6 TIIE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE -WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1894. Daily Chronicle OF Pittston Events. The Soianton Tribune's Pittston office, No. 8 South Main street, is in charge of W. E. Tooke and J. .M Fahy, to whom complaints and news items may be referred by any tubacriber. J CITIZENS NOMINATE CANDIDATES. An Enthusiastic Rally at Phoenix Hall and Ita Work. The meeting of the Citizens' Reform movement at Phiuniz hall last evening attracted a large attendance. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock by Chairman Benjamin Harding. Af ter addressing, the meeting on the im portance of the occasion be appointed the following committeemen to make up a ticket. First ward, John Eicholtzsr, Thomas Cody: Second ward, Scott Wagner, Thomas Gill; Third ward, John Con ntll. Howell Williams; Fourth ward, John Snowen, Joseph Morris; Fifth ward, John McDonnell, James (J tin neu; Sixth ward, Stanley Crook, tVill iam Abbot ; Seventh ward, Joseph Lof tus, James Laur; Eighth ward, Roger Hiues, James MeUale; Ninth ward, John McNamara, William IDrury; Tenth ward, E. R. Evans, Edward Nolan; Elevonth ward, James Fitzpat rick, George Dendle. The committee after half an hour's deliberation, sub mitted the following ticket which was unanimously carried. Burgess, Thomas Malouey; auditor, Tallie Evaus; high constable, John HineB; tax receiver, William Drury, On motion of M, N. Donnelly the com mittee was empowered to indorse all candidates for ward offices that they might deem advisable. After consid erable desultory talk the mooting ad journed to meet at the call of the chair man. The meeting was a most harmmlom one throughout. What was especially noticeable was the large attendance of the representative business men and property owners of the town. The placing in nomination of ward officers vill be attended to in the near future. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES HELD. Staloney for Burgess Receives No Oppo sition Other Result. The Democratic primaries were held yesterday and resulted in the election of the following delegates who will support Thomas Malonev for burgess : First ward Martin Haley. Second ward George Bentley. Third ward Thomas Lung. Fourth ward Frank Daley. Fifth ward Uauiel Connell. Sixth ward Martin Laughuoy. Seventh ward J. C. Heap. Eighth ward . Ninth ward . Tenth ward S. J. AicUale. Eleventh ward Thomas Cnmmings. As there are but eleven wards in the borougu Mr. Malousy carried all but two. The following: Democratic nomina tions in the several wards where va cancies are to be filled were made last evening: First ward School director, A. J. Mc Cormack. becoud ward Council, A. J. Clifford; school director, John Lyuott. Third ward School director, M. J. Lan gau; council, M. J. Lyuott. Fourth ward Council, J. H. Tigue. Fifth ward Council, John Gordon; school director. Prank Tracey. Eighth ward Council, George B. Heap; school Director, Ales Uryden. Ninth ward School director, John Mc Namara; council, M. N. Donnelly. John J. Jordan was indorsed by the First, Second and Third wards for jus tics of the peace, and M. Lyons, of the Ninth ward, also for jnstice of the peace. EX-BURGESS BARRETT OUT. He Will Not Be a Candldat Against Burets Moloney. Edward Barrett, who has been a candidate for the office of bu rgss, sub ject to the decision of the Democratic borough convention, withdrew from the fight yesterday in a published card. In declining lie says "After carefully considering the situation, I have com to the conclusion that I would not at present be a candi date for the office of burgess of this town. I became a candidate in the first place with the understanding that Mr. Maloney would not again seek the office, and the positive assurance that he is again an applicant for the position causes my withdrawal. I yield to no man in my desire for a pure and honest administration of the affairs of this bor ough. Had I decided to seek the office of chief magistrate of tbe town it would be with a definite plan for pub lic improvement, and the correction of any abuses that might exist. I take no stock, however, in the wild rumors that are being circulated about the present inenmbents in office, and I hold that it is wrong to besmirch the char acters of public men without adequate evidence. I sincerely thank my friends for the support they have bo far given me." BANK DIRECTORS ELECTED. Both th Old Boards of Trustees Are Re instated The annual election of directors by the stockholders of the Miners' and First National banks was held yester day and resulted as follows: First National Old board re-elected as follows: Theodore Strong, Thomas Ford, J. B. Law, S. M. Parke, John A. Law, J. L. Cake, John Howell, C. H. Foster, Thomas Waddell, E. J. Evans, Tbe board will organize next Tuesday. Miners' bank The old board of trus tees were re-elected as follows: R. D. L.icoe, J. L. McMillan, Andrew Bry den, M. W. Morris, A. A. Bryden, George Johnson, Thomas Maloney, Alexander Craig, Thomas Mangau. The trustees will meet today to elect officers. PITTSTON'S MINOR MENTION. crushing it so badly that it had to be amputated below the knee. IS HE JOHNSON'S SLAYER? William Wilburn Arreatcd and Held Upon a Serious Chars;". Wilkes Barre, Pa , Jan 9 It is stated lure tonight in police circles that William Wilburn has been ar rested at Roanok. Va. He is the man who murdered Contractor John John son on the Laeka wanna railroad at Hanover on Oct. 23. Detective Whaleu and O'Brien left here today for Richmond, Va., to get the proper authority for extradition. The prisoner will then be brought here for trial. BURGLARS ROB A RAILROAD. The Parson Sta ion of the Lehigh Val ley I Broken Into. Wilkes-Barre, Jan. 9. Burglars entered the Lehigh Valley railroad de pot and freight station at Parsons early this morning and secured a large booty, taking with them a lot of tick ets, money and mychandise. Detectives are working on the csbs today, Fronal Intelligence and Other Brevities of Live News. Among those most prominently men tioned a available condidates for school director to represent the Seventh ward is M. W. Morris, of William street. Mrs. J. H. Rleketts is slightly im proved from her recent illness. The week of prayer is observed by the Luzerne Avenue Baptist chnrch. George Hodgson, farmer from Jenkins township, was brought before 'Squire Ebret yesterday morning on ehargos'of assaultand adnltery.preferr ed by Sadie Eaton, daughter of Hiram Eaton, of the same place. The defend ant was committed to connty jail to await trial Late last night be was re leased on 93,000 bail. A West Side lad. Joseph Fletcher, met with a serious aooideut at the Ste vens colliery Monday, by jum ping on a train of moving coal cars, which re sulted in Fletcher being thrown off. He fell nnder the ears, and his left leg caught and four cars passed over it, WANTS A NEW TRIAL. Attorney Lenahan, for Banker Rocka fellow, Takes an Appeal, Wilkes-Barre, Jan. 9 John T. Lenahan will go to Philadelphia on Friday next to argue the F. V. Rocka fellow case before the supreme court. Judge Lyneh has -refused the fallen banker another trial. In thousands of cases the enro of a cough is the preventive or consumption, ino surest cough medicine in tht world is Dr. Wood's Norwav Pine Svrnn. Sold bv all dealers on u guarantee of satisfaction. . The Fad For Cozy Corners. Everywhere nowadays one is confront ed with schemes for the fitting up of cozy corners and odd nooks. It is a fad in furnishing that has certainly taken hold among the fair sex, aud judging from present indications will show no diminu tion in the immediate future. For this fashion we are undoubtedly indebted to our English cousins, among whom this feature in furnishing has at tained even greater popularity than on this side of the water. The English up holsterer now sells tho "cozy corner" us un article of furniture easily reuiov- COZY CORNER FOB PARLOR OR HALL, able from one house to another. These, however, are rather too expensive for the average purse, and therefore the person having but a limited amount of money to expend in this direction may be obliged to study ways and means to obtain tho result at a Smaller outlay. This, happily, one can easily do by the choice of one of the numerous schemes available for pro duction by amateur effort. Such, for instance, as the one here reproduced from The Decorator and Furnisher, which says: "There is one thing, how ever, in the choice of a design that should be kept in view, and that is to choose something in keeping with the personal ity of the mistress of the houso. "One should never lose sight of the question of utility, and remember that satisfactory results are attainable only by the judicious selection of the right things for tho right place both as re gards form and color and not by ft mul tiplicity of objects thrown together hap hazard. What in the most artistic schemes of furnishing may appear to bo unstudied carelessness is indeed the re Btilt of the most profound study, re-enforced of course by natural good tasto." Scotch Macaroons. The Baker's II( lpet gives this formula: Two and one-half pounds of sugar, 1 pounds of lard, 5 eggs, 2 ounces of 6oda, 2 quarts of molasses, 1 pint of water, 4 pound, of flour, 3 pounds of crumbs. Make icing with eggs, with the addition of a little cream of tartar. Make icing quite thin, so as to spread easy, roll out dough, spread icing over it and cut iu small strips about H inch by 3 inches. The cakes will spread and icing will break on top like macaroons. Oven must be moderate. Should icing not break well, add more cream of tartar. A little experimenting will make the prettiest cookies ever made. Business Houses of Pittston. GLOB WAREHOUSE, Pittston. WE OFFER THE BALANCE OF OUR HOLIDAY NOVELT.ES At greatly reduced prices. Articles of art and utility. A few pict ures will go at HALF PRICE. -3 NORTH MAIN ST. BUY THE Happy Thought Range To keep tins in a state of dnzzling brilliancy, wash them inside and out with hot water and soda. Dry them and rub the outside with a paste made of whitening and water. TE HEART is liable to great functional disturb ance through sym pathy. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, often causes It to palpi tate in a distressing way. Nervous Pros tration, Debility aad Impoverished Blood, also cause its too rapid pulsations. Many times, Spinal Affeetions, cause it to labor nnduly. Sufferers from such Nerv ous Atfoctions often imagine themselves th victims of organic heart disease. AM. NERVOUS DISEASES, as Pa ralysis, Locomotor Ataxia, Epilepsy, or Fits, St. Vltus's Dance, Sleeplessness, Nerv ous Prostration, Norvous Debility, Neural- Sla, Melancholia and Kindred Ailments, are eated as a specialty, with great success, by the Staff o( the Invalirbv Hotel. For Pamphlet, References, and Particulars, en close 10 cents, in stamps for postage. Address, World's Dispk.nbauy Midxcax Association, Buffalo, N. Y. s ;. ,. sap - ill gLANK Books Stationery Pocket Books Wrapping Paper Paper Bags Wholesale and Retail. BOGGLES 4 MAI lit Music Hall Block. Maa pinsT0N sxOYE CO. JEW PHOTOGRAPH QALLBBT, First-class Work, Superior Artist CHILDREN'S PICTURES A SPECIALTY. New Styles of Panel nnd Boudoir Picture, unsurpassed. Cabinets gU.UO per dozen. Other btylus t-qua ly inexpensive-. W. 8. FRYER 14 SO. MAIN ST., PITTSTON, PA. UNDERTAKING. If yru desire that tlio remains nf your friend be well preserved, have Mr. Kirby do your Undertaking, ,-is lie hue just r turned frem tho U. H. Collcgo of Emtudming, New York, where ho has lo irued tho latest Scien tific Methods of Embalming, and Is now pro pal ud to i xeeut s ad work in tko best manner, very low prices. A VERY URGE STOCkIFrHE FURNITURE COMPLETE LINE OF FALL CARPETS at lowest prices. J. 13. KIRBY, Odd Fellows Building, PHTSTON, PA. The Strike Over 5,000 -WORTH OF- HOLIDAY And other seasonable goods were tied up on the road and delivered to us now These must be sold every article is marked with its lowest selling prioa in plain figures. Wo will deduct an extra Cash Discount of 20 Per Gent Thus offering a grand variety of fine presents at prices invariably less than cost of transportation or manufacture. Cash is king you hear all sing, Fine Holiday Goods are just the thing. This lot comprises Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Shav ing Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Select Indian Baskets, Albums, Etc. Each article is a piece of art, ornamental and useful. Our annex is located on William street, next to our Millinery Department. So the windows. They contain hundreds of dollurs worth of fine warea, such as Quilts, Bed Spreads, Silk Umbrellas, Cnrtains, Linens and inauy other use ful select articles. These constitute our Annual Holiday Greeting Every article is a presout to you if you patronize tho Pioneer Establishment of warranted goods aud low prices, A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE. Send your Linen to the ACME Plttston's only STEAM LAUNDRY, nnd have it laun , dried properly. 3-TA TOSTAL will bring our wagon to yonr door We will andean show you a larger stock than any other concern in this section. Remember, we are MAKERS; the ordinary factory garment has no room in our Cloak Department and as to prices, we invite comparison with any concern in the laud and know we are the cheapest A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, 33 N, Main; 8, 10, 12 and 14 William St, PITTSTON, PA. Headquarters for Winter Gloves and Underwear, mkett THE HATTER, THl Finest Line of Slippers Ever Shown in Pittston. Velvet, with Silk Embroidered Flowers, 44c. to $2.50. O. P. & C. O. Shoe Co. Atlantic Reining Go. Manufacturers nnd Dealers in Illuminating and Lubricating OILS Linsnod Oil, Nnpthas and Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com pound; also, a liir'o Hue of Par railiuo Wax Candles. We also handle tho Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only fninily safety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Offleo: Coal Exchange, Wyoming Ave. to orks at Pino Brook. -TIIE- MOOSIC POWDER CO, Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'a SCUANTOX, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at the MOOSIO and HUSH DALE WORKS. Lafllin & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fuse? for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and RepaunsChemical Co.'s High Explosives Hotel Wayerly European Dan. Flrst-olaas Bar nti lehed Depot tor Unrulier Hugel's Tanutuoueur Beer. E, Cor, 15th and Filler! St., Philada. Most desirable for rosldonts of N i : Penn; tylvania. All conveniences lor travelers to and from Broad Btroet station and tho Twelfth ami Market St re. a station. De irable for visiting Kcrantoulaus aad peo ple In the Anthracite Region, T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPOHTINO POWDER Manufactured at the Wnpwallopon Mills, Lu zerne county I'n.. and at Wil mington, Deluwaro. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Audit for tho Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Bank Building. AoF.xrirs. TI10B. FOUD, Pittston. Pa. JoHN 1! SMITH & SON; Plymouth. Pa. K. to'. Ml'LLIUA Wilkos-Barre. Pa. Agents for tho itepauno Ckoiuioal Com pany's High Explosive. MATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS 'IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlantic lead ami French Zinc, Fure Unseed Oil, Turpentine and Varnishes Itoady-mlied Paints In all colors, Ullders' Whiting, Furls White and Kalsmnlne, Oil' Vitrei, Murble Dust and Window Glass MT. PLEASANT AT It ! ;T A I L. Coal of the test quality for domestic use,and of all sizes, delivered iu any part of the city at lowest price. Orders loft nt my office. NO. 118, WYOMING AVKNITR, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to tho mine, will receive prompt attention. Bpeoial contracte will ho made for tho sale and delivery of Buckwhoat L'oaJ. WM. T. SMITE THE LARGEST CHEAPEST BEST THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices and see the furjince and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAN'S HARDWARE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 1'HYSM 1ANS AMI SDROKON8. Dli. G. E. DEAN, Diseases of tho Eye, Nose Tin oat and Ear, 6U4 bpruvo street, oppo site court linus". DR. A. J. LONNELL, Office 2U1 Washington avenue, corner Spruce street, over Frnncke's drug store. Residence, 722 Vine at. Office hours! 10.30 to 12 a. m. and I U4 and (i JO t.i ;.:) p. m. Sunday, 2 to li p. ni. DRf W. E. ALLEN. Office cor. Lacka wanna and Washington aves. : over Leon ard shoe store; office hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and 11 to 4 p. m. ; evenings at residence, .'-1- N. Washington avo. ' lH. I'. L rrKI0V, Practice limited to 1)1 XJ eases of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat; office, 122 Wyoming avo. Residence, W Viue street. 1 li. I. M GATES, 110 Washington Avenn. If Otlico hours, 8 toll a.m., 1.30 to 3 and 1 to 8 p.m. JOHN L. WENT,, M IV. Offices W aud.-l J Commonwealth building: residence "11 Madison avo: olMco hours, lo to 12, 2 to 1, 7 to 8; Sundays 2.80 to 4, eveuiuga at residence. A specialty made of (Ureases of the eye, ear, nose and thront and gynecology. DR. G. li. MURRAY, s laity made on du oases of eye and skm.212 Wyoming Ave. OIHce hours: Until Id a m..2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. RS. 1JR.K1NG. 32UMl.'LUERKY STREET. At GarbonuAli on Fridays of each week, Af ISS to'ORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN 1 and School, 412 Adams avenue, pupils received at all times. Kali term will open he- temher 4 DKH I ISTS. ' a LAUBACH, Surgeon Dentist, No, US , yoming nve. R. M. s'l'HATToN. office Coal Fx -Inn- LOAM. CTOP PAYING RENT. OWN YOUR Ci heme. Monev to loan on easv monthly i ayments. S. N. CALLEN'DER, Dime Bank Building HOI I I.S AND KTAUltANT. H 'HE to'ESTMINSTERi 217-210 Wyoming J. ave. Rooms heated with steam: all mod ern improvements. C M. Tin ma K. Prop. ZIEULER'S HOTEL, 827 Lackawanna ave nue, Scraukm. Rates reaaouablo. 9i Zikoi.eh, Proprietor. U' ESTiilN&TER HOTEL. W. G. SCHENCK, Manager. Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadway, at Union Square, New Y'ort American plan. S3. So per day and upward. CiOYNE HOUSE, European plan; good rooms open day aud night. Bar sup. piled with tho nest. P. H. COYNE. Proprietor. CJCRANTON HOUSE, near D L. & W. pas 5 seuger depot Conducted on the Europoan plan. VICTOR Koch. Proprietor. ( HAND CENTRAL. The largest and best ' eqinppo I hotel in Allentowu, Pa. ; rates 2 and 2.oO per day. Vic Ton D. BAnvrn. Proprietor. I) AKCHITECT& AVIS ,V HOUPT, Architects. Rooms 24, 2S and 2 Commonwealth ti IU u. hcranton. L. WA1.1EH. Architect, Library build t ing. Wyoming avenue. Scranton. L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect. Price tmlldingi 12ri Washington Ave., Scranton. Ml4 KI.I.ANKOU& M VK'I lOlllNAllY SCBGEOMS, J? STl'UGE, Veterinary Surgeon, Don 111. tistry a specialty: gold modalist of On tario Yctorlnary College. Olllco. Summer's livery, H20 Dix st.. near holler's carriage shop, Tdejjhone No. 413. LAWYKB& T M. C RANCH'S Law and Collection oT tJ . lice, No. 817 Spruce St., opKisito Forest House, Scranton, Pa,; collections a specially throughout Pennsylvania; reliablo correspond ents in overy county. "iKHSUFSis HAND, Attorneys anil Counsel- I lots at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avo. W. H. JBMOP, HoitACK E. H.tNn, W. H. Jkhsdp, Jr. IXriLLARD. WARBBN A KNAPP. Attor VV ncys and. Counselor at Law, Ropublicau building, Washington ave.. Sci anton. Pa. Patterson .v WILCOX Attorneys ami r Counsellors at Law; olllcus i and 8 library building, Uoiunton, Fa. RpfWBUi n. FATTinsioH. W li.i.i am A. Wilcox. LFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At tornevs and Counsellors, Commonwealth building. Rooms ID, 20 and 21. I HANK T. OKcLL, Attorney at Law. Room I ft. Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. MILTON W. I.OWRY, , Atfy-s 227 Wsslimg c. ll Yon STORCH, I ton av , O. H Square I AMES W. OAKPORD, Attornev at Law, I room 88, 84 nd 68, OomaonwcMth h'ly, QAMUEL W. EDO A It. Attorney at Law. II Office, .'117 Sni-ucest.. Scruntoii. Pa. T A. WATRB8, Attornoy at Law. 421 I i. Lackawanna anc.. Scranton. Pa. P P. SMITH. Coansellor at Law. Office. I . rooms 51, al, ftti Ceiuuionwealtli building C R. PITCHER, Attorney at Law, Com monwealth biiUaing. Soraiitou, P. C. COMEGYS, Ml Spruce st DB. HKPLOGLE, Attorney-Loans nego- tiatod on real estate security. 40s Spruce. BY. KILL AM, Attornev at Law, 120 Wy onilng avenue, Scranton. HAVE YOUR DEEDS AND MORTGAGES written and acknowledged by J. W. BROWNING. Attorney aud Notary Public, W Commonwealth Building. SCHOOLS The Tribune I 'CHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran ton, Pa., prennres boys and girls foroollM business- thoroughly trains young chililroa Catalogue at request. KKV. THOMAS M. CANS, Waltick H. Buell. HORTON D. SWAHTS WHOLESALE lumber, tt and Dime Bank building, Scranton, Pa. MKGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelogies, papor bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave, Scranton. Pa. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOR 1) balls, picnics, partloa, receptions, wed dings nnd ooncett work furnished. For terms adijreiw K. ,T. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., over Hnlbort's music store. rZ8A FINN SONS, buildors ahd contrac Jj tors. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Adams ave. ; corner Ash st. and Penn ave., Scranton. SEKHS. Gil. CLARK A CO., Seedsmen, Florists and Nurserymen: store 1411 Washington avenue; green house,13jJ North Main avenue; store telephone 7S2. TEAS, GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros. J WIRE M KERNS. OS. KUETTEL, 6lfl Lnckawanua avenu Scranton. Pa., inunnfr of Wire Screens. E. Robinson's Sons1 Laobr Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF ft J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthraclto coal used exclusiyoly, insuring cleanliness aud comfort. TIME TABLE IN IfnO! DEtt 21, 1891 Trnin 1,.avn s. r .. . .tt, . " I? iMr 1 ItWUOIl. W11K05- j,r4-e 7 m '91 U-f "' m - l2-..O0l f.0; 2.00, V.ltl p. nT Duuua w ror Aiiantic City, 8.10 a.m. For New York . .i t, ...... ,,.rt n r i.i 7m . uxaooin, B4J ,..Zt V ,i Si, "i"BSS Willi HUtlet parlor car), 3.30 (express) p.m. Sunday, tOO Fob Malth Chunk, Allentown, Bethi.s wn' .riST(.,''?-a,!d Philadelphia. 8.10 a.m.. 8.1F0OLmUNi?.:feC,, 0CEAN GB0V' eta- a t $' 1'obanon ."f"1 Harrisburg. via uav, H.0J p.m. Jior Pottavillo. 8.10 a. m.. 12.30 p.m. '')' i , u 1. -, - . N.' . . V .,.1 ..it 11 re?-2fOTM,BlTr, at 8.44 (express) a. in.. 1.1 n. 1 H11 in ...... 1 ' . . . v- k' .i.tu euuui parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. t.eave rniMaanmu Keacnng rermlnal, 8.49 a. m., :.ti and l.;iij p. m. Sunday, 11 'H a.m. 1 lirougn tickets to all points iit lowest rates may bo had on application in advance to the ncaei agout at tho station. H. P. BALDWIN, J- H. OLHAUSEN, ' Gon. Supt. JEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Scrantou for Philadelphia and Now York tU fi, H. R. R. at (8 a. m., uo TOnnec-tlon for New York), 1I.U), 2.38 and tLtt ta'8Jj3nE J Leave SiTanton for Pittston and Wilkos Barre via D.. L. & W. R. R., 8.08 n oy m 1.84, 3..W, 0.0,-, 0.38 p.m. ' Leave Scranton for White Haven.Hazlotoa, Pottsvillo nnd all points on tho Beaver Meadow and Pottsvillo branches, via D AH R. It. at 8 tt.m, 12.10. 2.38, 4.16 p.m.. via D L & W. R. B..8.W 1120 a.m., l..V,,Wp m. Lonve Scront.511 for Bethlehem. Enston Reading. Harrisburg and all intermediate points via D. & H. R. R 8 a.m. U.10, 2.: p m via D., L, ti W. R. R., 8.08, 11.20 a. m.. iM, 3!j0 p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock.Towanrla, Elmlra. Ithaca. Geneva and all iutermediaU poiut-i via D. & H. H. R , L28 and UM p. m.. via D- L. & W. R.R., MO a.m., LSB p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and nil point west via D. & II. R. R.. 1.2.0, 11.38 p. m , via D.. L. & W. R. R. and Pittston Junction id 60 a. m, for Buffalo only), 1.3.5 p.m., via E. & W. R. R.. 4.10 p.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca. vH D. A- II. R. R. at 0.15 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. K., 6, K50 a ni anil 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor und sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wilkos-Barre, and New ork, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. East Div. CHAS. S. LEE.Uen.Pan. Ag't, Phil., Pa. A.W. NONNEMACHER.Ass't lion. Fass.Ag't, South Bethlehem, Pa. DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD. Commencing May 2H.18i trains will run as follow: Trains leave Bridge Street Mation.Scranton,for Pitts ton, Wilkes-Barre, etc.8.110, 0.07, 9.37, 10.42 a. m. 1210. 1.34, 2.38. 4.16, 5.15, 0.15,0.15, and 11.35 p. m. For New York and Phila delphia, 8.00 a m .12.10, 1.25. 2.38, 4 10 and 11 30 p. in. Fur Honesdale (from Delaware. Lackawanna and Western depot), 7.00, 8.30. 10.10 a.m., 12 00 m.. 2.17, 5.10 p. m. For Cirlsjiidalo and Intermediate stations. C.40, 7.00, 8.30, 10.10 a.m.. 12 00 m., 217, 3. 25, 5.10, 6,10 and 0.:5 p. m. ; from Bridge Street Depot, tUI a. m.. 7.1U and 11.35 p. m. Fast express to Albany. Saratoga, tho Adi rondack Mountains, Boston aud New England points, 5.40 a. m., arriving at Albany 1244, Saratoga 220 p. in., and leaving Scranton at 3 p. 111., arriving at Albany at 8.50 p. in., Sara toga, 12.55 a. m , and Boston 7.00 a. m. Tho only direct route lietwcen tho cosl fields and Boston, "Tho Lesdtng Tourist' Route of America" to tho Adirondack Moun tain resorts. Lak-.-s Georgo and Cbnmplaiu, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware nnd Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. H. G. YOUNG. J. W. BURDICK, Second Vice President. Gen. Puss. Agt DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York and all points East, LMLUt, 6.15. 8.00 and 0.50 a. m.; 12.55 and 3.50 p. m Express tor Easton, Trenton. Philadelphia and tho South, 5.15, 8.00 und 0 50 a. in.; 12.55 and 't.50 p. m. Washington and way stations, 2.40 p. m, Tobhanna accommodation, ti.10 p. m. Express for Hingbsmtou. Cw.go. Elmira, Corning, Bath, Dansville, Mi unt Morris aud Buffalo, 12 10, 2.15 a. m. and 1.24 p. m., making close connection at Buffalo to all points m the West. Northwest and Southwest. Buffalo ROrommodatioc 8.00 a. m. Bingham ton and w ay stations, 12 p. m. NlcnolMll and way st;itions.5 45p. m. Binghaintcn and r linira Express, U.U5 p. m. Express lor Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Utica and Kitchfield Springs, 2 15 a. m. and 1.24 n. m. Ithaca. "15 and 0.00 a m. and 1.24 p. m. for N rlhumheriand, Pittston, Wilkes-Bsrra, Plymouth, BlOOinsbtVg and Danville, making 1 los - 1 1 u leotiOOS at Northumberland for Wil liamsport. Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington und tne south. Ci orthomberlara and intermediate stationi, COn. 0.50 a. m. and 1. 0 and 0.07 p, ni. Nanti'-oKo ami intermediate stations, aol and 1120 ...111. Plymouth and intermediate stations. 3 50 and 9 88 p.m. PuUmau parlor and sleeping coaches on all exjir.-ss trains. l or detailed information,pncket time tables, etc, apply to M. L. smith, city ticket office, 328 Lacliuwaniia avenue, or depot ticket office. XTEW YORK, ONTARIO AND WESTERN i Railroad. Scranton Division. Time table in effect Nov 19. 1893. Trains leavo Scranton for Carbondale: 6.5(1, 8.30. 11.05 a.m., 4.50, 6.10, p.m. For Haucock Junction and main connections 11.05 a. in. 11. Ill p.m. Trains leavo Hancock Junction for main line connection for Scranton: 0.00 a, m. 2.05 Trai'lM leave Carbondalo for Scranton 7.21 t'.45, a. m. 1.10,3 34, 6.15 p. m. J. C ANDERSON, General Passenger Agout, Now York. T. FL1TCROFT, District Passenger Agent, Scranton, E .TRIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAIL ROAD Pm(m leuve S.-rnntiin for New ork and IDs tornicdlate oints on the Erie and llnwley and local points at (LOS, 9 45 a. 111. and 2,24 p. in. Trains leaving at 0.45 a m. and 3.21 p. 111. aro through trains to aud from Houesdalo. Trains leave for Wilkes-Barroat 0.40 a. m. and 3.41 p. m. B RICK DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market. Brandt Clay Product Co. OFFICE: Biii(,'hnmton. N.Y. FACTORY: Brandt. P;v. Weak Men Cah obtain a .1 1 lU llU' lthilPKf!i iii ttn.ild 1 ul ft wuiiilf fill l'Uht IllJltlll 11 in rtv uhli-lil KH1A1M.V. OrU'kl.V nnl PKKM A NfiNTIA curi'M all formt of hitvou ileblllti. loot tc. i.ukAn.1. Ml ni IomMbV at ronhr. DhvAli-ut D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers