IMHtaarV ft rifc ft : TTlESUNliURYAMEllICAK U rUBtitSlTED BTKRT SATtTRDAT BT EM'L WILVBRT, Proprietor, KkSMll's BCTLPIHai, MARKS ao,Ca., At .& In Advanoe. II not paid vrttMn Month br)iion4 loA-m ,br it (an He Jfimlfts, GcrjrcOIBn with this Mlabllshmtr It an tsrten alreXKW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of &lala and fancy type equal to any establishment i tb InUrlor of "the Btnte, for which the patron age of the pnbllc Is respectfully solicited. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 Line, or ubonl 100 Words, make a Sqncr t 8q 6i 8 Bo, 4 8t col col One wwek l.oo 9.00 S.oo. 5.oo n.'nnSAi Two weeks 1.50 5 . 3.&0 4.iK .('' H.lw'ls.00 Three " X.00 8.50 4.50 5.00 .ooi:.0s).'JO Four " S.W'J, 6.50 C.tK) 1(1.00 1 r,.iv 'SH.jt) Five .T3 ft.00 6.50 7.00 ia.0017.tWJ5. iO Hil " 8.00 6.73 7.50 8.00 lll.ou l'-.OO lil.SO Twomo's .1 7.50 8.50 15.0OS0.Cb ).W Three" 8.50 8.00 V.SO 10.00 n.rirM!5.uj 40.0C SIX " 6.110. S.UO 11 .INI 8.0-H.00 8fl.ti0':i0.13 Nine " . 00 10.00 13.0'1 5.00 .s.l.DU 45.(75.00 One Tear 8.001.00 15.00 fW.OO 40.00;IO.OO lot) 0 XtrVM .siiiert In 1S40. ( PRICK 91 50 IN AM VANCE. ) SUNBURY, PA, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1871. ( New Series, Vol. 2, No. 40. I Old NerlcM, Vol.31, No. 10. SUNBUET AMERICAS JEKKMIAII NXl'DER, .Attorney at Law, Banbury, Pa. All professional busi ness Intrusted to his care will receive prompt at tention In this and adjoining comities. Can be tonsnlted both in F.npllsh and German. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland county. Aug.ZO,1870.-ly. J NO. A. WILMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wo. 144 FOCftta AYBKUB, sTntarv Public. ?ittsbnrf , fa. Jan. 15,1870. ly. JO. NARRI.Fi V CO, Market Street, SUNBURY, FA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobaeoo, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dairies, Ae. SP. WOLVCRTOS, Attorney at Law. Market Square, SUN'BUIIY.PA. Profession al t((-iie8'ln this and adjoiulng counties prompt .y attended to. jrvR. A. H. SAVIDOE, respectfully an XJ nonnccs himself as Physician and Surgeon to tac citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, having lo cated himself permanently on Market street, ncur ,' .y opposite the Falrmount Hotel, where he can ie consulted at all hours when not professionally tigaR!d. apm-ly rpEETII! TEETH! J. tv. VKtitSblMUklK, JL Burgeon Dentist, SUNBURY, PA. All work carefullv attended to and warranted. Am thank ,ful to all for the kindness extended toward mo bv Riving me their patronago In the past, and hope a continuance and Increase of the same. Office, Urst door east of Adams' Express OUice. apilO-C9 GW. ZI GGLER, Attorney at Law, north side of Public Square, one door east of the old Baak building, SUNBURY, PA. Collec tions and all professional business promptly at tended to in the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. sept!5-66 AN. BRICE, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. Office in corner room up stairs, of Haupt's New Building, formerly occupied by O. W. Haupt, Esq. Collections of claims, writiugs, and all kinds of legal business attended to care fully and with dispatch. April 2,'70-ly. A. REinEXSWDER, Attorney at Law, BUNBUKT. PA. All business en trusted to his care attended to promptly and with diligenca. apl27-67 J NO. HAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, 8UNBURY, PA. Collections and nil pro fessional business promptly attendei to. mch31-60 C. J. BRUKF.B. I- H. KAPB. BRl'NER A K.4KR, Attorneys and Coun sellors at Law, 8CNBURY, PA. Office on Chestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. fe E. Railroad Depot, lu the building lately occupied by F. Lazarus, F.sq. Collections and all profess ional business promptly attended to In Northum berland and adjoining counties. apUO-69 t. B. BOTBR. W. t. WOI.VERTON BOYEU A WOLYEUTOSi, Attorneys at Law, on second floor in Bright's new buildine, BL'NBURY, PA. B. B. Boyer and Y. J. WoWerton respectfully aanounee that they have entered intoco-partuersbip inthepractice of their profusion in Morthnuiberland and adjoin ing comities. Consultations can be bad in the Germnn lancnan. apt. -03 HR. MANSER, Attorney at Law, SUN- BURY, PA. Collections attended ti in Vie counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, & out our, Columbia and Lycoming. apUO-69 WM. M. ROCKBrBU.Hl. LLOTD T. BOWRBAQU. KOIUEFELLKR ROIIRBACH, Attorneys at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Of fice in Haupt'i new building, ssaoud floer. Ea t ranee on Market Knuara jai)4 88 - JL- -- 1 ! A .T- VALENTINE 1)1 ETZ. Wholesale and Re tail dealer In every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, 6UNBURY, PENN'A. (CPPER WBilir.) )Ks7 Orders solicited aid filled with promptness anil despatch. may 12-68 CSOALI I COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., J Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (lowbr wnur.J 1ST Sxle Agents, westward, at the eelebrated He-.iry'lay Coal. JanKM8 EXCHANGE LIVERY." J. M. UAUTIIOI.OMKW, PnorBiKTon. FOTRTH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Nuubury Pa. riHE best of riding and driving horsee always A. on hand to serve customers. Orders leit at the Central Hotel, for vehieles. w ill receire prompt attention. Nov. 6. 1870. JACOR NIIH'HAN, I7IIRE A LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, 8UN . BURY, PENN'A. Represents: Farmers' Mutual Kile Insurants Co., York, Pa. ; Cuinlicr laud Valley Mutual Protec;ive Co. i New York Mutual Lite ; Girard Life of Pnila., aud Hartford, 'Vnnu., Gueral Accident. IiK.NTIfcTKV. GEOKGEM. RENN, In SxmptonU ISuildinj, Market Square, ECKBCKT, Vx., IB prepurel to 4o M kinds of work pertalnlntr to lieui.tirT. Hn kwtps cenunlly on hand a Ui- aston mom of Tsrth, aud other tlental malarial, from whirb he will be able to select, aud r.iri.t the wants of Ins customers. All work HuirHuted to give salufactlon, or else '.lis inonrv refiimied. Tls very beat Mouth Wasa aoj Toolh-Voders krpt on li.iid. Ills refrrKiKiits ate lbs numeioas patrons for wliaui ha his wnrktsd for ths Ust taclv jrwrs. s-uuliiire, April 21, liOs M tV CUL YAK IK rrirtE utidislii 1 having eouurctel the Coal 1 bus t. wu'a hiscilmisive Kl."l It .t tiRMS ti Ir, is frt-pare l ti suiV fmu.lies with tlis TCUY lli:T ' OM., c nr.1' rou -amii. fefiT sui Nut, euiittai.W ou baud. Grain iini iusicnuiS fort 'irl. J. M. f iDWAl LArER. uoburf, Jaa. 15, JeVu. if. , 4" siiifMsa. luosiraoM rem- tin-, Hle ttuU AeciUvul INSURANCE AGENCY hUtVH A llllllf, MARKLT SIKKLT, M'Mil ltV, V'A I ii'ir.tMi htt'H! SUM lit. Au.Ci!ll, flil.4 Iv.-lj.UiS,, U.TJ,'.) r- itvi 1 1 im, M ,.i...u .u, ,S's t's, I,.,, .,4. " y.,..kt Tui ii ......... " 1 I . i . . , l lit"U, I ...... i. U ... y, i .' I' .. . I i tie, li , .... s... i ..k. ti ,. i, in ti .i4, I'.. '. , " I " I tl : . . I ii . T ulk, K U..1 la Ml. ( .iM.. ... 'i Y ... a. S .l M il, ,s ... l. I., :.. l 4 u i L I I i'f, l .j . -I a'i.l'K) 1 V 'JLi ,ti,'' S.'.V.Jt 4 M.'. .: t itMI'J I iI.IaW I, Oil u I W-J vi' I I i i a A I r 4 t I'-s lieUy,kMs, 1 1 ! i ..... Vt s, aa. oiels tutfr cstitnranis. OO V i: R IO I S K. Third Street, nt.the depot, BUN BURY, PA., Wm. Refse, pro prietor. Warm meale served tip nt all hours. Fish, Fowls and Game. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hand and served lu every style. The best of wines and liquors at the Bnr. tiTFninllics will be supplied with oysters done up la any stylo, by leaving orders at the BBr. fNov.5,'70-ly. RESTAURANT A EATING HOUSE. CHARLES ITZEL, Proprietor. Chestnut Street, a few doors from ths Depot. BrsBCRT, Pa., HAS open a Restaurant and Eating Hons, for the accommodation ofthc public. Warm mealt can be had all hours. All kinds of game, Ush, Ac, served up at short notice. His bui Is supplied with the bestliquor la market. No pains spared to please, and terms moderate. Sunbury, 8eptejnbertliJ;6U.--ly. N AT I ON A ITe A U E R KEER SALOON, OH TU1RD STIIEET, NEAR T1TB DEPOT, BCNBVRT, PA. JOSEPH BACIIEfeifcformsthe citizens ofSnn burv and the public generally, that be has opened' a LAGER BEER SALOON at the above place. The best of Lnger Boer, and Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, c, coustantly serv ed up to customers. "VT ATION AL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS .! WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd Couuty, Pa., at the Station of the N. C. K. VY. Choice wines nud cigars at the bar. The tablets supplied with the best the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. HOTEL. ALLEGHENY HOUSE, Col. CHAS. KLECKNEK, PJoprietor, Nos. 812 and S14 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, ti per day. He respectfully solicits your patronuge. PACIFIC HOTEL, WILLIAM ENGLE MAN, Proprietor, Front Street, between Chestnut and Walnut Streets, Sunbury, Pa. 24, 1S70. ly. TTTAMniNGTON HOUSE, C. NEFF, V FroDrietor. Corner of Market Second Streets, opposite the Court House, Sunbury, p. Mayi!8,'70. HOTEL A RESTAURANT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., west 8HAM0KIN, PENN'A. Meals served at all hours, at short notice. The best of Liquors at the Bar. The Table is sup plied with the best and latest in the markets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. Patranage solicited. HUMJIEIS RESTAURANT, LOUIS HUM MEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having.lnst refitted the above Saloon for the accomodation of the public. Is now prepared to serve '.lis friends with the best refreshments, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quors. ST. JAMES HOTEL, Conner of Pennsylvania Ave. and Uth streets Washington, D. C, IS locivted within a few squares of the United Stirtcs Capitol and other public buildings. Streetcars pans the Hotel ev.ry iliice minutes. A Hotel, Runiauram, and other modern Improve ments have lately been nfMvd, making this one of the most pleasant and attractive Hotels In Washington. GEO. W. BUNKER & CO. Oet. 8, 1870,-ihn. Proprietors " RESTAUR ANT, LEWIS MARKWOUTII, rndrRiETOR, SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. The best BEER and all kinds of Malt Liquors on Tap. Oall and be refreshed. Aug. 27, 1870. LACKAWANNA VALLEY nOUSE, E. B. BURNHAM, FrCprietor, Corner Lacka wanna aud Frank'fir. Avcuncs, Scranton, Pa., op posite Delaware, Lackawanna Western Depot. Free carriages to convey guests to and from Depot. " Mar. '.'8, '70.-ly. J. VALER'S WINTER GARDEN ANI HOTEL Kit. 720, 722, 724 A 727 Vint ., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GAR"DEN HOTEL, (omhi BPRoraxN px.k) Centrally located, connecting with a'.l the Ctty Passeugcr Railway Cars, from all the Depots in the City. Excellent Accommodation Tor Tra vellers). Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every evenine in the Summer aud Wiuler Garden. ZmOrcutrion Concert Evtry AfUrnoon.Jtt TIME Urtis' RESTAL'RINT Tn BRST OF REPKESBMRNTS SERVED. Olllce of J. Valer's Fountain Park Brewery. June 4, 1870,-ly. Lim'oit stoke: CHRISTIAN NFTF, Ftoond Ptrest, opposile the Conn Konte, 8CK- Hrity, pa., Kcspecifulle Invite the attention of lUtaiieis and ntliris, that he has ott hand, an.) will con stantly keep all kinds of FoKrics ixa-Dovr.sTic i.iqvors, Consininsof fu-t Bvandirs: Cotniue, Chert)', CitiRer, Itoohelle and nurd. Wliitki.: Pure Rye Cil'.er-llslllled, Mono guhela, Apple atd S'.ciar. rCRE llOl.l.ASI) C.IN ! Wines: Champagne Wine, 6herrjr, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champik'ne Cider, N. E. Ruin, I Urowii Bt.mi aud Seoteh Ale. SU'MAC II AMI n A It HllUltS, And all others Li iuors wl.iih un le found in the city ii.Mikt'ls, wl.ieh iill old lit W su'.e and K'-tuii. Kv. i) urliele jjintanieed as reinitetite,!. Also, u laiije lot of I'UMUull.Nli an I IU IT I LtS, ula hand. l-3T Ciders prouutlj atteuded , sn lyihlie Buiihury, July t, 1SHU. ly. 11 iiiiMVAitt: Mioiti:, J. II. uuli, A o. MARKET STREET, bUNUl'llY, PA., UAH received a nt a.).iu., in of ail kinds of llndwaie, t lit ry Vs. Iianies' tools, .te., ..tail ..rili.M... AI.. taiu MuWu's Mats- ru:, 1IUIH, ItlUts, Pp.ikis. .u, an an. i wi l..ulli r lr siliorinaker's and Hu.ldler's. I eiy I... i. lu Ilia Han. ai iniau Imi ..uud alii.U Hi t o s...d as la sr as can he U.114M ol any i.l...r iauui;utiit '.a lit r oniry la.l au4 Ms tb'ir ul huuhkry, !. Ik, lo8- 1100 r ai auor '1 'ME ut!is..'ui-t l.4 .' sr. as I a shop ct, SUsU, bsar.y . iils IU t I'ai.i , Is 1 .' I l' luaui.Uil us all kind "I llt.ula ASIl alluia iu its laiwi sil. Ids .... kl.( Iks v,,Ul u.siU) .u I Us utaikrl. d 1. at Ilia L.:il Ik. lie a ! L' .... wds .' k I 1 l.s Ul f Is k.nallwl cuiiOu k.u.M.r .sc.usii ;y iu u. Lal. 141 ..4 . I I' l I lu I 1 S.4 SSUIL Uit ..1 awl UIII14 lUfcll l.iuuf iaa.iuii.a f'...a.... .Iii.s st skuit uoiiai. It 'I I Lilu.HSla tai.liUiy, Jtfc 11, 1.V. t "m'L ( UM II l4 I HHII ksusial s.-n. i tbsul si Ma" 4 I ik.n a, Vtk . l ..-i avi.i .1 M. 1 il -i .1 Wuu. A U.a a. ASkal'4 .a.l UatV k.s l W Isjsej s s4 4. ft $cto Sfcbcrtiscmcnts. TIME IS MONEY ! t ALL AVnll Paper and Border, sold by me wll be trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, sr tub YEOMAN'S TV ALL PAPER TRIMMER, c5v.. which I have the exclusive richt to nse in Snnburr and vicinity. Save money, time and labor, by bny'.ag of If. I'ERREE LIGilTNEK, Dealer In Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, &c, Ac., Ac. Sunday School SUPPLIES made a epceiullty. Blank, Memorandum A Vnnu ICooli lu endless variety, Just received. BOOK BINDING done to order. Persons will save expense by leaving thsir orders for binding with me. PICTURE FRAMES of all sires, cut from tlie MonMingnl vet v low rates. OVAL fc SQUARE FRAMES always on hand. ALBUMS, BRACKETS, GOLD PENS, &c, &c, &c. A large and well selected stuck of Toys n'wny on hand. Anything not cn hand promptly ot dered. Bargains for rash. CaH at N. FERREE LIOHTNER'S P.ook Store, Sign of Foley'e Gold Pen, Market Square, Sup bury, Pa. Suubury, August 6lh, 1370. LADIES' FANCY TUKS! JOHN rAREIRA, 71ft Arch Street. Middle of the Block, between 7th and 8th Ptrects, South Hide, PHILADELPHIA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds sad quality of fancy rim For Ladles' "i Children's Wear. Having enlarged, remodeled anu mii-rovci my old and favorable knosrii FIR F.Mi'OltlUM. and having imported u very Inrrt and splendid assortment of all tlie i.-iit kinds of Furs fi rvn first hands in Europe, and have ha 1 them iiiriite np by the mo6t akilifnl work'nen. I would n s pectfully invite my friends of Northumberiaiid and adjacent counties, to call and i xaimm: ti.j very large and benv.tifu! nsso tr. tnt of Faii"y Furs, for Ladies and Cliiidnn. I am d .ermineil to sell at as low prices us any other rei-yctaliie Houte In the city. All Fui warranted. No misrepresentations to effect 1'iipi. OH FARF.IRA, T1S Arch S'.rcet, I'hiladulphia. Oct. 22, ISTO-Sin. FASHIONABLE MILLI.MERY. FALL AND "WINTER STYLES. mikh r. rmrssrr.n. MARKET SQUAUK, I'NBL'UY, PA. Her laree asRf.i tuient of MILLIXEUY (.OODS. BONNETS AND HATS, Ricnoxs, Featiikhs, ri.ownttH, Lacks, II AT AXD IJOXNET FUAMDS. A la-tre variety r.f tr'.mme 1 and lintriinm' I Ilalr., ladies' nnd childivn's H. iry, Ir.'ui ttitrlied lare and linen lliuidUe.T'm -fr, fci I and lisle liloves. Curorts, .IrvsA -Lurtotia, guipure lares, fringes, Indi,-' i.rol:t les, and f.mcj lihliuns for bows Mid sashe. iiiie .l variety. Ke:ii and Imitation hair c'..inons, l'ri. i-4, rirar.d bwi' us. A lare;e .ii-i uncut of SLIPl'KH PATTERNS, Zetrtrs, Gkrvantown Wool, Ac. An udles vatiety of N. and g"od usnally kept iu a fr.-t -'as m!l'.!;ier "tuie. Gouts' Collars, fufl's, Netlitits, Ilaiitlker- '.'liieis, &.. The ciliou" of f'li'.hnry and vl.dn'.ty, ;ei.e !a"v, are Invited io c.t.. ..d s..o ai,ui i meal. L. IUSI.ER. Bnnhnry, Ort. 29, li.O. i-t'.H r.r, nt. in cr.!. HOOTS AND SIIOK.S fannfai t'lie l lu m Wr at GRCATI.V KEL'tTF.!) I'itlCKS. JOH H1I.VIK, Njtrvee Kiirei, Muuiiurj, I't'iiu'tf, 1 KSPFl 1 Fl'l I. V I'll' . :n I ..'I .-,! ,in.-- IV liud ti e ... ,-.. i! I.e 11" M i'I'.s ,v SlIi.H.S at t lie man tiliu't in lit jj ( ralca, in -id- I I'.f f Ca.f hkiii (T' I ) K , (.ewed) t l.i.ilfl : v : r. : .; ..( n.uii l.u 1 F.enoh Ciul Women's M.oe fC f Mriuecf Children's BUo I. :.i iltl I'll. In aeeordini; l Ail oik aun.. . f 1. iruvis .i ri.r cash. Tus piie of re'.t.riii j at 1 - i luee I. J.'llN VVU.VI U. Sunhurr, J ily 0, 1: ). J. V. .V"111M. I'UN'S tillAMI IttUlll II Slllll'. 1 lis old pen ul I' I .1 ..I ll.e " i I Wi dc. uaa 1U1 1 .... j thai ll.v . 1 bly an I..-. 1 . . 1 ! I.ia KlitiiUlkl lif lal.l. .. ..i Ju.t tuiy . " . earrvi la l- 1 Mia, has I t 1 ... . day sfl.l day, 411.1 1.1 tbs sbaii ttua .m ..1. .l of lliua . ha 1 i. Iil f tuiil 1 -i.l. I 1. 1 ti 4 iu Iks Cuuiii. i 1 lu iluj lit t-t.- 1 , 1 1.. r ...1 I'. I l. 1 I 1 11.. I til, -i .1 I , .lit . d I I uu l.i:, . I 1 , 1 . .1.1. .i. i. 1 . . . 1 . i, 1. . . l .1 . . I it 1. in ,1, 1 , ... . , . aubuuuis ta cut . . ...i l-i 1 kit i.l lu sl.411 it . IIh.umuJ Hu.. bi 1 1 tumt k )u. 1 I 1 .1 II I 1 I 1 n . I I. .11 1 . I " ' j Uu - SIS ' SllUk . lu .U , 1 ' )oil, KliUkuf Uu I tl kU " ' Is.. l la ' Ms '! t 1' " ) IH ik, duu I a 1 I iks k-'U f a' .... . I u ks n 1 a ikauia ...vtotai't-. av.i 1 II, ... .1 d.a-k4 -I as l-.d . l. . I- "t 1 1- IT .j-l ' JTTiV i. I . sT . 'TJi t JT Jl mil Wzm 4 Urn - kk- 14, tMsal Sia4 HtV tW I, im. Select 3octrB. REMEMBER, BOYS MAKE MEN. lit MART 1!. TUCKER. When yon sec a ragged uicliln Standing wistful in the street. With torn h it and kneelevs trowscrs, Iirty face and hire red feet, Pass not by the child unheeding t Smile upon him. Mark me, when He's grown ho'll pot lo-jet it ; For remember, boj's make men. When the buoyant youth fu, . pli fts Ovcrllow In boyi.-h freak, Chide your child in gentle accents; Do tint in yonr anger speak. You must sow in youthful bosoms Seeds of tender mercy then Plants will grow and bear good fruitage When the erring boys are men. nvc you never seen a grandsire, With bis eyes uirlow with joy. Bring to mind some act of kindness Something said to him, a boy I Or relate some slight or coldness. With a brow all clouded, when Ite said they Weifc loo thoughtless T.) remember, boys made men. Let us try to add some pleasure T the life of every boy ; For each child uceds tender Interest In ils sorrow and its Joy. Call your boys home by its fcrightnees j Thry avoid a gloomy den, And seek for comfort And remember, boys make men. lts fcctbes. H F.I. EE ALDEN'N TR A V K. L L I O H At.. A train bound for St. Louis had just left tlie ik'jioi of llellontVine, wlii-Ji t. cnlL nian entered tlio sinf!kiL';-,'-'ur :md :0 Ms lutnd upon thu HhnuldtT of his travtJlivg cotniiiiiiiou a tall. iKracnno tn:in of 'M, w ho Pitt musingly blowing rings of smoke into the air. 'MarcyV aiil the nevv comer, 'if you want to see at once thu and sad dest sijrht, you ever bclitld, go into the last car but one on the train. There's an cnii pant German woman, w ilh four little cliil Ureti, and during the aftcrnoou thu young est the baby Iiaa died. Tlie niotlror and tlie other children nrc inconsolale." ' I can iind;rstand, intin-ntpied the smo ker, 'tin fadnc' B of snch aT-ccic, Iwt where is the bwcetuess you "(.poke of"' ' I'm coining to that. The whole j:ly have been taken inchar''u by a young lady. Such a beauty ! Shu's dried tlienniUier's tears, and wiped thu children's noses. Hie's a divinity ! She only needs a fuw feathers on her slioulder-blad'es to make a full llcdg cd angul of her. If I was not a married man, I'd rover leave her till I'd made Airs. Angelica Townsend ovt of her.' ' That's a speech wMch I shall failhfully "i"'" Mrs. Agnes Townsend,' said thu geutleuiau mhlivshed as Alarey , ribiug. '1 shall j;o back aud I'e.nt inv ccn on this beutilt?l Sister of (.'haihy ;" and,' hu ald ed, taking his travelling haleliel aud shawl front the rack, 'as we stop at the nest sta tion, which is due in lu minutes, 1 may ns well take my traps through with mc, and join you on ihe platform.'" 1 litis sayni";, Jticliaril Jlarcv throw his shawl over Ids shoulder, aud sauntered !i through the liinir train lusbiin' blindly it'-'d calmly lo bis laie. For, as lie cnu icii me iaci tar mil one ne hccanie :t wttui'ss ard an actor in 0 sti'.uo that iullu enced hi.s whole future life. The poor grief-atrii ken (icrnwn, of whom his eo!ii;.aniin, Dr. Towmcnd, Intdsiioken, with the (had infant in herunns, sat tiltnt ly weeriiif; uver'.hu Utile dead face. The three sturdy children, grouped iu childish sorrow about their little dead bro ther, was indeed a touching spectacle. But, standing beside lhc-iti, was the divini'.y of 1 )r. Tow nseud's admiration, and ishe who was moil cet ti'iuly to 'share tin cnd3' of the unhappy Richard. She was a tall Rktulcr irl of cii;l.iecn, with inniiilicciit eyes and hair. A he en tered 111: car the was t.peakin, her lovely 1 lace nuslicil, tttul tlie small rosy mouth, Idist'l.iMiio 11 beautiful set of tcelh, tunud ! bewitchitiIy toward the tall stranger nt the door. I ' J. tdie.s and jjidii'ieitjen,' f poke the swot t I voice, 'litis p ),.'. w.ian. Iriemlle-is :md peti j nilebs, speaUnj; no English, with four little ' chihlivii, was exp. ctitij; to find wmk in St. ! louis to Kiipport th. in. If evert tlum; bad .lii: will with her it Would have j;nie hard ! for her; bui wi;h her little dead baby and sorrow lu! h. ?rl, she is c- i laiuly k deserv ilU' olijt et of t ha it v ;u:i I pV. pi ise that such as feel w illitio eoulrihuto tlu-ir mile to- w inl a little p.irse f.r inline, li.ile waul.i 'and ll;.' l-i'i'ial of her poor lial.y. Ami,' i i-!.e add...!, w ith a bewiieliin biiule, "if any ! 1 k'el.l leiua 11 will l.ud tne ti hill, 1 will "o I r .'.nisi and lako up a Co!le,-iioii.' I 1 In mi instant lb., callant Richard pulit 1 . h'n t i'.i v. iliiiL. cap IV0111 his hlolnle cm Is and I losl'iiedil tithe AiiliI of Mercy, who ae . eep.i d il w it Ii a suiili , tl.i:; lime all her own, . .11.-1 cotiiiiieuc .1 jii'.lu t ir., the r-adily lorth- coiniuvj dollars In r p uti-ons, on.-, ful tip . JHftl l roU.dil liolll the purses of all iu the ' ear. ; diehard walel.ed the sleiet.r figure in 1 vi i.v the mou, i , and loolin rl I In" pl.ii.l cap 111 iK- r. lute, i.-v ell.d lingers, be l.eliiotiltl him ol hi wit, and st. p; iu' to tlie C at ihe U ant V had just . j CUpii d, I.e laid Inn satchel nil, I jl. nvl ll... I il lali.ny "f Hi kind. In l...;ui' to ll.e ulijel III 'i;i , an.l li'oiu ln p.s l.el 11 t-bl ' fill whieli lie plaeed in ll.e little blind that r.ltlllieil liil.l Ins t.ii. l uilinl' il.lll.lL'e the poor fellow leccle., w l.etl a s. . ..Il l siii.V aiul -w or. I. d lli.ii.l-. for I. is l.bei il . ..on il. el, ..11 iii'ie J. nil loot li i iM . '!n tarlilol ruot'ili 1 ii.ek u.i In tlie toi l .1 d an 1-1 :i nalo li . p.V, who" I- t ' e.. Ill ill,, tit I l- HP. .Ml, I lllollu-hl, . ,o, k it. I.i l.llni '...) '. , lb lo 1 M at. !l on ll.e l it e id tilt . La' in. r, an I il.. 11, 1 1 1 11 us ll... 1 11 Mi 11' III III. .11. 'II, he U II. .11.1, 1 hiuiM l i. llietl 1. 11, in.. I Inn 1 i. lily I. I; ti.e . .11, an, I iunul I. i I. 1 II I oil III' pi 111' 1 .11 ' 1 il,' 1 11, .1 u 01 ih , '1 l ijnu I 1 Ih I.i 1 e y , u 1 1 ten. I ii, U 1 1 Ii 1 and bin y II. e ib ul li.iliy , iii.d 1.1 tkt: II.. i 1 1 hi,; b. ally Mi, A ii.i iu 4 M.itj. 1 .11 I .tic 4 kill. 111. i' ' ' I ,.M I.M ll.l,' t lUII., , I I,:, ;, ad, ,. t 1.. 111 . .tk.111,; i, 1 1,. i,. d I. 1 ti .1 1 in 1. ' llu I ... I . I ale 1 llu 11 1.1, u,l J.-tpja al in1 ill ll.. .It I tr-k 'I i-!il. .1.1.. In 1..1 ' t'uiu.l, I .l I. 11. .ion . i t....:. I. 11.4 io ' pl.t I Mat it! iVi. .. a. I ,,,., I In It SI 11 1 I In I I.. lull a. id ...ul. In 1. -Vll I !"' ' ' Sua.ii. a t I ,' l l ki- III 1 1 lit lol , '). U il 111 . I .1 In I III io.. I 4 1- nl it 11 I .Ul ) o. l kliuM In I III l-i ali II 1 1 ) 4 Ul 4lg Ji.u.i.ll Ml. I l.i. ...I. li . I llti 11 , Lj ,t I It lli. klia ll 1.4 IU llil. 1'. ,el n Ul.)' ' f tin kit . 1.4 lltll) l kolli U.- .nil lu si r 1-1 ou lailU A 1. 4 uu. ',), 14 list U-41.11 a4 tsl. Hi ia.aaJa Ui wj a the house of nn acquaintance, with t.liom thry were to remain that night, and go on tlie next day to their destination St. Louis. After the lirst salutation our hero went to his room to remove some of the eviden ces of his long rido from icw York, lie had removed his coat, vest, and collar ; ho had splashed, nnd soaped, and washed, till his damn curls hung elofcc to his shapely head, when he nindu a startling discovery. Flushed and breathless, bo burst into the next room upon his friend. 4 Townsend,' cried he, 'what upon earth do you suppose V I've got '.he wrong bag. I've chunked baggage with the Angel of Mercy. Look at that slipper see that thimfile contemplate that glove.' 4 It's evident you've got the lady's satch el. And what was them in yours ' 'Don't bring up that dreadful idea.' said Pick. 'Cigars and a hair-brush, a pack of cards aril a comb, pocKet tlask and a tooth brush everytbingdisreputable. If I am judged by that bug, I am a lost ruac.' ' And thir 1 took for n clean shirt nnd Dick held up a f' illed nnd fluted sack, such as do duty for iirs extensive night-dresses with ladies when traveling. 'I'd like to see Angelica when she opens my satchel.' And Dick fell to musing, witli the slipper perched on two lingers, and the frilled white sack sprrad out tenderly upon his knees. In an upper npparttnent of a handsome mansion in St. Louis, on thecveuing of the day our heroine first made the reader's ac quaintance, beautiful Uello A Men, the pet fi'd and only daughter of the house, sat cou 'tcmplatiug thu various articles hr confi dential 4uaid was disposing upon the table articles taken from no less a receptacle than Dick Marcy's travelling-bag. The curds and cigar-case lay side by side, and a highly scented parly they were. ' What's in thu liltlc silver flask, Kosa ?' caid the fair mistress. Utandy, ma'am,' replied the maid. ' llu cau't be Very dissipated, to travel with such a bottle. That's in esse of sick ness, 1 suppose,' returned 15elle. 'It'ii my belief,' said Itosa, who was a shrewd girl, 'that the gentleman was a mighty nice one, elso you'd not so readily exciiau thu cards md the bottle.' 'For shame, Hosa. All gentlemen play euchre travelling, and even clergymen take a liltlu brandy in case of sickness, 'answer ed lielle. 'And this man was a gentleman, and a liberal or;e, too, for be gave the poor emigrant wonir.ii SIO. V hut's that, lto sa V' For nt moment Hoea ieW betwecE her lingers a letter. Whether it was wrong to read a stran ger's letter vexed Belle for a rmrr.ent, as her eyes glanced at the superscription aud hand-writiuy. 'Why, of r.lUhings 1' exclaimed the e!e. lighted" gi.l, seizing the letter. "Why, Ho sa. this is Jenny Marcy's writing, and ad dressed to Itichard Marcv her only darl ing brother who was iu Europe when we two graduated at Madame Hitter's, iu lirooklyn.' Hello read rapidly till she had reached i the middle of the letter, when she burst in- to a merry laugh. j ' Hear ihis liora," said she, and the read ! from the lettrr : ' Above all things, Diek, dear, don't fail, i while in M. Louis, to see my best friend ' I and school-:. .ate lielle Alden. I know I vou will fall iu lnvn with her, for besides I being th'j best girl in the World she's a ! beituiy and n heiress, and father's choice above all c.thei"!, for his son'n wife. He i used to talk ite.vcrat home, ami hop? lielle would not marry before you came homo from Europe. She is full as anxious to ' know you, and wears your hair and mine 1 iu a locket father gave her last year, ( iive j her lots of love. And be of her to over look your many imperfections for the ake ' of her old school-fellow, Jenny." 'Then this gentleinau is, of course, Miss Jenny's brother,' said Horn, 'nnd what will ' she tay when t,he hears of your haviuy met iu this romantic way V : 4 1 don't intend to tell her of it till I go : to New York this fall,' snid Bulle. 'I'er- ; haps her brother will call.' ' Rut in this supposition Jlell was wron. I Tho month passed, and she saw no more I cf th'M'oldeii-hcailed liichnH. And r he carefully separated the yellow ! lock in the litlle keepsake f-'om the dark i tress of Jenny's and put it back into its I place alone, while another locket held the I bit of Jenny's. And somehow llessio look , ed very, very, often nt the we golden curl, and she never did io but the rest of the i handsome head sprang up beside the lock ; : and she would sit and contemplate the I picture her fancy wrought for her, litlle 1 ilivauiiii' llii' interest she was allowing to lm'ow in her besom for Jeuii!"' brother. lu Ihe fall lies' ie nnd her father went to 1 New York, and the lirst day alter her arri val found Hitliiii? with her old friend, I who, nfler the first cll'UMVe liiietiiiej wa ' nasi, kat down to einidy her Hon.. ' I'm so ela l you ure here tins month,' Jenny said, 'Ueauso I'm to be married in Oetoiief, and 1 have always been crazy to have you as bt id. siuaid, and liek i to be Harry's Ksl man.' Ik lie blu'licd. ' lint Jii. V has ffllen ho.'lekly, lusJly iu love !' Ee.'lo tin lied pule. ' Yes, 1 turn so dreadfully piovoked when l-e pr-setl through t. l.ou.t ami never witit near .vm. Ho went wild over oiun he nut ou that liifal trip, lie will 1.1 k. to me by l.oiii'a ol ln Aiil;. I: a. And wlieii I l.ttie spoki 11 of j uu he baa Iseii 1.. ...lively rude, and'd inn to have done Lollniiii); In. 11 uboill myll.ikh'il aihool li .. lull ynii know sour piciuio ahowia fn-ikles, bill, bleu. me, ) oU luiveil'l UUV now! Ami van it tur; doii'i liM.k any in. ne like, you ll.-itl ll d-' hk w- Uol t ij t ' U ll me,' said IU lie, 'i your biotluj ciiie.l 1-. Una r' l.i. i 'i d 't W n. d'd' In Ml, he don't kli.nv I.e I- liilne. ibi IUl lound fulfil of It, i' ul, I 1 1, .tin . ...ii.e a I. i .e. Mi 's i;. l In r ti a i u.i.lir i yi.i.aiaM ; lie !.'.. 1 1., r iiiia ,:"4 11 tioiin up iii iuveuili-r ; in U"' I 7 pd'd lliiiuidi liuiii; 011 I.i w.iti li-ih.iu. ; H. l l I do la lu vu lu b.i. uol half bin. ll tllld .. Hie h i r pill IU hi I.e.Ul. I lb, ll I, .11, I 1 11, 1, ll. iu ! Ilk'a l )"iid nil I. 'al ! I ,li I 1 W tl..ii liiui iil id in.y isi.M.u Would m ill I. UU liolll It i bill ll. 'I li bit. IK looks Ul III V II" lllllln US I4lllll) 4 4U l.). Ill, .lll'l "I.l) .41 I II Uol kllld ol lllll lo ! l -it ll. llloll'll.' I'l' Wl' oil Jl 1141 lUi.ll .. .H." s-i'd ' li. pailvd Ik Hi, l.llll.ll. ll OH .ll I) 1 KS 1 Hi I'tt 111! ' U l. bll k4ld, 'I II kl-lll l U. Willi )uul lie'd lw.ll. , 4.1 1 kn uu kliiy Iii4liurf, .m l llu a I ill st o M nil 1 111 i'an. 1 Ul .1' ... ailll tus uu lii) uu i-iou"l.' Ul 1 ...i,t. I) aaliti : An I . UU IboUjbl k l.-ikrJ . I.i r Itiii ial and .!. U 1... U i.iaili t "II " I . ;':i;v t.dll l 14. 11.141 . ... 1 l llu I' luid t 1 A , 4.4 Ik., ''"a l .' to MM l M v"ak. W U'4, so it shall be. I will bo introduced only ns wc are leaving the honsu, nnd he can do as ho pleases about coutiuuing the acquain tance afterward.' Hello was radiant with hnnniness when she returned to her father, and delighted liia ri,.i i.orf ht ii ,.!..,.... r. t..ii i... i ! been very quiet of lnte. L mler the new mining law, which passed Jennie aud Hello shopped nnd talked and at t 'ie last session of the I-egislaturo, the visited together for the next few days, nnd ' ,coal counties of Mjhuylkill, orthumbe when the morning arrived, and amid a be-' aI'11' 1('olUM.,)1A' a" Dauphin were divided vyof beautiful guls, Hello shone like a ; '"t' districts. queen, the bri.le was eclipsed, and delight- i , rc"" ""I 'porls t" inspectors we fully acknowledged it. g can the following interesting staltMics. 4 U, Bell.' she said, 'I long to have old' V e,,rcri;t, 10 tRl0 that the number or stoical Dick see vou. Hark ! there's his j dcaLh,s "nJ cua'jt'M rxey increased sten. Come into the next room now. and ' ov liXHl ailJ' compared with similar be introduced. Don't wait till the car riages come it's an lmu-yet." And Belle, with a ln.ating heart, swept through the door and stood bven as Dick first saw her, only, in place of the gray travelling dress, a "magnificent while ealin fell in rich folds about her, nnd upon her lovely white throat lay the turquois locket that hold Dick's golden curl. Upon lbs beautiful head, crowned by its chestnut hair, a coronal of pearls addvd to the grace a jd beauty of nn image that, sliriued iu Dick's heart, was already an angel. Bulle did not look up. but she felt the .... .... ' ' presence, as Utchard Marey came up and was introduced to little Jenny', old school-1 mate. Then, us be held out hi. hand, she raised her - ve. aud Uid her tinv nalm in raised her eyes, aud laid her tiny palm iu ins, nuu sam : ' I think w had btter rectify that mis take about the travelliug-kigs, Mr. Mar cy 1' 4 Good heaven, Jenny,' said Dick Marc', 'why didn't you tell me that your frieud Belle was my 'Angel of Mercy '" 4 Because I didn't know till last ni?ht, and then Hclle made mo promise not it) tell. And besides, you didu't want to meet the freckled schou'l-girl till it was positively ne cessary,' re'.artied Jenuy, mischievously. It would be hard to say which of the "four that made Jenny's bridal party Mas the happiest that day. Dick did not go to Taris that winter. He found that .St. Louis contained more at tractions than any foreign city. But the next fall will see Dick nnd Belle on their weddinz tour, nnd he vows be will have the two old romantic travelling-! bags brushed up for the occasion. Dr. Towncnd, who is to go alorg, says he knew the minute he Saw that gitl she would one day be Angelica Marcy, as he 'felt it in the air.' $n$ccIIitncos. A Strange tat. Pat Maloney, belter known by the name of Father l'at, on returning from work, u evening, was met at the ",aie by JMddy, his better half, in a high state of excitement. 'l'at,' says she, 'there's a strange cat iu the cabin. ' iJast her out, thin ; don't bo botlnrin' me about the baste. 'r'aith, an' I've been strivin' to do that for the matter of tin minils past, but she is beyaut my reach, behind the big red chiBt iu the corner. Will yez be after helpiu' me to drive her out, l'at ? 'To be sure I will : bad luck to tha coi sate she has for me house. ."S'uvv her to me, Biddy, till 1 teach her the respect that's due to a man in his own house to be takin' possession without so much as by your lave the Ihaifof the world 1' Now, Pat had a special antipathy to cats, nnd never let puss an opportunity to kill one. This he resolved to do ia tha present cae, aud instantly formed a plan for the purpose. JVrcuivin;; but one way of egress for the animal, he says to Jhddy : 'ilavc yez iver a male-bag in the hous, nic darliut '(' 'l-iivd a one is there, Pat. Ye took it to the mill wid yez to bring home Burnt chips this morning.' Taiil), an' I did, and there it is yot, thin. An' have you nothiu' at all iu the house that will tie up like a ha1;, Kiddy '1" 'Troth au' have, l'at. There's me Sunday petticoat ! ye can dro w the strings up close al the top, v.vd r ere it will be bet ter lor letti'i timt '-M lav.u' ye.' 'Kiddy, dii'l'M, ye're a jewel after bruv'iu' il to toe it waust.' juit be Kiddy brought the garment, fnd sure wiioiigh it made a good substitute for a bag. l'at declared at a glance that it was ',1 legaut.' Si, lmldipg it close against the edge of the chest, he took a look tchiud, aud aaw pair of eyes glaring at lain. 'An' ii is there ye arc, ye divll ? Ke ont o' that now, bad luck lo yiz, ye tlutviu' vagabi'iiH. Ik; dad. au' je won't lave w ith 1 petiile aiiiu- ei-elf ill bate the jugs in lii'ely. iHtdily, have vi T. any hot w.ilher V 'Sure I ve the ioil u' a lay kettle, au nil a bilin', l'at.' Is.-alt. i cast in' t I.e mailer of a (mart thin, behind ll.e ihikl, Ulld we'll wi how iho Urt'-le lunula the like i' ' llould close thin, luru gia'a the ktratuiu' hoi waiher.' .So oayiug, dash went tha waler, and out eaii.e the annua! mlo Pat's trap. 'An.ili, the holy poker, 1 li ivn hit') now, Uiddv. It ia tune live, ye Uiste V W ell now be axin n-e pf-b-". tor all the ihaviu' ye've ls.'eii iloiu' ii- my hoiue, or it's limn live will not sa o e. I'.s.lih, aiie hould o' lb" aer, mil v olt I In.lil ilel' the bag, jil w luu k thu ri.e"gl.l eui o' tin: bay llllll ill Vll ilttU'i lv' l'at I llfi W tlie bundle oli'l' h kli nlul, r, and I Wiii) U ut k I'.lioitl ll.ltil llni lo l'ie til I.e i.l hi IVtM' k' llil) III tli Molliilij,' Wbell sllf ::'dii I.l) klopprtl. Wlml tiriiUko pi in', l'at? Vms) it's litkiti' il t I Ii of inu ah Him power of it. nil ni;.i linn , Put ! n't il.u divil y in in the .41 k !' 'Kale I. uu, ll.iu - L4I11 tha hoi is oil!' 'I'm In. nl. n', ia.t It. 111 1 rl if, I'.tt. 'tk li, iiiiuiliui 1 luuiiliiir ! Kid. I) XI 4 toiiiy I. n Nu doiit! r V..11 vu w.tit and n.i.lakiii it li. iubiu I..11 mil. tainii i ll " po!t cal l r 'i'ul, lot' lliu I .so u' me. if yoii rt Vll... Ill lo lUu il .or. tun f io It. lot Coll. I pi 1 1. lit iiilirily. 'tilt, . il.. in , 1 1 .a I mi )i 'iouli I. 41V I. II oul.l lii i.iu l In U' smolliiud kl-4 liiuill.uiid 111 lb. Ma) !' I 4. tli, I I'm liliii ii.iaoi lal lb divil IhiiimII, hi. 1101n.1l 11m h iuw, at. 4 ft.ll lli.lilt, ai, put 11.0 out of a I .' wid Itie llu till. I Ul, U l.illlll.UII'l UtsM !' ll) of kh.Liii and k.ouiii. atJ k. 10 ij, a ml I'm ol Kid I) ' ltl l In H4l Ull-ll 1 iliU kloUI. o 4 li ul lo.., II. .I.. llw St Utlkl'l I " I. ,1.1 4,4111. K it ln-l a till... In nit. iiitli.J l- k pia. . II ll.s i., 4 lid In 1 1 lit I of lit .t tn( ...J "llli l.ltf.u I..-..I lb lain ul lilJl, 'lllll1vi4l ' ' H ' i i . I I l 'IU kit I I lo,. 1 ml, Wis I m.r 1 kti.4 . "4 kUl kvau. a4 I.. -t" ICa" lul 4 tell H Kan. la4 IW Mines uriua; 1H70. The Pottsville Alutera' Journal of the 21st gives detailed statement of the disas ters in the coal-mining regions of the !?t:it9 during the year 1870. from which we ex- tract the following trufitifiri Ihiiii a .. n nuiuF .mini iiii. n Schuylkill county at least. In 10'J thu mine inspector wasannointed for tho lirst time, under the act that passed j nt the session of lSi;t. Hu commenced his duties April 1, lStiD, and for the nine i months ending December 31, lfM, there were .07 deaths in the mines, and 'Jl persons , were injured, which whs at the rale of abort one death for 07,800 tons mined, nnd 42, 4U'J for every person injured. Making tho same ratio comparison for the whole pro duct that year, it would have give'n 7J deaths and 115 persons injured. During lh70, the year" iust closed, the onn'ntn , "t n DW8bor ?vf SW,t0Bfs ,' 1 ''"J.""11 "ty-i one-lilll of the Iiroduct of the fu product of coal fell off in the neighborhood near- former year yet the number of deaths and nlsd other casualties have been largely ou the lucreuse in into. Iu the following couuties, comprising the three districts, the denths and other casu alties iu 1S7U were as follows : KilUJ. luj'J. W'iilcwi. BeboTlk!!!.. 115 24 7K 7 1 1 81 trt Kt ' J53 NorfheMibsr.aud Colu mi bia Dauphin 83 t I m 1 U4 Totsl.. Of the injured 34 subsequently died within the year. To show "the terribly demoralizing effect of long suspensions, it will be observed that no less than &7 deaths and 135 other casu alties (nearly rrie-lmlf) oceurrod in August, .September, and October, tho three months after the resumption ot work, and those who unnecessarily caused this sustiension are responsible, to a grent extent, lor this immense slaughter of rmd the. maiming of human beings. The largest number of deaths arc caused by fulls of coal and rocks, while the number of deaths by exploisioa of c;a w ere only six, but the number injur ?d by there uxplonions are Rref-ter than from any other cause. The falltag of two cages by the breaking of chains, etc., bellied no lew than Tti persons, while 1(J others I perished at d-itlerent times from the tamo . causes. I The number of persons killed in tha ' Southern Lehigh district, emhraoirjg part I of Luzerne and Carbon coVtntie, vra j but ; V, the cumber injured being 2(5 a total of i 33. These figures include tho period from July l'. to December 31. As the quantity I of coal mined, sent to market, and eonttum- ed in that district after July ltl was in tha I ueihbothood of 2,0(JJ,0Ul) tons, it would : give one death to ,S3,0U0 tons mined, and 1 about 70,000 for each oie injured. What J a contrast with Schuylkill :o'.mty, whera ! one person wf. killed in 1S70 to 35,'jUO J tous, and one injured for tvery 10,000 tous I mined I ! The number killed during tho amo ', period in the middle district of Luzerno ' county was 20, and tho number injured I a total of vM. Tive of those eivec as injured have since died, thereby increasing the number of killed to 2."). and decrea'trp tbc number of injured to 43. As v;o Ttf.'-o no returns of the product of the separate colleries em braced in thii district, we can tnake 110 comparison wi'h tho other?, but as tho pro duct would reach nearly 2,000,000 tons, it would give one death for each 100,000 tons mined aud 4-',0i0 tons for each casualty. W oiuniiliiif'K. Once it v i cotv. kk-red aj ai' c?rert;al of wouunl'TC":! that t womf.'j ihonld be a good hotifie-niiitress, n judicious dispenser of the income, a careful guide to her ser vantsa good nianiiger ucinraliy. lS'ow practical housekeeping is a deiirMatio ; uii ui ai ntMini nit 'inB ut .,1 i iiiw ; un,j u,c. R.e h0U whieli disdains the dwtaili of housekeeping yeurns for the employment of an actuary, ol 11 law clerk, ol 11 banker's clerk. Making pill1, n he!.1, t-3 1e a nobler employ than making pudding. Kul the oddi st part of the prcsout odd statu of thim.'S is the curious i.liudness of woman to w hat is most beautiful iu them selves. And, oiant i.g, tm, that the world has twined no far upside dow1: that the one ki x does not niTe to pWse t'it! oth er, still there is a good uf itself in beauty, wh'eh 'otti.' o our modern women seem io overlook. And fall kinds of beauty, that whieh is included iu what we mean by wo maiiliiuks is the y;rcu"t mil tho most beautiful. Her soul is not given up ti r.bbor.s; bu. neither is fcho indali rent to externals, aud to diets nt'ioiio t.ii. .si.o knows that .:.rt of 4ier i. uuial mission is to loiao and be charming, and she knows that dre.s kits her oil', and lint men lee I more eulhu ciartteallv towtinU her whin she look '.ii-i-h and pretty than when she m dowdy Mid a MgM ; nnd, U-ing T,oiiiimly, kl.u bk.s the itdtiiiratioii i t ie.ii, and thinks ilu irlom u U tii r thing than I f.'-indif-li'iviief. It the I-Wen men, aim lovi ihd iln n, nnd tha . not in l r her miat rics wbell fi tei-d lo hate ll.eiil aiiotll her. ha kiio.1. tlmt ahe was ili,Mnd by liod and X ilure for a uioiher-ki nt into Urn world f .r ibiil puip. M-iiniiti'y ; and ahu knows tlmt iii.ileiinly mean, iimiu tlum 01 i;!i tug 1 1 If, i.l l.k' leaim it lo C'l.fis to pleat l ie. Mi" hit, no In W -I'hligli d llotlol.S uboill tlie ailin.lil 1 li.ilai l. r ol liiollu t li.a.d, i'' sl.otii tin, di.ta.lii.f 1 l aia. t. r ol liou Vn i'k I'n '.tv, il.o lliink a populous an. I t.ipi y i.uiiiiy ono ol il.a 11 ait-. t bli ...ns ol In r alnli , and sl.o put In r pi. -Ill III III'.' I I let', nrtji'iiti, lliu eolli . M, ilioiu'liiiiiliu.s, and Uituiv of b' I l.oll.u. Ml, d a'S not w.ici to 4pa tU until 1,1.1 . sl.u iai i.rttr po.a. ... Vim rmer .it:n..ii.- I .In nut il..i.k I lie if Ik an l.uiiilrvili 1 art 1! l'iioli luna iikfl krl"'ri'U as lis la'.ualW il.lia would k.'viu lo f ni.iiu u l. 1 kin n t l Uolli. IU41 Inii-ms kioiuai Uu ;M!i lu, at - at slurf I., iit-i . I .l a r.t rv us )suiu. a all k ln'4 ll tl 'I it i.i tl M t. . Hi. attain, aui I l.avo imi duLl ! il it a i g4 I .i sei4l, if lakin iss'U ai i ll.ita lun.s a dy, and al Ua4t I141I a al a l-u-a ll tt.i aat iatad tu uu- li ut hula s-iUr, ui no .1U1 at a t. II is io-1 !!p!tM!.i, nut t m u K.iiift at. (iiti.'ii4 lo il, a i. wuui4 laihur tli.i'k Ik li.ta li-i puia air. t ul baalaluill la K Uti mi t I a f uksil. ll aid I 1 III ll"Ol Uu I 111. u tilts, I I a ,.., .1 t-. ( a ..oil u 1 tiitaittt il a l.a.l 4.. I t 4 loi.k. 1 k..o , , V , ,k I... It li... ll U It a kt a ,,-.. . . .f tl w-s. tai at aui it. (. . -f -1.4 i. . . tti4t. kki iMiti. a a, Uiusf Ua er 'aW'ifa'as Wasaaa Ju (rA Tbo IliaaslerH In the Coal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers