TIIE,,MONET MARKET. 1 1 116. 3 114.1,..i4ii; teeiMihe'r Stookiietere morolively•to•dayi though the iirices remain Wit4ottt' material - change , from the quota tions of . thi,i4t, few daii: n Blaney is daily gioW log OA/iier, iOl - favolit4 Paper finds buyerS freely at vine poieint:' C Inane - Oahe obtained with out diffiesSitY upon undoubted C9lll3fiterahli and buy-. era condescend to look at sedenthrate names irith a viatr in*meing: ' • - : Froin the 4 3 1tiiburgh Gazette we. learn that ie.' gothitid* are' ending -between," the president of the PeamsYlvania railroad oompany, representing the holdare of the. Allegheny county. bonds, and thepenutYcopmaissioners, relative to an exchange of the honds of the Connty for the stook of the rail road There' is , a prospect of the ex-.• change beingsnade, the principal diffieulty, being as to - - the' payment, of the interest, upon the bondsi'uripaidin'consequence of the railroad pass. ini Its dividends.' It is stated that the oily of San iranoisee has suffered the coupons for interest on its bonds, due Nofteniher let. to be dishonored, and that Sacra mento City is seriously looking forward to tho re pudiation of ifs municipal debts. -" ' PHILADELPIII& sTofiff•RX(iltiiNGE SALES, ' • - tiocember 8, 1837. - • Repiiried by R. Manly,' Jr., Stock Broker, No. 80i Tainut street. FIRST BOARD. 10 Lehigh Scrip 85X 1 do l6}; - do 3 7 53,‘ x 12 Oatawiaga. , 12 Morris Canal pfd...91 1 9amkg.nab A. • ' 69 26 Reading 11, 27X 60 do ' 273 60 do- -27 X 60 do ' 27,4 3 Uarrithurg , lt 613 20 Farmecidech Bank. 62 27 Ilk of Kentunkya6.loB 8 do - 85.108 5 do 15.108 28 Girard Bauk 9,X 13 Rank of Penn..... 14 9000 City Os lots C&P.BS 1000 Olty R Os C&P R. 86 8000 Pena R Os 2drart.7s 8000 N Penn It Os 10t5.65 2000 O&A,R 1000 Oattroissa R 15..41 5000 04A Rtr!irsesna. 73 12 Penn ' 1et0.0 0 % 10, - do'' 89% 6 do - 893( 636 New Creek lots.. ' 20 L Rohnyl R..10t5.86 22 N '0 - do .... eash.lo 6 do. . cash.lo 200 Lehlgh . Zine..... 1 000 , do 1 200 do 1 60 Reading IC 65.27 X 100 do ....27X 60 do .....66wn.27 BOARD. 1000 Penn -6a sag. 61:10 New Granada.... , 60:Readl tag R...,b5.27 ' • BROOND 1000 N Penn R 2000 . do 64,4 FAO, do 619( 1000 &Mut NexI3OR2.S3IX, 1200_045. as 'Oda' 1ata.84.3( 4000 Peon Oa 84,4 1000 Penn Realmbewnos" 2 Penn R 891( 8 do. - 891( •/6 lehighBorip - 8814 2' Morris Chant pfd.9l 6 Bank of Penn....l4X 14 - do • '2O . . 14 100 Girard Baa • 9X 27 do : . ".. . 9x 40 Farmk,Meell 12..52 10 sciOyi Novi OIL 18% 3 Betiding B ^7 60 do 86-27 X 100 do 65wtt &in.27X IVES-DULL °LOSING P ' -Rid. Asked. U States 05'.68.111 Phila 61 int 0ff.84% 85 t. 1171.8tg 85 " " New.9l 92 Feonsylv 5 , e....84,X 84X Reading R 273 274 de Bondo 3 70 74 75X do litetBe'44.Bl 88 Penns Itlt BOX 39X Morrie Cud Son 98 48 Rahn 17 Os 82-481 ing tt 5t00k.....11 12 Bid. Asked. Sell 64 1 82 prat 18X 18) Wmnytk Elm 1113 14 de letmort Vs 68 do do 2dm 603. 61 Long Island lox ViokebOrg 03 - Girard Bank 9% 91 Lehigh Zino 1f 1 Union Canal ' 4K 6 New Creek 35 - X Oatawisaa R R..— Ed) Reading R 273( Reading e10aed....27,Vm% 100 . Bolding B 2731 I 100 do 27% 1.00 do .. 2 day 0.27% CITY ITEMS. LIMIT COSTUME —During a hot day last summer, a sweltering individual asked another what was the thinnest clothing a man could wear. 4, Can't say," re plied the queried individual ; 4, but, now I look at it, I think that the man clothed with a little brief authority is the most comfortable."" • In the kind of weather we - are having at present, we would prefer a suit from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill 8c Wilson, Nos. BO and 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth. • BENSIIIENT9 VON THE EVENING. —" There is nothing more beautiful than moonlight," sighed Augrustti, fetidly, as he slid his right arm round the polding waist, and drew the shrinking Angelina more closely to his bosom. " Nothing !" she answered, blushing; "nothing my own 'Gee, except it be those exquisite now clothes in which you popped the question, and which you tell me yen purchal at the great Bazaar of Clifton, Al bright, At Co., !in !Jayme hall,'sNo. 027 Chestnut street." STRANGERS' atluT.—This standing directory in the columns of Ton Puss, giving as it does the locality of all our public inetitutioneln.the eity, has proved to be so great a convenience to the community that strangers, vleiting Philadelphia find the "stran gers' guide' , next in importance to lodging itself. ' To the already lengthy lint of these institutions, we have Just added "The Nome for Destitute Colored Children," _situated on Girard avenue, first house above Nineteenth etreet. At the request of the ladies of this institution, we state, for the information of those who are benevolently disposed towards it, that they have at all times chit. dren to put out at service ; also, that Inasmuch as many of them are wholly dependent upon the "Homo" for support, anything in the shape of donations in clothing, goods, or money, will be:thankfully received. The ob ject of this society is a worthy one, and deserves to be encouraged. , , BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. Neriesponuonce olThe Press.] . - Nsw Yonx, Doe. 3-5.20 P. M. "We have as languid and uninteresting a money Market as it is possible to conceive. The ambi guity of the, Halifax despatch has caused some little stir, and people aro to be found who believe 'that the Bank of England must suspend ;. but on the !hole, there is-no excitement, and, among men who knoir.anything, but little apprehension. The allusion, as is believed, to the hoses of Geo. Peabody & Co., is supposed to bo true, sad that, but for the relief received from the Bank of England, a suspension must have taken place. , What a rebuke to our Pettifogging New York banks is given by the conduct of the Bank of Eng land! Loans of $5,000M0 to Peabody, 31,000,000 to Overend Citierne, to save these great houses from ruin, and thus, prevent general suffering, made promptly and unhesitatingly, constitute a brilliant contrast to the policy which dragged down our hest houses here, who with millions of assets could not get a discount of $lOO. I have no fear myself for the ultimate Safety of the Bank of England.. I believe that 'the ,papie is over, al though the pressure may not be so. , - The country banks are said to be redeeming their ea:Taney so quickly, that in a very short time the .olty banks will be forced to make their exchanges In specie, and thus bo compelled ultimately to pay specie for their notes. It to boasted very much by their friends that they give a little gold now and then to their customers to pay customs duties, &e. Such liberality is really meritorious, and deserves to be recorded. I hope that the Legislature 'will give them full oredit for their, kindly intentions, and in order to reward them; Make them compre bend the meaning and value of legal enactments, and the obligations of bankers to the public,. Cold le in active demand for export on Saturday and Wednesday next,' American coin is abundant at 100la1001,. and bar gold brought 100.1a1001. Foreign exabange is dim, but inactive for favorite signatnres, at former quotations, and it is thought that a very large sum (31,250,000) will go out on -Baturday. In this sum will bo included about half a million on account of the creditors of the North American Trust Company. pbe quoted- rates of exchange aro as follows: Sterling, 60 days, 1081a1091; do., sight, illallil ; On Paris, 5.25a5.150 ; Antwerp, 5.25a5.20 ; Frank _ f0rt,.41a411; Hamburg, 38a37. • - ;..T must not omit to'mention that it is said " the banks exercised more circumspection to-day, (in , their , discounts,) not knowing, as yet,- which 'Raper it Is 'safe for them to touch.." I do thipk`this is sublime—the "'as yet' { articularly. The banks' reason in this wise : The pressure in England may possibly -affect somebody here. No" do riot know the "somebody", who may ho affected; therefore, to mike ourselves perfectly .safe, we allot! not , :!touelt" the paper of anybody. They have n heavy reserve ''intie," and they ' "Sigh" over the scarcity of good paper. It is an obdurate heart that does not compassionate them In their unmerited distress. It rumored here, that parties having claims against the Sub-Treasury to attire amount do not present them for' payment,. thinking that their Money Braider with 'Coale Sam without interest, than anywhere they could put it Can there he a - more Conclusive proof of the atagnation of business here, and of the absence of confidence which still wejghs as down ? , , Yon see by the now proposition' of the 1111- nets Central .Railroad Company that they have Imstprially nainliAed the terms of the 'loan for - which they have invited bids, Instead of bonds convertible at par, they propose to issue bonds, , - '-`with a certifioate attached, entitling the bolder at any time Prior to the 20th of February, 1861, to 25 shares of- the capital stook at par: This gives a r'-ottance- to the buyer, if, in the text two years, sttrwrilse.lo per cent. above par, (they have bean higher,) to rodeo° the price of his $1;000 -Inind: to 4150. .ode-half the loan is ,lobe taken liere;"and ii-Europe. The exchanged,-at the clearing house were $13,2.86,61.60; balance paid in coin. $1,23 8 ,1 2 1. 76 The Paith trains attests et the Ebb Treasury were ao follows ' -" • Receipts $07,78013 Payments • 107,008 47 ' -- Balance. 4;057,805 83 The Receipts inalude $43,000 froM'Castotha, The news by the America has depressed , the 'stock' market, and a marked • decline has taken -place in Most stooks. -Cleveland and -Toledo be. leg about the only eteeptian. Bank shares wore steady_ without activity..- Railroad; bonds, were heavy and dull, and Btale Stooks deolined &trifle.' The' seeond- board closed firmly; Brie left off at 121,;' ReiAingnt 51k; Illinois Central at. 02; N. Y. Central: at 75 (buyer 00.) The. meeting of the stockholders of. - the N. Y. central met end ad - jointed til,rSatnrday. The committee agreed on partial report.. , You willlee by the reportthat lOW deolined 250 a barrel at the opening of busi ness this morning, and that a very largo business was done,- buyMeloe export being eager to take advantage of the' fall. Breadstuffs generally have declined largely. ' -• „ Tint wattlinsa. „, . COTTON.- -- The ITlRrket IS lower. Middling Up. 1100 haves sold in nemall way Mille, shelving a ',Siteolite of half a cent, per 113: 'The feeling , bowesor~'nrieettled; Sod nnotatiene moat be con sidered nominal. , Aeon, 4c.-"The demand ,for Western canal floor atiiintlinging , ,wim,limited„atii,willi Illieral &rset 411 rotire arrivll declined er :t; o m ucgtdos ng virhojertfor exportilnd nothing ocnid be hod c • ht . o7 50, nt ;-;• - ' ” eludes Ira 1.0;000`blibi at U.4044;60 foraom.. awn co , ea Mate; $4.85a55 for extra; do; s4.4da $4:85 for saDeriaiandlana an 4 Michigan; '614.05a, ,do; 85.20458.60 cotnnton` to • &GC extra Ohio; $.6.6047,f0r good to &oleo do; =:.16.7047."25 for extra St hrande,l and ss:7op otiis Genesee. i,ftOtari.Plottr la again lower, and 4140,iihaVii0, f r l :q ste'd; - "aidelinf 600 bbls at $4.55a 4.65 for an: 1140 , .4hpiotim ffir,,ztot Prat* .. .. em,Flour is heavy, the; supply is large, and the deniand light; sales-of 1,000 bbls at $5.1045 30 tor :mixed to poor brands Baltimore, &0., and $5.45a57 for ,the !biittiii grades. _ Rye Flour and Dorn' bleat are tined:waged; 'sales small. %Lek. ' wheat Flour Weaning , at $2a52.123 per 100 lbs. is - Gamx.—The demand for Wheat limited, and the market is again lower and unsettled. • The sales are 21,000 bus at $1.25a51.30 for good rod South ern ; $1.3541.48 for Whtte, do ; $t for Milwaukee Club; $1.22a51.30 for White Canadian; $1.024 for Canadian Club; and 94a95 for Mango spripB in store and delivered, the latter an extreme price. - 41. ye is lower and - Moses heavy—sales of 4,000 bus at 70a770 ; oats are in fair supply and lower— Sales of Jersey at Sla4oe, and Western at 46a480 ; Barley and Barley Malt are quiet and nominal. Corn is much lower and is unsettled. The sup• ply of new is larger—sales of 15,000 bus at 80aBlo for Western mixed; 89a900 for Southern white and yellow, and 60a75 for now crop Jonley and South ern yellow. Mor,AssEs—Small sales are making this morn ing at full prices .,,PßOVlslo3:3s.—The demand is limited for pork, and the market tends downward. The arrivals of new in prospect aro large, and there are no buyers for future delivery at anything like present prices. Sales of 170 bbls. at $17.50417.75 for mess; $15.50a $l6 for prime, and $16.75 for prime mess. . Beef is heavy and unsettled; the arrivals are liberal; Bales of 100 bbls. at $5.7548.75 for coun try prime; s9aslo for do mess; and $11.50a513.50; for repacked western moss. "Prime mesa is hold with more firmness; sales moderate at s2oss24. Beef hams are quiet at $14a510.75, Bacon is heavy; sales of new airy boneless, at 9e. Cut meats are quiet and heavy. LADD is steady and in fair demand. Sales of 150 bbls. at 10a104e, and small lots at 1041010. Dressed hogs aro saleable at 61a61. Butter and Cheese are plenty, and prices are in favor of the buyer. ,RICE continues heavy. Sales of 150 tea at 3allc, as to quality. SEIGABS.—Undor the news from New Orleans, of damage to the new crop Louisiana, the market has improved, and in some instances ie advance has been paid. There has not, however, been enough done to show the market. WIIISKBT.—Tie market is steady. Sales of 140 bbls. at 224 cents. NEW YORK sroae ENOILtNI3B SALES, Dec. 3. FIRST BOARD 4500 Ohio O's 'B6 103 150 Panama R 93 10500 do 1023( 5 do 92X ' 40001nd Slate s's 82 200 Reading It 53 10000 Tenn 01's TO BOX 500 do AO 53 1000 Virginia Ws 804 200 do b3X 2000 Missouri O's 7911 150 Brie Railroad 810 17 2000 do 79N 350 do 1,20 175 4 , 5000 do 79X 100 do 1,7 17 1000 Louisiaria 6's 83 250 do cl 7 MO Edo Cony '7l 30 50 do 660 108( . 9000 Ili On Bds 86 350 do 17 5000 do 830 85 100 . do ' blO 17 3000 L Or&MilL G B 80 100 do Monday 17 4000 Mt° en 8 p et Ist 100 do 8517 M B'4 F'd Cola Bile 83,X 35 011011 Con ft 05 6000 Gal & Chi 2il MBO 258 Mich Soul horn 2154 93 Bk of America 100 6 Mich 8& N 1 Prof 33554 6 Amer Ex Bk • .. 88 113 Gal & Chi It 775( 80 Motrololitan Bk 9414 100 1111noin Central 94 15 St Nicholas Bk 705( 50 do 931 1 30 National Bk 975 f 50 do sl5 93X 20 Broadway Bk , 108 100 do In 9354 138 Cumb Coal 105 j 50 Ole & Pittsburg 14X 5 do 104 - 100 do c 14 26 Pulite Mali Co 09 .50 Cle Col & Cie RO5 09 100 Amer Coate° 22 60 do st, 100 300 N Y Cen B opg 74X 1100 Obey & Tel R 43X 50 do 1,00 75 600 do 44 100 do 660 73 200 do 445( 100 do s3O 73)4 350 do 4454 50 do 74% 100 do elo 44x 100 do 1,30 75 100 do s3O 44 250 La Cro & Mil 11 13% 260 do 44,X 250 do 1354 200 do 46 200 do b6O 13)i 300 do 443; 165 do 13 400 do A 3 44X 100 do 12% 50 Chi tr. RI R 78,14 173 Mil & Miss R 33 142 do 781 f Jimporlationo [Reported for The Press.] LAGUAYRA, brig Mary, Lowell, 2900 hides, Bouillon & Bowers. RIO DR JANEIRO, ship Gray Eagle, 1808 bap Coffeo, Rutter, Newhall & Co ; HOG bags Coffee, Rutter, Patterson & Co, ftlarint Intelligence PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 4, 1957. BUN RISES ..... ......7 21-BUN SETS... EMIR WATER" ARRIVED. Steamship Delaware., Copes, 18 - hours from N York, via Cape May, with melee and passengers to James All derdice. Reports having passed off Morrie Liston's ship Grey Eagle, from Rio de Janeiro, in tow of steam-tug Jacob CI Nealle. Below Delaware City passed live berm brigs and, 10 schrs upward bound. Ship Grey Eagle, Hughes, from Rio de Janeiro 20th Oct, with coffee to Rutter, Newhall & Co. Left ships John Stewart, Sherman, for COPPa and a market, repair ing; Juniper, Le Fevrre, for New York, to sail 22,1; Coo sawattee, Paxton, dlschg; barques Alamo, Blodgett, for New York, to sail 224; Grape Shot, Clark, waiting; Morning Star, Close, do,• Rover, Van Sykes, do; Archer, Lewis, do; E Cochran, Noyes, do; Elberta, llitcbborn, do; Fanny Holmes, Smith, do; Evelyn, Ames, dinchg; Smallwood, Martin, do; Leighton, Hunter, for New Or leans in about 3 days; Parana, Mason, disehg; Winona, 0 illenaon, waiting; Japonica, Sheldon, for Philadelphia; A. A Drebert, Hewitt, for do; Paladdin, Wilson, for Now Orleans, loading, (reported arrived at Now Orleans;) Overman, Battling, err 26th Oct; brigs Executive, El dridge, waiting; Tallulah; Plummer, do; Torrent, Mont gornery,"do; A Id Roberts, Colson , dieehg,• Wm 11S tow art, Bryant, for Rio Grande, to load salt hides for Eng land; Helen, Reynolde,-arr 20th Oct from Pernambuco; sabre Pocahontas, Bucklerfor New York, loading; Pe doe, Baker, waiting; G 11 "Townsond, Davis, from Now York; North Point, Swain,loom Ri c hmond. Ballot - Oct 18, barque Storm Bird, irer& for California. Spoke Nov 341, tat 20 80 S, long 32 40 W, Br chip Mystery, from London, probably for Cape of Good Hope. Novlo passed Pernambuco. Barque Elm, Taylor, 0 days from Boston, with Indite to J 8 Tirana. Brig Mary Lowell, Pomroy, 10 days from Laguayra, with hides to Boulton & Bowen. Brig J Nickerson, Nickerson, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. . Brig Leviathan, Morton, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to N Sturtevant & Co. Brig Tangier, Sawyer, 10 days from Frankfort, Me, with spruce spars to B A Bonder & Co. Brig Bone, Hutchinson, 6 days from Boston, with plaster to E A Sender & Co. Behr Frederick Reed, Illatchford, 7 dare from East port, via Portland, with plaster to B A Bonder & Co. ' Behr Julia' Anne, Harding, 0 days from Portsmouth, with mdeo to D Cooper. Behr Golden West, Perkins, 7 days from Newbury port, with mdse, to Geo A Wood. Bohr 8 B Wheeler, Corson, 7 dm from Boston, in hal hut to captain. . Behr Luther Child, Nickerson, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Behr Alvira Baynum, 4 days from New York, with rodeo to Crowell & Collins. Behr Triumph, Artis, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to ' Pierson & Co. Behr L A Danenhower, Allen, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to L Audenreld & Co. Behr Mary, Rickards, 2 days from Camden, Del, with rye to Bewley, Wilson A Co. Behr Wm Lea Hazel, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Behr Henry Wolfe, Adkins, 3 days teem Milton, Del, with corn to Bowler, Wilson & Co. Behr Golden Gate, Boon, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with corn to Jas Borratt & Bon. Behr Jan L Revert% Pear., 1 day from Dover, Del, with wheat to Jae Barrett Er Son Behr Vandalla, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jag Barrett & Son; Behr Josiah Holley, Brown, 10 dap from Plymouth, NO, with ehingles to A G Cattail. Behr Lucy & Isabel, Ray, 3 days from Baltimore, with wheat to Robeson Lea. Behr W Salisbury, Vomit), 2 days from N York, with rodeo to Crowell & Behr Hydrongea, Butler, 0 days from Glowiester,with fish to Crowell & Collins. Behr F A Hawkins, Percival, 10 days from Boston, with mdse to captain. Behr II W Morse, Phillips, 4 days from Taunton, wish mdse to John 8 Twells. Behr Sarah Hinge, Weaver, 3 days from N York, with mdse to P Lermig A Co. Bohr Limbo Taylor, Taylor, 2 days from Newburg, with iron to A 'Whitney & Bon. Behr Emma Amelia, Harding, 0 days from Boston, with mdee to D Cooper. Behr 11 P Simmons Barret, from Providenco. Bohr R G Porter. Hudson, from Providence. Bohr Woodruff Blinn, Mmon, from Boston. Behr Wm II Hammett, Somers, from Boston. Bohr 8 Fre.mbes, Frambes, from Roston. Bohr A Id Aldridge, Bateman, from Borten. Behr J D White, Foster, from Boston. Behr Hannah Willetts, Oranmer, from Boston. Bohr Almira Ann, Giles, from Boston. Behr Copia, Bears, from Now York. Behr Julia Smith, Crowell, from New York. Behr Ocean Wave, English, from I ynn. Bohr Emma, Kent, from Milton. Behr Lebanon, Teal, from Pall River. Steamer Putnam, Caulfield, 0 days from Albany, via canal, with grain, do. to .1' .1 White & Bono. CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Copes, N York, J Aliderdice. Ship. Joseph Jones, Ellery, Ban Francisca, Bishop, Simons fa Co. Brig Judge Blaney, Bradley, Marblehead, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. • Brig Isola, Griffin, Boston, L Audenreid & Co. Brig Leviathan, Morton, Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr .7 II Deputy, Neal, do do Behr Cyclone, Dell, Now it Bedford, do Bohr Eugene, Parker, Boston, I. udenreid & Co. Behr A L Danenhower, Alleo, Boston, do Bohr Triumph; Artie, Boston, D Pearson & Co. Behr Ephraim & Anna, Dole , Charleston, Pettit, Mar. tin & Co. Behr Lebanon, Teal, Boston Wallace & Co. Behr J Frambes, Frambes, Blakiston & Co. Bohr A M Aldridge Batman, New Bedford, do Behr J B Foster, W Mite. New Bedford, Dehaven & Co. Behr Julia Smith, Crowell, do de Behr H Willetts, Cramer, New Belford, Ventlusen & Co. Behr Ocean Wave, English, Wilßamberg, do Behr W fI Ilinomett, Somerm,le.ton, Tyler Stone & CO. Behr It Cl Porter, Uudson, New York, B Milues& Co Behr Emma, Kent, Now York, Noble, Harnett & Co. Ochr Ahnira Ann, Giles, Gloucester, Wallace & Co. Behr UP fiiminons, Providence B Mines & Co. Btr U L Claw, Iler, Baltimore, A Orcivos, (HY YELEOR/r9,1 (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND. Dcc 3. b 30 P M. Nothing seen going In or out today. Wind NW. Yours, ke., TILOS. B. HUGHES. (BY TSLEOR#PII TO TOO MSS BOSTON, Deo 3. Arrived barques Qolden Rule and Celestin, from Bretton; brig Neusboy, from Smyrna; John Shaw, from Philadelphia. The Alp Wallace, from Liverpool, arrived at W WAS. sot, Me., on the let I nst. New YORK, Doe 3 Arrived ship Hong Kong. from Manilla awl Batavia; barque Sarah, from Mannino; brigs John Stevens, from Kingston, Jamaica; Addy Swift, from Maracaibo. CIIIIILERSON, Dec 3. _ - The schooner Northern Light, Bucksport . , Me. water logged on the 9th of November. The British sliip Star, took from her wreck, the captain and four of the crow. They have arrived at this port. MEMORANDA. . 131 "maniP Oahanba, Bullock, for Havana and Now York, cleared at New Orleans 26th inst. .Steamehip Pennsylvania, Teal, sailed from Richmond 24 inst for Philadelphia. Ship Bonita, late of Boston, remained at Algoa Bay Oct oth, condemned and wan to be Bold. Ship Ocean Rover, Pickering, from Havre, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Elizabeth F; Willette , Holmes, from San Fran- ciaco, arrived at New York yesterday. Shlp KeYstOne r McFarland, from Callao for Havre, having repaired, sailed from Talcahuano about Sept 20, Ship Caroline Nesmith, Kenny, for New °cleane r sailed from Bordeaux RoadelOth ult. Ship John: day, Wade, on her arrival at Macao from Worming, WWI engaged to load for New York at $l2 per ton for general cargo and $26 for alike. Ship Mary B Adeline, Watts, hence, arrived at New Orleans 26th hist: Ship Europa, Robertson, for - New York, was loading at Macao 234 Sept, at,sl2 per ton ler general cargo, and $26 for silks. Barque Contest, Allen, cleared at Now York 24 inst. for Sae. Francisco. Barque Kate Hastings, Kingman, for Beaten, sailed from Talcahuano 0(41. Barque keno It Davis, Hand, from New Orleans for Genoa, was seen 26th nit. oft Hatteras. Barque:Yin/Ws and Retelite r Wilkioe, from Rich mond, was discharging Part of hot cargo'st Pernambuco ealst Oct. forsonth ports. :Barque Mata r Pitaeche, hence, arrived at New York .yeaterday._, -. : - / 3 Aville Wrenn, Burdett, from Alps Bay, arrived at BoAte4 %Anat. ; , Biyque Aehillee;lipeddeu; trout London for PPI /i4al otga, AIM Onktlf Odtli nit lot 44104 00. Barque Fleet Eagle; Lindaherg, for Gape Town, 0 G 11, cleared at Boston 2d inst. Brig Fairy, Welsh, for Philadelphia, was loading at Pernambuco Oat 21, Brig Dido, Kearns, hence at Charleston 30th ult. Bohr Mary 1.1 Bs.nics, Banks, for Philadelphia, cleared at Bavannah 30th ult. Beh r G r eo A Tittle, Adams, for Key West, cleared at Mobile 26th ult. Schr II al Morse, Phillips, hem Taunton for Phila delphia, Bailed from Bristol 2:111 ult., - Wrr Vent Birauta,Cresvell, cleared at lilestould twit, for Philadelphia. Behr James Bliss, Watch, soiled from Fall River 30th alt, supposed for Philadelphia. Behr Tennessee, Wooster, sailed from Eastport 26th ult. for Philadelphia. flohr Monterey, Steelman, soiled from Fall River 28th ult. for Delaware City, Behr Deborah Jones, Winemore, for Wilmington, Del, cleared at lioston2.l inst. Schr Enterprise, for Philadelphia, sailed from East port 28th ult. Baas Caroline Anderson, Bowler; Antonia, Conderry, and Julia, Tyler, hence at Washington, DO, 2d inst. Behr Sarah Jane, Ale, cleared at Baltimore lid inst. for Philadelphia. Sabra West Bennis, Crowell, and Prank Herbert, Mays, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston Bit lost. Behr C A iteckaher, Stubbs, cleared at Charleston Ist jut for Philadelphia. Behr Matthew Bird, Johnson, hence at Richmond 2d lust. Steamer J S Shriver, Dennis, hence at Baltimore yes terday. NAVAL. The U B steamship Ban Jacinto, Capt Bell, was a Shanghae on the 16th Sept. The U 8 sloop of war Levant, Com's Smith, was a Hong Kong on the 25th Sept. NOTICE TO IiIARINERB. The nun and can buoys 'narking the bar and channels in the lower bay of New York have been removed, and spars put in their place for the winter. By order of the Lighthouse Board. J P. McKINSTRY, Light Rowe Inspector, Third District. Now York, Dec 1, 1867. MARINE MISCELLANY Capt Morrill, of the Alp Golden Star, at N Orleans, reports having experienced a Never° gale on the 12th ult, lat 27 05, long 73 50, in which loot main topgallant mast and sprung mainmast. On the 7th ult, lot 30 20, long 05 40, Jas Perlre, of Portugal, seaman, fell over board and was drowned. . , Br brig Macassar, Whipple, from Windsor, NS, for Baltimore, sprung foremast on the 20th ult, and put into Eastport 28th for repairs. Barque _Bruce, abandoned, was fallen in with Oct 30 a 81, tat 38 23, long 66 Of, by brig Juntas Wallace, which was subsequently wrecked, and not by the Revenue, ar rived in Hampton Roads. The B had a signal of dis tress flying, and was under closed reefed main topsail. After passing her she was seen to fall over upon her beam ends. The Bruce was engaged in the whaling business out of Fairhaven, and on her last Voyage put into Zanzibar, and was condemned. She was purchased at that 'place by Messrs Rufus Green & Co, of Provi dence, and was afterwards sold to R. B Johnson, Esq, of Warren. There is insurance in Providence for $OOO on cargo in the Atlantic. The Br schr A Canal°, Capt Sweating, at Charleston let inst. from Nassau, NP, after a passage of four days, brought es passenger Mr Samuel Blake, late first officer of the ship Bolina, of Thomaston Ito states that the ship Donna, Capt Stilphen, of and from Thomaston, Me, fur New Orleans, with a cargo of hay, wait totally lost on the Berry Islands on the 12th of November. Officers and crew saved, together with some of the material. The Donna was a line ship, of about 1200 toes, and on her first voyage. The ship Mont Blanc. of Bath, Ox nard, master, had been brought into Nassau, NP, by the wreckers, she having been ashore and assisted orf. She was but slightly damaged, and would sail as seen as her salvage was. adjusted, which wag In dispute. The barque Cuba, of New York from Wilmington, NC, for Havana, had been brought into Nassau nearly a com plete wreck; it was thought that ahe would bo con demned. At Zanzibar Svpt 11, barques Maryland, Greene, of and from Providence Juno 16, ar Sept 7, for Northern ports In a few days; Elizabeth Hall, Ashby, for tangent, uric. At Hong Kong Sept 25, ship N 11 Palmer, Low, for N York in about 8 days; North Wind, Gore, from Foochow for London, discharged for repairs; and others. Also, ships Kate hoover, Jackson, for Havana; Ticon deroga, Boyle, fordo; Queen of the Seat], Cobb, for Melbourne Nov 1,• Starr King, Turner, for San Prau circa soon; United States, Blanchard for Callao, to toad for Valencia. At Shanghao Sept 16, flips Nabob Cole, for New York ldg; Skylark, Follansbee, for do early; Wynand (Br) Hunt, for do ldg; Wandering Jew, Carlton; Reynard Draw; Hussar, Hon land; Intrepid, Gardner; Florence, Dumaresq: Alfred IEII, Nagel; Antelope, Cole, uud Arab, Crosby. unc; barque Quickstep, Smith, for Now York ldg; Edw Koppiffa,Eagleston, unc. At Voo-chow-foe, Sept 15, ships Golden State, Hepburn, for New York immediately; Spitfire, Arey, for Lon don do; barque Kremlin, Johnson, for Bos ton, do At Amoy Sept 25, ships Golden City, Leo, for Now York, one., Resolute, McKenzie ' for Poo-chow-too and Now York; Dirigo, Atwood, for do; Emperor, Tibbetts, UDC. At Manilla Sept 4, ships Caroline C Dow, Baud lotto, for Boston, ldg; Flying Childers, White, nec; Coringa, Smith, in the river, repairing for Boston. 5 1d Sept 4, brig Mary Ann Jones, (Oven, Salem. Sept 20, fillip Key Stone, McFarland, (from Callao, having repaired) Havre; Oct 1, barque Kate, Boston direct. At Aritvrerp lath nit, ships Harriet Ilorie, Smith, for Boston, Dee 31; Sam Dunnings,Skofield, for New Orleans, line; Graham's Polly, Hayden, for do Nov 25; C A Stam ler, Rogers, for New York Nov 20, J H Elliott, Splicer, fur do one barque Milton, Bradford, for New Orleans, Dec 1; and others. DOMESTIO PORTS NEW YORK, Dec. 3.—Are, ships Si,lvanus Blanchard, Lawrence, Sunderland, Nov 2iith, tat 41 54, lon 63.40, passed it largo steamship with two masts, bound east, had her topsails and topgallant sails set; Jack Prie,t, Holmes, Sunderland. Barques Mary Hyler, Hylet. Glasgow, Nov 9th, 1at.40, lon 94 39, iu a gale from N IV to N Ji lost head, Ac; Zumnri, Liesegan2, Matanzas; Br brig Europa, Francis, Malaga ' Oct oth. Sehre Eill cot, Dissosway, Baltimore; W A Henry, Marton, Prince Edwards Island, Nov 31, lot 31 80, ion 72, in a blow from east, carried away tho head of the mainmast, Ac; Richard Buliwinkol, Cutter, litausanillo. Chi, steamer Thov Swan, Post, Savannah; seta V Price, Norris, Wil mington. BOSTON, Dec 2—Arrlved barquo Andrew Carney, Coombs, Smyrna, Oct 17 ; steamer William Jenkins, flatlet, Baltimore. aril, steamship Niagara, Br. Wick man,Liverpool via Halifax ; ship John Henry, Merritt, Charleston ; barques Triton, Upton, coast of Africa, via Ilarbadoes ; Paul Boggs, Porter, Mobile, not on 25th ult, as reported ; Justice Story, Atkins, Ocorgetoen, DO , Nashua, Lewis, Balthnoro ; brig J M Sawyer, Means, Portland, to load for Cuba. Sailed, steamship Niagara, at noon ; fillips Ella A Badger; Ella A Clark ; barques Mary, James Cook, Maryland, Talavera, Jus tice Story, Oak ; brig Emma, and from below, having anchored yesterday, brig Boston HIGHLAND LIGHT' Dec 2, 7.30 A 11—Passing in, brig News Boy, from Smyrna to Bretton. WISCASSET, Dec I—Arr ship Wallace, Lane, Liv erpool. BRISTOL, Nov 30-011, tchr Jame,' Wixon, Usher. St Jago. FALL RIVER, 30th—Sid, schrs Richard Borden, Ar nold, Philadelphia or Baltimore; Daniel S Miller, Asay, Rappahannock. BALTIMORE, Dec 3.—Arr, ship John A Parks. Rich, from Calico, via Hampton Roads; barquits Amazon, Kirwan, from St Thotnaa Nov 20—left in port barque Hudson, Beaman, and brig It It Kirkland, Knight, of Baltimore, for Corthagena, to sail in two days; sailed from do 20th, ship Kate Sweetland, Bartlett. New Or leans; Nov 20, in Sail Rock Passage, exchanged signals with brig Bahia;—Anna, Baschen, Bremen; Warren, Benthall, from St John, N F—Nov 22, let 38 20, long 0525, exchanged signals with ship Almeria, steering East;—brigs Frances Jane, front Arecibo, P K, Nov 14th —ache Justine Bendel (of Baltimora,) Peterson, from Harbor Grace, N arrived on the 12th and sailed 831110 day for St Joitus;-11anger, Painter, from Port Maria, Jam; ketch President lemma, Champion, from Monro via; sehr Chief, Trader, Sombrero. CHARLESTON, Nov. 30—Arrived Br barque Pollock Androssem. Nov oth, tat 20, long 60, in a heavy ENE gale, carried away the spars, sails and rigging above the lower masts, when the ship was hove to until the gale abated. Nov 10, spoke the ship Lookout, llamil ton, from San Francisco for New York. Oapt Hamilton kindly supplied the Pollock with a topsail yard, rope, Ac. Barques Harriet Frances, Webb, St Thomas; Ohne Thompson, Brooks,Boston. In the oiling—Barque Globe, Cotton, from Liverpool; a barque, supposed the , Intrinsic from Liverpool. Cleared—lir ship Royal Yaccoria,Watson, Liverpool; ships New York, Edwards, Rotterdam; Noemie, Johnson, Havre; barque Howland, Emmons. Bordeaux; schrs W II Smith, Goodspeed, Pro vidence; 'Manhaasett, Blake, New York. MOBILE, Nov. 20 —Arr ship Jos L Bogart, Conway, New York; barque J L DLLVIR. Fairchild, do; saint Storm Cloud, Boathook, Key West; Tanner, Pearson, New York. 270..—Arv, sank An Gardner, Harding, Boston; Vincent Barculew, Hopkins, Providence. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'clock Last Night GIRARD llGHSE—Chestnnt Street, below Ninth. N W Wilson, Plattsburg S B Derrickeon, NOw York II S McComb & la, Del W Firrustone, Easton M Brewster, New York A It Page, Maine J D Robinson & la, Boston 01l Vitally, Baltimore S S Solomon, S Carolina J A Gilmer & la, N U Miss I( al Gilmer, N C Miss J Chas°, N C Miss (.1 Rhodes, N C W II Togg, Now York E P Wheeler, Middletown J 0 'Winton, Middletown Mu/ E A Bleator, Washing'n Mies Julia Rudolf, his Copt L A Shannon, lowa Geo W Jones, Dubuque A Joyous, Liverpool J Bruce & In, N Y ' C II B Snow, Ilan Mr Perkins& la, La W Simpson & la, Brooklyn (leo Thompson, Now York A Morrell, Baltimore B Bradley, Boston B W Et aria, Providence It A Keith, North Carolina A 3 De Rosset Jr. N 0 N' 3 Taylor, D 0 Hugh Small, Philo. A Deveuny, New York I. P Griffith, Baltimore J N Carter, Va JOB A Muller, N Y Chas E Brooke, Lancaster (I - Landon jr & la, Troy J II Madison & I, Bultalo Jas 0 Macher, N Y Chas Squire jr, N Y 3 IN 'lowly, N V It Furman & in, N I' Col 3 II Denson, Baltimore A A Carrier, Pittsburg B 8 Carrier, Ilarrieburg Jas S Pike & at, N V Jos Gillet, N 'Y P J Avery, N Y John W Chandler, Boston JII Sutphin, Wilkesboro M. N Fella, Baltimore Wm Temple, Smyrna Br Banks Virginia Mrs Banks, Virginia Miss Books, Virginia Mrs L S Neale, Va 'l' 5 Ilipkins, Virginia John Hutchinson, Bristol Si' Mellroy, Brooklyn W Irving, N I' Capt Calhoun, U S A Cupt Campbell, 13 S A Goo W Wilkins, N Y John 1' Bayley, Matausas I Li Wier, N Y J Itieharda, Chicago Chas B' Copeland, N Y W Berle, N Y J W Coburn, Harrisburg NJ T Peudergrast, Pa II B Renshaw, USN Wm ti Nivin, Bt Louts II 111 (Barks, Boston 0 Potter, Jr, Westerly R I W T Jaynes, Petersburg, Ye David Devenny, Nov York AMERICAN 110 TEL—Chestnut ntroet, above Fifth. 0 0 Henry, N Y W 0 Henry, N Y N Williams, Boston Robt II William., Boston John C Freeman, Delaware It U Freeman, Delaware Rev G J Martz & 1, Muriel> Mine II M Wainwright, Pa Miss SI Nnueznacker, Pa Miss A Nunemacker, Pa Miss L W Rambo, Reading \V 11 Zornx, Phita II lit Albright, Reading A Ilt'lntyro, Maryland It W Wilson, Buffalo BM Jenkins, Troy, N Y Sung Cooper &I, Camden Mine E A Littleton, Camden Mine E Lippincott, Camden Miss Kate Idlleulings, NJ W W Wills, Camden Bass N Beers, Conn Jon II Newell, Virginia Win Harrison, Virginia It W Vincent, Philo. 1.1 II Thompson, N Y Wm Lewis, N Y 011 Smith, N Y D II Pratt, Mass oeo W Ramsey, P& R It B Coulon, N Y A Walsh, N Y U I' Low Providence IL S Griffith, Balt 1111 Stiller, Va U E Langley, Vu 0 0 Ewing, PUN IdERCUANTEP HOTEL—Fourth Street, below Arel. T J McKeag, Cumberland Mrs P M Robinson, Pe N Berton & la, N J E L Smith Reading 11 A Richardson, N Y F W (1 Heiner & la, N Y Mre J B Yost, Pa 8 Foster, Boston J 11Frymyer, Balt Mon II 11 Wright, Luzern° Mr Schmidt, Bethlehem W Brickhead, Idd 11 Williams, N Y J Hoffman, Pa John Cummings, Pa P W Weller, Tenn UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. Mrs 1,1 A Freeman,N .1 A J Creme eel, Mil 0 K Preichler, donbitown F Snider, Cunilierlaial, Md J S Smirker, Lancaster O W Plower, Mass 0 111 Able, Lancaster IV Hetherington, Pottse'le C It SheitiT, lowa 0 Watson, N Y Geo Patterson, lowa Y 31 Radom, Pa J 1.1 Armstrong & la, N V T &hock, 'Easton Jas Lougruore, Alleg'y City J Patton, Jr, Alley City W S Batchelor dc la, Mass J Orr, Pittsburgh II Howant, Ohio BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ob. Callowhill. Win T Cramer, tlreenrillo F Hartzell, Ridge Valley A St Bram& la, Doylestown Miss 1,1 Bruner, Doylestown D Johnean, Perkeornenrillo II Landes, Montgomery co BanitHemlnger, (Irene Lana Jacob Brumbnch, Exeter A Buckman, reastervitto I 0 Snyder, Green Lane L Berndt, Perkeemenvillo Rev 8 R Brobst, Allentown R. Gerber, Qum Lane NATIONAL TIOTBL—Race street, above Third. B Sellers, Brathington Chas Hartle, Washington B Remoraly, Allentown J T James, Beading O B llall & la, Baltimore Jllarseh, Idd Ohas If Johnson, Pa J C Johnson, Pa It A Itilitonge; N Y G tV lilorgen, Pottsville Wm Peva, Denville T D Kemmerer, St Loma bltCi s. Rohter l Ohio • • 'THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, ISA EITATNS llNlQN—Xarket areet. abOve MINI. Jno P e terGoot Goodwin, Philo , , d, Lancaster co Jaw L Corry, Lancaster co S Harrington, Balt H It Rudy, York co Jno Rudy, York co A It Wright, York co Robt Atwood, York co Rani Munson, Ruck); co .1 J Ltunisey, Ohio Mrs Showell, Marro do Q'o Joa Masterson, Lana co Coo Jack, Lancagtor co C W Black, N J 1k W Horton, N J J B Fox, Cheater co Stuart MCOlung, Va Y SPyfer, Lancaster C al Coleman, klk co 11 F Black, York co Geo Gruff, Lancaster Maw I,loDonald,Pa&IVRII. BAB LEY SHEAF—Second. below Vine street. Win Carr, Doylestown G W Parlor & la, N J T it Smith & in, N J S It Schanck & in, N S J T Simpson; Newtown T 8 Whore, N J Wm Watford, Doylestown D McCarter & la, N- B N.whold, Bucks co T 8 Smith, Bucks co W B Ely, Philo J Davis. Cheltenham I, B Feat, Hatboro a Wooleton, Newtown 0 Ledom, Newtow•i W J Johnson, Albany Miss Price, Bucks co J Jenkins, Chester co W D Large, Burke co J Butcher & non, Pa Mrs E 8 Lovell, N J Then Dyer, Doylestown JO Fell, Bucks co MADISON ROUSE—Woad atreat, abovo MAO J 11 Sward, Del J J Ray, Bt Louis W .J Reins, Ohio J L Macober, Ohio D Alartiu, PittaLutx J 11. Henry, Pittsburg BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, atm Callowhill. J 8 Long, Lebanon P R Boyer, llollertown 13 P Boyer, llollortown ' J Weikneoht, Ifeßenown John Ward, Catasqua E R Wambold. Dlllersvllle Saml Bradshaw, Quakert'n Josh Foulke, Quakertown BLACK BEAR INNA`iftli and Merchant Streets. Thos Dowees, Chester co Gl3 Cattoll, Dunkirk, N Y A 0 Blood, Dunkirk, N Y Mrs E Poise, Lancaster co Jas J Shafillo, Pa Col Jas Wood, Pa E E Kale, Kansas E A Morton, Ohllicoth_ J o 0 M Brown, Lancaster W Porter, Rochester, N Y W I.lStotchor, Middletown Jacob Pierce, N J Israel Pierce, N J Alex Moods, Fa Amos Spencer, Md John II Clark, Pa Elms Williams, Pa E Radon, Pa ' Thos Posey, Pa Thos Dunlap, Pa John Washington, Pa Miss Kate Chambers, Pa Jr. Roney, Pa T Warrington,W Chester S Blackwell, Del John Bolan, Del Joe Grubb, Del Milton Rills, Chester Co Isaac Ruth, Chester co J 13 Taylor, Chester co 1' S Taylor, Chester co Wm Robinson, Easton Film—Joseph Robenbaum will open a splen did stock of Furs on Monday next. titore 416 Arch street, between Fourth and Fifth. N 11.—Furs altered into fashionable styles. d4-lm Good Coffee Lovers of Coffee cannot realize the full value of their favorite beverage without having it made In the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTHUR, BURNHAM', & GILROY, 117 and 119 South TENTH, cor, of George, Sole Manufacturers Wrappers! Wrappers: Wrappers I—A very largo and elegant assortment, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. Also, floe Shirts, Dress Stooks, and all kinds of Furnishing Goods for Gentlemen, at W. W. Kamm's ; 612 Arch street, above Sixth. no2Olin Skates! Skates! Skates!—Oar readers will find the largest and most complete assortment of this whiter luxury, and at the lowest prices, at W. W. Rumor's, No. GO Market street, opposite Decatur street. n0304m Saving Fund.—National Safety Trust Co., Office, WAGNUT Street, S. W. corner of TIIIRD. ARRANGEBIENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING TILE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS BY THE BANKS. 1. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Bank Notes, Checks, and Specie will be received on deposit. 3. Deposits made in Bank Notes or Checks will be paid back In Current Bank Notes. 4. DepoMtn mado In ()old or Ulcer will be paid back in Coin. Interest Fi rE PILR 01INT. per annum. a 025 For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use i• Balm of 1,000 Flowers," For dressing Ladies' hair, use "Woodland Cream, a new Pomade " It curls Clentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. FHTRI DOR & Co., Proprietors, N. Y. For Bale by T D. Peterson, 300 Chestnut; Samuel Sitnee, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. D. Durand. 718 Chest nut; T. 11 Peters & Co., 710 Chestnut; (1. 0. Dram, lionk-atom, 430 Chestnut; 0. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & 00., Tenth and Mar ket; A. D. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. Slums & Sons, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner tleventh and Walnut. n 0 1 . 2. -ly acicion, 7011 PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Pratte, 111114 Lading, BM Heads, Cir culars, Garde, and all other Muds of Job Printing, at prim to suit tho times. 0017-17 Cabinet IVare and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENON SQUARE. GEO, J. HENKEL'S, 626 WALNUT fitreet t cw22.Bin Late of 173 Chestnut Street S. C. Demild, Commission Business in Corn. inercial paper and negotiations of loans, GO WALNUT ST , oppusite the Exchange, Philadolphia. nolo-2111 Bower's Infant Cordlal.•••Thie Invaluable Cordial le prepared from a variety of the most choice and eMeieut aromatics known In medicine, and le the moot perfect and reliable carminative extant for Infants and young children. By its powerful luflacinee a speedy cure la effected In all eases of Cks.lie, windy pain' and gramma. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tran unitises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ao. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and haa been used in thousands of mien with the moat abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by HENRY A. Dolma, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. as 13-ly Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west or eeooud street. Bece'sea de posits 1n sums of One Pollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of fire por cont. per annum. Office opon daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon- day and Saturday until 9 iu the evening. Pleeideut Franklin Fell; Treasurer and georstary, Charles 31. Batik Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK FOR UMBRELLAS, BY WAI. 11. RICHARDSON, No. 418 IlditlßT STRIBT On the 26th ult., by the Rey Joseph 11. Kennard, Mr. ELLIS hi GARRITT, of Chester county-, to Miss HAR RIET J. MeCALL, of Delaware county. Dy the Roc. C. D. Cooper, Mr. JOSEPH L. FRYER, of St. Paul, M. T , to Miss SALLIE FONTANELL, of this city. On the Ist lost by the Roy. Joseph Castle,Mr WEL LER, to Mrs. DREDUETTA, widow of the late George Torode, oil of Philadelphia. EICHMO. On the evening of the 2d inst., JOSEPHINE KAY, wife of David C. McCummon. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her husband's residence, No. M 5 Pine street, on Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock pre cisely, To proceed to Pine Street Church, and from thence to Laurel Hill. stst On the let inst., SUSAN, widow of tho tato Andrew Manderson, in the 70th year of her ago. Nor relatives and friends are respectfully invited to the funeral, from her Into residence, Main and Sellers streets, Frankford, on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Laurel Hill. Carriages will ho at N. Ilul canton's, No 275 Coates street, to convoy her friends from the city at 0 o'clock A. M. On the 24 inst., ANNA BELL EDWARDS, aged 2 years and 0 month., youngest daughter of Simeon It. and Anna M. Edwards, On the 2d inst., REBECCA. WARNIOK, in tho TOth year of her age. re - Office of the Quaker Cuy Insurance Coin- PANT, 408 WALNUT Street —The annual meeting of tho Stockholders of the Quaker City Insurance Coin pony for election of Pronident, Directors, and Secretary, .14 ill be hoiden IA their oihoe on TILDSDAY, the 6th day of January, 1808, between the hours of 12 and 2. frunw.lm COGOSITALL, Secretary. jr 4. Stated Meeting of the "Philadelphia Typographical Society," will be hold at the usual place, on SATURDAY Evening, December 0, 1857. Punctual attendance is lequested. WM. 11. JONES, Sec'y. ' ,117,eLiterary Bureau.—An Experienced Editor, a aim:medal author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-Bye yours of the drudgery or Daily Journalism, ham determl tied to hire out or sell his braltir et retail to there who may require their services in any honorable way, Merchants, Dustpans Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, off-hand, wills Advertise mean, (political or otheraise,) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or any species of article desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications. and every other sort of Brain work, which they may find it inconvenient or trouble some to do for themselves. Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in society or oc cupatlon In life, can have Letters written, on any sub Jeot, whether business or sentimental. who advertiser will also conduct or translate Correa poodence of every kind, either English, French, Span nth, Uerinan, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladies , Albums, Notes, Billet dour, Itlonodies, and Compositions of the most delicate and confidential character Incident to every possible circumstance or event In life, will lie furnished in In violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, dl 1w Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. irj-A Pair for the Sale of Useful and Fancy ARTICLES will be held under JAYNE'S HALL, CHESTNUT Street, below Seventh, by " The Ladies' Central Home Mission," laboring in Bedford street and Ito vicinity—to commence on THIS DAY, (Tuesday) Dec let, and continue open during the week. The ob ject is to raise means to clothe the largo number of chil dren attending the Day and Sabbath Schools in the Bile aloe Building, Bedford etreet, above Sixth. Donations of Goode, Clothing, &e., will be thankfully received by Mrs. JANE PETERSON, Arch at., first door below Ninth.' north able; Mrs. E S. YARD, No. 200 Spruce street, or any of the Managers. dl-400 UERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR 'LA BALE —A handsomely situated LOT OF FOUIt- T FEN ACMES, having a front of 000 feet on Chelten avenue, tvhich la 80 feet wide, and 800 feet on the Townsldp Lino Road, or Wissahickon street. This property may he purchased at the present time for the value of the avenue front. Apply to J. D. RitINBOTII, (14-24,* 930 Walnut street. A,AYOR'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Dv:mingle 3, 1857. WILL BE SOLD, On MONOAY next, at 12 o'clock 21., at Quigley's Sta bles, SEVEN PERM" and GEORGE fits., ono bob-tall MARE, 14 hands high, and 000 long-Mil blown 11011 SE, 10 bands high—tho said More and Morse Laving been taken up astray find to bo sold for keep, in compliance with the provisions of an ordinance approved klarch 1, 1855. JAMES D. CAMPBELL, d4-at Mayor's Clerk. UTTER.--TiOili -I .falitOßuifeTitiaiWd AAP this day-25 cents 41 , lb. Beat Bunch RAISINS 10 cents 4p. lb by the box. CHAS. SMITH, (Ironer, 48-31* N. W. corner of 111=11. and PINE. Eipecint Notices. illarrut . gco Oroposaio IFFICE OF ARMY CLOTRIgG AND *-." EQUIPAGE, PIIIILADIMPHIA, December 4, 1857 -SEALED PROPOSALS are invited, and will be re ceived at this office, until 10 o'clock A. Et of the 4th day ci January next, for furnishing by contract the fol lowing Army Supplies and Materials, deliverable at the United States Clothing and Equipage Depot, (Schuylkill Arsenal,) In quantities as required, viz : 6,000 yards 64 dark blue (indigo wool dyed) cloth for caps and bands, weighing about 14 ounces per yard. 63,000 do 0.4 dark blue (indigo wool dyed) twilled cloth, weighing 21 ounces per yard. 120,000 do 6.4 sky-blue (indigo wool dyed) twilled cloth, weighing 22 ounces per yard dark blue (Indigo dyed) cotton and wool flannel, weighing 0X ounces per yard. 210,000 do 7-8 white flannel (cotton and wool) to weigh OX ounces per yard. 10,000 do 6.4 dark blue flannel, wool (indigo dyed.) 10,600 do 47 Inch alpaca, (black.) 100,000 do X canton flannel, to weigh og ounces per yard. 176,000 do X unbleached drilling, to weigh fix ounces per yard. 74 unbleached drilling, to weigh 7)4 ounces per yard. 20,000 do 30 inch cotton duck, to weigh 22X ounces per yard. 15,000 do 30 inch cotton duck, to weigh 15X ounces r yard. 86,000 do 2 pe BX inch cotton duck, to weigh 14g ounces per yard 26,000 do 28X inch cotton duck, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 22 inch cotton duck, to weigh 11 ounces per yard. 3,600 do 22 inch cotton duck, to weigh 9 ounces per yard. 10,000 do 24 inch cotton duck, to weigh 12.1( ounces per yard. 25,000 do 33 Inch cotton duck, to weigh OX ounces per yard. 12,000 army blankets wool, gray,. (with the lettere U. S. In black, 4 inches in length, in the cen tre,) to be 7 feet long, and 5 feet 6 inches wide, each blanket to weigh 5 pounds. 7.600 dozen pairs half atockings, 3 sizea, properly made, of good sound fleece wool, and with double and twisted yarn, to weigh 3 pounds per dozen. .10,800 pompons for engineers, ordnance, medical de partment, dragoons, rifles, artillery, and infantry. 30 WO cap bodies. 12,000 yards glazed silk for covers. 140 N. 0. S brass scales, pairs. 000 sergeant's do do do 8,000 corporal's and privates' brass scales, pairs. 5 N. O. S. bronzed do do 80 sergeant's do do do 600 corporal's and privates' bronzed de do 76,000 yards X In worsted lace,/ yellow, scarlet, sky 5,000 do gin do do S blue, orange, greuu. 6,700 do rod bunting. 6,000 do white do 2,900 do blue do 2,600 gross coat buttons. 3,600 do vest do 3,600 do suspender buttons, white metal. 4,600 do shirt do do 95,000 tent buttons, wood, small. 12,000 do slips, do do 6,000 do buttons, do large. 1,000 do slips, do do 100 hospital tent poles, sets. 600 wall do do 000 common do do 4,060 galvanised iron wire rods, for tents. 10,000 do do staples, do 8,000 mesa pans, iron 1,000 camp kett les, iron, three Risen. 12,000 tin canteens, (3 pints, weight 11X ounces,) with aloppers. 1,000 pick axes, two sizes. 2,1100 do handles. 1,000 camp hatchets. 40 trumpet cords and tassels, orange. 40 trumpet cords and tassels, yellow. 20 do do do green. 40 drums, Artillery, complete. 70 do Iniantry, do 1,100 do heads, better 700 do do snare. 300 do snares, sots. 200 do sticks, pairs. 200 do do carriages. All the above.mentioned articles must conform in all respects to the coaled standard patterns in thle office, whore they can be examined ; and sample patterns will be sent by snail, with any additional information In regard to them, which may be requested by manufac turers or others wishing to offer proposals It is desirable that all the articles be of demesne manufac tore. Deliveries to commence on the 16th day of February next, and one-half of the quantity contracted for to be delivered in equal monthly proportions, by or before the 30th April, 1858; the remainder within four months from that date, in monthly or greater proportion", as the contractor may field it convenient. The privilege is reserved by the United States of in creasing from one-third to one-half the quantity of all the supplies above mentioned, by giving the contractor one month's notice of such deemed increase, Payments will bo made on each delivery, should Con gress have made an appropriation to meet them, or as moon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the amount of each de livery will be retained until the contract shall be com pleted, which will bo forfeited to the United States in UFO of defalcation on the part of the contractor iu fulfilling the contract. Bide will bo received from manufacturers or regular deatora. only in the articles proposed to be furnished; and none will be considered in which the manufacturer's mill or dealer's place of business is not specifically eel forth. Contracts will be based on accepted proposals, for the fulfilment of which two or more sufficient securities will bo required Thu names, address, and the responsibility of the persona proposed as securities, with the acknowledgment of said persons that they will be such security, or will see that good and sufficient security be furnished in "eau a contract is obtained, will bo transmitted with the proposals. It is to be distinctly understood by every person ob taining a contract, that said contract is not transferable without the consent of proper authority, and that any sale, assignment, or transfer of it, without such con sent having teen obtained, (except under a process of law,) will bo regarded as an abandonment of the con tract, and the contractor and his securities will be held responsible for all lose or damage to the United States which may arise from said abandonment. Proposals will be addressed to the undersigned, and will be endorsed if Proposals for furnishing army sup plies' and materials." 10,000 do 25,PX1 do HENRY C. WAYNE, Bt Major, A Q. Mr E=l DIIILADELPIIIA COUNTY PItISON.- 11 PROPOSALS will bo received at the Philadelphia County Prison uutil the 24th loot , for the employment of the convict prisoners at weaving for the year 1868. J. IC HOWELL, Clerk By order d4.mwfr•td24 illonev. AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXCHANGE W 11Th '1 AT MULLES V CURRENT RATES, It CRONIB.I3 h CO., SPECIE BROKERS, no2l•dlf 40 SOUTH THIRD ST SCULL, CAMBLOS, & CO., BANKERS, No. SS South Third Street. Too highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXOIIANQE. Uncurrent Funds bought and sold. Stocks bought and sold on commission only. nolo-2mll 111 W. TINGLEY Sc CO., BANKERS A—P. No. 87 South TIIIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all soca soible points In the United States and Canada. Stooks, Rondo, &o. Bought and Bold on Commlegion Unourrent Bank Notes, Chocks, dco., bought at the lowest rates. Deposita reoeived and interest allowed, an per agree. meet nor 2.8 m Oxprecis itompanico. THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MEW:MARONE, RANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own LINES, or in conoonion with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. E. B. SANDFORD, General Superintendent. ilitourance Qtoinvanico GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY—Oface. 403 WALNUT, Corner of FOURTH Street. MIRE, MARINE and INLAND INSURANCE at the lowest rates. November 2t, 1857. At a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held on the 16th lit , the following persona were elected Directors for the coming year. viz: CHARLES C. LATHROP, 14.23 Walnut street. WI!. DARLING, 1510 rine street. ALEX. WIIILLDEN, merchant, 18 North Front et. ISAAC HAZLIIIIURST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOHN C. HUNTER, of Wright, Hunter & Co. E. TRACY, of E. Tracy & Co., Goldsmiths , Hall. JOHN R. ArCUßDYofJones, White, & 11'Curdy. TILOS. L. GILLESPIE, of Gillespie & Z eltor. JAS. 11. SMITH, of Jas. B. Smith & CO. E. HARPER JEFFRIES, of Wm. It. Brown & Co. JOHN R. VOGDES, cor. Seventh and Noncom streets CHAS. E. THOMPSON, 413 Chestnut street. J NO. J. SLOCUM, 224 South Third street. ALFRED TAYLOR, Mlle° Cairo City Property, And at a Ineeting of tho Directors, hold this day, CHARLES C. LATHROP was unanimously re-elected President, and WM. DARLING, Vice-President. 11. K. RICHARDSON, Assistant- Secretary. CIIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR IO AMIE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Mee, No. 803 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. RISKS ONLY PALM.. 9111101 . 0119. her. Walker, Jae. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. S. Gillett, Furman Sheppard, Sand. Jones, M. D. Joseph Klapp, M. D. Wee. M. Swain, Johp Auspach, Jr., N Burroughs, J. 13. Hughes, P D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, M. A. Shackelford, dONEB, President. , Vice President. i'doldol.r.is, Secretary. taut Secretary. no:-Dm-If DAL JORI Jon. G. W. WOODWARD JNO. Jibree R. ALYORD, COMMONWEALVI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE STATki OF PENNSYLVA. NIA.-oifice N. W. Comm FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, 1600,000. Paid-up Capital. $200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Pmlt. SAMMIL S. Moos, Secretary. Bank Notices riIHE COMMONWEALTH BANK.—Tho Commonwealth Bank will commence 'mein°. Un der the act of 1830, as a SPECIE PAYING BANK, on WEDNESDAY, December 21, 1857, at the Banking Muse, Uheetuut pt., above Fourth. ,12-at It. °JUMBO, enabler. Glacio ant; Cl)itta 'Marc CALL AND SEE The Greatest 00 HOLIDAY PRESENTS Ever exhibited in rue CITY OP PHILADELPHIA, Which will he sold at exceediugly LOW PRICES 11,111XSEN & WITTE'S, MASONIC MALI, _ 713 CHESTNUT ST FUND.--UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CIINST NUT Streets. Large and email sums received, and paid book on de. mend, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Hice hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS fur sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from ..£1 upwards. ProsIdent—ATEPIIRN R. ORKWYORD, Treasurer—PLlNY FISH. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER Y 7 DESIA AND AMERICAN TARRED 0011DA011.—a superior article manufacture sui for ado by WEAVER, Finn & 00., au B.tt No. 28 N. Water et. a t 22 N..Wkaroos. Iry CES4oDO REDUCTION IN DRESS TRIMMINGS. Fancy VELVET, 50e. ' formerly $1 25. BALL TRIMMING, Braided Drep Ole, formerly 75. No do Floss Drop 4 25 e do 60. And FANOY TRIMMINGS GENERALLY, AT STILL UTATZER REDUCTIONS O MAXWELL & SON, CLIESTNUT, below Eleventh, end d.1..2‘r SECOND, bolo,. Spruce. B°"' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT & DSO. Have now on hand a very largo aosorboont of BEADY .. .MADE GOODS, Suitable for the present 1113911011, which they feel disposed to sell racer. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, B. Sr. COa NNN 1857 d AND efflidniClT ova. •.. . • N. B.—We have a large assortment of uncut goods of superior quality and make, to order from. T ADIES' CLOAKINOS. 811ARPLE88 BROTHERS oiler a full assortment Black and Colored HABIT CLOTHE, ENGLISH BEAVERS, FRENCH PILOTS, Mixod CHINCHILLA OLOTHS, TUFTED CLOTHS, in new styles Black MOHAIR and LION }HUN for Trimming thLrp VIENNESE AND PARIS BROGUE LONG SHAWLS. On hand, en extensive stock, comprising all grades, In the lowrt desirable colors and designs, purchased at the late Auction Sales In this city and New York, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Superior Goode at $lO, $ll, $l2. CIJIINVEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 464 North Second Street, dl-y above Willow. MEN AND BOYS' WINTER WEAR. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, above Willow, HATO on hand an extensive stock of BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERT.S, SATINETS, and VESTINOS, Purchased at the late Auction Salmi, at dl-y REDUCED PRICES. PENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAR FOR DRY GOODS. The subscriber offers for a few days his entire stock of goods at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, and recoivo In payment notes of the Pennsylvania Bank. This, to such as may have any of this doubtful paper on hand, Is offering a great inducement, 141 his stock le one of tho best In the city. Ploaso give him an early call. • B. F. JOIINSON, na3o-1w Oil Market at., above Ninth, north aide. BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.--SPE OIAL NOTICE —All the notes on the Bank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY GOODS, 'telling at lees than Auction prices. Mtudins, Linens, Olathe, Cassimerea, Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Detainee, at a great sacrifice, In connection with our entire steak, which wilt be sold at paces which will astonish all who may favor on with a call. Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken the same ea specie, (we make no difference,) at OLIVER H. JOHNSON'S Pennsylvania Bank Note Dry Goods Store, No. 1009 MARKET Sired, above Tenth, north side. N. R.—Orders received for the very beat Schuylkill Coal i Peonsylvsmia Rank Notes taken in payment. OLIVER U. JOI.INSON, no30•lm No. 1009 Market street. STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS.—Being determined to keep below competition, and Co an to still cell cheaper than those who have made great re ductions in their prices, we will sell an nil-wool 12-4 Blanket that will measure 2 pints and 12 inches wide for $5 60. This Is the greatest bargain yet. We will also cell the Blankets that we sold for 85 at $3. Thrum aro large size, Thom that wore $5.60 for 03 60. Thome we sold at 13 for $3 80, and those we sold at $9 for 1.6 60. Thom we eold at $l2, for $7.50 These three last lots are the finest quality. . . . . R. D. & W. 11. PENNELL, 1021 Market street, below Eleventh 1.,70 0 YARDS FINE QUALI T-Y DOUBLE WIDTH. PLAID CASHMERES AT 25 CENTS!!! We have Just received one ease of the above Goods. We hear they are being maid in other Amen at 37)4 cent. ! $l,lOO worth of LONG BROOIIE SHAWLS, from $3 to 125—the cheapest goods we have over seen ! A large stock of very excellent SLACK SILKS AND FANCY SILKS! . . Very chomp Blankets and Flannels. Cloths, Osesidneres, &a., for Men's and Boys' Wear. Carpets closing out, positively less than cost. Irish Linens Domestic Muslim], Canton Flannels; French Merinoes, English Cobourga, Paramattas, &c., dm. In fact we offer unparalleled bargains from a well-as sorted CASH-PURCHASED STOCK! THORNLEY & CHUM, n028.6t* N. E. corner of Eighth and Spring Carden R ANK OF PENNSYLVANIA—GREAT 1-.1 EXCITEMENT AT BELCHERV—We are re ceiving the notes of the above bank at par for Dry Goods, at greatly. reduced prices. Dank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Cloaks and Tabus. Rank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Shawls. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Dress Goods. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Merinos. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken Men's Wear. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Ribbons. Bunk of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Embroideries. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Domestics. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Blankets. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Gloves and Hosiery. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for the choice of goods from one of the largest and best-selected stocks in the city, and at extraordinary low prices, at F. & T. II BELCHER'S, nov:2l-12t S. W. corner Eighth and Spring Garden. SPECIAL NOTICE.- A large assortment of Attractive and seasonable DRY GOODS, From the extensive wholesale stocks of several SUSPENDED HOUSES, Will be opened TIIIS DAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1857, At the store No. 923 MARKET Street, NORTH SIDE, Between Ninth and Tenth, And sold throughout BY RETAIL, AT AN UNPRECEDENTED REDUCTION In prices for 0 A 8 11. The goods are all new, and of recent importation or manufactute; ands. rare opportunity is offered to pur chasers to purchase tho best males and styles, far below tho usual prices, SAMUEL S. HESS, nov2l-2, No. (r 2.3 MARKET Street. REMOVAL. L. J. LEVY & CO., IN ANTICIPATION OP REMOVAL SPLENDID NEW STORE, Now Going mooted for them in CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, lave determined, for a period of 30 DAYS, To dispose of a large amount of their Stock now in store at very LOW PRICES FOR CASH. They invite the attention of the Public and their Cue linters to one of the moat complete ataortments of STAPLE AND PANOY DRY GOODS To ho found In this country, which wall be disposed of for the period named, at such prices as will insure their ealo. CHESTNUT STREET, noll-tf NEXT TO TILE CUSTOS! HOUSE HEAVY BROWN COTTONS Ono Thousand Bales SIIEETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, =KED LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN MEAD,) AND NASHU.4 MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their various widths sod styles, which aro offered for solo for Brat-class poper,.ori SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of tho Czmpwates, ALFRED SLADE & CO., 39 LETITIA STREET. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS.- A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES has been determined on by the subscribers, in con sequence or the continued pressure. 500 MISSES' ENOLLSII BEAVER CLOAKS, $2, formerly 03 50 300 MISSES ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $3 50, formerly $5 60. 250 SUPERIOR FRENCH BEAVER CLOAKS, $3 to SS, cost to import $7 to $lO each. LONG BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, $B, formerly $l2. RIM BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent below coot of production. J .IV. PROCTOR & CO , Successors to Geo. Dulpin A Co., 1113 2mo d 708 CIIESTNTIT street. L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1020 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 315 S. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES.—Nos. 02 and 97 GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders wade at a few hours , notice. sell snit JOHN B. STRYKER, JR., Wholesale Dealer in AUCTION DRY GOODS. N 0.12 BANK Street, Philadelphia. octl•2m FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS!!!! JOHN FAREIRA & CO., Importers, Manufacturers, and Dealers in FANCY FUItS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. Having manufactured an lunnonse Stock of FURS, with the expectation of doing our usual business, the present pressure of the times, and comparative stagna tion of trade, have left us with an unusual amount of Stock upon our shelves. It is to meet this difficulty that wo liars now DETERMINED To close out our ENTIRE STOCK At Prices actually lose than THEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE ! We have also on hand a ling and complete assort meat of GENTS' FURS, GLOVES, All of which will be sold at very LOW PRICES. No. 818 MARKET St , bet. Eighth and Ninth, nol9-Ow South side FLOORING} BOARDS-23,630 feet Caro lint, flooring !muds, Afloat, for Bale by MARTIN & MAOALIBTIR and lit North WatAr Fltrwat 'MOUNTAIN " GLADE" BUTTER. ill No have just received our usual supply from the Mountains of this celebrated BUTTER. Will be sold to lots to suit cuatomore 0145 y Is, R. JUNES dr C 9., 61/ titerkat stroat, MTHOMAS & SONS, Nos. 139 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STR :ET (formerly Nos BT and 69.) REAL ESTATE, STOCKS he. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. Err Nandi.llls of each property homed separately, in addition to 'which we publish on The batnnlay previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, wing full descriptions of all the property to be sold ou the following Tuesday. (EY" YURNITURE SALES AT TILE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. . . . tEr We have a large autoeut of Real R.vtate at Pri- Tate Rale, including every description of City and eoontry property. Printed Liete may be had at the auction &ore. PRIVATE SALE REQUITER. Mr Real Ratite entered on our Private Sale Re gister, and advertised occasionally in our Public% Bale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. On Tuesday Philadelphia December Bth, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Sz change,tor account of whom it may concern : 240 shares Merchants , Inaurance Company of Phila delphia, par s2s—full paid. 25 shares Manufacturers' and Meet:males , Savings and Loan Company, par 650—full paid. Two Brat mortgage 6 per cent. bonds, 6500 each. Southern Railroad (late Vicksburg). coupons attached, payable July and January, 6 per cent. HAVRE DE GRACIE TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—AIso, 2 shares Philadelphia & Rime de Grace Steam Tow- Boat Company. 6 ahares American Academy of Music. 20 shares Commonwealth Bank-422 w ad . MEAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER 6th This sale will Include— NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE—N. W. corner Fif teenth and Lombard streets. It is replete with modern Improvements and conveniences. 54,000 may remain on tho T t l ig irLAllGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, WEST PHILADELPHIA.—VaIuabIe lot S. E. corner of Walnut and Margaretta streets 150 by 175 feet. Valuable lot, north side of Locust street, 100 feet west William street, 100 by 161 feet (two fronts). HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, PINE BT.— The handsome modern residence, southeast corner of Pine and Nineteenth streets. It is 24 feet front, and finished in handsome modern style. Immediate posses sion. .117" Only $l,OOO required in cash. MORTOAGE FOR $1925.--Also, a Bret mortgage secured on 11 Stone dwellings and lot of ground, Cresson street, Manayunk. Clear of ground-rent. There is a perpetual policy of insunume for $5,. HANDSOME DOUBLE RESIDENCE OOO ; WITH SIDE YARD —Handsome new residence, replete with all modern improvements, northeast corner Franklin and Poplar streets, lot 55 feet front. MODERN RESIDENCE.—AIso, handsome new real dence,replete with modern conveniences, Franklin at., adjoining the above, lot 20 feet, 8 inches front. U The above are very desirable residences. Im mediate possession may be had. Terms accommodating. HEAL ESTATE BALE-BECXMISEEt 15th. This sale will inciade— Orphans' Court Bale—Bstate or Benjamin Darnell, Deceased. FOUR TURER-STORi .13RI O R DIVELLINOB— Pratt street, cult of Fairmount street. VALUABLE PARE, 77 acres and 39 perches, 3 miles from Phi=daville, and 3 miles from Paoli. Chester county, Pa. SALE OE ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOORS, FROM A LIBRARY—By order of Executor. ' —This Evening. December 9th, by order of executor, pill be cold, a collection of whicellaneons works In the French and English languagee. Particulars in catalogue)]. MEDICAL WORKS -ENGLISH AND FRENCH . . . On Saturday Evening, December sth, will be sold, a collection of valuable medical books, English and French—a portion by order or executor. ID Catalo g ues wilt be ready, and the books arranged on Saturday morning. Executors' Bale.—Estate of Daniel Coppie. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, BAR FIX TURES, LIQUORS, GOOD-WILL, On Monday Morning, December 7th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, by order of the executora of Daniel Copple, deceased, at the corner of Exchange Place and Carter's alley, the en tire household furniture, beds and bedding, table, and bed linen, Ac. Also, the bar-room furniture and fixtures, fine en gravings a large assortment of One liquors and cigani ID-Full particulars in catalogues. establishment Also, good-will of this well known and popular Bale at the N W. earner 'Fifteenth and Lombard Ste. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, MANTEL CLOCK, OIL PAINTINGS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, &c. On Wednesday Morning, Dec. rith, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at the N. W. cor ner of Fifteenth and Lombard streets, the household and kitchen furniture of a gentleman declining house keeping fEr May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, PIANO FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, an extensive assortment of second-hand furniture, One mirrors, Brussels carpets, &c., from families declining house keeping. Shares in the Academy of bionic; Point Breeze Park; Philadelphia and Mercantile Littariee ; Athenaeum, fcc. Coparlitembip Notices DISSOLUTION.—The PARTNERSHIP -Cr heretofore existing as DARER & WILLIAMS is TDB DAY dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued at the old stand, 1132 MARKET St., by CHARLES WILLIAMS, who is authorized to collect and pay all debts of the late firm. PETER W BAKER, Dee. 1, 1857. CHARLES WILLIAMS. The undersigned would inform the public, that having bought out 11 r. P. W. Baker, his late partner, he will continue the HEATING and VENTILATING business at the old stand, 1132 MARKET Street, where will be found a Mil assortment of Ranges, Heaters, Ventilators, Registers, Bath Boilers, &c., and hopes, by strict at tention to business, to merit a share of the patronage of the public. CHARLES WILLIAMS. ]JOTICE.—Tho COPARTNERSHIP hall erto existing under the firm of JAMES ELLIOTT & C 0,.. was dissolved 23d instant, by the withdrawal of J 01IN M'ARDLE. The business of the late firm will be settled by the undersigned at the same location. JAMES ELLIOTT, S. E. corner of Twentieth and Market stn. November 24th, 11357. no3o-mwtrlot* LADIES' FAIRome and see the FAIR at' Dr. JAYNE'S NALL, in aid of the Poor and Afflicted. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les- Fee, Mr. E. A. Marshall ; Stage Manager, Mr, John Sefton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Parquette, 25 cents; tipper Circle, 25 cents; Secured Seats, 37) cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 60 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. M. to S P. IL Doors open at quarter to 7 o'clock ; performance to commence at 7y(, precisely.[Erßenefit of MISS RICIIINGS. TIIIS (Friday) EVENING, Dec. 4th, 1557, Will be performed ' ''• Ramer Stella, tho EnchantreAa WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE Y vv -SOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY THIS (Friday) EVENING, Dee. 4th, IST, Will be presented STILL WATERS RUN DEEP. John Millnlay, Mr. E. L. Davenport, Capt. Hawksley, Mr. Dolman; Mra. 3llllmay, Mies Taylor. SECOND LOVE Ralph Thornhill, Mr. Dolman; Lucy, Miss A. Orals° Scuts or PRICES.—Boxes, 25 cents; Secured Seats, 38; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 28 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3P. M. Doors will open at fiN o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. NATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS 11 WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH. LESSEE WESLEY BARMORE EQUESTRIAN MANAGER THOS. KING 117' Last night but ONE of EPII. HORN. THIS (Friday) EVENING. Dec. 4th, 1847, Will be presented BRILLIANT 11ORSEMANSMP, BARING VAULTING, GYMNASTIC PERFORMANCES, Ac To conclude with CATARINA ; OR, TILE DYING BRIGAND. Catarina, lillle Margarette; Marco Sciario. thu brigand chief, Mr. Thoe. King; Exhort, Mr. Rincado. Pnices or ADIII6SION.—Dress Circle 31s cunt,. Fa mily Circle 25 cents. Private Boxes 50 cents JAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., BELOW BEYENTII. TUN (Friday) EVENING, Dec 4th. Second week of the renowned BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, And Burlesque Ethiopian OPEII A TROUP.E. Fifth night of the beautiful Opera of BONNAMBiI LI, With new scenery, costume, music, &c, Preceded by their inimitable ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY Doors open at half-past 6 o'clock. Curtain rises at half put 7 precisely. Admission 25 cents. 11" VIEUXTEMPS AND MADAME PA 11• itoDrs FAREWELL CONCERT. The public are respectfully informed that the Fare well Concert of Mmo. TERESA PAIIODI, 11. VIEUX TEMPS, Miss MILNER, and Fig. PEIWOIXI, wil take place next week, of which due notice will thigh en de3.tt GREAT SUCCESS! ! ! "THE WELSH NIGHTINGALE," Aa o Kitty O'llooney," " Mary of Tipperary," "Doctor Calomel," "Herr Toil," and all her popular characters, EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK, At CONCERT HALL, commeneang at 8 o'clock. The entertainment will be varied with songs in Welsh, Gemini) ' and Irbil. Proceeds for the UNION TEMPORARY HOME Full. length photographs of her in every character at Concert Hall. The piano toed on the occasion is a flue instrument of Nouns & Clark, kindly furnished by Mr. Gould. 117. To prevent a crowd at the door. tickets will be sold at the Hall during the day. 25 cent,. each. 31ADAME LOLA MONTEZ—WiII give 1 her lecture on the HEROINES OF HISTORY, and "STRONG-MINDED WOMEN," at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Ou FRIDAY EVENING, Deceuiber 4th, Doors open at a quarter of 7. Lecture to commence at a quarter of S o'clock. Admission 15 cents. STATE POULTRY SOCIETY OF PENN SYLVANIA. Tho fourth annual exhibition in now open at JAYNE'S BUILDING, CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW BF:VENTS, Front 9 o'clock, A. M., until 9 o'clock, P. AL Adults 15 cents. Children 5 cents. tll-5t SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTII Street, above Chestnut. ETILIOPIAN PEUVORSIANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stars—New Dances by the Sanford Children Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To conclude with A LAUIiIIABLE AFTERPIEC.S. Admittance 25 cents. . ..„ .... CARPETINGS BELOW COST.—Tbe best Bargains ever offered in the Carpet line may now be found at DUNLAP'S Warerooma, 1110 MABRET street. In consequence of the hard times, we are offer ing our stock of Fine and Common Carpeting at prices which would aatonialt the eleseetbuyer. Besides the re duction is male on a stock of Carpeting e ODA St I rlg• largely of goods bought at a great sacrifice. Any one wishing to furnish a Rouen at the present time may easily nave from thirty to forty p,r cent on the regular prices, and much cheaper than they can purchase in any other Store in the city. We are now selling All Wool Carpeting at 55 cents, worth 76; Superfine Carpet, 75e, worth El 10 ; Three ply Carpet, $l, worth $1 30; English Tapestry Carpet, U.lO, worth. at least, $1.37,4; Velvet Carpets as cheap In proportion ; common and fine Oil Cloths at et great sacrifice Let all who want Carpeting come imme diately and make their selection from one of the cheap est and best assortments of Carpeting in this city. nfiinwit WM. Dlinis , a, 1110 !soot street. COLLAII3, he Sales' bn 'Auction. AT PRIVATE SALE Amusements THE ENCHANTRESS Mr. Richiags Misq Richit.ga Qturpctittg Salto by 9ttution. Up SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (succes- Aft. wox.MT & scorr t ) Sal CUSISLIIIT Street, opposite the Castom House, between Pearet and Mitts Streets NOTICE —The ale of fart wilt be commenced this 'ormlig. at 103 e o'clock. panctually. irr The sale of retail stock will be ammo:toed at Is o'clock. ID 'The sale of clothing will be Commenced at 12S' 'clock. CARD.—We invite the particular attention of pur chasers to the peremptory sale of a valuable stock of staple and fancy goods (the entire aback of a retailer declining business), to be held at the auction store. 431 Chestnut street, this (Friday) morning, at 11X o'clock. Included will be touted, Vitt: - DRESS GOODS in every variety of silk, linen, wool len, worsted, and cotton, such az_mons de 'eines, ging hams chintzes. c WOOL AND COTTON HOSIERY HOODS.—tilso, ag" " 4l imortmentilmett's, women's, boys', misses' and children's wool an cotton hes'ery, of gray mixed, white black and brown, ladies' white and black essh merehone. Also, wool comforts, wool hoods, wool cravats, wool coats, &c. Also, a great variety of embroideries, and millinery goods, linen hdkfs, ribbons, trimming., silk fringes. &c. Also, white and scarlet Sant:telt, 44 apron checks, Blanchester ginghams, damask table diaper, demetv, blue denims, .ke. Also, ends of cashmeres, eattiuets, wool tweeds, &e. Also, cashmere shawls, broche scarfs, wool long and square shawls. Also, men's sad women's, misses' and boys' wool gloves and mitts, kid gloves, silk gloves, 'csahmere gloves &c, With a general variety of suspenders, cravats, hatch., spool cotton, tape, pins needles, &c. forming one of the most desirable retail offered at auction this season. FURS, MM.—also, this day, commencing at 10li o'clock, will be gold without reaerTe, an elegant ELElSOrt meat of fashionable fan, for ladies' goats', and mime,' wear, worthy the particular attention of pur chasers. 137'They are new arranged for examination with cataloguts. CLOTHING, CLOTHING —also, this day, at 12' o'clock. by catalogue, will be told a general assortment of superior ready-made clothing, embracing, about 3uu garments, each ai men's dregs, frock, and over-costa of all descriptions. Also, menu cloth, cassimere, and sattinet pants in great variety Also, men's velvet, bilk, satin, plash, and cassimere vests. WOOL HOSIERY GOODS.—AIso, a full line superior wool hosiery goods consisting of men's wool shirts and drawers, wool comforts and cravats. wool hose sal half hose, wool hoods, ladies' anglaise.' wool gut,rs , wool coats, wool talmas and shawls, ke. RIBBONS, ke..—Also, an assortment bonnet and trimming ribbons, silk fringe, &e. The whole, forming an extensive and valuable assort ment of desirable fall and winter goods, will be sold without reserve, and will be found worthy tho special attention of all purchasers. BALE OP YIiEEIONABLE NCES. This Morning, Commencing at 10li o'clock, will be sold, without reserve for cash, a valuable Invoice of furs for ladies' and gents' wear, consisting of capes, Wines, victorines, pelerines, muffs, cuffs, Are., made in th e ben manner, of sable, Siberian squirrel, stone. martin ermine, Bleb, Iran's down, Ac. V - The whole will be ready for examination, with catalogues, early oa the morning or sale, when the trade, and purchasers generally, are invited to attend. RETAIL STOCK PROM THE SHELVES.—AIso, will be sold from the shelves, commencing at (say) 11S o'clock, the entire stock of a city retail store, compris ing the useal assortment of staple and fancy goods. READY-MADE CLOTHING.—AIso, an invoice of - eady-made clothing, consisting of men's and 'boys' - noels, pants, vests, ik.c. WOOL HOSIERY GOODS.—AIso, an assortment of English and American knit wool hosiery goods. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above POURER. OLED—SALE OP HOUSEHOLD TUSNITUBJE—TUES- l We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS PALES BOOM, NO. 423 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention ts given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who nay favor no with consignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declskling house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwelling'', can have their furniture CAREFULLY BiatovEr TO OUR BALES ROOM, WHERE MST WILL REALIZE. BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY OAR OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE On?. - - lir Persons favoring us with oonAlipunents can rest need thattheir property will not be sacrificed. Irr Commissions more mcderste otherthan those charged any Auction Rouse in the city. fry- Consignments respectfully solicited. 117 Sales paid immediately after the goods see sold. REAL ESTATE BALE—DECEMBER 23d. This sale at the - Exchange, on Wednesdaieseriliag, December 234,1857, at 7 o'clock, will include— Orphans' Court Sale.—Estate of Joseph Colhoun, Deed. FRAME ROUSE AND LOT, ANN STREET, NINE TEENTH WARD.—_k frame house, and let of ground, southeast aide of Ann street, SO feet southeast from Sarah street, Nineteenth ward, 20 feet front, 108 feet deep $25 ground rest. Orphans' Court Sale.—Estate of 11. Y. Roemer, Deed. PROPERTY QUEEN STREET, RENSINGTON —A certain house and lot, north side of Queen street. a) feet front. and 120 feet deep. to a 13)i feet alley leading from Shaekamalon street. Clear of ineumbrances. Orphans• Court Sale.—Same Estate. FRAME HOUSE AND LOT. POPLAR STREET.— A frame house, and lot of ground, Borth aide of Poplar street, between front and second, SD feet front, and 114 feet deep. Sr ground rent. Q 1111017! STORE AND DWELLING, COATES ST., ABOVE SEVENTEENTH —A three-story brick store and dwel ling. south side of Coates street, 85 feet 9 inches cost of Eighteenth street, 17 feet 1 inch trent, and CI ft inches deep, along Florence street. The bonze has balk windows, gas. and hydrant. $34 ground rent. Rent, for 5290 per annum. fEr Terms—cash. gale positive. 113". $5O to be paid on each of the above when the time is atrack off. Sale at No. 422 Walnut street. EXECUTOR'd SALE OF WISES AND LIQUORS. On Saturday Morning, At 12 o'clock, will be sold, at the auction store, the wines, liquors, &c., of a gentleman, dec'd, consistirg of Henuesay's pale brandy, Otard's dark do, Scotch malt whiskey, Port and sherry wines in eases and demijohns; also, 26 baskets of line champagne ; the above are all of the choicest brands. Elate at No. 4M Walnut street. HOSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, &e. On Tuesday Morning, At 10 o'clock, "rill be sold, at the auction store, an assortment of household turnitare. OFFICE FURNITURE —Also, a /urge double eount ng•bouse desk, handsome walnut do, neat iron railing or counting-house, office table's, chairs, &c. AT PRIVATE BALE. A first-clone Printing Office, with a good ran of bu•i ness, foar printing presses, two Ruggles and one Adams Type and everything necessary for the business. App!y at the Auction Store. Itl OSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER .1-I1 AND COSIMISSION MERCHANT, S. N. corner SIXTR and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE BALE—GoId and silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swim, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, &c., Re. PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second Boer, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, &c., Re., &o. Out-door gales attended to personally by the Auction eer. Charges very low. Consignments of furniture clothing, jewelry, ho. &c , solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Birth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Segare,Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture. Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. M. NATHA-NS, WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments , wilitake place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, &c., being forfeited collaterals, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALF TILE USUAL SELLING PRICES —Double-bottomed and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the most ap proved makes; hunting case and open face gold enzapi , ment lever and lepius watches, full jeweled; fine gold enameled lever and lepine watches for ladies'; gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and lepine watches, in hunting eases and open face; silver Swiss, and French watches; • general assortment of Mr nitare beds mattresses. mirrors Re. OUT-DOOR I SALES SOLICITED, andeharges to snit the times, low. Consignments of every description of goods solicited for public or private sale. DIGS EY ADVANCED on all and every kind of gaols, for public or private sale, or to be held for a 11.nited time. Charges low. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONET LOAN OFFICE, No 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doors below the Exchange Hoare of business from 7 o'clock, A. 11, until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door Wes, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most eatisfactory terms. CAPITAL S•:,00,000. Established for the lest Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monde. Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, bier chandrze, Clothing, Furniture., Bedding, Cigars, Muitiml Instruments, Gans, Horses, Outings, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. All adrancee, from one hundred dopers and up warie will ba charged I' per cent. per month $-ZOO and orer, the lowest market rate. This Store nonce having a depth of 12 , 1 feet, has large flee said thief-proof vaults to store all valuables. and pet vete watchmen for the premises • alzo, a teary ii.eu ranee effected for the benefit of alepersors having poe,is advanced. upon N. 11.—On account of haring an nehrlited cap.tal, this office is prepared to make advances on more ralls• factory and accommodating tenon than any ether m this city. Money chanted to the poor, to [call extettotit, with out say charge. . . . . AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lacer and other Watcher!, Jewelry. and Clothing will be eold at reduced prices. auLly GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER VII N. M. tomer of SALMI fzi BOVall Etrcelf above Second. /EVENING SALE'. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 7,5 i o'clock, et the Auction Store, of IlAriwsre, Cot lery, tiousekeeplng Artmles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, kw. ecittlonctes ittruisljing Eoobe FINE SHIRTS, -made to order, and war -11: ranted, of elegant material and superior work manAbip. Also, Drea, Stocks and Gentlemen - 8 Wrap wre, at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIGLIT, fll AltUll Street, above Srxth. uu2l-y RAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP v PERS !—A very large and elegant assortment at reduced prices. Aleo, heavy under-clothing of all dv heriptions, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W END.; it T'S, Gl2 AMR Street, above Sixth n021..y NVINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- V MEN'd FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT' SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No Ted CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, ie partientarlp invited to this improsed rut of Shirts, the moat perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. acSayif Job Printing JAMES 11. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIX.TII Street Cr-t above Market, Philadelphia. Blaukg, Cards. 1:11I- Heade, Pamphlets, and general Printing att.n.ded to Binding attended to in ronnectleu pith piinted head legs of Wanks and Receipts d2-ti EVANt4,-10,000---PILINTII it, A! Cards per !Moue: ...-, gill IVI Ilto Ppm Ile wu by rrk.A.l by Il• •b..ba _,....b. I . /I . '' . A ! Y.lndYYt.e Yew, et tly Lao . _. •~O !L. Flu vv... ta.IIVIVT• m „ 1 „ ~.. 0 , faltidsa. , o f tb...0)b." na.rr-s. ... • Pbtel, .0.6.1.C'W. Tee Tbeesawd Cavil r.ritimr,u . F ic ° , r 7L — fbra . ry,ll l6. o ' l7lFlVlTlV: k b:l { o " : 4 C;e.l .44 ::t. li --- G REAT REDUCTION IN THE MCC or CEMETERY LOTS. The Glenwood Cemetery Co. hare determined to sell the late in their Cemetery at ONE HALF The present prices for cash By this reduction some of the most eligible Lots will be sold at TWELVE DOLLARS. Only 300 iota will ha disposed of at these rat,. ±nd tho opportunity is offered until January ht, 15.15. Al-- ply at the °Moe, No. 44,1 WALNUT STREET, below
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