiaao' li. ai P We i',', ivni'U'ciiit those iab-n- t .1. J. ',!. re about putliu- no aa ; ami iv..- hni'.'.i"- .'.1')... woe', lia.v i,I al III : , ....i . llf 1 1, .a,...,..,.. ..,.,1 ,vi , ,, reaay ' th- ..y tae I oi ,pi lo toll limit is -i.p. ... s. at city p'lees. Jaiuen i.ioenwoo:!, laie 1 11 ,1.1 i.f il.ieiiwooJ, i.i.iii.mr it l oriia'-i', siaite ! a scio n nil I b..i'.i r f.:i,..iy a M 1; .. and Is prcpfir',1 (., ive.-Sv.- ,,,,b i for r, :. .I. hn 11. ii.-.-1 ii- sibioii puitniii tip a i .o! .. ''a I . lo ry, and i 'p -I to lie able to eouip. t w t'.i 1 ae i ;. ties n I'uruiabinv; lit.v.'U ,0 our oe, a-aio: -, in '.b.s s. e'.ioa. Talbiirr if linprov. men's, ivribi 1 u-. : - v v wall; !.. 11 'alt Hi.v,, oi li.e sol, in'iil a of a "iive I i.l'n in vo.. ia fioi.t . f ,. ' iii.ai.l Maid's 1 'ear stoie. Ills eMeii.bT i; ..., oll.a s y. 111 your choice of a buii.be of laie Ya.rt l i :.! -. I'll tbe li.l -:r - t, I a. k of ..'. , a V. .. I'm" .-eh Ooi 1 ion..,- h:. b, , 11 ia a it" I ii r I ue a ! mo l.iii'.a and in-1 1 tie; i.ai ol ll:a to'iny 1.,.,. ,,f Mi A .1 .. 1. "1 1 il l! 1 y ib. mi b 1 oi a :n m : ! inl. I I, it c.a lali.'y will l.i. no fan I of C. 1 .Jl1 la'. 'n tla- li 1 I 0 'I 11 1 .1 oi ' 1 ! a y, , I . 1 a . 1 , 1 !,e a !a I , ,.. 'J ,, w ll .1 a I on 1 j ::,:; ,,t ,-r- I !. I1'' waa- are n at I. p it ap. i lie 1 .i!M'"ar i- I- iior pat no t y tl . V.'.il. A. .a V . l ar' 11. I, an I il i. bo e.l I b..t il m.iy .... 111 be , un pi. I'M, :i:i It 1", is 1 v in . a, I 'a ibi, 1 .. . Ii'iriifj -.r . 1 I; w ::t. - I a , : 1 -it 1 1 iiz - ll.i't In twt't 11 1. . li'.t-i- .1 1 1. ! ... o ''.' ... . aai n 1 a la ir. ila 11 , , ,,i,u u.c 1., , a. I na'bl . bal tt as I ol I b t- , f I ,. ,! , ll..-v o.lbl 117 lolll-.l-' in .l liiln.i! -, at: I L , '"l '. I 1 1-1 mole, b,.l b aul..i:i..' , "l ilt li.lHV l.'l ll.ll,el' l U-,1, ' i.iilt, ,,,, lb sl',,1. ii iv I .iiwa- ,!,,,,ti I-, il,..,,' .i tb. .,.:-.. j,u ,!.,:,. l......, '.,.,( i.e. :i." lb, ir -i:tei o l .'., lb,- n.ov I ,i.,. pr.imp' it ,.i o ,., :.. 1 be l.i. . a Italire ul-l.n l o f tt n b, d .V, I 't !.. ; III .1 si". It o "u ',1. s p. lot lo III' ,r ! 1.. i-ip.i a i I . ttba h lake. !.i... , l , 1 .,t a a . t j in nor; a. 'i ..'ia., I,. !,.,.,. ,.j p.ii,:i,. aie is- r p . tl .1. V il. V " t, A e. A Him i i. in-. ul la-l t-lenin, for ntlbi; . tl.e lille.'...! . 1 .lues, an I i.lleini i in ; i b.i ii I'le In a-a. I b I, e tt a, i 1 1 .... u: - Iu t, I lie lo , : I 11 Ol lb" ' eh ,., II, 1 Hie 1,,-xt Uloliili. J ..., . . 1.1 V' t .1 l i la. i ll ,.l biii.bui y. i I ' , 1 1 I ill I ii 1. i V I, ,-l.a ' , .' (be i'UU- ' I 1 II a I. I I.e. I. . I. . i. u-.,, i , . . , ,! I ..,.'. 11., i., I1...II I ) ' .'. ll . ! .i : ,..,.. ;., " p, ; IV aol' Jl'.al W. N. ll,.l, 11 .... I. ii tab 1 1 I ,.!, p.ilii. i.l. 1 1 U, il, , t ab i In l'i i.. i : i ..! in l.i. j : j. . . 1 i.i , . ib r.,.,1..! i ,. '.'', ' ' '' , e a, t.- I. .., IU l .1 I! a a I i. . . I i : .in. ..),.. . l.i it.r .'t.i' . I .a . I . ' i l.iril c I-I.. nr. , . i.,i.y li . b 4. 1,1 lyi.,,1 .' i In 11. a I, ...... . i. ... !, ii,, I. , I In , I.i . . i. l l. . . L I I . i i t I I, .... - 1 .' f 4i.'k.'tU ll I, I 4 it. H.ru .1 tl O.I. a. ' . i t . e, I .. t .1 '. . I ... i 1 l i' ai ' ihn I 'I ki iii ,'..d iii Ho niui.4wi.ly. j I , I' I ), .1, b. o. 6 l' V !f .' f I'.bti'!) t 1 . i. 1. .... I:.. V. l s.1 A pi .1. , . . l' uii .l v4 ti l, lilt t-l Y li ' " A V.'j, n v.,...i , ' -l ti - .,. t I ) . , . , ,. 4 t '. 1. 1 1 i - ..I y is .1 L.u, . , 4v t.ti w.L t . .., 1 I .1,. . i- t i ..uj p.i. . J bn I L a, ul u,.u 1 ... "U I I J,..l lli,l4,l.l I l t .. I.. , I i I 4 .. . u, i..ts...-4 ..1 li li'.. .. I nit c-S r, i . . I . ;, ' i, . i . t ' . r , . . : ' : ;. '.I la;, .'i.i.i, of I lie city. . I."'.'.', ri.hroal Is lilkeJ nf from A i. Lack liavcil to l.oif insvIHo. Tn Milton Car Works are mnklmr up for lost lime by tmployinK n double Bet of bands, BorrvTT.iui.T. co'.iuly has 8S physicians, divided ns follows i All.-ipalbie, T; ; i;omrr.,ithIe, 1 J j Hydraulic, 1 FclCc'lc, 1 i Mlsef "ii'luus, lt tolil.P'J. l.r.r llru Fu.'kjm. Pome of i.ur yo;.:i"; men : n to s -c e'., ; have ndo'.t 'd n new uneie of obtaiiil"". l:o "':. Theyio'.-eif, ni) f,...t authoiiiy if.sc". 'ill''": ivr'.'ei'.; tluit the coaeassien prol'ieel ' Kl -! wi.i c.Viise the 11 one of a car. jet t'n flick er, u.i 1 c.i-lly In l'icc the 'j'n'l t- t'y the cxpcrl iricni l i th. ii't ro t of M le-(c. Tiio Itr-t Uis.-t or two the parties watch the llaie.c to mo it lib ker, bat soom Iei".i:i'j s j iatciesii:.', i:i tli ; evpcrl'iieat ns toll it Hie'..,..- ;i ; au!s to. liencii th term 'Li I In r IV ck T." W'ooi.. Th.' I'ict m:;..t never be. lo.t si'iht of, that Waa.iia-.!;"!' ic llrowa mi l:e u; onlv all-wii-! )'.)!. 'i'ne low piiie.at which '.ley sell, lane le I some people to C.h.l, thai tide n.ua '" soi (...i;,,;i in tia-lr lu ll -l r -. Ii.lt thi- i-i I ot 'o, 'A';. wool" cools at "'oa'.ion .r!c:-3" is the rale at O... Hail. ii- Jli.-iilir.iti 'olifl'S. .7'Vsii;a;'1,i; itvi iij:niT. local 1 iw one ,.f i'o j i:aei;ial stre- ts in t i i eiiam ;'. e;';'- i.C'cy, i 'i'.'oti d sa:e o i thj iniet reasonable tTins. Apiey at tin-- olliec. i'l.'.No tsiiM'.s. A new .'.a.! h:nvlome arllcle, ! eoveri I c. til hair cloth a id i'j, (riven and r-l. i ... , i ,,,, . rr . .,,,. hv ... K J Masser. Pileo, tfii. The i.,1111: W. 11. Milh c rales o:' Ro.-.t 5 nnd f hoes nt 1 riaivlsi ir t b'ic, diiiiii'r; the Hoii- "'- ,,u-'-v " '" "- i was i nn 1 1 "1, , i wc lia.l Mr. Miller sliil kivini I ap the l;o':;C't s'j''ple in to'a 11. il: his a-ain l pi. 'lib he. I his stoc!. w lib ihe very best ill mar l;.t, -ill of the l:,i.' styles. 1. ,v.' 11,..- '!'! . ,,1, n lor the l t l'l.ui", and ' beans in ihe woi'hi, wil, j uui.i'.i'.itec tl.em fir live.Veais and si 1' the cheap- 'r (ban any Have in a :c ai can allord then. Rat I lir.-t -cl.i-s iiiuUcrs empl M.u-mt. V. W;y t.rvi-y. . V no such iine'ats. H. B. ' I ! F len.Iid iissoil mailt of ' Cu- l:ut re , C. 'Ia-. iW., are b in' upeiit'd at J. I 11. S'a:eb y ,rt V.ti nr l;loi". on Fo.ut'i ! j ';.'J""'' i k ' ' ' I''' ""l ' 1 " 'j' '"' ' ' ; ' '' ' I F. taa'.' : ! "'i ' 1 ' ' i i n; :: I . I .- .t ... , ; I .'. ' " 1 "' "' 1 lliiv the w) !Ut i : 1 1'.a. :.:. ! wi:l nt 1, CO I i' a. l. is want 1, eo 1; pr..H ol. 1 ":a. o'.;- oiie the i'n teal !b, .1, . ..'; ',.iv ,;..; .1' ov ol v..:V, be- 1 . aa 1 1 Ve ia 1.1 ihi,. a a sal; s lor li I.. '" of . .tt'.-i-. ha? :.lvra t.'ii- i.pd is of to,' c'.i l-intly l.ii.-ul'ii ca -i '.e. iti (.a.tbs ,u;.i by i cry one. at s8. F.. nsfs s'oi'. are J ic keens a ri'leu ii 1 ns- '" ' !' of C..b.-i:n-re.- are ,1 i.l ,.r.... 1 " "''' r. ;.'.' of aU I ov e' erM.a 1 sj' t-act el IVoie, and ...1 of ;;ood (p.iailly ' " '"' 1 '' r ' ' 11 :.s. .1 r.a'a .' an. 01 rnn"v r ,11s lor ia ::es a;,,! chvUe-i, b.-t rce.-l'e.l frotn New York, ..I c. B. .-;u.- .': Co. ... ,. .... . .,. " 1 ' ' "' ' "::u h'; "-' 'M' Y.xUut Mil!! '" Wltf at C. 11. Wc:t.:.l A Co. Call and ( New York, ..I tiicii. 1 r:.; as. -'!!; ; . . - .,1.1 R,o,:,i, '.: l'..!-T:l 1. .ck o. a. ir r, at .'.: .' C:.!r 1. c. 11. W'du. 1 .' Claiuisj I'l.:, : as ,; lb.. . V 11 s .V Mai., 411 ti Tin:-1. .irai::: :'. 1'ini. j ,ul,..,v j U. liS ot ( ' " 'v. ' ' .'1':" " " T.7. i .1 :, ' .'l's. l(l.-l'.l's.. I". S. oa Ye: r i I- Co 1 Fa, .a 'i;'.ei.','''::.''i; I l a'.ial Pa"!;l 11. t'l.itei P "iii I. ia 111. in'.l". i' ', I..''', I 1 ' 11 r lo'i b '.1 lo 1 l..'.' I . ". '.. 1 "iaRii lira 111 0. 'll' 1 i"l' i'l - A .- loll 1 1 1.1. o aa I... r.' -a . I' i- 1 it. lie l, ov b, , .. ;. "' I I ,' a !- ! w n: bV I. j ilia '.; , in t . I 1 1 a I H. (."li'i'V. t. Ne.v V..r! ' .' C I'.e.. I.l lo I a .. "I 1.' a 1. I .1 '.. V. . I; !.'. V a 1 .s .. 1 11 : '.ot. la, 1 '. I I b. 1 ..'.at ,a . . . i f , b t , i.; . ;.l : a il .. ' 1: I', I' i .ti it','. la. ti' ,u ., la V, i '. ' I. ' ' 1. lb .i.ti'.'l u .1'i.iJ 4... 'l'w.1 l. . U..rl. ,. . I I i ' ' ' k.ii(!or.scl hy ur v"i ; ! IJunOi'vd Doctors! DR. LAWIJENCE'3 Conipotimt Fluid E-ttrad or o a is o o i tltE OtlBAT UEALTJ1 IlKiTORERI N'ot n Secret Quack Me peine Formnlii Around the Battle. PnnAl.nu soixi.t T Ih: J. J. I.AWRENtli, Orj,unic CheiJiirt. rt It K K Strikes at the Root or Disease by P I." U I V Y 1 N U T It E F. ROOD. R-.i-toriiiir the Liver and Ki Incys tn n Healthy Action, mid InvlL'oraliiiir the Nervous tsy-tem. Thi. in th Sver.t of Its Wonderful Succe. s in Cuiiia; C.i:.;!i;i;..'eai hi ll i-irlv st.i-.-e, Sjr.ifuU'., Sy pl.i.i". Dyspepsia. Liv. r ( nni plaint, Clironie Kheumatijiu, Ncutaliraa, Nervous Ail'eclioii, Fruplioiis of the .Skin, Iluninrs. Loss of Vi,-or, instate of Kidney and B uilder, and c.us.dbya'iiadsti.tcoftheliiood. nisi uses i It Ihoronch'y .r;vr.cate, every ko'd of Hninor ml U! Te.ii.i, i.-il felons the eMlre s,tein to a hraithy eomiitiou. I; is bey,.i 1 question the yiSXisT TO'iC IX TI'M Wcl.l.i). Th'iU3.Mi.l have been c',i:iti ;e,l l,v the ne of this Vebeilit ll'Olil ..,t. v-Si'V. hllir-'l'l'l" l'el- i!" WMh' MU'J j Inv.;ii cannot hiitcle to pWc it a trial. 1 No me 1 Vu.... i'.ch 4 crcut itpnta- j FOR Ti'vTIMONiAf.S ' . "'''inns, rnmitril lbvo.ee. Llbors, ri'iii-:-. .'r.t-.ti. .., see KOiXOO AL MANAC for IM; vear. I'r.'rc iie iliiil-.j- 3Vr V.vltic. foil S '.l.E ilY The i't ii.e'0.,1 Priii i'l-i. Ii, t!-r U-ltl Stales ni l 1'.. .ti-b A.rri'M, IH. L.tWIitx. ;"it ',.M.g F.l.tl C'.'cs nil lii-.'i'.f .i 1 aliar to I'un.ibs. Nov. to, lsoi.' , . .N't.rCKri-ii ti'f.-i rr.1 N-i'iIiymj. WTM'i i .. C'l.VNCK.ME.N'T. and afttr Jan. 1st, PS'., tr.iies will run 'V as lot bm s l.'C.'i fJiWARU Reave siimomy at 4..'i.l 11. m.. nrr're a: I'eii.tn ib'le;.... ;;. pi ,. t., t-vraaii.e 7.nn p. m.. Roci.es. I' r 4. -i'l p. hi., U llialo tl.O'.l la 111., t,i..,.'i:s:e:i I'.ii.v.. '.I. an p. iu., N!.,.-.,i',, 1 ,,1,.. ..1. ,.. :. l...ne hiiiibai v at 4.;." p. "111. 4'..r laialia and i-!"('ai'i via I'll" I; ;!lway 1'rtiii Klmir.i. Leave tai.bi.r.v at C.40 p. in. lor Williams; 01 1. stilT'UV.'.l.D. I Leave baiiburv at -.b."i a. in., a '-rive n II nils, j bur:.; .".. a. In., Ma li bia.i a H. .i a. 10.. I'bl.adt-l-l'!.i ii.r.tl .1. 111., Wusliinaioa rite l.r. i ;i. m. i.-'iv- M.nb.iry ut I11..V1 a. a"Vo a. Ilar I'.barv; li'V.i', fi-.. Ilu,.;-:!!'"." b.i:. p. in.. 'bi..i ' dolphin ;.:.. p. 111., Waslmietoi. lo ba p. m. Leave r.tiiili'iry, lo.'.ai a. n,... a'ai'.a .a R.irr's- bur, l.tbl j . V:. ;. .-, j.. , .''at 1 - ' ) a. 01. , I . 1 . e at iial'lis- bur"; l.'.Hd a. 1,1. Wal'iaul. a a :i. 1:1. b iry .a.ofl ..'.Ilia: e . no, arrive at.J ian 1. baa; 1 -i : . n 1 ".'.., I ". 1:1. ' .ll AMOK1N liiYJ i'.iV. b 'l'.V.SIll. Li iv.- Suiibury at 4. -Pi p. 111., arrive hi Shamo !.,n .mm p. :.i.. Mt. Cariii'-l .i.-l'i p. in. L ata Sinh.ny ( A 'cov..oi i !a lou,' at 11. .y.) a. in., .tiil.e al t naiuokiu l.'.aj p. m. .. D1IV.1 it... Laive Vl. Car.ael al ,. ..'." n. in., arrive i.t ."ii a r l.i 1 -.ao a. 111., Miab iiy '.i.a.'i a. in. I.e.. v.- t b onol. in ( A., . a ,iao',a..lion, ) at '4 Ah p. I: ., : : lave ;.t ?al'bli : j 4.' 0 p. 11.. il' , i ,' - I. .1 . ' tt . , 1 . y I. a :n 011 ibindoy, runs iu th only to Wiili .air pot 1 . A 1 o.a. r ii..,a i...ia, .1..: y, e-aepi Isandavs. A. 1'. Fl-m.. " llo. V ,n o', to a'1. M.o'l.. li, u'l Pas. t n'r A ;'t., 1 la 1 .'i baiy. Pi. Railii. ...... Ml. ',,i'f(' iu l('L4..i'.. N'l'lIC. ;. . .,lv 8iv-!i til t ai! p.-; aa- in al" 1 ! t ba ua, !". .' ian-. I i" i.r o," a , ', ,, . i". a;', : : : i ;'.. 1 p. i, ,i.i:ii.' baie it i' i-o-t in i .'. I be coii.piji.;.. . li this no, I . . art, ,'.iu. Vi. ';i F Villi;; U K. KEV CitCCKitY bTOitll Ori-KE-D! T..if! Mi. I, i-at J a.r i . Jii 'Mi o, ,1, !, ', sr.Nlil UV, l'KN.N'A. Ul il.tire lit t e!t of ai! Is 111 Is of tii't.ctllrs. l'oinpi:-lli o' Coll,-,', 'I'l.. al jal--, Frnltt, r.-h, iliiiti, IMioiiI(5it, n 1 i i I., i et er , 1 1 ii." i.sii .;: v K . ; l in u 11 .-... e. 11 it "j j l-t ol . l:e.l lla ; lb lib In; 1 I I" e ,,, u'l i r iiiii,,, lb. ai. It 1 , I. I a l .all.'il III .-.'.I I'lli.tp 1,1 I'.i'tl. 111 b .l .b' e.,i I- rt i 'a i c v., , iii al a I., I i i .1, ba in e .,i b fl i i ! a b l . in .ii a b, f . ... a I,, :,-. JAMI'-s A M i V I! M. u. t. .-.'. it-.. i :f. ' FA 1.1. AM WlVlFU M1I.I.JM liY ' I.Hli.tH llll llll'l It 11. 1 ll.llX-, AMI 1' i - a., t. I i; M.ii!:i.i I. i" o, i.l s i: ii i i , I.., t t o ,.'" I : i.. u i.ii.i;-x -it::i:. Co- ;. . .: ti. -l oi i,. I ' Cii t :..', t MH UY, FA. .1 -i i . I . . i in. 1 1 . . , . . , .1 l . I. ... s, I. . -. I . tl ..... I 1 1 li I I" I I'.ela b t i d;:i ; .u M-. I Mi ami l l i 1 1 ii, ... ,. i. i ... .. b. x ... i' I I'IUm; ul' FA'l I I I iii i' Ami . l'4iuli t, . , i . i i , 1 1. .... i b .i r M i ii p 1 1 1 i o ..I i. ! it kb.M., ' '. I I I 1 ' a uilit ' ! I luiiMlu.. k , t Ii .i ... . I, ,1. .... ... . 1 .11 I . , 1. . It. ..1. 1 I ... I .... , a . . t . I, , . I I I I . I : ... .. I' I .... 1 .11. I L 1 t . I 1 N II W O It H Of EVliUT UR.1 0 It 1 l T I O N , i HEN BY VKTEBfl, O.i Third Sl.,onnd'ior!i.'!ow t.l I.-.i '(1l , C'lnreh KO-j;unY, I'M 'A. JFTT opened a 1tr aisov'?nc:t ' PRY (it.iOH.-.. s .eh in Cloths, .;.V:ov,rci, Vli- o-, Aiil"lin", Ae., wl.ie! are. roiit eh ,..,.r t H- .1 r'vi' A 'so, a vari-ty of Kotion.-., Uiil:l..fi..iuJ, Pr-iv-cr, iats mi l dps. t AtM '.'.!' VOOIXA' r.COPS. ..(. GllOCLIUES AXD I liO VIMOX.i of (l l kind-', s i .'u US PUfiAr.u, coi'!T-.i:e, ti: as, triciis. coai. Oil, Molasses fiynsp.-., Ma. lo, . rH.!i;ii h, Noli, loie I rial -;,Uo. Fruit', Pia.o-., Raisl'i", 'hto e, ii!i:l l'nn.;t r.i, ui.d ill fact evei sibin mauiii- l-ot in tin- lro,. -rv lb..' Ham'., i'i'h, Ci'.al Cil, C'roolit l y- .v U'e. I ile"l-".V.'l -, Ghi'S-waie.- '. olu v.v.are, ,.(. Tl.e best I J.dUi; ill;.i MMAi. In I'm Tobacco, Ci'.-ir . mi I and u .irity of NO'I i!.0'i. ALSO; All kill Is of Canned rrn'.l, ut the lowes'. prices. IKMJT.S AND SHOE?. Kavinrr oiibiriri-d mv :t.,re room mil (i!-l it wiiii the late-i t vl-s ..r n.-v -oo l -. I would so licit I In- p iti on:o;e ol the public and will endea vor to pY.i-e nil. Connlry Pro luce t.ilo u bi ei-h:uv;e fordaol-. !'.'" Call nad e'.aialac irfy i'to'k, und satUly y imsclvcs. I1FM1Y rr.TFF.s. Piuibarv. Nov. 13, p')?. " IST vV s il I 1MT iriiii r I! inmrin ! i HitlJ rtv..lli HA JL Jl lull ' i 750 IHiOAJiWAV, S. Y. ! AU Ordor3 thftukfully rc-ooifcd aiifl ! nronimlv rv.-ipnti-rl. IXicmhrr Jt-',. j ' --- j Dr. VAT.ni:'? C r.irc.?."l.". rniTn'f a-m r?TT.r.- :ti a , Op ti'Er Attr. ::u a v:r. .-. fc l ?. r a u c v DriMic. LlA...iof I'cal' itiiio, "tVI.Nl:. :. . i ie.-.i : 'lv-14 uii.l i"t t'.inc I-w;;o.'.i fa';, jr J.11:.:; ' 1.- .,.,:. cnc:l tn t'l2"-a tla: t,..U, e:::'...l '. oa.c :.'" j.f.p.l.z crc,' 11 II; oiorir?,' .. c., i'..l; :;l,', ;.:e 1 pibr a iriirl.Tnr.e;j c::J refl, ta t sre n tr-it: I' . tl.eaic, 'a. -.('.3 f.aia ll.e laitlo l.coi.1 rai.l Il.ilmr Ci',.-o,!fiii from r.it lroI-.i-Iio liitTiiileii.e. .'acycti tl:j ' R hat ULt:;;:) r; ::is ii.t i.. a tllVl.Mi lKINC'IlM i: -1 1 r -e; . .1 u.il lav.jcri.'.. r t't t .. ..'.',- ;. ca :; a. i; t r." . . ; .- .v-."3 li.i'.t: : :.a:l r.-t :i:i.. t. a Ma.'a.o. ..ta;.. -'.a ;a. 1-o p T. c l cua U' .c la--as L. Iv'.v ni'...'.i.3 -. r.: tiu'iii aliLiaa al :;v:u,:i, t-HO v,.:l..' ; 1. 1. rt-. a ru.-'.l r - -1 tl.c l.oa.j r.a : t .'. -a,.; I ;.s.s ;r e'.lv.r L.t".'.at;. ..a'. ...1 ' I'-a- ,U- 1..-- 1 '. . 3 t-jlt.tf.r.-'.:.: . I'.-.l' l:;.'a.;ae :.;t ; y 1.1':! .;..o:2 tb.ai :.:.tl .... ri t : , i. , . e 1 ,-.'a.', 1. ii'.c'., i;. ... 1 1 . i .1 1 .1 : i . : il .. i . . a I at a a; i. , i I . i, t i' . all . . 1.. .' . M.J I.biJ.a.', . : l int. . i'ul. ',1. li J IstuoH 10. t.-'.;l 1 .l:'..'.;-: Ri::i.'. . , a . . ..s.-.. ' ; . ' j o- ; 1. 1 ia :. (, :...u .. l.'.'s' : : : , . i.. i' : ".::'. : :;v, . .. 1 . . . : . 1 i...' 1 . L 1 l. a- :'. la; ri: .-a. r .. 1 a 1 ... il,. : li.la a .. :. :: ' .. : . . I a ft... r-l , il !. V.A ! r ri.iv-i,i;.ui'i.-.t,: .i.B.i i. ItlRibs, Hi .:,-', oil.. ., : . .l a: a ! cls, p,e':, !,'..., i '. ; la aai in;.:..,.. . . t a bin,., .. : a urc JotTtabj .'a.,' :..!,'. .:; ,1 t . t'-or- lai.a! vi..":., - a. . . . . j . '. ... .ii v. i.. l. la a l.i s: l.;r C'-'.'.aivj e.:.e.. t ..'.: : lb la p-ar.!., " I li's ll nun iv : I.ai i!a i aai j vui' : tela; i- : i ry, ta:-: r; : i i"f t" . ei t.'a ' 1 1 . 'a :! t. . j 1 1 . . I . I'., r V. . i i i i.., r-ia lac tlf a.l..r ;a i.a ! t . I, l.....".a j!.. ... .n.a. . J. v.'.'.bilM.;, : i ; .: t.l Sl.'.Jaii. U" -:' ,'-V .'-b I'-.b'bt CO., :i .o.t) tiLAi.i V J.IOK' rilO'. COJ.AT-' i O WWiiY J 4 i. It. It 11 It : eS J O.ters priat iri.laceia'. .1-to lla I '. Mi S. 1! K I' f. S.K 1'lelares fir t'l.i'l ai all e, i'! .ii I'M llr.iis dii !.!:cn to biin f i . id-, v. '.. : I. K.i-:t obi pi. 1. 1., s -l.euiil eoi.ir A a'n" :l. M lit r.t I bb z m v v lb..' .' .ae a Itu'e I' , I lite .ll! s, ii. s 1 1 a -. i , i . i : t i o, lill.lM li liC'i-::, - ..lb I . ,i - ..i.l I . ti, M Ml W 1 i N ' A i I .' .. ' I . . t I. . I . I . J V I. it . n 1 . . . .. -. in ism: i ii u , ii vmi.. . i I i . I ., I a ai I ' 1 " - ' I'll "" 1 I . I I ll "I I.l 111, 4 H . I .... 'Ill .1 I W l M.I I 1 1 i .1 1 , I. .'I I . I . I i l ' ' i i II . , i . . ,,i I ' I 14 I i I I ,'. 1. - 1 . I I , t II .. . .1 1 I ft.. 1. . lba.r t 'i-'baorv in ( li.'.f ;Vcn jcr- f, e ra Hi viiur'C?:z V.isy? c 0 '; -: 5 ". n y r. H. v1 g-p s :'-....: " l';: - ' -' c ;. o 11 - il v - V i t .' t ... J r: i x-if ' t; 1 T v A - - y s - - '.: ..j 2 'J, , ' "" c :. 1 11 t .., i'..l, It -i.,.i... - id .... I I fiaa.,si . ab t ,,',"', K ytKy Vm.'Vf V 4 '-'V . ... .v.avilii,' :." . j, ... tie ti" V ?j;X n V' ..:.! - ..'alb,:,. ...! t . , . a: .1 v,ll VVv . ,. Ki'iibiaiilt, !'".,.:. ,a, ,!'. a. fc?-r X- s'.S V' Il'.altiit'H ,'ia t ,".i i v, . 1 l .,', ... .l.-l j7 '''' ' ' ' ' f- j S I i.l.. .- oe.t ttba b ...: I,. I . . ' , a., .... : " ' J ," y ? V p.. a .!..'. ,: .i.l.'. a l s ii'ia f HTW:' ( . !' V.C i'l' "i. Abh M.':i . 1 sj - 7--..J- - . ' , T tMft t , i I a a , i.. .: i . . ' " a ', i ' ' ' 1 " '""'. ' :. ... . .-. : ,. . . I... l a. . ... .' - ' I l . . I " ' 1 1 4 s . .. i ' . ' N. It N I. I., t . ... i i' t . tv. 1 1 .-I . a. . i ti i , .- ... i . I, 1 1 ,..i . b i , j i . . , . i ' , .. t l - .' ...i-i, .....to. .' i li 1 la . 1 .. . - . ... - " I ; i .. i . "'. I'- ft FAD, a; si j w.i :;at:: ?;v . . . rv-r Mnrim ;-pi iris, I.-, J iit rj. .! 1, s U.-v . ' ,,: c:;okif Dili..- , ene-di-fbijr oflh--lit-t pt .'.'.- : : f ...b., u n t)...-r vu HP-. rrf( Y-ia!i:iii,;:; f.trt NuTii; ..'' ., ,1! . A CNT.1.Ab Af i V, ; . ; i : LADIES' woo:.:: r,r . 'ients' Collnrr. Ka.k .' ' t.' .!!. l"ld liav.. lVrf:reijf, To'.' 11 "ps, tfail V:: '-tt A:; 'nvti.,t'.oi p. e.Tl"ii'.t ' ' r 1 ' - :ali car-: leu i i o a. Ma"'. a , 1 f. 1-. b i . t ca: : t : :; . 5 : t. r i n ;. i n 4 iiinfi. rjlllUM'!-!,! ll.'t M.;c:.'.:i, ! v . - " . ...! I'.el rtvor fl i..l .!: s ,ili I" '. toi'0, Tho rio-enc: Sji.ii.-- .'.. si ... ...... If t f..r b, c;:ic an I il ir.iM-Sty ; 1. . I : Family Kcwii.' Machao! now oi.l 1,1 b, t ie Ii". Tfl 13 ADVAXT. A G ES C J . . I . ! 1 1 . ' t It ha n ol f-,"a!.i a -1 io u" teiii 'on i ; , ':'::; rhaioo s .,r ie v-d-'o'.-. :,;i b.-s ra-.i ' v. .i o ; inaehlnf is in motion. iw Saalii'.-iii'i.' lis1 won' :r n :' . ', .. and nuish.'i-'.ii; :;.!!, on boih si.'.-. ,.f ,';1 I' i.e.vs li.;ht an I heavy falnies v, jib ..... . ; c'li'y. Vlk ;'.l I d e'lt.c. I. :i o R';;-- it'. t'y ai.d ra i ' y. '-'o oli,,,.u ... T, iencal m -.'-vi: ir iier .-s I,-ay can1, i: a tioas a: , ; 1! po-li :ve ; no sorinc-: or i o ; j. l" - 'l " ' l . ' -' ' ' "eaiocr t,i,!. v.-,i,s ! ami V...1" or. I,,.,;, ,h1 le'll' : aC r , ; u 1, ino.oaS..iy pra.:t!cai ;;;. 1 w .0 :a t a lib; ' i'.xery Fun.., rJsokW Kuc f 1 . . . JT ' " """"'" '' we 1.1, ,1 b.r I. all JL - .!L'(J".V .V Ci. F' Tl I'.f IV..." Tilt ' i Call find . am u: i :ie t he'll nni Fat :ai: ;v. Ii H;rs. r.-'ls. ( p,,:. UlebS 1,.'., Bin I-, l.athi ,s, , ii inai;es a c : C. '. il!'. '. b:i bCL'. 1: r and s.. Vj it, on a bar. 1 Ol.- .., . ' lien p-.'.'e. , ly. 11 , li Miii'l.'.v i- tni . i 1 'vlth a e. ::'; ' te r. of loi.'... v'ihi a: et... 1 i' i'..'. I' Vel v J'liro'ia- i ",' ',:!y :'is. . a:.;..'l &ix- (t?i- Macbi'ii, warraiil.-l a". I I..-I- in ' . .le:'. M:o a. i.; ; , ,.l ! :. ..nlaml at f.'I times. GFO. W. . :; TH w UilC.. As.'-.'.-, r 1 N'tii-tl:'.!. av 1 r, F.iio.i and .': . f.'H'Ln C..,b ; 1 . '.' '. ur.i. iv. .i:;c'.jy, f Succe. icr lo V. A. )'..;p:''i,) nr.Ul-C-f SY aa!) I' if ia ;r 1 K T, ?Iaiiic fv";ar. "."l!5S";y, ls. 0;"ri'd a :Vc-'a and fail a"ai',r.,e".t of r;i'G:ii asi Kr:mi-iX&.U, i:n'.ii' .ss 1 i i pa. 1. , cui iV. -b i -s-, nnd l;et i and el; will ulvy : of U iri'i. in ;). ton Pi... '. proaio; 1. ins ciu! n te.i-i-r" r: rely vifiv. j ii'..d i'.i.:ol'oii to Oidci;-. Ji:.-.t e- ce.Vc.l GOL10 A N D FLTTTi E 1 itt 1 ia. My Steele evei". thb'ir I riiasr ill" b;"..'.j niifi eabrriccc C'tn ! f."iil, on a lli'.-l-eia? z 'i oib't Tab!.-, inch!' F."j'jch anil ,''p'.-o h A;i '.v.'.aa aatt f in'Cv. V K R F C M F. R Y , r nr. ales. H.iir OP, p.'oi'.v, ftvtln Peieha V.Voc. and II. aa: Comas. '1 .ii"t a" p.-. llairTooifc, Null, Cl-nii and iaiai .tiasi.e-, c;r PATENT .VKl'!CI;K"i. EnibiMclm; el! I'ae i;io:-' p' r I'l-ei ari ao'.r, c Ii" v. al Pu: v ia a ;c aiie and C 1: " i 1' ,'l Tobasej of tl'.abi-i .:-..!-. ritiut-, tni-, ::, fn-.t, S'Htiy, Viivji :'!. t iki. All mv Tine. .;!.-. f; ' 1 -. .;.. ts, r .ra" s, tl w U .; ..i.-.ti ;i..l l.c ca.u pro .'ii' r. a ".'' a i "." n-'cat : d. ' .; 1 ; . la', a 1 u:-'..ii .,: A !::.': 'l :'!. ii- s. 1 lf.'to Oii .. : tai. verr VINt.S. FflANDIES AMD 1 IVVOKS, tla'! I can pi-ocac A f .i'l tiocii! of FANCY (.' lOl'.-i AND NOTION'S. The :.it",i'a.:i or I'.e bulbs i--. called to tui ill : n. lll I '. in a a 'ae' a . v. X !l'l'ti. ll . .'. here eatl tn.i coiAii.ec aai a i , , . it a a l.i the .'. - ill.l I'll i'-S',. ,;,;; 1 i "!i 11 e. V ' i;il.. c 'I- I'veoii ".I-; !,'.:, i ,...' ii! i p. m.. a. b's i . i a ra s, tr.i d" .r from lac eat,, 0. v n n. a ,. 1. r a o "ao T . ... t , - e li : i :.. in., a:..; ! ! ' 's b ' .''' ,'. ', ,....t nr..,:. a ay, l e'). Ia, V. M. W. i. l. T. m. r. vi.ir.iiMvra tctttVi'ti' ::ir. t;,i i.V I'ttil! SiVKv. M.tRTt T i'l.. sb'NRl 'f.'", FA. I "'.i. ".''.- .v;vv '-'.! .' AW.'.. l i:.-; vi .TV.'i' Jj;::: !:Wr7CX ,nv.-Y v ' V ii.,'... b ,-,.! an. I f,.r sale at tlei a ... a' v. a la ale ca 1 r:l..il, o. :.'i k.i . :' Co'.fe li'.nr . :'.i..,'l.1 tti.leiiare oli I.t I' '., lo T..I .. !, ai -. Si 'oai : t . N'a: . all 1-W , ila , a i . i oi , .i b, i ..r.'i 1 ,..!! " :.l ' J bin . a. I t, b,.!e-:.e at ; I a i:'. il.'.: .'."l l e i. aio aa i j a i:r. .iZZ il. C. I.F MlllART. Va'.'.'l St. .ep; 1?-Cb ,. jh wtl of i.t on' tit. I I'.l.iU Alll.iVAi. i'.' !'.. i , , ; i .'. i nii i 1 . 1 I t, . 1 1. '-' ti ' i 4ll I i'l tv . ll. ,. I 1.1. I . I S It 1 1 .''. . S t SI: I '..- ' ' . I ... I' . , , . ,1 I 1 I a '1 I t.. I .. l . . 1 i i. i i ' ' V ' " "" " I 7 i ',.( i u,,,i, I tu. .4 , w... i I li 1.14 11 I. 1,1 ' i A !...' b. .. I . liv. . i W -.4 t s a'i, S t. ., I I l II I kff I l, ' M I . Wv 4 - ' nni) W ti 'ii i 11 io busts iris i fm 4i.i I tt ju 4 WK '; t li M t Vi V 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers