THE SCEANTON TRIBtJNE TUESDAY MORKTSTO; MAY 8; 189; THE SECRET (IN 8 00 (J 5 III f o a pi p n ii) t Sth ACT. To show how steady they are of nerve Not a bottle from its place does swerve. Your nerves too can be made strong, Johann HofTs make's right what's wrong, Tlia genuine JoBBBtl II M' Mult Extract .-salt tbe energies, eiiinttlatot tlu nntritiva power, improve the Appetite an 1 aide dlgeotiOB. It eu be naml for niun, woman or child MutchlPM iib a tonic in convoloecence, riircliaaers ar warned tgainat impooltlon anil disappointment. Init upon tli Genuine, which mnet bare the ain itur i of ''Jobann H ft" n the neck label KINNKK iV MKNDI-LsnN Co. A en ita. 153 and IM K'r.nkli . S'..Nw York DOWNED BY KING KELLY Alleiitown's State Leslie Team Runs Awjy Irom the Locals. OUTPLAYED BY THE OLD TIMERS The Ton ThOUMnd Bo.iuty Ac-tor-Base B.ill Pl.iypr and His Com panions Put Up a Very Hlp.h Grade Game of Ball Hiir,h Winds Make Fielding Very Difficult and In One Instance Costs Scranton Four Runs A Larpe Crowd Thoroughly Dis gusted by the Locals' Poor Showing- The two tbottaand peraom who filed ont of Hotraa Park at the oonolaalon of the Boranton-AUantown (rsm et tcrday afternoon, wero a very intieli tli.Kueted cinwd. Thev had wltneaeed tbo home team pat Bp a gam that WOttld ahanie many an academic nine. Allentown, on the contrary, put up a fimt-eliM game, full of tnap and the Bot-tbore quality, to very eetentiai in winning game. King K-dly had a good team, and better ttill, he pnt lota of life into hi player. I'll- exhi bition of thi Tiaiton yesterday WM ail that coul 1 Ih Hiked for. They played together well, and batted Itronglv Tbtlrplar, taken a a whole,-' wed that they were familiar with tha fine point of the gam-, and they took ad vantage of every opportunity that wa preeented Nine usified men eonld have played n good a game n waa pnt op by tHe Borutona The showed jutte plaitily that team work was an unknown feat ure of the game to them Swift sin mid get a t'ouple pound of ginger and give ach player a dine. A few more inch Halle, sanies as v"ter l iv' will do nook loward killing haae hall in Bof in ton from a financial otandpotnt Tbe crowd yeaterdey tur.n-d out to ea two cinra til m v lae lull. l'Liev "aw, m- Htea'l. Alleotown pnt up Brat-claaa, ! up-to-date game of hall, an I tne s-ran- tmi tilav rtuaiu the-ccrner With ac-L 0ilir l.l mn, n Hf Swlfl tell them thev are Lai 1 tc olav baaa ball, and not ntiM-in-the c irner. bnv aome giager, ernr a eonpie or g pitcher, an in rial ler or two. an mtt fielder, Itop profanity in the grand stand where ladle are aaated. Mtd there will b- ome inducement for the base bail loving people of Scranton to patronize the game. THF. STRdStl W IND. Tha atroiitf w.nd that nrevailed dnr lnu the game nndon titedlv caused th" fielders great tronble in judging tlv ball. This wa particularly notice able in the fourth inning Tbe vialtors bad three men on ba. with two men out Kilroy popped Up a By that to all appearances des. lined to dr.. p near second has. Hig giu was railed npon to take it. an I started to rnn in to :nak the eatcii Tbe wind caught up tbe ball and car ried it in toward too home piate, and when Higgins had exannatei hitnelf in th clime after dropj d almost in front of the pl.ite with Hit;- , gin. Roger and lloran looking at each other in nmBJomont, and each wondering whv one of the others had i not taken the ball. Tha occnpnnt of the grand stand merely groaned. Of conre Kelly nnd hi team were gnz i npon with much admtrattoB a- i wonder, epoially by the ycAtnget pot tiOfl of the crowd. 1 he king w in good hnmor, and when he cni to the i bat in the third inning he was londly cheered. '1 he ex-ei-tor snntcheil 'f hi cap, leaned u: on hi tat and trnck one of the attitudes be made famous in "ODowd's Neighbor." ac Ft anton's rati rvx The Scranton tirt scored in the sec ond inning Afier Hoger had (lied to browning, Massv lngld and came home when Wood let Weetlako'l long drive get by him. Stultr, strnck out . i 1 1 : . , rf i . i . .. . on iiiuwiiuiK 1 si i .ii - M uigKina nil to i aentro. Allentown got two in the sec ond OB Milligan'l two-haae hit. Mnl voy'a tingle, Moran's aacritico and Hw' iney'l ont at first Neither team scored in lha third, but in the next inning lingers and Wett lakn came hoina on n base on ball, Massey'H fareo bit, Btaltl'l corking thre-liagger, a base on balls and Dorati' tingle. Kor the rial tore, browning and Mulvcy each sinuled. Alilligan renchod tiriit baaa on bull, .Moran's fly wa captured by lliggiim. Sweeney waa an eiiay mark for Uoran and went out on atrikes Then, aa re corded above, Kilrov aent np n By that wa carried by "the wind out of the reach of Higgina, who was in structed to take it, and browning and Millignn scorol. A moment later Mulvey and Kllrny ciine in on Wood'a ingle, In the fifth, after Roger had lilt aafely for one base, Massey drove the sphere over the bend of loft Bolder, George Wood, and he and Roger were home before tho ball wa returned to the infield, Kelly scored in tho name inning on a farce bit, a Bteal, an 1 un error of Maney. Allentown increased it lead by one in tbe Hixth by Mulvey being aunt to T.rat on fonr balls, nnd VVood'n farco hit. In tbe aeventh llognn hit for one base and ran home ou Patchen's double to deep center, errors of YYetzol, Pat- OF STRENGTH. ACTS.) ebon ami Maaaar, K-'l'y" nint-le, two baaea on balla, and Mnlvoy'a two baaa i It, nettwd tho vinitor fin" additional iooki in tha oeventb, and fnade tha blaaobari and grand itand ooenpanti weep, and nay oometblng abont the Borantona being a collection of HtilT, wbila a few hot headed onaa were un charitable anongn to Maine Tmplra iiirdi' Hendereon tortoise of Bonn ton's bail lnolf, as tlit-v WON Wont to term Allentown'i gogd tall playing, Mr Benderoon may have made nne or two mbttakaa, but they were trivial onaa and 111 no way affected the reanlt i f the gaui)'. I st. imaahad onl a ar bit in the eighth Inning, and oeored a mom ant utr when rVaatlaka fonn I one of Kilroy'a balla for three baaea, Weatlaka came homo on a paaaad ball of Ooatello. This ended the run ut- ling, ToOBtaUDlbO game, Strantnn waa no: in it at any point. Tut umpire did not defeat nt. nor enn Wa BtttibBtC tbe Iom Ot tbe game to hard luck. Allen town simply outplayed Mr. Bwitt'l ag gregatlon. CanM for rp(rt. bCRANTON, ALL KN TOWN Watei l m o Itogan, -f i 1 ii' In n.rfji Ro'gere, I Mtmy, Hi i Malt. If.. I Weti k I I (I u lb 0 Dona, p ji II II I n A II 1 II o i t S Wood, If I W ;-'. fi I Ki ll)-. Hi I Brown'.-, I l I HI I 4 I 8 l 1 I I 0 0 II II II II 4 I II 0 1 11 i aalio i: ii Total... a n u n I T.tal Bi r . . . Allratows. ...e l n 2 o la s Oil) t I I 5 n x II jet Ml m, 'i AUentowi , .' Patchon. Westioke. Uoroa, v l bree ! i an - .: . s- --'In:. is ii . runs - Int. Mulvi i Milhf in. H Vim. Ke V. ri:. aweeaai - K v I I i'Ii, Ktli v.i I n A l ITmpfre Reodsi i law, I 00 OTBJtl m,itk LUnn: iiamks At Reading Read lag .1 i 000100)0 lUrristinr- 0 n 0 10 1 i! I 1 0 r o B II 1-6 .1. Er-Batter-.y and Hits-Keidiiig, !. II irrisb irw". II I ii. Iti-adUn;. let Jnuea and Miunk. Han labarg i .Hurt, Mi At Baaaoe) Eaaton ,,..0 1 -1 i. I 4 0 2 0 0 0 ft Bite- Beaton. Baatetea, t, i;rrur ' - . nailer ies -l il Ii and Wente, Fee and M ore. At If Fotuvido a 2 I - ! I o 0 1 It Altoona n n 0 0 B " I 0 Hits Pettavill. Id; Altonna, in. F.rrors I'ottaville, 7: Altonna, in. Batteries Plemieg and Qotaa, Alnaader, Atbertei I... I I le national LOaO0a At Philadelphia I'lnladelphia. ii 0 10 0 2 10 .1- 7 Brooklyn u 1 0 2 0 o 1 o I I Hiu Philadelphia, Id. llr..okivn. t 1- rore- Philadelphia, Bi lirooklyn. a. Rat terie Weyhitia. Taylor and Clement; Oaatrlghtand Kinelow, tJnplrBj stg. At New Vork N.w York... o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o boeton I 0 n n o u o o o 1 Hits New York I; BOOtOB, 6 Krrnrs - New Iforhj ti Boetoa, m. Batterlae Kune and Parr ell, Niche: i and livan. L'mpir Ly i. rh At WaabmgtOB Washington.. .0 0000000 0 0 Baltimnre I 0 8 1 a 0 l 0 217 BIBB Washington. 1; Raltinmre. IS, l.r rors Waablnglon, lOj ilaltiuiore, 1. Ilt-t-ne Muni l'.ier, burner and MrUinre; Mollaoeaad BaBliaeoB. Pmptro O ftourke, At Pittsburg Pittsburg 1 0100B00 1 0 t ii Oiooatl 4 4 0 0 I 0 l 4 2 IT Hit--Pittsburg, P. Cincinnati. 20. F.r mt putstnirg, t dnoiaaati, 4. nt- t.-ri.-s i niiiite-rt and Nichol.. Knell and E laden. Parr.itt and Vaughn, i'mplre Mi tIMde. At ( leveland Cleveland 0 2 4 Chicago 0 0 (I Hit - leveland, 12 I 0 0 (107 1 0- 1 0 1 hlcago, F.rror 1 leveland. I; Chicago, !-. llatti-nes -V. uiig ami Zimmer; Mciiill and Schriver. Umpire Bmaue, At Lullisville Louisville, 0 1 St. Ixmrn 0 1 Hits- Louisville, rors Louisville, ft; 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 c 0 0 2 3 1 1 1 a IB; St. Iouis, 14. Er St lAiiiis. 1. Ratterliw ot ration and I'll, llreitenttein and Swariwood. peitx. umpire FAKTRIIN I.KAOt'R At Wilkes-Harra Wllkesdlurre. u :i II a 0 0 1 :i 1)4 Erie 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 2 II Hita Wilkee-Barre, 22; Erie. 14. Er rors WilBea-Barre, ?; Ene, B Batteriei ( otBpfield and Warn, r; berndon and iuiiaou. Umpire Bnyflar. At iliiighamton Buffalo I ii :i 4 0 11 0 3 x 12 Biogbamton . .0 0 2 t 0 0 0 3 11 0 nits Binghamton, lltBoffalo, is. Br- rnn Ringhninton, 3; Riiffnlo.l Ratteries Delaaey andjlxbeck, siagie ami urqnhart. Umpire- boiiami. At Providence Troy 0 4 3 0 0 4 0 3 x 13 Providence .. .4 0 (I (1 11 0 0 0 010 Hi te Troy, 11, Providence, 13. Brron - Troy, I; PrOVidedoe. 0. Ratteries Dou iivan and Murphy; Sullivan and McAuley. Umpire Oaffney. At Springfield Springfield. ...1 0 14 0 10 1 8 x-l Syracuse.. ....0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 n Hits--Springfield, 21; Syracuse, 8. Er rors Spiinglleld, 1; Syracuse, 8. batter ies OonghlTu and Leahy; Payne and lUiss. Umpire Hunt. M1KCF.I.I.ANROUB. At Phllndelphia- V. of P. 8 0 0 0 2 1 4 7 1-20 Harvard 00112 10207 Hits University of Pennsylvania, 88; Harvard, 0; Errors University of Penn sylvania, 1; Harvard, 7. Batteries Hoe well and t'oogan; Highlands, Wigglu, Ames nud Scnuuel. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Chnire has signed with Pottsville. Wahley ia the new 6econd baseman for Heading. CroR is pushing Nash tMs year as a third baseman par excellence. The Lonisvilles are probably the weak est batting team m the league, John Clarkson ia pitching as well as he ever did in bis best days on the diamond. Huffnlo has released Shortstop BrBdley anil has signed Dan Stearns to play first base. The Allenrown ball grounds are said to be aninag tbo largest, and finest in tbe country. It i-i stated on tho nuthority of the flaz leton Sentinel that Umpire Wagner is to be fired. Tba Brat shut out of the Kastern league Maeon occurred last Tuesday. Providence was the victim. At this time it looks as thonsh Altoona had the weak- st team in the State League, hu, as a dlstlngoltked bae ball authority baa remarked, "the season ia tiii very yonng," nod tbe tide may turn. The stockholder of the Easton club eiiL'ht to ),,. nshatneil to ak their own team, much leaa a visiting club ro play on Itamlaerable ball grounds, which aro the worst in the State League. Allentown Chronicle, With the withdraw of Anson from first base goes the lat of the famous white Hocking team that created such a furere in ls isTiinnd IKMO. Anon, K -llv and Hum are manaumg teams, Corooreo, Wllllamaou and Flint are dead, and Gold umith, Quest, (lore and Ialryinple have retired irom the bus in ecu, Sam Wise, who eavs he has played all ever tln i-Miintrv. mvs lie never saw a crowd equal to that b found al Beaton. While aitting on the bench the Allentown plajera were called all forts of nanus and OD tbi ir way to tbe depot after the game ti..' lms containing the player waa fol lowed by a gang of twenty-ore boyi woo fired volley after vnllev of cloda and stones at the men. Kiiil' Keilv intends to lake a Oatllnggnnto Baa too nut time, Allen- town ' hrnnicle. - FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Pteck and Hond Nkw VOW. May 7 The week opened w ith dull markers at tbe Block eicnanst The total "ales were onlv l.'iT.OOtl shares, of which .'nil'"' were in snear. 1 he trading araaentireli DrofeeeioneJ Tbabearamade Mveral attempts to depreaa the railway ht. out prieea rallied qoickly aft-r each attack and It waa not until juel previoai i.i the rln .e that thev met WltB toe BllCbt eel degree of mccens. A reort gained currency that st. Paul was t' make a new laaua uf bend and th loek declined The rort w as den us! M .1 r wss then .tati'l thai the company had ilitxsl of the balance ot the general niurti!Hi:e l imt rent, bnuil held in it tieiisurv fur a loim time. The re actum wa only . tu pi-r rent Soi;r tin tnated fn iim ntlv raneing from KH . t" HIT, and i i . at 1061?, Uanera! Electric fell off IV, Kent of the market cl-! with net uains i f to eicepting I.oulville ami Nashville and New Y. rk I'entral. which deed at d'Clioea of to 1 per Cent. Ppec ulation fell Ofl ttte and liarely steady. Ths full will eoini.lree tatila H'iWin III day' flnetuai leata active toefca la euppnae nd r-v : AaUj (? Ilur a luUmr, tuek Linkri. Ui yi-mliitf Teuu.-: (it-n- Huh Ln eat. a 1 . m i H MB 'a WU ifil m t- . 4S ". bm2 i tin - 1 Clo I' (. 11. Uik. e-t. 1 : ara.Coi il Am .- iKr i a T a it. r i aa. Bo. i an. N J I ' .. . S W i.' H SI Chic. Hits. ' i ft fn L . m ,m .' M 4 lie', rail MS A-.U IT I, 371, l.r le u I 111 . lli-k.Vi T D H ' D., L. a w 1 1). a c. v I grte i). E. (to I Lake Hhen. - ... -. ... i .. ' ... - ...i . ... a afl ... BM ... 1 IM ... K' ... .-4', i-u la v, m ' li . a i"i , M in r"e in, .a'' !. N Manhattan Mia. -- Nt. Uad N t S. E, . S v Ontral ..ii a w s v..m. n w. I . I o v life I'ae North Par. pt.. 4-H I tu , I I' 1 UM ITT IM, Nj - a l mi ' v a'. i 'a and. A lefl . IBM . -i i ioQ - ii I. a H I. i. pf nhlaago flraia aal rrrTiaiia. s. u st. a. kta 1 Tbe follnwlna oaota Ii. ns are Mpphed and corrected dally by La I ar A PnUatr. eeoafe lirikra.l;l Wfomini Due. WHEAT Opening. . .. Illljheat I . 'I t Clnwn- 1 URN 1 Ml ':. llih-sit l.'iwast t esi ng IIAT.S 'iinin-.... Hitfhi-it Lnareat CI .in Mar Mi 6: Jnlv. . ' Bee4 ti 1 BJN t a " to., t ia BM BSM BtN - -t . .V. ml J. 4 PORK 0-num H 'guest , ISiW.-al Cl-eitna- I, Alld 0;wulUg Highest I. "Went (T.aung -n BT 1UHH. OBeumg Highest uiueel Closing BM II .. lit. II i. TP. m 74.'. 750 SIT MT I7 KIT l.'f. 111! l.ia it 712 1 1 'a TI2 716 1 'T MT UI7 (SI7 712 712 r.17 tJT K7 ( . New York Produc Market Nkw Yuhk. tlay 7. Fi-otm bn'l, weak; winter wheat, low grades, BJaAtf; low extras, I'.' . 4.'. do. fair to tancy. BS,4aaA78 elty tnili. B4. ;ifa 3 90; do. pai enia. BQ.16al.ill, do, patent, 3'.Ma4 2C, ktlnueeota clear, BLBOallBOj rye mixtures, SJ.0Da9.80i do. straight, BJLSBaAOO. UiiKtT- lull, weak at liilc, lower, N". I red, store and elevator, SWJ,C; atloat, fll V.; f. o b. 1 .nM'i . nn graded ran, 6Ba01c;Ko, 1 northern, BBc, options clos. d weak nt the luWUet price of the day, bring !va?4c below previous low rerurd; Nn. 2 red May, VJ)o.; June, BOfje.; July, BOfafObt August, h2;c ; Kepteniber, i'i.i ' c . December, lilll, 0. i ohn Dull, easier; No. 2, 43'c f'e viitor. 44ii,r. alloal; options dull, lower with wheel .May, BB)fB.t July. 44c. UATI-iQoiet, lirln; options, dull, weaker; May, aV.; -bine, 88Wc ; July,87Wo, Spot puces, No. I 4o'J41c; No. 2 white, 42c; No 2 Chicago, 4Jc, No. 3. 40c.; No. H white, 41c; mixed western, 4ll',a42c; while do., I2a4.'il-,c. white state, 42a45c. I.; 1 1 Dull, Iteadyi family, Uald extra mesa, Sa8.B0, Bm Hums-Dull, P. TlBBOKD BlBT QUiOt; city extra India mesg, OlBaSl, 111 UgATa Qttlet, steady; pickled heihes, 7u; abouldera, BaOWo.) do. ham, It 1 1 a 11 1 Xc. ; middles, nominal. LARD -Sternly, quiet; western steam closed at 07 5; city, 7; May closed 87 f; .Inly, i'.tA; refined, iiuiet; continent, BK.20; South Amoricai B8.BS, PORK Dull, steady; moss, fl3.7.1al4. RtiTTKii Fair steady; state dairy, new, ISalTci do., old, lllnlHc.; creamery, new, IBalTC: Pennsylvania Ho., Ifial7c.; western dairy, new, BWaUOi ; do. creamery, new, 13a 1 7c. ; do. factory, new, Halle; Elgin, 17o ; imitatioii creamery, llaUc. 1 BUU Firm, good demand. Stato large, old Sal3r. ; state small, old, Pal2c. ; do., new tXl(if-4-, part skims now DalOc; full skims new 2a3u. l.ia.H Largo roceipts,irregular state and Pennsylvania) U'.allXc; western freBh, .:.:.',.. southern, '.laltlc. Philadelphia Tallow Uarhet. Piiii.Aiii i.i'iilA, May 7.-Tallow waa dull mill uuchaiiged. Prices were: Prime city, fn hugatieada, 4Ks primo Country, In barrols, 4c. ; do. durlt, in bar rels, 44'c. , cakes, BJic. ; grouse, i)c. ONE CEHT A Word. A Word. TTn.ifsof nil l-ind rout that much, ex cept Situations Wan(cd,uhich arc inserted J- i:i:E. Situations Wanted. DE. Bookkeeper or ofllco manager; ten . Man t,- ,, t ,1 enerlcnco: tBOrOWU, competent anil reliable: willing worker: open fur ongaireuient: reference and security 11 1 essary. Address business. Tribune offlce. POSITION IS DESIRED BIT A YOUNG 1- man. aireil LT, who bun had 4 years' oxpe iene.. u-i.el.-inr - , Beat ef reference, and bond, if desired. Address Box 4Hi, Tunk lmnnock, Pa. CITUATION WAN1ED-YOVNO MAN. 21. who has had experience as a land and mine surveyor and In general engineering work, desire position; expects small aalarv nt tlrt; would like an interview. Ad.ressBox 154. Tunkhannock. Pa. UITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN 0 would like position either In storo or of fice; good peanian and will try to please. Ad-dr.-asc A II , b;l 8. Bromley avenue. city. 1 4 T ANTF.D PdSITMN BY A MIDDLE VV - " am ... An h.tnu.-. eliii.ninir scrut.l.inu- er Washinit. Address, J. H. U, 448 Thirteenth st. U'AXT ED p. '--1 riON 8 1 LEB8 I'.v middle aged man, Can apeak itussina. Polish. M ivir. als,, English. Ad-.res. Pl.TEH MAS, YAH, Box :'.- :, Per .villo. Pa. LADY Wi.M S WASIIiNtl TO TAKE J home. Apply 888 Kreaaler court OlTUAIIiiN WANTED A Woman l Would like I. ret W'Tll I.V tile lUv l.t washtnir or rteni.lnc. or wilt tiike w.-1-.hiliLr home Address MAKY DONNELLY, T:'l 1 in n ,rd strawU Agents Wanted. QALEHktEN WANTED TO HKLL OOB ' iti.hs In siinii'l" to i he wholraile and ro tiill trade; sell on mat lit to every 1. . lioness man i i tirm; liberal aaUry and eapenaea paldtpu nit ion permanent For term adareaa with tamp. I'lNThNNIAl. Ml H ... Milwuu kee, wk asti:d MAN WITH LIFE AND FIB! lli-u l illii o i'l iLTli-n -- ss so.l'itor I ' k in iim.i i on. t . . . 1 in.lucem-'tiis ti M P t-. I ml. leu-. ncht in.'in. AdilriavS ll Pldladeliliia. p. Help Wanted Male Ui AJtTED-A Hi Ai K-MITH B HBLPB8. Ona that naderatanda eh U. t van KLEKOK, Jermyo.Pa. UAKKH aNTBU BaCOND HAND AT l Hchenar Urn . 1 ikrrr. H Wanted Fmalei. w ANTI II h"UM' lilltl. Il'll Apply V. J OPSTKAL .bit Ph!l!le, ; .- i - ii is. lor Rent L'OB KENT II AI I OF KLI.O NTI.Y I furakdiail timing rixm-r nt'-nlh- Mngi front roome pai"aiaaeitljr u..dnru tmpfove" menta MB Adams avvnne noB BENT BOl'al n ADAMfl AVI I aae, Apply OeM A Berth oot Lacka wanna iWBtt IXiBBENT LIUHT. WELL PP8NISHED I rurnia; deligbtful location. Ml Wiabiu t. u at .-nu-. rjHJ LET BOB a H UM 01 VEABB I Part or all of Uiris- bun -tr 1 fei f ) ar I n- m alona railroa.1 Al t!) at Frauklla iveaaa 'I'O BENT BTONE BVaUS OB Pt'BNlBHED 1 bail on iiM-n Ki i(- tr.-i Vary atra ot looattoa and ea reaaoaaata temua Apr r t. t l. NETTLEToM or U a WtWDBUff h'abtlran bBlMbio lor Sale I oT- POB BALE I J In llr.-i III !.- aveaae, th- aaoat !-- that will aaloinsli thi HOME 01 Tltr BI BT aruatial on ColBcaMa rah... lo-atem ai irks i Kn tli'.'. HAM XTLf AOON jeoBHAI.B LlilHT WjWMiN. 4 4 laaratfwfMl A C N-ttlrt .n. I'.numen weahh bitildiii.'. Waehintfton av..nn- 'I Ull M'"M: Km? MALE Inquire A. f Nrltl.'illl w.sUtli t.i rOB i I ..lie al.d -I lb Isdawnr railnaail lira failin pnn t'a.hinct' n a. una. 'oinui u I A KM OP ElOB rV At HI a. half nnli-a fruip Dai' a DO Ukiaintit and W.ateru elaa. farm I, ... ar bi two l ma. land and good orctiar I Vt 111 t. a., .a., A ldVM 0 f TON BT4 F.I. I. 'a aierut r. Da dm. heail' n CB r Is A A' ' Lv-kawanna renniv. I' I.'ult HM.y FOWL MANUBE, EIOHI r Urn la for HOB; akw bn aj kaKira -a-for hat' biug Ai i'lf tu E 1 Orlffltba. Hi-'k well tret I ' r ' I; t A M I HI I Tit P. II f ALL ON I i I r. W IV kard !: frwerar. in hr.t rUva nn.l le a). Addreea II A I i r lined I el . Pa Hi "IMS t tih. I III Frank I PI M-HKD keep i ' with uer DBAl KIN FOB -M.l INyl IBB Of II I H Cnatnn, ennrt atenocrarher. court hme, or llu ("lav av. no- l.MH BALI 0AACBI Fahm trTOOl I aad ut-ualsa J M. BB BI FIKLO. Monroe L'OH BALI H EX CB A NOB FOB BCBAM J tcsn t r-'i'-rtT--A larine oranr frnTa tiirreawtna In proaoctloti and talue )u,y In the -rmr- crl.m In ' lerlda A.tdrea 1 It 1. "i ; l.H roN. H dan ' -n.u Money to Loan. w ' To I.i 'A N i 'N FllfT Ml iHTtl Mil O Beraatoe nty property, Apply to Urn Lackawanna Trust and Safe Dejssilt com pan.-. aM LacBawaana aveaua. Spcclj Notices. T A erjtETINa ' IF THE DlBECTOBSOy .V the Nny Aiur Falls and F.linhnnt Iknile vard cranpnny it waa rnnlred that a BteattaBfl c-f the at'-ekh ..i.-rs he called i-onveto. at the general oflo Of th.- ciimiianr. ).l BaVaaUcaa i.n Minar. en th" Mh uayofJuae A D. IBM, fr .m A. in M. nntil I P. M tn take miioti aa thv approval or (llaai'proval of ti.e pronoaod Increase of the rapttal st,-k of iit soiapany from v.' n t. 'oi. and net the Memory Is-, ami he la, hereby directed to notice thensif s re quired by lw T II VV AT K NS, Has-retarv i i ck the Nominations vor or ii Been of the Qermania Build aa and Loan association of Niioh eeranton will take I Fr.d.-n M'-iing. Ai r;l !' 1 - I . aft. t tr.,t;:tc.u- tl... r.-.-ul.-ir Imsinii .1 At '(.ill K MIL!, I U. Secretary 11 LANK PonKs, PAMPIli.KTS. Mao a l nnae, eto., bound er rebonad at Tn TatBOBB ettee, guick work. Kc.-uonabl prieea, MEALl ICKET8 CAN UK. II ID AT Mi corner spmcu otreel and rraaklln era aUe. Twenty meal tickets for ItSil Uood tabi Yxmra. legal IN THE COt BT OF COMMON POB 1 H .nnty of l.arkawanna. In the matter ef the dUeolution ot the south Lincoln Ooal eouipauy, No Muv term, IBM. Notice la hereby given teat tbe South Lin eotnCoa! Oompaoy Bled its petition la too court of Oomtnoa Plena of Laoaawaana coun ty mi the pJtO day of March. ISHl, prayliiK for flocree of dlsablUtliin, nnd that the court ha tilted April SI. Isi, nt !l o'clock a. in fur henrlnir such appil.i- for dlsanlutlon. when nnd WBera alt persons inlereated can attend if they deem it expedient and show cause against the k-raiiliiuf ol the prayer of said petitioner. JAMBS W. OAKFoltD, Solicitor for Petitioner. rwTATE OF OF SAHINA BWIFT, LATE I j uf the borough of Archbald.Laekatvanna oonnty, pa. Iietternof admlniatratinn npon the aboVO nni I eatate having been granted to the bb daratg 1, all penotu bavlng claims or do- iiiiiuds nunlnst ssld estato will present t hem for settleinentand those Indelitod thereto will pluaso mulm immediate payment tn JOHN J, SWll I', Adinliiliitratiir, ArelibnlU, l'a, John K. Jonfn. Attorney for Eatato. Proposals. aa, - . ..w. uuauu oil,!, nr. nr. k' celved by the I coueuiy Lk-ht, Heat and Power OaUnpaay until Saturday, May 12th 1H1I4, atnism, at the nine of 1. 11. Hurna, Li brary building, Scranton, Pa., fur trenching nnd hark tilling about six thousand yarda of trench In the city of Scranton. Tho company reserves tho right to reject anv and nil bid THE ECONOMY LiHHT. 'HEAT AND POWKtt COMPANY. . - l l i i i inn on a i u eii i i. ... .., Connoliv &, Wallace b OPENING OF LADIES' SHIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS Many new features this season in the way of Shapes, Styles, Colors and Materials. SHIRT WAISTS from 50c. to $3.75, in every conceivable design and material, from the medium to the finest grada3 of Lawn and India Linen, Percales, Sateens, Dimities, etc. The newiest and nobbiest thing is the LADIES' SHIRT. Made with starched shirt, stand-up or lay-down collars, with cuffs attached. They come in Plain White, Printed Percales, Sateens, Madras Cloth, Century Cloth and Pongees. We venture to stato that our line of above is tho largest and most complete in the city. Trices, as usual, THE LOWEST. CONNOLLY & RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. 1IUL1J lW, VI T R.IFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in tho market Brandt Clay ProductCo OFFICE) nin-hamton. N Y IM TORT I I'.randt. Pa MT. PLEASANT AI iti Arf th tMt qoftlltr- fjf dniMf i uaoftni rf aTt iim (WliTrJ in M t pert J Ut city t i wtamt ; r Ol iltar a H fl l yrtf f!.r. M. IIh M ViniiMi rttTM'f. MnWkf ffJOM firmt rMH MftMoaM) Hank, if aent 1'V nt;! m tH'-i'iton to Utm, wtii nwrlroj MKnpa) ftttti 1 1 n htmcitl oXattirtJCti vlli bi m4tx th mi fetid tiwiltrrr of iu k w tiol k WM. T. SMITE H:t:l VaTv:rl7 Fnr'1s-i Plan I r.t --laa. Pr ttteli4 I ' I I'-iTgner A I Ion I E Ck m trd FlU ft. Mill Bret i1srbl fcr reai tasiU of N T.. Pans', tyllanla All ei'TTenlanraa. fr traTf-Wr t- a- fr- . Mr. s'r. t at! i n and tbe Iwalfth tad Market arte, etat.oi. l tlrat le fur vtattlng StrrtnlonUoa tad peo l.a n. in AnlhractU- K-.ju J. VICTORY, PflOPRllTOR The GENUINE New Ilavi-n "Mathushek" Pianos F.STADLISMED ISM Now York Wnroronrtis Kd SO Fifth A in no. EL C. BICKER CO.. Sol .letler in till ectinn DBtllB lg Adan. a Ave . TMapl aa BTd'l MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING Ctt Burning LLbncatin? ianJ also Shafting and Jooroal Greasi ornoBt 1 Wmt Lctaerann Ave. VSii.Ks Meridian Street Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'g, HC KAN TON, l'A. MINING ardBLASTING POWDER Made st the MOOSIO and KUS1I- dale woiuca LafTlin A Itand Powder Co. ORANGE GUN POWDER Electrlo Ilatterlet, FBBM for explod ing blaata, Kafetjr Fnae and RepaunoChemicat Co. 's High Explosives Lost Manhood I'liujiliy, el,. . mii. Iv our. .1 l INIIAl'O. II." irr. ut llllliliiiiHeiil.ty. With arlllMRa.riiiilreloCdra. Sold by BA't'tllKtva BBOOa DruggliM, OtVtatMaj l'a. MOOSiC POWDER CO WALLACE 209 FURNITURE BEST WORKMEN. LOW PRICES. MATTRESSES At Factory Prices The Scranton Beddine Co. Cor. Adams and Lacka. Aves. DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau BUT l.Al K WHY NOT Sv our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid I ak Ifrilrimiii S t' vVe tell FaraittiN m cheap bj any hOBM in lh- 00 OB try that in tonils to civc hfniixt v1up for tbo money. Try tin. Hull Co. 203 AID 207 WYOHiXG IVE. n I IDHM T'Q I J I W I 4 I J MIXINd, IlLASTINn AN'1 SPPBTIXO POWDER Manufactured tt the Wara tll-ipen Mill. Lu lorue ciiuutv Pa., and at Wu tntnuton. Pvlawarv HENRY BELIN, Jr. OOMOal Auetit f..r th. Wyuming PiMrtct. 118 WyommB Ave.. Scranton Pa. Third National liank itulliliu . nti-in 7111'S IIMlli. 1 III. 1' 11. It. J11HN H SMITH SON ; Plymouth. Pa. K W. ML'I.LItiAN. Wilke fjtrr.v Pa. Agent for the K.-iani. Chumtaal Com- 1 any a liinh ttpioatvea rims roup, punt n. HOW LIRE A MAN HE FEELS r ART TEAE he had mvcA 1800. He bottghta hoose worth lisso paid WOO down, gavo mort gage for 11,660. Today ho esti mates as follows: Rent a veil , jntareet on inortiiatre.,. TaXoH ami repair J2W 1)1 . . oo . 26 w 119 no Net navlnir on rent SI'U 8B Havcd nn aalary ! - " To apply un murta-age flit) 6U ltEPIJC4'TION-"In KOIIB yeara that honaa will lie free from .l. i.i and I thall liavo a Baaaa of my own." (IKKKN BIDOI I the parad Ita for hentet, linn Nona have recently I'm lahed n henutlful villa, whloli they utter, on saay pnymeuta, nt B1850. Call at their nfltotv, hetween tVnthlngtnn aud Ail. .mi on Olive treet. EZRA FINN & SONS. WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. Repaired and Upholstered. & Conneli ANN V I'M I: LCADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 8. DE WOLF" HOPPER And Hi Morrv loin pan 7, preeentlntf the tiorgeoua Comic Opera hnei-tacit. Panjandrum nirei-t from the Rron tvrnr Theatar, Rata York 1 Itv. I RICKS - JI vi. Ii, r-, uniia'c Salnot teata 1 11- utur,lay, Jlay j. Wools eommenrlng BfOMDAT, MAY 7. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, Galley Slave, AND UNTIL KL'KTHEK NOTICE, Ten Cents win be the price ot adnlaaton to ail part of the houae, OH ETKKNOONS ONLY. APM1SSION EVEN IN(IH, 10. 90 OK .tOo. Poi-toriikiiiioe every afternoon, except Mon days anil Thureilaya, at ami every oven llooi opanat l.DUand T.iW P.M. DR. HEBRA'S VIOUiGREAM Remove Freoki.c, Pimple, Liver Molat, Blaalilirari., Sunburn ami Tn, nnd ro. norm tho aldu to ita orhjl- 1.. i. .,r. A i ia! rn. It IM "-IUW"II H clear and healthy com-H - O....... I. ..... all I,..,.. ' pil'aioil, nujivmn ww. StTtara.t!iMin and DtTfeotlV barmle5a aibii a ran Uts, or maili ior 50VU. Send lor Circular, VIOLA 8KIH 80AP h ij lr"vVi''". ' tu pX&S unaM i ih. MJrT rival tu ti aumfj. VUolulrtT iaua iaa tateauiy mM taud. A.drawtru, Price 25 Ceeh. C. C. BITTNER& CO., Tolioo, O. For ale by Matthew Broa , Morgan liro8.and Morgau t Co. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers