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Jv f ii „ H - «i; «•. -A anMiam •&Un .? «■ «■' • xfo&p -*.3 E'gte ‘5)l WOW-4 %ws^w {♦'♦•.J?#?* v 5 £ ; >tAf'.;.i>l iMII.. •, MiflJiLTli AL AtALiV frVvVw Comm - - I .•-..».P««». JjY \ \ Si " w>k. '1 «■' - - tfel i&f z?f^- ' , ? i #y;'4 i'^ s ' - - - ..,.Xl OM$ 881 m^imi Tf'ft‘ :aJ ¥iy^4 w&m i£i >f- -W.i '... r i- r ;>'.v. '*..‘Jr^t.-' I ''. c .,r''.' v ‘,.- • r. i jy■-<.-■ ;%'•>; ’*■*.«■*' „• v...: ■'. ; * ‘5; r:-r t- <■••:... ... r> ' :■' '.- - 1- ■ .®. n fr ■. r* - * .'''•;, :-j•>•" •* -» y*.* -) ;.*< •-- '- r !■ -i;y r -?, ; r sr J \is; : k:-I<'-*S ;r T'K-V-; , l ~Ky'>:;' r; r.»-- < ••■,.,.A. - • > .■-.-- «ar. ~; ... *:'*/••»». . ~.. * ■ . •. • *' tfi9 !■<-... ' *» r.* 1 ' = 'J5* i<>» +n I . , : *t '• - .m -»« - I*£. A „ . . * ■* • - . .* •* tf '-s ’* •• Li 4lj-' ■tj *«* *— • .+ H * -•:, i®-- 1 ' -■',*'■ - • «**»—•’*► .♦'>m* fzg **■&?.?-••.-. j . ■) ‘ • • • . •:■'>.■ :■ :-is y«si ' < *y': . f: K r fy'*‘-V i :'y%:-«y^j>fef-. , 3‘ »••.,'• ’- 1.1 : •,'v*. .i.,v «. ■t. ,t r.'v ■*" y ? -. *• l!. -** *’ : \ V/-' '' • V' f /“i tf-jy , ; DAILY MORNING! POST Printed and published every morning (Sundays eacepted] BY OILLMORB * MOHTGOMERV, TQR KJBTH-WtM 00 AS IB 6* WOOD AND TtTTH ST HITS. f * EJi M -iL-THvn.Dollara a y*ar, payable strictly In advance. SLa Dollars will invariably be required If not paid within the ye*> . _ SinglecopxW TWo onTTß—tir *»l«*at the counter In the Oidoe, and by the K«wb Boye. THB SATURDAY MORHIfrO POST PabUiJiftti from the came office, on a large blanket else eh 'et, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In advance. Single copies viTionrra. 49* No paper WTil be dleconfinned nnlaas at the diacre on of the Proprietor*,) until all arrearages are paid. ' 49* No attention will be paid to any order unless accom panied by the money, or satisfactory reference in this city. 49" Corintd&t tofih the Establishment of ths Morning Post is onr of th» largest Job Sprinting Offices tn the city, where ail k i nds of work is done on the shortest notice, and most reason a bit terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Robt, O. G* Sproul* A TTO S?SL AND OOUNaKLU& AT LAW-Offlee, No. J\ —. Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Pa. declLly •IfeXßtft A* Lowrle. A I fourth ntre«t, Pittsburgh, BmlthfleUi street and Cherry allay. fdaclldy JOHN BARTON. ATTORNEY , AND- COUNSELLOR AT LAW Offlce, corn.r Fifth .nd Qr.nt .t»., FfTTHBUROa, FA. . Thornai M*ani. A rrOENBY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. XX umce, neit door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio my 4 * S. P. tlou, A AT LAW— No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Xi. Pn., fourth door below Mr. Body Putterw>n*B Livery _ j«2B <i» Orlando Loomli, ATTORNEY AT LAW—OlBoe, Fourth street, above Wood Jy4:y R, B. Carnahan, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between XV Cherry alley and Grant street. j-i y J. N. M*<Jiowry, A TTOBNSY;AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW-Offl« In XA Bahewetla Buildings, on Grant street, }*'l !>• U. Uazen. A AT LAW—No. IZ7 Fourth street, above and il near Fmilhfield. taar2T y . _ Patrick Heßfcana, ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. OPWOK corner Ur»Dt Mid Fifth streets, (formerly oocn plod by Alderman Lewis,) where all business purtain ing to tbo office o£ Alderman and Jus lice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. febl:3m /\ pdi Altitrman. I V , LE* Grunt street, between Fourth at. and Diamond \ J alley. Conreyanning of all kinds done with the great *st care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real EsUie examln ja3;J WlUou, Aldtrman. /»»it PEN'N street, between the canal and O Liara street, Fifth Ward. All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the lWe, will be promptly attended to. Bonds, Mortgages, and other docatneuts, drawn with neatness and despatch. ,• f* hl :L-tr gg&Sl SSSbfc H , Ail L., BUrtUh‘ON DENTIST, (me lu w * n °- 144 dmubtwij pn /o7 , ! i hours, from 8 to 1 o’clock, nod rom Sto ft oVloca. _ frb l& ly J RCbl’T, DKNTIST, Kourfh Ptrrft, h.vduora frtSßSjgi west of Market. t JjUr OiTICE Hoi loj From nine A. M. to fire ilec^O.7 BUSINESS CARDS. ALFRED B CUKUJtO .. . SJOReJ AN RCUEhTso.V £DW\Ri> DITtIRIDOE ....UESEV L K.X3..KUT Curling, Hoh«rt»on Co., fITANUFAOtt’RKuS Of { CUT. PRESSED AMD PLAIN AT A FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. W Wt«yJ eireyL corner of Front street, Pltubarjch. other Mods ot Qlaaaware and Window Olasa at low marketpticen. arllrdlv • Jacob in’Coil later, WHOLES ILE and retail manufacturer, and doa' cr In all Mod.- of Tobacco, Snuff, and Ciirara, No. ’ds Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. &jr Kt»*p- constantly on b«nd a larr® supply of 0 u the Various brands of Imperial Cigar* ' John Moorhead, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND CuMMrS.ION >fKR LII ANT. tor the «*le r.f Pig Metal and ith-om-, and Produce generally, No. 27 Wood atreet, Pittsburgh ;apl'4 rtliur KKVMtR .. ROBERT 1 ARl.tK>oK lUyutir A Anderson, (lucres of> tj Joshua Rhode* & Co I WHOLESALE dealers In fondtn Frnlt?, Nuts, Spio»--, ConferUonarv, Sugars, &r , No go Wood street, opno’ Bite Chari.-.- Hotel. Pittsburgh. Pa ftJ /j Henry H, Colima,""" Forwardi ng and commission mkrcuant, and Wholesale L> uler in Chet-ee, Butler, Seed*, Wwh, nn.i N„.2;> Wo>o ,-:re. i. Pittsbonib. [mart'. 11. T t'. HI organ, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER—ba.-i always on ban-1 a general a-SNortment School, Mlscellant-m-i aol blank Books, Prturiti2,Po*t and Gap Psp-r, Jtn., wb.>'»<»!.• nod rr tail, No. Btrw.:, Fifth. K*.-t rt 10, 49“ WaoU-I, lUg* and Taonm-s' rVmp-. 1 v WILLIAM MlLLua, Phila Kli-K.rTB-j.l, Pittsburgh Miner A Ulckeiioti, \jtrHO L E3A LE Q ROOK RS, Importers of Brand it**, Uiora Vt and Scgar.i— N:><». 172 anj 171, corner of lrin r»n i Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nalls, Cotton Yarnr.. Ac., constantly on han 1 JV ‘2o VV'rn. Carr A (o , (Wm. Carr, lat«> of th« firm of .1 Parki-r 1 C-. > WHOLESALE lilt iCKUS, and iMalersln Fnr**iirn Win*v anl branlirt-i, Old MoaoutfaL'-ia and Jlw:i!W.l WU* ky, No. ILV Coaitnrrdai R-'W, Liberty -treft, lMt-har*ti Pa. v ‘ K U. Uriro, rHaTn«'nti, PiUsOurph, Pu. Dealer in cmcxtky produce, offer* ( r * choice stnckofiirwries, for family usr ‘•(..r,-, of ererr rarieCy aod th« purest quality. Rrcuoi a: LS> Staarn Mills. Also, Dri*»l fruit-*, Korej/n and bome-dic. Produce taken in exchange fur raer-Jißoair.^ F. R. P. has pro-af*l t> Tail of I,inir»(h's warranted Garden Seeds, and InvUra the aUtjntk>a of all lo terested ip rural a Hairs. Jacll V. ft., raouau ...... z. aicnnxuaoa j. i. j.tssm ‘Engliih & Hibhardaon, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealer* in Fish, Dacca and «MI, and Prod a.:.- generally. Warehouse formerly occuoled t<y burbridfe A iQifhram, No. 116 Water and 160 First streei, PitUburpli, Penna. Commliilou Home. fJtHB subscriber* hare op-nod a house for the abort* pur Jl pose, «t No. 17 fimlthfleld street. four door*, a bore th* House. We will purchase, or revive, on com mission, for raU*, cv>o*i|CDtnHnu oi Flour, Bacon, Cheese. Oorn, Oats. Barley, Klux Seed, Crass Herd. Baled Hay, Ac . opoD which we will make advances, or purchase at ;h«*l»*M market rates for cash inot'. AIAiBO A CO Junes M'L&u^hllni DEAJLER LN OilUCfitUKd, PHOuI'CK, PLuUH, HACON *r.. No. 10, corner SraHfafield &od First ntr«et«, Pitt baryh, P». D o*« JOU3 H. TOUKU -..thus. b. rou.vo r&ANa- l tois T. B. Yoong A Co. JVo. 38 Bm.iLhfuld strut, upjxmU City JIoUL MANCFAOTURKud OF CABINET FURNITURE AND OHAIBB, of every description. Materiel* soil work msnahip warranted, and told at reduced pric* $. Cnr-takro In parking for land and water carriage. anc.:! \Vm Digbf, Jr,, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORK, Masonic Ha.*’-. Fifth street, Pittsburgh. CiothJog made to order, in good style, and at moderate rale*. ' aug« tt R* A A. C. Duncan, WIIOLKSALK UROCBRS, aod Dealers io Produce, For Wines and Liquors, iMd Monong&bela aud K tifled Whlaky, No L 291 Liberty *U Pittsburgh, Fa. f jyJT y Cs—JSl A. Tt ndle, " ggggjjL WHOLESALE aud ReUil Saddle, Ham/-** 6Sj££2y Trunk, Valise and Carpet Bag muuufactur*”, ** No, lQti Wood nt,, Plttsboreb, Pn )r'Mv WHOLESALE and Retail LValer in M uidrai iDßtrumeui-, Pianos, Muaic, School Uc-ck* and Stationery, N... I:.’ Wood Btr«et._ janl John \V. Uutlcr 4k, Co, Forwarding and commission merchants— Dealers in all kinds of Pittsburgh manufactures, Lead Pipe and Sheet 67 Front street. »*p2h Bnlcrprlii Works. JVb. ISO I Food itrttl, Onrd dtxrr Mow Virym aJLry. BOWN A TSTLE\ would ca.l the attention of Bportir.»; men to their large assortment of Uuns, Riflss and In volving Pistols, the largest and best selected stock er. r opened lo this market, together with a general assortmiM of Hardware, Cutlery,Tools and Fishing l ackie, all of wbl h We offer at the lowest possible prices to rash purchasers, nr for good approved paper. marl s . Copartuerahtp Notice JIIAt R TTIIS (April llthi aswv'latsd with re** Messrs. F. BTEBL TURBBTT and BAML. C. CLANKV, both of whom hare been for many years in my establish meet, and are already extensively and favorably known to my customers and the public generally as superior work men, and of correct business habits. We hope by this uni-Ti of experience and artistic skill— especially in the watch de partment; by keeping a large and well selected stock goods; by soiling at moderaU prlca.n, and by close aiumi u to business, to merit a liberal share of paticnnge. To niv old friends and the public In general, who have for ma<iy years pa*t so liberally paironizd my business, I retur;. thanks, and solicit for the Dew Urm a coutinuam-e of simi lar favors. V>. W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11, 1866. Wilton, Tar belt A Clancy, WATCH MAKERS, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS, 67 Market arret, corner Fourth uivf» New Coach and Carriage Factory I JOHNSTON, BHOTHEEB di CO., Oumer Rcbr.cca aud Brlmonl struts JU?<jhsny C,ty pa»w vg WOULD tvepertfully inform their fririi I- the public generaliv. that th**yhm«i commenced the manufacture of Carriage, Buggies, Sleighs ami ChaHota In all their various atvlen of finish uu 1 proporti.-n. Ail orders will b«* executed with strict regard t*> Juraii'i ty and beauty of finish. Repaid will *l™ b- attended to on the most reasonable terms. I sing iu al l their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and W hoei stuff, they feel court denfthat all who favor them with their patronage, win ».«. perfectly satisfied on trial of ihetr work Purchasers are requested to give Uh a call, before purcha sing elsewhere. T. JoilNSTyn j. r. jouitsroN. ElceleJor Carriage Factory. JOHNSTON, L.IUTUKII A CO. PRACTICAL CO A; II MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont strewn, gheny city, Po, have on band and are tn ertrosive assortment of Carriages, Rockuways, Bug./'-*. Baggage Car*, Ac-, made in all thvir various styles, v. :h strict regard to durability and beauty of finish, using in >ll thsir work the best Juniata Iron aud eastern hickory. Re pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They i—l confident that all who may favor them with their patron age, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass even :.i -teen minutes during tbe day. f>-t2&:l» PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY n. erotuow ... m*pti3 l. STfviiw oeosoi als iar. Ulirelow A Co., «BUCOKSBOBS TOK.M. BIGELOW, NV 4o Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pi:ts>- burgh—Coaches, Carriages, Pheatons, Bag gie*, and eTerydesc r iption of fancy veh'cias ouui to order, and finished In a manner unsurpassed lor besuty of design, elegance of finish, Skill of workmanrh-p, and durability of materials work warranted nov' 1 UOBEUT H PATTERSON'^ rvjßgyjL livery AND SALE 4 BTABLE, Corn«r Diamond itr,« and Cbarrc alley, aprUftf PITTammoH. PA. 1 ( |(TS)Z. lemon syrOp „ 1. Ao tn Btore ,nd for «al, br in* 88 Wood ft, oppoftw tht Bt. Obftrltf not.: .{? •.. * , <7 r u . t*. t-'J..' •" •4+ Wf/fUi'.. .A’ :.L , . •* 3 .w -TeV ij ' J H. Mellor, \V 'r , PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMOB.E & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS ” f-nRNPn np pi pttt AV-n imnn „ " : : ' - - - _. _ ‘ UB ’ coaNEB 0F FIFTn AND WOOD Btßl..iT3. AT $f»,W I‘ER ANNDM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID BTRICTLY IN ADYANi’i: VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS. Joseph Fleming, ftfDOWSS» WL. IfIWOX * 00.1 CORNER MARRfIT STREET AN# DIAMOND, keeps ooosiantlv on hand a fall assortment of Drugs, MeaT oioos, Medicine Chests, Perfumery.eniJ kll artioto pertain* ing to hia business. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. JOHN PLEMUIG. '.cocmuji PLutiaa. Fleming Ilrotbere* (BCCOJSBORB TO J. KIDD * CO.} DUQQIBTS, No. 60 Wood street, Pitts ff burgh, P*. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lentr’fl Celebrated Yannlfuge. Liver Pills, Ac. } a io John El a. ft, Jr., [ fIOCCXRSOT TO J&MEtJ M'QCrPtT ) WHOLESALE AND ESTAIL DRUGGIST, and in Palnta, Oil*, Dye Stuflk, Ac., 141 Woodetreet, three doom Moa Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apr-Lmiely H. JL. Allen. TXriIULESALU DEALER 1N FOREIGN WINKS, BRAN- T T DIE*. CIGARS, OLD MONONUAHKLA AND UVfi WHISKY, Ac., also, Rectifying DlitUlet, No. B Wood street Pittßbargb, Pa. W'miM, Bramliua. Ulhf, Oordlala, Jamaica Bplrita, Bt. Croix and New Englandßum,Clawta,Cbitnpalgutts,Bcotch Ale, London Brawn Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongahela Rjq end Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigars, ail at such low prices ** to challenge competition Fancy Bar Kega and Labelled Bottom of'STWy style, and Demijehns of all sixes, I respectfully invite an examina- Oon of stock, at No. 8 WOOD afreet, Pittsburgh, Pe ° p *» aprfrly . James H«lUngtr> MONONOAtIELA PLANING MILL —Would reapertfhl ly Inftrrm his friends and the publlo,;ihat his new eo tabliabm-nt is now in lull operation, and' that he is pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and si the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, constantly on band. Bash, Doom, and Mouldings of every descripflon, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advantage tn giro him acaii.aa beam now furnish ihrm with planed stud suitable for every description of work. ivu a. uratov jastxs c&uswsll. Herron A OrUwell, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, and Manufacturers of all kinds of Braifl Work, Locomotive Steam Engine, Plumbers, Ac. Alao, Cotton Batting Manufacturer*. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city, office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. £tj~old Brass stni Copper taken In exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders left at tbe Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to f**b9 ly U. UUAFr..... D. RSISIHQia T~J~~aaVrp Graff, Bellinger A Graff, WESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood etreet, Pitts burgh, Ts. uamufactoiskbb or Cooking Stove* Plain and Fancy Gratae, Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain aod Fancy Fenders, Parlor Stoves, bad and Dog Irons, Hollow Ware, Portable Forges, Sugar Kettles, T*a Kettles, Store Kettles, Wagon Boxes, . u. muiu .w. w. am ~j'."a. uubtiil. Smith, filalr A Hunter, (Lai* Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUOB AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, end Dealers In all xlnds of Httsbargh Manufactures, 122 Second and 181 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. f # ij9 W» Si Haven. r r HE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (lata John -* *f*>o A Btookton,} and Blank Book and Stationery narebou-*). I* prepared to execute every style of Lcga£ Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing and Book BinJing, and fbrnlah every article In tbe Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at tbe shorteet notice and on the tnoet tenoonabie terms. blank Bonk and Stationery Warehouse. Printing uffice and Book Bindery, corner of Market and Second nm !novl6 North-\Vastern Police -- ADeno v , "\[o. *9 WASHINGTON STREET, corner of dearborn CHICAGO, ILUNoS. uiu PiaxasTott..-! Pinkerton A Co. I'rtPTß vutiß muiTics to tut tsassactiob or a okscxai DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS In tbe Stat«*s ot lilinoit, Wieicnein, Michigan and Indiana mh!9-dtf lat«* firm of JONES A oUIQG, baring been dioao'r X ed by the death of John F. Ouigg. od the 27th loot . the l'U- nes» c! mid linn will be settled by t he undersigned, at their office, corner of Ro#r and First etreeta. IBAAC JON Eri, Hurtlviag Partner. Pittsburgh, September Su, -n.vtiy Isaac Jonas, MANUFACTURER of Spring aod Blietar Steel, Plough Slab steel, et*»el Plough Wings; Coach and EllpUe Springs, Brass Nut Taper, bail patent. Screw, Mall and li&ißtu-red iron Axles,—corner u! Roe* and Ft ret streets, Pitteburgh, Pa. oct2:ly JOFia te . I>< B. A Co., MAi'TU F AOTL'Klifia of fc/W pate *t Improred Steal Cultivator Teeth. Office corner lines and First street, octal/ Plftaburgti Kid Tog School. j. IIOBKItT 11. PATTKR.VN, |*n»prt*tor, ooroer lhanxoDd Mtr««t end Cherry alley. The subscriber announce* to the Ladles and (Jentlc m« u of Pittsburgh, that be has recently erected a HIDING SCHOOL, which In point nr sis*, comroodloaunras and adap tation, undeniably riivii* any similar M»tablUhm*ot in the l nited States It* localicn is accessible from all pari* of the city, while 1U high and airy situation Penders it e«pe suited to the promotion of health, by this tooetAgrew nMr «x»>rrW’. The uors*** are doolie and well trkllied, and tLa proprietor pledges himself that no pains or expense *iJi l-r spared to make this establishment the first to tbe rcaihlrore of the public. oclW if Ki«iitrd 6. iToekingi MA V V F ACT U H RR OF UIIT. EiLVBR. BRARB, URONZK, LoOKING-GLA&i* PORTRAIT AND PIC Till PKAMEti, Plain and Ornamented, No. 21 Bl Clair ► tr*et AU kinds of Composition Ornaments, for Kt»m, Ac. AH kinds of Gilding and fte-gildlng, lo erdrr. Hilt Mouldin. a lor Frame*, wholesale and retail Varnish I r Oil Paintings, KDgra»tQgs and Lithographs, for sale. A4F* Impaired or defaced Oil Paintings restored m ifcf c inaaQrr All ifMDM anJ Moal iings manufactured jo thla estab 1 0-hmaut rosy be riennud without injury, with aoap and C«Jland_aec. No. 21_St Clair si. Pittsburgh- |tnb2atf J. WHITE) 1 VENETIAN BLIND M ANUFACTURKR, baa recovered T bis health bo a« to reinime hi* old business, and h«« * hii BLIND MANUFACTORY, al No 66 Fifth street, nrar tbs I*Dst office, between Wood and Smitblield, where hr- has an nMnrtm«nt of BLINDS, triuitn»*d with plain and uncr worsted nod silk trimmings, and If prepared tn fill m<y order in tie line, on (be reasonable term*. Hts wurk if warranted b> give satisfaction or moo* y refunded. Blinds repaired. Pieass gire him a .call, as he can’t be beat in work mao-bio my7-ly IUAVE sold my luterest In tbe buidneaaoe Long, MHler A Co, to li. A Long, who, with John PhUlipa, will con tinue at the old aland, No. 109 Front street. I cordially re rummend the new firm to the patronage of ay Mends, llttsburgh, July W, lb&4. P. U. MILLER. S. A. Loag a Co.. Bell and brass founders, and gas fitters, luTite attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Brack *•“, Peodaota and other fixtures. We fit up house* with tin* and Sterna, make Brass Castings of all kinds to order furnish Raliroal Pumps and Tank Fittings, aad keep Anti’ Attrition Metal constantly on hand. j).;| NOTICE. DALY’S STOOKINQ MaNUFACTOEY. .Yo, 20 Fifth street, firtl comrr abovr Marktl tlrtei, PITTSBURGH, PA-, WHERE will be foond the largest and beet assorted stock of HOSIERY ever offered for sale in city. Purchasers will find ]t to their advantage to call at this establishment and examine for themselves; it Is all 1 need lo insure their custom. C. DALY. N. B.—Remember the Ouxap Stocxirro Coaata. febL-y 0. D. Consume the Smoke* ' pHE subscriber having the exclusive right tn toaQufkn* X ture and sell BWEKNKY’S UOT AIR AND SMOKE CONSUMING FUKNACK, is prepared to receive orders,and wntraot for beating buildings with the moat economical Furuace now iu use. he attention of those interested is is-llcitwl. An? Information can be had of A. BRADLEY, Nos. 2 sod 4 Wood street, or of J. BAKNDQLLAR, dec24:tf l Iron City fltove Warehouse, No. 134 Wood st. ‘AJfIS X LXDUI. Ledlle A I'lam, (Successors to Muivaoy A Ledlle.) MANUFACTURERS of Cut, fidoalded and Plain,-Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers la all kinds of Window Glass. Flask*, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh mh3:dly Removal (1 lUM9KN, Manufacturer of every Variety of Vials, /. Bottles and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Glass In every variety. Warehouse, Nos. 104 Second, and 133 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2B I. W. Chadwick, Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobaooo, bags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street*below Sixth,Pitts burgh, Pa. AGrThe higbebt market price, lo CASH, paid tor I SAGS. ' .pkllj- JOUH ATWILL Atwell, Lee A Co,, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Producm and Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufacture#, No. H Wood street, h«-tw«.-en Water and ‘Prbul streets, Pitts txi'rb. ,pi e Dt.aolutlon of Co-Partner.till), 'IMIK CO PAUTNBHBHIP hwetofor. mljliDr Mttr.en X JOPUUA KHODRB ana I'UIMP BBYMBU, In tbo Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Basin ess, la this day dissolved by mutual consent. The bu4oe«st>f the firm will be eettled up by Joshua Rhodes, wbo Is authorised to tw celpt for all debts doe said firm. JOSHUA RHODES. March 27th, 1966. PHILIP REYM.ER. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE «-The undersigned have this day formed-a Partnw snip, uDder tbe oainw. firm and niyle of RltVMap a *m DKiISON. for the transaction of the Wholraalf ftaft Confectionary buslneaß, No. 39 Wood Street IHILIP REYMER. ROUT. J. ANDERSON Pittsburgh* March 27th, 1866. ■ •®iT In retiriog from tbc Ooutoctlonary business, I ebeer fully recommend Messrs. Reymer A Andarron to my friend* and customs** JOSHUA RHODE*. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1865. Removal. * —■ SPRINGER HARBAUGU A CO. have removed to No © 296 Liberty street- __ SPUNfIKS RAAIIACGR, »prJng«r Ilaxbmtlgb * Co,, ■ ' r (flnoceenora to 8. Harbeuaii,) COififtflSlON AVI) fOaWARDINO t£EßOni*BCg Dealers In Wool and E'rtxiuce gonerellj, No. '&l Libert; moot, Piitsbnxgfc, P«- epi '■ **s> BUSINESS CARDS V. L. Marshall, v p> ocoßßor to 11. Lh o.i "IXTOOL pEALfiR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT Yj No. 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. I‘a. '4tfcrtnce*-yi. Jl’ClUitock A Bros.; Kraraer A Rahim Bfown A Klrlrpatrlck; Murphy, Tieruan X tv Pittsburgh, May 24,1866 (my 24:3m*; Hats anil Caps. *WE would ioTite the attention of our frWula and public to a splendid assortment cl HATS and ®*I&CAPS, wfatch we are now opeuhg ior the Summer trade, which for beauty of style, exceeds anything ever of lered in the city, or west of the mountalus. and examine for yourselves. J. WILSON' X SuV, »pd ftl Wood street, Pittsburgh. dissolution of Co-Partuorlbln. f |\HK FIRM OP UVINUSTON. lUKKIEN X 00 .Vrunri*? X tors of the PITT3BUBGU NOVELTY WORK i. Was dissolved by the death of Mr. Jok£ J. Bofl-iiti, uu the 1 lin of March last. The business of the NOVELTY WORKS will be 'ontlouw.l In ell its branches by the surviving partners, u- dor the name and style of LIVINGSTON, COPKLAND & CD, *lo will also settle up the atiairsof the late nr-a. L. It. HYINOBT 'N, CALVIN ADAUri. J. K. MOORUKA D, Pittsburgh, May 4, lA4A j W. 1! COPKLAND tfcusKir.... coanauf. wuxskki •Tohu M'Cloakoy 6l Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ul.uTUlNu MER CHANTS, No. S 3 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Ha. The subscribers respectfully iutorm ih. ir i ii rutt,,mar aud lha public in general, that they hare thle day ted themselves io Ihe shove buslnes*. utid.T th* Orm i t JOHN M'CLOSKAY ACO They rveptrtfully »•-•;i *ii asbar* of pobiio patronage. The previous business of t-ach will tw settled by th»m wive* rwripeetlvely. Boots RUIt Shoes. JM LALfIHLIN, No. 96 Fourth str**<*t, nearly opposite • the Mayor’s office, in rasnufaeturi/'g Oeutleinen'e tirst boots. lx>w Shoes, ties and liuttourd, Oongrea** and Hutlotj. ed Gaiters; Ladles’ Boots, Half Boots, Jenny Lina*, slly pera, and French Lsehlug Osltere. of every iv-lur uud shade fancy KM and Satin Gaiters, of the best mnUriaU. Mi.see and Children’s do., of evury Variety. N . B —AH kinds made to order, on short untie*’ 1 aul 'J BoltHera’ hoanty Lamia ana Claims against Uovirumeui, I WILL procure Bounty Land Warrants tor roldi.T-, their Widows and Minor un i atteud io business lu the Court c.f Claims,'• recently entahltehed by U«ugrr*rt. Office, No. 1 W Th*rj street, one do.»r aoove Snitbdeid st March 19 Oil MILKS NAYL-Hl JAMKd WARDROP ofT-rs lor &ale CANARY BIRDS of the moat Improved breed, being very hardy, und tine singers. Bird Beede—Canary, Hemp, Millet, ll* j-e sod mix cd Be*d. Bouquets will furnished composed of the fineet FLOWERS, via; CameUaa, Ruse Buds,, Ac. Ercrj roan* (in pots) for Christmas Trees, the Seed and Horticultural Store, No. 4U PifLh B L. near de«-Ju Bounty Lauds, TUB undersigned condones to obtain Bounty I and War ranU. The present bill gives to all who served in auy war 6inco 1790, iGo acres. Terms moderate LUKE COCKBHOOT, 37 Diamond alley, mhllfcy botweeu Woo*! t-t.and Diamond Coat for bale. SIXTY TURKK ACRES uF LAND. wiUi 250arre«of C*». attached, and all the improvements thereon in su*’ ful operation. Said Farm is situated tu the M noogdh. U river, miles above Pittsburgh, aDd I* MippLoJ wuh a Fans House, Bara, I enact Hour***, Orchard, Railroad, and an excellent harbor The velu of Goal is five feet thick,and be surpass ed in quality For furthei partirulare apply to NIJIIoLFON A P'YNF. >litf _ No 230 Liberty street. in X U 111 t TI O jii ‘KO t>H FOR INVENTIONS AND IWIENTS, And Agency for the Purchase and Salt) of Patent Eights and PaUmted AiUclus MOfIES F Kalv.v r PHE subficrlffrs hx»f i,.r>* t**vn ».' i ;>eiiuUd w»:h Mr A MOSKB F KAT< 'N, rO'l b»*r- n<i livnitajl <n fa redout Min. .ill trill, mu wl-h in riupiov fiW- nrrvU-»-« as h froil. uiiu . ! wo 1- i an-i i.-l •- tiaaSir in dualry, in a Lose rt.-i .1 .u- n «r> . u.t. ! 1.5*1:*• 1 h» villi* B Criu W !>! W. 11. ./ lirah.N-:. June* Wuo-i, n A i • , p. U Pnecd, N K .t » . Knap A W *d-, iCraxer A Wm.Pbl.lip>-, !. U. l.irin,,.ii.n Wllnon M'Ca&di. d«. Wm P .Iwl.n-:. • . A W. LouiuLs, \ c ! nn |*l u 1, PttUbargttj .» a. aocacLs Writing —iJuff. 'TMIfH OptilUniwfl ac.l LaOidj' i> aT no! VV.i.m* I wiU oooiloor c(*«u Jufib([ n.njrij'-r ur.lrr Mr J D Wiillams, v r.i» w t f k;..J L«ilie*' Writing ftri* *r> utilT.irta:]? V -iif •« of Pnarnmnubip are vihlb t»-l b! ib«-•i'-i r N;>*. <-j. u -.,< bf th« Twurbwr la th» io«iuuti;-ti Th» I'tUi- n-u! u "moQopoij '■ nor •• }>»(« t • :,.r fn- k -... 1tJ -—.. t .;. f .i h } :»«• k --1 hi* ln*titnil>-n u- hcU i ~i, (1 _« i.* . •,. - tl r *,, e „ . j .. ilr n* Id thl* city Ucntlfmotj t>oJ \ i«,tinii i»• *. t>• ~, s;, William*' ud-4U*;l<h! •;vl- A 1: lifij* ■: > tmiiih,! „i , ru Bmaatiip ••iivuteJ l: cr.ier ruy-4 ii» i>. a. Ei-gib*. f l'OK utihrt-T'-rr jD.t q-fUAI >u ! N I Kl.l iIiK.V >’ 1 Of HCk. mNo 4»»ri r Ir, hft ..* o ol!W of John - h*. >,r.n Kiploriutf for ib« \otj»u- > luh.o : j ; • boixh lor re*r'r iwr h«* ".A’tT* tl.*i i of jha rl: y and it' <-i ut«-o • *•*-» him '•> : t».» Id furuUliUrf «ltn h-i f , B i. i * 4 *., , n • , U)|< placm f( r hoyn.ffirlf bu Ul! ««iup. ) n.^n t*he p»frotrtc»of th* ptjhlh- b> TV'm *r*rj rttnrt aoeJ to i j«ll t( HA\K ON 11A M>. At ttj ir #» i«»um «« , »•, Gil AIK MAM.J'AOTuii’t, V • i > . . ; l»r<« oAsortiDwoi of F»o' y and 1\«,o ;i ... »> '* Lhry W HI Ml 1 16 pf*r rfnl. !«• i'y« U.«U'LJ *1 V TproiA—CASh <*lllj. t- - ; . A W m. IC. HUTCiiioh •. . W tar. CABINET V*AKK „, r , u. *: j. Oil bland, i*crD*r .»( *t>d • 1 1 UNDKfcTAtINii aitfnd.d to, i u r.. j. r >». !.-« House suuku and iu.m r'n. >.*■. - r . . . n*w and ('omiuodioiu; Urj.:S j»b j. u i, I't.rrri b*tw«*en Third and Poo rib M s e«-t«, ■ |,.tc !r t -v* ; to 4*o all wor* in hi* ho* with lbs uiniort ; Uurln* had loOtf oxp<»rl«*nr« lu Um tm-iorn*. 1..- -r -»Ndt* ilia |i«Uwn«(A of hu old rusO-u>ri. nt. [ :t.- *. t .. MAL-fc UV NUNNS & CLARK. NRW York FUfltIG of and Allegheny M r •; A (*. rail 11,t Mur>i.- Slur* '■ of tha babtfcribern, No txl KItTII sT., examioe a aoperb ffTfufli FnllOrand Piano, price 9 1 uoo.l/ ■ Sr y U From the Factory oftiUNitb A Claklv, N*« Vjrk. Ttu . olegant instrument is madt> In th,- *• fcU/.AUETIIiAN' 81 Vl*K," the ornaments, front piroea and l-g* f UU; ratelv carved oui of 80UD HoahWoob. It i« full w*>n octavos, of tbe largest dlmenelooj, and, lo j-vintof rolutne, power, and liquid sweetm-te oi toue, is prou.uoo’d alto gelher antnrpaceabir. Tbe eubecribers will be happy to r«*|r<* -he TniU of their friends and the public in general. * n j «ho» thetu through their c-ic-gant new rotahliehtnent. II K I.KUVH A HU. i , ■; tlr u : n ;; t; ...... jso. paiLLirs. Spring Stock of lUmluiru f’janoa. _ CUAKLOTTK lilAiMit, > • I!-, \\ aHaiiiMiidfawni"tract. Pittsburgh, *o!e ■ V W |H The Ilambarg Hume Mr •„ n.j,. j m.. , » • w I |» superior to all other*. Uu». :n ~j -u.'y touch and suptTurrity of time. They hare do! ouiy retired the &:i.rk. , f , r ,_ batloo from the best European IMtnUtn, su.-ti h* ’ LIST, tFIALBRUU. And others, who have them,ily in their twu w, but also from our resident Prc/whors. Tl,«- mu. |„ t[ j extract frutn a letter of After describing the particular style two m which he wants for hie own nee—cue timed aoj cm r-juare--In speaks os follows of their qualities ‘‘My little daughter, who plays r«jy w.-n, muct, with myself, bare a good instrument, and youro are the only ones which can satisfy me. M Instruments are offered muon the mo-t t.-r.-mnjfdatlug Isrma 1, bowerer. do not like them; t ii-»j bare not the elastic toua'h and the tone of yours. *' 1 remain, yours, respectt uilv, *’ Uisbt Ih'iiiifK k, Pa " For aale by CUAHLOTTK IILUMK. at lb, •■mu Batah. ll>h«l I‘lano Depot,” IIS Wood ftrKt, 21 door .bore Fi ah ““V®“ Agent for Plll»DUri<h nod Western Penney Irani. for HaIUL, Davit d (Jo.'t Button i'tarua, («*hh h iu the hast ern oitiea are coosiderud superior to either CMclicritiirV or Nunofl A Clark's, out which fact is not extsosiro'y known, as they hare but lately been IntifxJuo* l here ) mid o'hsr Yor, and Philadelphia Plano,, of thy b,„l maker, „t prices from $226 to SSOu. mill • .JOBCPB J. CLAM. Notice to Whom It May Concern r l in ? PUBLIC KPIiIXU bALKfI of heal „t U o- X cheater ere now closed, ud the ffuMn.,, Jim,,.71 ha. f.u-ly commenced. ilrery „l Koohaetrr bu-ilv ~,n ployed. bven 30 or 40 new famlllea « b,. hae. 1,,™,, r ||V mp» the preaent Spring. tied eoujtantnnph.vmenp |„ s few day, . hundred lamiHr, mor,• »ll: 6, uiad tear ry on Ibewnrkof tits prvsuut seu*on i« now Peer rratplatl™, d t. J U f dPdIAUoP in Juno. F, ter.l Care „IU Is, re»d; for dellrory, by coutrdct, the Ist < 4 July i s >,j Two or ibreo pew churches, lu ttocheater. 'win b„ con troolial fur Immediately, and numerousother Improrementa wl I bo commenced, rr<| ul ring u f roa t «hiuu nt of ni,«jh»ulr»l pud ether labor ludepepdept „( tbu fur Kelablhh m «„t wbloh will prooably eprploy fropj ope |o iwo hundred A prominent brlekruwkor from I ltUhurirh hm. juat nur lot*’ anJ con:r Afted to make upon them torthwllh 600,000 hrlcka Two K .pg, „( hand, work tbe present we«k, it.H Miher yard*, Wtabllahedln 3 hfmt.,f, r- Our Stunr <?upm» ,re alroady e 11,,, «I,h workmen, upd the road leadiog to them lined with teams becoming abundant and cheap, and tsnemsn’s will Boou spring up to reliere some of our hnut-ei* aim-h «dwh.ToS falpm M dfapalllea, :i luJ „/ them 2 families each .OHAJJ. A TWILL. Any who d.d not buy etaeap lote at the four pnblh- aaler lwt fMfon, or Ora four poblk, the preaent aprino. o.n l ? r K«lu» kt privat, ,*U by railing on the subscriber lb Ucchester. Terms- 1 u down. Ulu .me v..kf m.’^cqoulu .. . e n’t- J "' *® haJ S 6O t" $lOO »«oh |if applied for before th. Jo-h May, Thaae hda are twice .« taijtaaa naual city lota, T U: 40 feat try 126, and the price only from *1,60 to *2,60 per foot front. Tire preaent reLrv ai hoineatead and maKoillcent proht ofOyld Plnney, 4 ac res ful'on “I t ,M, b ° r °“' ?ll ° r lloch « t »'': alao, the henull nrrban1 ' ic ■ 01 F - K-PO, can be bough Urrough the flubecrlher at great bargain,, „ Dj there xr« not two tuch bargains within a hundred uulen. n my<J Asiuoval. C CDTIUIBRT k SON have removed their Real Ret*!,, bw iAgwjoy omr- to .\o. 6;; M.\uK.fir .AL*xAj&jjtt fonatra. Fp, lS,Xn B T T ' , “ k l ®," ° f “ r "‘ t J4U ■■“■h,' In tout rtlwburgh, at the lowest pncae. laouire of »°el THOMAS WOODS, *5 fourth .tro-t mTSBUEGH." THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER I!. )Ssr>. Maw Seed store Xo *0 >Wrr*- rf'-'f. A. tjburyh. Ri*» luitlliKcnre unite i }: \ u A. Nllliken A ( •> Cli*rlot (Jo-matt OK AM) PIANO PROPKBSOK BEN Hl’ UiiIIUoCH - . i-- *tr ’ N MISCELLANEOUS, DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST, HEATS all DISEASES OF *HI EYE AND KAft WITHOUT OUPHN-1, LVdUNQ, UUBTE&ma, OB Till Util OP CALOKXL. OFFICE 468 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST., NSW YORK. Hoars from 9 Ai Al. to 4 l\ M. GRANULATED LIDS, Indamination, AouUor XV Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis nod Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are the disease* of the eye whiedi nro treated by Dr. 11. with perfect satisfaction. Alt diseases of the Esr treated upon scientific principles. ArtiQdal Eyes Inserted without &u operation. AU letters post-paid will secure prompt attention. We select the fallowing references from among the t boa sands of cases which hare been successfully by i>r. UendarsoD : Wm. J. Fryer, 323-3 Broadway. Albany, N Y •Alfred Bouthwlek, Printer, “ i J. Goodspeed, Glens Falia, N. Y. *Wm. W. rim ith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson. New York CLy. \ Y iMies Nlarv Bellows, N. K. Htaiwn. Im !.m.- ... . * v •Edward U. Bolger, Bristol, Own. •John Beaman, Euginewr, N V I’arl.l Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B. Giles, u/flce Courier an t finrj , N \ tJnmus W.Kirby, Brooklyn, L. I. J*rrl< Rodgers, “ •* A It Reert'S, Telegraph Operator, rit N'vhrUj n R. M. Ferries, Organ Builder, Houston rt. it B. Doolittle, Ah D., Hudson, N. \ Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y M. P. Colliue, Teacher Penmanship, Tr< r N Y It. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. DtlJeubach, Bchanvctady, N. Y. Capt. B. LL liartland, Atheun, N. T. John W. fifcokott, Binghampton, N. Y •Theee patients were blind, and had to i* I~J u, ihr -»mce. At the expiration of two weeks they coulJ go six.u. it,- r\'j at pleasure. ' J •Tbencases of Amaurosis wens roaU-rM u> night after they were giren up »a Incurable by the faculty, -ad {« referred to by any person who wish,* th feurn the u >ts in th-A»» rases. by writing to them. Pittsburgh Dollar Savings lnatliutlou, A’o. 68 >burlA ttrrsL, SEXT DOOU TO THH I’ITTSBIIRUU BANK, I 8 NOW OPEN daily from 9 to 2 o’cl.>ck ; »ifen, on Wed 1. needay and Saturday evening-, frem 7 to 9 o'i l.x-s. Deposits recetrej of all sums not less than On* Dollar, and a diri-iend of tbs profits declared twice a y*nr, in Ju :<*' and Ivceruber. The Trustees for the purpot-eol furtlMUiog the beuevolent objects of the Institution, havs entered into a guaranty bond, thereby giving additional security to depositors. • Books (\3Qtaln.Dg the Charter, By Uwh, Rules and Regu lations, furufebod gratis. on appHrath n the ofli •„ JVftiilfrU —U BOUO K AI.Lul r.. W« I'hISIDENI: Hopewell Hepburn, Jobull Sho-nberger. George R. White, Charles Knapp, William V Johnston, N. UratUu Murphy, Jsm-s W Haltmah. Th«jb»W L'mbst i»t:, r Alexander Bradley, l-a*.- M. I'ennocX \\ Utiaiii Phillip-, Wilham J. TRT bTEKs J-'hnU Bachofea. Jamex lirritaati Uurgwin, JohuM Kirkp*tn<-k Albert Culbei t*wi, John D. Si'Oorl, llwtwrt Chester. ,M„ rn . Wi ’ J Uardiner Cottln. \S *1 Ler I*. Almian A. Carrier, A ,M. I’oih-ck John d. Cnsctftt-, lleury f. ItmgWait, Churle* A Ck'ltcii, Robert K 0 Klriogtou, G-t-rgs It. R*,Mle. Francis Fmv, Jaiue- Ktii'aO.-,, tl-orge V. Gillm,-;-, Janie- ,»hidl.*, ■arnea H. lirv-o, G«.,rg<* Feld-u. Williams Haven. Alexander TmU.- .*ir<TeMry Ufa/ 7 ‘rot//, e.-r—TUAULL.B A. C‘ I.T*>S’ r-D* Jiv FAII3Ih.US ASO n tl(* I! AA It LIKE. FIRK AND MAR INK Inaiirance t oinpain, OF Pim.-U'KI.PHI k Capital Arafmiil wcurriy lr.kr_-*tM 'lMilfi Kir*» lusjraD'*p un Kni.Ji’i,' 1 Kara] ur.-, A- V.riDo laruraL-> >n \ -W. I'a/yo an 1 FnMjfbt In’anJ lru*urat>*»* f>n (.j h,^ r Lakca, Cana!*, Rai)nr».)s anj l,nc] AU*>, upou Ll\>\ Uj>,*n i;,-* iai-'. ’*l trrma- I'lnxrTon-’ ll<>o Thnenaa R Fifr**or«, F : George H Artnelr. n<, (‘hari>M Imw— Ed 1- Middleton, K K. fl.-lcU : lUdxahohi. >'r«l Htwvit. i h ian« Man-.lerfteM. U».-h TlhjMA.a B KL» *ivl NCF, V: • Li«ui> U. tVerolarv PITTsUinuH UKirRHKSi'KB. Hm T M U»*#e, i t o 1’ 0 Mian t. n. H u J B Guthri*. Thomas J Kr~n»u. I£*. 1 < '■ J Up oq F K M jujju, -barartf r <•{ the ahor* Cmep* nr t« rf ;he fr*! •;*** an ! -t>tuMDe* the i*r* ftn.J uqusu») ; f ;)> . >] a ’ nlO and Ij!«* lti«uian>v. [f /•:au.Ji--»* «r» ■.-vlnrl -u lu a ft a fifM, ah.l »« TtiUMAS .1 UVSIK'.X A t,; J>- LWI-. Utm-lto*. l-:- n.irj'-f ARTHUR'S PATENT Self-sealing Cans Jpjfj| ter I‘rrtmmy Ftrsh h'ru 1.1, IS, j T.-niU>n, J , fpi ' i : | || fe Ilii: ii ill r | 'II KsE CANe. whlrb *r* t; ((,- II . (1 _ * P . - X “ f.liout tL** aid id »Vi ut»[, aO’l 1 -■•!!. w üb''u! in;urj- t/> tf.,. ,*n. ar* rapidly r*' *tts in *- frit > ► nil f* - rutting up fru.i n » •!.» a!>>l tb« *</rt 1* •xi coail) {•erfwrntM. r b»i t. v ! b.-i ru la’DiJv Bi»y b»fr ''.V h Fruit at»J T.-um!., f :*■ ». * irtnifir. at 'iimm*! pri.t*« I’KICIo -Tmt ( v *o». f:. Qa«rt, J-.'o. u »',.r p.ft). Thru* vu*rt-. Oau.iii. ft, p*i 7*. .iiftm-nt 5.7*3 unit, In i-rJrr L> »*•-. jrt* r <>tM..n7 in trail' AHT 111. It'S CAN' w b irh L .-'...vl 4|! } : , ~j * *si.v u.p. (ti»t wh.n < p<*n u u*ay Ir lit- »dt •11.-r I. B < hrrn fully appit l r tb- Kirrtifr* f'ni >i IU« Anmnnui Inntltufi*. .\i»« V*ik It v-r.a * '.r»t <'.*s.* .lipi.'Oitt ■ ■••• r all <'(h**r )fwaiio*.' ran. at !'.# ,«> Ka>t tn ilin<'innam and »aw a », ;h- M* h 4n .,y > »ir b.-i.l 1 1*»- *pr.i»g at th- rmu I m*it ur*v W<t.»h iu<:--o LVi . V' It h *UUu--d I.*> 1 1j*- N-iCnu m th*- mark t All »rd*?n> tij [!.«• «i, 1 !»• .-in f "r |, • arjnl Kc-r »nl.*, »h..lra«lr and retail, nt *n4 i,' ..-m*. "nr- Hut* of HKNR\ 111.ih., ““'f-* Igd Wood •, |*l:u*.ti-vh Bargain* In WAlctui, tlocki A Jewelry ROBERTS & BROTHER. >rsp ARK uow willing thtdr large and can-Jullv *»:«*■ ©TA t-d »t£fttk of Flo* Watch*-*, Clock*, andri.-h tin|.| at gmatljr r«-dur«i prlcr-, u> make room WWMaft*r »a eotini n*» ntivk, «hi. h u ill rrr««Tod u» r»vt (h«a lh« Eastern manufactorii* iu a f-i» wrtikfl f.-r tlia Tall tru.lft. ’ PumJiaswrH dealriog Ui bujr ,;iv K l j-vxvJ*i at low pnern, abonl.i nul lmm»vllauly and riamlo** our atock. an nr am dKtwunn.ftJ to clow li out wlthoat rrgard t.» <i»t or former pnr*e? lAin't i.-rgtft U»« place. KODEHTS 4 imOTIIKU, ■II I’irth ntr»>e{, cost dr>or to Wix'd. Wat. hen, Clccka and Jewelry rtrjHiiml m iht. tmet nmurmr and warranted. jv CITY lIOTKI, ( lATI lE.'VN'j, ) Cnrnar of StalthOeld an.l 'i hlnt atr««i* JOHN P OLABS, Propnotor. J' Jnx n i ka u , ra , r !'fl!H Urge and eomuiodtoua liousi* haring undergone A IhorougU repair and furutahixi with » r « r-jiiipmenu throughout, la now op«Q for the reception of the irarelmg public. CllAaODt MUPtRAT*. Je ] LA.\» WARRANTS W ANTS “- 10, HU, ino ACRE WARRANTS*, by AUSTIfI LOOMIS, I*o P«aUr In Warranla rtu<>k a. A* . M V.mrlh • OoftPatiiicrihlp. WALTER P. MARSHALL aanocialu-J with Mm, on th* il day of July, JOA K. UUUUKS, iu tl.e Mall I*ap‘r bualuoa*, ufidwr the name of JtV _ M’. K. MAIIBIIAU. A 00. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING UVT IN AI.LKUHKNT CITV, irrt by 100. A good bargain ran b« had by applying kh.o at the office of tb* MORNING POST. jvKM Lot for S*.l«. A GOOD BUILDING LOT, fM feet fn*nt on Cnrstio etreel by 100 feet in depth, lu Birmingham, w ill be * Id cheup. Enquire of OKO. Y. (iILLMOKE, Jrl3 at nfllce of the Morning Poet. BKMI -ANNUAL DiVIBICNB, S PJfiH CENT., JULY 1, 10,.6. AdTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, UF HAHTFUHD, CuXX. Chartered 1SH 1 . PAID UP, Ca«b Aaaetff July 1, 1855, SbCls,o:jO J. CII’NTINUB to make inmiranro on ail ceecriptiona of / property at oqultahle rates. Thin Company have maintained a poditian for honorable dealing for yeare, and io unsmrpaMed for responelbilUy and punctuality by aoy other similar institution In the United state*. Semi annual statement of the condition »f thin Oorapuny on Die iu Lb It! office, for the nomination of the public II B. TEN-KyCK, Agent. Offl.’o, North west corner Fifth and WoM Htreei*. iMti» burgh. j v li R. M* hemoti & Co,’* Way Line, BETWEEN PITTcJBURUU AND COLUMBIA. , n TUK undersigned haring purchased JB—■*« nart of D Leech k OuJs Canal Stock, Lew nrenarw-i todoaWAY KKKItJ HT BUSINESS between thta place and Columbia. All bufUnew eatroßitd to our cptt will be promptly attended to by u-t, at the Wareboueo formerly occupied by D. Leech A Co , Canal Baaln. LLOYD k LEMON. jvl&dlm* J" UBT WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WHA TH KK—The Magaaioed for August Petersop’i Magaaiue for August; Bailout do do ~ New York Journal do Dickens’ HovUfehold Words Tor August; The Heiress of Haughtun, or the Mother's Secret: Jlßry Lyudon, or Ee vela lions of a Life; Teggy Woffington. For all the new Books or Magazines, rail or pend to the cheap Bookstore of W. A. UILDENFKNNKY A CO., jyTiO. • Fifth bL, opposite the Theatre. _ COAL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Blouon* guhela rir*r, fbr sale by JJr2O J. W. BUTLER & CO. SiXflt)N— No. 1 Lake Superior Salmon for sale by )«20 HRNBY H. OOLUNB. ffl '4 > } * • * r u . *• ! j, •» vtf: T'UK above celebrated WATERING PLACE will bo open i. for visitors on aod after the FIFTH OF JUNB NEXT. They life delightfully located on Bberman's Creek, fourteen nortb-wtwt of Duucannon, (this plw-e being. fifteen miles west of Harrisburg, ou the Central RallroaiLrfat the base of Pisgah Mountain, which roaches an olevapon of more than fire hundred feet. Sherman’s Creek atxords a splendid opportunity fjr those fond of bathing, foiling or emllng; the surruuoding forests offer great afir&dtions to Ins sportsman; and jour smooth and antuly roads through a country unsurpassed for bold and magnificent scenery, wiU diversify the amuentuenta of the place. iJOIUJKri, SA 1»LI,KB and CAKRJAQKB oan be had at all Uine<) Horses taken to Livery on reasonable terms. Uf the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of the SPRINGS too taHchcrtn hardly l>* said. Their waters harebeeo analysed hy o-st Clkuimui in the Union, end are pronounced ud: surpassed tor curing cutaneous diseases anJ affections of t c kUney* There are some fire Springs In ail, every cor of which is of different temperature—the largest being '.livr-Hi! Fahrenheit, and throwing out 03 gallons every •Mvrn minutes. lilies* end Gentlemen's BATUB have f>eeu with all the modern improvements, to gather with PLUNUK liAriiS, **., Ac Ka,.h day a Couch leaves i'>jn.*annon for ths Springs, after the arrival i.f the cart. IL-ttliog Alleys, Hilliard Rooms, and various other facili h-ie tor aiauMineot, In abundance. The accommodations lll be the best, and the charges low. Tkhms.—Right dollars per week, or one dollar and fifty cents p**r day. 1 £ amities uinhing lo cagiu*» rooms, should address the proprietor'early; Kverr attention will be paid to visitors, the proprietor haviug engaged the beet of servants. 41usio always in at tendance. All communications Intended to reach the Perry County Warm Springs should he addreunwl to Dunsaunon P. o. They will he unanrdUMy forwarded. II H- ETTER, mVu * 0 Proprietor Warm Springs M niUifiß uktreatT KKV3TONE HOTEL, UuxTiNQDom Co., Pexha., ant hun t dr«j and thirry-ievrn mU<s JCast of and trr*y jij- ‘,..nrt rid'. Tbiedelighlful residence and place of j»ul.l '.i: re*>n ie located an the bunks of the - nine Juniata," Hf the eontiuenre nj Apru** Oerk. ltd Clear spring, trout sustaining waters, here JiKchargefl itaelf, and mingle* ile murmur* m concert, a* they rush down the gorges of the Mountain*. 1 tie rery Central position of tins Hotel make* It a (ieeira b.e p.ii.e of it ji-uru l.»r u [ew weatitf or days, lor men of biwtue** and their families—jaded aud enervated with the turmoil, und heat of the city. It ie situated on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, where the great turnpike tn-in itie Susquehanna and other roads concentrate— making easy egress and ingress, aeTeral times a day, by the curs and aUg-s, to Altoona, T) rone, Huntingdon and .he Mountain*. The House is a new brick one, four stories high, spacious nod roomy, newly papered, painted and furnished from huM-ment to utti**, « itii all the modern improvements and appiluut'es of Cold Baths, Ac. it la also finely ventilated. There are superb view* of every department of the Moun tain acenory the "glorious mountains,’* the •• eturnul hliio Telegraph ÜBl •« is in the Tlooee, always ready for w.>rk—ao.l the proprietor readv to receive visitors at mode rate •••barges. it. p. lIAULBTT, Proprietor. BxrruMcts is rirrsotJKdu William Carr A 00, 329 Liberty street L bti tl. Hli’ienbenrer. John Audersou. William S. Campbell, F-. Charles Uotet. | jyU FEVER AND AGUE CURE, jL'Dlt the UlrleuUou t-U J Cure of IaTIJLMITTENT and K* X. suttaat FtriK*, Fsvtx and Auci,OuitU and FffVon, Dlmi: Aura, Cissuii. IHUUTT, Nwht Sweats, and all other f' rrx-i ef D wlneh bare n ojmaon origin iu Malaria or Muisma. TU- i * h NATURAL A S'TID VTU, wb„-fa will enUrrly i r"tr—i snt r**i len! nr traveler, wren iu the most sickly or r4»inpy l««-alit.,-’, i.-.-tu any Ague or Bilious disease what> -ver, or any injury turn constantly Inhaling Malaria ur Mitsui* 1 1 wiL instantly che« - k the Ague In person* who have suf ferwi liT any length of time, from ou<* day to twenty years, so that they tiee-i nerex have cnxiKer chill, by continuing it* u.-e »o*urd»n,t m dire. t>,*na. The patient a*, r«uce begins to reoov»r apjwtite and strength, and continued until a perma nent and todi.-al cure l* elfr. tod. BJc it, do a 94iiu ,ti oi) i*ii* ir two b-Aliej" will an-iwer far ordinary cases; some m*> r**»juire im r- Direction- printed in Herman, French an,l Fpxiu.i.. fc'.vnipanj each Uttln Brie* One Dollar'-rn. Out." ra-Te Hi-* trud-' JAM KS A. HHUDEd, lTcviJence, R. 1 •• I Lave mode ft cbfiUle'aJ riauUatLun of " Kbodwi’ Fever nod Ague Cur-,” i r •• Ai»:i.b«u- to Malaria,*’ and hare tested it tuf Arfeni.', Mcruurv. Quinine and Strychnine, but hare n" t unJ a perli-'c ot either In It, nor hare I found nuy -ui>rfaa<-« ,n iu .iqj j-'-hi,-a tbai suulj pro re injurious to ill, I'l.-ill’Ut, Xl IL-h. J R MVUr.:, *. V. I « W t, A P »J'CVn> - i*. , . VYtl-on Ml'mju-*-- h*.t lien J R Mor-h-al 'C ' /t*i <\i'i —Dear hlr The l».\ of medicine you eeut in- waa «lu‘t on the lilh of April. 1 have fcilj *!-*ut c-n.- bnlf Cf It, and tar the people who have u.»-,J 11 nr-* )» r!iri that it Lae ,■ ured tbem. 11 has certain- Ir -.r-ppe.l the Ago.’ ‘n ev-r? one wfco han need It, and Hit ot ti,- caee-. u -re o( lotitf standing. Myewter. nho bo* ha.i a tor 0»e or »ti y*-ars back, and could Defer get It r\ , -pt h> “•iSntte, and that only long as rhe * ul.l i*ti .• • u-->w. 1 tbmb. entirely cured bv u-or n-m --'!t C K " . n-i !'•. r- aM*ti‘nry. Htryebnlms or Anti i’-iiJt.-* .-r iu«ai-iu«-9 «.J soy fcii.d, Oi« >..( : »u li f«.i(K’u-.ii!« Tbe rooU tbry %n-l> f-.'ruU tt.r -'* " fi.r u eb»»rt ttuie, VTtilo Ihrjr 'QKt uut>'>□»: m*; a llw t ljut (varu ouly B| » ;.*i! Hi* .nJ y *•« «r *n<l rrmr '•*' >» t.fcT %* w «li U K nurn, Klioac*' Frv«r mill Ague <? Kri» < _s J i, I N MJ 1 1 It hLI.. •» 1 l'rugifixte c*Q ■ r '* llv mill N>> lIS WOOD hfKKKf. Pi iTiSbUJUJH. it just re >-»n»g a Ur*.- »\-ck . t I'IANoS, i«f lb* iute*t -trie*, !: ..'iu lb* I'or.;u:- . : HL'Mu kRDTKN A HKINA, Hamburgh It A i.l. k'T, LiAU," A Co. U,-um. UAlSfc*. Him.' a N«. w \\ r fc A )•• UKICtItCM'.ACH. Philadelphia : T: if*her with th"«*> '-f •.itb'-r malt-ni, nl prires from to it.. iu4ir.-htt variety mid style, trom tha plain but "ulmihu: iui irt.n treiun I’mr. , tr. Ihe uiwt eiegwuttv \ I V -rrir’, »ti.| (iintid PmiioA h-tr* tvern iu*<J<* witli the tDaonfacturwr:', br which th**tr io.stnm.rntA are sold lower by their eida mTe> agent* here lluiu In lh* Kaal, tnj without the nJJi tloiml nod rbk • l trunspor'atinn. Every Pimm w)M by the t.ub«rribei U warranted perfert In every respect, auJ o written gaaraoUw will U* giv«n i! CHARLOTTE ItI.UME, Jin. MS WoM street. uiOM cm couamucuL oullkqic CIURTKRFL) APRIL * ISSS. ORGANIZED nud in Tfry operation, wlth a Board ni Traf'ttcit, and taught by an officiant Faculty. T»o hundred riudrut* and upwards have tautriouliitej ut Ihu College The combined and urgent demand of tho Farmer, Mechunle, Merchant and Prnf»*aiiiooal man, ihr an I nril.uueu ri a high atan.lnrd, tu which various arts with i limr *»•>•. an old U* i.biaiued, and that they * liquid be t o-t ru iM I y . \ ; .m (rnrhem. who hare had business jrn in the -u ir. uu fe -?it, bus raUrttsi the orgautiatiop >•/ the People » t’> Dege >'f i'raalieal Teacher* Severn! of the «i- **til lii-rs of Ivx.ii Keeping, who provide. u/. re- I uir.-!. f. no i bi.. Uk." i |;*t r inform to all the rbau K *>s and hn|-rt w-ni-i)'.- o» trw.ju.-ut o,v urraim.' iu •« lual lu*i Ue*» l>aiiy Lfvt ure* *ro dr live red by persons of known aMlitr Subj.v>. n.tok Keeplutf, If theory and Ua«; Ar-thmeli and If nfillontion ; The Art of Writing; Curnmwtvl*! Uw; Political Eronomy; Comuiernal lll*lorv, aod Uuainess Kihlos. The Huo-ea* of this Institution i< now rertuin Oiti««i s of the tint ritvl.v In aooiety and busiunna tdiow thwir cotiil- Jene* by entering their send for a islucaUnu. Ol ER\ L'ErMJHI P TlOiN, riihnblo for I’aUroada, Ci nalr, Ac. , t r writfhiQK Huy, Coal, Ore, and Morcuan dfe freonrulty. burrhaaorw tuay fwl aenurtvrttmt tbev can he supplied witli a superior nod reliable article, and run n-» rwk. Each Scale is RO j jf ( a^ef trial) not found satiefaeforv. ran he r**turned without charge. 1 actory at ttie ol 1 sUmd, oaiablishitd f.-r thirty yearo, cor ner of Niuth and M t >lon i’liiladelpbia. ARUOIT A CO. auifhkd.'itn Successor a to Kiucott A A»uu-it Ohiob m " Tub PtTTsta'nfiH Oku August 17, IBh6. j r I IIK Btockholdsrs of “The Pittsburgh Gas Co^'pQny ,, JL ®ro tiervhy notified that an election, for tho puryoee of electiog two persons to serve as Trusteed of the sml Gas Cotr. pauy for the term of three years, will be held at the office of the Company, at the Works, on the FDlflT MOtf* DAY (dd day) OP BiCPTKMUKit, ISuo, between the honro of 2 and » r > o’clock l 1 M ftopl«:dtd .'AMKB M. CHRISTY, Treasurer, Valuable Farm for dale, SITUATE IN ADAMS TOWNSUIP. BUTLBR COUNTY. containing 141 acres . 115 acres of which are under cul tivation. The proprietor, about tn decline fanning, will di*j>ose of nil bis Stock, Qraiu and Hay on hand, If desired. Kn.iulreof JAMES BLAKELY, Hll *tl corner of Seventh and SmithQeld ats. HO M. ARNOLD A SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FASHION A BLK CLOTHING, And Gentlemen's t'umißlung’ Goods, MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth, J»i nttsburgb. Keep conetantly on hand, a large Block of Clothe, Caaaimerei aud Veetlngs. Gannenta made to order on the shortcut notice, and In the latent atylea. «*AII orders promptly attended to. (auglT 2m vrALTaa b. Marshall joslph k. hoohj3. VV. P. Marshall A Co., IMPORTERS and Denlers in French and American PA PER lIANGINOS, 87 Wood utreet, I’ittsbiirgh. Aijr Sole Ag«nLi tor the celebrated mannfiictureß of Mesara. Delii»oun A Ccv, Parla angT IMPORTANT- —At tills season of tt.e y»ar, when dliwipee c! the stomach and bowels are no frequent, unit, U ne glected, urn bo apt to degenerate into •iboleru morbus, or eTen Asiatic cholera, no lumily should h»- without a bottle of the Concentrated Kfwentv of Jamaica llloger, and a bottle of Wickey’i* celebrated Diarrbtaa Medicine, which, 1/ oted according to accompanying directions, will prove a epeody safe and efflcacioue remedy. They canJbe had only at the Drug Store of JOltff HAFT, Ja ®ugl6_ . . j3h Wood street RABPBERKY BRANI»Y-6 oo= puwila*pb«TyßraSdy a very superior home-mate nrttctej por sale by J * JNO. LITTLE, Jr., Agent, aug&dlw tfo.SQl Liberty street. SUMMER RESORTS. PERRY COUNTY WARM SPRINGS RHODES’ tnisKNOB Of SAPKTf N l w lout, June 11, 1 H6f). JIMK? R CHILT.Oi, M. D , ChemLnl. MiI'RNCK uF MfcKiT. I'olon tVuory, Pa . Mar tl. Hts CM 1 !To AuLK , c rV> KKKItS. niARLOTTK ULI UIl, An Institution for the Business Kan. IMntform Scales EUotlou. V .jjfSjs.U NUMBER MISCELLANEOUS. Mil of l>nciatiu«d Package! OKMAINING IN TIJJS OFFICE OP TUB ADAMfi K* AV PHBBB CO., 64 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, which, if for ‘ b* ** Public Auction, by P. M. JJAVIB, c°rc«r nf Fifth umi Wood streets, on the second aay of October next, to pay charges, and for aitcount of whom it may concern:— S p. Allan Pittsburgh 1 pkgo. * Haughtnn .. do 3 bdL» bag. H. Albright, can) Prank Palk d„ 1 pkge. M.B , mere M h J do 2 boles. J. W. Baker..., , lr , , , M»H.Br»tto g « Jo lbox J. Beach...- , v G. W. Baskin...-..: Mercer, Pa .. 1 box' R. Bond Hast Liberty 1 pkge. Misa K. Burn# Mercer * I pkge. 0. F Buckingham Warrentoa, Pa...l pkge! Q. H. Barst; Pittsburgh I pkge. I).M.Curry- do I box. W. If. Ohapmao do 1 pkge. J. A. Cafferday do i pkge. A. Combs do I pkge. John Coyle.. do l pkge. R. Campbell „ Allegheny -.1 box. 0.0. Cooley Manchester 1 pkge. J. Dletrick Pittsburgh...—...l pkge. W. V. Dye do 1 [lkge. T. Kmerick do 1 pkga. K. Jo 1 pkge. W. E. Ferguson do 1 pkge. A. P. Fisher Conneaotyjlle. ...I pkge. 11. Foster Mercer, Pa 1 pkge. Oban. Fischer Pittsburgh 1 pkge. J.A. Fo-ter do 1 pkge. Xarier Grelb do 1 box £• Hess do 1 trunk. 0. Helnold do 1 basket. Hutz Butler, Pa I pkge. J - G. Hartz... Pittsburgh 1 pkge. f *2» do 2 barrels. **• Huffman Birmingham 1 pkge. * lo^D6on Allegheny 1 pkge. “• £uhime do l pkge. D. Klnznr do 1 !.kir- W.O. Lipscomb.. do 1 box C. Undermau do 1 oki** W. H. Middaugh do 1 p bo x . Dr. Mathews, care ll.O.Gray.. do lbox G. 8. McFadden do 1 pkge. J. 8. McDonald do 1 pkge. Miss M. Nelson Birmingham 1 pkge. P. Nicholson - Pittsburgh 1 box. f o P S look d 0 1 chest J. 8. Perry, care P. Morris do 1 pkge Mtas J. Pftscall do 1 pkge. Khodee A Nelson do 1 pkge ?• BdMr do •_> boxes. s- ‘K” 11 ‘ io 1 »4«. V. Roth do 1 pkge MAry Rhodes Prabklin. Pa 1 box. A. SpruDger Pittsburgh . .I pkge J. Rpenrer do 1 box J. BchosJer...- do 1 pktje. J. P BmUh. - FraukUo, Pa l pkge. J. Smith ... Independence ~.,l box. A. Bchwanki? Allegheny 1 pkge. Troujb A Ueri.._ Lawrencevllle ...l pkge. W. A. Torrey Jamestown 1 pkge Johnson Williams Pittsburgh I pkge Kills Wolf do 1 phg« W. G. Wa11..... do 1 pkfe. Mrs. R. Williams Birmingham 1 pkge. Mr». a. Williams.. Pittsburgh 1 pkgs. P Bloomer do I baa. Prauk sisysr, rare W. Kuhn.. do 1 ukrs Kitoy J-> 1 b« J' «M»I! JO 1 pkgs. Iron City Hold d. 1 carp. baa. G. Thompson... i R. Gillespie 1 nXpr J. b. Martin do i 11 r&!:>•. I I ovrp. bag. Jo 1 truofe. Jo 1 pk*»\ New Castle, p&ge. Jo 1 Latrobe 1 box. W. b. BAaitOLI., , . Ajreot of the Alinas Express Co. PitUburcb, AoiruFt 31. 1R55. I>. PembriJgti A. 11. Gfrn*ral Tom Thumb M. WaUon A feUuUou J. Wafts GREAT DISCOVERY! AMPLE TESTS, both by able Practitioners and Cheml caJ Analysis, bav« demonstrated tbe great valne of PfiOP. DE Q RATH’S beautiful combination, called “ELEC TRIO OIL,” for tbe relief and cure of Pain. But the people ibtvmseise* are rendering their verdict in a manner both uumistakeable and patisfa-dorr. More than 20,000 bottles hare be-n anld in a aery short time—a grcat proportion to tnoar who heard i»(A<rj recommend it, who bad tried it. That it Is a splendid discovery ia everywhere acknowledged, and nothing like it was ever t eforc prepared. Why, for a»rru alone. It If worth $lOO,OOO a year to tbe people, as it alw- t* cow these painful tormentors m twenty-four hourc Hot whut k it not worth U> the people If it cures bait Rheum. Erysipelas,.Canker, Ulcers, Sorcs of all kinds, (fre quently taking aw<y*aTT the pain In twenty-four hours) Rheumatism, NVuralgla, Palpitation, Headache, Bronchitis, PileF, Womb CoxoplaloU, Cramps, Sprains, Sore or Swelled llreast, Felon*, Wounds of all kinds Ac.' Would $500,000 express its value to the people ’ .Y<> Because a man will give fre«)y for relief from yam. Will this Oil relieve pain t Certainly if u*t/I. finch men as we have cftwn named, bon* crsbie and higb-mioded merchant*, mayors, doctors and hare so mid, after from ten to fifty' trials. They say lb* Klectr ic Oil is tbe finest medical combination ever pre pared, neither offensive nor Injurious, but eflfcotual in all the above and many other caeca. Some honorable and heavy boslo**w firms hav*, it Is true, sold some or the old 0 jrp.»uUne, bituminous, or coal tar, Ac. Ac.) external ap* I plication*, until th«-lr customers returned battle after hot* i iJe, with the remark that *• the remedy was worse than tbe paiuyet such men have never recommended nor given countenance to them. But see some of our best merchants ordering more every ten days, aod always giving additional testimony to the vidua of this wonderful discovery. That a great many ladles are using it as a medicinal toilet article lor Ibenuelr** and their children, b well known. It cures dll intakes, M»r, Vs and eruptions on the fare* and neck in po «nort a Unto, you would e-arcely rredit U. It frequently reduces a pawful tndling m two home; lu ha f an hour; cur*-,I many effectually tn six hoar*. If lodit* knew the toothing* strengthening and heating virtues lu this Oil, ebry would never I** Induced to use anything else for wouib complaints or pains of any kind. We now iusen a letter Just received from Henry Wiley, felaq., who nrut lo England six weeks since, (to d!«.) 1.0.-TOON, July 12, ISbfi. Pucr Di Oturn. PbUa.—Bear Sir ; When I left home fbr my health, (scrofulous eruptions, Ac.J l never expected to return again, believing that my complaint would soon carry me off When you gave mo three bottles of tout KUctnc Oil to take with mo, as merely a 1 did wot think 1 would so very soon be colled upon to thank you, m 1 new do. ibr my complete restoration. I cun odlt Bay. before (he departure of the steamer, that v.;u have only to oome boro with your Oil, to make a for tune In on* year. There is not another similar medicine in England, if in tbe world. I will write by next steamer. Voure. most truly. Hknxt Wilxt. It cannot be their imaginations, who state that old sores, that have discharged from aix months to five years, have been cured by this Oil. It cannot bo untrue, nor a decep tion, where palu ts relieved In one dav, often in half an hour. No I oommon sense dictates no/—and 600 written letters say wj / Come and see them. A rognlar Doctor in attendance; and ladles pan consult a Lady, privately, by dropping a 1 Ine to the bfflee. Advice from a distance, mak ing Inquiries that any physician can answer, will be promptly attended to. ; Always enclose a stamp, as out Bor neo® arc freely given, and we are drawn upon too often in this way All cases treated liberally, with or without the Oil, mi I have-two Physicians associated £>r this express purpose. Prof. C. DE ORATH, No. 39 South Eighth street, Pbtla. N B —Tbe largest bottles ten times tho cheapest. Pt«asc mvtify me of auj ease or failure to cure in from half an hour u> three weeks, as I with to cure all, JOG- For sal* by DU. KKTPKR, 140 Wood *t PUMOurpunos: ~ VT A VUEACTUH.RD MY CHIC&RRUW A RONS, ft*** iTi aud for sale hy JOHN U, M-BLUML No. 81 Wood street, between Piaitr^mt and Fourth street Just tvcsdrrd fivtn manufactory of Cblckeriitff A fisona, fc*wdon,vF ® K \J fl nod for sale lewmNy of fiber* n rrv.vf Two of their first daps Pevcu wtave ftahoa, Lou s * MX fityle, with carrel case®, l«ys, lyta, murio fre V!<»- lahwl hack and front alike. 'This U oonaMered h\ pereoPß of taste to bo the moat beautiful pattern new winta PH,v tWO each, Ttro first do** Sewn Oot*rt> oatvwl caws lyn>, new style or ttutiil los*,thvlvr« ami eutfr tiftoautlfal f'Rtv.J tracery work; tabbed bach ami Rout alike, p*i.w $460 each. TJiroo elegant Rosowood, plain double room! corner*. Seven Octavo ftanca, finished back and front alike, ami with Patent Iron Frame. Price *4OO mob. Two carved Koaowood octavo Pianos, with new style flutKi legs, oarved case, mush desk, and the usual opening* filled with beautifully carved tracery work; finished back and front alike. PrP# (426 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round cornerp, Ct< octaves, fini*b*d back and front alike, and with Ohickoring’a Patent Iron Prado. Price $376 each. Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Six OcUth Pianos, all made as well and with the same care as their first class Pi anoa, and with ChlckTlng's patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOS. One of Chlckferlng A Boos’ New Scale, full Seven Octave Grand Pianos, ofimmensa power, brilliancy, and sweetness of tone, with thslr New Patent Action, which renders tba touch eo light and * turtle that h can be played on by the most deiirnte hand. Price (760. TUB NEW PARLOR GRAND PIANOS Also, one of their new Parlor Grand llanos, an entirely new Invention, and particularly adarted for Parlor usu Price $650. ■ PIANO STOOLS. A new lot of Piano Stoold Just received. For ealo by JOHN H. MKLLOR, 81 Wood sL, between Diamond allay and Fourth street. Bole Agent fbr CJUCKERING A SONS, for Pittsburgh and _ Pennsylvania. aug2B Fall Style Tor Hat*. 1 S.PAPLBON will introduce the New Style for Hate J , on SATURDAY, August 26ih. * u#tB 0. 11. PAULSON, 7S Wood street, ami Capn'ou™??’ taiSpuTn?' Pour,h augibMllw PT ""TTS SS Hancock streets. « f T»mtj.two roiamUifrS* UoiSi and will tie charged pm °f. tte t***®. o * till notice of withdrawal; allowed for absence on account of j ro tracted sickness, j. h. SMITH, Principal. ang2s:d2w(cbj) ouvsi — .wx. a. aoonia. T Co*Partner*blp Ndtlce, HB underilgned have this day entered Into co-partner ship, and having leased for a termjof years the large OaR FACTORY; recently erected at RQOHEBTBU, B«sv*.r County, pa., prepared to contract for the manufac ture of RAILROAD CARS of every description. Address, ** Rochester, Bearer County, Pa,” August 17,1866.— [eogSfctf J KIRK A RHODES. * -If: - 4 ' •.+ ■ 5- v *. »ATEB OrAOVERTIBUVe AQRtMD UPON ay TBM riTTXEa&QB PStSS rtn utiaaQpum l on lb&: )n« square, one 1n5erti0n.,....,.......... 55 •* ** each Additional insertion 2A '* •* one week—........... -\ 76 14 ** two weeks . .. 800 *• ** three weeks.—... „ 400 11 ** one month.... 400 “ two m0nth5.................... yog three months. 0 00 “ 44 four month? - 10 00 “ “ six months - .. 13 0® 4 ‘ “ one year. Standing Card, six lines or less, per annum.....—..... 10 00 OUASOtABUI AT FLXASDRi: One square, per annum, (exclusive of the paper)-...—. 26 00 iVIoLLLLi.NwLIo. —U»u bo.te* Jloftiu c<iHp; O do Mould nod Wp Candle*- 20 do Pu>r Candida; * 2ft dos Buck-»te : 10 do Tuba; 2J do Bed Oordfi; aO do Corn Broom?; 20 boxes BUrch; 100 ream? Wrappimr Paper; For sale by jauK3j _ JOHN MOORHEAD IJLOOMS—6O {no# Juniata; ” I) 60 do Lake Champlain, (to arrive ;) {angSj JOHN MOUItiiRAD. >'or **h!p by i OFFfiU—lOO bags* Rio end Java Oolloe lor sale by Kj *ug3 _ JOHN MOOKIIKAD. f i 'K\b —76 ha.l chests tfreuu «u J UlauU iesui for dale by JL au*3 JOHN' MOORHEAD. f| ACOO—«6 boxes lKVorite brands Toburco for Bale by JL <11132 JOHN MOORHEAD. BUUAU iSO hbds lair to i>runo lor tfalo by aag3 _ JOaH MOORHEAD. i v AlLft—2oo kegn tor Half bv * HUg3 L>!U METAL— luo tons Rock liill, (Juniata \) L 60 do Mouroe, Jo 200 Jo Nos. 1 and 2 Anthracite ; 100 do Blacklick, (Charcoal;). For * a i H by L_auif3J _ JOHN MOORHEAD ijILAXBKKD 01 l— -60U gallons on hand and for sale by au S- 7 FLEMING BROS I>AiBN l MiSLlCl^Lcj—A largo uod full (uteoniuenl ou X hand and lor Bale by |aug27j FLISMINU bltU3 AWAT SEKi>-400 lb*t for Bale by B. A. rAUNiSSTOOK A 00., cornet PjrstuDil Wood sts. IjLOOl) KOUT~4Od lbe for sale by X)_aug27 li. A. FAHNESTOCK A 00. ADHEiU Vfc PLASTER—6OO yards for sale by augltf ___ _B. A. FAHNESTOCK A 00. HKKUINU— ti bbis Baltimore Herring received and for _sob*J»y ( jyl7l • ATWISLL, LEE A 00. OIL SPRUCE—76 lbs for nuie by ' IS. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., corner First and Wood ats. / S HOUND UfiiYriAh—l*6 ibs for Bale by \J auglS U. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. sd casta first sorts for sui« by X aujjla B, A. FAHNESTOCK A 00. BED-BUG PulSON—-A sure remedy, easily up- O piled. Price 25 reatß per bottle. Sold at au «?_ 63 MARKET ST. I*iN— lou pigs Bunco Tlu just received, In store and for I jy3ll J. W. BUTLER A CO. f I 'EAR—IOO half chests Young Uysou ; X 6U do Black; 60 caddies Young Hyson and Black Teas; For sale by ■aog2sj SMITH, MAIR A HUNTER JUNIATA BLUOMS— -60 tons E. 11. Lytle’s Juniata Lumps; 60 tons Juniata Blooms; for tale by *“152 J. W. BUTLER A CO. Tea &tore* NO. 3 8 FI frTIl tJTKKKT, one door east of the Exchange ilan&. LoTcring'a Refined and Clarified BDUARS for 1» le .by |angldt_ __ 8. JaYNKS. HoaikllV —too dozen Ladles*, and Children's Summer Hosiery, of every description, just received A. A. MARON A 00. "Y | \HY AVi*iLifS»— l6 budbals received by • JL/ *og7 henry n. Collins HORS— 3 sacks rccwrcd and for sale by HKNIiy 11. COLLINS. ’KLLOW—6OO Ibi* just rac'd and lor sale by FLKMINa BROS, CIO ROM * }y& RO3£MAIO, Foil TIIK llAllt-—The best thing in the world fur rivalling, r«storing, and giving rfahneaa and i-nUwDcy to the hair. Jt curl* the balrelegantly, removed dandruff, and lur«'i*s tb« beard and whiskers to grow. Ouly *o rents bottle. Sold by _nugl7_ _ «. L. CUTU BERT, i 3 Market rt. | u D Hats as\U KOACUKd— Uwj a box ol ib<> *. hxcelxior Kxtertnia&cor. It nnver ffIUM. I*s c«nts per bos.. Sold by d. L. CUIHKKRT, ,u 53 MViket Ftroet. "UJUiU’S UALLKUY .OKJSUALLKUY >h proverbial for thoiexceilence oi Its plctaicH. Apollo Buildings, 7ti Fourth street. »ug4_ KYK FLO lift—4o bbJe juai by Uib •• Fairy Quaen,’ and for sale by »ugU SPRINQKR IIARBAPfIH A CO. 1, Lull ft— W bt>j* just received by steamboat •• tala, - ' aod for sale by _auglj t»PttINQJEK HARBAP6H & CO. CtiluCOLAl’K— lu boxes No. 1 Norfolk Chocolate in aioro / and for sale by MILLKK £ KIOKKTSON, Nos. ‘iTil and ‘-T.J3 Liberty street. SALKKATU&— 30 boxes “ Mcp&riand’a ” fialeratua ia store and for sale by OOj?!4 MILLER 4 RICKKTSON. DAIKY SALT—b bbl« stick Lairjr-auitjuai rt*c’j anti for by [iiusiMJ MTLLKR & KICKKTBON. BRAZIL SUGAR—3O Ih.xmh \Vbit« Brazil Sugar in nor# and for tele by MILLKR 4 RICKET3ON. CIAKB. UF &ODA—U) Carb. of Soda iu ktor* nod fur [ augl4j __ MILLEItjkKICKETSON. BUiUiUNOI wrcu—ii>uy lbs C>r salo by U. A. FAHNRSTOCK & CO., ooro»»r First and Wood su. BOHAX KJiKIM K I>--1600 Ibi for sale by wgl4 15. & CO. ALKX HENNA—3SO Tb/for wile b‘y augH 11. A. KAUXE3TOOK & CO. MUhQUIIO BaKS—A. A. MAw>N A 00. have jaut opened another Isrso* supply of Mosquito Nettings, fn nil colors, and at very iow prion. rukl3 DObßLfc ii Aitltt.ii TWIST AND PATENT BftKECH GUNS, from $lO aod upwards. Call ut the Enterprise Gan Works, 130 Wood street. su<2? HANDSOMEST assortment of Galtera and Fancy Shots c-nu be bought at No. 107 Market street, cheap for faue-ll W- K._BOUMEKT7,. I'GOG, by Lh- barrel, in ptore ami foppale by Xj SMITH, M Alii,A lIDNTKIt. CIANDLKS —10 boitsjilftr Cnmiled lor Palo by - J _?“?? SMITH. MAIIV'A UITNTKI!. BUHAK —60 hb'Jh Suyar for sale by »“tf 3 SMITH. MAUI A UDNTKR. MuLASoKi —i>o bbls H. Motusst's for by __BMLTn,_ MAIIU HUNTER. CtOl* fc' JiK—— 100 ba-> Kio Cullt-tt for sale by * ‘‘“l-* 3 SMITIT. MATH k lIUNTKR. SWAP— 20u toies for salt? t*y «eg3 SMITH. MAIK A lIUNTER. ('IKUSUfc.b SUUAK—26 bbls CruMml Sugar for sale by ■> a »S 3 SMITH. MATH A HUNTER. '■jlLAX—y sacks Flax, fur sale by A au g 3 SM TH, MAIR A fIUNTER. OKA NU Kti —loo In.xe* ** MfKsiua ” OraDges j«uit rwctdvwj and for **)« by 11RYMER & ANDERSON, No 39 Wood strwt. MANUaNESjl —*,000 lbs in More and for pale by aor2o_ FLEMING BROTHERS. ( JJ.INUiIAMsL— -A. A. MASON A 00. have just rt*c*»iy«i \J 300 pieced new and desirable styles or Ginghams, which they will sell at Semi-aunnal prices. aug!3 ORNAMENTING, CLEANING, RESTORING, and glTing richness and brilliancy to the hair. For these purposes the Rosemary 1 \ unsurpassed. Sold at 25 Ceuta a bottle __ NO. 63 MARKET ST. / 1 UNB TO 11UUS, by the day or week, to responsible per* VX sons, by [nqggn ‘ BOWN A TETLByT Linen GOODA-A. a. MABON a CO. tflllopenon Mon day, August 27th, upwards of 100 pieces of the beat or Irbh Liners, including eotae Vert- superior qoali x\ra: Also, an assortment of Linen Table Cloths, Napkins Damasks, Ac. Ac. r augl?7 CASKS of good, fa*?t-coiored Calicoes and Ginghams, Muslls*. Checks, Tickluirn, Ac., will be Gjwnisl ob Monday, August 27th, by . a. a. mason a co, 25 Fifth st. SM.KS -A. A. MABON A CQ. wnkpTi In n7ew lot of elegantTlain, figured und Barred Sftkft. b' which they luv»e uUentioiu aof^27 UX) boxes *" Ux> wiui, W. U. Uueai-* receivedlh Ya _*rtathjr I»u«r27|_ _ HENRY H. COLLINS. 30 bc.\M Russell A Koblußon 7 H; Jr ;io " * l - and various other ***** f '* «'*• h ?_ .... 8M ITfl, MAIlt k HUNTBR. SXjftUUlfc^— il»a twivaUUy lines• * M do Herring; 100 bids No_fl large Mackerel; 26 do No. 1 Herring; 50 doN.C.Tur: 60 buses il. R. Uulsloe ;>for pale by aug‘*f> _ SMITH, MAtlt & HUNTER r> RKtNED HI’OAK8 —36 bblu Lovwfnpß~Crushed' A* . • *Sy. do A,Coffee; 37 do R Coffee; 60 do Graoulated; for sale bv £ u £±... SMITH, MAHt k HUNTER. OIL— SU bbl» K.Il Wbala ami I'lTunor',, ull for sat by _»«“ _ X>UTO, MA.HI 4 HUNTKR Have you tiu kl WRiaUT-a PREMIUM. K\THAUTON ! ir not, try It, and you -will'soyerba Without it lie «ure to HKk lor 4 Co., aub JOUM HAST “• E - SULLEIIB =rr*- auglO I'OCCST. BMV| ffiISAIIY , T n iombfr X 1 ' ,IU on WKDNESDIY, Pop- Hnlh t L B 8 | eC ' 0r an f Orly application on the part ol PnrT d l r “ 10 6T ‘ U Untnnsrlrrs of lt» adTantagea. ror circulars or adralwloJi, apply to- RKV. WM. n CLAUKB, Pittnburgh. Pa. (, f band m tin town of Wewton FtiUa, Trumbull county, Ohio; on which i* a magniO coot dwelling. Thu outbuilding* on; of the best kind, and ground l» tastefully cultivated with shrubbery, grapes, apples and peaches. Thv improvements cost more than twenty thousand dollars It is <IT wed for much less than cost, and part of the pay will be taken in western lands. It la a fine place for a uiun to live at home. Inquire of BtiglO THOM \8 WOODS, 75 Fourth «L AChUiOIS KKSIDKMJbi KuirSALK, situated on ML Washington, commanding h beautiful view of the cities and the three rivers, and wiLbin.a few minutes' walk of the city. Tile improvements are ali, new, and the hnufe and grounds in good order. The house contains sbt rooms, with portico, porch and cellar, over two acres of ground, with every variety of fruit trees, grape vines, Ac. A good patiDg fence, cost over |*loo. Stable, coal house, end well of good water.* The above In a vorv ple&auul resilence for a person engaged In business In the city ; and for health of location, fine view, and couvenicuce,.caunot be surpassed by aur now offered for F&le. For price and terms cull at our office. y. OU’ITIBKKT A SON, aug27 M Market Ktre»L HAiU'Ktt’tit VUTN AAl’B, and alllh- iloutbly Matf*zta«« for September, now rt‘uJy and for *»1- by jii miNKR * r *’. depl No. 3» Jar**' itm 1 and Mantilla Trimming in yofro Anc!'}«»»• arU <.ab«r a«»„ .trios jam u rutb ec. •• * r ' i '■' .V- A ‘ , ! ... , Hii %'»T 7 !'- ■Ts&> 35gg£&fcy^3S^ag .... n oo JOHN MOORUJiAJ). IiOWN 4 TKTLSY nV ; ' 'V •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers