THE POST. lV!tbH trf Tnurtd)- livening by CKOl'91 A BRSFKB. Proprietor. Torma cf EubacrlpUon, fVO DULLAR3 PEIl ANNUM. rrhle . wtihin Tit month, or f I.fu If no) paid ' ntihln Hi year. No paper discontinued mil all erreargee are f al J units at tbt o-'i"J, of publisher. ? ubsci-iptu 111,-1 out-ddo of tho count' IMlYAIll.K IX APVANCH. tur rTon i i n ; t r B'i init pper ldrr"cd lo el her brcoin eubtrribrr-t, nd art liable fur Ihr rk of ibe paper T 1 CKONMIF.l.KK. J A1TD14M V AT LAW. Mhldlcluirg, Pa, Offer hi proteipnsl ecrvices to the pub lie. Colleeiinn nd ! t other prnfrsionl buine entrusted lo bi cre will rcel fro aip I attention. Jan H, 'liTif AC. SIMPSON. ATTOUNLY AT LAW, Seliiisgmvo Tu.. Offer It! 4 professional errvic lo the pub lic. All biisiueM entrusted lo bis cure will It promptly muuiU'J m. Pan. IT, C7if JW. KNKiHT. , ATTOUNKY T LAW, Frccliitrg Pa., Offer Mi rrofeiiotinl service lo the pol lie. Alllui-iii" entrusted lo ti cre will b promptly attended m. 1 .Un IT. t.7il WM.VrtN ;kzki:. ATTUHNLV AT LAW, Lcwi-luii'i; Ph., Offer M profcMiontil .i vke to Hie ! lie. Collection ml nil oilier rr..V-i"ti 1 btninenK entrunlrd lo bis cirt will tt teivt prompt altrniiun. ntu. V. M1U.KR. V ATTOBNLV at law, I.t'wiMliui'i; Pa. Offer M Trofrpfl'ml eil-c In tbeul lie. Culleviioii nl H "llur pri frKKion al tninr-H enlruned to bia curj will r,- eei prompt ulicniio'i. I M.I.1NV. J. ATTOIINT.Y AT LAW. I.i-w i Itii iiX Ph.. Offer lil profe"lonl erice lo the pulilie. I'olleeilon nri'l H oilur pio feeionl l.iinn' rntrntel In il.eir rrp will receie pronipt mt.'ni i '. f.luii. !!, 't.Vll riiiAHLKs now J ATToKNUY AT LAW, Si'liiiHr.ive Pn., Offer M profo!oniil un vitr lo the rub le. C"lleeiiou ttii'l U oilier profeiimil )iiine iitruie l lo bi care ill re ei prompt ttteniioii. OKice l wo ''r Bonk of ibe Kejuoue Hotel. Ji.u t,7 cfMLT:i7 m'.u-: man! O ATTOUNLY AT LAW. S,Tniirriiro Pn Offer hl rrofeion:il Mi-vice" to Ibe publie. All bn-lno" rtitriine.l lo II car will be pr-mpOy Ueii'b'd lo. Col lection mile in nil !'"! of the .it. II cm p-iK i no r.nm -n ,...... ( Unna(e Hiienily. lei een iiu to J ibe l'o.l (Dice. LN. M YKIiS. ...CRM, tlOL'NKIM UTIJW MiJtlW'iirK Si.y.Iii I'liiiuty rcnu'i1. ner,... . t.w .l.,n. Weft of ibe Y. . on Muiti aireet. (.'ni-iilti.tion in K.i'v'lij-li ; "-'I'-1'"1' and (Jermnn InngiMKi'. 1 cure UK I!. J. ATTUlAEY AT LW. l.i'wisbitr P:., Offer l.i prrfe.iennl e'ieef lo ibe nb lit. All bii-in' eni rifled In bin erne will b riotiij ! aitci.'li'l to. (Jn 'I'.Ttf ItoVEIl l'MHI FlAYINli MAOIIINK . - I - I .- I I I.!. , erson '" '"'''"'::'";,': nnb'. prices t y c-illnig on on tAN Vkl llT, Agent, Selui-greve. fJsn. H. fft J. Y. SIIIMKI, If Sl'UGKO.N AM) I'llYSiriAN. Middi.bur r: Offr hU profeslonl tervi.-es In the fit Went of Middleurg and vicinity. M .reb il. XT JJ P. VAN Ul'SKlUK. SVHCICAL J1ECIIAMCAL LEST1ST FcliiiHurove Pcnn J011N K. lll'u'llKS;, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Tcno Twp., Foydcr Co. T vr 11. r.p. X JUSTICE OF THE PEACF. Jaekao j Townnbip, Snyder t'o. Pa.. Will attend lo all hnsine entrusted lo hi cars and on the 1110U reonnble March ti. bHif DTI. J. T. KAN AW KL, rUYSl- IAS AND6Ur.Cl.0S. mil re I lie, rnjdrr In- 0(fra kit profiiflonal tcrtloe In the fllblio. 17 W. SCIIWAX, M. J.1 blllOEOS Jt 1'IIYSICIAS. Pori Trevortnti Tn. iirrbl rr'"''n,,l wrvlee lo Ibe iilten of ihia plo and vicinity. He,c8 Ii A.nuyKn.J'-- (rri AUCTIONEER, reebniv;' Snyder Co. Pa., Mo.t reaped fully fifl-'i bi crvlct lo be publio a Ycn.Ui. fryer iiitd Auction r. tlnvlin bd a In rye expe. 'm:. feel eonndeiit lbl I can rendor .crlccl aiuractiua lo my employee. lin. , Cdf BT. PAiiKS. . . ATTOIISF.Y AT LAW MSTU1CT ATTOUNV. MlPPLEBLItO. 8SYUEII COUNTY, T Oflic In Court Uiu. flepi.15, 'CTtf IEVIS JilihAlKH'S B0X6- TOUACCOWAHEHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRDS" 6,83 VIIILAPKH'UIA.- M EUCIIAXT HOUSE. II II. MANDERUACH Pbov'r J. C. Ml L, Clerk Ko. flS 415 UorlU Third Klreet. r PWladelpbia. "VflLLEU k ELDER 1A WHOLESAll BOOK SELLERS, rfjy VOl a 8. P jc RY. MY MOTHER'S GBAVB. BY tiro. . fl!TICR. Th trembling ilew-drop fll t'pon the ebiittiiiK flower i likenul t rel The iitr ubine n!nrtnuljr ta i '.l t!tT me, ro llc-l . M. llier. I lot tbjr pr,re ! The violel. with lbiuini bint nl mil I. Vtp o'er Ihjr hed i wben rbtll il win Abort Iby child? 'Ti tweet flower, yel mtit II brinli le ie lo the coniiou tenipel bow; l'oa'l mot ,i r. tin Ihiae eiubleiu i dnt Oil thy brow. And I eonlj lore to die ; To K-;te iiiita-ti-d life' dnrk.liiller ttream: ly ibee, fir.t in ehildbno I, lie, An 1 nhikic Iby And m!l I linger bore. To i"l lin Ibe p!iitn,i(r of ihj linle yetr Aud ntoiirii the hpen lo cbildboo I wilb bitter inn' At. rsM't I linger here. A I 'nely brnnob upon n withered tree, hoo letal fruil lel. untimely ere, Weni dun ttiih thee J Oft. from life' williered bo rer, In li!l roinniiiiiion wiih Ibe !. I turn, Au I tiiii.e on ibee. Die ouly H.j,r In meuiory urn. And when Ibe evening pile. l!mv,like it mo'ii ner, on li.e iliin.bliie w nc. I 1 pi i iv In lie if Ibe hiU-eri.l.n Around iby grnve. Wbrre i thy rp'ilt fluin ? I fi, nliove lliy I-Is i iongd there ; 1 lisiieii mi I iby grnlle tuiig 1 oil I lie air. ('!i, come, while here I pre My brow tipn iby grnr; nnd in llote mild Aud llirilluig In ni of lenderncM, IlleP., lli I by child ! Yt. ble- thy weeping child : And o t-r 'bine iirn-ieligi'in' bnlirt pbrine, Ob, give In ppiril, iiinlefiled, To blind wnb ihiue. (HT l Till: lltl. Pn ii.kle ! rain ! Hli'vcr! rljlit ilnwn on Miliio WiiMirr'M iut' ful little liai imI c ncelul litili' hhm lilors, uup - teetid njivo by lliin kIiuvyI. lm( vi' li liiiiiliii llin In-iTt'i'liiui lunce ol' ilu n'ttii't jiuir of li' '. a Unit cvir ijjke l up in a t'I"'.nl in Hi t w.ty. W lu'tl Miliio ciiliif to n l.irj;.' wliiii I'a'tn Ii iiisc, abe very ula My Hid r illu i lmti!) fur just then llioro va ii luitvy i':il ul lliilnlcr opi'lic I tin yiltf. nti j Went Up lilt' llnWi'l' tinr.lercil ; I'Miti to tint li ii nini u-i iiii'iiin i pent of tlmiiil'-r w .1 lie ird. a f i ri j u n i by a vivid lli-h ul' lihiniii. Mule i'n:eifj with' ut a I'fii'tii my. S c took in nt u cl.iin'u (ho content-) ot'tlii mihii, jilniiilv hill ncitly riirnislioil. Tlio iiiiic-tn'iite.l iluiiit', the proi'y eliitr. cnvrrcj Iiiiiii, lh,' linn';-'.'!!-. wilh h ..A un I nheet m.HC ; the ij.iliu in its case in ibo c.iMier, tin Vaso cf faded Howi-r. and tho orna iin titsou 1 be iiiuiille. 'J In ie wiih no niio Iherc, biu nlio beard n cbildii-h voice in ibe. next ruom and uuin kuiu keil. A d.ok eyed prl 1 1 too 01 eleven yeBM opened la (leor. Millie explained why mIic wiih there Willi ibe case nnd tiiliMier mueh lllilel'. 1I1O child ba le her Wekinne pine. il 11 chair near the move and took Millie' drippiiu bat and li;iw "1 wis jul bejiniiinje to et ilii. nr ; thai wua llm ren in 1 didn't le ni ymi kiK'ck. Il will be It lonej lime bi toru the slmwer is over, and ou iniiht Ktuy with us for 1 1 i 11 in r It will be remly by ibe tinni lien eonus ; but that will'imt bo for tin liotir.' "Ks. diiinie'l In) wuddy when Hon tiling,'' lisped aud bullied a little jiirl el three yearn. Tlie o'h r child, wbo-o aanio was Hetty, H'Mimed : 'I can't ffel a vrry jrnoil dinner; 1 ain't rpiiu old enmuh, but Hen Nay 1 do nicely. He puts il nn for me and 1 n e U it liui bo doe not adonr me to Inks utr kcttb M, lor fear I will burn or scald ui)ielf; but 1 think 1 nm lur.'o ininiiL'li to do that. I liko Ie huve ever) iliin'.li'iidv lor him when be inineii in tired and huiiL'ry. 1 can I ninko biscuit I wIhIi 1 could, for Hen lilo-H tbetii ever mueb ; but Martha who cmiies 111 lo make bread tor iih eity t-bo viil teach me.'' "Wbcro 18 ymir luutberf neked Millie ol tho little Kra, wbeu lloity wum out cf I ho room. "Wo baa ?ot iii muddcr but Hen," the little one Imped. When Hetty canto back, Millie "id : "New 1 have pit nicely wurincd, t,nd in v dies will dry just a well at woik as Billinfr att lit. a 1 will help you eel dinner. II you liko I will make ,.01110 buaeuit, aud will Lave dinner iu a shel l tm.e " Jlcti? was delighted, lieo wdl be Iflsd. Mif;hl aba 4'iickly look ou and leuio bow ; Mdlio wiia young, and uiik, and tnv. and kba aud Ilia children ou bo'Ui me very well acquainted over ibe bircait. Sbenald pn-aoiilly trying u not at o Willi a lurk : ' Tho notut ca an dono. I will pour the water oil to, aud tbn put tbeai on ajiuin tu dry. That wdl mako them mealy, lu a few luiuutca we will pea them, uud then uiuni r will bo all ready except takiiiir it up. J b dinner seemed very meaner t" little llcitv. u aue rait over the item in ber niiud poiatoo. pe'tti, pork, bi iu 1. butur. tucitinucrs. milk aim w tor. Kho wanted to make tea tar bur . .. .. .. j i a. -i.i. ..ll.. vieltor tiut yne Heeiinetiupcineuttr iVliI)l)IiEBUH(, U-...I in not (bum ii I ; mi vr7' "rc V,rJ lnurh ,l'', ,lL (" un I fntiiro Jlin Mti l l.o bonuhiin.-t Ju till t o - lh ; il n no v bt, iiiortirngv) on our Ltrm, mid Hut w..M"0 IC1I1. Ai t!mt i nn I hall aril tt.o bn I roI lo nsiy everr pent I l.o ilur j. I ii'e ollnnil I p. ill. etpe- t . lu. m. w Hue. or loooo ve"ry lltiiiL', wo 'li.ul i h 'l"' W1,h ""," ot ,er ,umrJ coiwtin Mdo withoutnB M.liiiniiTlhinu,aoli'n. we are trery pour now, nn I Hoti inatmid wo can't have enough to pay it, ami iln'y M my w may lotiU tor tin mere) li'uin S(tiire John, fur he I vory Imr to tlie pixir. ami do Iir alwas wunled our f.irin, l)ceaii it join 0110 id" Ii lathi where lie want lo bili'. l. I heard all nlonf it when 0110 i f our nel.-lih t wn ti kitif; to lien, tliuuh he Uuht wnnl me to know aliont it.'' Millin liri'l liitn'i to th.H with n curioiM mlxturo ffeclltii:., lur Sipiin John Win declire-l Inter ol hcr nil I tliouh liu ha I not aiccp'e.l him hc had I ei-ti plensoil wi'li hi ntti'ti tion, and hi I n-i'taiiiW ivpn liitn ro eoiiraL'cineti'. Morcnver. he ii t.i receive hi fimtl unnwer in tin e i!ny IVulii Ihut time, nn I lic n not Mire till' answ er roerrcil nnd awny w.i- "tto 1 rue .'liilin w i not tu love with li'in. I ll' elie ha I ni:C'l " l"ll.' in vnin lor tin r'.i'atic slate i f I'eelinj "lie I hi I reel nn I heard to minli iiloxil tli"tiiflit he was nut c:iu'ile of love, mil tl,:ii to Wkc any one w im a mucl. is pin- (111. I I'Xpi'i t I! Il wliO eel t mils liked S juire Joint tin well, if net lei 'er. thai any one, nnd his lovo mil" eellailily be ilifitit-.T.'-t'"!. for he emil I not kt'owilint bin now Mii'ii'itOi'ppil 'niilil lui llol ? M ijlit II" not h nve I'oiiu l out hoine v;iy t If ibis htnry w is true, wcmid ueh a man lu lk'!y o tn.ilry 11 poor ;ii? I'or M il e Warner wis. ten ly mi II 'irejs in 1 mm imv Hie W.18 sole ii.ii 1 ib ir of a siiiii.I, utiiiicatiiberi'il 1 11 111. IVuin hei 'iitiier, a 11 1 five (lioiisin l iloli.irs in bunk eti uU. Pint tU'i farm was l IninilioJ miles oul Ii 'if (l ot mil. where .lie Wjs ink' h consiti, A'ul 1 . c It . I r knew it ; an I 'lii' in.' h i is.i s e h m liellied lu r n In bcrwoik ti.rli had iilvvnys lu lped b r in'tli'T wh.i Ii ' was at home enpMpli', in u-trious, 'iicrjcliu little jr'n tlmt hli was Tlio itory ajrerd with il I i' -lie h:.i hrard hinted tit, lui' only liinted nt. nn I even tliey the nex' mor niiitf were piuiiiothe.J over, for Sijtli . .Icilins was a rich and mil lemi il inau. and Jieijplo could not nil' ml, wiliOit i'Ciimiii. to lose his l.iv. r. Could lu in 'i a i y l o Mi di 0 -c oio'lre! '! She ioild jude hit rr nlmut :li Ini'il of I lu- Buirv win u ehe lull en lieu. Who Win It'll? T'.V.i ul' llir.'i- ,i,(jiiirio ,.,,i,ivti utno inled t 1 nolliin.'. 'I'ii Hp. k ! JUr-t HH if eVel'Vl odi knew V.I10 Hell wis. Wis he !n llin I,'. ,.iihhi liTi'd llillll r wlnt? Iv.i lently bomi boly very o! I, by tbewiy II -tty cptike of linn. II it sh j-ln 11.' d her ellOiiidel'S is -ho ho ed ntlt ul the still pn.iniic ruin. Viiiiiil' li II lla.el. 01 t ill lli' Il ''d i t' h ti,,r tip the l.i-l h iy 1111 th. 1 l.'ii.l lennc'l b;8 UfhterU against a niv sil l 'O'k nil' Ins si raw but to coo! Irs 111.1I-1 I ireh 'ad. His (t-,r.p loiluwe I the bin i.rt, w nt ever tlio I real bind aud rtiui'lfl d. "lb" bay in all pot in," be Hai l w ith a l)iii I r "in li ul rcliif. I could n t allord t I e cue loud nrnv ; 1 d o.'! know that I can do it, b it if I cm no I pu t of the I.111J I uuy. It w ll he a hard pull, tbo iib. The y.'Utiii mini followed the 1 ai t iu 10 the bi n. Tho t. Im 111 was ul im lo LI th when bo went townrd the the Icuso the back way. He Ntiipptd in sin 1,1 i-e us lu tt.iw llirouih the win dow suine one wait htnnliuj ut tlio l- tdo with arms la 10 to tho ellmw. mix iio' (lower. It 111 i-t be Maltha. No ; those lair, wbilo arms uro not Martha'H, neither uto bur.s Ibe 8 indei .'in eel 11 1 linino. A be catuo nearer, de could dihtiiiKUisli I ho eparkliui; piipiaut face. Sho was laugbinir uud laikinK with Hetty; and cviiloutly t(i vinet lior directi"tia for whutidio wu nuking. Hetty win a.iiu upoo her, eager and abtmrbod Littlo Kvu was siiiini? ut tho tablo in her -bib chair, wmkiinr at a piece ol dough. Ily and by ibcie was a plal tcrini! if water licui'd iu tho next ruom by lletiy. 'lien ha mine, i'udiudj; hustiiy nod epciiiiiir the door. "liunliaa tu 11) I" echoed tho little one. C'hipptuii tier bauds uud liripitiii u- be came 111, briL'ht anil aoiiliri on mat lie hud in ature lor luni. 1 i uudu a taie fur on, 1 is. lie ruuiihl her ui in bis arm and gave, her a k'ss, while bbo laughed auo Hheutud, but b'u eye a were lucktug the btau.'er. Hetty said, prettily : -'My brother lien.'' Thea to bitu : "I Id lady got cauj-bt iu the ebowur, Hen. and ieiy iiii! till it c ear up Sho has lieeu ho kind a to help mo gut diuuer aud bus mado "iiie aplemlid uitcuil. i bev both aloud oiuto a tumuto, a!ie with turonse at the real Ilea, young htitidiuiiiio and well-bred, be w.ih ad miration, and a Miranda new leehng hu I'dU il not dctine. He bad barnly uiude nor welcniue. with a return of bis eeb MiKe8iiiii, wbon tbero was a loud rap at ibe atret't door, lloity weni to me loor, came back pale, aud wbmjiertu 10 li. ti "Miune Johns ' Mdiie drew quickly back from the iiall-openod dour, ll.-n went iu to hie vlbitr, cloa ng tlio door after him, bin every word waa diatiout'y beuid b) Mill. a. for S iiiiire'Johnt did uot apeak tu ibe auave lone he was acciutnrucd to bear biui, but loud aud jerouiplo- ilv I am in bate, young mao I jual aloPDed toaaV that tbe tlUld lor 111 payment of tlie money aue no ocing .. r . t . I1 " ... . It i. ... i.niy ntier io-uinrrpw n um.fry SNYDKIl CO. PA.. MAUCII 17. 1ST0. " n'"P"7 "Vou tre liibO'iu under a rvt'!i mistako, yoniiir nmn. Here I yn mortin(!e. you can ace for yotir-elf llml it U the IStli. "Let me mo it Ttl liejure ilanfc 1 upon llie f nt lie pree I hi hands over lii eve nnd j p. lined himself Willi el'eiit ffl'.il l. II' zrew llsliv pile ns he r- il l. "It real certainly, but I can't mull rotund it," lie Weill lo IliP le.l. "Here's a iiii'initiin'lii'n my fa'liet lliado of the cireiinistnnce. and it is the 2"ih mid he wn a vey nnre nieihej.. eiil ucin. and would li" be I ke!v in niiikn a nii.tnke thnt tnii(ht be rr:iu,'bt linn, lie tl.ri'nl.'tieil ; be .i-l. d mi' with evcrv imp irtnitce uud evil cntie brave and in li(riiin'.-oi,eiliiiii "I Hence til him. "I believe" a imd- j s'.i: kn. w nnd !!!, nnd Kpiiiue I his in' leu suspicion coniitiir into Ins mind, as:i;li enrn and I" 1' 1 1 in c Il Jet' ( to I 11 lurking trinnipli in ' Siieh a (rt nl thivit is w r'liv ol ipiire .'o'h'h' rye, ' I believe tliel'O is'vo'l! of 11 pieee w.tll your em. duet seine tilhl'iV nbmit Ibis ti'iilt' r, 11ml ' 'lint yi'l ureal t''i botlotn nl it.' be I iX'fl.i 111 emileilly, lixmtf li s eye ti 1-111 1 v iijinn tip' Iiwyer. wiio ch:iti:;.'d ! Iii clnr in --p te uf hi t n If. I!e inieliil win' yoi ki ymru nmn, i vimi tiiiht i:ei yotir-ili' into Ir iilile," he nid, antf ily, ' Yes sir I believe y ni nre a' bae vil'ain ! 1 reiiieinlier that ymi ' are the l.iWVet w Im mule out I In; linn I- .;i.'e at the t.'ne, tin. I I km. that l'r, ours vmi have hi en aenini' In jet li.-M i ol ibip prepefly. it there tnny ju in Ii, vei slnill bo cNii .sid!" itiee 1 bettet "In the ntenniiliie lull have the tn nn'V ready." co.dy and in- a tin.' y leplied Mr. .Inln ,s. 'Th. it i.i itnpi.-ilie. you know Ymi knew very "ill tbai 1 cmild I) ( r iis M Iniieli linerev ill two ilay w lie 11 you laid ymir di.iinilieul p'.tius " " I'll. '11 V"ll kn iw lb'!'ie nee.' "And what in to bccutneol mv vouni: i-t0:'rt ?" ' I nt-itlier know nor care. That l out' lonkotit Thn Vouiij mm, strove to repre-hi p iS.I'lll. miic Johns iv Hie "Si 1 I oili p.V Ibis ilelil. 1 e cet. ' "lliat will do vol 110 unol. It inn t be reultf bv dnv alter to-morinw. er I tik" pos-es-iou. 1 ininht have -Ii .way. ni mercy hit for your insiiiii.t i unit Now, in. tie.'' That is lalse ! Ihr! v ill iiii! mil yen I k ' W It. Yo I ll 'l et shu'.Ved iiietey in I vour bfe Y"U have vv-ni ) i'.r i l 't- ten wen th by robli ii:; the widow and lilt- f ithei le.-s If you t il" tli t. pmp eiiy, in .y it buiig o.i a cur-e with it,! now niid err itru o ! tint h le it is in a. y in lids iii knk you iiuiu it, tii datlamh m -..iiiili el !'" The S jil io wi a sin ill iil:in ,is well ;s a niWiit 1, and while he was belli.' ej'ii.llli I ll-ly ejCCt 'd fr I'll t'lO ll"U.e " tlie nnniy ut d i Xeiieil m:iin mn, ILliy was emu In d down cl' n - to Mime pu.e and fl'i. h'.i I. I'd. Kva Was .ol. bill X iii her lap, lid Ml-lie it Was ilu'i.'nlt lo debcrilie her Ic lues. lien did imi come into the runni lor s .tne t iiii-- aficrwurds. Win n he did Im looked h:unai d ami Ui.'ed. and wu-i.i-fin thrmili hastily, as if tj e-e.ipe noiiee, whe.i M.liie, Ini-ines like an I iriiiolit-iorwiird littlo gill that the A a, tie" an : Mr. H.iZ'l. I want to talk with you I few III ll'ltes. There would bo no ii -e iu prcli ti linn; tlut I hiveu'l beard wlialyou and Sipiiie Johns havo beeu saying, lor 1 havo Icard every word, I thinli 1 know of 8 uuie one wb can help you : but first may lank a few i ietou r Heii at first l inked di-plcased nnd liaughty ; but h"i' kind etiaihlloi aid iiianoor disarmed biiu He beWCll US-t'llt. ' What is the niuount of this innri- r'a-e ?" "Two th'iu-ati 1 dollars aud interest,'' was the brief reply "What ia the total vulno of the I'arin ?' My I'm licr valued it at tea tliuusuod d'jllar." "Are tbero other nmrlgigog on it?" "None." "Very well ; I am quito positive. I kn iw sniiio one who can loau you the money. 1 am .Miliio Warner. laU1 on tlie 10-liiorroW at my cou-iu ilt. a." lien's dream wcro timed up lb it oiubl with moi tgajes, uud balel eye-. l'lio ueXt day Was a buiuT tune Ol ens- Dense aud uoxicty and early in tf-e cveuin-r found bnu at Sanlord'a where ie was received by Millie ber-oll. Ibe next inortittlif, aecoinpanled by a neighbor, be called tin Sqniro Johns "He is at break last,' tbo lorvaui said. An angry light tbono in Squire Jobna'bod gray eye when be beard bo wae bia visitor. 'How dare he como r I warraut, iboUiih tbo chap isu'l quite tw high aud dulity aa bo waa the last lime I saw mill lluuibio tjiiouvii mi uioruiug 1 will bold out hnpet of lueicy uuli! he grove la aud ben, my purduu oruvelr low a a be laid me, aim tneo 1 ll do re veuoed. ToMiiOrrow this aplomild farm, added to oiy other prtpcity and the noa-scsxieu of Mube W'uer a baud and im tune, will muke mo a rich' man hair uiao, indeed. 1 wdl tauia.ue blin lo bia heart' conleut.'' -You are early this uiorning, youtu man. I Conclude vuu bate ooujO 10 uuy ibe money," be eaid irou cully. 'That's nt t erraad, eaid U. u oo y Squire John atuitcd back agbaat aua ttiuoucreiruca r Mil til ll-.K.'l .ll'l III. counted it. Where I ,'i.oi.. .Libit ' We tl.e llllV.' 1 inori" .iin a;e. l.ivid 11 1 1 I Ifi ml.lin wiih pus;.,!. itlire Julm was c inprh d lo j : he iiiortetae ami execute Ilu u-uil; relo.ise. TliTn i io irnre tn tbc vio'eut passion to which lh - Sipiiie cave Iree license, wlun the next ev.-niiije he li'ive up lo Siin otd's He l. oke I pV n tul I In re u lis ipteer little Rtnile on Millie Wu.n.'i '- l.n-i' iis k ie p i w Ii i li i Ihr U.b the i I . i litrls It wn a little oiuin. us tin': lie w I-cm! u I'e I to unit in ll.e pn or live, ten, rift cell liimu'es, Sull. more omiri us tli it she c atue in nt tv ; distant and llii-ini'.in.'. he e i! I hai tllv hefiMe he heai l at i'lit li n I 1 hi sii',1 she tr.'ive n pmnipt. iiiici'in prun " 1 1 r "no ! ' II- irvd : he w:i Willi li.e ll.i.el-. stie rn ie I. "Tn the II ii la! Wli.i'. do y. u kimw .iboill tlieiu ? Pel Imp. o i m e tin one vho loaned the inuiicv lo lliem .'' "Vis ii w;i- I. I eir in llier; bi slie't. r ft. in th'1 stm 111. I i.e.rd it un every Word." The S pure ulii'i'eil eiir-. s low nnd: deep, I ut Mdlic did not ft.iy 1.1 b ni them. She only aw him tide nwiy. Willi till! Nitne ipieer i' t!e Miii'e .111 Ian I'.U'P. Sniiire .1 .him t'o le a Inn: ili.tatnr "lit of hi' w.iy, six ue'lit'i af 1 r lo j 1 il ve,i,iit purty just 1 etiirniti.' Iroin i cliiireli lien Ha 1 and Mtii.e, I I- wile vvhieli lit eauie very near hi J 1 rio uji'iii. l llC I'ltllll'C Ol tltO lt( llltllt Oil l'ail). Tlie Cliieao Times titters seme veiv sound id. us an I tu.ikes eotiiH MMi-ihlo j remai ks un the Mihjeet Tin ro are s'b"si, it hjj. who think tl.e limii s i- ! ee-s o th XVl h Ami'tillini.t loth- r' n-''"!''"" loi'i-'s Ibe II p s' I'l'in i '" i" nn run 1 s ini-iiui. ine.e nun, h.ik '" i n iT.nruii "i. ;lrtf.ini.'.i'l, itl tlielir.t in-lin e, t' I prevent Hie exleii-nm nt Alileutl ela- , v- ry oil his (' Oil iln lit. it W is I'liabli I ellleliy I V r a-oti nf tl.e I' llv an I tu i '- ncss ol I be 1 1 ie i ids o' that ten lb e t --tit 'it i n, lo l.finn; alnril its nl.nlit ion very w' eie ; 'o loeak every bund, an I si I I'Vi'iv m. in free. That 'lavin.: I.e. n dune, tint only, but the ll'il' lme'i h.n inj been now put on th - r feel, litnin: ' i 'I 1 1 .id "'.ill' i lie with aHo'lier II. en i i 'hi fat a-govi'i'i in nl, tiiiyj i-tlv inter I. re in sueii iiiiii'.crs wiiat im re rs t" J !' dnue ? ' The iliil'erence between t l.e !! pah nn I JVnmera ie "ty is i tint tli I nne is partv of pionres. inn! tb" nib let- a party f ret rnri'ssiuii The ;.. iiiiltceaiis relieve in inuri tnti on. I he i. nine rn is believe in moviiij burkw . r-1 . The mission of the Republican putyinave en ii if .f be ended until I he end of p dii j tvu-h ii ul evil shall colli" ; until nil mis t v I an 1 wmtit; t-prln.'iiu fi' in g..ver mo nt j hall havp pu-scil nway. Ill'1 ti.l'-i lion of the I'lt'eenth .iii"riimi-ut wit. I I 'iinpies; innnl lv n-ult l" ureal uood ; i but not imiiiediiilelv. Tlie tvn I i.ti i ' ment in law of other reform Innueht; nbout by the IJepuMn'tins wi 1 r -U.' , jni u'teat go nl Hut to st ind si li is a : crime ; to rel r.',";i'bi is bo'h u crime and a liluiid'T. Hetweeti prej-res-ive land retrogns-ivp elements of the bnly 'politic there is iiii nrepressili e con flict. It can no mure l reprei-e I , limii nt.. tins enn be ripie-fed viltli, umliroMas. or tho till- driven back wilh un .Is. ,lul new. there tnii-i nn,l, l, n I rin h i I ti in n..ri,il rf tin rl lis ei... o ... ,1.1,.. i I, i ... . I ue ie It uii'V-im i i int.,- i-ii-.i.,, pi do for the present ami inline ii ii' fu ture in Hceui-inir the victories of the ....jt . in .1,,,.,, ll,., ... ten ii ... .t ". '." ....... ! dcrs. .'leaiiliui" new l-siies, involv ing prineiples anil prore-s. will on The proorcssivo party wiil rally uroinol ihssc to support litem; tbo retrogro j sive party will rally around their old, banner lo do feu i ilium. Such is but I a law of national untute, if we tuny My i. Surb party movements, ; ihej present ataa of civili.nt ion, aio no Irs tta'uriil tli'in ibatrivci fljw down (ream. What those, issues innv be, i wo iln not pn- dict. Ibft whatever tnav be the bui', they wn iuvolvj niofrea and beneficence for tbe rcopln il i f p'e l, letronri-ssion nnd misery if leleatea. 1 hey linvo out a Imtt.e- ike view nf our pnliiical ail nation who do not ace where tbo Republican will a'lnftl when thee ureal isu' of the fa- tura shnM take form nnd Nhnpe. The Hemocraia will atand by Cbuos ami Old Night, tbe Ki piiblicana will help no with the gloriou work of ma kin.' be world briuhter, and better and happier. The Iomocrt will atand fnpuiK at the ileii't body cruelly ilnn-.- ling in the air ; tbe Hepuhlicana will reverently rejoice, nmvinif forward ul tbe aatno time, tbat the aoul gms murvbiiig on Indianapolis bus a venerable bache lor bbyeieian id tbe age nf aeveulv I luce, who for tbo past twenty yenr ha nol-elept In a bed U'T taken Iii- meal at regular hours, ile has but una regular hour, lie baa hut one regular habit, tbat ot driuklnn almut a quart of the beat Ilhenish wiue daily When disr.oaod tn eat, bo doea o, and wben n ght cornea he rest tn a large -r-urw lib"1" IvWt-- .IV e ; uto.qi ivi P ID t NO. :. mlueso ,lbi!iiii. N.elr hiMp Iii ntie who il He l iid bi IL r k. t o hi II it Wllllt it. tn mev liilli r t Ii ii u I'ny nlnl h - n,,t t le Itll'. i-jtii.i in rr.ntrne' in j ll.-lf. e it elil a id t' I in th ' i-xteii- inn "I " ie .1 en. f. r Ii 'th r. iis 11-. v .ut h In -s win l,e lik.-i' In I f i.lT'. I 'nt 11 i on line ey I e o. e . I i it ; tr il 0 11 Mi ', I kn - A w h .i , mi' 1 '1, nn I sp ' d 1' to " : I l!u eo uetit will .111:1' e ! 1 no a:. I Ii I ' , ! :i .'i . in '. be n I y "i w il I a i. I. r n. m I ' I II It be I l ! ' .1' 1 V l!.. run on.. I'.OMI ol Ini'ii e s t.i him'i ,t. e oi w: . I I in .i ll Mn... : i 11 HI.' Ill . ell 1I1. e-. A l' .:i: ll M II I i. I... N vet' -i iii.i.i li : 1 1 .! ! r 1 . h 1! .io 1 nn i i-t :,.s w n 1 1 1 s,-'f M 11, ry tills j .1. 1 1 11'. i. t'.r 1 lit IV j N'.M':-: 1 mi 1 ;i'i' ' l u .in.'.. ! e'.:iim 1 o :i ; in j 11 u . 1 I .V.M). nn I tne.i I I lit '. IV. to I . e I 11'.. t i'i'.' I r nil in- 1 In I t rn 11 V' or I n '1 Ii 1- i'i ; I tlio t.tne in -:,i v I r 1 1 I 111 '.I . ill l.e'. 1: t: i, '.. ! a .1 ili.n., Ilv ..1..! w nl; I il.- I... I,. I' v ir I t..e ;i:n y I Ui ' 111. 11. I W..rV ; i :'' .i.v .. I I O I V. ,1 vniir- ii'. 1 .l!l O A II ui.l (" nl'v, :i:i Mill ' Mi u'.: in,. :,t.. Il 1 1 V II I t:aiiioiii 1 ;toii:iis No I'lll inef she 'il l lei!'. I a In imi'm' any tin; 1 s il-e.n I ii ill.' t.M'e I. in I th : Ui'le i n-t nl tl.e r- it". 'I I, p ex pens ' d 1". r W In n ' 1-1 . I ,1 t 1 ar c iltuial tnl et I. et. it w!l be up! t' liter it is tn 1 Lite. 'fen hu-l.el ir I. el illl I mix I ttil II d -l eip t Ir 1 l.e vt : v. 1 l.i t ll.'leS ' Il , Will I ''l I '. !iin Iv 1.T1 tiud e n 11 lie ill. ni:i"li ii .rk a- 1! mine tli.' in .1 l avv -t u'e. II; r two n ; 1 I ; I 'V . I I ti t r mi k will d't -ate In fee. 1 1 n. I r. V life etl i:i 1 1 le, ;,n I I- . lliv ' nil th" V. I III I n'.i: ts nn I rn niji. t-. e it t le I In y t.o'iirl in r t limp I i'!.;ei in t niiai h. i i bii h 111' X . I le w.i . "I U il.- el- ll l , -.VII l" t . lie h,i el ll'nl ive s will .i t a i ! i' li e pa aje t ' t i, e i-" a i ':'i ii i.:i w l p p i - i , r .'!' w i .1 ii'nl n . in-t i il re'i.'f 1 I be in e.t speedy :1V el e d r i .t v n .'.i i- ii t t.i I.I. , t . ' as'.S lie Te f!i in U i I' li win Ii li.: I ui! , v hieti '. ill o p I.I, ' t s n l.e clot In' 11 1', al, i e ;.',ei.t wll h e On ' 1 ui . :!' In i .-o lino that; il' ll e fanel h" lil'ed l I he larner. in tlie in i'ii.I n" .r c ir nt lis in ti :l . h ap. -'i u.' I wavs keen iti view that it ill pi I on -h "il l ii"' I"' alio ve I tn i f s r 11 oil bv tin" C'" I f itii"iil.i i: fnlnble p.i t. niineee.-ii 1 a W'iv mi I !o-t Uc-t l.loi Dun it " When ii r in, I I it'e up' t ' r'.t at!eiii;.ls t i sho v lb, I I ner i- n in n .p.ihes "I if 'l'n, ill t h 'i InitSi .'.Veil a. t rue an I ll ' n -o il t the lowiV as t ' I li" i" i uliU "lil" 'se I tt V Ibe eln l.,..i . fe hut euvv nn I -cot n lire 1 II' I. nis portion iiui.ui.i hi- fellow. I'lu y do ii ! like to ee tt.c'ii-'Ives o it-li ip 1 1 1 I'V o ie w ii .III I bey h ue ree ni I li Utter tiim tlnin elves; mil in-',, id ul eiieeuia 'in.. Ill v da n;i h s n d ir lind irievo hi- ll ai t wi Ii s.n is, ni i cold, beeiiuse invi uis cuius I. J I 11 Xt I' li- nliuve In ii bile loti to e i , , man wn nns natifin i leia-t I' b, . , i I a iniii e s un, no iiensn.e- -ae m of the mill. I, presuiiijiiif t Ih'm' l i nne ll" , l"' ' iliiivel'sil shunt of ' Ke. p bin Hew u !' fins iiiwirl i-1 rn if - ! wliieii the p ; I'rtV-sttl.'k aeni'ls Im lo i ii I'll i th stru.'iib' against priju lice nml mi-' ; -re -en l a' ion mil Witit hi ili'iireu many a min I mi I ni-c intake I iiniiiv u bient.ntnl hiki'i'l ni.i'iV a in. in funn el lo he a li jilt iu I ho w.rld in poVcrlv and ilitkiuss to the cud of Ins day.. II 'cause cf th's many a noble ) i'it ha coneeal 'd its own rt ti- of brlii lies- ; inai.y ti'.h'e nnd tree men. of wn. world wi not wur'hv, hive,.. into tlu" guive with n " I li w;s their souls ytit'il I" bivo die I nnl.i no el"ii " in i b J,,.. I un "I uni OSK cveliinn; u enuii 11 ll 'l-tl:i I seetio oec.irelal the wbnfoii 111' ido nf the Kusi loiMon Ferry. A g t -i. Ill hi had loll bis hur.-o an I ci' i hl;" unattached while he wnit to trniMiei snni'i bus lies, and Oil lli- T 'l Ufo loan i a lellew seated in the Cir'i.lfO and jasi II the point ol limine, i, If. " vl b'-re are vou jfouisj to Willi in n team? dcnnnled the owner. Ho was answered that the Inrse iviiH running away. " I jasi goi in siup it for you ; ain't yoa juing to give me s. .met bin.' ?'" " V' a, I am,'' said tho geiitteiuan , Hid to tho great amusement oi'lh" few lonkei'snti, be ml mill stT. d to the in genious youth a evcre hor-e whip ping Shi b di-iuieresledueea iius-'i'' ed it reward. A li'tlJ leeoiiili ueied Southern girl live year old, kd a colored srrvuui iu the emirse of a tin olngieal examiua lino wha'. ibo 15ih couiiuauduieiii waa. Ibe reply that tbero waa only ten mmj r-n.tV"i W - ATE OP ADViT.TI.SIKa. Ofieenhintn on yra,r line Imlf column, one -ir, i in--fntirih e.ilnimi, on yer, l.'i.l)1' ('in.titire ( In linen i one infi rlinti 7"j I'.veir additional iiirn i ifi 6'1 rrntossmnil nnd llnsi e- cir.N of tint more limn t'.vp line, per year. ,",t) Aiilii.r, l.xcciilnr, t l.tntiii r i' -r tind As.'gnee No'iees i I' iil. -rii. I im;ier i t line I j Ail 11 l. ert isenn' nt e lor idou-lef pi"u..., tleiti on voir ate f"v l':0 t ibe I'eim I In y iin- ii t' r.-1. n:i I il imi id I In- .cr- .nil 'il I" : ite. lie' l Wll ..,' li.;l tl--L;olt--.J.t ! r 111:' lllt'tiey. 111 L'M ltlil'4 'All '. Ti." av.t..: 0...1 I- I TO I. y r it ,' t (. I 111 1 ii .it." t; . -1 t.n (.1. . "'. 0:1 ' Ii 1 ( ' t v 11 1 ir .;i I. i r 1 -pn- .'1 ,1 nr.. Iillt p. 1 1 t n - 1.1 n.'i i.M r i . h .11 i!i- 1 j 1 ;! ol our Milt- I I lilt I 1. ! e.i Ii III , t .i. . 11 t I II 11 ii' ti I I inn .. ; el' I.. 1 .1, -i b 1 i' r ii .! . 1 il'tl1 1 i ree, :, p .! ! !. ..' i.' t I. ...1 I I. 1 1 1 ' W l.i Ii 111 :i ' 1 1. . 1 .1 'i i 1 . I .'it 1 in t. 1 1 I , t e , 1 I'r St I' f, I: t w . i. t I ill. "i I . : ll.e I -1 r to- n.iii in', t. ; . " It- 1 1 1 el I ,1 t e Tin' l:nJ - i'W r t.ei 1 I " tin 1 II tho lif t. -:'; 1 w 1 lli t : 4. t . ni I': in t Ii '1 I 'H'l n il. I II I r t:. v f, tli . -ii ; I ul' t- r .! I,. I'. I til li t 1 I, n sua. who . Ill I . I s I r ' i a : r i so i n .t I . W I e'ou I t: -Ye- ' 11 W ai p u- in I I- "Jbll.'t ktl 'i '. fit , le inl n . I .v. Is --,'..-I ul ll ' I ll .'Vll.l '-' ':' .il. -r I . r-t i l i I i til , ,t il-e. ill ' It.t til ' A i .-I. II nr. 111 1 1.1 eel liel I' I le 1 l.i', I t 'U' l'l i III li'i 1 t. lo 11 ,! . I ir e i I x : t t . - ll'l i t ill'll e'll in : I belli i I N . I'i il" I li III lil i II, mill t . ; 't wi !i no '.' I' f Y el I I yu i I.I I i n n I ul, ii 1 1 -.1 I Yu:, v ' ' no Ail let' I I. , ll y .a I II. II I -' I.I ; e II I, is le : i - t ti. '. I ; i r 111' lie I t.e V 1 1 I. V !, .1 tl - I "I e . .'.,!. ' Il : e- il 1 1, .i j: 1 1 - 1 .1 N t a ,o h ti I'm i'. . :i-li ', ivl his I , , it ':IV t illl i - I it ' III ,1.', n "T I ;. a l'..l i.l.o a l,i I." i- ii.i I a i 1 :.!. r , i I i. iu ; I - .r . ii " as . u . i li e p.; f i n I If a- Y.'e r'l it I' i I ' "ol II el M I ii ll t i t i i.'.e ',.-.' o'-t ' . the . I" all li. eh, I' W ..i. i III ii.e : s'i i iii : ri'.'; at ml tin .I e.' mi I lie e V il'i!" i.i'i w In ii it i- c .'' :'. I I le- cxe i i-e ot i rvst.i i f i I I'- c.i-. ,!i u .;te:'. ;j .ill ll li I .-lh :r.i! 1.' ui ir !' i w f. T tb. i ( en:. Tin lib" it six ''I' r wlileu e-'Ui" i ti J mil 'i I ,i i . i l i i . W ith 1 . ii lu e ik v-1 n i'.' i or;. mi ul' i but tr.oiiin !' ".i I .-alt i , s -veil nii'i I h i !v, tl I I a layer of s'iek ', , mIiu' a t A o .i l : Inc., , ajaiti an. 1 I t .-ti ..' i in :rot.;i irelit lis '. ; d p b bus been toil ul I I b siX I et. Ill S Illl i p a n. ol tT riii"; nn I e. .r- ! in iiu I ntij u nle:- th: ,. .-n i I l'l , h i of l. h lie) 1 s ei.u parts t .,. t. tli;s s,'.: ii' ill till" in tin) Cil Ml present It'll "I mi iiinu-t 111 a Ll'l. II. I'll nppeill Un -e. I lie lio.-i ii' d tol.d silt Is a w !ii a be fti iw, ahi'e li.e cry-itaUnio I 'r- ... . .i. ....... luni, when expo-e l. ri ii 'Cis u 1..111.: pr, sin:. tie col ties. 'I bis iiiniK'iis. if - posit Is remaik:.l'ly pare, iielilj'.i ) per ut. nl alt ami o vr cc it. ol kj iu ivhich ia imrer than what wo cmui- iiiotily u-e fur our tah'es. Thre br..ier liearmg a rcinuki- hie l ea 'liihlunee l nne ano liwr, 11 ro in- J. 1 " m(lh- lu it id shaving ut the aainn bither'a -.hop. N 't lo'iif U11 nuo of tbe brother culcicl tho simp early ill iht uioruiu ', and wa ahavod by a .iel'lnuu ttna ha I be. U ill v 01 k III 100 step fur u 'layer two. About noon an" .i b-r hrother eauio in and underwent a siinnl.r op. ration nt ibe hand ut the s one b..rher. la lbecvenia thetlmd hroi her made bi appearance, when lieruiaa dropped hi raz r in neiit and cxcUniird I " Veil, itdna Got I dat uiunl de fnhtcsi leard I n iw j. mml kliMKra biui ( i. Uiroiiu'. i I "1 llt ,:r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers