THE SCE ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING-. MAT 8, 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. EI. WOOD, General Manager. rriMPHF.n RAII.Y AND WZEKI.Y TN PCUA- tox. Pa., by The lHinusy Publishing Company. n-.-w Your OlflOII TrtmnNa Bni.otMO. Fhank b. Gray. Msnaokh. Internl at thr Vnttnftter nt Srmntnn, Pa Bscond Cfcm Itati Halt1. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. HI "R ANTON. MAY 8. 181. If by any accident ft oompromite oD' dldata fcr lieutenant governor ihonld lin necetsnty nt llnrrisbnrii, tltero are Borantonmna ready to vouch for the mooing qualities of Colonel Tbonian J. Htowart. An Ideal Labor Day. It is R nappy evldenoe of American pluck Hint ilcspitp an loftOipioiooi winter ami a hostilo iiiitionol admin istration which Imvii lioth purely trieil the patience of tho American artisan. Labor Day, lc'!)4, was celebrated in ft manner evincing good .judgment, self control and general clieerfuliieHs. Per haps at no prior time iu the history of this generation has thern been larger chance for pessimistic redactions, Til6 spectacle that confronts the American toiler today is one well calculated to temper hia firmness ami test his courage. With wages reduced, oppor tunities for employment decrease 1 iu almost unnree-dented ratio and the commonest necessaries of life in many thousands of casts unobtainable, even nt their present low prices, because there is not, amng this enlTering clas, the money wherewith to purchase, it could readily bo understood and par-loned were the oratory of yesterday to hive assumed a moro dismal tone tliKu lind previously been its keynote and had there been in it a larger pro portion of the unjust bitterues which MifT-ring nearly always engenders. Instead of all this, the pageantry which presented itr If Wns in tlie main well drea Md ud wi ll fed; was jovial nop. I'.il sn l iletirtnineit. there may ihivj been in it the occasional inggea ti-is of po i: u al disapt t'intiu-nt mi l of pTsonal cliifgin .but upon the whole it was inch a matting of skilled ami edu catcd trtwar.t si could be found on no Other continent khan our own and on der no other ayatem than that of pro taction I l American industries It bore the o'uVlniis imprint of yesrs of popular liberty and common opportunity for aelf-improTement It wan a parade of laborers who ware men and dttfoni not uiero industrial slaves; ami it allowed, in a thousand different details, th iffec' of the relatively high stan 1 i rds of living that for"i the Itstn of Americ' indnatrial superiority over ail the other BatlOM of lb arth. The wis lnm of labor Jay hut alrady beta demonatrated. it is no longer id need of defence 8noh manning of iutellijrent factort in the great indus tries of or.r land as was shown in yes terday's lccal i arade forms an oijct 1 snn that enrris it rnn to lorsatnnt Inacrtbed cinspirurmsly 00 ils fc Conoediag that in localities througn cot this country of sotnetimej abused l.terty there may bavo been demon ' rut ions that exceeded prudent I onnd", these are rneraly the exeeri tious ttiat attest the g'ieral rule of 1 ibor day's excellence a a a v robot of e nr popular advancement. In jraatet oay's parade were men who, today tnp! yes. will tomorrow become emrdoyert: anil m-n who, although poor today, will tomorrow be honestly rich with the fair rewards of thrifty to-i ar.d wisely buabandad resources Wa cannot, g a nation, kp this pau oramis demonstration of Anerioa'a lonndless possibilities tOO vividly be fore our eyes. Nothing is a surer in centive to patriotism, nothing a agfat incitement to honest pride A hoi -day which ctn leave all cla'ses th l:otter for it discreet observance tie'.- It no more elaborate enoonlQta, - Tut ROtm ..f the Hntflers' Base Bull chit', ot Philadelphia, an amateur organization eoBpriaing railway kings, journsli-tic pr. in . rs and i 'Sot famous men, includes fifty-1 WO officer, in ad dition to tho regular nine plsyers. Tlii- is a larger Innch of hnsth rs than Philadelphia int previously got crodit for. a i That Ohio Pointer. 1m view of tlie great ado which has been made in the 1hii rrttlc papers over the fact that the DoJBOCf etit cau date. Surg, was rtC ntly elected loCoU Kress in the 'J' bird Ihlo district, to till out the niin.xi ired tam of H' presenta - MvtBouk, Dan., it might be Inferred that thin Dutch ngptQfO of Hulland was as little Paterkln would say, a "fatn ona victory." The New York BOO, however, dispels this fond illusion of the tariff smashers in the following crnl fashion i The New York I.- I'nst speaks of the Democrats as "holding their own" at thespeclsl election in the Third district of Ohio. This la the remarkable mathematical process by which It arrives at tin- retoltl "The Denoorata have iimw rarriisl the district by about &QO0L which is about t ho majority given to Mr. Ilonk Id 1WJ." Mr.'s majority over the Bepnbllcan candidate, Donley, in the election of INK, which the Post describes as "about 8.000, was precisely 4,;ilfi. The Pott'l "about" covers a deliberate misstatement iu tho way of reduction amounting to a fraction less than forty-four per cent. Mr. Sorg'a majority on Tuesday over Kathbone, which the I'ott likewise describes as "about tm," is l.rjt, according to the unofficial returns, This other "about" of the 1'nst covers a second misstatement, this time in the way of exaggeration, amounting to just a little over 74 per cent. Using theso two "abonta" in the disin genuous manner here shown, the Post in forms its readers that tho Democrats in tho Third Ohio district have held tie u own; that there has been no falling off in the Democratic majority as comparod with the last congress election. The state in ni would bo coinfortiug if it were true: bat it is untrue. Tho truth is thnt the Democratic majority in the district has fallen off from 4,.'llti to 1,7-1. It has buen more than cut in half. It has suffered a loss of CO por cont. Congressman Horg is a brand snatched from tho burning. The reeult iu ti n Third Ohio district is hardly lets lane ntably significant than was that iu tho Fourteenth and Fifteenth districts of New Yorlt threo mouths ago. TheDunoratic inability to state facts correctlyis further shown in nn at teupt of several Democratic organs to charge tliia alleged Republican ''de feat" to tho influence exerted upon or ganized labor by the prompt course of Governor McKinloy in ordering atate troops to dislodge riotous tramps from n freight train they baa stolon daring the recent Coxey crusade, The fore going figures of the Sun show that if this incident played any part whatever in the third district special election, Oovernor MeKinley's fearless and ready discharge of a disagreeable duty was properly appreciated by the people The Intimation that organized labor would encouraze theft and riot by frownintr upon a proper exercise of wholesome and necessary authority is an iimnlt which self-respecting work-- ingmtn will not relish, coming from the party that has so generally robbed la bor of Its wages and He work. If a timk should como when sensitive Scranton would want to bury its great est nuisances, th p dlueid Lackawannt should not go quicker than tho attenu ated Spruce street block pave. W i i . It srfmeu at the time of the original order hard linea for trninmen that they could not quit work ou a road Operated within tlie control of the federal courts while on roads not thus operated fellow trainmen could quit at will. Tho house judiciary committee did not run far counter to public sentiment when It overruled .tndge Jenkins and voted to define more clearly the duties of a fed eral judge. The legal rights of railway operatives as a class ought certainly to be uniform, whether the road by which they are employed bo under a receiver ship or not. TBI PIOPL1 of HailetOn and vicinity have additional cause for cotnplsint now thnt Wilkes-ltarre lies coldly ig nored them iu its grand tchotne of an nexation. mm Have Courage in Principle. It is ai;ain intimated, this time in the Philadelphia Tress, that the motive of Senator tiaay in taking a tentative atand in favor of free silver was to as certain the drift of sentiment among the people, with a view to guarding against errors In the forthcoming state platform. The Press eays: "When the stato convention meets it will not only have tho work of nominating a state ticket, but it will ho expected to deliver itself of a platform that will be a battle cry for tho Kepublican party in lv tor tins reason the leaden in the ttate have begun casting about to ascertain how the people of Paontyl vania stand on the political QQMtioni that are now to the fr uit. It is the intention of the Republican leaders to be very sure of their ground In tlie coi ling election". The unsettled stale of stTairt brought ibottt by Democratic mismanagement and it mrbra malice, have sat so many political vagariee all at that it is highly important to know how deeply they hae DCM trated " CaUtlOU in this, as in other direc tions, ts no doubt admirable, but it It poaaible to ptirena It too far It ommI in the nature of things tie the fntnr- natation of tne Republican psrty or the expectation of its rell-ctive leader. tO compete with Democracy for the fickle faver of th"te voters who are likely .it any initiate to he tOMOd hither and tbltbet i'v fiontlng political vagaries In tool) a e.nupetltiOD ttta Republican inrtv w.iui I rr-'in tha .ttr-. I loipe leltlv handicapped It woul 1 be haudi Mppad first by it traditions, which form a gl rious record of adhesion to tix -I nod Invariable principles. It Wool 1 be hamiica; pad secondly by its controlling anmbarablp, which ie not willing to be m ole the spirt a'i I by play of demagogoea nor so anxious to tuin office as to b-i willing t t ItC ip I I the deptu which form tne natural an I normal Uvel of DclttOOratlo Otiptign Oanagemant And, tintlly, it would be prevented by it manlfett destiny at the one grest progressive poltlical organizetion to winch the BMaOM w'.eti wary of Dan o ratio dkaumala tion, bypooriay, loooopateoar and de ceit, may turn with c-mrilenee in Ite at Hit to legislate tggrettively and ad tnini'ter without ftr If the recent Imoerttic restoration bas taught tliia generation of votert one tiling more d-cieively than another it i that the Democrtlic partv is ti -.ft t (0 govern the republic. It is tit only to look on and grumble As minority ob strncttonuts. it- lesders ar abln and possibly oacfnl, As majority con ttraotlonlata, they are the ltnghing atwk of civilization. The Republican party if safe beyond possibility of per manent disaster so long ts It bases it Hppal to th" coutcienoe and to the In -lelligenr of the Americ iD people. Its mlaaioa ll to art, to legislate, to achieve. It cannot and it dare not deiceml to jugglery or to dissimulation An hon rat dollar is its companion demand to an honest ballot and an honest wage. There ire no poaaible ileviations from these matiifettly cardinal principles. It it not worth while to stop to experi ment with Machiavellian methods The path of Repnblicai.iim points straight and clear to the consummation of its fundamental purposes, the forti flcatl'iii of protection, the purification of ttie franchise and the establishment of ft onrranoy worth its fact value iu ovory mart where men buy and sell. Tiik RftPOBT which conies from Tike eounty that much illegal fishing has been done iu the once-prodigal streams of that paradise of piscatorial enthusi asts is only too plamible. The dee c. ination of Penntylvania's game lisli is progressing at a rate altogether nut of proportion to the reported legal catches and can be explained by no other theory than that the lith laws are generally and systematically vio lated. It is an emphatic shame that the voracity of poachers should thus exhaust a natural resource which, once gone, can never bo replaced. ' HiiTM FitiKMis and oppooents of Sun day closing onght to insist with equal amphnsis on a rigid inforcemeut of tht Sunday laws. If these laws arc tuited to the wiabee of the majority, they will remain on tho ttatute book; if not, they will bo repealed. The American peo plo nre not elow to secure tho ennet inont of lawa conforming to their wishes. TBI MiNiSTitmi of Lexington may through mistaken charity loud nid to a perfidious man's political ambitions, but while thai are doing this Rev. I'rank D'Witt falmtga it preaching sound eonso. ' Aritness thit extract: Tho universal disgust over sensational breach of promise trials is not in lie fact so much that a defendant lies. There are more hara Minn one. Not that he is guilty. There are more guilty than oue; but be cuute,ia nearly every case, they try to clear their own records by claiming that most women are bud and that most men are hyp ocrats, and they just happeu to be found out. There are billions of stars in tho heavens, yet the only light wo seo is the meteor running astray. There are nun d reds of happy homes, yet the only homo that ever crawls, reeking with slime, into the court room, is that iu which there is a scandal and a divorce. We ought to feel sad that oue of the most brilliant repre sentatives of ono of tho most brilliant families of old Kentucky bns boon ruined: that one of the brightest lights of congress is about to be snuffed out; that one of the most honored public speakers is disgraced! Hut cannot WO rejoice that onr I omes have bean vindicated; cannot we bo thank' fill that public aautiment iu almost every case thinks right if man does not always act l ight? Thit is talk that has the true ring to it. AT THE Pie Counter. Mamma Bobby has a promising voice. ( idler Do you propose to have it culti voled? Mamma Yes, Ho is up at the ball grounds now developing for chorus work yelling on the bleaching boards. ee llenx-Do vou believo that thirteen is n faial number' JoaZ Well, all the people who lived in the thirteenth century nre dead, PMIa ileii'hiti ffecoroX a n Tragedian He thou a spirit of health Amateur lihost -1 ought to bo; I've just been vaccinated. e e Lena She would be better mi without her hiisbsud, wouldn't she? Laura 1 should say so. Hit lifo is in sured forf4 ',000. Truth. e They tell me your husband Is 4 very grave man. Voi. He's an undertaker, e e e "ChMly'e In love, or else he's verwy roach ilntWeHsad." "Iliiw do you know?" "He has gwotro careless in his attire. He a actually teen on the stwaat with out ins twonaaju woiied up. ' - WnaMnoion Star. see Teacher Johnny, name a synonym for solitude. Johnny (promptly -Wilkes Ilarre. e e e "BoXic hts done well with grand opera In spile of the hard ttfttOft ' said one man ager to another. "I wonder how he Worked It 10 keep ahead of hie exp-nee " "no did It ana uy. n stipulated m the aofttTMte that SVary tune the prime donna quarreled they thouid be Bned. Most of the time they are III debt to him '- Haul injti'i Mae. e e Si. Ml! l'sss, Tlbil 'IIITS: It .! le t require an iinexcepti na'.ly good man to ditcover the fault uf hi neighbors. The Htle uf a ginger nap l on a plftfta with th of three linger of Jersey light nuig ill lie el re i f 1 1. a Minday cloemg law In the eyea of the CVfl man all the world'K awry. It is impottibln to judge a man by th tale of v.o he may unfold. The bowl of a coyote, even, bat a dolafol found. IIVC JOTTINGS Of POIITICS. Th lieutenant governorship fight d ubt- leaa retta at preeenl almost who.iy npon the daeieton of th Pbilaalerpbtadalagatton If tbey oaa le- beld together for I. yon, tbe man from Alltgbeni arlll be n mitittad with H aenona diflcoliy. If. however, i t rt of ,lct ltonlnon and Colonel Stewart 10 break in on tht aMkltt v shall I uc el t nay g'eat exteat. the outcome will be thrown la doubt, wl'h the chnces I favoring ltobioon. Thnee w!ei know tar i th- pMltdelphla c inftncent will be divided in t n of the boastful claim that it i uuaiiimons f r I.von. i e The Mttere jaditial fight of the vear wll lv dede at today' ltpabliean primarletln Delft waroooaaty, th- contest. tMe being -'ailg- I lavton, who want a renotmnetion, and ' aptatn Joimon. who reprixanta those that believr that Judge i ay ton la naflt f or a IntBctal mat ftnd tbftt hi- raftOBlnatlOfti In tbe face f grave i ; ires t 'a'. Jedgmettt ad tmm -re. iipp-irt, would be a public mWfortnua jnoging from the ti-wpp. r of Delsweto county, there i only one aide to thit fight, thai hanVd by ( aptatn Johaeon. Hat it j will take tbe primary vote to settle the qneation Jack Koblnson' Media Ledger i aeotinjl, e The conviction ie dawning ore n many ! DeuuH-ratic minds that whan all Iceaid, no hotter adjastment of this year' fi r lorn gabel aiotl 0 bopa eau tai made thii I indicaled in tint ticket For governor, William t't.lerv lleswl, of I aneaiter. mi I for lieutenant governor, William Henry Biftaa, of Lnaerna Hera we harehai mony. anph nr. tlllta ration an I pyroa laebbiat trithoni sttnt Hurrah for llne and line' - Philadelphia RapnbfleftM win tio year oppoae MoAlaar by the Acniraattaa of a traight oiii, Rpubllrau protection) ll , f the slaving kind. The vl ronnnerclsl and industrial interests of thit rich dis trict cannot be . i fb'e I with ssfclv to anr niaintier of a party which can whip It representative i line, agaiftti their pre Vate coovicti i t, for a measure menacing the itiiflntt of the country with grant curtailmeu. or dow nr ight destruction, e e With reference to the charge of personal anemlea that he bed already aspended ll '.ooi In hi tight f..r delegate Hapr. aeetattva Robinaon avs: "i never h-ei Mo.'uKi iii my life to end. 1 have a Utile money and have to ue It carefully, as 1 am not a millionaire. They told a story that 1 tptut tU,ootl to get Hlalr county. Now, the faci is, all that fight cost tne, and It was the bittertet one, was only f:iVi. of this amount tl.'e) went to newt papftfl for advertising." The man who should ptv out Ho.inui or even a tenth of that sum. id pursuit of an ofllce that has little alsry and no pmpiisites would ol vioiisly Is. a fool. Mr Robinsoii has never been accused of such a grave lack of shrewduoss. That was a bright definition of the gan ius of the Republican partv which Con gressman Lemuel Dl Quigggave when he aald: "It detests evasion. It decplsei OOnproniiBa, It rejoices in opportunity. Endeavor is its element and opposition its Hiiicktning spirit. It is boldest when overmatched, readiest when most beset, soberest when most successful. It goes directly from one duty to tbe next thnt is to bo done. Its mission will end when all construction ends, or when society divides on some other lines than those of action ami inaction, whnfi the moving current proceeds from other polos thau tbe puai live and tho negative." e Even the staidly Democratic Uazleton Plain Speaker Is moved to hilarity at tbe unconscious comicalities of tbe Demo cratic member f roin Lnnorno. Itfnrotioualy remarks: "W'blto-wluged peace rolgns supreme now betweeu Hon. William Hines, of the Twelfth Congressional dis trict, and Postmaster Illssell. The clr cuiunmhlunt atmosphere that for a time was of a decidodly corulean hue, owing to tho vivid nature of tho Utile congress man's ejaculations, is once moro restorod to ils normal o.ouio stato. Hut when shall we have a decision at to the Ilnzle tOnottotP 1 hat's the question. When? Senator .Inmea K. F'ruit, of Sharon. denies thnt western Pennsylvania Kepublicau friendi Of Major McDowell intend to Km To Lyon should HulT heat their oanuidate in convention. In Saturday 'a Mercer county primaries eX-Oongreatman Sam Miller de feated A. V Williams, of Sharon, tor the judgeship nomlnfttlon against Hod. N. s. M chard. 1 Larae Stock Bottom Prices & Co. ffl. LACKA. AVE. AYLES WORTH'S Meat Market 1 he Finest in the City The latest Improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and egga 2'.M Wvotnlag Avei N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, tTIOftUMQ AVy. eciiAfito TWVWAT Bolt DM HI It Hlliil', fc KAMI II A H.t It hi I W . .V 11 1 1 I. II PIANOS . S -e. left Statn 'f f.'tt el ORGANS Ml BICAti Ml IU II WPIsr til niu i.ic hrru Babv S Carriages, Refrigerators AND Cedar Chests Mill Sc Connell 131 and 133 N. Washington Ave. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Qualified Veterinary Surgeon, Ovat Thlrtr TeafS1 F.nperlenen Practical Shoeing (Irtdunte uf tlio AtttViOtJI Veterinary t'olleno. Tho treatment of LiAlMHMf and other Im pudlmente In Ihe innvement uf horeo every afteruiHiu. I ame and eiek anlmaU examined and pft aartbed tr rret ! eherie every Monday tran 1 lo JI'.M. AHTOHEHARTHAH 906 South Washinuton Avenue, Pan tractor nmt bonder o( nmnrata naanlMi Opnareta Btoeka, Potatat Uutur ami cal Mm Wet t'ellart Jrled up. Order iny be left at ThomiMini & Pratt, Will am A Co., Main .in I Kynmi Street, or at Hcruuton Htive Work. AUo Fuundatlona Oleturm. Fieh Wire Tunnel aud Cotlliu. l'lttigiiiu for Uaruoll alti. COURSEN CLEMONS WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap? LOOK AT THE LIST: An extra flue Henry F. Miller Bquaro Piano $175 An antra Bat 'UokerlninBinaN Flaao 175 A u'iikI IIhiiii" lli ntheri Square Piano. .. 1IHI a (,'ihm! Meyer itrotiiori qnaraPlaao,,,, w A niton i-irtli .V I'oml square riano.. A 1: ' 1 I'lnpiinntn s ,n.u" I'lnnii. SO in no A very ifoml Botton Piano t o. Walnut Uprfniit A very Wtieelock I'priRht Piano.. A very uooil Wboulock Upright Piano.. GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE I in GOLDSMITH'S 6 YOU WANT A NEW DRESS You've settled that question in your mind already. And after seeing the new dresses in church of late, you've about made up your mind that you cant get one too soonbefore the prettiest things are all gone. It's only a question where you shall get it. You want, of course, new spring styles, new combinations new colorings and new textures; in fact, you want a large va, riety to select from, so that you will take no chances in having something old palmed off on you. IZSe Are tlie People And everybody knows it, that always are the first to show tne latest productions from foreign and domestic looms. All-wool Silk and Wool Novelties, never shown bafore, ju3t opened. New Brocaded and Striped Sewing Silk Grenadines; are very scarce, but we have a large line of them. Japanese, Chinese and Lyons Silks, in all of the new and beautiful designs, at popular prices. French Wool Chillies, our latest and la3t importation for this season, just out. Wash Dress Goods. Oh! Such a Variety Consisting of Foo Chow Pongees, Sateens, Swivel Silks, Dotted Swisses, Crepes, Creponettes, Bengalines, Ginghams, Dimities, etc., etc. A stock unsurpassed in variety, newness and cheapness. AT NOTION COUNTER With the New Valves Out of Sight fhir new Bicycles are now to be ven at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Hoys' and Girls' Wheels. Wc arc mak ing extremely low prices on Se ondhand Wheels, 1 u 1 314 Lacka. Ave. Fountain Pens Fountain Tens Fountain Pens SPECIAL FOR A FEW 1 )AVS A Guaranteed Foun tain Ten, regular j trice $1. 50, for 98 Cents Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers. 817 LACKAWANNA AVE. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists Pet totth, 15.50: best wit, J": for RM ctpj anil tenth without Mataa, called ornwn and bridge work, call for prices and reforeneej TONAI.UIA. tur eitractln twtli without palu. Mouther. Ho fas. OTKB nBSt nviiomi HANK. i A very kooJ Slionlnucr I'prtifht Piano., li'u OROANB, A Maon Hamlin, nearly now.liigli top, doublo reod. . 80 An A. H. Chase, nearly uew, high top, ilonhlo reo l Jo A Clilengo OotttRe.nearly new, high top, uoulile reeil A Wonetor, nearly now, high top, doublo I'M 224 , JILLlSiB IJ in end Organs at Wholesale and Retail, on Installments. Special Sle Sweet Pea and Curative Toilet Sjapi. 9c. per box of three ceket f Knflitd Silk (Jar Urn, with Oxidised and Silver (Jlaaja, nsoal price, Bfo Special Silt l'rice. 25 CENTS. WANT THE LARGEST Amount of convenience for the least expanse. WANT TO KNOW The secret? It lies in the Alaska : Refrigerator. We have Many Styles and Sizes. GLOBE SHOE STORE Reliable Goods One l'rice Satisfactioi 1 Guaranteed 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS OK THE FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A limited ntiin)rr of tho above ImuiUs in tor sale at par ami ac ft ucit Intereil by the following parties, from vhOBt oopifli of the mortnse and foil Information can lie obtained: B.W. Mullifrau, Cashier tveond National Hank, Wilkes liarre. L'a. W. L. Watson, ':i-liier First Na tional Hank, Pittaton, l'a. J. L. Polen, Oaibiei People's BavingiBank, Pittaton, Pa, A. A. linden, President Minors' Bavin Bank, Pittaton, Pa, Ami by the BcrantOn Savings l?ank and Trust Oomp any, Trustee under tho Mortgage. T. a Atherton, Connsel, W1LKES-BAEBB, PA. A Htnmlard.r rly new.high top.doublo rood in."!." A v , ,. -I, new. Illlll H'P. tn double rued ' . And nliout other good second hand or gans, S25 to mut . . t 1 ne aiiovo ciuiecnou m wii 'i .n.iu- iiiente :iren 11 In good order, fully gutraii reateet. bariraina ever offered In t i-ed the irr 1 tbiselty Call and seo them, or discount (or cosh. 'all and nee them. lnstalimontH WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON. BAZAAR The Great Mattel 01 Dents! tk-ienco Aneesthene a rrcent discovery nnd the 8t!o property of Henwood k WardelL DBNTISTfl, 316 Lackawanna Ava WHAT J.O. BEAMONSSAT8 ABOUT AS A'.S'l HKNK nrti mtWOOD 4 WABDKSX After lui vine ale vaa leetli i irari.,i at ore tltAtae t') the palnleee luetltoil, I prif BOnaee ll entirely ealiftfuetnrv In every pertlettlata ). O, aBAMOMI uiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: I DO YOU REQUIRE ACCURATE TIME? i II WB HAVE IT. i EDWIN G. LLOYD 4?8Laok. Ave. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiB CEED POTATOES lif ALL UBST VAR VAHIt:TIK9. ONION SETS And all kinds OARDEh SEEDS in bulk and in pack ages. Pierce's Market PEIMIM A.VE. America HI ill. VI III I I. 1'ICTUREB. KVEKT NOTKI) PLACE IN ALASKA, THE UNITED STATES AND HUcXtOO. FIVE NUMBERS ON 111! COUN TER. TEN CENTS AND ONE COUPON FOR ANY NUMBER. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers