The Multichrome offer will not remain nhen awaysr Accept it at once, if you want a good bargain. EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. SCRANTON. PA.. MONDAY MOBN1NG. MAY 7, 1894. TWO CENTS A COFY. AN ATTRACTIVE III OHCWAL JUNERTREH ATTEITIOI ste m m m b m b b b m b n ii.ufss see lOwaMaKaiiacyn t 6jl''k- j.. - ibs. w 1 b b b b b b u iu r E1T ft WAYS ALLURES EXCITEMENT LI A New Plan Is Adopted to Baffle the Hobs of Strikers. THE CRISIS HAS BEEN REACHED Operators Announce That They May Start Up Their Mills at Once-The Strikers Realize That an Important Movement Is on Foot and Are Straining Every Nerve to Hold Out. Colored Men Are Being Shipped Into the Region from the South. Cossn im ii i k. Ph.. May (V frA AU'RDAY ml Uy of intense P excitement in this section of the MM region. The strikers made a zJ heroic effort to got the men all out nnil suceoded fairly well. The Paul works of the Kuiney company ll the only one in the entire region running full. Mid the oompanT to determined to keep their plants in operation at nil Innards. They wonted an injunction from the Untied state oonrt to Pittt t nr.-, ree training the strikers from as-Bt-tnbllng in mob ner the works. Tbeta Ininnetlon papen wer plaoad in sheriff Wili.elrn'i band! with strict or den to txeente them. Tbii it a new plan, hut one which the company hopes will he successful. The crisis has tesn reached in the coke region, The other operators, a fewdayt ago, annoanoed that they WOBld start up Monday regardless of cost or Mnatqaenaea, nnleaa Rslney wu oloatd down, Report! show that mi at of Kaincy's plant! are still m i pernlion. Accordingly, the other op erators have given or lers to their su- nerintendenti to iuak ready for u start Monday. An i fiicial of one of the landing com panies laid Inst night: "We will start iii Monday if half our men hare to be urmed to pro ted the otner half, and if neo ssary thestate troops will be called out. We eaanot itan 1 i lly by and tea our competitors get all the good con tracts. 0IQAK1SBM AHK KltT. Tim a trik'T realize that an extra ordinary move Is on font. The organizers are 1 njy preparing tne m-m to relist the attempt to start. Meet ings v.-re lo l I in the Vanderbilt, Listiritig aud Ihinbsr districts today, and nlso at tbe Mount i'Uasaut branch The leaders spoke at these meetings rd e' eonraged the men to stand firm. Tbey have received assurances (ton President Mcltride that the strikers ontetdeof the coke region will win within two weeks and retnrn to work nt their own wag. S,000 a day li promised tbe cokers and with that as sistance the local leaders say the strikers can hold ont till the operators anrrendar. Qa the other hand the op cr.itor say tno resiunptioni next week will work the end of the strike. it is charged that one of the leading cniMptnies hit tent agents into tbe ;;!!.ern coke regions to secure labor ers !o break the strike. It is given out that a number of colored men were bipped Into the region this week and thai many more will arrive next week Tbe companies say there lino trouble to secure men from the West Virginia and Alabama coke regions. RTfOATIOM at JORMUrUWH, 20HH8TOWH, Pa, May fi Serious tronble is brcwinH here among the striking miners of the Cambria Iron company Warrants for the airestof n DBI ibet of the strikers bare been placed In Utolal hands and it is freely btedl ted that the tin ment the papers are terved the desperate Htingsrlen iprlll precipitate a riot. The strikers are not in the belt of humor to begin with, the Cambria company having se cure. I several new men to lake their pieces. Of the 100 new men employed and working Friday, over half hnvr. been induced to nit and earnest eflorts are being made to call the others out. It b understood that the warrants which have been issued are for the leaders of the strikers. Bit hadi.y hkathn. Cniontown. P.. May 8 --The mats meeting of strikers in Mountain View park today was largely attended. Mi chael Jhirrett, John Nugent and others urged the men to stand out together mid compel the operatori to recogniz the organization as well at pay thu 00. rent scale rate. John Moore, a 10-yenr old boy. was Imilly baten today by twottrikere noar ( llivs work, Warrants were issued for the arrest of his assailants. Sheriff Wilheltu is preparing to go to Meroer and others of Kaidey's plants to disperse mobe tomorrow in accord ance with the injunction granted by the United States conrtt. Forty evic tions will take place at Oliver tomor row. Preparations are nuder way to etart a number of now coke works to morrow. If they do trouble will fol 'ow. FITZGERALD'S FOLLOWERS. Ihey Fall to Create a Sensation at Eliza- both. BUEABKTB, Ni J., May C Fitz gerald's indnstrial array delegation in tived here at noon and are now the gneatt of the local socialistic labor party. They held two poorly attended meetings. There ware no aensational incident! and iittle interest was exhibited. The army will tramp to Plainfield to-morrow. GALVIN ATTENDS CHURCH. Bit Brigade at Divine Service at Horns atend. HoMKSTr.AD, Pa., May 6 Colonel ( lulvin moved his army to Dua,ueine to day, a distance of two miles. As a part ing contribution the people of Horae- atAad supplied two large wagons filled with food. The common weal- i-rs today, for the first time tiuce leav T.f the Pacific coast, were In cited to attend church and accepted the invitation of the pastors of tho Bap jilt, Methodist and Catholic churches. in CUD After that a warm dinner was served and at 3 o'cloek the army started to march to McKeetport, six miles away. A atop was made at Dntiuense. how ever, on acoonnt of a heavy rain storm. Proprietor Hunter, of the St. James hotel, offered Oalvin and his officers food and rooms for tho night, which offer was accepted. Twenty recruits were taken from Homestead. Tbe army will movo to McKeesport at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, MYSTERIOUS MURDER. Another Dead Body Disordered In the Vicinity of Hazleton. Ha.lhton, Pa., May 0 Another mysterious murder was discovered on the mountain road heiw.-ou Hazleton and i'.herval last night. Anthony 1 lobar. Hungarian, while crossing the old stage road found the body in tiie busties a short distnnue from the roadside. From the condition of the body it wns evident that it had been there several days, as decomposition had already set in. The mau had been shot in the breast and bis skull was fractured. His poekets had been rifled and other cir cumstance surrounding tho affair showed conclusively that the man had laen murdered and robbed. There was nothing found about the body that would lead to identification. COmnONWEALERS HAPPY. Suffer Slightly from Water, but Wil Stay by Coxoy While tho Grub Lasts. WasiriHOTOK, D. C. May r, -The common weaiers suffered somewhat from the ram atnrni whieh prevailed today, otherwise the men are apparent ly satisfied with their mode of life. Carl BfOWne delivered a re -incarnation sermon to tne crowd twice to lay, th second tim he claimed, was by re qnea 1 Coxoy also aok, but only on non interest bearing bon is and lood roads Several ministers made applica tion to hold religions services in the camp but w.-re refused bv Pr owne.who wanted nothing bnt re lm arnation preached. ( le mlnlster.however, held services outside the fem e There are not more than 100 men left in the camp of the crowd that came over tbe mountains. Nearly al, the old men have liecome dlsguted and have taken their departure. There are many about camp though woo are willing to remain so loug aa they are fed, uud nnmliers who are willing to swell tire crowd on the same ooodl ti me Browne t dav asserted that there were VI men on the rolls. " o WILSON 15 SANGUINE. Believe That Ills P 11 1111 Chsck Tariff Avttallr n for Prur Ysare. NlW OmULM. May fi. Congressman Wilson, ehalnnan of the wava aud means r 'intuitu, who has been enjoy ing the hospitality of Louisiana sugar planter, for two weeks nndec the gnld ance of Congressman Andrew Price, today took a ride at ait the city to view the points of Us tenet. A repot let inooeeded in getting a talk with him Mr. Wilson does not believe that their wi)l le another tariff agitation after the present one 1 over for at leaat four years Mr Wilson has no if . ut. t thai the Wilson bill will pass the senate and house TWELVE rtARV SENTENCE. A Louisville Butinset Man' Loni Trm for Forferv L'li'isvii.i.p, May 0 A It. Sutton received Ihe limit -ten year in tb penitentiary y .-idsy on Ihe second indictment for uttering forged war-- houe receipt. His bookkeeper, Hecher, turnd s'aie's evldenos and goes free. Sutton must rv twelve years. Th otbr m- dictmont against him are tiled away FIRE-EATERS AGAIN APPEAR Crowds we Ilarioguad by L-ng-Hlred Orators at the Thalia. NaT V.'HK. May 0. What appars to let a revival of tbe autonomist agl tation was mangarated today In this etty. Ore? 1,000 petlOU, the majority of whom Were of a respectable appear ance, aMemblel at the Thalia theatre this afternoon aud liberally applauded tho fiery speeches that were delivered. . THE LUGLOCH TOURIST Six of the Tarty Irrprlaontd in a Cava Are Dead. Bnxtlt, May It -A dispatch from Vienna this evening says that six of Lngloch tourists hay ben taken out dead. The youngest of tho party, a school boy, is reported to have been rescued alivo. OUR TRANSATLANTIC COUSINS A Kusslnn Warship is aiding materially in relieving the suffering iuOrucce, due to the earthquakes. France and i'orttigol have patched op their differences ami the French minister will return to Lisbon. Humor snys that Sir William Harcourt, chancellor of the Uritish exchequer, will let in- from public lite. Tho French government gives 6,000 francs to tho fund for the telle of the suf ferers from the Urecian earthquakes. The differences between Fiance and Por tugal having heen settled the Portugese and French ministers will resume their posts. Cnspi, Italy's premier, while commend ing disarmament, does not think the times are ripe for Italy to lay down her arms. For his violent utterances in n May day speech, M. Roches, editor of a So cialistic paper at Hhcims, Franco, ;has boon arrested. Austria has an earthquake prophot far more perspicacious than even Coxey's oy clone astronomer, for hepredictod (Greece's recent quakes. He is Professor Rudolph Falb. WAFTED FROM WASHINGTON. Kir Julian Pnmicefoto and Secretary Carlisle have reached an ngreemout on the sealing instructions to the joint fleets in Bering tea. U has been proposed by tbe senate naval affairs committee to authorize the con struction of twelve torpedo boats, to coat, exelusivo of premiums, fi, 400,000. WILL DISCUSS HE CHINESE far the Present Week In the Halls of Congress. OTHER DEBATES PROBLEMATICAL Tho Tariff WiM Come Up for Share of the Conversation in the Senate Many Debates and Speeches Will Be of an Impromptu Nature A Mild System of Filibustering to Be Adopted by the Minority Appro priation Bills in Sight. W inmiQTOX, Mav 8 MHBDIATBLY after the routine mnrniug business tomorrow, pot sihly as early as 11 .'10 o'cloek, the senate will go into executive see sion to Jiscuts the Chinese treaty The finance commute will meet Tuesday morning and after giving a formal consideration to the tariff amendments will report them favorably 1 lie course of dsnate nfter i ttesday is somewhat problematical. Ttiaslay Mr Hoar, of Mastachnaett, will speak on the pending tan" bill, and it is not un likely that Mr. Aldftob will addreeelthi emit ou th rrvenue feature of the ineasnre. Lat w ek the clause fixing the dato wben the lull shall take effect was psssed over, and when BelStdef cam" tbe diarusM n was ostensibly the second ssnate committee auiMidlli"iit found in line six and seven of the peuing paragrapu, which adds .o the honae provisi n that theie thai! ! eo) Urted ou all artiole iui Dotted from foreign countries the word "or with drawn for consumption," tbe rate of luty. etc. iMliti'MiTi Dggam Much of the debate of the w."k fol lowing tti introduction of tne imend ' ment will be of an impr.impta chsr arter OOnOetWlng the changes mads aud it will donhtles b the policy of the majority to draw out thir i i nls by rauttic OMMiOM a'. I (nbt ll tbetn la OOllOQeisfl aa to why and kow tb numerous amendments cam to b made. Mr Harris, if the remarks that he hat droiid are correctly interpreted . will I u let upon long aecalon. and if this DOOree is pursue.) KepuMlcans will meet it wititsu.'h means as happen to com to hand Tbey will dobal th bill at at pr sent lit. til o'nlock, but after that nonr will protect again-' further diti -assiou M the tusasur fr Ihe day. it is not among the ImpiMtl bl condition that if Mr Harri be oorflee periini in in deem tat n immediate prolongation of th dally debate a laild system of fllltutteri ng may be Inaugurated by the uilnnnly. 1 lie WeeK w lil, no doubt, lore to the front th line of policy to b purad by both i 1, for the Hern cru ooufi- drllt of their Sl.llltV 11 .W to -n 1 ass the bill, will assume the aggreiiv froui this tuns on iTIIKK HUM IN Sl'iltT. Appropriation bills will continue to engage the attention of the In use u-i til th calender has teu cleared of measure of that character . There are the navy, agricultural and Indian bills In eight for thlt week, and th Uglala live, executive and judh lnl and gn eral deficiency yt in tor with the committee on appropriations to l re leiruJ Th tlrtt it tbe IWO lst BMMd bill will be placed on tbe calendar probably the Bret of next weuk, but tbe deficiency bill I not expected be fore Hie end of the mouth. - - WM PROTECTED BY CITIZENS. Mlaert Pretectal hv th Mavor and Civilian rf an Illtnol Tow a. St. Li 'I is, May ' I nr hundred men at the ( lyd and I illl'Cpi unties in Illinois are the latest to join th ranks of the striker. At Stauaton, where several hnndred men struck on Thursday, the mayor and several hundred citizens escorted miners who wer willing to work to mine Mo and guaranteed' them pro. tectiou. The mine is now running with one-third its unal force. Protection to all miners wt.o with to work has boeu offered by tbe citizens of that town. A delegation of strikers from Pans, Cofeen aud other places, visited the Hillsboro, HI., mine yesterday to in duce the men to go out They paraded the streets with Hags and a baud of music. Ail but a very few men here dotlfa to work, but are intimidated. Sheriifl Michael bat summoned a posts of 100 citlzsnt, as trouble is anticipated e THIRSTY FOR REVENGE A Oang of Kentucky Counterfeiter Qet Even With Informer. PitiM iiTos. Ky , May 0 W. Q Parker, leader of a gang of counter feiters, was arrested at Salem, Ky , a few duya ago. Two iiiercbantt named Uoyd and Haphalee were the in formants. That night Boyd'l store, with tho post office, was burned. The next night Wyatt's stable was burned, and last night it plot to blow up Hnpbleu's store was frustrated. HEN'S EGG HAILSTONES. Th Accompaniment of a Pottsvllle Thunderstorm. Pottsvii.i.r, Pa., May 0 A thunder storm accompanied by hail at big as eggs prevailed here this afternoon. It took au hour to pais over tbe towu. A house was streck by lightning, the roof being pierced and badly wracked. MUD AND HAIR SCARE. Iterant K. vents Interpreted to Forebode Another General Uprising. London, May 0 The Spectator pub lishes an alarmist article in regard to tho possibility of serions troublo in India. The Spectator refers to the excite ment reported to prevail in North Behar, owing to tbe foot that all tbe mango trees in svvernl districts had been fouud smeared with a mixture of mud and of the hairs of some animal. The Spectwtor recalls that next Thurs day is the anniversary of the Indian Mutiny, and that this anniversary has been preceded by a mysterious distri bution of calces throughout Hebar and th" northwest. According to the Spectator, there is something stirring among the Nepau- I lose priests, and it is feared that it porteuds another serious rising in In dia. Th rialng, If it takes place, accord ing to the Spectator, will be due to the disaffection which exists on account of the rulings of the opium commission, increased taxes, the cow question and other matters which havo caused deep muttering! among the populace LA CHAMPAGNE IS DIZZY. Kht Topple on the llearh Near Fort Hamilton. New Yi irk. May 0.- The French line steamer La Cbetnpagne, which arrived this morning, lies hur l and fast upon t he brarh under the lag guns of Fort Hamilton, within 100 varls of the shore, an i tbete the is likely to stay until the cargo it taken ont. Sh went ashore this morning during a thick fog at high water while going at a good tate of ep.-ed. The next high tide will uot float her without the ship is light ened considerably. The passenger were not much alarmed when the vessel struck, aa a few moments showed that she was to near snore that it OOOld bo no trouble to land THE COAL FAMINE IS NEAR. Effects of the Great Bituminous Strike arc Ft It Out in tho Far West. AJT" lie, II iv 1 The coal famine is her 1 n inpplt from Clyde aud tillUspie eral ont Of! ylr lav and the entire j, lent of the lilinola Ulae com pany Wet cloeed down last evening The mil's and other factories will prob ably do likewise ou Monday. imovi, III . Mar '. ' sceonnt of lack of cnl the N'ew Jerusalem and Cteeeent paper m ils, employing tOO men, shut down at lo on yterdy aud other factories will follow The tupply of coal la fofj I tAail and aa none can be proeBred from entetdsi point th little city will be without a pound of coal witbia a few Uv. FLED FROM 'tRISCO GIRLS. A Tall Otrmin Damn' Verv Tall Story Ileautv a d Pert vine scniiil. Hv Kit as. i- . May I "llsron I'eetlli of lletitn. rhamlerrlain 1st ihe rinperur.oRi.-er of the ilyal Ln-iera,' was Ihe name, aldre and airing of titles Intrribed on Ihe reenter of the Palace hotel en M m h - Id' the 11 let t man that ha vialteJ San Francisco for many a day Tbe tall heron I rooght letters of in troduction which tex'nre.1 him entrance to club an I t . a tew bouts on Knob li ill. II" beeenec MMgieMM 'igur in Ihe swell tel and received Ml at tontlOBO, particularly in Herman cir cle Pot now the tall man witb many title baa fled, He left yetlerly and bis !! rtel dee'.i latl n is New r leana The BxaBltDOf print an Inter view, in whlen .the baron declared r.e wa driven ont Of Bel K.-nrnro by th liupotlutiity of the cliy t society girl, who wer anxious to exchange their bearlt. bands and fortunes for bil rang and his castie on the Khme. Fabuloti fortums wereiail at the batou'a feet, he cay When the society women finally wonld give him no peace and hi BMil each luorniug len tme a thing to be drea icd be tied tb etty, - e -HE'S STILL CONFESSING. Colossi Brecklnntt-" Hapsata III Ttttl meni Befere Churoh Offl-iala. Lr.ts OfOM, Ky , May fl. Atthetol icltation of a proiiiiiienl l'reetiyterian gentleman Co.onel llreckinrlvlg yet terday c itifeesed tils sins before the of ficers and pastor of Moiiut Horeb Pre bytenati ohiirch of this eonuty, which was fnandei by hit fattier, Robert J Breckinridge He kept back nothing from the represent ilives of the church and sske l their forgiveness of hit tint. The oAoetl will rounder the matter for lOBIC tun befor any action will be taken. It had leeu reported that C d onel llreckinndge had been exiatlled from th church, but this report Is not true. SUCCESSFUL rXPERIMENT. Death of a Novel K-avl.r Who Regarded Bulnide a Fine Art. Plili.ADKi.l'iiU, May 5 Joeepb Mor gan, aged '.'0 years, a paper csrrier, nlew bis brains out this morning. Morgan' suicide w it the logical cent iiuence of a morbid mind brooding over self- iestrnctlon. Tho young mau wss a great reader and his choicest subjects were of a gloomy and depressing character, and he frequently expressed the opinion that suicide was a tine art, and that be was snxious lo experiment with death. - GENERAL NEWS DIGESTED. Mrs. Potter Palmer will bo appointed on Chicago e Hoard of l.aucstlon. (Ireat deposit of coal havo boon found on the .Minnesota-Canada lino. Ani;ry ore trimmers at Ashland, Wis., terribly kicied and heat Contractor Chattel King. High water in the Kod river nt Fulton, Ark., has stopped lactorles and threatens tin- whole city. Pursued bv ofllcers, John Truskuv. a fugitive murderer, shut himself fatally to escape being captured. Having fniled to sell the fair building U a whole, tbe t hicngo 1 ark board will now offur them eingly or In groups. A sti iko of tellurium and ruby silver. worth :i,ticil a ton, has been made in tho Golden Fleece tniue at Lake City, Cul. Tho bill cutting off tho New York couuty sheriff's fees nnd making his salary gal 000 was Bigned by Oovornor Flower. liy tho upsetting of a boat, Richard Thotuiison. Carrie McKlbben and Hannah Peters wero drowned In the Mississippi, at Keokuk, In. On one count for swindling on a mythical mine, William Wbalen, of St. Louis, who is mi wl to have made iuu,uw, was given four yesrs in prison. -COMMITTAL Futile Attempt to Get a Story from His Own Upt IS COY AS A MAIDEN OF SIXTEEN The General Slill Protests That Ho Is Not a Candidate for Re-Election. He Does Not Deny tho Opinion in Reference to the Certain Success of Any Republican Candidalo Who May Bo Nominated. Nrw YiMiK. May & EX-PBBBIDBNT HARRISON, who it stopping at the Fifth Avetine Hotel, has expressed his opinions upon the political outlook to a Commercial-Advertiser reporter yes terday. Mr. Harrison bad stated nt TaOOtne, Washington, that ho consid ered the Republican nomination was etiilvaletit to an leetlon, but on ac count of family sfll.ctlons he wss not anxious to enter a contest (or another term. The ex president was asked about the rumor that one of hi friends had purchased the Chicago Inter Ocean to ho.. m him for the presidency. "It is a pure invention and I know nothing AOOBt it whatver," he said in hit earnest wa. The merry twinkle that always gathers In the etatesman'a eyi when he Is going to inlulg in peaentrv r iiua to his aid ar.d he said: "The story reminds ui of a dinner of the Gridiron iub in Washington that 1 atten 1-: Previous to the dln- ni r I had presided at a congress of in ventor. When It came my turn t tpeak to the assemble! j nrtialltlt I tald tomethl'ig to the etT et that this wss an occasion where I Wee iddfCB tug a congrats of social inventors " When quedloned about th article in the ineiiinati Commercial QaaetlC advocating him for lb presidency, b said be ktow Mr llentb, one of the owners el the (.aper He had seen a reporter for th paper about I o clock at t.lg t, when n was in Cincinnati, tut bad mere cbaken bands with bun and bad sal 1 n t lag. BftUi ""T UK LgfUIUWgaX "When you were here lest, ienerat, yon est ! It at Pre! lent Cleveland Would find c ngrett a very wiil team to manage I yon care to mak any comment now?" "No, I do not wish to b ln'ervlewe.1 on that ml JestL is frt, I do not car to elaborate on what 1 said. 1 he pre ent condition of th - country, 1 think. I a nf!lcint llluttrallon. Celitorsia! Ye. 1 tOyd my visit there. The ceutry It heatitilul an i tti- c i in ale brae. ng. I era at th Midwinter fair in Nan rrancieco twic. i t.ev having a ilroughl when 1 waa there ." 'Will y. u ' back bexl year to de liver y .ur Uw lecture at Ihe Manford ouivarsil) r T do not know. It ail depend upon my butlheti an I my ability to leave it Ihe fact it, my contract to deliver ti e lecture it a tlrxit 1 one. aud leaves me to do a I I'tusas in trie matter " Th i -president then r-ferre I .giln to his visit to ( li.clnnsll. and laid h would not htv gone, but b det i 1 it hi duly to see bis successor to li e comiuandershlp of the I. oval Legion installed Again the merry IWlBbie M hit eyes pretsge 1 a bumoroiit remark T bad a g d lime with my DBBV radet and naturally we eel late the night of the Installation." "Do you wish i say anything about tb kaooeae text "Mothlngi 1 .'o not with to be Inter viewed the nwpvr men, how ever, put thu and Lhlt together and make a tory l moat ask to be n .- 1 thlt time from Kring a regular inter view.'' A . i SIlVtR NUGGET. Weighs 3,300 Poundt, and It Said to He ill Largest on Kec nil. Am'KN, Col , May 6 A nugget hat bean buttled out of the Smuggler mine at this point that for si., surpssse anything ou rocord and for richness is aluioet as remarkable. A few days igvi tb" workmen encounterid a huge ho.iy of . re, aud, iii digging aroun 1 it, a-certalned that it was u monster ntlg get After OOUtdernble work tbey succeed I in hoisting It to the surface intact. The chunk weighed 1,800 pounds and continued silver to tbo value of 33,00) It is th largest aitvsr nugget ever known, and I almost pure. I his beats lbs record made in the GHbeOta mine a few yean ago, when a nugget weighing 11,000 poundt wa remove I. POSEO AS A BACHELOR. A Suit for a Divorce Crea'st a Scandal for a Watarbiry Phvslclao, WATi.itnntY, Conn., May fl Ilr. Thomas Axtell, n prominent phytician, lo. . been ud for divorce by bis wife, Mary E Axtell, of New llaveii.formery of New York, on tbe grounds of deser tion and cruelty. Mr. and Mrs, Axtell wer married In New Y'ork on November li. isst, and have one child. Dr. Axtell was then a pbyslciau in the Ilelluvuo Hospital and Mrs. Murphy, who became Mrs. Ax tell, was a nurse. Tho marriage was kept a secret until last wiuter, Dr. Ax tell, posing as a bachelor. Mrs. Axcoll want! $'..'.1,000 nlimony. EIGHT HOUR DEMANDS. Demonstrations Muds by EoaHsb Work Inameo In Loadon. London, May 6, Bngllih workine- roen as usual made their itrht honr tie monstraliou this vear on the first Sun day after May flay. Thousands of workors met in Hyde Park and wero addressed by speakers from a dozen stands. All the meeting pussed resol utions in favor of theei;ht hour day. They also resolved that the working- men oonld free themselves economi cally and socially only after getting control of the political machinery now in the bunds of the capitalists. Socialist speakers were more numor. oub end conspicuous than iu any pri- oeding year, 'i hey advised the work ing men to attack conservatives and liberals alike and try to prevent tbe turtles from passing further legislation before both agreed to placa in the fore ground proposals to better the condi tion of the laboring class. Enormous crowds watched the procession psss to and from the park, There was no dis order. In Dublin a workingmen's meeting in Phoenix park passed the familiar eight hour resolution, besides calling for manhood suffrage and the payment of members of parliament. The worklngmen'i meeting in Glasgow, after adopting tho eight honr resolution, demanded the abolition of the honse of lords and the nationaliza tion of the railways. In other large towns in the United Kingdom resolutions of a similar tenor were approved by the working people. ATHENS .'GAIN AGITATED. A Etvtr Mi k In Plt at Thbi. Llvadla and Atahmtn. ATHENS, May 8 A severe earth quake was felt at o o'elcok this morn log in Thebes, Livadia and Alalaul. A violent trembling wns felt in Northern FuWa. BATTERIES ARE OPENED. Tho Louisville Courier-Journal Stern ly Rebukes the Nerve of Colo nel Breckinridge Ky., May fl The Cnnr ler-.lotirnal, which has heretofore maintained a position of strict neutral ity regarding the ease of Congressman Hreokinridg llnoi tbe beginning of the Pollard scandal, breaks silence in an e lit -rial toliy declaring that Mr. Hrei kinrldge should be beaten fur re nomination The(.aper sirs: "The titnstion In tho Ashland district, nnfnrtnnate as it is nnpteO lent! I, mattes It Imperative that every ionraei watch has the good I of th party al heart, which cherish I th honor of us stale and which an-. prenat its l ligation to society shall ptVMCOt with all its power ageintt th r. election of Colonel Hreckinridge We do not nnderrate what ho has done for his nerty and the cause, of tariff reform Id the patt. Hut even if bis ability for future uttf.ilne were not destroyed by the miserable scandal which ha darkarei hi name, the party ooold not afford lo accept hi eei tiuce at iho prtoe it would t roreed to pay. "It is idle to attetn;.t to obeciir the isn with sophistical distinction be twen Ooloail Hrcckinrldgc's public a' 1 priest life The rase has gone far beyond the possibility of that. The iiueatlon limply la do tbe people of Kentucky pmpoOO to soud as a tepre MtBtlfe t c ugrest the nun whom C .lonel llreckinndge oonfesied himself to I In bit l.-ctlmony before a Wtth ington jury? It U a question which th limits of the Athlaud dletriel and of Kentnoky Itself It n a tjneetl In Whiok the people of the en tire nalmn are lnterelet ' That part of hi t(ch ytttrrday devoeed lo tbe seaiijal In which be has figured w-r btter paattd oyer in pity It is a Strang exhibition of marvelou effrontery, wretched taste ami men telly an 1 morally nMln.Be osn!stry. WILL OPtN Trl-IH LYES. Hayes. ef the X-iight i t Lsb-vr, Tromlttt fX.-m Pu'prlset. Putt IDU i BT v, Mav''. t reneril Sec retary -T reasurer Joan W. Hayes, of tbe Knlgbtt of Lsbor. returned to thlt city from Chicago today ar.d tpoke of th ttrong fight the order will make to se cure acreeainns to their ranks The preaent regime makes no secret of its hostility o am ilg im itiori with the tb great rival organization, tbe Amer ican l idtralion of Labor. "We look no action whatever re garding th meeting of labor men hel 1 in Philadelphia ll week, H they talked of amalgamation between tbe Knight and the Federation that is all l will amount to -their own talk. I he executive board does not recog nlt It In any way, and will pay no at tention to U 1 aaw by the papers that A. W Wright was at the Phila delphia conference lie duel not rep resent any assembly whatever in the Knights. P.Twderly was there anil be repre aenls only a half of one tine thing may be considered as certain the Knights will not sink their individu ality in an v amalgamation. All thrt talk indulged in at tbe labor meeting of last week is idle. The unattached trades unions are now all coming over to us instead of to the federation. We are going to do something soon will make people open their eyes. that WAITE TO JOIN PEFFER. Tht Blood Bil.tlet" Qovtrner to Bt Nominated f r the Hannte. PUBBLO, Col., May 0. At tho meet ing of the Popnllll state central com mittee held her Saturday, it was agreed that .T Warner Miller should be nominated (or Kcoruor nod Qovenw Wai to lor the 1'nited States senate. Representative Hell in slated to encceed himself. OUR STATE IN MINIATURE. The flro in Peeler colliery, near Ash land, is Unabated, ami threatens other mines. Tho prison board of Itorks county must hereafter Itemize all accounts of expendi tures. Since the Harmony society In Heaver county paid it-..- - .1 t.ta it is almost penniless. A ga'.eline stovo ignitod the gown of Mrs. .lames Swnilcs, AllltttOWtt, ami she was fatally burned. Police have raided bogus employment agencies at Pittsburg, which hnvu de frauded working people. A rille accideuta'ly discharged by her son sent a hullt through tbeoeiling and the tied upon which Mrs. t'ronuu, of IScott. dale, wns sleeping, killing her, WEATHER FORECAST. WaRIUNc.ton, Msy r.. Forecast for .VoMifoj; f.'or A'usfVrn Pcnasifmnid, sAntccr fnntoif; ftfoteolyJMr Ifoaday, cooler (n OltCTtl portions, snuthiecst tritnfs. NO CHANGE For llVt'ern V'iiiis'i'(iniit, tAouicrs in tht: tarty monu'iio, ofciicrif by iieiicrallu fair U'Caffier, west umifs. The Great Popularity of Cur Lais' Shirt Waists Proves that thoy ury correct 1q Style iimi Qtjjtlity. They com. prise Plain ood Fancy silks, Lir ens, Oberiotg, Lawns, PerogJoetot on; stock of CHILDREN'S WAISTS Arc of the liost, in Style and Workmanship, ami include "Thi Kin;; Wnist." in 1 .uuitleroy, Plain White, Gtaghams, Peiralej etc, The "Mother's Friend" Wai I and our Special Blonai W:ii-i :it 50c., the greated lur the money. 510 an! 512 Lackawanna Ave. HE SUTII FEHCHU IUSBE1 M'FSCa'S FAMOUS Maltese Cross BUBDF.R DELTING AND HOSB. rTTA's. A. BCBIBBE1I A- CO "S PERFORATED ELECTRIC) And Oak tnim-l Leather LelUng, IL A. Kingsbury acirvT 5f 3 Sprace St., SerutOt Pi Lewis, Keilly k Davies A DRIVE In Kussot Shoes, LEWIS, REILLY I DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLBHASJ ASH RETAIIe We Examine Ejes Froo of charge, Tf a doctor is needed you are promptly told so. Wo also gmirantoa a perfect fit. All SILVERWARE and Damaged Goode at Arcade Fire will be aold at SO Per Cent Below Coat. The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. & l . ' i) I w I J. BE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers