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V.* »!*.*■**• < L 1 « j 4 *■ «.- ■ <* "1- ■• \ S'lT l *'t *1 }-ii> i*- “. ► .»T:. sr,/ ■ / >'. v■“ • i ■f.'c ',:; ,;■■, ■' -•'•: i V l-V • te#*a?s>yj)i'*v * ■ J SSKBSyKSSfctiJ ;.<.'."B ,-•-i '..v»r, '■ v•• . i V ■ :< 1 Vv«i. * *r j i@siilpp‘Vf@jtS;:y-s r/> 0.-. f.'-H 1 ”. r ■; •- 4 , n , } , . ,!: :,| a ;i.4f i w&hMfr•'■ £v.i-1-"- \< »j.<r V- ■•] 1 mSgSMM^^9SX'^% -.-tK »n y isMsstei pHipi sisias;ff®iisi : 4 psifiltii liWiiUssm f-V'j- 1, -f>. .'Vf-r* ,'’^r, 4 4 ! sf .feT►.* »SsSfSv if'i’ff r f r r. Vf "' r.. J ->i'l p33&i«SS&^*: aiifew f s as i 4 Sj.-,f4 '*’ - /JL' s' sa v, '■'•-^Wla i ?-■& 4<*\ T/ ,-HV^Vfrif l V‘-V r *?• : : .w 4 t'?-"V'-'^ fc .f-\‘r - ("•'-, ^' -, v <;^V^i’ s v* h" ;,? ■ ■•■.A -»■ ♦,•>? ■■'i' 1 ■» , W» fc- * oujj rt ».■> . a/: v •••:.\. f\ S' ?• «**■ •». %.,’ . * \^s£f$ i Ws‘?^k'* J ' ■ : -r! : ; ‘: 4 -4'? %• i ••» i- • s'' ''■ r '•*)'*'. : ’" ' ! - ; V'‘"-"'*= S'''' V * . .. r ,V s-'-. ■ f <■',(.-«• 4'- - * «*,'■• - f', '•-• .-^ A ;AAy'-'; v -• . >. £Ts- it., 1 .- . v / ,-r- -> ,t\•. *• .1„ ■• * . .... ',\*;u.?y»j,s« r * „-v., •** *. .*. "T *• r* - r V *vX; -- " r!*- »* ’ . ' »,''}»! - . Jl , r A* r ' » r<\. , rf /.• . - » ',* *. ... ,; r ; , U r-- . r. r \ZS. r .V> . ' * ; s''* '-ir, r'■ *'?’” j ».".i'' *• v r.rf’-, ,% i ;-A :s>AaJ:v*-..LfV fS- 'f AA? : . -—-- - e. i ' ' .AAj f .* r -r .* **> * t ■*• ►• f :. 1 - - ... • % < v*v v - ..* «* ■■ -•» w:.*»Ell-* 1 =j/"-:• . *-. ft f <? ■ ■ W ■ : DAILY MORNING POST: Pn-Iri io nd published every moniiit? (Sundays excepted,) BV OILLOOKB & MOHTGOMBKY, on THI bmth-wisi opwom:pi WOOD aio> nna stsrns- Mr IBS MS.—live Dollura • ywr, p»r» b >« • trance. Six DoUwawill InrarUblj b* required If n P»* r fiS" BlurTo cnpisi TWO raw- fct *»'• »< ibf »anl« loth* 0 Bee, and by tha Nears Boys. THE SATURDAY MOESIHO POST PaUlishsd from tha.ame ooc, .> sb rof, »•. TWO DOLLAKB • y»»r, In tuimnce. mn B ow F "*S'»Mr «IU b. ilsoontlnned unl«s »t th. dßra* ~ JSTrfetalS JbbrS OUcesiu the city, vrhert aU k,Ms of Mrkti dom on the shortest notice, and meet reason-. a bit terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Hoist. C. G. Sproul, A rrORNET AND OOUNBKLU)R AT LAW-Offlce, No. —..Fourth eirtut, Pittsburgh, Pa. decll:ly Jamil A* Jjovrrte, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth Btre-t, Pittsborgn, between Smithfield street andCberrv alley. ldeclbly_ TtilT ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, corner PtfUt and Gra.nl «t*., j i. 3 I 31 rrrriaoiuiH, ?a. Thomas W*»n»* ~ „ ATTOHNJIY AT LAW AND BOUCITOIi IN CHANOKItV OSce, next door to th« Fort Office, SteubenvUlo, Ohio, my-t lLo»s, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. l(W Wurth street, Pittsburgh, V», fourth Jour brio* Mr. KoJy Pitl-rsou . U«ry O. Or 1 »Jido I..ooniio, ArrOBNEY AT LAW-Offlc*. Fourth street, ebove V> ood. iy4:j . - - - ft, B. C&ru&baa, A TTORNKY AT LAW-Ofllee oo Karth street, botwe«D J\ i'-X-' ' "J. W. M’Clnvr ry, * TTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT I.AW-Otliro TV ft*feewell'B liulUln>;s. on Urant *tr<et, ;e U. 11. Uaieu, ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. V/7 Fourth street,abuTw&ud near Suiithtk-U. murl^ty Patrick MofcLcuna, alderman of third ward OFFICE comer Urant and Filth etrerU, (formerly occ pied by Alderman Lewis,) when- all bu/uue** portal in* to the office oi Alderman uui J asu--* of the Peace w: lie promptly attended to_ _ Jobl .'.m jj. Bucbmuter, Alderman. OFFICE. Grant street, twlweau Fourth at. and Diamond hllev. ConTeyanclng of nil kinds done with tbe nieat car*' and tyvurucv. Titles U> Real Estate exainio Wllll&in Wilson, Alderman, OFFICE No. 447 FENN street, between the canal ami O’Hara street, Fa.b War l. All businoss to the offlee Of an Alderman or Justice of the Fence, wi.i h* orv>inptly attended to. liapis, ilortpu^e* l , riui utber documents, drawn wi.n neatness and despatch. febl .vtl m II.AHL,, h’OkGKo;-! IjBNTIjJT, (SU; CPMor i. U. W. I'i.Ulle,} No. 144 swKLriri l TJLF Lours, t.oiiJ & to 1 o’elock. «io>i i.mly J.K r' rom ‘2 to 6 o’cloc x J u; -•• ul Mhrkgt. ZHa? p o M! l '''' U " lM ~ ’"'“ """' te-AO 1 business cards Xi.jR.iAN R-'UtMSC.t AuMtllt U CCRLi*«'i L , r ELi Vi A-K 1 1 t>ITIIhIIX»C ‘ L urllnc, Koberltoia & C 0., ■MASUfACnJUKK* OK cur. PRKSSKO A O ,U 1 M UlNTOLiiiffAKi; >" U \S .n 1 curuw tt F»uot sir ret. t A!! OtlnrUub - ' u unbare an.l 1 * “• Bl Invr uurliKt prlr.*/ _ _ a P.. * Jacob flrOolHHor. AiniOLKSAI.K aui n*u.i Cv« munatfcfiuw, ao-i • \\ «rr iu »1! kind* uJ 'lebt-tfco, Bund, «u»-i " J Fifth street, PUu»baivh. Pa Uo' constantly oo han l a Ur?rt tu; ;1 1 - ■ »•> Van- il< U.'rqJh of Imperial Olgar* J -*t Joiiu Mootlieail, «r!r.T.VSAI.K OROCKR. AND iXOIMI-VD'N >-KU \\ i. H \NT. for t!** •<*!-•■• l’u Metal uu.: lilo. io*. at, l Vrwlu '.T tVr*J b: m-t, _i i-tiu;r rkvmu? Iltjmir & An.lcr.on, ( si u - i a-- ,• • t J '.hi'.'* ivh. -1 6 i } i’’ J' M = n W ■ Miw.h ■ N, ‘ - s " 'M b.’. lhe it. Ctorie-linin'. Piurtiurjl.. It M- Henry Hi C’olIlns» rAOItWARDINO AM’ COIIMHMJS M f.P.CII AN T, »i. t Wb»l»*.l. l"»Vr IsCW l-aujr - ft T It. Morgan, - X> J..>KSEUJ£H AND ?TATI-'NUt-i>- O i genera! nj.,ortm j nt a- ,- i, M.- "■ii,”*''’ Itlr Boots. Frintln.-. P.ot »M 0.;- A' . t .,l 50.104W00l rtr-wt, wlotr liflh. Ra-t f:*. JSg- Waatel, lUgs awl Tanners' i=r.f»- ». Oi"lU*U MitlEl’., I'ni.s ... Kl, 'A. 1 V • Bllllcr ts. KUUet.on, TT r ill; lia;'- 't-'- ’• * rtr ’ ' W amlßegarj-Nos. Itiaail l! I, corner ol Irwin .l . liberty street, Wlt-wirgli. Iron. .’nils, Gotten 1 «rir. jooofluntjy on han l. " WrlLloK (. llutt’i « ollef?.. rpnh'Tl.in-UnJSi .»4 »».- I CIUH »UI 'l-« Iloni.'. tt><- *«•••»•'• , u r .1 » «.».*»•*. V "'- 1 ‘ UtUrtf ffrmnr .r- a .a.vornMj '- >• *'• f r«nuittUJ*Uii' *rt- • \ -t.-J -*■» i—*- , .. , r th . Whor .nor r •• nif'Hf'V*’* v u r > , « i i rs ft Co ta s »-r- >»*» t» '• ■’• * - 1 - * 4 ' "‘‘ 1 ' •"" ( MAN l FACTL’HIiKri 01 *a)tlta - P»tout Improv,! Stool j *'and Ww ' ■*■■>■ • »r.'.rt> •>; Ur j Cultivator Tooth. QtH.r cor nor Ktw ut-J Putt ll«- w „ t .~, „ < u-lr. - A.. , octtlj . .. . ! UlrtUAhlp U> > f i"f ' plCtilrurelV Riding School. flew lot« 11 lg* ui cUHU • • ; A ROBERT U. PAtTKEHoN. Proprfdor. rernw l rpgt ,„t «-::«•< ha. «p-ood .1. INTKU.I.IM»CK | | rrxS-T l> l amot>.l alroel amlCbarr; alto?. I l OPFICh. at So tl iuC-ri, tu a.u ao- I /rrlrvwwtluni tumotmc. to th« Udles wd A ... of )n!in fi.i, A.rt.t.MJ - , , ' irruol rttubuwh, that bobaa roc-utly rrwW • RlflNd , c , Prl :fc. \.-u . lot r ‘ l ' ' | HOltOuU»htrhlnpolotot-lrrac U I l p , u , t .... I- '.U-r- huo-"if ‘ u M ' jat>“ ' ItUI , )D uudomabljt noon anj almtltr nstabhohmoot lo tt.r | „ul iw-o 0'“- t-.i.. •• •• 1. Wat*. 1t.10C.1t.-B l» «rro«lb|. ‘£’l* £ ' U.ID (UlhUbtAJ t— 1 "! > ». »• attorn. • 'i, i.’V.Zi.on. 1 H acitv. »htlo lt« hir-ti anil »lrj ulturtton rondorn It arp-- ~ , ~U c„ o i b.-, i, iltl» an 1 al. hr r< >.-.-1 .oa rui. h. > lu. «■ " j ljo Kiri [ «,;i U-Wrd to mUL-lb., eatabll-hmeol \h* tbe JUlllkeu ft Co. No. lit M ..U>. .vni nl^u . ,>r the i-übllr. <>gt — - - , , AVK HAM*. «t tb-.r .Uruor. « AhINKI »ul Venn**. __ - -- ~ tiielVaril C. Bock.lng» j K-l .'i i* 1K M \.Mjl aITOHY. N*> i-t n<t.iibi..-M Air.i-’. u Commlttflon I»uk. ~u r !»i A MKACT U H K K DK OUT, UlLTfia. DRASI*, iII irlclsu; v ; Wo. y IMaio N.uUurr, »h..' riMIK Puh*-rib«M baro op-nM ft hU•••■ r y. \1 l> MK l NiUi L A*.*, PURTUAIT AH D l II- l 4 L * udU-iyai) 1 po- at-Nu 17 -rA FUI. an., urnataauta.t. , Win. Carr da. Ct> . ,'Wm Onrr, \sto of «U fira-.l -> P&rk. r A c. > WHiM KSAl.4.i*»i an 1 ► or*-«s'n ,uJ BntoUr«.uul MixunM.hr!* »*J w ■ ■ l, .BJi.r K«. UUrtJ K R Ur»vn, PrOdacdUtßß ia lor iu-rvhaii.ni*. { . p R. D. ha? prc-arul r* .n-- a--*' ► m ' jl 1 warrant* Garden Se*U. ai.liav.te- iWUenu- m ••• - »■ t*runted in rami affa^ra. Jamri M’Lnughlliii 1 \KALKK IN OKOOKHIKH, PROuI'CI.. KU>IK 1.A00.V _ A..’,., Nu. 10. corner an i tfuit hI rdt ’ 1 ' u^,'r ' ! burnh, r*. - " " TBIT t l 'i a. i&trtiO.- •- TUO. U T. W. Young & Co V- -w Smith h.'U ttrssl. t vi/uid* City Ll'jtr* -|\(l'ASt'i'Al>TUKß'll3 OF CABISBT FCItSITL'KK AM' j M. OBAIKS, of srsrj d«=ri))Uoa. Matala.* and «ork- ! i.o„blp wimottd, and K>U at reduce! pricts. Cai. uk. o In parking for land and wat*rrarrla«. Wn. uijjby, Jr.. I, , CLOTH IN'O AM) FURSIiUINd irullK, Mwu.' F.flli atrert, Piiutnirgh. Clothing mad. L. ord.. . I ■ good sly 1., and at mod.tau rat. J. | K. A- C. Uanctn, ' Wholesale orocbus, and i*aien- m Produce Kor- , mo WlnuHiDd Liquors, 0 ; d MoDongahtda and IL-c I tilled Wbiafcv, No. »1 Liberty el.. Fitieborgh. Fa. jy- > : "Z~" A. Tlndle, WHOLESALE enJ_ Ht-iaß Saddle. U»tnv J 11 Mellor, HriitH-KdALli soda-tall Ds.hr in Husl .ml Instrument-. W “inooa. Music, School Bc.ks sudbfinnsry, Nw 1- Wood strfht. _ J ‘ John W. Butler A Co t AND OnJIJIIS.IION MKHCIIANTS {’ y,..brain all kind, of Pittsburgh miiuufuciarss U.d FTpe and Shout Uad_. e7_Kn.alJtn.M : “'Hr Euurpriei Works. A’o 1M >V."vf I'arJ J->" W--if ai- 'V■ BOWN & TKTLEV wouU cailthe tUUintKm rtf AjK-rtl < man Id IValr Urge .aMKmaot of Uun«, WIIM »ad R^- .olytnir PUtol», <h- largest and bast Sol-tod steak m opon«f'ln this rna.lwt, t-ig.lhor with a general oi Hardware, OnJery.'Cuols and FWug darkle, «l of wbkl are oderat Ibe lowest ptssible price, to Ci.li par, lm. .. . ' for good apprOTOd paper. “a' l _ Cop&rtoeriUVu Nolle©. luvjr THIS DAY (April liUjj aepociaUrd •with ice I SilS.l MML. 0. CDANM. both of whom hare been for many yea,, in my eetahlisa ment, and are already eitensirely and fs.orablthnown lu Sv tmutomera and the public generally as aupjflor work my custom business hablta. We hope by this union mso, and hirnin “B ln t tf, „. t ch a - of esperlance andartlaUoßltm V Mlw ued atook „f 'hVsdCg .1 and by close .llenuon Cl and eolL-.t f.T tbe new firm a Urlavor*. n - 11 ‘ Pittsburgh, April 11, l-vifi- Wtlaon, Tnrbelt tL Clan*f) . WATCII MAKKKS, JEWKLEKS and ML\ hKSWI 1 U. , 07 Market wreet, corner F ourth How €oaoh and Carriage Fnetoryl JOaUSTOH, BROTHERS & CO., (\rrtier Rtb«xa aud lielnumt struts, Aluyhniy CUjf. - WOULD lufom ihvicftwnd* fhn pobijc generally, that lh«*y ha\ <* commenced thr mnnufurture of Carriage.-, ■2f223K^Uuxooch*p l ILvkttwuys, Buggies. SloigLf »»*d ohftrioteinaUUieir various style* of tlniah and proj-ortion. All orders will be executed with elnol regard to duruUlt tv and beauty of finish. Repairs will aJ-o be attended V most reasonable terms. Cmur in all their w.;r» t-- h«t Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel etutt, they feel cod dent that all who favor them with their paironage, wil. l j Dorfectly (satisfied on trial of their work. urchasett ara requested to give na a call, baforMiurrh*- ring elsewhere. [l 1 ' v , T JMDBtOT 0. I. jonawoj..— «• »““• MltiAlalar Cflrrlnfft I* actor} TOHKSTdN, URUTSER A 00PRACTICAL Co AC l •T MAKERS, coiner of Rebecca and Belmont etreels. At* j., pu ham on hand and are manufacturing bo s£nrivi 7 *M»rtiDeni 0 f Carriages, Rocßuways, J**** l ®*; TWaLoars, if„ mai, in all Uwlr Vinous etyl««, will Sjlrirepirdto d urability and busOtY UMiuijh, uamg >□ a.l thair work tho host Xanlata Iron ami extern hickory. R t»iva attended to on the most reasonable terms- They rc ssssSttt2S“ho may ,ra will be oerlbetly BatisOaJ on trial of tbelr worn. ‘Thl Jd Mancheater OmnlbUK. P“» «« r^ r te«n minutes daring the Jay- PITTSBURGH COACH FACTOR*■ E. MAfiTU! L. BTIvaNS..~..---*- (IEOa ' 3M AUt> CO , jm« SUCCESWRS TO K.M. BIGELOW, No 4i» MHW Diamond alley, near Wood utreet, PiL burgh—Coaches, Carriages, Pboatona, Bug glen, and every description of funryYehlolf* built to order, and finished in a manner unsurpassed L-r beauty of design, elegance of finish, efcUi of iTorkmaosb-i' and durability of 'materials. 43* All work warranted. tIOBERT H. P aTTK RsON 'B~ LIVEEY AND'SALE 4> W&IBF STABLE, Oorntr DUmonltUnl and Cherry alley aptlfctf FITTaBURQU. PA - IK)Z. LEMON (?) “ iawortoJ <* 89 WoM •" 'V • F .. v v ,/• - •- " j. L. Marshall) ccemiiir to U. I.c«* 1 (WCOBBOtt to £ *,??Jm.-.KTI kP«M ' \irOOL DEAI.KU AND C\'ttMls>loN MERCHANT, /AOENKU MAIIKET STREET AW) DIAMOND, ; W 0 . >,* Üb * rt y street, Htuburgh. r*. () consunQT on hu>d » full *Mortmimt or Dro6». “ i uciintocli A Ur..., K minor A Briffi Medicine Ohosts, Perfumary, nod all irUcl.n pertai | 4 Klrl>p , trk | i; Murphy, Tirrn.u A Co. mr.fuUy -»»«■£*“ | ... kll hours. . i WE would Invite the attention cf our fneudaftnd COCUKAJI tu | /g thd public to e Hplendil assortment m HATS aud ITlomlng Brotocru, fl&OAl‘tS, vrh*chwe are uow opening tor the Summer [ fIOCOItJBOEB to J . *J* D * , C ° tr L t ntu- whUh for beaut/ot style, ever of Wholesale ddgqists, no. w wood • r<re j lu lhe or west i»r the m-junuius. burgh, Pa. 01 Dr - M 141 U <W-Call and for JourKlrrs Vermifuge*. Liter PUIS, Ac. ---• J WILSON A BON, - y\ Wood street, Pittsburgh- _ : John H*n, .Ir., i*• r RETAIL 1 DRUGGIST, and dealer 1 Dlaaolutloit of Co-P*rin«rHhtp. joor._b.low \imio I .msohfj t.v Ihf iW»tb or Mr. .1. i» J. Roa.iM, on tha llln W M oSiu“SSS I ° f TtVtmlol LhaNO^U'VWOiiß^iUbaoouUnupJ also, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood straat, j in w'wh.' ’’wioolfVt.ndloa. (Has, OorJUla, Jamaica Bplriu,Bt will • !■*■ ~ KI ' ‘'’[’..'ll' i.'iusoaToN, Croi i and New England Rum, Clarets, Champagnes, IkoUh ,-,u.\.N ALAMa, Ale. Loudon Brown Stout, Irish, BooUh, Bourbon, O J , K MOO UIIKAD Mouongahela ltye and Whisky, Apple, Pe*>b, , (1 jj»> 4, Vsii. j W U. COPKLANU. W lid Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Harim*, l ».!*•“>•. 1 Krgaliu, and Principe Cigar 6; Ualf-Bpanish and Co turnon Cl ’ara, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. PancT Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, sdJ .D- oiijobns of all sites, 1 respectfully invite an examloa tlon or my it**, at No. 8 WOOD -trot, Pittsburg, | I‘runa. — - Jamca JHelUngir, MONOStIAHKLA PL.VNINO MILL-\VouU rMp^tlul Iv inform his friendu tad the public,.tb»t hi* ve >-• uUv.hm.ot ie now in lull op*r»uoo, and lh»l be b> pr* paroJ to luroiah boat Oabiua, aoi All all ortoe for llantJ Lumbar, »Uh promptnoaa, anil at tlio r * le, „ . Ilaanl auJ Halit, platluj oil Ouo Or both aklw, conalanl y ‘ “r-a'h, J L;ors. ami MottUtngH o( ovary Joicrlplioo, BuOa W " baUJorr anJ Uarpo-lara iroulJ#ud U t„ <i»« lilm aunli.aahecnu no» rurmah thorn «lth p.aa, uB MiluMe fa r «>*rry JeiMllptiou_ o f_^ cr j t :_ _.. - • _ ----- jijiia :ms« ti-L w m a cir.fc js •• ~ llerrou fc Crliw«l*, I >EII IMI IIBAdS PoUNDSM, mJ M.outl»r«i «' Hal kfuda “ Hr... Work. Locomotire Steam Kng.ne, I* uu]i!-[< Ac Alco, Outrun Bartlug klnnulacturrrr 'KminJrv .... Ketv~ca .treat, Allegheny olty. aud olure So. 14 Market etrret, Pltleburgb. .»10o taken iQ .xchkCg. or or l-Sb pall. order. Ml .1 the laundry or be p:wiupc ! ) fcHeliklrJ l l ' yKJff ... U BJUISiltt -W ? - ; ,lA,r Uratr. ktelaliager «■ UralT, All E--TEHN fvC.NDRY, 80. 1M WoM Mr*.., Ti.t!- \\ 1.0r,-L, I'a UiKiriCTOfKEllf or I- nl.w Stores Plain and Panry Gratea. ,-aal and W.v-d Plato and Pnerj Venders, Parlor Sierra, »>d and Dog Irona, Uoll-'W Ware, Portable Porgw, Sugar Kettle*. Tea Kettlea, St-‘e Kettlea, Wagon Boxer. “bio tr tv utlk J ft. U l Atl - tr. u P j4irn. .. • w vi.MAia.... •• * Smith* JHalr A Uuntir, i (Ut« Smith * BloeUlr ) I kI,-HoLtB-U.t UltOCBltS, PItODUCB AND SION MKKCHASTi. and !*-*•»• ‘l\ ,1" L I’lWburghMnnuttnturaa.li'dßeeondaud lt.l P.rrt rtr^t, I’ittiibursrh, Ha- _ . • - rr'UE OLD rIUS’nNt)*KOTAbLISUSIK>.’T, (Me John ] .ton A Stockton.) end Blank Ito k and Stationer' Warehouse, I a prepared to eaecule er.ry »t)lo of La** l ' Commercial Canal and steamboat Job l j? n liur and H,udlne, and furnl.b ..rry article In the Blank Bot.», P«P tvui tttßtionery lice, At the ahorte.it DOtlcd M»«l ch th« mo t Ir*> aWtlfthtd leinjl. n , .. I Blank Book and VtatSonerv Warehouae, Printing Olß.e ! ami Hook plndary, oorn«or_Market_anJ lleeond ala 1“ Nurtli-Waaterii Pollen Agency, j jrj. 6S WASHINGTON .JiOhEi 1 . T A> I'tLst-A for %t»(e by ' "f* . ' - '* ' «“"»■ " «•« *“ "““ “* BIEIOILI business cards. A I Li* pinktrlou A la. i.tc TI tans iTTUin. Iv. Tat tJUXHi.-rioi i. satin roues business • [ 1 1U ( u. W isctuaiu. UicJii«»D l&JUo *' lii th»* ?Ut<> utH tU ■fcottc*. rnnt l.u Srm >■< I.WES * «010 d. b ».iug b»,n Jl-~l> 1 rl I j ihf dMth i.f JfM. r Uuitf.i.lltlM • th ' arJ-1 nnn »U 1 b« bj the uodoislf üb4, ». U.nr otflo*. torn*r r-f Haw *o>-} PU-t »<rwt». ISA Al* JONK. 4 ., furvlTj®g PiJtaor K-i'lanitir .W, 1 | ! laitcc Joncl, i » « aNCFACTURKH f t Hpr\og had UlUtctr I <!.!< »t«e). rii'U,;b Vflnp: Oo«.-li »nJ tl^Ut C,nni« l!r.» .Hu! T«K'. I ** i( P* l * ol ' “■'"T- M “,‘ „'.n = Ar.l lton ol B— »uj I'.itst'urvb, 1 - 7 Moulding. mauulaßtured in >bL ert “ l ’. ! IL.bulcnl may be cleaned V.ILLOUI injury, wllb K»p and “tvi U> I M*. No 51 Si Clair si . P,U.bar,b- ; J. WlllTKi , ! 1 r KS KTI AN 11LINU 41 ANUPAUrbUEK, hu rrco»nr™l | V bln beuilb »o aa t" ream. Ida old bu«lu<=.i, »nil ba- • , , . ned 1,1. lILIND MANbPAOTOin.at No C6lflllh»trr«L, nhi bo I',at utnco, botwoon Wood and bmlLhbalJ, abac. j L«a uu .a-orttnimt ol UUNDS, IrUmu.-J with plain and ' u n v rilk itiminiogs, *-nJ Ib pr*v>*r»a to Bii * U r order iu h\i lln*, on tbo mo 4 Ub w.j'rk l» t.' gW* Satlafartl&o ur uiOD'y rofundeU. | BS-0:J Blind" required. . . ; l'jfOd* him 0 call, ts bo can tbe beat * a ut * | minrljlp ... m, ‘ y - i Nolle*. j I IHVE Bold my intero.it In tb« luulnara 0. Long, Millar | 1 A Co to B A Long, nbo. wllb John PtllltlpA will a n , , t'hf old stand. No. lu« Pront .tract. I cordially r. I coinui-nd lt,B new Brut l- tb. patronag. 01 my Mand. 1 illaburgb,July 1:9, I*H- IMJ MILLLIt. B U>XO «... S. A. I.AHK A AO., I*KILAND BllAeS IfoUN AM) UAd HTTKKH. 1> twTlt- ntwotk-n to their *U*-k *«f Oi-*ud«lU-re, Hr*«. k rt<, p*udnuta. and utl»«r tutu:** "* bl U P boa » M h ,jJ La atMia, mat. UraM Ouu.(*j.[ »» s,n f‘ *° ‘V. 4 "' LraUh K.1110.J Pm=|.. .aJT.nk K,t.m 4 *, n=J k« * "■ Attrition Metal amslanUy on Uand. JJ_” DALY’S STOCKING JV'o. -20 fifth strt'l.Jiril'Wrnsr übwf Market street, PITTKBUEUB, PA., mr i!VKE will t>f found the largest boJ bout aefiorW W of Uo=l KHY .rror offered for ail. la this city. lisem will ilnJ it to their n (Wantage to (*liat thli t „ubli»bm«>t end enmiioe lor lhoms.lt*; It >'*" '“y" 1 1,, I ajiuro thfelr custom . y B— Remember the Catir Stoesiau Coartitt. iebhy u * - CoßHumt tti# Smok*. r I'HE eubicriber h*riDfC the «xelusWe I turfuna b«U BWKKNBrH lIOT AIB AND BMOKK CONSUMING FUBNACK, Is prepared to mocit* orders, anj .■on'trmcl tor hoeting ImilJingß with the most «oonomlo»l fnru.ce now in use. ' he .tteutlon of those ‘“'""’ftjy* r .llciteJ. Ad; ioformstion cut be ot A BRAUUB i , Nos. 2 ont 4 \VooU street, or of J. hAUHVOLLAO, aeo'24:tf I 1 ton City Store Wsrehouee, No. IR* WooOst. Akllh *. tfliU* - Itedile ft Ulam* to MuWany * LedUe.) MAITCJPACTURERB of Cut, Mould** aod 1 “j Fancy Colored GLARE W ARK, an J d-alere U all Sludaol Wlnflow Glaaa, Tlafllta, Vials and Leona comer of Market and Water slreeU, Pitiabnrgh. m hardly Removal. C« ILIMSHN, Manufacturer of every variety of >taie. bottles and Window Olaa* Black PorUr, Winei and Cinret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Qum in every variety. Warehouse, Nos. XW Second, and m First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mba * - 1. W. Chadwick, Dialer in kjlntlokv leaf lobaooo, i^as AND PAP KB, No. H 9 Wood street,below Blxtb,Pitte bUffs#“Ttae highest market price, In OABli, paid for BAGS. ap^:. y JOHM ATWUX A. J *-»* • 0810. ATWILU Atwell, bee A. . . WUOLEBALE GROGERS, Produce and Commission Merc bants, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 3 Wood street, between Water and Front streets, butgh. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. fIXUB CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore training between I JOSHUA RHODES and PUILIP RBYMSR, In the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business, la this day dissolved by mutual oonwnt. Tb#fruMnesi of the firm will be eeltled up by Joshua Rhodes, WhoJy^nPSmoDE 8 ”* ceipl for all debts due said firm. RHODES, March 27 th, 1866. PHILIP REYMKK. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. 4UT The undersigned have this day *Jgs* shlo, under the name, Ann and style|of RKYMIR AAN DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary burineu, No. 39 W^ l^” I IIKXMBiI . ROUT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, ISS6. as- In retiring from the Confectionary buninoM, 1 ehesr *»'» MeisrB ' B ' rmM RMDKB ’“‘pittrtmnth. March 27th, IBM. ‘ Reutov aL ~ PEINBEB. HABiiAUQII A 00. hnvo removed to No J 5 295 Liberty etreet. .... uujuuiu voaarra. '" USU “ Sprlngir’&.rbAUKß * Co., cnsrsCSS^Slteg iirtst, Pittsburgh, ft- J i *-V^» 1 . v : "' .... -';V ■■: 4r > > 4 •», • •• i ' <• » M_* fl •*, i . I BUSINESS CARDS ~M , *Ylo».ii “ 1 Johu m-Ulu«kcy *. l 0.. WIIOI.KaALK ASb KKTAIL bUJIiU.N>' Ul.c. CHANTS. No iS W.vl-tr~l. V. t.l..ir<ti. I * TU M.l»Tlt.-r S f-K-N lolly ll'-.t b- “ atil tlio 1-ul.li.- iu jot,, r.l. IW Ito-v t>*'* tl.— A*? »■=-■ f. I l"ool“.lA- Ml il.o Luoino.a, unjor U- Orui .-1 J,lllNMVl.".'lvb.T iLJ t;u.l; eoi .1 u ttlnro rb0 1 ,r..„„.U,H„., S '■ *>.. \. w wl«u Boot* »n>> Slio**. I iI’LAUiUUN, No. Vb Vo«rlU hU«-1, Dearly • I ih • ilnvut’- m*uuC»‘‘llinn* uettl!*io«n « BrU U-« /bo,*. tin-, un i tmttr-i.. J. ■ uJßttUun* elUui:rr,; UHI-h’ IUU J-unf Uo,U A»V p,m. n.u-1 kreuW. Lu-stßu,; wa.ior,.. , t «v.ry *.l« Uncy Hi 1 Rii 1 'iaß.ro, ol lue t«f> . UiuU.iu.s. SIjI an! OhH<lr**o'i< do . .-I v.irifty N is —AH iurJ-U- uu h*• 1 1 notlro 1 »u H* Soldi*r*’ Bounty l<n#d« «“** Claim* sgaluit Uoviinmoul. 1 W ILL procat*; Bounty Uud Warrant* ?ul her*, tbor I iv»-l Minor ChlM’vn, enJ att.nl u. I>usl&<*«» I'd lli- •* Court * f Claims,-' r«**uUy oUUwlwl hy 9°, n ? T . v-jhc* V-. 14' rhTJ *trwt, oa« J«»r MftUl* H»U March IV 1.v.-uuhiru) . oniu.K* navlmk a*vr »«•<! store. fAUKd WAKI'HOr * -l*r« i-' *»*« CAN Ah' H. K*-»i <•( •I ibo qm( Improved brc-d, bom* very hßrd), »'*■ * Ji n|f .*:v Bird &«+l* —Canary, Hemp, MdM, »“■ 1 d S-4 1 Bcu.;uet* nil! l< laruL*W Uu*»l KI.oWEK.*. vit • Omtn<*lW., l!o*v Hul'. H.-R.-lr •}•■•>*, •• Kt.rd.efO* 1.0 !>■ I.*' f-r Chriftm** ir-m >U« »~J Horticultural Morn. N** ** ► ■ ”" l ' r Vi •’ Bounty i,auU». mjlH umi«TbU'.;«J ronftrmra t-' • U»m ju-i.t.iy Un'i *r ]_ Tl.- t-rowut tail *»«-• ' • wt j " “ »». r.o *■ InaBWlU aiirt. U<w«wU W ■ od *i l !1 1 Co*l Work* Ic* b*i«. £T\T\ TIIKKK V*'ltUr <t 3r ' ; tut op*r»U-.u. H.. 4 >*rui i- 11 ‘ rif,r. 34 mil« i»J m -it j.Rfiu il.*u-«. Uurn. r*0*l»l ’•'t !.«i J U«.h.»o, “Yu L- :-■•• - '■ MUU I I !r ‘ u '^" lf S.. i-. -.•■-• KlUlUl'l lON KOO.tt KoH ISYLNIMSS AM' Aud Ageiicj loi Iho i’urcb-aso ftttd Salo of Bight* aoi PaUu'.oJ ArlicU* Mu.-K.' F KAIV'N fl'io *t« h... ui.. --..u —i yy |j i>-r u» J hn J.ra~tt‘~i, U kb.Kl, * r ■ . ~ ~ :, H ic- a ,v»., liru.l'4 M.J., bi.m.i Al.ihu. Wm. I’hllhp'. '■ K ) J, ,' l ' 1 ' < ’“i' n ' \V,u.o M 1U.U.., " >“ I '■• AW. 1.~‘n,.. . -‘r. ■r » l«.'- " , ritUt'iir.f-. N< .. tf:. u r. UOIL-lK sU.'tll A'l' III'OKSMITtI, >•*-' »“ ur» »tul r.'imn'Ui'iH ll.uk 8b' i' b*t»nill Tlili.l »tl4 1. u:lti Strff, »(.•■ r. b. I- U> . o all wnrk In bln bn. w,l b lb' l nlmn.l |.t■ u,i--.ui 1. lUflmr bvl I-t< .n*rtriw* in lb. I. lb. Vkirnno,;. .'1 W. n!J Mnl U fearfully MAI'K bV £ CLARK, MOW YORK. r|>UK I'UULIC i»( nu. 1 A.l<?Kbrtjy u rcsp.-t : f.r the subscribers, Nu. bJ H H LI .'T . uadjpgiSgpSrag i examine a eup*«rb U M g W U | KullOr»ndPift»o»l» rllieB,u , uo '“ ~ “ *L , from tb. ot NUNNb A OLA.»•* - i irnttrumvol U OWd* iu tin’ Kl.l /. A UK l ll I a*' I HT VI K ” (huoruamebte, front tilerivi null l-hfe belo-c rUt>o SOL’IU *< >* '“ 1 1 ,-rimes of .tie lergeslJim'DeUiQi. ..iiJ. to -tut. t ; mill -I H ue. u |,ruiio.ii>rrJ M.o * uusurpHseaW* 1 . , , • The will l** to refeUfl -be »»*.*•• ', i t.rir ! f \> - n 1“ auJ tb*- pulli. id tjeurral, mi-1 •■!*•" ll ‘' lJ | ihtoUih then i-l*-. «t.t iirw .-nt»t»i i»*ti ui**nt 1 s il IJ fcliait A l»K-‘ . I Hi** IIuU“U Lira i . N ;.L. i'li.h ra'.rr.*: ;xo run-urs ■ urlutr Htovk or Hamburg Plano*. Kurri k m.ni^ x..- n-> w.- » ( low aod supmurity <jJ tvri'. TU«y have oot ouly received the highest lunltU >■• *H 11 ' ! ballon froio the best Buropeau such as | LIBT, THALBKUG. | And 0lliCT«, nlio h»f« thttn ixinstnnliy lu lli.lr c-wn n«r, but also from our readout Protwesora. the toth'WLg »a *u i ,ar«t.to» i » R^ofR lIENKT 11U111WCK . ; After describing tbe particular style two «l *Wi wants for his own use—one Grand and one Square- be speak.- a« follow* or their excellent qualities ‘•My little daughter, who plays *ery well, must, with myself, have a gt>od insLtumant, and yours are the only ones which can satisfy tue. •• Instruments are offered maon the mod accommodating term/*, i> howeTer, do not like them , they have not the elastic touch uad the lone of yonrs. “ I remain, youre, respectfully. “Umax Koubock, Pittsburgh, Pa’ For sale by ODARL*)TTK HLUUK, at the “Old Ketab lisbed PUno Depot," Lie Wood Street, -Idoor above Kitth. Also sola Agent for PiUsourgb and Western Penney Ivama lor Hallrt, Davu if Cb.’i Uoshn Pi.imn. I which iu th.- Enel eru dtlea are considered superior to either Cblckerlng s or Nunns A Clark’s, but which fact Is not extensively km>«u, ms they have but lately l»en iutti-duot-J hen-.) aud oh«<r New Tort and Philadelphia Plauoe, ot the bed makers, at print, from »22> to SSOO. 9 .JWSPQ ■>• Notice to Whom It Dlay Concern. rmlE PUBLIO SPUING SALKS ot Seal Ksteie at E.- 1 chaster are cow closej, and the Buildtwy Spawn has fiirlT commenced- Every cftisen ot Iti-ohestsr la busily em nloroi. Bren 30 or to new lainUies who hove become ciU i.no the present Spring, tlnJ constant employment; and lu a few Jays a hunJretl fumili— more will t-j rt-fUlred tneiir rv on the wort of thepreseut season. Ths Otr BuMm.j AubliihmriU Is now near rompletlon, anil win be In full operation In Juno. Several Car- will bo really for delivery, by contract, tl.e 1-1 o! July, lbbu. Two or three uew churches, in Koebester, will bo con tracted for Immediately, and numerous other Improvements will be commenced, re luiriug a great amount of meclinnl, si and otbar labor Independent of the Car Kstablishmenl, which will pro -nhl v employ from one to two hundr.d A prominent brlckmeksr Irom Pittsburgh has just pur chased ulus large lots, and rontrartsd to make upon them forthwith buu.uoO bricks. Two gangs (,! baud- commence work tbs prußeut weok, besides the other yards heretofore established In the neighborhood Our Slcrru are already nlivn wi'n workmen, and the road leading U> Uiarn lined »llh leaua. Lumber » becoming uhundunc and c'wup, and lencinAjitK will soon spring up U> rrlirT* some cl aur house#, wnu b bow bat* 6 f&miliw, 4 lamilies, 3 umiLioft, und dozens of them - lamiltee each ... . Any who d'd net buy cheap lots ai the four publio pales last season, oi Ihe four public sales the present spring, ‘'an uiill secure good braTguifls ot jjrtvuit wU by Railing on the subscriber in-Boehekter. Tunns-K Ju " n ..Xfn ?« r f » r and In two years. M. T. 0. wObl.D. p B -~A tew lota can yet bo had al |ou to sl<jo each . it applied tor before the 20th Msj. Theso lots arc twlco «» laris as ÜBnal city lots, vir: U feet by rib, and the price only from fI.W) to (2,b0 per foot front. The present reserv ed Ltmostead and magnificent profit of Ovid Ptnney, 1 sere in the centre of ths borough of Koebester; also, the beaut, fill 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac., of P. Use, ran U bought through the subscriber at great bargaius, auj then are not lieu ruchbargiins within a hundred mi.es. u my<s . ;•• • * PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER S. ISSS. A MUM. in Hi; Chirlrk IJ ar u • 11, fiUAN I) I*l A NO. Removal. SOUTHBKRT 1 SON have removed tliwr R B »i , and General Ageucy Offlc * to No. t>3 MAH.K.BI BT near Third. TIOR H-4.LR—Twu Luts ol f>o loot by UQ »“ Kbs r Pittsburgh, »t tbs lowest prices. iQ, l^ r * L '< ftUgl THOUAJi WOUD3, 7o fourth «trwL *■ i V » v , •, , •» * . - • . k t n*' e* «T ■**, MISCELLANEOUS. DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. aRATtt aLL DiaiABß3 OP TB* It* AOT> *A& WITHOUT COPPltld, rr.fl«istt RUHttuiau, oa ttti uiU o» OALomu OHIOK AMM-bAOWAY. COILtIHA.ND ST., NSW YORK. Hours from 9 A. M. tc ROOUU GRANULATED LIUS, Inflammation, 1.-uUor Ghronfc Blindness with Yitaa. lrltu > Amaurosis and Outaxaot Sorofulous, Weeping or Water, Ey.B, ar» .mo« Ih. diseases of the eye whiA ere treated by Dr. U. with otfhe Ear treated upon wl.ntlAe prinotplse. Artificial By«w Inaerted without an o P* r *{£“-. AH latterfi ooet-paid wilt secure prompt tllauthm. W« select t£w following reh*r<roceB from among the thou* b«m successfully troatod by Dr. n WmT Yryer. S2&-S Broadway, Albeay. N. Y • Alfrwl Southwlck, Printer, tJ. Goodapeed, Glens Valla* N. Y. •Wm.W. Smith. Detroit, Mich. ♦Mrs. A.M. L. Wlleon, New\orkt ?, *. V tMiaa Mary Bellow* tJ. B. Button, l‘ucb.SB , N \ •Edward G. Bolger, BriatoL Oonu. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. x. Darld Little, Engineer, N. V- Wm V it Giles, office Oouriey and Kt *i . w * {Junes W. Kirby, Brooklyn”, U l a*k' OpCTatjtt, 81. Njch-dss U '"' u M. Per rise, Orgwu Builder, Uouwtou M U B. Doolittle, M. D., Hudson, N.Y Mr* Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N.Y* M P Collins, Teacher Penmanship, rW-* N * 11. L. Hoes, Albany, N. Y. A Billenbacti, riofasUeCUdy, N- Y. O-pt. U 11 lUvlUud, Athena, N. \ J.'bn W. llackstt, Blughampton, N Y •l’haee patients ware blind, and had to be led to the t.Blca. At the expiration of two weeks lh*y could go *t~ui the ci.) *‘*Tlweeca«*ffl of Amauro*ia were restored to sight after they ware «Wen up as Incurable by the faulty, J* 4 ““ * referrri to by any person who wwbe* Id learn the facts tliea* case* t»y writing to them. __ L. IMllaburgh Doilir Saving" In.UtaUixi, " Ah. 08 fWU. llrad, KBIT DOOB TO THB PITT3BUBOU BANK., I 8 Now UP BN dully !rom 0 U> g o'clock. »Ibo. OD Wild I neaday Slid Saturday evening*, Irani . to » u clonk *Depotdl« received ol all lorn DOt lese tbkn One Dollar, end . dividend ol the pro«a declared twice a ><•»£.>“ J"”* end Davmbor. The Truateuk lor the Purpose ot tunhehii« the benevolent objects of tbTUslltutlon. We entered.lnto a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to the Charter. By I-aws. Buies and «*,> lallona, furnished gratis. n„ . kppll™'"»*‘ 1^ /Vrswimf—GEOltGE AMJReK. vie* paasiorrra llopen.ll Hepburn. j.d.n U. Bboeuberger, u~irge 11. While, Hilaries Knapp, Will bun P Johnston. N Urart.e Siurpby, Jainee W. liallman. Thoobal- > mbauatur, Aleiander Bradley, teaa' M. l-inma-k. William Phillip-. n...amJ Andei."U Juhu U. B*ekc»f*«i, J»m«D lhil bur.-wio. i U , hl, “ AW"'* Ait~M Culb-rtwn. J \» j VTr II r Ak.ui:. A * U -*V' ~ *’ . , U.« Ou-vr..., ; V ‘ ' CharlM A (Ait!.*, IU I«Tl K. I' >, fc ,1 lurtOilU.u, . w<« >1 ttiAM-, Y Hilimorr. J*m« PuUU. i „,5Tm 11 aou o«*inr* fl «* ill in * Liurba AleifcnJrt A. OUi-roN. ;t\* Jty _■ KAHM tens’ AID HKi'MANII » LIFK, FI UK AND MAKINK ln*»uranr»‘ ( ompanv, Ol flUl-Al'Hll'IIIA Am. uut B*«urnty rllllls OuMfASV elto. l. lflr. lu.unin.-. I fuml'u... a MW'" In«ur.o -no 1-«* » oiru .ml Fr»l»l>t l u 1.0.1 lu.u.’ 'T ’ *u.. 1U.U1.U.. u|"-n Ln-=. “F-u >*■' l»rm* PIRWTTOa* 11.,n Tluou U n0i.0.',, J«“”* N ' nn ' u-cv-U Arm-trcr..-. Üb.rWl.iw-. K.l !■ MVUI.KO, b K U..10.U04, n-lmboUl. f n ‘ ! “I. v ' “““•‘Yu.-.haj » T^bkSck. ttfint- K iIwJ«».UA. h-croi*xy. PJTTttUI. BUH Utl' tHUHOLB. .1.0 t «;!:,w £%*'*• w ~, {• 0 fttiiutx-n, w . lUfc. 1, u. .1 I It GutbrU, A U t. ; , Tbuou- J K~u-a, lUi, " (VI j Ufiiu Fu»i«, U.-a-J K Morrli..*.!- I of the fcboT* of ft ' jt fl "*' I , Dl i .rou.UtDM tho n»ro *nJ unu*uai vrtt U*«» of Nt«. H« 1 H.J Ul* laaur*o.:** . , . , - G.oU«mm nf u»a iuur«t*l SUK-kboldftH tufti**i »•« • tUoMA* .1. IiUNTBH. A**nl, i l - B! CWlo Butldtog, So. las Thin! *1 J ARTHURS PATENT '«» Self-sealing Cans g|| i /■'or i’rtten' my i'VfaA Jruiff, jpjj |||] |||jj||l BY H tCMtrh'AL sBA LIKU ~-u>:sk OASK. which are ...led b, the “"""Vu’Tu'l I wpl.oul tbe all of a Uoutt, and opeuel raaily u , ,be nil. are rapidly ‘•"“in,- IOUI MMnl ue. toll .hr,., i„.u. lor pulling up hull .ccomp.oy tbe can. . „„.l lb. work L- 10 uutlr pertomed, that by u "'" " h i f.mlly may buy. Ireah I'rull .ill 101u.10.. ou rbctr I. I «i«.rt, *«■>: U.lbi«. •J.VJ Thr„r yuarla, JCtt; Gallon, »- f“ r duten. Ihe Jtlferer.i >lui ue.l. In order lo .«ur. .'•««) m tram CAN. yrbicb la doai«l wllh a lid coy .Tim lb. .“p “ . tut .I*, oi-b»■»« I- ~r' 1 au %?x other yeeael. to been full, by Ito r«u..r. uub ~t ito American Inamute. New dork. It mt * “ r J I .-T ai-U-Oift v>rer all other twlf eeeUo* oau» at tU l»i« >«* tn I‘ln.iuuaU, ml "a. awarded • “*».> ai the Ueibmuo ' Fair lirlJ Uil- Ktn iu* »t tl»«* lta»Ub*i»nUu I mut at.*, Yi a»n ■ laiLa Ou l* C U b rU,m,J u- U- lb. L~l C*u iu lb« J- 1. 1 “aU order. mo»puW by tbe c.»h .111 to pooCUy '" r ' , V0,1.U..b01«.1.mil ret.ll.ut tto»■«» M-urf More cj 123 Wood *tre«t, Pittsburgh aUil* „ .. , Uurg.lu. In Wntoh... tlo.k. * Jewelry ROBERTS & BROTHER. AKE no. tolling their large and otltlu ly •«!«• fijL tod tux* Of yint w.iobo., Clocks, andrteb Gobi Jewelry At greatly reduced prices, to make room c&TiailL »a entire ne« tbxik, which .111 be receired dl ZOTtrvm th. Baat.rn manufactories In A few weeks, for Purchasers desiring to buy good gomla at low prw« rhould call Immediately and eiamino our stock, as we arc determined to clow b out without regard to coat or form-r price. Gou t forget the 4 mIdTn SK, j 41 Fifth utrdot. next door to Wood. , a*- Wat. hw. Okcka and Jewelry repaired In the b«at ■ m*..t.-r kUil wurruotoJ. l v2 ‘ l >' . CITY HOTEL (CATI ÜBOWW'S,) Cormer of SmltliAeld end Third etreeie. JOHN P OLABB, Proprietor. PITTSB UR 0 H PA mma Ur«« and commodious Uouse having uudergoo® 1 thorough repair ami furnished wHD ue* thromiuouif U now opou for the nxwpuou of the iruvtl.u* puhhc. CuiMia Munnuri. _ ;o L,ANI> AVAUKAMS 40, 10 0 ACRE WARRANTS, by! AUSTIN LOOatlS, 1,15 [Wl*r | a W»rr»nU. Btook«. Ac., M goortb ■ tVo-Partuerihlp* WAITKa P MARSHALL awooUted with blm, on X Ty of July, JOS. K. UUURKB, In U» Will [■.p.r bMiM», utU.r lb, MARSHALL A CO. FOR SALK VfcißY CHfcAP. f BUILDINU IAJT IN AU.KOIIKNY CITY, M *«l >-T A 100. A good bargain oau baj by aHllylng avu al tha MOKNINd POST. JILiL- Lot for Sal*. A GOOD BUILDING LOT, J 4 font front on Oaraon strwt fuel In Jeptb, In Birmingham, will be aoU by 100 feat in Japur, OEQ $ qu,LMORIS, Cheap. Enquire of oßm or u,, Morning Boat. ANNUAL Df-VruENDT* P™ OKNT jKVi, 1»66. aOTNA IMBURAWOB COMPANY, O "HAiiWiW, CO.V.Y. _ CiIABTBHKD ----- PAID UP. July 1, 1885, #833,53<> flj. /Continue to makeln.nrance on nil dencriptionn of / CONTINUE rates. TbJfl Company hare i ? r ffi l anMition for honorable dealing for 150 year*, tor wpotudbllity and punctuality by nnd I*lnnnnrpnraion ■ £ , Ui« United Blnten. Seml '"y of tta condition of thin Company on Bio ? “Vm ll ' the examination of the public. In this oflh*. lor th g TKN-KTCK, Agent. oalco, North treat corner Fifth and Wood atreela, Pitta buryh. - - ■■■“ - n nt Lemon * Co.’e ' v * > Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. 1 * ISB undowlgaed b*»mg purchased •KjT'itn irisafll nart of D Leech A Co.’b Canal Stock, jrra»aßrTai P" p „ p ared to do a WAY FREIGHT ““SnSKen this piece and Columbia. Alt business BUSINESS bet promptly attended to by us, “ lt ' L “'iJ“S!, 7or» rly McupleJ by D. Leacb 1 Go, at tba Warebooae tormer.y s LKMON. Canal Basic j Y'ii:dLm* TUBT WHAT TOD ALL WANT THIS WARM WKA- J l UKK-Tl- »Ug»to« ■*>' ' Peterson's M«gMin« br Au *'“ * Ballou's Jo N«w Yorfc Journal uu rale™’Household Words tor August; KTlroso Houghton, or the Mo her s iacrst; Mary Lyndon, or Heyelotious of o Lit., BOohs or MsgMluea, coll or send to the , W. A.UILDKNPKNNRV A 00., cboap Uoofc YVTUi &t-, opl>oalte thw Tb«»tn). , 10AL VLAT-Lytng at th« foot of Liberty .trwt, Monou V 7 gaboU riiar, tor j w BUTLER A 00 . oSmoh-sotiu*. o J«4° poddy COUNTY WAEM SPJiIHQS. T H /“LS WATKaiNGPLAOK .m U »£» 1 torvisitors un snj after the JIFTU OFJUS t They me dellehtlally located on nftoeo uxilen northwest oi L>uncaun.‘U, (ibis P . mllai.wef.tof Harrisburg, lu the Ceutral bade of >KiUuUia, whuh teo.:h«w AU J> tf a mow than tiw hundred feet. Sherman fl Or* or splendid opportunity Dr those fond of bathing. 5 Bailing; the surrounding forest* offer grea j through lh* sportsman; and tour smooth an i shady roods jf a i-nantrT unsurpassed for bold and m»itulflc« Dl will diversity the amusements of the placa. . t HURBES, BAbPLKti and UAKKIAiiEfI can he bad at au tirnei Uoraes taken to’LWaty on reasonable u»nno. . Ot the MEDICINAL QUAUTIKB of the much hardly t>e said. Their waters havebeeu analyte** bv the best, Chemists in the Union, aud aw pronounced uo. Hiiri.dfi.-ed f'.r raring cutaneous diseases and affections of t e kidneys. There are some Ore Springs in on, eyrry uue oi which is of different temperature—-the largest being dJ degree* Fahrenheit, and throwing out S»'J °J erjr eeveu minute*. Ladles' and UentlamWs BATUS have constructed, with all the modern ImprowuionU, to gether with PLUNGE BATIiS, Ac., Ac . . fcUnth day a Coach leaves Uuncannon Sot thfl nprmga, ifUr the arrival of tbe oar*. ik»wllx« Alieva. kUUianl ttooEUfl, oii'J Turtourf other lacili licri fot uuiusutucut, iu abuntluuce. I’ho accomuioiauoufl v\\i be the amt the charges low. Twuia.-Ei*A i-Uwa pcrweok.or oat d.lla* »a 4 t*j ' "ttuultes niati»n« to rooms, aUouii address the will b. paiJ » Tlriton. Uw havta* ougai«4 U.e U*l "1 «er?«aU. Muel.) ai»ay» m *t- Al‘“ a u. mU ni<aai.-M I.HenJeJ u> K«h the Perry CKmnty W..UI .boul-i be aJareeW to Duu~lllK.il P. 0. will t-> Immediately forwarded f JUO.OOO .)-JUO,UUO .■. ‘ - *v SUMMER RESORTS ii. U. ETTEU. Proprl«t*>rJWarm ApriujrB_ StißlDlßU’'ffi'HKA'l'. KKVrfIVNE mn’BL, UUHTWOIK-rWCO , I OW « u 1 J„.i ihJ >.W<y»™ /tan of /**«ta«vA. ,nh 'I.- I ‘urt rid'. Tubdelluhttul r«Ueuca ftO.l pl*c« oi ,uUi. rrr-.rt Nl.<atrtlunth» banka ofth* “ Blue J a th- nootturoo* of Sprue* Cre**. 1U ei«ar *yrUi£, w*larlS hrnj JuwUarrfM Uurlf, and BilnrfletJ “J nurinur> in id lb«*y riuiU lbe rf.-r.j-r* of i«* U t!m Tory renlral po»lU '.bn lloul metre it a '!“ lr “' r l, 1( ~l»oo "I sojourn lor a lea weeks ur Jays, tor M “ bonne,.,, end tbetr remittal-j.d«d «»d turmoil, bustle end boat ot tbe city. It w rltua on tbo IVnu-yliaula Central llailroad, vrbrra the greal turnpiite from Uu, sume.l.eotin .ml other roads oono.nlT.ttr maiir.4 owyeg.*-. aoJ ingress, mwJ S“”?-“ the rare and stag™, to Altoona, l-yroua, Huntingdon and fc TU “l“^!T t a oo« bn. h t 00. four atorloo high, «parloo» and roomy, n.nrly paperad, painted and fnrnlatm] Irorn basement m .tin, ».U. all tbo modem Improvement* and of Cold Baths, *r 11 la at*. Sn.ly raUUM. There an. -uperb rt.a . of ovary department of the Moan : t(l , n tb- •• ,(ld!iJUt iiumnUlUH, Vtiri etenial LlllH.’* 'lW*niph UlltM is la lh- llotla*, *\w*y* Te+&7 U* «i>r I—ftuJ aw t..-k»i>fK-wr ftnilv lo revise viailtiri al iar>Jfr . " m Vr \ui-T-* R V UASLCTT. \'f 9 n*U*. UI.fSHXXOI-' IN HTTsßL'fc.iU \\ jihQ. r*rf 1 Oo , Johu ii Hi..*»ab-ryr-*r .*>hn Antl«*n«'“ \V .*» oL l JJ RHODES’ fever and ague cure, r'V'R th„ Prevention miJ Cure o[ lifT»BMirriST nnrl R* r UitTOT Prrim, lltl* or. I AUUE, CUILL3 HD*! A.it*, rjtiuua IIEWUTI. NIIMH SWE.TB, •»{ »U of JLwo-o hire e o.ii.ui 'li onjln in or •“i,™, , jiATI-RU. ASTIU-ITK, which mil entirely priileoi mi r-oi irut ..r tt.t.lor, i*T.*n iu the moil eichlv or „»K hwil-., li.-in «.y A*o« bilicue Jioeiwiw nhat .» ~r HUV mjufj {-> mi iNin-ui.'.i) lut»»uujj Malaria lT t*r«*r “‘iTftll lOaUltl.f £i* X lh- -XjiUf 1.. [.«I» U» «Uo h«M *» feirwJ for any Uu*th titu*-. fr.'tn i’*i* ‘U» i>' t«r«in y ) «**u Lh*y u**4 uoier Im»«* ouU, by continuing >J' tlr.-rtU-as Tb- WJ»* « m *,* r appotiU* ana M.rru*tU. ana conlinuM nnUi a p*tua unfit «i>.} ~ur- affect*** U ,!i. < ia.* 1. itin* »U 1 m .v m.utrr iu.-i. Lirtxl.ou, t-naUr-l in uarwau, * ranch fctsi accompany »*» b b.>!Uti. I’iw foe 1...!1df di«'-cunU usa-lf' t.-thf iraJ*- JlMb A KiiOUEH, l'r-rU-D.*.-, H 1 tVILUKCK 01’ BAPKT\ Kkw YuiU., Jun** 11, lst:>. - 1 h.T, BikJ ».■!.. mi-'lil-l.rjiniti.'tli-f" l-Vv-r .. i cr ■ AMidi't' 1 .1 M»Url«, su-t lu>»« twlrj Iti.r Ir.-uk-, il.r, «.i.Uu!!i»* *UTrl.um», tut h»>» u , t 1.UU.1 » >■! >“ >'■ “" r 1 "'* 1 1 d aul „uu. - iu IU .-nia ,-»!■■■ .. l!..l » «U ■•,«»!»« i» {Jir L *oo!tilat'iv>n jAMfca U CHlUvjal, M D , Utirwiat K\ IDKNCR >»»* MKRIT •• 1 i cu-xi C- -ut»ty, IV, M»y Uio. ii , . H'.-dn- Plr Tbo b, i *,( you „M inn »iu v r-,«„.-l ,u !U llttl »: April. I b*;» „• | .1. .in .i-bn'.l «u.l r»r lb- *Uo li*r« u»«J .1 tr« tb-t ii h- -ir-J ihtfin. It has mtU.ii- U» A<u" in ..-.I on- »bo U. uavl au f f 1 nr tl.i -.s- ««» of lon.- .tonJln* M|nil«, rto l>*r h.l It r..r nt. or SIS Y»*u b*oA,»oa nral'l nuror *« > ‘, rt I v v.iioir- so I tb.l only a* I-ng ml ah* **«*“• “*■ ’,huu --1) OU'TI<»N TO AUI K KUPFEUKKS. TiH.d.' uk. • Ai-u*. Men urj.v/ain,u^!»iryrhomc,ot Anil 'T -( *t»jr Mr A. **»• firlu.' of iL h i-. u> f «. b v ‘ ir rju * l ? ry ~ . [f , .. v, ri . n(t the i l ill- " :.'f -.t ■♦>■*■■[ t turn-, tUf-y are 1.. rnu£i* coiu.titULK.'n*) iiikl*.li**9 lti»' ou5 P »,a Hi*- K*ui«wU*r ih*i vuc on.; ?*•>•. —«1 -e u '" J v th»[ i- biiriui*-'-’ »* ••• Khoilei’ Fcnr • »«* Agu* %-M.e. W‘ J u . u a •< " «»r»' *» Ji&33E& DUAtU-OTTB Ul-IUIIC, IVIU 1 1 woon fTKEKT, I'ITTSBCKIIII, in J u = l re ' N oe,V‘„ f -took Of I’UNOS, Of th.. Lt,*i -lylo*. item the Kaciorien of . , , w. IIAUMtI AKDTKN A LIKINS, llaaiuurv.b, IUi.LKT, DAVIS A t\> , horfiou . IUINEd. UKOt*. A CUMMINUS, New Y^rfc. A U UKIOUfiNBACU, Philadelphia: . Tnjcihar with thus* of other makers, at prices ir*'W i&o f° II 0?i) ; inoii. lioToVoy ,uri.tj UD .I »tyV loom l » fi> L’t nuUmntW iron frame Pia " o ', l " I ''’.Tj" s J jy.,.,- vi V stylo, fiju&rw and Grand PiuDOf. Arrangements have Won made with th* man L,v which their ioslrua-utij are noil lower by their eivW rive agent? ben* than In lh« Ktet, ouJ wilbouttUe addi -M W r:ES- a -un-gd porfoc, required. n*j \yood Ktrwt. i BUilb * I It ON CITY ('OJIUIK RCIA I- COLLKGK. An Initiation for the Business Man. 1 UTKH VI) 1 xIIUANIZKD and iu very succas-lul ( ) Board of Trustee*, and taught bv an efficient F»u«J* Tic. hut.<iml .tuilrtiK »>iJ upwmds W* “'p 1 thw Collett* Tbo combine*! und urgent demand of tbe K “nJi ifibam. . M.Mmul and Professional man, for an In-M-uiion of k Htaudard, in winch various art* wilh their «v.v*ti >»- . . uld he obtained, anJ that they should le ia.unt.-led by .-xpenonoml manbote, who have had basin** i em the „u: jnM* Uugbt, ha* cnuaod the orgaDUatiOO ,u!. .1.1,• , a Ik-/ -r rr»*U.-al Teacher* &»»•«! of the Ka. ultv an* auU.-'r* of Book Keeping, who provide, a* re oulred -eta of “ form book*.” that conform to all Lb* change* and cl ireful occurrence iu actual bust Dally Leetureaare delivered by persons of kuown ability. Sublets: Ikx.k, iu theory and laws; ArUbmelio, and its apdlkaUou; The Art of Writing. Commercial U« ; Political Economy; Commercial ticography; Utniory , at.d Business Klhka. . ri , , nil The buccum of this Institution U now certain. Utteers ,*f the first circle* in society and bruinem show Llwur oopn den*-e by entering their sons for a buaineu education. plntform Scale* OK HVBRY DESCRIPTION, iraluble for Hallroadft.Ca naU, Ac., for Wfighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchan dla«? generally. Purchasers may fuel assured that they can be supplied wltli u superior and reliable article, and ruu U Bach Seale is guaranteed correct, and If (allot trial) not iund e&tbfaotory, can l*e returned without charge. Factory at the old stand, established t'>r thirty years, .or er o! Nlutb und Melon streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT A CO. SuareMora to Klucmt A Aiuu<rr uw- Vil^m Klecllon. Ofr'n'E i-i "ThK I’iITdDOBOa GAS August 17, 1555. } T'HE of “Tlie Pittsburgh Qas Cotr.j»uiy " nr* hereby notified that au election, tor the pui |-wr of tiUuliag two ]>ereous to Berve a* Trusteed of the said Gas Company lor the t.rm of three yeara, will be heU at Uu( office of the Company, at the Works, on the FIIIST MON* DAY (M day) OV SEPTEMBER, 1855, between the hours of 2 and 6 o’clock P- M- __ JAMES M. UHRIST\. Treasurer, ’"'Valuable iTarm for Bale, SITUATE IN ADAMS TOWNSHIP, BUTLBB COUNTY, containing HI acres: 115 acres or which arc under cul tivation. The proprietor, about to docline farming, will dispose of all hi* Stock, Qralu and Llay on hand, if desired. Enquire of JAMES BLAKELY, corner of Boventh and Brollhflold eta. _ M. ARNOLD * SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERB IN FASHIONABLE clothing at a Geatlemeiila Furnishing Goods, NO. 60 MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. Keep constantly on hand, a largo fitaos Of Cloth®! CagHlmerea #nd Vestings. Garments made to order on the shortest notice, and in the latest Btjlee. yy- All orders promptly attended to. L“ u .€-‘. . WAt«a r MAastuu. b. uuoiim- W. P. Manliall *■ Co.» IMPORTKRB anil Dealers In French and Amrrtam i a PER HANGINGS, 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh.. fy- Hole Agflnte for ib« celebrated manufa Messrs. DeUnnuri A Co., Paris - • Tm I-uKTANT.- At thbTs'tishu »l u V™Lnh 1 „i tha stomach aud booala are«' l^“ ltr i’ mo iLus,or gloctad, are so apt to degenerate in® '•Uu h bottle “*»u Asiatic cholera, uo f™ l >’a bottle accordln/ be accompaujlng direct wl l £»»"«£*£■ safe and efficacious remeJy iU j<jHN HAFT, Ja., 01 IS& Wood’ street. 1, Arif BERRY ltaaNDY-b doe pure K»jph«rry “ raDdy R a .arc -opdor home »d. .«■&,»« No. -dul Liberty street. /M* /%/ ❖ ITCMBER 3001. MISCELLANEOUS, Ltist or imciaimea t S KEHAININU 1N(I LIB OFFICE. OF TUB ADAMBk PRESS CO., ftj Fourth street, Pittsburgh, ™“h. it not called for, »m be sold at Public Auction, by P.M■ DAVIS, corner of Fifth ami Wood streets, on the seco"U day of October nest, to -pay charges, atm tor necooui whom U may concern - . 8, D. AHen Vittsbm/b \ Alton A Uaugbton do 8 bdto oa<» a.'Albrtoht. caro Frank Falk . do 1 pk>to- M. Banareauha do 3 boxet*. J. W. Baker to 1 hov Mrs. K. Bretlnjfer do * ?°*‘ _ _ . Jo i bOS. a w“Baskin""'"” '----":”.Mercer, Pa I hot. ,n ri |i_,. i .......Buttor 1 page. u' n™? 1 J Bast Liberty t phee. Allas B. llurue . «SS»WB,P*~t pkrt. W. M il ol Cnfapni.n b“ 5 pkge. J. A. OatTerday £ 1 Jhge. *•*“'>* do .1 PH**- ' nSS:::::: :::::: Puu««h-._.- gg ; It. Frye “® | Sum bo » atehi"” „b® p “" al - J UutTman Birmingham I Pjtg*- A. 0. Johnson Allegheny 1 Pb|c 1. Btowr Pittsburgh 1 boa. 1 |». Kane bo 1 pbge. V. Rimer..... b® IS**’ C. Underman bo 1 phgo. D. f. Lane Franklin. Pe \ Pkge j. 0. Mosher - •••• WUborgh -!»«• D. B. Morris bo 1 bucket. W. 11. Middangh Jo j f^ o*' 0 *' Dr. Mathews, oare 11. U. Ur ay. do 1 box. Q. 8, MoFadden Jo j J 8, McDonald do } p ? Re * Mire M. Nelson Birmingham I page. J. B. l’erry. care P. Morris bo J Mira J. Pasefll b“ l S?»e IF l ip i-S PrankllD, Pa )$.. Troujh A Her I Lawrenrevllle .. 1 pkge. Johnson WUlUnu Pittsburgh 1 P{K®- Mrs. K. Williams -.Birmingham 1 pSpr- Mrs. ». Williams Pittsburgh I p-t.«- Frank Mdjer, care W. K.ului- *to } F-f 3 * ■ £ ip&-„ Iron City Hotel bo * Xt ***' U. Thompson bo ! feS' ft. Hlilreple bo l Pkge b *>• ,!{££ D. PembriJge - do tlc.rp.bag. A. 11. R*v«-t*r ••• do J Oenoral T»»m Thumb do J PJ*®* M. Watnon. New Castto, P.-l Pjg- W»t»n * Stanton do 1 J "»"* W. B. BABROLL, Agent of th* Adams Express Co. August Jl. tS-j ’ GREAT DISCOVERT! i MPt R T!UT3, both by able PraetlUonen and Cbemi \ Analysis, have demonstrated tbs great PROP t)K UKATH’S beautitiil combination, called £.l*^ TBIO 01U" for tho relief and cure of Pain. Bat the people themselves are rendering their verdict la s niimaer both unmittakeable end ratlstartory. Mow than 20,000 bottles h.w been SOU In a very short proportwn o those who .Vurd others recommend it. who baJ 'nal l. That It la a splendid discovery h> everywhere actaowledE«l, and nothing like It was ever lefore prepared. Why, lor (Vwj alone. It Is worth *lOO,OOO a year to the people, ss it alw. y« rows three palnfol tormratora tn tmtnly-four hours But what Is it not worth to the people if It cureß hilt Bheum, Erysipelas, Canker, Ulcers, Sores of aU kinds, (fro. tinentlv taking away all the pain m twenty-four hnure,) Bheuinati«m,flenrafj[ia, Pilplietlon, Headache, Bronchitis, Piles, Womb Oomplalots, Orampe, Sprains, Sore Breast, Polons, Wounds of all kinds, Ac . W ould toOO.OOO cypress iu mine to the people r Ac Because a man will rive freely for relief front pain. W’ill this OB relieve Win 1 Certainly f: anil. BuSh men a» we have cffon named, hon oratrle id bigb-oiindad merchant*, mayors, doctors and inhere bav. no said, after from ten to lifty trials.-They say tho Electric Oil Is the lineal medical combination ever pro wled, neither offensive nor Injurlouabut the als've and many Other cares. Borne honorable and heavy business tirms have. U Is true, sold soma of the old 1 l urOcUtine, t ilumluous, or coal tar, Ac. Ac.) external ap plications, unirl their costomera returned bottle after bid lie Wilh the remark that “ lire remedy was worse than the painyet such men have surer recommend'd hor flven Lnntonauoe to them. But see some of our beet merahant ordering more every ten days, and uiroiiyi giving additional testimony to the value of this wonderful discovery That a areal many ladies are uslog it as a medicinal toilet article fnftfolmrelrcs and tifeir children, Is well known. It cures all [ampler, btotcf.es and cnrpber-s on the face and neck in so short a time, yod would ecarceiy credit it. ft fmiuentiy reduces u ywrri/ui tuxllmg in two hours; has done it in half an hour; cured many effectually in sir hours. If ladles koevr the soothing, strengthening and healing rtnsifsa fn this oil they would never he induced to use anything alee lor from ( Henry; WHey. who went to England six lsss . Paor hr Uaaiu, Phila.—Dear Sir; When I left home for my heal lit, (scrofulous eruptions, Ac.) 1 n “ T “ return agfon, believing that my comphftnt would soon carrv me oil. When you gave me three bottle* o( your ylectric Oil to take wllh me, as merely a pafffafrne, 1 did aot ;biuk 1 would® very scon be called upon in thank you, as 1 uow do, for my complete restoration. 1 ran only nay, before the departure of thaateamer, that you have only to come here with your Oil, to make a for tune in one year. Thoro lsnot another similar r“dk l “ B i 0 England, if hr the world. I will wriln by uart Stearns. It cal°n U ot S W Q Seir r talglnattonB, who state that Mi sore% ssssf saars €S I tion, where pain is relieved tn one (lav, often In halt an hour. Nol common eense dictates nof—and fatten Bav no f Dome and are them. A regular Doctor tn attendance; and Ladies can (xinsult a Lady. prlvaUilj, bj dropping a line tothe office. Advice from e dCrtatro, mat Oil. es i have two Physicians •^* ,^ J D f “ I Q^g re J,ur !„>«•■ No w street, Phila. N B —Tho largest hottleß ten time* the cheapest. PIMM notify me of°acy case or Mur, to erne in from half an ho Z?u.t r Z loTv’h “KEYSEII.'nO Wood »t |.ng3o i'lANOs: PIANOS I Manufactured byouiok bring & sons,Boston, aud for sale by JOHHH. No 81 Wood street, 'between Diamond and Fourth street. Just received from then nan B manufactory of Cfoiokerln* A Sons, Boston,* * w and for pale invariably at Button ortces— Two of their first class Seven Octave Pianos, Louis ill. style, with carved cases, legs, lyia, mode deslt, Ac. iHhed back and front alike. This Is considered by persons or taste to be the moat beautiful pattern now made. Price %wo first class Beveu Octave Pianos, with carvel core, I lyre, new style of fluted legs, the lyre and ends of beautiful carved tracery work; finished back and front alike. Price **Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners. Seven Octave Pianos, finished back alike.i““ with Chlckerlng’s Patent Iren Frame. Price $4OO each- Two carved Rosewood octave Pianos, with now style fiutfd leiTR, carved case, muaiJ desk, and the usual openings Ailed with Iwantlfully carved tracery work; finished back aud front alike. sl26 each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain double round corners, octaves, finit-hwi back and front alike, and with Obiekering a patent Iron Frame. Price $375 each. ~ Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Six Octave Pianos, all made as well and with the same care as their first class F> auos and with Chickling's Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOS. One o! Chickerlng A Sons’ New Seale, fuU Seven betavo Grand Pianos, ofhnmenEs power, brilliancy, and of tone, with their New Patent Action, which tmKr. he loach «> light and elastic that It can be played on by the most delicate hand. P*Md |T6O. thk nkw PARLOK GRAND PUNOR Also, one of their new Parlor I™*” 1 «*’"*• new invention, and particularly adapted Price $660. PIANO STOOLS- A new tot or PUdO Bl Wood at, For falu by alley and Fourth street, A SONS, (ox Pittsburgh and Sola Agent lor OUICKKRINU « **» aU g!iB Western PcuneylVftPl*i /j| F*n s^y lc ror I,atß qoN will latroduce ihe New StyU lot Hats r 1 11 P A T niUMY August 26th. - v./, OD u »p ADLBON| -3 Wood fltrwtj next door to corner of Fourth. ag- Sort lUt» and Oapfi of ev»ry dewntptiin. aug*^ : _d tw PKN N INBTITUTK, corner of Penn and Haooooh streets. The ensuing Session of this Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 3d of September. TfiHMS. Tuition and Stationery, per session of Twenty-two Weeks 00 pupils may enter at any time, and will be chargeap 1 * 0 rala until the end of the term, or till notice of withdrawal l a deduction being allowed for absence on account of pro* traded skknesa. J. M. SMITU, Principal aug2s:d2wf ours* *iw- WM - R - bhodm: Co-Pftrttteiablp SoUoa* THK undersigned hive this day entered Into co-partner ship. and haring leased for a teem of years the large OAll FACTORY recently erected at ROCHESTER, Reaver County, Pa., are now prepared to contract for the mannfsc i mre of RAILROAD CARS of every description. I “Rochester, Beaver Oounfy,ra. August 17, IW>6.—[aug'JAtf ] KlRfi A RHODES* BATES OF ABVsATMMS jasssu urox r,r tub riTTBnuaOB estaa One «qo*», one IcflarttoD *••••— “ “ r.Bcb additional laffsitlon. l * on# work-. «* «« two WMita— <* <« threa weaka. •• “ two mrmtlia •• tbipa months—. “ 14 I«Jur laootha *• “ shrmofitbo “ ona year - ••*♦••• Standing Card, tlx llnau or leaa, par &nntuo~< One per aunum, (eaeluaWe ot tb» papar)—**"* 26 o UKDrlllKJ—'loo boxes Uosla Soap; (,o do Moo id and Dip Candles; ‘A* do Bur Candles; •jh doz Buckets: 10 do Tubs; 20 do Bod Cords; (A) do Cora Broom*; 20 boxflß Starch; ' 100 reams Wrapping Paper ‘ r fang3J JOuN MOOEHSAD. Ki>r eal<? by ■ . . : : —r i «»*• w ° “ nd Jiir “ SSn "moohukad. V-* *us3 S U uuSr 1 ” lU k ' r j?BN r MoolttmAD. v AILB—V&O kega side l»y r , (N BUg3 JOHN MOORHEAD. XiH* M ETA tons Hock Ulll, (Junhstfl;) & CO do Munroa, do •AH) do Noa. 1 and 2 Aulbt&dts . 100 do Bl&cfellck, (Charcoal;) For pale by l>F g 3) JbllN MOORHEAD TTEusmt mkdiuinks—a i»ti«»» x hind tor aale by _ C"\A !I\WAY SEED—4OO )b« for sale by u A . faunbstook * co-, L*Vl corner First and Wood ata. B L^ U>J1 ’~ 4M IbB fur B “A.'?AHNBa»)OK * 00. TpIUUNQ-6 l’b 1.1 tittlLiu.oco U.rrlijg jtl by i)v 17 I jn'WEtX, IKE « tXb_ ( )“' 7: - "* * CO , anglS comer First mui Woo-1 6ta. _ °" 1 “£. rt "A tot /AUNKSTOCK A OX_ ZTuuTOU MKU-UUU I'uISCN-A «un, oaeltj »f fc, PM. Price 26 ceo.a per LoUle. BUg9 pigs iuat 'I'KiH— lOj hutment! Young Hyeun; ft 50 do Blsofc; JUwIATA BLOOMS— -60 tons K. U- Lytle’s JaniaU Lamps; jrttoDsJaniata Blooms; fOT “J BUTLfiB. 4 00. PeklV'feiTßtofe, »to 3h pUTU BTKBET, on© doer east of tjie EXfcMßga NlUnl Keined and Clarified SUGARS for aVebe |aoglC) 8. JAYNES. educatiosal tib u.is;J acapiftUL, o» liss: 11 i-ui oauiUAßLi it j-uaiaoßi: iiivjOo. 01 ’~ [ilo " ‘‘“FLEMING^ 1 : T, “„ K §r V^' L4ol ' B " _ u U * 00. HUSIKKY —&0U dozen Ladles', Gentß’ and children’. Bummer Uoslery, of erer j received. T boeaelß "nSglg H. CQLLIXS OPfr-3 sacks racked and g jaiiojps YJSUAItf-SWlb. jut KOSBMARY, FOR THE HAIR—The beet thing In the world f;.r cleaning, restoring, and glring richness ana fcnUieocy to the hair. It cnrls the halt elegantly, remotes dandruff, and tbrcee the beard and whiskerß to grow. Only 'ib cents per butile. Sold by . . autti? * 8. L. OUTIIBBRT, 63 Market st. ~ -o bKSTKOYIiVM'" AN h KOACUia-Us. a box of tta 1 Kxceleior Exterminator. It P« ’ IJ by ' 63 Market street. _ ClAKliO’b UALLKttY »d pn»Vt?rt»tal for the excellence of > its plctuieA. Apollo UuiUingd, 7<J Fourth street- ; TVs"**'tfliUUtt—4o bbla juit rec’d by Uio “ Fairy (jdeen, r ° r “ le by SPRTWQBR HAHRAPHH t 00. ■ .|jyOK iAt Dbls JUhl ruMSIVcU l>y Steamtxmt :* JC fur sale by SPRIMOHB HAIIBADfIn * CO. cffiiw bos “ N «si?s^r r ‘ aa;l4 N'm- al and 22.1 Liberty stre«t. i, To'x«" " Mcyartana'i” ealMßtuj! iu store anti far «>*l* L>/ au^l4 MILLER & BiCKETSON. aIkTSXEF-* bblß Sac* I gale by UugUl »UI.LKR A IUCKETSJOB |)KA'ZTL 3UUAK—3O Wxcfl White Diaail bugar in store J) and for mtie by aa^!4 ’UUUBtISVY wtcu-uuu u»j[«-g&K A co., ..,, a-.riwr Firßtfcad Wood »t*. _ * CO. A^u^ K ■ A^U IU g rlg-NESTOUK * CO. » « iwoiiim MAKfl— A. A iIABON i DO. h»Te ipat M. oVened another larp. mpply MuJqnllo Id «U colors, and »t »orv loir prices. ViJUBLB'BA'KKBL TWIST ANI»/AtKNT J ) GUNS, from flO ao<l upwnrit- call at the Kmerprlau Uqu Works*, 126 Wasi nOWN & TKTMSY. pyrsir h h?P«'Ttment i«f Gaiters and Fancy - lor cask. l*ui.*i K°^ y !h " l '° rr ” > ’ r " Txnt C« a \’Tjt v:h -iu (►•>>*» Ki»r OftiiJitJs u*r *tile l«y )■SMITU, HAIR A HUNTER K U «^ 0 " hbJ " Tami-Vlll A HUNTER. S^r^'i^uSNTEß. ;o^.!F I “^^g T H. MArn A HUNTER. S o t“ o=n,s< " ! MAIB a uuntek. 0-KUSBKO .C.AB. a. a V A^r MAIR t HUNTER. OKANUfctv— 10U h..x*is *• M r^c^iT' ‘led for s»l« t.y KEYMKR No i -Jlr anq^ EB^.oo # IK. A. MASON A 00. b»f« JJ** T 300 piece* new amideoirable BtyUaof Ginghams, whkn they will sell at Semt-annaat yricatu nagio_ Ornamenting, cleaning, restoring, ana gWing richness and brilliancy to the hair. For Iheee purnofiee the Rosemary la unsurpassed. Bold at -6 c ■i UNO TO lUIIB, by Oloiluyur 7 four, by tKUR‘27'] iIOVTN X TKTLBII. I TNEN aOODi.-A. A MA9ON A CO. will opened Mon j day, Aduuat27th, upwards of IUO places nr ula best makes o( lrUb Liueps, Including ties. . Also, an assortment of Linen Table Clotnfl, Napkins, Lamasfca. Ac. 4c. MOKK CASKS uf good, fast-colored Calicoesj and /u\j Qinghams, Muslins, Checks, Tickings, Ac,, wul do opened on Monday, August Iffth, by auggr A A. MASON A CO. 2& Fifth Bt. BLACK SILKS —a. a. MASON a CO. Will open in a few days another lot of elegant Plain, Figured and Barred Silks, to which they In rite attention. antrt? g '\U]SfiAJs prime >V. K. Ouees* (J day by [ I UKNB.Y 11. COLLINS. nPcBAU>>-30 boxea ituswh A ltobinson’s; : I 35 do W. U. Grant's, and various other hfudß, for sale by BMITn. MAIII A HDNTBtI- SCNiHUJfiS— IdO boxes CUy Pipes; 60 do Herring; 100 bblfl No. 8 large Mackerel; 25 do No. 1 Herring; 50 do N.C. Tar; 60 boxes M. R- Raisioa; lor tale by , u ,i : SMITU. MATH A UPNTKR t-v ef'ineD tfUG.UUJ-35 bWe Lovenng a Crushed, \\ 2& do A Coffee. ■ m “ V S 7 do h Coffee; &0 'do Qranulaled; for sale by SSUIU, MAIR A nPNTKIt. H AVE WKlUUrjf HtKUJUSI IC4THAWON ! If not, try it, and yoa will neTor be without it Be PREMIUM K.ATUABJON, Or TOO may get » worthless article. j«-For sale by all Druggist*. 25 cents per rifoa Wholesale Western Depot, Dr. KKY3EU, It B- SELLIEB k CU., and JOUN UAfT. oaglo_ LOd’ST GHOVB BEJniSAB¥» LAWR&NCEVIUL& _ fpHE NEXT SESSION Hill open od WEDNESDAY, W I tember 19 . «.rt *f The Keoior desire* an early application on the p such afl desire to avail themselfee of its advantages. For circulars or admission, apply l<> „ « ¥ » n crH HJfiV. WM. 11. CLABB.M, Pitisborgh. Fa- p«OB BALE-S 6 »cr<-« of ragrifr I? Falls, Trumbull hind. and cent dwelling. The oatbulldicfe« ehrabbeTVt granes, the ground 1b tastefuUvoul l *jJ* v<aielltt cost more than apples and peaches. Th« to 9* {oT mtt cb less than twenty thousand dollars i taken ln weBtein lands. coat, and part of the P»7 , r?<j Inquire of It is a flm* place for a WOODS, 76 Fourth at. aueld eaten—rri«n>Ksois M SAbB, situated ou Bt. A o w Ol hinirtoif' c"oj'manJiu(; » beautiful view of the rn. W«BhinK'“ , „ n d within a few minutes’ walk O ( U S.“St? h The Improvements are all now. and the bouse “li in good order. The house contains six rooms, porch and cellar. Oxer two acres of ground, W th rtSwveriety of fruit trees, grape vinos, ic. A . gooj Sdlng fencw.oost over $4OO. Stable, coat house, and wall Sgowi water. The above Is a very pleasaul residence lota M«on engaged in business iu the dly; noil ' or J““ lc f , j Ston, One view, and convenience, cannot bo (or sale. In, •**&£?* i out office. 53 Market street i »°» a H" l-UTN4.U Ib.MooUljl for B«ptMDb«r, i»«r re-»dy and for 4 w> NV :il* gmUbtiaM mrect. fl JibS I *ad M&nUUfl TnniuUng*, ia Moir*A™Y Jcsir&ble style*, Jusi rw^ iv CO- 25 Fifth Pt. uepl *" .. b vO .. 4 .. 6vo ... 7 0# ... 9 00 ... 10 0» ... IS oU ... ft 0“ ... 10 00 1 Tull asßanmani on JFLKMINQ baud. MILLER &. RIOKETBQN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers