$:• • • .;'!« >ii •'“ls f V ♦*- * K ' - »*'. 'Y%i 1 •‘•Vrtf 4 ! 'V* * '' , '*' ’' v.’ , * , *Z »v 4 \i ** . w.j, \. l * * »- v '/ • • *v. >. n • e ViN>V - v -" r. ;*-•- lfm£ *, V>> --Iv:; * *.V.,v.- ; .V .•: -, V M 'i * f “i ;•&«'<**;<;£■ J .s : I i®s>l£s > > : V- • ‘‘i I * ■CY.Y t? J>. -jl „ .' A.a i ***• •*> *. v v *»» •. 1 ., v- r^3 - >-1 >■' *ft sV-V'S‘;Vv'-j-‘rM ;Y,\ »v >■*' <#.■* ',•• ; • . >l IKM£3SB&I Y«* Uj *.v :•! V* r:-r : ,«- r ,*f zv.Yl j* v% Y*r •_ '' «. Vj i >»Y:. 6 d- V V*t J-, * - *# I Wigfv i'S -iNv ‘•iKcV.'S «t% s^v^Vvc *v y.*- *'■'* *< ' SafesSftsfn'j®;®?’'y wmkmmsm <^ %<* f. f -.♦ / ,f i ,' c .-;- ■,.••■ ''C- ’•: . i' pteY«piis “■ }.*.&&&. f »>>i .; ; -;.>, : i o ,V’^’» ,# ■• Off® efc Vii;. t&&ss£Lb:s tfi* 4 J s l”i*y^! KSK«S?BSf t?«*'?%*<;•'tS- IlMMpii^ga^as^t 'i v -"'f Yif&as’l I^;^' ■: |,? {■;?; fV< «Y-i ■ll'IISSBi? 'Y''Cy tf'J ” ;v 'i --£*■■ <&*SS*M & C-v' s*t* '-•« .XHr? s !s?iK •■- •* -fotf* •A- l i' i jp t ’? ! -' > 'f , 't P&ik- %*s&& k^- '-vr^^ c. ViJ - =•:' 'i 3 ''l S i'l^jg •.>*/'.’ •!:- ,; /. J . : ’ , 's ; ■ i' 1 vi^ Vr~\- r ' •'I :V '■■t rjK~.. V T •-' t f * • i V* ’v •? *1 *> >'{ •’. <• -V * , 7 Vp- - _ % r V7'^ V v VVj f ”\, \\ f-....... . „ -t. n v -*. *, f *■ 7 v >.2v\-r ir. ~,, <;> ai ? Oc »*;.Vr,^ <iS\ i % 3 IV* =*7 \\V t * v >; \* * > *• r -*• !SiiSiSiiSi^^^^^^^^@iiSSs ! ?®9P s'* 5 '*' fi; ff 6i '' ! ‘ , '"' ; ' : ’M '-■'■• ' ■ * '• >:.v,Vw/.- ■ '/■ ’' rU'tSisife--*?'.?''* ■- -v . * ,-Vy >■*»» v ! j t - ,’■'.; .- .' 3^ J \ r> * tevfc'f'--:. ' • 'Jt- *: V"-' "3.V V . T r 0 RAILROADS. cBST K A I. OHI THROUGH Northern Illinois to the Hiaaiasippi Biver, Sommer Arrangement—Change ol nme. i TfTIWA \riucni'li T THREE DAILY TRAIN." EACH WAT, (SUNDAYS EX- , 1U WAj MISSUU Kl» And but one ChMgi'of C*ri between i KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Columbus and Baltimore. All aallroad to the Mississippi en4 efln Monday. Jane 18th, 1566, Trains »iUrUBU | A) f ° Uo * ,: Chicago, Burlington and Quin eg going east. _ I Fjrprcsi Mail Right \ Train. Train. Train. ! Columbus 10:00 A. M. 8:30 P. M. 11:30 P. M. , ij" r -»rfe 11:10 •• 4:45 “ 12:60 A. 11. j Zanesville 124 U P. M. 6:uo “ *l2 “ Ooncord I*6B « 6:44 “ 8:01 “ 1 Cambridge I:*Q M 7:08 “ 8:26 “ Bernes rillo 2:23 u 846 “ 4:48 ' 4 Belmout 2:44 “ 851 « 6:14 “ Arrive Bell&lr 3:30 “ arr 0:45 “ err.6:l6 “ GOING WEST. £xprrs J Afaii Night i*lut Train. Tram. Tram BelUir ttSi.M. 6:16 A. M. 6:00 11.I 1 . M. Relmout lo:3L '* 6:16 " “ Barium iUo 10:62 " 6:43 “ " 40 “ Cambridge 11:66 “ 8:04 11 000 * Oonoard 12:11 I’- M. 8:30 “ Zanesville 1:10 " 9--80 •' 10:^0 Newark - 108 •• 10-J7 " 1};« Arrive Columbus... 3:20 “ 1218 PM. 1- ' The Express Traiu gcin< Rest will stop to Ults up or leave passengers, at Taylor's, Newark, ", ‘ ’ Cambridge, Campbell's. Barnes rills, aul Belmonl Qotuu Wist will stop only at tbs above named ““HT*?: The Mail Train will stop at all ibe Scat one where the!Mall Is to be received, or delivered, and at all "Aer-‘**‘1?“?“ notice being given. The Night Train will stop at ml Sta tlons on proper notice bol , n s,f’!’. o . n ;- r uUINQ KAim. Tha to-ao A il Express Tr*in, connects at Colombo* with the TraiS which learn. Cincinnati at 6 A. M. and with the Train from the West on the Columbus, Piqoe and Indiana Railroad . at Newark with morning Train* to and from Saudu-Ky. Man-field and Mt- Vernon, and with Train* "n th* Steubenville and Indiana Railroad; at Wheeling with Rxpref? Train on the Baltimore and Ohio KaUrorid for Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and Kast ern CSties. The 3:30 P. M. Train will connect at Columbus with the second Train from Cincinnati; at Newark with Bandosky, KAQ.-tl'ld and Newark Railroad; end Bt Wheeling with Night Train on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Passengers 1 earing Louisville and poiuts below Cincinnati, and taking the 9 A. M Train on Little Miami Railroad, will connect with this Train atColumbu*. Passengers lea Ting Indiana polis and Richmond hr morning Train on Indiana Central Railroad will also oonne t with this Train at Colorohue. a od r-ach Wheeling at 9:16 P M., and Mare by 10 20 t. M. train rn Baltimore and Ohio Rnilroad, arriving in B»lu more at 6 P. M , neat day. The 11:30 P. M. Train at L'Mutnbus wRh ths dail Train whWi leaves CincjonatJ at o:3u P M. t and a:nre6 c- Br''Hlr a; 6.1 a A.M.. co n n«'tiug with th- A esc ram •‘‘da .K'U Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Pa-sen irif iear:ng Chi-.-ago by :h- Kt-- ; Tr«inr can. bv this r jti- T--J M:-!.lga:i CL". Lafayette, IndUnapo,)* and l'ay ’..0 n«. 1-'-V* l umbui In to take this train, and l ’’ '-rtec.iag will use th- A-r-mTr.od-th-o Tram fnr Cumber ; and, sirep Ujei-A, and r-rcar by Egress Train to Balt) trj';rot::; La-Lorn Oitl-i-. O'UNG W BbT, The 6.16 A. M. Mail Ira o .*>unert- at lie.lair with Night tra'u -n ’m* Balumnns an i ' 'bio Railroad ;at NVwark with trains tn aad l.'OLii bandU“ky. Man-held an I Mt Vs-rnoa fi < Chicago via Monroevill- ; at t>l,iu>bu- wrp ;h- train rjt Cincinnati. and with train* for X-nia. P\yi;v D , ludlanh i-. and Chi.-Aj... i’ia Day: • > u avJ :-m Urt-ion. Tl)« 9 40 A. M. hxpmK.-! Tnun w.th th- K\pr- Train fro-ui Rdiimor*, ar..i *rnv-« in Ur!-:ci 1 c- at o h) P •J , and D-irctA with trains gmug ScutD aud VHn t arriv ing iu Cincinnati -• T i' M. Th- 6.i>J I*. M. Tra'D - with th- A.-coinm n 'h'ii.'t! Tiami from Ccrahenarl. sni ut C. :ura*«u« a.th M»'i I‘rahi a - g. 16 A. M,d:r--'t ir,r Cm ■*: onail. \ruia. LnyUm. Indiana irOtia, Lafay-tte, Terr;* Haute. Sam; U*ui« hi) I Ch) I“A AC il S'l'.'lH'l Au/'t ZsnesriUe. June I s . j-'4l Uai'o 1 r ChKaf' &‘--l I'obojue a: M *uA '■ .ou r. M. j {ruin ihe Kjv‘l acd pla-'"* the Ohio • d>*; !. r Hi Li u; . »•!!. •--» ve litO riii.es of twd.oui' and u■: /TfVvTj t 4 jcT a'S"D PITT 2iiL T i ! c-ium m**r from Or iro :n M. La-uh, and arm- CLfiVfiLAfl Citizen h'-.ur® iu bJvfcr, •- -f th** river r uti>, by thn RAILROAD. ! Mr .». c*.™. UiXlUii-vay ; Tl . ;krU t 0 a t Loni*. L’abuqoa, Bt. Pan!, and ail im- 4 l |’ , -| j p. riant places bv ihis rou>, - > b-* bsl at the nflW *f lb* Xg&j s?ps*”*q|SSSi jOi p. miIC.A r Railroad* 10 Pittsburgh, and MPhiefi? CONNK.-Tl.srt WITH - j Ontra! Railroad In Chicago. BTKAHEBS ECLIPSE Aft D ROSALIE) | •* r<l ——— 8I A. .\ \\ i.SY ILI h, ALD ! PK.I.ISI LVAAIA RAILKOAO. _ Ohio emd Pcan«>l*Rtti* Railroad, : r rUUKIi. I'AILV Tii not oil TRAIN r. Ut «.- Q rhi.-U] %iA ALLIANCE. J. pbts ami Pittsburgh .lIL M( -P..* I*osi \l L -..A*.* rron r the et*-t a:-,.: o-t r-.ia->!*» v-u> O TelMo, . Philadelphia Vr Irt : irgl. »: ■ ‘j. A . *ol I ' J -'• T W.OJ. J.'..., ..U et. U«». Ui.kr.-b *. n.U'Fi» »• :. a m iinx-i unk r 7-,r„t ,V(, I l<**it* Philadelphia for L' ••"■".lr.-h t. . I M . r .i>l Ik > T*-.ib mute i" u' e 1: "U •*-■ is i '.*<■ .m ■: : »u-l aU ul nine j burgh fur Phliaucij Lift a'. - ••'■, P il - ilfK Mull T KX -hie >,'• 'l-u-u-u. .m:. ru. 1041.i1.pc.1w. ! PRES? TRAIN !•»« I’bil*!.., h.» I r »t il P fc rßStos‘-T^-“-i *•-.>•««*. C..T.IMU j M.«nJ|-|f..-ibavh t. r Pbik.l.lpb I' M ~ »*.,«*. o. ! stak* w^7:;7 7 ( n t»raa..er .urn - . i The als-rv liowroniir*.-. at PP.Uburgh » i-he h*. -1- this iril. rjn a • LL i Ito and frum ?1 Uul?, Mo . A’tcu. l .al-na *u IChi-** .1 ->* Trains offer Ohio and PennaTßailroad Spring PHi* i PrankMt, Lri.upton and 1-vuUtU>. hy; T-ir* 11*0-. J,7‘- 7uO A 'j ami 8.00. A. M , and 300 P. M-, con- Mndlruu, LakyetL- anu ln~+zu>f*ni», 1 ud- Cim.moaU.DH. oa A M . n „ A. M , iud 6 ft, P. M„ I jo.. W4X . forOle.ala&l l«r. Ai.».« 6 Ou. A.M„ 11 60 A. M„ ' .b. ,’wuh U.. A».m P«krt lk.tr from .or -o Nr* Wum Md«»e M . v.nL.ctlnß Rt DthliO. .lib tot Cuj rM „« tb. .l^r, ahcaja Kalin and Akron, and arming in Cleveland at lC.dh u e D A. M., 210 PM , 800 A Al.. and arriving in Cfeteiand at A2O P M.. as that , rn-re, Ne» IS. -r Uo t p j J.. Is the only train by which connection, hr- made j P - £ j MI . CRI>Jj r N i —*■ 1 »■ VIA IVKI.U'VILI.i:. The «vamrr- Klip euo i I. c *--• w::: >ave tb- I be:a b*ha:f in te ug. -i -."J . ; »*• f’ O'cif. r c nuecting wiC: tn« tram lbav.og W»* l: n •-i • 4 •. 1 M ■ (t f AnruiiMncdati -u I rai . -’.L l**v« divity. 1 (Sundavr -iceptM.i Rl 6iO I* M B.md ■witb Y.i w'-f Train, a.-nring in "'nod &i - .-i r. M Tr-hi.- rrora WclUti.lr codd—'Ldc tt Lujard for CarroiL too, WaVuraburs, I* ™r a:.J Sw HUiiwl-irhi». Tickets lor Cleveland, and tie Norib ttwt. I *i» Vr&Lfnlle, are sold at (1 Ivw* than r\h Alliance. tv.. Trains from Cleveland '.•> Toledo and Cbira*p, run ar fc;:'‘«S . —Leore CleTrlnL/ i si 0.10 A. M., 2 46 P. M., < Oo Y il .-.rriT- bt Cbieag'' hid }'. M, T .40 A. M.. $3O P M. Train 5 >.»Tr (. htca«o tor R->** Island ft ad Louis ae ._r-r Ulani rs ‘j Oj a M. and 1100 V M. y. ■ ?•_ Lmiln, b 16 A. M and U 46 p M. ir- f r r.t liouu if•• >' »t nook Isiaad Railroad to J<v «•!, »nJ thoDce ovar l!." L'liT’icc am! Mia.-larliv; Kaliroal to a:;-S, nud laei.rr ly .s 3 inijr*; tc Cl. IxmK ' PawiM-ra bT the U 16 A. ll Ir.iu arrive at St. U-Ui » 11.20 ~u H rr.uing, t-J L-7 ILc '.O •6 P M Trmn ftt coon nt?*t •Ist. ... .... »*&}&*•» cl.t-.L?: tb-'V Ortnt-.d tor Cfc‘ jahj: \ - :g-' oc 1 '■ I-cu *• ; A A I.! ! A *■- L K AN i; Lrl' SL.AN P ■ 2*i „> i 11*/ dJi . ‘JicTt. To A'lltncr }2 30 i T-- Li 00 1 13 60 “ CJerelaud ... 400 Kc>ck I«l’d, IS 00 14 1:5 “ ToleJc CI"J - .... IS \o U <v> M Cblcagc tlj ( *0 S lu I *' ?V rln *5 fle ' a 18 -0 10 A) *• Blooming'. 1' f'j 1 1 bl " lO vO “ 6t. L0u1b.... ‘-I o* l 1» tAi | . . . ufl.te Lf tab Uovwy, in Hie ik m.Dgfclula Uoum, tbltJ il::or ieiow th» comer. J DURAN D. tiup'c, CloTrUud J. A. CAU'HIItV A.-'i. IMU-H rgb TH E PENNSY L V A N I A railroad. ri'HE 0 ILK AT CENTRAL KOUYL, <-o Roccting Ue At* X lanJc c.tien with Western, Nort.b-« eMrm and Boulh •western Stile.*, D" a continuous Kail" 37 direct. Thl? road connects at Pittsburgh with dally line r>l ateamera to all purls ou th« Western River*. »ni at Cleveland anl San dusky with steam-ra to tali porw ou the North-wa-tern Laltet; making :h- mast direct, and reuuW? hr TfUwb FKKluilT can bo forwarded to and vrorn the PHILADKLf'IUA A pITThBUKOH. HRdT CLAsS.—Boots, Shoe-, I'rj 'L-eis, 1 loolhf. (in bo !♦*»,) Pur?, K-athera, Ac f SECOND CLASS.—Boot? and FUtionery. j Dry Goode, ~iu Im.*?,) Ilardm-tu’'-, L*h- >b-')c: per lOOI&f. ther, Wool, Ac ) THIRD CLASS —Anvl*.-. Bagging. Bacon 1 , l00 b». and Pork, b.RL., ll'Mx'f, A 1 FOURTH ULASs—CoffM..Ki?h. lU.v. i: ,n 1 I 4y . 100G>8. Pork, (packed.) latJ and Lard 1 .. ( 0&* In shipping Goods irom any polo: Philadel phia, In* '.O nvarA package “rw Raxlroiui- Ail Goods consigned in the Agents of this Roud at Philadelphia cr PUtiborgb, will be forwar-ird without detention. P&DfiUT AdB.TTe —Mows J'ntwr, H.~ton; J. L. EUloiL N. Y 4 K. J. Sur-der. Philadelphia; Maciaw A K>- ux-, liaPi more , Geo. C. Fran'dAcur, Pittsburgh , HLringmnn 1 Brow r, Cincinnati, Ohio; J. S. Moorhead, L>ui?rilie, ICj.. 11. C. Meldmm. Madison, lodg Ratcliff A Cc., St. Louis, Mog J. 8. Mitchell A Bod, Evansville, Indiana. o. Aiicutu H u UODgTCN) Genentl Freight Agent, Philad-dj bin, U. J LOMBAKKT, m yg Superintendent. Pa. Steubenville and Indiana Railroad. CHANGE OF TIME. OV AND EINCF. WEDNABDA 'i, .'one 20, 15oA. the Man Praia leaves BNabenriile daily, (Suuuayf exempted ) at 7 o’clock. A- M-, aud arriv- at Newark at 1 60 c’clr-ck. P M., r«ppe<7UDg with trains lor Or’limbus, Fanduehy. L&dl&napoil?. Lhiomp-. Cincinnati, LaSalle, Mount Vern n n, Rock Island. Toledo, B&int Louis Reach Cincinnati at k2O same evening. RETURNING; l**v« Newark at 12 o’clock, M . and arrives at Steuben ville at 7:10 P. M. Passengers by this train leave Oman nati at 6 o’clock, A. M. The Cadiz Accommodation Train Leaves Steubenville dally, (Sunday* excepted,) at 4.-06 P. Jrf , and arrives at Cadiz at fr.S5 P. M nrrcnsiTi'i, Leaves Oadii at 7.37 A. M-, aal arrives at BtenbenvlUe at 1006 A. M. For further information apply to JAMES COLLINB A 00 , Freight and Paateuger Agents, Ni*a. 114 and lib Water dak Pittsburgh. LAFAYETTE DKYJtNNT. General Freight and Ticket R. W. WOODWARD, J*flB Superintendent. "Tb 66. AIB USE EOUTE ’ 1856. rr-ra CHICAGO TO ST. LOUIS Vli CHICAGO, ALTON AND ST. LOUTS RAIL Kormerly ll»» Chicago cud ail,»loulppl (tarrying thi (Treat America* Cajrai and C. & Until. rriUR Only Direct ,nd K«llsbl« Route tc th, south and flouth-WeJt— Cayenty MUm Shorter thou »r.j other Eoate, ™ XJZBOUQB AiPMas Chicago. St. Louxt. . , 016 A M 13 30 A.M. St.LouSB.Jtoyfiip«W in in PM 2 4SP M. lil»Dd Railroad for otuwa, La Salle,Reck Inland aa D ' tr i/Bloomington, with Illinois Central ton, WnynaTille and Decatur and h u 8 r fj At Springfield.with Ureat Western Railroad lor Jacxeon fdne „ ~ for Otrinoy and Ko-iah: the most ojpeditioim and rehab! ronte to all portions of Missouri. 2k£wa»^,F?ss a ir;,isr»; ■“ Artansnoßirere- p MOEaANj Bop’t, Bloomlng'rm, 111. L. DARLING, Ayrat. Chisago. 11l- W 7! OUT'S PKBMUJU KATHAttIUW u> !!.« W "“SSoun pSaiox katharion K.hd l«r« tb* 1 tl&■ r *od u •»* r caa * t t : uU V? ffIET&HL HAFT, BuOTT tad 26 cpd"- CENTRA!. ROUTE. NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE OPEN! FoIMIRLT THB OIiCSGO iSV Acao. A A Ck.lT. iIiUTART TBACT R R H AOW OJKPUTID, And Train, run fils entire distance from CHICAGO TO BURLINGTON, lowa, without chaug« of Cirs^ Th* Only Direct koub» to BbRLIN(«TON, QllNLi, KKC»KDK 7 MCSCwVTOE, OQUAWKA, WAPLnL'h FORT DES MOINES. COUNCIL BLUFF. Ac., and the owtT ALL R A*ILRO VD Route trom CHICAGO TO BT. LJUIS, . .1/.'j.M -INGTvIN CLINTON, DECATUR, CAIRO, SPRINGFiKLD. J ACKSONVILLE, KAPLES, and ict«*rmedUte tUtious on the Illinois Central, Great Western, and Ohio and Miarß elppi Railroads. _ , w . , , Traiu3 on tlie above Lido leave Coiaago on the arrival Train.-- trom the East—avoiding all laying over at any of the point*. B>ageP leavo Burlington daily for Southern and Central lowa and Northern Missouri—making the qu'ckwt m l moR reliable route to reach all the importnnt points w<-ot of the Miseisfilppl as far a* Coun-'U Bluff, with from f. rty io fifty miles let*staging than by nnyother rou o. Th»* Ru«o - a large portion of the way, is Ir.Ll with the co>Tim*<'ts Rail, the smoothest riding an-.l best RaLrond In tb*- M vs-. well stocked with the most modern Locomotivee and ei-vMit new Care. By this route paasengerfl are sure of making ~ n “ - ’ tions, and axriTiog at St. Louis on advertise- 1 lim-. ••• the vexatious delay of foga and ice, and dangers o. nav..i.- tion, oa on thn route bv Alton. Baggage checked direct through from Chicago, hd; n charge for handling at any pedal. . THROUGH TIOKKTB bv thh route can be purcha.-* I e-t all tr.e Railroad Offle-s In the East: *1 th* Gfli- o. o" Company, of Clark and Lake street- in .h- urn ,i - Building; at th« D-*wt of th* Galena K. K buJ r.. th- Mlrb. Out. R. R. tMhre, rrmr Lake and Dearbr-rn -. opposite Tre-uont House. Ohnstgo. FREIGHT consigned by tins route wul reemve Iminedi- SI,S D ' H ' 1 llei' i T.rket Ag'i. Chicago. TICKETS tAn pr.vurod rt th- pnn< ipal ivnilroa.l OfTi-**- of Ihe oriuntry ILLINOIS CENTRA L UAI I ROA D : Carrying the Great U. States Mail and Expreßß ■SsSflpl 'i W« > I‘ •.St'EN’G Kil TRAINS RUN DAILY on Its *>nUr« from LU'L''Ql'K to CAlUii, Tuin IL'u-l.sa w.Lb Truin* ; 1 the t.'r.i'- aoL >l l ->;r 'l7 p: R H an 1 Or vi .v ;.a4 Gulea* Rt!lr>i» 1, t. ... • tbr mo>t dii-ct r.:;d cn!v .-vrctcuoo* K K rout* !r in K> A. M. hn<\ lo.il (’ M — .'T t- na A.vr Cairo Kxrr.ins • H J- g;* t ' : :.i»* trmn ta;-"* U>« srtt . ( :U.' Obio find .Mini:, n R , an-l &r«i r*;rif ■ p:.- •: I- A M. ar.a 4.1 G I’ M !>rei-rs a.ti> GaLis* ► » n< ’ tti I‘Ulihf-lh • ** ’Tit’ 1 « • Ljui I' ti-rtfj 1 " fcK.i r-i r:. IVui *l.«1 Ibf l/fl'* 1 ' W; . -s; i-i 'K.«- Tra.:s>n i.-" A DI’FIT'S MKIK AtfTILK. CULLKIit, / /rr.'/?/*4 T NC-'RI’ufIATKD liV Ti.K l,KuL*i.\A'!ll' '■ *'' t Jr v I Tftcih, wr.b i t-rpeui*' 1 fiR-t-r I'.V l/L’/f. r i rPF. rrv.t-.Wi!. t,uu- •urai’.") Hrf' r — i «’ ANIJRE'W T LL pin?. UIIARLKr. I IFP, Prc't**- aoi iVuman^bip. .1 l). WILLI AMF. '-L' 1 b*«t rffLui. 1 f'-nmsn in 5.1 Lmi«a atß>r.i Prol-r-;r M Cc iauivr<‘mi »t. 1 >.>rQ.ai)«nt' PeDOAnsh l> N. H HATCH, i~-q . ’.hi* iiercaniilf Law a.n-1 \ •••l-Lal tc.-nMu* I*. HAYDEN. hr»D-i,*i •* 1 Prvfrtt*orol At-. f. L. A.PEL, Pr.'li-r-sor of -h- Kr.*n-*h uni 'i'rTur I*- gu»gw>. , ’ irt C'-’GHIInrOJft* 'Jep*t t Qmt ' I • H* 1 the unremitting f.’rc'A n f ‘L I I'r i. p* ' r be ‘n n, )i!ic ti : 1-£-u*i*- c . !!■' si! been lrained (or bUiMti'- Trt'Ji«T* acd f ia- ' A " * ; :. a |y employed I’V buxiu-Bi" m-n iv tdj li- V. r./ 1 ; 1. 1; •fh-r*- rt** do '.eaotoer* in tM- in’tituti i. v (> !> ** c.-.t disciiiwd from tV.eir Otui»U'>u- a* t*.* u wLo made treaty P.ucders ‘<n a pa-:* of r. P.. 1 b. Our wrlt'ng tiA'.o-r '.Mr V» ;. ;ian>») ha* h*i i-.o’-'-.-r uiM- tb&n u Ict frotn a I'tn -n-'r—i, *<" v ~r • preparr LUa (ur bi* OuMQeM N’- ruunert ar- •»•!•[. • L.v U>tn In-CUatU’Q W!:«a our ht-Imp ' th- ee of another, th-y sli-uiu i-fer • v-m- of -ur -tv liwnk ( fix vt* or n-rrhaut." - pn. icn<- «ho-« optni. -*r !- r*- '-.i upoa—and not be-leroyed into one •' Mb'"''-" • •rn:-« h. &'-• being s>U out erery fen tc ti’.h- hii ! It. r ;iJp'.:> o< wrek in * f rurti' n wb- •• ’>>*' •*nn P.n-1 ** u •’ • * , A uJ, Bti-i tbrre ft- FUI.TON CAK WOUKN. FOISIDKY A fc n M A r H 1 S K -11 <> P r l‘Hc; xucucrttMT barlvv mr-tKI lot. hi-* n*tr K' *>■-. *'* J. reotlj Kn-'t-l. rornrr of >*• D n- -*h *0 1 ) alrt-ela, l»i prepared to ('<*mrn< , t tot • t r’.\- • r •■■ {, r IIAO-iAiil! !•« in 1->F »K K, ’ FKKH«HT, PLAIFOKM, UUAVEL HA:-’* deforiptiour of OAK H Aw, tor MRAV K- ■ f h'.i ?:i re , GEU;i‘> , t, KA 1 LiCUAD CAM’iNUh of ft i <lt“"*rbn n« t.n l i>’! f ''t -r work appertaining to a f'onn-lry and Me<'bim- Ftvp “iLt* Foremen of tbe dll!-. ".i> t : l**i * uieiile !•••* •*' and pra-Ucal ir..oi Kanu-rn laanufiwtori.— »ho keep th?EDM*I t* -3 !tifoi in'* - ! ua 1 td- pt all rah: aid#* m J orn iaiirovemecta WKI LIEIUCI.L aug'da: i Notice to Contractor*. vj BALED rK*.>Ft>*AL3 will be rw*ire 1 nt th-Poet O in ttlairevil]*, until lb* 19th of September next. an t «t MarHhaU's llMtsl, io P«iM>urg, on lb* b. lor h- u-edua 1I"U >uJ M«K>nrj <>l tKCI'Ii'NS No »» AND »7. North Wr-ceru Kaiiroaii- ‘Hunted »t N*-w Cu’ilf K\mu* and specification? r ftD b» teen at the Engineer? utile*, lu Ulalr»vil]e, on nod after the ld'.b of Sept-inber a:; proposals to be marked a* pu<h on the ont*ide. aaß’Jfl.lw MAI/ONK, PAINT Kit AJiOND^H WA.vr> (.V.-Kf arid <iit lfi tv JO bnuMWurk ar- *»alrU iacitj and o-UDlrv. wh-- cad give good r«(«r»nce.i, noue euw apply Situati- n* wauted for a Qanlener, a Carriage Drircr, a Clerk <r Balrsman. Mr. bi.nl'f ol ditur rnt Lranch-6. a Porter, a Laborer, a boy t.- learn a trade, a by :o httrud rtoro. A middle-aged man, es; crieo-ed iu traveling Bouth and Wmi, tri-bee » sUnntbn a* traveling aster.i or rnnductor of cars; can give good reference Apply at BAb.K‘O InUn.igßQCe Office, 410 Liberty at, angtfibtf Dissolution of i-o-Parinersnip. r IMIE Parlnerf'bip heretofore existing between th- uti>i«r 1. higDeil, u 810 BLOW A CO , baa th)£ -Jay Le«u bv mutual ooum*□ t. W- Bigelow retiring Ironv the firm. The i uflotiflH ot the lata tirui will he aettlM Vy th.* ■ •'•tr. r.u iuc rartoera, it their -jU slant). No. -if lnamoo-.l a hrj b * M niGKi«;W. M h eTKPHKN'S, uSu Al.bi.KT July 2*, lßf*s. 4E?r.GS ALTIKT.T BIOICLOW A CO., (successors to k. m. dioklow.) is o. 40 Diamond AUry, mar TVoul ttwf, VITTSBCUGU. BJ CoACUISS, CAIUUAuEri, I'HJvXuNB, UUGO IKS. auJ every doecrtption of Fancy sggMjggy* Vehicles built lo order, Bud fimebnl in a -> unsurpassed lor beauty oi desifn, of fintrb.sMil ol workmanship, and durability of materials All work warranted, NE rpUE subscriber takes ilr.s method to inform hi* frh-aJs i customers that he commeucoe Brewing lor the seaPOD on the frorntuLh instant, and trill be prepared to furnlnh hie superior ALBS. Ac , in any quantity desired. The highest market price In cash paid for good, souud. cl,tan BAELKY. GRAINS and YEAST supplied on low term*. GKO. W. SMITH, Pittfltruet, Pittsburgh, Pa__ aog!4:lm(ehJ) I NBODaHAII WATCUKtS—it 1- llm iimml lesUmony IH ot Itallrrjad men, Bankers, and those In ether pur snlta reqairing aoourale time, that the " Chae. Fmdeham ” Watch, mannioctumi at 84 Strand, London, la the moat reliable, and nncqualled by any other maker. Many o! thane wkch hare been testad hare been tound to run at h in a minute in the year. I have obtained the agency .or {£. sale of tSee Watches la Pittsburgh and State of Penn "TAl““'tbe F. B. Adams A Son's, and other first class Wmsbefi fcr ftilt vt at:h Krpalrlng done In the best manner.^^^ I4U^1 67 Market gt, corner of Foartb \fc'i ANTED IMMEDIATELY—A good Ooofc tnd Girl.- tr- W Jo booaij work m the country: » GarJeoer, with gvo i rnfort nc*; a J.’Urofy tniin Bboom&fetr wbo D-. • Lotu and tnghab; tun Girl? to do bouse work In tie c i> —paid. Ala-, a boy of V ye*rs to b« g.ven out until he i- 21. PriTsu® families and bottle osn be suppll«*i &ii eru, Chombermai-fi, and all a lu-l.- i>; dome.-*ic<*. nurses kitchen girls Ac Cl*-rkH, MaksmeD, Carnage Druera, Portero, la borer?, men <'r toys Apply at BARR'i INTKLLiC KNOE uEFICE, 4l'> Liberty str-et. DK. CUMMINGS’ WuhUp-A lull !-upply jujU 1 at DAVISON’S Ui>*>KSTOKK, b;> Mart^t‘•tree’. Family Prayer®, ‘i vole.; $1,60. Minor Works, 3 vols ; To cents each Lectures on—Dauiel —the Seven Church**?—’.he Apcce lTPPe * vols.—Parables an* Miracles; 76 cent? e»cb Scripture Readings, on Matthew, Mark, Lule, neneaie, Excdna, and Leeltlona; 75 cants each Ibe Oh arch Before the Flood; Benedictions, or the Bless ed Life; The Tent and the Altar I Voices of the ha, hew' and Night; Bignaof the Times; Tho Ml? Idle, .5 can ry/»h. Lectures on Romanism; $l. Xbe Comm union Table; 38 eents. Infant Salvation; &8 cents. . HEMP bags received on OQPBlgPCientanii foi sale by [MS 7 .) JAM-ES WAB.DIIOP RAILROADS CilIC.Mi ' to CA l K ). CUICACO lo ?T. LOUIS. CUD. \0 > t CAIiM, cmcAWi to DVP.uQn: IL B. , Pop’t. •' H:*' S-Ko-plo.- jii.-l A«isl.u: f*- (i l ■i . l. Ft-;- .'■AyorsßY. or/s-> W ALE J *-♦ v, ■ • V - "!' Vt\ g. -JL —> * ■ v*~ HOTELS. MANSION HOUSE. GEO K G E AOiIENTZ, Proprietor, TVTO. 544 LIBKHTY STKECT, just beside the Passenger l>«pctof the Pennsylvania lt&ilrord, which makes It the most Rouveniant house In the city for passenger* arri ving by that roml. Th* Propric'or hArinff, At <*>nslderable expense, fitted up, in errellrnt style, lh? MANSION HOUSK, would mp«t fullv solicit a share of public patronage. There la attached a spkndid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford hw ample accommodation to tr&velorrf and teamsters. iiu Larder und Ida: will be furnished with the best the market run HlTurd r " bl: 7 ' S T UL,A I U. HUTK L, , Ojrtirr of JWi r. r.ml ,'vt. Qair strrsis, FiftsburyA,/u,. ri'llK under-iuuod, Mrmrrly of "Brow uV Houd, bATin* I tak rr 2 1 hi-i la/.:- and / iiamodiotis HOTEL, and having rvbtud it*in mHgtstihnut -lyi-s would respectfully Invite hi* friends and th? t/avoimg pubiic to give him a call. As sured. with lh« of the house and hu long ex perience in the business, fee. can give enure sattaiaetwn, ouJ W,chur ff rn ! o4» r «... WM . C . CONNELLY. IiboTIS'T'BST HOUSE, CORNER ( 'K LTBURTY AND GRANT BTRKKTB, near ihf lUiiioud D-jx-t \IT WEiILKY lIOUBE, f>o South Eighth street, between Ch-ti-nt aod Wninnt. Philadelphia. [au29:y_ ~ Tnk'iNius, n 11 1 ,*.r-s -‘.-i,..;, Philadelphia. T. 8. WEBB (iate of Prr.j.r.-t'-r (au2P:y UASKILL HOUSE, (VRXF.K OF MA i.Y A >'o SuVIU BT.I, WA&REX, O 'i'lil'. Proprietor tnY«a pleasure In announcing to the j,u! -that lbi“ new and elegant Hotel has been opened w ahou--- mr-Ttalnmeut. Ueing commodious and roomy, kdU a-U-tniui: the oilier uf the Ohio Stage Company, It offers inUu'• , m-n’-.. unsurpassed in Warren for the acconunoda U-jii cl the traveling community. K hi :i-r cf public patronaen in respectfully solicited. 6 .,i: M. GASKILL FUAMiUIN HOUSE. Ciif'.rTM-T PKKKT, AHo V K TIIIK D, PHILADELPHIA. I'.UtHKii A LAiUL), Proprietors. T KKMS Jl.iu I'KK DAY. HcKIILLAM nouaic, jnifXHTO WX, rKSSA. 'I'HK o t: iersigne 1 having taken charge of the abCT* 1 nansM 11. •««, an l r-fuo-d it a: a iarg* expense, in a iiimi h- well aa • :?gant s'.yhh Is now prepared to rw ,>.|Th , r.l give mni-tr -a’.i.dAetlc-n to all who may r . r-ni- the Hou.-. :»u« tf] JAMES DOWNEY . HARE'S H (Pr EL, Late B«rm-rV J\x (hanged MQ. 133 ‘.l UKKTY S'VsEHT, lo< t of Eli'th street, PKt-s X> hun-t : HAMTKL HAHIL lV>prl*tor '1 lih lii t(-! ; • . L*"'ug just ’.h-i-u compUt^l HM O' ..- 1 lor me « mm ef the j>u bile _ PKASKUS IHtLAt, fl'vqland, Ohio. / 1 i' ATMc-h .k yo.V j'a.-rr.ureaA.—This House has uii { ;, LhiTui.Kh ml t..palis, niuralion*, . 0J iw .!■!::»< < ■ n-w firmtor-. «te. Mid Uu> praprw tors iii-dftf that nothing ehail N> wivr.ting "n their t :• a piuoe where all the com f./ru- 'if a urn rla.;* tio>l ■ an (>t round. 1 .. 0 PATRICK A PON fc’LOItkNCEHOI'EL, Nr ir. . ESHAIHV AY, NK W VOBJ REUBEN I.O7XJOY, UK 'T.Vi Tw\NT> \VII,KiN* UAL!,, \v I' O\L I. A HUH. Nurpi »t oß j- . - r-, \y U H-i j\i ttmuhA'Ui rill .m.~»«*«*•«*■ 1 .cun l in liif b.-ht r-tfuiat-si ill- s-r i.-ut Hn: will fclw»)- br l Unm? cf cv-ry •!•*• ,-w.. *.«><» L* fc.uui &t Wilkin? •j. 7 ' \V’ C li .Vl.l/A'.» lIKH. <ur; 1 >•-) > r -'-- th- 1 T UAPiK KXCiIAAOK, T I; !IU' 1 STKI’LT, LETttLKN \Vo*o AND MARKET. r 1 ■*'»i K ?y'bHTlUvp h-i Irii vi* \r- nit- rui Irt*ocirf and I \ et-ib'c LaT- lead'd tbt* hbOTf • rßLuiviu iv^aurblit, «Wti br«*ti Uif.rOU*b»T r.-n. \at«vl. loi-a.cr: . n .i f. :u;u)U..-4. *».l d.-w op-u. 11,- I ryu-r.!i*v- u -v,-:.- •••.ir.-.K- hr bank I ; i A - h -on.: r-a .r r-iawru *• t- r iht* rpcure a* tb' 1 • iivwii ;.c .. •!. ' l«* at < ■eked Wilb Jj . 'p H „ . . » : > .. «, all-.] -*[ '• -1 Uf; UDJa Ul« ftii#l«l -. i'!:w ri--;-r. tfiilly ail f--r th- * *■ i>riA feiro \ S i t. H A Si* t ‘ " V ¥ V. K lII' U v 4. . /. CRYSTAL PALACE, no. 1 ** flirhel C. C. BExILY, r.f.-. L. '• Ji. LL\ .nf- lIJC y -.3 fT>nJ#»n.l Lhf ■■■ i'-«* *•- i**' Bt * rUui hi * s p " ‘ • * u: - : v- riodern »trl« -4 >§Sgj7 (.• - T. L Nw 1 • 1 : t. w.- m. * Ih.Ui Pier :a L'.e . , „ , ~ „ ,u : . . r j. u-r l'i ‘-j “odL* s i'.i-J.' ]]•• *. : r. • t-jV ’ L-*’ '•! rr.-rjU.vi.rf tin.- , t ...•„, - . li „ „ •*• ..,UU l. i! • !'“■ k • " , ,i nutria t: f > \ h rII it s \ .no KKH I'Vi KA! , |II I V. ); L T yr: >i.y >»' r.w» /■ * r ' Ihnl( <|l i- o w l s •jt. i itlr li«tr Uiow«r> . - : 1 . ;ruli Ii L. Oi» Hi* r ,Uf,^U L^nl V f.-rt - M-l '.'.l - ; ..fc : *>«l I-Awfcli JiKEiv, Ju . .. 6 . -w i-UMOM' , j•: w J ii~ K y .'T * irunty. . f 0 K:Hfc\v&. IK* K-*;LI. • u;< \Y A fS "" : ‘ Mlacrftl \S r.(?r *n<l S*r*fti>»rUl» •* n 1 -, Hoi’PKiis i’la.vk tUa: ) : • I'lKli-* »*v » * *' Wr ue:n,. .. , mi.' "'ti*': l nii-iu u- W*-"r»ri«WU ppruharlr L , a i \c {.iuo.iij '-»2. 'b-rr). vainiit. aD'J ail i«>rW <‘f uar>l whoj I*t i- mi '.iv \*u--rv it « lur pupvriT to •j;h ~j ra ■!« I L-rin,; a irre&t nuring ot Uiuo. Ui.ui, ;> «n: pUnp 7rn«f*rs Ui&u liv»> t...-!! l.' t>v any « :hf*r t method Ibdr ,V(f l h*»>r riair.lnM r>tt»nt Itourh [Man*. and t**iW*w* i’. U. !*■ rv m.>-t ar’.iol** th* ur-f tor which u l- fu* a ■viahiui»ti«<a o. pl»u« an-.t orra;*r l.i* ' *•.: .. t i, '<-1 t • j lining ffiif.rfl, acJ it Jiw d l ri- -•; i f • ■ ii" r i t:.- 1 ' ;r Icb* r ; * tl*<- ».il taoUhM; k:iJ I m i-'ii'” ■* L-- gtincnllr (vL.<«n, t>M tL*t ''j the turmer le and In'O'fieuv ant, -r.i I ui'-*- 1 •L'-i!al lh* CV !n->t ; I.!- 1 : ur l.M.i J*ta£i \V ft' )..|H’UL, iV* r r>ro ( m-. v' w Third *1 , Pittsburgh F LA'.Y’h •: im - -Mt, |„ ; U v rc'.e Ag*ut for tho iia.r , [ I'l'iu-r. * r .: ri ft U';i lo muuiitv'turr au.l »«•(! liieia p.tlehurgh, Match 21. H&&—iinh2l u ) t 1 1 l-.LL' lh m >K i s !l ‘ I I.H- 'M‘ fclVll.\ £LK- —Oontuln formula* ror-eying out rurvem iU*l»*rmmlng trojan . l«vll:ug, .•xi-ulntiDf: -nr’.!; work, etc , together t,--P table? of rndii, ordinal-**, deflections, long rhordf., uni nrtsc variation, iogarathim* end natural nigna .tan* .f-i.-fl, etc. e*b\, by JoLd U llouek, Civil Kugineer rocket bet > u>rm. $ 1 o ,*,Th- r.bjw't ot the present work is to supply a want v-ry ,*<*narali)' l<-it by Asri-Unl Kiiginc--? on Railroads. Jjtv’ih of eoDTeuloDt tc-rm !• r use iu the field, containing tbe .-rllnary lograritlimuUc tablesnrr cornmou enough;but a r» ok combining with th<>-*e table* other* peculiar to the RHi'road work, and especially tne necessary formula for laving out currea, turn-out*. crosuings 4\,1fl a dsslderatum whi-h thi# work ie to tmppiy. f H. Mujtakt Ao.aucmy, West Point, April IH, IRM. — G*ttilrm<n: I !i»vc looked rtn,- “ Kieid Hook fox Railroad Knglbrer-.' and think It well tdnplwd io lb* ob im author pro!•«■*<?»'. nu i have !.<• <| ii**-li«>u but it will be (\ unjh - *ry u-"to ‘ i»r '] ra li.i •. • : um- ’'"th for ottlcflhnd P,.,j wort. 1‘ 11 Haul*. T»>■' T, A j«ril 21.1*64. .M. L. WTIPUINS I am much pleased with Mr H-to-h'? little manual, the •• Pit-Id Hook of lull road KngiP»—r« With th- present*- u.-.n orpine of the mast r-rwu «ul u*elul rt r «*«vg D lMd among railway cugto«v'-, h- ims gum (.-there w-iich now at least In Ibrir present form, appear to poeaesfl a mint of high-1 ' eh.e than that of men- novelty—that of in jiiDf Ki of available, not to nay detura b'e p-acSwi! Uhb. In .oncluslou, while l think the design of >fr iieucV- book i.i such n< to udapt St excellently well to t.roie*sk-»ai need*. 1 have pleasure In expressing my cordial with l'.- execution, alike wUi the per- Bplcuity of arrangement .-'Vr'-ed by the author, and the ox cWriil'trpograi-hi.-al U«U- JtsplayM by hie publishers. ■ K * ‘ b. I'suNKUii Oair^B, C p sn-l r-irf-t *r «1 B*nM4la*r lUytrchnk lp«tHole. ?or HH ie by WILLIAM fch UA\ B.N, Dealer in jinglne*'*' Btatlonrry, au3 Market Htroet, corner "f BwrouJ. 'ft a i\Jii BKPXKMtJKU- GfldeyV Laly’f fkr-'S . HmmeboU VVorda; N*i\t Yori Journal; Psißrnoii'a iiagaiice; Yankee Nations. bla-'H'wo<>d':i Mai'jiiiu** f.:r AbfUflt. M:\V fcO ITI.Y OF MvSV bOoKa. fltar Paper*. by beo<-her; Memoirs of J .iQi* tioraoii Bennett: My BsuiaK- &ud Freejr.n-, uv F:"l UuMaSs ; Doeetlcka' New Book ; Olrtve Hall, by Mi.-? , Bight and Barkco-s. Life of Sydney Stniih, ia - i vr 1.- n^„ !T(M i an j for sale »t „ \V A. IHLDENFENXTSY <k CO. 8, auJ ,.,>s Fifth au. oppositH thoTbaatre. KKMULNCk FoK FALK—A Jewelling ff Uouwj with let ft grnuod, well improved, 50 fret root cT- Kul'vi'i' hLT'ci b) W Tbe bouse contains a ball, i rl r kiiciu'i:, diuin* room, three chambers and two 1p,,; | Vl-oui- 1' rtlS. and garden In front. Price $1,460. Tv rmeMc y. S. GUTHHERT ± BON, ' 63 Market street. fl'lib ."UNCiULAH ADAPTATION cf ingredients in the I Bair Coinring Fluid aflects the email Tesmls at the rc-otfl cf the hair, and thus stimulates the natural secretion of coloring matter, dring tone and strength to Ita growth. It does not act as a aye, but as a reatoradre Fifty oente per bottle, cold by 8- OUTHBKKT, 6B Market street JAMES SHANNON, Proprietor, (UVSTOS'S •t r■■ i eriu.rsdn rlaj*.; PROPRIETOR. ■>._; 1 A M'KLMEIIKR, i. rivvm. i - I) BARKAKD I; W. ..--J Jftj Jfarlii . it V L‘.".*N A '■ K>, L V i-. >« • Jiorits t 'tsh, Ac., Ac. LiiAf-.-W \V., 1 street i * * '.Ar s ’W3t fc~i • , l».» i L u ; h* • J. - " i”l A KY. N ITT .. ; v ( u u< 11 Ala : .-Mini -1 cr>hri.:.-J i’.. A.; . • lainou Ai* irnl-, is :vpo t.'tu • nil y l— I r.-tr i r *.,4 - .4} ~> oAlll-tNrL'IUH, lii \S. > *. .u'-i- ri• VN KJ* viiiuah.* In 111 •iI '» h' ll'-f 1 h' 1 1' i , * . i.:li «Li •’ L .i' i» 0 i»uv f‘ n . {‘tiaM Cxsi.'ST K\’Tol*T r**t' r utr) ««. lhi»o. i ■■■ •-! Junci '.!> tweltn montha k i i.: j■ i \n**, ae J 'l> not hejltato 'ill- :, r l Mtl.T' ftnJ C*»rp M au- U li KtiH A 0«>. ki 1 pvrT*oo» l lu n- !n>tu aiv tn».w!«!((« d it.. iharp In t .’j - a •itmujtb au<l beautiful nnish ; -r» • v Hfti.b Plan* w.'l. C llol’PKlt. INSURANCE COMPANIES. , - I AUSTIS LOOMIS. Increase of Cash Capital t axoCK and BILL BROKER, Tn UAI r a MTI.T.TON HOLLARS'' Office, iVn. 92 Fourth si. t abort Wood. 1U HALr A rnMPA]S v V OTES, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on colia •®TWA ISSURANOL coni teralfl negotiated. Stocks bought and sold on win* HARTFORD CONN. —CHARTERED 1819. . mUsion. Land Warrants bought and ©old. 1 paip DP. 1 Particular attention paid to the purchase and Bale of n..h r.nital. 9500,000. j Copper Stocks. rpHE THIRTY SIXTH ANNUA T. HTATKiIENT of the ‘ All communications attented to promptly. 1 Aaaetaof INSURANCE CoMPANY.of Hart- ' ford, as furnished this agen--y on tbo K r.i .January, under oath. .. Real Estate, unincumbered - J lo.tj. uj Seventy-two Mortgage Bond. 5 , *j and • ‘•■'•nt.. pay WM. 0. VIU.IAM9 JAB. B. II'VAT. j Wnx. H. Williams Co,, | BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ! X S. Cumrr TFood and Third itrttts. . ! All transaction made on liberal terms. Collections 1 rj" : of Bills, Notes, Ac., promptly attended to. jan26:lw 126 3"7 35 * ’ W’CONNBLLfc" WILLOCK, wftwoo i BANKERS, 1-12,896 ysj aND iwi-r« in Exchange, Bank Notes, Gold and SilreT 93,960 00 _/V Coin. Current and Par Funds received on dspoeJL ■ etock..’ bought and sold on commission. Collections made . 212,Xi 06 et anr point in tn*» United States. e-mh East corner of Market and Fifth streets, $773,273 63 | myll __ _ PITTSBURGH, PA. 01 *‘ B ‘ Ut3ot “ ther I ARTHURS, RODGERS & CO., teSSSSSSiSCTwi* *?, i bankers and brokers. Losses unadjusted and in suipense, waiting for further ( CORSKR OF FOLIITH AhD BMITHFIELD STREETS proof, $61,257 60. ! au2:6m Plttiburgh, Pa# _ Allother claims against tb* Company r.rr amah, cucr. RsmoTal. able semi-annually Debt* doe the Company, secured by mc-rtgug-... Bills Receivable, well secured, payable at Bank... Railroad Stock* in Connecticut. .. Bunk Stock* in tbe city of Hertford Bank Stock* in New York cl:y Cash on hand, in Bank, and in hands of Agonta and others. only as printing. Ac. Agants instructed to uk>' no n*k ' ver $1 J.OW. Th« amount Insured in any city, town or vi.lßge, depends upon tbe character, material and construction ot ■.addings, the width of street*, the supply of water and condition of the fire department, and other circnnwtdnoen. The amount insured in block* ot building# vane*; the defltgn 1* to limit thi- liw bj buj r. C " fir.. U. JIO.CoO, o: logs. ft THO. A. ALKAANDKR, Secretary. Stati or CoswxcTierT, 1 R3> Uli: tfl : ' i ’ jAn - lat * lBfis - county. / , u . Feraenaily appeared Thomas A. Alexander, b.-'r-tarr of the iEtna Insurance Company, and that the fore going statement by him subscribed, tru *» a-vording to lit? tost knowledge and belief . _ JiBNRY FOWuKR, .lu?tiv of the Peace. Loss** paid by this Company for 'he year ISit cxreal SToO,OOO, while the premiums received .or U.ume far exceed any other year, uln-e the orvaaiz..'.i- u me Company. , Policies, covering nearly all descriptions c, proper.,,, 1.-- sued at this agency, at remunerative rates Office, No. &7 Water street, Pittsbu-gh. Pa. J»nll 11. U. TKN WYCK. A;.-nt,_ JR TWA IWSUH.AWC OP HAR TFOR 0, COV CmaTSßin, PAID CP Cash Capital Cask Surplus, <"< Ist J IKi ... 9i 7 3,'it 3 riiHlb Capita! fttors. nai Surplus. 1-' rur*r- ir.v —t-l h-f X the benefit ofa'l policyholders. As u;. s>v> i-n r the claim* we bave to pubic- co'iSder-*", r.nd ; t abid-y to pey l;i6*e,-. promptly, we etut- n In-’!, l.At i•• Tary from tUfi.OOd to slM),c«" p-r r.' ntb. It.- t-i-iui-o .a l A r/e and well distributed, and in our r n C mranv in tie- United States aflorJs bett'-r ’.ndeem • •:• ■■ holder* tbr.n tbe .Ktna. Tb--y continue >•. m,..- on property in town nn 1 country, st rates t- * - *' EYCK . A; ,,. t Nmh ci-jt ' .tikt t‘;fth »nd “■’•■•' Pittsburgh. U tc L, A VV A ii. K MUTUAL SAFETY IKSUttANCE COMFAHY. Oti'iCX in ifa»- N‘c:n IL'v-ta of Ibr Kz . 'nTt'rJ ltrf*t, PHiLA PEL P ? t A. MA RI ?> K 1 N 5 "ft A N C rIS- O* Viaaiis, i C4fu«r-, -T A" l v S~-*\ .iIT3, ) INLANt' IN •' U R *. On gooia by riTcrn. 'a*.- ‘ all par.a c.r thf» Union FIKE INSCHOVEb On marchandU'* c*'t?ra.l!v On »cor«M, dwelling Ik-hs-i- . 4-- AStfKTb OF TUK NV.N--?-:aV Bonds and iloru-at#* • • {?tAte n f PanniiyUatii*. PMiaJi U hi* • Uard-n. Southwark, i.nJ : t'~- * ' - ;r ’ . Stocks in banks, railroad i uiaurvii pAaiea lulls rt*«iTabl«* • •• Ci*h on hnml lh<> han.lr t/f Ag'-i:* e:. 1 J;r*:r.luui' ra Mana* l Hohci’^ 1 rc-*r.tiv ’ Bala.*Tlpl!'''aNoJicj Wm. Marlin, Jan'j'h U £e»l, £4in and A. di<ud*r, John C. Duviii, Robert Burton. John K. J’-uroae, G*<Tjr«* G Lutp«r, Edw&rJ I'arUcrtcn, II Jon** Itr-cie, J G J. hn- Q, Jurat** (' Hand, I’Aulvlin^, Jam*'.' li. MTariatiJ, W.C LuJwtjt, J T Lov-m-. Tk-.a'l V T l M-r.,*u. i . WM M A !;T !N . I'rv.l-ul 1 Uui< c HAND, ’I I '** i rz*..Jint JsB*?n W. Oovas, S#t*7 P A M \ lJ KF.! A . N-.*. «o H i,:*• t Th«rPranKllß lHir« Inunrnasc Coaiwaj Of rktiadclt'' «*!, DIJIKOTORi^— ICbarlt* 1 Cbarlt* W E«rc*<t:, 'Hi'T'*-* Haj' T !•.«- Walter, H.mni-1 Urvut, Jiu'ro K. nmiUi. G.*a. W. Kk.V ar>l«. D Levrtu, Adolnhl K. Bon* t’nTid S. M -rrb I'aCtomon. Cilia N JUS- K *a. /frrvi^.- .; i(A m (i lusciw, Srcr'to*-* '»'■ mak.* ir.eurs.s--. porK' : r £ jtjiij. n r property, it U/»a an 1 v ualry, it- »r- it. •. pt>t/:rit «lth «•> urity Ta» C*.-mi*aoy a .ari* 0-'’ : i'u il w ; t.-b, wiUi limn auJ sc.f.; iqf&sW. lS tor'. imp.» prot/*<'Uen ? Tf.r Aior'.J ,: 1 Lb* k.- iijj bhi.: -1 >i,7rj"4bly t«' id Ar! ¥.>*•. K*la'.« T*mpor*r» • - bn.* kj Duh, A: TcuJ ihfjr Uionrp< nuk o, b p'-rv-U ci i a tbrr ’ trr o( O'.i* \iiliuo t'i.r ! anu-1 DoUmh )»v fr». ii.pri'.'ijr ti7oni.ii • ■'»• *1 oi ui4unui-Y, u- ■» 1 lu* m* fchiii'.- »til .uspoi! tico u tai'M with T.tvtnfUi«w *ll lUoi'ttir.. J «i A KDIN KK iV.mS. A t 24 i/fllc*. northcmt. Wf«xl sM T? ic* •*.* Title VMTEU *T ATK •» LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY aNL> TRUST COMPANY, PUHLADELVaSSA. CRARTXRED APRIL 26TH, I*so CHARTER INKPETUM. CAPITAL §250,000. Opkt, S. F Com*r of Thr'- i ar. I rhiLadflphic. Of-csri c* U.t Bcr\t Bwi it p;u*rrc ES BtapbftQ R OrivtcrJ, Pan; i O-iiar*. Ambr<***W Thompson, l^wron* 3 * J bc. Benjnmlu Tlnglt-v, >i 11.r.n. JfK-oh L. Florenr*, William M Godwin, Wllll*in M I*rrtut*ni —Ai*»pb*U ti OtftwfafJ. Fv d {‘rtjtdsni Ambrc-e* VV i :■ Xzamincr, J’tlUt-uryA—Jtsn?*Li. Wllisrn, M I‘ Cu'y—K B Mowr... M D. OfM K K?.N'»I 1\ Ai'rt. n-krlT y N-r Ti Fmrtb .'f-J urs*; PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE UOH OF FfTTSB VRGU, CORNER OP FOURTH ANl> SMITH!'! KLT> STUELiS Authorized Capital, $300,000. INSURE BUILDINGS *n 1 •.’•her pr-p*:: '• i l-~- • : darting" by Fire, nod th*» jrrtl-.'f th? >t“y ti.i N aTlgatuu nrvi Tmu*«porta’lou. , H< J; T A’.ra.i: u. K.viJiufiy ’1 I'ii.t. 1. uni'i S;ron:, r; 9 ..r r -- K. W1.,:-. A A r, W 8 IlfcT-n. 0. t.l’urk, n. FI. OoßEßball. Wm ? Johnston, VV. M’CUutox-k. D M Long, A . J . Jonen, jA-'.r.b Pointer, larnuo J'. Nrgley, Wkda Hampton, Hod. WM ¥. JOUNBTON', HODY Yi-«* l ;-"SwUaii A. A. Caaum. j»uJ Troastir^r p, 5 Cariubr, ArtsiKtant B*’i*tnry Weitern iniuranee Company, fiuabargn. U Mil.l.Bit, Jr - Frtsuknt. | F. M. GOR'uoN. CAPITAL, 0300,000. WILL Insure against all kinds of risks, FIUE tii.lMA KING. All losses will H liberally auJ promptly paid. A Home Institution, managed by Dimctoxs who ai * * mi koown in the community, »ud »b.) am .i-'.eriuiu«*d. t y promptness and liberality, to meiotain tho rhar»c?or which they hare assumed, a* offering the beat protection to those who desire to be injured. , Dtrecleri.— K. Miller, Jr.C W TUokeUon.J w RulUr, N.Holmes, Jr., W. U. Smith, O-Itimsen, George R Ja:a«.-ti, Wm. M. Lyon,James LippenrMt. George Dafsle, Jatues Ms- A uley, Alexander Nirniuk, Thomas 800 l t. Office, No. 92 Water street,< Warahoiweof Hpan* A 00-. up« talnO Pittsburgh. _ nOT -^IJ_L- JOUN LITTLK, Jr., Agent, ! No. HOI LinikTT Brass?. | HAS JUST UKOKIVKD the following '*'* • Lo‘ -e ticlos:— ] BIIANDIBB. Hock, i Oonie Brandy, (very One,) Lisboa. Otard Dupuy A C<M»uper.) Kl M. Marretl A Co. Jamaica, Smcrac Santa Crus WINES. • U'N rtarctal Madeira, • Boguet, Howard, Marob A Co., Maura London Cordial, Eirft India Madeira, Scbnapp*. Table do SUNDRIES Amontillado Bberiy, b'.-tch Ale. Manianlllo u.' Barclay'* Lonilou Porter. Table d-> Wild Cherry Brnud., Cooking d.> Absinthe, Beeswing Port, Anlsothe, Pdre Juice do Curacoa, Ordinary do Sardiues. St. Julion Claret, Mocha and Java, Malaga Dry, Young Uys. uud Black Teas, Do tiwoet, English Bronson Oboese, Ohampagnctt, Imported UaTana Cigare. of Anchor, various brauds, Vurwody, . Old Monongahela Whisky, of LieidesecS, all grades. Together ;wlth all other articles connected with tbs biifllow, tnyW-daw WIG MANUFACTORY. MHB. RENTER, Suß tlivn 1 Vi' Aqueduct, eppesi-' (’,< 0. ,? ‘v, m.Mimn aTT, 18 PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS FOR WIGS, and ail ktndi of Ornamental Hair Work. The b*6t quality of material is furnished, an«l entire satisfaction guaranteed. mjl&:daw !}• Alexander W * Foster, Attorney and counsellor at law. a.td souoi roa in Ciuhcxbt, Ageut for procuring Bounty Lands und Pensions, and for the Collection of Claim? In Great Britain and Ireland. Collections mado in this and adjoining Counties; Es tales of decedents settled; Real Estate bought, fold or leased, and rents collected. Moneys invested on Mortgage ur other cecurity. Titles examined and title papers drawu. Office on FOURTH street, a few doors above gmlthfleld. Pittsburgh, March 28, 1866--{mh2S:d*uj A. W. Foiur, NOTARY PUBLIC, and Commissioner for the fctatesof Tennessee, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Wisconsin. New York, Michigan, lowa, California and Virginia. Deeds drawn, and acknowledgments aud proofs taken for record or use in any of the above named States, Illinois, Mississippi and Rhode Island. Pittsburgh, March 28, 186b—[mh28:daW VARIETIES: -a Cottage Hetw in Allegheny for tale. Price $7OO. A Brick House and Lot for $760. A small Frame House and Lot on Mmnt Washington for $460. Small Farms in Ohio and Virginia for sale on easy terms, by fIyWJ & CUTHBSRT A HO Third eL BANKERS AND BROKERS. PATRICKS ft FRO HD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BBOKEBB, Haw Removed their Office to Use Comer of Fifth and Wood IU. FITTSBTOOfI, PA. PATRICKS * PR.LEND, Bandera and Exchange Brokers, and Dealert In Notee, Drafts, Asoeptanccs, Gold* Silver and Bank Nous. Exchangee on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for Bale. Colip*tl'-ns made in all the cities throughout the United EtatM. Deposits received In par funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Btre«ta. pkhfl lUVB E.IUOVXD TBSXB B-LHEJUG ASP XX<XEUSQI OFTtCB *0 HO. 67 HAJtXCT STXXKT, 70UB DOOBS BXLOW OLD BTAJO). tit HOLMES A SONS, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, » and in Notes, Drafta, Acceptances,Gold, 811- r-r and lltfiik NoUs. Exchange on the Eastern and Western O'Mc* -on?»tßßtly for sale. C-- 1 --ction-made in all the cltioe throughout the United ?uu». Deposit* received to par funds or current paper, No. t'~ Market street, between Third and Fourth sta. [)aB0:ly K CO*UPA^V, HTTBBCtOn, PA., i>UT AND BELL Bank Notue and Coin; Discount time ) -‘TchArgn, and promissory notes; make collections in t.h« principal cities of the Union. Receive depoaitfl on cal. and on interest, and give their prompt attention to all ..‘.lmr matter* appertaining to a Broker’s business. Eastern Ex.-htnge constantly on hand. tnard ©SCO,OOO hanker and exchange bbokeb, PKAtEX IN Exchange. Commercial and Banh Notes. oou-rht and sold on commission. Collections O carefuilv attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. $3-No Fourth Btreci, Dearly opposite the U. M. declfi coaitxß or wood asp nrra srasavs. A'l'.ii''. FACIIANGK on the Eastern Cities constantly for O Bale. Time ItiLLs ol Exchange and Notee discounted.— U' il. .stiver and Bank Note?, bought and soid. Collections ■jxA.i- ,u *il th«* principal cities of the United States. De , r.-.’eiVK-i ••! Bar and Curran: funds. [mflj27ly kC i i* M -s |>Ut AM; .**KI.L Stln-r, and Bank Note*; negotiate I ) [/'uns n i.-*.! K-Mit.' or Stock Secaritiapjpurchace Pri’sautnary V't~ And nme Bills, oo East and TFwt; buj u:: 1 .'Ji ComrruftMon. j.n.in on all points In the Union. [O7I 0. E. A&HOLD & CO., BA.NRKKS AND KXOUANOIS i .kALRI.i tu Exchange, Coin, Bank Notea, Sight and | / Time l>r**n*, t‘\ carefully attended to, iitJ prvc-td> r«*iQitn«d to any port of the Union. -j;bt buJ .i»M on eommiiiaion. N■>. H Fourth et, nest door to Bank of PittaVg.J/eW • \ uj„; ijTn./r. idcharwe, Bank Ifcict, Ovid and Silver fi-uuhl. Sr Id and Ezchanged, at the B\CHANGE AMD BANKING HOUBB Of WILLIAM A. HILL S CO., \ ”\- m . r* 64 wood staaa-?, pirraßtraon. iMt-lalere*; -liov&J on time deposits. _ [ >anH .... „ . , , „J«0. A.OAL'OUKT l*r. Ho* - . i|c,'.ii i. nil;, .i-.r-ui-nr M - : Ivnia, l. ’Li r.: I iff' K*>lv r»’j )r K. r J w ;iJd I. ! J ui; iko(011 Uondi. Stocisß, Real Ketata, Sc M - Ti FutcrLh si., f*tUstnrrjh, l'a, fjaS^ ..... i'>-uL-*:r . .a 1!. taj-L* 4.: I >n intotci’a Loan Office* VO. 100 HUITUFIELD street, near FIFTH.— [\ Mi'U'-v ! >and -u and Silver Watches, Silverware to 1 c'.t:“r vaiuatie aul4ully C L O T H i N_Q_ STORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. s T-w'M’JKRi Y : thi < 'f>hrated Olothlug Depot on Liberty rttr-*. ~ 7. ti h La- *'.'U an unbounded popularity under bo nun- ;f vi.TURKS DiO DOORS,have, for the pur j ... - r a me.-- «j.a-*e ft r their immense bualneaa, r-; 1. .'paci-Mi* b-.ui.Mn;* on tliecoroerof DIAMOND AI.I.KY AND WOOD STREET, \V b-t-* they Uavo now the most BPLENDIU STOCK OP CLOTHS! HEADY MADE CLOTHING, S 1( —U .> .i.ißim ;ur patronf to understand thatwe have n- i.'ugr: nuj -a '.i-m-iK-h -ub the Qlolhlng BOJlnoss on 1.,:*.--rty Atrt-r; »'j r HttAiti.-.ii 13 Utoletl oxchiilTely to thfi E I) >! O N i) WATTS, MKla-.UNi- I'Alloß, NO. lba LIBERTY STREET.— 1 r.iir>’ *3-.* on hand a lart;? slock of Pall and Winter i/Terc.’ailntfsoi ~Qtirt-ly new designs; Plaah Vest .! the caojt beautiful patterns; French arid English Ga«*:nv-r-**, of «r«rv civic axil ahadn In the market, all of * >;•■ 1 vrili make to c*;Uer uu the most reasonable terns, „ni warranted lo suit, 00t4 JVST P.F.OEIY Kl* AT JOHN >IcCLOBKKY 4 GO’S Whole sal" Clothing Warehouse, No. 85 Wood street,and cornor -f Diamond allwy, the largest and moat varied stock of vjs ;uac tLi- c-plshratod hen** him ever had the pleasure v. inviting the attention ofthe public to. These goodshaT* purchased from first hands, and, consequently, no *’ -.id {•:rr.* •. n them, which 1-avos us able to say Unit we and do at *« umall protJis as any house la the east r.-:: ri'les. Therefore, w* respoctfully invite the attention < r , T >ioiH?ale d.'Al.-rs anJ country muTThants,in general, to U 4 a call, and ‘vamlne onr extensive assortment of KhADY MADK CL* IUING. It Is almost impossible to Miumcfuir the .juau! s(i immense piles of garments that h« *e-n at ;hi« U i <* establishment; It is sufficient to ;;.at ii has never t • it) equalled by tha house itself: marli' '.t JOHN McOLOBKIs!Y A 00. ■\ . ' \r>- V ‘ * N. HOLMES ft 80HB, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, TLERNASI A CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. .Vo. Sfb Wood Strut, comer of Diamond Alley, JOHN WOODS, HILL ft C 0„ PANKERA AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, aiHtii, haom, rioaxnoß xcauxb. ERa&LER ft RftHfi, Bi.NK.KA;* AN'l) E BROKERS, THOMPSON BELL & CO., i:\NKfcHH AND BROKERS, J- j.rii arul ifrx-d HreeU, Pa: Tilol*l AS WOODS, BROKER,"© A*»!) DSAtrP. IK CLOTHING, That has ovur bi'cn i-ffsrsd U> the pabUc. Th*i: pr;a'if-al i Tor this removal, Is to give than r r : ii ■ Tor • he WHOLESALE TRADE. *_r* p-'-paTid toneii Goods the /. L' WKXT KA S T cV li JN P&ICF.B! *t.j ’. v je) v. •. . -Km»at theca to be as good at any sunn* .:,ured ;u lb- Union. CI3TO.U WORK, :.»< ti!»: "tui,akc epos ?cc aaoaraai Soric*. Vb-- hnv« on Land a lull -ttd beautiful assortment of ! end COATINGS, for ERoCKM, 11 HESS, WALKING AND BUSI- NESS COATS. • i with tKo** of our Ouetomero, -a, i ti.w {-üblik-that our hdsiuy will not fall la i.irs « ruay b»- with. D’CC* i'ORGKT TUK PLACE— -3.45. 8N W«iod Street, BIDK,) rk)EJiun Of DIAHOHD AU.HT ■f r* leeicna’.'-d JOHN M’OLOSRKY 4 CO. t all Aim V* later Uuudl I NEW SPRING GOODSi Clothing t Clothing I ii'IIK undersigned respectfully iniormslhia friends and the j, public that he In now receiving at hlsstore, N 0.177 Lib* e l l v pirot-t, a choice assortment of Cloths, Oasalmeros and Yet '.iQg»,<-f the latest and mo«t desirable styles, which he S* prepared lo maKe lo order ju the most fafihlonable man n. r, at rdu ri notion, and on the most reasonable terms. Vi P bav«&l*> on hand a large and well manufactured stock of read? m.vir Clothing, to which we Invito the attention . ; ; u\ci », either w hoiuKale or retail. ivnvtis » ho gooda for cash, will And it to their I UHiiiagn lo call at ITT Liberty street,before making their purchases. (tnaritj C. CONNER. How ( loOiltsjf Store* NO 4. fc>l\Tlt STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY. r i ’UK «übflcri!'-r hat* just opened this new establishment, _1 when* b«i ha* alway* on hand a large and ftholce assort* m< m •.•r all articles of OLOTUING, which ho warrants equal any tn the city, and will aril at the moat reasonable prl* ere. The public ure requested to giro him a coll. mar9:ly B. OPPBNHKIMKR. To Uouaekoaperi. WK Lirt<s now opened one of the largest stocks of CiilN’A. and QUKENBWAJIK, suable for In the city, and Intend Belling at very low j.: i ea. We will sell a handsome set of White Tea Ware, . of forty-eight pieces, for the low price of Four D. liars, ami all other Goods in proportion. Our stock being crviDi to the dull season just passed, Ire are deter mined to work it off at low prices. Wo hare just opened s.v p beautiful shapes of White Stone Meat Dishes; Vege table do ; Covered Diahos for stewed chicken, eta. etc. Also, >• ui.* very handsome now styles of Water Pitchers. Oar x o; White Stone Gold Band, and assorted oolora Toilet Ware, is large—all of whloh we have put down in price to r tit tdiu times. PRENCn CHINA. We hate some twenty different styles of French China Ym;» seta, aud some beautful Gold Band Dinner sets—all of which we are selling at least twenty-Ave per cent. be!o<? t rtuer pricoo. IIOCSE FURNISHING OOOD3. Our stock or Knives and Forks, Spoons, Waiters, Britan nia Ware, Girandoles, Solar Lamps, etc,, is large, and we will sell them at very low prices. GLASS WAIUL On h(.oU and receiving, b large Block oPßoston and Pitta l-urgh OUbb Ware, which we will sell at manufacturer's pricy COMMON WABB. (fur stock of common Teas, Plates, Bowls, Dishes, Pitch* orn, and every article suitable fbr country or city trade. Is U.vfi, to which we Invite the attention of city end country merchants, as we will sell them ?ery low for cash. Uouseke© pern and others In want of OHB&F China and <du«-»ueware’ will do well by calling at the CHINA HALL, No 6‘J Market, between 2d and 4th eta, o 1 p Opposite Ge.% B White. HU USES, STORE-ROOMS, WAREHOUSES. Ac- TO I.ET! — LavrrmcccQk —A comfortable Dwelling House of hall, parlor. dinlDg-room, kitchen, tour bed rcomfl, garden and pood water. Ally;,any City— A Two Siory Brick Uouse, newly painted and papered, on Robinfton street, near theconaL Beal $lO per month. *" Ml. Washington-—A Dwelling House of three rooms, on II ls?h street, with large yard, well, Ac. Rent, $7 per month. i^iislrurph — A large Three Story Brick, No, 26 Third st.; rent si:a p*r year. Noe. 31 and 27 Duquesne street; each hou.se if, two stories, with basement, cellar, yard Ac. Two Warehouses uu Water street. A large Store-room on Fourth street. Together with othera. Appiy to 8. CUTHBEBT A SON, j«-j 140 Third street 1 01,Y MAGAZINKB— Qodey*B Lady's Book, for J aly—-20 centa; Ballou’s Mazarine, “ “ 10 “ Yankee Notions, “ " 12 *< Frank Leslie's N.Y. Journal, IS “ North British, for May. The abore just received bv Express. Also, a Urge 10l of 80HOOL, CLASSIC AX, and Miflcflauoops BOOKS and STA TIONERY for sale at COST, and no hekscg. CfeU at LA u FFEB’S BOOK BTORB, 87 Wood Street, If you want to get a Cheap Library. }rfl v«" V - ■ \ 1 MISCELLANEOUS 100.000 copies : . f7*S» *. BTEAMBOAT DISASTERS OS WESTERN WATERS, AND |fjgf£j& dUSSnSTBAUbOAT DIRECTORY—ThoEBEIIsSfe undersigned have now in course of preparation n daw STEAMBOAT DIRECTORY, which will be Issued In October next; the book will contain oxer two hundred pages, lllas- ■ troted in the best style, and neatly bound lu a durable i manner. IT WILL BK ONE Ob' THIS MOST INTEREST- ! INQ BOOKB EVER PUBLISHED, and will he a book that ( will be interesting to all classes of people. The FTKAM- ; BOAT DIRECTORY will contain a complete list and d ecriptlon of all the Steamboats now afloat ou the Western ; and Southern waters. The length, model, speed, power and tonnage of each boat, where and by whom built, the \ name of the boat, with tbe trade sheiiln. Also, the names of Captains and officers, her age, Ac. The Directory will contain a history of Steamboats and Steam boating on the Western waters since the application of steam: also, a aketch of the first boat built for the Ohio River, with the name of the Builder, commander and owner. The RIVER DIRECTORY will contain a list and descrip tion of all the STEAMBOAT DISASTERS that have occur red on the WESTERN and SOUTHERN WATERS, beaud fullv illustrated, with a LIST OP ALL THOSE WHO HAVE PEUIBHfcD BY THEIR BURNING, SINKING AND EXPLODING, on the Western and Southern waters. The Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, IDiooifl, Arkansas, While, Red, Ouachita, Yazoo, and other Rivers, with the Townsend Cities laid down, with correct distances; also many other River and Commercial items of interest to the people at large. The book will contain the cards of the various U. S. Mail Boats, with the trade they are in, Ac., Ac. The Directory will also contain a complete list of all the responsible Steamboat Licensed Officers, their places of residence, Ac., Ac.; the new Steam boat Law, Its requirements, with comments, showing 1 wherein It bervjUs the incompetent officer, and injures the competent officer, Ac., Am, and all the important U. S. Su preme Court Steamboat Decisions op to date; the Rates and Important Commercial Privileges, Bills of Lading, im portant Decisions of the various U. 8. Courts in regard to Freights Lost and Damaged, Acq with many other things of interest- The Directory will be Illustrated in the best style and printed in the best manner. The author has for six years been gathering together all the facta and items In regard to ; the numerous steamboat disasters on the Western and Southern waters, and now intends publishing them in book form. The price of the work will be put at the lew (mm of One Dollar. Ten thousand w;i l be issued lor the boatmen; ail others desirous of subscribing will have to do bo at once, as none will be prinu-d unleoe ordered in adbanoe. This work la destined lo hove a cimiladon ot orer EIGHTY THOUSAND copies, as the publishers are receiving Urge numbers of subscribers, per mail, from ail parts of the country, daily. Some of the eldest boatmen, as well as most scientific man of the times, are -wntrtbutors to the Steamboat Directory. The Directory will be Issued In October, and will b* an ornament to the parlor as well &a steamboat, by rrmluing One Dollar (post paid) you will receive a z:<?- ct th* atrov« work. All eommuDicotlons and lottoTa should be ndd rested to JAMES T. LLOYD A C« Poetofllce Building, Cincinnati. Ohio. _ SUPEKIOK. Douglas County, Wisconsin. THIS pt.ahk is situated on the Bay ot superior am Left Hand River, at the head of Lika Raptor. po««esMß A BETTER RITE, A BETTER lIAKOUK, AND GREATER ADVANTAGES FOR A CuMHEROiAL CH't, than say other point in the North-west; and in • tualiri iu prospective Import anc« by Chicago only. The Proprietors have a clear, undisputed and uuii.<*um bored title to the land upon which SUPERIOR is lidd nut, apd all purchasers of lots receive warrants deed. 4 l.*r th* same. , . Superior was laid ont daring the pa*tsa**Mi. and e!r>*«uy contains several hundred i;in»»M?«nts, Motel, a nnmber of Btores, a Commodious Pier, with S\ ar.-L-'t^*- and is in all respect* the MOST FLOURISHING NEW TOWN' in Uifl West. The Coanij Seat, Ihe United .-lute* Land Offline and PostOfflee are located here. Tb* i n:>.. Lake Superior UNITED STATES MILITARY ROAD, now io course oi construction, connoting with gt. Paul, terminates at tins plnce. It is also the Lake t. rnniil of till the projected railroads to the head o i Lake Toe "goo” canal will be opened In June; alter which, t'.-ur linos of Lake Steamers will run to Superior—cne from Chi oa*o. two from Cleveland, and one from BulT-lo; ail Co vessels, having been built expressly for this tr*.>te. Une Steam Baw Mill U now in operation, and the mac hi nery for a second is now on the way to Superior, whi h will be aet to wort immediately on its arrival. One-half of the lots hare been appropriated by the pr‘ prietors to be sold by the undersigned U* actual settlers on Ley terms, to provide a fund for extensive public improve ments. liberal appropriations have been made fur public parposes; parks, churches, raJlroatls, Ac Ac. In order to correct the misapprehension hrUing from similarity of names* it is proper to state that “Superior City,” about the title of which a legal controversy existe. is another and different place, und in a different township from Scpejor. Maw of Superior are signed by Tbots. Clark, sur veyor, and William U. Newton, agent and attorney mr proprietors, and may be seen In the principal hotels of dt Paul, Galena, Chicago, PetroitJUiereland, Toledo, Buffalo-, and other cities. AH persona who wish to purchase low. or obtain informs Uon, are reiioeauJ to apply to Wat. I£. Nswrox, bii'e“ " Douglas county, Wisconsin WILLIAM LI. KEWTUN, Agent and Attorney for PropriaUire of tfuj .*-rio Board of Heal til Notice. INFORMATION has br*i»Q made to the Board of ITea'.'.b that cases of cholera cccuniui outride of the . Sty h&v been brought within its Hmlt3 f.>r relief. No i!*ubt tl.- friends of the rick are prcrayted by motfvee c T humf-.ni - \. yet it in proper they should be informed that they aufcy themselves to a Kerens penalty by eo dolo^. The Legislature passed lawn regulating this nnl'ef, 's caaes where the JiSeet** i* malign&ut or contagious, in order thiit the densely populated c ty may be protected from an; unnecesaarr scoot ge, which, when it has gained a footing, scarcely rests so long as there remains a iubjac: for its ir morael«fs attach. The Board of Health are determined to enforce the !r,w. If patients seized with cholera, or any maiiguant cr conta gious disease, outride the city, must be r-mored to any o: the Hospitals, persons conveying them thilhor must hare h permit from the Board of Health. The attention of al! persons intcrestod is calle-l to ihr following sections of an act approved April 3, 1 lift’d: Bao. d. That any master, commander, or other person having charge of any vessul or ateumboat, violating any cf the rules or regulations prescribed by the said Board of Health, under the provisions of thid act, shall, upon convic tion thereof, by indictment or prosecution in any cmirt having jurisdiction, pay a tine not exceeding five hundred doLlars, to be recovered and pxld Into the treasury of saiJ Board of Health. ften 7, That whenever the Board o' Health shall receive Information that any malignant or contagious disease (measles excepted) prevails niihin any pert or place w.thlo the Bulled States, they shall make diligent inejui: y concern log the same; and i: it ehali appear that the disease prevails oj aforeanid, ail communication with such iafoct*ri port or place shall be subject to such control end regnlatinad as ihe Board of Health may frem time to time direct, and publish iu one or more newspapers published in the rit/ t.l Titts burgh; and thereupon ♦♦very person or persona, and all goods, wares and merchendi«e, bedding aud ciothiokt ftuni such infected port or pUcs, and having enters and b*M n brought Into tne city of Pittsburgh contrary to such regu lations, shall bo subject to the same penalties as is proi id> d for lit tho preceding cectsoD. The penalties cf the whole act will bo strictly enforced. By order. A. 0. MURDOCH, PhysfoUn to the lluard of Health. GEOROE FORTUNE, irt3 Hr-alth urtb-e. PRACTICAL WORKS tUR MiOliMW A-'> P "J U r ur The American Miller, and Jdl.lwrighT'3 A---.:..', aj.;, The Analytical Chemist’s Asa.slant: The Encyclopedia of Chemi try. practical and !her.?.vV'il, bv Brooth and Morflt; The Complete Practical Brewer ; The Builder’a Pocket Companion; The Practical Metnl Worker’s Assistant, by Byrn? The Practical Model Calculator, by Byrne; The Cabinet Maker's and Upholsterer >» On; sn n Ohemlatry Applied to Dyeing, by Joi. NopM O.lburn on Locomotive Engines; NorT.B’ Il&nd-book of Locomotives, Eoalner-rs aui Ma chinists; The Complete Practical Distiller, by Byrne; The Dyer and Color Maker’s Companion, b> Byrue . The Dyer’s Instructor, by David Smyth ; The Practical Dyer and .Vourer; The Practical Assayer's, Miner's and Com panion : The New and Improved Table, by Pat Lyon ; Perfumery : its Manufacture und Use, by Morflt; The Arts of Tanning and Currying, by Morflt. The Manual of Electro-Metallurgy, by Napier . The Painter's, Gilder'® and Yamlaher’a Compaulon; The Paper Hanger's Companion; The Practical Surveyor’s Guide, by Andrew Duncan . Overman on Manuiaoiuro of Iron ; | ltural Chemistry, by Solly ; I Templeton on Steam and Steam Engines: IThe Turnhr"a Companion; A Treatise on Box of Instruments and Slide Rule ; Walker on Electrocyplng; And numerous others, for sale by ' B. T. C. MORGAN'. No. 1W Wood street, near >iitb. Law Hooks* IAM authorised to soil low &oma Taluebia L*w Boots, 10 vohuPa. Rdporw, by Parr; BoQTiers Institutes; Gnwnlief’fl Byiaeneo; Wharton's Dlgeet, last «d.; And other Report*. Elementary Work*, <*<-*. * QUO. F. OILUIOKS, •t the otflee of Mnrnlmr Pn^t I > lIKUMATIBM AND NEURALGIA. Dr. BROWN XX hereby Informs the afflioted that hie remedy lor the above mentioned diseases is one that will cure, lie will warrant a cure In any case of this kind. This remedy was never known to Dill when properly persevered with. Many suffer the torture of this complaint for months and years, when a few moath3 would procure a certeio, safe and speedy remedy. Office and Private Consulting Rooms, No. 41 DIAMOND alley. i^ 6 DR. BROWN continues to bo consulted for the care of SECRET DISEASES. His success in long landing cases is unequalled. The afflicted are invited to call with out delay. Persons afflicted with Venereal Diseases, Rheumatism* Piles, or Seminal Debility, should n-» f . delay to get bis advice. Letters containing a fee immediately answered. Office and Private Rooms, No. 41 Diamond alley, Pitts burgh. j®26 TpIIAT LAND REGISTER issued by Thomas fl’ooda, and X given away to all at 75 Fourth street, describes a great variety of Farms, Boases and Lots. Those wanting homes would do well to get » Register. Ou it is described a few 6d« Cootitrv B»atii i)eO ; THOMAS Books just received, at Davison’s, 66 Market, near Fourth street— Kveningß with the Romunlsts—Beymour; 76 "ts. Hopkins’ End of Controversy, *2 vols; S 3. Crime's Travels in the East, 3 vols; s*i. Prito Essay—Theism; The Pastor’s Daughter; Plain Thoughts; Sermons to Children; Grace of Christ; ’i tacts by Dr. Plumer. T Old Redstone—new and cheap edition Magazines and weekly; papers— Ladles' Gazette of ’Fwbion for August. Graham's Magazine do Putnam’s do do Peterson’s do do Godey’s Lady’s Book do Ballon’s Monthly do The Panorama of Life and Literature; London Illustrated News, last arrival; All the Eastern Weeklies for this -week, for any new Book or Magazine, <-ajl or send to W. A. GLLDKN PENNEY k CO.'S, j j2B Fifth opposite the Theatre. LADIES’ FASHIONS— Leslies Ladies Gazette for August, 20 cents; Putnam's Magazine do 20 do Graham’s do do 20 do Godey’a Lady’s Book, (second supply,) 20 cuots; New Fork Journal for August, is do Peterson's Magazine, do 17 dr. Ballon’b do (second supply,) lu do Female Life among the Mormons, $1 ; Star Papers. Harper's Magazine and Knickerbocker for August confi dently expected this day or Monday, and trill be fold at th« old price, 20 cents per copy, at , „ jyS LAUFFkIt’S BOOKSTORE, 80 Fifth ADIBS’ BIDING HATS—The hugest and best ment of Biding Hats ever offered in the city, just re “autlT 1 “ U “* S °' “ W °° J TwILBOM A SON'. ' 0“°“ * 00. v '„ fr r corner Hist end Wood sis. JUttgTL. BILK >U»«TVSSSkVBMr • ' v •.■*!** i’ i■ : MEDICAL. '.*aL W HEC asst. 9SB Pliilirt. A sew *od twjgalarly tiUUtQ fUn 4i; r j ,L tea sot «U ftlflOUS W galya jg. Diwjiefi, tioitiveness, Indigestion, j J&aadioe, Dropsy, Rheumatism, f vera, Gout, Humors, Nervousness I lrritability, Inflammations H»*d> ashe, Pains in the Breas*, huh, rrcßSk Back and Limbs, Female Complaints, SMBBI Ac., Ac. Indeed, very few an Ilia diseases In which a Purgative Bmmamrnmmmam cine | 9 not more or less required, and much slo&neas and suffering might be prevented, If a harmlßßa but effectual Cathartic were mow need* No pemon can feel well while a caustic habit of vails; basidea, it soon generates serious and Ofcenmtal diseases, which might have been avoided by the tunelyind Judicious usb of a good purgative. This is aUke truo ctx Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep-seated ana formidable distempers which load the hearees all ovsr tha land. Hence a reliable family physic Is Of the first Is* portance to the public health, and this Pill has been per* Dieted with consummate shill, to meet that demand. An extensive trial of It* virtues by Physicians, Professors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing anything hitherto known of any medicine. Cures nave Men effected beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of ffuen ex alted positions and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the eminent gentlemen who have testified to favor of these Pills, we may mention— Doct A. A. HAYES, Analytical Chemist of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character Is endorsed by the Hon. EDWARD EVEBETT, Senator of the United States. BOBEBT 0. WHiTHROP, Ex Speaker of the House of Representativea. ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Minister Plan. to England. fjOHN B. FITZPATRICK, Catholic Bishop of Boston * l ©r. J. B. CHILTON, Practical Chemist of New York <Bty£ endorsed by A Hon. VP. L. MABOT, Secretary of State; WM. B. ASTORf'tbe richest man In America; S. LELAND A CO., Proprietors of the Metropolitan Hotel, anil others. . . . .... Did vpaee permit, we could give many nun area eertu* eatee from all parts where the Pills have been used, buteri* dance even more convincing than the experlenceof eminent public men. Is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long Investigation and study, are offered to tbe public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can. afford. They ore compounded not of the drugs themselTiS, bat ot che medicinal virtucsonly of Vegetable Remedies extracted by Chemical process in a elate of pnrity, and combined to* (rather In em-h a manner as to Insure the best results. ’!'hp pyutem of pompositUm for medicines has been found in Cherry P«*’toral and PUls both, to prodoco a more efficient remeay ibnn had hitherto been obtained bv any process. The rvMon is perfectly obvious. While by tneold mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or iesa of acrimonious and Injurious qualities, by this each tadl« vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the Inert and obnoxious qualities of each i-übsUccc employed era left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence It is self evident that the effects should prove as they have proved, more purely remedial, aod the Pills a more powerful antidote to disease than any other medl ine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that moo? medicines should be taken the counsel of an attending Physician, and as h* could not properly judge of a remedy without know* lug its composition, 1 have supplied the accurate Formula by which both my rectors! and PUls are made, to the whole bo<i v of Practitioners In the United States and British American Provinces. If, however, there should be anyone who has cot received them, they will be forwarded by mall to his request. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, howftw would be ufceu If their composition was known! Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. Tbe composition of my preparations Is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowinlgs tb«ir eonvtQtionß of their Intrinslo merits. Th- Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to L»* a \>ondrvful medicine before its effects were known. Many eminent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are willing to certify that their anticipations were more than realist by their effect a upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal vfarera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of tbe body, restoring their Irrego lar actios to health, and by correcting, wherever they ex ist. such derangements as are the first origin of diseasa. Prepared by Dr. JAMES 0. AY KB, Practical and Ana* lyrical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Price 35 canto per box. Five bozesfor $l. Sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK k CO., at wholesale and etail, by every Druggist in Pittsburgh, and byall Dealers e-erj where. jfl6:4mtdew IN HALATIO roa tbi cobx 0? ASTHMA AND ffiflSUttPTPi SKIV AMD VE, t , WOSDKEPI'I ! EISGEANA BBOrOBT HOME TO Th K DOOR 0? THE tt.ICUOS' A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recently been made J\_ by Dr. Curtis, of t> is city, In the treatment of Con sumption, Asthma, and all diseases of the Longs. We re* for to u Da. Cdetlj’a Higeana, or Ijchauno Htoxar Vapob atu CuniAY Steup.” With this new method, Dr. 0. ha*re Ktor-’.l many afflicted ones to health, as an evidence of which he baa innumerable certificates. Bpeoking of the treat* men! & physician remarks, “ It Is evident that inhaling— constantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor—the me dicinal properties xnuai corae In direct contact .with the whole rvrial cavities cf the lunge, and thus escape thamany and varied changes produced upon them when Introduced into ih» etomocli, and subject to the process of digestion,** The Hygeana la fur sal* at all the Druggists tbroughoutthe country. —TiVio Y<vi: Duidtman of January 14. - Tbt* Inhaler Is worn on the breast, under the linen, with out the least Inconvenience —the beat of tho body being sufficient to crap-rate the fluid. Hundreds of cases of cures, like the following, might bo named: One package cf the Hygeana has cured me of the Asthma of six years standing. J. F- Kxssbuht, P. M. of Dun cannon. Pa, I am cured of the Asthma of ten years’ standing by Dr. Curtis'S Hygeana. Makoauk EastoH, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Paul, of No. & Hammond street, N was cured of a Rtsvore case of Bronchitis by the Hygeana. My sister been cured of adistresslng cough cf several years’ standing, and decided to be Incurable by the physi cians. 8h« was cured In one month, by the Hygeana. J. 11. Gaubxrt, Richmond, Me. The Bev. Dr. Chsever, of New York, testifies of onr modi* cioe in the following languago: . N'xw Yoax, Not. 16, 18M. Diab Sib—l think highly of Dr. Curtis’s Hygeana as a remedy In diseases of the throat and lnngs. Having had oome opportunity to testify its efficacy, I am convinced that it in a most excellent medJeinr, both the Syrup and tl..- liilialiuj; eppUcalion to thu ctH*t. N 1 }t—pr. Curt’f's ls the ORIGINAL and ONLY GKNUINE AP.TICLK;'hII others are baae imitations, or vile and INJURIOUS c-anterleita. Shun them as you would POISON. _ Var gale by Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, 140 Wood street; H. Eu Sellers k CO4 Lee A. Beckham, Allegheny City; John Sargent, New Brighton; aL. Kaiser, Rochester. 6 n fmyUaUwffia SpasusSh iVlixtiire* THE QEEAT PURIEIER OF THE BLOOD! Not a Particle of Mercury in it. Let the aptlicted read and pondebi—An Infclll t Remedy foe Scrofula, King i KvU, Rhanma* Him, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions. Pimples or Pnstcl« on the Face, Blotches, Bolls, Ague and Pavar. Chxonio Bom Eyao, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bonos and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers. SyphlUtio Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Dueacea arising from an injudicious om of Mercury,lmprudance la Ufo, or Impurity of the Blood. This gre3t alterative medicine and Purifier of Blood ia new ured by. . usanda of grateful patjents&om all part nf the United States, who testify dally to the romarkabl turea performed by tbe greatest of all medicines, * I OAR* TEK'S SPANISH MIXTURE.” Neuralgia, Rheumatism, pcrolula, Eruptions on the Skin, Lirer Disease revere, 0!«rs. Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Tains and Aching of the Bens* and Joints, arc speedily put to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare with it. It cleanses the system of all impurV ties, ai ts gently and efficiently on the Liver and strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Const!* tutlon, enfeebled by disease or broken down by tho excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies, it is Invariably better than all the cos* rc-'Uoc ever used. A few doses of Carter’s Bpanish Mlxlnra will remove all s&llowness of complexion, bring the roses mantling to tho cheek, give elasticity to the step, and im prove the general health in a remarkable degree beyond «U the medicines ever heard of. The large number of certificates which we have received ftom persons from ail parte of the United States, is the best evidence that there is no humbug about 1L The press, hotel kcopera, magistrates, physid&ns. and publio men, well known to the community, all add their testimony to the wonderful effects of this GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Call on the Agent uud get a Circular and Almanac, and read ths wonderful curve this truly greatest of all Medicines pus performed. None genuine unless tdgnad by BENNETT A BEERS, Proprietor®, No. 3 Pearl street, Richmond, to whom all orders far supplies and agencies nsuit be addressed. And for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK, JOSEPH FLNM* NG, FLEMING BROS., and by Druggists generally. octSLdawly STATEMENT FROM CANADA Qumo, February 7th, 1854. Messrs. S. A. Fahnestock <£ Cb.—We had the pleasure of receiving, this morning, the within certificate of tout Ver mifuge, which will he veri gratifying to you, as it was sent voluntarily. We at*, Gentlemen, yours, very truly. _ J. MUSSON A CO. Genlictun— My little daughter, four years old, and-my son, older, were for a ooublderable tlmw suffering from worms. 1 purchased two bottles of your Vermifuge, of which 1 gave them three doses, according to directions, and ttranga to say, in less than three hours lh»y passed no lees than FIYB HUNDRED WORMS, some of the extraor dinary length of from twelve to fifteen inches. Having experienced ro much of the beneficial effects of your Vermifuge, I feel it my daty to recommend it to the public, se, in my opinion, one of the most efficacious rem> dies against worma ever offered to the publio. Gentlemen, believe me to be Your much obliged and bumble sarv’t, NATHANIEL LETTERS. Prepared and told by B. A. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., corner of First and Wood streets. mylfi Proclamation. r i BY VIRTUE of s precept under the hands of Win. B. McClure, President of the Court of Oommon Pleas, In ?• and for the Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and * Justice of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, in and for said District, and William Bcggs * and Gabriel Adams, Ksqs., Associate Judges of the same Courts, in end for the County of Allegheny, dated the day of July, in the year of our Lora one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and to me directed, for holding a Oonrt of Oyer ana Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, at the Court House in the City of Pittsburgh, on the first Monday of Ootober next, at 10 o’clock A. M. f üblic notice is hereby given to all Justices of the Peace, Cor&Der and Constables of the county of Allegheny, that they be than and there, in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remeia* branees, to do those things which to their respective offices, In their behalf appears to be done—and also those that will - prosecute the prisoners that now are or may be in the jail of eaid county of Allegheny, to be then and there to prose cute against them as snail be just. Given under my hand in Pittsburgh,this fifteenth day of August, In the year of our lord, one tndusand eight hun- * drvd and fifty-five, and of the Commonwealth, the 78th. uuglGitd WM. MAfITLL, SheylfT. ATTENTION! Wagon Hatters and Teamsters’ Boon tv Land AGENCY, ©a Fourth itreotf OFFICERS, Soldiers, Musicians, Wagon Masters, Team - eters, Ac- who were regularly mustered into the aer» vice of the United States, and every Officer, Seaman# ©rdl* F *" nary Seaman, Marine. Clerk and in the Navy t also, Militia or Voluntsore, oi Btate Troops of any State or i> Territory, are entitled, by the late Aot of Congress, to a .<? Warrant for 160 Acres of Land- Those who have received 40 or 80 Acres, ore entitled to * Warrant Gw auoh quantity or as wDI make, In tha . whole, 160 Acres. Persons entrusting their claim* to me can rely upon b*T« j ing them attended to promptly. .. . v AU information free of charge. Latter* 403 • ■wared. Addrvas AUfflaaWOMg, [ phis Bounty Land Agwu*« toururttf \L- Vv,,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers