' w Ttp Abnurdily of Drinking;. It. tins bucniuo n. tort rf popuLi.- almost national ihilh that Is nnt pop-sable to bo truly happy iintes ymi tlr'ttik'. Among ruin cHi8c8-"nrnl ttipy ore by no means exclttsivdy thi lowest ilrink is tlio begin ning and mil of rvcrvtlnni'. Th very nume i)f liquor is bll "tr be synonymous with ctijoytucTit, nuri Ilia ilcnrer Iho lir-tinr Hie moro'it is prized and covoleil. 1'ct every man who is not a d iTtirioht. dniuk r.rd,'ia well fi'.vnro that tlio plcasnn's of tiiinWti!,' a it, bryomi ;i ivrlsiin joint, a niocU t.v, n drlusiun and a snaro. I pat it to nr..y h'M who Im? stood lifllf thn nijiht fit n IwrVrMt linlf 1 lie nii;h'v in a cluWoom, ili:.nl;iii::. mtiokinji ni'.il 1 aii.lyinir reckless tu.k, ii'iim I'liioy'iiK'nt of Mtcii tin evening has !in anything like th.it of a lew quiet linui'8 nt 'al homo with a hook or news p un r Y The evil influence of tuvern pk.'t biuo on thii health is too obvious to be. iio lituJ by any on', and the iilusory nature of t Uf pli-.iP Jics tlu.ir.s.dvcs would be undetii nl'lj alto, if iho ix-rsons v. lio indulge in them did not doom-,) tlniiiseivtii aiid put tliu trni'i out ol i;,ht. So one i ver' brought any good out of tlriukin; about yet. U is a short feverisli Rjinr in (ii'r.nir..;il onjoymsnt, which leaves liotiiini, behind but l.iuroBeuess, royrel, bad tcniicr, f.'ll'-ivi loai'h and licnd.ichc. I piiouM likn to ask you. sir, if you say your pi.'ivcrs when you conso home in thai slatc Jt'-i'yoii lon"t. You arc af-hamed to say thoni. You postpone them until you lniyy pururcil yourself, your mind, and your lips ly ni"ru sober and rational behavior. Xext night when you pa-s tho Ihhum quietly at homo with a brink or friend, yon leu I that you had ve.! enjoy im.r.f, and that the lima pas?,-d pleasantly, that you Lave not in jured your health". You arc not a-ihaiued to kay yonr prayers, and you sjet up next morning with a cler.r head, uo'od jippuiite, and an increased li'C'lity for voil; mul en joyment of lite. All (h'i Y.v.r Hound. gjricltral. TUtf IScst Tistie fr CHlti:i tirnfta. lu several publications wo notice that the culling of yralte lu the fall, " or before t'ne sharp cold of winter injures their vital ity," is highly recommended. Directions are ti'.us j.;ivcn how they are to be preserved thrnu U (be winter. " Tliey may be pack ed away in bo::es of line damp mots, damp sav.diis!, ui: buried in the earth or suiid." There i ; a, p;reat deal more added which w e il ui.t liimk worth quoting. This mode may be a very good one, but, we have never tried ii,r.l'd just now do not t-eeui iu the :nood to iU) so. We have done iat of our own goifiiuji, aad hae bean Kucwsfful. Ymj never cut our ymfts befuiv- 1'ebiuaiy, and if the ground is not froyfa stick them in at the loot of the live, then the variety is known without labciiii;;. If tho ground is fj-o.eu they are tied ip) the buucii label ed and buried under a shed or iu a lather dry place. We have set seventy of these lrafta (pears) at one lime and mvtnt'OiK- of t.n! ijnw. Once on a time we employed a profer-sed trailer, who brought his owu sci ons (plums) and si ' t'nirty-m o for uf, tary one (f ickkii died. Tho following spring we thought to try our own hand nt it, and sot bixlei (plums) on a tree liftccu years planted, the grafts cut as usual iu .Februa ry, nud cloven of them j;rcw. This wo we thought was doing pretty well with i)lums. If the grafts arc carelully preserv ed and properly set, it makes no d'tlerence whether cut iu fall or spring. liut the most Uitlic.ult eeion to grow is that of the cheery. vt In ve employed ex- ! perielieed gral'teis dit.triislim; our owu : xkiil to set chewy wioiw, ami ou one. oc- casion not one grew iu tho lot, some twen- l ty-live in nmuoia-. Wo have succeeded tmneives in two out of three ; but this is ' not enough where persons have oniy a lew I stems to operate on. The want ol tueeess is to be .".scribed to ; two oau-.e'i. Xi:e is a iac'n I cure and ! I'Ood t.)iiifi in SLttiog lia' ei.ji::., ; but i.ie ivcojid iiml nrmcipai is i iu- ijlt id c .'.i t i : . iivl- i )' ' Jli l I' V ".'.:-n ii ir. v-.ry t , : j iie hi'..un.i ii.- ' : r;H :.ny .'-I.' of !.w oiling- ami neiaiiy nuring iMs ::rjn!!i or ! ioi:ki .j buried in ii;:1 g:'o,:;l : i bo i yoiiU ti.e ililllleaee of ; 1:11,1 ;, it I') . iA i in that li, 'W. tlu:,v n . 1'. ' next. J'i-.ev tiia Mill, .leliee tiieve.ia iam n oat anil v.f .-d v. u:.-'i n. i-ti: 4 t'.r.'iigJii.ut tuc .iir.utmg j si a.. on. .' ..ne jvi vins, vu- know, aieivo j i;rai'l of all kiixUm iee-luaiv.s, coliarf, bit- J ri.i iu s.iiid, or lieil up in moss, iVic, an. I ihe-i' iii'cs a ii; we r ery wed; lut iu our ex; iii. ii. e ..".! ha e.j f i '.:J tiull tbey leep :i..',l.o iii e. vooJ aeon.'. .'a uiii when bu ri d iu the gi'oiiiui ua ',."o tiigvsl. This is i:'.i ti'iie. in' !:!;;.; and other ciitlius, t!.;.nn v.e kilo' oiu.. i rule's are pi uo i lie.el. cs')rc;;ii; n a :'ae :y men. Utrm a a- (ll.AiM. Vl i.t.M: A i.i is Uasp xin liui iy-ket'.tH.'J wlitto fill .l l all aad o:i.. 6 'a;i t'i a piui. oi .-I'.t.ia- X:!.rv ea. l.niil t 1,1: jarli"i!-'i ; ,! Inuiilv v.Hl, em in sinaii piives : Vi-ppvr lual i-.iit, an. im' Wilis t .!ii;u- t-i 0.i:k Li i I .VI h ..i. nui.e, one iiii:. e!' sin t.lLi, -dIUe'lll''..l ol' ini i I I Kiin'.ll Ol hi.li l. 1.1 t! lll'V el as I tie liver. - - i :n; iiint of li nt' r i lloiu, oiie' esg. one nl lel.l, :i Iaij4i5 ti ;l- iil tOelll ti list. Ltblt as I'.i.-t as l..;ke.l. lly.ll. Wa.iii ,'ir. il, llll! teei L'J hl.lliei. 'i'iu y are very yo.iil anl Ih.. ejej;l Very rjji.uifj.tr- litir'i Vi:.. - Sii.il: water ; pic!; out ;tl! ,1 ."evrril Intm in lietuo in ii. i ; inn tii. to in lie ui. Liiiivr, V.'.l until ti init t ;tires . illi a i.ieee ol l.s, kU t l. i'i n:,i I In- -,t a ti r M.i uiih a 1.0. Iji;,' !!. 'j-.itter. .St'.l tu f liell.t. r b. l..ite. i ;tr... i To 1! n: '. ii i.i a IJi t i .e H Ui f. T'i'.-. ,; i. t i u ii,), in . in u -.. T.i;. . ". ioi i ;, i lie ... !,;,.' , l.ll.l 1 11 11 1'., t I'll ., .. .i . I,.. , . eii.i r v. r a u l ' ., p.. t.i it !t liist- 'I i . p I .01 1 1.1 1 - I 1. i, .1 I y ' li I 1 i...,.,. CI tl.e I be V. . I 1 : .1 h Ul 1,1. . t. .11.1. -1 N . it i,l' 1, 11. 1 t. . iu ..i i .1 1' l.l 11. a ' o.'i II I . 'I II,. ' ; ! 1 o . 1 i' ii.at I 1 U v. CO I, a ' , r r . I.. I. II I a I, 1.1 tV I.I I" . I, .1 I- ll -I 1 III I . .V ill -1 I lis.'U I l-v I., -I k pi . I . ly .-iit v i.li 1 1 . V.l I. I '. 1 1 iily 1. 1 'll. !. ' ' 'i!l.v 1 1 U ti it I, 1 I i it-. 1 1, I 1.1. ,.l 1 1. US 1 l .n I. 1,11 It ll..- i ll ill! llll I Iv 1.' .. I. I. i... r i f .i.iy Li ii .1I1 mul 1 Mill 1 I .III .1 I ll I. . 11 . I I Hi I i I. -1 i. , ' . l' ll I. .-'1 I .tftlo 1 t "Oi I to li . .. , 1 Ml -UII... t piniMMrs MAMMOTH CASH STORE, IN MARKET S Q U'A Ii E. IS OKPKRINU BARGAINS IK DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CEDARWARE,: QUEENS WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Drugs, Faints, Oilsj&c. JUST OPENED A NEW ASSOliyilENT KKESB FROM THE cm. UKTGO'OD 9. BLANKETS, . OVERCOATING, CAESIMERES AND CLOTHS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BILKS AND BILK. POPLINS, ALTACAS, SHAWLS, w'r.li eTerr kind of Forf.'ok asd Domestic Dnr Grjoos. ti.ocerirs of cTe:j kind, CotT'.'e. Tes, Suffer, Molnss's. lish, and every; lilug in the Orocery Hue. Meat, HARDWARE or ercry (Jhciiiition and an enflk'L's variety of cutlery. iLK"N3WAlE of every variety and quality. BOOTS AD SHOES ol'thc best manufactures in th.i Country. WALL PAPER an extra assortment suitable for any Rooms. NOTIONS of every discriptlons. FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES, POINTS and OILS &f the best quality. All of which will be sold at th tery LOWEST PRICFS. As these goods have been bought for cash, speci;il iudiicemculs to pureh-i-ers tire offered. Call aud examine the Immense ptoek. II. V. I KlUXCJ. Bai'.ljiiry Nov. 5ih, 18T0. DANIEL I.EnilKP.. A. J. MILLER EXT HA GOOD BARGAINS Jvet opened at the sloie of ' Mj:.t5. LESUER .1 MILLEJ, Ja H. oifs Buii.Uii- on QUEEN i-TKtET, ,o:.v;a"MBEiiLAM), tenx-a, A LAUGi; ASSORTM KNT OF Con' "all the Fall and Winter Stvles of I. uii. .." Dre.-s Goods, Woolen Good ,tr., I'l ilbs. is-lmercs and Gentlemen!.' G". gem-tally, v. bid; will all be so.a at gri'ai l.irMins. GROCEIHES AND PRO VTsoN'S. of a'.l kinds and of every description. (jueeutttvuro. (ilttssnare uuii "Hil-liiH-VVarc. BOOTS AND SHOES for Men, Women und Children. FLOUT. AND FEED of all kind, Is constantly kept ou li a nil. J Ley via niso purchase CHAIN OF ALL KINDS, l th h Vutst inurkit price, and will eiehangs gooJs lor Giaiu. The public r invited to call aad cxauine our f ltenslve askortiuent of Good before pun basing e'st-wLMMV, and become convinced lliul Goods can be bought iowcrthuii eUevtlierc a: our estuhlith- lUTlt. l.ESIIFK A MILLER. Newib'd, Stpt. 17, lSiO.-ly. A GUAM) FALL OPENING or NEW STORE GOODS. A eoinpleie art ji tturul of good are no leiii( (wilt 1 41 MOKK DSINi.Kir.S STOHE, HUt' Huibllng, M.ukrt Wreet, KCNBl'KV, PEN N'A. Consist lug of ri.OTMH ANDCAiSlV.i:i:K8, 1UU GOODB, Dry Goods of every .nl l, Noiious, I.tdies" fcl.awl", tuMil's FurtiWhlut; " n.ls, K.ud).lade lothilig, Wooltll !i:.r,lketa, ('., !.,!, 111 I'liftht, IK;-oil i.Itm I'P.UH, .ire, W:.:o,v-W.ir , C'u iijre, c, As. I'tuitr Hllll I'fi'J. Ci I 101.1 sic In ;r ill i.'feioU Hoik of the i. .1.1 I !! Iii h lr.1111 il.o tan.-in filir. t'i : - are l.,v. . 'I iu y a. e ,t, u rt.oiicd lo keen up ,1 ir o' t 01. ,llo 1;. i ii Mirt smii imio 1 i'liortis. A.I t 1. it 1 I i-oiiniry -imt- iiLrii in '. - lo. .; 1. 1. . MtitiKT A UlsslM.fK. r.-i t. '.I, l; 1. 'IIIMM.! Ml 1.1.1 t.!t 1 - ; -i I., k. 11 ... .1 lit "l a' I M I'll W .I.li II I tlll-i l, I tl.e a a., tit iut J Ii paltr j II I ll 1. 1 I :t AMI FH.lt. V la. H . llo: eil If l.s of IS'.. ni it !i ,1, .. , lie 11' I ,- 11,1 a o a ly 1.10 .. II ,1 1,1 any ui lliu oi 11 1.1.I I 1 1, i.K 1 1 11, -1 ..11. Fl.i. ,11 lb. r 1. I 1 . ii..- 1 .1 I ...0 , ., 1 tirit 1,1.1 U.I.S., Is) 7 ti . . It Is I j ;v J v . ' ii i . I is I . .1 i , I I. . I.'..;. . I I. -..I I I I...,., I.t A I mil, I ' I. ,1, I ,11 I I I j-.-r tel. Vl I. .le 1 1. I 1 I I I , Ii. 1 ' . . bl.ll .ir.,11. t I'd tut Oil' I t I IV- 'l I ll H'I ll. II. .1 , J I 1 . iii i I'nUli, OiU. te, 4 till. !..., , , . , -4 I ..... I 1 , ... I M I, . . li . 1 , . 1 I . 1 .. . M .. ,, :nuoK5. THE HDMM'KV CATTI.I AKCK CON1MNV. Ornc.sS. E. Con. MAf.Ki;Tf:u('AHB,8iini7iiT Pa. INSURE YOUR CATTLE 1 TrnK o.M.v (okpakv that pays PKOHI'TIiY. rj"1TIS Cotnpatiy pnyii nil Iopsch ty nil kinds of .1. hitMhi'i t y lio.ifh, ( tih'i ting In caw of iphlivuir-O liy tliift, At'., ie. 'llny pay pifiiiijit jy. N'o ri'd t:ii" prociPvliii'd to oljtalu juur money In c:iM' of 1o.ih. Look nt tlio list of Loiwi't imifl Hithln six montlis by tliif company : M. llcnningcr, Eunbiiry, I), llil'. rt, Niirtliuinborland, P. I). Jlivtu-P, corce r.i kcrl, " ( Iim Us llnlii-li.Mt. Carnifl. Kusstus gippic, " iut linriiio Wiiitiipr, WntRontoWK Hen. JIi:lt, NiMtluru.ljcriKiiit J.it ni) Snvilcr, Sunlmry, J. V. Hunter. " Jlinor tuly, Dcwnrt, r'.illiiivhip Mavtz, bnmokln, Fiiini'iK Unclicr. Hiii.liny. lb.itir.icl Piiee, Upper Lchitcb, Appliention can lie nnule at tli home to the illllercut Local Aircnl". (33 83 M 00 SO 00 40 00 CO IKi 40 00 ' 40 00 60 ou 60 00 60 00 ! 40 oo : no oo i 50 00 i office or C.J. UKUNER, PrtMtnt. C. A. KiavrvsNYnnii, fiee'ii, Suiibiiiy. Directors Soloninn htroli, AViu. Urindie. Clias. Martin Tlinninn llal.lv nud Juhn A. fcliienler. Di-ci'iiibcr 111 li. ly. AKricuUuv.il luiplruirutsi, nOIVS fJiair Raket, Fled and Inm Garden Jta!;cii. Loiil: und D Han. lie Spades, Shov els, Maiiavc and 1! iy I'orU. Cirass mid Ciraiii Scythes, (iiain Cradles, Cra.ll" Finirers. Trace, Ureas!, Tonirile and Loir Chains, lirin.l-stones, ruunni'; Mill t-e.ves. oi nil sizes ui:d l.im!', a larcc assort ment of Red Wajroa 1 nines, for l'iowiui;', Farm RcIIb, Cnltivaon Tech. lor rale by J. II. CON LEV CO. A liK.Vn.I'.MAVN W AliUJ-KOBK. A MAMMOTH .STOCK OF GOODS, MERCHANT TAILORING HOUS, Thirij St., One Dooit Below Market St., Sckbuiiy, Pa., J. M. ZIEGLER, pHoriiiKTon. FRENCH & ENGLISH CASSIMERES, CLOTHS OK EVERY KIND, VESTINGS, ALL; KIND6, FINEST URADES, ENDLESS VA- ! RIETY. ! Embraelnp every nualily mid Etyles that the i New York und Philadelphia Markets nll'ord, which will be madcap to order by the b.st of work- I men, wannnUM to lit ana render entire SHUbluc tiuD. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest assort nicnl in town. Embracing CTfrythinir of Geiitlaincn's vicar ol the hilevt siylen. (.'all and see my stock, aUothe latest fashious, before pKiehabinc cUewliere. J. M. ZIT.GLER, (successor to Tbo ins G. Ni.lt.) Third st., one iln,r below Market, Snnluiry,Pa. Sunbury. Jan. 1.1, 1ST0. KIIEAD AM) 1'4 V CAki:', DAVID FRY, li JF.SPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun- L burv and vicinity, that he will b.ike to order all kind" of CAKI.j VOK BALLS, PARTIES, Ac. Familcs are supplied Willi FRESH liltEAD, Twicl, Rolls, Rusk, Tea Runs, iVe., und also kept on hand nud uiuiiMlai lured out of the best materials. All orders left at his Shop hi Market Square, one door east of Miss Auiei Painter's Miliinery Store, or in his Bakery on Spruce Si rest, between Front and Second streets, will meet wLli prompt attention. BALLS AND EVENING PARTIES rupplied with Cukes, Ice-Cream, Aie., at tho shoriest notice. Orders arc respectfully solicited. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Dec. 12, 1US. At l AT Tin: tl.it Vl.M V. rpiii; si A. 6 a nb subserilur announces to the caucus !.l his of litti: ill a.iJ l ASiC Fs,'J' !I.Ih'MENT , ou the old place, wheic it .is recent 1 v destrovej by fire, he is ugaiu prepare 1 lo 1 'upply -llieiu with all kinds ol Una 1 und 1. .:!; s, ruca as BROWN' UREA I). Mii.u l;:e.ad, LK1:a:) CARED en the HEARTH, and a fall line of FANCY ( .IKES, Tea I-tins, R.ills and T.vii-ts. A'. -". u'ti i;',.;us ol Ceuit'eeliem ar:es at Lis :-l: ,0 -:i Vuir '. : treni. Having . inployi .l 1; ;'.i -' -1 1 i .i I :!;er iVe.m tbf city, he Is pn p.u.-.l to give gei.cral satis.'c.etio.i in iiis iine of butiiiees, ai.J il -,:iiesail 10 i,ive him a tri. b.ead and Cakes jV iivcrel to customers every morning. H'i! CREAM. An lee Civam S.tl'.on It is been opened In con nection Willi tiic ub.ive li.i-let-. i.i. ! .1 I 1 li.--,' t-ae-on life.-. I up, vbeiv ti e I .-I ie'-Cieie'. wi!l he served u; i-vo j t- ruing timing tin- a-011. WM. li. HAAS. Sunbury. June 11, 1ST0. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Foi" Discason of the Throat and Lun-s, ucb an Cousba, OoleLi, Whooping COiiKb, Jironchitio, Asrb.ua, and Consumption. Frnb.iblv never beforj in tho whole history of TCl-ih. me, li:l- eu thing vt ou so widely ami mi ill eply Vliiill Hie euilliiielieu of lil.iel.illd, us tins exeelli-iit reini'.ly 1M piiliuoaary i-ul.ipiauit 1. J'ln i,ut li u loe M-rii- ol w-.uij, and miiui'i; inn 1 t, 1 i j - - raee o 1111 11 11 b;t. ri-t-11 lii-.-.ber -out 1h,'iht iu lb, ir einn lieill, a 11 teiK Lh-.-.iiiio betle r Liiotvil. Jis ullil.i:- rlt.irj.-tei- ami p j.u'r to care lee v tru.u.. ntle.'iions ci 1 lie Liu;: - a .d U10..1I, li.iv 1? iiunle 1! knuitii as a rt liable ploleetol liitaui.-l llu-.li. V. iule l.ta.ted 1 n.dder lni'iiis ol'tb-i-a..i an. I lo yoiiu;: i luluu-n. it is at llie t-uiue illile Ibe llloM ell, e;i;;.l leeieilv li'lit call tie piveil l.il' iueitat'iit. e.iii-ur.inilnil, itlel llie it .11 geleitl., :iUC'-ln it.-, i.l Ihettn uat u-a! I lh.i. .V, a ,,a tiiinn .-ifiiin-l - la K-ii au.i u, of -i.i.-;i, 11 Mu.iSl bekefitoii baud 111 every luiiitlv, lin-t ueieeil it-all ere Miiii..'.,..!;1, .ai..;e.-i to ci.lil tin t leeiia-, u;l Sliuilid l,e p:eltlli-. Willi llll .'UlU'lt'le I'll' tin-Ill. Alilioiit.'li se.iiie.1 C.i.'isoiiififiiiii 1- iliiiiti:)ii in. cuia'd -lilt nrc.lt numbers 01' ea- es wll-'ie llie .U... CJ O tee.-.ie.l i-ellleil, have beta t-oiaplt-ti ly eiiie-il, Slid lliu p. till lit I'c&lotv't , hii.ii: I liealia l.y tlit) t iiftry i'vvtut'itl, foillpli-le i-- il-: lea'- lel-y ovtr Hid iboi'.lt-i-.t of 1110 Luck and 'lliroiu, Ibat llie ino.l oil -linalc of tbeui yii lit In 11. l.eu m.in. iiilf el-e eoui I iea,-h lb. 'in, under tin) (7n 1 vy tvrul liiey huIi.-ii'd nii't tltMippe.vr. AiMfrc Ollti i'uHiC &JHiMki4 llud filial rO- Vci-iiou from it. J.iiinu u iiluajj rUved aud otUu whully CUie.l bv it. iiiun. wi;. ''"""'" I' Itencrally cnivd bv laki.is the trr4 I'rrtoriil 111 -a, ill mi l I.e. 1.1, 1. 1 , 1., . .. 0 xcneiully lliu lis Vl. s knmtli 1I1.1I e , ii.nli-li n,e eiaiai. aie-ol iliem lieie, 11 il.iiu.i.e 11 S--IHO lia) j,uM;i that Its i4u.ibue aiti laiiy lllUUiesJ. ho rot lb sueinuuicd, Ayer's Ague Cure, Fop Yevrr and A.'iie, Intermittent Fovr, Cli.ll 1 uer. Ittiiiiillent t'ev.jr, Duinli Axna, 1'erio.l'C.il or lliliou 'evnr, ttc, ami lililoe I iell tho alVuotiun wlneli arise fiuiu utularioua, suits ait, or lumauiauo liouone. As 11. imn.e m In t, It iliws Curr, and d-'. nut f ill. I ..in. ili. 1 11, ailu-r Ai--eiile ti.tn.uie, lli-.iiiulli, If llie, nor an , tilber llliil.'l il nt' inl ..illtili .util.inee V li.iii'ver, 11' 111 u.'ttiat iiiiiiivs miy .ii u ul. llie II II 11. 1 ill an. I lift., ill ill.'- III' 11 , 1 III 1 4 In !!.- .ll'tle ills ll I-' s Hie I '.i atlv la - ,ti,. it. 11111.I. ua I tte I.i b ttf ttitt.nui .ii-jiII. 1 in llie ln-Uirv of A in- i,u-.ii. 11111. ur 1 i. le ;,itiiiii ! by Ihti uiaVu.itt IisUiihiiiu t lii'.im uf ll... it' 11 .tl lilies t.', 'ii'. in i.i,.i..i..;e Cs..'., Sif I it 1 1 . -1 J .tie r leiliv In", Ita.l V-. la.lly l.i.ltd, I lima luifilnit i..r .ou., rilln-i' reti.tent Sit. or If etrlbnii tliii.iiuli h.u i,i iiu-1 -1 i.,e,, tt id Le iut U. aid bv like. w ll.o ll.l . Ill, .lob. ri' (lrf I'sNisliiiiiia, ail.HM rini i,..i i.bty M Ilia laisr, II is .111 tin ll, ul I. utt.ly, sluuuUl.Ust tin, latei lull. Iii'.illlif ai-lliilv, t ui lull. ma In Ii o. ..n. I Iter ( iiiii.abils, ll It e.l vti ,-lluiil li-iiitiU, . nullum; 111411 luilt lit. Ssis.kal.l viiiM . Minis- nllMii i.t, ib Hit , kat'l l-iilesl. I'll .ul. tl IM. J t'. At I II I U , I'M,)., ll ...t Si.ilai.jl I a. ttvisU, LkmsU, ilxss., u4 sulj ell li.uii.1 Uui nutfl. IKK'. M.uili.U, 1 .,0. Ilea l. MM uurtm. UltOiM S A II F.M.I f, l VSl V H I l it, he i'f Vllll ls i II HMOI M, in lssii' H i- ioi,:, M i.i e.i.ii e.eii. j VI I. 41 lions s t.f tl.-.ls s.ij Si.ih , 11, la l.j .it :,t IH I ft U il I:, ,1. , .1 I I . I 1 411 li V s I I Hi. .fl., 4 ! s thiol tvl.lt ly.i.( sl sv, t ...-. i4 ' rf-,S It, I -' ' IM II N HI. t I . .. . t,, lib' BgOBfla'.!! Jg-!-lg'.J'tf.rWgg! iv HVLTIHOItE LOCK HOSPITAL,. FSTABLISIIKD A3 A RKFUUE FROM QUACKERI. THE ONLY PLACE WIIEBE A VVUE CAN BE OBTAINED. Ph. JonNTsoN liiiRdiflcoTercd the most Ccrtntn, fl'ccdy nnd Tiioct Etleetiinl Remedy In tho World Tor nil rrivnte Ulceiieef, Weakness of tho Bulk or Limbs, Htrirtnres, Affect ions of Kidneys and Hlrulder, liiTolimtnry Discharges, Inipotcncy, UcnrriU Debilitv, Nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Lnn pnor, Low Bptrils, Confusion of Mens, Paliilta tion of the lleurt. Timidity, Trcnibllm;s, Dimness of fhrht or (jlddinesj, Disease of the Ilend, Thnmt, Nose or Mkin, Affections of Liver, Lunirs, Stomach or Uowels these terrlblo Disorders ni-isinL- from tbe SoliturvIinbUsof Youth those secret and solitury practices more fatal to their victims tbuu the bouj; of 8yrun to the Manners of Ulysses, bllht'in their most brilliant hopes Ol UIII ICipUllUUS, IVIIUCllUJ lill ua,v, wwv., ....ua- : siljle. IOUNG MEN -especially, who liaTc become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive hubit which unnually sweeps to an untimely grave, tlimisiimls of vonnif uieu of the most exalted 'talents and brilliant Intellect, who miljht other wise have entranced listening Demurs Willi tne I thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the i livimr Ivre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. I Married Persons or Younir Men contemplating marriairc, lienifs aware ol pnysiciu weakness, or ganic debility, dcfnrinltles, Ac, speedily cured. Ho w ho pl'acis himself under tho care of Dr. J. may religiously conlldc in his honor as a irentle maii, and coutUleutly rely uoon his skill as a Phv. i Mciun. j ORGANIC AVEAKNES3 j Immediately Cured, and full Vicor Restored. This DUt'ressiuu' Affect ion which renders Life ' miserable mid marriairc impossible is the penalty I paid by the. victims of improper indulgences. V on ui;" persons are too apt to commit excesses j from not bring aware of tliedrcndl'ul consciences i ihat may ensue. Now, who that understands j tin.' subject will pretend to deny that th: power I of procreation Is lost sooner by those falling into ! Improper habits than by the prudent J Resides being deprived the pleasures of healthy ollpring, I the most serious and deetruclivf symptoms to tmih I body rind mind arise. The system becomes de I ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions ! Wi :;l.ened. Loss of Proereative Power. Nervous Irriliibility, Dyspepsia, Pulpilalion of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of I he Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Dcailu OFFICE. NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Left band side going from Baltimore ktrcct. a lew doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his olllee. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. No Murcurv or Nauseous Drujf. DU.'JOHNSTON, Member of tin RovaColkge of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of tho most eminent 1 Colleges in the United States, und the greater j part of whose ife has been spent in the hospitals ; of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, I has effected some of tbe most astonishing cures I that were ever known ; many troubled with ring- ing l.i the head oud ears when asleep, great ' nervousness, being alarmed at sudden soHnds ! biislilnlness, with freiiient blushing, intended i fonieiiiucs wi'.U derangement of miud, were cured , iuiuiediaielv. ! TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ! Dr. J. : l.lresses all those who have Injured ! themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary i habits, which ruin both body und mind. untitling : t liein for either business, study, society or mar riage. : i nr.sn are tome of tho sad and nielmudioly i ed.ets produced by early habits of youth, viz: ; WeekiiC' a i'f the Rack and Limbs, Pains in the R.iel; und Dead. Dimness of Sight,' Loss of Mus ; ciilur Power. Palpitationof the Heart. Dyspcpsy, N'TVoiis irritability. Derangement of DiircMivc Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con , sumption, .te. j Muntai.ia The fearful effects on the mind I are much to lie dreaded Loss of Memory, t'ou ! fiit.ii. n of Ideas, Depression of (spirits, Evil- Foreboding, Aversion to Society, Sc!f-lhtru-t, I Love of Solitude, Timidity, S;c., arc some of the c produced. j Ikoi samii -of persons of nil ages can now I ju.ke what i- the caitscof llwir declining heallh. le.bi:... their v.gr, bceouui g, weak, p ile, uenous an I t'l'iai iaUi., having a ingulr appeiiruncc abo.n i he eyes, cough and syniptoms ol'cor.suinp tioii. YOUNG MEN ! W ho have injured tlieniselves by a certain prne- li.-f. 1 pa' -e ai v. hen alone, a liatuL lieuuelit V I learned from evil eompanions, or ut school, the :tfi'cci ol which arc nightly felt, even when ' n-'lei p, and if not cured, renders marriage impos ; silde, and ib a revs Loth miud and bixly, should . .p .':) ilill.lcli.ilely. Vi".-'. j i'y Unit n young man, the hope of his lai-.n,' iv. tl.e li.uliiig of his parents, tliould be ) "..iiteii'-d I'jvtii all pro.-pci li. and enjoynienls ol li:v, by the. cim...iiicnec of deviating from the p. uii of nature au.1 indulging in 11 certain secret ' habit, bueh peioons MfsT, before cuiiteiuplating I MARRIAGE, rel'ei-t that a sound 11 lud and body are the most 1 necessary riaiiisiies to promote coiiiiuVial happi ness. Lnlii d without these, llie Joiirni y through l.l'e be: oaa , a weary pilgrimage; the pro.-piet iio.ir.y dark-us to iho view; the mind becomes fl. a-la;., .1 Willi despair and tilled wills the nieliiu- I ebo'.y rill-eiiou. tli.it the happiness of uuolhcr j becouies blijlited wilh oiii nwii. ; I'lEAsE OF lMI'RI DENCE. When t'ae misguided und lmpriidcut votary of i le.it.ure liuda tnat be has imbibed Iho seeds of lids j ax 1 11 1 ul disease, il too olieu happens Ilia! iiu hl-tiiaed s. use of ohumc, or dread of discovery, ibuia, him fiom applying to those who, from I'lu-.atioii and rcspecittbility, cau aloiiu hiTrieu.l him. delaying ti.l the conMilulional symptoms ot lli'.s lioi rit ni-i-aM unikc their appearatu-e. su, h :ti ulcerated sore throat, di eMsid inwc, nm-tiual pains in ibe bead and limb.-i, liiiuuess of sight, di.i!i;(-is, noili-s ou the e Ul 11 botu-s and arms, bloielii s on I he bead, face and ctrcuiiltcs, pro-.le.-hi; with, frig hi fill rapidity, till nt la-t llie 1 .ilate of Ibe mouth or the bolus of the him fall In, and lb- victim of tills uvwul tli.nr lu-comes a lii.it i'i o'lj' -l e l e ,1111.11 elat ion, till ileal 11 puts a pciiol to bis dreadful Millet ing, by sending liiui lo tb.it L i.di.-oVeiedCou.itry fieiui wl; 'lice 1.0 i.av.'U, r n t;. r, is. I ll la a la--; lie ,..-. fact that thousands fall vie .iius to ihi- ti-rrible iIimmsc, owing lo ibe 111. skill t'.ii .ie i t ignorant prrle udi i", w ho, by lite ue I li.,1 ' 1'ia.l'y Foieoii, Meieuiy," ruin the lo.islu.ilio.i i.uil make tne n.i lae ul life luincia bie. bTKANGERS Trw.it not your llti., nr h-.-tltb, in the rare of the many I na .true, I nud Wotilia,. I'n-t -nder, il" lil.M.-ol i. i.ai I -e, liaine 01 i-ltarair!', ho -. lo. jolitiHioti uilve-iu.eint-nti,, or tv ..,'. e'.ve. in lie n. -paper., re-ul.oly Edueat.-d ,., . , , ' ' . ' 1 ' t.K.i.al.te ol t ui:i., lllfV keep toll lio'iii., lu. -ill li a 1 1. 1' liioulb taking linn' lillhy an. I po. ,.ia n- c..i,ip. ;i.i I., or u long a the .inula ,1 .,.,!,. i.tiained. nud 111 de-1 air, leave! ,iu 1 uiib ruined I e..Lli in sigh over )our h'.t'.iing ,!. Upl'iiilll u lr. J,.n.-i..ii is 1 he only I'IiVs'k uin iijtrrl'.slii.'. Hit t ied' nleils or Ui bulla always Inn.- In bis oil!, e. Ill ie'u.,1.. 1 r lu. lu,, nt arc unknown In all oilier., I ii 1 o. I lioai ,t llie .pent In llie ,lc.il Ii il ol 1 fope, Ibe lu.l ;i, llils follliliy .Old 11 more ftei..vn riit.it,, I'meliee" Itiau any 1 iln r I'l.i-a l.i tt in il,,. woiM. IM'OIIM I1S T HF T 1 1 K I'KESi. T'i- lie. Ill ll...a... 1, l cured ul Ibis lii.lilulluu ir, unit lliti uu'ili-lous bolKiilaiil eat till I Vi , . .1 l.. I aa. e I I.t I 1," ... I .... ' h 1 l irim d t,y Wr. J ,li 11 -1 em , I ... ill ol I 1.1 lt.ui," I II Ji- fit illi t ..i,r., iiiill.isnl nlo, U I 1 ,l al, I a, tilt Ul.nr llie ul ill , ' i-'l . ; f .1 i;i i.tu lift ti i, t h.11,0 lit ' ut, 1 4 suttliUlil isei.iulvti lo I' ' V. v I a m' HHIV I I Itl lt. "i'i 'ti li li I . 11O. l.l.ir In il url ' 1 - i.li' n ,.t 1 1 1. 111, In I ii.- I in j Inn i M. Ji.i a U.S. l. U. ''" bi. iiini ,ul, lie.Uitiuts, U4 1 li. I ." li. I 4 mi ii ttiuir. n'!t ... 1. I 1 ....Sol 11. I l..s .l I lulolll.t I bo fill- 1. , j.. I 1 11 ii.il), lti-t lltt I 4.1 Mi: AT sllur, . . 1 .11 lb. u oik t l ut ll., 4. 1 I. 11 ,.tt Ibe isiiitfcs I, tm. if, t , I M t I I 1 ij.l I 1.1 ,,.-., It.u . , . m I 1 t ,1 .1 I -l I f ul lot i n i tl b 1, .1 ;. , .4 itiil, si ll. ; -'M lit..'.i. AtH-IS 1 ... I ,,. . - . ' I I . i. 1 1 1 1. . 1 1 . I 1' I ti I t. .. tl. . ,lt ... I tl- 4. 11 1, .- . .1 I I l.l N . 1 Is..! I 1 I st 1 1 . I 4 ,1 1 t ,- .1 - 4. el I kit A b nt I MACHINE SUVP AND IUOM FOUNDRY. GEO. ROHRBACH & SONS, Manburj", lein'n, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added n new Machine, Shop In connection with their Foundry, and hnve supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing und lioring Machines, with the latest improvements. Willi tho aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all ordors or NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may bo given them, Iu a satisfactory man ner. , Urnles to suit any Sto-re. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improTcd, and w ill always be kept on hand. t Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Smibury, Juno 18, 1870j CAUIM'.T MAKIXO AND B. L. RAUDENEUSH, Masonic Hall Buildings, SUNBURY, PA. PARLOR AND C HAMBER SUITS, Sofas and Lounges, Plain and Marble-Top Tables and bureaus. Spring and Lnuc seated Chairs of all grades. IliM-liiiix mid Hilcliru Ciialrst, Office Chairs, Dining Tables, Sideboards nnd Sinks, Looking Glasses and Looking Glass plates of all sizes. Bedsteads, Mattresses, Bolsters, Pillows, Tow cl U:icks, Washstaiids, Cradles, Cribs, Children's Chaiis, WINDOW SHADES of every color and quality. Window Shade fix tures and Tassels of ail kinds. UNDERTAKING. Coffins nnd Burial Caskets always kept on blind, or made to order nt the shortest notice. The undersigned having been for years engag ed in the taidcrlaking business in the city of l'hilndtlpliia, is euablcd to give entire satisfac tion to all who wish anything in this line. A splendid HEARSE has been purchased for funerals nud personal attendance given bv W. P. ROBERTS, Agent. Oct. 8, lSTO.-lin. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE 1 1 A XEW NTOKL AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM N EG ELY HAVING opened a new Furniture Stor at the above place, will constantly keep on hand, a largo and select assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Suits, Couch es, Lounges Tables, Bureaus. Cane-Seated Chairs or all gradis. Km king aud Kitchen Chairs, Withstands, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and Half Collate, Lool ing-G lasses, Window Shades, and in short, evervthing usually to be found in any well-kept Furnii lire Store, may I c had at this establishment. Hoping, by fair dealing and strict attention to business, to" merit the. patronage of the public. An invitation is extended to all desiring anything in the line of Furniture to call and examine inv stock. I'lKlorlHking done in all its brunches. fST" Repairing done ut short notice. -J WM. N EG ELY. Georg' town. June 11, ?T0.-ly. 1.1MB1.K AM PlilXIW .tlll.IiSi. Third Street, a.lioinhnr I'liihi. Erie R. R two Squares North of the Central Hotel, 6UNRL RY, PA. IRA T UlEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lam-be-r re. ui red by (be demands of the public. Having all ibe ialri improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he is now ready to Mil or di rs .fall kinds of FLOORING, F I DING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SAS1I, HL1NDS MOl' LDINGS, VE RANDAS, I'.r.ACKETS, and al! kinds of Ornamental Si i owl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAIiOi: AssoliTXKNT OF 15 1 L L L V M IJ E R . HEMLOCK Hiid VINE. Also, Shingles, P'.cksle, Lathe, Xi: Orders promptly tilled, and shipped bv Rsilrixtd or otli-rwlsc. " 1KA T. CLEMENT. decltt-CSily WTO Via A TIN I'.MTAHl.lSIIMKN'r. MARKET STREET, BUNIU'UT, FA. ALFItED KILM'SE, Proprietor. St'l'l ESOH TO SVITH (1K1THSK.J TTAVING purchased th- alHiVcwe'.I kilos 11 ee- A A lal.ii-inni nl. Mr. Kr.iuse would reouectflil- i ly 111 1 1 .1 1 : 1 the piiblie that he now has on head e i luti;e us oi l inieil of ! CO O K 1 X ft ST O V K S, 1 Spier's Cook Anli-l;isi. li. -unilur or Rvoliii I Top, Conibiiiiilinii, Su-iiu, banna and others, ! w bii h are so arriini:ed as to be used for Coal or I Wood, und are 11 1'.ieted to perfm in satisiKetorl I Iv or no sale. II KA'l KK.s fl all kiia.s put up lo heat one or more rooms. IIKXIING SllAkli I of diireieni kinds at very low prieei. j Tluuri !' l'rr ltrivriplitta j ki 1 1 eon .t.tutly on baud. Rooting and pouiint; I with tii- I.e-t material, ,., lie .it .lmrl 11 , lice. , l:nrU'.ING ittleiide l in ith dl-p.iuli. Coal : Oil und Lamps coiisl.iut'.y on ban I. Japan wsvre 1 of all kinds. More opposite Cvuky's lir,l4re store. Give use a tall. A. KKALst. I Bl.1.4 IV tlMII UV Mltltl.: VAKIs. rj"lir. uu.lersli;i..ed bavin boatlil the entire 1 stocli of Hi-siuiirr ,V 'I iv lor, would iufonu tl.e public that to- i- noiv re.i Iv lo do a. I kinds ol ' fV.-tK . J' f I VI IU. V-jW , ly I ,1 .,'Viy j (lU y . eu baud, end makes lo urder svl 611UUT No i'H B- m. .UuMUtUVIltkt A llrS4t.l4st4sH or n rut stti k. yrW-lHHU. AND WIXlM)V SIl.I.H Al-o.Ce ii.'tery l' ..li ttith li.il v.o.l,-d pi an I Uolher l'eiit'iii-4 i;ineiall u-d on eiiu lei ies. Jvibn A.ltitlar ei-l i-oiiiiime in tin- rniplso iif-i.t, I Ikt oi J sud MslnUM., kiinliei y. isiyj'ba nit: um.v mou: turiiui r run i rur. t.itiiiT 11 1. ii-. muiii: 1 ihi ri.it 1: 111:4 n u, it 1 11 11 'h III l WIS V1AU bUMoSil A btMNtCll. T WHlt'U riKLutl ANl IIUMUHU AKfc WAHMblU UV ONE rillK. I T Is lbs i,l Fir. pints IL sui llisl k ie 4f l.il I ,,p I ti-.li 1, ubl flee ln.iu I'.i.U.i, el e. p.nsli.iii, ft 1 Hilling 4 it Into III'- s -t.liiiisel. It Is lln milt I iiepiate 11-4 at ult llm nttel llaiill.tl Malias.lll, Lf I. Si U k'lti.tlt'l l.i UISiili4l - iw0 i oi 1 oi.toiv l, llm 4i.tii..i.-iil Ike ftvliite le In, luai' til ittt.tiiy si.tiuitd, nnd Hoi 4.ii! ke li, 1. I ut lite (i4t s.,l.l ul lbs sul ill I us iesti toll. ll u lbs ...ilj liiipieee ll .il.l li.sk It l'f l.'i 1 It. 1. r su I low Imoki, uui iesj4,iee U-.ti's tlft In It.ti.lt loul kt,.t ll It ll.ll U.ll) t,lt HHl IU..ISI ,t llst I1I014 .111 I tl.nu'lf4 kisle. It t. I'.e m...i 1 1.1 ..st.s II 1I11 eiiU lliiltsi J.iw ititi sl.illtl..at I, "HI Iwi S.4.IS, sill .!!!' I I .... I in -j lit.' ft Isll Il..l.' t I. Milt vl.il. i . 1 .. , ' t i.w B 1 s-,1 ut j.i.1 it.!.u-'.e loe 1 m ll.iit. in, -nil !-! is ut'i'iv 4 eu4 lio .. fl I'I i'.. i ti.ss. klbU 4 I 0 , U 1 .141 III I KI I f p. I.U.S.... m, rei;'j 1U44. H. cut I Gilt, ei-s.i, lut't J.s . It.el If y. ADDRESS TO TttB Kcnout and Debilitated, WHOSE SUFFERINGS nATE BEEN PRO- i TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO RENDE EXISTENCE DS3IRABLE. If you aro suffering, or liar snflered, from In voluntary discbarne, what effect dosB produce upon j our general health ? Do you el weak, debilitated, easily tired ? Docs a little extra ex ertion producu palpitation of tho heart ? Docs your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order ? Is your urine some times thick, milky r flocky, or is it ropy on set tling t Or docs a thick skum riso to the top ? Or is it a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do jou have spells ot Bhort breathing or dyspepsia I Aro your bowels con stipated I Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head f Is your meiiory Impaired 1 Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject I Do you feel dull listless, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody ? Docs any little thing make, you start nnd Jump J Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre ot your eye as brilliant I The blonn on your cheek us bright I Do you enjoy yourself iu society as well! Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do you feel as much confidence In yourself I Aie your spirits dull nnd flagging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so. do nbt lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless iilKhts 1 Your buck weak, jour knees weak, and keve but little appetite, aud you attribute this to dyspepsia orllser-comp'.Rlni t Now, reader, ielf-abosc, vencreel diseases bad ly cured, and sckual exfesecs, are all capable of producing a weakness of the (jeneratiTe organs. The organs of generation, when In ferfect health, make the man. you er ttiink that those bold, defiant, eneretle, jsieverinif, suceMsful business-men are alwses those whoit iteueriit'ne organs are in perfect Pica sin I ion ueer tr such men complain of being melancholy, or nervousness, of palpitation f Ike Iteart. Tkey are aever afraid they caunot euceeed in business; I hey don't become s4 smuI discourea ; 4hfV are always polite and pleasant in tkvn cisisay of ladies, aad look you aud tkeui riht in the face none of your dossiics-nt loe or any other ineanuess ubout tbem. I de not ween tkosc who keep the orsjins iiisbited hy rauiiinK to tsmi. Tlstse 'ill uut only ra'.u their oDstilullout, hut sleo those they do harness with aD c. Hew maay men. fro badly curesl dktisases, from the ctferts of etlf abane and excessne, heve hrouetht ahoat thst state of weahaeee la lhoe organs that has re.icd the jaeial ayete-.a so much a lo iaduce altct eeeey other disease idiocy, luiim-y, pr!y., s sswal ttvtisiia, ul cke, astd ttlswotvl eeery olher ferw 4f .iieease which liuinaniy is heir o svad the rsstl r.ta.e cm" the trouh'.e scarcely eeer saspcrtel, and have doctored for all hut Ike right one. UftitAate. OF. TUi OMuAS ht4,ClhC THE Iftt OF Ull'IK'l'IC. H )'. 1, M MM L 1 h TLL'IU ItXTUACT U C U V U iha g'l dlatsW, ad U casaeUi ewe far Ibe Asaeevsea ef ike ULAUlsel, KIDMaftt, GKAVIL, Ui l't UKliANIC WIAKhtte, VlhULK CuhtPHlwla, lilMIIL DIsVll ITT. aiid ail diste.ee of I ha IV.iiary lb,snt, ehsllur 4.si:n lu Male tr latita e, fiuisi ualeter feast ur.giualliit;, ai.4 no atsllir t,f h-,w ifaj h..l la.- if litel Mtl ie sabui.ae4 ea, Ceusial ua or lesauitf laay eaeue. lar leeh and !-) are euksl44 i'u 14 tvaitaa, aa4 the kaailh and k4ibiss, tttij Ual uf fvesenli. dtaea h Uiea tiwiaai is uf a ie.lW ieit4i. M. r. UKLHI.I. lte)U4, 14 Hieataai, Ma fak. a M aauih h , ft aletah a, Ph fhli K It at h-l dtiittiel la M a44ie im I Usi at fus M Ui, a.4 If Ui 4 1 i f SSI . M.sis see he.4 4f4t t la tui .st4 1', -'h ht tna'ie ul s wiitl 4etl,esae. t 1 1'.4, Ijrilumtis Rending ICulIronil. WINTER ARRANGE MIST. Monday, Nov. 1st, 1870. GRTiAT TRUNK LINK from th N.wta ewl North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y.,RaA. Jn?. Pottsvllle, Taniaqua, Ashland, Shainokln, U-bnnon, Allentown, Enston, Ephrala, Lili, Lnncnstcr, Columbhi, &c, &c. Trnlos loave Harrisbnrir for New Tork, as fol lows I At 3ilfl, 8il0,10.50 a. in., nnd 8.60 p. m., connectinjr with similar Trains on the I'ennsylvnnla Kaltioad, and nrrlvlnir at New Tork at 10.10 a. ni., 8.50, 5.&0 nnd 10.00 p m. respectively. Blccplnu ' Cars accompany the 8.10 a. m., train without chaiir;e. Ruluruiuici Leave Nttv York nt 0.00 a. m., 12.00 noon nnd 6.00 p. m., Fhilndelirl. In, nt S.1S a. iu. nud 8.80 p. m. Blcupiti); Curs accompany ing the 5.00 p, m. train from New I or It without clmnirc. Leave Hurrisliiirjr for Rcadinc, Fottsvllle, Ta mnciua, Minorsville, Ashland, Shaniokin, Allentown and .''biladelphia nt S.H) n. m. 2.S0 and 4.05 p. m., stopping nt Lebnnoii and priucipal way stations t the 4.05 p. m.. t'aia eonncctiiiif for I'biliidelphia, rolisville and t'o luinbia only. For I'ottsvillc, Si l.uvll.iil Haven nnd Auburu, via Schuylkill an, 'fiiisucbumm Kailioud, kav Il.tirisljurtf ut U.4iJ p. in. Kfist Pcntisylvani t Unilroad trains leave l! cad Iii for Allentown, Kaston und .New Fork ut5.(J0. 10.80a. ui., Li. 45 Noon n)id-4.45p. in. Uettiruinir, lcavu New Fork nt 0.00 a. in.. P.'.dO unon nnd a.W) p. in. nnd Allentown at 7.-0 a. ui. la ii5 noon, a.fi.i, 4 20 and 8.45 p. in. Way l'nuscntrer Train knves Phlhidclphln r.t 7.B0 n. in., connectiim with similar train on Fast l'eiina. Railroad, returnim; from Iteudinir ut O.'-C p. ra., stopping nt all stations. Leave I'ottsvillc at 0.00 a. nn l 3.10 p. in. ilerudon at 10.15 n. in., flriiuohi i ut 5.'.) a. id 11. '.'0 ll. in. j Ashland at 7.05 a. in., mul US'.' m ion j Mahauoy City at 7.51 a. in. and i.'Ti p. -.a Taniiiiiia at S. UH u. in. nnd -.'.io p. m. fui l'hlladclphia, New York, lleiu'.inu', liiifi.iiburc &c. Leave Fottsvllle via Schuylkill and Susinc hanna ltailroad ut 8.15 a. in. Vm llimishurg, and 12.05 noon, for l'inc Grove und 'i leimeit. KcadiiiL' Accoinmi)ilution Train leaves I'ntts. villcnt 5.40 ii. m.. pusses Kciulin.,' nt 7.L.U a. in arrivinir at Philadelphia ut lO.'-'u a. in., retai nine, leaves Pbiladelpbi.i ut 4.45 p. m., pasVm Krud hiit ut 7.25 p.m. uiriviin; nt Pott. s il ic i.t tl. Ill p.m. Potlslown Aecnininoilation Train leaves i'o'.ts town al 7.00 a. in., reiurnine; leuveo l'iiiladelp'.iia ut 4.00 p. m Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rua-liLic at 7.20 a. in., and 0.15 p. ni. for Kphrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, ttc. Pcikionien Rail Road Trains leave Porkiomtri .Innction al 7.45, 0.05a. in., at 8.UJ and 5. 80 p. ni. Returninir.lenvc Schwcnksville tit 7.WI,8.20 u. ni., 12.50 noon aud 1.80 p. m. connucling with similar trains on Rendintr Rail Road. Colebrookdalc Railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 0.40 n. in., und 0.20 p. in., returning leave Sit. Pleasant at 7.00 and 1 1.25 a.m., collecting with similar trains on Rending Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave bridge port iilSi.SOa. in., 2.05and 5.02 p. in. returnintr, leave Dowmuirton nt 6..15 a. in., 12.45 niHn and 5.15 p. in. couuectinej w ith similar traius on Reud- j -lug Kaihuad. Gn isunaays i Leave New York at 5.00 D. m.. Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. m. nud Ij.l.a p. m.. (the S.00 a. ni. tram runuinp only to Leadifs;) leave Fottsvllle at h.uu a. ui., leave l!anist,ui, .loa. m., and 4.0b p. ui.; le tve Allentnwu at S.o p. iu. leave ReadinB ul 7.15 a. lu. and 10.05 p. ui. for Harrisburjr, at 6.C0 a. iu. for Ne'v York, iti.il at U.40 a. ui. aud 4.20 p. ui. for Fbilu lei'u. Commutation, Mileage, Seao;i, tichool r.ud Kxcurtion Tiekcls, to aud from uii points at re duced rales. Rairjfntre checked tltromch : 10, Fouiuls S;ik gsge allowed each Pusseiiner. y. 4. NICOLLH, Gieieial auiierintsudent. Xrtira I'ssstrul Uuiiwuy. WINTKB AiiKAN'GKilkNT. ON and aiher Ic. 4th, l7i, lialas iil run as follow : , NOKIHWAK1). t Leave Sunbury at 4.56 a. m., arrie at Citii'tn daiifiia 8.10 p. in., Syracuse 6.85 p. m., Korhit ter 4.4.5 p. in., Miilf'.ilo 8.45 p. m., hiisnlon Wride O.SO p. in., Niasrurii Pall 55 p. ni. Leave fcuiiliur at 4.85 p. m. lr Klntira aud libli'alo via l'.ri Kaiiwey from E'wira. Leave Sunbury nt B.40 p. ni. for IViili.tni.-port. SOUTHWARD. LrilVe Piiiibury at 3.85 a. til., arrive nt iLtrris baii( 5. 15 a. m., Kallimore V. 15 a. in.. F'ntmd'l Fhts, .il a. in., Washiiikiton city t.f1 p. m. Leave e-unbury ut 11.o5 it. lu.', ;.rrlv .1 Har rlsbure; 1.12 p. iu., Haltlmorr H.15 p. ru., Phila delphia 5.86 p. tn., Huhhiniiton li.ii p. n. . Le;tc Sunbury. 10.20 a. in.. ariiYe ii Karris burir 1.01 p. ui., Wuf hhiftcu ft. 45 p. in. Leave tiunbury st 12.t:5u. in., arrive t M.rri bui'sj 2.D0 a. iu., Vashiu4t0n T.UU is. ui. I Baltimore accommodation !ats i..i bujv 5. (if ' a. ui., arrive at liarrbbur 7.4S . in., tv tSucre i la.so p. iu. j SHAMOK1N DIVISION. E4414HI. I Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. in., nr-ite 4 Shanvv I km 5 S5 p. ua., Ml. Cariii: 6 4n p. x. 1 Iiite unbury (Aecoinni.tUtii.ii,) m H.Ma. iu., an ife al Shanifkin l.isi p. m. i vnnsiKn. 1 Leve Ml. Carmel at Sn5 a. in., airee at I l-hauiokin .W. in., t'eii.liuiy tUs as. I Lt-ve Shamoaiu ( Accnuiiiioditlion,) itt f . 4f, p. j tn., arrive at t-ui.hui) 4.00 p. 111. j Fnpisse Vs'.n daily i.rj.as-s m mimIii. ti. ieili only to Vi i ll i'.ii? oit. A.l otb.T trains leave dai'y, i tc'i I K in ias. A. K. linn. ku. a. Vm si-, Geu'l. Ir-Jp't., Gen'l i'a-Mu'r A,'":.. li.iriii'.U.I;', Yn. lbs ttut.is. V I I s'e4st44Usls stUsl KleelslS lists' ls4l- rnsvd. hf Mat iii AKHAVGFMKNT OF CU.. N..4.H TRAINS. Monday, July IK1I1, 1170. SOl'THWARD. Lsstfe. A.M. F. II. A. VI. P.. P M. OO l,r 1 . 2 K 1 iiu intr, t'eu.e.i.11, lo l 10 hviiu'J, (sii'.e ) 10 M a.. I SOKTHK A w. 4HD. P. M ; KuilhumlMi aad, I l t'litmu, I l l:u....4, Id A I I I ll 04 If & T A . - I a. Issl.t. I slils kiisu, h t'tjiasbu'i, k-r. L.it.e .I.i, In )i t 111 4, W ,1 U'te, b.i a . 4, t nh llsiea, It-4 ruj, i iktl.il , llsut.-s't, Nsuin. 4s, I" H'i - ik i ift , h i 1 ... A I st. Vt . a-iis 1 it 41. 1' ,, 44 ,. I.. . M 1.1 I'. list 'st. r i-i t., I ..l,i. ..4, I.t ... t, 4 ..... k.ls.l n.. 1 II It Ik k a N It 14 vl 14 ia U I 14 ;a 14 ti a It I i. I I' I 4t tt lo 1 tk I 141 p 1 IO I V I I i r 11 I 0 ll 14 ' I II i t I 1 II a I. 11 4 . . 1 . . 1 t I. Keraalon, , 6 4A 1 25 U 8e 5 ' aue, 6 Vi V 25 h 8A 1 4S.iwi.!o, 6 It7 ',1 ii ) ,., 1-srtaetLu, ; 7 Isfi 51 f. I. lM4st.ni, 7 14 11 .'! 10 HI 4 If, e t llstoa, I T la 10 5' t.s Weomiin;, ! 1 V. 4 OH 10 Ma thy, I j io 4 : i Kinirsloii, A tt. I .,,'-., . J W.-Harre ' e'rt I 11 7 I,( ' Piemouth Juuc, 1 j 10 4 , li ' Plymouth, I 1 fi'. 4 'M I'i ! - i Na-ilicobe, ' a 07 I 7 i HuiiLmV, ! 14' 1 0. I Mn. S.liMiiiv, I th 14) II'. j it.ek's llm, . I s 4i It. 11. sell II iv.'u, 9 hi I I . ' T I Kn airk. T S tV i 's. Willow Gr.ne, . H, tl I te.'k, I V t.l I ' I. ii.ie LiJ.e, ; V IS 1.4), I s S i 45 I h.ooilfihal, I V ' VI Hi.pi it, tl M I 11 : Cm,.. a, !Vi I i- 1 l-0l.lr, 10 im t .-, I 1 1 1 . I I ..4.1.1 sl I, 111 I 1 . t s 1 .1 I.li ill I fi ou u-iikI, 1 1,1 . l s tt tl " Vil Ha K)'li 41. . ,, .,1 ,. M -ie , 4J ,. A l n. t. s4 4 eM Hhl l'llllit,l .af rhh. 1 i. A II T IU I VOt (Ml 4M "It !. l.il I IIH ! at 44 1 tt I. .4 r (stslier Me.ee e-s. it Ifw . h . I. . .11. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers