The Mulfichrome Offer Will nnt remain nhon Met iiwqnojiB always. Accept it at once, if you want a good bargain. EIGHT IAGES--.-)G COLUMNS. SCR ANTON. PA.. TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 8, 1894, TWO CENTS A COPY. TMB ACH I !TB MORNING PffEES IT L IruE IE IE HEN THAN ANY I THRILLING El A Party of Tourists Imprisoned Ton Days in a Cave. ARE TAKEN OUT BY A BRAVE DIVER Seven Tourists on an Exploring Ex pedition Caught by a Sudden Rise of Water Which Blockaded the Sta lactite Cavern at Souraich Ob structions Blown Away with Dyna mite Seven Persons Found by a Diver How They Endured Their Long Imprisonment. Grate, Austria, May 7. n DIVKll ht 0.80 o'clock toi morn M iug lUooeeded m reaobing tba ll party of tottriati who have been U U Imprisoned in tbastataelta owfr rn at Souraleb linoo Saturday, April 17, owing tn n sudden rise in tha water, which blockaded ilit : is ige iuto ilia oava witii imiiifr ana bould- rs. Tba ivr found nil geV!U of the loarUti alive, it wai t lirnt believed that eivcijt persons were imprisoned, hut I hit turned out to be a mistake. All were ex tri cited from tiiir perilnu Pinion t 4.45 o'clock this afternoon. Tiie new thai tba toorieta wer- still nlive whs received with grout rejoicing by Lb crowds ot people who bad gain ered about the MVern in order to wiitch Iba work. Tho engineers, who have leen at work d.iv anil ui fc t WW siuc they were Ordered to the ; ot whan tba local authorities anoouoead their Inability to force an OBtranee into the cave, bavehad a very difficult tunic iu making an opening. Tne en trano war. blocked by timber and bue bnnlderi buriad banaath n turn of Mueller :1 o l d-hns. CLEARED WITH DYNAMITE. Aft-r the matter had been inveati gated, it w found that it wae neeee, aary to oae dynaasita in order to clear away the obalrnetioni which prevented the eulrnnce of a diver into Iba cavern With the ntnu at cure Iba engineer! went to work ami uooeeded In exolod, big esveral ebwgaa wblah diatnrbad but did not entirely remove tne ob struction The engineers w.-re com- I I to work ilowly an I with the. ut- iiii .st caution, an it WM feared that a lOO !cver aZploaiOfl might dn more harm than good, and par ha pa ban the imprisoned p-rsous banaath tout of rock. Tbia moralng several additional ebargaa were exploded, and Iba tres d rock abont the ontranoe to the r.v. WefO t-iieved to have been re BWVed euAoioBtly tnvnahle a dirr to descend Wllb oiue ensure of entering Iba care When the tr-.s wer haule 1 away aid all was believ-d to he cleBr. the diver Fi-ener mada another and thi time enccs-sfnl descent to the tn nth of the rave. Ha was absent a I bag time. The people generally )H h-vd thai he would return witn the i rt that all tba totrriata ware dead, i oca ipently thra wa great entbuet am when be reappeared and Informed the crow Is that he had found all the tonriatl alive. Fisher tol 1 tlm engineer, that al thongh the tourist were alive, they appeared hk penona half b rft of reaeeo, ai tba terrible Dereoni strain to Which they hail leen n jcted had al io it driven them mad fhey bad ap parently taken a oenaiderable aupply of prr.visior.s with t)i-in Whan tliey w-nt into tba c.,v-rn over a week ago. as Ihey etill hc.d left, according to tba dlv. r, a little hrn I and eheeac an,l cndlea ''timing. A PEIiHiD OK ANXIKTY. Th Impriaoned peraona told the diver tlmt th-y bad paaaad through a to rlod of nwfnl anity and terror. Tbe bad been ada to hear the m'. iretiia made to reaona them, but the worii H'-enied to tbam to progress o alowly tbat thy badalmoet abandoned eilhope of ever escaping. The nnie nmde ly the explosion of the dynsmita c.irlridgea cheered thelu, though thy in dread of biiij buried beneath filling rock. The engineers thin afternoon widened the narrow aha a Dal through wldrh Fischr first succo-d.d in entering th" ravorn, and at a little before ."i o'clock this nftrnonn nil of the sufferers were rot nnt six of it; i in got out without MsisicDOe, liut the seventli was so wn k that ho hud to he helped. Emperor Francis Joseph UJaued in -structions to keep him informed of the progrese of the work. Ha was notified of the safety of the tonrists Immediately nfter Fischer miido Ids report, and in reply, the emperor tele graphed his satisfaction at hearing that the rescue had hoen successfully accomplish. "(1. THE ARMIES MAY FIGHT. Propcts of a Scrap Iletwssn Two Fao tlon of the Cnmmnnwsal. Vai.pakaiso, Ind., May T Randall's nrmy left tbia city this morning in two divisional boih headed for Westville, twelve miles east, and ench division (driving to (tt there (irat to secure, the provisions donated by the Wostville citizens. Trouble is feared at Westville unless the two factions can settle their diller- OPERATORS ARE ORGANIZED. Pl'tsbnrff Coal Men Will Act In Unison in Cleveland. riTTSBUKO, Pa., May 7. True to their word the l'itts'mirg coal operators who were nnt parties to the call issued Inst week for a conference of operators anil miners to be held in Cleveland liCZt Tuesday, have agreed to meet at the court house in this eity on Friday morning. The call Issued today is ilgtiad by all prominent aoal com panies among which are the leading Operator! in the river mining diltrlutl It is tho first time in the history of the eoal trade iu the Pittsburg district that the liver and railroad oporatori acted in unity. It is likely, however, that the operators will decide to at- EXPERIENCE tnd the Cleveland meeting, but thoy will go well prepnrod. District President Cairns said this morning that he expects to bring about a total suspension in the Cnm berland district by Wednesday. The organiieriiri that field report a good deal of success. NO PROVISION FOR AN L. An Impor'ant Decision of the Supreme Court. Piiii.apf! niiA, Hay?- Tba supremo ourt today in an opinion by Justice William decided tbat thore is no leg islation in 1'ennsrlvauia authorizing the construction of an elevated rail road. The decision rnlxs that the law regarding railroad charters is not louh a one as gives to an "L" road that right of aminaot domain by which it can occupy streets already occupied by passenger railway. The case upon" which the decision was rendered was that of Charles W. Potta against the Quaker City Blavntad Railroad oompany, of Philadelphia. Tba opinion allirms the judgment of the Philadelphia! court of common pleas and reverse-i thai rendered by the Dauphin county court ill the Pbiladel pbia and Northwestern ESIeTated rail road case. TROUBLE WITH THE HOBOS. Washington Authorities Aro Anxious for tho Early Departure of the Coxey Army. WilOtNOTON, 1). ('., May 7 The Waablngton Nawi tbia evening says It is about lettlad that the handful of idle men now In camp here mUlt be scattered or there will be troiibU later 'Mie handful Is growing rapidly No other "army" has joined Iba 'oxy band now here, but it b is been receiv ing stragglers until the DM men Coiey ha i on Tneaday Uat was ': ibU morn ing, nn I ty tomorrow uight will b. fully 700 (Vampa art onmlug into the city by two! md threes at a gr.t rate Tne IHilic-'men on BUburbaii posts report al most hourly of the passing rr.yward ot little knots of genuine boboj, Who are i ri air triir forCozay'l eamp. Tbr.e of Heneral (talvio's men got hre Irom Piitsburg tLie morning and went straignt to the wait! house Toey demanded adniittanoa, but as their beating and appearance so clearly betokened th"ir Da 1 cb.irclsr tli-y wi re refused and mad to away Ttiey said tlu-ir "army" would le. ban in a fawdaya Toay have come on in advance lue oommiaalonan roaiiz the sity of doing MuMthtng. Various scnemei were taken un ler considers tion. tbe belt and most feasible being to have the camp condemned at once by the health ofii Cers. 1 his will drive tne men out of Hie camp. If they will not go Ihe police will remove them. 1 hey will not be allowed to nut Up an other camp in the district. Orders wll! lo given to the p die tostriclly enforce th vagrancy law, and any one found begging will be arrests 1 and Bent to tne worknouse A RtSPtCrABlE FRAUD. On of St J mphTl Leadlna Fustassi Men a Ccurfsii er. St. Ji si in, Ho , May 7 For month! past this city Ins I een flood ad wltn souatwfail dollar and naif doUwi Tt.roogh pure aoeidanl R ; Baltb, well known aitlaan, wa arrested but night and locke I up on the charge of eirciilacing tne ipUrioM coin When arraatad he bad a large amount of tbe Hluff in hi possession, and when confront! with faotl ni'!e a full coufesrioQ nnd gave away his psrtner iu crnu . Ii is PXpected tlist a buabw of arraati win be md today. SHE FLEtCtD ItNOLOROS. A Womnn rf Mny Taksn tn Jlnstnn Ssnisnoe BoSTOM, Hay 7. Mrs Jese Mnc Kentia, alius BtUirl alias Norman, notorious for defrauding hotels, was brought hera thi morning froiu Njw York. Bba forfeited hr bonds when ar rested in Hoston for defrauding the tJnltad state hotel. Qnlaaa aha makai good the amount of her bonds sh will be brought into court for sentence. s TORPEOO BOAT ERICSSON. ExDet't ti Fxr-.ed TwentvFour Knot a'. Her 'trial on .Ba!urdv. DUBTjQUg May 7. The launching of the torpedo boat Knrason has been lixeil for next Saturday. The cigar shaped vessl will be delivered at Pan- Meola harbor, whore she will mihaber trial trip. The speed rsquired is twenty fonr knots an hour, which I exceeded by no torpedo host nflnat. CQNDENSEO STATE NEWS. Large quantities of West Virginia coal are now shipped into Pennsylvania. Tho war on slut machines has reached BbamokiQ, whore UN) have lieen shut up. A count, of the schod children shows that HtUbUrgU population It not iucreaa lug. Arrest of Counterfeiter Munchausen at Fremont, O, has Uncovered a gang that manufacture coin on a I.nko Erie island. Incurably 111 from paresis, T. V. Hol ertson, sou of the author of "(,'nste," ami an actor of repute, is OOUfloed in a' New York asylum. New warrants against Dr. Meyer, the alleged npiaonor, charging horse steal lag and murder of a domestic, hvc been is sued at Toledo, A suit has been begun to make the Penn sylvania Telephone company pay for a ?J00,(K)0 lire at Allontown last year, which was caused by an electric wire. FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. For diobodience of liishop liatz, Father T. II. Mnlone, of Denver, and Ida church supporters have beeu excommunicated. Public meetings will 1m hold at Hrook Ivn Jlay 111 and 11 it, commemoration of Dr. Talmage's twenty-fifth anniversary as pastor. Thirsting for death, Willinm Saunders, of lialtimore, a station house prisoner, tried to Bwallow a fork, but was caught in time. The Metropolitan club, of New York, black-ballad Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, presumably because he waH not known to members. HDUSTRIES M HALTED Idleness Spreads All Over the Coke Rejilon's Flams. ROLLING MILLS FORCED TO CLOSE Tho Widespread Shutting Down of Coal Mines Is Telling Alabama Strikers Starving Hundrads Beg ging Bread in Birmingham's Streets Strikers Threaten Illinois Miners. SoOTTDALa, Pa., May 7. Till', coke region I almost smoke less today. At Moyer but ten or twelve men are at work and nothing i doing at the Paul and Kort Hill plant". Crowds of etrikerg are assembled at the Mover plant and their aim ii to bold tho lltUatloo lirm as they fear th iiieri would return to work if th-v should leave. It has been givn out that Sheriff Wllhnlm, of Favette aoonty, will go to Hoyer and ondaavor to diaparta tba Crowd than assembled; alsi to serve notices of injunctions UUAU Hlobwl Barrett, pnaidaul of the DnltadHina workers, and Other lab ,r landori who are uctive in the field, retraining them from tresp -ssin; upon anr prop erty own d by tie Kainey Coke c iu- pany, The strikers nre erting pesceahlv and their leaders ar impressing upon them at every meUrig to gi quUtly to their homes and rail no disturbances and keep away from saloons. STItlKKKS HKHillVI llltl Mi. BtUtimRAM, Ala, May 7 -During the . resent week a united i lf.rt to break the tug strike will be made by the nilti operators of this elty by bringing back and putting to work at the reduoed aoala, refnsd hr miner, negro who Worked last summer in K iis mine Upward! of a hundred nw negro miner have been brought to Ulna Crrek, and more will arrive t, day, These negroes will work under a h' vy gn trd of deputy sheriffs Among th striking miner a great amount of gufferiog i i:st, and many families ar actually starving for want of snslenanre. Appenl hav btM mads by ii. agaenttvt aounoil to all tre trad! ntiioua of Alah.tma for help, msuv of the striker legging for bread Hnudiada are tielng fed on the streets beta every day. S-"Versl south Alabama town ar In dwkawafoi wantol aoal to ope rati ilvctrlo plaata, two of th Bloaa Iron and steel oompaay! blaal furuaow have been blown out, and several mora are likely to t biik-l till week. WAnrs at Ft I.I.MAN. Chiuacm, Hay 7 Uulaaa the i; seal of last year is restored the nu n in the Pullman cat shop inav strike A m meeting of employe wa held in Kensington last night, at whicn a omuiittee was apK)intal to confer with the oWoiabl o! th company to any 'Ihe petition will nnt contain any threat but the. tentiOMOt l almost nnanimnui to ipilt Work in cue the company refn- In r ,ls wng. s Pan a. III , May 7. There were nmre coal miuert at work tndsy than tlo-re has been inc the trouble began. Tha worker were met .Saturday evening by committees of strikers ami told th il they would not 1 p T mil ted lo go to erotic t.,d .y I'.n! mi . II rt wa made today to prevent them. Tbe strikers claim that 1,500 men will ba bara tonight and prevent work tomorrow KOLUNU MII.IJ Pllt'T IH1WN. Know ii i it. May 7 The first effect of the miners' strike ha ben felt here Ihe Knoxvillo rolling mill Have poetad a notion aayinj that ibey were compelled to abut doWO, owing to their inability to secure coal. Thi one of the largaat iron mill in the south. Probably other manufse luring Imlnslries will be foroed lo shot down the 00U KKM KUTTJta CoLVniUg May 7 John Mcl'.ride today talagrapbed Uelvio Morris, of Cleveland, who asked for Information, to provide for at least 1,000 operators, miners and visitors at the Cleveland mauling lo settle tha mining question. 1 hi Will be the largut meeting of th kind ever held in this country. - - SUICIDE BY SiOOTING. Dr William KmrTsn Kud, HI Life si d Rrcall An . h-i Traesdv. TtliraOR, N. J,, May 7 William Kuitl'cn, nged 07 yoars, commltteil sui cide last night by shooting himself in the temple with a revolver. Hi body wa found this Ho rning in a carriage in a wagon ghed near his home. He war the father of Dr. A. S en, whose wife Myra was found chloroformed to death fuur yean ago, causing a great sensation and the BtyV tery of which wa never cleared up. INSECT PESTS SWARMING. Threaten to Destroy the Propct of en Extraordinary Fruit Yield. ALBIOH, N, Y., May 7. Fruit trees of all kinds nre blossoming full, but dentructive insect nrealready nt work. Farmers generally are spraying their trees In the hope of destroying the in sects, which now stand between them and an extraordinsrr fruit year. AFTER THE BOX RECEIPTS. Mr. Coxey Will Make Thlnirs PUaiant for th Oeneral and Brcwn. Masiu.on, O., May 7. Mr. Caro line Coxey, the dlvoread wife of the commonweal leader, and the siiter of ex-Congressinan Ainmurman, of Penn sylvania, is proparing to make It un ploasiuitly hot for both Coxey and Browne. They induced her daughter to go to Washington as the "angel of peace," nnd have so humiliated and prostrated Mrs. Qoxay that she nas concluded to proiecute them for ab duction tha moment thoy set foot ou Ohio toil. She may conclude to carry tne war into the District of Columbia. On thi and other points she i now conmilting with her ndvlieri. Coxey has failed to pay her alimony, nnd the allowance due to her for tho maintenance of thre youu children, all of which wss due April 1. He is living in state in Washington and she is despondent at Mnsillon. Sho pro pose a speedy change if ho has to at tach the box office receipts on the wagons of the commonweal. . KILLED BY TRAMPS. A dang of Fifteen Lout an Ohio Man' Hons nnd Shoot Ulm. CLIVKLA5D, May 7.--A man nnm-d John tiedeon WM found at hi homo iu Brooklyn village, a suburb of Cleve land, last night mortally wounded. Ho sui t that at abont 7 o'clock in Ihe evening n gang of fifteen tramp visit- d his house, which is an isolated locality ami a;.d for money Whin he refoeed their requaal they proceeded to wreck the lions- and then I shot him with a revolver Th bullet passed through Hudson' abdomen and the physicisns lay ho will die before morning The police are now on the trail of ihe tramps, ' e " SINGULAR DEATH. A Pise of Slon l'nstrt Hiram Mil Ui'j Brain suam 'Kin. May 7. Hiram Miller, of Trevoriou Valley, tael death in a auri on. way today. Mnler ha I occasion to mot! a ItOOa from nu old taeaiuned milling machine. 1 le UN I a chisel, knocked the (ton nut, and as ho struck It a piece of th ton about the aiM of a paa tl w off pierced hi eye and entered hi brain, killing in ni in a few BlOtttW ANARCHISTS ARE MOBBED. Violent Speeches of the Fiery-Tongued Orators a Breeze in London. U 1Kb -. M iv 7 I i ti e May ly daaanalratioa in Hydi 1 'ar k v.-terday, after the AnarobUt speaker' tiraib-s were listened lo With gool natuiet toWranaa until on of them declared thst an eight hour day must be ob l alued, even If it b old be BaOMaari to kill Mr HadatOUl u 1 mur ler Lora SalUbury, the ire of the crowd was OS rilrd, and a rush wn load" for the platform, the crowd being apparently determined to lynch t ,e pakrr. lie was dragged fr-on the platform and ws is-ing roughly bandied, iba polio made a charge an 1 rescued him from hi captor Anotuer siwaker who attempted to niak aiine treatni-nt by (prlnging (rom the rear of the platform and Ml a hot pice acnes the park, with the On U 1 in full crv after htm The po lo, the bane of Ihe ntiurcMsts, laMf Vene I to protect him. Th crowd returned to th platform, where thy eagerly listened for Ihe apaanon to laualga m violent bar sngUM No sooner would they do thi than Ihey woald l hauled from the platform ud pats I along to the rear, being severely cnlTd and kicke-l a thy wre baodad along, The wl.olii prove, ding showed vsrv plainly that the ausrcbists cannot count mny friend, uiong th genu in VOrkiagUMO of London ' SlNStllUSai CHARGCS. Cnlonsl Watrous ( ialtns Tht O A. R Prist, Have peso Ksrlndl-M Mll.w Al'KKi.. Wis, May 7 C iii- mandarJ. A. Wainm. of th Hi- n : in deprtuiiit Grand Army of the K-piihlic, tin afternoon made the sensational itatameUl that of 1 0,000 snt lo th Boutharu Qrand Army poati during raaant yaara by northern veteran, only a small portion was ever dvoted to the purpose for which it ass given, namely th decoration of tbe grave of Colon auldier buried in th south. Most of the money, said Colonel WatroUl, na apparently lieen put into a new memorial hall at liichmoud One of the post Unit il accused of I line misappropriating fundi i- located at Richmond, the loaatlog of the other ia not Mated. Veteran are Warned against giving any furthr aid to Ihaai poabl which have heratofore olicite I mousy for the work of decoratnii; grave. Colonel Walroni ny hen Ireds of Wvtnen' K' lisf corp, har-s been twin died ont of small sums by these posts sine" the alarm was Mist raised in the (fraud Army ot the Kepubliu posts some time ago. THOUSAND!) FOR KELLY. Orand Master S. vsielgn Want Knight of Labor to Contribute Dollar. DM MolSKR, la., May 7 Ameet ing of labor leaders w hld hr,(Kn eral Master Workman Sovereign being present. It was d-cided to ifsoe nn appeal to the K nights of Labor of America nnd Canada akiug that each individual member contribute $1 to Kelly. -- HEARD OVER THE CABLE. Pari is to have a new gate through the wail", near the llatiguolles station. It will be called the 1'orte I'oiichwt. Oraat Uritaln has scooped another African kingdom. 'I'm lime It is Kabaraga'l principality that the British Lion has swallowed. Tba French government has decreed ex pnlsion from French territory for the Italian Gfaniral (loggia, arrested upon a charge. of espionage. The council of miuisters at Alexandria, Egypt, has granted 180,000 with which to erect a solid budding at Cairo to replace the (Ibises Museum. A large number of American and English vidtora hevo arrived Iu New Or leans, France, to take part In tbe Joan of Arc celebration tomorrow. An explosion took placo in the large Cordite works at Waltbani Abbey, twelve miles from London, yesterday morning, killing four men ud injuring a dozen or more. In England they hnve n man named Willinm Oldham who appears about to have his obituary written up with the other cranks. Be proposes to voyage from Nottingham to New York on a water cycle h feet long, and says ho can mnko the trip in six weeks. THE POPULIST W IS HEARD Mr. Allen, of Htbrttkl, Desires an Invcsti datlon ol the Coxey Arrest. TARIFF DISCUSSION IN THE HOUSE The Resolution of the Senatorial Friend of tbe Hobos Will Como Up for D scussion Today - Spirited De bate Between Mr. Livingston and Mr. Milbken Senate Sessions Be hind Closed Doors. W v BIRQTOg, May 7 IT 1 1 the exception of tho first half hour the whole of today's Session of the senate was passud be! ind locked doors, In oonildaratlon of th Chiuaaa treatv Nothing of public interest occurred in open Msttion exept the offering of a resolution by th popollal senator from Habraaka 'Mr. Allen) In relation to tha police assault upon, and the arrest and imprisonment of Coxey and hi, two subordinates on the l,t of May, "while peaceably entering thecnpitol grounds in a iiii"t and orderly manner " The resolution provided for a select committee of five senator to investi gate the fact and oiroomatUOOM nnd to tnak such recommendation! ''as will pr-vent such outrages hereafter ' The resolution went over till tomorrow whn it will com up in the morning honr, and mav lead to nn Interesting ducnssion. The senate at B 19 ad journed. noi si piocuouiaa Under n order from tba committee on rules the house tpant n.nrly all the ly In diasUMlng a I ill reported f r m the committee on public buddings and ground for the purchase of it for tba government printing office. After tills bill shall hava bean tHapOM 1 of bv tha terms of the order mentioned, the bill for the erection of ball of r.o r Is for t e torag- of governiner.t pap- r In lb city of Washington, will be the pending buaineaa, labjeot only to the consideration of appropnatloo bills, SI'IKITKI TAIIirr CM'ol STIR. The diculo-i o i the bill drifted to th hVplriag to a queetlon by Mr Hllllkeu, Mr. HcHlllin Dim, Tenn. ' denied that the bOUM Voted to take the tariff off ranrwtth the ex- ;c!'i u it w rttjd be restored by it Dernoeratio friend! in th aeoate, and "if II wae not for the aid given by th friend of th gentleman from Maine," he sal 1, "the ngsr duty wonld not tie pined in th tenet! " "When tba bill r unes back tn the hon," with a duty on sugar m it, will yon vote for it?" asked Mr. Milliken. "If OU for' ,, us to decide between a blab duty on all article and a high luiy on one article, we may bscotn pelM to accept it," an,wrl Mr M Millin, amidst laughter on tho R ip lb iiran sid Mr Livingston akil Xlr Milliken if b would vote for the till If it cm -I ack to the house with the sugar tax out and the meome tax In. Mr Hllllkeu I w mil vote for a bill that woui i profi i Ulsir for Amarioan workmen and not to give their work to F.ur ip-an Mr l.ivinggton Hut will you vote for a bill that hat no sugar tax and aontaln an income taxT Mr Milliken I fav .r th passge of a bill that will ke. p American labor at work by protecting the Ind uat rial the r engaged lu I prefer mat tba American I lOONf lUOttld lai at Work on th firm, in the mill, in the shop, on the st. rather thai that ha should bl Idle and maroblag about the oouotry s C ey armies iHepnblicnn ap plause Mr. Millikn continue 1 his rmrks In criticism of the Wilson lull for a time, waen he gave way ta Mr lunk head for a motion that the committee riae, which agreed to. lu New York and New .lrey bridge bill mi motion of Mr. Dnmphy. i Dfin, N Y. i wa, paHM under a aoa- pension of the rules, 'i he h. ills at "i l'i a Ijourned SfAVATION IN ILXA-J. Four Yer, ef Droiirht M lh, Po pi Dprate Ih.y Uild a Stor. San AlrTOmo, Tex. My 7 Another appeal to the world for assistance coin from tlu suffering people of 7. v lata county The itarving people at m diepereta tbat a band of twenty o( thrm made a raid upon a general Itofo th other day eeking fon t The drought has lsted for f. ur years, and there is not a wagon load of grass in the entire county. It is the only ectiot) in southeastern Tex a! not visitfd by the recent heavy rain. m -GRIFFO-MURPHY FIGHT. Griff) Win th Contst, According to Judge' Decision. Boston, May 7. The much talked of Orlffo-Hurpby tight aama off tonight iu the Casino. Al the end of the eighth round lirifTo wa awarded tho deciaion, amid icenes of wild disorder and con fusion. It was a .Murphy crowd throughout the contest. When the decision wn Biinouncod by the referee, Murphy, who was jnt as fresh as when ho entered the ring, uimD an attempt to spiak to the aud ience, claiming tho decision wn un fair, but ho was hustled off the Mtage MOBBEO THE DOCTOR. A Russian' Sorrv Attvmpt to Effsct a ''Hoodoo" Cur of Rable. Bai.tihokk. May 7 At No. 1818 Last Lombard street yesterday a Rus sian tried to euro aman of hydrophobia in unch thesameuinnnernsthu Indian uiedicino men try to cure their sick. The Husaian enin nn from New York especially to make the cure. Some of the neighbors believed that the man could make a failh cure; others did not. Some said that if the doctor did not free the man from the evil spirit they would tnke the eAse Into their own hands and kill the doctor. From the inside could be beard the barks and growls of the hydrophobia Itriken man. The crowd was dispersed several times during the afternoon by Bergeanl Ryan, but gathered again and ngain. Finally tho people started In tn break o;ien the door and mob tho Russian. The police arreted elevn of the lenders MIND TURNED BY WORRIMENT. The Father of Dr Kiifun, of Trnton, Oommba Su'cld TRUNTOH, N. J., Mav 7 William Knlffln, a retired locomotive engineer, nged 07 years, committed suicide last night by shootifg. Ho wa found esrlv tbll morning lying lo a wagon iu B shed on hi own pr-miaes. There was a wound in hi right temple and a rovoivr lay by his side. The suicid was tba father of Dr. A. S EnifJBo, whose young wife was found chloroformed to dath In her apart manta on tba night of Jan. 2, ih'.io. Dr. K nidi 'i end young woman who bad beeu living with his family were ar rested nn ausplcion of having had some connection with the murder, but both were finally disobargad, the grand jnry failing to indict lhain. The elder Kniffln'l mind had been slightly un balanced, and he acted quetrly lince that tragedy, LAND OF LAWLESSNESS. The People Terrorized and tho Authorities Powerless to Termi nate the Rolgn of Crime. pMt:T Richmond, iv, mv 7 --For a leng'hy period much Uwine ha prevailed in tbe Wyoming eoal iilds, ud hardly a wtk ha passed since January that a arlmeof beinoua chir acter has Dot been conirailtsd Within tba last Hir e monthi out rages have been ou the increaee, end thirty-live myaterlOUl and brutal as lamlnatloni b ive bdo oommlttad, b side other atrOOitiej In vrv lust nice the crime have been traced to Hungarians an I Blavonlana, w& have managed to escape. Fntire c innmtie hav lieen terrorised hv memberaof an oath boind orgaulaation, whose Influence atipears to reach from the anthracite coal region, of north -rn I'ennsvlvsnia to the bituminous conntry of ( 'antral PannsylTaaia, and west or tn Al legheny mountains to tbe coke country. Tne criminal record! of this section of the siale how that during the last year over 1 10 mnr lers have b-eu pr-e-t rated, while but ven 0f ttia murder- r apprehended The organic 1 outlaw committing thee crime have alto wreaked Wfteie tale destruction ol property, and th value alone of th coal breakers and other nun works deetfoyed in to ar thraeit. eouiitr v ainoout to nearly K3. 000. 1 I he authoritie have determine! to 1. pt no r.i raaolnta measure to ferret OUt and apprebeud Iba Uw breakers, aibaee operation! hav left a crimson irail in Ihe black diamond conntrv. RIOTS IN POLAND. Th Ptraeeutlon rf ih Bbf!W! Pen- leu,d at Or. J. wo. WaRBAW, M 7 .Iw-tieting riot ooourrod tu Qrajewo, Poland, to day, wbleh raaaltod la the loss of sv- eral lives and th injury of a Isrge number of person A mob of work men who were engaged In the con trUOtiou of a barrack building at dra jwo, made an attack upon the Jewish trader in the Jewisu Motion of the b.wn. baiting their abopa and hou, beating the men and insulting th women, and finally et fire to several lloreg The troope ware called nntani the mob ordered to diapereo. The com mand not being beaded, the troon ware ordered to fire, which thoy did Four men a. re killed outright, twelve were eo badly wounded that they died f-w hour la'.-r and al it I i other were m re or i.-.s seriously p.Jiirel by hnllets None of the .lew were neri- oualy hurt, though lomaotthem were severely beaten, SNOT H i H INSUIT. Four Hundred Cox.nt.s Offrsl Work t $ TO a Day In BALTLi8, M.iv 7. V. H. Kerning- ton, who returned frou, Poantollo u,t night, sn t that he was authorized to state that Kllnatrloh an l Oolllnatba railroad contractors st Beatrice, N'eb , will furnish employment ba every Ub'iulwr of Coxey army campod near hero Tba men, who number over 100, will be paid $1 "i'I per day if they aeocpt- HERNANOIZ IN PRISON. Contrary to Rsporlf, the Mxlen Rovo- lutlentet, Will Nt Be Hhot. CITY ok MbXIOO, May 7 -The state blent recently mada th it Colonel Neive Hernaudea, the Mexiean nrmy oflicer implieatad in the Graraa revolution, has been sentenced to death, is denied. i WASHINGTON BRIEFS The wily ( liinan nn i sld to be up tp a new triik. Me Is rvgiitering more thnn once, with a view to eelllna Cto ipare eat tillcates to hi, huatlieu confrere. Active step, era being taken at the in terior department to increase the number of day schools on Indian reservations. About sixty of tho schools are now kept on tha reoervationa and un increase to a hundred will probably be ordered. Theoaseol Preeldent Bngeman, of the Ivy City Jockey club, New ton llenningtou. of New York, and his three co boolciuak- ers, uudar Indictment for violating the District gambling laws, will como up again before the criminal oourl in atcw days. The secretary or the interior has ap proved the plan of increasing the force of Held matrons of the liniiim service re cently recommended by Oommhieiener Browning. '1 here nre now only five matrons on the rolls, and the appointment of twenty additional ones WOT probnblv he asked for. a WEATHER FORECA3T. asiiivoton, MavT.-rVwnW for fteMUV.- for Kiutrrn ns)rnio, fair, coocr in f(ipri ;ioifii)ii, wsi .,,,,,, (. cumin..- nirialiltt " u ..i ... CLEAR Rmneyleaata. Mr, Heal to north windt beemt iny rartable. FINLEYS The Cr3at Popularity of Ccr Ladies' Shirt Waists Proves (lint thoy aro correct in Style and Quality, They com, jirisi- Plain and Fancy Silks, Lin em, Cheviot, Lawns, IVrtalcs'tti, OTJB STOCK F CHILDREN'S WAISTS An- of tho Lost, in Style arnt. Workmanship, ami inelndn "Tim Kin Waiat," in Panntieroy, Plain White, Ginghams, Percale, etc. The "Mother's Friend" V:iM and our Spor-ial BloUO w aial at j'ic., the greatest lor tho money, 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. I ihe cum ftou IH8EI mm FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSH. niAfi A. BCHIKREN ro'-i PERFORATED ELECTRIC And (uk Inn&od Iyo;i:hor BelUaj, EL A. Kingsbury A KKT 513 Sprnc St., Scrantoa, Pt Lewis, Reiily & Davies A DRIVE In Russet Shoes, LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLESALE ami BET AIL. We Examine Eyes Free of charge, it a doctor is needed von are promptly told so. We also Kiiaranteu a perfect lit. All SILVERWARE and Damaged Gooda at Arcade Fire will be eold at SO Per Cent. Below Cost. i. J. iicm The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street.
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