ADVERTISING 3U1 UlriJiX. 10IJuw,orelont lOOITonl-i, mitleft .-R- TUE SUNBURY AMERICAN, U rvBUSIIKD CTERT kUTTJSDAT BT SlTXi W1LVEST, Proprietor, luMn'i muniM, n-itmrr tgu, At 91.SO In Advikiiee. II not paid within 6 Month . BubtcrtpUont In) f ' (Aon H Jftfifn. OnrrcTim with thl establishment Is nn FKton IveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and fancy tvpc equal to nny establishment Ui the Interior of t lie State, for which the patron tige of the public I respect fully solicited. SUE l sq a q 8 l.oo .m) 2 8q 4 Bq !."ol ft.'iir M.IK. li.'.U I'-'.i i.i :. i.i.i.i. One week J 3.1 II I !'' 4. Oil H.'S' 5-s: 7.0) fm, Si.ii- iij '.l.ii'. K.l 11. v i::.: .. ir.. t; i".i; .mi ; ;.. 4"l.l'( ..IK. Two wee!: Sl.fHl )UI 1 ., i Three " Fonr " Five ' h;x " T(o mo' Thr-c" Six " Nine " Oue Year S til s n si.-, 8..V) i v .')- 0 75 I. 'HI B UM, 1il.H . i:t l1UxllMl In 1H40. ' I'KTC E 91 50 IX ADVANCE. S SIINKUIIY, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14, 1871. Xow NrrioH. Vol. 2. So. 4S. I Old Krl-si, Vol. 31, IS'. 7. 5. oil v.Ou'i f i r.'.w.i II II 111. I'D l 8.JJ 14. t i W.I.IK' BURY AMERICAS professional. . TCREHIIH WlDERi Attorney at tl Law, Suiihiirr, Ha. All professional hul net Intrusted to his euro will receive prcmpt at tention In this and nd'nining counties. Can be consulted both In English mid German. Alio, District Attorney of No.thumberland count j. Aun.!20,1870.-iy. J" NO. A. WiEdX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 Fourth Avemcb, K tarr Public, Tilttbarf , Pa. Jan'. 1, 170. It. . GEO. HILL. Attorney t La. BUN BIT KY, PA. Will attend to all professional . online in thin aud and udjoiuinir counties. Can he consulted la the English and German lun KnaEes. . M lltKI.E a CO. Market Street, . SUSBVUY. PA. . alers In Drug". Medicine, Taints, Oil", 'Huso, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobaeco, Cipars, Porl-et. Bo"ks, l)airie,c. S1 r.WOIiVF.RTOK. Attorney at Law. . Market Square. 8USM RY,FA. Profession ' il business In this and adjoiuiug counties prouipt y attended to. iIiTa. I.. SAVIOtNE. rcpctfiillv an- I r. I I i.i if uh..;.!.. tt Snre-r.-in i . - mranrri nonsuit us . ;.' -.-- : lo tlie citir.cnsof Snnbury nnd vicinity, navmir In- j eaten nirnaeu permuucnuT on im "i. .- i lr nnnna f I IA hMimiOUIU llOiei. mini- lie vm- : . . . ti...i i.. . :i .' .. L i it .11 Tinnr. when not nrofcssionallv .Uc..,i,.M . .,. entril!:?d. "1 riEKTII ! TEETH 1 .1. N. t. KI'.TCii Nt. KK, L furgcon Dentist, SUNBURY, TA'- All work rarcfnllv attended toand warranted- . Am thank ful to all for tho kindness extcniied toward me hr civinit me their patronui;n in the past. aud hope a continuance and increase of the same t g- onicc, first door cast of Adams' Express i Otl'.ce. apllO-0 g- AV. Tl EEER. Attorney nt Law, north sido of Public Square, one door east or the old Bank buildinff, bL NBLKt, rA. lonee tions and all professional business promptly nt- . ... ,.. A V- .1 tiai-inrl n n A ventieii io in me count, ui ,.onuai". ........ ...... adjoining counties. sept 1, VHP . ' AS. 1IRICE, Attorney at Law, Snnbury, t Pa. Otllee in corner rnoia up stairs, of Haunt Sew Bui'ilimr. formerly occupied by K. W. Ilanpt, Esq. Collection of claims, writinjs, an! all kinds of lesai business attended to rtrc felly and with dispatch. April 2,'70-ly A. KEHIKX.HSYDER, Attorney nt V, Law, SUNBURY, PA. Ail business en truswl to his care attended to promptly and w ith diliRonee. a pi 27-67 JIWO. HAY CLE Hi EXT, Attorney nt Law. fcUNBURY, PA. Collection nn.l all pro fessional biiMncsH prompt iy att. 11 b 4 tuniehjl -HO p. j. nmnsun. L- K BRITVi:t fc MANE. Attorneys aud Couu sollors nt Law, fUNl'l'II Y, TA. ('tlice on Chestnut street, west oftbe S. C. ant P. E. Railroad Depot, in the hulHi'il lately occupied by . Lnxaru. Esq. Collecli ms and all prnl'ss l.itiHl busineks promptly teniad to ia N.-rihum- 1'i.iian t and adjoiuiiiy count npiin-".' B. B. BOTER. W. J. WOl.Vr.-tTOS ; BOVER A T;'OEA'EnTO. Attorney at Law, on second flour In Bright' new ' buildiuir, SUNBURY, PA. S. H. Boycr an I W. ! J. Wolverton respectfully annouuc" that they have 'itered intoeo-partnersliip In the pr.teliee o t their profession ill Northuml'-si-lniul an I a ljuin iuc roHiities. Cunultutiou can be hud in tn laH;iiat;e. " I,J ",'! . KB. niNNEIt, Attorney at Law. .SUN- ; blT.Y. PA. Colleetiim atteujrl to in : til.' counties of N01lhif.uberl.1nd, Union, Snyder, Montour, Colombia, nnd Lyc-.niu--r. aplli)-ii) WM. M. KOCKF.KKli.KR. ILOVD T. ROll 111'. Afll. T )0 iiEFF.M.I U A KOIIEtEJA II, i.V Attorney nt Law, bl'N iSU It Y , PA. Of tie in llaupt'B new building, second floor. En trance on Market Square. Jaul TALESTIM" DIET., Wh lalcaud Ke- V tail drtalu I dnalur Inemry var.ety of ANTHRACITS COAL, fUNBUSY, rENN'A. (i.-rrBK nui:r.) l-V Order selieited ail filled with promptness anil ide.patch. ."''fr'!?rt. -104I.I C-OAl.lVotti.! (iRANT Bitot., Shipper and Wliolrtu'e and F..-tai! Det'.crs ia WHITE AND RED ASH OAL, SUNBURY, PA. (lowek ya-inr.; JT" Sole Aijent, wustvui J, at the 'li-i!e t Henry l iny Coal. "1i'i!L. J ti. R!1()U)S, W rrTvu. PC 'I.511 cr ANTHRACITE COAL, 5UNBURY, PENN'A. Orfifi with rUi-i rtin.r Co., Order left at SeaslmlliA Bro's-.tSee Haikut fcireei, will receive promt attention. Country ciitoui "tfiiily soUci-.d. Jan. S, ltttii. tf. ja on ki ii'.ni.v. A LIKE INSUr.WCE AOENT, BUN- j 1 KURY, PENN'A. Keprescntsi Farmers' V; Fire Insurance C, Yolk, Pa. ; Csniber l.nt alley Mutual Proietive Co. ; New York' Mutual Lii'e ; (..rar 1 Life f Pliiiu., and Hartford, Cunii., General AeeiJent. PESTITltY. fi EOIKi E I. UENX, In Siiiij'.iir DuihUi'j, Market Syunrt, bi'Miri, r., LS prepared to do all k'.d of work pertaiuint; lo Denti-lrr. He. ksp eoiistanily on hand alulae lo-soiliin-nt of TelU, and other Dental muuiial, from which h will he able to killed,, aud nieei the wauti. of customer. All work wai rained t' jWo satiofuetion, or ' th inuurv irfuuiliid. The veiy be.t Mouthful! and Tooth-Pow Jer kepi 011 h oi 1. 1 His reiri.-iircs are th numerous patron for 1 aliniii he hi w.iikr.t fi tho last twelve yoal. s.ii.leuy, April 81, IsK BltosiOU-ii UEXRIE, M ANUFAC I KEHS Or" BOOTN AM Nil OEM, In Dv-aarl't Uull.tliik?, larkrt kivaara fcanUuiy. 4 1.1. kind' "f II s.i i. hhoeti inada to order .' V. Iroiu lh best 1114I ihI H11I ru lik proem Uidci Mi el. Rei. nun-il'in at :iuil uulic. ii. llii'ty koili ild. Jul U, I17J. NEW 4 0 I. Y A It I). fMdC ui.rki(iif. b u( e.i'inflsd th C..l 1 li islUk.k vnilU lll.rl n.ilt H.I 'I It .t Oil VIS trite, I pnqiuiiil to apply tau.i.u w.lUll.c ItlKV BEIT Of 41 I.. iei ion t inn. I'H. kt.o aad Nut, e. .Unlly u hand, fiu.u linn iuelikJt; tori ji. JM ( ADSVALl.Al'EH. kuakur, Jau. 1. I U. If. mtituiY k 11 n i.i u i. fMilt uulr.iy..t I it.i.k; t. oi.1,1 ihk cel.. 1 .I". W "I I'".'". Jl 4"l, Koili 1 llll'llll IUjI I., ia ., 11k ll I', d" I 111., is el n hum: moiih. Ilk UU I it, kU 1 Itl lkrk I ' "I I' l ll l.Ur tklt IS NwNMkklt a i ti-Muuvt i, .ikMtf mil. I be P'.l f1 4 .1 I n.i.ilk. P .H li.lU'i nj I I J i. I t.i "t'nl ( Mlil.aj "ll ' 1 .s I ll'"' lb, i in . 1 . 1 in. ia .11 tlik .li.i I otcls uub !(stnr;tnis. V ElVVlOrJErrirX8etrnthe depot, SUNBURY, PA., Wm. KcraR, pro prietor. Warm meals served up nt all hours. Fish, Fowls nnd Game. Fresh Oyster con stantly on hnnd and served In every style. The beat of wines ami liquors at the Hnr. tfFaniilles will he supplied with oysters done up lu anv style, by leaving order nt the Nov..V70-ly. KENTArit AXT A EATIXM HOLME. CHARLES 1TZEL, rnoriui-TOri. Chestnut Street, a few doors from the Depot. Bl-kbvrt, Pa., HAS open a Restnnrant and EatlnR TTouse, for the accommodation oft he public. Warm meals i an bo had all hours. Allkliidfof came, fish, fie... served up at short notice, nii bat is supplied wilh the bcstlimtor In in irket. No paias spared lo please, gii terms modi-rate. MiiMtmry, sicptcmiicr. 4tn lsi.u. -iy. NATION A I. EAGER 11EEK HAEOO, I OH THIKO STIIEKT. SKH IBS DKl'OT, j wxnrRY, PA. JOSEPH IlAC lIEUinfo-insthe citizens of Buu burv and thn i-nblte penerallv, thai be has J opened LAUEK BEER SALOON at the above I place. "lic lie-t of Later Beer, and Mall Liquor I will be kept. Also Oyters, dec, constantly eerv- 1 ' C(1 Bp , cllUomeri -- .r0 4.1 i m ir.i ww b w v mt mm -r AUGUSTUS - " fropiiei or, ucortjeiown . , -x . ... Lonntv, l'a., nt the station ot tne. v. K. v. ClmlfS Winn mi,1 flwi nt. tin Iwr. The table if supplied with the best the market affords. Good stabling ami attentive ostlers. A I.I.K.(:lIK Y IIOI'KE. Col. CIIAS. KLKl KNEK. Paoprl.-tor. Nos. M'i and 811 Market btreet, above eighth. PHILADELPHIA. Terms, ti per day. He respectfully solicits your j patronage. OVC IFiC HOTEL. WILLIAM F.NGLE- JL MAN. Proprietor, Front Street, between Chestnut and Walnut fell-eels, Suubury, Pa. Sept. 24, 1S70. ly. . . yy rAJIIIXTO IIOtNE, C. NEFF, Proprietor, Corner of Market tit Beeon I Streets, opposite the Court House, Suubury, Pa. May-'S.'TJ. T"lOTEI. A KENTAl'KA'T THOMAS A. II A 1.1 . Proprietor, suubury St., west SUAMOKIN, rKN N A. Meals served at all hours, bbo't notice. The bevt of Liquors at the Bar. IT-.e. Table is up-plle-J w ith the best end late?' in the markets. At tentive servant. Terini moderate. Patronage solicited. Ht n 91 KL'S' R EST A V n A i T, LOUIS HUM MEL, Proprietor, Conimc-f St., SllAMOKIN, PENN'A Ilavim! jusi !''--Ktted the above Saloon for the accomodation of the. public, is now prepared t serve '.lis friend with the best lel'ieshnients. an l fresh Later liter, Ale, Porter, and all other malt 1 quors. ItEXTAl KANT, LEWIS MARKWOKTII, I'norRiETOtt, SllAMOKIN, PENN'A. The best BEER and all kinds of Malt Lienors on Tap. Cull nnd be refreshed. Aug. 27, 1S70. V" M ' K A W A X XA VAIL E vVil Ol'NE, JLi E. B. BURN1IAM, Proprietor, Corner Lacka wanna and Franklin Avcmiei, Seranton, Pa., op posite Delaware, Lackawanna etcrn Jtepot Free earria'tes to convey pnests to and from : Depot. Mar. 26. '7U.-ly. . -.ii.i. 1.1 1 11 ' 1 V splendid assortment of Cloth meres, at Mooie A Diesinger ad Cassi ap2;i. BLACK ALPACAS or the best quality, cheap, at Moore & Disbinger's. apo. f OORE A DISSINGER have the best Delaiuf. 1 p23. rki:as am eaxcy cakes. david frt, li'.SPECTFULl.Y informs the citizens of 8nn- Inirv and vicinity, that he will bsk.0 to ortler all kinds of CAKES FOR BALLS. PARTIES, Ac. Familes lire supplied with FRESH BREAD, T'u'ikt, Ruils, Hu-k, Tea Buns, '.c, and also kept on haul and manafaeturcd out of the best material. Ail orders li ft nt hi Shop In Market Square, one door enst of Mis Anna Painter's Millinery Store, or at hi Bakery on Spruce Street, betwecu From and S.-cond street, w ill meet Willi prompt attention, BALLS AND EVENINeJ PARTIES supplied with Lukes, notice. lee-Cream, ifcc., at tl.u khortest I Order are reftpectfally foliclted. DAVID FRT. Snnbury, Dee. 12, 1SS. THE OM.Y STOVE WITIIOIT A EAI'ET IS THE 4.REAV HAI.TI I MOKE I"I.A E HEATER, I BIBB'S ! 1LLCMINATED DIAMOND (JAS BUT.NER. j by wnicu TARLOTl AND CHAMBERS ARE WARMED BY ONE HRE. IT is the oalv feet Top 1 . y Firuplace Heater that ha a pir- eder, ami nee Iroiu pulling or ex- !oions, or eiiiiii .is into the apartment. It i the nn y ' in '..let H"aHi- with the patent D'aennal Mu-iiii.ine which prealer iiluiniiiut- la" power is oi.t 'urd, the apaitinent th" Stove is in, more etteei ually w.truinl, and the ttrute Ke- ' liered of the jMeul Wclhl of the coal In the laser- ' voir ' It 1 lh only Fireplace Heater that I a Per feet fell-feeder and bao burner, nuly repiiie lilliug once in iwenl v-loiu hour. Il is the only Fireplace He. iter with prrfu' t kilting and dumping piale. It is the only Fiirplaee Heater with the deep bast, -i ing abuiitiaut room for ashe.-, 1111, 1 aith 0111 letidi i ing I be Ki ule lu.hle lo l.iirn out. lu tail il ia the jircut oiiiiial B.iitiiu ne Fire place Healer, improved an 1 re iinpruttd and brought lo pei Uetiuii. DlbU IO., -ill and 41 LIGHT STREET, It., ll 1111. .re, M.I. 1 ri.r;hy CHAS. B. (. EN llll.K,, Pesn'u. Jan. ii, l70.-lf. I - II A It II WAKE KTOItE, J. II. t oiilcy. A ('. i MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA.. HAS leei-ived A Hew ukkort nielli of all kil.'lfc of i oe, 4 m:., tr.-liuuies' 1 - Ul a. I ll'k.'l Iplloits. Ala.t WuK'.ll Mukel 'k Malk- naik, ll-!.. Ha.:, , Aim. ail km I of Lr.liiii lol tileunmki I k and baldlet'k. l.l.iv lli... lit llie ll..., Hale I'iivi.iU bet loilli.t ln. ll W I.I bn ol I A a It. ll a t l.ll be b.-ll ill ol it I.V otl.ul i r.,i.i.liiiieui .a lie I a. I and m Una .'..,.. tsuwl.uiy, I i.e. )1, 1V. HiMir nn itiioK MAMTAI'IUIIFH. fpilF. un letaifui I h.iluK kn. le t a thop uu 1 lici t .liv I, lis-tlly I'l'l'oa.l II. ' II .I. ', I, o r 1. 1 1 I 1. 1 li.klii'Utl'Hi ail k.l.da of In il 1 1 It 1MI hllok l In the I..I. -1 .1)1... Ilia .1., k ik ol Ilia I.i at .pt4.ll) .u ll.u n.alk. l, II i H. In I II. Uiti t p.oli.'U ol lila li.. Iy lie i, I .I s I,) ii ,aik it.., lot IU l .uiiliki I.I II -i il i. I ..i ui it ll. II, I. I 41 I III It. j I i,e i .... ,e ki. il, uu. I Iii ia.I an ,14, nt ms h.s l All I kkUlt I II, i ll p.ltl..tlAfU- 'Irl.ltk ICAaoliil.:. at,. '4il iii dolt ki ll.olt b.a.i-. tiV I'hurfStr.. i.i .1 jr, Ji.iiu i. I'M 0 I, I I O I II A" I I -U-.I., KvLklal ll .1 kl VI A I'ikali.alif 'k. I i.4. . n i . .. I k.a li.... t ' I l.n.l f k.l" l . .) $cb Sbbcrtiscmciits. TIME IN 'OXEY t ! A LL Wall Paper nnd Border, told h- n.t wil L JL be Iriinuied remly for use, WITHOUT EXTIIA CIIAUGE, BV TIIK YEOMAN'S WALL TAPER TRIMMER. 'fir I1!1 J-l, 45; - . -iff t,.6v,Tl ft. L which I have the oxeiutive ritthtto ns in Bankurv and vicinity. Save money, time and labor, by biffing of N. EEKKEE EKiUTM C. Dealer III Books. Ptniionery, Wall Pai'.;r, Music, Pll,nT epllool sVl'l'LIES ive.. A'.., ive. made ppeeiility. i BlMiik, M-nmorutKlum A I'uhh lloek I In endless vaiiety, just received. J ROOK BINDIN'fi done to order. Peron will I save expense by leaving their order for biudiii(; 1 with me. ; PirTi;itE ekamen ofnil si"?es, 'cut from the Mouldin-.' at very low I rates. OVAL & KljUAKE FRAMES always oil hand. j ALBUMS, BRACKETS, GOLD PEXi. ! A large and well seicte 1 stock of Toys i'av j on hand. Anythintr not on hand promptly 01 . dcred. Bargain for en-h. Call nt N. FElCiEE LltJIlT.iEU'S Book Store, Sign of Folsy" Gold Pen, Market Square, Sur burv, Pa. Suubury, August Blh, 1S70. EADIi r' fasct rri:.i! JOHN' FAUEIUA, 71 Arch St Middle of the BloeU, between lh nnd Sib St reels South .Side, I PHILADELPHIA, I Importer. Manufacturer aud Dealer in all r. aid quality of FAXCV FERN For Ladies' and Children" Wenr. naviiijr en'.arL'c.l. rr:nodi i d and iti'troverl tnv ; old nnd favorab'.e known VI K EMPOKIV M'. ; nnd bavins; Imported a very Inrire and splendid assort nieut of all the ilili'-n'nt. kinds of Fur I'l-om ; first hands in Europe, and have hud them made I up by the moi-t skillful woiknlin, I Would res- pectlnllv iuvii" tpv Mend of N01 thtimli'rlan 1 I n"d 1"'1K emm, . to call ami examine my I very huge and 'oeautifiii anaortment of K inev Furs, for l.iulies and Children. I nm di termined .i. nc-ii 11. 11. iv imfn i.k anv outer ropeeiao e ; Hons, in the citv. All Fur war.nntcd. No inioreprescutaiious to elli .-t sales. J'!1N FAREIRA, 713 Arch sucet, Philadelphia. Oct. 2, lS70-:i:u. E AS HI OS A HE E M IEEI EX V. FALL AND Vt'IXTER STYLES. nis-4 e. f;ii')ii!.r!t, MARKET SQUAKE, fcUXBUUV, FA. Her lart'c I'.ssortmeul of MILL1XERV t.OODS. BONNETS AM) HATS, Ribbons, Ffattieps, Flowers, Laces, II AT AM) BONNET FRAMES. A lame Tariety of trimined nnd iintiimnied Ilats, Ladies' and children's llioierv. hem Hitched late and linen Handkerchiefs, kid and lisle Gloves, Corset-, tin bullous, lruipure lace, trlnges, ladies neckties, nnd fancy ribbons 101 uoiikanu easne, inii-ai arieiy. lien, aim ! Imitation hair chicnons, IVi.--s, cut is and sw iu h ! cs. A large assortment of I SLIPPER, PATTERNS, i Zbtbyrs, Gerkantown Wool, ! An nlless Variety of 'Notions and coojs j usually kept In !lrkt-c!ss milonery utore. j Geuts' Collars, Cull's, Neckties, Handker- chiefs, tVe. The eltiT-s of Snnbury an.1 .i'iuity, general;.-, ' are lnviteil lo call aud Uiis .-ii,ii.t ,i-i.ii- ment. l. sinsLK:. Runhni-T, Oct. 9, l:r. PRic r.n r.i.Di j.d. BOOTS AND SHOES Ma:i'.iV-lnr 1 to order at GREATLY REDUCED PUKES. joi! ni eye:;. Spruce Mrrit, Sii:il';rj, Penii'n UEsPKC'l I'l LEY inl'oims !,': . 'd eil-l'en, and the eitien oe.i.'r.iOv. lira In- is 1. iiianiifietiiiln.' Ill o I'l S ,V SlKM.Sat the 'olio i:i; r.ili k, ma le up el' 111- heal ni.ilBrul, viz : Calf Skoi fpeee I ) H,,tSl eJT.i; (kee.; " .i;l Fun. h Calf " " tt.5; Wonien's Shoe (Ca'f or Mf-nceo), S.IHI Children's l'i.,m 3ti fl. to I.5U ueeoi'iini; lo size. Ail vtoik warri'itr l. TH!M!-ri.iCTi.Y CASH. 1 he pi ue of rcpairin( ar a'o if :ueel. JuH VYILYFR. fcuhl.i.iy, July V, lie). J. V. VAHlNt;TlN'S in aitl IIIIIUEK SII4U. The old ' riu. on nt thi.p of ll.e town. We ile. Inn ll.e l. 'i-l, I. HI .,1 lh, ..tine t tut. i'..i.-i..-i tl,c mistily Initli in.tii1"' - i.oii.t- l,l kH.Ui'll III noli lll; .ill ulil'o'l.lollA- I. .. ut.ioaiil ol and aini'.li.'ii. Jusi li hi) )i Hi ui... I laiim ml li.l-lliek e.ii. . t la tin pi.ii - b.iil my ui. iiiiin aHi.l, hae I alo.1 upon I'.e ll s i ol out shi p lluy Alli'l ll iViBU I lllltl U 1 1 r llll.l, atU'l .Ipplid I Us ah op I. me jlrAlltl it,' sl ,ul.d Uiliiin 111.. I tri.ipaa ol llilta i'llll't.'i-d l.y lite Itolil) loldaof llt.ll a- 1- li I f 111 ptllol It. il. 1 all. in to OIV l-Vit.l-bislv ill lit i.' ( lit eo.ulilo.l pit lain i ) ,Oi, lo otiose 11, l.l.'l. I ., I -u . t a lu lilii pill, 11. '.y Alinoitiiie ,i out ..l.,'iia oil and net II. il iv ate IrA-ll In ah ill llo n .i.i .iAI.I liliiv bub.lled tlioii.Aiol lunik or i.."... t o.llk a 111' II ) oil I i I -e, M.,1 14 lt"i ia Iha 1114 - hit Ai a; . i i t.i lo a.'iw, i.'tiii'M.u or all. I lo -on, 1. 1 ll . I I".., I. .11 .Ll ).!., al,A.n--u )..,., I .ill I , i'l I r I r ll II I , 1 o.t. ll .ill ll l..l.k U. lint I ll I.I, ll. .ki.', Ill II .'"..! I tlll"l.l kal.l lie .1) k I., .'ill I' . U"'.. lie I . t a. ik I.i i. ,.u, i.ol . i.i tj ik lop, I O I k ' I ""I I' P I ' - I .4l I UU III I... ! ol kid, I I '.I ,i ' a I It .1 .l At It (All L d "' UI el. I . ,1 li., A I liM I I ll til 'I Ho ill I ,b l I u k ti i. i ' I I". I lu Lau I. . A ti u .i sbtji LvI, laaal Mkiks t. I. , ir" Select )ottijj. TUB UPER CRUST. "Oh ! What a goodly outside falsehood bath.' ShakriKare. I The woman tlio niakeslhe contemptible blunder j ! In irettlnc np pies, To shorten the upcr crust more than the under, i very unwise , Not only penm lulls, meairer nnd mean, But called ill the papers "decidedly jtreen." Hut look thro' tl:l world, and you'll And that tli upper Are ever more Minit, .More tety in temper, more rti.itcd nt sujiper, More brief in retort Besi.'.es in their reilsli lor splendor and dash. They often get shoit of health, credit and cash. And limn of deception l ever a lover, Wlieievi'i he's funnd. I And life is a book m tine shnu v rover, j Most sp!"iidid!y Viouml i Each ieaf has au edciiii: ofunlil, hut within It i- dark witli iii-ciiplinns of t'ulley nnd in. lfitrninfer" y!i me,t at the wed.iin Her low not vour trust. ' or party, frank, iinsuspeUinst and hearty, j tin short upn-r crust : I i. . u... .... .... .... I VI )U tl II. III. I Kill 11.1 I'llll, K I" IIC 11.11 .1 I 111" rt , Ol'an outside much better than what is wilhln. You will tlnd the same spirit pervudiui: all class es, The hieh nnd the mean Like a rich satin cioak it envelope the masses, Over ruirircd imreei A a Fpotles false bosom may horors inclose, And (jailer boots laced o'er detestable hose. There Is counterfeit breeding in full circulation, More brilliant 'ban cold There Is counterfeit talent mid false reputation, Most fair to behold ; And counterfeit wealth, mid il itlitterlns dust, All thowy without, like the rich upper crut. But uivo me til", friend that Is frank for a wonder, And trusly llinuijh much Wh c upper crust piove very much like the under. And neither lire toi'ch t Let. 11- win whnt we cell ol'the iriaees of art, b .it p e lire for them never the truth of the heart. Extrs-rt.H from tho Aituuit.3 Jomnb-c oi'jolia Yt. ;ecj. rtKDl't TKIN or VHK ITIW.IC I)IBT. On t'tie. liflei nth daj- of .lanu.iry, 1S07, the total indebtedness of the Slate was thirty-seven million seven hundred and four thousand lour hundred and nine dol lars and sevi nty-seven cents. Since then, I and up to .November HO. ls,0, the sunt of j six mtlnon live Hundred ami ninety-two j I thousand seven hundred aud forty-seven j dollars and cighlv-sevcn cents has been paid. 1 he reduction during the year end ing Xovemlcr30, 1K70. is one million seven hundred and two thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine dollars and live cents. The average reduction per annum for the Inst four years is one million six hundred and I'urt Y-eiglil thousand one hundred and eighty-seven dollars. lu view of the fact that ni inr to the first ol July, INl'. nearly eight million dollars ot the public debt win lie due, olid in order il. o 1),,., mvi-.-i !l li v oiioliiiiin lo meet all tls obligations promptly a niaturi . t 1 . 1 , " . 1 " .. ... : . 1 . ' recommend that such provision be ; mane oy ine lA-giMaiure as win aiiinon.e the Comuiissioiui's of the Sinking Pund to : sell at! the assets that may be in their possession, and apply the proceeds to the extinguishment of llie debt : or, nt the option of the holders, to exchange them for the outstanding bonds of the t'ommon weallh. Toe iiidel.tedr.ess of the Stale might be paid in the following manner : As already shows, il was on November lit). 1S7U, about thirty-one million dollars, from whieh amount, if the said assets. .It.oOO.OlMl I in d.'du.-tnl, there would remain unpaid S'21,- ."Hi 1.1 nit 1. After which, estimating llie revenues and expenditures to continue as' at present, the entire liabilities ol'the State could lie liquidated in about eight years. 1 If Ibis mode of naviiiL' the State debt should be regarded as unnecessarily rapid 1 and oppressive, then n movement to revise and modiiy tux.ili 'ii may meet with much 1. .ore general favor. t)ur debt is now held ' Ih in'.y by those to whom it is a great bene- ; lit lo have so s. cure an investment. A cer tain ndtieiiouof one million dollars per : annum on it would, "HThaps, lie more satis. factory to tie. 111 and to the people, lh. 111 to , ;. ..ic l.n...:l.. 1.. .... .... sumo i-i 1 iii 11 mi fi ii.iaiin. 111 t.i 1.1- tle.iv.r to force things undi r the prist nt mode of luxation, there is great danger of tl.iv,ti; i a, i. t il away from our manufaetur . i -i ei n. m s. The landholder has been ex empted Ifuni taxi son bis land for Stale lupus' s, and the blirdi'll shilted upon the i aolivt:. i tu ivi lie. and enierprisitig portions 1 of the fou.iinitiity, who have always had : their full share t" hear. The liiruier is at case, and rims no risk, whilst the business i tn. in, in. reliant, and maniii'uetiirer are the motive power of i he community, upon wi 'm. 1 -1 1 thelariuer hmiselt must, 111 a gieat isute, di ia ml lor a realization ol his in- dtistrv. A more hls-ral policy towards liii'se engaged in mercantile, manufactur ing, lailroad, and milling pursiiils should lie ndopUil. I'nlt ss interests are fostered and ki pt in full os'iation, mi clasw-s ol'the la-uple wil Milli-r. They are the very lite LIoimI of the state, nnd should not in any way lie chiiled or ililKiled by over-blllden-. ing them with taxation for the iinun di.ilo payment of the entire Stale liabilllieh. 1 The foregoing ivcoiumeudatious, in my ; opinion, embi-.uv the true jsiliey nf lite Coiuiiioiiwcallli, mid if adopted, willdoubl i leas rcci ive a I. early lespniiw and t ndoisc mild tioui llie M"ple. The lax-pnyer tie- maud Ihul all llieir social, iinlusirail. coiu ! Iilereial, and liiiinn inl o'ialiois shall Ik. ; iv I i-vt 4 fiom llie bind, ti ol'aiiv in "ie tax ation than lllll be in n ss.ll I' I tb" pa) tin III id lite tit I t. a l lust lib.. w liit -ealid.itii'l lo tleli.iy iln friii. il p. ns. of I be goVei nun ut. la i:iniii and i. loin khou'id no longer adv.. i Hi d :k glitti-i .og t't k, or uu i" al'.iiiui lion- u no. .ui mi auiiig or iolt nl, but u, lit 111,4 n 1I1- ItlV l I.N- 1 1 It I IhS A I. I 11S I I IDS. Four year' es lieinn at nil cvii'ii" ollltt r ha gini ion nbuiid.iiii nipoi ninny lor 1 .tit lul nl, ia 1v.1l11.11 upon llie oi kill'!-, i.i mil luiid.iim ul il law and tin 1 I. . islalioii I.I the Mate, Milk I rieltee till alloogly impi'i an d ine lh it iln ie lo. aid I it thor ough liVI-A'll id llie SI. lie l',.l-lllllll"ll, Milll klli h .nut lidini itl iik llie MiK.l.iin ol il c..i,ii'pii'.ii ilka. iitiiU-.l ..r lli il pm k. M. '.lid loni'.ill.l. illy kil.'.'ikl, Hit ) UU li li.iil. ii. d pid. lie . 11 1 1 ' 111 1,1 ,, 111 in. I. i lie liikl tout 1 III,. Ui lor link .ltr !'" wnk III Id III I' K I .t 11.4 the ll.lltv l'i tt.tlt wliiih li.ttu nii.e titoli v am. lul- III. Illk llAVH I I 11 III. i ll ll) ) .III" II 0lllM1.ll id lite I. ell. ral Asm lol l) . AO I III t oit.p'l.iltiii l. lilt llie ti I. Ill ali i h o I lie 1 ...lilHl. II, kt.lw '.Ii,i,v4 Villi lul' I.) at III. P 'III) I'f I imptirlant were tlioso of 18.1(1, tnnkin; tlui Ijmlfrcs cif tlic court, elective of 18.17, I crcntinu a sinking ftinal, rcfzuliiting tlm I juiblii! tlelit nnd k'nislsilive tlintricts ; nnd of IS.'it, conl'cn in the rislit of Hullrne : upon those clijiajied in the military service ! nl'l l,i Sil n t A ii.n.iru.n nrwl iniiiifiiiirr ftn.iilrtr j ill 1 1 iv ii iitiiimi, ll l It. i iiiinniii Qtiutll J reslraintf au the. tiowertif lh3 Ix'islature Tlieae ameiiilineiita, thoUL'h iinportaut nnd valuable, f-ive nn incongrtiouH nnd Hurl, of .in t..l,-,.-..l 11. n ..m.ul 11 ... '...11 I'l r. HUIV t I.' F I.IO I ,llllrll,ll,fll nnd nro not conaonant with the requiro I nietila ol'the times. I This in a pro-jit-Ksivo period, nnd our Mate has outgrown lis lutiilanu'iittii law. That law should, therefore, Ik? made to keep pace with tho nge in which we live. The existing cnnalitutioii, ineluditii; the amendments of 187 and 1804, impose many wholesome restrictions on the power nnd jurisdiction of the Legislature, hul ex perience ha-sdemouslralcd their inadequacy to pi-.itect the people n-.Ttiust the evils in triiiled to be remedied, and C8t!cially those of corporate power, nnd of special and local Icpshitinn. The pamphlet laws for the last four years show that thn eeuernl laws fur each session made only about one hun- .. I.!l..f ,1... l.u.l nn.l ...... lo I "" ", ""'v icjismiiini it.r mo b:iiiio (teriou niiiuniii. iitiiiuuiiv 10 iiunui iiiiri'-eii iiiuiuri'.i uiki lil'ly. Tin; resiiltins; evils arc manifold and neornviited ; mid, prominent omont; the reasons and giijpstions why a rentcdy should lie applied, 1 respectfully submit the followiner : First. Dill'erent systems of laws for roads, brides, scIumiIs, elections, poor houses, nnd many otherthin-is, nreenacted for the several counties, townships, aud borouohs, on suhjocts which ought to be regulated by jrciicral laws, operatino; uni formly upon all. Srcoml. It is impossible for the citizens, jud-jes of the courts, or mcmlicrs of the le al profession, to acquire or retain au nc c urate, knowledge of the varying system of laws in their respective districts ; aud fre quently, on removal front one county to another, our jrcoplc lind themselves under almost entirely ilillerent codes. Ihinl. Practically, the whole theory of our constitution and overninent is subver ted and destroyed by the present system of local enactments. Representative govern ment is hasedon the idea that the laws shall bo framed by. and be the result of, the col lective wisd.mi of the people's representa tives. But whalare thenctual facts ? The inixds and cllorts of the members are so wholly absorbed by private an 1 local bill that it is almost impossible to get a general or public net considered or passed. The j special and local bills are usually drawn by the mcmuer represtqiting the locality, or try some one from the district interested in the. proposed law. By what is called courtesy, it is considered a nreacli ot etiquette lor any menilH r of the Senate or House to interfere with or oppose a merely private-or Ux:al bill of any oilier member. The result is, the bii! nre passed as originally prepared, wilhoiit cviminalion or coinw,risou of views, often crude and ill-digested, nnd without regard to constitutional require ments or sound public policy. .Sotm of the worst of these Imwly nnd badly -considered enactments an- arrested every year by ; Executive interposition ; but in the nature ol' tl,.; casi', the veto at liest can only be , made a jia.lial restraint 1111011 the evil, and ! nothing can eiadicate it sliort of coustitu- ' tioual prohibiiion. j Fourth. Special legislation is tho great , atid impure foundation of corruption, pt i ! vate speculations, and public wrongs. It i has become a reproach to republican gov ernment, and is one of the most alarming evils ol the times. Judicious amendments to the constitution would arrest nnd destroy I the growing evil : and it is the duty of every patriotic citizen to co-operate in nil . lawful measures to effect so desirable a con ' summation. In the enactment of laws n r.ulicul change is demanded. Every bill I 1.1-oKenle.l foe mlotitioti s.hoiil.1 lm i-i-ad. nt least once, in lull, and the yeas and nays be recorded on its linal passage. Ffih. It is important that the Slate constitution should lie made to conform to the Constitution of the United State! ns n nilv iiiiu ii.h .1. SU-tli. The subject of minority represen- tation is now much ngitated, nnd is receiv ing a large share of consideration nmong thoughtful and considerate men. !t cm braces problems of .rent political impor tance, and its manifest justice commends it to public favor. Whilst some of the ob jects it proposes might be obtained by leg- islativc enactments, the general principles : 1 1 . .1 . ' . 1 e. ...1 iiivoivcii niv so eieiiicuutrv .ami r11011.11, that thi-y should, it atloptcd, lie incoriiora ted into the luiidameutal law. .Strciifi. The ineuiU'ra of the General Assembly should bo increnscd ill number. E i..i. There should be a fuiitlamcntal liiiiioiiioii to the powers of corporators. .iiii. 1 here is nl, solute necessity tor greater security for llie public funds and tor tin ir lu'ottcr distribution, Tiuth. Uhu State Treasurer, Superin tendent of Common Schools, and a Lieu-teiiaiil-Ciovernor, llie latter to preside over the senate, aud perform the duties nf the Governor, in case of his absence, sickness ur death, should ho electeed by the people. The Attorney-General, Secretary ot Slate, and tlie Adjutant-General should, for obvious reasons, continue to Imj appoint ed by the Governor. Kmntlt. The day for holding the nn- uiial elections could, wilh great propriety, la! changed from the second Tuesday in Octobcr lo the Mine day lu November, 011 which nearly all the surrounding States now hold their. This would disa-uti -wilh one elect imi every toiirth year, mid 1 procut invasion from other stale for the purniiM. of interfering with our elections, as the citizen of e.u h State would he oe Cllplttl Willi their own. The keasoll, too, 1 would Ik more aaiikfactury to the people of the aglicllllllliil d.slriets. lis ll vn.nld lint . iiiii i hiv wi.h the harvi sling of their corn .1.1.1 1. '.!l, I' nil 11. 1 lit r 1 1 1 1 M I ill 1 1 H I H. l lo- e.'ii-iiiiiii' it form i ;i 1. 1 i ill il an-l adiiillli d by all ull 'li txe l. d. i lid up. ii llie ktibjeet, an l i'l'.'l'l Ji -inn ll.'ll id p nlv, ll pics hil ''iiliout- .-pnl.t II. Illld Il ls IlllllOkl llll.lllillloUl B.I..I lii'ind lb.- lulling, nt uu i.uly di), "I a t ,.lllllll.'ll.ll I oil), lit I 111. I.I lllii nikkolia, mill Ih.lli)' nth.l 1 q it. 1 11) iinpi 'I taut M bleb might la- t liume 1 it lt it. I 1 al in ilt feeiiiiioii lid thai the li gi l.itme 111. ike provisioli loi a coiiyt uiioii lo ill.. 1' .IKliI) I. lik-' lltid Ullii'lid I lit. t ollitllll ll"li ol the Male. i lil M"N M IIIHll . 'I'bt- It si 1, 1 the Mlk r.lll. lull III of Colli III' .11 Nll'aili kloiUk Hill iln l ure HOW v. itlnii lite M ilt ,' lij . biml tlikll'l I. I I. :i kib- k. . h auk, 1 1, Imi tin, ill, 1 1 i. .mil) and filar tik 1111 0. i.ik. 1 1 ,it 1 li 144 in r. and IsJt.Mil pui ni lb, ik uu lot rent! over llie pr.ii.llij )i ,ir o U il.kirii Ik, Jtd k. Inula, ill yr el. 4 , b. .!. diinl r. 1 u; null ii.lniU, 4,'ii I .1, I 1 fk, itlnt I 1. 1 .'I pllpll. I Ie I l i'l iUltloll luf llltl AIl )lr rpnting clin,l Iioiihcs, 82,705,644.34 ; con- tineticicsi, 7 1 , 1 ,, 22t . 0-1 ; oilier expendi turcs, !'.".47."i ; ninkin; a total of $7,771,- ' 701.20 : catitnali'd value of scliool proirrty, j J?15,8:i7.1H:t ; uvctairc salnry of male Unch- i crs," prr mouth; length of srliool I ii.t'in tt (lit iiuivitlia Ami 1 1... .t i..i ,..(...,1. i wi III. u.i'u uiiill . nilU UUbb HJ1 1I1UIIL11 of each pupil, !IK cents. SOLDIKliS' OKPIIANS' SCHOOLS. i( . Your altetition is respectfully .invited to the report of thn .Supcrintender-t of tho Soldiers' Orphans' Schools for the year teiniiifitini" May 31, 1S70. Since the first organization of these schools the whole number of children ad mitted is ij,u:i:J; and durlnn the same period the discharges, inclttiliii-z deaths, 1 -..II 1 0 T.iii :.. , 1. . . 1 ... iiiiiuitiib lw i,,j.-.,ii:iiir' .j,,ijvi 111 iuu si: sin s i . ,1 i..k ..t f . e ...1 .1 i -.r f ,,.'i;.i- ... 1111: ,-.ti, .it wnoiti tin: 1 anil Win home.. 1 . 1 The establishment of these schools, nnd the liberal encouiaoem-'iitand -support thev have received, have met the approval and admiration, not only of the other States of the Union, but m the entire civilized world. Philautlirtipt-sts ami -stale.-, in en from ti.i cign nations are constantly ninkiui; Inqui ries concertnnu the laws oovemin-; am directing the operations of mir soldiers' orphans' schools, their management anil the results, and fcive frequent assurances ut unqtlulilicd commendation. From the Pluia le'phia Pre, FROM OREGON. Portland, Oregon, Xov. 13, ls70. In my last letter I was compelled to break oil' l ilt her abruptly at Port Lus-wai. I will now relate bi icily some of the inei- ; dents and surroundings of uitr journey to Fort Colvillc. Captain Sells, the government agent for . the 5'ez 1'erces, trausporte'd us Id Iewis ton, about tliirteen miles, tliruimh a region abounding in wild sunllowers and itiiiige nous wax berries, both transformed as or naments to civilized gtirders, in which they improve vastly In size and appearance. ; Here the magpie, the most bcaulitul, and . the raven, the largest ol'the American cor- vidro, build their nests. That of the mag pie is a curiosity for bulk and structure. It is usually built in a hawthorue bush, rudely constructed of sticks, and lined with grass or any soft substance he can tlnd. Externally it is about threo feet high and eighteen inches or two feet in horizontal diameter. The entrance is at the side and I protected by us thorny surroundings as i to ,I1!lk'-! - dillicult to " handle without -loves." So nlelitil'ul nre thev that, there is scarcely a thoru-busli thicket without scores ol them. , we reached the Spokan. Ilef; we Vnid And here let me remark that even in for the privilege of crossing a rtaie brume this desolate wilderness, Nature has pro- ! built on tresseis. The wretched misati vided most generously for her feathered thropist who vented his spleen ui.un nain childreu. It is emphatically the land of kind by collecting toils here, r ns 01 i-ina,iv berries, nnd 1 wou.d recotnineud all the a New Vork Howe! v boy. tyi.icd v oil cherry-thieving birds ol'the East to migrate the ruthless savagery of tb-j Five Points, hither at once. They can obtain a less he had come here to spend the ris .pi !i s precarious subsistence, aud run small risk . lite in pence among red men- fat io-1 1 ; it of being shot. ! tal nnd barbarous." As this was pi-ob-it.iy aiic oruer ivason s isrepresenteu oy iour varieties of the tctraonidie. or grouse. Th largest a magiiilicenl bird exierually, but ol bad repute for culinary purposes, lie feeds upon tho unsavory leaves of the grouftewort and sagebrush (wormwood;, aud for their digestion need no gizzard, consequently " he don't got any." We shot oue that weighed nearly eight pounds, and heard of those that weighed ten. Ow ing to his size and long, pointed tail, he more closely resembles the true pheasants of Southern Asia than any other bird of the grouse family. Next in order of weight come, tho blue grou:e, the primated grouse or prairie chicken, and the mill' ken, and the ruliled grouse. miiropeny called pheasatils here ns welias 111 I eiinsylvnnia. t )l tnese tlie second and Com Iii have white flesh in the breast, nnd tar surpass the others in llavor. ine cojoie .prairie woitj ami the ninnit 'ere the only wild qu.tdi upeds we saw. j The whole region is lull of badger holes, ! 'ut 'he inmates kept loo closeiy at home j i daylight to be visible, " ! lelt Lcwisiow n at four o'clock in tho I tnorning in 11 stage coach, nnd cross, d the I -eurwaicr in a lerry-ooai inipetieu ny too current ; then billowing down llie Miake river on the north side for six miles, we crossed it in the same manner about day break. On our return we had fondly hoped to avoid at least a portion of the dust, as the wind generally blows fit mi the west, but our prayers that il might change on the way out, were answered just three days two late. At 0 o'clock wc slopped at a lonely ir.n to change horses and breakfast. There rte found a great abundance of badly cooked and nastily served food. We tried the popular song ol "lioo ll v , don't bialder : ine, wilh no visible clnet. No pains j whatever had Ueti taken to separate the 1 hairs limn llie butter, nor the dead dies frt-m the fried cow grease. The busts of the dead made us wonder at the multitudes still alive. At 4 P. M. o reached Waits!. urg. f small hamlet o:i the Toucln t rivi r, n ui.irk ablo liir Until,' .j liul the crowds ot' Ne?. ! IV tees Indians hanging nr. mud it. lu a 1 little wood behind the hotel, 1 found an J excited group of them gxihtivd around 1 two conn niplililc wliii.- scoundrels, who ere chh running them w ith " a ueau oja-ii j und shut game," reiei!-l'ling ('.no. 1 hey 1 were raking in the ball dollar a. unern- pilloiisly as your Niutli mid t'liesiiiui klieel blilLklegk Jk i fot tii the ssme kind i.t Uce lor the biuililiSS id lots who trupi. ul llieir midnight delis. The Wil It Imi lu it llileves Welt- lint qmle as Well lift esi U as llieir Philadelphia : their huls weie i."l so khiuy, llor their sliiil bnsniiia so apnlit but he I'obla l' lieat'ls U In .llll writ! just hs pllilekS. Tin' l"i.lllg Kipi.iW hlid her il. ill led naked cbildun, win- o)etlo ikiug ll.e gamu III whieh luikli.tii'l and sue s r.llt.l und lokl hi last dot. ar, hi hist Ikiim, and Ins l.isl bliinki I. Iln) wi ul Pith t'lkliiver and klini, lliat llie Sa-l.uid )ii!.iin ini.lil rtnl 111 di link, inn s mid ih Lain In 1 J Bill the red III. til I ll 't atmo- ill Ink lolly. Not 11. .111) tt.i)k .;o iln hull) city ail t kelli in. Ill over li lollerv dr. 1 in,' tliil Ma Uklli.' 1 I.I. u ill S.111 Fr illeikt o, wht ic it million went 111 and only halt a 1111.I1..11 I nine mil. ll Was llie old) il.jeil of one )t rk.illuii. Ni itl) i v. r) in. tu )nil lui 1 bad nue or lieile lu In la i t tho IW" ntot il.f' t"i.k.iiiii , itiid rvery lli.lll 4I fully he Would draw lltu nul puu:. Il4pp jut k.istt ! ibt ) kt.H.4 a ii ueh l tu r ill. line ol U III.; allUik by hhllnlig. Vu U II W .ul. 1. 1. 1 l.ii.l 111. .ruin-' ill it f..ur hoiMi Mii.iiu aiiii , v Iin It mir iln.r I iikit4 lu t .tlhiiu uu " lie " H got 0111 1. 111 li niilx'. ..r d n ne r on tho h.iiilll bank 4 ll"' Ml lkn rit.l, It till ll 0 iroaMtitl plkl la loa) ll.u lllotitli "I U.u IV' louac oil nil ilb. f tVi.f ttl-l-a l'tl4 Vir) -U4l I Hi ibt ollttr Imitk e pi.t tbiotih 4 low u of nit li'tuaai itiitl ll" lnli.ibil.tulk, Iha liauui '! wiiu li 1 ui nm iiuiu nm ny W kJ itihI mir biatikei I'm t nYlit (bilk nt lA-luum; ..nui:, oil u hi. h 'jvirlookim; tlu; wiMsinnm. , i:i '" "Onti kiuduxl. hikI h 4ij ttioso w1pih! wi-ru tli.i, . n..i. , ti'iuullitix lailor lusliimi iiriiunit i la'" ill., f it .111. 1 I .1 ...r., , I -U' M,AI U .J The rest of u leaned unci iiiio: tn:,; prncel'tilly UHin our e!liiivg, witii a znlltillly exiellded. Jn (hiilv tnitiltU v tlie tar were lnrikiiifj diwit ti. ti . turned fuecs. In anotlier q Hurler hour they had the lookiti;nll t i tip n f for we worj droa uiug of scuiks 1U taut and tar dillervnt. At early dawn we were nain astir, n Iter n break fiist precisely lik: the se; we n-nn our necontl dav in lh"' j i - i i .. , , . , Our road lay ncross barren tila tis. th ,1.,. 1 , " ov ba ek, tv ,,d. n cruHi , " " " , "f. this heavy earth was oeonlcd .. kinds." All around was dreary atnl h less desolation ; the herbless cart h ":s i Willi alkali, and for un'es unval. r. il -.v the smallest rivulet. But Nature .s ; r . even in her rugged tiess, nnd 011 U'.ir- n r sen and lonely mountain ton seal '. is , e ' i.....l ...I.1..I. ,l. i.... . ... .1 ji-i-.o i. 11.11 mi, tr.jiit.ri n Iiiiiio i.'ll ? lrotn the caves of know ledge. " Tin set born rocks speak 11 language which feciei cat! interpret, when untrammelled oy dogmas ot i!kgi-jal superstilifni. l e were two days 111 travelling '.a s Pi ' totiic rcij'.ope'.iiivetied oci-asionaKv bv t- Sight of a lauli Coyote,, or an nlkaii'tie 'in I:-, covered with wnter-hutis, yik. ducks, 01. .'. wild geese (Ansel Cnun-Jeusi-J.) '..iin: '. these lakes is live or six niilBS in leng''. and its leathered inhabitants were lry'o computation. f'locks .wiil t.ot di-scr 't them ; 1 1 icy swarmed from end to e.ij '. this long luke. A lonely hiigccock or a pair of rullle-' grouse wouid sometimes invite a slim, ; it anxiotis to rid themselves of life In mji ' a laud. But unfortunately for them, 01 t aims and their courses were never evict' convergent, and they were compelled t . live on. On the fourth day, wi'shin ,firu,ei r.f the Spoknu river, l'ie face of t':e coeulr changed lot the better. Alkaii nnd i;,c--ous rocks disappeared. Bright Ktrenms of water crossed our path. On grassy we bega'i to see beautiful g'r vcb of i:ie aud In-, us free of undeTgru'-Yih as the n CHietully kepi park, looking as t' I 'x-y had been " d, not by the sport of Xatino, but of man." As we np roached the .Iilt these lovely groves spread into tcagnilici nt liiresls, which to our il. sei t weary i-m urougni great reiiel. Ui scendn'g t-otn mio j broad v ooded plain toanotlier, before no m the only toll he wou.d coiled I'.T e"ino weeks, bis opportunities for ' T'-i nge, the senior Weller termed it, nre Siigluly precarious. Hence the (:-tsn. (or r.iln-r Xll), of his viiulidiveuvK:' in cliaiviug 11 H2 lor a four-horse wagon and two sadiiie hoises. On the opposite hank, were Indian wi : wauis covered w ith skinr i eik and tiull'a.o. Out of these pet red thi' dai k eyesot' iwpiavs with matted hnir.a'i'l onki d pnpoo.-es vit'n dirly noses. 1 wonder if any one ever saw ajuvenilu Indian, without lliis feature, or, more accurately sjtvaking, coiitlit.oa of fea ture. Tlie plateaus on this shlc correspond ex- nelly, bolh lu elevation and number, with ; on the other, Before one o'clock we '. tame to a considerable, gmi,, t'ltin and i cattle raiiche on Walker's prairie. II. re we dined under a wide si n a.ling nr. add ing sweet miik nnd Irish cggi to o'lr dimin ished larder. Al n':lit we caaiK-d on a W nulilul stream, deserving n belle-; name than Sheep Creek, slid for the lirct lime with grami lores! trees above 11. Ileeo we foitud wood enough for a huge file, which enabled us to play " California, Jack"' until a decent, geiV.lemaiily, 'jed liuie. llen-tofore, for lack of f:": nnd pastime, we had lievn conqielled to retiro with llie chickeus aud other vu!;ar crea tures. , On the fifth day our eoureo lay along the valley of the. Colvillc river, and here wo found (it intervals nf a few lililes the homes of w hite men and red women and mongrel children. As we ndvauced thee homes became more numerous, until the wholu rich valley was occupied with wheat-growing tai ins. On some of these we siw soma twenty mormon stacks of giain, with slraw so bright ibat il was very evident no rain had ever laden upou them. We were now in Inlitude IS deg. Before sunset we arrived at Fort Col Tille the end of our journey. This is a one company post.. c;yii'nii'.i!i'"eil by Major F.jaii, ot tile -ild .luf.ititrv. , Jl is situated tni a ! '.el plain, ::uit nmJeil on every side) by high, a loiled hills. Thi-re is a small haiiuet of thirty or forty houses near by. Ab tne ltih ihilaiiU tlepehd on the post lot a h) iu, thev are extremely anxious that it hall not he al .iiidoui d. They pmtess the utmost diend id Urn lndiuns ; and yet they nn- so h ui 1 lul ilini i.ue xo' lier can go out and eA,ituie a w Imlf trlb.-. We l.inii il In i live d i) to give mil' i-ngitiei-r nlhei-r time fi inaKi a sin 1. y. and 1 11 two or liirt-e II. . ins s.i ,v llie gi nidi at displ.iy of niorr bona, ik I e.ei i ir l i U ho d. fruii' the linn.-, ui lo the eliilh wave lil'.ir wave otin cm. iil.l il is In. il along lie Wy 111 eoloi -i 1 iv.Ving the riiiultoiy. As we gaxt ill awe and iijiiiiiiilioll wo fi 'l '.'i.'l 'lio glial ont-tiod power galvi'.il i' bllle" V of the Uliiielse w is I'l lull pill)'. V C llrove iHer tl the .'id 1 1 1 . . I V' I.V trad. p ; post, on !,i Coliinl...! i:i'-r, il IliU' t Wi si ui. 1 tliiu ti Here we I mil l it gnnl iriel) of lili k, 1111 bid f g those tl the l.l.ll k 11. i liii) Is Als, P'V k id .1 I l.ll, .Is, !k, d;i r, U mi r, cunl oiu 1 , w ,.lw a nnj Cnviili. 'J I. : liver Hear tin p "lul I u .111 It). 1 111. 1 mi iii eiit e.iii.i.iel "I I 1 ni ) .. 1 1' let t. cat 'It I. lib ml l'-g ml t'1 eilp'i mi . ' llie Ills . ..I .1 nl li.liin , " K' ll'e 1 .1 " I CtU 1 IL' r..l"lll I'l' ll. 111.!. s II , tin) k-p'. il r. I inn.' p.; I. .1 1 1.'. it )u .diiu bull a g .. d .i, ;!) "I la; .it 11 ilie kpnug, and 1..11..11 unit 11 1 i 1- .a trtkslll III. I'll,' 11 ,' lip, It'. 1 III I'lhi I lit il l - 11 k I lie 1 !. k In I re pore qu,,. li, an I .1 a'.ippt 1 ) .'i Hard a ll.i ) uu , ll.e , ri a I ,i ing I". -. M t, W.iik.l. nil tin III I I it UL On . Uit'l llo I l.f tl i"IVillJ l 'In , I'll" b"lil tlllll ti'l 1. 1 I Villi ll- 'I In-I'k, llo ' K f t d i' and il n 1 y iiulm lit il. tou U r 11 14 1 1, 1 1 10 III. If I. .1111 41 ll dlllad njl U) lu ll, .0 : v. i. r. f iiai.Y VlNfOAH tine I'inl nl kU-.i'i. 4 It .in ) aiol l'i s'Hl"ii n t. ll a . 1. 1. 1 I It k.4Ud ill ) III Nli lubt.) AAIH4 I nn". l4 I ItttM rtk il 4 t.bjl i4t Itta 4i44hlb4 o4jl (f lb ! I tni au tl I si,7lk.,4U IwCJii. pn4. ftii ( -r '4 " " -kqlawaavmar
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers