THE SCItANTON TKIBUHE TUESDAY MOItNING. MAY 8, 1894. Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. Tl Kill GKAD1C PIANOS tVEBBa Ml AW, BHBBSON, OTHBB HAKES A I.I. 1'ltlCK Seo the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. A Foe to Dyspepsia G OOD ERE AD -USE Tin:- FLOOR And always have Good Bread. MAOTVAOTCRID an: COB sAlir. To TBI TBAOI liY ilo Hi Go lull USUI blli tEW ARE 0? COUNTERFEITS ! Punch Cigars G., B.&C0, flupr'ilnJ en c-rh 01(11' Camev, Brown & Co. Kfr's. III H I HUVM UI ALU. DR. H. B. WAE EYE, EAR, NOftE AND T1IHOAT. GF71CB ECUSa:! 3f) WYOMING AVE. TKKSO.NAL C. A. O'Malley, ofinrlt -mlale, wsn in tti ritv yeitilij ntatbaw Keaaadfi of Buffalo, is in this city on business. Mrs. H. 0, Walter hi been appointed poetmistressat Will I'lty. Anthmiy Mcl-ane will leave todav on an tr'eiided trip to California. Karena Hmith ami M. W. Watraj, of WiUee-liarre, worn here veetcrday. J. L Stone, of Waverly, anl C T. Hte venum, of Neacopecs. arc at the Westmin ster. J E. Allin, tho advene, programme solicitor of the Baraaaa a iiadey show, it lu iIih city. Mr. ami Mm M A. Markl-, Miss BOBON am) v. s. i banberlain, of Haaleton, were in tl.e rity yeMcrday. Mia, Flora Koth ami daughter, and Mi nsnna .lonph, of .s,w Vrlt their brother, Julius Joseph. are Vlnltllig Hka Kate llopkina, and Misi Kate Mnrthv. ofBUx tnaborg, aro visiting at the homo 1 f the former' parent! in tho city. lieprosentatives John Knbaek. William N. f'nrti.. V. .1. Ferberaad W. J, Sander cork, of Way mi county, wore In tin city t ilay. C. H. Devero and John S Mcf'ahe are attending the national convention of the As elan t Order Hibernians Board r Ida In Now York. Mr. and Mrn. Qeortt Weed have been colled to .Mm. Weed's home in Strathroy, liaaada, OO account of tho death of her youritfi-dt brother, Mr. and Mil. A II. Shopland will leave today for New York and will take the MeaawbipFnlda onBetorday, May Ik, for Ornoa. They expert to bo (one mx mon tba, WONDcRLAND'S BILL CHANGED, The Oalle7 Slave Will Be Presented To di and Tomorrow. There whi n good sized audience at Wonderland to witness tho production of "Our Hoy," a successful Kngliati comedy by Manager Davis' excellent atock comedy. While "Ob Boy a" aohieved a remarkable tnooaai in Lon don, It wen found by Mr. Davit to be quite nnetiited for bin audiences, Tho uoll tinlih humor waa too alow for the kneii, appreciative aodieuOM at Wonderltttid. Therefore, Mr. Dtwil very wisely derided to discontinue, 'Our Boys. " In ita atead bo will substitute today and tomorrow the popular 'Galley Wave," which pleaiod bo nioch last week. Soranton'a Kualnain Interetti. Tn TiimtiNK will aeoa publish a rnre fully complied nnd clamill,.d list of the leading wholesale, banliin;;, inanufactur ing and profeHMional intereiita of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will ho bound in book form, beautifully tlluetrated with bhotogravure viown of our public linild lugs, huniuotM blocke, streeta, etc., together with portraits of loading, No imilsr work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Borantoa'a many Indus triea. It will bo an invnluablo exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside tho city, copiea of this handsome work will attract new comers and bo an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well asthecity at large. Representatives of Tltl Tumu nk Will call UpOU TIIOSK WHOHK N A MICH are DKsinKti in this edition and explalu its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residence! in this edition will please Kovo notice at the oQlce. Don't Mlsn It. Shoes at mnnufneturer's prices today, Factory Shoe Store, 411 Lack'a avo. onus SI8W WHITE S I Happenings of a Day That Will Interest Many Tribune Readers. PRISONER MM WALKED AWAY Constable Burschel Did Not Exercise His Usual Caution William J. Lewis and Miss Jemima Richards Wedded by Rev. David Jones Young Men Hold an Interesting Debate Offi cers of the Board of Trade to Be Elected Interesting News Notes. The Watt SliJo office of the Scranton lRIBURI It located at 1 0 10 .lucksou street, wbrt subscriptions, advertisements mul communication! will receive prompt at tention. John Noary, of Providence, was ar rested yeaterday afteruoou on com plaint of Morris Simon, a resident of this side, for larceny. S'.rnnn was talk ing to Nenry in a Protidanao saloon, and had with him goods amonoting to Q and a raoaipt hook worth 3 Simon ibowad the gooda to Near? and the latter became noxious to possess them Ho offered Simon what the goods wro worth and took them hotu to show to hu wifrf, Biriiig that he would return in a short time with the money. But he never c imeback. Nnary wui given a hearing before Alderman Blair aud placed in 300 bail to appear at court, At the close of the case, Morgan placed the prisoner in charge of OooatabU Bnnobal, Banebol aid not exercise his usual oantion, and Nenry walked off, and has not since berti heard of. Wedded I. ss. r.vning. The ntarrlaga of Miss .leinima Hich ards and William .1 Lewis was solm oiled last evening by Itev. David Jonaa, of the FintWelib Oongrega- tional church, at ! it home, I'M Siuth Lincoln avenne The bridaanaid em Mis t'assie L -wis, 1st r of the brlda gfOOU) nnd the groomsman was I'hllip Itilee, Both ladlei wore pretty cos tumes. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis nro well I known on this si le, whvre they hsv a large circle of frienda who wish them I unalloyed happiness during their mar ried life. They will go at once to boatekeeping in n neatly fnrniihed home on Lynon street. Cbate on Lsb-vr A large nntnbat Wai present at tho weekly meeting of the Hvi park Lit erary and 1) dinting aooiety he. d last evening in tborooma of tba Wei in Phil oaophieal soeiety on Boath Mam aTaane Cbairmao l'htllip l)vis presided Doriog the evening there was a debate on "Labor I'arai'.as." Much feeling ws diaplayed In welcoming lark to their circle W. A. Price, who recently went to Forest City to reije. Beard or AaU Tho Waal Blda Board or Trade win meet this evening in ( lark's hall There are several mailers of tmpor laaOO awaiting Mtion, and the annual reports will ha rea l Offioen Will be etaottd also. Tne aotaiuati m made at the meeting a month ao were as followa; President, Hon 1. M Joaaa: Vice Presidents, Wtlliam I'arrell an 1 T Fellows Mason; Secretary, Charles I'.. Iti!e!s. Ireasnrer, A. It. I'.vnon, A M Morse and William It Williams Piiccstsful Hotel Opsnlna. The new hotel of Fred Waruke. on N rth llain avenne, was thronga d it mg the opening Inst evening. The lirge I ar roOIDI and j r.vato rooms decked with BOWara ami brought fotth many prai.'t fron t' .se .resent A mandolin and guitar oroheetra con aisting of Petal Bobappart, Edward Curtis and W W. Kiss retidereJ a iiuiulivr of fine selections Fh it nwi Betae The West Side Women's Christian Temperance union will tnet tlnsaftr noon at 'J N o'clock in the Welsh Phil osophical lociety rooms on BOBth Mam avenne All ladles are invited Kev William M )ivie, of Fish raard, is visiting at the bona of John Thomas, of vTaaabnrn atrstt. Ha will preach at the PlfBOOth Congregs tional church nxt Sunday The OptiOOl on the property f..r the opening of Bwetlaod to Hfly feet in width from Ninth street to North Main avenue have lefn secured, and are now in tln hands of Coiiucilmin Laser for the consideration of the councils. Kev I) W. Skellrtiger, of th Wash ban Btroet Praobrtoriaa church, waa tn Perkeille yeatrday. Q Q Pbfllipa, of Jsrkson stret, lias returned from Ltblbton John A Bdwarda, too of Setb F. I wards, of Prioa i treat, is Mrionaly ill John Mullen, of North Sumner ave nne, woo baa been Very low with pnanmonln for the psst week, la bet ter. William Smt. of Jackson street, has pnrcbsfol of William F. Iginton, of South Hyde Park avenne, an acre of grmmd on tha West mountain, which contains a large amount of atone adapted for Belgian block pavement A delegation of tha members of Kyd" Park lodge, No. MB, Free and Accepted Masons, will leave on the llelaware, Lackawanna and Weataro train at 0.10 o'clock this evening for Clark's Snmmt, to take part in the dedicatory ceremonies, of a new Masonic hall at that place. The Christian F.ndeavor; aociety of the Wash hum Street Proabvteriau church will conduct n sorial on Thurs day evening in the church parlors. Mr and Mrs Tbomai Kicharda have returned from their bridal tour. a MUD PUDDLES ON GR4NT AVENUE. Tha Rstldente Will Ask Councilman to Itepalr That F.traat. The property owners on Grant ave nne, near Jackann street, are auffering from the deplorable condition of that thoroughfare. In the spring and enrly winter the road is iiiipnssa'nle, and it would re quire very little to repiir it. Tne OOOOOilman from the Fourth and Fifth wards will he asked to expend dur ing the coming year a part of the np popriatlou toward the improvement of Urnut avenue, FAVOR MULBLRRV STREET BRIDGE. Thnaa Wbo Do So Will Meet at tha Court Houai Tonight. The persons who beliive that the beat Inturi'Hts of the oity woull be served by locating the proposed new bridge that is to connect the West Sid with the central ciiy at Mulberry alreet luatead of Linden atreet, as was decided np n at tiie last municipal election, have called a meeting to take some definite action in regard to ohaug ingthe location of the bridge. Those who favor the Mulberry atreet aite claim that it will be n saving of $50,000 to have the bridge located at thia point. The meeting will bo held At the arhi- NEW Or I 1 trntion room in tha court bouse this evening at a o clock, when nil persons who lire interested are invited to, at tend. TWELVE ARRESTS TO BE MADE. Prominent Business Man to Be Prose cuted for Sailing on Sunday. Rev. F. A. Dony, aecrotary of tho American Satibath union, the active head of the movement to auenra a bet ter observance of the Sunday in Scran ton, last eveuing informed a TBIBDNB reporter that at least a dozen prominent business men of the city will be ar rested today on the charge of violating tho law regarding a proper observance of tho Sabbath. The majority of theie nrrenta will be druggists and some of the loading apothecaries of the oity may expect to he arrested during day and pay u sfi-dollar flue iu addition to the costs of prosecution. Mr. Dony says that in every ease he has suflicient proof for conviction. The men at the head of the move ment are at work getting evidence against saloon-keepers who keep open on Sundays. However, none of tboit who will be arrested today nre saloon keepers, sa a ohanaa will tirst be given the OOOOty constables to prosecute vio lators of tho Brooks law DE WOLF HOPPER AT THE AC AD E MY Tin Well-Known Comedian to B Seaa In ranjandrum Tonight. "Panjandrum," the oornie opera spectacle, which for live months held tho boards of the Broadway Theatre, New Y .rk city, will be the attraction at tho Academy of Music this ovau ing. Da Wolf Hopper, and his merry asso elates will essay the leuliug roles of "P.iuj'indrum, in which the big com edian impersonates tiro different char aotera The first is that of a font hfn I aailor, returmtiu to his sweeth-art alter a long Vovage; the scroti. I that of a Bpantab bull tighter, which lis as sumes for the purpose of winning glory nnd thu nuke an impression un his lady love, the third that of a storm tooted mariner on tha snip tnat burs tbe principal characters of the opera awsy to Spun . the fourth an Indian fakir who mvttitles the people of Borneo, ant the list a Lornese potentate. Mf MOHIAL DaV OHeHU iR(viY pflfcADt. An Kntertattinient u HI Ita Furnished at tha Frothlrgbam It. tha BvoatBB K.ra tinlliti post, No. 189, Grand Army of the KrpabHo, will have ita usual par-id" on the aft-rnooa of Mem orial Day. The peat will giv an entertainment at the Frothiiighum theater in the evening Ti pfleee of ndmlattoa are Bled at 15, 39 an 1 .'el cents T.'ie best local talent of the city will take part in this etitertalutu ut. Cd ontd Htxter, the brilliant Kitnira law yer, who addr.ssed the (irand Armv vetennsat the recent Wyoming 0OO feraooe In tba Un Park ebaroh, hs been nt -n l d an I hss accepted an in vitation t-i deliver an addreai The i roc e. Is, after delrayii g M. tn rial Day expanaea, will go to the post traarary for tne raliaf of any loperan united veterans wtio nur i..-1 usi-.t a nee. Will HAVE A KUWtM SOCIAL. Aa InUrastlng Kvaut to Ba Ulvan f ir Y org T-.n'ahl i in aceonnl of the abeenre of I'r F W. Lang from the city tha "Health Talk " advertised for this evening at the Yonng Women's Cbriattaa aoMalatlo will be postponed. Instead, a "Flowar Sicial" will be hell, which will he MMBetblag nalt)aa Tna Art class will ilao give aa exnibitiofl ofaotaeoftbe work doaa during tne year Y mug women are cordially invited to rajoy this e.tcial cath-nng. which is free to tion inembers and tnsmhrra alike, mmmam - . T H H E t Nl W DIRECTORS. Lackawanna Uoapital Contributors Trai aaat .la p -rtant Tne eontribotori of the LBokawaaaa hospital geat laat night an I eiertet Janet 1' Dlekaoo, Alfred Hand and J A iillniily directors for thr.-e years Annntl reports wer receive i fron the tresstirer, eecrtary and lODtf lotaodaot The president's tddrtet Wat fcelvad All was referred to ti a inromlog board of directors, alio wul tnaet 'for organisation on Friday NORTH END. The Fattier Whitty aociety hald n maatiaf ytaterday at Bt, Marr's bail ami orgaatt'd a i bugle corps wnh ( harles llsrry as r tadaotof The corps will consist of twelve bugles au 1 seven drums, nineteen instruments in all It was also arranged to bold musiesl ami literary entertainment on the evening of May 80, DaCOratlOB Day, to ilefray the m csary expanses of pro -vitling the instruments Mr Harry in tends to make tna bugl c irpf one ul the bast in lb" state. Tho fn-oral of Mra Jane M. r.-sn took pltOI HatBrdaf fron ber home on Oortoa Street, Interment was made In F rest H.ll reineterv '1 ha death or Miss Nettie QrifBtbt, of Montrose, and well known In this action took place last week at home in the latter place has caused general re gret among her tnanv friends. De oeased was a particularly bright ami intellectual young lady and her earlv death in the bloom of youth is greatly deplored a -All Free. Those who have used Or King's New Discovery know Its value, and those who Iinve not, have now the opportunity b try It Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Mottle, Free. Send v-ur name and address to tl. K. Buck) en & Co., Chicago, and g-t a sample box of Dft King's New Life Fills, fojaa, ns well as a copv of Qntda to Health anil BoBttbold Instructor, Free. All of which is guarnn teist toilo you good nnd cost you nothing. Matthews Hros. Drugstore. e Muslo Boxes Fxrluslvsly. Fest made. Play any desired number of ttinee. (Inutschi rV Sons., mnnnfaottirers, 1c:i Chestnut street, Philadelphia Won derfol orrhestrinl orgaus, only V, and tin. Bpedaltyi old music boxtt earafaJly re paired and improved with new tunes. sa How Is It F.voryonn goes or inquires for tho Factory Shoe Store, 411 Lack'a nvef e Headlston ft Woarafi nnd Ballantlne'a Ales are the best. K J. Walhii, agent, Laakawanaa avenne. Tha Opinion of a Rival fTTIeei fffirri iVewaBialef, Bcrantoalaat have ut last recognized that the shim covered Laclanvnnna with its totuatocau nnd offal lined banks Is not only a breeder of disease but also a most unsightly conjunction to portions of the city which are not the mo?t cleanly and a movement Is now being made to kavu it coveoed by masonry, on the top of w hich will ho constructed u boulevard. Tho completion of she proposed work would cost a goodly sum of money, but the out luy would never ba regretted by those eu tcrpiitlng citizens who have the welfare of the city ut heart. E Kickers Against Twentieth Ward Sewer Una ble to Make a Decent Showing. THEY COULD NOT COUNT A QUORUM A Heavy Team of Blacks Consigned to tho Centurys Arrives from Chi cagoPeanuts and Circus Sights in South Side Base Ball Park First Edition of Father Aust's Paper Just Out Shorter Paragraphs. Any movement that does not meet with opposition in its course of do velopment is not worth wasting breath in mentioning it. Tba most sanguine upholders of tho sower in the Twentieth wsrd were not so far carried uway with the project as to fail to aee that kickera would come to tho surface. But the Wonder is that there is so little grum bling. Perhaps m the Bourse of a few mouths the croakers innv blossom out in greater fullness. On Sunday after noon those opposed to the sewer were invited to meet in Battle's hall. A half dozen men tntwered the call, but seemingly did not feel much inclined to do any business It ie widely circu lated throughout the ward that Com mon Councilman D. P. Bsttle ia one of the bitterest antagonists of tile sewer, and that he busies himself in poisoning the minds of nil his fri-nils aga mat it This dees Mr. Little a great wrong, because he I on the ottinr hand one of the most earnest champions of it. The b-'St people of the war I want sewers, those on whom t ie burden of expense will !... I beavieet, ant that nrnves very nearly at a guess that at an early data the Twentieth will be fully sew ered. The Century's New Team An appropriation was mnda bv the eat tmetee committee o( the last coun cils for the purchase of a team of horses for tho Century company. Vetterday morning a heavy team of blacks arrived front tha C icsg.t ttook yards, shipped to the above company The animals are splendid Specimen! of boraefletb, and look aa if they could he easily trained for their work The boyi will hook tbam to the aarriaga tins afternoon and give them a trial on tl.e streets for n ftW hours. It might not be remitl to remind the powers ti. at lei tnat an appropriation of fSOO p issed at the aama time aa the una III favor of the Ceotnrya to provide a horse for the William Cotiovlls. The one at present use I by them is an un derail ' inline), not aapablt of polling a good lived wheelbarrow, much less ti e Iimvv hose carriage, which weighs nearly 3,000 01 mu at Bake Hal'. Park tl S Csry s circus pitchel tend in the South Sole Pase Mill pirk yeeter .uy and exhibited before a large gath ering of curiosity seekers in the even log i tie pianio of tba labor orgaaita Moot did not lotarfera much with tne attendance at the circus, but ame t . Increase it Tba perf finance giveti by Mr Cory's, trtiete ! w.rtn maab inor than tne price charged for ifl an I o an par at favor .My wan snows of greater prtteaaioBt, Aftarn "tn an I avaaiog txbibtUoat will t given to lav. Father Atiat'a Taper Appsars. 'I he Oral latat of Rev, Riohard Ami's new papar, davotad t tha Interests of ti, 1'. .1-:. p. ! of r . intv. mile its tppaaraaca for the tirst thia week It Is a blight and newsy journal, well edited, aud dealt with local affairs wlt.'i cleverness an 1 ability The ppr wst issued from the Timet press, out will be printed lu the Truth offlot h-re after. Father Aust shows himsolf to be a newspaper BUM up to dale. Btigeeatlon m lb Truth. With no de re at ail to inonal th hih bOTta, it .s r.sctf ully sngg-sted t" the S Bth Side OOfTtap indent of the 1 ruth t.. avoi I one thing lu the fiiltii. and that is. li d c'r.rg- any Bjitttttv tio-at Hint May aptetr in one in Thing taper lo all of tbem. Tux '1 nun nk dote tint swagger when it alaimt tne i radii of being morn accurate in its ra portl tli sen any of the other pap-r 1 his is a OOBOBdtd fact. Rhortar I'siaerap'ta 1 1 P. Battle ltd G I Roland are in NaW Vork aa delegates to the national convention of the Ancient Order of Btbernlaot, Hoard of Erin, tine of I homat J Qallagbar't obil dr -n is very sii-k from a o ld Patrick Joatph RoOaay, , years old, ami of Winifred Hooney, of 817 Maple street, died yesterday. The fantral will take place tomorrow afternoon at I o'ci. ck Barial la Hv.u perk ceme tery the funeral of Michael M Hale, of Pear street, will occur at o'clock th'.s morning. A rvqniem msaa will be snug at SU John's church. I itermant wi.l Bt in lite in Hyde l ark oeuieteiy. Tba 8 year-old son of John Wood raff, of Alder street, bad his arm broken yesterday by falling off the stoop of I'ndertnker Storr's residence, a distance of but lour teet to the grouud. Dr. K Inset the broken mtttt bara Tue fantral of Edward Walsh, of South Witehmglon avenue, will take place this morning at 0 o'clock, inter uieiit in Hyde i'ark ceuiutery Misa Minnie Htttingtr, of Willow llreetis visiting in New York. a EXCITEMENT PROMISED. Additional Ii.junoiloue 8curad Against tha Coke Strikers. Si'uttdai.k, Pa., May 7. This morn ing Siiiriutemleul Frank Bradford, of the Bainay Coke company, weut to Pittsburg to aerure additional injunc lions against the strikers. All of the atrikers arrested lust eveuing were re leased on bail today. The operators refusal to meet the scale committee Saturday is takeu ns u declaration of war to the lluish, and thia week promises to be au exciting one from one end of the region to the other. a ' - . HE IS KENTUCKY'S HERO. Colonel Breckinridge a Digger Mao Than Jamsa Corbett. Pahis, Ky., May 7. Colonol Breck inridge arrived on the 8 o'clock train from Lexington. A crowd had gathered at tho depot. Kver since his arrival a stream of callers have passed into Colonel ltreckiuridge'e room at bis hotel and cordially greeted bin. Breckinridge will speak here this afternoon. Advice from Luasrne. W.lkci Bnriv 7 1 tti'S. If Scranton Is wine, and it generally is when It comes to making municipal im provements, it will cert.nuly pattern after Wilkes-Harre wbeu il conies to contract ing for its new bridges. Lverybody knows tho best goods come high but they wear long and well. 11 isn't economy to take a thing because it's chenp, especially iu the matter of bridge. NOTES OF SOUTH 1 ABOUT PERSONS WELL KNOWN. A gentleman who used to visit Scran ton more frequently than has beeu his want of late, is just now winning ns many laurels m a musical direction as he has long been accustomed to wiu in busi ness relations. Hetereuce is made to Manager Atklo of the Wilkes-Uarro luce works, whose singing at the recent Con cordia concert iu Wilkes-liarre was n notable foaturo. Mr. Atkiu is a jovial compuuion, a membor of numerous fra ternal orders, including tho Elks, and vies with Joseph P. Burns as a robust tenor who knows how to sing, I Rev. Dr. N. O. Porke, of West Pittstou, who, at the closo of tile present year will conclude a half century of continuous service in the pastorate of the First Pres byterian church of Pittstou, will this Hummer occupy a handsome new cottage nt lilen Summit, the plans for which were recently drawn by Architect Duckworth. After tho various experiments iu the climates of Florida, New Knglind aud the seashore, I'r. Parke has decided that nothing better Hints his needs than the pure oxygen on tVilkes-Marrn mountain, ami his countless Scrnutou friends hope ho may tie benefited by the coining mm -mor's sojourn. tat Representative QalBIBB A. tlrow, whom Scran toniant have recently come to regard as really one of their own citizens, that is to say, a r lldtBt of one of Scrauton's sub urbs, has been chosen as one of the orators at. this year1! Fourth of July celebration at Woodstock, Colin. The honor is a signal one when It ll remembered that speekera ut Woodstock are nlwayH men of Inter national renown. s In the present apportionment of its Su preme conclave offiolalt, the Improved order of Reptaaopbi has oontorred un common dltttootton on BcraatoB, giving to us tha supreme arobon lu the peraOO of F. L. Brown, the supreme provost m tba par- sou of Attorney J Elliott Boat, and one member of lln- comuntt n laws end np- pe.ils in the person ot Edward II. House. Imt, then, this is no more than proper, con- ldorlng .the nnmbsr of nourishing con claves that Scranton and lis Immediate vicinity gives to the order. The latest of these, BleOtrifl Ity conclave, No. Ka Instituted lael than two months ago. al ready hits a membership of nearly loo and is growing rapidly, beranton city alone hse live AonrieBiBg Baptaaopb aoodavet and there an- as many in no uIuumI within eiL-y balling distance. S 4 S The recant graeafnl to tion of the em ployes in the transportation department f the Delaware Lackawanna ami Western railroad In prataattng Train master George kL Balls lead wnh a hand some Watch of tare value attests the esteem in which this popular Scrautnoiau held among thoet enn whom he is brought into Intimate Contact. The watch is a repeater with spin leeoad aad atop Bttaehmanl) and Witt a hands unely eti- travtd Id-karat caaa eon tola teg a 8-karat diamond, It was it birthday token, which ra i I reeiptent will not suou tire of xhioitiag, - a Iteooarffepatrs FumiiM We nre prepared to faralth bntlnam bob with flrat-claai ateaograpBara by the day ir hour Btpert Iwok keeping a sptejialty. Heraaton Coramaroia A..e:iation, Urn itod, im spruce ttraata a mi Ill I ll KELLER -MRS JOBM KELLER, age W years, Mav 7, I MM, at her la- r. dance In Newton, nueral at lata r.iai deaai m Nawtoa, May P, at 0 N a. m. JoNF.S- In Btrantoa, Mar Mrs. ti. w Jones, at the home of her sister, Mrs. W il ism Raaley, M Monroe avenue. Funeral will t at Baa vTtdfleaday ntt-rn.sin at i o'clock Interment in Forest llul cemetery. BocbeatBl pairs B . ase copv fkdiM saw A tW H J w w w a 4 UeaW - w WWW Neapolitan Wore? It is the Most Artistic ever made. Baby Carriages If you want ii goof car riage you should sec them. )?5i5fly dlilU i UllOU sVwUJ Best Assortment. CHINA: HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. Print Butter 25c. a lb. 427 Lackawanna Ave. C. DITCHBURN. FRESH EGGS RECEIVED DAILY WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why run nil over thocitv looking for coll dollars vtth one nil 1 ten oeDtl' Worth or irolit in themr Hut yon will tent Tart close to it it If y hi will rail at the rlulit place. Bi-lnij your dollars Hold, silver ami irn.on- hanka to A. W. JURI3CH tag IFBCCB BTBBBT, nnd get full value for your money In BICYOtiES, FIRE ARMS, PISHING TACKLE, PINK CUTLERY, DOG COLLARS AND GENERAL BPORTING GOODS, The VICTOR WBEBTj I,ends. Bicyciea. lire arms, etc., repaired nt abort notice. Key llttiuir a suocialty. Llive me a call. Magic, Mirth and THE Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle We have engaged FBQF. VBEUBLO, the Cclebiated llititloo llagletaBs Bxhibitiona daily iu our large center window from 3.30 to 0.30 P. M. and from S to 0.30 P.M. The Puzzle Given Away with purchase of every Suit of Clothes or sold at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Martin 6c IDelauiy Wyoming Avenue. :illtllllllltMlliMfl!!Hgi(llllllIlfil8M!l!llMeiilll!!tl9Ht!9!:iftllEIF!lllW -sat ana mm gaj 1 1 i ass awn iiwsnai n I the paqhinnl K S M)S L.-icknwannfi Ave. ! Hiliinery Department. 5 Just opeuad a new Una of Sailors S Winch will be e .l 1 Lclow prices. T RIMED HATS -' Wi rth U T5 for II 25 S Worth si ;i for f S Worth t ,. i lir s , s Worth $is oo for ra. 1 LACE CURT AIMS X The lurgeit and larat assorted line 2 In the state from tho obnpett to S the bail S :i styes, worth fj M f r 83 5 ldatylei, worth fQ 00 for f: 78 ; '.'it stvles real llrutsels.froui 1L50 S to 90 1 -i i pur. S BOatylaa Irish Point from 1400 o r ' I ILL ami BEE Till MilirilMilllllllIIMIIIiUllitlllllllllUIHIIIIIIIIMIilllEllllllllllHIIIUIIIIftLillr! Dunlap Straws Now Open A T Christian, the II ATTER. Look In ThArtfn liritnlnc totovn; tVilVom Tljirm ! Ii.ib b(M htir; V R hvt btto hn: w ,m , hrn; w will )m hTt. Au'ft'ti Wt mtf look in nn mi. rvnl if WtOfMaMlMOW JIM thfl ftnat ' Him Of H1CTCLICK AWD N PORT I NO OOODM, uid ft i4cofd of sioci Moyclti ftifaj thtnnnv-'li r Arm in UN dtjr, wo will tfik' yoq to the nhoir. PLOREY6.HOLT Y. M. (' A BUILDINa YACHT CAPS All the Rage. Will buy a very good one at THE CELEBRATED SOHIER Are nt PrrMMtt ttir Kotl Poprlnr mnl I'rpfrrrrd B UMattr Arums. Warprooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, 205 Washington Av. Scrnnton,Pa. SMI ! ; CONRADS Mystery G!oak Department. I Ladlot' Capes In Hne, Xavy utid Brown, Worth tj.. 00 for $1,89 Worm B.68 for 1 D8 Worth 10,00 for BSS Worm 1- 00 for 8 . 9 Wttrtlt '.'"i t( for 12 UU Laiies and Misses' Jackets Muit be sold Now is your ebanoa .lack-ets wot lh 8 00 for if 1 08 .lai kets Wftr.;. 0 5 I tor J U8 Jackets Worth '.-'-'I for '488 LADIES' SUITS WorthflO 80 for S 00 W orth 8. SO for 8 78 Worth 11 00 f ir B.8G SPECIAL A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for Only $9.90 ri.ll LLAJ i; r ! ll ffi is up.r.s flt rum;.qnpra Suits Capes Jackets For Women Soil, Sell, Sell, is tho order of tho day. FIFTEEN Imported clay J&ckots. Cat, Style and W ork llio best of the tailor's art. A redaction of 60 Tor Gent. Bee this offer inp; of High-olasi JaoketSt Your size is here, CAPES In Cloth, Morio Silk, Covet Cloth and Lace. Many st y ion and prices thai will please you SUITS Printed Duck and Serges, Striped and Spot Patterns. You OBghl to huvo otic. Tho price, $3.50 to $7.50. G.W. Owens & Co Plonk nn 1 Suits Mnknp!. Court Hou3c 3cuiar3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers