THE POST. KIDbLElWRO. JfARCH 21. 1KTJ. BK.UER, Proprietor. Trm lnliia of Captain William Mid ili carpenter o! the Oucida only tin I It-en round when llio i.'mr China left Yukobuma ou the 'Hi nit iuie. 0OD pi'irh-'i'nw point 'C wore so!'! lust week at Mount Hollow, New Jers-V. for "thirty com per bushel. Seventy five cent were refused for tlir nni0 ot itnrs last tall. On Tu'iIhV mnrnint:. n boiler at the c. ttl Ir-ak-roi'tlie WVir Creek Pin tnoti'l Cnl CunipJiiiy, Mincrsvi le In Si'hu Ikill cnuntv. exploded. Tin Iniiilioi; vis demolished; thrco were inelnn'.lj killed, and a number of men nnd boys ladly wounded. Tlir cuuie of the explosion in Dot known. A Mirnin Michigm mot no nn timely lMitli nm lotti ago. and ono hi Incnd interested hinwll in oli Mining; sntseript.nn f,.r the bereaved j Tulor. He collected some ftiW. rind llien. tlnnkm tt tni.'bt xi a c1"' j If ourereiht bii continued tto ImpureiJ tliin? to marry the three days widow ,,0 million of railway bn la would sl propose,!, wisocceptod. and tliey were ,0 ,ava realized for our counrv tut a made ono mat tamo evening. A h.. ;.tr.rt. scene took tilara in ,1,., Senate lit ll.rtiefaiirj. ,.n Friday alter tho adjournment, between Senators Na'le. of Philadelphia, und J.iadi-rmaii, of Pucks Comity. There hud boea seine ill lielinir between them, and gottinn into a controversy, blow w re cxdiungi'il, until other .Senator interfered und put a top to to tl.O fuht. IhcVeio both democrat. Tlir Mowing res olution. oTerol ia dollar in his currency, and enables bini 11 e Wisfotifin J.ej:il;iturc. i r-entn- to receive twelve per cent 00 hi nion nier,d"d to the uttention of our I!ury in interest und a return of twice the Tialur iar maker : I principal io twenty yeira. Hut tlio in tbo cpuc.ty ol hhhv.Ht-. shall. d..r. bond old in New ork ut par when Ing the reuiiilmler ortho seaaum. wear!KM j, B, rsr Mrik.sut all the ex n badge- i n their batn or e.ip. or in a iraordinary advantages to the foreign conpicur.u place m. their pe ,ho. wuh lul,rk,.t ,0,j c..mpela the Knrop.'aii led- tbe name ol tho scheme ibey represent .der to bo conteut ith simply aX per plainly printed thereon. cent. intereM and a repayim-nl of the A mail raeLae lis been reeolred ' P'''11 !n. !wi'".lv J'r- Thi" no al tho (jei'rral I'ost Olfit e, in NVaf-h- 9 . .r - ington. which wa maileil Augut 7, 14'.', from (Si riunny, nnd directed to the I'.itetit tl.Tioe, liuviim beco twenty me jcaia on it paagi. The tecre.l tary of tlio Interior will retui'u a lot- a .T I...I ..ll. .ill I Irt (li.t unn.t.iM I " v" " " the paek .ge buvmg been received in a I goodstateol piehcrvation. It con-."' tiiin tho printed tMii-aciions of tlier Austrian (jewerkf eiciti- -a sort, of trudes' utiinu lor ll'J. ir turns out that I nptmn r.vre. ol, tbe IJi inl ay, und murderer of the luf-. I he restoration ol our country s credit j ger part of the crew ot the Onieda, i' therefore, cintrihu cs Io cur power nnd n r'dtiMve of lhe Joniaien butcher Gov I reapeciability, enables tho tiatiotiul Ky e who wua protected by hia gov- dolit to be fun led nt, a lwer rate ol erntn'Mit. from being brought to trial j intere-t. nnd thereby relieve tlio bur-1 Tiiey eeni to I o an niniulde fiiinily, don of the people, but it bns also tbo ; who seem to think nil lives worthies-.'direct nnd immediate affect of put'ing ,! i-ai'i-oiiu iiio-c oi ii.unc unu r.uusii 1 ir.eo. 1 tie iicntii tl a (..iiitiainaii, a1 interest wtucn inrcign cn.uuitn nave .lupnneso or a nogn i i'h thcni a 1 ben enabled to make from our conn matter id' itidiTorence, wlnlo that 01 a 1 try bv reason ofotir vitiated home chip's rrcv of Aoicrirnn i a mutter I currency. c'ltigritiil'itom. Ii'anv ever do-erv-' - l that elevated ro.iti.jh in kl.ei,.tr. ! Waillcd A I'Ui tiNan Lender. then1 two de-eive the gaMoW. 'lhe . . world breed colli I well atfoiJ to ace tbr extinct .elho.ent l-ader. lieturo the war the lr has been held by omo that ilniuvehMi.ig States furnished it. wi-l. internnl revenue laws of the United ;an ample supply of com pete t loadots, State do not npply to the Indians "not I ,,,t as ihey weiit off in rebellion the taxed. ' and ihu llio Indiun territory Nor hern 'hemocraev wa Kjl't to it is a place where tobacco nn 1 whi-ky own I mitod resiurcea for directing its can bo made free of all inolestatinn byi j,iev and guiding it fortune, the revenuo idlieer The IVmmis j Tliero are certain reptile vibicb Hioner. however, has decided otherwise, have the faculty of reproducing such and under that deeh n tho tobacco ! f thcii bodily organ as they may toclory of Col. Houdinot. a Cherokee1 have lost. It mny be doubted whetlic'r io the Indnu territory, wassiere l some I tbe l)emoc.-atic party belongs to sui h time ago, sol ia uw held by theGof 'Qn order if reptile, ainco it eltorts to crnmeot for non-payment of internal j reS'Oro tbe cupital organism to tbe revenue tax. Houdinot wants to have , trunk n,nde headless l v tbe rebellion the law constructed d fT renlly frm ; ino v.uniiiuiuner a ueci-nui. "e.n lemocrallo leadership allatnlig thtro'ore went beforo tlio Uuuo Judi-j hum was nn abortion, MeClellan waa t iary Connnifee last Mond iy with the fu,,Ure. and Andiew Johnson wna not Hen. I). V. Voorheca a his counsel The ijoverDment was represented by Judge J. I'. James of tho Revenue l'epartmcnt. Holh pnrtie were heard , but the committee) came to no decision as to what tbey will do. Till C.ilifnrniuni are enj" ing nn ether trvnume told fever. Tbcy nre sutijcct to the fcbrilo uuriferius t-iel.. ii nd the account tint they transmit ol them to the Kat must be real with tniieh ailuwrncc. .San Liicgo i the new 0 hii', and the mi:, en nre flock ing thither in slnal, Yhcaihor th.'re i enough of this precious metal to warrant this new hubbub timo nlonr can tell As yet the gold premium bi 0"t been affectel by tho discovery l)ick'0 fields. The rutlie have been rcgatod with so many ac count id new gnid and silver deposit a'nee that it requires something more thai g'owing reports, and will nnd un nco lento I ciiitementa, to ere. a'e filth in fresh mining legion. Un til te dut uad nugget ol San I'irgn I n.i.iLe aa aLuodant ua was California .o!d insle', w shall nd believe in the fenulucouii cf tbia lat autperuus outbreak. Gc-vcrnor Siiii i reaping a bar- Test ol whirl wmil In leuoespee The spirit of subordination which he did si much to flatter in order that power migbt fellow, now ruthloaely takes hold ot hid) aud strp him of all Ire prero gatives. I Ulead of being Governor ol a peaceful, thrifty State, and a happy, loyal people, or even Governor st all. Le is, through Lis private secretary, a pitiable suppliant at tbe fee of the Prtnideot lor foree to aubdue the re bellions storm of bis owo creation. W know not what could add lo hi ha inilalioo. Had bis mUlale io au ti llering the Republican party of hi Site not Leeo pointed out to him ; Lad Le oot Leeo import nned and warn ed before haod. it would, not have ap rwsred eo malicious, nor bis line ol conduit so full of turpitude. As the (ae now stand, the only ground of JW stand, tho only ground oft -sT HUMII Urnlllf Ing. Secretary Ujutwell In received an "ftkial Kiter Irom tli United Suit ' coneul at Vienua, Auslrs, in which the writer refers In the u0.1t cheering tenua to iba affect the rapid decrease of our national debt baa bad upon United Stat ei bond and Amsricao securities generally in European mar keti. Tim following extrueta from id letter are ofiutcrentt The Vast enterprise, rspect.ilry thoe if thu Weill, which are belli iU-diod lurwurl a rapidly In our rinintry are compelled to fiod their -l.iows in thd urplns eiipitnl oflviroie. There ate loan for uiil.iotit of dollar lr rail ways nn J otuor p.iblic improvement now being ofiered in Kuro; or what ih precisely the same, aro Bold In New York and resold to European cnintil-. ist, and every improvement in the national credit extendi a eorre.-pmd-io; benefit to all those cnterpnaeN, and enables them to borrow money here at a much lower rate of interest. The price, of the United States bond is ol liteJeomniritivtl unimporiant. Many (,f them founj their way to Europe .lurinir tlie war, realising lor our country Imt forty cent on the dollar traction of theirvalue. Iut a the bunds "u,, -" 7 of United State, sp- l""lm,te" VaT VttlU0 l the currency of the world, American borrower in I Enpluod nro enabled to roll tbeir bunds ut a rorrepondin i higher rate. A ixty per i-cut twcotj-ycar railway bond, interest an principal payable in IX'dJ, and aold in the New York mar ket al par, will be bought by a tier- I imm. wlinn irnhl I4 wnrlh ntiA hiindrnil 'rcr cent, nrrmium at fit': v cvnit on the frroat httrtNliin wIiiim midior ia ntiun r- 1 t picatju 1 iiu uuui m till 1 ij u iu uv rue" datit at ol to 4 per rent, and is freely :niv. '1 )e prophet wilt cut ibo rail louncdon thee samo American ecu- r,,U(g . an, ur ut0 wur nM j,.mf)0. ntics. Tbo importance of tb rctora-Utratol that, lu face of such a fureo a li.'ii of the credit of tho erun'ry and 1 1,8 Mormon leaders cuo rally, foitv tbe r-atuhliftlimi tit of n enrrem y in ! tlioinmd tropa cmil I not keirtieu mi -im.i.jr iiil-i-uirviirr in i ne , ..: " Li..l. -II: "'"- I' K " m l " J pv-TUI II T" fpinnnt Iwt oi'rr4l iitiuriwl nn.l ati'ait "rr....y ., cui u ie ''."'"k --". on-inu-j .t....s ...... ivum. ... ...a ruin 'i.iii'.iM re tuce tho rate f interest which I .Miieriean Dorrmcr now In hf market must pay to loreiun rnpitahta bii.'i i" iimu itoih u ine vxnruniini ti... ii..m i....." r"f" .. . .. . . 1 V " 1 . ' sadlr dwindled in numorr. ava l-".n -1 jneys Vea. hot i woefu'ly in want of were ciuwncd with ind'ilTerent success, i I,, mecess. Still in it srcphnlous condition, in July, 10, tho licmocratie body blind ly and tirainlessly seized oo tbe fust tnu'erul thut caino to hand and made and Hlair its leader 1. soun became apparent that a fatal mis take bad been made in crowning Ie mocracy's decaying body with "dead head.'" Hitter were tbo lamentations of despairing Democrat that their tarty had lX possessed the wisdom to eke out tbe attenuated thread of ita existence by borrowing a live leader from the rank of the Republican par ty in the persou of Mr. Chase Ilad they beeo wise enough to do this thing, they would have come much nearer the totheni uouttaiuuhle goal of suc cess than they did. The old fable io toruu ns how'an army ol'aS"S. with a lion for a leader, performed aorae very oreditahlo exploit. NY ho knows but the historian migjit now write similar thing concerning tho Democratic par ty, had they keen wise enoU'th to choose a looniuo leader I The Democrat) party, shattered and demoralised by ita recent deteal, is sadly, iu want of a leader wbo ono rally tbe f ugitive force and "organise victory'' Who i ho? Where shall he be found? are tho queajinus which most i ire'y perp'ex the Democratic tnind. Kevmour, as a leader ia deud, ii Julius Cieaar Pendleton sod Hen dricks aro unable to recoacilo ihei.' ri val claims, and neither is availatdo. llofTmao ia a smooth and plausible young man, but pOa4ae oooo of the quahticaiioos lor leadership. Tbo fact that Tammany found it couveoieotaod profitable to make Lira Mayor and Governor of the State givea Mr. IIull man oo cooitnisaion as leader of a na tional party. Having beau lesd to de feat by a eandidato imposed by Taut many in 1808. thai 'tojix ratio party ol the West and South will be slow tu place itself uodir the guidance of a cresturo ol the sama riog ia 1872, es pecially if be should be a nan of oo more quahncat uahncatlons lor laadarsbip loan When the Republican parly, in it early orvnniz:it ion, pronounced alar t y and poiynamy twin relies of bar- uariMii, a great truth wm u tiered. Jtut. while slavery wa Die reult of vio lence, polyp my U the creation of ix noranco. . row wbiie we may, aa we have done, ne loreo aiaint violence, we can only employ cducalibti and per- uaioo aaiQ-t ignorance. Toward tha livt. lorce only aggravates that which we te k to destroy. rolyitamy ia in nueb deadly antnfr- utiiHin tu the Chiitinn civilir.alion of the ae. that it can cxUl ouly when far removed from it influence, llribnm Younr and b:a deluded followers fled from the uiidt of civilized lil'o to the Ipjitbs of an almost nnbroken wilder nc. So hmg na tney could live cut !T front tbe mora! and eoeial iuflueo Ce of the otilKido World, they flourish ed : Imt the moment the railroad MrecbeJ out it iroo arm and touched the piillutioti, polygamy began tJ fail Tlio public sentiment tf tho country av to the people of Utah : "Wlut you do is not rcaHonnble. it is dot do cent:' and already wo learn that jfravo deeiion lias nerurrcd io the Moruinn Church, that a lare poninn of tlio Momon arc out in oppaitinn to the degrading practice, anil that every day the ruuksol tbo tnalcooleots grow s'rioiL'er Thia railroad is a prrat enemy of Hriham. Tbe train an ire croweded with likely young men on their way to tho mine; and the Mormon girl, rector the wipply, are oot inclined to take purl of a man w hen roth girl can secure liertelf a whole husbaod. Ud dar thee circunist-merr common senc would teseh u to Icavo tho evil to itf natural and peedy death. Hut Mr. Culloin, of Illinois, introduces a bill In the lluc of Koproientt'.ivfs al Wash jinglon confounding the crime of bi'.'ii- my with the msano rehgiou brliuf in fin etn.l a-trtrtm n if nniinr iit It jwit, ,t,o huyolle,. Thia mouns war. A ,t.n)U to cotrect religion error through force rc-ult io war. The re Tt ,10W rlrfln . in ftah a.-air,t Brig, llim, ,n, fi4,b,ring strength every day. I wiu ou, tt, om.0 in lhe ,,a.KiRo of a ! Morn.-.n will otico more I. ... r . . .... our iniot ol couiniiioicat ion. c are tlireiilencd with an Indian war, and iiritiiiiil woui.i not Oe alow to lake ad- vantage 01 m siiuatHO. uur remote s'niiMiieiiis woiiHi do ucsiri'VCiJ, nur frontier dirtui bed, and the entire IV oilie roant once morn aeiuratcd from iho Kutero Slate. And for what do we run these ritki ? -0 miiu C40 anwcr. We have put Hp with polygamy for twenty years, U0J no tlmt it bids fair to die out of itsoit, we suddenly rtteh into tli.-t crazy action. Ji it that these railroad have ma Io tho .Mormon properly deairntile mr that Certain gold Utul nilvef mines lately oticnod by old Itrigham hive been found to bo so exceedingly rich as lu stir up our reliM.'iM enihusijsiu' Utah is Sii l to contain over u huu- Jtui tho'ianl in babiiant a very to- lu.e h-.r.ii.irk in r llipifl l" ..w.nt. TI,a hotter way is t a Imit her n a atate end leave lhe immorality of her people. . s e do tho mini '(-rainy of the miners und border rutl'ruiiH, to tho sch i lina ter und niifV.onury, u ho will find less to do time than with the people ol uuy adjoining region Hun, CouUriiiulloiiul Judfe lliuitlcy. Waiiint!, March 21. Contrary to the rxpoetutiou of hi opponents, and even the most san-uiii." aiitii'ipatlotm of his friend. Judge Bradley wat cmi finned on Monday ss ussiM'iato just ice of the Supreme Court by the haud-omo vote of forty-aix i nine, jno Senate went into execu tive sea-ion immediately alter lhe read ing of tbo journal for t lie purpose ol ciiiig on tho nomination of General k'leaaotiton. the suoiesor of llailey, in tho Thirty-second collection district of New York. As soon a Plensontou was disposed of, Senator Cat'ell, who am vel here yesterday and wag in his 1?1 ntoromccalled up the caeof .ui, uiaiiii', wii'i . mo in nil ciiiiuiiiu- tion. The .Southern Senator moved lo postpone tlio oominatioo. The ote on this ttisid yeas i'i, Dttysi2. 1'his was regarded by both i le a a tost. The Southern men saw there Was U' ae in further delay, a Hradlev could poll eoough votes lo confirm binf A vote was then had on Senator Cattcll's motion, with the result already mated. It is said that through the influence ol Senator Mtockton nearly all the lemc crats voted for Hiadley. Many of lhe Southern Senators becoming demoral ised, did not vole. Mr. liradloy's Jersey friend arc very jubilant t the result. It is understood that Mr. Hrudley'a fiiendgave a-suronco that he would oppoae the coosiruction of a railroad (ui r line) from thi city to New Voik, nnd that lit holds tbe idea that the consent ol a State is not nec sary for tbo building ol uch a road It "is also stated that Mr. Hradley is sipiaro on tho ltirn 1-ton dor question, aud that will be brought up at an ear ly day, so as to secure a reversal id the late Frelgiil i rwnapwi liatlan. C" " R'-vt,luiionTm Jrom Jn pan lo A'eut 'orifc in forty one iay Value of the I'acijio Howl, Commercial people cannot hav failed to remark the complete revolu tion not ouly io the rue I hod of trans porting freight from ooe ocean to h ti nt ber, but io tbo time occupied in the transport, by tbo facilities supplied in the great railway line Dow spanning the continent. An Instance la poiui occurr io lb conveyance of the cargo of tea brought I'roiu Vokonania by tbr ship Bwfactreu to Sao Francisco. Tho ownera. Messrs. A A. Low A Co, telegraphed Iter captain to sail from Japan, after bis snip was fully ladep, to Mau rraneiseo instead 01 new lork, n;a fast freight line, and dispatched to New York, being partially distributed at Cbicngo and other points by the way. A clauce at tbo time occupied in this matter will be intructivo am rive occasion for some reflection. The ship's passago from Yokohama to San rranciaco was made in 26 nays; l he titno from San Francisco to New York was 15 days; allowing in all only 41 days for a full cargo consigned in Ja pan to be delivered in jew lork. Fiom New York to Lon l n is, any twelve days, which would make the time necessary for a consignment to r.-tieb Knuland from .la pan but fifty three djys all told. Such figures dem onstrate more powerfully I Wan any treatise the marvelous progress of sci ence, tho immense saviutr of time, and the great revolution in the Chi nese end Jupaneso trade, effected by tho construction of the I'tieillc roads. The annexed telegram show still fur. I her how near lioston is to the Ciilifir nitt eitio, it being stated that a con signment ha been received nt .Sacra mento in lil'ieen djys from that city. It reads as follows : "Sacramknto March S), 1870 "To U. T. Ncttkr. Agent tulifor oia Kat Freight Line, No. 2-'!) Hrom!- way, New York : Freight is coming through from Now York by ymir line in seventeen (17) an I eighteen (1) days. One consignment for Levi Straus & Co., received in fifteen Hays rrom no-tun. "A. ' (teneral Superintendent Central Purifio II. ll." The above 1 proof sufficient of the capacity and ineatimahlo value of thce riads. seventeen days from New York ani fifteen front Hoinn bring California almost wi'in hailing distance, or ut least miiko it prurlieally a sub urb ol tbe hast, instead ol a ilistnnl country requiring a passage around the II era or transit a cress tho lath inn Arrangement have been mado by which all Ibreiitn gooda arriving at New York or lioston nre taken thro' Io the Pacific const io bond. Tho Cal ifornia Fast Freight Lino make the rrguhir transit, with only one transfer, vi the Chicago arid and Nun hwi'a'vrn Ibiilwnv und Union aud Central Pa cific Uuilrouds. The Educational Gazktt! i a firsi-tla8 Fauiity Journal, el-) voted to pure, bljli-tonud literature. It aim i to furnish in a popular and attrac tive stylo tlie lntot result in scienti fic, oduoutioiinl and literary l ibor, and in thee respects it present suc cess is well deserved. Tbe March number contain valua ble article by ueh writer a Prof. John S. Hart. Ktilni Hurriit. elo ; gmid stories, iiiculcaiing the best lc.otis, and much special matter in regard to National K lucation in our laud not be fore pnlili'hed. C. II. Turner A Co , 00" Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, am the puhlih- ers. and they ilcscivo thank lor the xeellenl reading they hivo provi.led I'of the homo circle. Send for a spec imen copy, nnd while ymi tiro writing the letter send the iino uot of your -ub-criplion. which is only (hie Hol lar, for you will l-c Siiro to do so alter seeing it mmmmmmmmmrmmtmmmtmmmtmm Jacou Swi'rH. nf l n:t!i'r county, challotnre tho United States t com pete with two steer ho has at present on band. The steers will he mix jct d I in May next. Ono is while, and the- othei ia red. Tho white st-er is ix fei't liib, and girths ten led ten inches around tho body, and wcijln 3,155 pounds. The red steer i six fbi t I wo inelic big'i, girth lon feet ft d two inches nroiin I the body, and wcighso,4:Stl pounds. YYothnlt Mr Stiyder wili beat olflhe palm in a o in test with any man's atcer iu tbe Uni ted State. Taper peiticimt at titteeo rent reiau are me laieei aeusaiion in lee- t n. The School Iloard st Memphis has adopted a tesoliition prohibitim nil ro igioua exercise in tbe public schools. A Si henret idy Justice of the peace decides that a ''verrl couiracl is not go id without a stamp. " UoHtoo hue had twenty-five snows this season, tbo twenty-tifih boin; the severest ol all. A citizoo of lb s'on, who wants to seo lhe national debt wined out. has just Citilriuuied ten ctn:a toward that object. According t) the Revolution there i a faro bank ou l'ourlceotb street Wafhiiiuton, kept by a woman, where he women dirks of ihu Treasury go to gniuhie their salaries uway. Tho Now York Sun savs: ''It ia possible that tho ateuniehip City ol ifuMuu lis beeu run down tiy some Hrit'hb mail ateumcr, whore eapfuu forgot to inouiioo it in I is arrival lu port, it miht be wel to uslt a uno of ihu ItrilUli tuplaiua il they did not toet a slight jur ut any time during their eiugo'" Tbu editor of n paper io lUino'-s. who bus aulTered from depredatmne of thieves, print tbia puragraph : '' Tho other iiifhi wo chatted a lump of coal with (lOwder. Jh.riug the uighl it was stole o. The nest morn ing a siovo uu blown higher than Mr. U'dlrey's kite. We have auotlicr lump charged.'' Tbe income of Henry Ward Bo ther, iu bis curly day, averaged 150 per year, and in bis literal poverty ho oudi hi owu house, painted t at lei ure hours, raised bis owo vegetublo and tended bis pig, while letter Iron, noiuo, on winch tbo poatau was oiyu tvrii or twenty-four cents, remained in the post-ullicM weeks at a time, be vamie he had not eighteen ceuta tJ pa) Ivr them. Julio Robloson's eircu met with a singular esporieuce rocoutly In b'lor lu. A keeper attempted lo lord a ueck of Chaliuboocheo swamp with hi aoioiuU, but Ibo alhgatoro awarm od io ovorwbvlmiug uumbor saJ to up a camel, a oolt and two dog dur- 04 tbe pasaage. 'Hie elephant, auotli- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Aitfoi.lTK tiivor.CFfl legally obtained in rw Yelk tr rtintin. Iliir.nif and oihar 8tatt. for prrens frrm any Stan or lounirr, lefsl everywhere! ilonimn. ilrurkenntss, r nnnipf nri, e'e, siilficirni eaue An publicity ; no clmrgo nniil di vorce chininnl. Aitvice free Umincss ttlat.litlii.d nntee jsar. Address, M- IIOrsK. Ally. No. TP Nassau M., N. T, City V.tIof (niAht.K HtUH3, 1)eMiT. rKTTKRS TMTAMKNTAKY nrn lbs J rslaia of t'haile lliifrhe. dfi'd.. late nf the itvnrbip of I'enn. fn.vdrr Conniy. Pa., having been granted In ihr mvli-rsijrnr.l s'.l parson indi I'lfd to lb said estate ar rsi uraied to niake psynirnl, and I hole bar ing demand againKl 'lhe sama to present ib em without itrlav to JOHN K lll-OIIKjt. r, .,. WI.I.IM IIICIIKS. El,cu,or" March 18 1870. s il lH'OKNA IN DlVOKl K. Maob-t M. ltrT. I.jr ) tn the Court of Cnm her nl friend .Inu. luilei J m.m ol Mmler ire tleorse Hum. 'n. No t, 1X0 T. W). ToOtl'KUfc llt'MT, l)eKiniteit. Mr : Yn will pleaee luke nodes riepnrltlun' will lie Inken ml ittverae wltneep priNoieeil nml exmnlneil on tiart al tht lllliititt in the nlmva eniltle.1 eeiip. Wfore me, J noma .1. smith, I'limmlNlnser ap polnteil i,y (he eiil I'onrl for tlii inriiee, nn .HA I I KIM t . I'KII.S. I;il. Ileen lheleutli of Wu-einok, A. M , ami 4 i' l.iek P. St , nf -hat day. al lhe I'uhlin lloniif of lit Wenver, In t etilrevllle, mi.i eonnty. When and wt.r )oa may niienu u yuu lion projr. 1 lltl.UAH J FOOOli March V, U'O. l'iiDmHlonr. vJKW I IUM -A MI NIFY GOODS! R.O. Ut77.r.U. P. S. HcCfLLOtatt nSTZEL & McCULLOUan, (SI CCESMORS TO JOHN HtTZtl.,) DEALF.RS IX ALL. KINDS OF 31 KKCII AI)ISi:i JIIUlIEi?T CASH PKICK r.MD FOIl FLOUIi, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIKS, Slc , A.c, CHAPMAN, K.WDEIt COfNTY, PKNNSYLVASIA. March 17 lT0-tr. JMTi;i) STATES n o re d BOUUllT. SOLI) fi r.XCIIANVEI CN MOST I.I CK It A I. TERMS. a o ii .) AT .tlarbol Rales. Coiinon Cash?.1, PACIFIC KAIL UOAD liOXPS Uonglit and Sold. STOCKS Ilonght and Sold ON COMMISSION' ONLY. Account reeeWed and Interest allowed on daily bfilunoe, suhjeet lo check, al sight. lcIIaveniVflro(hci 40 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. March 17. ls;o y JEYBTOXirilOTKL. SfUimgrovf, Snydir County, ra. TUT. nndrrali-ned beg learn lo Inform lhe pulilio llinl they have purehated and wiM keep. In good style. I lie alms well known ai.d nonuliir lioiiae. TIIIOIK IJAIt will always he slacked with the best and choicest liiiiora lhat can he procured in Ilia I'lillailelplila and llarrWbtir wakal. TIIIlll! TASSIii: Will always )m supplied with ihs best delicacies and most subsianilal lood iliut I lie market will nlfnrd. tiii:ii: staiUs.; Will alwaya lis niltnded by careful and iruslworiby bosilera alia will see jusiiae dune lo any' bora entrusted lo I heir cure. ttmf Having Urge, airy and well furnish ed rooms, good aervanls. with I lie unnWi.r efl'orts of lb proprietors ia pleasa Ihrir (riiests, ibey hop lo aieel w il la a larje share uf p ii hi io pnlenaaga. It. P. & J. F. WAITEII. Qvxojl sAiias AMI bxtxau vncrxTs. niiidiu ii. iicAvr.ii npecifull announces ia iba cniien ol MiUdh'burg and viriuiiy thai ba i- now ready lo supply ibem with ihs lurgisi and most complal alock of Si'ltlSG d- SUMMER GOODS ever hrnughl lu ibis ptaee. at granly ra diieei1 price ehesper ilian ilia rbainiat. Ha inviisa allaniioii lo bis larj amok oi MHS1.IN3, CAIIC iJ. kKLUNfcH, .AWS8; blLKS. HtlltliLB, UNk.N8, Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAI'H.' REAUY-AlAUB CLOIIUNO. 6UIKTU, and vvaryibing Usually kept la a a Mall rsaolalad mure. JJNION ri.ANlNG MILL! FEMXfORliVr. PNtrKR CO, PA licely fe Milller, Ltsiiilicr DonlciN . ash nsrrcTrar nr Doors Door Hoxc, Windows, tihullrrs. window Boxes, Blind, finsh, SI til r II Intra, Hand Knlllng. Brnrk rl. Mnnldlngs, Ilnnrlrc. SCRCM. fAWr a UA "INF.T TrRNtrj Ehinglcs, Lth, gio., &.Q. Drder sotielied and filed w'fh rrororl nes and de-pal-h. Pletee call and etam Ins our stock befor purchasing el'hore 3Mf NEW MUSIC STORE IN PKL1NSG110VK. ICE SUES ANI WeareiiiUin Selinfgror and trepared , sao furuirb IMnnos O mans, IyIC'I)!C03.S, AcM'onleoi-s, Violins tVo., &Co And all ttinda ot Moeicnt Ina'rionenl ciii:ai'j:j( thax i:vi:ih We wnrrsnt nil our lnlrnmenta for fit veftri. I'inno. Orit'ina. Meloileon and Aceordenn eorrecly toned nnd rc aired. Store open eyi ry H I'.liN KSI'AY and SATll!IV. Innuel ion given on lhe I'isiin. M-lodenn, Violin nnd Accotdeon, nt resnmulile rsle. (iivo ii a cull. We (rtiarniiioe fi i-Tiic-l ion. PAt.KM Ml lNIMiKlt. November 17. Isiihif Iitwhy tt L'u. Ado v. i mvh. HOOK All KNT WANTED To SELL th. vi-jaks ri; It Include the tliatnrle. Myloriea, nnd Secirt lioing of U all Mreet. Lite Sketches of its Mi ti. Ho' I'l'i.tiUiiuti" in (i.ili.i.tiintk ,tc , tionien Speciilntot', n n I nil (;reai. powerful. 'lenlid. mj "leiioiiM. in iTinling. il'ke j, lllo ilitl. ivn lcl .'d. etc . in i lie I-M.-US ol' Miccui-iii ni. I'ori mils o. aiidii bill, Ir? , lioiilil, Kinke. Jr. atol in an iilheis. lingriiviiv of into. I j.laee Life nnd feenes, ,ve. l'iin n-inji l',iol;s tree. Send lor circular 10 Wor.i n imitos. IU arts I ii., I'uloisherj.lS Aavlnm .St., II III Herd, rutin. IIKU'.i-l .r TO .o.M 'JIN lli:x, i.i..,,. linlly my ili.iliiee wati re-t'ired : neiitili l.y pooie mentis. u:iTioiit tiniticitie 1 be pan ion!:. re will le sent Inc. It 1 1 u i: . t. III. !., SluClull Slli'l-t, III 0 i il v III. Long llntid. in ur J I -1 .v mm is .voiiuMuiTr X. l y wi nding 3"i cents, full ti (10, bel;lit, color ul eye nut lour, yuii will iiiciie, l y return noul, a cur. e' I'lc iire uf yuur lu'ine liuduii d or ne. Mitli rinitie and ditie til n.m-i mrc. Adli-es W.I OA, I'. O. .u. Jl, Kill onviih, Nv.i York. mm -1-1 lilt: Mif.lC IIIDi: Mill clinne nn cooii.'U li: ir or liimd to :i t'Citn-i h, ift Murk or loon ii. It V'lut'iins no Hi-nil Any iii.e inn uc 11. t't.e eel.l ly ina.l toi tl. AuOlte. .MACIC IO.MO CO.. mm .4-3n J'n 1 1, .lu.i-. I'oB I' A-I I I.V 1'er, tiin lf, rl ni)'. reow'.'. Knits everything, Agiio Wunte.l. fit culur and euude slocking l-'KKI'. A l lie IIINKi.l.Y UNIT I INU M Ai'll IN K t'n.lluili, Me., or '.Vti Itroadwny, N. Y. Keli. IT-dm T w 1 'j AS i ritl.ll of lionliir-s nnd I'nliirili lie a Miiiple Hiloed. nnd ill tioi l lhe lnvlil li es. Mi, m. i Li.tiiii-rr. Jliihokeii, N. J aw THE M:Y AKTULE HV rt.'0;l. W Iwi'iitifjicr tint yt u can luj uf yinir Jji uj'Jit of Grocer a vi.aji of Hia il" J'ariiii', uiuiwjw tun'" from aire li-!h Mos or Currthji en uhitli will make nut- en ijtt irl q'in'm Munjr, ami a ih- quunti.'y of J'wl tiny, i'U'tanlt, Citanu, L'larltt:r Jlumit, tic., d r 11 in iy t'ur th the nmt, h' 'iU'iitt ami must lUluiou food in the icrl'l. lUiiJ bra HoiH Farlr.e (o, ilJ. I .M.K I'LAI t, N. Y. Flnntntioia Ulttcrs S. T.-1860-2. Ibis wuiidcrliil Vi gelnblu re-lnrnlite la I lie sbvel-anoiior uf tbe feeble and debili tated, Aa n I uio aud cordial for lhe aged at.d Illiquid' it lis uot-quitl among sluui atliics, As a rnnedy for lhe iiervuos weak ness lo which wumeii urd tsp-uiully sub ject, il is uicM'd!nt5 every other nitiio. lent. In all clnunles, iropical, leinperitie or frigid, il acts ua a spucilio iu every spe cie ul' disorder which uudermiues Ike bud ity strength an 1 breaks donu lhe iiniiiial tjlriis. fur ! !) ull diuggis'. Ai'J Cm V 1?PV Th,,,r Kon'. and others, I yY IVlllljltCe van make iuoiwi ruiuulv. sin, K in s I, .1.1 3 Albil Irt .u- ..-.' Jl v.M r.l., s ill. U I. y D o. r.. Wamimi Pisellesl laiuisrui.o Auib-.r, ni late Atfri- uiur.,1 I-.imIoo. f ul V I. Ito.lul lark ilin Inst lek lor Isiumrs etui is-ueO All bva.1 II Uilma piauilbs il la a eiuml, lubur sjhiis. u.uuey making Ishik. laouauils u.U4hi it, ul luuus uuis uiu.a want Ii. vliiesn'k B..II dun many i.ltesavtil wabietl. rohuiar.e. A. It. Ill- liHuKU, uui.kaluui i. Phil. 4w. InB CEEiT MOIUL tllitUVKaVT Ot WaLriEU'S CsLIFOUNIA YIMX-AU UlTTi:i.S WIMIK I IUN MSl.isw I'KHMlNS r ;h Eu Uerlul t umilia Uleeia. Sis' Wai titvt "tj ?i l-gglA'i aAvlL g 1 e-eie fim i a saT'e t r t T"e.t f -! f.i-ni. f-e I- alt 'Ur-l, Hr ' t - 71 SeeO-e-r-T ft OOIi fff If! I f M I It K r,ivin rr tsi trt r. tewi tmv,i..- et rt irr'ei teiof of It e f telin-. eiy' f ell fr- pne en-tief. ar feeiorlrf ih- ..tin lel T foi Olro . Sfn peeera eel, t.ka lif fl t'e-. aeenvtli $ meiref th r.S, stit ren-eln kr , ro--Tt I ami vm itr'-en rar Inmrat.te ee fienrieed ti i. r-e a-e rut HrTey1 ! mineeal p imiM ' . 1 1 - Inn" n .. . k O . I n n w . I 4 ji . jonil Oie f'tt i T repair. t or 'i n iraiery eeil ltierah f tinml'm end ilmil, l'Tt epf . oe leHlveaOnn, tlllt"U, t'efrlilani, aod Inleienltteiit f erei. tleiiers a the Hloml, I .leer, RMner. suit flnitear, the- litirhaa eea tnnat saieeaefnl Faek I I. eae era eeaaert l.f Vtttatea pii. arhleh hi rotl eraiw prodaoaD ty tfrareo)ntof tk Dsalive i loan tk Tttlatod fttood wieieer T"t nnd tie Irar orlliee tTelln thronth the 'Via In Mm- 11e, Krnpllotitoe Sra lep II when fofj aor O nMiruoie ana slnrwiatt In lhe Telni i i hen ii i, font, anil nr rello i 'm t w l I when. Keepiha M sd part ana in ataiia ni lhe t.tefn Will fnllnw. l' i.tlef Wort MSI, tutl:trr In lh .lem nf o many thoatanil. ar tOtctuallf lee..r"1 nnil rrni'"1. to llllllona, femlilenl, ep.t Interml'tepl f. I yer.tliee lone hiv- lioevml. I'or full .lire-. I It '0 rent ei'piiit'y the elrenlap nronn'l e irli r-ir'e p.iete,i in nor innirnnt;eae.nKna, uer man, Kraneii ami -pml-h J, W , t.K W. frnprletor. rs ' mirefe M , N. T. It tt. sirtmv L,tt a io, t'rnptf,i noil iiere a I Aarnf-. Han feaaeleo nn'l -iternO'en'o, tvlirirnl, and VI h S4 Coto nierra t . Y e-"nt. Ii II V ALL rjRt'UOIT AND Iibil.CH.s. MarlO-a-ji SI ill rCOriTSlT! "'MI'TinN-. lUtONTHITIS, I V Ailimi. nn I I ntvrli cured by Inlia'a- lion. A'dintta Inlmlinj Fhiidi the only remedy th u oju'rste" on thel nni-dloI the tnt.op.-lr-. tililch are thrown otT. Iba civi li.-s he il. nnd a cure is effected. Treat no nt tiv leitee ee in peeaon can he had onlv of O V AN IIL M.MLL. M. I 10 Weat Mitt St. N.V. 10m "1 J VAS.SIMI-UOOUS SENT UtEE FOR Paris bv Sunlinrht a so . a GASLIGHT Work doeriplivo nf the Myslerla. Vie. inea. Vl'.-ea. S.l. bdois and Crimes, of the t'Py nf 1 si i. It lells lu nr Pari ha become tbe Oayeet and ni'it Ue intilol CiIk iu (lie world i how ita I'.e.m'y and Splendor nre pnreliaaa l at ' a fe i-liit eoi of Mi"crv nn.l Hullerini' ; how j riitor nre Swin lie.; Iv Pruteasionat Ad (veninrera: Imw Vlll iemi l Viea gu arm i in-iiri in I lie I'.eiiiuifo! City ! how the moat I Ki'iii'tnl C:in:ia nro c'ltirniiied and eoneeal ; oil: In) iv tie ni-y ia Siiminlered in neelena i luxury i and eontti. ns orer lull fine engra I itijj - of lulled Pliices. Life and Scenes In i Agcma nsnlcd Cunra-sing Uooka -.til free. Ad lrea NATIONAL r ritl.lSliISfl CO. I'ib:t-liv riii'adelpliia Pa. ti'M- T rilASCE! Agcnls Wanted! 81 ooo r, r your sure made by lions, tunic or lemalo. -ellinn one n orlil renowneJ I'nlent 'ferlaMiiiji liiie Wire Cloihea'. f'uoiipest and beat cloihea hi the world : onlv 3 els. per foil, aa 1 Inst a bundled year Addreaa tin n Hiver Wire Co, 7'iWtn. St., N. Y., ll.'iirtioin Kl Ciiicugi, 111. h :-li. -Stfl IN rJi DAYS Vi ! by one (.ant. s-llnii So.vr.a's Pat i ST III. -Tie t'.iinoy. Over o0 Hill now ia it-o. li. c.'i'oiietel. ii by lion. Hence Ore ley und Aoicicin A(:riculinrista' One '" renivl tor imcIi Aa-ut. C. A- I ri.irn; K 'o.. bs t-,m-l io 1 St. X., or lid Wnsliinglon St. I'liicngu. 111. 4r. j rV lE'l lXuiL'A X PA MI is Y ;ti.tis2;T lachiuc ' I- pr - nioil to iho poMic n the most 8im I vie, I in ul'..'. nn.: Coin) -let unll.'kep Knit lirg Muel. in ever invi'iited. Pl.IGK, ONL.YS25. Ttii- n .'icliine will run either bnckwar l r foruiir l unh e.ii il f.-ictlity ; mike Hi oiiiie i-l.leh a l y Lun I, bill superior hi ev,-ry re ! 't. Will knit ' 1,0.1,1 SiHclilH in 0114 Iti'ntlto. ni.l do porfecl work, leiving every knot on the iti-i-l,' ul' I Ii i- work. I ivill knit a pnir of einckiug (uny siei in a ilmn htilf an hour li will knit c!m; o open, plain or riM.el mirk, wiili tiny k d if.courto or .i lie wo.. leu ynrti, or eon u 'silk or linen. Il '.!'. koii Moi-Uiuu- nii'i d iul.le bold anl inc. il-iiu ere. loi.itis, s.icUs, suioUllig onps, eon I' ns. iu-cs. iniiiT-. fringe, afghana, iiul.ii s. tituli r-li evi , mittens. kihgcsi lump wick, mote, cord, underhiri.b'iw!a j o kett. err. IK- blm kelc. li'f(iins. wrialrrs, susprn If r. lido s. lipet. lufled work, mi. I in fuel sn I endless vaiieiy of article iu every dm use, n well u- fur ornament. fi'roui tfi." to $IO )r slay cin be noi In bv any one wlili the American Kn'nting Miicbiue, kii.tiinu su.ckiugH. 'So . vi bile expetl ( crutors emi even innka more kidiiing fnefy work, which nlaya com ihuoinils n ready snle, A jcrson e in read ily kti't fi-iim twelve to lil'ieen pilr of. st.iekliya e- doy. lhe profit on nliicb will l c nol Ich ilmn lor y eenis er puir. FARVIcRB enn fell tLeir m only f .riy to fioy ri Ms ir pbuinl) but by getting the woul mnde ioi.i Jin ii nt a snmll eii n-e. and kn.liil'g il into socks, two or ihrea dnllnr per pound mny be realized. On raeeipl uf $' w.i will lorwn-d a in.ieliino as orvlored. We wish lo proenre active neuia in ev erv seciinn of lhe t'niled Slnies . I'uniidaa, ! iu w hom ihe in.isi l,ti.-rl iu.lnoeineui a will be offer.' I. Adlres Amci'liau ritiltllas Maciibo If.. rVblTwIJ llu-ion. M i , or Si. l.oaia, M. AN TiiU AGENTS. $75 TO 5200 PEa MONTH, K.vcrj ivhcrr, ni ile and female, lo iniro duon lh icnuliie lEijirocd ( oinninn Scusa FAMILY SRWIXfl MACmXi: This Machine will stilch, hem. Ml. luck, iiiili. cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most auperiur manner. PRICE ONLY ST3. Fully Witrrnnli d fur live Tears. We will pay fc'ltan) for any inachiuo lhat will sew a sirorger, Dior lieniilifiil, or mora rlusiio senui than our a, . Ii umke Ihs "ELASTI; LOCK SllTt'tl." Peery aeennd sliicli can be out, nod elllt be cloth cnnnol b pulled apmi without tearing it, We pay Ayema from STilo $'JU0 prr innnlh and erpensae, ne a jcoui-mis-Inn from whiuh Iwiun that ani'iiliil. oait beinnde. Ad Iro-a . HIX'OMII .it I 0.. I'liishur. I'n. Oodon, Mnsa., nr St. Louis, Mo, I'AlilO.V.- Ilrwarcofnll Agent si-Ming Mncliiuea under lbs sums union nura, utilcsa ibey ran allow a t'ectiuunto nf Agoney signed by ua. W iluill ml hold ourselves respniisibla for wiril.l.v Ma id.lne mild I v in her p-trl'es, in. J shall t.iu-rcoie all pVlies eiilicr aelling or being vitelline- middr I ins lis me lo Ihu to1! esienl of ihe taw. unless such M ieUines vent ob tained IniM us by our Agents Do nol bo imposed upon by pnriicw wbe eupy our ad ver. iacniems and circulars and oil f Wiirtb lesa Muchitita ata less iniga. . , FebU-iW. .lUtMEIl'H IIEI.I'KllBllOWol H W TO UOUKI.K iha i'ruliia uf the I r.i. and now r.irmera and their suna oaa re Ii aiaka - i -hi I w ill lllld" or I' . j--a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers