f l -» *( ...A C j'Jj.-*' V'•*••> hv. xfe * ' V . ■■’ '• l -2 ’* !■ '*■ v'l&iSi f>’>'‘%#x :; ■*’ ■' 'A tWA** ’■• 7'. w A OV* i v ;7.\:, *'* *• r- T, * «.. v M "eft, f, k .j' ■‘• - " ’ -K ' y ■ . .« V* ?-. « -■> ‘ r ' ■' '■" ' ... 'it *'••■ ~-V,“?-,*. V'*,- ’*#, b r ;,V. ••'•: i:-- bV>.; *,}- »> r*i 1 ‘ ’ k -’»S<4 * '*- i. iW V '. > .•.JV*' *,»•*** rt*. .f, 1 *,•’■/ *■.} < f li * !?-■ f '•# « vl‘ .i'. WO.-■ "■ S’ •-, --•■ 74LAj‘>V>’u;|4 -5- * ' I i j#<> ****s•: >*•«."*.«•.*«. :.*• *!*•?, ;• v-i „,•- •„' v'.‘ •; , ! "Jr-* IT »t f. r- S. - v * * f» r - 'g # t■•; “4 ■a, . t •V, Ffc* frfS■«•' M» :^v:.; - t ;. •’■ , f (*H “i ■» Us.'" •« •• •*> . (.T 4 . , r ‘f * , . kv«V v ■:**r 4 t. \ 4, ■*•' h ■ . ii ** *" is - <=?v .f* ;•* 4 • - 'I *OKr x > ■:.-;.:-/; I <rJ fj'jt »- v f l /-? v i <■ »r*> * f i *"■; v V 4 *• *• * 1 f & i l A'A 9 lt/r'4 : ;4<1 4 5, ***';* i ' "■ <x pi o f . n*. l *•" L l ' ( v- 'i k' , )T*''^rvj}‘‘' 1 - ’{ -i c: 'r- p- ; - 5 •<] ■■ : M^MrtgaeB!&fe«Biiiw»'j lAfei®®®?;* ii<‘i-Y >v-' ; -j ?:■ J -i :•■ " .-2 ,:•' 1 v f v' nv;,w w k v -• .• . -..-i «Wo3w2i^c' lr ',!. - ■i, l .-' » «#;>. ■ " ?(Tb .s.■ I h/ r r>’ ':•?£•■>■>/£) »j. - :t k % '-" • i'... v ' R—ov,-TL.ro i, ;-^ u ,tt .''f■ •*-*■-■ i ou w, we believe, but thtsroa'l will be cpeneJ to°Kitta ”' D ' !n B > T -in.. Ta. i .:*•;*• road •„ rrr VOMiur rapidly, torr» hemp two seta i Freeport, aod t , ‘«, c < h ‘ r r: '7- th, ' f ,% i. city. We also ut. .t .e the .ateet.on of th.feewbo here the '■■■'*'*'« or ,bp '”' k -.-rA : '-;"* V> "4 to remote one eet of i. anJ? »V OTe f " f P° rt - wh " 15 /,'•'A! trill work towards Ki ttanEioß, ao.l thus st.ll •*;i - j more vigoroasiy push fo, W-l «h« trerk. ’A Fwnt Issi-kcteu. —The inspector has ne 'e ■; - : i “>• following report for July '-',d>f.% '.• i m ir Ll' | tv.RAMtIST V 1 ••..<;:« bbls. superfine. Ih.vOS t-b!« ™rer6oe <1 -f, ‘;y. .. fiue -dbd •• nne i :: *j= :: “ ■’■ 'm -■ r:i.„. .,., r^»... ' X-.'i cream CD Thursday throw a heavy ash P o,e td’ 4 XK-. ‘ '■ ' 3 across the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, ho "' iV A• ' "Z\ ?w”n Mas-on and Cant/n The engineer of t*, ’ ;! the Express Train perceived it ,Q time, and sac i ■ t ‘' j cceded in chocking the speed of the train, before ■'■ •\ 1 the locomotive struck it. Uad it not been wb -1 served in time, a eeriona aconent would have Wa&XvW rif ,*s■ v a v'i'l »T. + ...1 been unavoidable. 13 Tuhatuk —I>EK»riT or Mt> IOAVtm.E. —An ex 6^^^^P^g^i!£<-S a frib''<l.b'.-3 y«nr,y£. ■».,•' 4 oellest hill is offered to-night for tho benefit of Mr. Daridgo. The new play of the, ■• Married Unwedded” and the farce of ” My Uung Wjfc fN V K.~I tnd Old Umbrella," will be presented. Mr. e*^V‘ ; v4 Oavidge is deserving of a full house and wc 1 bops a Urge audience may be in attendance. ButcLAKV —The lease of Mr. John Ingram, on East Une, Allegheny, was entered by bur ,t,'f l «l*rs. on Wednesday night, and *i& taken The thieves obtained admittance through a back >v':ivSdirflb !, r t* J rt window, and proceeded noiselessly to the Eleer SS3®sin*g epartmentof Mr. I , where they secured his pooket book, containing the stove amount ? fi ho ‘^;,v.».: i hf i?3S Aiyt, ;t»~ s i %l§m§Mm§ iiiiiafeassl *-Fh; u a.Viyi^c-■- «?a\ v ; u •-a' , >\ *-V d IrHbfM, ondor the firm ’ *c« M iPet. r* 4j. 'f Vi 2 * » will heMttl Pitisbu’-ab Mcßpn ' vc : 2’>^'^^ , ‘H*-^r‘v-tCrs'v»x* w -' { , - t -' ';-4.'*- Au”t> ,r ' v ;&*>■-*? *1 . .* Vi'J Z*4.-?: r T 1 l-'l'a •. u ’ I ‘ k ' . *•' l iV, •> '■&£ efa «„, >l v d. ; .' -^;;„ c 'igiTVV^v'‘; ,, J~’’s"-i ■ fi•' ■■» .*•«•'• a 4» _ C, r . •,'-••?■.J'/ ?t. f Y V f ..• r - ''*■,- r -f ?' ; »x : •' •■’ r ' *•-. ~ p. •’." 4 2 ' ‘ " ciTi'ts-’ Deposit Bask, l V-.i - v 1 Pittubar<*K«tpt«inber *, m*- > r y? />'••-.> ••-V-'L i -l *' wtV •/%’» % -PUB PKKSIDBNT AND DIttICCIVIW of ihifi u«nk bore -i ’o’: <• '•'•■ --“'A O‘<', t„ •’ * n 1 f”* f'f t' 4 thU day deularod * dl\ideud bt Lbo ralv vl oC ® b* ~ Vv' «V’ss' w w*jf', 't? -1‘ r > : ,; ■V ' J V#r .- - 1 ’ 1 S-’ 4 »:> ‘“• *• A't. L'"- -Hot. on the cupiUl a lock, In, out of the protltri oi tne rt^,‘.a. •iL'i,'^O-' •A.VT ! ! *, w » •■•■: 1 S '*a • t> ■%>• Ut tlx monthi; payable on und altrr the 14th lust. "4-|l •’'• fTi’ AjMP&hl EJ> _JON_EH. Cwhlpr. •-^rf l *4 A" jtOIsOOITO B AiiS—Juflt received, another largo fcOK^y /r: . M«oulW Bars, In all color., and ai very fiw prSras. A. A. MABON A CO., 26 t~ifth U. 4 ' V-OO V *■ *■ • r Cv 6 <» 5 •‘ /> V- k V'v- -' a '•¥ —AT MASON 4 CO- have just reortvid a large sa*orv :' v \ mßn t of d.« stylas of Gent.'. 811 k Pocket HdUfe; - V. ! 'A'-. Sz&£sZ *'•: - { ■ r .- too. a choice lot of Blaofc and BUh Crarata 1 *y-.'’.'->y'v‘,.rJ' cgcj *h: '.A ,' -. V v 1‘ t ■X'x.y^Z’r ;'.;' r v . s './ V^vsai'\US—A large Assortment of Bdgingh, lnßartiuga, -Ab..V. £ ' r ounces, every ’l:r7',v;^!>r^#|^; ; ; r ••-•-' - —-■ • f' ,'i 1 ' • ' ' - 7ft , 4 I ’ « - * B V S - ")> » r\ -*■> vf.- . - .- . - - • x . . > t* * ':wtf -,U s _" <s°' r %►' ? !*<'<■ *v»V% /■.* .">•* ‘a*. '•,-■• ... . v #ts‘ rV :&£IV *- we n*., v. r'• fri *5-';:^vr* %t **•,.> >-; \ -> , r- ff, ~ ~ . r'<_ “• r i;-: i v post. FRIDAY MORNING: PtH.NSTLVAHIA RaILBOAD FRBIGHT LiUtUNEfIH —-The statistics of the tonnage of the Pennsylva nia Railroad, for the month of August, show that the through froigbt west was 18» 164, pounds; local west, 2,178,47'.); thr ® t J^ rQ c J^V 11,520,816 pounds. To this total of pounds of through freight cast and wob , an the local freight from stations east of Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, add 23,793,178 pounds and the total of freight over tbo Pennsylvania Railroad for the month of August, shows an aggregate of 55 646,789 pounds, or 27.824 tons. Inis is 12 602 000 pounds, or 6,301 tons, more freight than was carried over the road in August, 18-94. The coal received in Philadelphia, during August, was 10.600 tons. This was from West moreland county, and intended for use at the Gaa Works In Philadelphia, aud the Manhattan Gae Works in New York. The quantity re ceived in the year 1854 was 20,702 tona, or but little over double the amount in August of this year. As Importer Detected.— For some time poet a women named Nancy McDermott, has been ob taining assistance from the Guardians of the Poor, on the plea of being oroessively poor, and unable to work. Yesterday, Mr. Fortune, Se cretary of the BoarJ, received intelligence from a brother-in-law of the woman that she was an imposter, and had her arrested for obtaining money niider false pretences. She was taken to the Mayor’s Offtoe, where, upon examination of her person, $l9O, in $2O gold pieoes, were found sowed up in the lining of her underclothes. The money was retained by the Mayor, for the appearance of the woman at Court. Only a few hours previous to her arrest, she was united in marriage to a man named Logan. Judges ok thb Fatr — The convention of- the Horticultural Society, appointed for the pur pose, have selected the following gentlemen as Judaea in the three departments at the county Fair: Fruits Jacob Boyer, Dr. Plummer, C. Bniv loy, J. Knox, Dr. W. Addison, Anson Bidwell, J. W. Butler. Uonry Woods, Wm. Holmes. Plants —George Mcllattie, R. T. Kennedy, George Parkin, James Reed, H. L Ringwalt. Vecrt-aUf*) Abraham D-ttia, John Sampson, J. McD. Crossan, J. Wardrop, John Cummings, Samuel Irvin, Ad. Hershberger, C. Zug. Fire.— Un Wednesday evening, about 7 o'- clock, a fire broke out m a Urge brick bouse, on Clark street, in the Sixth Ward, but was extin guished before the builJing was muoh injured. The people residing in the house were moving out, and had placed a number of their beds in the lower story. From some while evory odc waa absent, a bod was set on tiro, but the L.gbt beiug observed from the outside, ft oouple cl young meu broke open the door an 1 extin guished the ft »mes before the ecuiaes c\mo on the ground. Too loss w»« about : insured in the S.a’.e .Mutual Company. LIQ"3R TO A.N TsB v —.Mrs> U ijbftra Krouso, yesterday ioutiloted suit \nvtau Wilson against a tavern keeper in L\irrrttce?ilL\ uarned Beck, for fur- Liftiup to her husV and, who is a piroon of ini cm pern to habits, ofte-u baling: been not;t\eci not. to Jo it. The J *Ton Saot Trad arrested and aeil to bail cn the thtei* sopar-itc oftenoea of selling liquor to r. person of intemperate habits, selling liquor after bciug Loubod u v t to, and for famishing liquor to an intoxicated peittou. He ■WiB aiao required to give security f,.r an a??ault and \ attory commute J ou the SHGio \ r^secuTix Fxtessjvh Iwbbkry ik Allegheny Go \\ edncffd&r, ibo he use cf a German butcher, na n:sJ ileucll, living on the corner of E-iM uod Bee:ni Etrcota, in the Third Ward, waj eulered through a side window, and a Urge ciirsi, weigh ing two or tbreo hundred pcuci. J . taken frmu it and canded up to tho stone quarry cm tbo hill back of Allegheny, and robbed of in gold Gn J iblvcr. The chest was f-o hoary that it mud bate repaired at icaat t;ur pcrß.n-5 to haF« carried it, acJ yet, strange to say, net the elightert iocifce was made ty the tlusv.:*. Noam R\ile-“\p—We !'.“:rn thsti tit a lato meeting of the Director? of ice North Western Railroad, the rente from i'utlrr to Free port, raDei the Dutf.io routo, by cd Win field Furnace, wua chonsu. Fy -electing tbi-f route, the President of the Company, Mr. L'.nr. thinks a large amount will hr- ?;v ■ to tho CMm pany. A considerable pm turn of me route from here to Freeporb Ml the heavy m-c tons, are to be let cut on ih.- -.*;h vf 0: tv her t >ext. Live Stock. —We ieuru from Mr. Thomas Secretary to the Company. that forty car load I of !iV _■ Eiootr, containing !"hl head, wero brought from Ohio jeaUrJay, ou the Omo and Pennsylvania Railroad. Twenty moo tars con tained cattle, sir car: sheep, three cars horses, | and four oows hogs. We would invite attention to the sale on the premises, by orJer of Orphans' Court, td the very valuable Flouring Mill and Farm, known as the Baldwin property, on Charlie.s creek, on Saturday afternoon, Bth iu=t., at S o clock, ly p M. Liavis, Auotioneer. Filll or as Embanehbst —A youDg OermtD, 1& mod Uotltib Seibert, was seriously injured ou Tedneaday, by the falling of an ttnl aDkmr.it rhich be was CDgnged in exoavating, on the cor ter of First and East atreets, Allegheny city. A Bbvtal Husband —Patriok Hailey was lommitted to jail yesterday, by Alderman Par agon, for brutally beating his wife. 1 v jfprut ovtry paper Id the L'djud i.' coxtneolicis *1 *» ijU&Htiea nod gr*at txrnetilc drmisi li tun ' *.tj -*poD lh« r IJobTXTTth'3 tiU.Ultt-.L Fill**, r; UUd iLe .ia h3«r« of Ur- J- been made L) the a£t-nu> In i >' r 'leone «*»•«•.*• " h »urn llO***. Is Ci.n.lutiw cr «1.-uue if fiu’-bern *t r l " r u* thut It ia jnsi the tbunr :< r thw uud coortuc u*eJ j Q ~T , .r y furufiy, b> ■id v.i .Unate, and should t. ibLn c*.t; ■ me \« arm »cathrr, pUDg. hef- rv DiealP, tIU. , J)-L- lh-.-., euwt pr> •n -i a proTontlf** against B: ' ip P wenltii-r hu 1 . the ! --1 [nt ttt thin xttstm. WD«n 001 • (hr OY'-U'm Vo; rale ' ) L . coßtrollli.* -h i L'„ , i<.: l\uu . papists, ami by Uo3,m rtt, B*- *a-Tlie undcnrisnod will “JJ 1 jq'‘ n ? e s" 4 TIBIIKAN. in potfx imjmrsx, under the tirm . . , occupied by Murphy, te house No. 4* WOOD street, °5?2g JONKP. \*n*uko*. Francis tikbnan. eep4:dlm*Uw , , ... , Vllin> [n 4S-JONKS & TIKTCJAN have uajj^^ w 5 a\IKB Mo iTWHOLESALK DHY GOODS BUSINESS, JAMia A.IN, to take eifect from the Ist lost. The siyte -m to he JONES, TIERNA.N A CO. . , Pittsburgh, September slh, 1 (frgpfcdim* l Z_ _— r; ■ .u NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Reported Expressly for the Daily Morning Post SKPTKMBFR 7 ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE. Advanc# In Breadstaffi •« Nothing Sew Ntw You., S«ptcmbar 6.—Tbe steamship Atlantic arrived from Liverpool with dates to the 26th August. Her advice* are oue week later. Tbe 6teamshlp Ariel arrived ofl Oowes on the morning of the 23d, and the steamship Washington at 1 o’clock P. M. en the 24tb- Kolhlng further ha* occurred in the Crimea: Wa have interesting details of the bombardment of Swaa borg, and the recent battle at Tehernnya. The papers aay that the Russian loss et Sweaborg was only 40 killed and ICO wounded. The fortification* were destroyed. Two British ships had tired on Riga without effect. The squadron in the White Baa continues to destroy the stores of the euemv. The British in the S<va of Azorf have blown up and sunk the Russian ships of war in Berdiansfc Bay, and burned the suburbs of tbo town Tbe BrttUh gun boat Jasper hail been wryebed in the Bea of A toff, and »he Russians bad found the signal books. Affairs before Sebastopol are quiet and unchanged. The Bosnian loss in tho battle of Frakterbrldge, on the Tchernaya, was nearly 40u0 killed and wounded, and of the Allies 1000. The Russian* were not pursued aoroes the river, bat held their former position*. There are various rumors current as to a new pear* pro ject, but nothing authentic is known. Queen \ tetoria waa received most enthusiastically in franc*. it U rumored that a rupture ha* occurred in the Austrian Cabinet. The Atlantic brings 2uo paisen<t'rA Sb<* passed the Afri ca on the evening of the 25th. off Skurriea. Lai'by T’lrffraph— LoNix N. Saturday morning, August 'Jo.—Queeu Victoriu willeoibtrk on Monday from Boutogno on her return to England. The Kmperor will accompany her u< Boulogne. Advice!* fr<»m Paris stats that additional reinforcement* of f<o 000 men are to be sent to tb« Crime*. The allied squadron in the White Sea raptured two Rus sian ship*, one a steamer. Tbo squadrou is preparing to quit that sea. Berlin papers state that Austria has declared that she will tre it according to military law every individual found tampering with Austrian soldiers with a view of Inducing them to Join the Anglo Italian Legion. A Russian division between Kara and £ra»toum having been reinforced bod marched upon Kempri Kerri and drove the Turkish troops from their position and finally encamp ed three leagues trom Erzerocm. Bkrus, 28th.—A Russian agent baa been sent to tbe chief cities of Europe to raise a loan for the Russian Gov ernment. Dastzjo, 24th—All the mortar vessels are sent home Admiral Seymour ha* relieved Admiral Bayne* off Cron fitad! . , ... London, 24th, evening —English funds unchanged, with but little business. Mouey still easy. At Paris, tbe French fund* olo**d with a further decline of Consols have acaidy varied through the day. The most interesting oews is tho details cf the battles of Bweaborg end Tcherneya. Tbe lots of Ufe at Sweaborg Is quite small, hut the details thus fordo not state howmuoh of ?w*aborg ! as been destroyed, oor how much remains. Rumors are afloat of new negotiations, and to tho «ff*ct that tbe accession ot Spain lo the Western Alliance Is trom nletH, uDd that 01 Denmark and Sweden all but ratified. Au.HLria b said to ba»e submitted a new project for peace, and will come out dcridedly for the Allies. There is another talk that the Allies will permanently occopy Bomn portion of Turkish territory, end re-coo*truct tb<* mao of Italy. . . According to the Russian Admiral’s account of the bom ba dmentci tbe hi he* appear to have done but little dnuifure besides horning the store*. Uo says no dam nee whatever has been done to the fortifications, batteries, or guus of the torts, and closes his despatch on the evening of the 12tb, thus : “The euemy remain at their old an chorage, and do not rnoew the attack. The attack on Riga commenced at 4 o'clock on the morning of the 10th by two English steamer*, one two-decker, and one frigate. The bombardment continued until raven o'clock in the evening, doing apparently no damage:" At the battle of Tcbernaya the attack was commanded by Goruchakoff. The Rnasian tor-e consisted or five di Gajouji V\ d>jO cavalry and 20 battorie* c*f artillery. Three Ru-odas Generals were killed. Tho French !ob* amoaoti to nearly 200 killed and ov-r so*' wounded. The English General, Heed, vtw ktl'ed Tb- Russians a*k«l an armistice to burr the dead. Pe ll*hier *ay* tuo whole number buried was 3,529. A daepatrh dated 'be lVtb **v* tbo artillery had opened a nro iq-on Sebai»topc-i, bat the bombardment waa not com m<-nred uortechakeff's latest despatch from Sebastopol, on tbe 21ft. says: ‘-Tb** fir- vf tbe Allies has iwnsibly diminished, and rt -■»** hot iittle darn ae* ’’ Kuglaa i ~ b<*ru ii do political news of Importance. N hin ... «t„uor C- .-alanus the new Minister from Spain ;o tho L nitel . tat<-*. hv. left Ms Irid. F-* A'.'.-in'. i w vi-ji-Jiwf b i« U*eu uofaTera'-ui f*r the i-topi, modi rai i bavins fallen. M-jut- Richard-on. Pp-ncc A (\. quote ProrUor.- as uncharged, an-1 L h< mark-t steady Klee i*[. -» *.re a trlf.- lorf«-r rtcr.*? M*rk»i st-Mlyaou pric*-* unchanged v i’.h Jt-n.-ls i‘r i-i-.ney ere ..aoied at j\‘-. 11* 11 A Co repnrs4.iu«r»can Jjuxfca afl dull, at ud eh .uqed ] r<r* '• Thu l m the Batit 0! Rogtand ha< de-fewi Cl&«.O00. IJTCUPOOI. lVnnlf-L-1 A Co.’? Clrrular quotes Ut T, n «u>.ier, but i.->; mutably lower; the marfcel closed i.iy and i tb- ofibe week were 4S Oud bale*, ©f 4 60b wart .-peculation, a*>J b,o<*J tor ex f.Ai: (.’rttjan? f,ir T- .1. New trie-mS raiddllnß li T-lfl; Up fair 0. a \. nh.hlliii’S The atoch of Am erica n in port i.- bale'. ftrK&JatuS? bn vd. Phi;>y A Ch'* Circular quote* r.r-n'l'-ufL« as hr;V.i.»: fllghtl) nd ran-red. Floor ha* ad lt. SlJ'’.' C ra <M IVe.*tero Canal Flour 4 ill* " Ph'lvl- I I.'.S KV-vr 4 , ’<^4lir 1 Balttmcre 4di.<>42* . < -I .’<• 1 l-’ur 42-» ) .1. C.i7L Yellow Corn 37* 6dU MiTrtll.'aCi. it..'market a: thet.ow was euady and p 4l - H.’ptrmhrr 6 —Uv the Norfolk bout tbU mon>* !„< wo U*rc ti.it -1 denthi criurrod at Portsmouth ywter d 4 t. and 64 ft? Norfolk- Neither Mayor ?i«k nor R*v Ur. M als are dead, an Kunoouc«*d by fl-e Petersburg KxpreAft cl th-o art- improving N*> »***> at N -'•JoiK yesterdav. Mr. Hunter h&s tt-d, nod Mr. Galewood is *>k. Mr. Mck*ou. .*! th« firm of Dleksoo A Uallel, W dead,end Mr. Ukli-i JW on Sunday Dr. Collins, Presi (f th.* It»:!n-iul. *».« attacked yaetnrday. \ m-eting of the refugees from Norfolk wan held at Bar num't Hotel this xn. rntnjt: about 16*; per*™ Were pw*»nt- Dis-ftilftfdCMon was expressed at the refusal of tbe President t. evacuate Pert Monme Another rommittwe h.u> been =»-tjt down to <tee il It can be uvarual**d In tendays, If nrewfl ia..? Ttie President of the Norfolk packet Company bas O’Ur'-d t:> roove ail the troop* from Port Monroe to Port Boehms u in twenty four hour*, with all iheir QJ- BU Oil I [-uv.i, September i; —Samuel M. Fogg, of Oaxnden, h J., wan drowned yesterday afternoon in Cape laland «... r'd l r the arei-JenUd upsettiog “< a boat iu which he, ujib tv,' other-, were lishlog Hie twoottaers sated them- K- ; y e s by rliQßin ? T t the boat, being unable to swim. Y who was ago-i buluiiaer, at.BfnpUeJ to swim ashore ami perished in tbe attempt. Ills body Las not been re • --red L.*.‘Ti .ir.RC. September <■ The Southern tuaii brings New O'lean, |.ap.re of Tuesday last. , .... The boy- in ou-b-dy at Charleston, charged with the m , der of Captain At re*, of the ship Ariel, mutually 'Minima* ID* mother bun «uiM that Ui« ludure>tfl«nt •; r th- cudelUsl «f 111 e inurjor wm to obtain the large h;~ unt <'f -{•*•■ ’•« ku> v-ii to be on board tbe *L)p. Cr i. l . Peptnuber C —The Kansas Legislature ad ..urnc-i A’ig. 30. having adopted tbe Missouri Code of Law-, wKen not locally ln-.ppli.-ab> or luc'mdetect with it- luv.-nf KaQN*p already paewKl. The Pro-.Hlavery Convention nominated lien Whltcflmd us l-iegklc U) C’uDgre*? V Wu„ Sef lumber ri.—ln tb« Republican Puie 0 invention on the brut formal ballot for Governor, Coles il -biord hull ViA rotes, Holton R?, aiuittering 3. 80-Ilford w„. tif.miuated- A ntl-K .N. resolution** were adopted C C ftludes. of Kenmhii was nominated for Lieut. Governor • .u -.be third ballot. B . r"N h. piemW *• ~On M««uday a rollUion took place ou the i-rmoDt Central Railroad b-tween the espre-s . r , ID Kiel » freight train with a passenger rar Oiled with Spiritualists returning frr m a Convention. Some of the . *rs « ere badly .■mashed, and a lew passengers were slight > lu.uu-i. Cambbji-'I (' —The tunnel at thin place on •be Udtil tsbio Rellroad caved in »g*ln tod.i~. The will not be fo ai* to admit the parage or .•ars for «;x or eight vr*\t I’ae**nge?a and freight are Ufcru orer the hiJi with but flight detention. f uißltToN, rieptember The coroner bold an loquejt upon lb*» laxly of Captain A yen-, of the ship Ariel. Am ji, r nu returned r.f murder against tLe hre*. mats and the : wo aj prentlorfl CoNCoaiJ, N. n. September 6 —Gen. Tuau la now paying * ylfllt to hie native town, liiotar, N. U. Wb-' the Cleft* li Toller—Eas. Pn-el j J, Wilton A Son, \ITIIOLK.»AI> AND HKTAIL tLAT AND CAP MA.ND- W HCILKtKS, No. 91 WooJ BITMt, Pittsburgh, »r« pr.-pnrrn to furnish nil nrtirlM in their line on tho most reJonable t-rw. PurtlcuUr eIU-ntlou is nritrd .U our usrorttnout of LADIKh’ HIDING UATH nod ULOYKB, Also < ur Si HILK HATS, which cannot be surpassed ln^lhe o UNDKIK&—b~K# lliCl Dottoe ; ib poiketa Java Cotlee; 60 iibda N. 0. Sugar; ■26 hbb Refined Sugars, 100 bble pi line N. U Molasses Ti half obtfbts Young Hyeon, imperial and Gunpowder Teas; 76 boxes favorite brand! Tobacco; 26 boxes Pepper; 26 boxes Pimento; 26 boxen Extract of Cotfee; IoU boiot Would and Dipped CnnJles; 26 boxw Star Candle*; loj boxes Rosin Soap; 26 U-.xea Yurlegu’i J Heap . 26 dozen Hu«'k.et. , 'i 10 ctoaen Tube ; rracu? Wrapping Pape! ; 2*o doteu half tow Bag*. tfnr sale b> (sept) JOHN MOORHEAD. PXiMS—K'U ii.isi 1-ak.e CLampl#io; Ku •• Juniata; for sale by JOHN MOORHEAD. r\iG - IRI-N—Dw tons Juniata, Hi!) Furnace;,) W 6o “ *• (Rough and Ready;) ■’*“ 200 “ Anthracite, Nos. 1 and 2, fur Wun (sept) JOHN MOORHEAD. __ dry, tor &aie by Reputation in new England— Bristol, N. 11., June 9th, lets. A) B I /dTt.,.n,T'. J to. —Gentlemen: For fire years i Karo used B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge for inn- Thrttmlntic in my practice; mj attention was Brat nailed to ? l Bad faded to dialed*..worn.withcalo mel pink and cowhage. A bottle in obtained ami need »l-h desirable .Beet; since then l hare prescribed It tor ?nndrlla ot patient., and in a large majority of eases » nh suewss. In one ease a single bottle of the medl- away from one patient BjMfv oflfd u»nni. 1 t „ river know n it to do barm, and I am Induced to h * a this statement from an honest conviction tbal It la T S vidMUe Vermilng. yet known. Bnob la my con the T {i““ otnl killing ’’ powers, that I reoommond it tldence 1 ” “, , lo this Bectlon, and fumlah them wlto to other physicians mi jy q, savage, M. D. the artlole. wholesale and retail by B. A. FAHN ■SSSrtoO, comer of wood and Ml | burph rSTTSSS“Sn»MTDiI KATHAKION «»P* the H* ll W PRWUUM * , laiurt.Bt growth.) '"’wwqhVbVbWidm^h^ion ARRIVAL OF THB ATLANTIG from tho War. Commercial Saamarf. From Korfnlk anti Port»mo«lh Lou of Life From the South. Kama* Affair* The Wlsconiln Republican* Railroad Accident. Railroad Tunnel Ca\#<l in, The Murder of Capl. Ayre» Personal * • t J. x~ • . ' ~ * J* * . v;vs COMMERCIAL POST WEEKLY MOREY ARTICLE. Mi'Qey is easy iti Qilh m&rkeL at present Th>* river con tinues at a gcod stage, aud large amount.- ot merchandise, brought her* by the lVnn».- 1 muih lUiisoad, are being shipped Mr different point* l.V.nn Tti. rit i-r hue been at u good navigable stage nearly ail .•i'ap.n 1 and the Central lioad ha« done a larger business than ever before in the summer season. It Ip the boFl route for ftasttm to tho Wept and Southwest when the rl*vr i? in good order: and we know of no stronger argument to induce that road to subscribe largely to tbo stock of the Cbio Improvement Oompany. The river should be improred. The Penney 1 vanlaCentral road Is interested in it. The Baltimore end Ohio road Ip interested In 1L CoDgrvrS can t>- Induced lo aid it; and all tbo States and citi-p ah-ng its border* will doubtleei contribute t. .-*■ J-n' -vM*- a * tk, and lh«-r<* 1h little room d-übi that it win i « door The New York Ki-<n.-.y J'-it saj - that the munry market there 1“ easy, end the demand for it I- 'ess than two w.-eks ago. The amount t&keu out by the 8t«--m-T"' t ; Kut-[- Is aU<> considerably rt*Ju<*i:d. It adJ- '• The demand for currency continues i«.-tlvc to pend wen, but Is easily supplied. The eastern b*t.i. s art* putting out a considerable amount, loaning it. a« stated yesterday, at a low rate of Interest. Very lit'.: ..urreocy h n**nt in for redemption, nor Is there lively to be till Christina*. it tbeD. The circulation of coin i. J alsnon the in.-rease fn.rn hand ü baud, but tt« do uut bear of any going w.*Bt. •'The farmers of New York btnte, and all through the weal, are very Hush ■■! money. Mortgagee or terms ar« now of rare oocurretic-, end we observe that the weekly sams received in New York Tor pennauentlnvestuieot from tbU prosperous class r 1 the community are !ar.ri< in the ag greg&te. Their prosperity place** them general!' above the necessity of borrowing largtly. The Brie Railroad Company bat- publUht-J through the Trihunr, a statement of the earning;* ot the road fur nine month*, ending 30th June; which Amount to. Expense.... Net ftarnin fi* allowing an IniTHaKe of $61,068,711 The money inarhetcontlaueaabuuJaniiy <iupplud. !<U« e 8 of good mercantile paper are eagerly accepted for JU count by the Bank/* when offered, hut the amount U limited. Hate* for call loan* ar« eaey at rt to *< for all fc«n4 Kind* and «hun aud inurf .tales. The imports into N**w York 'or the month ..t were agHlnrt $2-I.CM.Id > Ur August, I-;-'. Thn Lxnportu into New York lor tin- -i*ht month- fr~ i. January Irt, HSo. to the lrt of this month were $ Km. fttfkinol I2u,a-h. for tli- 6>»tne lure !h-t yrsr —« Hf*-*- eoee ('I aU.oit s'lS,oo9,oo*>. 'lnal is deo-l'diy lito-nllf Over f22.ooii.in."' In epeeit* ha*- I—n exported :rom New Yt.rk eiD'-e Irt -Unaarv. WEEKLY REYIKW OF PITTSBURGH MARKET Orriot or Tint Duty Mown Ptat. \ Pr.dnv, Sr; trtnbir 7, la.V'. I APPLES—Nc sale* are reported by d-i-le In ih>- tin&H way they command from $2,60 to $1 jO. ASnK? —We hare co rUatnte to noti.v in S- -id. wt.Ub marts with reaitv sal* at 3 1 for wtim m Pots are not ao tlnn ; aaler at mi j f \ time. Dearie GtauSU. Salrtutu* BACON—'The atocb iu tnark-t is very Utht. the whole ainouut on hand not .-xceedhuj Ibn-e humlred th'u»and pouni»—n-.* hnW hold ct thi* time la*t I'r af firm al In.-; week's priors, viz ; lor Shoo. i«r«, for pi.loa, and li*. U r 11 time; a-s-J d- , 12 : { , and sugar cured dj, 1 ‘J■ BBKSWAX— Qn±TTiXi\h\2i‘<vll~' -, and from Ptcrr at 2&@'i6>\ BKOJMi*—Common o>lu<\ arr!i»!. -■!!• nt fif-.t. frota i;tr.ro »l K. ti -r Ku *>t t-. BUCKKTS ANli TUB:* — I'-ucketi »: >h r 1.m..: from story J.we* Tut><. ircm ku r*-. ,;-'J >• I - -' small do BUTTKH AND E.*..0-Ci.. iwi! Butler '...-.si lirimv ftt 14, alii n«-i uii! h i U.-ruv U-iou.- * l'--l K/7•' nr<* | l-c'.\ u: fc«v* t-r J> CllKK**;—euira bi-e uii.\* at !vir»t*rv^. CANPI.K* Mile* M ?ur Juriu.- th- n.-.fc *: r- Ulpp.r- wt-rtb !J'£ I\l nil.: 11’-- •* o»ri'Kß-Wf » C»Jl: 1 f A‘* K —Th- foil.•win/ hr- •'••• i Manilla lU.p**.roil .177- lb Whiff Tarred I’s Yura. tin*’-- 1- *' i-t:. Cv..i»** —Mnliil H> . '* do <ViI ■'*■' v* Hemp, sl^" pior - i k T I C.'V. \ AUN*. A . Th ru *•: Nn fri.j 10.1. •• n a vi e»rp l oi.wn r ' l I'nudlruh'V.. !•• - -• ISc> •*. U, Fimiif ll«i'.'n<, i CRACK KKS—'S I.** ■ u-».u< a:.- <u Un'i'' Cra.-KtT:-, ? ‘‘-pi - Butfor Jw dr Pliot Brwid ■!••■ . • g.IgKT C hCk*T'*, 1« R< Bods do ■'■••• lum. n dfl . . . do -i” Mlli.li HE HF —S<*s«tr ••!•*•.'•••-■ i PHI KD KKUCT- Itr •If tMiw. I’M-*-* a-" i- *oi. ruu —Tib ir.-.a. .» .m.i «• w*i.t »'■' '"’L 1 snUrely to small *•»*>- Ur n l> .nu[ . No 3’Mwfcetvl are tn-ilinj 1 to the msUh «■ t -rut-.t-. trtttlf at supply &i*r K&llioorr. ll'-rm; llallt&i fl<*rrir.f’ HhhJ tU 30. * -»od W.r.- t riTT >% Lit- «r -f-'af. <• aui 1.-dJ fcl - ; 0 ' or'ir'S) y ■«“' 1.. !-•. hr.' 4 ■ ffr.u-.-i. !‘r >•;. o . t..> . \io SA, 4.7 tii -s •■»'?» !'• '‘"“•d “* ' u ! at mi ; >■'■ Rn,n at .->■• rhT. »* stuff 6;j Finish*-! Mvllin.,;* »0 FLuUH I'rt.’f? M- ..-*.!!, m I*.; 1 r aniTiujt l- iara*, ad' V*v f«r ’l..' l> T •<'■? , tir so Eastern mark-' Fmtu : r-t ■ • t.*i -op*: *•*: line at ll.and r\U» l( p - .n - ui»: I t« t! > advaD'u in t)*»*—• LJJ'-- An » ' Thursday r-porl* nu Kiran-- . . pt<rlii]'* » t’iu-T i- -tmi it t“ t •* 1 im' uat irrit-o * h i#"t a •«'» ;••• • last w*fk FHHEIuN FHI’II' ANF NI T- ml««K U'" * •urtvn' V Crrarn N ul>, "V '3 VllbnrU-, 71 Jb . Walnut**, "♦* Tenn l*'*a Nut**. »• bu- Afrtaan *• ' r bu** Raisins, M R.>b:-x K*vi« Oramr****. V *•<'* Nut**, > l'-'*' Currant* ?* i v . . . I'-. tiDrt*. V lb faniine*. v* ‘ 4 ran '-PAI N I i.«n- ii of' •l.Hti/*', > x *♦*; t lr> t'-i-rr.. « !>• h ' ■*' dpdiof'i t<> f'-ti'.' r wi’t. c-i-rti! -*i- -_ • , worth Rvh ><i' MD-1 Wl.-nt U »< r ** priia- article at tb mwU !>.- arnrad dunn* th*- w«k lr •- ’-•• • '*u- hr if*. th*- p-wvlnUN -'lie. (J LArtS— W-fliv brand** Wln 1* w at J'i v* • • r 6xB; S2,W for 7x9; f» for *>xlO. t't_Bxl.'. V\l2 iu*l 10x12 - t4,fto for 9x13, 9x14, and U'lH . f*-r vxh>, lux 16, and 10x16, *6.25 for 10x1" ; M*o for luxlh; and on li> ' creasing In like ratio according to t-iw- 10 V r l *■!* I' r .-nj*h, Country biatiJd are wold at an avwmgw of about iax lrsa> ox than city brands GROO.BRIEB—Th«re i» no particular charge In hgurev t. , notice, but the market. If anythin*. ur»r« farm hoi-* of iofwrVir Sugur rwj>ortwd at "K : gO'd held at bT tb« bhd. Moliusw" firm at 4dfy4 : >. Cotf-«. 1- > IU-*-, I'Mq'K- . I 11 a Y—Balea at aoalfw at !•■ I UIDR8 —Dry arts L-1J at 12*- Hi lln* re-ruinr wny Lre-u B**<-f Hid- * tj**• l ui f>,v HoPft—from aton* nt 3S--i. !•' IRON AND NAILS in!— I ••m.u. h j.w Ul-l Ur a’ V ; (s3r, and m no.il* 10-i and up* » M.. «t ',-1 Iron Tb-< uilim are ni »uiv> -'fTi' >•'” a" • ’-L" ,5 " DftD<l 1* , LARD—Wo note B&l**6 o! miail L"‘.h N 1 i t 1 1 >‘ - i>enU. > c LEATHER— I The ru 1 — «r«- L*;l per II», ]to££!: Slaughter Sh»l-, U«:..rr | do*«o. $2T(4533; BnJl«* d'- do s.^-i.}4(). CV-ul.t) 1.-rl-IU do. s2S@|3e. SWrtliiK Id-Mh«M**r !L. 2H MKBS ISjKK.-occwdr-Dal small lot* bri* % >t NAVAL BTORKS.— Spirits Turpejii.ne 1< now to i t >.( t-o - gallon. RoKln at J3,26ftta.60 tor No. n I {Il-rNo ] A Mo»u sal* of Tar at |4 ... . OlLR—Hteady *»!*•* of Lard Uil No. I fet H >v 1> tj ■* H and S 3 in the small wav- Llu-«-d tinc-r. and rai.-. \u A." retail way are made at |lfftl,W- ! POWDER—The lotkb JrtuniJ U f*u»" » ;- r th«r advance. W* now Halts nt i-i,uO 1.-; UlaMiu* and $6,2$ for Rift-. , . ... . PIU MKTAL— Tim nuly ml a* reporU-1 are; On Vied,,*-. : day 300 U>n« No. 3 Authraoile. 0 nw.is ;NoJo to dr., f-. . j do; M)do charcoal No - *l7, d ar.d T inn., lw do do i ,,s * Qf'; 2o" do No 1. <2B. 0 nu+ ; KO do do. private i terms. The arrivals of IV Metal and Blooms by the I**jiu- ; pylvuuta Railroad find Canal for thu "'w'k are. Metal, • 1 Jili tons: Bloom*. 37 tff»7 too*. i BALT—Haled on Tbunkluy of 323 bLW No 1 and estra at BTEKI. springSteed.Pitubarch inanuta: Jure,• 1-^.** Plow do, K&'Vi'. ytwl plough « 111,:?. d... ru; p*;u rn, A B aieid.froni rolled Iron. I-Lj. from Lamin'’red do, t%\ Hoe steel; 7|<; F->rk do, 7. *hov. l_d.-, idt,-l dandy tire, 7; Kllp’io in' ; m-h: l<-. 1 - 111. Cj... valor t—*tb, 13X5, 32ffl‘3t., J... I‘MU. Fto •;!, TAI IX)W—Baloa of rrvrntl fli-all lot,. o>ro ror-.r'."! nt at4 j x, Hi |3I. 1-t * S W^BAOOb—Vltilnla s'« r»ns» from Id.-/*!. » ••> !:«•* lo l>t»Dd, »n.l hinir- ..l mt'MO. VIr B I..U ! ' WHITE LKAI> —tirui. with a t»tv e -■•niiitJ, and steady «1M at ti> » W? "\ ‘ "• *,'• WHISK Y—Thld “ uerr.’«pary of life l.ar. advuiueJ .•<••> '• of raw are made at 3S and Reef IBcd at v... bushels aU Oofn unsh.nisU, jlatnuo.l s»los \ L Beef firm with upward tendency; btl ' i ‘ old - I llrd firm, sales *JfrO me. Uro.vtU-a firm a: Ift** vjuotatk.ns. psiUDUPEU, September (’.—Some J title in < ulr >' ,jr iMftur but at ft yrk* apart IlPm tlw ' n,w9 C ‘ b ° IjS'iS'bbSfhf F » for superline. Thu ..pp11... M l Us, hAve materially fallen ofT; sales -,sia> Lusht-la a. fl u.,^.. .ewe? lihdf. . , . , i Oi» C n, S An, B«P‘-'-“ I B^ t ’ «■!>»« «™i* •£ »»?»ta st lU for Boron Bids?. and slu tor Slew fork ! S£»2 & U.. rSE2S£i I U %h^r^^ h ra.u.ras y . , _ . . K wh«at t> to H>: better todav: ' Baltiuoei, September 6—" treat 1 . , ri„ n r I »»>»* while st street and MfCHiMCS* lU** Of ViniMt&a, ( August lS&a/. J THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Mechanics* Ban* borgh are hereby notified that the third In* ' per share will be due on the 10th °JP?t obM . and the fourth and last instalment of $12,60 per . the 20th Nerember following, payable at the Ban g Route, on Fourth street, as per resolution of the b>ara SSeSow. twpl) 6*o. D. MoQRfiW; Oaahler. • C * ' / V, rb • £ v’. 'IS V' .Ja • Pjtt3uuk>.u, September •* $4,136,017,01 3,4*7,320.73 $347.090.2S V t! Dt zts Ytk'i ft.. r*t aru 1. I i_ , 'b' j*< <• D bo* '.I •* *l.l TELEGRAPH MARKETS ~ *tf V .' . . •• r- -T s. O . H c - • »' *. e•• -is * -*» e". A E If ® FOR RMW ES& Tat Rjvsa —-Lart evening, at dunk, there w.-r> inches, aod falling Weather vrarn. *cd ■ Tuk steamer “ Yorktown," Cupt»»n Tniv P*>- »-’•» morning early I'r Louisville. Tax steamer - Rosalie.” C*pt A Sheppanl, .» Ui.nyut-r Wheeling packet thi.s morning; tfv hi lv clock. Tax it-AOer “ Flora -w« unatUdaMy JeDun-rt rr-t. living j-.-iny ‘he will Insure m g-.-arlr th‘-nr.rc Till steamer ■* Fairy Cueeti ’’ L-'iiveg t-rtdav. at I‘, v Lr Cincinnat*. There i« in fear hnt t hyl JC. l.cnu r.uJ Mr. John T Kennedy will do everything «n Uirtr power t m&ke alt .omforuildo who take {msaa-e wilt. In- H j-H TUi “ Mkkßtl CnT."—The • t-atner Cnpt. Re-1 Grace, will leave :-r Ns-lm'd** f-ii' I'h^t who intend g.uDjJ Ilia* «« v “Loul.l a j.ret*snt opportunity . _ . Tux St. Louis packet tor to day i- tb- new steamer •• Oh.- ton," Cupt. Fbbert. Th-- ClUtun 1 * mm.Ja'.M.- ur* * ourpaseed by any boat in th- tra 1“. am WB W * >G '' l H l’ a * l going to St l/.ui* to cail •■>u Mr. c 1 l v t'F & l “ 1 * Ofi.-e, BUd hi- w ill ’.hat they «U- e .’1 enfed !> r LrsPARTi rtK Co.U -The tow tuj “ Ilorn-t " kit S«» U-r-day -day with sevun largos, conlHininit huahels, the ‘•A«-v Wil-on" also took rut b.'.r ; ’eb, coutainlDg 7-4 WU bushnls There were three pair of d .-»'iDg and two barge- for the Cincinnati and i-oulo'i'.u mark-t roih-The .turner •• St. Clair * Us b-en udd to Captain Bh\ter, f.f Mt Vernon, 1 ndiana, t..r f IS.tk Ihe M. Clair is now undergoing repairs and psintlog, the bhbi ot the purchasers will have to to t; th-y will f » u ot J3.0.J0. She will be ready to Uavo ou the comm* wet-It. PORT 0? PITTSBURGH *) vast 4 istnw watjin i« tub vii\rrxiL. ARHIVED. • ; >i.tner JefTur.-ion. Wtx-dwurd. UrowtißViiir. • Lucerne, lien nett. Brou u-' 11 1>' .» Hr a. Burard, Peeblop.Kllwbetb. t •• Clara Fisher, nenduricfeK>D. \S f ‘ N'-w.-n. Venture, Gordon, Steub-’uvlll.i. Michigan No. 2, Her.-t. W. :i*i d> R.-iiani-u, Crooks, CiurinnHti Fair) 1 ifueen, Ri-uo, Ciu; iuuaCi KnJeaior, Mark id I, i/uii-vill.- •• KiiKftlie, Shepherd, Wb-'-'iug DEPARTED. I* -uui-r Jaflerw-n, Woodward. Browc,«r:ii» Ui-nnett, Bri’wnev.l!^. Qeti. Itnyard, Peebh.H , Klnuib-lh. “ Clara FUher, HenJerwket-n, Wert Newton. *• Venture, Gordon, SU’Ub*>oville. “ Michigan No. 2, Herat, MVlhniile. *• Uflßid, Bhutnan, St. Louia. •• Kdipae, Moore, Whe-liug. • • Gen. I>arimer, Steulw nulie. STEAMBOATS. I’UUbHlgll, Bt«nbcii»Ulß kuU VVheelin|! Packets , ffjS* fa TVe n*». J AI.!K, Ca; tain A r FiirrnsiiD, an I KCUPoK. Oaj-U.n ,om..* B Mia-Ni. w,h nTx! DAILY PACKETS, between Pm-iirgh. H-Jbentli'le and Whrrlmg, Btoppinc at all iuteruMut- T!,- RtVALIK will iea?- Piilrburgb On Mor. layf. Wei Cia;«V mil FndaVU, Ut 10 oVita-it. A M.— slit a i.; leaTi- u'heellog on Tue>iir.'S, TLunuinj » and .-»tui J-j o. «• ■ i ..*-I. s -k M. 'rn- i;;i.!!•?*«: will 01-> leave rittA-orgh on Tueeda:>. ThurMavn aud SalurU;-, at 10 o'-|-'''k ; A M.~K'fur7u» j. el.r Will leuve WlHfluiK**n Mc-n-Jata. We-lnuadaje anJ .t Jh\nt 7 1 - o’clock, A M. i' - fr- iclit or apply on bnarl or to r J. D. COLLIN'iWOOD, Regular Tusidny P*©Uel lor Whcrilu H , E 3 nrtrttß and Ualllopol U. E.| freight, a apply i-u o^rd u M UARTON, o- ». -•'• por'ciwctnnatl and Louisville. The f.numiir Ufi 1.1 \ N E. ..-pt««iu N - * s ( ichv-j £>—Lb*rK, Ca.pt t,- 1 ; x.i. T-tn u *.l 1 lTr ff, • the &h;nc bo d it.tui [..-rt'-Q^Al ChUAY. Sept-mUr at 12 M 1. r cr pu--.*,-< »: plv J. r-r t* FLACK a li VRMlv*, A ~pOf’ CtUciilUAtl TM«t «5»-KfO* t r.M K V •* I JJ3£Li»i:»:s:-ft. J.'=-•' i iU%s.:-w.n;:J-uv- y -kr? nnd ;nt f.rtr. fi. rKI.’A-. .'V, IrUJ 1 • I 'tb, » l ) . V . 1- . :.t ~f A-... «r; .- : -...-J. . v P . - ' a i. 'rJrv a* ■'A ■• i- Or ( laclnDAll mid bouliTllle. i .t (ilijrr s;L AKKi* i «i V • * ; ' ■ 1 ’''' l&lrriu'Aiiat.* * i'ti " I; i’ ' * k ,1,, *; 1 j A . j.. : • t ,-j. ‘:i or rarw? 1 appl" c" bcsrJ, ' r V ■ ~ ~ H.AUK A bAiiMH. x Voi tinoinuaii * Th<‘ 'lcjUicr cit i'J AuO, C-i/t 'i i J 1 i-” T •* ** T t b- ai'<»re anil ia i n^.«<»•«•• i r. ,'b: . r j*j iY n Uianl, or r u ... , ' FLAA.K A •• A. For Cludunotl. T: i■; ‘■•.j**ru»T Ki..’ ,,, A. C*. ■,' ?-• i 1 * r: ps-sr.a.’f »n ‘> , . j i||N HU'!l » For st< l.ouli. Vb,. i-KK.\! WtM', i. »! : ■•■■■* l .'m l •■P'.h : Cb'i » i .M'Cif: "••• *•'! iBSSSSSSLt*.. a.-rr *« j -AH:.. ,or - Iu.I.AV !?♦ j :emo*'i *, u! I'.* ’’ V * V H.U'K a L.lhM.'. \ Kor *l. Lomli -•: it. ; ■ J • nU*- : th, u: 1 ) A M 1 ’VI W:\ tA : N f.- ' l- or IDc. L, l.'-i; • i. : tv- .1; l'iv ■ :• : . .1- <H \ I LA' l«'or I,'lnclnußill nutl Loulu llle Thf -Ir-uUlrr Y»*waT »v. v U A. M i -r .'Mtr!.'. M v>lv ■ u i-.wir 1 'r ; H. \<’K t KAI.S K.'. A<-t. J. H. . Barbour 1 KvKK I'UKK, I s T L- . •' m- ) .! K UAh.»«'L’il tisiT'!-.- .:nt ; ••n-ti.- 1. - i-.* In.- Vi>i,U Kr • -I - ~1 lu • • t. V r:i i>» ,• tm; » 1 X. U A I'"’, ri KKK m > ‘ AUUTIO-N SAI-h: Aocllon— SiUa !>ally. A T :iir C muic’aJ*-* lio"U>-. <‘; , n r ' ■ ¥.r. J lO o'cii ck , A. M , » *• u-:» i' c: ’■H.f- i. F»u :j I’: j C-’.t -r. *. •• •• m. -. lUts.Lhiis A , AT *J 'J‘CI,«>CK, IV SI , i.'~. C -y. *c> t.zz O.u-uce. \«-w a 1: 1 tsev>cJ Hu:** !»• j.-f Lv . ' ■■■'■• '•*'• *"* AT 7 O’Cl-OC i; .. V ' Uoct?, Mallotifry, Kan:T -* rtl •*• • ’^‘-rC^ieuU, HnriwftrcsoJ Cutlery. Clrthl:**, Vb.-i-' >• ■ lc-.o« -i ■»»■! yllr r> r wriU-hf*. Ai* i*. M ;■ J ,w, l 11 I*. M. DAVIS, Aucliouoor / OTSTHY -KAT IN OAKLAND AT AUCTION —on v x j-nlurlny h!l**rncy.u. 'lb. nl * I ''*!••'k, on 5i,C remits in OftYlrtUii. wilt t*i »w!<J. >v cM'' o! .vai.- |i; s . K K ■ lit. fOf Till' •KP <- lm.i *i 'k. llocM I.ff f ulu l.*t« " wiuiinO. mg N' l **- 14, -> l '- ' n j, nll ./ ua* oU«l -Ut lV A VVll ll jn u-.j :L* A;*o- <1 1q lb# mmif l-1.-ui, l.i-.ii/ !>'. * - j.,. .1, .. - M.-J SI I «:n bait «u t i-u-L, nod ur« tt>*> Di'M U'tiutiful rr. ■ f . ■ i' urbifc ri'-idriO'.-ws new J r i-ale. Tbr l , *-r.n«v!v»l:* A..- uu« Lido Omnibuses pft»f tb« premise- '*v<r> b -ur Jn.:> H , |C I'. M. I*AVIiS. Ao IvLt^r. I •> Mi A Hi:*'*',. u, MVuk *i«i t~ 1 O nddpJ to the List > f Stools to be sold THIS K\ K.-.INU, Tburmlny. b'rptomt'rr •' h. ft. H >'V.o< U, at Qio A.»rr:iai.ti Ki- lintioo, k'ourth Mlovt, by . . b p. M. DAVII*, Aa.rlU iif«-r. •■KuM-tli-T I. OM’llaNe’ OuUiU SALK-Hr »•> " rJ '' r ' ■ un.hun-' Court of Attentiony County, l will 'AP™" hr Bate, ut Pubile V.udue, on ttESOAY , the «th or Nrptam ! t,c*r iDsL, ou tb« itrMniP'-'a, at 10 o clock, A. M , all thooi: ! TURKK CKBTAIN LOTS OP a BOUND •Itu.t. ! h « i bouiLcil elle of Centro orenue, In Pitt to»r«J p, l't“? ' Lot* marked ami numbered—Nos. f.T, M end fJ In J.»•' ! H Irwin's plan of Ice. which P'*“ ■« rmnrUoJ In »_aU i oouutv, In ttie lle.xr lor a Office, in Ilvok Ul. vol .. - : jaU hols hurln* oar a a frout of four fe-C .VL-nue and ollondlnit bnek (prwerUn* the sums a l.llh) . oco hunJrei and twenty >»«' ' » <”'» f ''f ! I , hl | i >l!s hfl-.ni ihe property oi tbee-citncr h>-ir? i b -mu ! u tWnl met., noa t>‘« !•»•»••!* In one and iwv yean. with luteresl, to tie uecurrd hr I Ousrdian of minor heirs ■ 1 r loeuuHun. de. X .3 P. 11. DAI In, .Uu-li,u-r__ 1 ’ i-’.lVuri'S' SA lTh "0 if - P A KT.S r: LIM 7 fp~f Nr r. tIKnT ‘\'|N A tl HEAP MASIiPACtCKINu PM'AUt.'.'li- MKN r -Tire undersigned, Aeeigne.' .1 l!u.-h V Ito.a. »ih ~, „aio at Public Auction, at the Met,hunts Ui • .bins, fourth et, to the city of I lot:-burch on Till.bj -1 j )A y in.* r.hduyct September. 1 at • ,■■■ * 1 • - 1 nil -Lc ndit, title, luUnvtaml rlaiin-. f »ui-i Hugh D. 1 kp »u imu*l ctvpwr'.uer, 01, in and if tl*e Lrtn hIJ real .isi.i r.rrnon»l property, t* and a vela ut U.-; brui «u 1 parturruhtp uf U H. Hyun 4 Lo. The maniifarturing eeihLllshuiutw i-. um ' •••» ' • v Le .Teuirdi and meet eompUK- of us kiud iu t!v * * tx-mprLriintf immr.uso maDufdctunn,; b..;.. >'<:{ nn.i nia.Li ner v, >uUi aitmui power U> Ui* and w mil. u«-r, uwiVij.l*, Urge stock matiufactari'-l uraL-ie. , • ■ . ii.i- ittterwt <*» *« by u. ... •,*rtbo . t tb* yrop.tt„ boolu, to., ft r which eic.y M:-i..:v will t>c •jo jfc , lC o N..;Ui America Cupper Btc-:k ; 6 Jo Chartiera Yall«y U. K. Co. Slock, *1.5 paid in Jo huiff Mining Copper Stock, nft«t= Ju<*: U J--, Alleghany valley R RCo Block, paid up . U 6 J.- pacific OuUl yaarU Mining do; JU-00 lionA Candaigu* au-i Niagara tails u upous attached, pin able in New \<-rk. SK»" hon.l Krk Canal Co . (P«nn& 1 and Carlincal.is, ;:iv N* at Erie. Tcrinfl at sale A fed rf Dee f'f 11. D. Kir,, Aug. 10, ISfci. 1’- Auct i Boarding School, OR SUMMER BOARDING lIOUSK, —The GLEN HOTEL and Grouuds are ottered for RENT for either the u )>ove purposes- The slae and arrangement of the bcum l , the beauty, extent und variety of the grouude, and the singular advantage of the position, secluded from every thing objectionable, render this a most desirabW location for either a Male or Female Seminary. For t*rms, uppW to J. W. BUTLER, 97 Front street. IT'OR PRB 8 K R VIN G—Lovering’a Pulverised tiugni coarse, pulTeriied, crashed and clarified, at V Qe S F. R. DRAVO’S, No 1, DUmonL ' r I^WKNTV-UNK YEARS A BLA\E—Skviktsxh VtAKfl A ! FftziMA.N '— My Bondage and tnv Freedom, Ly I red. ; DvUglaf«v Part 1. Life ae a Slave. Wrt X LU- as n Frv«< ' man. With an introduction by Dr James McCune Smith. I' Bteel portrait of the author, and other Illustration? One Tiilnme price For sale by B. T C MORGAN r l'Hfc ATRK--J 0. FOSTER, eole LeAsw an! h*na x ».r; Wx. n. Ri;t. Stage liana, or ; Oiußito i-'tra, A ic • m inv*Tri-ajuror, J. V. Boaxnt. Ik! *C3 0P aPMISSION: 8,-, Xfa nn i p n r.,. 1e >t- .sdc. I Private Boxes, large ... .$3 JO Nsi.od Tier -20.* | Priralu lh.xoa, flmali. . • S-* »u L'l -'-1 .<* I ms- ii.-rriri,-*,* r- ■ l ■ ■ 11 -»‘Bts, 12C3 catiw extra, f 'CTFIT -.[‘l ''-i i'L.’arnQCc of Mr M L-A'i lx.*ilt Trt’*’Vi*--.iAr' A7a>-.-J L‘n<L>-d*ed, and j ."y ir-f-u-. t■■ ; s.-og-“ vuuk«.3 ,, -b> At: M 'L- . ißli-AV EtB.MNU. t-krTi-Atbia ~ Isdo. ’i’he Married Uwedded: .-u. THE -V'laM Wu TJIK Dt-Cll LSS —Murrlsfl'-uu, Mr W Davi tge , buk-' Mcßride L-onard, P C Cunningham; Adrian, Duboi-- Ju;ie. Mrs I’. C. Cunningham. .'dig. Mi e l>ow V,Hikin'* and his Dinah, Mr W. Daridge. Dance, M'lle Marie. To conclude wltit Sn y voung Wife ami Old UmbreUft^ Dunr j nj-en at 7 ; y-*r;orniADoe to begin at 7 ,4. JUILN W. M’CARTHY, Hill Roster nndMHstributor, w.if. lUIL- fOR CONCERTS, LECTURES, EXHIBITIONS, Ac. Ail ci nuaanicfttloDs— fithpr br mail, Ulanpraph, or other wi t —lir-"t.* 1 '•' ihf flfi-e of the Moroiog Post. willow i-i-lr. ; roicjit attention tit |ij:,;KA>, n kn 1 by tin* 13th section of the Ad of W tb- C'-n.*raJ Ase-mbly of PenunylvaD'a, passed July 2 :, e ntit i<* 1 “An At relating to the Electrons ot this Cnaiui'iuwcaHh.” r. i * mjeinod on the Sheriff of every Ci'Uht ) »cive uotive n! such elections tv be held, and enu- ra**rnle lrr sc.-h notice w hat ort) *er» are to be elected. In pur : jhliv e then* f, i, WM.MmIII.L, Sheriff of the County . ! Allegheny, .15 therefore Brake known and give this pub lic iu‘ti f io the eir • t t 4 cl Raid County of Allegheny, that h u KN KRAL RI.ECTION will be held in said County, on the TI.TPt'W OP OCTOBER NEXT, at the several tir- i I'mVrii'’* therein. TV - V torn i.f the First Ward of tho ity of Pittsburgh to iim-t at ti.c house ( f Mrs. Jane Utile, at ibo corner of fr ' j rth tad F'-rry streets, in said Ward. f:-.R -!—. ,! .'*rs of th- St-*ond Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to cirtt n*. the Public Ssbc-ol House in said Ward. X*i«? cirvt.'r.t of ‘.be Tr.ird Ward of the city of Pittsburgh .•• m*-vi »: tbs* h-u of AuJrr» WrMsut-ira, K-»|. TliH the Fourth Ward of the city of Fittaburgh ~ ro ut thi* Public School Lioua* In Bald Ward. Tin l cl.■•tori of the Fifth Ward ot the city of Pittsburgh aiM .* at the House, occupied by GotUib r-idel, late A I<m St, Kard. in said Ward. T' ■•cturt-i of tl«i§}huh Ward of ibeta'.rcf Pittsburgh r the Public School House In aaid Ward. . ..-.lulled ike Seventh Ward of the city of Pittsburgh in*i-t at th- public school Houaain said Ward. 'i i ;-j 'tor? »t the Kighih Want of ib« city of Pituburgh uitM at ;h*> Public ft'liool House In said Ward. Tbk- olpcti rn >•! the Ninth Ward of the oily of Pittsburgh :r iu**rt til the Public S : 1 1 00 1 House in said Ward. Th** ■ lecuirn <>f the First Ward of the city of Allegheny -y m.et the house of .1. Woodhouae, in Hobinson street. l bc t-lrcCt rs of the See.-.o 1 Ward of the city of Allegheny to 1 at the house of widow Thompson, north-west corner • f Ohio street and public f-quam. Ttit- (t the Third Ward of the city of Allegheny •_ t , •»[ the Public JHiO.l House in said Ward. tii- -h ct-'r- oi tlie t\.urth Ward of the city of Allegheny ti -if •: ni the h'use of T. Smith, at the corner of Hobinson kn I slrretf. i i - rW.-.rs of the torr.uch of Birmingham to meet at i . T v> 11 lh.il >.'ii YVUkh's s'rwt in said borough. The -lor'or * of t'.e br.ruiigb of Bust Birmingham to meet at th* hßllrct-d ' 'fitco of OliTer 11. Ormsby, in said borongb. 1!..' ei-.u. •: Pu-iu-Mi* b-rough to meet »t the Public .. ih. ik* of said borough. ' I rl- i >'f ;ht> borough of LawienceTille to meet at -.1- I’ijMi liou*-* lu said borough. Tb-> oi ihe borongb of Shurpsburgh to meet at !h* h’iuse < f John Sharp, in said borough. 1 ;.f -dec'.or* < f the h rough of McKeesport to meet at the T. ivt; Hall In r-aiJ borough. The electors of the borough cf South Kllaabeth to meet at tiie bourn* formerly occupied by K. McAnlnch, at the and of lh- flf.nongahela Briige, in said Borough. Th- pjiv.'i 5 of tb»* borough of West Pittsburgh u> tneot at tl.e b..u-e cf Th? iv-'b•:« of th.i Uu-ouqh of Weft Eli. sib.-th to nm:t hi ib* s-'-Lc- l House lu said borouph. Tii** ' 1 tb** borough of Tarentam to m<*rt at the Pubbf j>.*bo‘l Ilf'UW in said borouqh. Th** ‘*i(*<*i-.>r- of the isiroujh ot Manchester to meet at tbe puM).* hchool liou?<o Tt.r i f the i* ronph of EHiabfth to me-it at tbe hrut-*- c-t uvabaoj, fonun ly cocuplvd by John Walk or, •■f I'jttrtburgb ■j-v . i • I 'wn*!. ip to mt*"! at 1 p,.-.;>r. In ib« n f Litwrly. u ru-r. : i>'iliDfl township to maot at tbs hnnae of 1 M -Cn.;. .lo the Tillage ot Bast Ul>«rt7. r• . ! VVi:\in* township to niert ut rhn boose of Kr.r. .*tj WW..-LJP 7;, e , ~-I,f'laaa t-i« uMnp x•• j l: m o .nm.err' • ►<■, in Hal i t»\* n *fcnp ; • i-.j- 1 i- I’ti'. inc t r.i th« of A ’ T» -l ’ - n '-b*. Northern Tv.ruj I*-, In st.d town- Tllf <-i. • 1,.1 - . ! i’-Liil U-* L-Ulp tf' r..—t A'. list} hoaw Cl U s-i : U :.i.. I- u --l)'t - .'Ko«>l,lo salJ towDiihip. ril . , v • ; V- r. ‘’ii-h.f. ui nir--c at ili.i li • f. tiu "1 L>«". U Fbuv?, :iear thf* whiTp f*Ti»- ».••::«{ ;-'-l by ’I u-’Qv- •.•!!. u-’W ty Wm. A f» !i k w •:•••... •:. • . f •ir •: >rr:‘•bir . ■, ' . mr- r . at tiio CeJf : ■■ J n*‘>l :; ,i..' r v iwi: : ta meet at the lr.:-'7 - j . f 7 f H•• i - ,» c-f Uif «■ . ■,'■ !!•■-■ '■ "■ 1 ».-h,p . • • :• ;n'h.u !-> iser-* a ’L-a un-i ?>ubenville Turn- u r.i-.kji u -- ;. , i - • • ■t* «' bnu.«f-'.t \; • ~i,nr,.i a Artv-i. t rt“--r!y c- —1 ?>;• J uh&rlr*. la .ji . . v' :r. n, :ti *uni U'viWJp "ll ; >!•-..u ; v .« l.ip. ( rr.'f. a: U-'USe 1 , . ..i • iL’' 1 '.rraJ.ip l' CO' I ’, ul Ihr a.v i f i 1 -I*'t \ I'' i ‘ ■u . 1 n -1 ■ t . wr ? 1. 1 p . | -v. : i r-mS'-n l t- :t- ,: *u :!.c- I.xhs , ... ):, .1 • i! '•. inni. ID -ml tuVn«U[ r. . • i. .. n . '.v ID ; «U lb- .'Acb'^r.l i; u .. \. :t: -*• ■ I •* n^ta:- - ; iwii 1« in «r> i"; it—; •?k*>u t t, i, t_. » illj. i u »•** * t- * u-xi'; *-n ; .wß.jiij- u at tijp h.Mfi iti.t t.'ur.v^.p u :utai m T u : -avr r.-r . J- :t 111 A - 'll - r'.r> ' :• -i ?>«• t:ti ri'J'rtte lown-hi}.- t> meet at the \e v.-.-cpi-l !■* l-'r*? •'.** Jnn-.i.-.iD, at Hill, i \ »;! :ia <. •[>,. , Kn-I"'- r town-hip tr tnevt k\ be I‘ubiie v 1,-- . H ... l h- borough cf Tarentura. -p p rv ■•! '• -vil!- P-wn-hip to airet At School lloui-e v,-., ; fn- I L'haj-IUI •p .• .• ~-I'.!"-' i-f jVwir*k;-*\* township to tlioet lit the* hOUrU> , lvd.-l.i-, id iaii township. .•{,.» i-t la-Had* township to rowl At the bouse { u r upi-l by Turner, in :«M township. Tli,- of Whaler t. vo-hip to ui*-et at John Bb«w‘s Mi to ml l township. Tl'- .j-tnltt.-vl Tvter? of that part of Indiana township. In K : '.-»rhrt:v i f-tinty, re'iiln* within the following described i_ .ii.,lrvrn-.-*. to wi; Hennolng at a point on the Allegheny i.i.t :r t tie upper Ho- of the Turin of - John Cable, and run* i a northerly cour:o, between the farms of said Cable vi i,*bn Itty.l to the north east corner of Cable's farm— U-e:>'“ r-acnlDK u v *■•:'. v -vuri-e to the Shaler township :,u- m mu h u uiunner &s tu embrace all farm? or lots •diuatnJ to Cuuniosjhum'H diet riot, and Known as the Mjer lrA . w.thiu said boundaries shall hereafter vote at the £ Ut)f . : .jl fits-ti. u in the borough ot' SburpeLurg, at the M,e. Iron P‘- l Ol :H) 1 b. p'ueh. At \* li' r h t:m•• iir. I p'R-'e the .;aai,u.M eleeUiW aj u.!or>* •iH wu. by bi l' t Tv.te I.T (*nr ' -rsrn 1 : rtst- Seuat.-r, j. ; . u,.-nib.*r v i f A-nemblr oi Pennsylvania, i‘u» ;N*r*>'.i ! t Sbertd. i (:• p-i‘- o 1 i > ..onl tHiini-. n-r, . Mi’- 1" r > U t M l'i >liiOU"l ru >, I ! T: eusur.-r, t.'u- |- i. : i : An r !<>r d years. i»n.-per.siuil-r Au.mor fvr r years. v , , , u under Q> bund ar.jl 41 Pittsburgh, this -d<lay of S‘rr.sr.l-:. A ;■ i*L‘, and ot (be Independence «•! the L luted fcth , .:s Uif r gb'.ieth. WILLIAM MAG ILL, wjA.iftwti* cberiff lo Female Teacher#. r pUK CENTRAL UMUDuF EDUCATION, of Pittsburgh, I «iH receive wrllU-u applications (until Monday, the third day id next,) from Ladios desirousof fll'ing the -Uuali ti f! A?:‘L<unl Teacher lo the High School. The uttiilihwatK'ns must be equal to those Of tho beat Female Tut. in Aca-I'-iai". SHt-m U. B MoGOWIN, aujl7.il2*(«.!.n) Pie.s't Cuniral Hoard of Education KI I*'.R’A rlt A N SPOILT AT lON LINK. \MlCll'.vn.N o the want ut facilities for transporting 1- lC ; f nt. to and lrorn the Rasleru Cities, via. Penney !• Yiiiuu uum and Railroads, we have Increased our stock of |>LU-, A, , in same, to a DOUBLE DAILY LINE, which I*!V, 3 us a Lnp-iCi V id over l&t>0 tons per month each way. ussuie cur and thcoe disposed to patronise tbs Statu impiovemcnts, there will be uotLing spar;J on our poit lo i *iidcr geutral satislucticn in foiwarding Rust •to and W erluiQ with promptitude and doputoh. KlElt A MITCHELL, auuU v Canal luain, Pittsbur.h. !’*• To Wholesale Uroceri, Liquor L>eal«r» 'JMIK SUBSCRIBER is now Importing aeupttlor J_ cft'ii OF COGNAC, c-f which *■+ of au ounce * ‘..h WJ » n (j,.OP rurr Sj.itit uiil pr.-luoe a tine Cognac Brandi. Ulfl Ss&fiTcr ii.-nKi.u; otard-s übanJß; of lAM AIC lmd ST CIU.'IX 11UM, AIIAO. CIO HR ““J l-t-C!l mtANOV UObI.A.S'U SCUIKDAM BOUNAPP9 *ixl .-CrilMl Wlliauv, *r« a-k 11 ■:1 --J1 Oy lb? Nxw \"i K Urn i Ufa* ti-r(• r*s by the demand ut,er them. Li* t. -ricui K i uhi 1 ui‘.i be given by U -' “• 1 -ii. LEIFIB FEUCHTH ANGER, 141 Maiden Lump, New Yvrk. V h ~lra-..-.-tor vi Daguerreotype Cheniwuls, l laLina, i'born'e list. Cop»lf», bulyb&t* Am- ” decSlus tf CAUPETIAGS). , \KLIWAIIK C.'C.NfV CARPET JIANUFACTURINO I ) AS*-U(?I ATIU.N.c» lb* Ch«l« PIADk KO.J 1.0 »1* » I u- rh. ,-uv line niTer to burers thlf Season, AXMIM2F TKI A -EoT 11T, BHCSi EIA 3-PLY INU RAIN. DAM ASK tn* VHNKTIAN C A H PK T I N G, at r,ry r-duewt prtcM " r,* or “v * . ? t .u,n?«,(lnwr«t «MM ) Tho stock, d-mlrtaiuc »!.« IMK.RTKU PAURIC9 ol .very T.iicty, f l'n.l *• the p*ctory \V*rt*boU(W-H, l)*rby,ori.t TXvXtZ i* ™** N-SEWNU ■( , PU.UABBI.PUU. W.k.l bouebt, Ppuu, 0)M or jel-tomna _ Irvine’s Ureal Work, MIIIK LITE Of nRORQE W.kSUI.SGWN.-Th. 6r,t vol r ume Of the a bore work 1. now ready for delly«ry-th. 1 w7?„m?Vm b.' TMdy shortly. It m ne.tly notion tu- p.p.r,vrith three or mor. portrute and ' ' '“rTu eJ, r u7p f r,''? J uL’Sb^ U “clutively by .übscrlptlon, »nd wo* Ih on the delivery of each volume 1 r j KIBNKK A CV. are uole Agautfi for the abov-e work. Lrtare No. "d Fifth Btrvet, opj-c-alte Mawm’s, in Dr. G. B. «w*d OpUcian Store. "11“ All ordurs *ldrew-l to T. J. K. A Co. wUI bs Blrictly atiendud U). Cunvaiutera wanUni. aug2uiewlm WM, P. BALM r«iO UAILROaD OONTRALToKd —w bbis Pork Legs, the | best and cheapest BUbsUtute for Bacon that can be ob •7lnt»d lu market, lor sale by , RO gS7 HENRY H OOLLINB * * *&+ AMUSEMENTS .r potflfig and Distributing of uii PROtLAMATIOfI .wtWiip to meet at the home of Jo r I, •nth'* Mechanic-.' and Partners’ Turnpike .»•, • th« .jaalis»vl potert residing > A, 7 eii J N, of the Raid ilintrict, who ebaii D . _ to ih-_* Math Wtrd tf the city mert at lb* Oousg of m •« t m rhc L-: aft up«vl tj J .Ln Wulkur, in .i. • \\ '.-i.-r l i' U r.j-vt thf i i: i L / i -til K.ru', :U jf>i l J. 1.,:-<,n : ■; t-cwcnhij. t‘*i nX the hour* 01 ' v*. ,i . n : ■:• ii.J 'riiu- j 11. Ne«‘l, in i{. r t 'wn.'h'r t-'' moot At the house i. trrra-r-;- Aud.-> M tfar'.ac.l, in said .. lotrnAhi’,* m-—t rU thf bouw of i ;>i fcracklia H-'-aJ. lo lM*ochlp. ...s r: puie Uwnfl.if- '•> nl ill* bou*«? of t r.ia.i.iT, ’.n -ai-l U iriirKi; r’- • r- • M C;t xi =i' - a town* f-.:p t- &; U>* 1.-'use ■ : up ■• i *avl n-bip. - •\v —: !*<•■.- to«rj>hip t. :at !!.«• house . ; 1 R.'*' O ti. i -I' u • r i . iiuty IA-tarai'-*!’ mid ItlAUuf(tuturers^ The Gr&efenberg Dysentery Bynn\ A Bleedy and infallible remedy In hb.irha'H, Pyeentery h)x*ly Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera lulauluoi, an.l the Asiatic Cholera, If taken with the Ural . yo>p lotns, via : romltlng'Hiidjiiarrh.na 1' r,«.vcr fall* to cure the worst pif:-d/.n . ;n n« ; ho'Ttt! ccmplain!s, generally in a &-»• hours, seldom Utycud a >U». ]■■ Is purely regulable, uud taken in almost any quantity is perfectly barml e e s. Price 60 cents. The Grsfssberg Gtogti Mountain Invaluable for Bums, Wounds, Spin in’?, " •’ ,i ~ '■ Corn: Bores, Swellings of all kinds, Hh*umati,m. Prv elpelas, Bronchitis, eicrufuia, L/c ri.ii.- In the Bide or Bask luimiuoUely relieved, Inflanira*iiic*us of the Bowels, and for all caws whore there is Inllumina tiou. Price Twenty five ci-nls. Marshall's Uteri no Catholicon. A certain cure for Prolapsus Uiert, and frr moet o! the dlfltrpfibing complaints Incident to F.unslcs. Pre pared by Dr. Tb«w\ Pom«;n»y' of Utica, solely for the Graofenberg Com pany. Price $3,00. The other Graefenberg Medicines are Eye Lotion. .Health Bitten. Balm. Children'i Panacea, fiver aiul Ague Pins. Libby’s Pile Ointment. Sarsaparilla Compound. The Graefeaberg Manual of Health, A complete hand-book, of medicine for families—price 60 eta. Office, 914 Broadway, Hew Vork. The public Is requested to bear In mind that everything prepared by the 0 raefeubarg Company has their seal npon 1 L Spurious articles have been Issued closely resembling the genuine to every particular except the seal, and the utmost care should be observed before purchasing. Sold Wholesale and retail at Dr. KEYSKR’S, 140 Wood street. )yl7aiaw is A Fact worthy of Rocord and Atteu* 11 on. - - WHIG ITT 8 TONIC MIXTURE, a guaranteed aivd certain curt far FEVER AND AGUE. Thy preparation for tbe treatment of the abovo disease, And perfect eradica tion of the cause, Is one of the most important Chemical Discoveries of the 19th oentury. Its neutralising effects on the poisonous gases are instantaneous, and acts like a charm upon the whole Nervous and Muscular System, re storing the tone’of the Stomach, and Invigorating the Con stitution. Unlike the general remedies reserted to for its treatment, such as Quinine, Arsenic, Ac., which leave the system worse than they found it, it improves the general health, purifies the blood, and stimulates the different m gnu* u a regular and healthy action. Being prepared under the Immediate supervision of on emineut Chemist, uniformity of strength may always be relied on. Its unprecedented demand, and the thousands of testimonials from eminent Physicians, and others who have been thoroughly cured, are a sufficient guarantee of Us superiority over all other preparations. We can only add, in conclusion, if you are suffering from Fever and Ague, fry if and be‘cured / PEtfER T. WRIGHT 4 00 , 241 Market at., Philadelphia. And all respectable Druggists throughout tbe United States and Canadas. 4 For sale by GEO. U. KBYBBR, No. 140 Wood street, and R. K. SELLERS, Pittsburgh. ap27:dew3ai is H»ld Hitdi nad Hurd’* Hair Reato r«r—Po<Ji/EtAHKOCK, Cv., F-U. 9, 1555: This to to certify that 1 hare used •* HURD’S lIAIK RE STORER” three months, and where my head wu* bald l l ta now covered with a long growth of new hair. OIPT. Gao. Q. BiaJAttl*, of Whale-Ship Monteauaa, Ofasnical Manufacturing Cb.—GeuUi: to using your Hair Restorer I waa greatly troubled with my hair coming out. After Using three bottles the remaining is strong and firm, and presents a rich, glossy and healthy appearance. Yours, truly, 11. R. Woouwouth. i-e bot Hi. c*f This la to certify that I have bean using “ Hoai/a liAta &»97o&kb” about three months; and, now, whore my head was bald, It lfl covered with a new srowtb of hair, almost three Inches ocg. I hare been bald over twenty years. Auc* Adams. &oU. wholesale and retail at ,„ , . pH. GFO. n. KEYSET 8, ;.1Q No. 140 W«.od street; Headache and Meuralglao? Ewut YeahS SrASSiNa bt OAKKLT'3 DKi’GKATIVK BYRtfP.—Mr. William Trimble M’KeiTy’s Row, bayard* town, Fifth Ward, says be waa cured of Sick Hvt> h. he m eightyears standing, by three bottles ot Oakrley IVpnra tivj Syrnp. lie had tried vurious physician- without n onrv. He Is cow entirely well, u’air tey’o Dei-uiatit ft for Rheumatism, Scrofula, Tetter, and nil eruptive disease For sal*' wholesale and retail, PH Kfcl\ child, No. 113 Wood street, Sign of th* Golden Mortar. Price 76 cents per bottle. Adjourned Orphan*’ Coutt Sale of tlaal ttstate. BY virtue of, and in pursuance of an order of the Or phum 1 Court of Allegheny Ooun y, 1 will expose to sale at PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises, in and near the Borough of MCKEESPORT, on MONDAY, the Si day of September next,at 11 o'clock A. M.. the following described RKAL ESTATE, late of Dr. GEORGE HUEY, deceased, to wit Let £7—On north side of Third street, west of Market. Lot 99—an the bunk cf Slouongahela river, west of Mar- | ket Street. , I Lot 107— On the east side of Market atreei. and two dory • Frame House thereon. Lat IBS —On east side of Market street, ADd one and a halt story Frame House. Lou 232 and 2£i—On sooth side of Eighth street, east ot Market. LoU 236, 237 and 238—0 n north side cf Ninth street. All the above Lots are 6u by 140 feet. Al^o—33 Lots, of various dimensions —principally, hi-w -ever, fo by 140 feel—being part ot two out-IoU, which were • subdivided into building lota, and are now within the Bor ough limits. Ufi. The Pittsburgh and Conneltoviile Raiiroad runs in the centre of these Lots, and they are convenient to the place selected lor the station House. They are well located for manufacturing purposes, fronting on the Monongahela river, convenient to coai, in a handsome and thriving town, and will have til the facilities ol the KaUioads, East and West. Also—A Parm, containing about 126 acres, known as the ‘•CROOKED RUN FARM,” on which are a Brick and a Frame House, and other improvement*. This Farm is about half a mile from McKeesport, and when the I'. A C. Railroad is completed, will W about twsrtt HWITTCJ’ RJDB from Pittsburgh. It is a beautiful location for country residences, and a part of it well calculated for Gardening purpose*. The Monongahela river is its northern bound ary; the State ltoad run* through it, also the P. AC. K. U , giving to the occupants a choice c[ conveyances to Pitts burgh. TERM?—One-third cash, balance in one and two years, with Interest, to be secured bv bond and mortgage. ALEX MILLAR. Ailm. do bon. non «um lent, annvxo, of the Estate of Dr. Gpo. Huey, deceased. au k^ i..j. v uteM at the Y tX-ultf-r, in shkl SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FI) KN ITU KK AT AUCTION. —On Thursday morning, September 6th, at 10 o'clock, at the residence of Wm. A. Hill, Esq, at Evergreen Ham let, will be sold, (as he Is removing,) hie entire Houfehold and Kitchen Furniture, which Is of euperior quality, and kept iu the beat order; among which will be found Piano Forte, Mirrors, Hair and Plush Seat Sofa*, Divans, Chairs and Rockers, Card and Centre Tables, Parlor, Chamber, Hall and Stair Carpets, Paiutinga and Engravings, Lamps, Mantle Clocks, Mahogany Secretary and Book Cave, W alnut snd Mahogany Wardrobes, High and Low Post and French Bedsteads, Walnut and Mahogany Dressing Bureaus, Work and Wash Stands, Fancy and Common Chairs, rising and Breakfast Tables, China, Glass and Queensware, and a full assortment of Kitchen Furniture, Cooking Utensils, Ac. A |f*o—One superior Barouche, for one or two horses ; one Buggy, with top; Double aDd Single Harness; Ac.. Ac. Omnibuasos will leave the Hand street Bridge at 8 anil 9 o'clock on morning of sale, to convey purchasers to the premises. P- M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. aug3o;dlw __ Heal Kiutc for Sale or Kent. fIMIAT desirable property, the residence of WILLIAM A. X HILL, situated at EYKRORKKN HAM LET, id pflered fi r sale or rent. Rosyesslon glren Immediately. Apply to either of the undersißoed. 3 ALFRED B. CURLING, comer of Second atid Wood iU, ROBERT ROBB, corner of Fifth and Wylie sis. G. FOLLAN&BKR, 106 Liberty street. aug3o:dlw Wftt«h«i.l«W6lrf, BilT«r Wire'T AVBRY SUPERIOR ABdOhTMBNT of Gold and Silver Watches now la store, from SVQ to $276 Lhe exclusive Agent for the sale of the celebrated C. Frodeham a hiproocd Chronometer Time-keepers ; also, K b. Adams & Son Stoddart, Cooper, Taylor, Johneon an I other approved Watches kept for sale at f«r than Eastern pnees -owing to lighter expenses, and a desire to retain oar h< me trade as much as possible. , . . , „ . , Spfcial attention Is devoted to the repairing of WaU-hetJ and Clocks, Jewslrjr, 40. Bllver.Spoons and other goods manufactored In my own shoo Ira Ware, Jewelry, Military and Fancy Goods In larn.viirU.y. W. W. WILSON, au g2S corner Market and Fourth Btn £>iftsolutlon of Partnership. rpHE Partnership formed by the underalgneu and Jausfl I O'NaAt, In carrying on 44 ibe C&mden Cool Works,” under the n&mo and stylo of JONES, O’NEAL A MILLER, la now dissolred. ISAAC JONES. July Tth. 1865. JOHN 0. MILLER, BU'IL LOTFORBALK. A LOT 24 feet front on WYLIK street, and extending bncE 109 feet to Wide alloy. On the buck part of the Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Houses. This Lot Is in a desirable location for a residence; and will be cold low, and on favorable terms. Title good, and clear from incumbrance. Enquire of OKU. P. GILLMOHE, jy 18 At Office ot Morning Post. JULY MaGAZINEA— Uarper*3, for July Putnam, *' Graham, “ Uo<ley,Bd sup., “ Knickerboker, ’* Leslie's Gaa’te,* 4 Peterson's, “ Leslie's Jour*!, 44 Blackwood, for Jane. All who want KKW BOoKd, and as soon &a Issued, lower than can be had elsewhere, should call at LAUFPEK’d BOOK BTOB.E, Jy2 WWoodaraet. JEANKTTK I She Is dressed In silks and Batins, And her step la fall of grace; Bbe la lovely In appearance— But what a sallow face l Her hands are small, but 01 how rough, Bhe surely does not know That HKUPETIO SOAP is just the thing, And then the price Is low. The UerpeUo Soap has been used with gTwat success tor the past five years, for removing Tan, Sal lowness, *nd Ked neas of the Skin, healing all Chaps and Chafes. (July 1-S oents per cake. Used as a Nursery Scrap for children. It is unrivalled. Sold by 8. £• OOTIIBBRT, 140 Third nt ~iryi' ftEnw |,M *° Jdbi 'So IOT Mirtol a .>rg* eortment of Boys’ and Youths’ Calf and Patent Leather Congress Gaiters. Priced low. SULPHURIC ACID TUM:—(Wordhsasen oU Vitriol Jg “ d *" “ U b? FLEMLNO BEOS.- MEDICAL CAUTION New London, Ot. Noswica, Feb 8, 1866* PoQonaJMock, Oi., Feb 16, 1806. W. K. BCHMERT2. ?**■*'*' M him;/* I DR- MORSE’S If V PIORATING CORDIAL, a plTbuVOHknoy Hi MEDICINE. Ileaitft Ho stored and Life Lengthened MuK SB ri i sVi;iOK 4 T i N O ELIXIR. il mi: ,--i !■<■-• Wtfh incapacity wit i *ot. • ' n- ; b uo’f--n and natural w- jut l/i.a-:J ot reaction, but • nrgar.ttation. Bear iivi'y- u;\ I t*-> . m Kb n bi.[ij.. ■ It! v-ttid .hdi 111 i -• 1 I -H r. iL* y l-r.'ia, fluiob with Hi- n-n ouii t-v j'.m.j. »mm >'»hi tbe paraluatlvO of the nerve f m.>tjon H.n.i <* :.hvM.*al !»Hth. Bear In miaii s . u. l j ideas*, tlin EUiir Car* i . i f .- - |i, 6 known. A* DrBEABBB. f»n i>h># nf tbs tarns. - ’Shi. li It ln 01.' Kr! >» N N' lan,"u Jute HUj n i.-iviiud ryston, c«tk pv nutuff, or iiuptUr- Uia •!. • i»l*I: a : • I ' wherii!*r Lrc-ftr-r. u L el by -» k :■ • ::i. '...t-i U -( hjjcc p* s I fti-.l I'l'iu i»p. Thy tnantnl and r ,'liij ■■■ fifi •• M« .U--riu.ii rfWii-b Un» itr i.n iiifioc-n-'* Nt m U‘lD| rrarj , for th<» Uor* ihi ‘‘f tf*<» u>c-H'-‘-:r- :»'•&• h lb-constitution It&alf, «n<i it t* it« JV rmn.l (vn-l-Ui n -;y Op MKI.'OUT, Confusion, tfMdJOt-*, rush of Mood to the bead, melan* r.holy, debility; hytd?rla, wretch-dnaM, thoughts ofeolf c-r inanity, general proatra. Umi, iiriUUliu-, net y.'usher*, inability to sleep, dlßenflea ta-.U-m io w:t>\ ;1* :«y of the probating functions, hys teria, tuoni'-maiilu, vuguo terrors, palpitation 0f the heart, c<-n.<t;;;uijon, otc-, fn-m whatever cauaen arising It h, If ibt-rtt b* any to be plsce-J on human test’* mony, aliolut: !y lntelUM*. A GRKAT MRDUHNE FOR FKMALZB. The unparalleled of ihjj great restorative In all complaints iu'-Um'. to tea-ale.#, mark a new era In the annals of mexlirine. Thousands of oiirautaoLs have W«m invented— thousands <>f invigT’CstolH concoctod—all purporting to be ripe-.if.cJ in the *ariouf d:w*ftcefl and derangements to which the delicate ternmtion hi woman render her liable. KVERY WUHAN 01? ABMBB, Who suiters lrc-io T Y?-ikne*. < i, derauiroaient, nervnaroesa, tremor*, pain* in the back, or any other disorder, whether peculiar to hor sex, or common to both sates—to giro the luviuorating Oor-ii&l a trial. £LABJIIfiD P3RBUNB, Orotben, will find'lite Cordial alter they bare ua»d a Sot tU or two, a tb..rough regenerator of the system. In all direction#ure to be found the Lapp)' parents ul healthy off* aptiog, who would no: hare been so but for this estraordi ujvry preparation And it ta equally potent for the many die* ene«K ior which it In reoc-amiondod. Thousands of young men have Uco restored by using it, and sot lu a single In* slunce has it failed tc fci aelit thmn. I'REbuKri uP i’ALK CuWPIiBXION. or consumptive habit*, are restored by the uso of a botUe o* two to bloom and vigor, charring the ehlti from a pale, yel low tdcSly ovlrr, to a beautllul iterid completion. ’ TO TUB MISGUIDED. These arepotae cd the sad and melancholy effects produ ced by early habiu of ydulb, vie: weakness of the back and limb?, pains in the h«ad. dimness of night, lose of mus cular power, palpitation of the heart, nervous irritability, dei aiigeineiit w the digestive functions, general debility,-symptoms 01 cmicuuiptbrtin,etc. Menully, the f«<aTfhl eilecta on the mind are mach to H dreaded, Ix-es oi mem-wry, nonforlou of ideas, dapreselfm of spirits, evil rort-tcdingß, aTertdon to society, self-distrust love or solitude, timidity, a;,-., are iTJUdof toe evils prodc* eed. All thus afflicted BEFOKB CONTEMPLATING MAHRIAGB should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most ne> eetui&ry requisites to promote (x>unnbtal happiness; indeed, without these, the journ- y through lit* becomes a weary pilgrimage—the p.i*pevt b&t.rly darkens the view; the mind becomes sbaUoveJ wltli oe«pftir, und filled With the melancholy n-ttt-ctl -n that the happinrra Of another be - o -me*- blUhlrd *ll3 ;-.ur > wn. CAUTION. Di. Mi-rrt'r! Tnvlgor&mg Cordtoi bts bean counterfeited by nouie unprincipled persons. i n future, all '.lie irenuin? Cordial will have the proprie tor's Inc euniic panted i vei the cork of each bottle, end lha following words blown in the glass: Dr. moree’e lavigor&tiag Cordlnl, C. U. RING, Proprietor, N. Yj The Cordial is pat up, highly concentrated, In pint ties—p'rice three dollars per Little, two tor five dollars, for twelve doliat? 0. H. RING, Proprietor, 162 Broadway, H. ?. gold by Druggists Tbronghent lha.UnUed Staves, Gonad aud the West i-dles. A 0 ENTS* Pittsburgh Du. URO li. KEYSRR, No. 140 Wood *1 Lo FLEMING, DROP., No. 60 Wood bL Do R. K f-Kl.LF.ffr4, Wovd street. Allegheny City...uEOKUAM A M’KENNAN; Bo jaMH. - . T SAMPLE A CO.; Do! 1 P FLEMLNG. Ar.ent or 0b«0...J. D. Pa UK, Cincinnati. {&pU.d*wlj DR, HOOFLAND'B OKIjKBUATKI) GESMAHBITTERS , fShPAU-JUJ BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa., WILL H??VOVCAUV CtJkJ I.IVKK C-.'MPL.tiN’J’. DVSPKPrfIA. JAUNDICE, Chrrmt'n- D'Oihty. bir*dvs of tht fCidncyt, arwf a/i Jurtisf i iiruwiy fre-m a l.ivtr or Sfr>macA. Surh aeQouslipv tl'-n, lowar:TNl^s. FutnAf-a, or Bk-od to the • llm-:. A.'uli:.-Ur-Ftoma-'h, Nxures.iiP’irHior-’. !Msgu.-ittr»r Pood,* Fuit—“ii «vrL-ijt in tho Ktcinuc.h, Soor Plrurtstioun. jbnhiug. or Fhi*tfttiag af the Pit ot th* gtomach. or the Head, Hurried and bitfloult Breathing, FJ&tioriugut the Heart, Choak tag orßnffo.-atlnglVnr-jUnn'wivsa iti tying Po-dure.lHuiDfta* of Vuuon, Dote Wvl>« the Right, Fever and Doll Pain loth;* H-md, Ih-ficianoy of Pnrnpiratlon YellowneiM of th«* 2ki:i and Eyes, Paiu in the Side, Bait, Chest, Limbs, Ac.. Sudden Phudt-a"f Ilervi Burning mthe Fl--h, vVT*-:UT*t Itv-egln : Kvd.t-nd Deprep-i.'n cf Tbe proprietor, In of-'Ui'-r rh? e!ter.:toc of the pnUia te this preparation, do** m ui; at. /.lint? of the utmost confl in ttii > ii H..d r. :o lb<? iL-Kaoea for which it in r/c.iKiujcn lc-l. It is no new nn-1 articln. hv>: one that hM stood the tent or a t*-n yr.--a’ tii-l beo'-re the American people, and i;s rejiuii.Jiou end s*’-* l* uTi'lvaned by any similar pt* * r aratinus rstant. T»>- :—t;m tin it» favor giveu by the most prominent an-.i ’*-'l3n >wn riwri- ianfi and Individu als ju all parts ol the r-juniry is icini-:i3e. Referring any who may doubi,t’> my ” Mfmorat-i!i'*. , ''-r Practical Rerelpt Book, for Farmers and Fwulliss, io be had sratis, of all th Ag«nt3 lor tin- G-.-i man B.tLws. Principal ofll.e »nd M..nutivct ry, 120 Arch street, Pbiin* drlubui, 1"a. )ggy Rr.iii by Dr. Gt-o. 11. Keye.nr’, 140 Wood street*, B. A Fahnestock A G«'., N=* b \Y:kal D U*st; Fleming Brothers 60 Wood street; II P. bwaitz and J. P. Fleming, AUogbeny deoltoJawly Is blieaies* MUR. BROWN. Nr. 41 liiunon-l AlUy, de- « T.-te,/ bo i-fjLire iitb-rilion U> an t-Bu'-i practice, Ills is mostly .•v.uf.u-nl to 123 l /m-JVlii Incurs, and such painful aifecLkmß, brought on by imprudence. Youthful indulgence snd e»«as. Syphilis,gyphi.it>-- Krupli-«ti<>,Gonorrhea. Gleet, Stricture, Urethral Dischurg--'. Impurity i,f the Blood, with all Dlseo hch of the Venereal urgar. Disortws, Scorbutic Erup- Uoi.s, Tatter, Kmiw»-riu. Mt-r.urtal IHsoases, Seminal Weakne**, Imporencv. IGiemnutiou, Female Weak uchs. Monthly huppre ri»ns, DWascs of Joints, Fistula iu Anu, Nervous AttVli. c.-*, I'Ains lu the Back and Loins, Irritation of the blauder and Kidiwys, succesafully treated. (Jure guurauteed. Twenty years’ practice (ten in this city) enables Dr. Biown lo ctlcr tivunvnctfs ot ft apeedy cure to all who may come under hU cure. Ulfice and Private ComhuluUou Roams, 41 Diamond alley. Charges moderate. nov6:d*wly KUEUMATIoM.— Dr Brown’s newly discovered remedy lor Rheumatism to a speedy and certain remedy for that painful trouble. It never falls. i otlice and Private Consultation Rooms No. 41 Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor Is always at home. nov6:dawly Joseph White’* Carrlagi Repository. JOSEPH WHITE, new carrying on basi- Qrrfi in hid spacious premises. lately enlarged.) ou the PitUburgh Orwii.-t'urg turnpike. n*-tr the Two Mile ICliiaMffim Jtun J'ltLd urch r-i.-l i awreu- -vifle, reapecUnlly the pul.iiv l-> t hi.j hto-’k of CAIUUAGfcS BLll'IISs, Ac. .Ant , v.:: ulni fy iolorms gentlemen vurc-Mcn. that on-* j*iK-w only ui nia-Je. Fourteen years* in tile bind on**, AQttblen him to place before bis patrons the same choice collection ot whirh, bo rnaoy years pout it has be n hi? particular ilepartment to select from tlie various apd talented Eastern manu facturers. The Buoceas of his n«w system is complete—the economy of bis arrangements will 6Qpply the best and most fa*hir.ni>Mti uiAiiufft'Mnrcn at movl-rate prices. by thou.- heavy eipermee. which the moniu tor decorating hou.-ea ot has heaped upon ilm price of goods, (owing to large rents.) JOSEPH WHITE will sell, on ready money only, at mubh leu* than the usual profits. v fmh&daw) fTf- Carrir.iron-paired In the b»*ri manner, with deflpat To Primers npHE undersigned, prcprie.crt ot tin? PLYMOUTH AD* X YKLTiSEIi, lO embnrk. iu another enterprise, offer the entire ealubliahment Tor tale. The paper La in Ha eecoud volume, and tpnow doing a good, profitable business. The jobbing ftDd advenialrg the present vear wili reaoh $1,6i)0. The subscription list is large, and mote&aing rap idly. With a lit'lo user, ion It can be doubled. The mate rial is nearly new. PuymcLU made easy. For a good practical printer, this Ih an opportunity rarely presented. Possession will be given at the close ot this volume. gjj- au communications relative to the above can be ad* dresfteJ to the hubseribers, at Plymouth, Richland county, Ohio. [augil.-dawtf ] KOUINSON A LOCKE To Pnyeiclaaa, or ilioec wauling a Coutt* try Keal4ence. ritHE SUBSCRIBER c-flers for aale his property, 7 X Irani Pittsburgh, an the Stoubenvilln Turnpike, it„. coutains TWO ACRES of good level land, well fenced: on which Is erected a fun* o-w two und-a half story frame bou-o, with six rooms, aud bKMfuicnt MlWe.and cellar,*built and tiutehed in moiern style. A good stable, and olhsr'-' Decenary cut-buildmc.-i. a. ar-od well aud cistern, with pump. There are about I<>> choice fruit trees, of every‘Ta* ; rlety, jnet sary to make it a eoiufurt&Me home. To ft p/iyucum a good local ion, this offers supe rior inducements, as it is in a rich and populous conntry, •* aDd lbs subs- riber is now doing an extensive practice. A Htage run# daily to and from Pittsburgh ; Post office (two daily mails) within teu rode ot the bouse. Vor further partic.ula.rb apply to the aubscribri. on the premises, cu address \\ not* t*» me at Remington,. Allegheny .-oilnty.P*. w. M. UKAY, M. U. auglK:dlolsw3t - Notice* HAVINO tbiri day, July 13. w»d mV \ n tD “ Saddlery l*usiue«» to M«wrs. J- * take pleasure in th-rn to my woul(J former customers, and In the public generally! respectfully eolfc-U for tb-ui a -«i.nuance of mj »g.Vf«H-g "° rl;,wri T l p ! B^.TU give general Batiofac'.lou. *'• *• j. ASUF.aSON & CO., MAtirrACTuasua or HARNESS. TRUNKS, So., .Vo. 138 Wood rtTin, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ao-UrJori. from Ooontr) Uf»l»ra promptly attendedto, nn.i Bt price* that cannot Mil to be acceptable. *nK*.iy_ New Uottllng KstwbllsUmcMl. BOID A MOuTu.N h>. *.* inlu e;>parte« r *J»P transact the bUMDo-s ol lit_Yl t LI-'.Q, iO all H® *s, ut 6 b Liberty t-Artmt, Seville Uull. , . They have amiUr.tlv on band a superior arUele oi INDIA ALK, put up In jdnt buttles. De*l*» andft®» will find it to th«ir advantage to giro ns 6 ca _j cd Ine for ibemaeive*. Wo eUo hortte » fluperio PORTER, BARPAPARILLA and MINLEAL WA.I AU Terms u f.vcrsbl. s. nnj .“JobluN. I * CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers