T HE P O 3 T . Published try Tbartdsy Evening by CBOril A linn. rreprletor. Term ef Subscription, TWO DOLL AH8 PUR ANNUM, Parable nam sit nonine. or ri.ou ir not paid Wilkin Iht year. IS paper discontinued ' Mill ail arrearage are paid aniens at tbe option ofibt publisher. Subscriptions outside of tho county PBTABLK IN ADVANCE. X3y Fmmi lifllnf Mil asiag paper addressed to otaer beeom nnsoriber, ad arw ltabla for tka price of th paper Jr. CKONMILI.ER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mlddleburg, Pn.. Offer bit professional services to Iba pub lic Collection! and all other profriaiontl business entratd to bia eara will receive prompt alttntioB. f Jan S, 'tiiif AC. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinsgrove Pa., tlffer lila professional service to tha pub lie. All business entrnsied to bia carf will ba promptly attended In. m f.lsn. IT. "07tl JW. KNIOHT, , ATTOKNKV AT LAW, Frceburg Ph.. fllTere bl Professional service to ibe pub lie. All huainess entrusted to bit care wilt be promptly attcuded to. Jn 17, 'fl'ii WiLVrtX tiEZIilt, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, I.ewiaburg Pit.. Offers In profeationel service lo me puh. lie. Collections and all other .'rofejaion al business entrusted to bia eara will re ceive prompt attention. GJEO. F. Mil. I. Ell. ' ATTOH.NEY AT LAW, I.ewisburg Pu. Onrre bia rrofcsalnnnl service lo Ihepul lie. Collections and all oilier profersinn al huainrts entrusted lo bia cure will ret reive prompt attention. Juli. 8, 'VTi T M. LINN, V ATTORNEY AT LAW, . I.ewisburg Pa., Offer bin professional service to the pulMis. ( ollrciions ami all oilier pro fessional business entrusted In tbrir rue will rrseiveproniplslirniiun.rjan. II, 'OTil f UIAIILES HOWEIl. V ATTORNEY AT LAW. Sclinsgrove Tn.. Offers his prnfeaslpnsi services lo the pub ic. Collections and all oilier professional bueineas entrusted lo bia cure will re ceive prompt alleniion. Office two ilooia north of I he Keraione Hotel. f.lsn 5, '117 SAMUEL ALLEMAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Sotins(trove Pn Offera bia rrofesaionnt tervicea lo Ihr public. All liualneaa entruaied to lii enra will he promptly altendi-cl lo. Col lections made in nil pnrla of the S.nie He can apenk ilia Engl:Hb and German language fluently. Ollico belweeu llall't and the I'tul tiftire. LN. MYEKS, ATTORNEY 1 COCSSEI OR AT LAW Middlclttirg Snyder Cutinty Pi-mi'ti. OtTire a few doora Weal of I be r, O, tin Main airept. ('nnaiiliiillon in l'n?l;l and Oerman l ingmiget. Pep. 07il liUCH Kit. Me ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lcvinliurir Pa., OrTera bia professional arviceato the pub lie. All buninca eniriKted 10 hit care will be promptly attended in. I Jan. 3. T,7il Trover & haker V5T SKWINO MACHINE. l'eraona In nerd of a good and duribli 6ewing Machine can be accommodated ai reasonable prioet by c illing on on Sam vil Fauit, Aceul, beliucrove. fJaa 21. CRi R. J.Y.SIIIXIIKL, BURGEON ANU IMIYSICIAX. M idl lilmrix Pa.. Offers hit prorVmdoTial servicea lo tha cil liens of Middlejurg and vicinity. March 'Jl. '07 J F. VAX UUSKTHK. j bl'ROlCAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST ScliimprrdTe Tcnn JOIIN K. 11UUUES, Es.., JUSTICE C HE TEACE, Tenn Twp., Snyder Co. Ta Y1I. WAONEH. Iq., e JUSTICE OK THE 1'IACE. Jacknoj Township, 8uyder Co. Pn.. Will attend lo atl business entrusted lo bia eara and oa Iba moat reaannable terms. March I'.'. 'CHtf DTI. J. F. KANAWEL, FHY8IC IAN AND SURGEON, CentrcTllIe, fujtlcr Co., To. Offers bis profesiioaat services tn the public. U-8'f J? W, FC1IWAN, M. P.. HCtoGE0N rilYSICIAN. 4nort Trerorton Tn. Offers Ma profeaalonal 10 eitiienaof this place and T'oinHy. speaks German awl Eoglish. r April 18. JP8 "W A. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER, Ffwbtiri' Suvder Co. Pa.. Most eetpeot hilly offers bis servloes lo Iht public aa eauue v.ryer nu nuouun aer. Having bad a large experience, 1 feel eoondtnt thai I eao render perlect il.fafliliin to at amnlovaea. Jan. 9, '67i f BT. PARKS, a ATTORNEY AT LAW k DISTRICT ATTORNY, MIDDLECURO, 8NTIEIl COUNTY, Pa Offioe In Court Iluse, Sept.lS, '07lf LEWJS BIIEME1ZS SON If TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRD Si 0,88 PHILADELPHIA. M ERCHANT HOUSE. 11. U. MANDERBACII Prop' J. C. N1PE, Clerk Ha. 41S k Hi North Third Street. Philadelphia.. jyjlLLER ELDER WHOLESALE. DOOK SELLERS, j Btttlooera, Blank book ilnoulacluros aad dealer in Wrapping, Dlaating, (r lata Wall panara Vie l'a , Pw. VOL. 8. SELECT POETRY. wniCBf fThe Mtowlna bmatltal homeelreta nnaia ! lnt.Dld lor the lamlly eirela. it ! fiianited anna an lnet.lt nt wheree rlaa nalghlmrnrTar.! tn m a k t Iwct 'amity coniioriaDia, arm proviua lor me rhllil. If on. of i.t.r trae given tn hiai. Soma one who ha fall the ptaes of poverty, ana yet ln a l.lb.f, with all tha ilas-naml Snly fMllnaa nfapar.nl, hat clntbtxt It la a poetle.l attire. ami breathed In'o It a spirit of love, rlevntlnn. ami talth that will flnd a hole raapoan In the treaat of .rare father anil mother who are bleaaerl with little pietl. of arteriion. ba the one er sevaa. Monday school World., Which will II be? Which shah It bt t" I looked al John John looked al me, I Dear paliest John, who lorea me tel. A well aa ilioujh me look were Jet). And wlirn I found thai I muat apeak. My Tuice teemed airangi-ly low and wenk ; " Tell me aenin, whtl Hubert aaid ?' And then I lit'nlng bent tnj head. "Tbia it bia letter: " 'I wilt site A hnue and tnnd white yon aliall life, If in ti-'U-n. from out your eeern, One rlnUI io me fur ee la given.' " I IncVrd at Jolin'a old inimrnn worn, I ihouekl of all ibal J ihn bad borna Of poverir. and work, and eaia. I'lncii i. tiMiiigu willing. eouM not "pare I thought of teeen momba lo feed, Of aeten li'tle ebildren'a need, And lara of ibta. "Come. John." tald I, ' We'll chooia nmnng them aa they lid A-lcep i" ao waking band In band, I'car John and I aurvcyed cur band, Ki t to the cradle Hgblly atepped. n era Lillian, the nnhy. alepi. A glory 'g iint the pillow wnl.e; Sol'.ly the f.nht-r atuoped lo lay Ilia rough hand down in loving way, rt'ien tlicaiii or wbi.per made ber e.ir. And butkily be mid, " Not ber not bcr. We rlooped bride the trundle bed, And one long lay of lamplight rlu-d Athwart Ilia i-li fncea I here, In sleep so piiilut anu fnir: I eaw on Jamie'a tough, led chrek, A le ir titidi ied. Ere John could speak, Ile a but a baby, too." anid I, And kisied h'.m, as we bttiried by. Pale, patienl, Kubliit a angle face "till in bis sleep bora turlrring'e trace, " .o, for a Ihoiisiind crowns not him." lie wbbpered, while our eyes grew dim. Poor Pi k! b-d Dick ! our wayward son, I u-billet, ncklvsa, bile one I'ould be be f,iaied f Nny, be who gave, Hid n befriend hi in to the grave ; Only a mother s beau could be, I'u. uiii eiiotigli for sucb aa be; And an." .aid John. 1 would not liars To send biui irooi ber bedside pi-uyer." Then Mote we aofily up nbove. And ki ell by Mtry. child of love. ' I'll ha p lor bvr 'twould bei.er bo,"' I Mid to John. IJuiie .'li-my lie lilted up a curl ihat lay cros ber cheek Inwiilnl way. And hbuok bis be..d. "Nny love, not beo." Ib bileuiy bji t beat audidly. Only one mora our el.lr-l tud. Tiu-ty and titiiblul, good nnd gln.l 'o like bis father. No, John, no ( can not, will uoi, let bits go." rid ao we wrote in eoiirlenna nay. wou.u noi ! ie one child away ; nd aiierwaid toil lighter Keemeil, I hink ng oi'uihi or which we dreamed ; lli'ppy. in iiu.b, thai not one lace tie miaei lioiuiia ncoua'oined place i riiHiiklul to wotk for all ibe seven, d usting the rest lo One in heaven. "KIFFEIt LITTLK DHE.V,' CIIIsV- Mr. Solomon WiutLrop was a plain mil lartnc nn nuUrp preeiao tiiuti w ho did evervl liifiir by eUbliliod rules and could roe nu reanoo why people b'n id iri'tt-p al tuina tcynna wnat had brro reachrd by their (front grand laiLera Ho liad three children, two boys and n prl. Thoro was Jerutniali, gcvrntevn yoara old ; Samuel, fificco ; ami funny tourtoen. It was : cold wiuter'sdny. Samuel wax in tho kil"iieo rotidiopr a book, and ho interested was lie that lio did not notico the entrance of bia father. Jerry wat in an opposite corner, eo- (fijoil ciphftlna out a euru abich lie had round in l.ti artthmitio. ' Sam," aaid tho father to bin young est boy, "hare you worked out thut sum yet r" "Mo, father," anywered tlio boy bes itatinclv. ' Didn't I tell jou to slick to rour nriibmnth till you Ltd dona it? vaid ilr. Uinihrop, In a suvero lone. Pamuel bung down bit bead and looted troubled. "I can't do it, father I" trcmblinL'tr sari samui'i. 111-, , w. Can't do it? And wbr not? Look at Jerry, there, with hisnlsteand pen. cil. lie hud ciphered further than you have long before bo wui no old as yon are.' "Jerry wiw nlwnva fond of euro, and pfpblems, father They baro no Inter est for nte." ' Tbat'i.' beciuso tou don't try to feel an Interest Jn ,Tur atudiea. Ybat book is tbat you'ara rtadinn f "It laa work on pfclloaophjr, father." "A work on flddle-m.'ckei Oo put It away this Instant, nnd tin get your slate ; and doo't let tne'aee yod awfl.V from your aritbmatio until you' can work out those roota. Do you nnd." land me V Samuel made no inawr, but aileol lj put away Jjia philosophy J and then be got hie alato, and atl down la the iblniney-coroer. ' Hie Up tieaiklod, aod bia eyes tnoiatened, fur he waa un happy. II is father bad beon barah towarda him. and be felt tbat it waa without a caufo. ' 1 Sam,'' aaid Jerry, aa aoou aa their father bad gone, 1 jll do tUat iuqi for you." "No, Jerry' replied the youoiror brother, with a grateful look t "that will be deceiving father. I'll tty to do the eumf but I (ear 1 abao't auo ceed." Samuel worked rery hard, but all to ao purpose. Ilia mind waa not oa t.i aKUt r-ff"i bt". , T rw' i M1DDLEBURG, SNYDER CO. PA., MARCU S!, 18707 lo thomaelvca, wore to him a mnss ol Incomprehensible tliing-ij nnd the more h4 tried, the more bu bt canto perplexed and bothered. J The truth was hie father did not dndetetiind bun. Samuel waa a bright b-'y, and un. eomnionly lutcllueot W ono of bin ego. Mr. WiutLrop mm a thorough inatbentatici in ; he hniilly ever ciuiie across a problem he cu'd not anlee and he dcnired that his boya hIiouIJ be Hko bim: be conaidcrril tint thucuie of ethicaiional porlrctioo Iny in the power of coniiniTinif K icliJ i and tn- often cxpreeaed hi opinion that, were I'.ucliil living then, be could ' give the old cotmetrk-iun a bard tuaalo. lie seeuifd not to comprehend that ilirTur ent minis were made with diflVronl capacitti'S, and what one mlinl traaped wiili ease another if equal power lailed 0 coinnrehend. Hence bucutiM Jerry proitrerned rspl ltv in Ms tnntliciiiuti cal studies, and could already fcurvey a piece of land of many ang!e he hit alined that aa Sunncl mnlo no prj rrB' in tho fame branch be waa idle nnd caicli'si, and ao treated bi.n nccor tlingly. Ilu never candidlv conversed with his younger aon, .with A view to aai'ci'toiti tho true bent of his mind but ho had h a own sismlar l ol' ib- power of nil minds, aod be portiniciou ly mihrre I to it. There was another tltini that Mr, Wiin hrop cntil 1 not ee, and 'littt wits that Samuel was continually pondering upon noli proliiabli) nnttur aa wa in teresting to him, and I lint be waa scarcely ever i I lo ; not d.d bia father see, erlnV, that if lie ever wUbcd hi ooy io iircotnea nintiieinaiieian, he na pursuing the Very course to preven' such a result. IuMeu l i f endeavor ing to nuke the attiily interesting to I he child, bo wtis making it obinainua Tbc dinner hour rnim', nul Samuel bad not worked out the sum. Hi- fa ther was nnyry, ami obliged tho boy to eo without his dinner, nt the same timo tcllio-' him tltul he was an i J lo. lazy lud. Poor Samtii I left tlie kitchen for bis wn room, nnd there he sat nnd cried. At Ieii):tlihi8 mind vjecme I to patis trout the wronjr bo had aulfereil at the hand ol bis father, and lua lace lii;ht- e tied up. There was a luro tire in I ho room below his chamber, go thai be was not very cold j and, jottintr up. be went to a cliMet, unil from be death a lot ol old Vint lies ho took forth some ion;; hi rips nt wood, llo was cv tdeutly fashioning some curious sITair imni tbesc pieces or wool, lie had I its of nire, bttlo Hirnps of tin plate, pieces i f twine, aod d l'ns of fnall b cla thut bo made hinisiill': and be secerned lo be wot king to get tho whole io jut ber a'tcr some particular fi.xhion of.bis own. Half th) ufternoon h id thus pasged awy when Inssitii-r entcreil bia chstn ber. She hud her apron gathered up in ber band, and after cluing the dooi oltly behind her, she approached the spjt where her brother set. ''Here Summylaeo, I have brought you something to cat. I kuow you in tint be hungry." Aa sbo sp ik .1, t-hc opioed her apron aod took out four cakes, apicco of pie, ao I eottie cheese. Tiio boy was hun gry, and Depilate I not to avail liiinsill' of bis Mister's kill I offer, llo kissed her as ho took tbo cakes, and thanked ber. "Oh. what pretty thins ii that you are liiukinit ?'' uttered Funny as t-he ear.cil upon hor brotlier's labor. Wou't you give it to me ulior it is done r ' '.Not litis) one, sister, returned the boy wilh a smile ; "but I will make you cno equally ai pretty " ranny tiianked ber brother, nnd soon left (be room, whilo tho boy went on with his work. Itetore long, the various material that bad boon subject to Samuel's koife and placer were joiued aod gr-ioced together In aourliut maonat 1 ho embryo philoiopbor set the mi chino for it looked like a aiaebino n poo tho floor, then gaiedno it intent ly. His eye gleamed with a peculiar g'ow of satisfaction ; ho looked proud and happy. Whilo ho stood and gaz ed uwoo the child of his labora the door opened aod hie father entered. " hat I are you not atudytiiK ex claimed Mr. Winlhrop, a Lo noticed the boy standing io the middle of the Door. Samuel trembled wheo be, heard his father's voioe, and turned paid with tear. Ha ! what la tbia?" aaid bia fath er, a bo caught sight of the curious coosiructloo on the floor. "Tbia is the acret of your idleness. Now I arc bow it la you oaooot roaster your elu I lea. Ifou apeod your time tn uiaklou tbem ny-cagea. 1 II see whether you'll k aru to attend to your lesson or oot. Thorn V Aa tbe father ottered this hi rah eiao ulatioo. he put bia foot upon tbe ob- 'ectofbis displeasure. The boy ut terb'l a nutsa cry, sou epnug lorwaro, hut ti: laid. The curious construction waa crushed to atoma the labor of long weekt. Covering bia lice with bia band, ba bu.-at into tear. "Aio'l you aabaneJ f aaid Mr. Wlothrop. "A griat lxy like you, to spend your time in making trap-elape, and thau cry about it beoause I choose that yoa should attend to your etud ie Now goto tba baru and help Jerry with the ooro.' Tbe boy waa too full of grief to make ao explanation, aod without a word be loft tb chamber but for long daya afterward be waa weary aod iowahearted. "Samuel." aaid Mr. Wlothrop, one ry and I ran pet abmi on the farm. I We to be ui tuned with a band as del and I think tbat the best thing yon tatean l ns skill'ul. DifTercnt minds can do s's to lenrn the blaekainith'rl hsro differeul rupacitiea, and no mind trade. 1 havo given up nil hopo "'.van be drivcii to love that lor which ever making a purveyor of you, eo,l!it has no taato l'trst seek to under if you had M farm you would not k low how to measure it, nr lay it out Jerry will soon bo ablo to take my place as aurvey.ir, and I have already arranged for having him sworn, nnd obtaining his commi.aion. Hut voiir trade in a good 0ne, bewever, I have oo doubt you will be able to miko a good living of it. " Mr. Young wa a blacksmith in a neighboring town, and ho carried on quite an extensive business. More over, he had the reputatioa of bein a very fino man. Samuel waa da liubted with hi father's propyl, an" when ho learned that Mr. Young al carried on ipiite htre mtchine shop, ho was in ec.-ticies. Hi trunk was packed t g'tod supply of clot In s hav. ing in been provideil ; and al ter ki. ing bis mother anil sister, an I slinking hand Willi his fattier and bro'her, be mounted the coach, and set olT for his new destination. Ho found Mr Young all be colli I wish, and went into his busiticsi wilh an a.sidiiitv that silrprled his master. One evening, after Samuel intdrop hnl been wilh hia new mister nix months, the alter came into t b sbon alter all Urn journeymen ha I quit work sndit one home, nnd found tbe youth Imijly engaged in G'tinua piece of iron. There) were quito a number of pieces n lite bench br bis Hide, and some wero curiously rivitrd t-iirether, nnd fixed with springs nnd slide, while others appeared not vet ready for their destined ue. ?Ir i nun.' ascertained whnt the young wot km in wa up to and he not only rnr.ntir.iged bim in hi" undertakings, hut hi stood for ball an hour and watched him at hi work Next day Samuel Winlhrop was re moved from the blacksmith's shop to the machine shoo Samuel often visited bis parents At tho end of iwi years his I'atltnr was not a little surpri-d when Mr. Young informed ntm that Samuel was tbo most useful band in his employ. Time flow fst. .Samuel wns twen- ty-ono ; Jeremiuh hud been free al most two years, and was one of the most nc. urate and trustworthy sur veyor in the founly. Mr. Winthrop looked upon bis eldest son with pride, and often ex treated a wMi that bis other son eould have been liko bitn Si'O i Samuel ranie bime to visit Id parents, und Mr. Younj carao wilh him. a ' Mr. Young," said Mr. Winthrop. after the ten-thinits had been elenred nwa", "tbal's a fine factory you have just trec'.cd in your town." "Ye,'' replied Mr. Young; "there aro three of them ; and they sro doing a very heavy bu-itiess." "I iinilertand that they have an extensive machine aliop connected with the fartoite. Now, if my boy Sam is aa gnod a workman, a you say ho is, perhaps he might get a first rate situation there.'1 Mr. Youni; looked askaoco at Sam uel, and smiled. "liy tho way csntiuued the olJ far mer, "what i ail this noise I soo nod bear in the paper about iIiomj Win throp looms? They tell ma that they go ahead of any tbia j thut vu ever got up brlul' I "You may nk your son about that,'' Haul Mr. luung. "It i some of baui uel'a busioess." "Kh 1 what, my son 7 Some of Sam Tho old mao s'oppod short and car ed at his aon. Ho was bewildered. It could Dot bo that his son hia idle aon waa tbo inventor ol a power. loom that had tukeu all the tntaulac tureis by surprise. "What do you mean P be at length inquired. "It ia simply thin, father, tbat the loom is uuuv, teiurued Samuel, with conspicuous prido. "I Ikivo invented it, and taken out a patent, and have already bevo otleied ton IhouaaitU uol lars liar tbo patent ribt la two adjoin- ing Stales, Du't you remember that clap-irspyou crushed with your fool six veur ago r Yes,'1 answered tho old man, whose eyes wero bent to tho floor, and over whose oiind a new light acemcd to be breaking "Well,' continued Samuel "that wns almost a pattern, though, of course 1 bavo made tuucb alteration nutl 1m1 provemeot, and there la room for much more." "And that was what you were stud ying when you ued to aland and aer mo wen re, sud wheu you luiublod about my loom ao much '(" said Mrs YYiutbrop. "You are right, mother. Even tbeo ( bud ooooeived tbe idea which I have since carried out.'' "And that' wby you could not un derataod my mathumalieal problems," said Mr. Winthrop, a be started from hi chair and took tlie youth by tbe hand. "Samuel, my aon, forgive me fur tbe hatsbnea I have used towarda you. I wa blinded, aod now see bow 1 misunderstood you While I tbo't you idle and cureless, yoa were solv ing a philosophical problem 1 eoulJ never have comprehended. Forgive ue, Samuel; 1 went well enough, but lacked judgtueot aud diorlmiuaiioo." Of course tbe old man had long be fore beon forgiven for bi barabuesa, aod hia otiod wa open to a now Icbsod la b man nature, be wa taught what aomo parents aro alow to Uarn, eiinply beoaase they do not try 10 win toe eon Udeooo of their children by loving tvBMiathv stand the natural abilities and dispu ail ions of children, and I lien, in yoii management of their education fur nf- ter-lile, govern yourself nccor liiisrly in tlie same lumily yon will uriuu Cud thai wry boy bus a ta-to i-r bent ol inn. I .liil'..r....t t....n ...... I. ..I' I::. I... ..I. - v " . mi uiLiii CI'S. 1 III Variel V ol talent is a met coui proviMon ol our iiiavruiy Jatlu r For "diversities of gifta ' a lieltl ol va ried labor ia happily provided in tbia wide wui I-i. Some of tbo most emi nent m'laieians, whose talents hive en . . . chanted tens of thutaiods, have no iAHlo whatever for drawing or inathe main's. Jiany ol tlio alili-st ailiti btVo no ear for Manic! Otto of the great nwiiil philoMipliiM-s of bis da coui I hardly reckon in him pic addi tion, and one of our greatc-l tn it ' lit maUeiati coui I not write out n com ii.onplaoe ad Iress. Oue of our lead ing editors, wb-"e sterling integrity ami prul'iMi I originality of tliou.-lit hive made bim rank as nlmost the chief teacher of public oiiioti in (hia geueralioti, writes a hand ao cxecru t'lo that tlitsj unused to it can ecarrcly decipher i. No one commends l bene ilelii'ieueir a worthy of imitation : uui iuey s.-rvo io iiiu-lrato bow nature limits some faculties wheu other ca - pabilitiea are tnlargP.. May each riht-uiiiided child be MiTerc I to follow tbe instinctive ouMrclihins of il own soul Inward tbo divinely HiOotioned , . . cud . Lillian Allrn. A ko id story is tol of that rare old reprohit. Col. IMian Allen, whose services to his country, in lb timos 'that tried nien'-i souls.' werj only equaled by his daring assert ions of tbe right of private opinion 011 thciheo l"gicul mutteis. A well known Di viiio, tbe pastor of tho viHiii.ro church called 0110 evening, oil Ihn Colonel and whilo injoying his true New Knglind hospitality at tho supper tnblo the conversation turned upoo cburch mat trrs. Quoth tho MinM r, " C donnl, how Iocs it hnpppn that s mauof your cx tctiiive influenco and information, bus never S"en it bis duly to join our soci ety. Your example would lend urent ly to invigorate our hand, cod fortify our hearts ncaiust tbe dire ussaults ol tho evil one.'' ' Well, brother." replied Allen, " I have often thou iht as you do tibont tlio busine, nn I one day I had almost mnde tip my mind to fall in tlio ranks hut thai uigbt I had U dream which cauc l me tu give it up.'' "Ah!" exclaimed tin tu'oiatcr, " what did you dream." "Well. I thought I was standing! at tlib entrance of Pat idise. and naw a mnn tro up and knock." " Who's that J" asked a voice from within. " A friend wi.ibin aJmiitunce,' was the r.'ply. Tbe dwr wa opened sod tbe keeper stepped out. " Well, sir, what denomination did you belong to down yonder V ' I am nn Episcopalian,' replioJ the cao lidate for admiaaion. "lio in then, and take a scat near Ibe door." " Ju-t then another stepped up who was a Presbvterian, and tlie guurdiau directed bim lo lake n seat. A large numbr were admitted und received direction where to seat themselves. 1 ibunsteptte I up to the entcranc. " Well, sir, what uro you aked tbe guardian " I am neither High Churchmno. Presbyteriao, Catholic; or Jew, but I am tbat same old Ethan Allen that you probably have beard of from down below. " What ! the man tint took Tlcoo dernt.'a?" The samo," I replied. "All right, Etbao,'' suid be, "just step in and sit dowo wheixvtr uuu jirae.' A IIIk luaner), Elk county in this Stnto. has the lurnoat tannery in tho world. It it kuowa a the ' Wilcox Tuunrrv." aid waa built throo vour asn, Tho proprietor own 2-',0 JO ucrc of laud on tb Clarion river, all heavily cover ed with hemlock. Tb bark mill of ih eoocorn aie in a buildins 4.) bv 100 feet, two atoriea high, and rep ute 01 grteiiiDg seventy nro cords ol bui k per day. These mill aro driven by an eighty-horse power rogioe, and tbe only fuel mod ia spent Un. Tbe leaching bouse ia S3 by 210 foet, two stories hiiab. It contain twelve leach esot immense ixe. The "awcat pit is t u by vu leet, or atone, bevea but.- dred vats are now In na. Tbe 00 in pany make nothing but sole lenther, and of tbia ibe product is 120,000 aide peraoeujn; though wheo the tannery (hall be completed uu,uuu imoa Wl" b0 turaed out The eonsu.npt.oa of bark U 14,000 cord per year. ; Tbo eompaay ba ereoted tweoty- eight tenant bouse, aod employs fro 1 auto sou men at wages raoiii ox from 20 to 170 por month. Tbe capital invested loot up al about 1500.000. and nearly 15,000,000 foet of bemlook lumber la manataeturod every year at lb Company niiU. Tbo hides need are imported froaa South Aaterica. Il will aaaroely be ereditad that Bit toa of hair aro eolloeted and told annually at tttUaoeosiUreawahliobuool. Aatoni; ojbjT'iaeid,optjlia'.' rJaaxudMMaii. 4 NOG. A l iinrrHl llarourao. Tbo lenders of the I)raor have. wl'hin Ibe pat ve.ir or two. been cdi. flefl with the ret'usil id a prnion flli' ll.trp of n Thouand Strings.'' and t he ' Farcwrll lliacourres of Broth i"g n yoke ol oxen, a. he Imd been in. er Watkins" The lone of those di f rnied tin re a a line st k f r al. cotiraes n.iifbl, in a general wny, l e j j1') tme l the weal. by lai.d owners of Culled t'li'nsilli'. Nolan Iiiiwuvki- 1 1, ...tlif i. In n i bil owing hriel' alluMou from ibe pul pit to a oui.g mnu of in hirer- nt ti - i-;.: l. .1 . -.1 i i. 1 i -ui. mi in un- nncn. i- reu s n is - XeW lliiunitliiie aim riiiiui i.. .... .... I decease by a vigorous but absurd v iliteipial cnutit with a party of tin- Otard family. Tin preacher who ollk-liteJ ut tiio liu u I soleiiiniiir. i sit - proved tbo oceiioii by making the fulbiwimr remarks - " 1 bi-v been r 'i'iolo 1. not to snv i importinied tuc deliver a funeral do c uiro on tins occasion, nn 1 I hev rt luctaiitly consented too do so. I mvei ! heerd nny g io I of tbe doreaeil j ami il Ibe I'licnd h 'V inad up t'b-ii minis tbat 1 qui about lo Lein seel, a course now tbi v nte vety inui h mis i taken I estimute, in laet, tins younc ; in ui, itoiv a lav in l efoto you. wai ubiiul tbe if if man ever i-vrm i : t ,-.1 . in tbe ntiseruliihlo ways of tho divine pepus-es, toe ncal in ibis vieinity. , Id was ono who I iiiibt any slli'r- fed when ho was tempted : mid l.cj ccrtiiii'lv lllMieare 1 to ma inn .. L ', ' . ---- . ,..n. rather than to avoid, occsmous IV r curb . Ictiiplatioti. Why, my Tell, r Christians, Ik- kep' bosses a id run 'em j he lep' cock und fit Vm ; nnd as to wiu.min. let bi wid ler (who 1 m-o a-sittin' in il front pew) t. s'it." (line the wii-,Moitcd to mo ns I citu a Very mi ow r-..e, as waa the fit loiii when tin- j li-'c I man, nnd n-1 a roju'o -a y b,.t. family of the ibe. asel wis alluded to. e-t in bis iniiisaot Ions. " and. deeming 1: n complimentary rr- mat k, courtrs'ed to the preacher ) 1 In abort, after a diligent impiiiy into tlie perlickelets ol bis lernktcr ami cti- duel while be his resided in lb;s vil- l-tge, I bev come too the c mclitaioti that about the only coo I thing tbat kin be said of bim at a'l is that be was nn active member of tbc en 'ine com- puny, nnd oceaslonilly tj , ,it fi,-tt. " I be pad beireis wrl now tirueced 111 uenr out me corpp. wnue uie Clinir will sing, as an appropriate hymn, the 31!d hymn, L'd bm Is. abort metre, four versis. omltiiu.', if you pleu-tc, tbe 21 and 5th alaniis : ' Uclieviiijt. we rrjoic. Tot tec 1 Us cms rcioivo-1,' with the llaual Poxologv.'' Hli'lor's Ihnirir in Jlirpcr't Ma'j izine Jr .one-Ilrel i:ullng ulloiis. The rice-eating Hindoos nt ono time took a better poition among the na lions than they do now, but neither in wur nor in paaeo did they ever attain to anything Of the btandurd of HiUfope or America. The" Jaytnese have for ni:e been a fih ra'ber than a flesh enttnir race, nnd nil travelers scree that they hrivc ntber receded man ndvanced from the low standard of civilization t which they bed attain ed a thousand years n.o. 1 be C'hi. nese are na peaceful and inoffensive as we would stlj'pose a ntition of rice eaters nii"ht necessarily bo They have developed, it is true, a ccniu. fir cerinin nieehsnieal nrt. nnd a quiet skill in unique handicraft ; but of llme broad purposes of action tbat iifhdo Home, the mistress of te world that omv compel tho eye of the plan el hi turn to France. England, and America, China hss known nothing for the Ions: centuries of her bistnry. And hero I may siy that in estimating the relative position of any nation in bis. tory we da not alone consider its liter ature, nnr his cimmereo, nor its nte clinnical genius, nor its religion, nor it system of education, O'r its siieres. in war and legislation, nor its speci mens of individual crei'nsa, but all tbee combined. Cnreless obi?rvers r.nd thinker, on visiting for tbe first time the coaats of China and Japm 1 are sometimes so powerfully impressed with the originality, snd patience, sn I mccbinical genius of thp people, thnt ; they at one accord to tbee nitions a I nigncr relative position tnnn lliey rem- ly deserve nr have ever been awarJed !yc,rs ug0 . wag prjl.lilt u, llW , OOJ b-VJl" J.' ," r"'"d- , , , . 'of tho many bcautiiul towns of W -Thod-ciofthe nation, of 'Africa it,,no. Ojavervwirtndav.wli.il. .n.l nf mMt iirihn ii in Ii r-C I K. a. M t.iv.v - .,,v ,"-,. , T- c. i usually quite m'strer, and his too little ofvsrtletv to afford iho b st kind of nutrition. Tbo inhabitants ofome districts of S )uth America eat clsv ; certain oejro tribe feed on nnts ; the savages of lirir portion of the tropi cal regions subsist abnogt exclusively on fruit ; the Greenlan lera gorge them selves on train oil and bluher ; and the petsint of th Appenine oltentimea make hi entire meal of masted cheat nuls; tho lower classe of Europe every where regard meat a a luxury and not a a eeccsity. and th potatoes snd the sour milk of the Irish have be come praverbial. But what bare tbe native of South Amtrir. the savage nf Africa, the stnpij Greenlan lor, peasantry, of Europe, all combined June for civilintion, la comparison with any sinttlo beef-eatiog cluas of Europe f lbntr$ a' Ifom Salt La a a. in Utah. i seven feet higher than it waa ten year sg- aud is constantly rising. It baa been u re ed by tboa who have paid attention to tbo subject that tb rise of water there would produce a sola. ion of the Mor mo quest ion before Coo(r would act upon it A man at Lowell. Me., ha mad a peoTiaioo in hie will that be ntost be bHl U a borglar-proof safe, when ho diva.-, - An OIU widow of SO aobiigd to ma . t av BATES OF ADVKRTISIWQ. One colnain one year fnn.oo SO.tNl one nair toinmn, ooe year, Oae-fourlh onlumn, on year, One square 110 lines) one inrerlian Every additional insertion Profes.ional and lluaiaese earda nf not mor.llian flva lines, per year, Auditor, Eieculor, Adminiairalor and Aaaifn-e Nullc.n Editorial nonces per lino 16.00 78 60 (.00 160 li All adverliermpota for a shorfer ti.rl than one year are payable at Ibe lima they are erdpred, ami if mil paid Ibe per aun ordering tbem will ba beid responsible fur tbe nivner- I'riiuk onleaalun. ' A fai mrr I; vlnir in Oiford eotm. in the .Vtate of Muss, wont l..n ,. nn town lo t a tlioii.iiiul n.il.,. tv.,... I'ut'tlan I, f r the u irn iru of nur, !,.. Ar.iving in the hot farming dMrirt of II. ( i inliriand .unity l-. n mir I i- , . t ,eini im-i a nun ii i iiv.-.M,,. ..I u I , I. : , n ,..., , , 1111,11)11-11 , 't an v. ii nil nn u e wl etc Mr. I 1 1" v ! "'Jliioi' a tutilrrof Walls live nn i. ihI I io r. Wbnli o.ic did yen i b to linil .' " ii turiii' l i. strangor, bo a a bir.-ely built, keen rye J man, li.ib:t- I in I. o. in--1. on. but bcaiiiiL' i'l '"' gt in r.i! iippi-ii'Miicc Uiimistakabl-1 to.riia m and c ontort o lur si tliililii i-n w i re i-ulierriie.l 'I 'ioti't kniw lnt bi chrioiian iiiitiie i, piir.-if d i-ur Irieml j but bu la the i in r id'poit.e very tine (in ' Wi-li. ' n-i ,i,,. . tb.; air.m.'ir, ' tin v ii 1 own pretty lair ocen." ilaf the one 1 wo-h lu Cud baa sju,o ocu lor Mile, "As tor ill it. sir. I I'll' sl-v M any o! in e;l if liny c..u. J j:il ihei'r p: ice." "Hu'," cxcoiimo 1 ll.e (hTurJ e oin'v iiihn tl,,. Mr VVu'l 1 i . r,. i .' , . wm t a " i j 'i j mm n j u t" wvabhv'' "Yi s, well' I rci kmi thcn iiln'l iny : f Vm wry bad eff," replied tbi ethei, I with a t;o I. "My Mr. Wiill." c t.tluunl n r friend. Iiealtatlntlv. "baa been rei rc- W ith a curious twinkle of tbe eye, an I n gentle jiat tipuii ibe bntii c'.i of bis lie ir nx, be sai l, "to tell you t o truth, n'r, I ;iie-a they're a cl bie-l s-. I nil rmiud. and I 1 ever beard tout 1 hone-ty run in the Luiily, Jau't thcie aomethitig e!r '!" j "Yes, icpliei tbc searcher fir oxen. j deperatcly. ''llicv lav be bus been caub: in the very net of robbu g Lis own brotlc r's chicken coon " The a-ranger bowed and atnilel. " jn' 'm (he man .' Couie with me mil I'll rbow y-u a tiiic b t of cat. lie asyou can tin I iu the State; and il you know what oxen ate, ibi-iv's 110 danger t f fittii g cheated " IIoit lu allultv .lloiisr l uit and llOIICStl). ! Enter into a bu-inrss of which you j have p perlect kuow'e l.'e. In v'our own rljht, or by th; ai 1 of friends 01 I long linie, have a ca-b ctipital auP.i jcietil to do at lea-t n casli biieine-s. Never venture on a cred t tu-ines at I the C'muiciirei!)cii'. l!uy all your Ifomls or iiiateriuN f .r cash ; you ca'i I thus take every ad Vitiligo of the nut kct, pick and ih )sof win re un 1 when iyou wid. Jle ciireful, imt to ovi r-tm k youi'aclf. liist. and fail witli tbe luur. ket oil ahol t stocks. AUjvs :lc!(io (tbo.-a wb mi you prove it bo tiicilr jut iu their transacti-o. an 1 abu'i a l I others, evm nt a temporary di-idvan-tigo. Ne er take aJvunt ig uf II 1 u touicr's igiiiratic,i,l 0"r equivocate ti- r misreprc-ciit, Hao bat one price an 1 a amall jirolil. and yo 1 will 60 1 all tho 111 -st I'tvtitiiule cu-t'imers. lb J ca-U ones or they will fin 1 y iu. If you deceive ia bu-ities irangir-li'-ns, never attempt tj save youreif by puttiug Ibe Jeccp'i-'n npon ether. ; but aubimt lo the Is, utid be tie to caution in future. According to tlio character or success ot your busies-, et asi le a liberal percentage for pi bit ing and a IvertiMu.,'. aud il not hesi tate. Never let nnd article, parcel or package, g) out lrom y 01 without a hands'. luiely-prioted wrapper, cird cr circular, aud dispense tUctu cotuiouai ly. Keep V' uracil' uucca.iogly b.'fi ro the public by judiciously advertising ; utll it matters nut what b'J-lii't ot u.ililv -ull nmUrt .., ,-u,u f if 1 .m, ,uju,lr,,uv ,.ur,i.ed. n r..IU0(, u, ,h(, r.a,;)f t , y. t .7et. .g.,,, Ui simcss ami ltim.Ei evral -, v t a -v j viat,y ak vi , a, a tertujited by tb entrance of a boy, the sou ct'nue of uiy clouts, who Lad walked into lowu, six uides, iu a blazing in, for tno purpe of proeur. inguiiitilc. lie had leco totl, bo aid, that tht'fc wau pUce vbrietLcy gave tbem away t. people who had bo money , he aaid he 1 ad lio moiiey aod wa v.'ry anx ou to j'el ouo ol lb good books, aud naked ui to go wttb hi 10 a pi jco where they wie kpt. Aoxioua lo encourage bim 111 hi early piety. I left ibe briet 00 wbica I wa eutfageJ, and sent over with biui Ij the stand of aa old Preebyteriao ii a con who bad tb much coveiei b.l in charge. ! inirodueed bim to tba deaoun. telling him tho circumstance. He pried lb b y very highly, was dtflmbled to see a youag auau to early sevkiug alter the truth, etc , etc. ; and pretested biui wnb tb bot-bouud B. 01 io ibe colUctioo. 11 4 b by pat it iu hi pocket aod wa eUuiug off, whou ib deacon aay : "Nov, auy avxi, tht you possesa what you so much desired, 1 upiH thai ymi will feel prrtectly happy T "Wsll, Ido, oldbua; for, between yoa aod I, 1 kaow where 1 oaa trad it tor a plaguo irtmd tiddiv.' ' Tie moat latunus istw ia nlaad just bow, ia tb jouim Duke ef Ua iltoa, who has quaalurwd a foiiis' of two hundred tboaujaad aj " a4 luM TMUriMtU " V 1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers