I. W.I.VLRT. I ",tor?- SUNIUTUV, JANUAKY i, 1H71. This IlepuMiean H;i:e. Convention will meet in the Hall f the ITom-n AfRcprcwn -t-itito. nt niuTLlM-rg on tiie 10th d;iy of lenrcli r.e.t, to'r.ondriitte canQiJiitcs for 'Auditor General nnd Surveyor Gcuctal, tttid to tako netion upun the question of Cuiisiituiion 1'icfiums, nnd for tlio transac tion of rueii other business r.9 tuny "bo brought before it. TflE I'L RLU' 1..C1L.IMSHS IN I'JULArF.r. Jrm . - The question of lm-aMon bavin"; been decided, ihe 'Councils ct tlic city have comniencf.il opernti 'V.s in erecting splendid puhiie l)uildin;-! on I'cnn Square, at Mar ket and lhnnd street. Tho Court House it is estimated will cost three millions, and is to have n handsome clock tower and the rresumntioii is that when tho tower is tin-1 oiw,.i n ..i,w.i.- ;u l... in, hi !t n tt h f'mn. missioncrs of that city are presumed to hav-ii r.:fOc'i.cul ni chitocturnl knowledge to inabk-'hcm 10 (V,st'-..i;uish tl'.e diilerciiee he- c-ci'U n town clock nnd a l.iiiippoft. Jnl- ) ' s i,. ... ..ii,, s. u .!..iiiiH-..l " ' ' ' ;, . whether .some nf our t ounty Loinuussion- crs, even at this day, know that the hover j of tho court house is in an untini -lied r.t.iti . ' or what the circular op-nim-, nv.v beard- . -.it r ' m-i.:i ed up, were intended 4or. In.n t.ay iiie.iiily and dishonestly withhold I ho sum : of five himdn'd dollars, j;c".evon!;ly gtven ; bv an individual, for a cl.-tk, as n t-vi- denec of their economy in small j they nevertheless lad to ;.;ivo a sniis!actry nceount of them t:'.h"!jO, in which the tax-1 payers have so much interest. Siranui is ( in town ,.(!,. ask why t!ic clock facinK of' , . , , ,, , , ! ciln- i it sdtno !i111hO!1" 'illolli.l IHi nrail'- , . .. . . ,.. '. i p cu iu, .uiu . luiaei iuii.i.. i "." ' lends or want ot urains, is Hie cause oi this arcl.iiectn.t-.il cve-.-mv. I t.. ... : tKt UKTAltY KolxwkLL has issued a I circular Siaim- i nai. uicoo-.L.,1Uei.ce ui um : daily receipt of conmumications enclosin-; iell'Ts from persons in the city of New ; York, oii't-ni)'' to sell c-iun!er!'eil money at I noini'ial rales, the treasury department, i has prosecuted some of the persons Ksnin;; mch letters, and is makin- r.ll practical 1 J" '""""!R 1 "" ' ellurls to oppress the business. -The ' ' cmp'vJ l'' the "Kim;."' treasury circular states -.h U iuvesti-ations The editor is cvid, t.lly mh.taken in sa in already made, slew that the objeel of the i l!i!,t no :m' " ,;,'M I'espomil.-'.e authors of the Idlers is to induce people to vl,"!o JKiorfiti party f..r the cop. send thorn ccnuine niouev for which no return whatever will be made. . j Pnr. -li)i..s r (IkaxTs Adiiiiuislrathui I will ue marked by many important mia sun s, s.iys the Xi w Voik Jjini'tl. not the i least of wlin.h are toe "'vet reduction ol thy i national debt nnd I ho adjustment of the j Alabama nJ l'.shery qu-stious. KiL'land ' ' is anxious to com to a full r.n.l di linite understandin upoa llie causes of ipllcrence with tho rniu d Stab's, and has ri'-er.dy j r'r Cv'uculcd ecV.'V;.l iioints which at li.nt she i tor of Ihe !.; i'pnears to be moropoint stiv'iii;!y eoiiieiuled for. Caiinda, it's.', i., j i d than we have hee:t, I'miiii the fact that concerned in ihe Settlement of the lii-hciy j ho lias had bol.ei1 opporlunilies of scein qucstion, atnl has an agent in Waltinytoiu1 the '.vorkin-s of the Kile,;. '.' trppears that loukin- after h-r intiTssts. This latter the editor is anxious to c.v-a the 'Devil-' matter, it is believed, will soon be compro- ! oveihoartl to p'.'rify the Democratic party. iniscd, and the re.'hls of meiicau iisher- Tiv-u fully proii etc.!. A AVotto V'uitCuf N : ::y Ni.vrArK!!s. The Cleveland 11- mhi ma'.es tin: fodowin 'ru'.hfiil ol.ei'va lions coiiec: nin.; country paper, and tic d .oy of jrivin- them whole some support. : The local paper is mi iib&ola'.-.' in cef-ity to '.he county and community where i! is po.biis.hi d. All the cily paj.'t is cr. into' : ap ply ' lie p! ie- of the home pap'-r. That ih .-jid b.t il'.e llr.--.'. love ol every mail and vi t. .em, f ir v. i Lh the. pap.T is the loeaoly id :. tided. Tbe paper .ivcs the county and town where prin'.cil inucli i f t.e .a, i r i'-. it- ;.,i. jif.rtaiic'! ia the v.'o:id, and eivts the loc.il n. ws, which e.iuiiov I.e. i.i di I ail ailii d . V any oi.ier t..;:rce. pepi r i-. so much -ruwth and dev.-l jo'.i.itw ci'i be m livery day's i.-Mte ef a e.'.il hctory. and tin ri: , pae at of i In; tow n im 1 isai'ed and ivei.n' .-! oe!y 'y .ho 1 n il newsp:!j ...it1:. i':.i.; i'.s itt-a.s. ner'y a'eir.-eiat.' tin r that coiiMaiit y is IVopie do ni t pro i' ho: ie i.i e .-p-pi i. '!'li ' in.- mm j lb.- luui h L ; t he iti'iul i I.i- l.ofe p; .' it ..Ie oi a Ol (joll 'li'U: ny puce ; paper t 't ( OIO t!'. . : I p.tp.-r one cm l.i.v the i..:'n uaiiioit t. b- (.'till i' ..'oil! ce. . a iliii .' t' io.! t j h er n o!). Iv e v i 1 !' m ohtame 1 1'letll .' i e ii :: i'i' 0 i. !'t.i'.;.,.;t(. l!ti:e,.. i,.i.u paper ooisL ;! hniiied. lure th-J ci'i ati si mid ot ' ?-l on Ihe .ul i . i t!te p, ,.i ii.va i.ood p i oi-r. i .'!... , is I oy and io r'IV i VP.; ; Itaei' I hi il' .11'.: .1 "I I Of! A U.i.ixl. i(i)ivit, 'Ir. Criliaui ) 1 1 ... lib d a r.-purt I : 1 th. liiiiaiiny in the I .111. lid: I '. .'in 11 i.i., , i IbC -l.il, N null. 0I1 'I lit l 1) I 1- 1,1.1 sel.tiui I.i in I hi) liii.ioi ay 1. p.. 1 1 I ii- the 1 i.'...w ,1. , in."!.:, In 1' i ' i .0;. , ' ..-hi. 1 ; ,, ,. u. .in c .! :, u bi.i,. tj t 1 bei i piai. e l l ie. uli! ,,l Mr, J J. ebei l, win. a 1, t .,,tl 11 .' ! 1 it.l V ..e,", I. I' ...(.iatiir i.;.n ; la a , , ia w I , h I m l 1 . 1 1, .1.1 , li;l. 1 ,,, , ; I . - 111 ,, .I.i 1 ai. Oi lb e w i. a,.;.. .in'.. ,1 ,,,.1 1 . 1, '.nil ! , a . t 'lee 1.1 ' I' i ill I 'I' I H'l .I.i , I i.1 V I- I ii '1 I ill!., ,.r.... I i". Owl HI c 1 : 1 'lie 1 1,. Ina , 1 d II." e.-.i.. lie ( - ,.. .1 a I.I- 1 ... 1 e : Ml , -I Ol ie II l i I f -1 I. . . I . I ' ' It .11 ' ' 11 '. 1 ui.i . 1.1I I 1 J ' 1 . t I 1 t I 4 11 1 1 .- . v 1 . . 1 ' 1 1...;.. .- t kI He I iu 1 I I 1 la 1 I.. . .1 . .i.: ( 1,. , , I .1 1 1. 1. I ,1 1 . Ji '.- 1.'. v i 1 1 I ..U .11 .. ..! ... 1. , I...1... ,1 U.b.a , III l.l" Co. I . IV. . j 11-' pKi'l.lj I v : i i I4 1 'i I 4 1- -J 11... I ". I ' ' . ,'.' I..I.I,,.. l.. 1 .... . 1 II , i.t 1 . . 1' W.I .1 1 I . II.' I .. .. Mi I, i I t t I J ' 1 1 M I t I "An article wns printed In the Sunbury American last week, which ns (leinocrnt we ought to Answer. There ore. few cliurcheH tlirit liiivo tuit poiiic bail members, and no political V("uu:-e.tion3 th.it are free twin them, th.t the democratic party lifttt 'wen linlc.rtuii.ifH hi 'he selection of a tew of its ollicein, ami tint they as a nucleus have drawn around them birds of their own feather, and that not only the Democratic pruty, hut the linroufrh ot Sunbury Imslxrn disgraced by their behavior may bo true, but for this the democratic party is not re Kpuniiiblu nnd wo trust that no decent democrat will make himself responsible by undertaking; a defense, of tho prnstilution ol u few men. The Devil sometimes jcls into the church, hut the church instead "of nuking a d"li use of the .I V.'il, puis him out, ns the Demo cratic pr.ity will put out the members of the ring wii.-u the. time conns. Tito "Jiii riV'ii instead of wishing a w ditioii nl'cteccucy on the part of the rin;. o! course, rejoices in their prostitution, and hopes to drive the parly into their defence, brhevinj.', thai their ini'imy, il'the IVmo cratic pultvcitil he chained to them, vi.i le! suMicicut to dnv; it down, and defeat it nmon;; the respectable- totem of an cn liidtkued county. Tj this end the Jma i- r1.1 drfl?" into it-t ariiel m allusion 10 our Countv 1 rcib.urer. e l ave never neurit i ins name uii ui;i 'lieu as :i .iiiii'i i..uhuii.- aril, or a pro'Ai'.ulov, but "believe him to be t it .rent'cnitm. nod ho'.h in morals and in an horablc mm), the -Imu'iVioi n's- w.cyc.-, i..(o its citiilnirue ne of the editors i.ftl.o .'rt.wwf. We have never Wru treats vi!lt much f-nerositv I'u.ni . !mt (,u.,, ur ,ml ,;u ,.. ,,u. ln!ll ,,..lsi)ll j,,.,.,, i;,,, ,i.r,v-...i to nuke polilieal e.io- j ital by mi. )i an aiiu -i'-n. Tla- ed.l.usol ihe Ik ....o'Vi-; niay besman cm.ii''li to Uei p r.n me n,'ht side ol a e.r. at -froei:'! wUenP.-s and indeeencv h t,., v-Mlir the p:.rosi!i.j which they havu it theii i'poMii, biu that ch'.-i not ucnwnstre.te that liiey either love. :ip- Z Z! v u.j-wvt t,al tw editors ot the lh , mmul ready to do w hat nil other morally decent men hive done ?iveaily-cut loo.-e fron, the hmllasome carcass, whenever the nir.ilie tnintiii;? shad tail or ceaso to emu- - .1 . .. 1 . i- 1 1.: 1. 1 ' l?,nrUrt Uicm i..r 1 ! 01 .ioaircu-r mc.i j uicy niil a ia:'j oy e. coniaei so iejugtiaia ( ana il iinai:in;. ,1, t!l V'1-? , "n!y a,5xi:,,9( clean out what hille tilth there is m the Deinosvatic party, we should not object. Lint we it iil.e to si?e liiai jiaper mix ,.;..... ,.,., ,,, : , (,.y t0'tanii-!i the eliaracler of the omy ih'ce'.'t parly in (xitenee by the. uunatural behavior of a few indecent and depraved e coj y me aoove auieic lioui uic ...... 3 . . .' t . , l 1. . . 1 . . . ! I liuct oi ine inns;, iiieic we.s in; aiiuMoi, made, of that kind, nor that the County 'i iv:i"urer was i ocu- leii wt'.is tbe r;n;'. The c.'.iii r of the O'hwi!, in replying to ou- article, evidently, eeu'.d no longer rc- frain from ncknowled-iii; tl'.l'.t the Devil was in their was in tlieir party, man the lael tli'U it hml bceoine appa'-ent to ail. Thes:e thin.';s. haviix;- come muter hi- own observation daily, nn honest ooiiseieiice would per- nul him to trille with them end screen lie; .,ii:-i,iii.,..: e.'.u.t tt-i.i-it.wi -nt-.. 'rin. ..i:- oili ndcrs from merited censure. Fur this he dc.-vrves ;ival credit, lor i J shows that his patriotism has at last risen i above party li.elie-, and that he re-r'vts ' bavin- voted from time to time for men whom he knew were connected with, ihe ; '"Kin-"' at the time, for the purpose of : piekiu- v.p a tew ennui's which iniuhl fall lVom '.heir t-.'.bie while they were in power, 'and ruled the Democratic parly in tlii i county. We hope that since he h comi: ! out anl det;';UXS l.iii'.-'.'.f in lavor of sland- or llie ll'.es, perl ei of the I icuvci.icy, .tit lies '-j-'evii" lh.;: and wiil inform the he wii; a:.! has . ! M. -pecp'c i l'v, let i.iS ilCli the m.tUi r. e.isliie; o 'O ll.i in, ; h..i. i.s r..:l tiai s'.ir'ae;, and :iii a I.i'-' tiiiil he is sincere in Si!itt-H it' fle .Slnt-s. ,'kan t.'o'.n the r purls of the Moih,.; We Iu.spict.it'-. for the llin.e ilist i i-.-t einl'iaeiie.' the counties i I ''t'Vlkill. "so-lhoiiil'i I . ,:l;,t, Coiiiinhi:i nod D.!iip!.iu, the li.llowtii- : 'lb ie are i i:.i,!o-,ed m ii.- 1 1; - il:-', r!c!.-, .' ),". : in. -ii c.'.i.i ij,. s in cud ,tb e:l ihe enl i li-'l ieS. t f 'his UUIiio; f -l.OetJ areelilpliiy tli ill SeliUVii.:.!, Cll i '. li' 1 ill the othi'l' ' !'....: s. !';., .,. imu'i' i s luiut d t'.lo ;..' !! In',,, i.f wliu li .,'.ij'l, 111 1- 1- I. '.:'.. t to II!'!! hi I lilld l!..: bit I I ', e ; c c ' 1 1 -1 i 1 1 1 e , 1 io lie' le-. 'ol, five 1 S" I us liiiiiiil In i ai-li u':i i.i . ar in .- .-h.!, - i i t Io i a e ! i in in ,,; 1 ) .h.tt.ii- .:.-:tti ..I iho i ti :. 1 1 .1 i'.t tae inipl :.' on I t . ' e. ,- I, lib ai! i .. -, I. J'lo . v., .ii an 1 i i nil. i . I mil! ap'.e,.es -. i.e., ; a.eild . J '.. on . to i '- h m. in .'i I t i, ti; N : an I Ji" ' t -fs to lh !i in li..' r i i i.i' 1 "lithllo.l of li." Ilelies W.'.ll re". Ii.l j t-i '. . ii.ll .le 'U ale el. 1 . e I :ii I-!.. ; 1 (. -' t. "' . .'- 1'. 1 I '. r' i: ei .. . ... 11 '.' 1 ! 1 - ' ..I " -' U 1 1 . ai " . .... 1'. '.'I ir j 47 ei 1: I There Mete '.' IJ I'uil'u I'll ill npt lat'e'll I ilai ae- 1 he i .1,- in i'i 1. ".i,t , a.i.t .iin j up a 1. : 1 ' .- I.t l-.el- -. . j ' .11 .. 1 . . . 1 . 1 1 ' - . . 1 . ... :.. 1 1 io n H I ii. ..k ., 1 e ,1 a I let ft I .. ..II.. 1 . ..'I ' I' .ia 1 I o-t 1 a II il Si .1 ia i.i. ... I . .ai 1 1 ' . ... 'Il I I ' I . I I . Ill I I II T'i 1 1. l.l ) 'It ft . I .1 l.l I'll ,1 I I I. le I M 1 I, I ' , - ... ', It la. ... I... , . . n... i... t I il II t I li. I...... 'I I l I I II' ' .. . t uli'-, i I I ' II I I I' i.' i. 1' , 1.... ' I'" 'I- I I ...I I I II b I lt lXCi: I'RO.HTR.ITKI Her Artnlrti Ilentcii and IHsorgan lieil. l.ONDOjr, Mondav, Jan. 2. 1871. The details which have come to hand of ihe defciito of (icii. J'Vidherbe, ehow thnt the French Army of the North has mifibr ed n terrible blow from which it can hardly recover. The entrv of the retreating army into the City of'C'ambriii was n sad scene of disorder. The troops wen.- nhnclcss and in raus, and the urmy fragmentary to a Lirent decree. A dinpateh from St. Qtientin s:iys the lh.ilvvav Station whs stormed by the Nine teenth truswinn Ueimetit, nnel that the town was nfierward occupied. Ten thous and French troops were taken prisoners, of whom 2.1KX) had beeu wotinded. Six ijuns were among the trophies of the victorious Germans. The Fniperor of Prussia telera phs from Versailles to the F.mpress that.'"tho num ber of unbounded prisoners captured at SI. (u.'Utin is S),U0ll, beside '2.000 wounded taken in the town. The total loss of the Frmah lo.tiilK. The enemy has with dr iwn to Valciiehitiii.T, ami I'ouai. have a..iin occupied Cambrai." Dispatches from French sources say that the jV.ohiiied National (luard behaved badlv in the buttle of St. t'oeiitin. Fully l.l.OUOof tli. 'in became panic stricken unil lied 111 disorder. A dispatch from Cambrai, on thcevenint; of the 'J"th says there was a general panic amoim the people. The Hermans were appit'iichinc; and cannonadiui; wasaudihle. 'in. Faidlierbi) nnd stall' had fioiw to I'ouai, nnd lien. Fa vie to hille. The hereabouts of one division of the iiiiuy Wei.- unkn on;. A dispatch from I.ille. on ':M. says the City of Cainhiiti had ln.'en Miuunom d to surrender by i! o'clock that ef'ii rin oii. Toe ir-iMrv fi. otind A'ahneienm s has heel' i r.'.'i laied in consequence of the expect- d approach of the (!i rn;ans. A dispatch liom l.itlle, L'ls!, reports the woman and children !l i'" from the city. F.iidherbc's troops aiv'arrivi!i;4 in a .ilahle sle.te. A later dispatch dated at I.ille. on Saturday lilstj slab s that city nnd (h iiv eied an address bclbrc enthusiastic Ihroii 's of the jeop'o, in which he advocates i;,!. and t.,lu.,. , fiu. 0l!ttl,v t i llie .hitter mil, enounei t toe partisan ami eowanuy cry nl "i eaec at any price."' lie repudiate IU I sill". -Il M1H'. in i v i itiuiii n v , inv intention to form, or desire on his part 1 foradictatoi-hip : ui-ed the pcoole and ! f..r a iiietatoihn) : urneil the lieonl anne do their duty, and proplicsitKl :i I final triumph for the 1 reueli nvmr., He savs rrance preli-rs nr. enlernal war to the surrender of any portion of her h nitory. i Camhetta in miother speech at I.ille, ex rested conlid'.-nee in (ien. raidhi-rlf, to ' which he added that the (u-ncral would continue his resistance to the enemy and must, in the end, he successful. Cambctta ' also announced that In mi levies are to be ' raided lor the arinii s of France His re- ms'-k.s were Ihe occasion of ijiv.it ciithu-i- i',-. .... i ni.. i ..;..,- vi-ii..u ii.it the Arinv of the iorlh is rapidly lesimiiii" Us o'-..-,e,uiz;ilioil. Oeii, I aidiierlie lias is- siud a honeful order of tlie day. savin that alter a short interval of rest the Army ol t'.iu Xorth wiil iii;ain confront the inva ders. The Elooiticil 'S(ul. I.cndon, Monday, .l.in. 'Jl!. 1 87 1 . A dispatch irom W rsiilles on the Mlh r,V- V"u' f' 1,0 ! no Uepul.Htan ever raised his -nr aatr.st r reach troops weru ii'.-oii niasseil Hear!... .. .... i .i.i;....i.J ...o ,i, ttnp. 1'. lit Mont Valt Tin, but nothin- further was aiieiui'tei! The l'rtissi.tn po.siiion at i Mont 'el-nit was laketi by surprise by the J 1'r. tie',: on Thin -day and carried, but was ! subsequently retaken by the I'rii.ssiau 1 Niulh Division. The total Gorman loss in both alliiits was 'Jd ollicerj and lOi) men. I I'l'isor.i rs lakeil by 'he lie', mans slated that i there were to be other attacks upon the io-vc.-linj lines, but asserted positively (hat j Ihe Na.ion.il (Juards will not licht. 'Ihe; I'russian loss in the recent sortie wuo I'n, and (hat they have asked for an armi-iicc ' of is poui's for the purpose of r.'iin.vin the wounded and burviii- the dead. The ( '.ru. all-' ivfii- d the request, f. !' all anil's- . tie hi can the epiilicttiult wa ; men !;,' a I V. fl'-l! olli'. The iiUtposl;:, however. III II lo.allv f.iciiil.Uetl the r.ino..l ofthe wouiid- eil. It is I'i utiv .Hi e I (oil. said tiie ::ariis.iii of I'.ir'i;, would not the att lek t. pen the (o'llliaiis lie .eli. 'J'roehll had beeu app:i.:ed ot hanzv S defeat. Tit.. Empcior William tele."'.i liiiipi'i ss iiiiilei ii.it.' ol i r.s.iillc lei in , HI: t, the as f.ii.ioi . : " i sit r.hiy t'a '. i' hdle'.v iut-i l'.ll'is. F enemy einirelv e i o.li. rs and :''.' I men Wi ie ap.ill'i d a SI. ( 'ioud.'' 'I'i,'' ! .ii'.ib.truni-nt of I 'ail li.n. t-c-n im :a'e;'i ie U .1 lorlhe la t lew d.ns. 1' ire his aijih -c: ),'. d r;...n i i iiis an-1 lie.' fori ii .:li:: . . 'il. S. V Ml lil'es in the t-.wn ii,' Si. Dit.i... end aih.. within the v.a:' of 1 aiis, v-ep i.t ..; rved t i-tlav. A !', ; . iti h Iiomi F.irio 0:1 the 'Jo'ih says !h line nt battle ell the l'Hh I'eaehed ll'-'Ui Mo'itn tout I.. I. a ( '.-ile and that the French liiic.bcred 1'iil.b Oil men. slipioited by a ii"W( ;,,"i-e i'f titiillei'v. (nil. 'J'roehu, ill his report of ihe battle, s.iv.i : "The lav, u !'tch eou.meiieeil Mieci ssod, ilid Iml t o 1 1 . i ; t ' . :m we ciiii.d ha n we.'uid. The ell. IliV ll'l. Ill 1 V. I I - at 1. ". i.i .': '-.nil V -! Mirprisi d, i lit I llii.-e- 1 V i illd 111 i '.! ' 1 ereai ma of ar, il- ail I at ,'i o'l loi 1. in the ! ra -. :.r : 'ii r i..'. n .I a the eeede.l. We r. -tin,, ,1 ;it i i movement, but u here I l,:;;lil w hit li ,i: ha I '' A I .: ,.l-.e I . n. i h.iVt TI" sll ll , il for Ie uas h .ii.iliiiary. nnit ;it, ' ' 1 ot.rtt ii'iin-i .. 1 I.i- I'nloK . mils. 'ouit ivln-t of W - J ! I?!1' e. nrj f hf i. v., . I'ror-OM-rf t ii rJ ImI 1 iu. Wa t:iNini. Jan. . lsn. a t:iNini, I v A i li. ' I. I I tie .11,1 .1.1 I Mr. M' 1.1 In I 'it I - it! ill , ; I Lit 'I III II, nil 11 1 11., a' .-I a i. . I , I 1 A I, a ii 1 li.iii. n: an I I ajt r it . III! " III" V , 1 1. el. II 'II t'l I.. OL lie 1 I I.I 1 11 1 1 . - 1 .1 a til it " "ill , Ilid I.-I-.l I III- s III I'I- itlaf 1-1 I ' III, nil;iilil s . .1 . .1 1. 1 '' 11 li Ti e "II 11 . .1 I. e ' H Ii Of p 1 I lo ei 11 lie' e a M 1 1 I II i ill I : Ii ll.i I, !a I, lo t Ii I I I I t I an. and I i, r -. .id a I... It I 1 '.1 1 ik, ill--1 I.i t : t.'-lle lee In It i 1 i. i, 1 11 .1 I . 111 1 11. d' '. a ii., 1,1 , a u l j a Hit .: I a ..ill a let t'l. 1 1 III II il I ,U 1 , I ! . . 1 .111 .111-1 "Hi l '. . I .1 p 1 1. 1 :. 1 nr. d i .11, '., 1 11 'i 1 e la l an, l.ll I W I.i ll.i I " ) 1 1 I"- : ! ' Ol I ill '.II I U ,, .uli -II. .. I- a. I t: .ii ii 1 1 1 . , 1 Mi U 1 1 I II s I u , I I'll. 1 l.l . .1 I. it . . ,..1 1 I li. .... ; 1 I 01 4 1 .1 il t I . ll . '.'Vi I. , I 1 I ! b I M ' . 1 il I , I. .... I I . 1 liit;. I.. . 11 in.. ).. . .1 was nssassinnted becnuso of his political opinions, ho Mr. Warner had asserted that while the Government lind shown its power to crush tho rebellion, it has yet failed to show its power to protect its citi eens. Tho honr of one o'clock arrived, and the bill reimbursing the Slates lor interest pi. id on the principal Imrrowecl for tho doveri'- meni enmc up ni uniiuis.icu uusmtso. Mr. MoitTON moved to postpone the bill t ) proceed with tho pending motion. Th s whs agreed to and tiie discussion was con tinued. Mr. MokrilL, nf Vermont, expressed his surprise to hear the speech of the able Senator from California- Mr. Cassi rly and others w ho had doubted tho actual occur reuces of out mires. Ho usked, was there a Southern Senator who had not borne tes timony U the fnquoiiey of these political murder, lie did not believe that the Ite publiean party desired to make any capital by such means, but desire to see all such (iiilniircs suppressed. They would Is; sup pressed if the Democratic Senators would iunore them. We deplore such n state of chines. Their frequency was due to the Democratic sympathy. When denounced equally bv nil" parties they would e nd. Mr.'N YK had read portions of the mes sage of Governor lloldcn. of Xorth Caroli na, containing sworn statements before a judicial tribunal showing thu exercise of lawless nnd murderous bands, and accounts of violence, indicted by them upon colored citizens, of Xorth Carolina, lie charccd the Democratic Senators with preventing, if possible, any investigation into these out rages, and nr;ued that this violence was very like the former Democratic operation in Kansas. Mi:. Cn NUi.Kit, replying to r. Casser ly; said that when the Ivepublican party needed Democratic sympathy they would let the Senator lrm California- know tl.o 'fact. That Senator bad charged Keptlbli 1 can S nators with malicning the Dcmoera- 1 tie parly, and he Mr. I 'handler had only i to say that the Kiv.dish kuigungc was inea i pahlc of that, and "that the worst that need I be said of that party was to tell tho truth ! about it. The first encounter between i these two parlies in the Senate was upon ' the question of savim; our vast Territories lioill iih: um .1 llifi c .-7v; .i rni,v.i, ,...., with only three Democratic recruits, the i i... i.i: . i. .1' ui. ......... .. i,..., liepublicaus conquered, llie seconu j;ieai ail ol the lfepuOliean party was to put --- - ----- , . i " i x I down a Democratic rebellion-IVnioeratiej all its instincts I rouitliu day .Idler- , son Davis was made Secretary of War to l ; the Icjjieuiii:,' of the war he plotted the ov- j icrlhrowof the (oiverninenl. Davis step- j I ped from the War Ulliee into the Senate, ' I and was made cliairman of the Committee j Ion Military Allans, lie offered a little j amendment toa'i appropriation bill, autlio-. I ri.in;; the Secretary of War to dispose of . j the arms of the (iovernmcut at his discre- ' tion. This aineuilmieit was carried by tho . : votes o every Democratic Senator, and ini- I i nuMialciy it- arsenals were im ppeu oaiv. I II. ...... II .f'....l. .,' ...r 1...ilin.r I li.miwl",. bought ill our bonds at 1:25,' until he had : exliausieil llie iivasury, anu men, wncu, Ill l.-ioi , llie . loveruitieiii uei'oeii 11 iiliiu uiu- ney, he advertised for it, and could not jet it. lie said the I' nion was broken up, and went out and joined the rebellion. Every Northern Deiuocrat and every Southern Democrat worked to-other fj"r the over - e.l .. I .1. It........ uuow in mi: i.fiinii, iiiiii in. en; j 'i iii"- cr.its, every one of them, that pointed their -litis at the American tta-. Thank God, hiscouuiry. ''he Hcimhlicatis put down I that Deinoeralie rebellion. It was our work, all of it. There, were no more, mahs uaul rebels on this ilnor tlinn a Dcmocralie i iiiilor from California r.i'd ope from Ore- i -on, anil they a.-sert' u uu.i ineir niaics ; w ould -o w ith .the South, and it was feared i ihty would; but the -teat railroad con-i ' ncellni; tbe two eiiil- .1' thu eontinerit j , was 1 .uiu, and immediately there was a ! j ch'inee of -en!'o:.ei-.l at the extreme West. I ; A; other -if. u act was the homestead po- ; ' liev, I'irow in- open our broad hinds to men ! of i very clime, '.''her. the Democratic par-', tv ut.iver al'yi.dvocatcd repudiation after llie war. ami we are now payin-nil' the na- '. ' linual dt'i'l at a rate lli.it makes their heads ; tli.zy. We have aecntuphsla'd i'i eou.st rue- ; tiwit i i : pie ef the Diinoer.itie party. We . are i:ot to be pui on llie defensive, iiiot ', out oi.r record. Never! The yoMti-nnit ; of the eounlry were watching these two parlies, and nine out of ten nf them were joii'in- tiie Ki puhliciu part)'. The day : was !ot distant win It the Democracy . would "i t back int power. Thu Seiialor i from D. iawat'c (Mr. ll.iy.ir.l wotiid b" ' er:ly. ::u l ,i.s children -row -ray before i I i bat oouilu-euey arrived. ; Noil HiK!:N O.M'IIAI. IlAII.KOAl). The f-di.wai- is I lie c vtl toima-e of the Ni ril" rn 1 'tin im I Eailro.nl south, for the follow iter years, w hich has been furiiibhed to th" .Hint -.s' .Auii'i i' by Mr. K. Du Harry: II'.:;;. i'.I.'f.Vi '.. Y'"M.'. isi,,i 1 , ;.ii.'d leu, i io .s.Uii si,; ,; i.;,i,7 Hs ; ft 4io L7'i is-s i i'.;;.'i i; ...a -..i.i,.'.v. im.;i 4U. ii'.'i Hii.e.a .'.'.I. i'-s s;,i :a is Ku.a.t 7 ,' a ') he r.i.il W.IS delivi J flom the follow'tlt- J re-Ion lM'.'.t. . '.'SJ.ll'.l.. . J'.."l'l . I "T.i."..) 'S1.J?1 is".. I. WIA' .'i.i.l'.l ll i:i IC, I r I" l.i- .l.'ai ,1 11. I., ft. -v. I '.it rtt9' J'l.n: :.EADY-MADE I CLOTHING. Thu Large it Stock Iliirii'.ebtCuodj, fl XlV.Vs. is' .;!.; -X tli Best Wuikmjit- 111 o u re t,i c ,n , rr nrt;f, Ac.. cr jit - ...v . - ' l'l VI ai ri. 4. and 1.6 B .. I Sul' I L 1 11 1 it I n g v. C o Ji, Wr-M'tft-r & LhiJtr.Wi-f f! v. v ii ) . kin J-. f.ii' ! kci . 1 1 .... . j t J II I f I .." --x r-r I Wv J-H; 1 v.y N , ' v. I . . ' Jr.. II il.'A "T. oiAi'A I GEAED OF S. llerrfehhr Imvinr? Just opened a first DuililiuKS Xiiiru Street, below ilarket, between Maruec square anu me rosi wince, E5il5' Respectfully iuvites tins public to call and FOR MEK, BOYS, TKUNKS, VALISES, &c, &c. ITis Ready Made Clothin are all made ti his own order, in the latest ftijW. of fashion and best manner of workmanship, and equal to custom work. IX HATS & CAPS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, he keeps a large assortment of all the leadin- styles, and fashions, and has made ar rangements to receive new Goods from the city every week. ' HE WILL SELL ALL HIS GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Any persou in nort' of any thin- in his j can ana near ms ini'.TS ueiore pureiiusin- . j j BEMEMBEIl J 1 ! etw ween Market Square and the Post Office, IARGAM ! ! IN IT e A.T TPI-1U NEW A'c propose to sell fir 30 days cemmencin- SATl IIDA V. Det-einhi r IT, 17'). r.i a reduction of 15 to : per cent. "or en -h. Our Miw.-k ..f Foreiun and l..nv siie 1 ) C .oils, embraces M I. KS. DllESS (i( )i ! is, I.I N EN. I ! 'm El! V . i I .( ) V K. WHIPK OOODS, DACES & EMlUiMDIEUlES, LAD1ES& G EXT FNDEKWAEE. Ah.o, Our stock of Forelpn and I'omeslii; Dry Good.i is very l.ir-e, nnd with a vi w to a speedy di.-poxal .f :t, we have MA EKED DOWN all the pi'ieis to a figure so !.w that tbis is imqiie:.tio!:;iltly tho lime tor etval b.tr-ains in Dry Gouib. Wo offer Bleached Muslins Four ipi'trtcr New York mills, 'JO i ts., i per yard ; f uir ipaartor Davoe, -Jil els., pi ; Hill Semper Idem. IS i ts., pi r yard ; ; 1 founh shoo Fly, 1:1 cts., pi r yar i ; four Coventry, PJ cts., per ard ; -j Cuviclry 1! Dave. '-S .'eiits per yard : four fourth Na hua 1!. 1 o nts p, r yard ; four f-- i 'J pp.. t hi 1. 1 ciliis pel Vai'l : ..iti-o Il-.u-rishtir-, 11 ct tits pi r :ud ; : 1 1 .11 Mie. fii-( ct uls per yard ; i Jlleaehei! ed 1 'a hoi, -JJ ei ills per vard 111. ached Canton Flannel ; hum II to JJ ; J.'. ; Wool and Cotton Fln:::ie!.., Iri.in JJJ to Wool Flannels -J5 to .V ' . in. leiins. -, to .", t ololed Ciiinl'lics r.; ( 'al'i oa tioi- li to I J',. 1.AD1E-V JiAI.MuitAl SKU! ps 7.-, , Co,,,. LAl'i E-s' FEET MvIE'I's, from !.o'i, p, if 1. LA DIE. ' SHALES, front H. to li.:'. riff --w Will SO iiilh. Ii ft:ii J ") v ,rd Ci.i'i k's I , oo!s, , ii X. T. a.l 1 Inf., ltESP MXTI'EN in iN E 1 ALEXAMIUA Kill IIMJYUS Ml CIJUIUS, .SZ.IJI!. 1 li.M I IlilM' S mill m Kid ( .hid . Ja -. laloii . l.o . A .1 lh I. i.i 1 .1 i at c ti I i ll.lll.e. I II i.i dll lull In the alii. e .1 I I lit .1 by in lie in I In lu il !.. I. We W oul.l 1 bi ll hi :i lull line t'l iu-ll.it V, CLOTHS .wo I'l.iniii In mi. I ll. ml.. I, N '.'Inii-, ('ari l ( al'p. I, all-l bale leiM', in !,., k u li.il I. lie Our DieisCjeJ Dc'pirtnioni if.c!u Jvs v n j; 11 11 11.I' ! I 1 tan iiin 1 ur ia i i, f y e lb il bun i,i. it," p,t. Lii, ii :u i... ut it i I.M HI F 1 1 'It CA'.II IlIkal M II nil. I. hi til II A III, il4Vfc Ut . I'M i I Hi, Ml. i'i la.lv 1 1 I , 1 tkwMll MlU irH. Urkl. I'MUUvliaM., 1 1 1 l .a lii I .. a . I ... la .1 I. . .' t . . . M a llll'lll I I ..4 , -I i il i. i i. a a 4 H . .i f i H a), ll-i,-' i . I ' I till 1 ail 11 - I l . ll.. p . I .,, ,l i,- p ... ., I i . t . 4 '..., Ilal. .. . ... , ..,, .( k.-.-l I . i. a . i . i, I t 4 a I'. J ( 1 ti llillla 0PI1IIG A class establishment in Moore DisslnRer'a examine his mammoth stock of a& v. o- w- p m AND CHILDREN. WW, lino will lind it to their interest -to him a eisewncre. .?. HEHZFKI.DEU. Sunhury, Pa. BMGAIIS ! 3 15 ZS, YOitK STOIIIC, at the folio tving low figures, per vard ; four .uuartev Wanisiiita, JO c: r ytit il ; Frt it i f ihe Loom, !: el.-., pi r vap 11 ail Semper "-dem. hi eta., )s r vird ; ! limn!, .''i.ei.i! J.. Ui ct.., per vard ; I' ur i ".ir S eta., pi. yard. Vi.-hna E.'2;) cents per van! : 1 in- i.-i I n,.' i-f pt-r y ' rd Hind 1' Ati.nitie A.. P.! c.-nis j., r var i : t ii, it;. a. ti i uviiaiil V. rJ ci .Is ri-bin - l'lc.nis per yard; l'.i. a 1.1am, ste-etiii -li 0 nts rard ; Hi I 'llMeaelie.l C. mt in Fl.imte'.J ffoiu 1J b Id; ail W -.iI flannels, -r, f.i f,; ; ,-, .,; ; I'ieUlii-, liloji; l'.iper (eiiic'.ric , 1.' A ! 'I yi: 1 1 ponirj, ei-i -1 1 1 w rt ard J'"l .ir J c ir. s. M l1,: ; !- A I 1. L'.l lualtls t K-1M .NINETY M.S1.-;, Ell. l.l'. Kid tain Vt . Sl.ti... Vil I air tin- Eil ' .ll II III 11 lei. il, 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 . 1 !iii..i!i.f :i I ."lis II . II nurd lliMl, s.( ail c-jn-ei li il'.lt l.teili I . out' le .1 II 1 . 1 1 1 Hi IS p ll UIU lit I l!l- cassim i :n 1 ;s, 1. an I ,; I , th, nt' ..it -11 . s an- W e in il. a ij'l.l.tiiai ,) sjil't l l'll i I'OV ll. pli -y r huite Sili'ttlcii'i, iti Urlt Vi ami ffi;i...h a. I Io nil 1 t I III I ill ilea) till, III AM e i'l- l.l Ik. I il i I 1 1M A IS l I'i. 11 t , 11. tv I 1 1 XI I. A ., u ll.i 1 11 if, IbiiLrl ki 1 1-1. tin uli 11 r , I'm. lllillli IMM lM ll ll I 1 I 111 It A'.p J it'll I le' 1.1 -el. ' I I I I , .' I 1 I ' .1 I al .1 t Ml Ei ll l.V I T.UluK il..'i- I tint. U i l I It I I il la. HUH, r. - I i.i. l v i . ' i.i j Ii in.. ., t i -ii. i i.. i. I. t. .. Dobbins MMM Vegetables A Color tmd Droaslng tlat will tot Etra tha Hair or Injure tbe Eoad, It makes Hair soft and Hoc, restoring its natural color without dyeing, by Imparting a healthy and vigorous growth, IT 13 ALTOGETHEa UKLIKE AM OTHER. miPOHB OXLT IIT J. II. DoBDOII, 426 ITortli EsJffl St, FMlafla. Prloa $1.00, large bot'.tcs, SOLD EVERVV.'HEnE. Nono genuine, without my figfisturo, and I put my naiuo to no gnodd that aro not of surpassing cxcelleuoo. a T'Li.b j.trr. or FALL it VTEJTEE CCOD: JOIIX IX'ICMAX & CO'; Groccrif", tlic ben uu ! el.-ja'i t in l!ic tie kni.ot A ( t at i: il-t'Iot5, C'ur;el nn:l ';:rj)P !t;i ia lit ttes vury lowest l i ice?, :it Cckie:in ifc t.'o's. UMUUEU.A, liO.il KitV. OLDViy it ml NOTIONS I!' km;.ii V Oil's. of rrr? dKriptiun, a. tioes. at KrkM.oi J: SMoae-Vr, W.mil-Warn uiij Will Iv.!:ce .it .C l.'ij's. Hard ware, Nails, ;alt, Fish, .'.mil u A f. Comiii J I'loJiic tal.cii ia iet :ui-i: i.t j;.. U:re.in .Sc L'o's. Don't forij't t!i I'm-;-. ,hi;IN m'KKAN A CO., COK!fKK KtlVKTH AXI M.'.Kttr.T STRf r.T yt'.Siil'XT, IT X ".'.. Fanle.irf . I .i". S, 17.'. K io. &jA Chcsuuit Envoi. jhila'Jel't.hia. Havi-uf li.-j.; .11 Hue r, .1 :.ltt r- ii a t' Ii-'-: SILVS.K PLAlX'b C-OODy, '!!! O' t-l -"1 ll -111 n i . t .y i.y. n I . i W f! ri. . ' L1 I'' -1 -. !"-- ill ii a : I, y. :ia ' i-:' le,i ,il r .1 I:..,- y 'l if".-. A i'i i .'. i.f FLATtO SPOOLS. FofiKS. LACLE' i -s-J I , - V !' j I i .,i u Jm:.: i. 1' -jVtiie ( '.t:?r-W HU v v.l 1 ; r k c c; .1 Ma -.if-.: Sthr. '.-, 1 .1 ..- I' . r . n : vi. i- - fit J. . KViH I .1 .1 UMUElOlli IVej i' SK. yi.t .'i 1 n. -1 It W !. ll t r 1 ' '. : ' I t. III l. .'I.IM-Mli' 'i'::f." 1-''" l iuiiiaj 7 ; i'i I 'i 1 11 j i 1 v li I- I I I a... . . I. I I .1 ma OAK HALL, if t. r J liJ.AHi;2-k'Ilf A. I I". I I . 1 1 I I II . It l .l. II. .1 t. - .,1 lit t . 1. tl. , ,(t .a.-l 4 . ..I ilk 1. ,1-1 1 I .li ll.l'l IE- i I . t la l I I 1 1 .- ; 1 ii i !. '- t .1 I t I I J ',1 l-l 'I ' ...'. 1 .i I. ) ,' I fl I ' I , I , tii 4 m.i vi ,1 I f I la I I I I WH 11 l.j tlV' ilkl.W, l I J M. aj 4 i-.H. a . . . . . a w.. .. - I I i hum e.j I, l4 l. Il-I 1 I ! 4 1 1 1 i,l 1 , .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers