V 3 THE SCTRA!N"TOT? TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOBKHTO. JANTJATIT 10. 1S94. Stationery In great variety at prices to Suit the Times. C. B. PRATT. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT January Sale Woolen Dress Ms. In anticipation of our regular annual stock-taking we have re-marked all our Dress Goods stock so that immediate buyers may secure Uncommon Valuer in Rich Foreign Dress Goods. SHE SAW LINCOLN SHOT. But the Flay She Is Now Acting In la Not a O-m. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honksdale, Jan. 9. "How did yon njoy the ahow last night?" "Got my money's worth the first act" "Good, hey?" ''One aot was enough." Thia little dialogue describes the character of "Zb" at the opera house last night There was considerable applause and langhter, but the play was empty and poor. Kathryn II. Evans, one of the char acter!, was with the Laura Keon com pany at Ford'a theater, Washington, when Lincoln was shot, and is theonly living survivor of that company, KEEP AWAY FROM LUMBER CAMPS. They Are Already Overpopulated with Men Seeking Work. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Towanda, Pa., Jan. 9 Reports from the great lumber camps in Sullivan, Pike and Bradford counties state that there is an unprecedented rush of men about the lumber camps in search of work. They come In droves, traveling from camp to camp. The applicants include artisans and mechanics of almost every description whose regular vocations are destroyed by the hard times, and who wander through the log districts with the hope of securing work. For one vacancy there are generally three applicants, MURDERED FOR HIS MONEY. Washington Waterman, of Nicholson, Killed While Carrying Much Cash. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, Jan. 9. Washington Waterman, of Nicholson, who, whn Inst seen alive, was drunk here last night, wa killed at 11 o'clock. When found $100 of his money was gone. The post mortem examination determ ined that he had been killed by a downward blow with a blunt instru ment, cutting through the skull at the temple, , The inquest adjourned to meet on Wednesdity. There is no clue to the murderer's identify. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., waB told by her doctors she had Con sumption and tbat there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Dis covery completely curod her and nhe save it saved her life. Mr. Thus. Eggere, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything elite then bought one bottle of Dr. king's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results f which pose are examples, that prove tbo wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and iColds. Free trial bottles at Matthews Bros,, Drug store. Regular size Itic. audt. THE NEWS OF I NE I TOutor town eorrnsponflentfl of Tun TntB -L'nk should siitn tbiir names In full SO oaoh uew letter, not for yublieatlou uut to guard L'uiust deception.! REVIVAL WORK PROGRESSES. Rev. Mr. Olllam Delivers Another Pow erful Dieooarse In Dunrnore. Special fo the SOTanton 'Jribunc. DtTmiOBB, Pa., Jan. 9. Unabated interest still centers iu tho Gillam meetings at the Presbyterian church. There was a large attendance tonight. The meeting was op ned by Rev. Mr. Hiorns, of Scranton, who lead in prayer. Mr. Bronson then s ing effect ually, and Mr. Gillam t. .k for his sub ject, "What, Then, Shall 1 Do with Jesus?" He believed that three-quarters of the people present were doing witiiout Jesus. He can understand how a hardened sinner can reject Jesus; but he Could not understand how Christian people could hear the goBpel night after night and ..till reject Him. If the business man neglects his business it goes to ruin, and why should this not be the same in our daily life, as we negleet the salvation of our souls? "I believe," said Rev, Mr. Gillam, "that this sin of neglect is the greatest sin there is. What will you say when you appear before God and he asks you 'wbatou have personally done with my son?' Turn from this terrible sin of neglect. I believe that all other sins art wrapped up in this oue sin, neglect, All other sins nre the outcoraa of this one. Do you want a simple trust in the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you want Iliw for your personal Saviour? If you do act on the belief which prompts you tonight and place your trust in Hun." Tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon prayer meetings will be held iu the dif ferent sections of the town anil services will be he'd tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, tomorrow afternoon at 3 30 and this evening at 7.30. The even ing's sermon will be on the subject of "Skepticism." Seats have been re served for all gentlemen who come alone and tickets can be secured from any of the ushers or those who attended tonight. MOTHER DEAD, FATHER ILL. And the Children, One a Cripple, Had No Food. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tayloh. Jan. 9 A pitiable osse of destitution is that in the family of John Proctor, on Ridge street. Monday morning Mrs. Proctor died and the son, who was in bed, in a hurry to see his mother before death, fell while descend log the stuira and broke his leg, The husband also lies on his bed with sick ness, and an infant child, one week old, and five other children, have been with out food. Several charitably inclined ladies to ' day solicited donations of clothing ami food. Other donations may be sent to the house. The c is is a d -serving one. WEEK OF PRAYER OBSERVED. The Carbondale Churches Decide to Have Separate Obsnrvancee. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Carbondale, Jan. 9. This being the week of prayer there will be prayer meetings held every night during the week at the different churches. Here tofore the week of prayer was observed as uniou services but on account of the recent revival services Id this city it was decided that each church conduct its own services. This evening's meeting in the Presby terian chapel was in charge of the Christian Endeavor society of that church, THE CAR JUMPED THE TRACK. Lively Time Experienced by Spectators on DundnfT Street. Special t the Scranton Tribune. Carbo.ndali:, Jan. 9. This afternoon a car coming down the incline from the Ontario and Western Railroad com piny's trestling to the freight depot on Dundaff street, got away, jumped the track and plunged over the stone wall into the street The car came from Sprinfield, Mass., and whs loaded with household furni ture belonging to William C. Clifford? who is changing his residence from that place to Carbondale. Fortunately, no one was nurt. The cur was wrecked. TO WORK ON RESTRICTED TIME. Erie and Delaware and Hudson Mines are Practically Inac'lve. Sp$eiol to the Scranton Tribune. Carbondale, Jan. 9 Orders have been received to put the mines of tbe Krie company on four three-quarter days per week or half time. The collieries of the Delaware and Hudson are working but a trifle hotter and the outlook at present is not of the brightest. FUGITIVE TRAMPS RETURN. Thirteen Wayfareri Utilize a Sandbank for Sleeping Apartment. Sjtecial to the Sera it on Tribune. Taylor, Ph., Jan. 9 Thirteen of Taylor's fugitive tramps returned un expectedly yesterday. They passed the night in a lnue hole dug in the sand bank near Glendale breaker. As soon us the ordinances aro adopt -od every tramp will be arrested and pat to work upon the roads. SOLD OUT BY THE SHERIFF. The Btock of the People's Cash Store la Disposed Of. F)ecal In the Scranton Tribune. Carbondale, Jan. 9, This morning the siock of goods in the People's Cash store on South Main street was dis posed of at sheriff's sale. The sale re alized about $171 50. Tho greater portion of the stock was purchased by R. P. Patterson & Sons. , the execution creditors. CATHOLIC LADIES TO DINE. An Enjoyable Annual Futivity to Oceur Friday Evening. , Special to Hi Scranton Tribuni. Carbondale, Jan. 9. On Friday evening occurs the annual banquet of the Ladies' Catholie Benevolent asso ciation in the W. W. Watt building. Miss Maggie Thomas will be toast-master. When Baby wai lick, wo gave her Custorta. When Hbu was a Child, she cried for Castorta. When she became Miss, she clung to Cantoris. Whuu bIw bad Children,, she gavethew Custorle, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE FIND THE SON GUILTY. Coroner's Jury Believes That Lawrence McDonald Killed Thomas. Special to the Scranton Tribune. HOHHDALB, Jan. 9 The coroner'e jury acting in the McDonald murder case met at noon today aud rendered th'dr verdict iu accordance with the evidence found To their belief Thomas M.-l i.,,,l I met In. ilnntli from injuries inflicted by the hands of Lawrsuc Mo Donald. '.-quire Snow, of Prompton, came to Houesdale on tho ','.40 train and placed in the hands of 'Squire Barnes the findings of the jury and other papers, 's, i oi i I : i ni'-.-i Mno I a warrant and miii: o-ia for witnessui and tixol the time lor tho hearing. DIVIDED INTO HEALTH DISTRICTS. Dunmore Borough Districted, aud Re quisite Health Officer Appointed. Special to the Scranlon Tribune. T1rtiirnH Pn. Jan. i) In uursuanco of the act of legislature which requires that boroughs bo divided into tieeuu districts with an offi.-er nresiding over mh tan nonucul has divide 1 the town into fivo districts, and have appointed the following citizens as oincer, wao will serve from one to five years: l)r Chamberlain, five VMM: Bernard Sweeney, threo years; T. E Boland, four years; Thorn is Seanlan, two years ; John R Jones, one year. THE CHECKS ARE BOGUS. Horse Buyer Who Pavn with Tapar That Is Worthleos. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Stroudsbuko, Pa., Jan. 9 Bsnks of this city and Bangor are interested in the whereabouts of one M. Steinbach, who has issued bogus chocks on them. Steinbuch's plan is to pretend to buy horses, in payment for which be issues worthless paper. W. D. Weaver, of Andreas, Schuyl kill county, claims Steinbach buueood him out of $108 in this mauner. FOREST CITY. Rev. Daniel Daniels, of Olyphant, who is 78 years old, preached two ex cellent sermons in the Welsh Congre gational church on Delaware street Sunday. Mr. Daniels was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mixey. John W. Aitken, of Carbondale, was iu town Saturday eveuing. Samuel Jane Jennings was calling on some of his fair friends in Jerrayn Sat urday. Sam intends making regular visits hereafttr. An infant ohild of George Curtis' died Sunday of inflimation of the lungs. The funeral took place yester day, and interment was made in Cllu ton cemetery. John Matey has had a neat little safe, which will weigh about 800 pounds, placed in his store. Harrv Williams, stenogragher in the Erie office at Carbondalo, an 1 Russell Shepherd, Erie station agent at Forest City, enjoyad a few hours of excellent skating on Leek's pond, Saturday even ing. George S. Ejmay started Monday for Lynn, Masa, whore he will remain for a mouth or two to take a course on electrical armature winding in the shops of theGtjneral Electric company. The Ladies" Aid society of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet at the home of Mrs. R. H. Duun this afternoon. Attorney L. P. Wademan was in Montrose on legal business Monday. John Roberts, of Uniondule, waa a Forest City visitor Monday. Miss Lena Bennett is spending a few days with her parents in South Gib son. Miss Pearl We-dgate, who is an as sistant in tho Uniondale poitoftVe, spent Sunday witli relatives in this place, John E Hughes, assistant foreman at No, 'i shaft, is once more able to attend to his duties after having en tainrd the grip for a few days. Henry O'Neill has found no buyer for tho dog and will rent him at a rea sonable price to hunting parties. Bert W. Blnkeslee has returned to his school duties at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Dennis Sweeney has resumed his work after a mouth's illness. William Jones spent Sunday with his parents in this borough. Miss Cecilia Lanning, one of our school teachers, spent Saturday aud Suuday ut her home in Snsquohu'hna. Lon Davis has started a watch mak ing and repair shop in M. Heudler's store. Charles D. Burdick spent Sunday in this place with his parents and friends. An auction sale of a $5,000 stock of goods will bo sold at your own price by Walter Park, proprietor of the fair, commencing tonight m William Mix ey's building, jopposite the McLaughlin hotel. Dr. D. Dwyer, of this place, ipont Sunday evening in Carbondalo. Frank Cunningham, sr., was the re cipient of a fine rocking chair from friends in the far west, George McCloskey, of Hoytvillo, Tioga county, is visiting his brother, Frank McCioikey, in this plaoe. The following is a list of advertised letters remaining in the Forest City poetoffiee for month ended Deo. 31, 1893: ' Andrew Bjda, Miss Edith Brooks, Jaknb Chances, H C. Carpen ter, Julian Dophiewicz, E I Dickinson, John Hosij. Jim Hand, Mike Hobing, H. F. Holden, R. Jones 2, Martin Kubits, Adam Lukiewicz, Tadeus Lobes, Simon Labis, Pelagja Marcyksha, Panful Pancerajj, Ignaoemu Wov MkkiffflO, The Rocrot art of boauty lies not in cos metics, but is only in pure blood, and a healthy performance of the vital functions to be obtained by using Hurduck blood bitters. DUNMORE. Spseial meetings are being held at tho Methodist church this week and are being largely attended. Mr, Bronson's excellent singing is one of the features of the Gillam meet ings. Taylor and Walsh are the two coun cilman whose terms will expire this year. It is rumored that both are pos sible candidates for re-election. John Wardell is slowly recovering from a bad attack of la grippe. Mrs, Ruel Doxter is co nvalescing. The inadequacy of the borough water power was shown at last Sunday morn ing's fire whnn it was impossible to throw a stream to the roof of a me dium sized tenement. Mnmo Leonard spent Sunday at 1 1 awley. John Johnson bus been very ill for the past few weeks. Mrs. O, linlau is also on the sick list, Tho annual meeting of the fire de pnrtment will occur at the Independent Hose company's house on the Ut inst. The nominations for the annual elec tion which is to be made next month will bo made. Council has been peti tioned to erect two more street lights ono at the corner of Spring and Green and the other on Ddawurn street. The Independent Hose company sent in a petition lor now hoso, us the hose now in use is old aud rotten aud cannot be relied upon. TAYLOK. Joseph Davis, not Joseph Taylor, is a candidate for tax collector in Taylor borough. A week of prayer is being observed nt the Welsh Congregational church. Thomas M. Ilowells. of Rendhsm, died Suturday evening after four months' sickness, of consumption. He leaves a wife uud the following chil dren to mourn his loss: Mrs. W. M Evans, Ella, Driscilla, Mary, Alvin and Harry. Tho funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Evan Davis, son of Edward D.tvis, a driver, was hurt by a mule iu the Greenwood mines yesterday. Frank Toole and Howell J. Brooks nre aspirants for tax collector on the R-publioan tioket in Lackawanna township, Tho Price library meets tomorrow night. All lady members are requested to be present. CAKBONDALE. This evening William H Davis Dost, Grand Army of the Republic, will meet to install their newly-elected officers. Miss Grace Remson, of Honesdale, is the guest of her sister, Mrs Fowler, of Garfield avenue. This afternoon at 3 o'clock will oocur a meeting of the Home Missionary so ciety of the Presbyterian church, at tho psrsonago. Edward Williams, of Olyphant, cailed on friends in this city yesterday. Dyapf psia and Indigestion In their worst forms nr cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated aud run down, or if you need a tonic to regain tb-sh and lost appetite, strength mid vigor, tnki- K P. P., and you will be strong and licalt liv. 1- or shuttered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Polte Root mid Potassium) is the king of nil niediciues. P. P. 1. is the greatest blood purifier iu the world. For sale by 11 druggists. HONESDALE. W. J. Donovan and wi fe loft for New York citv yesterday, from which place they will go to their home iu the north ern part of tbe state. Fred W. Kreitner nnd Ridgeway & Banman, contractors, each have the contract for erecting a two-story frame cottage on Thirteenth street. The work of excavation was begun by both purtieB yesterday morning. The finale of Professor Heft's danc ing class will be held at their hall J m 25 Hood's Praises Itself Kidney Troubles - Bright's Disease Cured Now Able to H or!; and Sound as a Dollar. Sir. John Sexton Ol Seottdale. Pa. " I do think Hood's Harsaparllla is ' worth Its wolghtin gold.' For four years I suffered misery wiih tr-rrlMo pains in my hack and trouble with my kidneys. Tho doctors thought 1 had Hrlght's disease. Many a timu I he! to give mi work, nnd continually crew worse, and when I sat or stooped down 1 had to be helped up. At last had lo give up and go to bed and remain six long weeks. It was then I hepm to take Hood's Bariaparllla, andl soon found Uut It was help, in., me although I had been told nothing would help mo and thought I Would Have to Die. But I continued to Improvo till I am now in per fect health and havo as good a back as auy man In town. Today I can do a good day's work, and U uly feel that Hood's Harsuparllla was a Uod-suud to me. 1 am as sound as the best Uoi- Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures lar that was ever made, and I want this state ment put Into print so that everybody can soe what good it did me. Every word of the above can bo proved by a scorn of people here who know how I suffered aud huw I have been cured. I took but six bottles. I think no ona can praise Hood's Harsgpsrllla as much as It will praise Itself." Jon Haxton, Scottdale, Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner Puis, Melst digestion, cure headache. Try a box. Dr. EX Grewer The Philadelphia Fnecialist. bis MHooclate l ttntt of Enllhli and Oer I uyB!clan.aro now oermanuntly located And man Temple Court Building .11 1 BPRTJOR ST.. SCRANTON Whero tliuy may bo consulted DAILY AND SUNDAY, The Doctor Is a graduate or tho Univorsity ci Psnnaylvania, formerly domonstrator of physiolotfv and eurgerv at the Medlco-Chlr-nrgloal College, of Philadelphia. Ho in also an honorary n ember of tho Mcdico-C'hirur-peal Association, and was physician and urgenn-ln-chiuf of Iho moet noted American nnd (ii-rman hospitals, comos highly Indorsed by tho leading professors of Philadelphia nnd New York. His many years of hosnital experienos on ebles this eminent phyeiuiau nnd surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat all deformities and diseases with tho moBt flattering succoes, and his I i. h standing In the etntn will not all w him to accept any incurable case LOST MANHOOD i:i -mi; I n WEAKNK.HS OF YOUNG HEN CUIIKD. It you havo noon given up oy your physi cian cnll upon the doctor and bo examined. Ho cures the worst caeosof Nervous Debllityi Scrofula, Did Soros. ( atarrh, l'llos, Founts Weakness. Affections of tno Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat .Asthma, Dealuoss. Tumors, Can cers and Cnt'iiles of every description. Con sultation in English and Ocrmiin Free, which shall be coneidorud sacrod and strictly confi dential. Iltttue Hours: O A. RL to O I'. M. Dally. Sunday, 0 a.m. to 2 p.m. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. MTSCOIKLICO. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in this country who have splendid ability, but Ihey have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Easiness and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, conic to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COUB8H. BUSINESS COURSE. SHORTHAND COUHSE. p g NEW YEAH OPENS JANUARY 1. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Dec. lit, 1808, railed for by the Comptroller of the Cui-runcy. UE80UBCK8, I.nnns 81, 304,4 7340 Overdraft! 740.33 l ulled States llonds 200,000.00 Other Deiule 448,1'.'; 15 llaiibtni; House 128,074.46 Premlumi on li. s. Honda.... 17,443.75 I. in- 1 1 in IS. s. Treasurer 10,000 00 Hue Iroui lluuku 321,130 00 Cueh 173.000.08 8,463,008.00 MATHLITIES. Capital 8800,00000 Nnrplna M40.ooo oo Undivided I'roflte AO, 93ft. 89 Irculatli 188,000.00 Dividend I npiild 1,888 AO Deposit. ' 1,798,908.80 DuutoUauke 88,814,07 82,403,008.60 WILX1AM CONWKIX, President. UEO. H.CATI.IN, Vlre-l'reKldcnt. WILLIAM II. I'll K, Caehier. DIRECTORS. William Connoll, Oenrge n. ratlin, Alfred llnnd, i . nr Itelln, r., dunire V,, hi. ill, I, Milium T. Smith, Luther Keller. Thin bank offers to 1cpnnltnri every facility warranted by their bulnuvea, uust in y. end reepunilbllity. Special hi ( i i.i Inn nireri to bUKinesH ac counts. Interest iuid on time deposits. 'YY'E liave completed our inventory and naturally have found some odd lots of LACE CURTAINS, CHENILLE PORTIERES and TABLE COVERS which we will close out at actual cost. They Must Be Sold In our Carpet Department you will find bargains in Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, and in the finer grades, such as Moquette, Velvet and Axminster. Dropped Patterns, Remnants and Old Pieces will be sold regardless of cost. Ill IRQ Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs, nUUd $2.50; reduced from $3.50. STORE CLOSES 6 P. E THE TRADERS National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1890. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000, BAUl'Kt, HINESJPrealdtnti V. V WATSON, Vice President A 1. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DTB80TOM S.4MPSI. HllrW, JAMKS M F.VEnHART, luviNo A. FiNcn. PiehceH. TIKIMt, Joseph J. Jekmyn, M. s. Kemehek., CUAts, P. Matthews, John T. I'uiitkh W. W. WATSON. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites tho patronags ot busluoss inun and firms generally. DKITKR HnOE CO., tvfp. Capital, $ 1 ,800.000. BK8T 81.60 SHOE IN THE WOKLB. "A dollar tarrd it a dollar earned. Thlt Ladle' Solid French Dougoln Kldltnl tou Boot delivered free anywhere In the U.S., on 1Q ryctllltl on nun, M"i"--j' vmu.-i, or Pom. 1 1 Mile tor fi " Kqiinla every way tho booU old in nil roliill iloree lor 82.50. Wo nrnko this boot ouraolves, therefore we guar antee the .hi, tiyie ana ernr. unil It any one i not .nii.nru wo will refund tho money irieudnnouicrrnlr. (lper Too or Common Bean width C, II, 1S.& K1C, m 1 lo li end nan zeei Stntlyourtiie; will fit you. Illudrnleu Cnln logue FREE Dexter Shoe SISS Special time to Venter: jr-.rw r ii 8i a ltam A DESIRABLE STOCK OF Dry Hemlock NOW ON STICKS AT WHOLESALE LUMBER? TO THE) TRADE) ONLY THE Rl GHAflDS LUMBER CO. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building, TSS0 Scranton, Pa. "VTrHILE many manufacturers ami dealon are making extravagant state ' menta concerning the merits and durability of medium or low gradj pianos, intending purchasers should not fail to examine the famom STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application. E.C.Riclcer&Co. 123 Adams Ave. Had more OFFICE CHAIRS than he wanted did not sell as many for holiday trade as anticipated. We have re lieved him of some at a very low price. You can judge if you care to relieve us by looking in our window or coming into the store; our price on them is much lower than regular cost. Remnants of Carpets and Odd Pairs Lace Curtains are moving lively. Have you had your pick?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers