THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORMNG, JANTTARY 10, 1894. 3S3ia3i3ift NEW STYLES IX Dark Calicos BF.ST INDIA BLUE CALICOS 4!c4!c4ic4!c PEST APHON eiNGHAMS LADIES' JACKETS Half Price. 12.75 upward, Misses' Gretchens Half Price. $2.75 upward. 7-Yard Dress Patterns All Wool. 11.96 upward. Comfortables !." cents upward. Down Quilts s.'i.iis upward. White Blankets 58 ceutfl upward. CORSETS FROCKS FOR GIRLS. NEW MODELS FOR AGES RANGING FROM SIX TO SIXTEEN YEARS. I'lie Cmvoi Art More Original aud Leo Elaborate Than I'sual The same Mate rials Adopted by Adults Are Employed, feature In Millinery aud Cloaks. The winter gowns for little people are more original than usual, for they hardly trench on the modes adopted by their elders a remark which does not apply to the materials used for frock?. Hop laoHng, tweed, faced cloth, poplin and satin aro all utilized for young people. This winter's models for children gar ments are comparatively plain and ap propriate, and the tendency is toward the English und American styles, which are well known to be better adapted, in i 1l .- y i Oc. CorBflts for B9a "c. Corsets for "S;. sl. 00 Corsets for 88ft Kid Glove Bargains at 45c, 69c. and $1. AT WALTER'S, 128 Wyoming Ave. SELECTION OF PIECES. FROM SIX TO S1XTEKN. n practical form, than the Parisian ideas for children s apparel. I he more simply a child nr nirl ts dressed until the age of 17 the more becoming it is. There is al ways an ungraceful period for young girls, and tilks. laces and ohiffoni are unite out of place until a girl is about to appear in society. A pretty model for a girl of 14 to 1C years of age is made with a basque with full sleeves and high cuffs. The cull's aud collar may be of velvet of the same shade as the dress. A wrap for a child of 0 is of electri blue cloth, trimmed with fur, and for another color dark red in the same form is prettv. Cloth hats with feathers In Lhe same color are very popular for chil dren, and Scotch plaids, with beige color fur foundation, are much in use. Party frocks are made of pretty cre pons, poplins, cashmeres aud soft satins. Very picturesque and simple are the frocks with fanciful yokes and guimpe. simulated with soft silk either plaited or gathered. Two capes edged with lace, made full from the neck, is another favorite mode of bodice trimming, and in nine cases out of ten these pretty party frocks are mado with puffed sleeves at the elbow and narrow gaunt let cuffs at the wrists. of ready made rultles of black satin, elaborat o gimps, jet insertions and fancy collarettes, berthas, etc. Lace is still as popular as ever, and a particularly pret ty trimming is a ruching of black moire edged with extremely narrow white gui pure. A bizarre effect in a broad trim urng laco is produced by bands of white insertion on black net, or black inser tion on white net. Thoso transparent bands of insertion aro in high favor just now and are used on the heaviest mate rials, such as satin, bengaline and moire untique. One Way to Dry' Wet Shoes. When, without overshoes, you have been caught in a heavy rainstorm, per haps you have known already what to do with your best lad boots, which have been thoroughly wet through, and which, if left to dry in the ordinary way, will be stiff, brittle and unlovely. If not, you will be glad to learn what I heard recently from one whose experience is of value, writes a correspondent of Har per's Bazar. First wipe off gently with a soft cloth all surface water and mud: then, while still wet, rub well with kerosene oil, using for the purpose the furred side of canton tiannel. Set them aside till par tially dry, when a second treatment with oil is advisable. They may then be de posited in a conveniently warn place, where they will dry gradually and thor oughly. Before applying French kid dressing, give them a final rubbing with the tiannel, still slightly dampened with kerosene, and your lioots will be soft and flexible as new kid and be very lit tle affected by their bath in the rain. Ln following these directions it need hardly be added that, kerosene being in flammable, one wants to keep away from the lire while treating the shoes with it. WORKBASKET TABLE. A Convenience Ttiat Is as Serviceable as It Is Frctty. A uniquo workbasket, which can bo readily transformed into a table, and originally on exhibition at the Decorative Art rooms ta New York, has recently been described for The Household. It is distance from each other. All of which prompts the remark that the world would be made more cheerful and sensi ble if "mourning" garments were dis carded altogether. New Materials For Untuning. There are many new materials that can be used for mourning, such as bright reversible satin, with satin on one side and a cord on the other. All the large patterned moires are useful, especially when trimmed with jet, and the soufflet mohairs, which are woven to resemble bubbles, stand up in bold relief. Some of the line rps have been brought out in a new guise. But mourning, to bo in good taste, cannot be too simple und de void of ornament. Heavy crapes, which aro expensive, are frequently tortured into all kinds of shapes of plaitings and rnchingl, which are decidedly in bad taste. THE WORKBASKET r.XIWKU. made from a common camp stool, from which the CftnvM for the seat has been removed. Into the opening thus formed was shirred a capacious bat; or pocket, wires being stretched across tha two-open ends for holding the frame in place and serv ing as a foundation for the ibftrihgfl of the pocket the materials being figured india silk in dull old rose shades, with a lining of old rose satin. The wooden framework is painted white with enamel paint, and a square board, painted in the same way, with gilt lines for decoration, is made to set over the pocket, resting on the frame work, thus making a table of it and hid ing from sight the work in the pocket, It makes a handsome piece of furni ture for a lady's use and is as service able as it is pretty. Quick witted women need hardly be told that this convenient affair tatty be made less delicate and therefore better adapted for the wear and tear of the ordinary sitting room by making the pocket of darker colored ma terial aud painting or staining the wooden framework B cherry or mahog any hue. Indeed, ingenious women Will doubtless add to and improve upon this model, which is suggestive of a variety of styles made on the same principle. A Dressy Wrapper. The modern tea gown is usually too elaborate an affair for ordinary home wear when the lady of the house attends to many of the domestic affairs herself. She likes, however, when the more ardu ous duties are over, to have a comforta ble and at the same time pretty gown or wrapper at hand, which may be quick- a neat Firnsu wraitki:. ly put on, and present a neat appearance without all the accessories of a regular dress. Such a wrapper may be made of any of the attractive all wool fabrics shown in the shops. with a fancy drawn yoke front; and Watteuu back. Hake it dressy by putting on a turn down collar, cuffs, belt and shoulder caps of velvet or silk. The result will be a trim, neat house gown. The Gem Coupon. The Most Unique of All. To Clean Marble. It is a delusion to think that bad stains on marble can lie effectually removed without calling in some professional hand, but there are a variety of recipes which will help to lighten tho color of I six months ltulcs For Mourning. According to one of the authorities, the period of mourning for a father-in-law is a yearten months black, two months half mourning. Crapo is seldom worn, though tho crape period was formerly A Trip Through the Colum bian Exposition, stains and even remove them if they are not of long standing. For instance: Mix an ounce of soda, of powdered chalk and pumice stone, respectively, with enough water to form a thickish paste. Spread this well over ami beyond Tho comparative length of girls' frocks i the stain. Leave it on for 24 hours or This Is of the Utmost Importance to Both Pupil and Teacher. As regards the selection of pieces, ! teachers too often make the mistake of ! choosing those too difficult for their pn- j pils. They forget that a simple melody well played is preferable at all times to j an ambitious piece whose difficulties cause the performer to halt and stumble, j Au examination of tho musical portfo lio of our average young ladies by one ' uninitiated would lead him to suppose them performers of the highest caliber. Liszt, Rubinstein, Raff and, in fact, ev ery famous concert composer will be found represented, while tho owner thereof, most likely, will be unable to play even one bar of their compositions correctly. The Strauss wait, mania that swept over this country somo years ago must beheld responsible for the" checking of many a promising student's advance ment. These waltzes, never originally intended for the piano, contain difficul ties beyond the grasp of ordinary per formers. Written for orchestra, their arrangement in piano form could not bo otherwise than impracticable, so far a" the aiding of a correct style of playing is concerned, and also unthankful as re gards results. For an average valse de concert, written for the instrument, though apparently from a cursory glance of a much higher grade, will, on close ex an.ition, not alone bo found easier, but also incomparably more brilliant and ef feetive. To those whose style is not yet formed, and who are anxious to obtain a perfect technique, Tho Musical world advises that they avoid all arrangements for or chestral scores or adaptations originally written for other instruments. This of course does not apply to transcriptions made by eminent writers. The judicious (election of pieces, studies, etc., is of the utmost importance, not alone as apply ing to tho welfare of the pupil, but also molding the material success of the teacher. It is well for both parties if a happy medium is hero adopted. Many go to tho most opposite extremes. To the child who is just learning to read, we do not offer Shakespeare; nei ther does the father, when he deMres to give his son some relaxation from his schoolbooks, select one of George Eliot's works. This would only weary his young mind, and instead of stimulating serve to check whatever is luxuriant there. The same rules apply to mttdo. To ap preciate what is noble iu this art, a grad ual cultivation is necessary. Yet tho means to arrive at such an end must be most varied. It will not do to pursue a cut and dried course, applied to all, irre spective of difference in character or tal ent. One must be led, another stimu lated; this one restrained and apparently held back by force; all different, yet all brought nearer to perfection by ways seemingly opposite. at various ages is thus directed by Har per's Bazar: -'At from 4 to 8 years the skirt falls just below tho knee. From that time it begins to lengthen, reach ing two inches below the knee at 10 years, three inches above the shoetops at 18 years, two inches above the shoetops at 14, and at sweet 16 comes back to the J-yeaY-old lengt h, which is just Hush with tho top of a not overhigh boot, unless the young woman is of more than average inaturity, when it may fall to the ankle. Three-year-olds are on tho debatable ground between the longer frocks of babyhood and the bhort frocks of child hood some mothers preferring one, more; tneu wasn it on wuu soap ana warm water and polish it well with an old soft rag. For a parent the period is the same as above. The longest period for a brother is six months five months black, one month half mourning. The crape period was formerly three months; it is now almost discarded. The shortest period is four months black, no half mourning. Tho period of mourning for a father-in-law is often shortened to six months when relatives reside at a considerable 72 leaves, printed on one side only. Showing all the places of LlltereSt on main grounds and Midway i'laisauce. Size, 5x7. Embossed paper covet- or lull cloth. Two Coupons anJ 25 embossed cover. CENTS takes and 40 CENTS takes Two Cn pans cloth cover. Add 4 cents for postage if orderoJ hy mail SCRANTON TRIBUNE. 4 Examining the Stomach By Electric Light The best substitutes for flannel petti coats are soft silks quilted and edged with lace, or warm, thick flannel draw ers worn over combinations. These seem to answor the purpose of warmth with out adding to the size of the wearer. A favorite handkerchief is of fine sheer linen, with a hemstitched border. ' Eucklan'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Champed Hauds, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively euros Plies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 ceuta per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. TWO PRETTY PARTY FROCKS. some the other but latterly there is'a decided preference for putting them also into the French skirt falling just beyond the bend of the knee." Three-quarter jackets, trimmed with braid and fur. und long coats are always well worn, B8d ono of the favorite col ors just now is a gieen cloth like beige. The coats this winter are generally double breasted, have triple capes and are trimmed either with beaver or some kindred far. A feature in millinerv is the extraor dinary size of the granny bonnet. The fresh little faces are hidden away and seem to bo visible only at the end' of a long tunnel. A Novelty lUttle. Wonderfully pretty and sure to please the sovereign of the ni-.jtery is a novelty rattle, which may be put together at home with but slight exjiense, according to Golden Day.-. A small wooden lroop, such as lansedfor embroidery pur poses, is the foun dation for this bauble, which be comes a giddy af fair when bound about with nar row satin ribbon, half au inch iu width, especially if two tones are employed, such as white and or ange, blue und gold, pink und green, or buff and crimson. To do the work neat- BAllY S BOXXMA&J ly.sian witnone itATTLE. colored ribbon and carefully bind the hoop. When this is finished, wind in an opposite direc tion with the other tinted ribbon. After the hoop is neatly coyered take several strands of ribbon and attach with a flar ing bow to the bott6m of the hoop. Tip each ribbon end with a silver bell, and the fancy is in readiness to delight some nursery cherub with its brilliancy of col oring and musical Im-11 tinkle. The New Trimmings. There ure any number of new trim mings. One of the most effective Is a broad braid of various colors, edged with fur, which looks particularly well on cloth dresses. Other labor saving aud Striking effects ure produced by means illuminating the Stomach hy Electric Light. ii CLEARANCE SALE out-this are going to do business in 4 .4 Y 1 1 new store bv the middle oi month, and we have concluded to move no goods from our present place of busi ness if we possibly can help it. To ac complish this we, on second day of Jan uary, put figures on all goods in stock that ought to sell them all in one Below is a partial list: week. "Medical Electricians have recently devised a plan by which the interior of the human body may he Illuminated for examination. The patient is laid upon the operating table aud a slender tube, carrying a glass bead upon its end, is introduced into the stomach. A small light inside the bead is supplied hy line wires running out through the tube aud connected to a small battery. The iuterior of the stomach is plainly lighted and all its pails arc brought into view by a small movable mirror at the end of the tube.' Quoted from THE TRIBUNE Encyclopedia Britannica. The above picture is photographed from an illustration on page Gl 9 of tho Supplement of THE TRIBUNE Encyclopedia Britannica. It is only one out of nearly 100 illustrations on the subject of electricity contained in THE TRIBUNE Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica thirty-six of which can be found in no other edition of Britannica in print. Among them we mention a few of the modern ap pliances therein so beautifully and accurately illustrated: "Arc Light," "Wood Dynamo," "Slattery Incandescent Dynamo," '-Improved. Dy namo," "Incandescent Lamp," "Portable Electric Lamp," "Edison Generator," "Recording and Alarm Gauge," "Electric Elevator," "Electric Car on a Ten Per Cent. Grade," "Elec tric Percussion Drill," "Police and Signal System," "The Death Penalty hy Electricity," etc., etc. The articles on Electricity in its various forms in the main body of the work and in the supple mentary volumes treated in 138 pages. Every subject known to man is treated as fully, carefully and accurately in this princely library as the subject of Electricity. Pear in mind that the full set contains over 22,000 Pages. G7I Maps and Plans and 10,000 Illus trations. Not to own this great Reference Library is almost as unpopular, in this age, as not to own the Bible. But the possessor of this rare set of books stands a more than even show of success in life. This oiler at the wholesale price and on easy terms of payment can remain open but a short time. Do not miss the opportunity. Such chances do not come every day. Give your order at onco. On receipt of L50 the entire set will be sent charges prepaid the balance to be paid on easy monthly payments. The hooks can be seen at THE TRIBUNE Encyclopedia Department, 437 Spruce street, any time during the day, or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. A volume will be sent to any part of the city for examination. Highest Grade Minnesota Patent Flour (in sacks) - $3.99 Highest Grade Pastry Flour (in sacks), Best Baled Hay, per 100, - Rutabagas, bushel, Potatoes, bushel, - Onions, bushel, Best Sugar Cured Hams, Best California Hams, Best Shoulders, Best Bacon, Lard, per pound, Lard, 10 pound pails, Lard, 5-pound pails, Lard, 3-pound pails, New Orleans Molasses, Pure Sugar Syrup, Very Best No. 7 Brooms, - Very Good No. 7 " Very Best No. 6 " - Good No. 6 Brooms, Large Sized Cedar Tubs, - Medium Sized Cedar Tubs, Small Sized Cedar Tubs, - Large Sized Painted Tubs, - Medium Sized Painted Tubs, Small Sized Painted Tubs, Cedar Pails, 3-hoop Painted Pails, 2 hoop Painted Pails, . Large Sized Feather Dusters, Medium Sized Feather Dusters, Canned Peaches, 3 pounds, Canned String Beans, Canned Asparagus, Canned Pumpkin, 3 pounds, - 3.35 .79 .27 .59 .70 .09: .08 .08 .09 .07 .75 .40 .25 .12' .12' .21 .19 .19 .15 .89 .G9 .55 .69 .59 .49 .19 .12 .10 .31 .24 .09 .05 .12;; .05 Preserved Strawberries, imported gg gallon jar, . - ' Preserves in large tumblers, . .09 Preserves in 30-pound pails, - 1.80 Preserves in 5-pound pails, - .29 Jelly, 30-pound pails, - .7? Fruit Butter, 5-pound pails, - .11 Without going any further, we would say that all goods will be sold for less than they are worth until closed out. We will also have counters, scales, show cases, coffee mill and other- fixtures to sell for what they will bring. THE SCRANTON CASH STORE
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