I , . . ' . .. . . Btjjjsjtasatjataatnaaat'at o'ftjtoi'jtmjiinif mtmnnammmmmammmMm In TT UT T. TT H T7 .HH ttlE SUITOURY AMERICAN. in ptrpj.ifnrD tutoty satcrsay y .' " ElTIi WILVERT, fi-oprtotor, AD V EIlTISiiNG SCI1 El) u L Li 1 Llnwi, or abopt 1 00 Words, moko f, LVvtn,r9 MAfUiK'a m'lLtt!aS, MAItKflT HiUAKE, At 91.50 In Advance. It not within 0 Months AiA-i(in fan br Jew than tit ifmtht 1 Sq 3 Rq t Sql 4 Sq H1 S'wl'l col One wk i.uv .w a.su, ji.ua- o uo a.ixs!" fvj Two wakt 1.IS0 J.oo 8.ri i ih S.OOll.ixi.s y 8.50 4.50 5. tl.00 l.0t'. .fw, 4.60 6.5U B.OO 10.-JO j.t;'..f,j.r,'J 6.00 t.bO 7.iWia.lBjl7.0l...V 8.75 7.50 8.0'.t lS.'J0H.ts It! VJ 7.60 S.50 .0U 15.W '-O.OO. ;i . 8.00 9.5d 10.t.i'i0.(Kii!S.Ob Tbret 8.00 JL 1 0 Four " Fivt Khx Two roo't Three" Sir " Nine " Out Tear 1 .10 8.00 s. as viwrur Lint:r,TY CowwrcTim with thin establishment I on eKten IveNKW JOB OFFICE, contnlnluir a variety of plain and fuucy type equal to nny establishment K.60 ttalllVietl In 1 to. PBC i: 91 SO IX AI VANCE. SUNBURY, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1871. la tne intirioT ot the State, for wiucn ineputroti age ofthe public Is respectfully solicited. SlEj'liiJ1---...-. 1 1L-..J-L t New Ncric, Vol. 2, No. 41. f Old BoHcm, Vol. 31, Ko. 8. 5.0,1 tf.OOU OO.a.Ot V8.0Clri.tAi fr't-J 0.01) 10.00 1 3.00 15.01 ; 5.IH, -tR.t'.' TJ..-0 8.00 lU.uO 1 5.00 0.00; IO.OO0.M)' iub A WERTf!A-Ta (V3 U 11 DU1II . jr0fcssicmtl. JERKMI All NWIMIK, Attorney At Law, Sunbury, Pu. All professional btisl ntn Intrusted to Ills euro will receive prompt in tention In thin and adjoining counties. Can be consulted both In English ami (iirmnn. Alo, District Attorney of Northumberland eounty, AnK.S0,1870.-ly. J NO. A. wilsoiy, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Wo. 14 Fourth Ames, ftotary Public, Plttbnr)f, Pa. Jan. 15, 1870 ly. JO. MARKLR CO. Market Street, feUNBURY, PA. Dealert In Drug, Medicines, Paint, Oil, .Jlass, Varnishes, Llrpors, Tobacco, Clgnrt, 'Pocket Hooks, Dairies, Ac. . , , Cl f. Wfll.VI'.RTAV.. Alfrirnev at I,v Market Square, SUNBURY.PA. Profession - p y nuenaea 10. i TXt. A. It. KAVIflGF., respctf,illy an- f jLf nonnces himself as Fnyslclan and surgeon , to tne. cltiJrwsof Snnbiirynnd vicinity, having lo-i ea'cnnimselr permanently on .Market street, near y opposite the Fairmnunt Hotel, wheio he ca' be consulted nt all hours when not professional? engactid. apli!4-ly rpKKTII! TEETH! J. K. cnr.ssi.NU( X Surgeon Dentist, SL'SBURY, PA. Allwik carefully attended to and warrnnted. Amthnik ful to all for the kindness extended toward mo by tfivinsr me their patronage in the f't, aud hope a continuance and Increase of the sine. ti7 Office, lirtt door east of Adams' Etress Otllce. apll0'9 G. XV. KlKOIiER, Attorney at Law north side of Public Square, ono door fist of the old Bank building, SUNBURY, PA. collec tions and all professional business prom'tly at tended to iu the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. ytl5-fll) AM. BRICE, Attorney nt Law, Jimbury, Pa. OlH"e in corner room up tail's, of Haunt's New BuiMins, formerly occu ie l by 0. XV. Haunt, Esq. Collections of claims, writings, . and all kinds of leiral business a'tendrl to cre- fully and with dispatch. Ap.il 8,'70-ly CA. REIJIEXSNYDER, Luw, 8UNBURY. PA. All ittornoy at KisincsB en- tnisted to his care attended toproiajMy and with diligence. apl2"-G7 J NO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, SL'NBURY, PA. Collections and nllpro f rational business promptly attemlet to. incli31-C6 C. 1. BKUHER. L. H. KASE. BRUNEU & K ASF, AttoneTS nnd Cona sellors at Law, BUNBURY, PA. Office on Chestnut street, webt of the N. C. and P. fc E. Railroad Depot, iu the buildinj lately occupied by F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and all profess ional business promptly attendtd to la Northum berland and adjoining counties. apll0-UU s. b. naTKR. r. i. wolviktox BOYER & TYOLVEUTON, Attorneys at Ln-v, on second floor In Bright's new building, SUNBURY, PA. S B. Boyer and W. J. Wotverton respectfully anuounco that they have ottered Intoco partnership in the practice o Xheir profession in Northumberland and adjin ing coantics. Cousultutioua can be hii in the (ierman language. ap!t-H8 HR. MANSER, Attorney at Law, SUN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to in :ho counties of Norlhumberlatd, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. apllii-CO W1I. M. KOCKErELLEIt. LI.OYD T. 11011 It IliCH. ROCKEFELLER A ROIIRRACH, Attorneys ut Law, BL'NBURY, PA. Of Ec in llaupt's uew building, second lloor. En trauce on Market Square. Jun4 6S htsincss feurbs. VALENTINE DIETZ, Wholesale and Re tail dealer la every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, BUNBURY, PENN'A. (urrR wiunr.) ty Orders solieitei and filled with promptness and despatch. mavl2-60 OAL! COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., fchippert aud Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASn COAL, 6UNBURY, PA. (LOWER WHiKr.) VW Sole Agents, wtwtwurd, at the celebrated Henry Clay Coal. JanH) 00 S. KIIOADS, TT BBTAU. OEALRR Or ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Orric wtTB Hia, Taoelt A Co., Orders left at Seuslioltz t Bro's ..office Market Strcr-t, will receive prompt attention. Country eustom rsectfully soliciicj. Jan. 8, 1870. tf. JACOR MIIIPMAN, FIRE A LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, SUN BL'RY, PENN'A, Represents: Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurauce Co., York, Pa. i Cumber land Valley Mutual Protective Co. s New York Mutual Lli'e ; GiiarJ Life of Phila.,and Uartfurd, Couu., Ueueial Accident. DENTISTRY. CEOUGE M. BENN, In 8imj;ton,3 Jiuihliwj, Market Square, Scnbiht, Pa., IS prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on h.iud a large ussorimeat of Totlh, aud other Dental mateiial, from which he will be able to select, aud uieot tha wants of his customers. AH woik w.ii rioted to give satisfaction, or tit ths money refunded. The very best MoulU Wash aud Tooth-Powders kept o'u h in t. li t loureucea are the numerous patrons for hum be has worked for the lust iwslva years. S'mu.u r, April ai, lia. NEW COAL YAUD. rtUE un ierslju I having eo'ineclsd the Coal 1 b.isins.s wiui limii.ii.ite FLC'L'R AURAIS trade, is pieparej to supply fauti.iM with lbs VfcRY UEST Or COAL, CIU.AP FOR CASH. Ill, fitnre sad Nut, eonst4utly bit baud. Grata tku iu oicLsucs for C4l. J. M. CADWALLADCR, Buaburf, J4D. 15, l7o. if. j a com kuii-KAX. monrsoa psaa. !, Lit ftutl AceiUeut INSURANCE AGENCY or niiiiMiiN jk iiinn, MARKET hill KIT, SUNUVUr, PA (.OMFAM1KH UKl'BESIMID. V. Aftl fl.lU.t.lil.;, AIS, 3,73.KM Eiilclpll, " SU.I...IIJI., Vm T'k, 6.1. ,u out a.ij.'iiO 1 l.kVi.UI 4,IJ 7.i,uJ k -4,tj 'lIB.l-t lM Kill j,it,i'M , !,- ! ad.iuii W 1 f, V.JIA) ....keieit'.Toi" H-iw.ve., L'K4.., I i...;i. uk, W-n. ,, II im, ' f rfk, ii ii"d, i:..ui4, .... " r,. u (., tik, '.. II.. i A Umieuli N.,. . u, X"( tU, k..,..k I M u' I ft, ...it i .. i u nUifK ALTiCil f t. ktsUt4Uf.tk ,l-it4l4t.tt.'i. IfVUUI'MHtUlltlMlt.Hl 1 M otclo tint fiestiumtnts. Y OOVKIt IMM M-., Third 8trect, nt the X. depot. SUNHUBY, PA., Wm. Mf.ksk, pro prior. Warm fne'als served up at oil hours. Kb, Fowls and Gume. Fresh Oysters con- ftiitly nn bund nnd snrved In every style. The be of wines lind liquors nt the Bar. rrninilic8 will be supplied with oyster d(ie up In nny style, by leaving orders nt the g iov.niu-iy. lESTAlltAXT A r.ATIXU HOUSE. g CHARLES ITZEL, Pkopbietob. Costnat Street, a few doors from the Depot. Bt'UBCHT, P., HAS open a Restaurant and Eatlite House, for the accommodation ofthe pulilic. Vitrin nirali can be hud all hours. All kinds of ranie, lisli, ve., served up at Bhort notice, mi )p air.; ip.ired to please, nml terms moderate, ii Is suppii.'d with the b(stliiUor in in irket. Ho NATIONAL LAUKK ItEICR SALOON, OK TUIKD STI1K.F-T, NB.1R THS CBrOT, SrXISCRY, PA. JOSEPH BACHER informs the cltiiens of Suu burv nnd the public generallv, that he has opened n LAGER BEER SALOON ut the above place. The best of Lnger Beer, and Malt Llquora will be kept. Also Oysters, Ac., constantly serv ed up to customers. RATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS h'd County, Pa., ut the Station ofthe N R. V. Choice wines and cigars at the bur. The table if supplied with the beet the market affords. Good btabling and attentive ostlers. A1 LLEtMHENY'HOrsE, Col. CIIAS. KLECKNEK. Paonri tor. Nob. hlJ nnd 114 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, fi per day. He respectfully solicits your patronage. PACIFIC HOTEL, WILLIAM ENGLK M AN, Proprietor, Front Street, between Chestnut and Walnut Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sept. '4, 1S7U. ly. T W AS1IINGTON HOL'SE, C. NEFF, Proprietor, Corner of Market & Second Streets, opposite tha Court House, Sunbury, Pa. Mayi!8,'70. OTEL sfc R EST A I; R ANT, THOMAS A. II ALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., west 8HAM0KIN, PNN'A. Meals served at all hours, ut short notice. The best of Liquors ut the Bur. The Table Is tup plied with the bast and lutes', in the markets. At tentive servants. T ran moderate. Putrauuge solicited. HL'M MEL'S RESTAf'RANT, LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAM0K1N, PENN'A. Having just relilted the above Saloon for the accomodation of the public, is now prepared t servt '.lis friends with the best lefreshments, aud fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quors. ST. JAMES HOTEL, Corner of Pennsylvania Ave. and 6th streets Washington, D. C, IS located within a few square of t4e United States Capitol and other public buildings, bireet cars pass the Hotel every three minutes. A Hotel, Restaurant, nnd other modern improve ments have lately been added, making this one of the most pleasant and attractive Hotels iu Washington. GEO. W. BUNKER &.CO. Oct. 8, 1878.-OHI. Proprintors KKfiT A L' R A X T, LEWIS MARKWOItTlI, Proprietor, 6HAM0KIN, PENN'A. The bast BEER and all kinds of Mall Liquors on Tap. Cull aud be refreshed. Aug. 27, 187U. LACKAWANNA VALLEY HOL'SE, E. B. BURN II AM, Proprietor, Corner Lacka wanna nnd Franklin Avouues, Scrnutou, Pa., op posite Delaware, Lackawauna te Western Depot. Free carriages to couvey puetts to nnd from Depot. Mar, iip. '70.-ly. J. VALER'S WINTER GARDEN AND HOTEL' iTot. 720, 723, 734 & 727 Tins St., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GARDEN HOTEL, (O TrtE El'KOrEAtt TLAK) Centrally locute.1, connecting with all tha City Passenger Railway Cars, from all the Depots in the City. . Excellent Aceominodatloas for Tra vellera. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every evening In the Summer and Winter Gardeo. ESrOrchttirian Concert Evry Afttrnoon.fSt fl!E LADIES' KESTAUnANT TUE BEST Of RKFKESI1MENTS SBUVf.D. Office of J. Valer'a Fouutaiu Park Brewery. June 4, 1870. -ly. LIQUOR store: CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, oppoul the Court House, BUX BUUY, PA., Kcpectfuily invites the attention of Retailers and others, that be has on hand, and will con- stautlv keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, I Consisting of pure Brandies; Cogniac, Cherry, I Ginger, UocfcUe and Otarit. i Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-'lstllled, Monn. I guhela, Apple aud Nectar. I PURE HOLLAND GIN ! I TVlnesi Chanipagna Wine, iherry, Tort and I Caret. j Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. . Ruin, Brown 'lout and Keoieb Ale. bTu.MACH AND BAR BITTERS, I And all others Liquors which can be found in i the city market, which will he sold ut Whole sale aud lUtuil. Every urticla guaranteed as I leprrsented. Also, a large lot of DfcMiJUil.S'B ! and HOT TLF.f, alwavs uu lii.n.1. tff Ordeis proinpt:j attruded n, and yabllc patronage iriptciful'.y toUclted r F.rr. Sunbury, July (, 1WJ. .y. ax. j .. i '. yf ', it H iniMVAtlE HiOItt, J. II. Cttulejr, cV t o. MARKET STREET, SL'NUUUV, FA., HAS rteeifed a new assortnieni if all kinds of ILirdwaie, Cutlaiy, Mavltauica' Tools. Ac., ui a.l tlaseiipliou,. A .u Wafuu Makii'e Mate rials, Uab, Runs, Sioket. A so, all ktudt of Leather lur Sliixuiuksl ' and baddler't. Evl. tuiutf l the lUitwrfi liueeuu be found which will be sold as lc a (an bs UiuiiUt ol auy wlur (ibiuhaiui UUtevautiy. tail u4 Umr stuck. luxury, Dm. il, 1WJ. HOOT AND SHOE MAM'f AC II KIR. rpiiC tv.d...ikr1 Lnt nti skep L 1 k '. 1 4 iiw'.. L i u,H.ie tut iealial ll.'l.l, It kisi.i,l l - u .e4iktuit all kluds of HoOtl AMI lltOCt Iu .1 tt'.t style. Hit ihS i nl tUt it List 4ujuy it b inikl. lUviuu Uwt tut Mias.l pn'liou nt b itAdy Iwa4t t'Wk "I ' lte tilt, kt il. bt'fUM txuU-it kl'i;.r lit ul, l' ljimUrt4.iw(( Iu pub i tie iultt4 t' J ti-4 4lt I'-i H I ,414 I b,l Sv,ll..l.t. Tti.bi itvfx.eb.t- tfont tl tktj't Hf. HuXKMIIMIl. Oil LOlll .hi f iii.ii, a k.i.trtl tsMl. i.l it Mm, 4 U.i 'i'i. ' A , t'i Moii..H ( fitul't f4l t.ii. 6l.Mtlnti'i, !- A - 4wll4.t l.-4t. ,4 i tl mrms H- Jlclu J,bbcrtiGcmcnts. TIME IS MONEY t ! ALL Wall Paper nnd Border, sold by mc wil be trimmed ready for use, j ' "WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, i t t:ib j YEOMAN'S WALL TAPER TRIMMER.' ' which I have the exel tsivt ritht to nse in Suubur'' and vicinity. Save money, time and labor, by buying of W. FEKREE LIGHTNEK, Dcalc. 'iu Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, .to., Ac.,' Ac. Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality. Blank, Memorandum &. l'uss Hook in endless variety, Just received. BOOK BINDING done to order. Persons will save expense by leaving their orders lor binding with mo. PICTURE FIMJH1S of all siies. cut from the Moulding at very low rates. OVAL Jb SQUARE FRAM ES always on hand. ALBUMS, BRACKETS, GOLD TEX 3, A large and well eel-etcd stock of Toys alwny on haud. Anything n..t on hand promptly ot dcrcd. Bugains for cai-.h. Call at N. FEKREE LIGl'TNEH'S Book Store, Sign of Foley's Gold Pen, Market Square, bur bury, Ta. Siitibury, August Gib, 1870. LADIES' FANCY FURS! JOHN FA RE I R A, 71S Arch Street, Middle of t tic Block, between 7th and Sth Streets, S iiith Side, PHILADELPHIA, Importer, Manufacturer aud Dealer In all 'kinds osd quality of FANCY FURS For Ladies' and Children's Wear. raving eniartroi, remodeled nr.d Improved my WiU llll'l IrtmiUOIB KOOWn 1' 1. I. I . .1 I I W . and having imported a very ):rr and spleiiflld assortment of nil thedilTerent kinds or Furs f. in first h inds in Europe, and l.a'.'e hr.il them made up by tl:e most sliiill'ul voiUir.er. 1 would res. pect fully invite my friund.H of NoilhumlM-riund and adjacent counties, to call and examine mv very large and beautiful nssnr'-incnt of Fancy Furs, toi Ladies und Chiliren. 1 am det.'raiio" I to sell ut as low prices as any other le-pe. taiile House in the city. All Furs warranted. No misrepresentations to ell'cet sales. JOHN FARF.IRA, 713 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Or.. C3, lSTO-atn. FASH ION Alt LF, MILLINERY. FALL AND WINTER STYLES. MISS L. KHISSLEK, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA. ITerlfirtre nssortment of MILLINERY GOODS. x-w.-n ims a.u i Ribiions. Feathehs. Flowkp.s. Lacks. ! HAT AND BONNET FRAMES, A l.ii'L'0 variety of ti'mmel nnd iintriinmrd Huts, Ladies' and children's Hosiery, lu-m-stitelie l luce and iinen HandUe--ciiiefs,"ki 1 an I us.e uiovet, Lorsets, dr.;s. .nitons, guipure lacus, fringes, ladies' necklien, ,.ud f.uicv I il-l'ons for bows au i r isl.es, iu re.it .'.nletv Ileal and imitation hair chignons, frires, curis aud swit es. A Jorge assortment of SUFL-ER PATTERNS, Zephyrs, Ubrsantown W'o.tX., &c. An tirllcB variety of Notlout and goods usually kej't iu a first class millinery store. Guns' Collars, Cutl'a, Neektiisj Ilai JUer chiefs, Thecitinsof buiibun' und vicinity, irenei :'.lly are invited to tali aud ke this spleu.ii 1 a.-, 'i t lueut. L. 'SIIISSLER. Suuhury, Oct. 20, 16T0. I'KICES UEIIUCEO. E00TS AND SHOES Manufac tured to oidtr at GLEATLV REDUCED Pl'.lcrjS. joiiv lriLVEi:, Npuce Ktrct, ISsmbjiry, rt'iin'n, RE&PECTFL'LLT Itfnrmt l,i old custoin.-rs tind tin-cil, geee.' .ill'. , that he is in. IH..I1H f.icturi ig HOC 1 S A ti 110 KS nt the ioll.iw In; rates, undo up of tl.e UV. U'a'.cri.il, vix : Calf Skin (pegirr I) Boon, S7.5!) ' ' (Stftrd) " .!-. FreurhCalf " " ..! Women's ihoes (Calf or Mtroceo), M.tH C'hi.drcu't b'K es trotn Oi) rlt. lo 1.51) net ol diui( to tiie, Ail Wuik wair.intel. TLl'.MJ 6TRICTLT CAbfl. TU pilot of itpalrlu are alt-, re lues I JOHN Vt.J.Vl tt. ui:! H'j, Ja y , ISfl. J. W. WASHINGTON'S cuand n iituuu ftiioiv Tht o'd perp.aliiut shop bf l!:J lilt. II. V,'. . I .,,. I, l,iii il,, lni" I., oc t'iB-l ll' thai tlx illici t li'ulli Ut,.dj ' : -i-b ) t"ltvu lll.oUl in tulle.lillg uu uncollll "IU bl aiioiiu t of ijuliy una miil.HU'.l. J l.l 1.,-ui) M'.Ot 1 toy l.,i.l .. fun HI I I 111. i ...x. l..,lf my III. i, uiu II,, i. to t i.t, bust I tl s' t u j ..,o ', i).j,r ol i .i .1. , - t-Jf !lt .1 ,),4 . I lll.UI all.'l l.lfcl, .M. I .. I .1. I lb U.i p t,ue y:t.t...nj slul, au I uaiiei ... tUl'ts I ti iii'i iii'l by l it .nll;iy I .I l "I tb.t ntllul pllul l.4i. 1 ,U ivt I ut ! .i.i). bi.lt IU lie i ,.u..'. y ( ill l'ii.uu p. ii to.. , ) and lo l, lut 'wl.U' U.K. ..I a P.iti.i ,.l.., ,) tbiii i,.ti lo our p.J.oas wid aiol il..,l it,' ait !' IV to iluii li.t.u 1 114 iu ILua u-i. otd !l i Itu , I lll.l.S o. Ii'"!). '.v. lu Dkuw (UU I !ft, jt4 iH IM ! 1,'lt H..K- f -i t iuil i w.o t , Ion I... ii ii aiuo.o u, in h ,t j., l.4ir 141 o , ..... m .-. V I. !,.. I V I. ! I'Wl .'US, VU HU .1. I ..I I.... H.t U i ts.'l t.i.-iU' iki.i, U U.s " .i r fa..'' u( -ill ;,n si (4 sail miluiuvl. Us ... I', I li-. , ut i. V tt t i. i t"j', I t- I -.1 oxi tU-'f lo gl sbatvd uu i It' l- ( .l U.iuj., i4 ;( , i it m we i'-s i (si J Im. I 1 lll.l.l.lia 4.J4.I I 1" list .-. U I I t l.u4. t I Htt it w ' (MS i, aa flWffl tlctt Jioctrji. IN WINTER. The snow hides t lie Held tind hill, And gathers In the wood ) Tin; laud, at winter's w ill, . Is made a solitude ( The stream forget th. ir speech, the winds ure grown nioro rude. These ways I loved so well Ilavo lost th. ir summer cheer, And naught is left to tell Of day that were so dear, Savo happy evergreens that gladden all the year. For summer's wealth ot shade, j For bloom and warmth and sernt, For sights nnd sounds t hut made, The eye an I ear c nt nt, Fulfilling all we dcriiied spring's prophecies had meant. We have the nuke'1 lj;h, Thin shadows on tin- -now, Clear skies that ilisaili.w Their nurh'tit tender ulow. Pale sunbeams lilic the ghosts ol those we n.ed t. know. And thoe soft winds arc tone That cheered tile wayward spiing, And lintuie is forlorn For the birds have laker wing, And brook and Imcze and bee have dojic their go.-sipping. Forlorn and yet more grand, In her stern purity, Than when the mei'iy land Laughed out from grass, ird tree ; She buries her eld loves, and waits for what Rhuil be. She waits the slow Increase That former years have lent j She keeps u wondrous peace Beyond all aceH' nt, Aud in her changing moods there is no discon tent. THE CUKSE OF tilSlt'lCXX:. You see then- v:ts wanst R iHif't'-j daeenl hoy failed Kblto'ie and not u, eoinplati f I'hnp was in hevi ii paii.shes nor hkiaell aft' iur diitikiti' or euuitiu', (niul Ly Ihc tame token he. was a duriin' aimnn the girls, ho was bo howld,) or euiletii', or ruimin', or wrastliu', or tlx: liUo. ' that, uouu could come Lear him ; aud ut ;ut thern, or fair, or the dance, or the. wake, Kishogue was Hie (lower ot the (lock. Well, to be sure, Hie gititleii e.i iv the country did not belove hjui.-tu well us his own soil that is the elderly ginlleuieu, tot as to the youu squiivs, hy gov, they loved Dtui like one ol tluanselvi s, anil heiu r ul niost, for they knew well that Kisiiogue was the hoy to put them up to till soi ls and sizes of diviliniiit and divatshuu, and that was all (hey wanted hut the stiuldy (sjcuily) ii.illeiiKii, the responsible people like, f'ldin ;ive in to liis ways at all- aud, iu tit.'.!', tiuy used to h.; llunkin' that if irisliouu was out ol' the eouulhry, body and holies, that -the '.ounlliry wounl not he the worse iv it h: the lale, aud tlial the trout aud salmon would Uue mi aisier lite. But they couldn't grt L'o huiMlot him, good or had. In' he was elite as a lot and I he re wast jiieh thiiy as gelling him at an mob. i..l, at all, i'U' he w;.s hUe .: weasel almost ubUcp with his i'e:i open. Well, that's the way it was for many a long ila), iinlii, as hail lin k '.voiul have it, ho niti'.le a iiiislake one uiglil, as the Blory goes, and, hj llad, how lie coiiui ni 'ke Hie siiiiie uiistaki: was lu-vtr claired up. hat t in' llit'i. Hie nighl w;is nark, of I'wt Kisho-ue l'"d n ilhriip ' dviiik in him ; hut it Mas mail"-, tind tht't waslhe niislake, you see, tint L lie cotisaived he had sieti his own mare Irespassiu' on the lean's I 'fid by the road s de and so, with that, l,u lotelud ihe uiaie that is, l he mate to all u pp. malice, but il was not ins own mare, but tne sipuiv s Horse, wintii tie luui tuk lor liisowu maiv, nil Hi a niisiuUe, uud lio ilmugiit iliul she had sit ".yeU away, and uot tikiu' t see in batie uvspasMU' on aiioiher man's lieltl, what does lie do hut he (llii ives home the liuise in a misiaki', you see, and how lie could do Hie like is hard to say. except that the iiinlil was dark, as I said helote. or tl:tt he laid a tlhl'op ti o niUi.ll ill ; but, i liiiWMiiuui'vr, l!ie mislake was made, and ' a soie in. slake it win for pour Kishr'Ue, for he never I'l'tsaiveu it ill, Uliili Ihtee i.is ii 1 1 In r, w I vii tii,: puiibiiiaa Ueiu to ' ii i ' ii ami lou ld iiiia hu siiotiiU gu aiou , with bin!. ! " J'oi w hat V" says Kishoguo. i ''Oh, you're uiijiiiij uitiuteni ," says the ! po'iMii.iu. ! " Turtle for yon, sir," says Kishogue, I as quite (qiutus u child. "And wiiere are f'."l j.'. iiti' to take toe, tiuiy I make ! I.M.v.il to ax. sir i 'l'o j ul," s.is the peeler. I' or what For i.ie.ii.i: ' says K.ste.giio. lli'j eqaiie'a noise,' says the pee.-, r. " Its the first I heard of.," fays Kish ogtle. " Troth, Ihen, il won't be the last von ; hear d n," saj s the oilier. ! " Why, tare-.in-o'.ius, sure it's no hoose I htval.iir l ira man lo drive home I. is oivn , mare," sa s Kishogue. I " No," b.iya Hie peeler, " but it's btll' : glai toti t i in mm Hit auollier m iu'a : l..r.M'," says he. ' " Kat sposiu' 'twas a misiaku," siys 1 Kislior:ue. i J 1 gor, it'il he a dear mistake I you," J fciiys Hie pohiaiian. i "1 hat's a poof e. ...e," says Kish.'UC. j Bul lucre iv as no tint iii i.ilkiu' : he I uiiglil us well hav lu ll u hislliu jijb to a , mill lolie us bllilivin lo inveigle poll.,. I til. ,11, IMld (he id of il w.is 'hat ho W.l ! t hie.';', d to match oil to and there ho i lay in hn. .ion. like 1 .'-! Waul a pi,', ' muni ll'-i 'sie.. ki in on, and Kolio.iu, I ymi see, hi'.i g ul a high spiiil, dul not til.e ! 'lie nil I ul Ih iu' und. i a i ,,,iiii,lln. at lo Ihe 'km; lor Ids fslgiu. 1 nidi , to a i lup I. :i, t! il n us, to gmli lU'Oiod , li't' U. lid l-il poi, the lhoii;i t, of i ii ' llo.'lll. Ill w, it . io n tiler I'l'iil.igu Us, ll' ,' liuleeil, bin lilt lets t !i.,'i "l ,.( lo lo, ike il at il -. . a I - - at liny mi ! (- nHll ', ,, III S L infill) lx I' ll d ill Hu l ollllt. ) , nod tit.) w . noiii in tie him iiioioi:', ii h.ii iiii.l in :l.t ; ti iilt in y ii I thu tiiiiikt a bli) hie, 1. Hill' lilt in i and out, I"! Hit 'V wor tii.iiiu und oi'M moiu li l-o Mulll- u,i Id lilk. 1, U 1 1', ill k lyth ll... ki lo till, Mild l'o 'll til. I (he tin lilt), and Ihti Iddfttt und .1 w jot ) , ti.'i H.t. llJ, .m , ull lllilet .1 t I It il UoihiU' hut H ; 'tout ll llttl. .11. I Willi H. ul Kil.ouu 4. tit: li si lb it wit put ou In'. I r ii t k it ... ii' 4 tt d.:it r l uoisj I. ,i.'iil iti t i si ii,. I I i i tu t Ii '. s-, I I l. y u;i.u, It luittu .in kit.ii.ip.o lo I Uo .ll.il. I), mid l.tl W.l li t I l I.....I l.tl ! I I. Hid Ut I l.tl l"4i. (-11. I U Into t i I I 111 , Ik Of lilt II U I) I...I k. l.ll I' Kll1, H,. U.i ttti Imld It U l W4) d 14 U4 at a.i. but ' at UUl St I'i4. U , 1 ll.u, a H,ti 14 ' Uswdi itl i4 ,4 m ao4 sp taclt-8 ita up, .nnd lie rendu nnd rends Hint jou Hunk he'd never Imvo dmm ivHtlin' i nnd it was till ubout iisingue us wc lioei'd tifler hut could not niiiku tint at the tiine nml no wonder; nnd in truth Kish- (yuu never uono unit ut wiutt Hint dirly little nttortu'v wns readin' nhout him- barrin' h knew lies nhout him ; nnd Kitfh oguti himself, prior fellow, jjot freekened nt last, when he heertl him ynin' nn nt that rate about him, but ufther a bit he took heart nnd said : "By (his and hy that I never done the half o' that, nnyhow." " Silence in court !" anys the crier, put tin' him down thal-it-way. O, there's tif) Justice for n boy nt all. " Oh. murther," snys Ttishogue, " is n man's life to he aivorn away ufiher this manner, nn I he musn't npnko a word .5"' " Howld your Limine !" says my lord Ihc judge. A ml so after some more jab beriu'. ind gibberish, the little man in . spec tacles threw dow ii the paper, aud iibked Kishoiiuo if h(. was guilty or not gt'ilty. " 1 never done it, my lord,'' says Kisli- ogue. " Answer as you nre bid, sir," says the spectacle man. " i'tn innocent, my lord, siys Kishoguo. " Bad cess in ymi. can't you say w hat you're hid j"' sas my lord the judge. " Gnilly or n-t gui'lty ?" " Not guilty," says Kishogue. ' I don't believe you," says the judge. " Small blame to you," says Kishogue ; "you're paid for hanging people, and you must do something fur your wages." - " You've too much prate, sir," sas my lord. "Faix. then. I'm thinkin' it's yourself aim your lrienit, me iinnunian, will cure me o' that very soon," says Kishoguo. And true for him. faii'li, he was'tit far out in snyin' that same, for tiny mur Ihered him entirely. They brought a ter rible sight of witnesses against him, that swore uwiiy his life on the cross-cxamtna-lion altogether I seen, Oh, they swore the. Row Id witnesses that iie wouid swear a hole in nn iron pot nny day in the year. Not but that Kishogtte's friends d.ii'.e lhe.if duty by him. Oh, they slud by him lil.e ii'i'tt, a-.'d siyore a power for him, and they slhi't.',v ' o make .out a lullaby for Lint ; ma;. in' ",iy that sat::e Uhv'. was asleep iu another place nt the tin. e hut it wouldn't do, they couldn't tunke it pla'iii 1 to the judge find jury ; t'ti.i my poor Kbhogue was condimiied for to die ; and the judgij put on his black cap, and, indade, U was not beeomin! nnd discoursed the height of that he would swear a hole in an iron pot nny day in the vear. Not but that Kish- hne language, und gave Kitdioguc a power i u v gooti ttt'vice that ti, was mortal pity Kishoguo didn't get sooner, nnd the last words the judge said was, "The Lord have mercy on your sow!." " ThitTiU'ce, my lord," savs KLshngne, "though indeed it 'a few has luck of grace nller your jivae't's." And 'sure enough, fallh ; for the next Saturday Kishogue wns o'l-fed out to be hanged, nnd the streets H:irng4 which he was to pas:i was mighty throiije, ,r hi ihein das, yru w, the people used Jo ho hanged outside, cf lie.; towi, iin'. jVt all ns one is now, when we're - barged genteelly oot o' jail ; but in tllim days they 'did ma atliiid to the comforts of the penple at all, but put them into a carl, till as a cuftUirary pig goin' to market, and stravuiged thro' the town to the gallows, thai was a lv'.il mile beyant it ; but to be sine, when they came to the corner uv the cross-streets, where thu Widow Iloulaghati's puhliu hiiii'.e ' !'; then, afore them dirty swadiilors kuoLkud it djv. n and butt n iiieetin'-house theie, bad cess to them, sure they're spoilin divarshin wln't'ever they gowhen they keiu there, as I wns telliii voii, the proces- L ! I. I I , l". . . . . I .... 1 .. .Ill, .. ... ...... 3 -.toi.j.e .. loey na i a iniuiir j uiuiiiii ttliiu i.r: nil; u.lulBllill Ol 11. u prisoner, for to rise his heart, for w hat he was to go through ; for by nil accounts it is not plaziu' to be go!t!' to be hanged, sup posin' you liib. in a good cause itself, as my i uncle Jim tow Id me when he sutWcd lor killing the ganger, Wtll, you see, they alwa)s slopped '.en tniutilcs at the public house, not to hurry a man with his dritil:, and besidef, to give the prisoner an oppor tunity of saying, an odd Word or so to it friend in t!o ct'o.vd, to say mailing of its being n:ighty improvin' to the tliruig, to see u man lookin' pale, at the lliougi'a of deittli, and msy be an idiliealioti and u waniin' lo hiif th-H wan inclined tosthray. But however it frppenci!, am1 '.he like never happened a for or muo: ; but as bail I irk wood have it 'I .u day, the devil a fiddler was there when Kishoguo. druve up '.'i Ihe cart, no ways daunted at all ; bul the tiiinit the carl flopped ivlliu' he called out as stoat as a ram, " Mud me out Tun Riley," says be, "that he may rise my h.art with' the Rakes o' Mallow ;" lor he I was it Mallow m ill by all in counls. and mighty proud of hi town. Well, ol coorso I the (unit was led lo bo h"l, Ik'kase 'lint ! Riley was not (here, hut was lyiu' druiu ! ia.a ditch al the b.une lime comin' home i lioin conii ssioti, n:id when poor Kisliogne : held thai hu could not have his lavo'ite tune, it v.iut lo Ins heart to that degree I that he'd near no comfort in lite, and ho i Ini .l;on; tltirtve him ou, und put li.in oot ! , of pii.i! ;.t writ H. , ,, I " C)h, take ihe dhfii k, rtiy ho'v, noo'.,'' ; says tho Widdy I louialiau, who was tety i lendir-hearted, niul aiwins iittiiuhd the i?"iuj io iniiivi mil' -.ue i r.tilii'.ull) n an lliev iltd uuilel' live trade, diniiik herself, if he was i-v. f so gr.'lc a lu,j ivl.ni Hay itiipcilid lluir iloliis fliiu stiiiner ; hut il he was ever a friend ot Fuiaud. her t.w n, th.'M p every ful lo Hie gallows j Like f.tits toiiihlno thu Krowlh of her wi I bun and eU him Miller. Oh, slu. was I ,.(1t tl)Ullli ,( nit( luduslrti a, uud of a ilarliul ! Well-" Take ihu dhrinK, my 1 u i lariinu pi.ti.ti ly might 0c n'vtm. Kisliogne, my jewel," tay. .-.he, haudm' j lu iheir op. r.i.loii iheau poileut havs in linn a brave big mug o' mulled wine, i't f..r , tintiiiiil the t.ve of home, loan red nil lu a lord, bul ho n.iiildtri (on. a P, " Take I dutiu, and made lliu Ueriiniu K)op!s a it oui ..' my tlyhi,"ti) he, "tor my hniri c unpait, inieilijiiit, self-rwh.mt 4. id iuos it low bika-.e I'm" lldey de lived me, a ion , p, root ii.uioii. I es i O il lo illtt g uile like olio ol I lie l ake ol Mail w ! Take il otil o' my ai-ul," tut he, . iilliu' il uwav wid his hand, mid ttuu 'mat tho l '. W II (o lit' I tntiu hithogiiii wai tvtr v In e a tlhio.i o' drink, ii lid in in lu.1,,.1'1 el It. 'I tt w.it lliu ll...ll,o Ik. It'io il .ill) t - I HI o'. t r I uu. Will, uu iy Huy row ltd In Ihu liitllowt, wheio lllen wut lio delay III lliu fir thu , I. .oil. I , and Ihu ,l.i I ill iuketl I nil if he ii.ttl nii ihli.j lo say lk f..ti hit tnllt led but Kllioi;le Inoln I 4 Hunt to throw lo it d"4, and ol t.Milw hu wonldil I s.iy 4 wold land thuultl have Ila duo tiiit.wiiiie Upou III toll..' It. till, and li"lbllij Hl.ll IliUhl Uu ll.llid ol .ill lit! ll.rtll l,it lit w l.u UIM now luipl.n o.j, to lli.t 1 1'tol d I't o it 11 li.ilf ' sol, t ilv. 1 by ou i 1 adult autl lU'vuuUti IU,' i.tiion. o.,l.ti,l it ton; iliaaonoiiilnu 11L lot 011 1 a lu U.1.J tluar aid in tltu t.l4iliai. II Milt lo the lir..nu, l"f I Hi' y liiotiht hu d l.nik.1 ait III. jam dtllij tuttl ; .Hid llui piliillu it Ho If, und Hi" Unit. .11,41 1. 4l 1 Hid) I" Uku II dot ll io,l,lt U', und llu)i thou. l.l ll w4t4'lilw I'liu hitho,' ..ti lit ti. .it Hi. ill mil ol Hit if lioittat I v.. i.j iiku, b.. Ih. y uid I. on no tp.ia I t 4 I thai. I'.r Ih') lontiduiid lot h 4tl w.it Iw uu a i mil ul Ihu Uit.ip"iiiluiiiiu and hu 4 tu'k.u lauldjr p4 4, alii.u O.iy miu lU4l.li. 4 Uotltt.it HIT H I Ll -1 I KM I, Hid vd , Uu Ul aunlt l.t 4i4 to houavlf wt ' t u 1 sua ai 4 mm M lr a taw I ia luw bcknso Tim Riley dcaaived me. when I thtiuiilit ho wmtld rmc it. that 1 luitlit dio iiku ii iuu'.u O' iuanuw I ' Alia In make a lonx story short, my jewel, tliuy donu the husiness for him ; ii. whs soon over wid I linn ; il wns just one step wid him, ntl'the litu her into glory ; And to do hitu justice, iiiougn tie was lookin' pale, lie uteU bowid, nnd put his best leg foremost. Well, what should you think, but just n n'.l wa over wid him there was a shout outside o' the crowd, nnd a shillo that ye'l outside o' the crowd, niai think woulu split thuskv nnd whnt should no see jfiiiiopin' up to me gauowa nut a i leverseu irj-uay, ana Tor what causi '( man covered wid dust on a white horse, to j Simply those we have stated. The proUe all appearance, but it wasn't tt white horso ! lio" ofthe Zo'.lvercin, with tho iuteiligeiiii but a black horse, only white wid the foam I tnnt as a necessary sequence bus cotiie to he wns dhruv tu Lhtil degree, and the man tllu masses, from the wealth it hns hroupl.r, hadn't a breath to uluaw, and couklu'l i them, hits jilaced Germany to-day in ll.-j spake, but dhrcw a pivee of paper out of , lTJnt ra'ik of Eurnpenn imliona. the breast of his coal ud handed it to the ! 1'nu Trnde of Englaud, with ti e eheritf, and my jewel the sheriff grew as ! poverty aud i-uorauco it has brought U wb'e ns the paper i'.sjl.' w hen he t-lapt ' ,,c'r common peojile, hns so crippled her his eyes ou it : and mh he. "Cut him ! power that to-day. from be'mc the liist. ir: I dow-t), .iut him down this iniuute 1" says ue: anu tne uuiagoons maile a slash at luaueucu, anu Willi her tormer powerful the nieseotiger, but hu ducked his head and ' a ly is a terrible of their disastrous poliU sni'cuinvinted them. And then the sherilf , cal ccononiy, nnd while she yet hns mon shouted out, "Shtop, ye dirty villains, nnd ! the earnings of a former protective policy bad luck to ycz, ve'iuurtheriu vugabones." " lacks men, who have lieeu driven says he to the ooj as, "is it goiu' to luu'r- , '"roln l''-'r 'y freetrside, or cmnsculnted, ther ihe man, yez wor ? It isn't him at 1 Rm without them her riches are but a mill all 1 mean, but the man that's haugiti.' stone to sink her still lower in tho scale of Cut him down," sa he-: und they c ut : nations. him diwn, but it was no v.. it wiis all I These contracts are not the pictures of over wid poor Kishoguo : he v,va as dead funcy ; nnd while the solid victories of as small beer and us still as a crutch. ; Germany are the alid evidences of thu " Oh ! larc-an-nottiis," savs Ihe Sheriff, I health anil wisdom of her scheme of Eeono tarin' the hair oil' his head at tho same nlhe timidity, vacillation aud sellishnwii time wid fair rape, "isn't it a poor case ' of England, ntu Ihe portents of that cotivin;; lh.il he's dead, and here's a reprieve that's tr'al by which she will be compelled to au come lor him : bul, bad cess to him," says Vllur abandonment of her free trado, he, " it's his owu fault he wouldn't take theories and their disastrous results, or it may." 1 ; Ila murther, milla murther !" j j Widdy O'lloulaghan, in the , h ! Kishoguo, nn darliut, why ' " On ! mill: cried out the crowd. "Oh Kisho'-ue. nn darlint. whv uid you refuse my tutiiled wine "r" Oh 1 if lias so largely contributed to the growth ye'u stopped wid me to take your dhrop o' "". progress cl-the mechauica! arts makes diirink you'd be alive and merry now 1" I lllis question of froti". tiou to Home Indus So that's the niaynin' of the Curse of try as connected with this covntry of their Kishogue : tor, you see, Kishoguu was adoplion, and their f 'ture prosperity iu it hanged for leaving his liquor behind him. ,nt-' ofthe tirst imjio- tit;ev to tlieni, "every -i-.'.'--' . ...r.-..y.,.-..!.-. ; way. Anyone of this p.'tyU conversnnt iHisccIIancctis v Hume l'rotrction aud lieriuitu Suo ecs, Tho world hac not yet, rtewcred from the surprise it has oxpcriupcetl in the rapid and complete suecuss of Gcrtuatiy iu her contest with France. The posit'on held ul the opetiiug of the war by tne latter nation, I nun uiu juesiige oi uu, nary prowtss sue lias ao long enjoyed, had blinded the popu lar miud as to tierreai condition and weak ness. Thiers, Gaspariu, Trochu and other of her deep thinkers aud writers wet con scious ol the hollowuess of the seemingly solid social aud governmental lubric under wtiich tiiey lived ; but their prophetic voices teli on incredulous or unheeding eats, iiulil the echoing tread of German legions on their own rutl ('.wakened i'teucli iue;, mid imiuiucul danger brought serious thought of their condition and necessities. We have yet to see, however, from the pen of any of her leading minds a clear e.ud truthful statement ul the causes of decliu'e in i-'t'eiicn character and achievements ; or what il is Hial s i suddenly has given in vni'-'ibiiily to German iirtus. On thing is certain, the. French of 1310 and L7o are iwo very tliilcront naiinnali- ties, us ate tin 6u Of lluir German otuio- nenls )( lii'j same etas. What are the tea- sous of their change 'i Iu our view they are the result din cliy of two policies adopted1 by Germany aud neglected by Fiance, viz : Educated industry und the Zollvcrein or Cieruiau Customs Union, lor the protec- (J,- UlL.u. ,ll)ul(J llUustl.y It is true that in some respects Franco has a kn:d of pro tection policy, but nothing to compete with the Zoiiyercin, aud it has uo provision for Lite education of its people. The whole industry of Germany has gniucd now impetus under its wite regula tions. For instance, ic 1S2 , Germany exported to England I'fi.WW.OUU pounds ut raw wool, reccivm her pay iu English cloth, thus show nig thitt wool wti3cheaper in Germany luaii iu Eiigiuud, while cloth was dearer. But in 1801, ufior twenty yer.tb of the Zoll vcrein, Germany uuporled 'J,t'J0,U 0 poiiuda ui ore wool ihi'.u she exporled, aud ixporicd li.tkX'.tNJi) pounds of woolen cloths proving Hint woUn cl.ilha had b coine c'leitper und raw a-oc-I tteurer iii Ger many lli.tu i:i other cjuulries. Hie price of the law material and thu linished ui'llelc upprtwv-ltii!'.' inch oilier in couscqueiiev of lue extensive development of Get. nan liui'iulii. lutes. Can il be coutellilcd that Ihe I'l usoiau l.iriiiel', us gruWvl'S of wool and '.ve.iteis of ilulh, who Hot cc vie bed by H't higher laics tht-v received tor iheir Wool, and the reduced miet-H lliev oaid tor their ilolli 'f Of that as lax tiaeu the Gei mans were m.t p.'oiliid by the l.'.et that tviillc laeir uianuf.telui'eS were sit uggtiliif into equality null tl.oeo if Euglaud and funic..-, the siller in large uiensurc paid Ihc Gel man Infill out ol lln-'r own pockets for tin: jMivile .ii of killing their geous ui Gcr- i 'iia'i UMi'te'.s, Huts relieving Ihe Gci'iuau I lu.vpttycr of u lunch ol his burdt .i If That I ttie ini iiiiins as loiitutiiei t wyre cm titled it thow ti by thu leet that ti ey consume mine Wei'.i eiH.ila bv oO.IKHJ.IA.1J liouiula Franc 't liiniiuoti' iiiiout of ll.nisin luyo tuts pioiii( il) luaieliitl 1 1 lliv coii.lt I, lath ll.lt log, l lioiuetio.d ul stake, 11,1 Ull IU It lllv III loliMtlloUol 1 1 io piipoi tiling In IiiiiimiII of ad the ipi. tliniit ut Istng. tl was ie-,1 t h la phase ol il.lighliuutl und iu dividual it s(oiiibiiiiy llwi t'tve in the null ol the . s'ot l.l, in in I iolll'lt' , lu their lliu louii'ti with iiui, m.a 1 1 ihur Uaditig I'leoi. nit ol iHiavrai.d dual Victory, 1 It act lilt lo Ut tint l tuiplu o FalhlT" ion. I hug ul 4 .liy Jutt Ihe i.pt.itii if H..U w ha.li hat yisuli u toi) ll H11.1l Oulh- I til it I lioiutl IU Hiu plitt.ul Hint Ihu ..plg Ol Uo utlil U UoU4llly, I4 1011.01,1 ani"iii( ut, lt4u auuwu a unaui' 1'iwi ul u.u llts.ltut.out, of ditoti t. H.t! pi-wit, lily ul our I'ui .11. Will lliu) iu Ida I'l.iltd I)l4kl aUiudou h tli't4i) and io.tii.it.i.4itti ul a ttts.iu, th u,iali 04 t' w.o.b, In ilut ua. w Uiii, La sua t't (hti.i it'U h ..f aud - y t !! ( wolkt id u.f ditli.auil l i.o,aU)iutu, 1 La. Cony, L .aal ayiaa tjt (aiMt -' - - - X. to Home Industry, nre now pnssing thr ju n the press at Berlin, in the fourth Ihr'.-'r-man edition, and are the text-books cf Political Economy in all the great unicr ties ol Germany. Will tlifsa I less renders nr hunrly endorsement fi in . uitmmnt urriuuns, who oy Hie nccitiitit of emtgrntion tind theii home ou Anierivinn soil t Let us look at another example. In 0 where was German nscendancv in Eutxr.o. I RUlJ what- t Hint jjeriod wns the positio,! I 01 l.ngliinct t How are those relative pos - : iVlk' R,,,i is degraded to the third in point pv.e immediate occasion for another Hume give niitueyiate occasion tor another 11 time to w v.'.uthe hisiory of her decline and fall I Tl'u nittvral r.nd historic construction of t" Germr.r. tniiid by which in all ages it wiiu toe n-cora oi ins nativj lund lor tho jiast lil'ty years can see how immense hns been the n ogress there iu all that makes it;) the wellare ol a nitttou, since the adop hon of the Zollvirciu as the iwrmaueut policy of the country. . rrosperity or disaster more qntcKly fol !aw the adoption of any policy herd, where freedom of action for nil causes is so much greater than in the conservative atmosphere of Europe. It took a generation to develop the ripe fruits of the Zollveroiu in Ger many ; It has required but Jten yenrs of a lri'.ethtst economy to bring such riches aud resources to the United Statec. that tho result has called out the nslcnhhmcnt and admiration of the. world. Shall this policy so happily entered upon r.ud rtunnio in its results be perpetuated and !he-dcvelop-mert nnd prosperity of all our industries be permanently assured, or f-hall 'i.ho theory and practice of British Vinu 2'rcdc, foreign in name und intents to tmv cvi, be adop ted in this country, and entail rpo". us here till the misery nnd degradation that has come lo England aud Franco through its -tellucoee 't -Ger.T.ats of America, with tho cxnrnplo of lathe; land in her protection nnd result ant power bt'l'.ue you, intelligently aud thoughtfully t?ec'.de this questioii whiih ii so deeply IVnught with weal or woe to vourmdvi'm nt," roe-r iicatui'itv 1U Hu- nnu Chii-mrp Ti'. .. '. ' 0 , A letter frnm u gentlcinau, writiuj of the late lire iu Mif.lin, Jnui.i'.a .'jY'r'y, says: Many of these people, who have i eetl SO unccrunmious y robbed of their h.Mies ara t'ttevly dc'iiitaie they have lost all. No home, no winter provisions, uo clothes,' no household gocds-literally sliippcd of every thing their case is indeed most pitiable. Philadelphia, through a tormer citizen of Mifllijj, hits given her sympathy in tho praciijal font.'-of pvuviiions. Our trvwn is being cr.nvauEed to-'Jay toy a. ctroi-'nitteei, guthring food, cast-oil tilot'.'inw, end bed int:. Greiit, indeed, iR the need, iiii.l great the opportunity for the philanthropist. If there should be any one at I.uneaster who desires lo aid these poor millers I shall be glad to be the n.jdiu.u of coiuiuuuiuatioa between him ami '.hem. One of thu saddest devdoprasnt of this sad event u tne was the dtivoioptrents r.f tile iXisieuce of. total depravity in tr.au. Cootls saved front '.he ttoft-a to ills' vaKeo." luilid.'-ed" i:vl piobiibly thotisanda of d-d-!..;, were tu' sequently stoleti ! Thac.'.rV house yard, tin- iiavements in thu ili-trictC not hurtled, wi ic crowded full of goods, aud to these there was of ci ui't ' free access for these hi'iimu devils, aud Ikey in vle tho ni"et of their chance. Ore rascal caught with a wagon f.llsd full of coods, who tutu come so.i e Mvr n tles apparently v'1" ' ''pr" intcr.iii'i! ol foliCiiig thia luaii ncicu, tit-eMii uty jjeup:e. k irr-.i j fcay, no one thought of u. .cstii'y htm, fct, linloaditig his goods, permilled him to depart, nnd he is n iw not to befoul il when sought for ty the oll..er of the law. I trust they will never find hitu, for w icq will sparo hin:. ii i . . , t, aai ttnaiti .. i f No Hove. No home. W'h tt a i..iafor tune ! How said this thought t There ar thouauuda won know Uothing of U.u bliStcd indueuii's of coinforiubltf lioitiea, iwrvly becuutti of a want of thrill or lvom dmaipia. Ud liabila. VoulU spcul iu ivoiotts ainiiLiun uu aitd doiii!-rr.;nii)u asuH'iritioni, '.eiivii'K tiii'tu rt ii.iddU) (,. whet: I'm phy. tit al and iiiicilictunl mail should b In Its greatest vior, tturvuii'd tint! willmul on laudiibiu ambilioii. Flleudj long lines l.t,t, loui'uhiK'ti kouo, and iiuihtng lo l ioll to in old ftge bill a tiler lii.ei.tiind 13 it'.O coiniiiuiiily whim they should t orua liuiila. N o liomo i j K to wl ei wearied wiiu ths sirugiis incidtiil 1 1 hiu ; u t wi! titl.vcr thiol hi ihtio dttH'iiilt my ; uo l llodlvU tt) MUIUmS llllIU, Ulld UO t IHUOUi lioiitt hold l.l yite l'tl to III Joy t Cl 'hl. Ail is blank, mid Iherw is uo irwuri.Yi;or' taci pl that a lilt. It is ui vi a out (.!' hands ol pi i' or I'ubltu ihantiis. V am tha tinlly ol I l.u liidutllit.ut and ''li clUMU Itatliir aiouu I llwiii itiful U.s 1 1 a wii try tl.IV, lltti hooitiUM liinti l avLll K HitlWf In tha ul, s o a tuiiou-.iojsu, or Uiiii tot a iitni iiti in Hi uul-Oti tdmi ui un a ho tumd iq lit al th iiii lioia, with uo kit it adMtiiUuti I bul bounty aui did i.li) Itii.l uu ll.al ttnui, au tlitta WH Uitllo)J Ih utl.tr. U . of tha tolutiui uf ll IViuayl saioa aiilhiaiiia nkuait .ua I ion. tu;M.i hut a UtU lutr duttjdattulnuilM (o. muius as intuit in lit Hi.ust tut tia Viiij fmi kalti.it tl Mi. thus fit! a.t iiuiajs riiiMii utkir u4 u th- t 1411114 a s'l.ktt 1 1 t ,tir tmiinl...i t4 aiu a law L4t Ufim a; " IL uti l : a hsi a tt 4 wt 4j44 lotjaj U f.t.U lJWI Ieaa4 , ml
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers