kitE,T'RASS 4 , ; BY 46 fUIVW: , F6RNEY: 01040 E; /3.I;XIiT TWISIGTX 0112111 " Wait, payable the . tiuviers. Mallod to Inscribers out of -the City at Six Donaas, Psu Anwar( Poop Donne soa D iem 1101"8; Toad' toomaas you Six Monzai inarindy in inane for the time ordered:" • • • ' ' , - - T L. W 111 E 11 L -P 11. 11 88 , Maned th Subscribers atit f the City, at Tam Dor ms A.ll/101/ aaTance.l. W:II.ZIC Y 8 • Warsaw pastas will be sent to Subscribers .iiy mail,(per annum, in advance,) at 0 r. 00 .00 .g : - - • • "ct - 'sos Tut-Copies, " • - 32 00 Twenty Copies, " '" (to on address).— 20 00 Twenty, Copies, or over, "cto address of each - mibiariber), each 1 20 Torii Club -of Twenty-one or over, - We send an nira oopy to the petter 7 up of the 137. - PoStmaetere are requested' to, Agents for TAR ~QRRILT 2/13118. = , • THR WEEKL y :PRESS. THE:CHEAPEST AIb_BEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPRICINIRE COUNTRY. GBP,AS INDUCEMENTS -,TO (SIMMS! THE WERSLY PRESS Is puhliehedlrom the City of Paadelphia l every Saturday. • • It is conducted upon= National principles, and will bold the rights of theßtates. It. Will resist„fanati• Igem in every shape; and- wiltbsi devoted to consent-. stirs doctrines, as the true foundation of public pros perity and social order.. !Lich a Weekly Journal has Long been destrird in the dulled State', and it is to gra tify this wintaliat THE WEEKLY PRESS'is Published I,ait'imtKLY : PRESS is printed on excellent white pipet, 0011., new typo . , and irr quarto form, fol. binding, It contains ,all News of the day ; 'Oorreepoodenee ftoto,ttoi OW World. load the New ; Bocientie Intelli gence; 'Laporte of- the various - , Markets ; Literary Re. views Miscellaneous Selections j the progress of Agri culture in ell its !scions departntentsi kq., .!ec. - ra'rerms,lntariably is advisees. ' PRESS will be sent to - itobeeribers, by msq; • - $2 00 per Alumni. o Twenty Ooptak, etennt . ,,t - o 'one ad- ' - dread, -- - - - 20 00 g( Twenty Uoptet,' or IlTer, to addreee of tub subscriber, each, - -- 120 - For e 'ol4b of Twenty-one or over,lre will semi an extra copy to the getter-up of the Club . Poet blasters are requested to sot as Agents for THE WNISSLY PUEBS. will esteem It agreat fever, if my political and per sonal 4 friends, and all others who desire a first dam eokly Newspaper, will. exert themselves to give THE NEKLY PRESS a largo ctitialatitta*tiair respective seighlottloopt., - • . • JEN - TijOitNEY: Editor and Proprietor. Publication Elbe of TEN .WEEHLX , PRESS, N 0.417 Obestuut Street, Philadelphia. WARBURTON'S INIMITABLE COFEEINQS , FOIt TILE HEAD, Embrace all the points necessary to HENTEEL EFFECT, ad all the details and nicer - eleganclea which impart • , FINISH, COMFORT, AND 1)1711ABILIT7, flentlemen are invited to call and examine. oct24-41n2 ' • 430 CHESTNUT Street. flacks. ORIGINAL. EDITION OF OIIARIES PIOTORIAL 811.A.K8PEARE—Includ lag the Doubtful Playa and Biography, cud illustrated with-Very numerous Engravings on Wood, in the high estatylo of art ;, forming 8 vols., imperial Bvo, The subscribers "have been enabled to secure three .copies of this magnificent edition - of 81Mkspeare, which tua long been exceedingly scarce. Immediate applica tor' will be necessary to prevent disappointment fa pro curing 'caplet'. • - • O.T. PRICE & - CO , • - Importers of. English Books, d2-y lin. 88 Beath Sixth St., above Olieshint, XTALUABLII. LI - 13134.13T, Slag V , • •.,roscilin,ap J. 8-, 1!,11:131 . -.14L1f, 84 BEEKMAN 'STREET, NEW YORK. -- SOLD 'BY — 4EL , -13001CSELL,E-ItS. SKETCHES OP THE IRISH BAR.' By the Right Ilion. Richard LalorShell, ht. P. Edited, With's Memoir and Rates, by R. Shelton Mackenzie, D. C. L. 'Sixth Edi. ' Non with Portrait and fact-simile letter. 1n,2 vole Price/2. . . .211E'NOOTES AMBROBLAICE. By, Professor Wilson, 4. G. Lookhart, Jamul Hogg and Dr. Magian. Edited, with Memoira and Notes " Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. - In 5 volumes, with portraits and fac. $1031101.1. Prloe $5. 115.0INIPS MISCELLANIES: The Miscellan eons Writ ings of the late Dr. Magian. Edited, with a Memoir in Notes, by Dr. 114 Shelton Mackenzio. Complete Ina vOirtines,witirPortialt.- Price, per 'rot., cloth, $l. LIPS OP THE RT.-.11011. 301114 PIIILPOT CURRAN. • By histon,VM.- Hem-, Curran; with Notes and Int. &dons, by Dr : B. Shelton Mackenzie, and Portrait onStiel and faaahnile. 'Third Edition. 12m0., • 'Pries $1 25/ - ' THE O+BRIENS AND TUE uIPhADERTIES;, a Na tional Story, being the Brit of Lady • Morgas's Novels and Romances. With an Introduction and Notes, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie., 2 'Sole:, 12m0., cloth. Price $2. • . JIABRIfiGTONIB BEETIREB. Fernald Sketches of hue Olin Tinto, - By Sir Jonah Barrington, with - Illnetra. lions by Barley. Fourth Edition. With Memoir by ' - Tr. Maekensto. , -'12m0.; cloth. , Price $1.25. 1110051P8 - OP; SHERIDAN. hiernoire of the • • Life of the - Right Iron: Richard Brinaley Sheridan, By, Thomas- Illoorev , witia , portrait and fao.sho l le. Sixth Edition. 2 vole. 12mo: cloth. Price $2. -BITS OP BLARNEY...By- Dr. - 11: Shelton Mackenzie. ElskidEditteci.:l2mo cloth. Price $l. • • - - „ . ..E/11 . 11111TOKTORPIE BIARINTILE , P.RNINSIIDA.. - MaJoiqiinthVat MeW Napier,' from. thelati -I?tharticiaatleOi PlaPl44. •', -MadlikeTV-2 441' teetr***B. l 4l 6, 3nda:i : -, 4lotobt.4l2rith, utot Pnu • „Aims puttowlLAlL w OoMplete In' 1 wol BYo. - - TDB Y08.8.2P. - Tfi:Y:Pfliotington, author of'-Lady t. Alban, 4 r•if. • 1 12mo. Second Ed!, bon. " Price $l-25 • ALBAN ; or, The Thrtin7 of a Young Raritan. By T. 1. Huntington:. Wools., 12m0,, cloth: Price $2. • 001-tf tUtarbe's, JePetra, &c. LEAILEY:& - 00413.11ESTNIIT . 4TRIET. AJP, Sfax&footmen of • EBIT.L9R STERLING enisrpr watt', • -Under their inspifottioi on.4tie' pretaises exclueliely Moms and Stranigeri arolovited to:visit .imar =to hotory. • -.* WATCHES:, Ckm:tantly as hand a splendid stock of Superior , - - Watches, of all the celebrated makers: -; • DIAMONDS. • orsekuaii • Brebeiets, Breeches, Ear-Elam linger - Binge, and all other articles in the Diamond line. Skewing of NEW -DESIGNS ;wilt be mule free of charge for time wishing work made to order. • , RICH - GOLD lEWELRY: k *wailful , assort:Rent 'of all the new styles of line Jewelry, snoh St Mosaic, atone end Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, ,Oarbrinele, Marqcdsite, , Lars, &e.' MIEVIIELD • OSSTOES, BASKETS, WAITERS, &e. Also, Brom end garble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of nopericw gaility. sold twitwly C& A;TEQ,IIIGIstOT,. MANEBAO'BUBBES OP WATCH o i tiase AND impoarras or WATCHES,' Ili BOUM THIRD ETBBET, BELOW OHEBTELT, RHILADEL;BIII.C. 001STAST '1;114010E0T. AOOI7IIIIPI4IIIIIACYL arl94lmos! , , VINE' rWATCMS. - A. — trill supply of all the celebrated London and G 00018 NS'ateles constantly on hand. ' - We sell the Genuine .Fraleham Watch at Twenty-five Dollars less than the agency price, as establish ed at Boston Agency price is 250 275, 200 dollars. • Halley Es Co 's price is 225, 250, 275 dollars. 'MILEY `la CO., 428 CHESTNUT St• . no2B-ittith4w JMES'Ei CALDWELL 8C CO., • ' No. 432 OWEBTEUT, BELOW FIBTEt STRUT, Dui:arts:a of Matches and Pine Jewelry,. Manufactu rers of Sterling and Standird Biller Tea Bete, Forks and Ancona, ',role agents for the sale of Charles Bredsham , i zaw lanes Gold Modal London 'Timekeepers—all the elm on hand, prim $250, $2lO and $3OO. jo , gllah and BwlrsWatches at the lnweet pieta. Wan fashionable Jewelry. Nheilield and American Elated Warne. - T B. JABBER & BRO. a.. - - INEANIIPAMVIAURS' AND raiManati OP • • " BLLVBIL.PL &TAD WARE, . No. SO! Chestnut Street, above Third; Op • staffed -i . Philadelphia. Owtaritly On baud and for sale to the , U.&-BITS -WITS, COMMUNION SERVICE ," BETS ,' URNS TTIPTIRBRIE GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS, SETS, OISEOP.B, KNIVES, SPOONO,4OIIKS, • • Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal. seZty IILVER IVARE.-;-• WILLIAM WILSON L• SON.; MANUFACTURERS OP RILES RW ARE, ,(RETATILISHED 1812,) 0011555 PLVIII AHD CHERRY fti45TA. A large assortment of BLINEB WARS, of every de. Iffseption, constantly on hand, peOMB to order to match any pattern desired. • Importers of itheldeld, and Birmingham imported seBo4Anly .-KINGSFCiRD & SOIVS - PURE JL an. 1401- (for the laundry) has estab: Melted • greater celebrity thei bea over been obtained by any other Starch. . „ .Thle has been the reenit of its marked superiority in guslity - =and Ito Invariable uniformity. • -The public may be augured of the continuance of the high standard Pow . entabliehed. Tim peixteetieu In over 20 tons daily, and the demand ban erSidialthmughout the whole United - States; end to foreign eenetries. ' . • ; - -Work i ng Out, On livery large male, and under wiled - 'iqrstate;they ara able to nature a "perfect neitorrnity In the quality throughentilto year, Thin in the great de sideratum in etirch-making; and ltieallzed tow for the The very hest Starch that can be mad 0, and no other, to alwaye wanted by onneumere, muk, this Will be sun , ,plied to them by the - Greven ansocirian their nuatemors ihale Itsartied rad& Ia the beat, and eat for' it—other. , ;Whie they trodid belikelyle get that artiole on Which largest profit can be mdde, IdrAlingsford hali been engaged in the ntanitficture of Starch eontintloasly for the lest 27 years, and during the istrthe period ton ,Starch made under isle super. • vision luncheon, beyond any question, the heat In the - t market. „Perth" first 17 years he • had chaise of the aserlis of -Ifsa. „ Colgate k Co;, ,at which - polled ha fn vented the Process ottho matinfactiiritif Corn Starch": ' ' ' 113' Asir for HINGSPOIII/93 sultan - , as 'the mane Oswego has recently been taken by &nether factory. 'lt is Cold hrallthelnist grocers in nearly every part of the eountry: ; , _ , tz ,T. KINGSFORD dr.- 16) - 4'43 OSWKGQ Milt*, STAR:On (for puddings, &e,),.haa obtained an equal celebrity .with theft Stat.& fort he Winder. 'This article In &oily *tie, wad isv, dterY tespiet, equal to the best Bigusuda ATiOR Bent, besides having additional quail. • tied Wittelfrendei itlulitinable for the dee ert, ' • ". Potato Nardi hie , heesi , entensively.4ekeland sold '. 'ins Corn Starch, and bed given falselreeresaions to many u-to the real merits emir eankat ar a t , , ' Brom itsgreat delicacy and purity, It-hi eotidne nbin ,Inta gotkerg alle as a diet for infants:Lod Inland". •Ar..if• : I c-Froo-& • • - 98117LTON - gireet, N. Y: • tan? CARD -GOAT SKINS. 4-•-• A ' , Biagi inioureor Bleep and Goat Ekliiii, noir landing from I,atque Irma; aria for sale by • • - OffARLES,ISIII, gio4B-10t '448 (new) lef:alnat et,—earn d story. grOltAttt SECOND - - and T 11.114 D lt-L°°ns a5 n4 ,../." 0 1 44 xforit, virolpt e rovv; 0101/4 . .14 Iqm:wasn't:- Two ROP-g ,2,- ' 11 3 ,6 r0 are invited to call eleattini,, du: Difitals , t>ie Rope, Tait& *d as `airiaelracliiia as Aim:lean; and warrant It lmperior in • 'l„iremithaad"danibtlityi • - ' • z, • . WRAVER,I.ITLM lk oe., • 410. S. Whto af. anA24 N. 'Wharyea. . , trt= , ;", • . (, • _ _ ,r efrAm. 1 ' O: • 401PPt4 • r ot • ' _ • • • :Ft:7l • • .4 a, • VOL. I-NO. 108. WOMAN. It hail been said, in some sweet strain, That warms,the blood in every vein, " A perfect woman, nobly planned To warn, to, comfort, and command." Als: lucky he, who, having found - , A woman with perfection crowned, Makes her his own, for he may then, With heart responsive, cry amen. Let us commune, that we may see If women are what they should be : - With Fancy's fingers lot us draw The curtain of a gay boudoir. • En dishabille, a maiden fair, Is buiy with her toilet there ,• Before her, on the stand displayed, The . subtle dye and rich pomade, To give the hair Ito proper hue, .And tinge the curving eyo-brows, too; Perhaps the silken lash to dye That trembles War her dishing eye; And as the blushing maiden seeks The rose and lily for her cheeks, Those secret aids are brought to light, The "liquid rouge" and “filismaish white." • A brilliant dress, of pattern rare, Hanga close beside her, o'er a chair, To be on Chestnut street displayed, Whore rival belles may promenade, And feel a pang of keen distress, From envy of so fine a derma. Bhe turns with haughty pride away Prom where her mirrored charms aro seen, And lifts with jewel's hand the dress, And gazes on it ea a queen, , Looks on her regal robes alone, , When dressing for her king and throne. The waiting-maid has Just come in, The knots to tle, the hews to pin, And all her taste and skill display Uppee her mistreits'a proud array. TIM: dress Is on; the servant kneels Behind her mistress, at her heels, To bring herself in ouch position ' . That hope may dawn in bright fruition— :- Hope, nothing more, or nothing lees, • Than hoping she may hook the dress. She tugs end mills, but vainly tides ' To make the hooks embrace the eyes. The mistress helps, they draw and strain, They struggle hard with might and main, Until the yielding ribs at length cave way to their united atreugth, And she i .the maid, with long-drawn sigh, Puts the last hook in the last eye. - Behold the mistress! Fashion's ape; A wonian with an hour-glass shape, Who looks, in case she leaves her mansion, With waist like that and skirts expansion, As if the windirt sudden flirts, - Might seize on the inviting skirts, And such a purchase ranee on them, As would from off the slender stein, The head and ahoilders snap, and bear The 'Atria ballooning through the air ; While on the street the trunk and head • Were looking for the members fled. No wonder liquid rouge must place The rose upon that maiden's fare, For, to the cheek the prisoned heart Cannot through shrivelled veins - impart - The rich and healthy tint which glows Ilpon thb free, unfettered rose. The pallid cheek, the hectic glow, Tho darting pains that come and go, The faltering step, the vim iled, The palm' that rack the joints and head, The lungs diseased, the carving spine, • Are fruits she'll reap at Fashion's shrine, And thee unto the grave will haste, The victim of porterted taste. Reform must come, and banish hence A style devoid of wit and senile, And substitute a style that will Allow the lunge a chance to fill— A style lis which the eye of taste Finds beauty in a natural waist, And in such limits of a skirt - As keep it from the dust and dirt, In which a holy may be seen Not a sweeping street machine, But as a woman ripe with grace, • From pretty foot to pretty face, Who, satisfied with bones her own, ' :Leta bones of slaughtor'd whales alone ; woman in her dress arrayed, , Not moulded, but as Eve was made By Him who, in his perfect plan, Gave her as God's best gift to nine. Here, gentle made; with your leave, I'll leave •yott with our mother Eve, Who erred, 'tie true, but mast command 'A kind remembrance at'my hand, Because her sin, through Adam's fall, Has built up Bennett's Tower Hall, For, first of all our human woes - Was, and ianow, the need of clothes, A need that has been felt by all, From that first eta of the fall, When fig-leaf aprons ruled the hour, Down to the time when Bennett's Tower Looms proudly toward the vaulted sky, A land mark, that the world may buy At Tower Hall the beat of clothes, A solace for the first of woes, • BIINNETT'S Towea Rata , ILLSINOTII OLOTIIING 131- tAitaj 'No t 518 hisagwr STUNS; Meth 131110, between Fifth' and Sixth streets. political. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— _ WM. .11ANC00KS; ` TWELVTII wan, d2-Bm*. Subject. to Democratic Rialee. F OR , BJCERIFF 1/1111t WABD. VP4 1. 4: 4 1., 4 1.4 ,44° 00 10 I 'o ,o ' 14104:StiEELPF-+ • ADERMAN GEORGE MOORE, 11 , 0172WE1 WARD RubJeat to Democratic Rules. . . 1 4 10 R SHERIFF JAMES G. ornsoN, ••• , ?ARM-1360 1 0ND WARD. - Subject to DemoUrttic Mice. nob-Sulie -FOR SHERIFF, gDWAUD T. MOTT O TWELFTH WARD SODTIOT TO D .ORATIO DMZ& CDI6-2Mii Zegal Notices ESTATE OF EZRA-B. LEEDS, dee'd— Notice is hereby given that the widow of said de cedent hag presented to the Orphans' Court, an inven tory and appraisement of the property. She hag elected to retain under the act of Aprlll4, 1851, and unless ex ceptions be Sled before YIIIDAY, December 18,1857, at 10 o'clock A,M,, the. memo will be allowed and ap proved by the Court, GEO. 11. EARLE. n25-w 6-2 wit Attorney for Widow. ebttrationat. HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, _ • NEAR FALLS OF SOIIIITERILL, PIIILLIDELPHIL. SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. IMMIt11:1 The Rector, Rev. B. R BUSER, may be seen every WEDNESDAY AFTkIIIiOON, from 8 to 5 o'clock, at BOOKER'S Bookstore , S. W. corner 'BIMINI and gIiESTNIIT, where also circulars may be obtained. 'Address Ray. B. R. SRYSER,- 43-214.. Falls or Schuylkill, Philadelphia. VRITTENDEN's PHILARELPIIIA. COM MEROIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Baena and Third Stories. 110011-lIEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORM. COMMERCIAL'OALOOLATIONS. LECTURES, &c. Each Student has indlyidnal instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the Immediate superviaion of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department.. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms; ho. 008-y DROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, -*BST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary-whatever is more like a private family. The course of study is extensive and thorough. Pro fessor kisundere will receive a few more pule under fourteen year* of' age into kis family , nquire of Messrs. J. S. Sliver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose eons or wards are now members of his family. septi4-tf . . Voota anti sboes. 14 . 00T8 AND SHOES.—The subscriber A..' has on band a large and varied stock of BOOTS and MOBS, 'which ho mill sell at the lowest prices. GEO. W. TAILOR," S. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET Sta. -VALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. '-708EPR H. TIIOMPRON & CO., No. 814 MAR. %ET Street, and Nos. 8 and 6 FRANKLIN PLAOII, have now In .store a large and well-assorted stock of BOOTS and 13110E6, of City and Eastern 'manufacture, which they idler for sale on the best terms for Oash, or on the usual credit. Buyers are invited to tall and examine their stook aul-dtt Notice to Qtoitsigiteto, NOTICE_ TO. CONSIGNEES. The' dap PIIILADE,LPITIA, from Liverpool, ie pair.diecharging undOr general order, at EIRLITNN STREET WHARF. Consigneeervill plume "atcend to receipt of their goods. • rio'Ll " 'TIIO3.IIICIIABDSON & CO. NOTICE TO -CONSIGNEES.— Tho Bhip 11 PHILADYILPHIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, Is now ready to discharge at Bhipper/04°ot wharf. Con— signees.will please deliver their permits to the Custom house °Dicer en board. MI goods not pormited in ere days will be sent topabila store. nett:. THOMAS RICILARDSON dt CO. Sin Sale anb (Ea Ext. -ER If ANT 0 WN PROPERTY FOR G. SALE handsordely slthated LOT OF FOUR TEEN ,AORES, having a front of 000 feet on Ohelten wvenne, which _1e..80 feet wide, and 800 feet on the Township Line Road, or Wissahickon street. , This property may be purchased at the present limo for the 'altar of the avenue front,' Applyto • -J. D. REINBOTII, d4-3t* • • - - . 436 Walnut street. IriESTRABLE OFFICES at 520 WALNUT ALF St., epposite the State Ileum); one of the bent business location's in Plillndelphia, with heat, light, End ell modern conoenleneen. Apply on the premises, Room No. B, to 4, W. I. BALL, Agent. no2d WONDERS ,OF TUE AGE-LIGHT, LIGHT FOR ALL.—PETERS & SHROVE, Patent Non• Explosion Self-Generating GAS LAMPS is ,Met thelhing to suit all. Price sum up ; an may have a imparter Light by calking at their Depot. This Lamp is adapted to all places and purposes, and only requires a trial to test its advantages over all others. The Lamp forum its own gas. Our Patent with can be tltted to every ordinary Fluid Lamp, with expense, *About the least possible danger. All are invited to call and examine for themsolven. Town, County, and State rights for sale. The proprietors are in want of Agents, giving a rare clutnee to make money, PETERS & SIIROPE, Gas Lamp Depot, a02,14m , 125 Southdth St , below Chestnut, Phi CLOVER SEED.—NOTIOE TO PENN . BYLVANIA FARMERS AND BTODEKBEPERB. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for meth, prima Clover Bead of the new Crop. Penneylvanla storekeepers and farmers, by 'ending samples to our address can, at all dimes, ateertaln,the price at which we are ' buying. Pardee wishing samolea, by whirl. r.c. belelented 31 to gustily, cart have them tent by mall, by addressing us. , J. II WARE .k., CO, :14u1941, - 48 North Front, and 44 Furor streets 4sl-4 5 O.O.NOMY. IN GAS BILLS.—TIIE beet thue Regulators ever offered for Five Dol lOC, Neu, male by the WATERMAN GAS REGULA TOR OOMPA,TY, - n020.1m 602 GREBTNUT Street, .s'trangtme Onibe in philabelpilia. For the boneSt of strangers and others who may de• sire to visit any of our public institutions, wo publish the annexed list. PUBLIOTL/0112 , OF A1.1081198l". Academy of Must; (Operatic,) corner of Broad and Locust streets. Arch Street Theatre, Arch, above 6th street. Parkinson's Garden, Chestnut, above Tenth. National Theatre and Circus, Walnut, above Eighth. Sandford's Opera flouse,(Ethlopland Eleventh, below Market. •• . . Walnut Street Theatre, northeast corner Ninth and Walnut. ThomeuPs Varieties, Fifth and Chestnut, Thomas's Opera Rouse, Arch, below Seventh, ARTS AND BOIENCSI3. Academy of Natural Sciences, corner of Broad and George streets, Academy of Vine Arts, Chestnut, above Teeth. Artists' Saud llallpheatnut, above Tenth, Franklin Institute, No. 9 South Seventh street. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. Almshouse, west elde of Schuylkill, opposite South street. Almshouse (Friends% Walnut street, above Third. Association for the Employment of Poor Women, No 292 Green street Asylum for Lost Children, No. 98 North Seventh street. Blind Asylum, Race, near Twentieth street, Christ Church Hospttal, No. 8 Cherry street. City Rosetta, Nineteenth street, near Coates. ClarksonN Hall, No. 183 Cherry street. Dispensary, Fifth, below Chestnut street. Female Society for the Belief and Employment of the Poor, No. 82 North Seventh street. ' Guardians of the Poor, Whet, No. 68 North Seventh street. German Society Hall. No. 8 South Seventh street. Home "for Friendless Children, corner Twenty-third and Brown streets. . . . . Indigent Widows' and Single Women's Society, Cherry, east of Eighteenth street. Penn Widows' Asylum, West and Wood streets Eighteenth Word. bfasonio Itall , Chestnut, above Seventh street. Magdalen Asylum, corner of Race and Twenty-first streets. Northern Dispensary, No.l Spring Carden street. Orphans' Asylum, (colored,) Thirteenth street, near Oallewhill. Odd Fellows , gall, Sixth and flames street. Do. do. S. E. corner Broad and Spring Gar den streets. Do. do. Tenth and South streets. Do. do. Third and Brown streets. Do. do. Ridge Road, below Wallace. Pennsylvania hospital, Pine street, between Eighth and Ninth. Pennsylvania Institute for the Instruction of the Blind, corner Race and Twentieth street. Pennsylvania. Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Pablio Prisons, Sixth and Adolph' streets. Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic and noble- Minded Children, School Ilouse Lane, Germantown, Miles No. 162 Walnut sleet. Philadelphia Orphans , Asylum, northeast oor. High. teenth and Cherry Preston Retreat, Hamilton, near Twentieth street. Providence Society, Prune, below Sfith street. Southern Dispensary, No. 9S Shippen street. Union Benevolent Association, N. W. corner of Seventh and Saloom streets. Will's nospital, Race, between Eighteenth and sine teenth etreets. St. Joseph's .linapital, Girard avenue, between Fif teenth and Sixteenth. Episcopal Hospital, Front street, between Hunting don and Lehigh avenues. Philadelphia Hospital for Disemonof the Chest, 8. W. corner of Chestnut and' Park eta, West Philadelphia The Home for Destitute Colored Children, situated on (Heard avenue, first holm above Nineteenth street, Custom House, Chestnut street, above Pourth County Prison, Passynnk road, below Rood. City Tobacco Warehouse, Dock and Spruce streets. City Controller's Office, Girard Bank, second story. Commissioner of City Property, office, Girard Bank, second story. City Treasurer's Office. Girard Bank, second story. City Commissioner's Office, State Rouse. City Solicitor's Office, Fifth ' below Walnut. City Watering Committee's Office, Southwest oorner Fifth and Chestnut. Fatrmount Water Works, Fairmount on the Sohnyl• kill, Girard Trost Treasurer's Office,Fifth,above Chestnut. Rouge of Industry, Catharine, above Seventh. House of Industry, Seventh, above Arch street. House of Refuge, (white,) Parrish, between Twenty second and Twenty-third street. House! of Refuge, (colored,) Twenty-fourth, between Parrish and Poplar streets. Health Office, corner of Sixth and Stumm. Rouse of Correction, Bush Hill. Marine Hospital, Gray's Ferry road, below South street. Mayor's office, S. W. corner Fifth and Chestnut sta. Now Penitentiary, Coates street, between Twenty first and Twenty-second streets. Navy Yard, on the Delaware, corner Pront and Prime streets. Northern Liberties Gas Works, Maiden, below Front street. Poet Office, No. 237 Dock street, opposite the Ex. ohange. Post Office, Kensington, Queen street, below Shacka maxon street. Post Office, Spring (Judea, Twenty-fourth street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Philadelphia Exchange, corner Third, Walnut and Dock streets, PhiladelphialissWorke t Twentieth and Market; oMee, No. 8 8. Seventh amt. • Pennsylvania Institute for Deaf and Dumb, Broad and Pine streets. . Penn's Treaty Monument, Beach, above Hanover street, Publle..lfigh _School, a. E. corner 'Broad and Green PatltkC t(otenaljiabeq),, Bergeant., , e.hese Ninth. Recorder's Office, Nor. 8 State Iforle,eant wing. • State Bonne, Chestnut street, between Fifth audlath ntreets. Sheriff's Office, State House. near Sixth etroot. Spring Garden Corominaloner'n Hall, Spring Garden and Thirteenth streets. Union Temperance Hall, Christian, above Ninth street United Staten Mint, corner of Chentnut and Juniper streets. United States Arsenal, Gray's Perry Road, near Fede ral street. Naval Asylum, on the Schuylkill, near South street. 'United States Army and Clothing blonipage, corner of Twelfth and Girard greets. United States Quartermaeter'e Office, corner of Twelfth and Girard streets. COLLSOILS. College of Pharmacy, Zane street, above Bernell,. Eclectlo Medical College, Haines street, west of Sloth. Girard College, Ridge road and College Avenue. Llomccopathio Medical College, Filbert street, above Eleventh. Jefferson MedicalOollege, Tenth street, below George. Polytechnlo College, corner Market and West Penn Square. Pennsylvania Medical College, Ninth street, below Locust. Philadelphia Medical College, Fifth street, below Walnut. Female Medical College, 229 Arch street. University of Pennsylvania, Ninth street, between Market and Chestnut. University of Free Medicine and Popular Knowledge, No. 09 Arch street. • LOOATIOX Or 001:11013. United States Circuit and District Courts, No. 24 Fifth street, below Chestnut. supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Fifth and Chestnut streets. Court of Common Pleas, Independence Hall. District Courts, Noe. 1 and 2, corner of 811th and Chestnut streets. Court of Quarter Beesious, corner of Sixth and Chest streets. ALONZO POZTER American Baptist Publication Society, No. DS Arch street. American and. Foreign Christian Union, N 0.144 Chest nut street. American Sunday School Union (new), No. 1122 Chestnut street. Amencan Tract Society (new), No. 929 Chestnut. Episcopal Reading ROOMS ' 524 Walnut street. Menai:list, Crown street, below CaMahal street. Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Bible Society, corner of Seventh and Walnut streets. Presbyterian Board of Publication (now), No. 821 Chestnut stree t. Presbyterian Publication house, No. 13.34 Obestnut street. Young Men's Christian Association, No. 152 Chestnut street. Northern Young Mode Christian Association, lior mantown Road and Franklin. Philadelphia Pablo, Tract, and Periodical Office (T. U. Stockton's), No. 531 Arch Btreot, first house below Sixth street. north side. Lutheran Publication Society, No. 732 Arch street, below Eighth. RAILROAD LINES. - - - Penna. Central R. R —Depot, Eleventh and Market. 7 A. M., Mail Train for Pittsburgh and the West. 12.55 P. M., Faet Line for Pittsburgh and the West. 2.80 P. 51., for Harrisburg and Columbia. 4.30 P. M. Accommodation Train for Lancaster. 11 P. M., Express Mail for Pittsburgh and the West. Reading Railroad—Depot, Brood and Vine. 7.80 A. M,, Express Train for Pottsville, Williamsport, Elmira and Niagara Falls. 8.80 P. M., as above (Night _Express Train.) New York Ltnes, 1 A. M., from Kensington, via Jersey City. 8 A. M., from Camden, Accommodation Train. 7 A. M. from Camden, via Jersey City, Mail. 10 A. 51., from Walnut street wharf, VIII Jong oily. 2 P. M. via Camden and Amboy Exprese. 3 P. M., via Camden, Accommodation Train. P M., via Camden and Jersey City, Mail. 0 F. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation. Connecting Lanes. 8 A. M., from Walnut street wharf, for Belvldore,Easton, Water Gap, Scranton, An. 0 A. M., for Freehold. 7 A. M., for Mount Holly, from Walnut street wharf, 2P. 51. for Freehold. 230 P. 1., for Mount Holly, Briatol, Trenton, Au. 8 P. M., for Palmyra, Burlington, Bordentown, Ac. 4. P. M., for Belvidere, Easton, Ac., from Walnut street wharf. 15 P. M. for Mount Holly, Burlington, An, Baltimore B. B.—Depot. Broad and Prime. 8 A, 51., for Baltimore, Wilmington, New Castle, Mid dletown, Dover, and Seaton'. 1 P. M. for Baltimore, Wilmington, and New Castle. 0.15 P.M., for Wilmington, New Castle, Middletown, Dover, and Seaford. . P. M., for Perryville, Fast Freight. 11 P. M., for Baltimore and Wilmington. North Pennsylvania 21, R.—Depot, Front and Willow. VA. 51., for Bethlehem, Easton, Mauch Chunk, Ac. 10 A. DI for Doylestown, Accommodation, 2.15 P. M., for Bethlehem, Easton, blanch Chunk, ?co. 4.80 P. M. for Doylestown, Accommodation. 10 A. M., for Gwynedd, Accommodation. Camden and A tlantic B. B.—Vlne street wharf. 7.80 A. M.for Atlautlo City. 10.45 A. Si., for Haddonfield. 4 P. M. for Atlantic City. 4.48 P. M., for Haddonfield. • . For Westchester. By Columbia IL R. and Weatehester Branch. From Market street, south sLie, above Eighteenth. Leave Philadelphia 7 A. M. ail 4 P. 81. Weser/motor 6 30 A. M., and 8 P. M. ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia 7 A. M. " Westchester 3P. M. Weetchester Direct Railroad, open to Pennelton, Grubbs Bridge. From northeast Eighteenth and Market streets. Leave Philadelphia 0, and 9 A. M. 3,4, and 0 P. M. Ponnelton, Grubbs Bridge, 7,8, and 11 A. Al, and 4 and 6 P. M. On Saturdays last train from Pennel ton at 7 A. M. ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia 8 A. 11. and 2 P. M. Ponnelton 9,q A.M. and 0 P. 11. Germantown ¢ Norristown It. 8.-Depot, oth and Green. 6,9, and 11 A. 31., and 8, 4.45, 6.45, and 11.16 P. M., for Norristown. 6 A. M. and 8 P. M., for Downingtown. 6,8, 9, 10, and 11.80 A. M., and 2,4, 6; 8, and 0 . M. for Ohertnnt RM. 6,7, 8,9, 10.10 and 1180, A. M., and 1,2, 8.10, 4,6, 6,7, B', 9, and 11.80 P. M., for Germantown. Chester Talley R. R.-Leave Philadelphia 6 A. M. and 8 P. M. Leave Downingtown 7,4( A. IQ. and 1 P. M STEAMBOAT lams. 2.80 P. M., Richard Stockton, for Bordentown, frem Walnut Arent wharf. 10 and 11.46 A. M. and 4P. M., for Tacony, Burling. ton and Bristol, from Walnut lamed wharf. 9.80 A. M. Delaware, Boston, and Rennebee, for cape Ilay, tirstpler below Spruce street. 7.80 A. M., and 2,8, and 6 P. Of., John A, Warner and Thomas A. Morgan, for Bristol, Br llngton, POBLIO BOILDINOS RICLIOIOUS INSTITUTIONS PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1857. :11re55. SATURDAYi DECEMBER 5, 1857. RIGHTS AND WRONGS OF COPYRIGHT. A few weeks ago, litessrs. Harpers' Tema/ of Civilization contained an announcement, which gave much pleasure to us, in common with the numerous readers of Harper's Dfaga sine: "Mr. Thackoray's now story, 'The Virginians,' with many humorous illustrations by the author, is commenced in the Decembor number of Ilarper's Magazine. It is Printed from early sheets, re ceived from the author in advance of publication in England ; for which the publishers pay Mr. Thackeray the sum of two thousand dollars." Accordingly, as much of " The Virginians" as had boon published in London on the Ist of November, together with faithful copies of, the, author's own illustrations, appdared in the December number of Harper's Magazine. There can be no doubt that this portion was printed from early sheets, for which h liberal sum was paid to the author. Harper was pub lished, wo believe, about the 28d of Novem ber—or a week in advance of the actual date of the Magazine. In Harper's weekly Journal of Civilizalion of November 28 appeared another notice, which we subjoin : 46 With the full knowledge of this [the above quoted I arrangement, the proprietors of the New York Tribune, who have been loading advocates of an international copyright law, and profess the warmest regard for the interests of British authors in this country, have begun to copy this - story into their paper. The same parties, under the same circumstances, reprinted upon us 'Mr. Dickens's Little Dorrit,' for which we paid the author two thousand dollars. •' No American publisher can afford to give two thousand dollars for early sheets of a foreign work which is instantly reprinted upon him by a rival in a business. "The course of the Tribune is, therefore, do. oidedly calculated to deprive the British author of the only compensation he can get, in the pre sent slate of the copyright law." On the face of it, this appears a well-founded complaint. In two instances, large amounts had been paid for early sheets, with the ex press purpose of being able to publish " Dorrit" and "The Virginians," in ad vance of every other person in America. But, as the case lies, it does not appear that Messrs. Marra did avail themselves of the full privilege for which they had so largely paid. They delayed both re-publications un til a time when the Tribune, or any other paper, could have also published what DICK. ENS and THACKERAY had sent on in advance, "Little Dorrit" and "The Virginians" are serials, issued in London on magazine-day, (the last day of each month,) sometimes in time to be forwarded to this coun try on the Ist, and sometimes not for. warded until a few days later. But, on the average, a complete English copy of each serial would arrive in this country about the 16th of each month, which might be re-pub lished in the Tribune some days before Har per's Magazine usually appears. Therefore, though the Tribune did anticipate Ilittrut's publication of " Little Dorrlt," and has "be gun to copy" Mr. THACKERWS "Virginians," there is no pretence for the accusation or complaint that such copying was from Har per's Magazine. Strictly speaking, the Tri• base was fully competent, if it pleased, to an ticipate Harper, by reprinting "Little Dor rit," and " Tho Virginians," copying from the original English issue of DICKENS and THACHERAY. IR reply to Messrs. HARPERS' card, the Tribune puts forth a statement, in petit:lca tion, to the effect that, once upon a time, a certain young publisher of New York, who had paid Diettins for early sheets of a new j woitlati overtaken by certain pirates named HARPER, who made a reprint from a copy' of what the said young publisher had issued, and sold such reprinted (or stolen) copies at half-price, thereby causing serious Injury to the said young man. But, even admitting the truth of this, it has no relative connection with the case before us. Had Messrs. HAR PER done wrong a thousand times over, would it justify the Tribune in doing wrong a single time? The . Tribune's actual defence is that Messrs. HARPER did not avail themselves of the privileges for which, in each case, they had paid two thousand dollars, and, by such neglect, had enabled the Tribune to anticipate them, by giving earlier reprints of cc Little Dorrit" and "The Virginians," from the ori ginal English editions. In proof of this comes the fact that, some months ago, Messrs. IlAnrun made a contract with Sir EDWARD SWAYER LITTON, for early sheets of his new English novel, cc What will we do with it?" now publishing in Blackwood's Magazine. Instead of keeping these early sheets back—so that what appeared in Black wood's Magazine for November would only appear in Harper's Magazine for December—it appears in Harper's weekly Journal of Civili zation long before any copy of Blackwood con taining it possiblycan roach this country. This really anticipates all chance of reprinting from Blackwood, by way of competition. We write this on December 4th, some twelve days before Harper's weekly Journal of Civilization can reach this country, and already have wo road, in Harper's weekly, (the last two numbers,) most, if not all, of what shall regularly reach us in Blackwood a fortnight hence, it we take the Edinburgh edition, and a few days later, if—following the example of cc all the world" here—we wait for the cheap and accurate fac simile reprint of Maga supplied by those enter prising friends of literature, LEONARD SCOTT & Company, New York, publishers of the leading English periodicals. When Messrs. HARPER re-published " Lit tle Dorrit," they had no medium but their Magazine through which to present it to the American public. Now, that they have a weekly newspaper of their own, which we road with pleasure, (always skipping the "Bohemian" mock gentility, and the gentle dulness of as The Lounger,") It is surprising that, having also had previous experience of the Tribune's action with respect to " Little Dorrit," they did not throw "The Virgi nians" Into their weekly publication, and thus defy competition—as for piracy, that is out of the question. As the law now stands, the Tribune has full right to reprint the English aerial, at its earliest convenience. Summing up the case, which we have endeavored to consider fairly in its various points, we think that, by keeping back "The Virginians " for their Magazine, and not im mediately issuing it (as in re Bulwer) in their Weekly Journal of Civilization, they left a loop-hole, through which a sharp practitioner might creep in and catch them. They have been NO caught by the Tribune beyond doubt. But, for our own part, anxious as we aro for an early reading of TIIACKERAY'S new work, wo certainly shall not turn the Tribune's re print, as we prefer having c , The Virginians" on the good paper and with the clear typo of Harper's Magazine, with the additions of the author's own illustrations, which, though clumsy enough at times, have the merit of being characteristic, Mr. J. Ladue was on board the steamer Cleveland during tho recent terrible storm on the Lakes, when the steamer was within an inch of being wrecked. Ile speaks of tho courage of the passengers. saying: In the midst of the unflinch ing courage displayed on every hand, shines still brighter the courage of a woman who was one of the passengers, the brighter as it stands in con tract with tho shoor cowardice of a oravamsoulod man who was aboard. That man was a French man, and not an Englishman, as we stated Tutor day. Ile absolutely refused to work, when a woman—which should have brought a burning blush of shame upon his cheeks, if ho was pos sessed of any manhood—stepped forward and volunteered to take his place. That woman's name NFU Miss li. Wishard, of Milwaukee. The passongors, however, would not allow her to work. Her noble behavior upon this occasion won for her the admiration and esteem of every ono on board. The postmaster of San Francisco has given notteo that many lotters erriro ut his office from the Atlantic States via Panama, which are found adhering so closely together by sealing-wax that it is impossible to separate them without mutila ting, and in many cases entirely destroying, the addresses. ills important, therefore, that persona mailing correspondence for California and other parts of the Pacific coast, via the Isthmus of Pana ma, should abolish the use of \YU, in sealing their letters, SABBATH READING. THE TIME TO PRAY. UT GRAYBEARD. fres The Press The Bible teaches that "there is a time for all things ;" and acting upon the principle that Order Is not only "Heaven's first law," but also a component part of every well-organ 'zed mind, men have accepted this Scriptural motto and gxesnplify it' in what they call sys tematizing their business. 'Common sense, in its most exalted sense, feels the propriety of this Divine provision; and admits that there is a time—i. e., a proper time, and consequently an improper time for everything; that there is a time, for example, to work—as to work at all times would be destructive to health and life; a time to test—which is not when we have duties to perform and are able to perfoim them ; a time to eat,--whieh is not at all times, as that would he gross gluttony; a time to sleep—which is not when the' sun is above the horizon, as'fhat would be reversing the order of natureA-t(To this rule the printers of a morning paper of throe form an exception 1) a time to drink--which is when we are thirsty, not always when afriend invites us; ,a, time to speak—which shonid. only be when we have something to say; a time to laugh—which is not in the house of God, or while sorrowing ones are around us ; a time to mourn—which is not in this house of feasting and a time to fight—which our non-resistance: friends will allow us tOisay, is when our lives, Our friends, or our country, needs Our defence. But, not to lose sight of our subject; there is a time to , inai, When 't There '•is a little verse of thl'Oe words, contained in the autho rity from which we haVe already quoted, which says, 4s Pray without ceasing." This monopoly of prayer, as some have termed it,laust not be understood as an in junction for us to continue at all times in the attitude of formal prayer, and it is only a sneering inlidelity that would willingly torture this text into aueh an absurdity; yet, properly considered, this divine command of conti nuing instal/tin prayer" is ono to which the heart that is right with its Maker accedes. That man, for example, has not yet learned the Alpha Of Isiti.dtsty aaa Chtistian—whether professing:infisoskiwofsistii4 7 -who does 'not constantlyrealfze his '4dr:senders - cis upon God for all that he has and is, and who, upon feeling this dependence, does not continually strive to shape hie life and conversation iu such a man nee as to continnold God's favor; and he who does thlijulflis this divine requirement ; for practically, the ever-present internal acknow ledgment-of a man's need of help from above (and which need has been over uppermost in the minds of many of the wisest of the sons of' this and other Christian lands) may truly be said to constitute a life of unceasing prayer. But there are times when seasons for prayer and public devotion of a more stated charac ter are oMineritly proper, and essential to the Christian groWth of the community. As to how frequent these seasons should bo made, any decision that man might make would be necessarily arbitrary. This much, however, it may be safe to predicate, that as the world progresses onward and upward toward that state of moral elevation that is to usher in the millennial day, the emblems ofman's reverence for his Creator must become more anti snore general. In a recent number of TUE PEEKS the fact Vas announced that a daily prayer meeting was being held in one of the churches in a sister city, between the hours of twelve and one P. M., for the convenience of merchants and others, and which was meeting with remark able anaemia. Since then, our attention has been called to the fact, that a similar meeting has been commenced in the lecture-room of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Fourth street, below,Arch, for the purpose, as their circular expresses it, of "giving merchants, mechanics, clerks, strangers and business men, generally, an opportunity to stop and call upon God amid the daily' perplexities incident to their respec tive avocations." There should bo no objection made to this movement by the friends of Christianity, as the more general these spiritual exercises be comei the !nom efficient will be our co-opera tion Witlt`God in bringing about that predicted time { ctien even " the bells of the horses" shall 441'1*as the inscription, and ring out the DIDAVZOUNID33 DATO VIE LORD I" RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. A PLEA FOR Home.----This popular lecture, by the Rev. A. A. Warm's, Pastor of the First Reformed Dutch Church of this city, has already, in the bands of its talented author, on several occasions, been made to contribute handsomely to various charitable objects. We have understood that it is next to be delivered in the Green Hill Presbyterian Church, Rev. T. STREETS, on next Tuesday evening, for the benefit of the Green Mil Sunday School Howard Association. As the subject is ono in which all who have homes are interested, and us the object it is proposed to subserve has just claims upon the patronage of the citi zens in that vicinity, the lecture, as well as its results, is sure to ho a success, and so we hope it may. SERMON TO YOUNG MEN.-By request of the Young Men's Christian Association, the Rev. James M. Crowell will preach a sermon to young men, by Divine permission, on Sabbaths evening, 6th inst., at half-past seven o'clock, in the Seventh Presbyterian Church, Broad street, above Chestnut. ASSOCIATION-ZION CIIURCII,COIIICr of North Eighth street and Columbia avenue.—An as sociation will be held in Zion Church, be ginning on Wednesday, 9th December, at 8 o'clock, P. M., and continuing during the evenings of Wednesday, 9th December, Thurs day, 10th December, Friday, 11th December. MEETING YOU HUMILIATION AND PRAYER.- The next mee - ing will be held at the Church of the Nativity, Eleventh and Washington streets, on Tuesday afternoon, December Bth, at lq o'clock P. M. RELIGION IN OALIFORNIA.—VIO fourth an nual report of the Young Men's Christian Association of San Francisco, received by the last steamer, contains the proceedings of the anniversary. The president of the society, Charles W. Bond, Esq., stated that the total number of members was 370, the number of volumes in the library 1488, and that there had been registered during the year about 7,000 names upon the visiters' record. Monthly essays had been read, and a number of lectures delivered. There is a Bible class which meets on each Sabbath morning. MissteltAnms VOA INDIA.—The following missionaries sailed from Boston, on Monday, in the ship Judge Shaw, for Madras : Mr. and Mrs. Snyder and child, Mr. and Mrs. Long, and Mr. and Mrs. Ungaust, Lutheran mission aries; Mr. and Mrs. Quick, and Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock, of the American Boaid of Com missioners for Foreign Missions; Miss Mott, of Assam. HANDSOME DONATION.—Josiah Bradlee, Esq., upon retiring from the auditorship of the Bos ton Marine Society, of which be had long been an honorary member, has just made a gill of $5,000 to its relief fund. He has also made an additional gift of $2,000 to the Homo for Aged Females, at Boston. CHURCH BURNELL—VIC Reformed Dutch curch, at Jamaica, L. 1., was destroyed by fire on Friday evening, the 20th ult. It was valued at $12,000, and was one of the largest and most elegant of the churches on Long Tho Into John High, Jr., who was killed at the Chicago lire, bequeathed $20,000 to bene volent institutions. The board of foreign missions receives $2,000 and the tract society $l,OOO. Captain Thomas IL Gedney, a distinguished officer of the United States navy, died at Charles ton, South Carollan, on the 30th of November. Ile was born In South Carolina, and entered the navy from that State on the Ith of March, 1815, liming his country both at sea and on shore for a period of forty years and nine months. His latest commis sion bears dote the Bth of September, 1811, nod an tler it ho bad a sea service of five years. Captain ILledney spent twenty-two years and three months at son, and did shorn and other duties during a period of eight years and six months. Ile was last at son in the month of February, 1851, and hod been unemployed, at intervals, for ton years dur ing his forty years' sorvico. Captain tledney was a practical geographer as well as a thorough sea man, and the efforts of his mind contributed ma terially to the benefit of the commerce of the city of Now York. A trial has boon going on in Boston, the officers of n stontner having boon indicted for man slaughter in not endeavoring to save the life of /1 passenger who fell overboard. The Trauseeept of Friday says: The jury in this case was discharged at a late hour of last night, and returned a sealed verdict this morning. The verdict acquitted Chas. B. Sandford, but found Capt. Edward 11. Sanford guilty of manslaughter, 'ln not making sufficient effort to save the life of Allen Frazer, after falling overboard, as sot forth in the indictment." The ease will be carried before the Supremo Judicial Court on exceptions, and the ball of Capt. Sanford was increased to $5,000. The Glenland Flaincicaler saya that George Gardner, the master of the ill-fated Flying Cloud, was the lost of four brothers, all sailors, who have been lost upon the lakes. Their aged mother, about sixty years old, living in Cleveland, thus coos four manly youths sacrificed to the perils of the sea. George was her only hopo, and the staff upon which she leaned in her declining years, and now ho has met the fate of the others. her sorrows have boon truly very groat. COMMUNICATIONS. THE FINANCIAL CRISIS. Editor of The Press : I do not think either of the writers in your paper has given a deep view of the financial crisis, or has given the remedy or preventive. My view of the subject is, that we are suffer ing now from the overtrading speculation, ex travagance, and borrowing and lending of the last ten years, caused by importations, banks, and by grants and sales of public lands to speculators, as individuals or companies, caus ing too much capital and labor to be engaged in non-productive employment; that Is, import ing and distributing foreign goods, manufactur ing and distributing domestic goods beyond the wants of the people, in luxury, idleness, Vice; thereby,building cities, railroads, canaht, telegraphs; &c., and all their various interests, faster or in advance of what is required by the amount of labor and capital employed in agri culture, and by the diffusion of the labor and capital employed in agriculture over a large extent of territory, causing its productiveness to be diminishe'd. The importations arc the most fruitful cause or evil, and cause the demand for banks, which, by inflating the currency and . raising prices, increase the importations, and the number of persons engaged trading. Tho importer sends out for as many goods as his means and credit enable him to buy ; they are stored in the bonded warehouse—on the security of these goods, he gets money' from bank, pays duties, or sends for more goods; sells his goods for Vas ; has those notes discounted. His customer, the jobber, sells goods, gets notes for them, has them discounted; buys more goods; has the notes he gets for them discounted. The retailer gets his goods from the jobber, and, influenced by the quantity and variety of goods in jobbers' stocks, and by competition with his rivals, buys largely, and makes great exertions to sell to consumers by giving long credit—keeping a large stock in a beautiful store. The discounts and deposits of the importer, jobber, and retailer form the basis of banking operations and inflations of the currency, which, by raising prices, increase the business of importing and distributing goods, which stimulate banking. This continues until the crash comes. The importers, jobbers, retailers, and banks build, and cause to be built, palaces for bank ing, warehouses, stores, palatial residences, city and country railroads, for distribution of goods; hotels, theatres, opera houses, gambling and houses of ill-fame, &c., &c., to make the city attractive and increase its trade. Labor and capital are attracted to the city to share in its seeming profitable business, its luxury, its vice, to engage, in its manifold non-productive employments. The manufacturers and dealers in domestic goodsform large companies Nvith immense capi tal, and owing to expanded currency, caused by banks and importations, are able to raise money and continue their operations with seeming profit for some time, and assist in tho general inflation and overtrading, but the im portations and expanded currency soon crush them. A large proportion of banking operations are engaged in facilitating the business of im porting and distrituting foreign goods; im portations increase banking business, banks increase importations. The National Government, by its sales and grants of land to speculators, bas assisted in causing the evils under which we labor, by causing capital and labor engaged in agricul ture to be diffused over too great an extent of territory, thereby making it expensive to con vey produce from the producer to the con sumer; capital and* labor that ought to bo en gaged in producing food is engaged in specu lating in land and food and in transporting food, through the mismanagement of the Government. I propose as a remedy for, and preventive of, hard times, that the National Government shall enact a tariff' to restrict all importations, not for the purpose of protecting manufactures; but to restrict tho employment of capital and labor in importing and distributing foreign goods, and in other consequent non-product ive employments, and to restrict, conse quently, the export of breadstutfs and specie. That the National Government shall discon tinue the sales and grants of public lands, tr cept to actual settlers, in limited quantities, n condition of immediate cultivation, in order to prevent the employment of capital and labor in manufacturing beyond the wants of the pea pie, by presenting this great inducement to labor to engage in agriculture, thereby lessen ing the amount of labor at the disposal of the manufacturer, and diminishing the tendency of laborers to congregate in cities. That the Natio n al Government shall refuse to permit the States to charter banks of circula tion, and shall cause provision to be made for the gradual withdrawal of their notes ; their place to be supplied by Treasury notes not lower in denomination than twenty-five dollars, and not to exceed in amount one-half of the bank circulation withdrawn. E. P. K. MATTERS AND THINGS IN NEW YORK. (From the Now York papers.] THE WOOD-SAWYER'S BET —Before the elec tion, two merchants of this city. S. A. Gilbert (Wood mon) and James Brown, (Tieniann,) agreed upon an election bet, the condition of which was, that one whose candidate should be defeated should forfeit twenty-five dollars or saw a load of wood in front of the Girard. The 'fulfilment took place 10-day, at ono o'clock, when Mr. Gilbert be came, if note veritable hewer, a sawyer of wood. Ho began upon his pile of pine, sawing each stick in four pieces, and soon raised such a blister on his hands, that his victorious but compassionate friend Brown, who was overseer of the work, was fain to lend him a pair of yellow kids, to complete the job. By-and-by ho got dry, and with diffi culty obtained permission to liquidate his obliga tions, and while doing so, received permission to diseontinue the work. lie, however, refused to avail himself of the privilege, and if ho has not ..ono away, is still sawing, as the reporter loft film. A largo crowd surrounded the spot of the achievement, who manifested great satisfaction in its perfermaneo.—N. F. Evening Post. INTERESTING LAW CASE—U. S. CIRCUIT COVET. —Mr. William Heine, an artist of this city, sailed in Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan, nomi nally no roaster's mate, at $25 per month, but really to make drawings of the scenery and objects of interest in that country. He claims that the agreement of the Government was that he should furnish these illustrations to accompany Commo dore Perry's report, but that the right should be reserved to hint to protect himself by copyright front any other publication of them. Its obtained a copyright for seventeen of the pictures. Some months ago the Messrs. Appleton published the whole series-800 in number, including the seventeen copyrighted. Mr. Heine accordingly obtained an injunction restraining the Applelons from interfering with his rights by selling these pictures The case canto up today, but was post- F nonm i on account of the absence of Commodore Perry, who is a material witness. Cincinnati Markets Hess AT CINCIVNATI, o.—The arrivals have been very largo during the week, and the trade hao partaken of that activity and beetle peculiar to it in this city at this season. A large decline has been established, however, during the week, amounting to 75e per cwt. This decline may he attributed to the largo arrivals, bad weather, and but a very limited demand for the Hog product. The transactions each day were as follows: Wednesday, 2,363, averaging 190 to 210 lbs, at 55.50a43.75. Thursday was Thanksgiving day, and no sales were recorded. The market was dull, however, and prices tended downward. Friday-1,100 head bold at $5 to $5.50, averag ing 170 to 225 lbs Saturday-2.600 head sold at $3 a $5.15, closing very dull, with no buyers, and weather unfa vorable. Monday—the sales were confined to three small lots at St SO to $5, with a dull market, largo arri val:, and bad weather, damp and warm. Yesterday the temperature became more favor able, and it was clear and cool, which produced a somewhat bettor fooling on the part of drovers, and the mat bet was slightly firmer, holders being less anxious to sell. 'rho sales, however, were confined 101110, averaging 160 to 170 The, at 51,80; 100 do do 215 lbs, at $3; 500 and 155 do at the same, and 250, averaging 210 lbs, at $5.20. Whalemen lave opportunities to become ac quainted with the habits of the polar bear which others do not. Captain Walker, of the South America, relates a fact which perhaps is worth re peating. Ho found two polar bears, a female with her cub, swimming in the Arctic Ocean, forty miles from land And Captain Murdock, of the Nassau, states that ho shot one ninay miles from land. During theso long passages across sena and buys, which must take several days, they live on their own hair, or grease attached to it, as the hair is found in rolls in their stomachs when killed. Captain Walker took a barrel of bear's oil from the cub which he killed. A young member of the bar thought ho would adopt a motto for himself; and after much reflection, wroto in large letters and pasted up against the wall the following : <, Smut calque," which may be translated, "Let °vety one have his own." A. country client coining in expressed himself smith gratified with the maxim, but added, cc You don't spell it right." <, Indeed ! then how ought it to be spelt 1" The visitor replied, Su'em quick." An elderly Portuguese lady having pledged herself to make a pilgrimage to a distant shrine barefoot, her friends persuaded her that the fatigue would prove littal. She persisted, however, in going to*the shrine, and in going barefoot—but ailment in a sedan chair. Ccl. Jesse Sill, a much respected citizen, and an old Democrat, died the other day um M oKcesport, Allegheny county, Pa. TWO CENTS. GENERAL NEWS. Flarrison Mauzy; of Davis county, Kentucky, a dissipated man, on the night,of the 10th ult., murdered his wife, by striking her with apiece of roil, in a fit of frenzy. He was arrested for the crime, and placed in the jail atOwenaboro. On the night of the 24th ult., persons in the street heard cries of "murder," "help," &c., issuing from the jail, but did not investigate the matter. Next morning Manny was (band sneeehless, and died in a few hours. An examination of the body was made, and there seems no doubt, from the marks of violence thereon, that the unfortunate man oame to his death by violent means. The Belton' (Texas) /ndependent records further Indian depredations in that vicinity. On the 11th they stole and drove away over one hun dred horses. One cave:Bade of about eighty in number was taken from within three miles of Oatesviile, the county seat. A party started in pursuit. Mr. Lewis, ron-in-law of Moses Jackson, Esq., was killed on Reran Bayou, near Camp Colo rado, by Indians or men disguised &sem& Others had been attacked by them, and there was a gen eral disposition among the settlers to leave unless immediate assistance was sent to tbent. We learn from the_Buffelo Courier, that on Wednesday morning a party of fishermen left Bar celona to go out upon the lake and bring in a boat they had left out the day before. There was a beaVy Bea running at the time, and in some man ner unknown, the boat was capsized and all on board wore lost. Two of them were brothers named Bandelt, one was named Halle, another Jones, and the fifth name unknown. The bodies of three came ashore near Dunkirk. Barcelona is the port of Westfield, Chautauqua county, N. Y. A large business is done there in fishing. Two Methodist ministers in North Carolina, Messrs. Edwards and Rosser, have been disci plined" for indulgence in the game often-pins at the Virginia Springs last slimmer. Theypleaded guilty, expressed regret for the act, stated that they were not conscious of intention to do wrong, and promised not to do so any more. The con ference which tried them, in session at Elizabeth city, accepted the aeknowledgment, and per mitted them to continue their functions. We learn from thO Cumberland Telegraph that another land slide occurred on the Chesa peake and Ohio Canal near the Tunnel, on SAWS day, and also one on ,Tuesday. About one then sand yards of rook came down by the latter slide, and It will require three months to remove it. This closes navigation for the season beyond any sort of doubt. On Sunday last a German named Tomfort, a shoemaker by trade, residing at Walla ',thug, in Somerset county, Pa., eat fire to a building in that village, and then committed snieide by hanging b I tnself,as supposed, and was burned amid the ruins Ills bones, °barred, and still bleeding, were drag ged from the flames and decently interred. A letter from Clark county, Ohio, says : There is a good demand about here for good bands to husk cora and chop wood. One dollar per day is paid and fifty cents a cord to wood-choppers, and plenty of work. Potatoes twenty-flue cents per bushel, wheat seventy-five cents, corn twenty.firo cents, hogs $3.50 to $4, hay $7.50 por ton." On the 21st ult., at Princeton, in Mercer county, Virginia, a man named Thomas whipped one of his sister's children, and upon her inter fering to protect her child, struck her on the head with a shovel. She dragged herself to a neigh bor's house, where she died in a few minutes. The murderer has been lodged in jail. J. B. Moorman, Esq., a prominent German lawyer of Cincinnati, died at Memphis on Wed nesday morning, on board the steamer Hickman. Mr. Moorman had been suffering for a long time with an affection of the throat, and started on Friday last for Havana, for the benefit of his health. The Louisville Democrat of the 29th ttlf. Bays:—The Ron. John C. Breekimidge passed through our city yesterday on his way to Wash ington, to take his seat as presiding officer in the United States Senate. Re was escorted as far as Frankfort by the Lexington Rifle Company. The heirs of Benjamin Simmons, of North Kingston, Rhode Island, Dave just recovered $2,500 of the Stonington Railroad Company, in consequence of injuries received by said Simmons, resulting in his death, by a train being thrown off the track near the Kingston depot, in 1855. Mr. Yarnell Balderson, a resident of Balti more, but for the last five years a resident of California, and engaged in mining in Plumer'e county, mot with a sudden and awful death at Hopkins' creek, in the above may, recently, by a heavy bank of earth caving in upon him. Judge Claggett has finally sentenced the editor of the Burlington liawleye to a fine of $ 5 O, for "contempt of court!" The editor has ap pealed. The ' contempt" was for condemning the course of the judge in requiring $50,000 bail in an appeal case for $lOO. The Navy Department received advices from the (=mender of the United States sloop-of war, at Honolulu, by_ .the Paoifio.aide mail. He reports that he caused a survey to be - (nade of Baker and Sarvie's telanite s ,and [pond guantion them whatever. The supposed meteorite which has been puz zling the people of Marblehead, Mass., turns out, upon chemical examination, to be no meteorite at all, but a slug from a furnace. A great deal of wisdom has been wasted upon it by the papers. The Montreal New Era says that after the first of January all United States papers, posted in Canada, must bo prepaid fd each, and if mailed in the United States, the same postage is to bo collected at the place of delivery. On Wednesday, the 11th ult., Mr. William Pierce, of Franklin Parish, Louisiana, was killed by two of his negro men at his plantation in Boeuf Prairie. lie attempted to flog them, whereupon they attacked and killed him. Mrs. Herndon, the widow of Commander Herndon, has just received from the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Boston, filo thousand dollars on a policy signed only a year since. A man was robbed in Baltimore on Thursday night of $l,lOO. lie stated that he left Wheeling for the purpose of going to Philadelphia, where lie intended to go into the coal trade. Gurdon M. Vinat, a compositor in the °Mee of the Boston Traveller, while working at his ease Tuesday morning, fell down in a fit of apo plexy, and almost immediately expired. The giraffe belonging to Driesbach & Co.'s menagerie, the only ono in America, died a day or two since in Cincinnati. It was 'valued at $3OO. A detachment of United States troops left the Carlisle barranks on Monday morning last for the western frontiers. Hon. George Darsie, treasurer of the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railroad Com pany, has resigned. Milton Tnckett was hung in.Owingsville Kentucky, on Friday last, for the murder of Fran cis Fielder The value of taxable property i❑ New Or leans this year is assessed at $95.295,225. The people of Easton, Md., have voted in favor of lighting that town with gas. Tennyson, the poet, is said to be a hopeless viatim to the use of opium. On Monday nest the Legislature of Ken tucky meets. CITY POLICE—DECEMBEa 4 [Reported for The Pres., J A BLACK DANDY UNRICCED —Old Phil Mackey, a colored speculator, keeps an "establishment in Lombard street, where he hires out fashionable apparel to ambitious Ethiopian ladies and gentle men who desire to make a sensation on Sundays and other holidays, and who are prudent enough to do the genteel thing in the most economical manner. Old Phil charges twentrfivo cents For diem for the loan of a stylish dress-coat, suitable for a nigger gentleman of the largest pretensions, twelve and a half cents for a vest of the " loud est " pattern, and proportionably low prices for all other outside garments, including satin dresses, flounced up to the very waist, magnificent shawls, and other fixtures adapted to the wants of his lady customers. On Saturday evening an aspiring young darkey, named Elisha Prince, went to Phil's emporium and obtained a complete outfit for the ensuing Sabbath. The transformation was marvellous; when he en. toredPhirs premises he was as ragged as Lazarus, when he came out be might has u been mistaken for Fred Douglass, or some other dashing specimen of African perfeeitbility. Old Phil, before Elisha's departure, gave him a strict charge to return the fashionable garniture punctually, at the expira tion of the time mentioned in the contract. Elisha was bound by that contract to redeliver the goods before eight o'clock on Monday morning. But, like Cinderella, ho was so intoxicated with his splendor, that ho forgot the injaustions of the wizard who had transformed him, and this forget fulness, on his part, led to sorrow and disgrace. From early dawn to deny ere. on Monday, Phil was engaged in hunting up his delinquent' custo mer, but the search was ineffectual. About three o'clock P. M., on Tuesday, the anxious eyes of old Phil discerned the gay and graceful form of Elisha moving over the payment near the intersection of Sixth and South streets. Ile was escorting a pair of African belles—the very cynosures of negrodorn, daughters of a retired white-washer, supposed to be gelato wealthy. It appears that Elisha had just popped the question to ene of these dark com plexioned beauties, and was waiting in trembling expectation for her answer. At this clitical moment ho feels a rough grasp on his collar, and the well-known voice of old Phil shouts in his ear: "Off with dern fixins, you black porpus! Didn't I toll you toy must be fetch back early en Monday morning? Gib 'em up right away!" The two ladies were overwhelmed with astonish ment and dismay when old Phil tore off first the coat and then the waistcoat from the back of their fascinating beau; but when the ruthless despoiler declared, in no very elegant phrase, that he had a claim on the pantaloons elm the affrighted girls screamed and fled with as much precipitation its their extensive crinoline would allow. Nothing but the prompt interference of an officer prevented the unhappy Elisha from being completely stripped of his borrowed plumes, and it was found Necessary to make an arrest of old Phil to keep him from making a visible breach of decorum in his despe rato efforts to get possersion of all his property. W, PIOTICI To coaszspoilmorts. Otr!olp!matnts Puss , ' will plow bar Is Wad tho livery Gommtudeatton mut Jim iesompardad to t h e name of en witter. ' In otter :90 hymn convelmias the typography, bay oat: midi it a ite r ei diald mitten upon. - We shall be greatly obliged to gentlemen in Pansy!. rants and other States for r ateihigkOlArng the enr rent news of the day fa their patW War rotidities, the resources of the surresnormg esunstry t the leireism of poptdaidon, and any intimation that will be kdarattleit to the general reader'' - _ WEEKLY REVIEW Cey KITE PIULADEL. PALL MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, December 4, 1857. Business generally continues unsettled and dull in all the deparimMits of- trade, and the market, during the last few days, bave been very inaative- Breadstuff.; are depressed and the prices of most kinds have &downward tendency. Bark is also duU. In Cotton little or nothing doing: Coal is firmly held, with a„ moderate demand both for - shipping and home use, at previous questions. Iron is very quiet and prices are unsettled, most - holders being willing to edict vary low figures for cash. Groceries are-held with rather more firm ness, but there is not much doing execipt in Sugars. Provisions are selling in a small way, but at lower figures for Bacon; Salted Meats, and Lard. Butter is firmer, and rather higher prices are obtained. Hides and Leather are still very - dull. Naval Stores no change Oils are still inactive and prices irregular. Plaster better. Rice very little selling. Salt no change. Seeds are quiet for the want of a clock of Cloverseed -to operate in. Whiskey is firmer with more doing. Wool exhibits more steadiness and holders were firmer in their views. In Dry Goods there is little or nothing doing, the markets being pretty much at a stand as regards the wholesale trade, and prices are about the same. Ilawstisruria. = There has been rather more done in Flour this week, but the market at the close is dull and drooping, and prieesmerely nomi nal—the sales include some 7,000 bbla. at '15.25-s $ 5 .7545.81, common to good choice and.extraa and liO3-55.75 per bbl for 'fancy' lots; standard brands Were held at 85.12145.25 per bbl, brit the- trarsactioni are limited 10 800 Obis, better brands only at the latter rate; the demand for shipping being almost entirely suspended. By the news from abroad, the home sales have been moderate within the same range of prices for common to choice retailing brands and extras, and fancy lots at the higher rates, accenting to quality. Rye Flour is lower, - withsales of 200 bbls., at $4.25 a 51.371 per Bbl. Corn Meal has also declined, and 1,800 bbls. Pennsylvania Meal have been disposed of, mostly at $3 per bbl. - Wheats are dull and un settled, and prices era fully sc. per bushel lower, with sales of about 25,000 bushels at $ 1 .15a51.20 for reds, and $1.3041.33 for white, of fair to prime quality, closing at $1 18a51.20 for the former and $1.28a51.30 for the latter, including very choke lota of Kentucky white at $1.40. Bye Is wanted at 75c. for Southern, and - 71a80e. for Pennsylvania, and not much offering. Corn has been in fair re quest, and 35,000 bushels have been disposed of at SOaSlo. for old yellow and white; and 60a65c. for new; we note the market dull to-day in our lowest figures. Oats have been in better demand and all offered, about 24,000 bushels have been sold at 36 a 370. for Delaware and Pennsylvania, the closing sales were at the fanner rate. Barley Malt has been selling moderately at $1.05151.10, cash, and short time. The inspections of Flour and Meal for the week ending Dee. 3, 1857, were Barrels of Superfine.. do Fine do Middlings do Rye do Corn Meal do condensed PRovistoss.=The marketcontinuesdall and un settled, with light receipts and riles of most kinds at lower -prices. -Mew Pork sells, as wanted. at $17.50418.80, and prime at 8W per bbl. City Mess Beef is also dull at $17418 per bbl. Of Bacon we are only adviiusd of a few small saleiat 10a13c for Rams, as biquality, and ilialoJeforShoulders. In Green Meats some further sales are reported at 9 lalUis for Rams and 7 iaSio for Shoulders. Lard is quiet at Ilailic fur bbls and tierces, and 12e125c for kegs. Batter—there is more demand fur solid packed, and It is selling at 12alio per lb; 801 l comes in slowly, and prime lots meet with ready sale at 18a20b. Cheese is unchanged, and prices range at Ba9c per lb. Giroczuras.—Coffee has been rather quiet, buy ers and sellers holding off for the auction Oslo; some 2,500 bags of Rio were dispoeed of, in lots; by auction, at OialOits, 30 days to 4 mos credit, ave raging $1.93 the 100 lbs; 500 bags have also been sold by private contract at Weals, on time. Su gars—the demand has improved, and helder,s at the close are &mei in their views; sales include some 850 hlids Cuba it Banc, on time. Molasses coutinueldulr'and drooping; 150 bbis New York Synt:p 'sold by friction at 24a1Te; 100 bbl's Cuba aim» `.34 , 24450 l• and 30 - blels do at 22c; all cash. BlErer,s.-i-The demand for iron contines limit ed, and prices are unsettled, with a wider margin than usual between cash and time sales, which only reach a few small lots of Anthracite, mostly from store, at $25 for No. 1 and $23 for No. 2, on time. In other kinds there is also very little doing and no change to note. Lead.—The market remains active, and buyers and sellers are apart in their views, but a sale of 250 pigs English was made at $5.561 the 100 lbs., interest added. Copper.—The market is unchanged, and a limited business doing in yellow metal at 220, 6 months. ASRES.—The market is about stationary, but there is not much doing in either pots or pearls. Bens.-3loltlers quercitron are asking $3O for first \o.l, but the demand has fallen off, and there is very little doing this week. BREAD continues doll with a email business only to note for shipment, at about previous quotations. Be eswAx—G,oooa7,ooo lbs have been disposed of, mostly at 27 cents per lb. CANDLES—The demand has been more active and sales of Atilmantine to the extent of 3,i;t4t,t 4.000 boxes are reported, psrt at 20 cents on time and part on terms kept private. Coat.—Tbo high rates of freight now current have had a tendency to check the demand. but the market is very firm,. and prices, particularly ~1 small sized Coal, are fully sustained, with mode rate receipts and stocks for the season. COTTON—The demand from manufacturers con tinues limited, and the market is very dull under the late foreign news; but there is little or no stook to operate in, and only a few small lots, about 15i) bales in all have changed hands at 111.114.±e fur Uplands and Orleans, cash and short time. Fe trneas.—Some small sales of common and good Western are reported at 45a50c per lb. Fistr.—There is not much change in the mar ket, but prices generally are unsettled and droop ing, and the sales of Mackerel only in a small way, from store, at 511412, $ Wein I, and St) per bbl for the three numbers of large fish; three's are very settee° ; there are but few arriving. Pickled Steering and Dry Cod sell as wanted at, per bbl for the former, and ,$3 2510 50 the leo lbs for the latter. Fnuir.—llolders of 'Raisins are firm in their demands, with further sales at 1.'2 25a52 35 for uholo boxes; halves and quarters in proportion. Green Ap•.les are plenty at $1.50aF,.43.50 per bbl. Dried do sell at (laic, and Peaches at Salfte per lb, and not many offering. Cranberries are also rather scarce, and selling at S7aSS.SO per bbl. Tat sours continue dull; same few engagements have been made at 123 3d for flour to te.verp.xd. and •',Os fur weight to London. Nothing new in South America or West India freights. Two ves sels have been taken up to go to windward. and one to Cuba, out an-I home, on private term,. Coastwise freights ore more active, we quote at flc for corn. 250 for flour to Boston; SalOe for meas urement goods to Mobile; Sato to New Orleans. and about the same rates to Charleston and Savannah. Coal freights . , are more active, and vessels scarce, which has given an upward tendency to rates, we quote at 51 50 to Providence; $1 pssSf,',oo to Charleston; $1,90.152.00 to Boston; $1.23a51.35 to New York; $1.20 to Georgetown, D. C., and 51.20 to Norfolk. GINSENG.—LittIe or nothing doing. and crude is quoted at 41e nor lb. tillaNo.—The season is orer'and prices, in the ab , ence of sales, remain unchanged. HEMP.—There is nothing doing, and prices are nominally the same. Hipp , : continue dull and unsettled, and the mar ket at a complete stand. Hors are selling more freely at Tal2c fur com mon to goad Eastern and Western. LEATIIEB.—There is no change in quotations.; and good heavy stock sells as wanted at lull prices. other kinds aro neglected. LraftEß.—A cargo of laths has be disposed of on terms not public, and some yellow stp hoards at :jloasl2 per 31, but the market remains %Lry inac tire. NAVAL STORES.—Spirits Turpentine is Iv:En:ed. and 150 barrels have changed hands at -17a4i cents cash, which latter is an advance. Some 500 barrels Soap have also been sold, on terms we did not learn; common isquoted at 51.50,51.60 and Tar at $1.75a52 per barrel. No sales of Pitch. OlLS—Sperm and Whale sell slowly at former quoted rates, and the market is very quiet. L ird Oil es scarce, with a small business doing at 92'2.'05 cents; a sale of Red Oil was made at 60 cents; Lin seed is selling 03 wanted at 53 cents. PLASTER 1s .waree, and sales are reported at $2 8'116'3 per ton. Rice is beginning to arrive, but the sales aro only in a retail way at 3.1a4 cents per lb. SALT—There is no change in the market, and a cargo of Turks Island, noticed last week, has been taken by a packer at 22 cents on tit.e. SEEns.—Receipts and sales are limited, and the demand for Cloverseed good, about 250 bu.diels having been picked up at.., , t5 25a13 50 per bushel; at the7latter price from store; holders generally ask More, and some 300 bushels have been taken from second hands, to go out of the market.on terms kept private. Of Timothy, we have only to note some small sales at s2as2 50 per bushel. Flaoieed is quiet, and quoted at $1.23a51 30 for domestic. Smarr s--Nothing doing in Brandy and Gin to alter quotations. Ic. E. Rum is unsettled and lower. and selling in lots at 400. 'Whiskey is firmer, and bringing better prices; bbls have been selling freely at 22}a23}0 ; hdds. and drudge at 21a21f0. TALLOW.`"IiO cliango in the market, eel oily rendered is quoted at fi.ialec per lb, with fair sales making at the former figures. TGAS—Remain inactive, and a limited business only to note at previous quoted rates. TOBACCO.—The market is very quiet, and prices the same. WooL.—Very little doing in the market, owing to the firmness of holders, and sales only reaeh some 20a25,000 lbs in lots, within range of quota• thous.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers