CHE 8 S OOZ, U MLN or PHttADHLPHIA EVENING] BPLLETUi, FRIDAY, December 28,1866. • Answers to Correspondents. li. W. W., New Yobk,” —If the moves or the game cannot be recalled, and neither player is able to prove, by reference to the bystanders, or otherwise, the justice of his claim, then the game must be declared mill and void. The . player who had the first move in the game again moveß first in the next game. Pbofbssob "Vethake,—As we promised last week, we give, to-day, Professor Al len’s Interesting note on the distinguished Chess-player whose death we have so ; recently recorded. It occurs in Profes isor Allen’s paper on Chess in Philadelphia, in ■ the ’’Book of the Ches 3 Congress,’’ pp. He says: “ Henry Vethake, \of German parentage, is grandson of the , officer vrho directed the artillery of the aides the battle of Minden. He commenced bis , SB a Chess-player, at nine years old. ®y beating his His precocity at- tracted attention; and daring his 'boy hood he played frequently in New York society as a Chess prodigy. He dropt Chess i altogether while in college:; bat as a law student he resumed it, and was recognized as the strongest player in New York. He somestimes alludes to an amusing occur rence of this period. To wile away the time on board a North River steamboat, he ao- cepted the invitation of a stranger to' plav game of Chess. Mr. Vethake plaved, a 9 strong player is wont to, when he dlscivers that he conld give half his pieces to his ad versary. He had not observed, that the game was keenly overlooked by {Mr. John K. Livingston, the well : known associate of Eobert Fulton. Mr. Livingston discovered in Mr. Vethake, despite of some nnacoount ably bad moves, the germ of-Superior Chess talent. Tills lie expressed to the young stranger in courteous and complimentary terms, and assured him, moreover, that, in lact, all he needed was some lessons from some one, like himself, who really knew the game, to become a good player. Mr. Ve thake, in return, meekly entreated that so important a coarse of instraction might be gin at once. Mr. Livingston graciously complied ;.but, after a few moves, accompa nied by illustrative remarks, he found his own game so completely pulled to pieces, that he was forced, in amazement, to utter a good-humored, Aut Erasmus aut Diabolus ' —the orußhing strength of his young anta gonist s play had sufficiently revealed his name. The greater part of Mr. Vethake’s life, from the completion of his law studies to his removal to Philadelphia, in 1836, was spent as Professor of Mathematics in vari ous institutions, -where he had no opportu nity of finding players- approaohing to his own strength. For ten or fifteen years, therefore, he may be said to have abandoned Chess altogether. During a visit to Germa ny, m 1829-30, his interest ip Chess was re newed by loeking over a game in the hotel at Aix-la-Chapelle. He sought the best players at various stopping-places, and beat them all. At Berlin he found a stronger adver sary, but succeeding in drawing his game to the great mortification of the Prussian who said that if it had been a Frenchman\ who had thus wrested victory from him, he could never have forgiven himself. And this was said in the days of Deschappelles and La Bonrdonnais!” , Problem Ho. 468. BY MB. JACOB SLSON. . WHITE. White to play and mate in three moves, CHESS IN PHUi ADEIiPHIA. Game No. 1544. We give, from the very slender store in our possession, a game played some seven teen years ago, in which Professor Vethak .gives the odds of the Queen’s Knight to Mr W. G. Thomas, then a young player. <Remove White’s Queen’s Knight.) C Philidor’s Defence.) , Wh. (Mr. Yethake.) Be. (Mr. Thomas. 1. PtoK4 P to K 4 2. Kt to B 3 P to Q 3 3. P to K R 3 (This very backward move was evidently ■made to prevent an exchange of pieoes.) , „ 3. Bto K 2 4. P to B 3 P to Q B 4 5. B to Kt 5 (ch) B to Q 2 6. Bt° B 4 Q Kt to B 3 7.. Castles Kt to B 3 v £ 5 to ? s< * Bto K 3 1 9. Bx B Px B ■ 10. Kt to Kts Qto Q 2 11. Q to Kt 3 P to Q 4 12. Castles (KR) 13. PtoKB4 PxBP 1 14. PtoKs K Kt to R 4 16. Kt to B 3 R to B 4 16. Bto Q 2 , Ktoß sq (Preparatory to an attaok on the white King.) . RtoKKtsq 18. Q R to Q sq P to K Kt 4 Ktoß 2 PtoKtS 20. PiP RxKtP 21. P to Q 4 ' Ptoßs :aftemard remarked that JtU Kfc to Kfc-6 at once waa better.) 22. Q to B 2 Kt to KtJB 23. KtoKtsq Rtoß4 24. K to B 2 Kt to K 5 (ch) 25. Rx Kt P xR ' %!• B to R 5 (oh) 27. KtoKtsq Q to Kt 2 28. Kttoß2 Q to Kt 3 29. QtoK2 c R to Kt 6 30. BxP RtoQ6 31. R to K B sq B to Kt 4 32. P to K Kt 4 Bxß Rxß K R to R 6 K R to Kt 6 (ch) 44. K to B sq R to Q 8 (ch) 39. K to K 2 Q to B 7 mate. CHESS IN LONDON. Game No. 1545. Sixteenth game of the Bteinitz-Blra match. (Ruy Lopez Knight’s Game.) Wh. (Me. Bird.) 81. (Mr, Steinitz.) 1. PtoK4 P to K 4 2 * ¥ f Kt J?r BS QKtto B 3 3. K Kt to B 3 4. PtoQ4 PxP £ t °, K 5 Kt to K 5 6. Castles _ P to Q R 3 °R|' B to K 2 8. Pto QB3 PkP ■‘lO.QtoQs Sh 4 12* B to K 3 P to 3 IflßxKt 3 l^ t 2 14. P to K 6 WhtfnUy-tef 0111 The ***»?* lade- -• •• - 14. QP xP •15. B j,P (ch) .. ... ‘ ■ (Happy unconoiousneßs!).. . ' 15. K x B • J®' Q to K 5 (ch) K. to Kt sq 17. KttoKts R to K sq (Mr. Bird’s blunders sink into insignifi cence beßide this. Most players, we fancy would have played Q to Q 6.) 18. Q x B P (oh) K to R sq 19. Q to R 5 (eh) K to Kt sq 20. Q to R 7 (ch) K to B sq 21. QtoßB (ch) E to K 2 ; 22. Qx P (eh), and wins. , ~ Game No. 1546. Seventeenth, and concluding game of the match. (French Opening^) Wh, (Mb. Stbinitz.) Bi. (Mb. Bibd.) 1. P to K 4 P to K 3 2. P to Q 4 P to K Kt 3 3. K Kt to B 3 Q Kt to B 3 (Badly managed.) 4. P to Q 5 Kt to K 2 5. PxP QPxP 6. 0x 0(ch) KxQ 7. Kt to B 3 Kt to 0 B 3 8. B to K B 4 P to B 3 9. Castles (ch) B to Q 2 10. B to Q Kt 5 P to K R 4 11. P to K 5 P to K B 4 12. RtoQ2 KtoKsq 13. KRtoQsq R to R 2 , 14. Kt to KKt 5 Bto R 3 15. Bx Kt Pi B 16. Kt to R 4 At this point the game was left unßnishedi ana it seemß that Mr. Bird’s departnre from England came in very apropos, for had he played the game out, he most assuredly would have lost it. Game No. 1547. Between La Bourdonnais giving pawn and move,' and Mr. Popert. (Remove Blactfs King's Bishop's Pawn.) W. (Mb. Popebt.) B. (La. Boubdonnais.) i 1. Pto K 4 QKtto B 3 2. P to Q 4 P to Q 3 • 3, K Kt to B 3 B to Kt 5 4. PtoQS Kt to K 4 5. B to Kt 5 (ch) P to B 3 6. P x P PxP 7. Kt x Kt (Neat and decisive.) 7. BxQ 8. B x P (ch) Q to Q 2 9. B x Q (ch) K to Q sq 10. Kt to B 7 (ch) Kxß 11. K x B K to Ksq 12. Kt x R, and wins. Game No. 1548. Between the same players, at pawn and two moves. (Remove Black’s King's Bishop's Pawn..) W. (Mb. Popebt.) B. (La Boordonnais. 1. P to K 4 2- £to Q 4 QKttoBS 6 3. B to Q 3 P to Q 3 4. P. tp Q B 3 P to K 4 5. B to Q B 4 Kt to B 3 6. B to K Kt 5 B to K 2 7. B x Kt B x B 8. Kt to K 2 Kt to B 4 9. Q to B 4 (ch) P to B 3 10. B to Q 3 P to Q Kt 4 11. QtoKt 4 - Castles 12. P to Q R 4 P to Q R 3 13. Q to R 3 Kt to B 5 14. Q,toKt3 > Bto K 3 15. P x P B P x P 16. R x R Q x R 17. Castles P x P 18. P x P B to B 2 19. Qtoß2 P to K R 3 20. Kt to Q 2 Kt x Kt 21. Q x Kt Q to R 5 22. P to Q Kt~4 R to R sq 23. P to B 4 Q to R 7 sl 24. RtoQsq R to R 6 25. Q x Q R x Q 26. R to Q B sq (He should have advanced P to K 5 al once.) 27. P to K 5 28. QPxP Game No. 1549. Between the same players. (Remove Black’s King’s Bishop’s Pawn.) W. (Mr. Popert.) B. (La Bourdonnais.' 1. P to K 4 2. P to Q 4 Q Kt to B 3 3. B to Q 3 * P to K 4 4. P x P Kt x P 5. Q to R 5 (ch) Kt to B 2 6. P to K B 4 Kt to B 3 7. Q to K 2 B to B 4 8. Q Kt to B 3 Castles 9. P to K 5 K R to K sq 10. Kt to B 3 P to Q 3 11. Kt to K 4 Kt x Kt 12. QxKt P to K Kt 3 13. B to Q 2 B to B 4 14. Q to B 4 Bxß 15. P x B P to Q Kt 4 16. QxP R to Kt sq 17. Qtoß4 RxP * 18. P to Q 4 B to Kt 3 19. Kt to Kt 5 Q to K 2 20. Btoß3 R x Kt P 21. Castles PxP 22. K R to K sq (White’s concluding moves are finelv played.) J „„ „ , „ 22. RtoQKt sq 23. B to Kt 4 Q to B 3 24. QPxP Qto B 4 - 26. Kt x Kt Q x Kt 26. P to K 6 Q to B 4 27. P to K 7 (ch) K to Kt 2 28. P Queens, and wins. MEW PUBUCITIOIS. UINDSAY & BLAKISTOITS PHYBI CIAN’S VISITING LIST FOR 1867 NOW ? f th^ l0ll ?. wIl]B 81263 aQd Bt yte of binding Prepared for .25 patients weekly, Plain : '£ :: ' «• Bn «i »i Plain. .» •• Tuoks. “ ICO “ In 2 vola.. .< “-LSO, AN INTERLEAVED EDITION. 1 ■ F ?, r ? 5 patients weekly, bound In cloth. • ™ V. V, V Tacks. •• IS doth. 60 ** Tnrlrfl „ . TT DIABIES FOR 1867, tOF ALL SIZES AND STYLES of Binding, for sale wholesale and retail, at low prices Kl 0 v,, . . HOLIDAY BOOKS. ln?o^WH^LE^LEprta!s BCellaQeoa3 Books 3ell ' LHSDSAY & BLAKISTON, c .JPnbllshers and Booksellers. 25 Sonth sixth street, above Chestnut. TTJST PUBLISHED—BOOKS FOR THE! SHI A -if -The New and Great Work by the Author of ‘ The Schonbera-Cotta Family," THE lEAY rails AM THE DAVENANTS. a story of the Engllsh Oila SmflV.” l vof.l2So.° r 0f ‘ ,The Schonberg Cotta .THE FAIKE GOSPELLER. Being Passages in Ule of Anne Askew. Ivo “ ansviolei.P aUoim wlth ‘ Mar yEoweU M and “Cherry • • AXBO, TWO GBEAT HOLID <Y BOOKS FOB BOVS . ■TBK YOUNG hIAKOONEBS. The Yoniff Marooners on tne Florida Coast. By F, RTGouidim? and enlarged edition. With twelve Engraving!’. e™ il?u r ß 'tmW4' l^ l o n<l Ad ™“‘ ttres of Fred Han botion.W,For 1 »lJby ItaIQS JAhLEf^H . Bncceeaor to W. S. &A. Martien. l2o* Chestnut street ALLENTi LIFE OF PHILIDOR-—twhi PHI IiIDOBi Mnaldan and nhnca player bv Qm Chess Envoy Extraordinary and Hit* Is ter Piftnlpotflhtfaw of the Klnsr of Pnißnte >t tv. top. Priced 2S. Lately published by 1 * ■E. H . BUTLER is Ot}„ ni Booth Fonaih street, MA&OtfIC MABKa, A «-ra&§£ I^~ LEACra - «B QHESCBrair JTi?* Premlnmawarded by Franklin last). • ' PINS. EMBLEMS, A0.,40. d6sJ 8M of Masonic Marks, Tam- Medals. Army Medals and CoriTsShrerS; every deecriptku. noil-w.thXMml fHE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28.1866 27. R to Q 7 P x P B toQeq, & wins. Bin !' w “■ w ' rr>W T>r ‘»**• Trrnr ‘ TOUT, and lnunneoiate Mint*. _ WM. P, A OQ.. Awntii WANTED TO PUBOHAsk-A centr£boak IsERmmSf lor ra,n tr ade* Not over thre* "““■years old, and. Dot over 26 feet 4 inc.hp* hoam Apply to EDMDHD A. BOUDEB & CX). No 3 dSv nos rtONf j Consignees of merchan u dlse per _Br bark ARBUTUS. Bnowitmi master,from Liverpool, will please send their Dermlts nf tiio ntiH* 1 o®t to the counting house SjjaSsTmwSEfw SSSSt! Btotefl - PET ES ; WRIGHT N t tinMwfl I J’^?°.v Sarehereb y cannoned aralD.t crew or the Br. bark All ho iS? 001 . 8 ? no debta of tbel ' contrant- WRTriWT e .h p ßn d -Mo y , or '■ooafeaees. Parma wbibbtasomb.iii Walnot street- de27-tf ( o J? 3 T°. f 26 ,onß Copper Ore per ship Mer- Id]e D^\ Vei i?i 00 ,’ (wrecked on Townsend's will please forward their address &SONi% y Mtg£ d eltf ISBe<i - P£Xaßr SHlKDLmt.Bnceessor to JOHN SHINDI/Eh AvSiSS KflSaeWhS"’ H °: 800 N °r«» OiJIAWABB ~£ 11 J! Jol £. <lone ,n tlie 'best manner and on the lowest S«£Ss S fa& We tetn “’ “ d warrantedra^' Particnlar attention given to repairing. ‘ TOEKMTHstrMt Wo wHl TeSl<seno l:. B3B Bout h PIP Dumber SistVea, and h“ lreto«i 5n htetor* «!d physical geography on Janaary 7tfc. 1867. deioist? im <?H. an<l Winter Season. Ladles Sid Oemlemes 5“ Provls on for comfort Mdsafet?a“ ttat a thorough knowledge of this oeantlfhl accom < S® ®J>talne<f by the most timid. Saddlf horses trained In the beet manner. Bsodio homA* -ig£P— —.— THOMAS OBAISB A SON. TV^™tEP,C5 r .?? lte !? a P OFFICE AND BTOBAGE J[T -BOOM on either first or second door on Data, ware avenue, between Arch and Vine ji? Box hi o, 127, Philadelphia PoarOiSbS o&w! 4 HBIPFiDVe FOR NEW YORE. EXPRESS STEAMSHIP LINE Have commenced their regular [ ; _ °^ ir rSlDß TRIPS* The Steamships NOBFOLB, Captain Tanee. Ali£lANl)BlA)Captaiii Alleni V»RGOiIA, Captain Stone. leaving from each city, ; .4 THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, From first wharf below MAHKBT street, Philadel phia, and pier 14 EAST River, New York. These steamers Insure at lowest rates,- FREIGHT received DAILY, at our usual low rates. WM. P. CLYDE & 00 , Agents, 14 Bouth.WHARVhS, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Ageut, 104 WALL Btreet, New York. FOB HA VANNAH, GA. SMUfiatK The Philadelphia and Sonthern MU, (steamship Company’. B&nlar Bines, second whan below Sprnee street. h «^^&^ T £2?, AWANDA OapUW. Jennlngir for SAVAHNsh, will conunenca receiving frelsn Ob THTJBSDA^. January 3d, and sail on BATUJt DAY, January 6th. at 9 o’clock A. M.. and even alternate Saturday thereafter—viz.: January 19. Febru ary 2d, I6.h t &c Thto_ steamer has line State Booms and other er commodations for passengers. Cabin passage. |i6j Deck do., $l5. Through tickets sold to the following points—Mscol ©*•.§36; CPiumbus.Ga. *4O; Aogusta.Ga„f32; Atlanta Ga.» Albany. Ga., *4O; Montgomery, Ala., *46; fip fenla, Ala, $4O; Mobile, Ala., —; New Orleans, *6O. freight taken allow rates. ' Thrcngh receipts given at through rates to Macon Augusta. Columbus, Atlanta« Ga.; Knoxville, Chatta Memphis;, Tenn.: Canton, mi«h. ; . No freight received or bills of lading signed on call Agents at Savannah, Hunter & Gammell. r For freighter passage, apply to — 1 -- . , n WM. I«, JAMES. General Agent, 1 ' 814 South Wharves. ' FOB newobleanb, direct. JMMlfl-Tim PHILADELPHIA AND’* SOUTH KMJJMAHi STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S HEam.AT. xJJtifi. dk The brst-claas Steamship ~ STAB OP THE UNION. 1.200 tons register, T. N. Cooksey .'Master. }Sti? > SSS5 c S r f celv J? le rrcl B* t for tea above non a. second wharf below.bprnce street, on MONDAY December 81st, and sail on BATUB3&AT„ Jantstb, si 9 OdOCh A* iL . Betornlng, will leave NEW OB&EAN3 on SATUB DAY, January 19th. . This Steamer has snp. ri.. state Booms and ethe accommodations !br passenger... * Cabin passage. fso; Decs do., *3O. Freight taken at low rates. No freight received or bills of lading signed on sail Ing üßy» Agents at Kew Orleans, Messrs. Crevy, Nickerson 6 vo.,ffho wm give careful attention to shipment o to Oalveaton, Mobile, Vicksburg, and lnterlo For freight or passage, apply to WM. li, JAMES. General Agent, 814 South Wharves, FOB WILMINGTON, N. C. 3piffi.THE PHILADELPHIA ANT) BOUTi MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S BEGULAI - fromi Second Wharf below SPRUCE street. The flTßWflass steamship PIONEER. Captain J Ben £ett, for WILMTNQTOK. will commence receivin' freight on THURSDAY, December 27th, and sail o' 6AIUBDAY, December I9th. at 9 o’clock A. M., an - every alternate Saturday thereafter-vtai January 12111, 26th, Ac. Passengers will find superior accommodations"an' best attendance. Cabin passage, *2O; Deck do., *lO, Frelgst carried at low rates. freight received or hills of lading signed on sal; Agents at Wilmington, WORTH A DANTEL, wb will give especial attention to forwarding goods ad dressed to their care to and from the Interior. For freight or passage, apply to i WILL. JAMES. General Agent, gp l° 314 booth Wharves fob boston. SiSSSV'. BTKAMHHIP LOTS DIKECJI Sa7j,TwS TEOit SACS POUT KVABV HVREAYI FROM FINE ST. WHARF. FKLLATiffiFmI „ AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. The steamship ROMAN, Captain Baker, will sail from Philadelphia on Thursday, Jan. 3, at 10 A. M. The steamship SAXON. Cantata Matthews, will sail from Boston on Wednesday. Jan. 2, at 3 P. M. The line between Philadelphia and Boston is no* composed of the i new >, Captain Baker, 1,483 tons burthen SAXON, Cantata Matthews, 1,250 tons burthen. NORMAN, Captain Crowell. 1,203 tons burthen. These substantial and well appointed steamihl t will sail punctually as advertised and freight will £e received every day, a steamer bernr always on tl l berth to receive targe. Shippers are requerted to send mils of Lading wlu tneir kooub. For freight or passage having superior aecommod*-, tions, apply to HENRY WINBOR it CO. ans 332 Booth Delaware avence TKBODGHJJgOiINK I'OTHSBODT> ilfilYWrift*- AND WEST, PHHtADUXPHIA. RICHMOND AND NOKFOU STEAtoHIP COMPANY, THROUGH RECEIPTS TO NEW SERN. Also, to aU points. In NORTH and 80UTH CABt f‘JSSs^HU%?at,oar<l «nd Boanoke Railroad, and u LYNCHBURG, VA., TENNESSEE, and the WEa7 PETERSBURG AND SOUTHMD? KAILKU AD. The regularity, safety and shortness of this route, u retherwith the moderate rates charged, commend » a the public aa the most desirable medium for carrr ing every description of freight. cari7 No charge for commission, drayage, or any exoen?- of transfer. Steamships Insure at lowest rates, and leave ten larly from the firat wharf above Market street Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE <fe CO., selO 14 North and 14 South Wharves HAVANA 6TEAHBB&. Lma. HEKDBICK HUDSON --Cant. How. STABS AND BTKIP,Ea - ...„.....__...„.._"capt, HslSl Theseßtsam&rewUl leave"’th!a'’port’ft)V HavaD. every other SATURDAY, at 8 A, M. The Bt«imahip HENDRICK HUDSON. Howes master, will sail for Havana on SATURDAY MQE> ING, December 29;h, at 8 o'clock. Passage to Havana $5O. No freight received after Thursday. For freight or passage, apply to THOMAS WATTBON A SONS, HO North Delaware avenos kggffffX N-EW EXPRESS line TO AT.VT jTißfirrJni, AHDEIa, Georgetown and Washlnrtot fkenapeake and Delaware Oania. wish connection at Alexandria, Va., fbrm thomost direct rente fo HieSo *§?*’ B t f ato1 ’ EnoxvlU9 ’ Nashville,Dalton an Steamers leave First Wharf above Mark** atre* 6very Wednewlay and Saturday at 131 L For freight apply to the agents. w. P. CL YDS a. 00.. Cto.: gjggSMSSg YQ-KK.—rflii&aelpnla tsuiai |S^jSCS^nSfESSS«££SSSS Tor freight, which will ‘ * taken on terms, apply to mhlrttf „ , WHi M. BATRD 4 00., NOa 122 South Delaware avenna W BTHAMKR FOR HAT.w —ThT~^- «fcML&W 8 d r , bSll? 0 0 , f d U B ve f^> and red cedar. Apply to E.A. 80UDEB<fc CO., ■ aemt Cock Street Whart MDUCAXIOM «4«TS, IBAVEUIIS WJIDB FENNHYLVAOUA R MTTVnT.Tq BOCTI^ SJSSiirS?'WblteHiven \frtikesbam. StagcSißaiSf Ml point* ta tiw.iMiith ana Wro) .J* street, CJAN 6 sB«!to PSOn ' aDd corner ofßiSks and A2IEBI- BtJMMEB ABBANGEMENT. * trains Depot. Third atreeiTabove Thompson, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: “ ’ tt 1 * ittir Bethlehem ana on Nerth Pcnmaylvanlaßai]. Bethlehem wlthLehlgh Valley vVhevu!S? IKCTB i by S lls . train can’ take OieLehlgh S?i n SH^?’£“ alll Jt :Bethteh o“»t 12.00M.fbrjfiSI - ®“ •BlriEtffio S^“stse°lt e, <Dd Yhrt WMUn »- p«|fint c s a r u^ Do «gi 2^ ■taae atDoyleatown for New Hope. x * BB^D * er> Evenln* Express for Bethlehem and on the North Pennsylvania Bar- R£h J ron £ ectton ** Bethlenem with i*e tot 'Baaton.tMrfifay at q. 15 p Jfint??sSS£!wT- ftr Plalnfieltl, Someryllle andothei New Jersey Central BJEfc. take N. Jo Train atEaston, wtooiiOTivesliiNaw YerkatlOP. j£. Pas- Besets ftr Btunnoytown take stare at North Walea. -Bethlehem and for: SreenviUe a VJ, Grove, Hatboro* and HartsVilie take stage at at Doylestown. ■ ‘ at 5,15 P, 2L—Through Accommodation, tor Beth* Remand oil Btatlons.on main line ofNortiiPeimsy ““bectlng “t Eethlehem’ wlth Lehlg- Wley Evening Train tor Allentown. Mauch Chuhcfc AT e. 15 P; it— Accommodation, lor Lansdale. stor- PlDfstiJlllutcinnedlatestatlona. ! At Hr.M.AoconunodaHon tor Port Washington trains pob phxladelphxSl pl'gve Bethlehem at A 25 A. 2L. and 1125 M,, and All , **“s dlrectoonnectlon with Lehigh Val ley trains from Easton. Wllkesbarre,. MahoneyCity Hasleton, and arrives In Philadelphia at uan p sr * . POssengers leaving WHkeabarre at LISP. 2LJ»nneot £ MOP^M? 111 ** 8-16 H™ aha arrive InPhlladolphls Leavo’Doyleatown at6AOA.2L Al 5 aurtSJOP. V. Leave Lansdale at »AJL Leave Port Washington at 10AO and 2.15 P. V. ON SBNDAYB. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. ; Philadelphia tor Doylestown at 2JOP.U.. : Doylestown tor Philadelphia at 7.20 A, M. BethlehemlorPhlladelphla at4JO P. M.. Plfth and. Sixth Streets Passenger Oarsconv r tan lingers to and from Berks Street Depot. ' White Oars of Second and Third sfreSs Line oonvs passegners to Third Street Sepot, Tickets must beproenred at the Ticket Offlces.THlßx street or BERKS street, In order to secure the lowest Baggage Exprenwm laUtom^Sve: Baggage at the Depot. Office, No. 113 Booth THXBD street. naya fob new YORg.-Th fl oYri. MU4HW un {'DEN AND AMBOY and PUTT.* UM.I-Mls AND TBKNTON TtATT.TtnATi now. PANT’S LIMES, from Philadelphia to New York, anc way places, from WALNUT STREET WHAKP will leave as /■ jtw. At sA. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom., ■|2 2t At SA, if., via Camden and Jersey city Express, s « At 2 P. H., via Camden and AnSooy Express, s or. Camden and Am-11st. c'ass. 22[ bey. Accom and Emigrant, j 2d class l sc At to A. 2L J and 6.00 P.iLPor Mount Holly,Ewana vllle.PemberUm Blrmmgham and vinoentown. and at 6A. M and 6P. M, lor Mount Holly, only. . At 6 A. M anc 4 P.M. for Freehold. At 6 audio A. M. 12 M. 4,5,6, and mo P. 2L, tor Flat House, Palmyra, Blvexton^-Progress, Delancc Beverly, EMgewater, Burlington. Florence. Borden town, Ac. Tne 10 A,2Laud4. P,2L-lines runs direct thro ugh to Trenton. LINES PBOM KENSINGTON DEPOT will IUTi as follows * At II A, M., 4.80,4.45 P. M and 12 P.M. (night) via Kensington and Jersey Cliy Express ... m-- The 6.45 P. M. Line will run dally, All others Bur days excepted. oar At 7 JO and li.ou A. M., 8, SJO, 4J0,6 and 6,45 P. M.. anc 12 Midnight, tor Bristol, Trenton. Ac. At 7.00 aid 1015 A. 11., S. 4 JO. Stud 12 P. M. fo* Bchencks. At 10.15 A. 21.. 3 5 and 12 P. 21, tor Eddington. At 7.30 and 10.15, ■A. M., M, 5,6, and lip. M. toi Cornwella/Torrtsdale, HoimesbniK, Tacony, Bride; - burg and Frankfort, and 8 P. 21. loi Holmasbnri and Intermediate Stations. At 1015 A. M., 8, 4.5 c.B and 12 P.; M. tor Wiaslnom tng. _ ABLVTDEKE DELAWARE RATT.notn tor tin Delaware BlVer Valley, Northern Pennsylvania, arc New York Btatemnd the Great Lakes. Dally (aundav3 excepted! from Kensington DeooE, as follows; At 7JSO A. 21. ior Niagara Pails. Bn (alo, Dunkirk, Canandalgua-Elmira, Ithaca, Owegc Rochester, Blnghampton, Oswego, Syracuse, Gres) Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbane Scranton. Strondsburs, Water Gap. A TJOA.M.and 3.20 P. M. tor Belvldere, fiastoa, Lambertville. Flemi.gton, &C. Thei,3o P 2L Line connects direct wilt me Train leaving Easton fb- Mecrh Chnnk, Allentown, Bethlehem. Ac. AtSP. M.torLambertvUu;anainteriiie<uaieStatlon> Jta-For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken sine ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, abovi Walnut, hair an honr betore departure. The cars run Into the Depot, anu on arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. An additional Ticket Office Is located at No. S2S Chea nmetre&L Continental Hotel, where tickets to New 'korkaudall Important points North and'- be procured. Persons purchasing Tickets at th's Office, can. by leaving orders, have their baggage checked at their >6aldenc&, by Grahau»’a Baerale Express. Fiuy pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passer, jor. Passengers are prohibited from taking anythin u baggage but their wearing appareL All baggage over Sh y pounds to be paid for extra. The Compare limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar nei pound, and will not be liable for any amount be von,-* 8100, except by special contract. LINES FROM NEW YOKE FOB PHXLADELPHLi WIU leave from foot of Cortland street, atlifiL anr * P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and i A. hL, 6 P, M. and is Night via Jersey City and He: tlngton. ' * ■ . From Pier No. IN. Diver,at 6A, M. and 2, 4 p. u via Amboy and namtion. WM, H. QATZMEB, Agent, UEr,TSAL WI&TEB ARRANGEMENT. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Tnirty.flrst and Marketßree a. which la reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Passenger Hallway. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street hallway run within one square of it. _ON SUNDAYS,—-The Market Street Sava Front and Market streets 35 minutes before the de parture of each train. MANN'B BAGGAGE EXPRESS will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at the office. No, sal Chestnut street, will receive attention, XT att B .D,iKp fBI,EA ' Vfi depot, viz,: HAIL TRAIN S.OQ A. w BAOI.I ACCOM,, Nos. 1 £ £ 10. LO A. M.&11.20 P. M FAST LINE* ERIE EXPRESS at 1400 M~' PARKSBUBG TRAIN-. Z.M LOOP il HARRISBURG ACCOM... "it 430 PM LANCASTER ACCOM ZZ jIX 4.00 P M PIT! SBURGH & ERIE MAIL at 900 PM.' PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS at 11.00 p’ M & Erl© Mall leaves dally, except Satur* j Philadelphia Express.leaves dally. All otter trains dally, except Sunday. Passengers by Mail Train goto Williamsport Si o CU ,r cllau l> e of cars, and arrive at Loch Haven at 8,10 P. M, J?afstngers by Man, Train go to Carlisle and Chamberßburg without a change of cars. ■ Sleeping Car Tickets can be bad on applications the Ticket Office, 631 Chestnut Btreet. -• TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ : CINCINNATI KXPKE&S...„ I<W at 12.50 A, M, PHILADELPHIA RYPkRR«i, “ 710 «t ?ißksß^ M TiS^ A .h':±!; A L 1L at & 9 7 i OI'S. 0 I'S. SdgftfiSP™* l ”-- -—a»p^ DAY EXPRESS A6O HABBISBUBG ACS OM 450 •• Philadelphia Express arrives daily, except Monday. Cincinnati Express arrives daily. All other trains dally except Sunday. Passengers leaving Lock Haven at 7.00 A. M-and Williamsport at 8.40 A. M. reach Philadelphia, wlth ont change ot cars, Dram Williamsport, by Day Ex press, P. M. J The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Appa rel. and limit theli responsibility to One Hundred Dol lars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value, will be at the risk of toe owner, unless taken bv special contract. , ' tFor further lr formation, apply to ■JOBh C. ALLENt'Tlcket Agent LSI Chestnut street SAMUEL H. WALLACE i loket Agent at the Depot x, AI L-?, UIaBANT Tbae * runs dally, except Sunday For full particulars as to fare and accommodation, apply to .-FRAXCIv FUNK, 187 Dock treat. 1»,,l PITTSBURGH. OOLUMBCb J ASfp CINCINNATI RAILROAD , THE PAN HANDLE ROUTE WESTWARD, owing to me great distance saved by THIS KOUTn IT I H G A?S-w en ,^. h *ls? al S ne<lloll the carrying of the sonthweS** 0 1116 Ixlololll 01Uea of the West anJ BEING BUT ONE CHANGE OF GABo Skr WEINPm 11 . A TYfET/PTTT A AND CINCINNATI AND BUT TWO TO BYLOUIS. AT PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL A RRTV * IN CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS. CAIRO ANP nrwSp l r.Vwl E RAJN ADVANCE OT ANY Fast line 14t0M. Passengers by this train take ropper at Altooua, can take state-room sleeping cars. Passengers are not subject to change at Pittstmrgh.But iV I *,** : ror 6b to Coshocton, affording an unbroken nigni s rest. Night Express 11 P. M. Passengers can take sleeping cars tnrongh to Clncinna,ti with but one Chang-, this line 5 ou have the advantage of comfort and pleasure: ESi’if c ?.W y *S r ll<lleB traveling alone, .nd familiS with children by this route between Philadelphia a-id all the principal points West and south. purchase ticket* * VIA STEUBEN PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Comer Thirtieth and Market Streets, ' Philadelphia, S. F. SCULL, JOHN H. JOHN DURAND. Gen-1 Ne te?ftl TBiVEUBB EHfUITMS, At Tui AOOOMODATIOffS. =••• -r Honfl. 7 ' ?oA ' M ' f r £ eftdll ««wlaU intermediate Sta- PhuidSphfi^awßfM ll,B “ OOI ’- M " ~K . ■ Moasijsa EXPBESS. yffi £, £ebanoa Valley train'ibr Harrlabnre &c«. at POBT OLINTOSF wth Gatavrissa p«n«»J ha^^wStSS^RS^^ ol * H»ren, Elmlra^Sc^ 0 a? o«s«£cSmbsi»na AJTERiropsr mrramii, ''** *»>P.ltSFleidlnir, Potts nS?l <ftc.i' COBneCHng »qS Colombia RK. trains-foreolambh? &* * _ HEADING AOOO^SoiSnON. Ifcij»nlTea TralnsforHiilaaeiplila leave Harrlslrarrat «ao A. SffifcSffi - «*.*JS?2BSK! HwrlsnnS accom&iotofloil leaves'Beading at “V 4 - 18 p - W-roraiectlng w Eeadujgwith. Accommodation, sonth at fl,sn P vKvv27llS g topEllirtelphla at 9AQ P.M. : ear attached, leave* n opit -for Beading and -all • way BeSdlne U.BO A. M-and Downlnitown of. forPhfladelfelaand all way sfiSnSr^ o^ 11 All top afrgvq.trains, nra daßy. fingdaya frrrMp^, toraiw leave Pottsvllle at 8.00 ATMSvted Philadelphia at 8.15 P. M; leave. Philadelphia: for at 8.00 A. 1L» retaining fruJh ’ OHBSTEB VdjiißY RAILROAD. M^^^jSS rmn,:ftom at 7JOA. NS£WYOEK AND •Leaves New York at 7. BA. M-and 8.00 p « s§isj3*“ Jv^i® 3 “? 1-18 PM. and connect at SSSJJSJ?*™ Pennsylvania, and Northern Central Railroad Expreos Trains for Plttatinreli. Chicago. Wtl- I'amsport, Mmlra, Baltimore, Ac. wu Train leaven Harriatrar* on arnval .of Pennsylvania Express, from indS^A^L ,9.15 P.M.psgaing^adinyat at New York ie A. M.. *• ® ws accompanying these t dSS&.^ e@, er * 6T J**g tralhfor New_Yoric leaves Harrisburg at 2JO p. H. Hall train far .Harrisburg. leaves New York at V woon, sobuylkill valley railroad. Tndna lraye Pottsvllle at 7,1L30 A. H. and 7.15 p. H. jcrfimtag from Tam*/jn» at 7.25 A. M„ and L4O and *.15 Jr* Xa» > SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA mrr.Bnip Trains leave Anburn at 7.60 A. M. for Pinegroveanfl Sarrtebnrg,and at 1.50. P. M. ibr Pinegroveand Tre mont; returning from Harrisburg at Bd»P. tc and from .Tremont at 7.55 A. H. and 535 P. IT, „ _ ■ TICKETS. Throngh flrst-clasa tickets and emigrant to all the principal points In the North and Wot and The following tickets are obtainable only at the osca of B. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 527 SonthFrinrth street or of G. A.Nlcolla, Genera! SaperlnUmd- COMMUTATION TICKETS. fortolSi‘SdiS! m,tOCTWe6a PO^ttlaflred MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for S.OOO miles,between all points, at Krtfin each forflonllieaanSßrmi ' eacn < SEASON TICKETS, Por throe, six, nine or twelve months, for holderi only, to all points at reduced rates. ulae * _ CLERGYMEN Raiding on too line of the Bead wnibe furnished with card*, entitling themselves and wives to al EXCURSION TTCKETB. Prom Philadelphia to principal stations, good tor Saturday, Bnnday and Monday at redneed fire, to be had only at toe Ticket Office at Thirteenth and OaUow! hill streets, FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all too ahnva andWfflow New yreUth ‘ SS« FREIGHT TRAINS. < Philadelphia daily at M., lie noon and J* • %■< lor Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsvllle. Port Clinton, and all points beyond. • • M A l A Close at toe Philadelphia Post Offioe for an places os toe road and Its branches at 5 A.M., and for toecrln. tlpalstations only at 3.15 P.M. epo “ SSi&AWiSM&&EZ*-' PHILADELPHIA. WILMING s®s@BB?riii!|ToN and Baltimore rail BjAD—TIME TABLE—Commencing MONDAY Dec. nth, IS6S. Trains wUI leave Depot, corner of Broad ttree: and Washington avenue, as follows: Express Train, at 4.15 A, M. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stomiLns at Ohmtm Wilmington, Newark, aktonTNoTSS HavroSeGrace. Aberdeen, Verrvman's, Edgewood, Masoolla Chase s and StSmmer’s Rnn Way-mall Train, at a 33 a. m. (Sundays ex oepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regnlar statlonj. SSB§M&£ii^ i &&«' WUmington for E&S8&&- ****** to Express Train at 3.00 P. M. (Sundays excepted), foi Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Cheater Tburlow, Uawood. tttaymont, wnmSgtan, NowaS' I Iktor,. NOrto-EeM Perryvllle. Havre-de Grace! Aberdeen, Perryman’s Eigewood, Magnolia, Chase's and ftemmer’s Bun. * -Night Express at 11. W P.W. (dally) for Baltimore and ws«t. ingtoß. Connects at Wilmington with Delaware RB-llne (Saturday’s excep:ed),st polng at Middleton, fmyrna, lover, Banlsgton, faeatord, Salisbury! Pi lore Anne and connecting at Crisfleld with boat for Noriolk,Portsmouth and the Soath.' Passenger, oy coat from Baltimore for Fortress Monroe, Nortolk. will take -he 11.15 A. M. Train. , wilmington-trains ttopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wil aaington. „l^eave^Phlisdclphlaat 12.30, 4.0 P, (daily) P-M. The too P. M. train connects -with the' Dei ’■tare Railroad for Hilforoand Intermediate stations. The 6.COP.M. Train runs to New Castle. p i Wilmington 7.15 and 85u a. if M 3,00 and 6.8* £rom Baiumore to Philalelphla.-I*ave Baltlmort 7;B A. M., Wayl£ail._B.3s A. M., Express. 1.10 P. M., Express. ka>P.M., Express. BAsP.M„Express. From Baltimore to Havre de-Grace and intermedi ate fet&tions at 4.C0 P.M, - TXalnß tor Baltimore leave Chester at 4.18 and 9,12 A< a.i ftO(18i28 Pi m . inT)^w fo £J§^ I P.? r y eav6 Wllmlngtonrt M 3, and As files ana 4.1 b p. fif* , SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE. Leave Baltimore at A 25 P. M., stopping at Havre de Grace, Perryville and Wilmington. Also stops at Elk ton ana Newark to take passengers for PMUdelnhla ana leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore ana at Chester to leave passengers from Washington or Through tickets to all points West.Sonth and Soath west nay be procurea at ' iCKET OFs-rti*; B’i CHESTNUT STBEET, nr der Continental H<JmT Per sons pnrchss’ng tickets atthis office can have Dacca sre checked at their resldtnce by Graham’s Daggaje rsx press. 2 H* 7* ES3STNRY, Soperlntendem. This great llnetraverees the Northern and North conn ties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on It has been leased and Is operated by the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. " TIMB OF FABSKKSKB TRUtm AT PHILADELPHIA, _ . „ „ . UtarVE EASTWARD. Erie Mall Train........ 7 no A M Erie Express Train S Elmira Mall P M LEAVE WESTWARD. ' Erie Express Train ZZ-Sm Elmira Mall ™ooa! m! Paaaenger cars ran throngh on tne Erie" Mali and chaDEe ' botb wayB ’ be * weeD TORE CONNECTION. T l S?™? ew X or! f at 8 -°° A.M.,arrive at Erie 10 do A. M J'fave New York at 5 to p M.; arrive at Erie 7.15 P.M ijsaveErieat s:SoP.M.,arrive at New York 4,40 P. to heave Erie at 9.10 A. M ; arrive at New York 10.10 P M Elegant Sleeping Oars on all Night Trains “ “ iDtormationrjßPecUnc passenger Dual ness apply delphla THIRTIETH and MARKET streets. pfflS- Acd ior Freight business of the Company’s Agents: st?rem,Ph n iffi , phiaV COrQer Tblrteel ‘ th “ a «"*>» J. w. Reynolds, Ekie. Wm. Brown, Agent, N. a B. 8., Baltimore. , _ , H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. , _ H. w General TlcketAgent^PMladeiphla. \ General Superintendent, Erl 6. AND PHIL*- DKLPHIA railroad, via _ WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, Avmiea‘^sfo“^ AYI ° ct - I6U> ’ ** _ _ WEST CHESTER TRAINS. forWeat Cheater, from Depot ™“&Sd 6 a .?s d PM. ket Btr6et ' M ° Igive West chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on a^S.'i rk ? t "treet 8.00. 10.45 A. M.. LSS,£BfP.S Trains leaving West Chester at 8 00 A.M. and letrelM Philadelphia nt 4.46 P.M., will not stop at Panneltm? and will stop below 80. Junction at MediaorOy. ' _ —a ,1 pknnebton trains. forPennelton 4.15 and 1110 p. M. Leave Penneltnn for PbQadelDhla 8 47 a M. 7.35 p.w TheaeTralna atop at aU Intermediate Stations. “* andiKi^P^Mf^ at B.SO A. M. Leave West Chester 7.85 A. M and 4.00 P M ®K? D4Ts^, Tlie West Phlladelbhla Passenger ears wil leave Eleventh and Market streets, lialf-p a "Wojathe Train leaves me depot, iS wiSutaTve tofftheclty 8 arrva! ot eaßll traln *° convey passengers Trains leavtorHillndemhla at 7.68 A.M. and 4.45 P M, t and leaving W«(t Chester at B.*o A* M» and 4JSO P. 5-9‘ JpßCtion with Trains on theP. and B. tor Oxford and Intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel Company will not, in any .ftspoßSlole fbr an amotmt exceeding one hnn ilSSL doslft *SSScWJ 1 codttect Is made tor the CMB9' HSNRY WOOD* General Saperlntendenl XB&fEuse esioe. jfefagßaß3B»n . PHI-LA.DICLP.HXA.. GitRTTv IE: and aftS THUB3- r • «' ai5f%?4,6, B 3i e sV’u^i^.S; 12 . A "? ts *• 2 ‘ Leave German town-6,7. 7«. 8 8.205> tnti i? i ir. 1, i t,4, 4%. 6,««. 7,8, 9,i0, uW 10,Ul •• beB 2u,dpw n .nato. and the 3% and BK no trains will not t top on the Germantown Bran oh * p _ _ ON BDNDAYB. ‘ X 0§ e p. V M Phlla<seI ® Il^ i-S ‘ 15 mlnWes ■*■ **•! *• 7, and Leave Germantown-815 A. H.; i, 6. and 9Xf p w _CHBBTNTjT-BILL Rli,ttOAD. ‘“* a^du 7 p F U^ > ai ‘ bl ‘ i ~ 6 ' Bl 10 - 14 A- M.; 2,3«, SX, 7,9 . ? VP ichestnnt-Hlll- 7.10 minutes. 8,9.40, and 1141 H A. M.; 1.40,3,40,5.4016.40,540 and 10.40 P. M. : ™ r SUNDAYS p M^ 6 Philadelphia— mlnnte3 A. M.; 2 and 7 leave Chestnut Hlll-7.50 minutes A. M.; 12.40 5 40 , and 9.25 minutes P.M. ' FOB CONSHOHOCKEN AND NOBRISTOWN. 618 - 35 ’ u - 06 - A - M ' : «■». a^ 1 ?!*! g orrlatoTC n-5.40.7,7.50,9,11 A.M.; lJi, 4«, 6i£ Tief-lP SI. train will atop at Falls, School lane, Wlssahlcken, Manayunk, spring Mllla and Consho nocken only. . ' >• _ ONPUFDAYS. Leave Pbiladelpiiia-9 a. M,; 2>i and 6 45 P.M. Leave Eoiristown-7 A. M., o and p.-M. • - ' FOEMaNaYUNK. sSftoiSo'fi^ir 6 ' *- 3s - w* * «. *■«, vs. 6fflS“ k - 61P ' % B ' 20 ' % UJ4A.M.; 2,5. T ON SUNDAYS. lAavePhUadelphla-9 a-M.72^and 6.45 P.M. LeayeManwniit—7H A M, s% mid 9 P. M.. ■ W. S. WILSON, GenerHl riupezinccnUe>’t, nQ t . . i Depot, Ninth and Green streets. ftitPffßfjffiHß PHTIIADBEPHI&' & BALTI MOHS ‘ OENTKAIf . WJNTKB. AKKA^BTgM^fd‘i»< r^n‘w-:.A ; MT> .AFTER •«• OcU 15.1866/ the Train* wfif PhHa-• ; *n« IcfeveOrfordat3.2s p.a£;“ r n? • * : A Market Train with Passenger -Car attached, wfli ijja on J%%Band Fridays. sSa .at H. 15 A, M*7”fc>xford at 12.00 M,, and Kehnettas h©o fejfn at West Chester Junction with a - Sgh^?oJtaI e FhUadelpbla At M., xnn Philadelphia at 4.45 ranato Blaine ™ e ' to take Wearing Apparel the Company will notmany SSIi&uSSKJr *n amount exceeding one hut. dred dollars. unless a special contrast bemade forth* same mhlß T»KNRY wooriTagSi.; BtS/t?■.. l>kxtßrm-rßa _ WEST_ JERSEY' ‘BAItBOAD ■®®sSPe23Bssf LINES, from foot of Market street wer Ferry, commencing MONDAY, September 24, Tw,J‘i^^. PH f L , A - D - f £ I,PHT - 4 - AS FOLLOW® For Bridgeton, Salem, Millville, and all In term Pd latA ““tons. at 3 A -fe- Mall. 3.30 PmT Paien|™ “ For Weodbnry BA. M., 330 P. M., and 6F. hL For CapeMayat33oP. M. _ BETOBNXNG TRAINS LEAVE Woodbury at 7.15 A, M., 3 40 A. M„ and4JH F M. at 7,05 A, M. and 3.20 P. M. Freight 6.30 |al p “ ?t6SOA.M. and3O5P.M. Freight 5:45 pM. Millville at 6.65 A. M. and 3.08 P. M. freight*6oo p ™<* “ d »t. . yt T will be received at Second Covered S£SS? elow , W ; l l nt at »eet, from 7A. M. antiURM, before 9 A. M. will go forward the WABE No - 228 80OTH: dela. J. VAN •sS?,l r^?^‘rEßS^ Y EXPBESS COMPANY will « , tte osttal branches of express business. m 9 a Messenger accomp.nles each thronch train Office foot of Market stref t, Phlladelpiilia ns “ train, seat-tg j. s. MABSLEY, General Agent B R A A Y bI^S.B 4 oi D D sWfz&i yii *nd l3;n, 1866 trains will rna as Z°J ? W Z tTO J* Camden, opposite Vine Btreet Ferry daily. Sundays excepted. Way Freight fo- all Stations. nvA l iKTvn Tb l 00 ft freight forKew York. ■»SS7¥? N^ G r^ rf, . i^ht b ,Ht leaves pier 32 North Elver. Sew York, dally, Sunday excepted, as 5 P. M. Phll*delphia *-arly nextmoraing. * Frefght revived in PhUadelpnia at tha Companv’a Wareboose. 220 horth t»elaware avenue, hiUil 5 P. M.. York early next morning. * The 9A. W. train from Phllad elphia and the 11 A. M. train from New York are discon tinned. 8. C. HTJBTY, General Freight Agent, WM.N. CLAYTON,Snp ß mtfnd?nt N ‘ T ‘ : B. H. CHIPMAN. Agent® 11 Bant > Y - Qelst * 320 North Delaware Avenue. fhWgHrrm "n R A BITAN AND DELAWARE RAIhROAD.-On and after lstb. 1866 th'' 11 A M. ilx press Trafrr from New York, aud 9 A. M. Exnresa jlsconflnned. dell-tf} a£EaM©iiJU. DR. J. S. ROSE’S ALTERATIVE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. «.* «?iw i?? ve COIT ?P t i di aonlered or vitiated blood,yon ltirm y atpearaa pimples, aoresr or aa some active disease, or it may only make yon feel if^t 8 * 0 * but y° Q cannothave good health 13 Vt. Rose’s Alwratlve rS Ss° 1 v ore^n tb t^ e I S t , r ,tia, ’ an<ll3tiere “ 8d y -m It is nneqnaled for the care'of all diseases of tha t\ a ’ ta b«rc u iar consampuon. andallernp lions of the skin. Pilcefl. sole agents. _ DYOTT&CO., 232 North Becond street. wm m ,= I>R DYOTTB ITCH ointmbnt WUI cme every form of itch, and is superior to anv dthtr remedy for the core of that disagreeable and JSmt eEtlrlB complaint. Price, 25 eta went per mall 40 cea “’ DYOTT & 09.. 232 North Becond Street. DB. J S. BOSE’S EXPECTORANT, Forthecnre 0 i conmmption, conghs, colds, asthma SSaofSnp! 1 * 1 ” 8 ° f bl °' d ’ bronchlo « This syrup havin. stood the test of many yens’ ex. penence as a remedy tor irritation ormflamtoauon of the luigs, throat or bronchia, Is acknowledged by Ml to bea lemedy snperlor to any other Sown y°" od used tor the relief and cure of congbs and con* sumption. Price,! 1. Sole agents, DYOTT & CO Bel *6m. 232 NorU d a cond Street, superior amcle fbr Teeth, .destroying the gums, and leav tS o ?f frasrance and perfect. deanllnesa to the mouth. It may be used dally, and will be found U> strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while tha deteraiveness will recommend it tj every with the aantafance of tha * filicroßcopist, it is confidently us aRBLTARTiE substitute--tor the uncertain WMheß formerly in vogue. of fvSHwNsfe acquainted with the constituents 2«i6fv£ E ? T ' AIIIJNA ; advocate its use: it contains. MademUyby Pre7ent 118 1111166 tralne<l employment.,. JAMES T. SHINN. Apothecary, -For sale by Druggists gea™^ D. L. Stackhonca r i n Ea ?if : Co " Roberta Davis, 9’, Geo M. Bower, IsmcH. Kay,, Charles Shivers,. T jI- JkMcCollln, Ambrose Smfth, fSSSSSFSSk James D- Bispham, DvmtZco 1 ” Hughes <6 Ccombe, HI C. Blair’s Sons Henry A. Bower. Wveto K, 60118 ' ETABm^i'fi^ht? IJ£- ? O:DGSON,a Bronchiai or cnr 6 Of coughs, COlda bnarflo hvKLS,“ud Btieem: FmSte gener2^ 0n ’ E ° Ua ' vay * Oowden, Ld - Dre|gw| -B R d!w B T>RnS? AND PULMONIC «vf^ I K? Fl l'/ t i r^9ollii!hs _9 :ld an Diseases of tha and Bronchial Tuoes. This invaluable nrotSu everyhousehold. Public Speakers, Slnxera. a Wea celebrity, snh hS^£ D knoOT r^ e m °u\ chstinale and almost aopeleas 6tren Sthenlng and soothing C^.®^lr®roTer^r I 1 f r S D r . d Da“Son f^uS wait on patleuia at their resioencta. PESSF«SOSir&„ wamm ■ ' .are:the[best.. \ .WiWgjppvyßM VAN DEUSEN, BOEH MAN & CO.,’ Chestout Street, Agee ts for Philadelphia, now-im]
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