The Multichrome ' offer will not remain open always. Accept it at once, if you want a good bargain, ZTtetL EIGHT PAGES-36 COLTJMXS. SCRANTON, PA.. WEDNESDAY MORNG. MAY 9, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. Id) 1ES1 MEI TBI AMY OTHER HOMING PAPER rale y MyiRJE IraEOTiri ES MORE ram ess The Oil Drillers Are Rewarded by Encourag ing Indications. DISCOVERY CAUSES EXCITEIOT The New York Operators Strike Gas at the Depth of 1,300 Feet It Flows at High Pressure--Indications Sim ilar tOjThoso of the Bradford Oil Renpn Stock in the Enterprise Cannot Bo Purchased The Scran ton Syndicate Will Begin Work at Once. Am-fat to thr BevmtVt Tribune. BROOKLYN, Pa., May 8. NTELLIGBNI K tnat tne petroleum drillera had atruck natural ks npon the .luRi-in Wright tarn lias created mat psoiteuient in tbll Vicinity, The pas biran to flow on Saturday afternoon and the preeaure w:iko great tnat it has baan neatasary to pine welgntt to tha extent of about three font npon tba 18lnob ping that lias been driven in tha pipa in order to keep the gun from tecaplng. Tba hole bad been driven to the depth of nbodt 1,800 fe.'t when tna hnmt of K is sent the water tn th hoi living to the top of the derrick. The "'rilleri were Obliged to cease op-ra tioni at onaa nut tbe superintendent of the worK repaired at once to New l-aveu to aecure apparatus for con trolllng'tha II v of ir. '1 he oil excitement first l.epan I Ml October, wbeh tndiaatto ia wre dia cr.eered on ttie farm of .Mr. Nan. wtio reiidei nhont mile from this tillage A syndicate of Soraotoniaaa, Inolud ivft Messrs. K. M. Tewkaburv, Charlee A. Van Yonur, S W K'llniu ami John n, leaeert the Nash farm and nhont fc.JO acres of land in that vicinity and prepared to begin opration wit i a derrick. Other partiea toon arrived on tba field and aftetn Fletebor and Krwer, of New York, laaaad the W right place and alio made prepara tion! fnr linking a bole. The Scran ton men concln la ! to await tl e developmeutt following tba opera tiona of the New York p.irti'i wlneh have more than fnlliiled the expecta tion of the lansnine. The Latter syndicate he cm boring tbottt four week ago ami ttieir open tiona hare deuionttrat-'d that the gao logical litaatiofl Ht tin place is tinnlar to that of tl e Bradford region. The finding ,f ma on Sitnrdav baa u-raatlv H' urnsred the p-opU baring intert in the prcapecting and at .ek line ad vanced to a mnrked extent eince the news leaked out that gaa had been di. oo Tared. Tba gaa will not tw utilized at pre. But. I ut the wed will be ploggad and the boring for nil will be COO tin Sad. Tba prtettirt is so gr-it at the well that when the gaa which rornes throin:h the 6 inch pipe is lighted the ttamt burns abont two feat awy from ttie lOd of tbe pipe. Since the gaa has ben (lurnVered tin Walla have beau visited by hnn Irtde of itght-seers from -Mont roie, liinghsmton, Tnnknannock and the iirrounding country. Tba rVranton lyndioata will prob ably begin work atone, and with the Various wells in operation this aertion will, without doubt, be one of tbe booming ml region in the c tirie of a few mouth. THE ION t HObB-:a AGAIN. He One- T.Tore, Single Hand'd, Holds Up a Cattformta stn. Knroil, Oil, May H Tbe down from Angela to Milton was held up yeiterday morning by a lone high wayman. He demanded th Wells- Fargo rxpraaa box, wbiob was given lii iji 1 ban he banded n letter and a p ickag to the driver to tw aont to BonOra, laying they eontAine.l article ba took from the Bonora Maga lent W'eclnnday Ha then directed the driver to go on An explosion w heard shortly atttr, Indicating that the highwayman luni blown open the box, wnica is believed to have contained a Urge mm of money. SCURcD ON SWEETNESS Sugar B fining; Company's Ooode Fx eluded from Illinois, Chicago, May H. Attorney Central Maloney, of Iliinoia, has notified the representative r if Mha American Sugar Kenning company not to bring any more of tbe company' good Into tide tit. He also eays that he will Immedi ately commence quo warranto pro ceeding to prevent it doing busineKs In lllinola. FALL OF AN OHIO BRIDGE. One Man Fatally Injured ar.d Othere Seriously Hurt. Lima, O., May H -While carpenters were ut work repairing the Chicago and Krie bridge west of here, the ecaf fold broke, precipitating the workmen twenty live feet. F. H. Kitleaton, of Huntington, Ind , win fatally injured uml cannot live until morning. Others escaped with 1. 88 serious injuries. TENNESSEE EVICTIONS. Keg-rce Take the Plnoe of BtrlklnR Mlnsrs at fine Crank. Nariivim.k, May 8 At Hlne Creek mines at 7 o'clock this morning over 100 negroes were put to work and evic tions of striking miner, begun. The strikers are very much irritated in conafquenc and meetings nre being held ut nil tho mining camps in that region and trouble is ntmreheuded. - UN PATRIOTIC OHIOANS. Discharge Mllltla for Responding to a Call and WUI Re Prosucuted. Cleveland, May 8. Colonel C. L Kentiao. of tho Fifth regiment, Ohio National gnard, haH been notified that three members of Company B have been discharged by tbeirjeinployer for responding to Mayor lilees dull for militia to anppraaa tha riots on Wed nesday last. Mayor Blee lias taken the matter np and will force a settlement with the employers. The Ohio law imposes a flue of si. mill and six months' impris onment for j'tat such attempts to pre vent a soldier from responding to a call, ami it is altogether probable that the indiscretion of th employers will result uncomfortably for tbeui. HIBERNIAN CO' MENTION. I,rgst Qsth.rlng Bvar Held Now In Sssaioa at Omsha. Omaha, Neb, May s. Tha national convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians convened this morning with the largest attendance ever hel l. Tl a dab gates attended mass at ,1 !it.'s Collegiate church, where Bit hop Bonn nail welcomed them In an addreei upon Cstholic cltlMnship, in tlr course of which ho emphasized the fact that they owed their solo and only allegiance to tii Uolfted State. However they might venerate the p:ist they should not conider nation ality or religion in dlaobnrgtng tlitir duty us citiz-ns. SKULL AND CROSS-BflflES. The Connellivilla Coke Workers Who Co to Work Arc Threatened with Death. OONNKLLaTOXB, Pa,, May 8 The sttiKe m tne coice region has degen- er.ited Into secret attempt by tim oper ators to start an open warfare by the tnkr tor a continuous shut down, aba tinkers have scored the most polota today. LnM than half the men at work yesterday are at Work today. The striken noatad notiaei on all the company b onset in the vicinity of tiui Farm tbla morning The no: ices were headed with sku.I an I er.jn-hours, written In red ink, ami read: "Death I All uieu who go to work at the Hill Farm plant, prepare to meet your Uol " :ilyten mn went to work this morning, Tbe oompaay aerved notice tins morning that m-y WOOld kerp the fnrnacs in tdast at all baasrda, and thai if tne m "( did not go to work by tomorrow morning new man will ba Imported. Tbe ettnatloo atHUIFarm Ih fat beOOming crlticsl Tile Frirk company are tasking strenuou. :. ,r: to ;srt few !sut. in full With I hi end iu vi -w tuey are Oul lea ting uien who are willing to work from all tli ir plants, seu lmg tbwm t- Valley, B mtb- waat, Ni Sand 4 and I'mtrd No. As soon as tbeta Work are f,rel up otbi r i will be itarta i on tiiemui- plan. iiy tin plan tbe fitch couipauy broke tho last strike tin) they expect It to be eoeceesful now. A mas meeting of strikers will be beld ai Vund.rbiit tie a .v I'.'iited Stat- Marshsl Scanlon ar rived at Moyer yeaterlay and nerved tba Doited Stetee Covrt injonetioo en aUmt a dom "' the hi- .1 leaders of the M yer in ii. Marihsl soanlon want to Vanderbtlt this morning to serve in j met ton paper on the Men at ii uiiey's works, Tha Deputise at Mover threw a number of lh strikers ,ut of liinr h iiues today 1 here i a general com plaint about the OfttOltyttf the Depu ties, which bus W "i the sinkers unt- vereal eympatby, h is given onttbli morning that a nniuh-r of tlm op. rat ors have otfered the Striken their seal-, but til latter are now fighting for a recognition of their organ, z ttlon B) this they may ION all, a It l not b iieveil the operator Mii ever again recognir.j the ktlneri' Union. HAKHV R0G c RT UNO HIS GUN. A Wllkaa Barreeti Fires Thre Rhote at Ht. Wife, WnJtaW-BAMB, May 8 Marry Rog er, a night wntobman, well known, went to Ills home at II IIU o clock to r.isht and tired three eh it at hi wife, she managed to eroape from the honse uninjured, and came to this city for tbe police, leaving two little children in the house. She was ace lupini-d to nor residence, which Ii iw,. miles a Way from ti is city, by twooffloan wnoar ratted him and brought him to prison at i o'clock tola morning, No examination has baan made a vet of tlie house by the oflicere and it is not known whether the children were hurt or not. Shots were heard injne lioiiae dnnug hi wife' tbeeooe and it I. feared that they were directed at the children o PfNNSYLV'NIA GLEANINGS l!i rlts ronnty farmers ssy t6e hot sun shine kills the clover worm. A rannl boat loaded with coal broke sipiarely in halve at I'uieulxville, Hail on Similar smashed QQ0 window panes in MhiIkoii Urns'. grmiihousue at I'ottsvillo. By a pertnatare explosion in a colliery mar Baaleton, Martin Bkdmowni kiikil and ,i(-iiti Wargo injur, d. Members of the State Teachers' Associa tion, which will meet nt Media in .July, will be taken over the llraudywimi battle Held. The only woman applicant in the Stato before the I'harnmceiiiieal Hoard at BarrilbnrE wa Misa M. K. Cain, bf Lan caster, and lb iaa,-d the examination. The grand court of I'eniisy Ivaula An cient Order of Foresters of America met iu annual aseeion in comniou oooncll chamber at Independence had, ITilladid- phla, A. Wilson Norris, of Harrisbdrg, has been indorsed as the taudldateOf tho clubs of the Fourteenth oougrastional district for vice president of tbe lii publicun State league. FLASHE0 FROM THK WIRES. There were "at BBS new Bilvcr dollars Coined last Wi e'l. After rejection by bis swuethoart at ('Hrlyle, III., voung Ijauo BOffnUO killed himself, A fewer gas explosion fatnily burned Char let v. Peck and l.ouls Work nt Cin cinnati. Indiana has begun state tax suitH for nearly 8900, (XXI against palace car, tile phone, express and telegraph companies. l.yni hers are hunting for a tramp ylio made Mias rSeraon swallow a poison pill at a pistol's point near Saltpetre (lap, Va. The bookkeeper, Alfred W. Seymour, who defraudo I Hlun'oapoUl lumber deal ers nnd lied, had forged for a total of fi't,. 000, hi. i was a member of uu organised baad ut v.i.,d i . T OFF THE GRASS Coxey and Browne Arc Found Guilty and Sintenced, CORHONWEAL ROVES ELSEWHERE The Hobo Leaders Are Tried on Ac count of Having; Trampled the (jrass on tho Capitol Grounds. Christopher Columbus Jones Es capes - Coxey Moot Move On Do- inps of the Anpels of Peace at Other Points Galvin Has Had Enough. Washiitoti in, May s n T twenty minutee pan 3 o'clock A the jury iu the C ,xy case n ut a j" reqneat to the court to be al UU lowed to have the wiitten in "ructions of the court sent into the jury room, tint lo I bit Asiistaut Die nit Attorney Milllownev oij-cted '1 he jni v then filed out of their room, and Judge Mnller read tba untrue tioua to tbom again. It took them oiuv ten minutes afterward! to agree, and at 8 4 1 o'clock they announced their Verdict. Tba finding of the jury was that Coxey, Browne and Joooc. are guilty on Ih- lirat r unt, WhlOO charges them with Carrying banners design! to bring tha Coxey army into pr iminettOt in IhtOapltol grounds. Ua the MC D I count, of nn lawfully tramping on tba grass of tho capitol grounds, ' cay and Browne are found guilty, v,,uie the charge against Jones was dismiss !. Mr. Llpeoomb giv notioe ol a motion for a DOW trial, and al; d for nu arrest ol judgment, i ur was no demon str.i ioU When the fill Itng was an noonoed, as .In igu Uuller ha I nan Honed tba ballSl to arrest any mm who act 1 in Ii not isly. At the instance of the district stt, r ne tie ball of the dofOOdatttC Wai re newed in the mm of 1300 foraaeh, after erblab th-court adjourned. T pel alty 1 1 a pose 1 by the itatut for o' fa i a of thU kind it "fine or ImprUo - iunt or loth at tbe discretion of tl Judge of th polioe oanrt tha floe not to exceed $100, the imprisonment net to exceed aixiy ilars." OOSSt Ml T M I Tl us The Commonweal army ws vial ted lata yeUr lay aftrr.o hi by a cmiinit tee of phvclrlan in tn smr, aiitl or is U by llflleei Hainuioti to in vfetigate tbe eamp and report upon ita sanitary con Ittioii. Tb rOpOH Wat ut nutted tuts morning tn Dr. Ham mott, and ttie concimioo of tn com mittee are In part that the snir, or lag. of ttii eqnare, moiading tbe prem is,- i-iside ot me fsnce, are of g rm- breeding obaraetei likely locaneeall forma of contagious and InfMtiOttt dit ea. Cot)' Is advise I to gat , ut at one lpreantative Hudson, of K msa. who wa I'ni .y'a c -n-is-l bef. rs the pot 0t conrt. aOtborltrt the stst-m.nt that Coxey prop, .- t 1 ar Wi slnng ton with hi follower ni on a he secures a hearing from one of the tw ii. Bl of congrasi HI. IS KNowa. WaTM V grir. IIOKlF-IMHT. I'a, May t'olonal Tin. una tialviu' army of the aommos Weal UIW ' I last night III the r - nil I Oft- leM oolltenm building, ami at I o'oloeh tbia morning, on Invitation of Jamaa Bvana, prealdent of the Beaoud Na tiooal bank. mOVa 1 unt to hi farm ad j -i mig Hie cny. Tfea ermy WtlJ r main iu this ('snip until tomorrow. Tl x ermy now ha provitiOM on hand nfnoitnt to tuppiv iti in lor a week. I olOOel UolvlO Uenir that he has any Intention to t ike potaeet on ' a Hslti moro ud Ohio train, Heaetd; "tinea was enough for me," PtOKFI AOIIOil a T LA f IXTI Laronn, Ind., May B. Tba two faolioM of tha Kan lull aimr of in lus trials met witn treiitmut hero this morning that thy dl 1 not reJlth 1 be city aiitboritie met them Ot the city llmlla and torbnde them to enter tne city and GHHMnl llaudall, l is son and two of hi lieutenants w.-ro arrested and placed In jsil. It it believed Uml ttie army will oretk up her uml go no I urther. niAT, kii.l.v, PLOAT, In Monti v Is., May B -It i the intention of fJtnernl Kelly to start the Bolillaof Hit boat bearing nil army, uow (welled to 1,400 men, down the lies Moines river to ma time tomor row afternoon. Ample provision have been furnished th army for one day, and reports from point along the river indicate tuat the men will he cared for. K II y made a iptaofa this afternoon in which be declared that hid men had a grander duty to perform than to look for work. Tuey were going to Wash ington to compel Urover to listeu to thein and unite with Congress in giv ing the ptOpla better laws. DISEMBOWcLEO HIMSELF. An Indiana Man S tabbed at HI Enemy and Kill.d H matlfi ETAKSVILLK, Ind., May 8. Sunday evening a tight occurred at (iabtown, about six nilb-a from here, which will probably rusult iu two death. s Charb s Miller stubbed Joseph Stnrm fourteen times about the head mid body. Stnnu allnobad, and In trying to stab Sturm again Miller miiilo a miss stroke and completely disembow eled himself, dying ibortly afterward. The physioiau I'oiwh thai .Sturm oanuot recover. SMfiLl-POX MAY CAUSE A RACE WAR. Negroo Attmpt to Ovtrrldt th Ban I tary R-sulatloni. at Fulton, Ark. Fin.ToN. May 8 The n- groel at this place are attempting lo override the inall-pox regulation, and serious trouble is feared. Stindav night at 10 ''clock squads of negroes collected with sguus in band near the railroad depot. Fifteen guards went to tbe scene armed with Winchester iitls and double barrelled shotguns. The BitiMM living near the depot DID 0 were reqneated to remain in doon and place their lumps in such a position as not to draw the fire of tba negroes if nn assault was mad', which wis im mediately complied with. Fifteen ex tra men, well armed, Ware then sta tioned a short distance spurt from thu railroad bridge to a point one mile north of the city. The nenroet were given to under- hIbihI tltuf an utt.,ni',t to eross Hi., 1 lino at that time, or until the regula tion! ware removed, would meet with a volley ofbuckahor. Afttroontldenblt pulleying tho negr vs cmsented to dis perse. , . must not covy mfoals. Chicago Firms Wblth Counterfeit Kfd nl Tlnv Betllved to He Prosscntal. CntOAOO, Mar 8 - Captain I'orter nf the (Jolted States Btorot service, has been ordered to make an investigation and to seize all cuts ami othr imita tions of tba Worl I's fair dtptomaa and medals of award, wtiion are twi-ig by business housei as advertisements. Thefirmawbtoh are publishing cuts ill circulars and catalogues of the medals ilwir goods received,'' said Cap tain Porter, "are viMitiug the law, and the department horter 1 that the practice be stopped. The law which wj passed in relation to tha Colombian diploma and in lal is H at nut a the law ugaiutt counterfeiting. " a. INIfaNATlONAL AGNCY. Th Il.utr T l-grupli Cnropar.y of Lon don Aft.r New business. LogDOM Mav 8 -A new Boaucjal and commercial eompaoy called Ben- t-r's Internati oial .:e is being formed to ai ijuira the advtrtitlng I mi nes. i,f Benter Telegram aompany. Tbe latter retalna th (ntelllgenot and telegraph bntlnata intaot. Sir Charles Tnpper nnd George do Renter will be dim r an i Berber! do Renter man igtng directors. BIG FIRE AT I M TARD. Hundreds ot G.itlinr, and Other Cum Are V ttroyed Narrow Es cape From Explosion. Hatli vx, N. S. Mav N ll-rmnda advic-s by tcror Alpha, wnih ar rived Hi mor-.ln-'. give the foil awing particulars of th Bffe at th dockyard tba r- Th- st r te .i;;-ing to th- or dnance department to tne north of tha yard oo Ireland l.isniwss dlaoovered on tir about 8 p. m Wedoeaday, A r l .' 'i 1 h pr, xiinitT of the fir to Hi liingtzlue, where a large qntnlltyof pOwdr Ws stored, caused the tit -inot pprehnsioii and there was gr-at xritemeiit, especially when it waa r ported that an ordet ha 1 I en given f r the people to f .. for ttieir lie- w mn p.rtialiy dad, with bnbet wrapped m blankalt and hii irrn ciing i g to their pnrentt In tbe ntm st ttr r r !l d to It .! an t B tnr-t. but in- i-ti ,rt' of lot Ire men and the forlu nste dim tl in ol tha wi-.d aV'te l I -- ildy on of tho direst calamities of the rntnrv S illor and marine from the ltlak lid Other wir:uiai In irt fongbl iirav .iv until midnight Thy removed silt' powder an 1 nlls thy could 'r n th- ntagaglne to the pond nearbv Hundred of gatling, botchkisi and anrdenSeld gone were deetroyed, ' I, W0 maga clue rlfUa, B,000 iwordi BOO baj M ! ari l hnnlred ot ca.ei if shrapnel tbOlla Th massiv ttOOO wa'ls of tba armory did not stn 1 ti lerrlbla btt and they fell emldet tna ruin of cannon, .hot and shell. Th loM will be 0V r 6100 00 '. OUT OF THt mriNC PAN Thirsty 8 u'h ( a i !la an Can N w O.t Na 1. 14 irr at All. "ii iiti L, 8 C , M y -nth C.r ollna i nndei ; rol I Mtion i h supreme court t dav dec-b d Itie Klori uce. S ( '.. rsa, and therebv ettles th - qilss Uon that has uetjn T 'Xi ag the tate. In ita doelalon, 'he COUrt sir that under th law as it now atamls. th T It no aotborlty In th state Invented witli to powr to grant lican for the aala of llqnor iu Booth Carolina, nnd that ben CO the a-t of the city OOUUOll In greeting such licenses Is void. BOMB IXeUOSIJN. Thr. Tatsons Woueded near a Ta'.acs In R in. A bomb exploded at x o'clock last evening to front of Prince OJelteato- hl'l Jialac in Bofflt Three persons were WOSOded, ... a - hi: OV H THE CABLE. Earverat more Oarmati wanblpi trlUba sent ta Samoa. The majority of tba twenty -out riders on trial at Heme were coiivicieil. Qerman steamship oompanlat have cut steerage rate from Italian ports to New York lo f MX The famous Qblteh DUItUm, at Cairo, is to be replaced with a government build ing to cost f 7'J5,(KKJ. Amtricans took a prominent part in the high honors paid to the memory of .K an ol Arc at Urleans yesterday. In a renewal of the battles at Lacetane, Philippine Islands, several BpMfatrdl and ten hostile natives were killed. Don Carlos has informed the Pope (hat be Won't rollnonioh hit claims to Spain's throne, and he is ttrongly supported by Bpanhui priests. STATE POLIVICAL HASH. The Henry Clay Republican lcngne whicn was originated In Potttvillt is growing. Itranches have been formed in several towns. Thomas J. Ol borne, of Jleilia, has been recommended to the teoretery of the treasury for appointment as a special aip-nt i f the treasury. Politicians in the northern tier! were con siderably surprised nt. the turning down of Representative William B, Burdick, of MoKean county. He wai defeated ih the Republican pritnartet last weak, '1 he withdrawal f Mtijor J, I!. Morris of Greene bounty, simpliDet the Republi can oongreeslonal litu in the Twenty fourth district. It i conceded that Editor Brneat F. Acheeon, of Washington, will Win the nomination. A Republican revolt, has begun in Alleg heny county. Q Ii. Krtat and William McKlroy are candidates for the legislature against Representatives M. Ii. Lemon and rch Muckrell, of the Third district. The latter are tho machine tut-n. IFF BILL 10 BE SUGARED Scteraa Tint Will Arouse EfltBltf of Ita Louisiana Senators. COIliTTEE IS EQUALLY DiVIDED Democrats Who Do Not Wish to Tax the Poor Man's Breakfast Tabic Will Be Given a Nut to Crack -Sixth Installment of Senator Quay's Speech Delivered Appropriation Bills. V7 LI H1KOTON, May 8 n CONDITION almost unpreoedeot A d In the history of the senate ia " found today in the Bnanoa t- Uu mittoe of that body. Owing to t lealh of Mr. Vance, the political oornplexioo of that oommittee is equally divided, and It would laim poaaibfa to make a report npon any poli'icsl question snch ,-s ti e t irilf bill l- undoubtedly conaldamd to b. Under the Clrcuiust mrs, thref.ire, the amondmenla to the tariff bill reported yeiterday by Mr. Jonet trill :i"t be re ferred to the oommittee on Bnanoa. N iw that tin-! amendmentt have 1 1 n r. portd ami tii Dtmocratt belitve they bave united their party, what the order of procedure will be become an interesting query It is an Open secret that the Repnb lican will vote as a unit to pit lUgat on tba free list, ml in to voting they hop tO hv tne satiatAUOt of a in. nf th- ltllocrat who have dtJOlaNd llielr Opposition to taxing "tin- pOOl Hill breakfast tali. Should this t done, t i- said that th Lsonls an tenators will absolutely Vole agalOtt tile tall I lieu. too. If th- snat UUd lions agre to tne propotitioo now advanood in th s.ispe of a ridei to the legisla tive bill, r--ialing In bounty on tngar, t!,.. lltuatloa will b male 00 v t mure conip.icat-1 Sams li-moerata claim tier liave .nfii int rote, to carry the bill through without the aid of the votes from Lonttiane. an! a a nil I I i.i mil Were ungnin tin moru mg nf ipee ly r.-suiis, ranm talk in rat s' Tli delnte nn the larilf bill was taken np In the .-iate early and con- ilnned throng noul tn dv s.uior i Aliu' reeolotten as to the police a I aanlt titam CoSOf and Ms two Ijutants baving r 'ti" over with ut dtaowtaion or a. -lion ti.l tomorrow N-nat ir Hoar ' poke for two an t a half le.ura It op ' poaitlon lo bonsriS bill, and Mr Quay delivered Iboaiitti iustilimnt ni in' p-ech against it. Mr H 'i'a prh was Up largely of InVOOtlVOI agsln.l tat chairmati of the MM It hnance r anniitU and against "th- thr- dostort who ha I prepared In tettetta t ill senator Milk, Vaal u i Jons He told an aneedota of Blr Bnotl Who one, travailing near the i f tmona battlene) I of t"i l required Ih servo-es f a Musician, an,'. i-,o( lux-l In bin n Bootok tiiurssmitn of i hi n laintanc. ltns oi l I, oris .1 s tog told klm nst h treated his pi 'ienti with two ipolflce,lttdannm and calomel, and that altbOUgh "whilal th-y died, and Whlk) not. it WOO d bt a long tint before thsy ma la ui fof 1 'I I ' -n." Making an tpplloUtlOU Of the aueodote, Mr Hoar laid that "the ihree dootora" of the flaanoa oommit tee bad atao two tptciflat free trad n -id ad vlortu and liiat although 'whilst'' American Industrie would Alt nn Isr thi regime, and "win it" not. It WOUld be lot . tlm rwf.iro they would tuak- up foi ' p naettox Mr II 'ar auo lo-ld np to ridinni t' e poaition of the leoatot from Tenneaeet i N r. lUrrin. wno nul g-d bi ni let lion foi Tenneaaee msrhi. a duty of 10 Centt pir ruble foot in th rmub ami 7a ceiiti per onblc fool when and dreaaad, an i vt favored "a tamf foi revenue only. Ait-rotiir debate the senate adj lUmed. v. nitK in Ttir noont The bill to pnrohaaa a site for the gi veiniuetit pi luting Vlvi -e was reenn- mltted lo th tommltua on pubtie botldlngt and gronndi today with ln- structi ns to r port a bill provi bag fi r the erection ol' a printing llice on ground already in the pOOtaatlon of th (Jutted Statoa, Thit win agreed toby a vole of 1 10 to '' after a long dttCUt ion of the policy which it forcshad ovn I, or ereotlng buildings upon the public retervatlona of the oty. The naval appropriation (nil forth year en ling June II I, 1803, wa taken up in committee ot the wholo and made the unflnlthed butinrM n tbaoaleu dir. As reported the bill carrl-s a total approptlatlon 01 B3-1 S K),9M .'r, on eatimateabv the navy departmini of 37,03i,370 7Q, The appropriation! for tli current year amounted to 133,104, Ml 89 At "i 10 tne bottaa adjonrued until tomorrow. s THE BOYS SHOT HIM. Two Pottinkeentle Cad .tl Fir Ujnn Purglar and Wound Him. PofditKKui'si;! May 8. Charlat K. Davidson, a (ei man tailor, broke into River View Military aotdemy early this morning and went tbrOOgh the cadets' room. Two cadet, Hugh BullOOK and Har old It. Lwis,ou of prominent el tiitni of Atlanta, (ia , Waited for the marau der with loaded revolvers and as he was c imiii down stairs fired four shots ut him Two of the bullet entered hi body, but bo taoaped from the building. He was arrested two hours later at the Central Hudson station uui uow live at polloe headqusrtera as HIS CASE SETTLED. John Mosor ROU to 815,000.000 Dls at Ih Almhouae. llAZt.r.Tos, Hay & John Moser, nn insane m ui of (il years old, one of tbt heirs to Vust Moser i stales which oat i -mated to bo worth 118,000,000 died in tiie county nlmeboneo at Lanrytown today. What lit tin money John had be spent trying to establish Ilia claim. A few years ngo he btOaxnt so jiour thut be was obliged to pick slate iu the breaker here to earn a livelihood. Ill preyed upon bis mind and three mouths ngo lie was pronounced insane and scut to tbe county alms house. THE CARNEGIE FKAUDO. Arrival of tha Naval Board at Home etend, Hrnrtv for laveattgatloa, Pittsburg, May 8, Captain Samp eon, Lieutenant Aokermau and Pro fessor Alger, the board appoiutod to investigate too charg-s of armor plate frauds at tbt Carnegie works, are now at Qomettead.Tbt teetiontof the board will be ttotat Captain Bampaon expecta tbe board will remain In Pitttburg and Borne ttead for a wek or ten day. s FROM DUBLIN TO CANADA. UKtar Stesmslilp Comimnt Will T'egln flervic from Kentreal J ina 15 Ii, lil. IN, May 8. The Irish Tun- an nooneea that tbe Blatet Btoamabip oompany ta abont to commence direct st. aiusnlp Conimnnioation between Canada and Dublin. The firat Iteamiblp in this tra3e will ieuvii klontreal on June IS nxt. She is the Tealin Bead, of 1,01 ton regis ter. HOBOS STEAL A TRAIN. Sberifl's Posse OhatO a Number of Members ot Sander's Army Oft the Missouri Pactic. Pueblo, Hay 8. Genera J. 8. An dare and bit army of commonwealen wno ii tve i u encamped on tie ''va cant lot" l.-r- f. r sevaral days, departed tor Waablagton tonight in a niu'hlv ia latlonal manner At 8.80 they aieied as.vitcti engine aim backed down on the empty c l ers Mending on a Mis souri Pacific tide track and ttarted ei st. A warrant wi sw rn OUt for th leader tonight and a potee of fifty ni'-n a'ar' d for 1 -a -y. wh-r the I tl in ii delayed by an iic'.irm nf the Mi."nrl Pacific In dumping an engine and freight oar off tha track it is la lloved tnat tha oommonwoalera stop ped thsir ttain between hra and 1 I n and tore np the trsc't to prevent pursuit. A hand-ear hss been sent iUiad of the poaee to prevent accident. Attorney Welder fur the road, will tomorrow bring applioatioo for an In jnnetion in tbe United Statu oonria at l)-oy-r an I l .ni plaot th road within th" J irl diction of tii I'ntted s:a:e. K ar ar bi-ing entertatnel that w'l-ti th punt it retched tlny there Wlii Is- 1 I . dahe- BS Sill 1-rs I, IS la hi army .. ma of the ust dtr- mtood me i In th tt. a TWEMTY BOrii: S RICOVCRtO. Ts'-r.t 't th. l'..r 1 Isas'.r at .Irahllov Nat Tal KiiW- Du lo Nr:igsnc. LORPOH, Mar S -A dupitch to th s an lai i from Brabllov, Ronmanta. say: ' Toe diaaatei at th landing t ige on Apni whan a larg number of aoltday mkrt wr thrown Into tbe water t ; tba giving war of th pir. ws uu t-i the mott ctilpab'.e negllgeuee on tbe part of theauttun ttet t taring to the un trtaloty a to who -r un tba landing. tbe aaxietv among t .- .- i wboaa fritndt r. miming has Inareaaad ten fold, C'tly twenty tssii-s nav to far iai n recovered. Tub known vu-iitu were lo'ar.y a. I wotn.-n and ohll Iron ' v BftlCKlBKIOCc'S CAMPAIGN. Drontht to an End by th 1 Itnder'e Rt turn tn Wash ngton. LtOCIMOTOR, Kv.( Itaj 9 The short but sharp caint.nigri Oonducttd by Colonel Hieckmri Ige In hi own bebaif tor r nomination by t Dam erata of li.e s.ll itld .1. , , (-,, , .. ,,.. to an and lodaj by t it lepartora ui to ooionel an VV . . . i 1 g t m at mud no sp -cii today, bat t h-r was a iara aaaembly of n mpp irters at the raiiw.iy a;a'io tn bid htm gool bye and with t.un inooeat In in tUorts to relualu III lb-) house nl represuula Uvea LFISCOr AL CONV. rt T ION. On Hundrd ami X alb Oa. hiring at Pbliadtlphta Philadelphia, May h -Tho ltoth Convention of me 1 lotest.rr church ta the ilm-iie of PtUUtylvtula was opened tbil morning by hishop Whitiuker who ndmlniatered the rite Ol holy OOmmntoa to tbt asseuibled delegates Ihree hundred clerical and lay delegate were in attend ilea The diocese n IW has M0 priestt and liititeu deacons. Nun entireties Wert dedicated during tn year nnd 1,834 peraeoi were ooonrmed, ANOTHI- R Ri VOLUTION. Uneni flimd Rsport at Ano;hr TJpiii Ing in ilia Argsnttns It- public Lomo a Mav s -Tho Argentine con nl general said today that ba had learned from a trustworthy source that a revolution had broken out in Htienos Ayrot, tbt capital of the Argentine rlepubllo, InqnirlM at the Argentine legation, the Barrings' banking ho iseand at tha River Platte bank were fruition, -as. vi x Car Q.ish Up ia Sra- k. The aliirui rung from bax 44 at 2 n'clcck this momlng Waa caused by the burning of a box car on Un. iiioonishurg road near the sri iintoii ttn at crotttag, Tut car was tending on a lldc track and caught tire in an UncCOUUtabla manner. It was totally destroyed. .v . GRIM RcfiPtl.'S HARVEST. "1'ncle" John llni.'ood M'lynard, need 90, a great null builuer Slid one Of the pio neers of .'watn liesler, N. II. Qeorge W, Crots, 6i years old. of uiiis dale, N. J., one of tbe moat extensive. iiij- tillers iu Burlington county. Actreu Nellie Donald Lefflngwell, ngeii tl in New Tork, heroine ot the dramas 'iilue tir.-is-," "A Bummer u.rr' and "Tho Hand of Pate." Wi.'.1I.ER FOftlCAST. II 1 WABHtKOTOS, tday t Fnrrnitl FcUEArt! f"r "''"'"'"'".'' '" Stutern i reaatylennfu, iin,emiii fair, L 1 daHtifl WedaaNfoy; iett uandt, txeonttai; eariabln Fnr Harttsrt Bmnavtwafo, oeneruUu nfr, nainier (a hvi'IiiU'h jairliuM, curiudlc it iiui. FIE rs MS 1 The Great Popnlariiy of Cm Ladies' Shirt Waists : Proves that thej arc oorreol ia. style and Qnality. Tiny com prise Plain and Fancy Bilks, Lin cm, Cheviots, Lawns, Percaies,eto OUR STOi l OP CHILDREN'S VAIST5 An- of the best, in Style and V7 rkmanship, and include "'yic Kin' Waist," in Futintleroy, Plain White, Ginghams, I'.rcale, etc. The "Mother's Friend" W aisi and out Bpecial BlouM Waist at BOo., the gruatesl :or tiiu money. 510 ami 612 Lackawanna At?, iie BiTii tvmk w&i m ai IAMOUS Maltose Cross RUBBER BBLTWO AND HOSa. Ol.aji A. 8CHIEREN ,t- ro'-t PERFORATED SLECTRIO And i uk 1 I.calliuf Ucl.ui, II. -V Kingsbury sqki c S13 Sprues St.. Senitoi Pi Lewis, Rellly k Mm a dr v : In RutBset Shoos, LEWIS, REILLY I DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WROLRSALK AND BBTAII 0 We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If :i lortor is needed yott arts promptly! told bo. We also guarantee ;i perfect lit. All SILV RWARE and Dam. gcd Groda at Arcade Fire will be told at 50 Per Cent. Be lew Coat. The Jeweler, 408 Spruca Street. m s ' l yu if f i f lark X-; W. I WEICHEL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers