WANTED Py tin; Pennsylvania Dc liiocrny, :i patriot to Kai iiiico himself against Grow. APPLY In person tomorrow at the Harrisburg pow wow of the Keystone free trade claus. EKiTIT PAGES-56 ( )OLV M N 8. S('i:.NT()N, PA., TUESDAY MOltNING, JANUAEY J, 18i4. TWO CENTS A COPY. OH FULL TEXT OF WILLIS' DEMMD IDE PUBLIC Virtually Tells President Dole That He Is an Arrant Usurper. BLOODSHED FEARED MOMENTARILY Minister Willis Tells the President of the Hawaiian Provisional Govern ment That Her Debauched Majesty, Queen Lil, Was De throned by Yan kee Soldiers and That She Would Have to Be Put Back on Her Throne Again President Dole Refuses to Accede to the Impudent Demand. Willis Then Threatened to Use Force and All Hawaiian Citizens Were for a Week Under Arms and in Imminent Fear of Bloodshed A Dispatch Received by Willis Dec. 27 Called Him Down from His High Horse and British Marines Are Now Occupying Honolulu, While the Pro visional Government Still Lives. Copyright U.'l iy the United Press. VlCTOIUA, 1!. C, Jim. 8. 3HE steamer Wnrimno, wliicli ar- rived hero tonight, brings ad vices from Honolalii under tlw dure of Jan. 1. On Deo 13, last, President Dole addreaaed the following communication to Minister Willis: I nm informed that ynu arn in comnv.i r.iciiti'in with LUuokalani, ex-queen, with a view of re-establishing a monarchy in the Hawaiian ialand,and of supporting ner pre-ten-ious to tbo sovereignty. WiU you in form me if tin report li tumor if yon nre actinic In any way hostile to this gov ernment! I fnUjr appreciate the fact that any MJCli action upon your part in view of yourpfficial relations witn this govern. Went would seem impossible, but us fl;e Information lias come to me from inch sources that I am compelled to notice it, you will pardon me for pressing you for an immediate answer. To this Minister Willis replied ns follows: I have the honor to inform yon that I hnve a communication from my government whicn I desire to submit to the president n'.id ministers Of your government at any liour today which it may pfea.se you to designate. TBI INTERVIEW AND DEMAND. Foutiaff Oitice Honolulu, Dec. 10. Preseiit- l'resiilent Snntord i!. Dole, linn. S. M. Damon. Minister of Finance; Hon. J. A. King, Minitter of Interior: Hon. W. O, Smir!', Attorney General; Don. Aibert si. wu'is. Envoy Extraordinary nnd Minister Bltnlpotentlary, United StatPs of An.eric i. Mr. Willis Will Mr. Jones bo present at -tlii " Interview! President Dole Wo wish to lave him present if you liave no objection. Mr. Willis Is he a stenographer! President Dole Yes, sir. Mr. Willis No objection at all, Mr. Willis then said: Mn. PnsnntKT and QmrrumxH: The president of th l"n:ted stales hm very much regretted the delay in the Hawaiian question, but It has been unavoidable. So much of it that has occurred since my arrival has bS-n duo to cer tain conditions, precedent compli ances, which were required before I was to confer with you. The president also r.-srets, as most assuredly I do, that any secrecy should have surrounded the Interchange of views between our two governments. I may say this, however, that secrecy thus far observed, has been in the interest and for the safety of all your people. 1 need hardly promise that the presi dent's action Upon tho Hawaiian question his been tinder the dictates of honor and duty, and it is now, and has been fr'.m the beginning, absolutely free from prejudice nnd resentment and en tirely consistent with long established friendship and treaty ties which h ive so clcsly bonnd together our respective gov ernments. Tho president deemed it his duty to withdraw frurn the senate the troatyof annexation which has been signed by the secretary of stnte and agents of your gov meat und to dispntch a trusted representa tive to Hawaii to impartially Investigate the cause of your revolution nnd to ascer tain nnd report the true situation in these islands. This information was needed to better enable tho president to discharge a delicate and important duty. PBBUDBRT ci.KVEr.AND's ULTIMATUM, Upon the fncts embodied in Mr. Blount's report, the president has arrived at certain conclusions and determined upon s certain course of action, with which it becomes my dnty to acquaint you. The pro visionnl government was not established by the Hawaiian people, nor with their con sent or ariiiie!!Ciico, nor has it since existed with their consent. The queen refused to surrender her powers to the provisional government until convinced that the min ister of the United Btatet hud recognized t as tho defacfo authority and would support and defend it with the mili tary force of the United States ami that resistance would precipitate a bloody con flict with that force. She was advised and assured by her ministers nnd leaders of the movement for the overthrow of her gov ernment that if she surrender d under pro tost her case would afterwards be fnirlv Considered by tho prosidout of the United (States. The queen finally yielded to tbn armed forces of the United States then quartered in Honolulu, rulyiug on the good faith and lienor of tho president, when Informed of what had occurred, to undo the action of the minister and reinstate the authority which she claimed as tho constitutional soveroigu of the Hawaiian islands. Alter a patient examination of Mr. Blount's reports, the president in satisll. il that the movement against the queen, if not instigated, was encouraged and sup ported by the representative of this gov ernment nt Honolulu, thnt he promised lu advance to aid her enemies in an effort to overthrow the Hawaiian government and set up by force a new govern ment in its plnco nnd that he kept this promise by causing n detach ment of troops to he landed from the Bos Ion on Jan. id, 1803, and by. recognizing tho provisional government tho next day when it was too fefble to defend Itself and tbo constitutional govern ment was about to successfully maintain its authority agninst any threatening force, other than that of the United States already landed, The president has, there fore, determined that ho will not send bad: to the ncnato for its action the treaty which ho withdrew from that body for further consideration on March 0 last. In view of these conclusions, I Was in StrUC ed by tht president of the United Statis to take advantage of an early op. portnnlty to inform the queen of this de termination and of his view ns to the reap nstbllity of our government. Tho pres dent, however, felt that we, by our original Interference) h.ul incurred responsibility to the whole Hawaiian community and that it Won d n t be just to put one party at t he mercy of the other. 1 was therefore in- strne'ed at the same time to inform her thai the president expected that she would pursue n magnanimous course by granting full amnesty to all who partici pated iti thr movement against her, includ ing persons who are, or who liavo been officially or otherwise connected with the provisional government, depriving them of no right or privilege which they en joyed before the revolution of last.iaiiu ary and that all obligations crested by the provisional government In the court of administration should be assumed. In obedience to the command of the pre-ident, I bays secured the queen's agreement to tnU course, and I now da. ! liver a writing, signed by her. and duly at i tested, a copy at which I will leave with I you. Mr. Willis then solemnly demanded j that the provisional government ebdi Icateand permit thequsen to resume ner corona, President Dole replied, refusing to consider this demand. A week of terrible feus ensued, nfter the ar rival of the revenue Cutter Corwin. Minister Willis held the mensco of using fores with the provisional government and the citizens got in readiness to rush to arms, though it was generally believud the minuter was bluffi'mg. All fars were ended by the receipt of the United Prss dis patch per stoiiuer Arawa on Doc. 27. BEITISIl MARINES LANDED. The provisional government lias a force-of men underarms atid the palace strongly fortified. Minister Willis re ceived a bulky batch of dispatches. He immediately entered upon r w.il in tercourse with the queen. Homes were being searched for concealed anus. On Dec. 10 the alarm was roviv. d by ttto British minister receiving permis sion from the government to land mar ines from Hr Majesty's ship Cnam pion for tne protection of ltritish in terests. Captain Rooke stated that he expected the queen to be restored by American forces aud would laud fifty marines. FAIR BUILDINGS IN FLAMES. Graphic Story of Disastrous Fire in the White City as Told in Bulletins. Chicaoo, Jan. 8. Mnaio hall at the World's fair grounds is burning. At 11 p, in. one-third of tho roof of the manufacturers' butfdihg had fallen in and the firemen laid they could not save it from total destruction. Twenty thousand cases of exhibits are in the building. The Casino, Music ball and Peris tyle have already been destroyed. Fiyo firemen were injured during the progress of the fire, and one will die, A! midnight it is thought the $2, l00, -000 worth of exhibits in the Manufact ures' building would be saved. A conservative estimate places tho total loss thus far nt a million and a half. It is not definitely known what caused the fire, but the commonly ac- oepted theory among tbo thousands on tho grounds tonight is that it had been caused by tramps sleeping in the Ca sino. CARBON COUNTY'S TRAGEDY. Orip-Crozid Man Kills Hi) Children and Then Himself. Macob Chunk, Pa,', Jan. 8. Summit Hill, the head of the Switchback rail way in thin county, was the scene of a territde tragedy yoaterday. John F. Thomas, n well known resident of the 'own, in n fit of insanity killed his child, a little hoy 4 years of age, nnd afterward cnf his own throat. Thomas nad been sick for the past six weeks, a sufferer of the grip, Both were found dead in hod by tho horri fied mother, with the razor by which he Committed the deed still In the father's grnsp. Thomas waa 40 years of age and bore an excellent reputation. I S I : M'KINLEY AGAIN ICE GOVERNOR MM; Ul Jl WILLI IT 8TAY PETTI 11 p His Second Inauguration b Attended by Very General Jubilation. IT IS NOT A PARTISAN AFFAIR His Speech Confined to a Discussion of Ohio Interests Democrats Who Participated An Exhortation for tho People of the State to Relievo as Far as Possible the Prevailing Dis tress Some Remarks That Ap ply with Force to Congress and tho Democratic Autocrat in the White House. Columbus, o., Jan. 8. ILLIAM M'KINLEY was today a 8' oond time inaugurated gov ernor of Ohio. The day was disagreeable, but the inaugu ration services were Imposing, It has become customary for inaugurations in this state to be made nun partisan events. Prominent Democrats partial EVF.NTS IN OUR OWN STATE. F.x-Countv Commissioner Murphy .was stricken with paralysis at his 1io4b in Wiconisco on Saturday. The Bpnng Men's Democratic club, of William-port, Celebrated Jackson day by a bin ((net nt the Park hotel. The boot and shoo house of lienjamin Rakisteraw. at Ifscbantctbnrgj was closed by the sheriff on large judgments. The anesthetic administered to John Dolan, at Krie, before a proposi ti surgical operation was to have begun, killed him, The Lancaster TobaCOO Urowers' associa tion delegated three of Its members to go to Washington to protest againSt the re duction of the duty of Sumatra tobacco. A statement Of tho casoot Mrs. Fred Morris against hrr husband's parents for $20,0U0 damages fir robbing her of her husband's lovo, Inn been fil.nl nt Pittsburg. The Jackson (hi I), nt Johnnlowii, cele brated tho anniversary of tho baltlo of Now Orleans by calling upon all Demo cratic congressmen to give their uiiitmli fted support to the Wilson bill. The Wheewill murder trial which grew out of tbo GHlberton Traction Company riot, of which William F. lfnirity, of Philadelphia, is president, was postponed at Potts Villi till the next term of court. Af ter being out on a strike f or ten days aud losing $i.,ir0iti wages, the coal miners nt Arnot, Fall Brook and Morris iui went to Work, accepting a 10 pur cent, reduc tion. Jacob Lnvino and bis son Charles, woro impaled on a shin p iron fence ut Pittsburg (luring n runaway incident,. Tho father was badly cut about his body and his sou's throat was torn from ear to osr. Hev, Dr. Robert Lowrv, tho eminent hymn writer, created sensation nt Lowis Dure by advocating the breaking down of sectarian lines nnd the amalgamation of all denominations into one great universal church. The gripmea nnd conductors of the Pittsburg Traction company and tho motorm ii and conductors ot the Dmiuesno Traction company were untitled thnt their wages tTOttld bo reduced for B,$B to fcJ per day. About 'JWJ uiou aro alluded. DARING FORGERY REVEALED. Shrewd Scoundrel Raises a Draft by Adding; One Hundred. KiHTiiii folks Sfruiitun jWoaae, OaBBONDALI, Pa.. Jan. There came to light today a most daring forg ery on the First National bank of this city. Georgo D, Couch, teller of the bank, gave out the following state ment: On Nov. 20 a man called at the First Na tional bank nnd purchased a draft on their Philadelphia correspondent for 186, payable to Henry T. Donaldson. Soon af ter Jan 1 the Philadelphia bank sent to the Carbondala bank t be vouchers they had paid n their account in Decern lair, when it was di-covered that the Philadelphia hank had paid a draft for fJ.OOO to one Henry Donaldson, dated Dec. 18, and on examination it proved to bo an absolute fot gory. The schome tbo rogue had pursued was to have a facsimile engraved of tha original draft. He then clevorly imi tated Mr. Htolt's signature, filling up the blame with similar wording only adding the word "hundrod" after the amount twenty-six. He bnd obtained tho money on it while also using the good check forsf'.'S. Hoth checks bore the indorsement of Henry T. Donald son. SEVERE BLOW Af TRADES UNIONS. The Largest Hat Manufactory in Dan- bury, Conn., Removes to Newark, N. J., to Get Cheap Labor. ,; . I m ' . - 4.'' WILLIAM M'KINLEY, JR. p.ited in the exercises and the affair Was largely a social one. It was, p-r-haps, on that account that Governor M'Kuilcy refrained from taucbiug es pecially on political topics. About 5,000 men were in the proces sion. There were not, of course, any Democratic clubs in the lino, bu: the militarv nnd civic organizations and tho staffs of marshals contained many well known 1 NM) and t tiler Democrats. The par ttle moved at 1 o'clock. It was reviewed by the governor and his stall. Many leading citizens in political, so cial and business life occupied seats on the largo reviewing Stand, which wns on Iiioad street, north of the Capitol The event of apocial social importance occurred this evening in the somite chamber, where the governor in charge of the oommittee of reception, received the people. Th Arion, Liederkrau". and Maennerohor singing gooletiei sang us one, also as sepirat- -organizations Nodderruyer's orchestra and other mu sic of a high character constituted part of the programme. QOVKRlfOR M UNLET, s ADDBB8& The inauguration proper w is held at the west front of tho oapltol, S on liter io o clock the governor appeared escorted by the legislative committee, consisting of mem hers of each house, and received n cordial welcome from the large audience. Key. Archibald A. E. 'Inylor. pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian cbnrob, invoked divine blessing upon tbo occasion, after which tho governor was Hworn into office by Chief Justicu Bradbury, of the supreme court. The governor tlieu spoke. Ilia address was largely historical. Of present issnes nnd duties ho said : My fellow citliens, we cannot be indif ferent, even if we would, to current busi ness conditions nor unmindful that today many of our fellow citizens are without work because they cannot find anything to do. There are homes In tho state which, less than n year ago, were tilled with cheer and contentment that are now haunted with hunger. Our hearts go out in feeling sympathy to these unfortunate on s of our fellow citizens, and our pllions Should OpeQ to them in sweet and sub stantial charity. The present situation affords a great, opportunity to nil of us to demonstrate tho love we bear our fellow men, and if rightly im proved will cause us to realize that it is moro blessed to give than to re ceive. Those who havo, should - and 1 know will give to those who have not, and the people of our great state will per mit none of our men or women or chil dren to suffer for tho necessaries of life. God grant that this scourge of our indus trial prosperity mnv speedily pass away, iiml thai the time may not be long distant when business oonnuence simii again come to every community; when industry shall resume its former activity: and when the men now in enfoiced idleness shall have work and wages, aud the BOUtCS now in poverty shall bo blessed in plenty, Al'I'UCAltt.E, iXBtb, TO OOltQRgM, Afterdovotinir himself Instate issues. Governor McKinlcy uttered these Words, which aro applicable as well to congress and tho nation as to bis own state ; The tendency of nil governments nndall branches Ol government, executive and legislative) is for each to increase its power and magnify its importance, sometimes in doubtful regard of the laws and theooA atitntiou. W hue the power and indepen dence of the co-ordinate branches of the government should bo sacredly maintained, We should bo careful never to encroach upon the organic law, nor to trespass upon the rights of the people. The best govern ment is the one which governs the lenst. nnd which keeps safely within the letter nnd spirit, or (lie constitution, anil tinniest government always is that one which best looks niter its own, aim wim-n is m closest heart touch with tho highest aspirations ot tho people A severe test comes to ilia majority in a legislative body when that majority is phenomenally large. Mien a majority is dilllcult of control. Self-imposed restraint in tho Use Of power is hard to exercise, but when ex'Ti-i-ed Is a demou-.! ration ot comiiiaudlng virtue and the highest ex hibition of genuine statesmanship. The uossession of great power too often le.ols to great abuses. It is often less trouble to let hud legislation go through than to stop it, but that practice Will neither justify the conscience ol tile honest legis lator nor retain the ronfldenos of his con stituents Conservatism in legislation marks tho wise legislator, aud delibera tion is promotive of thu wibusteuadniuutu. Damilry, Conn., Jan. 8. The hat manufacturers have begun to move out of Daubury. Heck or i & Co., who nave the largest hat laetory m Con necticut nnd who employ 500 bands, announced today that they will remove to Newark, N. J. The first shipment of machinery was me.de today anil tho work of removal will be doue as expeditiously as possible, us the firm wants to get located in their new quar ters in time to start work on spring goods. For tho past five years the pay -roll of this firm has exceeded $100,000 an nually, and the loss to this city by its removal will be incalculable. In New ark the firm will run its factory inde pendently of trades unions, something it has fouud it impossible to do in th.s city, Not only will Danbury lose the factory, but in addition it will lose William Beckorle's immense stock farm on which there are 200 high bred horses. It is thought that this move of lieckerle's company will break tho ranks of 4,000 union batters who have for six weeks refused to go to work in the twenty factories that closed their doors against the unions, and have siuce tried unsuccssf ally to open ns Independent sh ip-. It is too late now to prevent the re moval of Heckerle's company and It is thought that the hatters before seeing tho other manufacturers leave will give up their uuUms aud acknowledge defeat. Mauv of the other mauufaot urers havo their arrangements nearly completed for removing elsewhere. Blnce they first signified their inten tion, a week ago, of moving out of Danbury they havo received hundreds of letters from all parts of tho country offering inducement! to move. DEMOCRATS ON JACKSON DAY. Members of the Party in Two Counties Have a Celebration,. V.U.U.Y FoiuiE, Jan. 8. A large number of leading Democrats from Chester and Montgomery counties met here today and celebrated Jackson duy with a banquet hold under tbo auspices of the W, U. Hen- i Democratic asso ciation, of Chester county. Among the speakers were 1 borons W. Pierce, of West. Chester; H H. Scbofield, of Paoli; W John Campbell, of Berwyn, and J, H. Forrest, of Wil- listown, DROPPED DEAD AT HIS ENGINE. Engineer at Potts' Colllerv Leaves a Widow and Nine Children. Ashland, Jan. 8 Edward Morrie- 8 an engineer nt Potts' colliery, near Ashland, dropped dead at his engine at 7 o'clock this morning. He was r." years of age. A widow and nine children survive him. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS SQUIBS. HAWAII IS THE SENATES' TOPIC Four Resolutions Regarding Our Relations to Tbat Country Introduced, EVERY ONE OF THEM LAID OVER Debate on the Wilson Tariff Bill Be gun in the House by a Long Speech Made by the Framer of the Act Con taining Nothing In Addition to What Has Already Been Said on That Side Discussion to Be Continued All the Week. Vatican authorities say Satolli will re main in this country, even if made a car dinal. The Norton, Kan., Social club has wired an offer of $00,UUU for thu Corbott-Mitchell light. Evangelist Sam Small will start n newspaper at Kuid, O. T.. to answer his critics. All Chicago gambling houses hnvo dosed by ortler of tbo new Democratic mayor. Flight of Froight Agent Frank Mattisnu from Bennington, Vt., revealed a largo de falcation. The American federation of Labor will go into politics after the fashion of English trndos unions. A 1600.000 fortune fnlls to Miss Alico Greene, formerly ot Hempstead, L. I.,froin a Scotch undo. Warned by an alleged revolution, Ida Rux, a La Porte, Ind., belle, has fasted two week" and will die. ltlowlng out the gns in n Savannah hotel, E C. McDonald, of Hamlet, N. (J., compassed his own death. (leorgo J. Gould hns given tho family's Fifth avenue residence in New York to his wife. It is worth ftM,000. For half a million dollars n, New York nnd Kuglish syudicsto bought the famous Victor mine at Cripple Creek, Col. Harlan Kichnrili, a mine ownor and politician, of Oentrevlllo, Iowa, was fatally injured while inspecting his mines. In the billiard touriinmont at Chicago Boh M fat and rlossou played the llrst game, tho former winning by n score of 000 to 204. Chicago bfOWSTI IB tho trust charge tbo Manhattan Drewlng company of Now York with cutting rates, contrary to agreement. New York's first legislative hill of 1801 was signed by Lieutenant Governor Shee hnn ou nu express, slopping a few min utes la Albany. A pauper burial was glvon Dr. Clinton Cavendish, the English scientist, nt Han Antonio, Tel., ns be bad only worthless Houth Amoricau currency on his person. Joso Coreco Do Mello, Bertha Manches ter's murderer, pleaded guilty to ttio charge of uiautdaughlor at Fall Kiver, Mu.s., aud was Boutoucud to life imprisonment. WaSBIKQTOH, Jan. 8. THE senate committee devoted nearly two hours today to the discussion of the resolution of fered last week by Mr. Hoar, calling on the treasury department for a statement of the payments made to Mr. Blount as commissioner of the Hawaiian island, and of the law or authority under which such paymsnts ware made. The resolution was finally referred to the committee on foreign relations, as the inquiry which that committee ia carrying on covers the pointsjraised by Mr. Hoar. Mr. Frye's resolution of last week declaring the sense of the senato to be in favor of strict non-intervention be tween the qneen and the provisional government was laid over until Wed nesday uezt, to give Mr. D.v.s. Minn., an opportunity to speak upon It. An other resolution was offered on tno same inbjeot and was laid over for the present. Its author was Mr. Chandler. N. H., ana its object was to get a re port from the judiciary committee as to the constitutional right of the pres ident to appoint agents or commission ers to foreign governments without the advico or consent of the senate. SO INTERVENTION NEEDED. A fourth resoluti n in relation to Hawaii was offered by Mr. Turpie, Indiana, declaring it to be unwise, in expedient, and not in accord with the character and dignity of the United States to consider further, at this time, either the treaty or project of annexa tion,, that tho provisional government, having boon recognized, should b al lowed to continue its own Hue of policy, and that foreign intervention would be regarded as an act unfriendly to the government of the United States. Ibis resolution was laid ou tb( table, and will be oalled up tomorrow, or next day as a basts ou which Mr Turpie wi'l address the senate. In the house today there was no more difficulty encountered as to a voting quorum, aud when, alter a controversy between Mr. Doutelle and tne speaker, came the vote ou ordering the previous (itiestion on the report of the commit tee ou rulos as to the tariff bill, it was carried by IS!) yeas to no nays all the Democrats (ton more than a quorum) votiug in tln affirmative, and tbo lie pnbllcsm not votiug at all. Then the order was modified so as to leave the whole of this week to gen eral debate on the tariff bill, and to let the nv minute debate run on until Monday, Jan, SO, The debate was opened at 8.10 by Mr. ilinu, West Virginia, chairman of the committee on ways aud means, but ho had not concluded bis remarks when tho beur for recess came. He will finish his speech tomorrow. Not more than fifty members attend ed the evening session of the house Speeches were made by Line Illinois; Morse, Massncbu-tts; Hell, Texas. At 10.30 the bouse adjourned. INTERESTING FARMER'S INSTITUTE Varid Programme Arranged for Friday Fesiion at Tnmpkinsvllle, Fjifi'iat to the Seraafoa fW6enei Jeumyn. Pa Jan 8 A Farmer's In stitute will bo held lit Tonmkinsvill.' on Friday and Saturday Jan. SO and Among the subjects to be discussed are: "Fruit Culture," "the l'otatoe,' "Fertilizers, ""Fonltry" nnd "Egg Pro duction," "Carp Culture," "Bee Cul ture," "Onion and Cabbago Culture' ''Noxious weeds" etc. etc. Friday afternoon Protestor J.C. Tay lor will address the tarm'Tson "Why Farmers Snould be Educated," and in the evening Professor Craves will speak on "Necessity of a Moral Educa tion. Un Friday afternoon (. lark Sis sou will KpeaK", subject, "The State of Washington;'1 in tho evening, Z. T, (hire, will lecture on "Tho World's Fair." All are euruestly invited to be prtseut. HE SHOT HIS OWN SON. Hungarian Host Who h luffid Revelers Got Worat of the Bargain. Sptetol to the Street ion Trttane, Jeumyn, Jan. 8. Saturday being Hungarian "Christmas" a celebration was held in the house of Peter Pis- lopskv near the Delawnre and Hudson breaker. The host thinking that his guests had imbibed enough, attempted to clear tho bouse, using a revolver for the purpose. In some manner it wan discharged the ball eutering tbo. body of his 10 year-old son just nbove the heart. The boy was taken to tho Emergency bos pital in Cnrbondale, mid at the present writing is still alive. ROBBED THE POOR BOXES. St. Mary's Catholic Church Entered by Conscienceless Thieves. Sprriol to tht San n I on TWeetM. Avoca, Jan. 8. Tbo meanest crimo of the season has been committed here Thieves gained an entrance to St Mary's church and robbod the poor ooxei, SICILIAN ANARCHISTS ARRESTED. A Neapolitan Society to Be Prosecuted as Aeeociate Malefactor. Rome, Jan. 8. According to dis patches received today from Sicily, af fairs are quiet in that island. General Morra Di Lavriano, the military com mander of the island, which is in a state of siege, lias issued an order for bidding the company controlling the cable connecting the island with the mainland to accept any cipher mess ages or any messages written in secret languugoa. In consequence of the disturbances tbat occurred yesterday, several an archists were arrested today. Among tho prisoners are ssverul of tbe men who were tho boldest of the rioters on May Day. 1891. Tho judiciary has de cided to prosecuto us an associate mals- ractor with the Fasci Dei Lavoratori of Sicily, the Fasoio society of Naples, a majority of tbe members of which are known to bo anarchistH. . EX-KING HIDES IN THE BUSHES. Former Mlnistir, Bound by Fetish Cere monies, His Only Retainer. PARIS, Jan. 8 General Dodds, who is conducting the campaign against ex-King Bohanzin, of Dahomey, who was deposed some timo ago by the French, has telegraphed to tbo minis try of marines that the French forces are in active pusuit of Hehanzln. lie further says tnat the ex king is forced to hide in the forest under growth and that be changes his camp every night. Cue of bis former minis ters, who is bound to the ex-king s per sons by Fetish ceremonies, ia his only retainer, lhe despatch concludes with the statement tbat the other native princes ucquiesce in Bshausin's down fall. KEYSTONE DEMOCRACY IS INERT There Is Not a Sign of Its Coming Convention Yet Visible at the Capital. HaBRIBBCBO, Pa., Jan. 8 The Pro hibition itate convention has been culled to meet at the onora house to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, but Chairman Patton's call is so gsneral tbat iome cold water people are of the opinion that the convention will be nothing mors than a mnss meeting with no power to nominate anybody for any office. Agib Uicketts, of Wilkei-Barre was the first arrival, As to the Democratic state conven tion to be held Wednesduy there is not tbe slightest sign tonight. Chairman Wright ia expected to open headquar ters at the Commonwealth tomorrow. BOURBONS HONOR JACKSON. Philadelphia's Young Democrats Enter tain Many Distinguished Guests. Philadelphia, Jan. 8 Tbo four teenth annual dinuer of tbe Young Men's Democratic association, in cele bration of ''Jackson's Day," was held tonight at St. George's hall. President William f. llarrity presided, and about 800 persons were present. The following distinguished guests were seated ut the table with President Harrity: Gov ernor Pattison, Governor Reynolds of Delaware), United States Treasurer D. N. Morgan, Aaaiatnnt Secretary of the Treasury Charles S. Hamlin, Assistaut Secretary of the Isavy William Mc- Adoo, cx-Postraaster General D m M. Dickinson. ex-Assistant Secretary of State Josbm (juincy. Attorney General House, supreme Court Justice Mc- Colliim and I'uited States District At torney H. Alvin Hall, of Pittsburg. Many interesting speeches were made. THE GOVERNOR IS DEFIED. Duval Athletic Club iu8Ue an Ultima tum About the Fight. Jacksonville, Fia, Jan, 8 The Duval Athletic club this afternoon threw out the gnugo of battle to Gov ernor Mitchell and tho state authori ties. It announced that it proposed to Icing about tbe prize fight between Corbstt and Mitchell despite the oppo sition of the governor and the opinion of Attorney General Lamar that tho light would be a violation of tho laws of Florida. The club people seem to think they have the law on their side and that Governor Mitchell is acting in a tyr annical ami extrajudicial manner, aud they say bo in plain words, - AGAINST THE RACE-TRACK LAWS. Imbortant Decision of the New Jersey Supreme Court. TRENTON, Jan. 8. lu the case brought against tho city ot Fitizaboth and tne New Jersey Jockey club to lest the s inndness of the rnc-' track laws passed in New Jersey last winter, tbe supreme court of the state decides that they are iiucouititutioual. Justices Depnn nnd Abbott concur in the opinion of Justice Llpplnoott The court holds that the laws aro special, regulating the internal affair of tho towns and counties, and also granting to corporations, associations, or individuals exolnslro privileges, Im munities, or franchises, aud nro there fore unconstitutional and void. . CHANCE TO EARN A FORTUNE. Luztrne Commissioners OffV Large Re ward for Murderers' Arrest. WnjtBS-BARRE, Jan. 8. The new board of county commissioners this afternoon offered $300 reward for the apprehension and conviction of the murderer of Contractor Jobnion, who was stabbed to death ou tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad at Hanover, Oct 0:1 last. They also offered $500 for the arrest and conviction of the murderer or Harney Rick, a merchant here who was sandbagged to death ou the even ing ot Nov. 17 last. i OREAD SCOURGE OF DIPHTHERIA. Bride of a Month Stricken Other Very Sad Cases. fhlUftll to the feinnliia IrfOSMfi Sthoi uslii uu, Jan. 8, Diphtheria has filtered the home of Andrew Albert, of the Water Gap, aud three of bis family buve died within a week. One of the victims , a young lady, was only married a short time ago to Theodore Rath, of this pine. Two others of bis family are dowu with the disease and are likely to dio. ' m i WEATHER FORECAST. FILEY'S 510 AND 512 LACKA. AVENUE. SPBCIAfc Dress Goods SALE. In order to close out balance of stock in a few broken lines the following Special Prices will hold good for this week. 7 pieces 46-111. Storm Serge in Navy, Myrtle and Black 55c, former price 85c. 5 pieces 54-in. in Navy only, 65c, former price $1.00. 4 pieces 50-in. Hop Sacking, 50c, former price $1.00. 16 pieces strictly all-wool Cheviots in Stripes and Mixtures at 29c and 47c, former price 50c. and 65c A few Choice Patterns Fine Scotch Cheviot Suits in Broken Checks and Plaids at nearly Kalf-Price. un THE EUTTA PERCH & FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS. A SCHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRI0 And Oak tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AGENT 313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Rc'illy & Davies Reliable Footwear. CLEAR " AsniNOTON. Jan. s. f orecast jin iin-.iuuu.. roi ruMcri. run ajlrnniu, nV, followed by in crrdsmi cntidiiie.u, ruiioofc win di, Feet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies. CLOSED EVENINGS. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor is Deeded you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a per fect lit. WATCHES AT COST for one week only. w m i I Ul II 141UUUJJI ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.
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