From our Fourth tomon oHesterday DABIEG BOED BOBBERY. Over One Hundred Thousand Dollars in Bonds and Stocks Stolen. The Act Committed in Daylight Escape ot the Perpetrators We have to record another of those bold, adroit and successful bond robberies whicu have marked the last few months in tin Eastern cities. It is the first of the char acter which has taken plaoe in Philadel phia for some time, and it ought to be tie last. Tbe’circumstances are as follows, as we learn them in the first flash of the discovery of the robbery: About 12i/o'clock to-day two persons, dressed in a gentlemanly manner, entered the office of Mr. C. P. Bayard, stockbroker, No., 209 Chestnut street. The office'at the (ime wasin charge of Mr. J. Bayard, a venerable gentleman, hither, we believe, of Mr. C. P. Bayard. No one else was in the place. The fire-proof door was open, and the safe within it was also open. On the entrance of the two strangers, they asked for Mr. C. P. Bayard, and made quite a number of inquiries as to what kind of stocks he dealt in. Mr. Bayard senior answered their; questions corteously, and apparently to their satisfaction. While thus engaged, standing up talking to strangers Nos. 1 and 2, stranger No. 3 made; his and inquired of Mr. Bayard, where he [could get a hill of ex change. Mr. Bayard informed stranger No. 3 that he conld get one at Browns & Bowen’s, next door above. Stranger No. 3 then disap peared, and shortly afterwards strangers Nos. I and 2 also left the premises in the quietest and most gentlemany manner. More than an hour elapsed before the rob bery was discovered, and an attempt was made to discover the amount of the loss. The following Government coupon bonds are known to have been taken: $l,OOO [bond, Aug., U. S. 7-30’s, No. 90,454 $5OO “ “ 5-20’s,-’62, 20,222 $5OO “ “ “ 14034 $5OO “ << " 20,218 $5OO “ “ “ 20,219 $lOO “ “ “ 9,532 $lOO “ “ “ 3898 $5OO- “ “ “ 1,942 $1 000 U. S. 6s, 1881, 85,279 $5OO “ “ 39,838 $l,OOO U. S. Bonds, Feb. 8,1861, No. 2,tor 500 “ “ July 17,1861, No. 2,311, 500 “ “ Aug. 5, 1861, No. 2 312 1,000 “ “ Aug. 5, 1861, No 35.646 $l,OOO bonds Philadelphia and Erie R. R -6’s, No. 222. 66 shares Western Union Telegraph Co., to the order of J. F. Young & Co„ No. 9,854 ._ In addition to the above there were at least $lOO,OOO in local stocks and bonds, in elndiDg city secnrities, city railway shares, Ac., belonging to a numDer of persons. The bonds, &c., were all in a tin box, and the robbers made a clean sweep by carrying off the box and all its contents. BY T BLEQBAPH. From Cincinnati. (To the U. S. Associated Press.] Cincinnati, Dec. 27.—Thire was conside rable excitement at Lebanon, Ohio, jester •day, occasioned by an attempted conspiracy to defraud a Life Insurance Company. A man named McFadden arrived at the house of Frank Richardson, near Lebanon, on the night of the twenty-fourth, and it was given cut the next day that he had died of cholera, and the coffin, supposed to contain the remains, was sent to Eaton, Ohio, and interred at midnight. Suspicions of foul play being aroused, •Officers were sent from Lebanon, who ex amined the grave and found the coffin con tained broom com seed. McFadden’s whereabouts are not known. Dr. Richardson, agent for the Life Insu rance Company at Eaton, Frank Richard son and B. M. Batchelder, and parties im plicated have been arrested. Loss of Life. fTo the New York Associated Press.] Quebec, Dec. 27.—A canoe in attempting to cross the river, opposite this city last evening, was struck by a squall and upset, causing the loss, of three passengers who were drowned. m - Financial and Commercial. LBy the U. S. Associated Press.] New Sobk, Deo. 27.—Cotton dull at 33@ "34ic. Flour market s@loo. better, with more doing; sales of 1,200 bbls., superfine State and Western at $8 40@$10 10; Com mon to choice extra Western §9 50@§13 50; do. State, §lO 40@§12 00; Roundhoop Ohio. §ll 00@§12 10; Trade brands,§l2 15@§13 50. The market closing steady. Southern flour is a shade firmer; sales of 450 bbls., of com mon at §ll 10@§13 30; Fancy and extra, §l3 40@§16 50. Rye flour- quiet: sales of 200 barrels at §6 50@§7 75. Corn Meal is dull; sales of 300 bbls. at §5 00 for Jersey and §5 25 for Brandywine. Wheat is rather more steady; salea of 22,700 bushels at §2 84 for No. 2 Milwaukee, and §2 15 fjr mixed Milwaukee. Rye quiet and heavy. Barley dull and drooping. Corn dull and declining; sales of 7,100 bushels at §1 13 fir mixed Western in store,' and 7,000 white Southern at §1 13 afloat. Oats dull and heavy; salea of 17,000 bushels at 62@65 Chicago and Milwaukee at 67@69; for Slate, and 661 c. for Jersey. Whisky quiet and nominal. Provisions Pork firm*-/; sales of 4,600 bbls. at §2oa§2oJ for new mess; §lB 62n§!9 for old; do. closing at §l9 cash, and §l7asl7 50 for prime. Beef dull and heavy; sales of 400 bbls. Bsef bams are firmer; sales of 280 bbls. at §3O e §35. Dressed hogs are firmer; sales at §7 75 a§B for Western, and §Ba§B 50 for city. Cut meats are heavy; 130 okgs. sold at s9l§lo fur shoulders, and §los§l2 for hams. Bacon 1* quiet. Lard dull; sales of 450 bbls. at §ll@ §l2 50 for old and new. Butter'and Cheese are quiet but steady. The money market is steady. Sterling Exchange is unchanged. Freights dull to Glasgow per steamer. 14,000 bushels Corn and Peas at 21 pence. New York, Deo. 27, Noon;—Stocks opened lower and closed higher. Money active on call; 6a7 par cent. Sterling Ex. v 109 J. .Rock Island, lo2l; Mich. Southern,B2;! 111. Central scrip, 1163; Pittsburgh, 861; North western, 43J; do Pref., 80; Toledo, 124; PrairieduChien, 63; Wabash,4l; Ft. Wayne. 106; New- York & New Haven, 115: Terre Hante, 391; Milwaukee & St. Paul pref., 67; Michigan Central, 107; Reading, 105; Hud son 1191; Erie R R., 661; preferred, 82’ New York Central, 1081; Paoifiio Mail, 162; Atlantic Steamship, 1051; Quicksilver, 431; IHE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA. FBIdAY, DBGEMBEB2B,IBoB Gold opened at 1314, and closed at-132; Illi nois Bonds, 105; Michigan S 'Uib“rn B inds Us|; Cleveland arid Toiedo, 100;. Morris-and Esses, Ist, 96J; Detroit, Missouri add 'Tole do Bonds, 90; Western Union Telegraph, 44J; Mariposa Prefeired, 304; United States Sisee, 1881 coupons; 110; do.Five-Twentiea coupons, 1862,-1051; do 1865, new issue, 1071; do, 1865. 1044; United States Ten-Forties. Registered, 99; do. coupons,. 99; Treasury 7 3-108, 1044; Tennessee 6a, 692; New. North Carolina. 51; New Erie, Ist, 102; Erie, 3d,96. Nkw.Yokk, Dec. 27.—Coiton dull at 33a 344 c. The Flour market is SalOo. better, with more doing; sales of 1,200 bbls. of su per State and Western at $8 40al0 TO for common ;to choice; extra .Western, §9 50 1 13 50j.ditto State, $lO 40a12; , Round Hojp Ohio, sllal2 10; trade brands, $l2 15a13 50 —the market closing steady. Southern Flour is a shade firmer; sales of 450 bbls ; common, $ll 10al3 30. ' i, I Buffalo, Dec. 27.—Flour quiet; No. 1 Spring at $ll 60.. Wheat firm and quiet; No 2 Milwaukee Spring car lots sola at $2 35; Amber Canada, $2 60a$2 70; White Canada at $2 65a52 85. Corn nominal at $l. Oats 55c. Barley. $1 03b$1 05. Rye . slasl 10 Peas $1 25. - Pork $2O 50. Lard 130. Dressed hogs 100 averaged jveight 200 lbs. at 8 cents. LTo Uie N. Y. AMoclatefl PresaJ NewToek, Dec. 27.—Railroads opened weak bpt dosed with a better feeling, and after the . Board the market rallied. Go vernments, were: lower owing to the-con tinued presshre to sell. Exchange dull and unchanged; at the Second Board the market was strong. New York Central, 109|; Erie, 665; Hudson R.R., 120 J; Heading,; 1051; Gold, 1321. . *»m M Philadelphia steek Beard. (SALES ASTER FERBTBOABD. ISOOO Ctty_6a new CAP 9934(209 ah Cataw pf 2934 , 40ttlISTrea»7 8-liiß ' -800 sh Beading B s£o 5234 Notes June 101 , 100 ah do 523; 9000 PaßJstmges 10254 lOOsh do Mon’y 525; 2500U55-208 ’65 cob IWX lOOsh do cash 62>i BCO do ’65 reg 10134 900 ah do 52)4 IOuOO ao ’64 reg 10154 ?ooah do alo 52s 100 ah Big Mountain 290 ah do a3O 525> Coed 630 13-16 SECOND BOABD. . tioooo Fennaßl mlg 102541100 ah Catawlssa pf 830 2954 100 ah Beading B 6234 100 ah do 2da 2954 SOOsh- do 880 52511 Bolletln. LIVERPOOL—-Ship l&land Home Uswell—3 caska mdse Wo M Wilson; 10 ‘do French, Richards * Co: 2 pkgs do John Fallows; 74 crates ethwAßburyAYoaug: 181 bales rags Jessup * Moore: 80 casks malt liquor S Morris Wain* Co; 124 cs steel Walter 8w »ft; &> £rates etbw SB Pierce, son* So; lOdo Wm G Pierce: 19 do E&J Willets & Co: 105 caßks soda ash C W Church man & Son; 68 do Yarnall & Trimble; 3150 gacka com mon salt Wm Eumm * Son; 640 rails 650 casks and Lea chemicals order. | iMJRaGOANE—Brig Ida it Comery, McLellan—4o4 tonß logwood Thcs Wattson * hons. bT. JOHN NB.—Brig Crmbrldge. Smith—sB.2s2 fett Eontling 397,590 bed alats order. OBLBILLA—Brig Iza, Williams—29o tons ot guano Bar er* Folsom. CORNWALLIS NS.—SchrG R C, Gates-3000 bushs potatoes C C Horn. BOSTON—Steamship Roman, Captain Baker—6s pkgs castgs W A Arnold; 14 trusses hags J T Bailey <fc 00; £0 pkgs dry goods G Brew er & Co; 20 cs tubes M \v Baldwin & Co; 25 bbls rum Fred Brown; is boxes iiik Bryson & Son: 6 cs shoes Clafiin & Partridge; 29 dry goods Coffin & Altemus; 24 ba es 15 cases do B w Chase*Son; 10 bbls ill 8 B Crawfoid&Co; 23 bdi* paper a M Collii s; 75 sticks box wood H Carlisle; 5 ra Foster* Ben uett; 15 cases dry goods Froihlngham * Well*; 45cks palm oil CH Chant* co; 34 collsr pe a H Henkel *»cn; 119csforimure-etocfc 30 cdlsSboxes chr sleek Kilburn & Gates; 12 pkgs spring beds O Ai Beicher; 4 baleß dry gcoos A H Love; dc. &c. Anwai aau pamn^oi^ocean Steamers asoy* TBQM poj* t . n of ? aW!D York,. w .«. w .j)ec, 8 —* ~vDohdon...New York .Dec! 8 Palmyra .Liverpool... New York —.....Dec it Bpgland. Liverpool... New York Dec 12 AUemanla.—..bonthampton...New York „„iw ».* rs?3!tr^?? Uan 4* , V: , ‘f dVerpool *" f * oril&n(i Dec! 33 Qty ofLlmerlck^Liverpool—New Y0rk....—.... Dec i» Fulton - .Havre...New York. JDec. m Helvetia....— .New York... Liverpool - .Dec. *» Whirlwind Phlladelph —Deezs* Louisiana. .New York...LlverpooL....— Dec. 2* St. LauretNew York..*Havre .—Dec *iy Dentchland——New York... Bremen...—. Dec *^ Hendrick Hudson..Pbilada...Havana * j>ec. Wm Penn.—.—.. New Yerk...L0nd0n...........!!!!!. nec. 2» Fnng Shney. .New York... New Orleans —Dee. *N Geowasbington.New York...Ne* Orleans Dec. 29 Columbia New York...*, laegow..— .. .Dec^o Ocean Queen.—. New York...AsplnwalL i-ec. iii Atalanta— ...New York...Loudon Dec 31 00r51ca,..—......JNew York..J3a«saDd!!Hav , a....Dec. si Java..— —Boa ton... Liverpool-.. -lan. •> WtvofLimerlck-New York-Llverpoot!;.-.. ! J?n * Palmyra. .New York... Liverpool —Jan. 2 ....New York... Ha van a— Jan. 3 CltyofCork New Y'ork...Llverpool— .Jan 5 AHemanla—..NewYork..Hamburg —.Jan. 5 City of 805t0n...-New York..Xlrerpool—........Jan 5 England New York... Liverpool - Jan 5 Australasian...... New Y0rk..Liverp001.........-Jan 9 Eag1e.......... —New York..JHavana Jan! lo Pennsylvania ...New York... Liverpool. - Jan. 1* Sanaa... New York.. Bremen ...Jan 1* Atalanta —New York..Londom... Jan 19 Perelre— New York..Havre Jan. 12 GEORGE 1 144Llt!j BEOBM *TATH AM. r MOMTmT OOMMITTB,, POST py PHILADELPHIA sun Biots, 724 I buy Sets, 4 40|BieH WatbeY? 51 _. f .AbRIVUB > Kk , lKdfU.A\ ' * owfv? p Maud Home <Br).I»lswell. from Liverpool Oct 27th, with rodse to John R Penrose. Steamer Roman, Baker, 44 hours from Boston. wlil mose and passengers to Henry Wlnsor <fc Co. Brig Ida MComery. McLelian, 17 days from Mira goane, with logwood to Thos Wattson <fc *odb. Brig ]», williams, 21 days from Orcbilla,with guano to EakerA Fo?scm Brig Cambridge (Br>. Smith, 12 days from St John, 88. with lumber to captain. 1 10 da y® from Calais, with lumber to E A Bonder & Co. Schr RGC (Br), Oates, 15 days from Cornwallis. N 3 with pots toes to CC Van Horn. Bcbr Hope Smith, 1 dayfrom Salem, NJ. with grain to las L Bewley *Co. Schr Emma Bacon Case,from Baltimore for Boston with coal- put in id disttess. 21th inst. daring a heavy sale and ten iflc sea rnonlDg. struck pn wmter Qnar ter Pheai, causing the vessel to le«t badly; BtoveOoat lost binnacle, and everything moveable on decs: the ?. re '^ h f‘ TIDK ieihsed duty, was compeUed to put into the Delaware break water, tbence 10 Philadelphia for repairs. The EB is consiened to Atkins * Hushes AT WILMINGTON. Del. 5 Schr Lena Home, Appleby, from Windsor, N 3. with plaster to E A Sonder & Co CLEARED YESTERDAY Steßmer Bosphorus (Br), Alexander, Liverpool, A B McHenry* Co. * 1 Brig Kate Stewart, Paddock, Bio Janeiro, E A Sonde, * Co. , Steamer H L Gaw. Her. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. „ MEMORANDA Steamer Tonawanda, Jennings, hence at Savannah yesterday. Steaner Virginia, Stone, Bleared at New York ye. tPTday fer this port. ' * Ship Equator. Krohn, hence at Antwerp 10th Inst. bhlpOtcar L Overgaard. for this port, was m the river, J iveipool, llth tnat.bound out. Ship Pacific Foss, henre at Antwerp llth Inst. bhip rclar 6iar, West, cleared at Boston 26th Inst for this port. Bark August (Pibs), Callas, hence at Stettin loti, instant. Bark Jacob Bat fie Id, Blauvelt, hence In the Antwerp, llth Inst BrJg John Cbrystal, Barnes, hence, remained a Idataczas 9th Inst. Brigs Sarafi Eden. McTaugblln. and Zephyr fßr Mcc-uiirugb, hence-t Antwerp nth Inst. Brig V> m Haley, Bailed lrom Key West 19 i. li st, tor Pensacola. BrigFaßDy Foulke, Townsend, hence, was dlscb’g a>Key West 19th Inst. * Schr ertie Garwood, Godfrey, at Cardenas 17tb lnsi. from Mobile. Schr B B Shannon. DUz, at New York 26thinstan‘ from Wilmington. Del. SchisAmoB Falkenburg, TlrreU, hence for Provi dence, ana Mail, Merrill, qo lor Bridgeport, at N fork FOBS. FURh JOSEPH ROSENBAUM & CO. Offer tr elr eplend’d assortmentof fresh and well mac Furs at Use xnoBi '7e&°onab e prices. Also oarrim Robes Glor+A, Lsdie*’ Hoods, *to. Plea give us *» call. Store, 416 ARCH Street, above Fouru *outh side P. S.—Jußtfiuished another lot or these vary fine rt suable Mink e>anie Furs; a so, bes . Siberian Squlrr* ChiLcbilU, Bo’al EnolDe, cnoict&t German jftcrn Cblidr* d s Furs. Trimmii-gs, etc. fgUNo baslnees tran&acud on Saturdays. del3-lru* SIMON GOTLAND, UHDER7 AKJE, No. 35 Sontb Thirteenth Street. Interments made in all the Cemeteries : dell 3m} 0EOB&B PLOWMAJSI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. S3B QARTSiB STBES 1 } And 1U Doan ST3SEET KdChlnt Work end StUlwilUng promptly attend*: lyit-tpl 1829~° IF’ifcA.lVKlAtPf FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OB PHILADBIiBRfI «a Assets ob January 1.1866. 9O, t Premlnma. —1! UNSETTLED CLAIMS, < INCOME FOB Uhl 111,487 68. *BlO,OOO, Losses Paid Since 1829 Over 05,000,000, FnrpetnjJ Mia 1 emponury Folldep on ÜbcralTareu CIBFCrOBS, OhM, NBunoher, Eawwa O. DM,, Tophus Wmsner, GeorgeF*le«, Samuel Brant, Alfred Filler, . Seo. W. Blchmrdi, Fras.W. Lewl»,M. D. ißaacLea, Peter McCall. CIHART.EB N. • ... EDWABDO. D AiE, Vice Brfflildent. JAB, W, McAl,TjTB , i i luu. Secretary pro tern, tstlt TNBUBANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AatHßinfl A—MABINE, >TR» AND INLAND TBANKFO? TATION INStIRANOEi” . WALNUT ItTMt, (OUth aaU 0! . The Fropertte, of thli Company ar, welt lnrsnec and fornlah an available fond for the ample Indemnity TBANBFOBTATION BISKB on V» chandlae per BallroadA Oanali and Bteamboata. FIBE RfßEßon Merehanisi. yprpltnra and 8011, Inga In City and County. . raOOBFOBATED IN 17*4—CAPITAL, 15C0.000. An rAXS IB AND BBOPBELT INvES'Brt TOTAL PBOFKBTIEB, PEBFET?IiL'cKABTEB. Awiint q, Oojfin, I JohnMa»on,V gsas^r- SSSS^S&: William Welsh, wmiam dnmmlng, Blchard D. Wood, T. Charlton Henry. a Morrli Wain _ Alfred D. Jeeaup. 4 Froldant, tnr* anna Fuatt, secretary, PBO VXD ENT LIFE Am TRUST COMPANY OF PFTTT.AT ELPHIA, NO. 11l South FOURTH Street. INCORPORATED 3d MONTH, 22d. 18*5. CAPITAL *150.000. PAID iN. Insurance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums: or by 5.1 or 20-year premiums. Non-fbrfelture. Encowments, payatleatafntureage,oron prior de cease, by Yearly Premiums, or 10-year premlums both cases Non forfeiture Annuli lea granted on favorable terms. Term Policies. Children’s Endowments. This Company, while glvlngthe Insured the security of a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Proflta o; the Li/e business among its Policy holders. Moneys received at Interest, and paid on demand. Authorized by charter to execute Trusts, and to act os Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian and Ln other fiduciary capacities under appointment oi any Court of this Commonwealth or of any penoi or persons, or bodies politic or corporate. DIRECTORS. Samuel R. Shipley, Richard Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacfcer, Henry Haines, Joßhna H. Morris, T. Wlatar Brown, Richard Wood, , Wm. a Loagatreth, „ Charles F. Coffin SAMUEL B. SHIPLEY, ROWLAND FABRY,- President Acluarj THOMAS WIBTAJt MD„ J. B. TOWNSEND,} Medical Examiner. legal Advise; Igl PIKE ASSOOIATION. > Incorporated March 27. issa F A OFPICE, No. 84 N. FIFTH street li screBPtLDINOa, HOPBEHOLD FLE 'V a vt" and MERCHANDISE gene) ally, from Losa by Plre, (In the City r Philadelphia only.) STATEMENT of the Assets of Urn AssodaUo Jannary 1,1888. Bonds and Mortgages on property in the City of Philadelphia ycw.aai j Ground Bents. 80,848 > Beal Estate (Office No 84 North Fifth street) 14,898 1 U. S. Government 5-20 Rond, 45,0a0 o U. 8. Treasury Notes. 8,849 o Oty Warrants..... ,48 0 Cash on hand t 7,48 «■ Total *951,419 1 GEORGE WM. H, HAMILTON i JOSEPH B. LYNDALI JOHN BOUDKB. LEVI P. COATS. PETEB A. KEYSKR, SAMUEL SPAKHAWE JOHN PHILBIN, CHARLES P. BOWES. JOHN CARBOW. JESSE LIGHT FOOT GEORGE I. YOUNG, I ROBERT SHOEMAKER WM. T.BPTLEB. Secretary. UTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 01 PHIT. A DET.PTTT A. OFFICE, NO. 6 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ASSETS, Caleb Clothier, Benjamin Malone, Thomas Mather, T. Ellwood Chapman, Simeon Matlack, Aaron W. 6asklll, - Lzcembeb 28. THOMAS MATHER. T. ELLWOOD CHAP! Fijehlx usbuhahc* oompahy 0» PFtri.■ INCOSPOKATKB 1804—CHABTEB PKHPETDA HO. 224 WALNUT Street, opposite the Bxchanea, Id addition to MARINE andINLAHD IHBURjCH C -tils Oompany Insures from loss or damage by im» m liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, ntrnltnr. Ac., for limited periods, ana permanently on imniiie; lydeposlt of premlnm. The Oompsay hss been In active operation for mn> than sryTV YEARS, during which all loots b.v bean promptly adjusted and paid. DEREOTOBa John L. Hodga, David Lewis, H. B, Mahony Benjamin Htslns, lolm T. Lewis, Thomas H. Powsis WllHam a Grant, A. a McHenry, 3obert W.Leamlng. Bdmond Castillos, D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. lAwrenca Lewis, Jr Louis O. Horris. JOHH a wUOHHBHR FrsaUaas auiusi WrLOQX, Becretary, COBB 3? pm ICE ■ EXCLUBIVJKLY. IB.* .VANIA FERE INSHBANCni 001 PANT—lncorporated 1835—Charter Perpetual—K no WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Baiun. This Company, fiToramy known to the oonunnnh (or oyer forty yean, continues to Insnn against Ity: >r damage by fire, on Fnbllo or Prlyele Ttniidin •ilther permanently or fbr a limited time. AleoTc stunlturoßtocks cfSoodi and Merchandise general m liberal terms. . Their Capital, together with a large Banins Want hyested In the moat carefal manner, which enablt ihem to offer to the insnred an nndonhtad iscnrlty 1 he case of loss. . nmwrmib,. Daniel Smith, Jr„ John Dererenx, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Haalehnrst, Henry Lewis, Thomas Boblns, J. Gillingham Fall, Daniel Haddock. Jr. DANIEL SMITH, Jr„ President William e. Cbowwll. secretary. 4 MKRICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE mMTm> a. —Office Farqnhar Bnlldlna. No. II >v>njb> street. MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCES, 'two taken on vessels, cargoes and freights to all par, el the world, and on goods on inland transportation!: Ivors, oanali, railroad* and other oonrerarct "iooghont the United Btatea. wtlliam OKAia.Preeidem, . .PETER CULLEN. Vloa Fraaltau ROBERT J. MBS. Secretary. ,»imani Craig, ?eter Cullen, John Dallett. Jr., Vtlll&m E. Merrick, ilenj. w. Blcharda. limes Daustt. wm. V. Baird, 4 MERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMP ANT. '% INCORPORATED ISID—OITA Km win 110 W ALS PT THIRD Btreat, lares paid np CAPITAL STOCK and BUA ?LOB Wrested In sonnaand available Securities, con Inne to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, PnmltnreTMot ihandlse, Vessels In port, and thelrOsrgeos. ana otht fenonal Froporty. AD lenses liberally and prompt? Jidioited, fnomas B. Marls, John Welsh, Jamsel O. Mo~toß, ?*tTtok BrttdJ, , „ (THOMAS R. MARIS President. atsest O. I>, Cnawvonp. Beoretary. - mva J EFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Ol »., PHILADELPHIA.-OFFIOB. No. 24 north FIFTH STREET, NEAR MARKET STREET. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania OHAHTKB AND ASSHTB I15G;IH)0. Make Insurance against Loss op Damage hi' Fire op Public oriPrivate Buildings, Fnrnltore, stocks Goods and Herohandlse,on favorable terms, , „ DEREOTORB, George Erety, Frederick DoU, Angoat O. Miller, Jacob Schandler. John F. Belsterllng, Samnel Hiller. Henry Troomner, Edward P. Moyer. William McDaniel, Adam J. Glass. ' Christopher H. Miller,'— Israel Peterson, Frederick Btaake, Frederick Ladner Tones Bowman, GEORGE JOHN F. BKLHTI PHILIP S. COLEMAN, ISSC«AJB«JE. CHARTER PERPETUAL MUTUAL SYSTEM EXCLUSIVELY. DIRECTORS FOB 1860. William p. Boeder, Joseph Chapman, Charles Evans, Edward M. Needles* Wilson M. Jenkins, Lnkens Webster. CALEB CEB. President. SILQNE, Vice President. BENJAMIN orer. Secretary. jxsbovobs. Henry UDaHstt, Wm, 8. Lowber t J. Johnston Browa ; Samuel A. BnloiL Muon HatohlnSi Henry L. Elder. S. Rodman Morgan, John T. Lewis, James B. Campbell* Edmnnd G. DutHh, Charles W. Poultney, [orris. ERETY, Preeident. erling, yioe Frestatat. »eecwtWY. Hanford Live dlock insurance Co. Incorporated by the Legislature o: Chartered Capital of §500,000. . - ashe rs, dec. Ist, uec. 125 shares Mercantile Boilonal Bank* D. 8.5 20 Boids U. B. 7-80 Boh'*BJ.... ;. ; Connecticut 6 per ceuc. Stole Bonds. Hartford City Bonds*. Lo&ps on Beal Estate, first liens, Loans on approved Collaterals, X ash in hand ... Cash !□ hands of Agents. Doe for Premiums, a coined Interest This Company la now prepared to tone policies on Liver lock agaioatDeatli or Theft, or both somblaed. at reasonable rates. ' E. a*. KELLOGG.President. • •' GEOEGEDJBWETT, Vice President. t WM. C. GOODRICH, Secretary. • ' ■’ PHILAD KLPHIA'BEFEHESrCES: ' Hon. Morton McMichael,lHon. James Pollock, : Mayor, c__ '' - : Stokes, GaldHTßU*do. Jay Cooke, Esq.. ... J ~ , , F. <fc E. A. CJOBBIS, General Agents for Pennsylvania, 430 Walnnt street, Philadelphia. des-w,Mm JiIYfiRPOOL M\) LOKDOJJi AND G^LOBB INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and A«88t8 f $16,000,000. Invested In United States, $1,500,000. Total Premium received by the Com* pany in 1865, $4,947175. Total Loisei Paid in 1865, $4,018,250, Premiums received in the u. 8. from January 1 to July 1, 1866. 1737,697 B. Losses la united States from January 1 to July 1 All leraes without reference to England. ATWOOD SMITH, OFFICE, oeneral Agent tor Pennsylvania, No* 6 Merchants' Bxchango, lfej/tu,th,ttij PHILADELPHIA. Mutual safety insurance u COMPANY, Incorporated by the .Legislature ol Pennsylvania, 1635. Office, B. E. Corner THIRD and WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.. MARINE INbfntAitCES on vessels, cargo and freight, to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES, on goods, by river, canal, lake, and land carriage, to all art of the Onion. wtus INSURANCES : OB merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY November l, 1866. Hoc,COO United States Five per cent. - _ioan. isn tm.oeo oo 120,000 Unlifed States Six per cent. Loan, ISSI . , , I3SAOO oo 2flt',ooo United States 7 s- 10 per cent. Loan, Treasury Notes... 211.500 00 1-S.UX. City ol Philadelphia Six per cent. Loan (exempts) 12SAS2 60 M.OCO otate or Pennsylvania Six per cent. Loan— SL7CO (0 . 16,(00 State of Pennsylvania Five per ' cent. Loan H. 680 tt) 50,0(0 State of New Jersey Six per cent. Loan r -. SO.ToO 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Fsm 1 Mongage 6 per cent Bonds 30,500 oo 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second _ _ 6 per cent Bonds 2-1.250 oo 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Six percent Bonds tPenna B. R. guarantee). ; 20.750 (X) 30,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent, Loan—: :„ T _ , oo 7 ,000 State of Tennessee bkx-per cent. Loan — r .....I, 5,040 00 15,000 300 shares stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and in terest guaranteed by ihe city of Philadelphia... . 15,000 00 7,150143 shares stock Pennsylvania Railroad rv>mptny T , - bfiCQ lOOshtre* stock North Pennsylva nia Railroad company 3.330 00 •20.000 SO shares sioffk PhtlariAiphf^nn^ Southern Mail SteamahipOoni- pany, 20000 195,900 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, first liens on city properly ... 195,900 co • 8126,523 3) f1.W5.C50 Par. Market valoe 11.0T0.250 75 C0at,11,030,552 05 Real Estate. . S 6 000 oo BUls Receivable for Insurances made......... 217 637 23 Balance due at .Agencies-Premiams on Marine Policies—.accrued Inter© :t and Other debts duetheCorapany,,. 33 923 93 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $5,173. Estimated value 2,930 00 Owb In Bank ... .. .H 1.102 26 «* inDrawer...; ..... 447 34 I] 4H7JPI 56 •This being a new enterprise, the par Is assumed as the market value. Thomas C. Band, [Samuel E. Stokes, John C. Davis, [Henry Sloan, Kdmund A. sender. [William G. Boulton ibeopbilus Paniding, Edward Darlington, Jobn K..Penrose, H. Jones Brooke, James Tiaqpair, Edward Lafourcade. Henry C. DaUett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones. James C. Band. James B. M’Farlana. Wm. C Luuwlg, Joshua P. Eyre, loser h H. Seal, spencer MTlvain’e. George to. Lelper, John B. Semple, Plttab’gh. H ugb CTalg, A 11 Berger, Pittsburgh, John D. Taylor, „ D. T. Morgau, Pittsburgh, THOMAS O. HAND, President. «HS C DAVIS, Vice President. Hesbt lilbcbx. Secretary dels to nol pis OOton er FIRS nmnamna toiMPinv 1 IPFICCS NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH BTBBfflfl „ BXLOW CimglTOUT. "The Fire Inxuranos Company tha Ooimfrv r i i. , hHade3pbla. N Incorporated by the Legislator* cl ln 1889, for indemnity ****««} in— damage by tire, exclusively. Thla old and reliable Institution, capltc. tnd contingent fnnd carefoUy invested oontmnea to la ore buildings, furniture,merchandise, *a, either txn uanently or tor a limited time, against Isa or daman or Are, at the lowest rate* consistent with tha s&sofcitt • vfety of Its customer*. . bosses adjusted jharlea J. Sutter, Edwin L. Beakll, lenry Orilly, John Horn, Robert V. Massey, Jr., Joseph Moors, Henry Budd, Qeoigo Mecke, Undrew H. Miller. James N. Stone. _ CHAHT.ES J. SUTTER, PraeUlEb Bssisiiiii P, Honjjtur. Seo* v and Treasurer, 37AHM INSURANCE COMPANY F NO. «M CHESTNUT STESST, 1 MB* AND INLAND INBUBASti nanols N. Booh ; jno. w. Evsrman Charles Bliflutrdaoß, Robert B. Potior Jno. Eenler, Jr.. fXfusJ^ ' N. Luo^tai-t, w> S. *"■“*» strength use cape WHEELS 1 * 00,8 PATENT GLASS OASTO> Tbeee wheels are dttlgned for Pianos, Bedsteads, Ac We claim that they give to Pianos a greatly Increase? iorce of Bound, without detracting from the harmom melody of the ltsirumt-nt, rendering every noU more distinct to the e»r. This Is so apparent that the' ire now being applied by many to these valuable mu ileal instruments. Dr, valentine Mott, previous to hi/ 'eaih.pronoaneed the Glass Castor Wheels an in valuable Invention for bedfast invalids, whe arr B ua at'd againatthe damp floors after undergoing th< process of cleaning, or where dampness is produce' jr. m any other cause. ABide from this. Housekeeper* are relieved from the dread of having, their carpets cui or torn, as frequently happens from those now in ose often caused by a rust, which adheres with glue-lik< tenacity. No such annoyance can possibly proceec jrom the Glass Castor wheels, as we all know tha' glass is non corrosive. There are no rough or unfli. ml, »-d edges to the Glass Wheels, such as we often flue m those of Iron, and the latter, though smoothly fin will soon rust, from the dampness of theatmos uhere, if nothing else, producing roughness on thesm ace, or edge, while the former will always maintali .heßmootbne'S of glass, Just as they are finished. ■ sleeping upon glass wheels you retain all theeleo -rlclty yen had In your body on retiring, eet up in the morning feeling as fresh and active as j yonng man. Glass being a non-conductor, the elec iriclty gained wnile lr bed cannot pass off. Ask yom docior what be thinks of the Glaar Castor Wheels Ask him ir all diseases, with the exception of. chronic diseases, are not caused horn the want of electricity we have a man In our place whom the doctors pro nonneed past curing, with the inflammatory rheu mfltiam, ’The wheels cured him In less than foej weeks. He is to-day a stout healthy man, These an facis which can be proven on application at our office No. 2u3 Race street, Philadelphia, or at our Factory,»» westville, New Jeraey ■ where we have some sixty hands employed In the manufacture of the Glass Gas tor Wheels *lOO will be paid to any one who will say they havt net received >ny benefit or relief after using flapewell & Co.’s Patent Glass Castors. A sample set (4) of the Wheels sent to any part of the United States, on re celpt of O. 60. J, B. CAPE WELL <fe CO , W* Bll * No. 206 Race qtre*ti iBfSBJSAJTOg. HARTFORD, CONN,, Connecticut, WITH A CASTOR WHF.KJ.!,, SPBCrAIi 'Srd’riGESa ft'-e- TBK PHILAI E(.PHfA~ASfO B (LTIMORE Urf?;. CENTRaL-RAiLR )AJ) COMPANY. ; Tee Ai rum! Meeting of, the of said Company will be held In the Hall, In the Borough of OXIORD. Chester conntvrP-Y-7 ! . On MONDAY..Jannarjt 14. isB7, . i ‘ ‘ At l o'clock PM„ At which time and place an election will beheld for a Prestaeutaudtw'elve Directors to serve for the ensu ing year. - JOSEPH HUDDSLL.' . Secretary. December 15, 16£6. - delB-tjalBJ ft-S- TEE ENTERPRISE IN.-tURA-NOB COE PAET. OFF-CE.400 WALNUT'St eet, Phila- DELPHI.. Dec. 24tb, 1666. . ' . ; *Oi ICE —1 he Annual Meeting of tbeS'ockholders nf tbeEnterprlselnsurance Company wll oeheld on HONDAY,‘ daytof-Jancary next, a* lu ocltck.A.M. at tbe office of the company. An elec' Don for Twelve Directors, tp, serve the ensuing year, will be held on tbe same dsv "at the same place' 'tf. tween the hours of 10 o’clock, A: M., and 2 o’clock, p. Mi . aLEX*W.- WWTjitt,’ delB,w,f.mjal4 , ~ Secr*ta£y.. ... |l3J2> 00 ... 20,620 00 53? 7-5 ... 20,600 0» ... 6.1'J0 00 ; ; 45,000 (O 1.91528 15 621 39 2,55161 ....... 861:67 ir^*,.,9S , ’.l < 3rl9 F , TH:E AMYGD 4 LOID MI NXN } “Hy COMPANY; No. 321 WARN DT Slreec Ptrrr.,. delphia, December 21st, 18661 . > OTJCE , is hereby given tnat all stock of the Amyg daloid Mining Company, on which installments are due andunpaid, is hereby declared forfeited, and wl 1 beßOid at pnbiluauetlon, on MONDAY. Jauna- y 2ist. 1867,- at 12 o’clock,-M.. : -at the office of the Secretary of the .corporation, accoidlng to the Charter and Bv- Laws. nnless previously redeemed. By order of„ihe Directors.! de22-IJaffi} , ,~. -F. K. WOMRATH,.Treasurer. fr-S?- offick of the Philadelphi a and (►six'SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIPCOMPANY HO. 3J 4 SOHTH DEXAWABE AVBNOE. : Nonce Jj'hereby given thatby-a resolution of £he Board of, Dixectora of the. above named Company adoptedAHgnst29ih,lB66, the FOUBTH and last in staument ot the Capital Stock of said Company, helm THIRTY PER CEB TDM or SEVENTY-FIVE DOL LARS per share, has been called in, and Is dne and payable at this office. rS I ' BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.--his splendid Hah Dye is the best In the world. The only true and Perjtel Dye-Harmless, Sellable, Tnstanta neons. _ No disappointment. ■No rtdlonlons tints. Naiuraiß;ack orßrown. Bemedies the ill effects of bad nya. Invigorates the hair, leaving It soft and genuine Is signed WILLIAM A; B A TCHELOR. All others are mere imitatiens, and should be avoided. Sold by all -Druggists' and Per fhmeis. Factory 81 Barclay street, New York, i gg-BEWABE OF A CPUN de7,f,m,wlr |rS i ?i‘ jT i9 E -- ,r be Third ANNUAL MEETING of IKcy the Stockholders of the McELHENY OIL I»A2S Y arn be held at theoffice of the Company, T Street, on TUESDAY, January lan 1867, at 12 o’c.ock M , for the purpose ol electlngaclerk and a Board of nine-Directors to serve the ensnlng year, and for the transaction ef such further and other business as may properly come before them By order or the Board: . „ - CHAS. H. SERVES, Clerk. Philadp-Lphia. Dec. 12 th, 1886. del2w.f,m,t jalj . OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL INSUB- COMPANY.—Philadelphia, Decem- Ihe Annual Meeting of the Stock and and Scrip holders of the Company will be held at the office N. £\^ r ? e t THIBDanII WALNUT streets, on MON DAY. 14th of January, IB<>7. at which time aa Election icr eight Directors, to serve for the ensuing three years beheld; • desyau} - JOHN MOSS. Secretary. 11TS» INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA De cember22,lsss. - An Eltcilon for Thirteen Directors of the Company wjii be beld at the Company s Office. Nos. -l and 5 ;cv. CHANGE BUILDING, on MON DAY. jaimary lith 1567, between the hour 3 of 10 o’clock, A. M.. and l 0 SiSsr.,£'. M - WILLIAM HARPER, de£4tjai3J Secretary, . ITS* CREEK RAILROAD COM PANT .—Philadelphia, D.c i7:n, isss. •jhe annual meeting of the stoeknoidera or the Loibeiry tietkßaUrt-sd Company will be hell at tbe office of tbePhlladeJphia and Beading Railroad Com S, a J?J'^ ? .°i? 2 'T SoaUl FOURTH street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, January 14th. 1867, at 10 o’clccfc. A. M. when an election will be held for a President, and six Dir( ctors to serve for the ensuing year. dei7-ijal4 WM. H. WEBB. Srcretary. ALLENTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY UtEr-.-Philadelphia, Drcmberl? 1866. iheAunual Meeting of the stockholders or theAl lentown Railroad Company will be held at the offic of the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Company” J>°- 227 South AOURBH street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY. Jaiua.y 11, 1607. ar 10* A, M, when an election will beheld lot President andslx Directors, u serve for the ensuin g yea'. del7-tjal4 WM. H. WEBB, Secretary, IT'S* NOTICE. — ' : UNION NATIONAL BANK, Decehbke The Annual Meeting ol the stockholders of thi; Bank, for the electlcn of directors, wilt be beld at tne Banking House, on TUBS DA Y,tbe Sth day o: January next, between the hours of ten and three o’clock. - N. C. MUSsELMAN, de~ Lm,w last , ■ CLshler. THE PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTOS AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY Philadelphia, December 24.1866.—The annual meet-’ -Eg of the Stockholders of the Company and an Elec tion of Directors, win take place at the Office of the Company, in W’LMINGTUN. Del., on the 2d MON DAY , uth of January, next, at IP. M. .... A- HORNER, de26-w,r,m,lJal4 secretary. JTiS* OFFICE OF THE MTI.T. CREEK AND MmKHILT.NAVIGATION AND RALLBOAI (XMPAHY. Philadelphia, Dec. 5, 1853. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at the Office of theCompan-. No. 307 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, December silses at 12 o’clcck.M., at which time an election lor Officers to serve fori the ensuing year, will also takr place. P.C. HOLLIS, de!o,t3U SemgtSy. |T3» OFFICE GF THE SCHULKILL VALLEY KeSLNAVIGATION AND RAILROAD COM PaKY,-Philadelphia, December 5, 1866. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at the office of the comoany. No. sot LIBRARY’ Street, on MONDAY. December 31. 1665 at half-past eleven o’clock, A. M.,at which tlma an election for Officers to serve the ensolne year will also ta f e , p .^ c ?’ F. a HOLLIS, delctui,} Secretary, OFFICE MOUNT CARBON & PORT CARBON BAILB3AD COMPANY. Phiu dblphla, December sth, 1866. The annnal meetrng of the Stockholders of the Com pany will be held at the Office of the Company. No. 307 LIBRARY street,ion MONDAY, December 31si 1E66. at eleven o’clock, A.M., at which time an election for Officers to serve the ensuing year will take place. deltotde3l{ p. o. HOLLIS, Secretary. MANUFACTURERS’ INSURANCE COM thsr FaNY. Philadelphia, December 17 th, 1656, The Annual Meeting of tne Stockholders of this Company’■will be held at Ihelr office, No. 431 WAL NUT street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY'. January 7tu 1657, between lhe hours af 4 and 6 o’clock P. M , when election will be held for Ten Directors, to serve for the ensniog year, do 17-1818 M, B. KEILY, Secretary. IY'3 3 - PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL tto£y ROAD COMPANY—Office 227 South FOURTH street.-Philadelphia, Lee. 17th, 1866. .NOTICE 1b hereby given to the Stockholders of this Company, that the Annual Meeting and an election for President, six Managers, Treasurer and secretary will take place on tha SECOND MON *AV (I4ta) oi January next at 12 M. WM. H. WEBB. dei7,tjan!4 Secretary. ; IT'S 3 " CAMBRIA IRON COMPANY.—The annual Ue?y meeting of Stockholders of the CAMBtUA ISON COMPANY will be held at their office. No. -il. LHESNUT street, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, tne 1511, day of January next, at 4 o’clock P. M., when an Flection win be held for Seven Directors to serve lo the ensuing year. , JOHN T. KILLS, Secretary. Pbix aua,, Dec, 13,1866. deinjaib* OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND TRFNTON RAILROAD CO.—Philabelphia December 24 1566. lhe Annual Meefng of the Stockholders, aod an election for Directors lor the ensuing year.wlll be he at the COMPAN Y”s OFFICE, on MONDAY, the foor teenth day of Jannary,lS67, at 1 o’clock, P. M. de24dal4 J. MORRELL, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PfIHOLE OIL COM- UtgE PANY, No. 131 south THIRD Street (op siaira), Philadeli-hia , Dec. 25th, 1866 —The Annual Meeting of the STOOKHOLDERS of the above Com pany will be held at their Office on TUESDAY, Jan. Bth, 1867, at 12 o’clockM., to elect Directors for the en ». D. ROSS. Secretary, ©FFigi OP THE DELAWARE MUTUAL t'AFETy INSURANCE COMPAOT-Pmi,i dklphia, December 19, 1866. . Ibe AnnnM. ilecaion for twenty-eight Directors wilt be held at tola office, on MONDAY, the seventh day of Janaary next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and i p , HENRY LYLBURN. dt2o tja,B Secretary. s ’ AN IFMEC H aN lOS’N ATION AL BANK, Philadelphia, December 7,1866, iheADonal Election lor Directors of thi3 Bank will i-eheld at the Banking House on WEDNESDAY, th , . of January next, between the houraof in o clock A. M„ and 3 o’clock P. M; Oeil'tjg W RUSHTONi Jb., Cashier. irs* FIRST NATION AL BANK OF PHILABEL PHIA,PhiIadeIphia, Dec. 6,18c6. The ADnualEhctlon lor Directors of this Bank will ue held on TUESDAY, tbesthof January 1367, be tween the hours ol lo a. M and 2 o’clock P. M. , a .m. = , MORTON McMIOHAEL, Jb„ d> IMJaS - dashler. r7S» KENSINGTON NATIONAL BANK, Phila •JeF oelphia, December 8. 1866. A n eleci ion for Directors of thla Bank will be held at -he Banking House,ou TUESDAY, January 8.1867 between the hours of 10 A. M. and2P. M - - ... WILLIAM MCCONNELL, delO tlaB , Cashier. iT^g 51 . R Annual Meeting of the Stock n^r£?, Ia ? rs . of ThK PHILADELPHIA SILVER mining company of Nevada wiuim heM 258 south THIRD street, In ibe city of PhUadelphla, on TUESD iY, the Bth day of Januaiy, 1867, at 2 o’clock P. H. ™ oe2i 151* CHaS. H. TAYLOR, Secretary.! ITS* MECHANICS’ NATIONAL BANK, Phila delphia, December 81866. - ■ K ■ e ,^ DD ?.?L^ lec . t i on fot::Dlrect<i ra Of this bank will beheidon WEDNESDAY, the ,Bth day. of Januaiy, 1867, at the Banking House, between the hoars' of 10 o .locka - . M.andao’clock P.MV' : ■ , . - deS'ljao!: ■ = J. WIEGAND. Jb., Cashier. ; NATIONAL BANK OFPKILA. &K mA ' 723 ABOH street, Phxladklpbh, The Annual Election for Dlrsctors of this Bank will be held < n TUESDAY, the Bth of January, 1867, be tween i he hours of 11 A. M. and 2P. M. i dcBtoJ«B{. BASIL. J, MULLEN, Caatiler, WILLIAM J. MALCOLM, Treasurer, KF~EOIAI. ffgyriCßg. fTS* THE NORTHERN <SOU* SOCIETY will open tbeir botr*». situated at the ciro'er of P-c- J JsflS jilley and FuURiH street. atnve Brown. ror S*£tnitous distribution-of soup to the p-mr. on THURSDAY, 27th Besides the amount of good oonebyahissoaiety la th« di3tnbhtioa or -Soap about hMtjabaVHheengireuto poor ‘ womea aadchil orepdunngtho year at th'dr free bathing rooms. .Do nations in money or materials, will be thankfully re ceJ.^eo tlie house or bv either of the undersigned* Cbas. J. t utter, President, 304 (Jallowhill a treat. !•: Perot, Treasurer, 621 Market street. Richard Bacon, 423 North Fifth street. Jrhn O. James, m North Thlfd street, or by any of ire Managers of the Society. ITS 1 - OFFICE OP THE FB-INKFOao AND c?^rrs^ A i! aL^HI^x, PASSESrGEB ' I4 ■ FRAKKFOKU BoBd . paid ihelHißn Installment of Kl VsD lLtAus n®r InjjwimVn™^ aa,- K*sulfifibt of ibe¥o»rd~'f Directora’ . «e2712t? Jacob BLKDEa, Preaiaast. O^”pAN? ST ViLI i' EY Railboad~oo,u- BA.NY.—The annual meeting of the Stork toljTejsorthe “Cicster VaJ,ey hallroad - CdisDanv” will be heJrt in Boom fco. 16 AM ro>. h*tt i\BAhGE,Philadelphia, on MONDAY. theHthdav?f Janoair, A. I;. 3867. o’clockr.-p M. on tbe ba*?e tt £i.ketween * ou»a or one >\nd two o’elcokP \t an Election will beheld for a an& Seven i>£- rectors, tcserveforiheer&uing year. - ;wai. h. holsteict, Secretary. OFFICE 1 OP THR NORTH PEWjYwiu NIARAILROADCOMPANY PHinAnnT ewr. No 407 WALNUT street, Dec 27-h of'he Stockhtilders of the North £ ailroa ' 1 Company will be held at the Office of the Company, No. .407 WALNffr nVWt® , S" la ’ h D January 14th, 1867, at h o clod , -M., when an election will be held for a Preal de a D A?S rt 4S n ? liec iSPU“ serTO tor the enstdng yea? - de27fjalgg :: UPWARD ARMSTRONG,’aec*y. -ANNUAL MEETING Of the Stock- the ‘'Revenue Extension n Liver Mi ning CompaDy*’ will be held at the Office of the Com pany, No. 142 South FOURTH street,on TUESDAY January* 1867,at 12 o’clock, M, for the pSoSof StvSi D »F &ctor3 to serve the ensuing year, andsuch other business ts may be brought before the meetia*. y. _ Wit. L. KITE, Secretary. Philadelphia. Dec. 27. l p £6, de27-oj^? fee^,^ Y ’ OE KEW * oaK - 204 South FOURTHatreet, £f^?«VL¥ a ’££ s been aypointed-Agent of this CoJ pany ffi Uiis city. F.RATCHFOKD STaRR, -V.: General Agent. ITS* 2 !P I lC«--^meeticgoftheCONTRIBH,C-»iSS the NORTHERN LISPEN3 ARY or Phila dl»£Tf?aT?^r»T? at lbe Dispensary Hall 6>>i tt?? 1 ?? garden street, on Tuesday; jsS.rrh Ifc67. between thehonrsof 12 and 2 o’clock, to elect Managers for the ensuing jear , ec * de27,3t* J. KEBSLEB, Jr. t Secretary. NATXON.AD, BANK OF THE~R£PUBLXC, PSiXAhEuesiA. December 26, 7? are annnal election forDi«3Ctors win be held at the Banking Plonse. on TUESDAY. January s be tween the hours of li A. if. aua 2 K iL de27-ijaS • • ' J. P. MUiLFOBD, Cashier. , THE NATIONAL"BANK* OFTEN 8 IKG. The annual election for DIRECTORS of this *2 the Banking House, o_i WKD NEi-DAY, the 9th dar of January, 1887. between the hours of 10 o clock, A. 21., and 2 o’clock P. M. dfei fr,ta,tj&9; s. C. PA.LMjg.R, Cashier. NATIONAL EXCHANGE B aNK.—Phua- DEXPHIA, Dec. 7, 1865, . Tlte Annual FlecMon for I irectorsof this'Bank will beheldat-heß -J UE>DAY. tae Bth oi January, 1867, from 10 A. 21. t*. 2P. if. hfc7-f,>jass J. W. GELaoCGH Cashier, HONEY BROOK COAL COifipANY, 2te «“*££ AI.NUT Street, 19,1866 - J he Annual Meeting of stockholders Ana Election for Directors ortnia Companv wili be held at t is o'- ticeon WEI NLSDAY, 2d prox. at 12o’clock de2t>UUu,f;tQ t 4i.» S. 2ICHENRY.Sec’v. i>mpMDI?QT rcks. AND RE.-DINO RAlt “'vD' BuAD vOM PdUY, Office 227 Sooth Fourth dt. r hila Delphi a . D-cember 13th. 1866. dividend notice aJowSf-R'/'S B ft oks &f ' M! Company will be closed onTUESDAY, December 18th and re-opened on lURSjDaV the 15th ol January next A Divldena ol FXY h. PER c 8 NT., has been declared on the Preferred and Common Stock, clear srNatlonal and State Tales, ratable In Cash or Common stock at par. at iheoptlonof the holder, on and after the 31st test., to tie holders thereof. a 3 the • shall stand reeia tered on the Books of the Company, < n the lsth lost. All payable at this office in Philadelphia, The op'ion as to takln. stock for this Dividend, will cease at the close of bnsine«s hoars, on SATURDAY 3£th March nerct alter which date, the Dividend wili be payable in Ca’h only. «*-All orders for Dividends must be witnessed and SI SV.. < ? I, s - BRADFORD. del4tf Treasurer*. rr3=* dividend notice. OFFICE OF THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY. 524'WALNUT Street. Hg rr. Img a D‘cen3ber22,lB6s. . The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOt?B PER CENT, on the capital stock, payable on and after the Slat Inst, clear of State taxes! The Tracsfer Books will close on the 26th at 3 P. M and open on January 2d, 1867. ** de24-stj ITS* DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFF fOE OCEAN* OIL COMPANY, No. 144 Booth FOURTH street.. The r Directors have declared a Dividend of TWO AND-ABaif PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, payable on end after January 2d nest clear cf State Tax. Transfer Books close December 26th, at 3P. HL. and open Janaary Sd. DAVID BOYD-Ja, _ • Treasurer. PHiULDSi.pHiA t recember24 lsss. de24 6t| TRKA sura* r*s office—the PHIL a tKV DELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTI MORE RAILS O&D COMPANY, Bitty. *t>vt.t>h~t^, December 33tb. IS6*. < The Board of Birectors have declared a semi annual dividend ef FIVK- Pitß CENT., clear of Government tax, on the Capital stock of this Company, payable on and alter the 3d ol January, del^-w.f^n.Stj OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND Is-r NAYIGATION COMPANY, Philadelphia. Nov. 27,1565. ' ’ The Board of Managers have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., or TWO DOLLABS AND A HALF PER SHARE, oa the Capital Stock of this Company, payable on demand, clear of National and State taiee. SOLOMON SHEPHERD; Ceo-T-lil Treasurer. UNITED STATES TREASURY, Phtladkd. phia, Tec. 24, 1866, NOTlCE.—Holders of Twenty Goupona and upwards in number of U. S. Loans, due January!, 1567, are re quested to present the same ai this offi:e for Examiner non and Count, at any time previous to that date. C McKIBBLN, Assistant Treasurer. fcf^6%>‘9J3lisSa.Sis^. NEW CHOP JAPAN BSE TEA, Of the finest qbality. Fcr Sale by JAMES R. WEBB,. WALNUT and EIGHTH Sts. TTOX'S FARINA CRACKERS. Fresh Crackers of this unrivaled Brand always on hand and for sale In bbls, and bbh?., by * AIiDRICH, ‘YBKKE3 & CARY. 18,20 and 22 Letltia street, Exclusive Agenta. no6-3m3 HONEY! HONEY!!— V* ry beautlfal White Clover Honey, In small boxes, instore and for salebv M, F. SPII.I.TN, if. W. cor. Arch and Eighth. TERSEY HAMB.—Jnn Stewart’s noeonaled Hams. J for sale by H. F. aPTT.T.m, N. W. cor. Arcb and Eighth. - ~\TATEBIA LS FOR MINCE PlES—Layer and ■Hi. Seedless Raisins, Leghorn Citron, New Cur rania, Fresh Ground Spices. Snnerior Crab Apple Cider, Brandy. Wine &c.. for sale by M. F. BPILLIN. N. W. cor. Arch and Eighth streets, TVHEW BETHLEHEM BUCKWHEAT & WHITE Art Clover Honey, In store and for sale at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South SECOND street. QUEEN OLIVES.—3OO gallons choice large Queen „011vefs, in store and for sale by gallon or barrel, at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South SECOND street. VTOBTH CAROLINA HOMINY GRITS. NEW L" Bomlny, pared and unpared Peaches, Just re ceived and for sale at COUSTY’S East End Grocery. No. 118 South SECOND street. , CTUFFED MANGOES AND PEPPEBS,GENUINE kj Chutney Sauce, Roblnson’B patent Barley and Groats, always on hand at COUSTY’S East End Gro eery. No. 118 Sontb SECOND street. CLOTHS, ( ’LOTHB, OABSJ MERES AND VESTINGo. V_ J AMI’S* LEE invite the attention of their friends and others to their large and well assorted stock of Goods, adapted to men’s and boys’ wear, comprising inpart • Slack French Cloths, Blue French Cloths, Colored French Cloths. OVERCOAT CLOTHS, Black French Beavers, Colored French Beavers, Black Esquimaux Beavers, Colored Esqnimauxßeaverß. . Bine and Black Pilots, Bine and Black Paletots. . PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French Cassimeres, - Black French Doeskins • • . Fancy Cassimeres, - . Mixed and Striped Cassimeree, • • * Plaid and Silk Mixed Caashmens. . .. Satinets, all qualities, Cords, Beave rteens, *(Xt Vestings, all gradQL At wholesale and retail, by JAMES * t.gvk. No. 11 North Second st.. Sign of the Golden . IjOSTAiVI* FOUK B. LOST— Wednesday morning, a P RTE-MONNAIK. with two gold braoe ets Inside, on Spruce street. Ten dollars reward trill be Paid, if left at 706 Spruca street, deS-St* THOS. B. SEARLB. Secretary, ALFRED HORNER,'’ Treasurer,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers