.4* Ail•Wk cW.'0:4 1,1 ?" 0- * V-0 ,-.4„ . „, ~,_ 14- .....r-,.,•0•. , - 1 .t.i,E, , j' , 14 ,- i:g 0. ;-,..: ':",,, ",,,I .:., T o/ . ...,,, I..;;lvilp, *RI Mia r SIPOPIA,§4 , 4I4.§ 6 , I ‘:: t y 4. FORNEYI QRNIA PRESS Will be 44404 Abe 0 ti e tei 4lt it ' ll • A?. 417 OURBVitIT STREIir, Acl:feePlieli*e7:o4is ' TDiapplar3p;DahUt9lßseeelytgr _, cArthrOattiA;oo.63uxiox , ' , l „, And i.l.64l:l;iiceii4eXiiiiehittii who-has trens , Prod le BtabV; Atleetti PAIN Mace the depart - tweet thi All eityeitirlineetlitate4eilArlhe - " , : e Mast hiflctiiidid Lin otelock TIMR MORN , Prieh .t4.4401.4t10r btlitikel'Etel.÷ 4 tne , .oa l Cutta: Indtotiakiht;.,Viatfriatti iv,SebsOppot ver,S.DTii.;'l3 pitiii4ol2li o M,irßobber the 111.0 . 5,oegiitrtItegedy ,;;4!) - #4 ,4 ,tie Ptttelgtt Nowes_Compliniee,t44 STeoticit OltyPolice ; Genentl Xeic44lPiitityth PAG_F,L . -Iteminieeencea Cli'OeTl. WORTH Agri cultural. • -- • • - lIN,NAToR. DoIM.LAS 41E1***,i 1 4 The Intrepid author of tho Kaisas-Neinal*P . 'aeOlf , by the talographil position uneAsn,lo4 o ,liiggial l t . the - Calhoun .40iiiiiiinki4nX,; { 4 1 ( 7 ,ttudge, Daiiiiesi3, ',afraid ,being` sdrivenoyer twthe Or is *is' Washington iUnicn}. onireagir ! ' titkvoteo in )oOn greasy/ , ; Talk'NiailltiPtG,TOAX7l l 9l l ,4 4 14 ' - lIAGEA riNL THE !RAT, dayse - ptietl in the lirashiagia* lent' dictatorial ertlcres .oti the altibjecet4-1- 1 4 tiel7, beVe read them with the Surprise ;, p uduationa ' must excite Wheliptabliiite4 in a:Journal claiming to be lbsmoprittic - and,jpritited at the; capital of the' - Faiderid. Governetent: ma ,.44:40ein04 it unnecessary to notice these Other' jonenals - have not be en Bo.cltaritaple,lfowdver;`' : White the - Repaibll. cans were;, copying ; ,g g_,Over _ est! prodirctielitt, - Sueli- , Democratict papers rid,the. '.tae;Cinchinittli_Engstirdr lave; indignantir,deeltire4 ::thet. the- DemP 'ertianf,;!,,perty: Min , :taqtaer r rbejlie ..responsi= Me' Tor" - d o ct r in e s , which, 'ime, 'alibi.' it*. 're= , - Suit --of • disease& imagination Cr Mercenary itipeCiatiott,' 'an talhichi " - undetticid, , ,l would "' utterly, destroy- - a?ur carganizadart .; ' Bttt . the Union, es if not eatisfied with, at ns ng. to commit the Democratic party to the doctrine of ; intredetcing.atavery info all ibefiee'States; and of, holding oft there dmMince of Stateytw,sti ruStherileirit WithVdenouncing all who sup-, Poverrier WArdsits, `and - jedgelDbricmta . in their. opposition to the Kansas Calbotin ventiori; as: the ottlio, free Boilers; anxious fora conflict with' , , , , , accordingly , in Its Yesteiday's nrenber; it drops the 'general, and becomes., personal and par- - denier.' , If we speak • plainly of this nnpro4 . -yoked '-and ,insolent attack,` Wo - ,, trust ' fitti readers will -hear .With us,. inasmuch as We hevelitit halted to'l4o,tiee the other assailants titer have-been bark ng-at } onr;liceld have deemed it to be our. duty, in ebedieneete the nubile - sentiment, and to - obligaticiturttliich :cannot be overlooked"orchet . egarded to tuivicf, mite - the great- prineiPle.tisettbe 'alltarraWmes.Yarr; fir, }WRAC, ', - ,Ttep 4 manlier i n which We have diSensited this prin.' 410 doeS not please ;the .7i'fashingleti. tintori. - We did not expect it Contenting our.: selves with facts and eigninents;erraignieg no man-for his sentiments,, and keening, in the plain path of * the record,, 'the; Union adsemes, the'respunsibility of taking na to task.. The retuier. - Will; ea 'that, for doing 'MS more than . otar Islam duly , , in 'au earnest and 'sincere Menne'', IMlshould belndicted bythis , newspaper as it ' -gat* ef,MlvoCating chical doetrinesl, - The following are fair spediriens or its "IleTtl2 l e,eoe l ," Min WILL OE TOE' Alm - on/Tr. is under this - Morro that the opponents of the " Administra-- tion proposrterally O foraedis little-arr a y Lgakrzb.aq-a prompt errf9lemaoy r theiiVoihkat. purseMee of the notion of- the late al Convention hohlat...liqcomptee, - ,:r . „ B ,rlPt the, wordi as wa/fitid tlwini:onobintonekize XPIT.4I,II' ;AO ,tlio,..lianner of defiant, impoiltion thrown' out in a.late-issuti'efi the ,Philadelphia- IPr4l,•' Cowmen . eonseni,„that joiireerhas 'wen the' die wfleadership in thcp onslaught alien the' =later-Kansas Convention, ..- It: has- not been wen : tent:4o dissent' from:the:wisdern of the polioy, of submitting _only the;blaVery question for pope- --, tar 'Judgment,- tttit' has piled up Ito vocabu-- tau of , dentmoiatory-. terms .upon the Convention itself, and Madly hoisteditaeolors enderthe,deter mination to sink or sWimin Upholding the doctrine -of "the will of the majority," The editor - is sallxed • in his 'purpose that he , Wildly declares ; that , ho would adhere to- his position.of. opposition_ to'the Kansas Convention "if he had• not been sustained -,by a single journal in the Union, or if. every ititb scriber touThe Press haletiloken his name,from , the DSO?" Stich moral:enrage - and polities' bravery „ are worthy of all commendation, but we. will Ven ture to suggest that the waged _may prove that a little- rho ds cunt, of discretion mingled with bravery is oftenlonnal of essential value. '` ; - The ample opportunities fur observatiOn enjoyed , the editor of ThsPiess Might have taught -him that 'quite as much mischief has been done in the - world by the 'perversion and tnisapplication of correct doctrines aeby the adoption and Support of inacirrect ones. 'We have one or two illustrations so directly in point; and with which the editor of - The 'Press '"is so familiar, that we aro surprised they -did' not - Went to' 'his mind. These illustra tions - are furnished by the history-of 'the Kansas : agitation, and are , therefore, peenliarly,apprepri= ' ate at this juncture. - It so hap nag too; that they • are iiinatratiens. of fthelnieohief of pervert:hi and misapplyirtthe Miry *doctrine In , re ard to !! the - will of the majority r on. which The Press', now justifies jet opposition to the Administration, It will be remembered that, after the passage of „the - Kansas bill by Congress, the first great hues , AMA' agitation that twos* was, as to the legality. :And validity of the legislative. body elected to make laws foiltaiwas. The.Blaek Republican ;Madera -insilted. ,and . adduced, proof tending to ~ Moir, that the Kansas Legislature was not a legl- - timato and valid" way, beoliuso rte members did not ropreent the will of the - majority' of the , people of the Territory. They clamored loudly against the fraud and violence' by which they al leged- the will of the majority-had been defeated. The, answer to all this was, that the doctrine that ", the will Of the majority" should prevail was 'sound; but that' what is the will 'of the majority can only be known by legal moans.. That Kan ens Legislature" bad been • elected in pursuance - • of- the lan' of Congress, and its members had -.-been commissioned wordin to that law. ,They toast, therefore, be presume d-to t be a legal body, and to reflect the/cc:a/will of,the Majority. ? , -Again: At, a, subsequent period the oppo nents, , ee , the legality or ttie - MtrisaitLegislature met in Convention At lopeki, end organized what they 44ainied to be kSiate Government,' end soughtlo induce Congress to admit Kansas as a State tinder `that organization. Their, olibe to admission was -rested on the assertion that they constituted the majority of this Territory, and that their Topeka 'Constitution wee the work of ! the will of the ma jority.'- They adduced evidence tending to show that therconstitated the majority, and insisted on the great principle that the wilt of the-majority should prevail, and- that therefore their Constitu tion ought to be. accepted by Congress. The an slier to this demand did not dispute the soundness Of the principle, but it took the ground that The •Topeka organization was enafitheritelL- illegal, - And therefore eould'not be recognised al the re "presentative of the legal will of the majority.- , Tho best answer td this miserable apology for whit is 'neither more 'nor "lees:Shan a great moral fraud, is the following article from this • same Washington`- Union, 'of the 7th of July last—after the delegates to the ConstitUtional - Convention had been elected . _ " - Whenthere is no serious dispute upon the , Constitution, either in - the Coniention or. among the people, the power of the delegates alone may ' put it in operation. But such' is not, the rase 'rho' meet violent' straggle this country ever saw, upon the most important inane whit - the Constitution is to determine, has boon going on, - there for several years, between parties so evenly balanced that both elainithe majority, and to hos tile to ono another that numerous lives have been lost in the contest. Under diode eireunistatiees , there, can Le no suele thing as fiScertaining , clearly, , and, without doubt, the will of the peo'ple in any way except Ly their oion direct express ion of it at - the polls. A Constitution` not subjected to that - no m ot or , what it contains, will never Le acheotoledgeit by its 'opponents to Le anything but a fraud. PA plausible color mightbe given to this asser tion by the argument that the mama of the Con ,vention qould have no motive for refuting to sub mit their work ' to their comniteents,extuipt a con sciousness that, the majority would 'condemn it: Ire confess That boo should find: some difficulty 'lidanswering this. ,- -What other motive eduld they, -havel ;We- do meet devotitly. holier° that, unless • the constitution of Kansas be, submitted to a di reel: veto pf the people; the unhappy_ „controversy, whiehteschercitofore raged in ' that Territory „will ,bpprolonge,opoed,for an ,Indefinite time to cemp,". - It yiltht believed that this nunCia thin; in icri l .Wb#,,or all attempts to -efittat the Majority, of tie pedpin Of Kansas out:of their • , . • .rights, • apPpared in the 'Washington Union, _which now eefe eondetnn lie for re. Rotating the very infamy feared might take • place I j01,41. 1 .01 1 :0 1 , 4' Will, Perceive, no a Bating clitusain the Julyarticle, of the Union. The Union declares, - ,thatrOonstitution- not submitted to the people, e NO MATTER , MOAT ' IT OONTAINs, will never be acknowledged by its opponents to BE ANTTHING BUT FRAUD 1" The -very result which the Union anticipated , bating taken place, all who &Miele* Jnistitit, tichi thus fabricated, in deflon4Of 4 44 +s l li of thnizajarity," "to be itlfaitr**4obdric else; using the Union's own language, are to he ,:excOmmunicated We can scarcely account for the folly and arrogance ofthe Union in provoking.% contest -with "Tun;.itt% BB '' €93/ tats, only to expose ite6Wifigedr c uCe,amd"to' publish its `Olvti iliiin—er:rdattifireoltillutt of ealawinTupojk,„ us for demanding tha9be will of ; the paiijority,l in ; shill 'prevail; we` turn -back =a fciw , ,weeks over its own pages' And find that it rent • ail Tar as Tits PIIEBB in the same, direction, the last -in'lransas had happened !„ " ' It is an ix Mindy , fortunatething that Mr. , . -Buouoiritt notTacognised the Waishington Kilian' Tot his organ. A, jonrilat,capable, of 1 ajtph oi;„ act:cif le lo ,se as thfs,- would drag , doWn any man who allows it to 'speak for, him,„ ide'epor "ilan.plummet ever sounded." , „ • The',coUrsis' the Washington_ Union, for bone Weeks, past, has been: canntented:upoe y ether ether DemocratiO paper's with signal severi ty, , Those' fdarlesal and' influential journals," the &trek •PI:88: preis end thS Chicago Times; have literally- flayed it alive—the ono. holding it r upto thp laughter, of the country for its rich enloas itttents dragoon the Democrats into the suppOrt of the Calhoun:Convention' (de isouribecilti• advance by -the !) and the biller 'Of its mad folly in .rating all who will tlte allies Of " free-soiliSm:" The , , , para . graph 'sidijoined,: will show how' the Union stands with ' the Democracy of the great Nort - the Iletrid, tree Prers4 •.- , What meekeryfirthie ?. -The Oenven.:. tionltaikriabmit..the Constitution to - the.peliple 'because .'the ,Convention - knew, the' people would Vote It Amin Be says' the Washington' Union.. Whit is' this bid an Muer denial, otthe ileht of the people ,:geognteed by the Cinetnnati Demo , - 4rahe' material' COnventien/4 setting the' Convention over and aboyethe people? Who befemheard 'of the action of a majority Oallidt" faetious?"4 , -11.thepeople of ,lionsas want the 'FoOlcaTotilltibilion, in - the name of Aled,ore, they '.-not eititled' provided they act, through the legally," on&fairly amnestied wild of iimajority of this„,actual residents V , Tf the Washington Vision is pane, we submit ' 4tAiat thin le a 'deliberate attempt to bring the:great ento i ratio - doetiiru , of, Popular Soveretrzty into' ridiettle. , and ~ t,ontempt. Weilibmit that It ice deliberate attempt to disintegrate and destroy 'the Demoidatic party.. For, under such an `pretation of „the Kansas organic law,- the ...Demo eratielnirty its the Northern States might, as well disband Ot 'once ; it could never. rise. The' Washington Union declared,. on • the 7th - of-July, lest,--that a. Constitution, formed, by the Leoempton ConVentien,-which should not be sub mitted to the test of s popular vote, " would, no relater what it3sontained, never be acknowledged by its opponents to be anything but a fraud." We calmed that &adoration then. We shall soon see how, prophetic war the language.,'We 'see it already. Governor Walker brings the intelligence that the Lecomptoi,COnstitution is mooted by the, people of Kansas. ' There is but one solution of the &Mena clues tlon-rthet, le, by leaving it, to 7itz PEOPLE of Kansas, through the legally and fairly expressed will of a respray of the actual residents, to make Constitution ter ,theinsolves, ire look to Con. grff 3 ((tenable the people of Kansas to do this It ,can be done by the -• r emsage of a very simple law, in the ferns of that passe!' at the-last session of Congress, 'enabling Minnesota to form a Consti tution ant i State Government. " „, , . (Atom thit,Ohleago Them, I, , • ” "Vitas-Son: Assocravrort."—The Washington tirtion ' , attempts to • rebuke some dozen of the ablest Democratic papyri of the country for what. it stylelr t. their '" free . soil associations'? The Chicago-Mimes ogress, folly and cordially with all these papers; _every Democratic paper pflllipolit agrees with the Times on the Kansas iasna. Every Democrat in Congress from Illinois, agrees - with the course of the Times, and when the vote for printer comes up, we trust Messrs. Douglas, Muria, Morris, Marshall, Shaw, and Smith will remember that ,the Union rebukes them for their free soil proclivities,. and therefore does not iottnt their votes.. , , , , 'But our ebbe, contemporaries , should not stimliere. •Theiyhave not forgotten that after Goiernor Watitcs bad etPosed the criminal Moids in 'pitford and • It'Ghoo ; when the firimiatOts tand extremists were hunting him down ilk°, afeloni)vhi3n;all honest men were tipplanding hint for , ~cotunge and his integrity; the , Washington Union had not s word to say in his support.' It wai as silent as deith; and 'dared not so much as raise a whis per for the gallant, statesman, absent from his .familk and his friends, fighting against as grace less a set' of tricksters as ever liVed. The Union waited, like a cautious politician, till the hour came when it could take vengeance on those who staid hyGiiveri - or - WAtiEsn in that crisis. And'we, thank God !--•-we were among the first to do so, and so resolve; the first stay! ',But,- more than_ this. While Governor W.el,ltVi was still -absent; and nothing was yet knoi - s%n'Of , 'adtion on 410 "Calhoun con trivance, the Union, in: an editorial ecstasy that:would not have been an inappropriate *tiro of tho. iigners Of the Declaration of Independence, eulogised the minority Con vention iii,l,ecompton,npplaudel their doings &silo and,sagiclous and statesmanlike; and thei proceeded to present the .Calhoun Con `ntitutiou to the D ' emocrbcy of the' free States to swallow, failing in which, they were to be handed Oyer to the /Abolitionists. A few days after - this - most delectable piece of editorial agility, .Governor WALXER made his appearance, and took exactly oppo site ground to the Union—the ground, in deed,. occupied, by the entire body of the Democracy of the North. Indignant at this, its most pitiable dilemma, and desperate at the scornful Independence of those Demo cratewho will not be dragooned by any man into submission to confessed wrong, much less byFo awkward a drill sergeant as the Union, it has lost its patience, and attempts to intimi date with an infantile vigor truly dismal to be hold t , We have only, to say, finally to the Wash ington Union, that we despise and reject its ,censorship. When it speaks of Abolition sym pathies, it should look . closely, to 'its own household.' We defend a great principle. We oppose ho Slave State, fairly made. We re sist wrong and fraud, whether exercised for or against the South. We stand by the author of the Nebraska bill,, Is he an Abolitionist? We stand by the Governor of Kansas. Is he a disorganiser? We follow the public opinion that elected JAMES BUCTIANAN. ,It was not false in 1866 r—it js not false, now. Supported by such authorities,. we can afford to look down with .ineffable contempt upon a news paper which; like Tom Thumb before an audience of full-grown mon, imagines itself a king, when it is 'only the puppet of a set of grasping,speculators. A MEW PLATFORM. The Washington Union, a few days ago, published the following moat fascinating doe ." The Constitution declares that the citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States.' Every citizen of one State coming into another State has, therefore, a right to the protection of his person, and that property which is recognised as such by the Constitution of the United States, 'any law of a State to the contrary notwithstand ing. So far from any State hiving a right to de prive him of this property, it is Its bounden duty to protect him in Its possession. If these views are correct ' —and we believe it Would be difficult to invalidate them—it follows that all State laws, whether organic or other wise, which, prohibit a citizen of one State from settling in another, and bringfng his slave pro perty tenth lam, and most espeetally drelartno , it forfeited, are direct violations of the original Intentions of a Government which, as before stated, is the protection of person and property, and of the Constitution of the United States, whioh recognises property in slaves, and declares that ' the citizens of each State shall be entitled to nil the privileges and immunities of citizens -in tho several States,' among the most essential of which is the protection of person and property." The Cincinnati Enquirer, a sterling Demo cratic paper, pays the following choice compli ments to the 'Union: " The doctrines of the article aro of tho bluest Federal stamp, utterly subversive of State rights, and could have sprung from no brain possessed of a Democratic, idea. If the Washington Union bet advanced snob miserable stuff as that, it will, as it ought to, receive uo countenance from any sound Democratic press north or - South, and the - sooner its editor abdicates and retires into winter quarters, the better for the country and the Demo cratic party." , And wo that if those doctrines aro to be Carried out in Pennsylvania, there would net be enough Democrats left to fill an omnibus. There is not a Congressional district in this State that would, not unanimously reject any man offering, himself with such doctrines on ,his banner. Such opinions, however; aro in happy sympathy with a support of the Calhoun minority Convention. A NEW READING Atoll events, We hope the candidates for the office of speaker Of, the Helm of Ropreaentatives will define their position upon the right Of Kansas to admission into the Union, if she present herself with a republican Constitution, "with of without shivery,:as the people (in Convention) shall have determined,"—Xehme?iti, O'olith. , This is the first tithe ive have heard it assert d—thatilie Kansas-Nebriska hill had, in terms, made the Convention supei•ior to the people. But, then, the words ("in Convention") are in geniously interpolated by the South to make the application correct! The process i$ easy, but be logic it novel. IN WiffiClE - 111E SI.SYERY QUESTION IS ;frmittMliTTED BY THE 'f'i s cHEP:k r tE OF TOE EiVids coNsTrzu. ,f ,. .,110 - 141are9ISVENtION; If it Were true that the slavery. qiutstioii was fairly submitted to the people of Kansas by the' schedule of the Kansas Convention, iveshould decidedly_ object to -the admission of that Terri tory into the Union as a State, under a Constl tution which had not received the sanction of zhersitietins,,,The ,ire involved rises above any mere sgetienal question. The whole doc trine orself-gefeinrimitt is at stake. The prin.; ciples of the Democratic party have been vio lated". The right of. the people to pass judg ment upon their own fundamental law has been denied them, in defiance of the pledges of the delegates who flamed it. A Convention, elected by a meagre minority, of the people, ha's arrogated to itself . supreme power on a question which of right belongs to the people only. We obey but the irresistible promptings of genuine Democratic impulses in protesting against this usurpation, for it is nothing less. The doctrine• that the slavery question alone shnuldbo submitted to the people is an unte nable elle. The same reasons which rendered it deiirable or proper to submit that question, operate equally strong in favor of a submission of the whole Constitutir. The Democrats of tie Northern States have been fighting for the Kansas-Nebraska bill for thiee years, his the ground that " the right of self-government by the people of the Territo ries was a sacred one, not only in one but in all respects. Thby hair° insisted upon their right •. to decide the slavery question for themselves, 'because of the universal , concession that they were autherited to decide all other questions. 'Thefinal settlement of the question, by leaving thern-“perfeetly free" to , settle the slavery question, and . depriving them of the right of populai decision ; upon all • other, questions, would be an unmitigated outrage, and, beyond alkdpuht,S::eletit : vielartfati of all hitherto ac knowledged Itational'lj4aooratic theories on thidsubject. "But even the slavery question is not fairly submitted, as all who have paid the slightest attention to this subject must be fully aware. The liberty of .voting, for or against slavery cktsonly be obtained by compliance with cer tain unjust and huMiliating conditions. These are tusfollows: • • First. Every voter who is challenged must swear to support, the Constitution, if adopted, under peril of a trial for perjury under the territorial laws. The design of this clause seems to provide a convenient .method for inflicting criminal punishment for . a mere political offence, in case any obnoxious voter, after having taken thin oath, should not be as zealous in his devo tion to the Calhoun Constitution as its authors require. •, At all events, it is au unheard.Of requirement in a republican country, and one which was, no doubt, specially designed to drive high-minded citizens from the polls. ,Second. Before any man can vote against slavery, be must vote for the Calhoun Consti tution. Ho may 'feel that the very act of fas tening that Constitution upon him as the fun damental law under which be must live, with out submitting it to a vote of the people. is an infamous wrong. He may believe that Con stitution to be a bad one—a Know-Nothing Constitution, a Bank Constitution, a Constitu tion which makes in advando an apportionment upon a fraudulent election return, and thus seeks to give a preponderance of political power for ever to a minority—yet, ho must endorse all this without a murmur, before lie can vote against slavery. . What a mockery it is to say, that when t4esis humiliating Conditions are affixed to the right of suffrage, the question of slavery or uo 'slavery Is fairly submitted! But independent of all this, the slavery question is not fairly submitted, because there is no guarantee whatever that the election will be fairly conducted. The whole regulation of it is lodged in CALIIIOI3N, president of that Convontion—s,man denounced throughout the whole Territory as one of the most unscrupu lous men it contains. He has furnished con vincing proof of his perfidy by the fact that, after pledging himself fully and unre servedly to submit the whole Constitution to the people of Kansas, ho violated that pledge, and was a leading spirit in pre venting a submission of the Constitution to the people. Ho has been charged by nearly the whole press of Kansas with complicity with the infamous Oxlord fraud, and we believ3 has never denied his connection with that dis graceful transaction. Yet this man, publicly self-convicted of perfidy, and accused of fraud, has absolute and dictatorial power given him to regulate the election ordered by the Consti tutional Convention. He is to appoint three Men in eaeli county, who are to appoint three in each district to hold the election, and when the returns are all transmitted, he is to decide Upon the legality of the votes cast, &c. The ordinary and existing election laws of the Ter ritory are all set aside to give full play to CALIIOI7OI genius in this constitutional elec tion, and we do not doubt that he will be fully equal to the expectations which his supporters formed of him. Who, with these facts before him, can pre. tend for a moment that the slavery question is fairly submitted by the Kansas schedule? Who does not feel that any election ordered under such provisions and such auspices can be nothing more than a mere disreputable swindle—which, did it not excite our indig nation by the wrong it seeks to shield and per petuate, wo should deem ridiculous and absurd? 137 - The report of the committee of the Councils, ALFRED Day, Esq., Chairman, is a manly and fearless exposure of some most disgraceful transactions in the Board of Health. Let the offenders be bold up to the light of day, and punished as they deserve. BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. FROM WASHINGTON Expedition of Rangers from California Against Utah—No truth in the report that the Eng lish and French Ministers have united In a Protest against this Government—lnterview between General Cass and the Ministers of Costa Riea—lmportant California intelli gence, Sce. [Correspondence of The Press WASHINGTON, Dot. 8, 1857. • The Administration aro inclined, in the prose cution of the Mormon war, to call for volunteers for an overland expedition against Utah from the Pacific coast. It will furnish hardy pioneers and mountain men, inured to the hardships and perils of the guerilla warfare which will be adopted mainly by the enemy under Brigham Young. The army for Utah, now supposed to be at Fort Bridger or thereabouts, will be reinforced, and every moans supplied for effective offensive opera. tions in the spring. Each division of the United Stalce force will bo of material assistance to the other. While the regular troops aro making fight against the front of Brigham's army he will bo harassed by the rangers in the rear. This plan will compel him to divide his man for defence of his territory towards the Pacific and toward the Atlantic slope, and thus weaken his power of resistance. I expressed yesterday a doubt that there was any truth in a statement made in a New York pa per, that the English and French Ministers had formally united in a protest to the State Depart- Mont against the connivance of this Uovernment at the enterprises of General Walker, and others Of like fillibustor propensities. To-day I have it from undoubted authority, that the entire state. mont is a sheer fabrication. Instead of entertaining the sentiments ascribed to them by this protest, they have, on the contrary, again and again given the strongest assurances of their belief that Mr. Buchanan will oppose fillibus terism, and prevent the sailing of armed expedi tions against neighboring nations to the furthest extent of his power They are not blind to the fact, nor is the Administration, that outside of the duty of this Government under treaty stipulations there is nothing which so much embarrasses our relations with neighboring States, and retards our external interests, as those very lawless expeditions This morning, Sellers Esculent° and Molina bad, aecordiog to agreement, an interview with the Secretary of State, to confer on questions of footing, mutually, Costa Rica and the United States. General Cass, as well as Mr. Ousoloy, the British Minister to Central America, openly and determinedly oppose the present invasion of Elea segue by the forces of Costa Rica, under Colonel Canty. The right to the Transit rentals enforced, as belonging to Nicaragua, and the provisions of the recent treaty with Yrissari are unwaveringly upheld. Several changes have been determined on by the President of officers in San Francisco. Austen A. Smith, Esq., will succeed Dr. Ash as navy agent; Dr. Maxwell will supersedo Dr. McMillan as physician and surgeon of tho Marine Ifeapital ; 0. 11. Rand will take the position of master mason at the Navy Yard. California assumed her Indian war debt, and Issued bonds in payment therefor at raven per cent. intesest. Congress afterward appropriated one million of dollars as indemnity. It has now been decided by the proper Ober that those who served THE DECtIMBEIt 4i 1857, in these Thaw wats'are:Ohtitled, under the bounty-land actor 1950, tolMunty•land warrants, and, accordingly, -seveiat'Of -Ahem have been already issued to parties applinait. Hon. Joseph C. McKibben, member from Cali fornia, has, during his stay hero, had frequent conferences with the Commissioner of the General Lend Office, on the subject of grants of patents for confirmed private land claims in that State. For. mos decisions of the office .tayok, peon reviewed at his stigiesGon, and mentSitteitna with the hearty concurrence 0f.,24r. Handrlaktke Commissioner, and Mr. Wilson, the Afar - alarkTrof a Apeedief issuance of these final titles. ' Amongst other decisions Is this : That no caveats or Jotters will restrain the act,lon,of tho depart ment in issuing patents ; unless the parties comply with the mode prescribed by the law of injunction, and besides serve a copy of the prooehdinga, lion. David C. Brodoriok his taken a house for the session,' and has gone earnestly to work in be half of the interests of the Pacific slope. X. Y. THE ‘LATES.T NEWS 'BY TELEGRAPH. [SPROUL =IMMO FOR THHI PRlFiad Additional Appointments by the Canal Board , liAltllll3DtSfiG, Dec. 3.—The following appoint= manta have been 'wade by the Canal Ctitmnisslonots in 'addition to those reported in ME PRESS today: Colleotora.—John 11. Brodhead, Liverpool; Pugh Dungan, Bristol: Cargo Inspector--J. N. Decker,. Bristol Weigh Masters—Wm. Able, Eaeton ;O. B. Olmstead, assistant, Easton. Interiletv lielween—Judge Douglas and the President—Their Positions en the Kansas Question. „ , , Wssursoron, December 3.—Judge Douglas and, the President had, to-day, a full and free Inter change of opinion on the Kansas question, with out, it is understood, being able to arrive at the same conclusion In regard to the 'line 'of policy which justice and duty require eaph to persue. The - interview,' it is furtheistated, was courteous, and they parted as they. met, friends, regretting they could not view the Lecompton movement in the same' light. Mr. Douglas, in conversation with Ms friends, freelp . deflues his position. Re stands, be says, on the principle of the Webraalta-Ransas bill, guaran tying to osob State and Territory the right to regulate their domestic institutions to cult -them selves, and will follow that principle, Wherever its logical consequences carry him—defending it against all assaults, • from whatever quarter they may come. In its application to Kansas, ho insists upon ignoring both the Leoonapton and Topeka movements, and securing to the people the right to form a Constitution for themselves Re considers the Lecompton movement in direct violation of the principles of the Kamies-Nebraska bill, and the Cincinnati platform, and will probably at an early period of the session of Congress, introduce a bill authorizing the people of Kansas to call a Constitutional Convention. , The Southern Mall- Later'from Texes—lndlan News—Mobile Items. NV Ammar" Dec. 3.—Two Southern mails have arrived, bringing Now Orleans papers as late as duo. . . The sugar cane in Rapide Parish has been seri ously injured by frosts during the previous week. The steamship Texas reports having passed the wreak of the steamer Opelousas, bottom up. Ice was made at Houston on the 20th ult. At gallostou the cotton market wee inactive Tho receipts for the week were ,200 hales, and• the exports 1,300. The stook at Minton and Gal veston was 15,000 baba. The increasing crop estimated at 95,000 bales Middlings are quoted, at 910010. Tho Texas Legislature has passed a joint Into-, lotion to raise a regiment of Rangers, for the pro teetion of the frontier from Indians. Gen. Henderson was convalescent, and would proceed to Washington immediately. It Is stated that Judge Hemphill will not re+ sign his Judgeship until after the August elec tion. The Pimos and Mario!pas Indians aro plan ning an expedition against the Gila Apaches. The Mobile papers state that the late James Battle had bequeathed $600,000 to his widow, the Battle House' to his grand nephew, and $lO,OOO each to the Orphan Asylum and the Methodist Church. - An arrival at Charleston, from Nassau, reports the ship Lookout, from, Ban Franoisco for Now York, south of Bormuda. The ship Bolivia, before reported ashore, bad a cargo of 1,290 tons of hay. It was her first voyage. The barque Cuba, from New York for Wilueink ton, had boon brought into Nassau nearly a cone pleto wreck, and will probably bo condemned. I Captain Codnoy (not Geddes as before reported) died at Charleston on the 30th idt. BT. Louts, Doo. 3.—Aiotber meeting of froie- State man was bold at Leavenworth, Kamm, on the 21st ultimo. Resolutions were adopted similar to those passed at the previous mooting, held at Lawrence on the 19th. Speeches were made by Messrs. Vaughan, Hutchins, Moore, and others. Mr. Phillips advised the opposition to rally around the Topeka Constitution as the Magna Charts of Kansas liberty. A vigilanee committee is being formed through out the Territory. A letter to the Democrat, of this city, dated Lawrence, November 17, states that goy. Walk& had said he would call a special session of the Le gislature, provided the members would sign a pledge guarantying they would not go into gene ral legislation. Arrival of the America at Boston BoaroN, Dec. 2.—Tho Royal Mail steamship America arrived hero at 8 o clock thin evening, with the Liverpool mails of the 2let ult, limed. vices have already boon telegraphed via ilallfax. The mails fur the West and South will leave to-morrow morning, and will be due at Philadel phia in the evening. B o ivr o , Doe. 3.—Owing to an unfavorable tide, the America will not ho up till 11 o'clock. tier mails will be denputohed in the morning train. 11AnrPonn, Corm., Deo. 8.--The iunctions against the Mercantile, Charter Oak, and ]zohange Banks, of this city have been removed. The banks will resume buslnos.l as usual. Destructive CINCINNATI, Dec. 3 —The planing mill and axe factory of Iljeade Sr co., at Ironton, Ohio, woo dto stroyed by fire on Tuesday night. Tho loss is $.5,000, with no insurance. Tho fire is ,attributed to incendlarispa, as several other houses were set on fire the same night. At Ripley, in Jackson county, Virginia, nine buildings, including six stores, were burnt a few nights since. The lose was $25,000. Loussyst.LE, December 3.—Tho examination of Miller, who made revelations in regard to the mur der of Pascal D. Craddock, In August, 1856, is now progressing. Ile tolls a pretty straight story, ac knowledging that ho participated in the murder. Public opinion, however, is skeptical, and strong corroboration will be required to substantiate his testimon • . DETROIT, Dec. 3.—This morning a tiro occurred at Ypsilanti, destroying a row of buildings of tho east side of the river, °coupled by Howland & Son, and others. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an Incendiary. The toes amounted to $B,OOO, on It hieh thero is a partial Insurance. The Weather at Cincinnati. CiNCINNATi, Deo. 3.—The weather has been clear to-day, the thermometer indicating 40 de grees. The river Is stationary, with ton feet of water in the channel. The Weather at Detroit. DETROIT, Dee. 3.—The weather it !Rectorate. A snow storm prevails this evening. BALTIMORE, Deo. 3.—Sales of lloward stroot and Ohio flour at 55 121; rod wheat 1030112; white whoat 1100136; old white corn 70075; yellow 70a72; now white corn 53100; yellow L7a65. Wbiskoy is dull and lower; sales at 2*231. Exchange on New York 1031:11031. Now YORK, Dec. 3.—Flour has advanced; sales of 11,000 bids. at $4.50051.00 for State, and $5 10a 55.55 for Ohio and $5 1045.40 for Southern. Wheat very dull and quotations nominal. Corn declined 3 canto at 81 coats. The other markets are unahangod. Stocks dull. CINCINNATI, lice. 3.—Tho hog market is steady, the receipts amounting to 7,000 per day. Owners are packing pretty generally, in proforonoe to ac cepting . the present rates, The groat bulk of Quo receipts is from Kentucky; but a small quan tity has yet boon received from other States. Shoulders quote at 130. Lard is dull at tic. Flour, $l. Whiskey, 1710. CHARLESTON, Deo. 3.—The Southern markets aro generally depressed. New OnLEANs, Deo. 30.—Cotton—Sales to-day 1,000 halos; receipts 3,000. Tho advices from Europe caused a doolino. Prices aro irregular and quotations nominal. Sugar quotes at 43a.510. Molluscs nt 210. Tho other markets aro dull and unchanged. CHARLESTON Dco. 3.—Cotton—Sales of the Crook 13,000 'Mlo, at 110 for middling fair, the closing price. This evening, at Musical Fund Hall, Madams Lola Itiontez will give a lecture on the Heroines of History, and ' , Strong-minded women," written singe her recent visit to this city. Baring her absence, this accomplished lady has given three lectures at Baltimore, whore she achieved bar usual success. She lectured at Washington. dur ing thepresent week, to one of the largest and most brilliant audiences ever assembled, on such an occasion, In that city. Among the company, which included the beauty , and fashion of the capital, was Mrs. Colonel Frbmont, To the regret of the Washingtonians, Lola Monte% was unable, from her previous engagement here, to gratify them with a second lecture. Miss Williams' second performance, musical and semi-dramatic, of 'unto 'Lady's Dream," (an en tertainment written expressly for her, monologue and songs, by Samuel Lover, the Irlab lyrist) was so successful on the two occasions when ehe g ave It, to very full audionoes, at Concert Mall, that the lady-menagers of the Union Temporary Home for Children have re-engaged her, and she 1011 repeat the entertainment to-morrow evening. She may expect a full attendance, and she merits it. Mademoiselle Teresa Pared( will give a fare well concert, in this city, in the course of next week, assisted by Mr. Vieuxtemps, Signor Porn gino, Miss Meteor, and Mr. Porring. She is on the wing for Cuba, and this must be the last time of her appearing hero for some time. Dr. Charles Maokay,who, at NcwYork, last night commenced his lectures on the National, Popular, and Historian' SOngs of England, Ireland, and Scotland, intends visiting Philadelphia very coon, and will repeat the course here. Of all the living poets of England, Charles Mitokay is the most dem ocratic. His sympathies aro with the People, and his own songs are familialto them as household words. The Walnut-street and Arch-street Theatres, the Circus, Sanford's Opera-house, and Buckley's Serenaders (at Jayne's now hall, Chestnut street), were well attended last night, and held out good promises, in their respective programmes, for this evening also, FROM 'WASHINGTON. Prom Kaipne. The flanks of Hertford. Coon The Craddock Murder Fire at Ypsilanti, Michigan =Ell PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS TIIIS EVENING. WALNUT OMIT THISATHN, N, E. OOHNIK OW NINTH AND WALNUT sTannta.—" The Enchantru.s." WIINATLNT'N ABOH &BENT THICA.TaN, ARCH BTI6IT. ABOTN 811TH.—" Still Waters Run Deep"—" Second Love), NATIONAL TIMATRE, WALNUT STREET, NOAH Eloll2ll. Equestrian Performauces." CONCERT HALL, CHBSTNUT gr., ABOVE TRIBLYTH NISI Williams, II The Welsh Nightingale." JAYNE'S Naw HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW BETlNTll.—Docklers Opera Troupe. BANTORDIS OPERA Flume, ELEVIDITH BTRZET ABOVE Onsersor,—Ethlopian Lite Illustrated, concluding with a laughable attendee°. Proceedings of Councils.—A stated meeting of City Counoils was hold yesterday afternoon, at whioh the following business was transacted : SELECT Ibtxacu.—A message was received from Mayor Vaux, notifying the Chamber that ho had signed and approved certain ordinances and reso lutions. = Mr. Verne presented a petition from the North 'ern'Llberty Dose Company, asking for the loan of the .hose of the "Young America . ' , Referred to tho Committee on Trusts and Firs Department. A bommunleation from the City Comnsiesioners relative to certain claim§ from Distriet Attorney Mapp and Sheriff Magee, and also sailing atten tion to the fact that the appropriation for the pay ment of juiors halt been exhausted, was referred to the Committee on Finance. ' A 00[13M111110ftii011 from the managers of the Penn Asylum for indigent widowq, asking for an appro priation of $l,OOO, was read and referred to the Committee ea Finance. • ,• - „ „ The estimates of expense of several different de prtments of the city government wore" repbrted, and referred to th'e appropriate committees , Mr.. Nathans presented a -petition for the ad- Mission of the Columbia Rose Comprmy into tho Fire Department. Referred to Committee on TruSti and Fire Department. The committee to verify, the cash accounts of the City Treasurer reported that they made an exa mination of the books on the Ist Instant, and found that all, the accounts bad been settled up to the 30th ult., Inclusive. The amounts were ascer tained to bo correct, the balance in bank corres ponding 'with the balance exhibited by the book. koommunleation wait reed from the Chief Engi posit)! the fire'departMent, repotting the Maya. meneing Rose' Cotnpany for running out of their district itt a recent fire,' The Chief exonerates the company froM all blame.' Referred to the Com mittee on Trusts and Fire Department. The Joint Special Committee of ten, to whom were refeired Blindly petitions from workingmen out of employment, and others, asking for the commence ment of work on the contemplated culverts in vat+. 'op parts of the city, and for the issue of four mil lions of dollars of city warrants of the denomina tion of one, two, three, and four dollars, to be re. ,00lved and paid out as a ourronoy, and also "an :ordinance providing for a loan, and to provide pre. 'sent relief tothe people,' reported that they had duly considered the subject, and submitted the fol lowing resolutions : Resolved, That they deem it proper for Councils ' at this time to prosecute all such public works as are required to supply immediate public wants, as well as such as will be demanded within a short time, for the public welfare, to such an extent and amount as money can be provided to pay for, con sistently with the consolidation law, and without impairing the public credit ; and that anion; these works of pressing necomity aro the building of four largo culverts; and the construction of addi tional water reservoirs. Resolved, That the committee doom it • inexpe dient to recommend the issue of any notes, war rants, or evidences of debt, to be issued as a cur• renoy: First. Because it would be in direct violation of the laws of the Commonwealth. Second. Bemuse such an example would, in, all probability, be immediately followed by every omi siderable city and borough in the Commonwealth; would have a. tendency to postpone the resump fion of specie payments, (the only effectual remedy for present currency evils,) and would; besides, en tail great loss on the citizens. Third. It would load to improvident expendi tures, and cause a great increase of the city debt. Fourth. It would impair, if not prove disastrous to, the city credit. Mr. Cumuli spoke with much spirit and at con sideTablo length in opposition to the yoport of the committee, terming it ha "sheer nonsense." ' Ifs, as a member of the, committee, had refused to sign the report. The resolutions were adopted. The City Controller sent a communication to the Chamber, calling attention to the failure to for ward the receipts of the County Prison for the pre sent year. Referred. Mr. Nathans submitted a resolution directing the Chief Commissioner of Highways to notify property-owners on Tenth street, between Co lumbia avenuoland Germantown road, to have their sidewalks payed within sixty days. Adopted. Mr. Neal made an explanation relative to the communication of the Chief 'Commissioners of Highways, which was presented at tho last meet ing of the Chamber. Mr. N. said that there was a misunderstanding of the moaning of the Commis sioner. It was taken for granted by the publlJ, that the Philadelphia and ' Norristown Railroad Company had authority from the Commissioner to lay a track across Wallace street. This was a mistake. The ordinance from Common Council, fixing the salary of the Chief of Police at $1,500 per annum, payable monthly. after discussion between Messrs. Taylor, McCoy, and Cuyier, was concurred in. Other ordinances relative to the grading and paving of certain streets, and from Common Coun cil, Taro concurred in, after which the Chamber adjourned. COMMON Councm—The Chairman submitted a oorumunioation from the City Commissioners, ask ing for an appropriation to pay tha grand jurors, sheriff, and clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions. Referred to the Committee on liinance. Also. a communication from the City Controller, giving an estimate of the expenses of the Police Department for 1858. Referred to the same Com mittee. Also, a communication from the Managers of the Pennsylvania Widows' and Indigent Womena Society, asking a donation. Referred to the Coln mittoo on Finance. Mr. Miller submitted a petition for a market hots° in the Third ward. Referred to the Com mittee on Markets. Also, a petition for the paving of Hamilton street. Referred to the Committee on Highways. Also, a petition from James N. Dixon, asking for damage incurred by opening . Poplar street. Referred to the Committee on Claims. RETORTED vpAups IN THE BOARD OF HEALTH RIMOCLAR PIRCLOSpRES. Mr. Day, of the Committee on Finanoe, sub mitted a lengthy report, showing up the frauds which have been going en in the Board of Health for a long time past. The report was completed by a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs. Wil liams, Heideman, Day, McCoy, and Moocher. It says : A condition of matters has been revealed that Imperatively demands immediate and complete reform, and the committee recommend the passage of an ordinance providing for an entire change in the organization of the department, under the powers conferred upon Councils by the sixteenth section of the ect of 81st January, 1854. Of all the matters that passed under too e4rni nation of the committee, the most important of any single transaction of the Board of Health, if the importance is measured by the amount of loss that wilt probnhly result to the city, is tho contrast made in September, 1856, with }Cain & Schafer for filling up the Primo street lot. It was stipulated that the eontraotora wore to be paid 32.50 per day for each horse, cart and driver, and 31.25 per day fur each laborer employed. Before the contract was made, the committeo of the board, to whom the subject had been referred, reported that the cost would be about 4,000 dollars, and Doctor Wilson Sowell testified Nhat Kano and Schafer represented, previous to making the con tract, that it would not cost more than 800 or 900 dollars." "They afterwards said it would take a good deal more money—l think then about 2,000 dollars." Tho evidence of Gavin H. Woodward shows that the sum named by tho committee as the probable cost was 4,000 dollars. The bills actually rendered aro as follows : lit bill, March 1, 1857, was for 31,000 00 2.d " May 8, " 4,317 57 " Jgry " 3,204 30 4th " 13.601 72 The first three bills amountingto $11,531.9:1, have beau paid Tho last bill has not boon paid. In what manner those accounts were made up the ovidonefl of the contractors themselves will show. They admit that a considerable part of the earth used for filling up the pond was hauled from the cellars dug by them in various parts of the city for private Individuals, who paid thew for the work ; while for all the heroes carts, and laborers thus employed, they charged the Board of Iloalth $2 40 per day for each horso and cart, and $1.25 per day for ouch laborer. John Sander, ono of the firm, had the contrast for cleaning the First Blatt - tot of , the city. Ile says: "When I was cleaning the gutters about Broad and Washington streets, u•der my contract with the ally for cleans lug the streets, I charged for °nob cart to the Board of Ilualtit *2.50 a day But this woo only a part. A large quantity of earth was hauled to the pond byearters hot employed by the contractors or any other parties, because it was the most oonye niont place of deposit for surplus earth, ‘to., in that section of the city. Much of this work was done by the contractors without renduring any compensation, though Schafer says: "I charged the Boardlof health *2.50 for every sixteen loads that anybody would haul there. I don't know bow much of our bill Is made up in that way." In some instances the con tractors say they paid these carters trifling sums, from three to twelve coats. Unwarranted by the terms of the nontraot. and extortionate as an ac count thus made up would be, yet if it had boon truthfully kept, oven on that principle, the amount of the bill would have fallen far short of what Is now claimed, as will boson by the following situ. pie calculation The whole area covered by wator was, aeesrding to the testimony of Rob. Jordon, a former owner, about two acres, or 87,000 superficial foot, and the average depth about six feet, snaking the pond to ba tilled contain 10,343 cubic yards, or 25,777 cart loads, allowing twcothirds of a yard to each load. Now, they swear that they computed sixteen cart loads for a day's work. The aggregate amount of their bills Lit • $21,411 72 Deduct for laborers employed to level, about ten times as much as would be actually required, say 5,000 00 Leaving for horses carts, and driv0r5...519,413 72 Or 7,7d .' days' woric at $2 50 per day. This, mul tiplied by sixteen loads for cool, day's work, makes 121,240 loads, all of which we aro asked to believe was deposited in a plasm that pal a capacity of only 25,777 loads. The quantity charged would be sulliolont, after filling the pond, to make a mound more than itwenty foot in height above the curb level. The oapaaity being 2.t,777 loads, and tho cost $24,413.72, makes theleharga fur each cart load ninety-four cents. These calculations aro sufficient to chow the extravagant and preposter ous character of the bills, and coupled with the admission that charges wore made for labor ens ployod for the use of, and pald'for by private indi viduals, and for dirt deposited by persons not om• ployod at all, considorablo portions of which cosi, them nothing at all, exhibit the claim in the light of an absurd pretence. Testimony was given by sovoral parties as to the true value of the work. W. J. Oushman swore that he made a verbal con• treat to fill up the pond for $BOO, at which rate ho supposed that he should have realised about $2OO for his services. Thomas Daly says that "the lot could have been filled up without expense, if they hod waited, ea (Apt a man to level. Thomas A. Barlow says that "one thousand men could have been had who would have done it for $5,000. That is a very liberal allowance." Alexander Armstrong, a builder melding in the viotnity, testifies that "he would have been glad to have had the contract for $2,500;" and Robt. Jor don, a former own of the lot, informed the committee " that he bad a proposition to fill up his portion of the lot, comprising one-half, if not more, of the whole surface filled by the Board of Health, for $000." Ile also testified that "the entire lot as filled up by the Board of Haalth, lo intrinsically worth nabout $20,000, though it would not bring that sum ow." By reference to the evidence in relation to this matter, further proofs will appear, that the trans action throughout its history, from beginning to end, hears unmistakable marks of fraud. Not only the public treasury has been wronged out of large sums, but a wrong bee been done or at tempted to be done, to the owners, amounting to all their property. If the last bill of $12,851.70 should be paid to tbo contractors and charged against the lot, it will make the lien for the work exceed the whole value of the property more than $4,000. Though the Board of Health may admit the claim, it will certainly never receive the sanction of Councils. Far more has already been paid than thus contractors were justly en titled to, and it is a question worthy of considera tion, whether it is not the duty of the Councils to order proceedings with a view to the recovery of a part of what has bean paid. In connection with this subject, it is . proper to call attention to the fact admitted by these con tractors, and corroborated by the evidence of John N. Henderson, the present Health Officer, that a system has prevailed by which the Health Officer always had an interest in all oontraots. Accord. log to Sohafer's testimony the Health Officer " al ways looked fora little per oentage. I think I gave McAllister 5 per cont. on this contract." This would amount on the sum claimed, to $1,220. Kain's resollootion seemed less distinct, but he ad mitted that he had occasionally given him small BUM. Mr. Henderson informed the oommittee, that when he.first entered upon the duties of the office,. be was told that it was customary for the Health Officer to receivelonper cent. en all contracts. As has boonhirotofoie remarked, this contract with Hain k Schafer is the more important of all the matters that undeirserit the examination of the, committee, . considered only: in regard to the amount of loss to the City Treasury; but various other transitotionS'which the .conuaittee deem, it their duty to expose, aro Justly liable to still stronger' reprehension, because they Involve not only misapplication of the public moneys, but di root violation of,well.known laws, _ Not the slightest attention, it seems. has eres. boon raid to either of the prove/Ws of ;the law or, 1856, in relation to the receipts and exrienditures of money by the several departments of the city, government The law Imperatively requires that all receipts shall he paid immediately over to the City Treasurer ; and strictly prohibits all expen ditures for eating, drinking, and sucking. No portion of the office receipts wore paid over by it. 11. Horbutt, the late clerk ; and ho alleges that more then the whole amount of such receipts was disbursed by orders of the Board and the several committees nearly all of said disbursements being clear infractions of the law. Ellis for dinners, liquors, cigars, carriage -hire, he., consumed tho whole of the revenue. - • Three of these bills are appended as specimens, and to show the epicurean tastes of the members ; and though they belong to a former board, that of 1855 arid 1856, they are fair samples of the ordi nary diet lists of the present year. low much these entertainments cost It is impos sible to toll with precision ; but one fact will serve to show that the annual expenditure for such pur poses was no inconsiderable sum. R. H. Gorbutt was the olerk from January 1, 1857, to August 1, 1857, and during that time, re ceived, according to his own testimony, $4:100. His payments during the same period, he says, amounted to $5,262 00. The discrepancies, which will be observed In his evidence as to his accounts, will be referred to hereafter—the aggregate amount being only taken now to enable Councils to, form some idea of how much the public have been paying for sorviceq, the Vile° of which can bo bet. ter eitiniaied after a perusal of the testimony. But largo as this amount was, it proved entirely inadequate to defray those Illegal expenditures, and resort was had to the making of fictitious bills to meet the deficiencies. Accounts wore formally passed, warrants regu larly made out, countersigned, receiptod, and the money for thew drawn from the treasury in the names of persons who had no existence,for articles and supplies never furnished or required. Gavin 11. Woodward to4tificd (Seta. I) that "among the bills made up to meet the expenses of thti Sanitary Convention, were Amos Johnson, $125; W. N. Atwell, $9O; J. Galbraith, $5O; J. De vinney, $4O. They were bogus, but they were signed by the committee, and passed the board." In those eases, real names were used for false accounts. Other hills of like character wore also made out to cover the cost of the convention feast at the Lazaretto; for Mr. Woodward further states that "the amount paid to the steward on the lst of September, 1857, was $540 41." The committee who signed the foregoing bill consisted of Woodward, Donovan, McGettegan, and Bornmann. bliss Lydia Tomlinson, in her evidence, inform ed the committee that she had an understanding or arrangement with the Sanitary Committee, who bad the supervision of her department, that she was to mew° 75 cents for snob meal furnished at the City Respite', ibr the meetings of the com mittee or the board. To cover those expenses, two schemes were concocted and carried into effect. The ono was to include a part of those charges in the ordinary bills of the matron, in the heaps "tor board of nurses and patients:" the other woe to raise the balance by the apparently favorite plan of making what they denominated bogus bills. Of this class are the following : Robert Hood, for iron bedsteads $49 50 Hurley & 8011, for 01 00 Kerr 14 Boyd, for 140 12 George Smith, for drugs 30 40 An of the foregoing wore duly certified to bo correct by the Sanitary Committee, consisting of Messrs. Weir, housekeeper, De Young, Boileau, and Watt. No such parties as Robert Hood, Hurley & Holt, Her k Boyd, or George Smith can be found, and that no such articles Were over furnished is proved by the evidence of the matron, and of Doctor S. P. Brown, the former physician of the hospital. All of the gentlemen whose signatures are fixed to these bills were examined by the committee Doctor Housekeeper declined to answer the ques tion touching his knowledge of them. He ad mitted that he knew who signed R. Hood fo the warrant, but declined tolling. While he denies any knowledge of such a firm as G. Smith k Co., ho admits that he endorsed the warrant G. Smith A Co., per B. Housekeeper. The other members of the committee said they know nothing about the bills. Two of those accounts, Robert Hood's and George Smith's, having the appearance of genuine and legitimate hills, approved by the committee on Hospital, andi Committee on Accounts, and the warrants for them be ing drawn in due form by the clerk, bearing the signature of J. It. Road, president, and T. 11. Town, secretary, received the approval of, and were countersigned by the Controller. No cen sure can be attached to this officer, for no ordinary scrutiny could have detected the successful deceit. ThO other two, though certified in the same man. nor, were sent back by him for further proofs of their correctness, and no demand has since been made for payment. The committee have not ob tained any positive proof as to who actually drew the money from the treasury. Some of the wit nesses who must have known, declined to answer that interrogatory. It is unnecessary to make any remarks on these very plain matters of fast. Enough has been said to convince Councils that banquets at the City Hospitals—banquets at the Lazaretto—banquets at the office—banquets in the day time, and banquets in the night season—eating, drinking, smoking, and riding at the public expense, must have occu pied a large portion of the time of the active members of the Board of Health. If it were possible, consistently with a proper discharge of duty, the names of individual raem• bets in their oonnootions with certain accounts and money transactions, would be withheld; but the facts that have come to light cannot be properly exhibited without the publication of the names. Warrants wore issued in duo form. by orders of the board, for bills made out as follows: In the name of Weaver, Filler, k Co $174.75 Dallam, Baker, .4 Co., for:. 21.61 Snyder .t Co , for 127 60 11. Funk, for 77.45 Neither of theso parties over had any dealings with the Board of Health ; never sold the board a gingle article, or had an item charged on their books ngninyt the board. Tho history of Clap° no• counts will be given in the language of John O'Brien, a member and chairman of the Lazaretto Committee. In relation to the first bill, he says, " the arti cles came from Weaver, Filler, t Co , not in the name of the Board of Health; they were bought in my none." " I signed (ho names of Weaver, Fitter, & Co. to the warrant, and countersigned it, and received the money from the City Treasuror." In relation to the bill of Dallam, Baker, & Co , he says, "I can't say whether these articles ware purchased of Dallam, Baker, ,b Co. or not My young man purchased them." " I drew the mo ney upon the warrant fur these goods." " signed the names of Dallam, Baker, & Co. to the Warrant when robtained the money." In rotation folio oill of Snyder b Co., ho says ; " I think I made the purcha'so, or my young man might have purchased thous. Tho signature and endorsement on the warrant aro mine; in the nano of Snyder & Co. I drew the money." his account of (he bill of 11. Funk is as follows " The nails In the bill, $15.50, aro corroot ; the other portion of the bill, 501.95, is bogies—it was to cover the expenses of eating and drinking at Lazaretto. I signed the warrant and drew the money upon It." When questioned as to his knowledge of an Item of 01114.75 In the oleek's accounts, oharged as a payment to E. Friel, ho replied ; '• That was for eating and drinking. I received the money from the clerk. E. Friel lives at Spring Garden and Ninth streets. He did not supply the articles; I supplied them," do. "As chairman of the Lazaretto Com mlttoo I sent all the supplies, and a great many members found fault with me because I did not supply snore plentifully." After these extremely candid confessions, it is &wooly nocossary to rofur to the evidence of Ed win 11. Filler, of the firm of Weaver, Fitter & Co., (marked 1'), who pronounced "the bill in the name of their firm fictitious, and the whole a (fair a for gery from beginning to end," or to the evidence of Josiah W. Dalian). of the firm of Dallam, Baker, & Co., (marked Q), who save: " Our firm never furnished those articles; the signature on the war rant Is not by any ono connected with our firm." How many of the moinhors wore cognizant of the making, passing, and roooipt of money, for ficti tious bills, has not boon exactly ascertained; but the °Memo proves beyond doubt that several members were implicated in those illegal proceed ings. Wni. M. Randall, clerk of the board, in his tes timony, says: ‘, I was told by a member of tbo board that the bills of Korr t Boyd, and Burly & wero not legitimate bills. They were handed to me by the Sanitary Committee. I drew the monoy for the bills of It. Hood and George Smith, and paid it to Lydia Tomlinson for tho expenses of the committee's supplies. Aftor drawing the money for the bills," (heretofore referred to as tiering been made to cover the oXpensos of tlio feast given to the Sanitary Convention,) "I paid it to B. H. Carpenter. Mr Woodward was prosont when the orders were given, and wont with me when I paid the money. Mr. Woodward explained to Mr. Carpenter how It had boon obtained. The bogus bills made out to pay Lydia Tomlinson (Matron of the City Hospital) were receipted for by Dr. _Housekeeper, and I sent our messenger for the money, and paid it to Lydia Tomlinson, by order of Dr. Housekeeper." "Tbo articles to George Smith's bill were never furnished to, or need in the City Hospital. It looks like a bogus bill. The bill of George Smith & Co. oame from Doctor Housekeeper's store, and the medicines were labelled in Dr. House keeper's handwriting." Developments of transactions, differing some what in plan and character from the foregoing, were made by the examination of persona who bad am:Punta against the board. Michael Kelly furnished carriages for the use of oomtnittees, and had a running hook account of his charges. Its says: „ William B Griffith (a mem ber of the board) has made out bills from my books, and takei4theruswhon I was not aware of it. He alwaya brought the money to me, except the last. I was never naked to sign a warrant, except the last, which I received the money for from the Treasurer. Gorbutt says, in connection with these bills for carriage hire, " I paid to Mr. Griffith for Mr. Kelly's bills for carriage hire to October 20, 1858, $OO 50, and for bills during the months of Novem ber and December, 1856, $6B. These bills were all made out by Mr. Griffith," There is still due Mr. Kelly on his book account, $9B A comparison of the actual charges on the books of Mr. Kelly, with the amounts paid for carriage hire in his name, by Mr. Gorbutt, together with the amount ($150) received on warrants, will ex hibit Mr. Griffith's qualifications as an accountant. Mr. Griffith, when called to testify, swore that ho had no recollection of having made out any bills, or having received any money for Michael Kelly; but he did receive $lOO from the Into clerk to pay for the hire of a steamboat employed to carry the members of the Sanitary Convention to the Lazaretto. How muoh ho paid wo are informed by the sap- Van. Captain Vance examined—The boat was char tered by Mr. Griffith; he paid me either $5O or $6O. I wanted $75, but he told me that $6O was all that had been appropriated. What became of the difference does not appear. The clerk's account show a charge of $5O, paid to filr. Donovan, a member. which emu Mr, Dono van handed over to Mr. Griffith to pay for cigars. In explanation of this item, Mr. Griffith swears— " Ido not know the name of the man to whom I paid the $5O; he was. carrying cigars abept the_ streets." This explanation is given for what it is worth. It would perhapi be out of'place for the committee to express any doubts, however improba ble it may seem. , - • . . Within a year past, trio officers of the board have died—Mx. Marks, tbe,formet clerk. and Mr. Mc- Allister, tkehiter health oflijor.',. Tithe exercise o a spirit of benevolence and liberality that cost thorn nothing, the board made appropriations to meet theTuneril expenses' in - both •eases. In the first east they laid. to the undertaker, Mir: Me- Cormielc4s347 50, and In the second, the $2OO ap propriated was given to Drs. Coed and Gallagher, members-of the board, to carry to the widow. T,hp mast . diligont to-eneible the nemmittee• to doted the perpktrator of the large .ries of the signatures and receipts on thrGwarrants drawn in the names of Drs. Wm. H. Freeman; T. 0. Goldsmith, and McFadden. r • - Richard Field, an officer of the Board of Health, made out the bills and warrants, by direction of Mr. Gorbutt; but he denied all knowledge as to who received or signed them. • A bill of Jonathan Thomas for bricklaying, amounting to $29.75, In the - handwriting of Rieberd Field, was found among the papers of the Board of Health. In re lation to this bill Jonathan Thomas testifies that he presented a bill to the Board of Health for $17.50, for which he called several times, but ex cuses were always made to avoid the payment. The bill of $29.75 was presented to the Controller for his approval, but was sent back by him to have the oath attached, since which time it has not been returned. No full and satisfactory statement of the condi tion of R. 11. Oorbutt's accounts was obtained by the committee, though several efforts were made to accomplish this object. lie stated to the com mittee that "he was told by the members gene rally, when he went into the office, to keep his accounts so that nobody could understand them but himself;" and these instructions ho has obeyed to the very letter. He acknowledges having received $4,400. In order to test the accuracy of this statement, the committee examined all the books in the office; but one important book, the license book, without which the account could not be made up, had mys teriously disappeared. According to the evidence of Woodward and Randall, it was in the office on the 23d or 24th of October. The former asked the clerk for it on the 20th of October, and was told it was gone. Estimating the receipts from licenses at $1,300, and from fines at $2OO, the total receipts of the office, during Mr. Gerbutt's term, would amount to $4,791. There is not much difficulty in arriv ing at the sum received for licenses, as all parties to whom permits were issued were required by the rules of the board to have first obtained licenses. Ho claims credit for payments amounting to $5,262 011; for a considerable part of this be has no vouchers whatever; some of the items In this account are of rather remarkable cks.raoter, as for instance: Mr. Qorbutt swears, "there was one bill in the name of J. C. McCall for liquors, $237, which was rendered second time in same name. I paid the first bill to Mr. Griffith ; it had passed the Office Committee; I disputed the bill the second time, and told Mr. McCall I had paid It. Re said ho had never received the money, and I then paid It to Mr. McCaffrey in the presence of Mr. McCall." It is proper to observe here that this statement is positively denied by McOafProy and McCall. Another charge Is for $204.76, paid to A. O. Ro berts, a member of the board, for groceries, do. "These groceries were furnished by A. C. Ro berts from his store, and the bill made out in the name of Henry Rheim d Bro. Mr. Roberts signed the receipt; I don't know whether there is such a firm as Rheim Bro. or not." He also says I paid W. B. Griffith for liquors, on bills of Thos. Clark, December, 1856, $1,19, and January and February, 1857, $124. These bills were approved by Dr. Coed and W. B. Griffith. They were receipted by W. B. Griffith "The bill paid to W B. Griffith for J. C. McCall was also approved by Dr. Goad and W. B. Griffith." To David Brown he paid for meals furnished by order of Rouse Committee, Dr. Coati, chairman, sundry bills amounting to $387..01, for all the fore going, and a large number of other items of expen diture. Mr. Gorbutt bsa bills and recripts. Re claims credit, however, for many other charges, without any proof of payments having been made. Among these, ho alleges that he paid John O'Brien several bills, amounting in the whole to $449.89, that the bills were receapted for by Mr. O'Brien, placed in the hands of the assistant clerk, and de stroyed by Mr. Woodward. These bills aro the same which Mr. O'Brien re ceived payment for from the Treasurer, signing the names of the several parties on the warrants, and, consequently, if Mr. Gorbutt's statement is entitled to belief, Mr. O'Brien must have been paid these bills twice. But Mr. O'Brien swears that he never received payment for either of these bills from Mr. Ger butt, and that ho knows nothing of the destruc tion of them by Mr. Woodward. Neither of the olerke in the office has any knowledge concerning the matter, and Mr. Wood ward denies ..the truth of the allegation, though he admits that lie tore up one bill, a fictitious one, in the name of J. Lancaster. It is needless to go Into any further detail of these confused accounts. The committee deem it butjust, before closing their report, to say that several of the members of the Board of Health are entirely clear of any guilty participation in them improper proceedings. Some, even of those whose signatures as members of the committees are attached to the fictitious bills, it is believed, signed their names without any knowledge of the true character of the ac counts. GEO. WILLIAMS, D. S. Beinznen, Tons F. MASeIIER, Committee. 11. .111eCcsy, ALFRE.I) DAT, The ordinance was submitted abolishing the de partment, which was laid over. Mr. Arnold, of a special committee, submitted the following : Whereas, The ordinance establishing the De partment of City Commissioner, after prescribing the duties of the commissioner, provides that " he shall, in addition to the duties herein imposed upon him, perform such other duties as Councils shall hereafter ordain and direct." Another preamble sets forth that the City Com missioner has anted contrary to the directions and instructions of the Committee of Councils. A resolution was submitted authorizing the re moval of Mr. E Ahern, the commissioner, in ac cordance with the provisions of the act o Conso lidation. The subject was referred to the Committee on City £soperty. CONSIDERATION OP THE ORDINANCE ON THE GAS Mr. Alexander moved that they suspend the rules for the purpose of considering the ordinance consolidating the different gas works, which was agreed to by a vote of 49 to 19. Mr. Stevenson thought they had better discuss the bill before they passed it This bill would add $1,500,000 to the indebtedness of the city, the interest upon which they would have to pay. They would be treated by the Trustees of the tins Works in the way they were treated in re gard to the city bonds, loaned to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Dr. Stites opposed at some length the passage of the ordinance, and argued that the price of thegas could be equalized without the city assuming such a heavy responsibility. Mr. Stevenson said that some bad hinted that ho was personally interested in these gas works. that ho was a stockholder ; to such ho would nay, that they were liars and mandrils' The " previous question" was called and se conded. On the question shall the main question be put P' it was agreed to by a rote of 49 to 26, vie: YEAS—Messrs.Alexander, Arnold,Austin, Baird, Barnwell, Black, Boyer, Bromley, Burnell, Byrns. Butcher, Conrad, Cooper, Crease, Day, Dougherty, Faulkner, Geisz, Gitlin, Ginnodo, Ilonstey, be mingor, Jones, Kane, Kneass, Moog, Molloy, Mil ler, (Andrew), McDonough, McFadden:Mc:Dwain, McManus, 3ioNeal, Palethorp, Perkins, Ridgway Taylor, Thompson,(John), Thomson,(Osear), Tuder, Vanhorn, Vasey, Warnook, Waterman. Williams, Wolf, Wright, (B. F.), Wright, (C. S )-19. NAY9—Messrs. Brown, Deal, Fitler, Ford, Geis lor, Hacker, Ball, Handy, Holman, Kelton, Kerr, King. Moocher, Moyer, MeMakin, O'Neill, Par ker, Shoch, Sitas, Steel, Stevenson, Thompson. (Oscar), Wildoy, Wilmer, Miller, (John), President —26. The yeas and nays wore called on the final pas sage of the bill. It was not agreed to bye vote of 48 to 21—not two-thirds of the whole number of members. A motion was made to reconsider the vote; which was agreed to by a vote of 41 to 16. Mr. King moved to postpone the further con sideration of the bill until after the committee ap pointed to investigato tho affairs of the Trustees o f th e (Jos Works shall report to Councils; which was not agreed to. Sovoral motions were then made, and finally the question was postponed for two weeks. Mr. McMackin submitted an ordinance author izing the transfer of certain items of the appropria tion to the Guardians of the Poor. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. McManus, in plaoo, submitted a supplement to the ordinance organizing. the Department of Markets. Laid over. Mr. Mascher, of the Committee on Truati and Fire Companiee, submitted an ordinance, making an appropriation to pay the expenses of the depart ment for 185 S. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Parker, of the special committee appointed to inquire Into the subject of street nomenclature, submitted a report recommending a change. The report soya there are one hundred and sixty-three namesof streeLs whieh occur twice, .to. Ile s u b• mated an ordinance, antherizing a change in the names of such streets as occur more than once. Laid over. A resolution, transferring some of the items of the appropriation to the Pulite Department, was agreed to after a lengthy discussion. Mr. Stevenson submitted a resolution instructing the City Solicitor to commence suit at once against the Pennsylvanian Railroad Company for the in. terest on the bonds of the late districts of the Northern Liberties and Spring Garden. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Drayton, of the Committee on Finance, sub mitted a report authorising the payment of oer• tain claims, and the transfer of cerfili Mena of the appropriation to the City Commissioners- - Also, an ordinance authorising the payment of the claims of Joseph Manuel and others, anottn:• ing together to $477.56. Agreed to. Also, a report recommending an exchange of ti e Railroad stock and securities held by the city, for the city loans, whenever it can be done without loss to the city. An ordinance to that elect wan submitted and laid over. Win. Miller, of the Commsttee on Highways, sub mitted a report and resolatlon anthonamg the paving and grading of certain portions of Twenti eth and Twenty-second streeta. Agreid to. - ' Also, an ordinance authofaing the grading of Bridge street And Washington lane, pending the discussion of which the Chamber adjourned, Important Arrest of na alleged Counter feiter. Yesterday morning; before Alderman 'Thompson. of the Ninth ward, a man, named Jacob O. Snicker, had a hearing on the charge of being extensively concerned in the passage of counterfeit tea.dollar bills on various Connecticut banks. The warrant for his arrest was issued on the 30th of May last, and the accused was taken into custody on Sunday, in one of the intesior counties of Ohio. The witnesses against the prisoner are very numerous, and their evidence will be given at a further bearing of the ease, which is to take plane on Saturday morning, at ten o'clock. The arrest was made under the su perintendence of Sergeant A. E. Thomas, of the Sixth Police District, and it evinces the possession of very Skilful detective powers. The accused was traced week - after week, for hundreds of miles, by this efficient officer. end captured in the Tory moment when he imagined he was perfectly secure from arrest. Closing of a NigAt School.—On Wednesday evening,• December 3d, the Northeastern night school was closed with suitable exercises, after a session of but seven and d half weeks. Addresses were delivered by Dr. G. R. Starkey, Dr. R. S. James, and Cot. S. 11. O'Hara, and several of the teachers received some beautiful presents from their pupils. This school bas been nuccmmonly large and orderly, having received four hundred and seventy-ono, and expelled, bat twenty-five scholars. A nightly attendance of two hundred and eigh ty-fivo was kept up during the whole time; and nine teachers were employed, two of whom bed charge of divisions of Germans learning the English language. It is very mach to be regretted that the paucity of the appropriation should cams so important an inetitution to be crippled in its usefulness. The Poultry Exhibition.—We last evening paid a brief visit to the exhibition of the SW* Poultry Society, now being held under Jayne'n Hall, Chestnut street, below Seventh. The con tributions of the present week are almost entirely new, those of last week being for the most peat dis posed of by the depositors. Several of the contribu tors display a fine variety of imported game fowl& Many of them are birds of great beauty. The 'males have a particularly rakish look, their crests being as sharply built as the bows of a Balti more clipper, while their short combs, formidable spurs, and pointed beaksZdenote them the prize fighters of their tribe. Fire Last Erasing.—The alarm of fire about half•past seven o'clock last evening, was caused by the partial burning of the three-story brick car penter shop of Messrs. Brown & Allison, on she west side of Nineteenth street, below Pine. The fire originated in the loft, and completely destroyed the roof. The upper portion of the building was entirely gutted. A large number of fire compa nies ware in service. The lees is fully covered by insurance in the Franklin Insarance Company. This firm, who have n large number of employees, have kept them all employed daring the season. Drowning Cases.—Coroner Fenner held an Inquest yesterday afternoon on the body of a man supposed to be John Still, apparently about fifty five years of age, who was found drowsed at League Island. Still has been missing for over a week. George Smith, a lad six years of age, was drown ed at Shippon street wharf yesterday afternoon, while ,laying in a boat. Ile is the son of deputy constable Smith, of the Third ward, and resided at Fourth and gbippen streets. False Pretence.—Last evening, before Al derman Enen, a colored man, named William Whitney, alias Winder, was charged with obtain ing money under false pretences. It appears that he went to a number of storekeepers on Second street, and represented that he had a dead child at home, with no money to bury it. Ile obtained a considerable cam of money, after which it wan ascertained that he was an impostor and an olsi convict. Ile was committed in default of bail. Store Robbery.—The store of Mr. James Martin, in Noble street, above Eighth, was en tered on Wednesday evening, while the family was at supper, and robbed of a desk containing forty dollars and some ralnable papers. The desk was subseqnently found on an open lot abase Pop lar street, between Franklin and Eighth. The desk bad been broken open and the money car ried oft'. Assault in a Ball Room.--Ismel Myerly had a hearing yesterday mornln. before Alderman Moore, on the charge of committing a violent and unprovoked assault and battery on William G. Garrett, daring the ball of the Hope Hose Coal parry, at the National Building on Tuesday even': ing. He was held in $4OO bail to appear at court. Narrow Eseape from Drowning.—A mark named Richard - Simpkins fell overboard at Arch street wharf, Delaware, while intoxioated, shout six o'clock last evening. He was resumed hylmmes Rigley and George W. Obrist, employees to the Newkirk Arch Street House, who pushed oat in a boat and hrotight him safely to shore. Coroner's O f fice.—We have been requested • to eta te that Coroner Fenner has provided for him self and the public a comfortable office, en the north side of Walnut street, below Fifth, where, 40 the absence of the Coroner himself, an attentive attendant Us present, to ere all needful (infor mation. Narrow Escape from Drowning.—A man, named Richard Simpkins, fell overboard, at Arta street wharf, Delaware, while intoxicated, ntecit six o'clock last evening. He was rescued by James Rigley and George W. Christ, employees in the Newkirk Arch-street Hensel, who who:lout in a boat, and brought him safely to shore. Run Orer.—During the alarm of fire, last evening, a young man, named Henry McGinnis, was run over by the Southwark Engine, at Fourth and Queen streets, and vary seriously inbred. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. _ - TilE COURTS. TES TEUDAY'S PROCZEDIINGS DISTRICT COURT No. I—Judge Stroud.—Dinial vs. King. An action on two certideates of stock. Yordict for plainlff for $3.7. Lane vs. Harris. An action to reeorer the prioe of eertain lumber. Verdic t for plaintiff for 5143.55. Young vs. Colliday. Promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff for $993.99.. Peter Klahn va. William P. Roberts. Verdict for plaintiff for $321.71. An action on a promis sory note. Briggs for plaintiff, and Hirst for de fendant. Brownback Vanleer vs. John Gorman. Au action to recover the value of a horse, alleged to have been killed. Kneen for plaintiff, and B,ensak and Gerhard for defendruit. Jury opt. Hunsworth, Eakins, .1 Co. vs. Barger 1 Sop. On trial. Hopper for plaintiff, and Robb far de fendant. An notion on a book account. DISTRICT Corey No. 2--Judge Sharswocal.— Gs-skill and wife rt. Corm. This was an action brought to recover damages for injuries sustained by plaintij's wife, in consequence of being run over, as is alleged. through the negligence of de fendant's driver. Nicholson for defendant, and Matheson for defendant. Verdict for defendant. COMWON PLEAS.—This court was not in session. PHILARELPHLI MARKETS TITCRSOIY, Bee. 3.—Evening.—Tbe market for Breadstuffs continues to droop and buyers are hold ing off for lower figures than are now generally con ceded, before operating to any extent. The sales of Flour are chiefly to supply the local trade at from $5 121 upwards for common raper, to 16.50 per bbl for fancy family brands. Shippers are not in market at present, and common mixed and good brands are held at ss4s.7.swithout inquit7 for export. Corn Meal is dull at $3, and Rye flour at $4.2544.371 per bbl. Wheat exhibits the same business with Flour, and about 4,000 be bare been taken at prices in favor of buyers, reds ranging at 115a1200, and white at 152.1. Corn is in fair demand. bat new Corn only is wanted to-day, and about 5,000 bu hare been sold at 60165.: for both yellow and white, the latter for prime dry Dela ware. Old Corn is neglected and selling slowly at 750 in store. Oats are not inquired for. and there are more tellers than buyers. at Me, to-day. Rye is selling to the distillers at 75e for Southern, and 7ttc for Pennsylrania. There is nothing doing in Bark, and the stock of Quercitron is in• creasing without any demand for shipping. Cot ton is dull and unsettled, the demand being almost entirely suspended. Groceries—Rather more doing. 2,529 bags Rio Coffee mid by auction, this morning, at 9111101 e, chiefly four- months; and Sugars are more active at former quotations. Provisions are coming forward from the West, in a small way, but the demand is limited, mil Prices tend downward. Mess Pork is offered at $l7 50s $lO per bbl. A sale of 50 bbls. Lard was made at lie. per lb. Seeds—There is some Clorerseed offered, but prices are better. and prime lots ar bringing $5 5045 620 per be. Whisk changed. Bbls. sell at 22.1a7300, an at 221 e per gallon. CAMBRIDGE CATTLE „MARKET. Loc. .1_ At market, 1,774 Oattle, about 1,200 Beeres, and 574 Stores, consisting of working Oxen, Cows, and one, two, and three years old. Prices of Market Beef—Extra, $747.50; first quality, $4 25.150 3 0 ; second , plality, $3.75; third quality. $3 2.5; ordinary qquality, $l. Prices of Store Cattle—Working Oxen, from $75, $lO6. $l5O to $2OO. Cows and Calres from 323, 533, SO, $5O to SSO; Yearlings $ll to $lO Two years old 517 to $2O; Three years old $25 to $34. Sheep and Lambs—.s.loo at market prices in lots. $l, $1.50, $2 extra and selections, 52 5043 each. Swine.-900 Western at market. Prices, lire weight, 6.3 per lb; dressed rano per lb. Cattle. Sheep & Lambs. 361) 1.252 606 3,000 . 37 a 4 100 150 .520 Now Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts... New York Western States•• Canada Total 1 771 5,100 Ilides-5o per lb; Tallow, Co per lb; Felts, 62a 67 each; Caltskins, Oaltle per lb. remarks.—The market was well stocked to-day, and the roles were rather brisk at the opening, but the average price for beef, we think. was a shade lower, as the cattle were rather better than those sold last week, but corresponding prices The stock of sheep was large and sales dull, and prices have declined from 23c. to 50e. per head. There was a lager number of stock cars over the Fitchburg this week than for a number of months previous. LOUISVILLE TOBACCO MARKET.—The de mand for old manufacturing and cutting qualities is free and prices are better. This quality of to bacco will continue in demand, as the country is almost bare of it, and for cutting purposes the new crop cannot be used until it has gone through tho sweat. New does not arrive freely, and is not much in demand. There is no improvement In price to notice. We quote : Old Lugs. frosted, staB6 ; Old Lugs, not frosted. Via 14.59 ;Old Leaf, choice selection, sl2asls ; New Legs, ; New Leaf, Silaslo ; New Leaf, choice, nope in market. Sales for the week comprise 18 hhds. Spare moments are like the gold dust of time. Of all portions of our life, spare mo ments are the most fruitful in good or evil. They are the gaps through which temptations find the easiest access to the garden of the soul,
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