~,,.~, . .?: ,-7.111 cF!.. ,- 4.5 , rt . ..g., ,, '..-,..'st.', ms ' - . ,--,,'"--;',-;..:...-,,,:;:-.",:::.-:.'::%:::,,,-.:-.,,,,,,:. he Filisinirgiinzettt. 310NUAT.lalf_ 29, 141. • E i Suinit tltiirs,usti" itittae, ..fhe Fred - dent Wets; deputatloN "(hi eV" all it4VNaney to' Umeffect questiol__ ou er ,hat amytectafelyleftia gbo l ,..'Wor, the - loyal white. residents of -42 " t booth: It it certeitily a question. irbich, le ihiptintatybeatings. Wetly ea* the tcykithltegeltto tent be Watt* lattrumet dire& cc tact with the ifetra m piinititfea Will WNW meatus.' he tesfemiible'-fet itiabfitabio directing orggr z , 10 0 4, eutdielet, abate 'env Will he charged. with Abe • bilitrof , placlnuthavutane of edo tlon Withinthe reach of the•east .ne• wiettett haomtetiolty act the hrthh" - Watt.LL IF2 row. - ,• ".. . . I 2 Alitelr.t.eltiYlne49-I+7ol Sen _ene:4+ele - 144.bo•Bouibt A. small house wouhl-. irthode who proved loyal '*ouichchit +l{eielllO4 Outel4 :or of Federal yeespitkrp . ., ;;f tka rpuldeue knininp to-leave seet4clAl4s44?:+eit;'..iwe have sO fhb 41 UPPeTi: , 4 3 o 13 ;: Mftklk:olexuiCie.nee; _who *toiels to be Wye, oetc , ; ond depend upon ); 1 : ONCUPIef. taker►;:,when Fhb •cOuid not keep it. Ito tki sole .endetteci or ibtAr, /PYFITY;*riI 43 ,bit C% m oat . ,liW Yr i d e l / - ' ' ',TVEXtr,Clat. ibliylifiViriii halt liiiiiejle ' '39y .4!triFty bit bim pooh-et,least 'mix?? —2,4 rt thirsan e of Ju s tice That . tia- elssa ARIIL f - - voluntarily (+c cede %tat ,' black -, AGM* public read .: +tient of focal-of Cott . *** 3 1A- real:tuition-1n . 1000WiTe .4 9, 1 4 4t, we . . 41reattrio X, 'it to perfectly 01 isLi ww . their hands: , ..,, , ..,i4ite t men !to _ ilAe ' iecuttiC , whiterue a :01,64\ ad Yield 'now tottliiteeel it A. If the Liftoia, cat rights it all, iliftzt-tat _ have . acted; we subngt 4hat they hold them by too slight a tenure , 'to be entitled to pass tiiton thetights of oth ,4lllLOr to bez,mpoWered ,with the right- to itairl Whether' men who -have stood by the .1'91144pm 94 all ,through and have fought -,,fizetts maintenance, shall or shall not hive tights of citizens under tiott govern. „ tie decision of this question beletngS of I'right to the people of the country mid to the . govert, :rtent., ' in no fairly .; belongs 7P;i4l/SeftWhose, -lOyalty is not aboyestuittl -1;eloti, and to:whous the exerciser of citlzan -?elbittilielongs rather by 'pentibsaion than of • ••••"--7.----. r <4111 1 C1781110BN—AGITATION: years ago a large majority of the ; . ''grteiPcsin people deprecated any aglistlim • of the Slavery question; and were impatient dpisteCom With anybody and eierjbody iiho a disrastaoa to discuss it. EVO2 the • sacred right of petition waa violated leader thds the quettion chould be keptout of Coo ( red& The National .Legislature sdirays *fewer to *Mau Slavery in - the District P,C Columbia, and , therefore the , nation, as dalli K qtessa responsible for its Umitlinance ingzd ;' This thousandi of oar beat end most :consotentiorer citizens awe and folt, and - Ittiee they Met in petitlonsfor its abolition: Ald, Cpstred of receiving those petitions and - Oder; them -consideration and - - referersM, f'cruiguredis adopted a tyrannical rule ordering Jethern.ta he. lald on the tallie,wl.hoit either , Tailitte or mferente. This rule was main - red' tor..;dirMid.: r, Tito Southern _ members, knowing that -Slavery could not orrice; •nieritis, had recidnise • threiti - socession;:while • dirsiey of the Northergmembeis trimly drib matted to` and cort tpd, before those. throats ind ilicmcdto _that •• dictation ; and do, be : :"Avvesit;rdirviborders • and' doighfacesi the_ 1'0444:0 ,Oetition trampled under foot, rand a huge body of American citizens were iatragc-d and insulted-111, as ire were Urea told, re) . keep the peace and` sire 111 F. : `.. 4t. weetruing that unfortunate period I - ' , W;tt . the spirit 14,5:a11ery , !10: mightily grew that arrogance and as c' -greedivenesa bectunli at length too intniera . be borne: which ittaricd Its artemPt to: get possession-: of irdaMous - Wield dictum in the ` l Dnia EiCeiv cede, *Alien with the tree sortable ; entrances -and -overbeiring ipso gradually aroused „ spirit of tb4 free Sides; and led the: Dentidkor ef the Republican party; thtitmost - l iSP4lted end policed .the 'world 'ETt3i saw. ; Thousands - upon thousends of 'manly I httirrn en! den - Merits fell in Wlthit ;' India; '; •, 400.- by the'eicdlon id.c..•Luiciiiiin,:thit; I Iparty:declart-d that, although they hid no Tower over Slavery In the Stales while it esidtedt ic should be excladed franc the rev:, •c•„ 4 l7lfirift. 7. thiq• \.. fe;:libry tiont Tree shetdd . . , • . (..;:, • Mkt" ::isme , seeessfort . • end; war, . lie; • . - ; fr itf? 4eSi_ t* * **4:idy'' 81ftyd r y. took ;the. - . ..411 1 0itio*bn ibt•.-billeVriOihalts - .a;i44i),4-‘. • _ . ; Aim by ilwrei r ind„,, , i , ...,.. • . , 4.•: - , - • - ,-.,_ :- f ' Kim had iii Mull teed:lift t . te.i -, llLid ini. , , - . • - , , 114010*; - not, - .1104geid t ru tif:t l ip; , . ...-- - • it.74diiiediiiit*liiP*dl44:jth%it - k ittOttiot-r , • . --- e 'lladliiii and assily 'simile:a been: permit-'. • '..* - 4i.ike,liortbilibilbS*Aoilt - &4saibi., ' . (..:•44eit Orilla** havolie44 the A;/,ii.iie 1 . - been suffered to set with their ow n inherent;, ' • .•••••loir laimPoPUlsr oPialon,;.thhkw* would , , .`'.. 1; 1 40 : been ‘ raided , If. Slavery could not', •:. •• • ,:riiiiir 0.614h.0 iir;oo*4o - 44 . foff. Of,, i 'jisobad,tiogici , abet•fscV - *lose ought to lisS.e. 1 • ' - .• , Z;71414 . 14 diaoofisd,eiii..So ItifiAbOlt • i i I A •- - L . .. •- • and it w‘tita • hero done ' o, 14.riek - a*l . -; IWO"; -311rii.'4 1 _42i;blo . • hi,itket -- -2,prleeWe .. •. '.•:.yeee; 414 eolTheteeCe , ;for ~ yatiSop Com ' i ,, •-. ~ - • :;,/, , O,Ofe free Zisinisio*-',lpalrer;twr!b ft: , :iiis. taste/ biOeSi L iWaii tieesuriaiii*Wi -,• !,' issititiege Ka sorrows; haabeekiiusiesiliyi, --- • the ratio n . paid /or_ be ead...ditittiri '0(41 !"* / Aftif Illethstoeoa , prlntiplee.-WbllellS.. L'... • ;••:::(iiiii;lo7l4 . l!/40 1 ...40 ,1 ._ u 1t.iiii. _ *Ali. .‘ • . . -:, , ! , ,ap._writh egibsrt tberqy of Iriith. -:••• !, i' , • .• . l '''', 'llWlet eiii:;eoVr a erieef.ittliv'teirlbleenpr;. -' •.itiOia;"hiihe',tukiiiii.oroat - baitiyr:.Prisideo' • , iseileiFietieTdleEslee7r,strielrelt,.#iefe j i4rs . I • - ~•;,, l ixisii therli pits ..or millicizi -: o f ;hoed . ii . 4 1 '. . :• - • -- ;•," ( licbtfie:fiot - attind , befbteribe;listioee .., • . . - P45 1 444 6 0/e.kii 1 0 ; imi:i:e4li.,!# the -•',. 1 ,,,n - qtbeßii! - ir ~,,K..lid.ch • haa - lonvoppresse4 - , i' - -,, —. ,Mome.,Y; t'heir i :-• Alankbii ' . ..E.iitelisiihir, s i:, ? . f t 'lldnirfelloterask 'seem iSO be ireitlii& , if .. , •,.. :•"Netie;i6 - #o,e,:becitioee.., • ,eileetillV,lieti' l:', ) ,..PPwer.. • PT,TisTa ari 0,4 bi do' WWI She*. ' . ,i•,-44 0 . .01:0 -. ..hlg , _.,!lakU ** 4ll-l i/44)1f# r * • ' •r: ~ TheLimlising irgbt 'Ai 'int [ irop,i4k --- / . - se* " QSisw,fie!ro 10W, , p0 Is snit s o ' ~,,,k, feni*.S • V bstabill whokte•l•Aball • ..i •% -, - P".Witte,mol falitif,oo o lilier . MA' law ti. • pe .'• . . • :444,beforeiii; is - tieitUe bblititikf l*, (• 7 .• • / .70 _WC , t0474itr,fa... 1 2 1 1, 4 .„__ , 4 1 t ° .., • ,i,,,; - ,ellirobaraDeliPtsava We auARA _ ;t"', l L Mk, Pf . ' 144111140.0 . I** Itadorthiste •feete ~ .: • ;.- litol*,•4l'be , heiles 4 iie - , , Aiteianliol . ." --4 vsiVeleorp iAxilee.'„leieir has see ' qek. _A -.. - . . • i; 4...,..5ai5t -. 047414 7 i3tiro! - iiiiiiAiiici4: W. . • eleolec * Ile Peoplewohetler - he - elan bets. '... ' viestoookoirstii-22oitliabmkai. "iiii.: ' be " Feegettiellte: hie : ' a s o f ft ari•or a; . . •a" -);Z 4 SsigletlisiatitiaborradtisSeapeet. 114", .' ••1:-.410Mil4EICOWIrSt/;,1*t04-: 41i t-• , '' ... c i t --- i "" 1i../3iililsi4 tit :' - • '''7laittaCtitiiii t***ol-igqiiini ;t, 4 .... ...00,8cliiIileVeogesitiks ilia -.:..: ". - Tithe ielolel einiaime4eiL lOU .... .gi 0( Wait_ - ---. ': •• -.._'• --' -.• :.-.:: 1.-. - -_•::' • .•'- , ,41 101' . - -- • ---.. s..- '72,-... _."..'-' :". . . , ...,,...":1;:-...,::.` r.--..- -,-,-, ------.--,---- ---..,--------- --- ,----------,- -- -.-- ... ,, -- 7 ---- = - -.-• -: - ------ ' :f -,- -; ,,,,, y+ - ... --- 5.. -- gx ,--- -v .7- r- - - - --- -,- -;-;- , - , -: , ,, , ---z - ----'' , k-:r- T .e--, -- • • . ,- :. .... . . _ - --- -- .- - - ,-' • • l . - .„,„.- ___ .....,_ ._...... 1. ..-:r 4. - i• ...7, : -i'' '. 1, -. - --, wer -7 .7 -1 ,1f..r?,11" - r-•Ztr ."- ---1 A, t:_ --4 N -' " K . , t . a__t___4_j___ , ,. r ~...;• 7 s --,T, ,4 . ~.., J.,,,,, ~. v , ..-. : -. 1 ..-y-- --1 , --- 17: A MEN 1+ nys~aa3iLoaw~' t i n *** , 0 ; 111.41 ,b, „ lireALstiaaasor• opier . sol tient Wear; Lot Tatem.ow • inaiireered Ids place foe loam Moak and crt,4 lam by tatiMgvAtAmor taAt to* wu icd 4 lfii . l l 4'oovei4aeid 'Ad not /hopfAlnyesii 'muoilm_clieriakbatiMittod hlm oat and sued= him• before :ibe United Sta;eB;ClMed(COnit. Tao remit a guic on bad, the Got/in:moot_ was usable-to MAYO 4int one einglo allegationtof PiPit or corr uption . and 2tr;,Plzitaraie.if wiapromply acialtled: • • 7 .; : But of what &Vial : lithe acquittal ' to the marreimse good name- irm sacrificed and itho - warcondonned no prematurely? Ode. fen* intualned. i ind. bellerlid" ttUa acantatkentwill Diner seethe record titthe aecinlttatnridisill go donate thelrepareii lelli4tc guilty, 110 : . 111 Ili* . .0 from limbo to Geoglaseldle truth isputumg on his hoota:! - The rietiM of' idiutdek: and conspiracy to ibL MO Willnever thorough. lyrrammthe good name that -was :taken froaktini; iartd thrive *All man !!ill be icmpeljcd to par* through di ; a . Weight , of atatigma Isatened..upoa hiss ibeCladliddettd breath of hfil fililidOtili ss aaUnnla . , Prim l'lrgisda and , the Zaralinas will probably, arise, melt - .aniumn,and - winter, -a try for bread. f:Tke grain and moat asps in them State's- -insufnelent -.combo eupfromf of:tbe piliabitSataz-lialisiso4l.4l /841.gercer- Xt the time pur eyes fell -- upon p this m: „ graph, they -also—took -cognisance of the , . .f949w11g, 'the teingtSphicoidnmus of the .„1 X4itiPsPenci • - : Nsx Tons, ' May. ,25.—Letters froM Itile.igivfrom persons eenversar.t with the 4etatiteents Of the slaysbolders in North and South Carolina, state that the megrims la' those States ace being driven - . away from Jbeir ord liemee by their:lo*M • who re f fuse tO hire there' netted faboreTe: l'he - nort. sequence lithe. blanks are ix &pitiable opt): dltian - It, there ta danger ; faminein these Stater. u the rwtellfgurer , _antrreCtla; why do the planters driveed those who are will tug to -work:for . . them;. and. are ready Lo plant end hoe; and bring - the crops forward?; The planters have ,the land and: he negioes have the labor: if the &Merit will not allow the li;borere - to . Work, the plantemSouYlit to' starve. • :The y .can, no possible, claim aeon public charity after wilfully prevent.: big the' enlitration'of the crojai*esuryso save them from starvation. , • . There is but ono course top:trans toglida these fraeiloui platiteis, and_ that's to cop tiseate their estates and give there. to the negroca They cannot be 4erinitted to play the dog in the manger,-and neither work themselves stor_perinit others to work for them. . • the Spirit of the Returned Rebel 9414er1i• /From the.Mi hits BuilKIN Mar '•I A rebel major who name la` one, day last •Weekked was released on =parole , was, on Saturday, accosted on Main street by an old acquaintance, who bas been in business in .11emphia ever since :.Federal Otxtifieliont and has been quite a secession syrnparldger. After greetings were exchanged, the war .and the surrender of, rebel armies wee re ferred to, and the eecesidould, who tut I *ever been to war. said,. "Well; Major,-It ainft over-yet." The Major looted a little *stumbled; and then responded:. " I been fighting for nearly four years, and I say It . Mover, and I'll tell you-what's more, be one to assist in striating up airy man thaws it ain't °var." .We are requested not to. publistrthe'nimet Inthla case as the parties are known to nearly ali our citizens; An incident oftderiler character Is related reoel &Adler, who was . iander' Mood during • the rebel - retreat' fro m Nas hville, and hadmnett etherlia 'experience- dor leg Matinee years he was in . the rebel ar my: A man who, to escspe censeciption into Memphis over a teas ago, from -.Topton County, sled to the rebel Bolder. •Al.o, being...paroled, was going 'about fo Meet hieoldacquaintenancies,'"Well, Char ' ley, It shit over A Sneer of sCorn curled Charley's lip as he-replied:: ""I've lived on corn and the meanest kiwi of beef 'Pm months; I've Seen brave men undergo e, most terrible sidierhoq I'Are . been a soldier for over three years, and since I gave myself up to be paroled:l._ have been better treated by Federal officers than I ever was by - theotin,- and. I don't intend tcrifght any 'More ; -but ifyon; who hive sever yet carried a musket for the Confer% erary,. regatta have deriver contintled, you had better go yourself and fight.", . The wan who didn't. think it was "over yet" hadn't a word more to say on the sub- Itke,Sialtaisa : cWe publish to-day the:official decition of fin Court Mattel in themes of the &titans ditaster.' It appeal* . that !;081 ionla Were on the heat, ourof which not over 800 were saved bowing , a lon of life' of 1,221 pentane. This official, document., to ode mind - , Is very tu satisfactory, It evidently betrayi a dlt, - • poettlon to gloss over the :carelessness and 'inattention that led to so fetal a result, and to apologize., in view of public cm:demo-- lin - •-for the favoritism - or • cupidity which r ennujed the Vessel- with tm - ch'il number of :Wien to tithstone.of theNtllstiflesked, tbat the .reparisrnebessitry - for 'the trip' Well:d9Pet /*far' thrty Wen; but - *Wilds:o :wolkl 2 .tsimf. was, not laade'lladAga 'MOW 1011COMI# fol-: `the: neglect of not doing this Ott; did:Obt, matesially'endangez the safe sji,oLtint boil; igratbotdd hifro • rerreeted 'lter'froitt mirrying:Whlgb g Of steam. 111M`kanso - of gie, Outer ilidtts out OP -unpilY; ;Oita think; through lltii,traingaretit ,netingi siad .the.piibllc mind Will be' vT raga .4e'rettli,dentwte - 4n opinion o: nmanarlatteeing to the: pinks issiolvml. 'Si,' Louts Daniterat !. • • . : • • - 1 r, 1',..rn."..... .__........ ~....... ..: r" .-e , Genes . to commit. ' .., i Pi .4.,. kite:dram: Dresden toys af the NT': , ecit of emigration ...t •• - . - ~ : , r,:-1 • snbe-harbor of , Hainbarg Is now tolliir, :tlettele 'than If ha" Mien rat the same sea. os.rotyesiriiijuid'Yet"there are not anon h. to, take onliOardial iintlig nista bound r, ' ...Plelien:'..,:Tlie. ':wharf lir , it "1* m i d iilarEmigrents-auf rir as tie eye' imii ' v The Within Deumarrhaa doze - Math to do an - arvilthe prkthdleetrtot ,ths..part 14e ' • Ins Against Amaticak,becansfthe :" : dos TOpis , wi. itsin.k , the 0111 7, PSPer,ta n =tick entaineil4itieles Warne to , .aid all. thine articles; intim pit,. , is sea usttreseni, , werwtmtriendly,ta the Aortii:.- Dming th e Mullah war the liondinf :riow. , advocated • thir - sida of MO , Dania.'! 'rat °Mad the - . Germane , eyes;- they die.' :virtu itcvna, aild'ieht • their own 'dm. nsPoridenta to,America. ; and oboe 'then s mach Utter feeling towards Amerits pie,, .vglinitere; and the malirssta. are a ~ b etter: 'date th a n mouth .. , 1, , , ..- .; . . ~, ...A.Datniann . whiler. in:S4S army in d" dim havhsg 1 been..taud .4:online(' in the • Vat:Ueda for "mos 0 felt•somethhar ;cestellag ever blm.'..-Enovlss it to bearsar.r. 'pent, and *Wag its 'deadir hip, • he ki pt. ,qtdtestill;f/htle the:refire - envied beide ,of his *Yet snd'OoTled Meisel(' tip for i' nap, „Wiwi the guard came to.rciegat'h. el` *PP bdiudi4fter a siskil-i-• odbdv;74eleit. V gilded , tway;:i , This , ildartt nelited tvith. ftlrisdre that meadow:uses hahrlid Innied whuil,* , irad lateliedmastr, bans ..s.fler Om `told hia sterti - e:; .• ~, t , , - ,-- • - , i r , 0 e..rel.4•••— ' 4'.":_ . 3 , it , Tasilladooßaciddßallroadlanowt .., !ed and to osetratioft Itrobl4 Ma Missouri itil Tcs iT , gil . awl". lAintits i 6 d riP zw: ; Wimr . 40,2 t ••• - qy - la. ::tested , .Pertan• (Mr 11 * misted in is she Ada 10,,d :atm lie 4br etch voila completedi squat to iql, tees erg:madness lands,. -The w ork. I then be pealed !brined_ ' beyond lawn ". hi thiedireetid4 , of the Pitidencsast. ,- :.1 . tp: „Tau Nett'llebool Peebytetl4ll, e 7.A.selatelg , Iselo4o2,l4llkly* took, be firif AMOR 0004m 1 Oldiagnocessth4 01 thellostheis Petefds7;;Llhree fetieeetere erpxhilatifkikst Aremeeees, ebiodetem• sod peuqimpieblete, realotateWaleier lopiltypiturfas the - wee:- ured tett Ake Sieyel trytheilie * f teiesktibal-Theirobeele aim bly A 13“1110 ta Lb* feet milt ibis ERE Wl * s...M e Lis add le s - : - at , : toile rs - r , people is r ann. I& hit rd Lisompilitti with as sire visa. OIL It b tits treat wok apnt Pont- Oat littiisre,*.T.crility:l3tentolt. -- 3tilgo Bo't end }..r Gene:4l di n.er rat others Connected with the prosecution at Wash. 'noon, Water& ever loneeiveti"ly- one en- TA ited, at ' l 4 IP* fr,mil'hl Patutv 1 4 1 0 conw-' lie is ondontitediy • and able tine in the cannel ion or his-Csnsdlan frhnli he has gressiy overdone bit;work- Tad 1 ,0 • t the public la satiated of the In thew in plain Ethel& that - he 114. his caw lifiltileitibly ‘l3y Ale abscro :io• lean& Berdenotdietit'lde J'ohoson as the leader of the conspiracy ilwasSinatellE Lincoln hi order to get hie plice;-deciarlng that he alonmetf slitherthlOiene,milliona of our people hielAny motive So Ast,Orittie.: Bela intlagexpozi. Gen., Btiter,Whoni ho Oeseribecas' *61 . 0 ; 'Wafting chiricter thin "Beast Bitier,"' India Ahllilletie cause of the law of nititee-lhatliknt 4 sters not :Propagate their weeks, at:- For the 'Judge Advocate he has a so pittne contempt; and plestarisealloffnaith- • dolphindescribing Geo. N. , l3entlett ceinei dolt upon &creasy Malden lathe' lender:Sri, iiiinaidritey to iniplibabi,inin Oat Pattiel In thli,V,reet &Seethe Of thitiliebt eta' landlord! of Bahtreal Chti , :effeet, - ,llfrik. the 'topped_ with thew,: cheated, then; . omit o their bills, 'Pilfered Ironi,them, was blers . .end,the , 'Aka _l l -rcbl444o 3 Y.erev sew, *boo testlmony,wes not. Worthrelf ,the least-credence) This whiten , and , others. he- lcbargea; are =barbel:L.:bp Secretary . Gas: s- • _ . ~,~;,~ :,..rr~8~~e:rr~ar~~~: pli-11110Innerrit! MOS- 011XWMPIT1103.- s=l7h. : Mb4.bityat :Mei pF.44 , l= 4, ..wystoir, mai , ..„,, e „00,0.4y. tak..: 1.041164.141 4' - pt Yalta' y Dot ittelr,lf Wa; ilea* "Yeartiatea.abd lowatU%atti ea SAT DAY, Jim WAIL - ant alma tbilatitas to Total *Mk qtalltiiteowlil la &MON MY ittit Vatic ba Oa iiia- AIL Ilia tbaatt,bloaaa. la ' isouraC' at' SEIM ' Just Olt; at to tocloolysi. - .la..Abar Abaliat ••. at nealsettat a .thalacttlakat sot:trlr. , pub OAT badman as nay Y. prat arty Inyilibt pato*, It. The alre4aa atoolegatealL* tie Moth sad ' IFOr• own itudt die by ballot: Wares tips hawser WI: alit gnaw 'alio* C. IL; sod lb the Tarnish** Maya - the bourn et tour old Na Waleallt P. .11L , r e 1W attar cheat Simvltaioa Easnata• Ocamaltbm • •. ' . A. As. pAl l u Mt unalsombV . - iiiiA s iOi.:**l 5e;,4"4.; NOTICE. TO- A .11E txquwer 534 utwORALTIONS. UW1.4.107.1E0 UM DER ANY LAW OrTHE'STATE OF PINK LVAWIA. ,''rrottee tv hetesy elm to fittettakaideellt=we rated - by or under anq'af the Learner' el Pannevlvania, an at any time prior to the lira s Atoodavof ovember, tact. that have failed le Make *turgid" tci:the Auditor theraerat, under the - Ant apoterfrilptil SO, that, that they are' requited lb: report -to - the Attlittorlththeral forthwith, ha follow% rim . let gee - a &indeed bad beet dhcisrad the:Steer. Abet will itimaitotoder oathltheareount of capltal paid to„ the date, amennt and rate per mho! *wit , addend donne the Veer. calibre tam firm bl e as . .... zetifsreittbor,rfailuut atirprerioue year er year; ineladca the Lem pan; may Aare had se eataterwe; and' rt ease be dividend has been datived aa afore. sat4,-then an epprolsetneat of . the oath inane of the ard stock, oath eaPted between the And end thenth' Osys of November; mint be made • by- tie .Presidrat, er Tthiumrer, and , a Major ttf et the'llhectors, Mader - earth; Whoa an ap .pratermend- te wadi, .t 4 report dwell - state at sbaS Woe'theVarreny wa•Orgluese.t... /t, %edition to the abovo_rebort, muter the set pi :Aptil 21. leee;cOuthanies mai ' min alas an tee. urge aterequlted to Mosso separate moth, under oath of the-Tmaorcr, of the 'amount of an oath" togs or Ammo. milted 'Satire tam petted from Aprille to , November 1:1911/, in oreordamth with the second turtle* of th e ne t &Preyed April s) cQnme.74 -. Its nrooßpoßivrEto nr OTHER STATta sad to this o , nnaseer greenly , ' are notified teat they eta made adtlect to the tax - on, net- carainp er Wafts aode.the id etatitto aLthe act et ADM so v igic and arcreinired to tcpert .to. the Audits General the &Wawa Of each net earninip or theme received bent•ea the 20th of APr i'aod the tot of lairreadtari Het • • All delinquent Cos peutlea .tangporsted by in under any low at the. State al /'. ono health:dal • ream:mato. tune is ',flash to sate the - several repone hgaired by law and abets ennoter• ated; Oat crannied neglect or:0ml ettil gab net teem to forfeititte of diner, under the 2d nortao of ihe Sel swim of April ea, 1914, 4 whice le Laths • • ..Provated farther.fbat +thy melioration:whisk . boa !gin! t mobs return. to tbs Common wealth, as required by the set ol:/thull 11.14' D. lei, end. I.lth tha aetfortba belterawathatt to the 1.135500. wealth the foment at tales doe by theorpatstat 'Kampala,' stay audth sues Moen wild& sixty aler fthYthablt• rof tbta oth,-aay law to the coottary botwabstandlir; tad all deb= companies tsetse Sr r. betel to mats CuU lad toy:meta to toe Sloth, u taqtared by. Um ass 'oral taws of thin lthlansonweatth la mission dltll live alltbiebeflgOta we tairtharee do. 'elated torthital by ye, elathstloalrow tbolkor. woo .w • • Mall° SulthlSEft, - , Ataltor thateraL : Was bythaaa, May 1q tala. myna.. lOTtt'6 ►A Ecru, ft 01, VAL tar .102tEltt. WAA* NAVl.Otlittr TL ANaillitrlATlON-04,11PAKT. held this day tt tbe board et Inds Stemmata /Walnut% . _ frvared; Tliat - leettar slew" tia Mat at Ice aturiONULIIKLA 110trSal• thicalta oa =Mk ARA, 184, at a. delver a. PW NMI. 6 : 61 " 0 , 111 le *mei ter aubrettptlae te..tbe Stroll irt - sald-Greatvg, 68 "0 6 /". ;V" - tb. "Ad of zabarposua!ta,. snrriartallmnuania„ roorstary. L. ri . ruswerr...Kurslo.lllllW . *MAW 41) raw& TASEJNEXTS. 200 BARR • ELS - EXTRA FLOUR. - in eters and ler iohla mra „ . likeß &NE • AIMS 00Ct BUSHELS THINS YILLIATVt 511E1+ED IJURIC in atom bud tar W. by .14.15/INE i AMER. 6 CASKB - BROWIt b • ULDERI ecular Waxid la gooll order:. Pox' silo be' fl 11, iPALINTI MOADAT MISS. ‘x.• -; l'ict . —tOrilittiTi DA , lEVERIN. s,,Ma; nth• fit*OCittek. VA be tottl, mammal floor coVoue eteregel.eld. cliotkess; la Seitlheeta street, op. coe, the • Pea omecuer thole* Feinting. now tsby. eeteetbh‘iiiitode , otPel Figure 1 404 aN br emir ent Encopema sod Americas *Vote, acuouella eagentAr It trames____. mime . .31 . , ..a.elLWATier...teettreueor. pRODUCE CONBIONniENTd• _NOW a. 'IN tacnts. , - wne twat Iu ,scay p niodi 4.11.4 r Sidaa _ • loco do Vonatii , hodidet4;' 10.4 do .Lolud.ry Items; biudol• R au. - Be4l lot barrels 'Ol4 Sat; _ ~aro dozen hook poodad Tesahtk .44 Caouabet Pickles la Way; , • • .' 40 ;.dd ./41104.0 Po, zo X dotard; : 01/0414144p1i Rogan " • 4 ••• 12. doe. .1301•4 , Paubsos, . • , 11:04444 Garakuus boap; • ; ; • 4 banols Latuatty Basal so funs Puked tiott4o4_ . le baste!' Para (Met Viatip • ' • le `CO:' - cant VIM; II •do ,• Nivea thltraaja, 44 baus.Jolll-ILsabonaoTho4444, , -4,o,barielt_Fßash Yda..,latteditosisq! „. au dotes' raatil.Miza'Broolloo - 04 tailed" Colailbald • *ft' - ft.Nti OM: • • SALE' • = • • STOCKor mar O&fl. MONDAYMCIIIMIa Mar , lath. at 10 it Na.. ail sad la USNI. it street, by cataefeue,vill be soltorillieut re. %aerreile ..fraldira th• astirs *WU M aboar luraitate, rasa ufalltral )7 - /leo.' or 'seabed /wee ate mut In tar best super allamell larurarell%la MiCtear , letuattat: It Wiled le fteilleamat , alerlislrrerile at rialeraffi z Treellft /Jr Ustakifaae aflll,,be (be %failure as, b• awned XIV?' : 11101 V 0 0 1. 1 1. P ril ` Time re lea talc' " • 4 `. • ; • stow iota biat , ; aokti Alpe thaAtigiiv tb,ii• * Steak of laraitar• feametitau • • .; prienfiell!' • r‘. - 1.1! ; Till rhowelosiallinin , Ausguirr Worm 11111 IL • Fit " Coiri*. l irtAgAttry u: , th l aroo, t WS ILF_T_II, VAT. JO 4._ maw mstflOi lierempTriesiprounvilui t ifirt i l: Beakers Turnpike, PatioUTimiskin, = ILisecla putting linallEW SILL auk :gado Abe Brig.. au Yetsfs Clunk. J raj ""iourtuibip, es Calming of' Annum Plisprin e • - Partleuhirt Opielanitlesi Ni • mom es if oileatins. ,; •it ... ••- • , 411,111 . 6 the 43014"_•-•6loleiliiiiiiiiMi. • IgAptiatroUse 111 1 I ' ipmreebsaicniemue;elleeteiree'Oe:. co = t ai sr =g r il l s- , , z i rAvi ra aye. ele,,eseptbs. free ol Tag. Vire Debere per share to" be - Applied to-the BMW( qi mobßinks/et Mem Menai' psbable 'Le mob ee %later Deestbittbiltbitiet:: INthria•OloUtEri . 10. 1- 44:9900c,..::iz ;,,i; 10"- 1 1 44 ... 1 , ,,,-..11TN tIIItiIIIIIIN l2 ,:::: 1 i 1: pfl 4 ili: , 1.1sle::::t.. Cr,: ~ , :,1/ t.,,1r eiklzo)4p.hsl44. *limtoaill.? .4 , , 1i.a1M10.,1 ./ifiltVieir.. .-,.., 1 RAWIZWONLWERN WS"tI "lus W oLa pr aWF ZnA f 00Z11101111P , I's " itsilciftlerisess x 4lloll**o,l46. I N.: ' ~ St ''. - ' 4 'I:: '•'- ' a **Sas ti 4. 2 ii iv ifig ( MalUXTlClai math Os Mks.. realm; sour PUlllivek , & Ilitliimallassilihge Mani. atilt iii•UWAllle . g, im : impol ramisertr itiesinizz = 6 " . .rien it . Itir- - irrok Erri=i24.4 *4 44. la • PAlLFsll=3ltiviciejimu •Lepp- - : , fiPaflr . • • °.l .... . • ' ._• Me 1 • 11 . 1 •4 1 * •MX • ' A • trWAITEREL. •••-• - _ ' , RUNUP, AID 'Wm 675.1 t _ EVER 9FFER t Ect Trit-C•TY, AT "" CU& lathilars, =slaw, redo.' rivet N , litlct iaaid Weiaass3r, "• . - l in all the airw pattaraa tabus. mitt .. -BLTPi & BULL.% Fifth S., ALL THE BAST MAKES OF -PRINTS' lAA 20' I:somata: ' vionrri?tltc7oinhTl elates `- st. • t• _• kites BISLL;11 • - LOBT,OII n• lINI-43U GRIT: tiou'LtUe %OA irlyttE INLIB B y and : raiumvoliabrii i r luta Oft pisfs - of Awl; Terry Info drew 4 glifriboldf maw awl gvititalatais of dki grory t *Otto' Meatiest -and 615ek:660at.,, llli troors oak .lOati :sap Wowed with pugolo ,olvotkl.Po Ober a , ,fooolf. sit lola, Waif hat. oda' blue band; The otatOroot or su lidonsiAttot sow:aroma them, t en' be thlittkrdl *Mired St lb* , IPAIVI I UftOII. AND AL LiY. ORIN T ORPHAN 1.3111113 fit., so Weblitat Meet. Allooluoy Lit We Id AlOtrfl DIME; ly MAW HAI*, Stoortoo. Avlaus, Allegtio Or o, DIY/0. ELl.ll7“3•llEfffir, Pfau doom, Pit h, ts ! , , , EMIGE LAOS, ICOLLARS, I.3rge beet Bets, Lilco Handkerchiefs, Lace Veils, • Lace Pointe, Labe ClPtaim. tkoLeyezir choke dyke Put reeetveckter W ain, OB.R & CO:. mitaail Finn staEzr & WOODSIDE -W—A-LL&CE, vxr hi:aerie ado.X . :lz-lasigist fah LIP) lIE/ILERS IN • While - Leag, Red Lead, Lttharage, Patnts,:Otts, DIV SitstrIOVIIKIOW 0/14.11 and Putty. SPlrl.,,Pertetaery, Do mini-, (Jarboe Ott, ke. Also, Aorta ter Witter'. /*WADI. Brow a Paint. Ilandluka Vette Lead, Martin Oak White Lea I, and etaarary a Whittorem Celebratcd Patent, Dyer, to ore and two pound emu. • No 37 WOOD STREET. corrosrAE THE ST CHARLES HOTEL,) mynird PITTSIi WWII, PA. GET THE BESTD OREAPEST. MINT'S IMPROVED MAP OP Vefiango County Oil Regions. C3ZEM Hunt's Improved Nap of WARREN COUNTY, PENNa., Uniform airtett for Implavitd Map of Ire. r ' sang o ( busty titllLeglons. rime Theo ,Best Maps Published. JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher, srEurr. stssurnousix.. &t br mhos pest on rawµ of Us prin. 12)211 SO. 130/Ll'll 'SOAP 11 I--Tho.CHZIL BAAL 01.1 M SIIASILVII SOAP, aukontes. .turodby B. &JAI. SAW TES, Is nekaewledired to be the .at serrioraide of say kind yet ofrarad tbconblis. • Its enportor ad esstam ore found In. Its ebespneu. using et Is ,as 111 snowy •In tee relay dreat,, - pniaLi tory• libt without to. Wink the skin, er is the least trlsodaiaoplag Ike rang quality of goods. It tan be isiod with ail Ramses Is eksole with plow= to the enhlteasa eertlflerWe., imetrAtbre Imre gertlesuer well *stows la Ude ■ eoseanalty.ead rho Ate Moe feeillti forded of peels( it fa.ly sad ha:tussed • tviartermirees - Depintarat e f tVib oe" Illbesoll mut FeateelA Sreisersts Pe. rais.l , _ 'Niawrerstnilima-W O•tee llreides Etur haring Bei% mei Yen exteoalvely. la oar reelseata, ere lova so terdtallon ucertify - log thatlt eels louse tdotrably adapted . to the ow of th e eohllsee, ame , = " 'lho Boost ehtetior Soap wbldh *ode be p _ Us _genies . • 4 0 JAMES A. Eau& 12 1 k . ALM usitanassta 11441. Reg. 11C. IC, MORHEILIN automat* MA Rill • • .. r kayo awed. SaWyes. talmeswisse Muir* Soap for Me past twelve atoatha, and batten, it I. be the most ' , gnomical and satisfactory soap that has latea Introduced to the Atom taut people. 81)..E.I0 HENnku t. .Bellevatte Idolt ue Sitc . : Toarrektp, . , . ... reoluzir. P , s , Jrastiter— . )Guall life•sre. -W. J. S. My y mum vied your ail Olive Zemin Soap for wet* maths, elutl r ir e focal hop te what It his boss newest =lag la hard water Stay Mal It is rtt to,asy 1101142 la WO. A. U. La:M.l2as, tilketway Oa. sayraf • DICEIRMILE 000D8 AT LOW PR,IOES. . • limassmo stoat at Bonta. Shoes and 'Gaiters, RN IMES,. GENTS AND CaDREN. mouss GOODS, SWOP SKIMS, • t. DOILEST/O 000Z11.114. • altptivats eaOiettes p, it Auconotacesti. • #.o*.b. - * trees. . Arne •,•• • , ik,v,ap.o.oiforr o y too rta ! . The Company awl* keldaPlea lag eighllaerea eases an laetrile' peralaajwar 1.4 M .therett ,suto tithatoti unntl7 Rata) ardliNtibitireMl °Milt Bat lad ipt leant juin alttalli barn nuils to pantttol asontOotans will be lotted the Ames of none of tie add sae eiedeepeeetfal InTrWho Cheek., atltil Him Mil onto - soridntii travail to fik nullr.‘ !Madam-6e -stelatalled 47:for. et the I sola -fielWtea.ell Idellvelog Base, on ou Ointit nil Cleary Mad, eal le la iIL•I4 pterlialty If tis BadAUßleettielaretrat lelle Beetles w sleet Bead ell. ThiVotepHil testae 'Maier et /UAW • limarfri-Fiva CENTS PER SMARIE: Atari./ tie wat !atonal+, staa_antaraise prepirrty sad orgsslittloa 'et lie Otioppay: Na b* orwasdi at .• pA,1011 . : Aro** - *lout' wzisaxs JuiLi Mita, SOO, Gaillfg ad ilalavirs,o,' 011 ' ,404,,1, Y,"'"qit!17Y 1 '°? ,174 't • :.• AT BOELAND'S, will to said ra teil, (Mir istsll' it isiolssall U 0,l they elm tie boastit ba th s EaStini *MS._ _Asa ti 9' ~ Pit nalsoure.4 goads es los thahllellti, W I . soil tot-will pt 5a1441,1a4k la Wm WI 0 14 940 11 , , ;.' 4 .' 1 . 4 11 . - o.9!lt i l irt° k. 1• : • ' - ' • `in ' MAXM STREIrr,+ • lamad do . ar nos rattkpm* traftiMAlENT' PINB '13.0.._, Ihstis rsesrq4 a we "c rat lua ea , '" • i t - '-:-•.: L' • - - mo....savir rMEN! A , • r d .-• ~.i Mara Ma *okras Mama sad lialiaaciaio- . r , 11/ dlaraltVlE op , o irl r,7 `.. ‘:t . . 1.0 r• ':r.): , } clr,a 600 t „Relit kt g“ r.w ou il:ais 4 Istrad , 4 4 161111d110414111 ' glislikS WM* dalingsbabotramild la Mt VIA , otaawaßtinareasaga . tial .1! "T' F ., 1 ,44 11 . !:31 0 1 . 1404 . 0,46i 1 . I n! , 41 ? , 6711114 .. 71: , 43 l'i: T,,' . pal-4 ; fte j tymal a. hilK, , u, 'ffi ;gar l e f aitTailt l . , " rzar., mai( - Tagil& knot; Ramat pIiStiPiLAWIOIROEVIL4II LOT ..... ~.? f ulltWitlikeresagise froullilloml, sod .fismieso MA( Micas .1...1 Hamt,ll! l , : it sato It i o="_,. _'llir taqi. E= B4 4 7 11 2 Mile awn "- - "Or , ' - ikaratitoi , 4 ... . • . , . ft , ' If& • p+t LVArtui. is Ch NYE lilirt..ll4.—. It ?tit A. killitiiiiiismrr ..,-,3:11.4.44;,,r6-trat;:irtrurr,u..:l2--,6.-:00.-- alai --- "Awwthio Pap* as foUoira: --. . . 1 - .17.=PBEItinadly eseert Ilinstnyieti In a. ss.,,Mopeind-ealget princlualmotiona.audnialdig—. direct connections at Hornsby/1i tor" Niro. Tato. is/YU:mire and Wsikiption, and at - Philodelpitt: ter NOW York. Nestor and Lotenuelline ponis. , - , 17 . 1: ALVOMMODAT.IIO4daIIy scoot Sun day at. 6CO a. a.. stopping at all yeguLsr slat _between Pittenulkand bisrriabt= yl=close connection with tram, on t, Wed Zeansyronnts - 11. R. Ebensburg and Messes B. a.....“ Hollidaysburg • 'PITTSBURGH. Jr, rWE.: 11.11f4IitiUyl ex: iept Sunday, at 130 . tn. sto - ping l_st, at-nearly suf, the stations between and Philadslidlish, aid moltiMetomection with nu the - lacura_ emu and Vrftme 8; 31.; TfolUdaysbureßrinah Si. yE,Tyrws and Clesitektond Bald Eagle Val/elf solineraim .Aotttetopartcnvuoi ili apt Sunday, at WY p..m.,Mopping at ngular eta. .tureln u r i llalu="t o b i n i ng=soso ! . • tc..l ilwizz linui g= ch amt W lb estPenns di r uy e e ants .l,ti t . j.: l: ..t0nita.....z.mt.... In. N.E. e 1 ". , ii iijs krrisru n b t. rriarte l4W -consiecti .W ona l ere de for Baltimore, Wesblay.on and New York Pb.UmMiphlis, for Now York, Boston and tote. _ . potato. 'Slaspingtiars run *broaches this from Pittsburgh to - Baltimore, Philadelphia • New York by the lareutoira route. - AST M daily, exceprr'Sunnoy, it CM a. , stopping only at 13:16 ttallusen . Alton • litudingdon. Lewistown. Mao. .Newport, UM,. Banishunr. Attddletowm- Allsobetn, sr n. Mt: lOy. - Landisville; iAnnaiter; Ind Doma in • 4 .. At Hanisounrsontiont?re are made for gni for try Votr, Boittu a lici g niftcloadiati hitr poi ta. .. • 'AsloolcuroxlatiO4 Train loimatyi,a4to. u. el daily (insept Sunday) attic a: in. " and, AccommodatiOn Train for Walrs Static. Caa n na w ilail at.amedd y (aosept S uri unda mft _ylot s l o ilO w sc at tn i stivai -sores d tur (except Sunday') at them in:,.• .: : Yowl". Asicommodation Train for Wall's ld444.lo. eaves daily (except Sunday) at tee p. in. • A 01041.1194144014 tor _Peon . Station, 1411T1111, 14 10..10 t, MI - The HWY% Trainleaves Wall's Stationsre Sunday at .am Is. RI., renaming lures Pittablugh 0,12..10 p. ILL • Eaturntag Trains salve In Pittahmegh as lolliewiih Mall LIM a. in fast Line.' • ' • noes. M. Meat Wallh Station Asmmunodaecon... 41.23 a. in.• eons Aecommodation. T 00 a: m. iecond Wallis • Station Amommodation- 1660 a. na. lonian:inn Accommodation 10.06 a. a. rittobariti Erta AMP nary. to. dattlmore llMPress 1.10 p. minx Wall's:Station Aehomincrtation.. LC6 p. Et. Palliate:lMM ramie • • ' LSO p. m. Vourth Wallis Station Amouunodallon • bop m. Ecolgratu./a Train 11.00 p. m. An Agent of the Emichlor Omnibus Clompanv will pass tbrot.gh each train boron reaching the Depot; take up minks arid deliver bereave - to any cart Of ghia city. Wiles No. MO Penn street, open day and eight, where ail ordera for the movement rf passeckers and barman, nal receive prompt at. tentor. H p a r l e t t ln s une rnoop r . i wil l arrive pWaii th Philadelphia D NNOTIOE-lln p twof hi ow, a the bompany will .fold themselves -responsible for permaal waNte r.alp. And for al amount not e: 1100. W. H.- BECK W/Tli,h4ruat. ht thn Pmmlvanla Orsini Railroad Passenger Station. Thartir and Grant Meats. mile pERMANENTLY:LOOtaIiD. PIXISIERS' PRESKNIATION DUN, No, 74 Filth Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, I VALUABLE PRESENT WOltill PIIO3I Fifty cents to 0 500 OfIrEK WITS EACH BOOR OR ALBUM SOLD. Thiitis the taggestiall wet Mists' Goad sited ESTAILISIINENT IN T Willa WABTIPICI PROTOGIIATR •LBIRIER, FAMILY 81Rt.t... POUR Er 131HLTIR, PRICI ER RUMS. . . PRETRIAL WORIKS._ . ILTTLIYILE kirOOK.S. AND A VALVABLE PRESEIrIi, MOULD OLLT. AT THE Be* Makers PreseatiUoi Depot 74 FIFTH STREET, Opposite the Post Office, errresyssis. Wrenn" TOM 0LTA.14101361. FOR BALA. 0114 1..a..&141.).% JARRING; PRICES t , -- • „ , , • . Tract EN Wei it YU Terrltory, - . . . • • i.oRIifP I PX • .32,rplizinwir . enasisoic,, . . NtAituoaquiroult. viwasa; *nada law LIN a or. Rim. M 3. 0. iiiiilol4 atolls,* la • . COAL, IRO ORE, - LIMESTONE, •,.. • . .• ,‘• :15144 At, .40Lr.:,,1i.rE1441 10* Pow 11 , :ovum, Toitttri.o?i 444 me** 01 11"1" 1, ` • mo prowls is lkaairliesfusimimispiiiimstif Mk r Ml is rei., Inds lidligoilb, WAN; ,agokw; • • -to.* irmisrri gfiRAYED O H '4TQLHK,:B.RUK . TII®' at As adismitilior, LuNtilLiil .ToF a. i n N. rapitiiii . iplitteiailay i U4,1111141} Etnaaayti a tlgti Walla Va t = •lhisSisashi iit; :W il e w Pik 'MI riCusalas thaw I. Us @Wuxi. .:bsri y001,144' us* t bu m s wan Ip• suitably 'mauled. /11 11 0 , 44 11 w 1 C DAI.PII hErPrisirurri... • .C 1 4 1 4 I • TOT Iniant AIIDIIIIII/i. zoil*Cliii.o#4*(q., Xl5 ": ArPivinnwk.s.l r r '4llllrdirld kneglissy Ot . * 7 . kaa,-...4ltters j Aricsoirrelpiatiorr, emeSi, Pa .rU puma ladebted So iida wits4a al•ok .tansbiraditanarafilVar i rckalao *Fr - ,11411#11 Mir e orltiout nrilitarr ":7- "EtPXYgn 7— . ViniZtikke- .SWEICG I TWOOLOVvr . ma imam AILArt. AlfD.OriALH' ,r,,fiNOTsaitotgui, Pike IV 1101 Pon Lui a i r i t usu i r. 4173164.1 rmitanoh; , -.. 4 lxcabimact, - - - puompkawniemi _ism r ito mitre baUdiv i rer. sr Can AIIIIMMOMI 40114111111111 411011110110111 1 eill"119104114Ws • Pi yorinfr . = . os .• UNITig-earatiail • - 7=30 - 'LOAM T Ft I R . D S I seao.cocko.cococo. Sy salbeetty eat the Set:stow sit the 'grumme t Its *enigma!, tilt beireaSSuleertpttes Agent far the age el Usate4Btates Securities, odera to tiff yuiltel the ildre Sakes - 44e Treasury Notes, Rearing 'eye. and thresieniks ys Seat [.tenet Pas somas, isisava si t h- • • 7-80 Me p A N:- '• now mites me 'Mud Osier date UV.* INN Iva are - pinkie throe plus : twit tluit Itsti V memo, wan rettlile at tlidi epees's( smog 11. HO_ MC Per Cent GOLD, BEARING BONDN, Tint Botha &resew week ibiadirosie *man: • and 'Mennen:lvo, as ete ell the Government &uts. her &ear, II booty and Jilnotetpet lasartet, WWI end' poet fiste , Sl three per. met. par Amon to their esker, itiesollon to the rate levied open other property. 'l,llO Internet ie payable arnotatatuttly by aoupens atteetied deo. note. whisk 1aa19.0 Alps sad tole to amy bank br Maker.' - - • Wks Untwist at 7 ati per *eat. mount Ur' Ono cent' posdi' da y .1 WO note. maw- ' 8100. Tea • " " " r .. WOO " , . - Nola* et - pd the dteloielasittoos"etdied win be priziptly fothiahed upoet , reoelpt illaiuhaeriptioas The beteg d3he TWnlSeries are precisely ehm ilar la form sad privilege. to the Seyers.TAlrtiee already sold, except that the Cleirarneseet tesoryea to iletli:tse optloefOl Pit Ulf 'Stantg/ 1 d lots at' 6 per, larteM - "of • II laces Lo eutreacy. Subsettbera wl4 dadlact the teitofeet la-turret/amp to July Mau at the time alien they subteribo. The delivery of Use antes of .this. third series of tro.SeleipThirtles will Whim eat* seethe let of and will Le wade ptocuptly and cordrceenoily sitar that date. - . spght ebacipc magoin the easilltleaa of Ude THIRD SLIIILES affects eely the ratter of !mer cer. , The papneot to gcl4 if mode, will Os equiv.. alesit to the cogency interest of the higher ra•e. ?he return to specie payments, la tie wrest of which ..oly will the opth o to pay ilatfelreill Geld be availutof, a ouldee reduce sod equalize prices lbat purchares made with elic per mot. w‘Lalo be tulip equal lotions made with berm sad thlee4gotha per cent la earmieg. This is TEE au LOIN IN THE MMIKET, tow effaced by titb Cieveraspat. bad Ib nymbiee *Mimeses MAU U. The Great Popular Loan of the People. Lea tail ralcOli.Boo if the Loaa euthathed .. be 00Dttella see OM. oaths mhatte6 the. • =NUE. at Ms Sate at watol tt Is hotel ahtlothots .wllt all be theevithed • tot. tthlC , twe Math), .whesi;lhe notar'4lll - andeobtedly motosbano .• preleftllll, esbu tualtormly Deem theme oaskplag the stessilmakna to other LOID.S. In erase that, the autehm of every toWli itiad seetlem of the gamut:ft nay be altordel Whittles tot tiling the loan. the National Balks. Mate Basks; aid Private Beaks Utholagateat the 000 0 . try have merally aehtee se =NM SabeatIPUCILIS at mar. buteeribeee Will select their owa spats. la wham Who have ecuilldeace.6•A wbe 0517 ate to to tellpeill tor the delivery of the alga to Inge Wyman onion. - JAY COOKE, Agemt, Ildlll4Flphia. estbaciptious willlos melnd ttui 1 / 1 01•161 6iat. flttitarg".'ll%., • lane • a • roue • Iltisestls • M% AI issid•ra WiSlesai fink. rhasbagli. Pa • Tlasbargt Naomi Bask at Csamise. • dia MI • • trollesitui .. • Mime% WNW . • lea • • raise • • revellst wasp rim " naraair. !Imre asts*.d..? camas GRIZMIOUR AND BODING PLUM, IN °NEAP' VA IN= At the Oakland Ormamues. JNO. R. & A. 241IIRDOOH, (liaereasors go Soho Mardeehast.) sarnakbuit ARCMs/it Limey item' to the ti Newtown llama mistates. • ausatedev Tees WiIEELEIC da WILSOWI'S RICHEST PREMIUM Com MIMI Sewing Machines, as .witimout •• rival! tap 124 ishattille Amigos WARRANTEDPIOIOI}IBEI ULU. Salem= No. ff Fifth' Elt... ffitthargit. fiTTSBGROLI MID PLILADELISLI OIL IXIMPANT: wow, 4 luerhY etnii that a seating of tii• ii Z . Strekhoid• 111 Ole PI tibtuili aid Plilladeliimbila Oil VsPra.il . 11 be h!lbk" , • , . ' , The Oat of A. Ti Fahnostook, 1 IR WV 11.1110 Ar, int DAY OV,MAIN :, at it, it 'lit A. N., NW aillerotoes et 4 •ll l 4Sadig Us pm MO of tainnumi lumi usinui4 swot of asig . lopsay. sad tesomistlag AluipA whet bait imp .11•41. MR tt a lr r i t a Lizi th a t: 'Pririnithinh Its %UM • ' . styli •• , .11 ) ILLTODIF , - MOLT A/11110 - NAIMAOIIIII.IIO,- KNITTING - MACHINE; Thiirmomst... NMI MlMl*wr 011111311114 el # " arnia l fir 7 ,1. 4 " 441 : 10' , Z. P. IVAITITII2. - ' Ili 'link trine: ONOLN LADIED AND GENTBr-11.1138 VAIN/ .tbil infilder OtailEi I repoiaailotatet Utithetritti.aat \ A i li pt.wahlt tosso4 p reer , sie , lir 'et eyes liad bait, to'Dtswst 101, Dolma, *salsa, ea* as will esests, bbe Slam* ' tribro Tor is ire!, oat s sba NM Ute,iaare mid addnis a yeti. Wats Fulmer. _ syllher datum? • A mud Mutat, elt omit panty* ism ON , 111(1 , 1.1LA, • .1111PlillATiedlir,yitunsLola, irierrrsia, iTou aN AU almitimurot Wa Sala; It seed, In a lard se prove Ravine,. TM Ail noopeohTis Wes*AssitlA , kt • . e. ; limbs — • - . . 4riese Steltidaltiod Mira P. WING3OII9I*,'.. , • • • ate ,set l e VZ * llll4lle . PATENT g itir .11 ST. 0 T.; ow . rof egAro, .DrirTp oat soloolo. Kimr teaueltoglooso sad ItoonfofTllforfolav out - offortflestiotir for - ltaaufootorfoo, fietoorfoo sailfirsifitootatifir=.= 11M M4,1 - I k.;WqR/UU 3 ,a‘I IB AN.I oliunrminnom. Akar: 1, /r c , , 'VJ , ' • -•• 1, , CI6Oi.ZEEDERAra- 871113137..) -amittiate, I 3 , iii•Abts.imisilonsd. hot* in • -.0.4 beir Nlibmin.ataillt• v.+ tedep , / , 11,,,,1 01d A r .1 11 D 6dearttsa — ni c m - DM ,F v:) ,1141111114'allrlitilit41•110. " JUMIMIVIS AVTl , ea' • " 1 •AVllittilfalreirSega atlir 11 1 6 „ IiFiiISND aPirIN-aItEILD "A•F• 10/WV OW Iminillite illaAillaWlf • Sityligull: etas ittoikvouas Mark. oat of tas pronto •of twanr i Zil.. Q.. et Ooramint Ivy Mai* VI est. gaatfr Ti103.-B. arms V:"~: ... 7TED Gt 7.3C1 1.0 A-1114 11111 a WENT, SAM fItOFITA OLE ARS PAT 3 14.011 D SINCVEUIth Cantails la same eS $5O, - 00, $5OO and 11:690 2WIS FORTH NATIONAL BAH, ov rriers . estritit . 8. Cknrernnumt Depositary. FISCAL A 4 ENICY4 . n be bored 'eery maim& mimosa tie* 'nolo tba good. ot tbasowday sad to edd tbe grversmeat, mill prompter ourslum 13, 8. TRZASDKNWII 011aLFICAT811, duslabedto eabratose, pspatiO at takdarsnattsa,hornst • lUX . PER. RENE stoma ea ates eat was &permute 'GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS ikoall 4 at Hilt , • Ms book alien firtrf focdllty fOr all assay bob. hum of the yobas, sad teltdo to bar molar di. posetoto abeist discount& - • 3AMI o'commort. ALLAN DCXN. Ourii. tpUTBD 8TA.T3115 .730 Loan. THIRD .11ATIONAL. BAWL lonia of Wood Street and flint . ilk, 1180 AL AGEST OF ,u 11111ITED ESTATES and OPEOLLZ AGENT of Jay Gooks, O. V. Age ti forth. sale of tbs Seven-Thirty Loan, THE •• 'POLAR LOAN OF Tllll PEOPIA, LED TM Only Loan in the Market OOKTIOITIBLE lIfTO p. S. 5-20 81E PER OMNI: GOLD tillottlica Bann . Zrilbesal Ormailieleas altaieed t. dealers. • Z. a LIVIbiGSTON. Cashier =bag TEM . SECOND NATIONAL BANK, Of Pitteburgh. Corner of hand and Liberty Streets, Greta Acosta of Jay (look* toe the nil of NEW SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. , This Is strictly the Peesdees Lam sal Is betas sheathed at the rate et about are ad.Ulatispee day. llama beads bear an Wan* et - . •w C7ozatio Per asp lath kruadeed donuts. and ire aaamettn ds tt nuts. Into tf. El. Fricalvetatr Ms Per Cleat Gold euumluslos• eM la Baskam, sal ilioketik wink punkas, for requdei: , . . . C. EL MOOS, Cashier- Tay • .0 • • . . MAGIC RUFFLE CODIPIMY, . , es befoul:idea era hex sat each pleat et GENII, ME MAUI° 'lt t/FILlt: All Ranee, et what. ever samom.net htylag au mart. are wertltlau. toltattars,and thllingemeate ea, .tea pateate 'et' the Nagle Rutile Oompamt. - • The ttISNiIINIC rfl TIPPLES ere its porde le each Pere, are well pale et the best -metals& sad stye perleet artUalsetlea ee math. • Ear Welty an tie fYlrolpal Johltemi' sat Ear - ),6.. ena °Mae et the Compeer, • ea menus arasarr NEW YORK. thorma Clointisearrtivaaueuasoo L tf.S..A.4 ,(t.totaor repaeartet sae weitt., Priveara on. Pa., Mayes, tom SEALATI tn: duplicate, ',Mae teetivet at this algae nattll2 . 411.1). 2fF.SDAY, the tot' 4ay of May, lees . for the plylaa and tier , Ltble! peat at lee% thaes,. and tam* as Abstatelenthool stay rio :quite. Botta/ea .11414 Steadied Rood at* mint* atlas qualtty; aubjeet to • laapontoi. tat (It eta . mouths ~or sash loge timeai ttett)amplittatype Rasa bil doest tia< asealocetol bya gaitaity. few the azotattooot acted:4o4 la tato the hide to aostleadreebb Seat 4 14 "Okla* efeux47. „Aso petiotsaasell theatot... ,11. Plated' Sopy.Ot bhl aitiontatikart nut be he ' squished to eielp impanel; erldeb,"orttea seateli • ism% mut Whoa alttatrOutres Unmet, AN Ira „ tatmoietatltyto ttotOtova elaakelato4o.l4l/ w Indian out h i :Feat Illiblettbaltdaies 104 the data to' t altot whew tseareat.: Mask teem et 41Yais4 5 reutraattes any be pro.' carte co :pion at: stew, patioasok o by WWI. Otto ply+artilalt mod es indorse act tottlarth RENY AO Ulll. illidert4a4:ll4 4staa 41!Vtopowila V Btaa4.” VGB V. VOL : ' • EO Meta sod (VS. VOL _ Vf 000D8..:M.11, AIOS. '2[ieff;l4‘: oE4T=Ot.ou. *mu tae , • • r, Iguinmer • • , t oy beigit at tier tibwastimist • ill T 14 liAs ii.'„ir,theiiirmituwes olit;tdimaif. 4l 4 ;wag* riveaviag.A.last:- ; . matl:eimair !Gulf''' a sr" • .. i'lret4pirgrnilibinglappag, 41741,- i12610111.21VT.U1.0 - 1, MittliAreet Masi 21114100.1*,01110 us e rIMPIWIT ! ,- ; 2 rates soma: or Boys' Clo thtnAC - natTax BLUON. I-1 ,GpAtly Reduced Prickm aux . 4t imur ; • OL/CIRtIVISZT. . SP fatWll4o. - MAPIXEPTES: 21 4 1 " 1 , • 51,, h , . 1 1 1 119 1 . 1 4fM 11111 AisI,P , k NI 7,1 01 0 1 0 4 4 -' • ' onliM , ParsoastipldisiN.lNDS toura s i s b i . c . u oramt i thiviftwhiosa- . 1 4 14111 , , 5 1 .Wfi• splutira . • Tue. I. ovum, Timms, IXTIV7II.I.VOr. la A IT F Azi AU MSURANCE cot • i.rgiL Mist - Ni, 8 Mr*l:.;* l Fr i amtaLwrirs..ntrumrs-4 J. L DRUM 7, Freddie* . 7 enicurAarr, Tit cam.'ent. WN. P. JONEA, • 1113011 1/11 . . , . Insures steamboats and Oar nes. JAxm L RENNEir - . A. N. W. PA111M1% ,.. 71008 L: sowvirsr.,l.lll% ONALTANT, 'ROBERT LEA MALAN 'LOONEY. J. O. PEESHING. T . WALKEN, AL W. WATSON, R.. Q. au qufrga. ,E,;•11. WAABO__ Y ^ JOHN mum% aOfisidi • HANEY A. WICAVAZ.' BOATMAZIG , , EZELE AND IiAItIINE Insurance-Company. Weinui ;rr i't •L•r.' fOrat Plefies Sitk.allopk.), zucsano C ane3r, P!iresideat. DAVID EL PAWL. Ince Preidaesit., ROBERT 11111111 Y, liecnotary. Will Insure • Against all H inds fee AND PPM /1116i201.6 , E. C. GRAT . .E. rim JArfi 8E TY: % E. W. (ALLY •Js. JAILS MIG Brtiar LLOY JAAnsa wrir, JOHN OR•rP, nta11.P,6311( ITL N. J. 11.191LIKIG DAY. usaarposo, ws (ma -.; T. K. clospoit. VIMEILL • -LA INSURANCE COMPA.NT, Of Pittsburg}: Mee Mee Corner 7ater and Market_Bl3., LUAGALarS BUAD/ 350 4 Z. %SHOE Xll3lBl6llll.lProildsait. W. . 711111431. 11/leip rresideak WO/OFAT InENT.T. gearetal7. WILL 19f8IIIIS AGM:MST ALL KINDS or 0- Marine alAci giFe RiE4s, . _ anteoldaS t - -- . r. a. Fwor.tosziaral, w. K. wirdios . w. .1. ANDERSON. IL J.-ANDI igs‘J W. BELTZROD NU W ir JAMES I. BENNETT, IL U. D. COOHBAN, J. AIL - UMIGHBa s UT.LE,Ja ~ . W..W. EAST ,DT AL L PENNOOK, . - BYRON H. PAINTER. ~ey967nd A. D. ii C . S. - BRYAN, 810111 u STOI3II, BONDI W/LL BOY AND SELL STOCKS Here and in New Yorker PalLedelpile Without father duiegi tae ; REGULAR CO •. 1 .* F 5; "isiablliiiedby the Xkuuds at Ike • - • nrnimicia :iud=3:46 mod= thilimikes value of which $2 or tunkr,l34 w. _wet.; one Wand"lup to SIL t per cent. Oa Modes Winner been rilk to lioo the ever of 1934 write per; chary sat on Wachs eollips at SW et over. ettelbula. rir Tatai autd•ot which is 16 or uneer, lye mats Rim. i!karsi - • it PIIILADIF .71,ATZ . S.-4(' ISM sameriteeig. .1 - . 0: i . . [Mils/Hours; 8 et: at, to.f3 rickgicp. OR No. 89.1761:nem BAILET,'.FAIIREL 129 FOURTH :STREET. PTIVIIIMOH, 'Ai Gas Fitten `Plastbers, reettsue I to glen, their persennt attention la att work entrusted to tasir ears, entploylag nose but competent workmao and buyingthsbmt editorial. tney bobs to triataidln tkamotattoaalrendy 46:• alwafsens baud sal at !Direst rites. maple AL Ii L b!).pub. PAIttERIS iID3yOUBI laBDB6OB, corrAiii364 Full DOllkiiptii3ll of , zero - minx all Information *tilted by itur Os* tallsti'7armer . Btoek • • Groorerk Kings .os las* ginnepel, ann Bellrc.kad. 451 T PARKER; , 010 8 1 .1 1 1 PaPerri/ efilebr. • Cepirs s.ne by ms uon recaps' or ;ales " • Fill be told by all Booksellers and on the " P. 1P1111011.•11110. IS and do Plne *tree% Bi.lionls../(sr. /111011 k TRY 4 Di/8F A-41) MOSS. 1411E1, Mal Intim" taus -1 , - Window Wand ., nose hristaiiilif strips :nimail t p ab clegeportinedsta#4 0 . 40, frl* l l 4l lo=lllmil we. t i t iroi " jr4l l 4l/ 4 01Wirr, Urn: _4sa abet* itOrmal masplataly br Val= &ALIA...ZANDER, ittaitta Watt. Ur , atarkoterh,,Rtex Ye stiorkittat *Mali; _thasaatattfh thriaal al witIX . BA T AIXIO4I/0/14:!:!a-. BlPliThMai; Ap:• , L( l l9/4 3 4 , Clizat - A. llytts , ancjti-iiateia(stlistr, ' 4 ,4 i, ,:-•, 4Lneilai*x...7.?”7,i', . , A ~...t: , ,..- - . I.ztibballtbazsaltassam .Bo - WI r A8 t1 6 , D4" 5 " 349 = 64821 44.2 ...16 . ..:ya l ites leeilii -el e . eeda=iegyee heal. Y -- 41, ~ • 4x, r i tliggzwataoxtir. i ~,.. he * iiiii i4 l ' lo ,!r‘olg e l . letiksail 41 4 1 - '4' ~ i iiimiloitit Ate , 11, r. BA, - Alitt '11111216r. It ir 4irs ~t 3 ..,,,, T. , i pii. l l . , ~ .4 4 7 . volipm..tinivip..brAs te . ,• .. .. r , i_,......,......, .7„,.......„, !MAP A ..-I'.. .09.1.„,anif.,L14.19,—1i=„, ;,•1' ti'"* . • - kral,tff-', .i . ..-r.-1.4 1 • . ,'';..::;1 . -'; •: *4am 01.i0i5i4..." -- _ :- .:,, . . ~..... - =,*06.171,1. , #C. !Y, 11 . 114 ,,:t i11 .. 2 1 , , a i le 7 517 C r.4.49::91.419!"i-';'..;CriZ;:E: . •c i i i x.''''l"'."': itirjasi,„ ''.., -„- ~ , tr:T._:,44..... ,:';' , : , .. - i.i':-. • '.'i -,1 ; . • .. i. ...' .• V . ., •:viaBARAFT .., , It?iuu) ' ..•i: , 'V.;:OriliHrikiik.. illio6l,_. i.: - • . 1) ~:„ „. ••ii i iiia, ,,: , . .„ . .4,- „ ,.,, , ;.;,„,:,.t 1: .,,,,„i.,?, . ..-.,-! .:, .. .: ;; I:- * • ',tn.:. If ' , :i • . . 0. ,. . 4 ,: jamir p ygrr="o".ll4 . Kit : 'AgretiVielyMeArkligAr • i, 1 1 ell .. • .•. bill NMI illiniivl4WW- - M , . .. .- - • .. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers