©ITT BIHIETIII. Attempt to Fire a Hotel.— This morn ing about three o’clock, an attempt was made to fire the Providenoe House, looatea on the Main street, at the lower part of Frankford. Bags saturated with coal ou were stuffed under the front porch and were set on fire. The flames were discos ered early by Officer MeroUliot, and then sparks were being blown into the cellar of the house, through a bole under the porch. The fire was extinguished before any damage had been done. A man named Peter Madden, who lives opposite, was ar rested on the charge of having been the incendiary. He was Been just before the fire , endeavoring to get into the house. He made a partial acknowledgment of his guilt, and said that the proprietor or the house had been in the habit of selling liquor to his wife. The accused was looked up to await an investigation by the Fire Marshal. A Heavy Blow.— The wind last night was very high. Window shutters were hanged, and all signs which were not very substantially put up were blown down. The gale made the air very cutting, and but few , people ventured out of their homes, The £ vessels along the Delaware were knocked about rather lively, but as far as ascer tained no serious damage wasdene. A pas senger railway car on the Hestonville road was blown from the track just after cross ing the Wire bridge, about eleven o’clock last night, and went over an embankment. of the passengers were hurt, but the were so much injured that they had to be killed.' A Goon Selection.— C. Colket, Esq., has been chosen President of the Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad Companv, in place of E. O. Dale, deceased. The selection is an excellent one. Mr.Colket has long been prominently identified with different railroads centring in the city, and for many years has been a leading director of the road over which he has been called to preside. Mr. W. S. Wilson, the aotive and energetic Superintendent; Mr. A. E, DOugberty, the accomplished Secretary,and Col. John B. Peddle, the gentlemanly and obliging General Ticket Agent, all continue in their several positions. ' - Chabged With Burglary.— A young' man named John Jackson, aged 18 years, was arrested yesterday and taken before Aid. Good, upon the charge of burglary. He is alleged to have broken into the house of Mr. Potter on Fisher’s Lane, near the North Pennsylvania Railroad, and stolen a lot of clothing belonging to the farmer and his family. Jacksonaoknowledged the rob bery, and said that he had sold the stolen articles. Some were recovered at places where they had been sold. The accused was committed in default of §l,OOO bail to answer at Court. Elegant Cbystal Medallions, Pastel Pictures and Oil Paintings, this even ing, continuing to-morrow and Monday evenings, at B. Scott’s, Jr., Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, 275 piotures from the American Art Gallery, New York, estab _ lished for the encouragement of artists. •' This gallery is contributed by artists from all parts of the United States, and all paint ings sold are for their benefit. The sale is ■ positively without reserve. We advise all lovers of fiDe arts to attend. This is a good opportunity. , Store Robbery.— The feed store of Messrs. Bumm & Sons, No. 209 North Water street, was entered some time daring last night, by means of false keys. The fire proof satis was forced open with a jimmy, and > the books and papers were scattered over the floor. All the thieves got was a few postage stamps. The Weather.— Last night was in tensely cold. The thermometer in the city at midnight got down as low as ten degrees. In some of the exposed points abont Frank - ford and Germantown the mercury indi cated three and four degrees, at six o’clock, this morning. Accident. —A horse attached to a milk wagon, ran away at Twentieth and Mount Vernon streets, yesterday afternoon. A young woman was knocked down and was badly bruised. She was taken to her home in the neighborhood. Ice in the Delaware.— There was a considerable quantity of floating ice in the Delaware this morning. Some of the cakes were very thick and heavy. The strong northwest wind kept the ice principally in ■the Jersey channel. House Ransacked.— The dwelling of Mr, Knox, on Green street, below Coulter, in Germantown, was entered by the win dow on Tuesday night last, and was ran sacked. As the family are absent, it is not known whether anything has beenstoien. The School of Design.— The annual ex hibition of the drawings, paintings, ifcc., of the Philadelphia School of Design for Wo men, is now open. It will continue until Tuesday evening. An Owner Wanted.— A horse and a wagon were taken np at Delaware avenue Market street, last evening, and await C an owner at the Harbor Police Station. An Important Removal.— Messrs. ■Somers * Son, the well knownciothlers,have removed their nncnt goods to their new store, No. BU9 Chestnut 'Street. Their stock of re .dy made clothing Is stUl at 4he old stand, No. 625 Chestnntstieei. wnerelt Is being rapidly disposed of at prices reg»rdlessof coat. Gen tlemen have here an opportunlty-to obtain the most fashionable clothing or the beat materials at extraor dinary low rates, call ana see for yourselves, Buy your Black Cake, Poand and Lady Cakes, of Mobsk & Co., 90s Arch street. Elliptic Sewing Machine Company’s first premium lock stitch sewing machines incompa rably the beat for family nse. Highest premluin (gold medal), Fair Maryland Institute, New York and Pennsylvania Stale Fairs, 1866, No. 923 Chestnut street. High Hats Again Popular.— Get a Bilk Hat from , _ , , OaKFORDS’, Continental Hotel. Db Deon’s Infant Remedy.—lnvalua ble for an complaints incident to teething. A mild yet sore «nd speedy cure for cold,, cramps and windy pains. Sold by all druggists. Holiday Goods ! Holiday Goods ! 1 Examine oor stock of Ladles’ Furs Gents’ Hats. Children’s Hate, Misses’ Hats, Also, a stock of Gents' Goods. , {Suitable for Christmas Presents. OaKFORUS’, Continent**! Hotel, Rcckhill & Wilson. [Ol and 605 CHFS t'-VUT STREET, CLOTtUNG, NFW STYLE BK iTi - G JACKETS, NEW STYLE SKATING JA 'KSTS, NEW STY LE SKATING JACKETS. “Holiday Week and How to Spend tT. '-A new work, jast out, prl;e f'nm *2* to |7O. Beautifully illustrated by tfce ’*Loui3V.” Overc sold at vh&rles Stoke* <& Co.’s first-class clothing House under the Continental. Dr. Leon’s Electric Hairßenewer. The ve*y beet preparation for tue hair. A positive cure lor caldneßa; immediately arrests falling out of theha'r and r« stores gray locks to tneir original color and luxuriance. One trial will satisfy you. bold by all druggists. DkAfNESB, BLINDNESS AND GATaBRK,- J. Isaacs, M. D., Pruleasor of the Ey« and E% t, tresu. all diseases appertaining to the above members wict the utmost success, Testimonial* from the most ti llable sources in tire city can be seen at his otfice. Wo 619 Pino street Tbe medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he 'as had no secrehiin hli practice, Artificial eyes tnse* «d. No charge utadi for examination. Messrs, Harvey D. Parker, Wm, W. Bingham and George Youog, tbe proprie tors of the three leading hotels ia Boston, 'were before the Municipal Court on Thura iday, charged with violating the Liquor law. The defendants waived reading the indiot rnents, and theueual form of sentence, a fine of fifty dollars and three months imprison ment in the House of Correciion, was passed upon each, from which an appeal was taken and bonds given for their appearance. A Spanish Donation.— Among the Lon rion 2Smes’3 advertisements the following i ecently appeared—“Archbisbop Manning acknowledges, with his thanks, the letter and enclosure of N. I. L., received' safely on November 6th.” The transaction to wbioh 'tije announcement dimly refers is extraordinary. On the day on wbioh the Gunpowder Plot is called to mind by gro tesque exhibitions in the. public streets, Archbishop Manning received the letter al luded to, the enclosure being a oheok on a leading bank for the sum of five hundred pounds. The sender gave no name, but signed himself “Guy Faux, a Protestant,” and; marked his donation “for the use of Pope Pius IX.” Archbishop fanning looked upon the letter in the light of a jest, and was about throwing letter and check oa the fire, when his secretary suggested that they might be able to trace the author of the supposed hoax, inasmuoh as the check was numbered and lettered by the bankers. Archbishop Manning agreed to this, and on the check being presented at the hank, the manager said he bad instructions to pay the amount, and thatthe'gift was that of a Pro testant gentleman, who was anxious that, bis name should not be made known. The Archbishop transmitted the money in due course to Rome, and thanked the donor by public advertisement. A Present to the President.— The President , hss received from James Lyon, of Richmond, a cane made of a pieoe of the old’ frigate Constitution. The inscription on the gold head ef the cane compliments Johnson as “the restorer of the Constitu tion.” . SKATING PARKS. Skating. J HARRISON { Skating Skating Park, Berks St, bet. Second and Front Sts. Can of the Fifth and Sixth streets. Union and Second and Third streets lines ran direct to the Park. The Ice is Id fine condition for Skating and the Park is open to the Public. THE UNSURPASSED AOOOMMOD ACTIONS, BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED PARK, CONVENIBN OE TO THE C AB9, AND A FULL BAND OF MUSIC. recommend the HARRISON PARK br one of the best in the city. Season Tickets, W. Children’s Season T.ckets. ,1. Single admission. 25 cents. It? , J. C. HOFFMAN, Bnp’t. SKATING 'TO DAY AT THE NATIONAL SKATING PARK, 'Twenty-first St. and Columbia Avenue, THE SNOW CLEARED AWAY, THE SURFACE PLANED SMOOTH. AND ALL READY FOR ACTION AGAIN 1 Take B idge Avenue Cars. Si ’ gle A dmlasloD... ..... US EASTWIOK PARK To the Subscribers and their Friends: SpUndid Skating on Beth Basins. central skating park. Fifteenth and Wallace Streets. Good Skating TO-DAY at the Central Park, with a full Band ofMnsic Afternoon and Evening. It} SKATING 2 SKATING !! West Philadelphia Skating Park, , THIRTY-FIRST and WALNUT street*. Ice In splendid condition—perfectly smooth. Park open until 10 o’clock at night, and illuminated. Fine Lund of Music. Season Tickets. $3 00. Single admission 25 cents. Access to the Park (by a lew minutes ride) by the Market street. Chestnut and Walnut btreet.Spruce and Pine, and Schuylkill Railways. It* THE SKATORIAL QUEEN, The greatest Skater of the Age IS COMING TO Park Thirty-first and Walnut Streets <1626 4tj SEATING l SKATING! SKATING! EXCELLENT SKATING AT THifi ARCITC PARK, EXCELLENT SKATING AT THE ARCTIC PARK. EIGHTH AND COLUMBIA AVB„ THIS DAY. PJGBTH AND COLOMBIA AVE., THIS DAY. MOONLIGHT SKATING THTS EVENING. MOONLIGHT SKATING THIS EVENING. TheUnHedr-t*t*B Brass Baud in attendance. Access by the Tenth, eighth Union. Sixth and Girard av»nnecars, season Tickets, |3. l>OTK.—Greatpreuaraitopa are being made for the Grand M asquerade.Farcy,Military and Citizens’ Dress Carnival, to be held next we*k, weat er permitting. de26 tft B. H. BATHURST, Sup’t. Brnsuraas cas»!9 ■yy ILLIA M T. HEWEQ 4 BROTHER, PLUMBKBS AND GAB FITTERS, NO. 413 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, V (ABOVE WILLOW,) PHILADELPHIA. [nov3-3mos| BepJlring of all kinds at short notice. Orders ihrongh Post Office will receive prompt attention. A - COUNTRY WORK ATTSaDED TO. Xt O. LANCASTER. IL. GRAIN STORE, SPRUCE STREET WHARF. ESTABLISHED IN 1828. CORN, OATS and MILL-FEED sold Wholesale and Detail at lowest Market Rates, and delivered to all u»rtsoftheClty. se7-ly . • O. KNIGHT AOO., WHOLESALE GROCERS i !i.s. E. Oor. WATER and CHESTNUT Btreets, PhD • cclphla. Agents for the sale of the Products of thi M .uthwark Sugar Refinery and the Grocers’ Sugai H inse, of Philadelphia, Jal-lyr laENNBYTjVANIA WOBKS.-UN THE UitUi 1 warb river, below PHTTiADKTiPHIA. CHESTER. Delaware county. Pa. B HANEY, SON A 00 ’jlneeni and Iron Boat build era, Manufacturers of Ail kinds 01 VjNDEKBING AND NON-CONDENSING BN GINKS, •ton Vessels ofall descriptions Bollen, Vata, Tana Propellers,An, Ac. f BEANBY, W. B. BKABTaY, a AKOHIBOLD, Late of Hate teaney, KTeafe&Oo., Kn«lneor In Chief, PenD Works. Philo. TT. a Navy, VAUGHAN Ul!lUUi.<./A. vYii. a. ami IUUB JNO. B. OOPS. .JOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FLFTB AND WASH ** INGTON STREETS. •PfTTT., rUCI.PHTi- MEIUiICK A BOSS, , ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. ' annfacture High and Low Pressure Steam Kntln&s c.rLand,Rlver and Marine Service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac, Hastings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops am •llroad Stationer <£c* Retorts and 6as machinery, of tn« la toe*, and mos •aproved construction, ifiverr description of Plantation Machinery; an: -u ear. Saw and Grist MUls, Vacnum Pans, Ope: .steam Trains, Defacators, Filters, Pomplng Kn lines, &c. - Bole Amenta for N. Btileox’s Patent Sugar Bolim Apparatus, Neemyth’s Patent Bteam Hammer anc Aspinwall & WooDey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugtn Draining Machine. Gi AS FIXTURES.- MJHKE'* , MERRILL <0 ? THAOEARA, NO. 718 CHESTNUT Qtieel Hacnactoren of Gas Futures, Lamps, Ac,, Ac. would call the attention of the public to their larp tid elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers. Peudante Jackets, Ac, They also introduce Gas pipes Intc Dwellings ana Pablfc Buildings, and attend to extend* tag, altering and repairing Gas pipes, an work win* ranted. lasfr !4SiSS ▲. WHISHT. THOHMTOSt P.'KJfi. C£L.ffla4BNV / «St800H» THSODOBB WBIOHT. FBAHK Xi< OTAZiIm PETEK WRIGHT A BONB, Importers of Earthenware, and Shipping a*d Commission Merchant'*, No. 115 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia QRTVY WKLLS.—OWNERS OF PROPERTY.—Th* & only place to get Privy Wells Cleansed and Dials tooted, at very lew price*. a. FHYSSOK. Manufacturer of Poad-retU Goldsmith's Hall. Llbrart str*e CROWN BRAND LAYER RAISIN5.—Wholes halves, and quarter boxes of this splendid fruit, landing and for sale by JOS* B. BUSBIEB & 00., 108 Booth Delaware avenue. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA. Fill PAY. DECEMBER 28.1866. ToaapiaoMof amuamant may had ay m b, 'clock any trading, ; mliwn American academy of music, GBAND COMBINATION. FATHER KEMP'S E'TIRE TROUPE OF OLD In the beantlful ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT: ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENT; 08. ■ ■ “LOITERINGS ON ENCHANTED GROUND." “LOITERINGS ON ENCHANTED GROUND.” CROWDED BOPdEB, CROWDED HOUSES, GREKTTHE QUEEN OP SONG, GREET 'I HE QUEEN OF SONG, EMMA J. nIOHOUs, EMMA J. NICHOLS. See the Abode ef the Paines and throne of dazzling splendor; grotto In the magnetic mountain and heavenly tint* in clond-land. Behold the beantlfol palaces, gardens and cells In a blaze of glory. Doors open at half-paste o'clock; commence at 8. A dmlssloD. 25 cents. Reserved seats, so cents. : Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, at 2 o'clock. Admission to all parts of the house, 25 eents. Children, 15 cents. Reserved Seats can be secured during the day at Boner’s Music Store. 1102 Chestnut street, and at the Academy In the evening. de26-Bt| J^EW Baling the evening Hr. Barney Williams will sing two songs. Mrs. Barney Williams will sing Yankee Flxlns, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams In an UUSH JIG. , To commence with BOBU TO GOOD LOCK. After which. TS AKD OUT OF PLACE. To conclude with _ LATEST FROM NEW TORE. MATIUKK, BATOBDAY APraHNOON, Last time of . GBIFFITH GAUNT. Mbs, johm dbefb raw- aboh otkkst THKATRB. Borins at 7J4 o’clock. CHBISTMAB HOLIDAYS. BKNBFIT OF MBS. JOHN BREW. ioK s«i,grw 2B ' l ‘ M ’ AS KATE PEYTON, In Daly’s great Drama of . GBIFFITH GAUNT, OK JEALOUSY. Produced with sew scenery, gieat.cast and special- UiSOf THE LANCASHIBE FAIR SCENE, AND GKAND TnTAL SCENE, v'or particulars, see bills, : seats secured six days in advance. • Walnut street theatre, n. b. corner NINTH and WALNUT Sts. Commence at 7*. THIS 28115661 r zenford's Comic Dnma. entitled UNCLE ZAOHABY; OR, UPS AND DOWNS. L* r. J. 8. CLABKK Uncle Zachary The grand Legendary Spectacle of THE NAIAD QUEEN. With Magnificent Scenery by With am, THE BATH OF BEaUTT. CRYSTAL ABODE BENEATH THE RHINE. GRAND MARCH OF THE AMAZONS. THE HOME OF THE N \1 ADS. TBK ON HER THRONE *? >BADf OBD’B LET : " li PAINTING: Which has received the highest encomium* from the \ ress and pnbllc ol New Yoik, Boston atdothtr me* n opo 11 tan cities, IS NOW ON EXHIBITION, For a limited period, at WENDEROTH, TAYLOR «fr BBOWN’S, deS7 Ist No. 914 Chestnut street. «\TEW AMERICAN THEATRE. 1 1 New Grass Trick Pantomime^ LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. Or Harlequin Jacs and Jill, Every AFTERNOON and NIGHT during the week, * uh other novel ties. dess ; 6SK&SBLY BUILDING-LARGE HALL. A FUN AND MYSTERY’ FOR THE HOLIDAYS. THREE GRAND PERFORMANCES CHRIBT MAS HAY, Ccmmtncing. Morning at 11; Afternoon at 3, and Evening at 7js o’clock Also, every afternoon and , venlng during the Holidays, when will be introduced BLITZ'S SAND OF AUTOMATON MINSTRELS, BLIIZ’S MARVELOUS DOUBLE SPHINX, and other Wonders atd Miracles, Mirlhiul, Ventrilo quism. Le? rued Canary Birds, Ac. Admission. 25 cents. Children. 15 cents. Reserved - fats. 50 cents. * deg-lmj I IRRMANIA QRvBESTRA.—PubIic Rehearsals i 7every Saturday afternoon, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL commencing at half*past three o’clock. Kngagementa made by addressing GEORGE BAST- E&T. agent, USI MONTEREY street, between Race and Vine. nos tf OEKNSYIi VANIA ACADEMY OF FIN A AliTb, C CHESTNUT, above TKNTH. Open tr*m 9 A. M. to « F. M. Benjamin West's great Picture of CHkltfT KB- I <CCTjRP stm on exhibition. trttt CAIHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS suitable fbr HOLIDAY PRESENTS, from the plain* «t te the richest style of blorine Those haying Catholic friends, and who desire to make them a sellable present at tnls season will find a choice stock to select from, and at »he lowest prices. JOHN R. DOWNING, 139 *outh EIG HTH Street, del&*tf rp} Two doors above Walnut. jyjRS. SOUTH WORTH’S NEW BOOK! THE BRIDE OF LLEWELLYN. By Mrs, Emma D. E. N. routhwortb. author of ‘ The Deserted Wite;” 'The Lost Heiress.” etc Complete la one large duodecimo volume. Price |L 50 in paper, or *2 00 In cloth. MBS. SOCTHWORTH’S OTHER WORKS. The Fortune Seeker-.*! 5A Lady or the 151e....—-41 50 Ailworth Abbey 1 50 The Two Sl»ters_l 60 The Bridal Eve-...—. 1 50 The Three Beauties-.., l 50 the Fatal Marrlagf-... 1 50 Vlvia; secret Power... 1 50 Love’s Labor Won-. 15u The Missing Brida.~... 1 50- Deserted Wife..., —l so Wife's Victory lfo Tbe Gipsy’s Prophecy 1 5( Retrlbuiion.— l 50 The Mother-In-Law.... 150 lodia Pearl River—.. 1 50* > aunted Homestead- Is*» Curse of CUftou- 1 £0 The Lost Heiress- 1 50 Disgirded Daughter... 1 50 a bove are In paper cover, or In cloth at *2 00 each. TBE SOLDIERS ORPHAN By Mrs. Ann 8 ,■ tephens. Author ef "Fashion and Famine.” Com plete in one large duodecimo volume. Price *1 50 la paper; or. 12 in cloth. • MRS. ANN S. STEPHENS’ OTHER WORKS. Tbe Gold Brick.— M .*l 50) Mary Derwent |1 50 Mlent Struggles 1 50 Fashion and Famine— 1 50 Tee 'WiJe'sSeejet-... 1&u The Old Homestead.... 150 Ibe Lejected WU*- 1 toJ The Heiress...— ........... 150 Above axe in paper c ver or in doth ai42 each. BE->T COOK BOOKS PUBLISHED. rmnaKTAXirawß CHOICE BHATB FOLKS uinur STREET THEATRE, CHESTNUT street, above TWELFTH. THIS (FRIDA Y) EVENING, BENEFIT OF HE. BARNEY WILLIAMS. A Great BUI of Fun. MB. AND MBS. BARNEY WILLIAHB IN THREE PIECES AND FOURTEEN CHARACTERS. "BEALEBS CRUSHED BY ICEBERGS;’* SIGNOR BLirZ. KBW PUBLICATION^. THE BRIDE OF LLEWELLYN. EVERYBODY READING AND PRAISIN 3 IT. SECOND EDITION NOW READY. Thefollowlng&retcieb'stY'ook Books published io Ibe world. Every housekeeper should possess at least me olthtm, as they would save the price of it in a week’s cooking. Each Cook Book is strongly and n< Btly bound in cloth. M its Leslie’s N ew Cookery Book— —.42 00 e««tersoDs’NewQook Book —2 00 ■.» rs. Goodfellow s < ookery as it should be..—.. 2 00 . be ha lonal Cook Bnok 2 00 Widditield’s hew Cook Book 2 GO si s. Hale’s Receipts for the Million .... ... 2 00 M its Leslie’s New Receipts for Cooking 2 00 Mrs. Hale’s New Cook 800 k..... 2 00 rancateiU’s Celebrated Modern Cook, of English, French. Italian and German cooserv. With • 2 iUnstratiuns,6oo large octavo pages - 5 00 Copies of any or all of the above popular books will vi pent to any one free of postage, on receipt ot price. *£dxess all orders lor any books at all, to the Pub* I'Thers, T. B PETERSON * BROTHERS, 306 chestnut street Philadelphia. Pa - A nd they will recel ve Immediate attention, deZB,2l t VrkY SATURDAY, No 53. for January 5. is now ft ready, and contains: A Four-legged Servant: «n etbiogtumy Advaut-ge; The Village on toe Cliff, ■i\ Mm 1 HaCkERaY; Coeffetem; Black sheep by 5; MUND YATE-; Foreign Notes. For safe by it newsdealer. TICKNOR & FIEIDa, Pabllsners, ; 1 ton. it AUCTION HALES. YT THOMAS & SONS, AUCTIONEERS, Nob. ISO ill. and 141 South Fourth street t .MARTMFM' OF MARhhTS. WHARVES AND LANDINGS,Office FlFTHBt*eet below Chest ut Philadelphia, Dec. 28,1866. NOT ICE—The following named Wharves and 1 and •cgs will be leased at PubUc Anction, fora term of one r ibrfeytars, to the h ghest ard best bidder, at the Utocfaanta’ Exchange,on MONDAY, December 31,at 12 o'clock noon: Dock Strett Wharf, on the river Delaware Sleuth Street Wh&rr, on the river Delaware, Arch Street W barf on tbe river Schuylkill. J H. U U «H, Commissi mer (3(28-3*2 M. IBOMAS <fe sons, Auctioneers. COPABIUifiKHHIFS. TBEF BM I'K BHUWi' & SMITH 18 THIS DA.Y dismlv. ri by mutual consent The business of the ate firm will be rettied by GEORGE H. BJEtJvtTNat N 0.34 Worth FOURTHa reet. GhuRGf.H. BROWN, PETEK V. oMITH! General Partners. GEORGE M. ROBESO ■<. Special Partner. de2B-St{ PHrLAnBLpmA, Dpc 28, 18 c o, -i— - H AIN Kg’ BROS.’ PIANO&-I—* ■sSiSbave dealtln (hem for 14 years, andnSSSa ill *■ 'guaranteeeach |for 8 years. Prices ll I*ll inm|3ooto*so6. J.E.OOULD, nom.tf.ap Seventh and Chestnut. NPW TURKEY PRUNES, CURRANT*, <fco New Turkey Prunes, qualty very fine; New Crop r urrama. Orange and Lemon Peel, New Malaga Le mons, landing and for sale by .106. B. BU6SLKB A CO., 108 south Delaware avenue. meax> estate. ; The FourfhStorv Back Boom, or THB RBWBULLETINBUILDIIfe, With entianee by a spacious Hall on Chestnut street, and also an entrance on Jayne a treat, Fer further partlcnlara apply at the "Hew Bulletin Building, 607 Chestnut Stress. oesaa TO RENT. She Second Story Back Boom of Ho 607 Chestnut Street. APPLY TO MAHDEBSON * WOBRKLL, nol9 H OH THB PRKMTHWB. ■ T CHESTNUT HILL. HANDSOME MANSION dM AID EI3HT AOBBS, ™ m Stable, Coach House, Ac., all In perfect order. Possession Immediate If required. .Prlce.jl3a.oug. ■ EDWIN T.OOXE. de27-2trp* 534 WALNUT Street, K?OR BALE FOR 6,600 DOLLARS OR TO LET for era dollars per annnm, a don ole three story house with donble three-stor? bach buildings, on T» NTH street .below Montgomery avenne. ' de2B 2t» FVBe. LADIEB’ FANCY FURS A. K. * F. K, WOMRATH, 417 Arch St., HAVE HOW OPEH A Full Assortment ctf LADIES* AND CHILDREN’S FURS 1 vlso a great variety of » FANCY Camara and Sleigh Bobes. . vCls-3mrp WAICgES, JEWEIiBY, dsfl. g* HENRY HARPER'g* ea.r» 620 ARCH BTBEETf P&»>« WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWELRY, MLVTEWARE ASi» SILVER PLATED WARE. < ei9-mrpj i nr.to JTJRGESSEN’S—The nnest Watthes tm ported. An assortment for sale by PARE A BROTHER, Importer of Watchee,&c.. 824 Chestnnt street, below FOort? , MAJSTEL CLOCKS. OF SUPERIOR FINISH, made In Paris to car own order, ;tnd warrant* u. curate timekeepers. FARR A BROTHER, Importers, 824 Chestnnt street, below Fourth, BEGIhTER’S NOTICE. REGISTER'S NOTICE.—To all Creditors, Legatees ■ and other perscns Interested: Notice Is hereby given that the following named per cent dld,ion the dates affixed to their names, flle the E-ecumsof their Administration to the estates of those i > n*oas deceased, and Guardians' and Trustees' ac o -tints whose names are undermentioned, in the oflics of the Register for ihe Probate of Wills aad granting ] eiters of administration, in and for the City and { uuniy of Philadelphia; and that the same will be pro* “putedto the Orphans'court ol said City and County fl>rronfirmaiion and allowance, on thethird FRIDAY •n January next, at 10 o’clock in the moralng.at the County Court Bouse In said city, is-^s. o 0v.30, Andrew Johann, Adm'r of ELIZABETH VABOKSY dec'd. “ so, William M. David, Executor of LOUISA P. DAVID, dee d. •* 30, Ban'l M. Fox, Adm’r of ESTHER LE OObi PTE. dtc’d. Fee. 1, Humphrey Suhlvan and Ellen Robinson, Adm’r* of J ERE MIA K BULLIVA N .deed 4, Benjamin O. Loxley, Adm’r c. t, a. of GEU. LOXLKY, dec’d. “ 5, JamirE. Brown, Aom'r of GEO. ECKERT, dec'd. 5, Mary Clo*son, Exec'x of JAMES H. CLO - SON, dec’d. 5. John McMenamln and James Murray,Exec rs of PATRICK McNaLLY. dec’d “ e, Robert and David Patton. Sxec'raof JOHN STEEL deo’d. 2 “ 6. Thtmas D.Speakman. Exec’r ofLETITIA t-BBABTIAN, dec'd. “ 6, Benjamin L. Temple, Executor of SARAH SMiIH, deed. “ 7, William P. Clark: and John S. Bnmm, Hxec’rs of JOHN SUMMERVILLE, dec d. $ 1 7, John B. Austin, Exec’r of MARIA E. DIA MOND, dec’d. 7, Mary and Joseph D. Sorver, Adm’rs of JACOB G. tORVER dec’d. “ 8, Ann Davis Adm’x (as Bled by her Adm’r) of ELIZA T. DAViS, dec’d. “ 8, ©eorse F. Lee, Administrator of ANN DA VIS, dec'd. io, James Casey. Adm’r (as filed by his Exec’r) of DANIEL OaSEY, dee d. - io, John B. Dales, D.D., Exec’r of PRESTON W. RUSSELL dec’d. “ 10, Samnel Dutton. Adm’r of CHARLES G. WIGHTMAN. dec’d. “ 12, James irwin, Exec’r of THOMAS WINN, dec'd. “ 12, David Smith. Exec'r of HARRIET B. SIMP SON, dec’d. *• 13, George Raphael, Exec’r of JOSEPH M. SEA.* RIGHT, dec'd. “ 13. Martha R. coward and Spencer Roberts, Kxec’rsof AJAX COWARD,dec’d. is, Catharine Armstrong. Adm’x of GEORGS ARMSTRONG, de^d. “ 14 John J. Helchhold.Exec’r of JOHN O’LEARY, dec’d. • * ■' 14, Edward C. Dale, Adm’r c. t. a,of GEORGE O. EE >D dec’d. 15, Maria M. Buff, Adm’x of JOHN U. BUFF, dec’d. “ 15, Evan Prowattaln, Adm’r of MARY- BOW MAN, dec’d. ** 15, Soibia and Charles H, Birnbaam, Exec’n ef lHa RLES RIBNBAUM. aec’d. - 15, Sarah B. PedrTck, Exec’x of JOSEPH D. PED* RICK, dec’d. " 15, W. H. btofcea and E. O, Wayne, Exec’rs of CHARuKSM. (*TOKES, dec’d. ' 17, Henry Wbaiton, £ xec’r of JUn. JC, D. READ, deed. " 18, A. Chb/lea Barclay, Adm’r c. t. a. of JOHN L. BARCLAY, decM. “ 19, W. H Stokes and is. C. Wayne, Guardians of JaMES &TOKKS, late a minor. 19, W. H Stokes ann Js C. Wagner, Guardians of W.B.S'JOKrS late a minor. “ 19, W. Is. Stoke* and £i C, Wayne, Guardians of C. M. STOKfcS, late a minor. • l 19, W- n. Stokes and Is. C. Wayne, Guardians of MARIA q. STOJ£Eii.jate a minor. •• 20, Isaac F. Baker etal Trustees of JULIA E. KiNGS 4 ON dec’d, under the will of aNNA M.hLL LOTT, deed. •* 22, Edward H. Roberts, Kxec’r ofBATH3HEBA KUBEMB, dec’d. so, Richard C. Dale, Executor of MARGARET I>oLE, dec’d. '* 20, Edward Wart man and Thomas C. Jones, Ex* * cutoiß or WILLIAM DRUM, dec’d. 20, Edward Warun»n and Thomas G. Jones, Be ques'iatora to the Estate of WILLIAM DRUM, dec’d. *‘ 21. God «rey Kreviag and J. T, Plate, Executors of PHILIP ScRLKSINGRR, dec’d. 11 21, Thomastiaiaorii.Admiiiisirai.orof PATRICK REILLY, aec’d. *• 21, Alexander Marita, Executor of DAVID AG NEW, deo-’d. “ 21. William v. Chappell, Adm’r of CHARLES L. CHAPPuLL dec’d. *• 24, Edward Garty, Aomin’r d. b. n. g. t, a. of Sarah Black, d«c’d. “ J 4, Henry Croskey. Adm’r in Pennsylvania of IWAAOuotJi-D.dtc’d. / •• 26, John Rutlierfoid. Jr.. Exec’r/as filed by hts Exe’rs) of ESTHER STEWART, dec’d in account with ANN E, WILLCO2C and MARIA L. FRIES, (late CRAWFORD,) Annutiams. *• 25, James Moore, Exec’r of BAR3HAB A STULL, dec’d. “ 27, Patience Leslie, Adm’r of JAMES LESLIE, dec’o “ 27, George B.Ree*e Trustee forTHOMAS NEILL, under will of CHR KINNEY, d*c’d. “ 27. Evan Morris, Executor of MARGARET Moßßlb, dec.d. - * . . ** 27, Kate a. MpDevitt, Adm’x of JOHN Me* DEVITT dec’d. deSB*iaw4t FRED *SRICK M. ADAMS, Register. STEAMSHIP ROMAN, FROM . BOSTON.-Con ilgnees of merchandise per above steamer, will please send for their goods, now landing at Pine street whart (de2s 3t) HENRY WINSOR & CO. GJESTO’ FUBNISHGOTG GOO»3 NOTICE TO GENTLEMEN WRAPPERS WRAPPERS; WRAPPER^. The largest and beet Stock can beseen at JOHN a ARRISON’S, Hob. 1 and 3 Iff. Sixth Street. PTTrY.Annrr.PHT*. Hosierv. G-loves, And all the latest : NOVELTIES FOB Q Prices tosult the times. PRESENTSFOR GENTLEMEN. TIES, SOABEB, : PINE SHUTS, ' • DRESSING BOBES, BREAKFAST COATS, SKATING JACKETS, •CARRIAGE BOBS, SKATING BENTS, ' SLEEVE BUTTONS, SCARF BOROS, GLOVES. • ■ . - v . • . . ' : 4'' ' ’ '' 1 ' WINCHESTER & GO., 706cChestntit St. de3-Imrp CBOCRBIES, LIftUOBS, dO. LADY APPLES, OF PERFECT COLOR. Havana Oranges, LARGE AND SWEET, THfi ONE OUNCE RAISIN, largest Ever Imported. .Almeria Grapes, In Large Clnsteis. DAVIS & RICHARDS, oCMtQ ARCH AND TENTH STREETS, NEW FRUIT. CBOWN, BASKET, LAYEB, BUNCH, SEEDLES and SULTANA RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, PRUNES, FIGS, HAVANA ORANGES, 4c., ic., <tc. Albert C. Roberts, Dealer in Fine Groceries, ELEVENTH and VINE STREETS. F L OUR. fhe attention of Shippers to Sontlr American Forts, Ac cl the Trace eenerally. Is called to the following o&- Icbrated ilranda of FLOUB made bom NSW WHJEA.T and of which the; are theaole reoeivera in this city. IVORY SHEAF, ST. LOUIS, LANGLEY’S CHOICE. NED’S MTLIB, BUBAL, PASCAGOULA, ANTI-PANIC, GRANITE This Floor la pot op In the very beat round hoop packages and will be sold in lots to snlt. R. J. RIDJDELL& GO, 3. W. corner Broad and Vine street*, FFF. G. FLOUR. <3^ The Beat in the World. f ’ FOB SALE BY THGHPfiOH BLAOK ft SOS, Broad and Chestnut Street. delOtLrp cLOTBure, JONES’ Old Established ONI PRICE FINE Ready-Made Clothing House, *O4 MARKET STREET, above Sixth, Now on band one of the largest and best assorted Mucks of Beady-made Clothing in the Country— prices very reasonable. Also a handsome line of Plecr Goods for Castoni Work, ocl-3mrpj EDWARD P. KILL! TAILOR, 612 OHESTKUT STREET, complete .assortment of OBOIOE GOODS MODERATE PRICES. PATTERN OVEB COATS, MORNING or HALE PP.EBBand SACK. COAT», made from BEST MA- T l RIALS* TO SHOW THE NEW STELES, for Bale at cost. -JW MONET TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED ■'trmX UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEW- A A UaKY, plate, clothing, <&o., at ® %§ JO» ES &OO ’B OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner or THIRD and GAS KILL Streets, Below Lombard. ■ N. 8.-DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, dtc., FOB BAIiBS AT kkm A-RTTABLY LOW PRICES. STJEGK & CO.'S PIANOS. —»w»v ORGAN B* Only at!, K, A Oheetnnt, MP,tfBp Underwear. [’S WEAR, dettfel de32-2m| HOLIDAY PRESENTS. MW I EAR’S PRESENTS. OPERA GOLD SPECTACLE?. CHILDREN’S MAGIC LANTERNS, DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, . '' &c.,&e. . . JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 9Q4 CHESTNUT STREET ; deUtfrpl WRITING DESKS AND PORTFOLIOS, FCB HOLID AY PRESENTS AT MOSS&CO.’S, delttlalrp . 432 CHHSTHUT 878887 NOWREADY, THE NEW HAT, BY WAEBURTO.I ' 1 ■ Hatter, 430 Cfiestnnt Street NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. delS-lmrpt NEW YEAR’cs PRESENTS. Fine Opera Glasses* Elegantly Bound Music Books AND | MUSIC FOLIOS. 0. W. A. TRUMPLEB, BEVESTH A3TD CHEtTHTJT STS. dehlrpl NEW YEAR’S PRESENTS. The best and mort useful Prerent to give a Mend (or the need;} Is a barrel of my superior St. Louis or Ohio Family Flour And a bag or hall barrel Mountain Buckwheat Meal. Warranted equal to any In the market. GEO. F. ZEHSIDEB, Successor to Allman dtZehnder, , FOURTH and VTNK. i delS-Utrpl YANK IRK & CO.. No. 913 Arch Street* MANUFACTORY AT FRAHKFGRD, PHIL ADA. We wosld respectfully raw the attention of oof friends and the public general!?, to onr choice and elegant, assortment of GILT and BRONZE CHAN* DBLIEBS and GAS FIXt u RES. corstantfy on hand, {.ll of them of the very latest ana BEST DESIGNS. Also a fine selection ol PORTABLE, with FANCY CHINA, PORCELAIN and other SHADES, to salt j archasera. . A fine a*d choice selection of IMPORTED BRONZE tTAI CAST, CARD RECEIVERS, ANTIQUE VASES, INKSTANDS, THERMOMETERS, <&&, always on hand at very reasonable prices. We would in vile those who are dealions of procuring any of the above enumerated articles, to call at cox before purchasing elsewhere, and examine onr assortment, feeling corfident that they will be favora bly impressed with the character of onr goods. OUR PRICES ARK REASONABLE, and the work in all cases guaranteed to give satisfaction to the pur chaser. N, B.—Particular attention paid to the renewing of old work. noS 4m-rp2 VANK3BK & Oft FOR THEJEIOLIDAIS H, P & 0 R. TAYLOR’S Toilet Soap and Toilet Boxes, Colognes andExtracta lor the Handkerchiefs, Verbena, Geranium and La vender 'Waters, Almond,Rose and Ambrosial shaving eame.and Taylor’s Celebrated Saponaceous Shaving ('cmpunnd, allof which maybehad at the priutipat Drug, Trimming and Notion Esiabliameut at retail, and by wholesale only at the Factory, m and 643 NORTH NINTH STREET.- de!4 24trpl - SEATESI SKATES! EXTRA QUALITIES, For Ladles and Gentlemen, of the finest cast Bteet hkates made to order. Also.S&ates sharpened and repaired at the ehorteat not.ee. 3 T3SUPpEIi| No. 103 South EIGHTH Street, Three doors below Chestnut. deS-2m rp PERSISTENT SOAP BUBBLES OP GREAT strength and durability. They will last for many hours, may be punctured without breaking , and can he blown to twenty inches in diameter* showing the most brilliantprismaticcolors and tarnishing a de lightful entertainment for adults and [children, - Solu tion sold by Queen. Porter and Booth, Ac.; and by the manufacturer. JAMES T. SHINN, Broad and Spruce streets. decll»rptf} THE FUSE ABT& LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S, EARLE 4 SONS, vrith greatly Increased facilities, and a large corps off first-class workmen, are now manufacturing a LABGB STOCK OF LOOKING GLASSES* guaranteed the BEST FRENCH PLATES ONLY OB So SALE, and would call attention to their dally aug menting AJSSOJRTiLKNTas UJNEQUALED ana at VERY MODERATE PRICES, EARLE s GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. n 024 ~ CHICKERING UPRIGHT PIANOfe, ESP} 91COH£SmUT STREET. PlTm ocS-tf 4p WsH.DUTPQH^ Pi(ifis£EVJßa> TAM AKIN DS.-20 kegs Martlobma ■3 amaiinds In sugar, landing and for sale by jTb* & CO„ 10a soQtb Delaware avwme,. SKATES!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers