-L. ..I! T HE P O S T . ysriiHabed eeery Thursday Evening by CB0T8- A DKmR. Proprietor. Terms of Subscription, WO DOI-LAM tt.li ANNUM. rsyhle Wtihia six wiosthl. or f'2.6n if not paid wltalntbe fr. Nit paper discontinue! mil til errraTSRra are id unles l th vpltnn of the putdiaber. Subscription, oitsido of tlio county IIIYAHt,R IN At'VANCE. fefr Ternon liftlne Hnil nsitisi panels BATEf ADVKRTI8IKQ: 5 -v. Oneeohima eneyesr $90,09 tins nsir eoinsjiB, one year, I0.(s Oos-fonrth column, one year, U OI une square io lines) one io.srtloa T Erery sddilimisl Inaerilon (u Profea.ional snd Buates cant nf not more than fire lines, per year. ,6,00 Audilnr, Liecnlor, Adaiinialralor snd Amignre Notices 1,(0 P.. lit. .rial notice per line It All a.Kcrtif rtirin for a abotier period ban one year are payable at lbs tins bey sre ordered, snd if not paid lbs per son ordering lliam will be be)d respoosible r ibe niuney. AAAmmmA f alliaM lltittMM BliliaKf-l tial . ' VOL. 8. MiDDLEHUKa SNYDKU CO. .PA.. MARCH !4, 1870. tud srs liable fur the price of ibe paper 1 r w ffl, I 1 'TH VL I NO. 4. J P. CKONM ILM.lt, AlTOUNKV AT LAW, Middlol'iirif, Pn., Offers hi prntenlnnsl sertice In llie pub lie. Cullvlinns snd nil other prolraeional bualneia entruted to bi cure will receive prompt attention. Jim 8, "b7if AC. MMISON, ATlUllNKV AT LAW, Si'linsj.rovp P., Offer liii profctodnnal serviqe 10 ihr pub lic. All btiainrr-s pmrunltri lo bis one will be promptly aiteudcd in. J nn. IT, 'CTif JW. KNICIIT, , ATTUKM'.Y AT LAW, Freiburg P., Offer! hie rroteerionnl srrricclo Ibe pub lie. All business entrusted 10 bi cure Will be promptly stlended to. Jnn 17, iit M.YrtN ;i:zr.ii, AT1011NKV AT LAW, l.cwilnirg Pa., Offers bit brofopionl m i vice lo me lib lio. Collections ami nil cobcr Profr-aimi-I businr enii ualol 10 liia cure will re tire prriiipl attention. GEO. P. M1LI.KK, AlTUltNLY AT LAW, Lcwiaburg Ta. Offer hie Trofcfaional an rice lo ibrpil lie. Collection and all other prutrrsion I bulneM eniruaieil lo kia cur will re: eWe prompt aiivniion. Jmi. 8, li. JI. LINN. . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ,ewislmtag Ph., Offerl bi prnfesalonal erice lo ibe public Collect iim and H olbcr pin fswdooal business entrusted lo ibrlr cute will recrie prompt attention. Jan. U. 'OTit Cuaiilks liowrcn. ATTOKNF.Y AT LAW, Selilisgl'ove Ph.. Offere Ma professional services 10 ibe pub ie. Collection, and all oilier profcionil ")uines entrusted 10 bl care will re ceive prompt allemion. Office two door onh of Ibe Keystone llniel. Jan &. 07 SVMUEL A LI. KM AX," ATTUKNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrovo Pa Offer bil rrnfesaional civlio to ibe public. A'.l biieine enlru-icd In hi care will bJ promptly attended lo. ful leeiloni mole in till part of Ibe S e. lie can apetk ilie Kne-l'sh and r.ernian lanmtie fluently. Oflice between Hal. a nd ilie Ton oflice. LN. MVKIiS, 1TTCREY t fiOrSSl!l(lR AT LAW MidUleburg Snyder Cunty renn ... Oflice ft few doors.Wrst of tbe V. O. on Main alrcel. L" .n.iilnition in Kiit-lnd' nd Oerimin lnnguRea. Sep. U7 1 1 T C. BUCIIKK. We ATTPHNEY AT LAW. I.cwihlmrg Ttt., Offere bla professional se'vicemo ibe pill lie. All bitaineaa eiiinutcd lo bU care will be promt tly allcudcd to. . .Ian. 3. "liTif (1 UOVEIl k ItAKKIl TT SKWIXO MACIIINK. Teraon In need of irood and diirbl Eewinr Mucbine can be avenninindited at reft'onable price by o ill.nR on on Sax V1L Fait, Agent, Kiliiicprota U. J.Y.SHINDKL. 8LUGEON AMl'IIYPIfIN, Middl.l.urir P., Offers bU profeaainnal ecrvicea 10 ibe cil item of Middleuutg Ld vi, iiiity. Murcb 21. Ci y V. VAN liUSKIKK. SLBGICAL 4 MECHANICAL PEST16T Sclinsgrwe Tcnn. JOUN K. llUGHKMH, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Teon Twp., Snjdrr Co. T YE WAGXKK. Iq.. t JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Jirkan j Townitliip, Snyder Co. Pa., wstit ..i.n.l in til hiinlnrae entrnaled 10 bla enre nd on Ibe moat reasonable Maroh 12. -OH.f DM J. F. KANAWK1., rilVSiriAS ANDSl'RCF.ON, Crufrevlllr, lojJr Vt Offere bil profeeelunul iertlcn t tbe public. 3H'f 1 W.PCHWAN.M. P.. ' . Bl'ltOEON & PHYSICIAN. Port Trevnrt'iii Pa. Offer, bil profeaalonul eerloea to the itiien of ibie plea, and nieinily. He .Pk.fl.aB.,iub.prj8 ifi8 FA. BOYER.Jr. AUCTIONEER, Freebui'K Snyder Ci. Po.. Moet reapeelfiilly oflera bie eervioe. lo Ike public e Vendue Oyer and Auction eer. lUrlnf h.d ft larg. experience, I feel confident lhl I ean render perleol I ane eam 111 il Jan. ft. "C7if BT. PAleKS, . ATTOIINET AT LAW k DISTRICT ATTOUNV, NlDDLEni'BO. 8KYUKB COCNTY, Va Office in Court Iltute, Sept. 16, unr r PH'.V HIlLWlKJt'S SOA'A" TOUACCOWAHEHOUSE C,83 rillLAPELPIHA. -EBCHANT II0U8B. 11. U. MANDERBACll Pbop J. O. KITE, Clerk Ke. 411 4 416NoriliTblrJ 8ire.i. I'biUdelpbla. VTILLEU fc ELDER WHOLES ALE BOOK PELLCRS, SELECT POETRY. HETTEll THAN COLD. Belter lltan irrandeiir, beller Ihati nild, Tbnn rank and lille a Ihnnxan I foil, N a bead by hndy. a mind at eiKc. 1 nd aintple ple.ifiirea that alwaya please: A benn Iban can feel for another a woe, nd tharo i. hi Jy with eni il 1ow, "Vith .rmpatlty l-irte enrttieh lo enf.iM All Is a li brolbere ii better iban g i. J. R -Her than Bold ii a conve'enre clear, , Tuuiili lolling for bret In an humble epher Doubly tilcul with content and beilth. I'ntiiid by ibe luat nr riree of wealth Lowly tiring and lofty llioulil dnn and ennoble a poor man' fit, for mind and moral in nature pi in Aro the genuine loll of a gcnilciuiu. Holler tbau pold la the weel repoe III ibe aona ol lo l when their labor ctoe iletter tbnn gold la Ibe poor min a leep, Andthebiilm itixi dr. pa on hi .lumber deep tiring alrrpin" dntiighls 10 bi downy bed Where limiiy pillow hi aching bead, Hi tituple opiate lamr loetti A rhorl toad lo Ibe land of dteama. Heller Iban gold is Ibe thinking mind, Dial in the realm ot book cm find A lrei"iire nrpain Ait'lriiliin loro. And lite with the great and good of yore. The Mye's lore and the poet's lay, I he gbo ie of empire pns away, Tiie wotld'a gre:ti drama Hill lima unfolJ. And yield plrajure be tor than gold. Iletter than gold i Ibn peaceful home, W here all the tireaide ebaiitie come, Tbe ebrine nf love, the beaven'of ife. II ill. inc. I liy tn. l her, or sister, or silo, However biiuil.le tbe In tint in i.v bo, ilr iried with aurrow b beaten d cree, Tbe blexriug ibal uercr were bought ot ro'.d And crnire there nre belter than gold. Tin: uii,mw KWtr4;ii. AI"Ut forty yf ira tied u )urji purl of Central Nit York, Ihit N now fit b'.'i'dniin a urli'ii. w.i n! m 'xt a new I'.iiiniry, and po ta'k) l of -in ivin. Yfsl" wlu,n,llicy riniurntol ruin ilie Lank of the lliiiiuii. or lhiMuha k. to llio-u ot I lio (ioiHKe. Si wie o III t ritim on t tin liiii id' I lie Ivio Cu na' wii oven t () a town of uouitt im iori:in'e. an I It mMcd tnncli nl wlia h hi ant lUii'c l to) wealtli unl i veu ur- f-t iirnoy. Of tlii latter -las liad Icon tin litiiiily ol' .lu l'C Morion, but bun In tin lu'-ky aiit'ru'atiiui h;ul ih mIj it i.n (Mi.ailili) lO!' Iiilll to I't'titill Ilia iiei-ll" tmi Cil t.Oili.'ll UIIIOII ' ll.H o'i ln i 'b- h r. and lie wns alio. it to ki-cI a new tK-l-l in oni ot'tlit' yoiiti(;er a 'lllt'ini'iil. a low days' eay journey to the South woM. The movement w.mnno rojur.Ifilwn tlii fti'itdv folk ot'thnt time ulmut 8 move t Khiiii wniil l by now, nii.i li it o a foliiny of cyin j itluziim ami re uri'l'til lvii'tid ha I ";a h"rcd to bid 'o !-by to Hip family win) were m r. aMy or a Ivotitnrotiflly liont upon H'.inilcriiiL' oi l tit'R and u-iciulion't. E"'iyihin: lnnl Iniw Loen iii-p m. the wuon wo io loi l-o, tlif a licnx I'.n lite 111 M pil l h ul been Siiil ll'.'ii'i nnd :..'iu, nit I part of 1 1)0 CitVllVltl ) W:l ftiirly unili'r way. Tlio liouvier iiu.hN indeed, ha I boon gturifl two or thiv. luy hohire. Tho hiiif of tlio pn ty : Wl'll OS 1)0 L'.-ntll'illi'll, ll.l I tli-oidcd t i nt tempt the jouniov nn horsolint k tte'.l tuvaie "fill" t'ondilion nf ilia m:iI. even tlli'llll hpriii wu now well nil vnncoil, coul l not 8l't'ly bi tlopomli-i upon. Out mithoi'i unil u'ramlui'itli era woro far inoi'O faiiiiliar with tin itinldlu and fcrliiinly With tho ii'i'vii, ban are their liviuu roprofontativo Apart from tho rest, inonnted on n tnut uo 1 fpiio'-looljin,' pony, ut u youiitf Inly of amno vihieeti sum men in whose roy the. ki and bright blu-k oye the ox'-Otement of :bo nci'iinion Beemetl oltnost to Imve ovi'reonto it-idii-r Bttj'.'OMiioiii. iStiU, siinii'iliiiii. like a ah ido va on ho lav, a ho loamd for-val'd ill her Kuldl.' It lid C'D-v.r-i d in low touts with a ovntlrinoi whose arm wan thrown varuli'M'j over ili m c'k ot nor puny evcr onnd mo.tliariey; wiiyit only tine- day' t idiiij. at the very wi.r-t, and that won t hurt mo. ' "U il Susie. I am otder'd off for s 'onji uruiso, and I enniot tell when I hhall are yu nuin. ' Hut you uti'W come back ?' Yo nut when ? An I wi lyou '' "Will 1 what, CbarlioT" 'Wait a iiiomont, 8ulel'' And the y-iuii! mil'i, who was in the andres uoil'rm or a naval olH.tor, apriiKf; ofrio the dt of iho road, where miniH willow tree wore ttrowiti'r in ua Irimm-d luxurume. C"ti'iiin; bold nf one of iba irracf fully ben loi hoauha, ha cut then fi o it a loiis ana pnan hlip, with which ha quiokly returned atrinpinir on lia !oaves ua ne came There. Suaio. lb it will answer for riililiu-wh'p. bat do not wear it out mi your pony, even if tho roads art bad. "Whv not.- t'harlioV' "Uooaiie, at the end of my eruia I shall C'liii" bark to o'aim it. Will you kei n it lor mo r A vrry aofl I'ffht stole Into the black eves, but t-h ttd. la a low V"tcu t "Yea Charlie, I will kerp it. Hut are you sure ymi will votuo to olaiiu it?" II I livo, Muaio.p "Alt! then linjtfood-hy.sureennuih now, for father U cslliog mo ( Go hI by. Charlie I" There wna a most psMioaat caraeet ness in tb youitix oiiloer'a re ly, und ha stool uasuiir alter Ilia pony aai in iniatres loax alter they wore bid leu I'V turn of ih road. We eatio t fol io Mm, however, by land or so a fur our luiiia it with iu willow awiton If Suaiu's pooy autf-red oa the .ol. It wsa not iVoni any tieeaslve They were nearly at tin lork nf the ro ill, at tho fo'it of a ently-!tpii)o hill, and, ju-t whor the; two way mot. a litllo tptitijr b'lhliled up. and wan dorod olT in.o at adjoining meadow Thcro worn nioi ain-t nf Yinprntc. it. rot I hint Fii'tn hid rxpcrlot, but enough of wil.lerncs romaiut'd to ad. I Dtoro than a I ttlo to tho rural I'co'ity Of tho p t. 'Our now home," snitl thn jtido, 'will bo on the top of line ko.ill. wheti it ia built, ami oor pn-a -nt ipinrtor aitcli aa they aro, will be a lutlo fur ther on.'' A autl Ion thought Hofttio I to have ont.'td l l lip ln-niii of Susie. "I'utluT, won't willuwa j;row from .d?" "Yos. my denr thata tin; unal way of noiiini t he in ou'." "And they w-iui water, don't thry I-i thi tititi Troeh rn nitfli to jjrow ?'' ' I hIioiiM any it w i.' "Well, then, nia.'.he wo fan have "int 'th'iiv; irrnwitio; hero to riluiinl n of nor old honio. In an in-lent Suie wa ilown from her pony, nn I tht will.ov e w 1 0 1 1 ') earcfully idautid. jii-t iiltove 'h li i il "prins: It wiitil I Itavo all tho wa'er it wnnled, at all event. And then Sic iiio and her fa' her ro !o on to iliei now honio, h'lt iht-r W.t a warm Hot trr at the yn n if uirl a he ir', a i I a l)lil-h on her cherk, a shi! null'loi'cd : "Will it ever irto. Z Tlio new ai'tileiiieiit Wi a g iod on for tin jililffi', and Sueio willow pro. pero I faui.iiiiy. M-i-n the rude lai oior ly hail U'lrmd how it cmn there, mi l re-pen t d ii teliiioii-l. while a Iil'l.t oa lini kept ofT oilier in i ruder. S i-i ' h -art t uvbWd U it'n wi'bhopo and faith nt t in a, a. slu noiel die won lerlul v ta iiy a id pro oritytifher leafy f.ir .ri e , revi nt if it nad a d i'v to pivfonn, und wan di'leriniiieil to do it well. An 1 ho little spring b iMileil iii tnor.' lr:sk ly Iro n nn lor it, and HJein.'d t iiiiir oi or -olil v : "lie willc'tme? IIi will come!" S i I. tmo)oir. mil nnotlier nil an thfr, wioit by, an t (?iiir!in tl 1 1 im' Come, and le'lor wero terribly niieer a ii. an. I f.u between. All around he w r. . had been K.oit. nn I Su i (' l.eart at ti'liK'orew Hiek iid J wear), io a-.ile nl thu willow. H'lt flio had other au'torit, for hoi b'ii'itv xeeine I to lt.iw every ditv. inn lor la' If r wa L'e'iin n'on well in tho world once more. Trutn to t 1 1 ilsie hal K.nnotl.iiu of 1 ist I.-r Kvc in Iter, and was by no lil"an tiver.o to i.tiinration mil altetition. Si it happetie I III at ono lay in .1 urn f ill fourth yoir of the r I.oiee ol th? M itt.nm io their tun? Ii one. ju-t it Mil! Kim xva Kelt m J, .Sii.' h'U id lier elf taking a Str.ill a'otifr ill- eh ideil 'oiilside, in foiu.u oc I Ii v tie ban I- Mtie-t nod mov fivori! I ul h r iiooi. r oi iraoi ot wor-bipp'-r. They di I not -eion to lip io a t ill- in s liumnr, lint wa.k 'l Hlnwly uloiiu nitil they Mint) to the fork ill 'a I. an I pa'i-ed a tti eii oii by llie iprioj.. II oe, at lnt, til ) Voting to in 'eine I t hive fo I'l l hi t-tli:i ', nnd .) plenle.l cloo'l -n ly mi. I pi-HiO'iateh tor the ba'f rei'ietant hind which he O ld veized in b th liiaoWII. Sldl Saio wu siletit, and it may In li lt 111 - blllibliou; npt-ing ami tin! oi.'A ni; wil'ow Werv lalUiu lo lie; but jiit ihett they hoirl tho tool id ol lio rt '' lioiil eiitniiitf at a (pi elc pa up iho ma I. an I in a moment m ro u rider drew bit) rein heailo ihem, and ,1kol politely if h-' could be dir-'fteil to the ri-aideneo id Judc .'lo too. 1 lit vnitni! man bad droppj ) S iio's Inn I tud, hilf vexd at too inlorriipuun, w is pro H'pedinij t i (jive tho deaireil intoriiiaii m, but bis words wen not lineued to. Th h ir.-nian was leaning f.TWird in hi saddle, tin I hal fix id a inue -f earneat peiieliatioti on tho la.'tf ol Ml ie Moron, on whieh the lilu-ihes had .liven way to a deadly pallor ' Suaie, I bavi) como I Tlio wil low"' The liuht. came bi'k to Suie's even in an instant, and, with a loii'i tli;h ol relief, she pointed lo tho lithe bl'anehe wliieli aw eut bor shoulder, and a I wered ; Mere it ia. Charlie ; It ba te n uiowinif ever nc you went away hu-ie's other companion wjh uot ih tiie enouirh to linger longer in the shade of sutdi a tree sa that, and. b- toro ho hud returned to the houo Churliu bad reolaimed hii jt' It. Tlir oiio of tho Mil i uir only chunked enou.'h to sound like "lie baa eoiue ho baa como!' Thirty years weut by, and the Mor ton willow kept on growing, until it tieeamo a well known landmark, tow- erini! bih in air above the hiilosprim it the foiks id the road. but thirty year work ohanos lo other thins; Ueanloa trees, und a slip Iroui tho wil lo had been dissevered to urow above low mound in Iho vilhwe graveyard for the judie slept, like a true Amen ean, with his fathers. Kverttiin-; ee bad und inoiio changes, it uoi alwaya iiuprovemuut, and ul last ca inl ine tearful changes of the war of the rebellion. It wss not many days after Ibe Get. ivoburir 0 'lit. tbt a mulroiily lady, In deep moriiiiig, aupportoil by a fair vouui girl siniilirly olid, walKed slow ly and freely dowo the sloping road to the spring. - "It titer is s bouuh wlihlo reach. dear. I would rather asiber it myself, and then, If I can ou 1 wo.', they a tnpatsii. n ptirpoao, and, wi:h a pale face aad quiverinir, she proceed im; to sever the alp she wanted, un mindful of tbe rattle of coming car ristfe-wherl. A lor the girlih com panion, alio had atitik down upon the iM'a, and envcred her face wth her hand. Tho pood lidy'a treiiiblin finders aim tt refnt'd to erforin their duty, ami the earritto drew within n lew panes of her lust an alio had scv erd i he a'c nlcr rod. Wu I. in dher, I hope llial y n are not cutting that for me," said a el.e-ry hut vniowhat feeble voice from from tho car-ia.'c. The yoan r jirl epra'iy 1 1 lo r foot, but only ju-t in time to ive hei' mother from IsHitt;;, t'lOU'.di ho did nut quite faint, and lueovcied quickly. 'fill, Charley, my by! mv hoy!' ' Hero I urn, mother -hurt, Mir.' enough, but ill need of itillowyet pum I. father?" '.Not by any means'Nni l ahulonnd h arty oil einlrtn in, in a navul un dr. a, who now tpraiiR out nf the oar rliK'; "'and they ve nivn na both fil louirh, tb iilh minn I a hi oft i ne. Tins willow waslwuya a to. id omen.' And lU'ain the rjii n i aeeuit'J to bubble up sod I y : "II La como ! lie liia come!" Ami tho oi l la lv, nn l tho yoii'io li ly, ton, auMied an laughed, and ki ol ibe returned warrior-, till the cool or it loir, wuh the bit ol widow at ill in Ii r da I. knell tl n in t-limlo u( the neiiioriil I roe. to poor nut hot thank Inluig to Him win) had in ido her pro. p Tiiy to crow with it growth. Iron. . . i . . . t i i-. . ... ue ouv wneii sue sprang nom ner weary pony to plunt it. ll'iiv lo be a 1I.IU. Not lon aini:e a b iy of aotn i seven teen year of n.'o oil ed tin a lu r bant l.iin a 'a g I uon. ss in - i oi k ,!eiii) Ins ly etuilo)eii at the tun . ho lo.y had to wail a lit" I hwlore uci- litU an nppoi'l unit V for an inlet vi -w I ) -es-io'ial v the mcrehant ca-l a uiauce at li 1 1 it a be aloud iepeetfullv at a a not d s'iid 'o lie was latin r po irl la I, Hiii showed cvi. let. e. of pte'tv Inr l w u k ; bilt his face indicated hon o tv' nn I ioiuiii hi sen', w.t'n a firm i iod eneret o m.inliuoa, III! I. r the s uticwha' 'Ud i eMeri r. Ii a ha. liej liT'ol for heol all. I s0 ling tempi-, iodn'ale.l io o-ie hiving liny kri'W-. "I. of ph II iloie.il do l ipiin iit-j the poSMn-iuu ol suporn r pow. r oi in.'chati cil diseerni.'iit an I ciinti iv .inee. A praclical luisoie- man ie- plirc but bi uil' exam. mi' ion nl a hoy lo declare ai to h s Weight all I woilh of eharaetei. When at liberty, the mer- lnnt said : ' Well, my vniiii lii'i d. wliit tan I d i fir you ? ' " I eali-.-d. sir," ho repliel, " ti ask you lor n a I'lainn us nn eu.neiT. I was told y ni were haviuj; a new cn jine built, un 1 I want you to cive me tlio place. I d lil to run it I t you.' ' Are von an eu-tiueur J" a-kvd the gentleman. " No, air; but I cm be," hi answer el. ee'tio h s lip firmly lot-l'ior. landing squarely hef ire ihe enih uian, and lo-king him lull in the fnee. I d 'tl't iindertan I the business well ; I know a nnet hitijx of i'., Ihoo.'li. Mn lean be an en inevr, and 1 will he. Audi wish y ni woul I give me a eliance.'' Ilia modest but determined manner plea-e I the uitreha'it. Ho washavino i new ciuioe built for a cortaiu de iirtmelit of Ins buMiio-s, und cmil I ot eouraj have ua many experienced p ruioia a be desired. It wi no ob- j'Ct f- r him to lake up tn im'xperien' - ed boy aud a ti'iuot to train him; no o'.J'et ecept lo help tho boy. Such lee Is bo was tinted for ; a faet whieh no dou'it had encouraged the boy to make the application. " What aio you doiu now T" ho in quired. " Working in a maehnie sboji in Brooklyn. I have been fireman, and I often worked the rnjine. 1 think I uould net alonis pretty well with our now, if any body will have a little pa ticoco wi ti me." ' What do ynu et f ' ' Five dollar e week, sir." "What tloyuu d i with your money?'' " Hive it to my mother, sir " ' (iVe it to your ni tbcr! humjih ! humph! humph! wbaldneyour moth er Uo with it ?' "Well, you see, there is mother, j iater, and me ; and mother tak"s iu sewing. Hut it eoes pretty hard, ycu know. They don't cive much lorscw- iuj. and it's pretty hard work. t. And then with tbe o'b r work she hi lo do, you know she.ean not i;ot slon. very fast at that rate, so I help hir nil cun. If 1 could koI nn engineer's placo I could et tu ir wage, and ii won hi make it easier for mother. How do you spend youreveniugs!" at-kod the gen'lomaa " I alt-ad thn tree erhvd tt the Cooper Institute, atudyinir wechsoies," bo replied. ' 1 spend all the Uuie I .'el siudyiag. I know I eao be an en gineer."" 1 vou drink linuor ?' lie looked up w th mi expression of atoiii-buient on hi eouuteamee iti.li inch a question should be aked, bat answered, tiruily, " N't, air." ' " Do yon ehew, or smoke, or go to the theatre r ' ' Never oso'l afford It. Mother nerds the m.uisy. An I if she didn't I ould tuiike a belter use of it. I'd like to have me books it 1 otuUl en- Iv snare the saoner t theoi. " Why ii"t ''" H-lul thu mtl'ihaui. a litlie a'larply. ' I hitvii't spy t loihrs fit lo wear.' In; replied. " It take all the iiioih) I can fet f r ll to liv. ; mil I can't have any i lothe." IIo looked down at Ins ceiirsn and Well-worn anil. " It didn't II t to be a.) wlo li lather w living. I wt I roiht up to t hiirth and to Sutidity school. If I enn u''.'i I li t an riiinei r I hhall k'o 'aain. I know I (nn run an en.'i'i". Tidliiii him to t all at a c r ain t;me l. ,he balk unini irel and t laeiii. ..It - .. ..... I 1 I .. ! II. . . ' 1 w hen his ciii;iiic would be in lis.', and lie woul I talk further with him, he lismi-'e I bini. " 1'illt ho lil l-l have that eiiL'iii'', 'aid thn men h int to n Iri-nd Id wlio u hit lelate lihi! cire.im -iane.'. ' lie will ttriko a min. that boy will. A boy w ho i determine i to do Miiiietliiiin i who piv.'n hi mo. h i.e nil nl til tn..tii-v In lifli en her loir lens, who iIoim n d use tobacco, j yem a e. o nl sho ild always he used w'ict d tea not jjo to tneatre ; who spend-, ,i c,, . .1 i Hi net! , m it im u.,.-e i r-itol hi rvcniiifr in study at er working ailjt,, lake an. I trow more vioroulv. diy.sucli a bov would miike a man, an il Wewih to n ininn thoa t.retiiri. - i le-eive ti ho helped. I have not un i nun so, nut i Htiio ii.k.' nun, pm i M.tH l roin, one part id l.ecMtu him under one of my engineers nut i . nml one pat t boi l tallow, to be the b. v lie is (ally eUiale of lakiui chin u'o. p-nponion. Melt them together in a then let him have the eti-ine. lie : kihel, ( w h eh is thu Usl. ) or n tint ur wilt get twenty dollara a wci k then ttu, .i w , jt lmuld remain in iiiatead of live, mid lo ublj to liybtcn j vessel und u-cd a In nded. Twen a tiiotbei'a burden, line clothes to ; ty tr thirty seion ran he waged witl wear lo chun h. and buy Luoks to uid (. healing up. When mm h ra'tin liia business " j I to be d.oie a lntle lite lor heaiini A noble buy. though hidden among , t,e wax H .ul,l be ma le on the po: bard cm liti ai and under un iilt ai - j between two brick or stone, live truli, w.ll work out and gliow Ins' We have ewi Vurious peraration mmliood. He any ift a w y find r. r tiiakii j ymftin smx and we be IV eti I lo nppree ate hi in : but d.iet - eve we have tried them all, but pre mined. vir:u.Mis, and willing to en lure f, r our one. Applying it wnnn nr ho he will, in duo time, cuuii u r. Mj'h Id ies no injury to llie Kraft. Tho oh- ert JuUi It'll A Kli'li Hoy. I Uotou t'ui'ri-p'jii.K-uca Cliic.ig i Joiirn il, Thetrustees of tho .loshun Seuri' e lute coiiijilaiti thai tin y are atiuoyeil hv newspaper t'lcli and olliers. reliiivc to the eiates e.inne'iod with the Sears' property. The tin I that a yon nor man. alioul liiteen yearsul'oe, thu only child nl Seal, i lairelv interested in ih property, ha eao. d a good many nenpio lo become ino'ii-ilivo nn tl uiiject. .IomIiuu Sear died in 107. pi'SHHSi'd Ot llllilllt if JO 10,11. IJ wolt I ol pr 'periy in ihl city, and it is now worth ilmut tj'i oil. l.i.ioo. Sears came to i!o- lion YaitiiOith. Mass, just he mic I In I i-t War wi.b lireal liiitain. and wont into litiiiie.-s with the vn-w ol iiina-sitig 6 i '.ou . ut the en I o! whieh timo In uremlcd to retire to pri vate liti-. Alter lot )fl that sum be tb.ni-ill he w.i wtypoir. l'i).css. e-l id rcoiui kablo kiircwduesa and in dustry, and wiili vt-ry IniL'al liabii;.. "he niade iiione' like dot." in the eouitiu-!')'! I.ii-oihv-s, until he could I raw 5?S H).' U I, nil I 11 -l dftutli h s 'junking aid un'. Se.ir wa a pecu liar vh iiaeler in hi way. and was every lot h u l'il"i fodder, lie Wa alaav ou ii.ui'i. iMuii., iiov u... a.- oii.iii ir i. ... i i .... , ... ..i........ .... ..... not uhvavs oimuieri i thy spiare, bnt not di-hot,. ,tlltl, !,(, () Jl,.,,ll tin.-cn m.ii it -est, hoc evei ; an I he W i s i ,ib .rt.. d t,c. Kl,.,u.s aro turned to r.j,,cr. - ami in his buMi.es that his gol fupil U,i 'j,0, being tit for aile, mo bene made no ioipieMii on his heart till hf'f,,,.,!, t ul;cj .. m i, l,;0.,o jtf e-lut-was past sixty years ..Id. and thou il ; .s,u.t. cnutail.iog only tbiceoi was be noiigot a wde, more t-r the tb.-s rude mi.l, wi I turn out fu 1 ix sakeof luMiigail h. ii to his lar.-t. j , v iLouand tuarbka " in cacti week p-ncs-iou lb.. i on account, o! any . .K,U.H ro ,aa.e in marble" at pasiou ol love thai burned iu b-a bo- ()b.,rteia hv 6r-t chipping tho i.i.ces so ill. Ho masried a Iircw.ter lalv thiry-tive, whudii'din arhoiltime alter iho birth ol Iho child, in cotme ipience nf the negleel ul her lius ian 1 io proeuie sullietetit wool lo keep her ro on warm, he being ' t hi p.ar" to pruvileit. Sears die. I iu an atue iu .South Iios'.O'i iu the pie.unce ol only una peroii. aa unhappy man, regi e mi.' Hiat lie li.iU uoi mcy years m ro lu wu en to mane money loiing.-ea.rs is being r.uu uleii iu (ioruntiv. When helecuura of age he wi, receive oO,oM. und at thirty tive he Will have control of the Oilite; property, but uso of.nya poriioa id it, receiving atuted sums Horn the I..- come, wu. n ne win ai mat. age man aite the estate, but share only s por nun of them, tho terms ul the will -tv ing a certain poruou ui mo pruprnj to two brothers. It hs b-eu genet - ady en-oiiwiu-ly auppod ihat young ears ll. h,t .. Ituir lull II Irf HOI A.. When be arrives at tu unj rity th '",v - property will be worth at leasl f 10 OilU, iWt). The ineonie is yearly reduced to real ette in Uoston. Old Johu.i never had much faith iu slocks or pa per representing value. Land and buildings are deemed tbe atliest iu vestment. The city tax on the prop erty Uai yesr was iu llie neighbor hoo I f 0.",O0 J. The Trulee, three ofihetn. have a " fat" thing ol it; I hey realise aouie each for the trouble ut looking slier lint properly. touug Sear ha none ol Hie lri that Oitiui:ulsbed his lather, and it i mid by thov who koow thai ha is not a preuoeious youib. lie may turn out however to be a a matt youug uin ; bet it will require a Urgo buuie uiiud to manage ub a vast proper y. Two French poant were dicu iiiK the fontiuuutal War. when one alltiiipted t J plHin to the oihtr the ualuro of ihe tel. grsph. Afler repeat edly tailing ha was struck with a briil iaul Uotiou aud exclsuued : 'liuuiiiuo Ihat tbe telegraph I a long dog, ao long that its bU Is at Vienna, and ii tail at 1 'aria Weil ..... I .... ., i.'il l... l. t Pitn and III will bark at Vienna. Do you uu LLij -'.-y-ir .-t.l . iM.tk-1 - ,m k (rtiltl.rafllnsT. As the time will soon he here, whei. grail in if will be in order, we r. pet of our Inrnu r advice that rvcry firm- r almu d du In own grnfu'tia It it a very i a-y eperai inn wtioo once un- tler.tteod, and this readily done b a.-uin.' it dune. A sharp pokii f .o a if.ioil tine raw are in li-p. tiit.le. Splo. Iiiil' the etulk so th it the bul k shnl 0 t he briiied and aharpinje the aeim wtdpia-iliioiicd both wav. in ... v im the r.iu i t tin wood ol Imih Mori and scion exictly together, no ib.it tl. r.p can interui lii;li thi re is lio date irer of fiiluie if properly waxed. make a hiiilder to the L'l ilt and i a ids to tho certainty of s tree thinly I piolialdv w. nk 'tiH it. We prefer nl- tu eyc ur In. I lo a trifl. ami won ti ra her . no than more i bio two. O n i gr -li ii g wax. rhat wo have found f ur ijeet to m' t in in the (r.ipor ion ia iha ti o wax wid nut crack in cool, dry .Weather, or mo in sum weither. Il h'Woifr. up n ti nt, ililVetent pmpor ti n I o to piiled, ll e lon g "ing c.U be .Hi ro I. though uller tin m in evciu ways we have emue back tot!iic. Iltm ' larblt'a" are Made. The chief placo t.fllie inoiitifactare of niutbli s," llii.rt.- lit tie round piece oftotl wlii.-h eoiitr.h i!o mo l,.r ..lw t.. ( , i.t. enjoyment of Vou-i.' Auu'ii.-n.'' is at O i. r-Uiii, on the l alie. in tiei- many, win re ih ir inela'ge n're mills and larri . thu r Oa-e of wliieli is t uret ill y tui'lied to j payino ai-eotitit by being mu le iu t sm ill bail employed by expel Is to kiiolile with which me in -t y sent to the American niaiki t. 'I he .ul slam e u-ed in Sax liy i a hard, c.lt uiv ni 'i te, which is ;'t b.okoi into block, iieuilv i'nre. ly tiiws wilii a himuor Ibo-e ure llirowu by the mis .uiidred or I 'V i huu Ire I into a uiali sort ol mi I, whieh i. I'uruied ol utlat stotionsr .-I .b of -lone. winch h i a iimnh.-r nl'eoti eetitne furrows' upon its I'.icj A i. I nk of ink, ur oilier hud Wo, 0 the Mime diametric si.e. is ,i'a ed ovct llie small stom s mil partly res' ing U on them Ti.i Uoi k or log ia k i.t . . . . . r V- viu lv ii o Water 1 b.ws nt.on I i ' neai ly ro iu l with a hammer, hauliei 1 h a tfl.illilll Woillll'lri un. lilt .ii woul ing down tbe eiges upon Hie surlaee down tbe elites upon the eurlaic ol u liej (jriud'toac Mi-ija tur, r to u-ll ol In purpoe. The lady liat iii. lSuUd r. 'tued. list amused ; lien perplexed. ail finally thopju.bly alarmed, sup- The Lviio-sf II io ij tiik U'.iitt.n Ipaog her lover to b vo grnio mad. I he .lm"io'i Ufyub'i-a. publi-h-;T .e ia ter closed with au iuvocutioa ed ut Wet Chrsii r hiivs: On .Mn.ls fo merry upon both their souls, an t ( tj,t Mr. Jell. ron Sbsuer. of Wet (,'hesior, slaugntered lb.' Inri:' l h ij of wlli(ll w Uv(. ov reci rd lue' hog w is a ehesier hue, and was to vnal-ii and live inoiittiA ol.l. It liiea- llru,i r ,,, ...a , i..,.!. ,.,,, i, , ,;t . helwoen lb. ears- .oven lea- ;, tllrM UtKhft ; g:flh j,, Muui , f trt lt,t , , ieTe lvne jut Udiitil iuche aro nid the middle. The hen weighed 74 pounds; and th weigU: nl ib.i whole ho nx.it I J dress 1. u a f A,j,(lnj ,0, lie p)ltJ, O l j j., estimated that he woul I make I , , ir,.ti .,ol, u of iatj n0 W4 I 'isirowi lee.ier. and wo am auiv.t nisi I i . I .1 . ' ai i l. . 1:1 I r liia iat lour m nuns ne uki nu driok any wa'er. It an purchased by Me-sr. V ouner A Murlin at 1- els pi r pound, making i!24,sO. A pretty 1 round sum tor one bog. Mome year, the lut Joseph Morgan killed a hog which weighed lUiS viuads; but Mr. Miatier'e bog dressed in tbe save niao oer weighed liifi. ibis is Jhe lar itet hog of w nleb we have any ue com. StMiiLAit Tl " the Kngliah ourtial give so ace uot ot iwulu' U'uor, d K'ovrrcd iu ibe stomach of a Oiiisq about thirty Tear oi ax, who hid been uuder treatmeul tor two ar in Loodoc hoapital for a d tt-0 nature nf which bad bstlle all Ine skill of the phyaiciaiis to deieroie Oa a post mortesa eXsmiuatiou.a a-jlin tumor, ouniposed ul buuiao hair, re- nibliuu in appearenee a bUok duck with a very I004 eeck, and weigbiaf aearly two pouo l. ws found lo 00 on py and nearly completely lo fill the stoiuacb and gullet, loruiiag a tolera bly accural) niauld ul tb orvaa. 4d exteadmg fcoia lb aiowajoh a- anwt into the mouth. Tki reaiatk able roacrotioa htU e-l a real thickeoisg aed alorvstioa of the "- To educate boy ace n. ling to old 'ishimied notion, must be aii.gnlsr'y lilliioull tip. n our Iiic;liesli.p,. Whrre ver there i s hope of g. Id. ffi Spect iitf t laitii will supers 'do ether pr.i tects. and tin re is nn Jelvlng foryrcck not h oe llnre are digging for prr iini iii.OtiI. There i n si h'ii-hoilM ti (j'old Plat, Oakland, Nevada, around vim h ho pupil dig hole (litem lei t o deptli, by wny of pnietiee in ti e iiroliiou ul their futher. Two boya, .wo nr three weeks ago, started ilia imuetiii.nt in new spot, and K"in lown lew feet, mmi k a ledge of gold earing tpiarls They and m vcb oth :r boya immediately "located'" a thou ati lf. it. Mini sre all o uly rich in spce t'lieti. Their shafr even now Jesds them lo wlrit tin it men would value ot 're than any I bin.' in the depth of ;iin li 'L-e ; and the tn a urea of ! srn ng can kCHi'i i ly offer tho attractions: f their " urlaee iiidieaiiuii r How iiiieli itif.iriiiution frcm b'KiIfi wi l hoy scquire, while in their tender veur ill y ejitty solid ipinrtz in their poi-ket? Tbeir fi ieinls nre proud of them for " tlevelopiinf the resources) f the country ;'' hut iuto n hat kind of men will m-Ii miI-Ik ys develop whoao o'nig ii :i l is a g d l initio, and w b -so port conit in j ! in I'inir a cfattii V Sin.iSti Minis. In olden time. Li I'ore ilaine law were hireotc I, Win; kejt the h. t I ut Middlo iirutui!le, sr.d luiliisliod ui'U oiimod.-tion lo ujnn and t. .. Ilo was a K' "I lunl'od. but terrby deaf. I'ish. tho village pain-'i-r, wa ntllii'ted in the fame way. Or c day they were hittin.' by tin it. -civ s in the bar-room. Wins was tit ling behind tho counter Wa ting for the ticxt etist tner, while Fi-h wss Imniiik? beioroiho fire with a thirty lonk. tns'in' hheep's eve oocnaii.rtil'y ( a " "'K " deenti'ers, and wi-bing most jtievouuy mn some oi.e scum come in und treat. A traveler trotn tlio S u: li. un hi way to I'.i iuiIoo stcppeiJ in to impure the distance. fan you tell me. sir, Low far it i ; to lirau .. . i llran ly.'" hiys the reatly Ian Herd, junijiiiii mi ; "ye. -ir. I have aiilie,"' ' t the ra ne time haii.liii.' down a dc ' earner if the piceln li'iuil. Vo i iiiisniiil' i -tniid ni''.'" siys tl e strat.(fer; "I a-ked Iojw tat it was t'J Urandou:'-' "Tiny cil! it pretty u'tod Iran jy." 'ss Wing, ' will 'U tu'i... snyir wilii il?" reaching, a ho apoke, fjr tbi ' b iwl ail 1 to ) ly liek. 'I he Ue-j airing traveler turned tj ; I'i.h. "ltielaii.ll.rl, he de if. Will y is to lii ati i oi ':'' "Tiiiitik yo't." euro il I do t ike ' sai 1 he, 1 app ar ti u tell mc Ljw lar it sai I I i.-ii, ' I don't a driul; wiih vou. ' The ilnrc-r treate I and fl.-d A Very 1-ioiLisii Vol mi Mas A VI ILg fit n'letll in ot 1. Illli, IJhiO. We 1 k i.ihii iu pdite circle, has long eu e tained a leeling id lierce jeuiou;,', wu i h eliminated, slew flights ago, Il a (J.'Jenn ni ion to ho l the ol ,eet ol h heart s u iora ion and then tr- the experiment on himelf. Arm oiw.lb t'lis griin res i.'ulioa an i a rj-. I. vi in h; piek t he Hanoi for t i - r aidenei of hi in ended vieiiui. II rang thu b.-li aud wa us'ierel ia t ' the or iwmg r oin. A Ivjii iug. e'n ly to the ecu re ot the apartment, ho a-utned in unui atikabie trigie u'.t tud '. an I in sepulel sral tones beg: a ; I. a itiea Iv olni'g' l bis bind into his p ekei tor h pis ol. It wa not there ! IIo l al lo.-t it ou the a thither, ' a n a' ling what a l spliv of assia- ioo ri on ' Ii 1 10a ho b.id riiiile b.v li ilte.l t , , i,.,,.., .i h is not h..i n,.e !to',.. . ,i.. Am Irishman who b id just luridi'J, went to see his si.er, wb w is married 'o a Yankee. The couple I I very j lioppy in Chicago, an I when 1'at came, I he itcullcoaan took b over his plteO I.- ttl w ll 10 I till l alsl no evidence of hi prgsj ority, uiJ to Lis tretber in. aw : 'Th gir-a. ycu are verry bapy h-'re with th fioe property t 1-o k. ou ; ur iter bad g"Ol 'u:k eaurelv, so hj bad. .n gel it g yo i for a Itsb d." 'Ah, ves," rispiojled Ihs mar iej mau would bo cry lapjy, Vti fur one thing ! ' 'And what that?" a.-k.l Tat. "Ah, l'at," returned the eotlemari ' I am sorry to say teat we Ltv do children." No childrn?" eiclaimej Tu; "thee be:arr, its ooi my itor Mi; a;es fault tor the had two before sbo lelt Irelaud and that ia tbo ray son tuy lather aeot her to Atnenky. Tui new grain depot, on iho west bank of tbe Schuylkill. Pb.ladetphia, ervclfll by tbe I'eoiteylvanla nailroad CoiuplRv. i at leoK'h complete 1, at a eoat, of l00,Ui'O. The new depot ii 5b'5 tVet l og. 1 j" feet wide, aud W feet iu height. There tie laid down six track auflcieot to aecommodate) 000 csrst at oue time. There ai ix rows of p atfa cu btut, each hoidiog 450 bushel, or on ear tisvl. Kauaia acrowc. le building, Bad) nsderoeath tb bin, are wave foe wsgoa. A aon caa load 100 Vashelt ia thr uiiuatea. V heat n4 oats or already a. h, aud wa the iewn Cans or veaia .. - Hp V ; i r V" '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers