VOLVO -I,IaVIII-7-NO. 139, Vbburgrivaasette: - VERY LATEST NEWS St TELEGRAPH. THE ASSASSINS' -TRIAL TESTIER! TAM ON FRIDAY. c rrP i tried with 13peciits14. mniminc - icoi MEM AND CLEAR IMPLICATED.' COURT AttUOURNED 114111RDAi. Woscoo4roN. May ti—rie aomt•eoem today agate 7 iiroliBeCaisit iPeatitais Of fate ooze% the greeter' pat of them beteg usable to sal assts.- Tke ibfifb ittrOooloi 1r the ►ppear . - biles of thap*lte:l6, Alte; Ike immense hues Of oddities tan intiiittat badbnit read, iti;. lather Latribeh,'Neldligniierileastown,lld, and Rim ratberAolaw,Paactrof &Ramo Cat• Mte nisch, were seawalls swore, and testified HAMM Iturtitthidale hog had the rePoistfue. -• Of beteg swan of Chrlstlen character. These twines.* bad 111111111. - heard her Memos loyal or Mr. Mituktfj," blither Wien of Mauldin+, Said that the sawed was aimed* the predate tuner In Washington,. ii , Lautdok. - and tooth werembeetfeilcrini- and had been In - thane for _twelve years. • Itio • tinned 11W O'Latigklle iroaelife rte• prove - that O'Lenehlla - made so ight or evisslon. but'was whiles Lour. • • under himself to the °Meese of the law. Wit : , hew said be' surrendered O'LarietiHn by the . • Inahoriti of the accused himself. Bernal other were warred by the • • - 6oTINOMetII. to now the had 'imminent of our • itoldlen he Ole prisons of Michaud - apd' Ander. sosviUtThe defame relied tan or three' addl.- ' Waal whimsies to discredit the testimony Of • ether illnesses relative to Mudd. .- • At the opening of the Mr. -Athee, ends. sel for Mr.. Barran. asked to recall the wines., Tan eseneker. se she thought' ble" testimony could be' Contradlii.ed. Judge Advocate. Dolt geld as the witness : had ten discharged without ohjectiotilte• c said not recall him for the prosecution. B. It Owyetis Viatamlzed by Mr. Alton, Meetided a legar..witten by Mrs. germs t 'Mr. Motley on the 4th otApril lilt, „coeconlng , the settleumat for alien Of tankard threausn. - r . lag to Wet a atilt. iftlv O. H. eilDdigitlaild• this letter written by him to Mm. Barrett, date. April 1111Ji. sotto Int bertha. Mrs lintsey was widne to settle w: h lie, and urging Views tiemerst of his (Mr. CA eat's) clalenot Milne thher'entite, hoirever ac ascent. • • • . After -mcm Wtn. Maulny was recalled and stated tbe commences of Str.Lauenha's.arreg, ~.sFieg, arramonienti wens untie the dater- . „'• day afte:tithassesabsztion for %hit • pnrooe. -Caugldin, tba 411;bela said. was In the reenter army be wt . en , 1860 sod !Gl., • 'W m. essential/de tie:bin 'be was alert le the War Department of the Cesetederste • and became &squinted with the handwriting of John A. Campbell, Aesistant Secretary of Wee, and Hariitte; "'Jell'. Wavle' private secount he Menden tbe endorsement op the letter of Lion . Alston as theirs. Ibis. letter was read an a f ar mar day. ' , llse writer - was baling wept .ymeut to sulkent the hessior the nati o n. - • Hary • Pinnegara wedded nit "ohne 18th of -"February. last, be heard a ,consernitee b,tweee • . Cleary and Gauge N //seders at the Sc. Lawrence Hall; Montner he hood Cleary-sir, e . . Teal are tzettosi.reariyin the Inanutottion of •• Lincoln e. to .which "derriere re - piled "If the 10E* k &rod hick Lioeniti rill not monde us much Jaeger ;" blinders said Booth was ?GOMM; • ' Char. tereeneY tallied that he was kith : ewer wad • caplund prisoner: was afterwards in Au, • damn utile. He spoke of the Inamil•deroiy awl. hid imallty of Ina he called ..the gosh." Tee Rebels shot down some- im the men llee emcee. while ethers ek e d frie 'wen tof food. '6en Csnis all In ter. stockade. would before tent hese the graveyard, zed that If they tamest Old At,, - they would hanr . htur. -1 The intone was net at Barrattsillid. • Aprit - litts;• testliteities - ad- . - • qualetidetithltia. Snrratt; • had neeer heard - . her express either loyal or disloyal sentiments; knew John 11. darratt by sight' SSW bins In ibis , • dry the letter part of . : Peanut Or tar of Ken: - he Is tall.' of rether.likht complezka ag,wboinen tw-nty and .dirt :years of as: . • six fees bigh. - impresan is be did sot wear • agoatte oft memancha. crosstersininstion be testillid- be did;-hot 'knew puterely •Ma ' h4gbt. hat hts.wafkoer feet one inches la H. EL Monday funded: Hurd. , in Hilda:ire; SW 10 booties-1u law ni Niche'sl'O'Len nibs; be came trom the South in AnesM,Md- He was Rath his 'Whet, la the' /Wince - addfird bu f. - nos la, Washinston nub! the fill of DM& Ms' Lanier me. onnovel from Wasbletton, lassie t Jibbed' in of the nen ss u til loth AA of Marsh of the year. blilltlVA had .no a d leer, leg and neer ne of from cowmen He. was kern n.ll arid on, fin the Vine his [limber Este up Wolters here. until. the 4th of :Ap-tl. - Ilekrew Booth brimably: • - Min. B.oa odes per party oppajt.; env bean' &insel .an us w flo poObtO.ttotAllkr.lkl - atb. • Mich4l'etatims ei with him ti hi b. en roe about twelve yews. lesm the 18 h of liturchnzr II be erne to W 4 . 4: • ibgtOri OU the /WI Michael was with / are pedoo, %awes at horns fon the let of AIM to the' 'Q. eine the ercumatances ef the surrender or . 112relt 01 blgollql. Be shied home afterAhe assinsinidion on Biterday .ereising; 1' saw blot shwa seven. •-•• 'lhe ofacer bad Men beanie the Imam In search of Mai; I inionned him of the rapt;. be told awe— Mr. Bingham-Ton need not state what he said bwyrni. ' The Aft claradon of the prisoner cannel twaddle:led in the - . • - Orr. Cox stated that the evidence had bon ' adenoml by the immesh' e to pane that he was Melee from arrest, and It was legitimate to meet anon the pass of itie defiirce;ny showing Mum be vointailly surrendered himselt Sedge Holt ninaikeitts that. the wither.-was osetbresd nos to rep at the declaration of the primer. - 11. might state the tacia relative Ibeatnst - Q. Did newsboy:we ors,,trat Isislunneseel Objected` to sap Mr:-llinaliste, sad the Ojai.; PUttall.:tb I y the nut. • ' Slate wt. thee oe ent dereadastastherlad e, to Procure en igloo to take men Into caster 41 A. He did. . • Mr Bleglumm.4 Oder ItO On answer.' • • Witness serwied. let It go: . Witness always Morita 01-etertlln as Teri amiable. -Did not rememburter, baring sere ./sleis in a. passion. On politics! question Imbed never been violent. Never heasdhlm coma opinions on tee hews of the day, noes to a moderistai oftener. titer revs`` Logue *weer/met of the surrender of O'Laughlin id tinfiacere- • • •_ An attempt was made by the defence *litre., dee. evidence to sheer thee Bubo, was s moo of pleasing a don, sell likely..toAndeence. L young men with whore ue was associated. bet Jhe Courteeinsid 'pillow. -• Seery "Neirgars torten—Was le Ifentrend Februaryf knew Handers. Cleary aed ,others or that their by Plate; saw them at Si. Lain • mice Flail and prrilt ; 0,10311 - did not not see Jacob Thomploint Bendy. l tacker. Oa the eve.; nipg of the 14th er lb IVal Jew. bead Derry • say to Bender% "L; neve, thi/ are mouths'. rood/ for the -1 01 . 3 0 1 ' al f Lincoln pent menthe Baum said.. Tn. hut It, the boys only have • luck Listen Will nor trouble them meets' non. Cleary said. ".Evetytiont, ts sediV , Bodin re. . Oh yes; 13 lab le Weft the Job." Wit. sees eonsitered this at she Muse • 01310 of brag. glut commute tel (Wain:man a few days agos did pot kr ow Jobe Barest', • - Cheri. Dawson Idniifird the card omit to prey. lidentsJolinson on the 14th of April as•the sign. tan of Blleth - Choke Sweeny gasified to the erhel Untamed of pitmen by the rebels. loseph Toting owe sholierreatimoui.' At- Florence the kerPrni Of the prison .thouteged to ittanwes noun oar anny had lan a eald thenehtheireMentry and &NMI:4 train:set , wens at Munn able et Attdenosville• John Tour testliad to the Identity of the 4 Cinik - f. 4l ' Rods blMsimedy, who was hung la Mew Test. The eigatemin was . made to Col. Mane and 'tuition swedidad. • - ' - imernmenguhrapessa Union. Junes 11. - Motriet3itHeed Oat he bight wou land Of Mrs: Sandi nem inn awnerecelved a • • " idler Irvin linos- the** of Aprl. by Mr. ilideneplinterid beep ert of the mss: . r and &be wasted N. solikdf.did not he e Dr. luha C. Milieus' •- brother of the knew - ,whkess.teNlied "le; hrolket•iellng,lisba eg the erred of lined. , : The nest dine hes brother emir epaN Of battik lid a ,eannitutiaa with Medd sore woke betbre f was after the 'fatties: wen. lillelmidasehulidyenr 'Oaf needy' eight kali fti intessirdsmi or paral_lt• le alt aka . , Wirmiser,linoWathe :we. • • brothetragandinaut nowifousti. A* fano talkative; telisseveryibing he hems, and' beliefs* all be hew' he tune( tad '` abash for nage thicrorkesudiesiernivritalon staid thilih Warr mid 'that:Medd 111 41."..11eo ervakked usd Wan eviii be Wed* 4 few wanks. um I :;;‘.....-7.-.t' - • •,-- ,7::::---':'..",-,—,::,7,-,-:74:4.tft-'77.7 . 1 , - • *". - ! It-- (4 . ;; t ,, •./ .. '' , -•- ..... ,, V . l - .. , -;. -- s• ~- . - ~... ''....' :.. ... . - • ~.;.-: ,4'4''.. - ~.,.L. ~... . ---- .. -'":"..' • ''' '""' - t ---- -- i ~, i,; ''" -,' -- • -""'''' ••r`-.:; 4 ' . ' . . `..,,v.m, Orr , ' ~ , • a ....! .1 "4: . '' ,. ''' :"'n ' " 1 4,1 ....:. 77 7. "1"F - -.. r-, • . r--___4 ‘• 1 • :: A - - - ~?- !e'Atft_ if !,,..;,.. 1- .... .._ _ i E IL . , :4 V" ----. *- - ) lEf t . • - •%,-..., V ry ,--. - • . he t , *siren as Imh.r Union into Hsrytaad, stnaddibe killed. ley"brusher. Oro seemed la tigktmlnd aid not at akl exe:tel. Etansellicaltder,eteri in the ream splint' nollse4 predargd the resister of that house. snd found the names, of Dr Mudd and J. W. Mudd on the matter o the 3U" of Htermbt r not. Modd's eama is net on the re hider in Jahisep: - Os truce-ecortaathill - witness was' asked ' like knew whether. Dr. Mudd slept In the toogi with mums the right' of the•assamdsattero. Ha sum:rods he was In bed when ALM= Jeremiah 7. Mudd tallied to' bet= In Web. lesion on thelii of December With Dr. Mudd. 'Wheless detailed tie transaetken ea that vide, which was pertly a bustnals one. • Dr' Mold's easacter is cremplary; ha lade an amiable dap,. Ohre, a gaol =lam and a good aeighbor, be- 'tldu beinalsoneth and correcri have lived near Net ntyllk end believe hi m'lntstirire. awe we Booth In =nab air ids •nolideas In i t IrUltet pal. Of 74.1:111ther Of the Ins of De. &whets wither only knew Beall% Amami fo to woat he heard others say. „ Q. What was the common taDa - Judge Birgbam objected to the gentles: , Mr. Emery said the defence wished te *hew tat Booth wale thecoentry osienalley foci= liallOse of 'deicing aad investing in lands* '- II his was introduced as =planetary of Ida meet lag with Dr., Mudd, -whoa tastily wen large. land holden and axle= to dlstare of lauds:- r-- J‘dge Holt 'bombs mere idle rumor was not laraterly , . , . The abjection was =dabs ed and Vatted ro ot ar On cross examinaties the witness said he tett eve r seethe abetter r awesstimate of oppbeition scribe policy of the" %e latddlpen., and sever knew.of auy, disloyal aixot Me; hew s saw Confederate griddles 'about bletionsee be= besth of his shooting some of his =growl, end ave re theta of the truth . = this'atatentheig v. heard that the slaws refused -to do-some. „ Wag iced the Dottor sh at him to the calf of tint Ira to bight= Map, never beard him talkigrea d. al leopposititato the adaileistradmr except" with reference to the emancipation pulley. Fratitia Lau testified to hewing agreed, en Chiletacur /1141, to any some articieepurchard .I .br.Dr.',Mudri. from Washington to trio hose. John B. Thamyann, residing in Charles calm ly, bid, testified . that' be was 'lntrodoced tear nan mimed Booth by Dr: Greece at his house in potobff a tit,rember brat; that he brought a let ter to Greene from anmebody Montreal named Mamie. :It was simply a letter of introductloa stating that Boat wanted to see the country. abbrs. Introdueed Boothe to Dr. Mudd. Booth's .c surisible =lea was to purchase lands. lie so stead Pc me. I think I told :Hoary Medd, lather 'of the =cased, was a large properly bolder and be might purchase turd from him. Booth asked me In regard to the roads ladies to the Potomac fiver. I told him I knew them so far es Alien's Fresh and Newport, bat no far ther. , I think Booth asked me If there were airy tunes In the nrichtsorhnod for ale. Told him. didn't 11•1110. r; ttiat 'l , Government tag been =remains Its set. and malty or my - ttbthtaa had taken their horses to Weediest= and sold them. Think Booth stayed at Dr. Gran'. hoise that night and next day. 'Ttrieltl saw hict again about the middle- of December ' when be stayed at DT. Green's all night end left -- ratty le the morning. Green li 14 years of age and bed ridden. .0u erweirremloatioo.lrituhigr. aald. E.,oth never boucht any. lands there to big knowledge. The Ourt adjoured till to-morrow. .lIATIS TO BE TRIED FOR TREASON. True Bill Found by Grand Jury. INTORTANT WiII:DEPARTMENT ORDER Payment mut ILnetaing Oat of Tioopa. BREST OF TEE IFIELJECILETAIT OF Proposition to Pay the National Debt -THE INTENTIOftS OF KIRBY 'SMITH. Csialry In the tiostern Itepartniests to be ltuoteree hozontlately at Vann. New. Tom, May £6.—A 19XVild to the Sapid trim Waablegtou on the 25th amyl: The .grand jury of this dharlet tun Maid Ai 'true DIM of In. dicta:teat for t - eason Neatest Jefferson Daita,the thief of the late rebellion.. He, will he brogneht here and katupun hh trhl s. noon as the attend. inri'e . or yttbeeara, for the Tifeeteethet *WS: The followiog I. aaynopals of au importantorder joie Jeered tom • the War Department relative to the mnsterieg out and discharge of who teen t . ' 7 • , Th e several . dhilsiors of the various arekr corps will be kept In tact, and the commaadtoc generals, immediately on the receipt ef orders 'dinettes- auy portion of Mad forces to be mos „tared out. will orri..r the same; If not already thereat, to one of the &Sowing rendorvons First. Troops of thet .11(littary Ellpset. trent mud of the D. pirtuseuta settee theeelo, will rend, zroue lu toe Defeopleot Washington, D. C., Bart et's Fixrteind CatitboxAmd. hercad. Thom of the MilifirY D-pertment of the James, at Itichmoud and Oldrellt Cumfixt, ylruitda. Third. -Those of the Department. of -North- Carolina, will artemble at Newborn and wa orb Fourth. The Department the South at Charleston„ S. C.. and Savannah. Ga. Fifth. The Military Drriston west of the Mts. Mesippi at Mobile , . New Orleaus and Vicksbert. Ehxtb. The . Id dimly Division of Missouri at” Little Itock,;81,;"LooLs aud,lort: Leann/worth. Keens& Sevestb. The Department of the flumbeelaal at Nashville, Knoxville and Memphis. Tenure. Elebthe-The Department - of Kentucky at' ,The.gifidlet De.putmesit atßaltlinnre., Pp-ciaterdera wilt be Eisen from the h twat General , s ince relights to troops in New "Meucci and the Pacific. at the llme fur the dls.• -,ehergeefiald troops appinaiehes. In care of one or morn regiments of a dicta/it beirg ittoseree out, the dictum reinsioing la , th , tad. the minaret - Or regiment will Oc tired alit at the plain where fogad serving at lila aid that *caste their fitates; Tne4Cdps. tint Greens]. or Abe: Miry :will Aaiun/no tus . place* sad rend. sores 1n360 .B:atee to which nehotets, after being maitered - out. will hosent " ll‘ery regiment will , brilliant inward - do Its &Maud miderrms 22 Mos 'ardor rolls- are irnenake, carrylog_wfthshmuiltailr.arei‘, cobra rinceseary eatdpige. —Os Wind of net niiimeata ihthdr respective - States for piiment„ Cuplike will be issued- by tbe respectlnseapply departments oat requisitiouwad emote, conat,l teirlanad by the child tonstasiag silica or riaibtast. • Ihe Herald's Richmond correspondent ase‘is &doh ty exiebel Secretary of War, has been v' mud sad ,Iniciamned .arni Amain& in Me Jame*. with Hunter and . Campbell. It was be. listed Lee would also soon ,be In custody, and. .11or. Panith, wow", - D a v i s alt. alone In his cell Sava the two guarda,, who are uoiperretwed to adflress. him autarky enitjeti .whatever,' rind It launch t.eild Am twi ll be glued we MOM. The Ewetd'a InvfmaUlan to pay off cntr ea glottal debt by individual subscriptions has been orbetided to by Cot=ndore Vanderbilt taking terestylbre attires, twbert Banner two, sad Flinty A. Reiser.' Boas, two. 'Tome shares are $20.000 each. - A epeeist to the Herald from Washington on on . the 25th lays: Information heny bees re ceived here thavßirby, Smith intends macaw; his mac aunts the Rio Grande and teedertag Lie servicalo Thli movement CU it la said dim:merles have been made, on ei emitted= of the captured, tneetedocuments, Im plicating prominent Northern men whose byal ty betitotore has not been quetlioned. Melees from Matanwiest, Mositta,to the 4th. any theleoperialists still hold that place, sod` It is believed that the Raehlicans under Nara* were withdrawing. Monterey and Oanonego are in IC session of the Repubilcaos- • • -t ffedld to the ?*abase from Wallington the 250.vsys s ••All the cavalry of the Weastru Da rttosnie are to be mustered Immediately a Cairo, for ature,Tewas service. • - • lited. Seward hatr hat an aneigated bamni rbage which has ached renewed anxiety Its hie Platters at Lynchburg. Va. /Taw frozz, May 28.—& -rionmt letter from LysehbOrg use We are rut off from array simian Of thoworld, and it is Impossible to hear 'from Otir hiendaebteaL .. - ftwOmage crudites/sins ere ens running to Atabant, It'diitii4ee 140410 1 _ 1 !4; tintrestf - Tannteaes Hammed' goal to liberty. "S lON nem ofbmo. - The South Bide railroad is le oprredblibdwiribbre and tits - Jusetiont the rate I:amp to the road Is' the destrattlois of brtdhare, bat th 4 Sa OM . tale" repaired by Tha "trahtla u a hare resumed pub: lleattoteat tbeiptice of 10 - aide per airy. The dims&leas boa not rause& • . • Tie Negroes Norio sad Mott CISSUIO. - , fa r . NE To. May SS —Litters front TWAIN emersion' Vitb . te. sosittootti of North and Saint, 'CO, 'Nato' tithe .stosots la W e ee wes OrobAst driven it, from their old-hem" Wahl* , as* tots, oho oleos to taro theca satire, tshorent: Thu rOdiftaimas UQS blab in la a pitiable . . =MID - Fltiike TEXAS. RE1141.1 Dlltili 'TIMM MILE& French Boat Fired Into. sn ware mug nos 'lntni-ACINIS Mr Chrao, May td.—Adriees tom Brno; ?Tula, .state tbst, Annan minket:sent imilt_Plece - ebott - Ste 12tb of iLis month, on the prairie ou which G. Tribe fought the battle of Palo Alto, be. tavern a portion of Kitty datitb's command eurd adttaelenertiof abcrat, Prebazukedtfaitedlitatas troop order Col. F. H. Barrett, Om' side was" vinodops, litho 1211 soulless '11:1111201 Was - micb superior. Ti,, enemy need 'fiftieth- L A steamer Awe liagteti 10 3111.11/11111unis finiTed Jett as ttie *Wary coaanaluced dried. The stopped std bohted the Frank sag, witioa ought nut Mrs be observed Eby Ulm Mists. fur they tired shell . sad -wand. shot, oae panda( through bet cabin. --Tke last seen of the Was she wait doubts. down ilia simmm. Oar trecte were Arad upon ontbeir retreat by twine partkit moss' the Sin Grande, aad arum. mai milers crept, up tbe river bookend skew* hf theta dud. • Three Striae whams, of lefaxlmilitaes ceolee4 the filter ea the 'wn to Brim% Dein ateliers. • Tht iteantatlp unman 'from ;Brum on the biles" Inhumation of a fight as lexto Dsl ,Chleo tan bdmeett the Milted States forxaane tliewebvh. under Geatral Slemorier, h which ibe mittoy'wers driven • twenty ?• ml ea towards BruwaStilleiwbee the rebels were retatoreed. Bo nn reirated ltd marched to' Brassie: ?With a law of eon:say-two kdled, .wortuded sod !swindle, 11,1ppe, Temple and Limn:nazis . 84 dwick, of the SIM Ludlum, who were mir blaniibto*Cloll report quguldO , our 03 re° claims a victor.). stilt admits a Ws oC torts aten. AMBLE FROM NEW ORLEANS. • Conference with Kirby Bngth. 'ROOFS =DESERTING MID GOING ROIL • ile Ccantry from' Alexandria to Red Hirer Overt Liberia XEZialn Pasty Growing Strong. ,Taw; Outlaws May 94 via Canto May 2g.— The 2' iFaversse has . reliable Information from the Trans- lillftalselppl Department wbleb states that COhnicl B traltrt's conference with Kirby Bmlth [Etna! d In notbleeof consequence— In this rebel entinelliknith wee disposed - to surrender, but the 11 last tali Generals, buttons and dhelnY,difemoded amnesty for the.mselves, which' I. nor. olfaied In the PreelZent's-posclateation. Colonel Swages retton4l`aeceinpapled br a Missouri Colone, who mei to Wasbingtowleittiblin„to confer witli the authorities there. It Ddserals are not In clndeC In the amnesty they propiee to Pin asindillan. Tne troops are deserting In gnat cumbers. The people generally are diaponcient. Cotton can be bought very km for gold. &v— -ertu boats were loaded rearirto come Out of 6.1 riser as moon as permitted. - Another flag of truce boat Is expected down on thel24th: - The wintry is orerdowed from Alexandria to the month of Red rirer. ?wiles from Northern Stratus represent the I.lorql party as groan% SIXOUir sod popular, sad btlierr thry wlh soon possess all the math rn pan. of The contarv. INSERT STING FROM . SA V:ANNAZ CAW) BALES LOITON Li. BORGIA. Rebel Troops Advised to go Homo. ..E/lANCIPATIOIY A FIXED FAO?.' FEw Yoxi, May .16.—The steamer Chase ',Dom tiit anuab M. 93 1 , h.• arrived. The Des tine Art re thew. bait Is e• reopened. The aerat or ' Jeff D ds had arrived from Augusta with 250 _bales of the ern shirtiest received frog thence. be 'awl bleu. Bract bad dedvcral au adthera to the Genres inanot:, advb(Dc . ttidne lantern to their-bona as thorn Is no - hope or jfiale,tting the war to a d•Vrent , conclusion, either hrc• or in the Trazte-htualastp,)l a:pan g:lt Ilt. • Tilers are 350,000 bates of cotton In Macon and St4l.COll to Augusts Augusta and Atlanta papers urge the people to conaldtr, emancipation Ai *Azad fact, mad to rervive and abide be Malt ; . MM;aglia=22Cl The Plitt' regulars bai arrived from New York. Pear hundred • paivded primmer* of tom and Jobtmot. , e suckle*, lorMilua G. It U. Aida ion, bad _arrived a SAvaneab from dogmata. THE•SURRETDER OF TB E STONEWAU. A Semi-Ofaeied Statement Wastruscrrosr. May SS —The following aetet cmcfaistatrment is made in osunectios with the authorised announcement of the fact that Ake Inalonent ram. Stonewall. has narnodtttoa site to the Spanish authorities: • - TLe condom or those authorities upon the co ea ion was nalciosa. dl{olS•d, atm in entire autformlty with toward the United Stahel., any momentary diAtrust which may have hMetteore beep entertained as to the decision or the Captal.. General of Cubs In tne maws, has Iltuaissen dlsposed or satisfactorily. FIRE nEuin: cilium% PA. ;Eng CHILDREE BONITO TO NITA I ' , IL at I It ott L' ate• Its n D.' LI. cw- Olt t• al frd ilitt4 t y ; . t Tr r • May 26.-6 ins occurred lad eve miles west of CSiltslo. Berea t Oldest Wog 13 yesn of so and six mouths, vete burred to de.mb. Mn.a lash thud Owl Mr. too itayberry, the pante, were tweet. - The' are - Was aceldentaL Sessi—lereedoses of As Mast Stites.' N ton e mind gat byib. tend tent t May 28.—rbe Errata's %Mai rt !no mop , Tonostoto,com. Oar Geo. lanai; will Motu Iss ors is be 'recruited - to Da Old mieoAtt not Of veteran - troops from als; Is Is }enema : Ude army will be leadleelsolppt Departments. lb delooett atit*ltattton Geo. How ard'e 1 modules, to look iftsr - tbo Infor ms& of _Amen of the'Maus lately la robed boo, mit - to-day sad discussed pluis for pascal. log opt inatnailvetlott leads. sad the orgasms- Wm ailhosis, bat seloaroed erlthota remn ai upon an delloits pmcadiosi An Amain:innle Gen. Garai...Train qtats l tutu a Itlver...Ganboat fist , I .Nsw few! kb mavdta G. O r o rr Etu bi 1 /Imam n' tttl tr Wad, f. pei:ectos . ; oar, May !t6.-An Mann* was made • a ISILIM w amaaasinate Gen Dovat, coot. the U. d. rocas at 5 anon, Va. Toe day otabtlast a railroad bridge toter a Petervborg gave way and preelplta. foto the chasm. Two men were r.mleting, and fourteen - Injured. The ere connected with the road.- • . boat Motorbuses; the U. & steamers , Commodore Hull, Gorerrnoi Back , • essay others_ arrived this morning. Gild Again Dielining. leaw &maws Is lets, • for cum ". le &rid,- the The anis of clatter ! emu" werk laa Vac per, Its, 20.-00 Id has taken a sharp •d I urn. The demand' for export today d owlet to the withdrawal of orders. rrable amounts-for shipments the price ly week. There are Indications th tt I the lasi few daprleyery mach the fer r relined export movement for Ade> i . rpnees outside the gold room. know. wired° that the shipments for the I not exceed two onillon dollars. The oltilit was 188 Xi the plies tali more. ' edlo 134 • r ukdatt MM." • ,- • - 40 Ade kers" ehlety Zees. Pa ' • unity May 90.—Jrry Minim reports 'the're • • lima to.the 140 hoe to-dar /WA. 207 lit 4 The lis*orwiltern tibeeeluteas were ItODU.IP G. F. IUL-4:ashler alt. Louts and 101. 00: Duo .- .Thkll2lfigueel - Blob.. - liegut 'rowers uteeriptioes Fife 1330.000, : fromi o. listiuuL Doak at 0 14 RePublio 44.5 *- • Ink 100, boot Ms I First N Matta Nut of rbd The.Fiest Kabul But otKu. tut, eporKeed 060000.. The uambaot,ln dielcont anbiellptlars were,l,of4. ' flow stellisest' lltitati. -• ' !Twmfaids special up sOtliuWiblueU4'bee mewl the barrios - rile, Woe Usasew order Pore. &Mee rem Maw bear to Mr blew es twlr•lows the swam be boos thumb thirecellet Par Utt salinutet Wet seasegloe:loollw*lt'iwlspreal 2!MI2M= . . SAIDIWAY,MAY . 27. 1855. WORM IN Al D INISSUIEG Hag Two or. Three Feat Deep. (I . OIgIiI:DKRAUM3 • , 13? ; Loon, May 26.—1 terriblo - storei 'Wier* I.orttroird•Jolitudoit"Coard7.'• Eggsee, Ca Widbeeday eitntna .. blowing down ittelrle : febetsospooliti tribe; sad going grist &tine. Bali Weald to tart bran blown lour trigs twtr and tkiee feet deep, -- Several persons' were-s e verrly *Wed. - bat retires she reported lon. • " The storm entered ibis State In an eastern di 'retie% prostrated the telecreph at several and dftralechtleaterel aknertter Pule, It reached here at =Wien, sod raced ferleet , / for twq or Arco holanotettroWlag considerable propertwin thdo cltf aid iiirnindiag I,lleau,. et \ Sedatlicseveral ears were blown front the i odd, Ism*, lam wbeb. freight olde au; 000ttdetelf trucklag the ermine and six airs. _ . COMMON eIEITON'T IN RICHNII3%. • Genera Election Ibroueunt,Truginiat tomiverrnii .IAITCSIVAY 021:51M 4Y, ' Niro Your., May SYS spOisl to -Itto PesS, dated lifsehingtos, May' kit; iiyi: Goveenor Plefrpoint snip* Alcbonasd jeuttentay • aat seamed, 'eounsl'of4ts&Stato. steers! eke:skirl into to be hold tlurAhoit Yin A terrible rule storm °conned at RlekiassA. last EOndey. A petition of tbs'ilty . !lei cook islets], hmadated, and k was famored skit I number of pecans were drOwinsi. Tinsdansure by the text to property 'amid to be tnefilcalable. Ttouband of Miro, eatt4dh batioa , Walt dron ord. The blory to t h e Cedar& Edited fa !bought to be besey, tbonsh, as yet, we bevs, beast of no particular daunage to It.' Indictments Laud against Jeff. Dav avid eckenridgc- 7 Geo. Whermau, fl . . aw :Twig; liar 6.—The Careareieidd i a:Virarh• legion tivelal eats: The Gramd Jury, for the Dirtrot or Ctitutabia. Tivignrie7 found ibruailM4 irdicitmeut aplart Jrtr. Nos aud *rotr C. Breekieridue. The _bills will be promoted in the Cs Ohlual Court to-die^. "Tarr ignmetal egereid• rd are !aiding V ied abetting hostilities .In this District list bummer. The, capture, of Ereckle• ridge coaddearly auticipekd by the autuini le(urtnatiou as up his irbaregeouts 1411 be rb received. A forte for penult has been °c oulee& G. Bbernian expects to leave roe the West la a few do r. He wilt lead htv toddlers to thole tomes. Ho resides, tbroegti•Gen. 11 , 16 t; the command of the D , partmetit of the ithatatlppl, sad will at. ace aianwe WS Mittel tuna the dell awe hothy hie hew restored. MMaGS;==l The Great INititaryhtteview—Comparison DeWitt's lii...stteril and 'Neaten] "Troops. . Nile Toni, may 26..—Tbe Tree/tea Waatibur. tea cotrespoudeut, to speaklog of the review, says: Naturally, cdrepartatia was male between the Samara and Western'troops. The Western men were taller, with fewer boys and "aesreely any foreigners among them. Their marching Flrp was several inches Leiner, and yellow sod cod beird iuid Tight hair. predominated. Pee racers Ol the army of the Potomac conceded that • they marched better. They mooed with au etas. llc epttnity swinging' step, that d.res not bel..dat Eastru boys , and their faces were M o re to tdlle. self-reliant and determined. One entail oot distiagnlse offl..ers from men ;except by the en 'lovas. Privates and - seemed rival 'to intelbarn'ett and manly Wiring Oa the out er band Eastern troota showed more pare Ms- Hplioe, more drill. There was a- marred di*. Ablation between the trainers and meat L point of culture. New livlik Mucklnn Money Matter*. i . New TOME. lial r 3d. —The &ock market con tinuos exuteuelv Mill. Tan market, appears to present. lei euducenniut to the public either to buy or tell, and brokers seems unable to get by au excitement. The struggle *hien has - been kepi up for some weeks between toe two strong onpothe cliques Is losing Its interest. The operations today were very light, and the pie coiling dullness extends to tiovernme.m. G.dd Bearing Bondi steady, but there was no artivlty. 10-40'saideaucid lice eighth, bat the salea were cinch'. bi ate Snicks dull. EA - Broad Bands q. 114 .and arm; Mi-cellaueous Llit irregular, wiui..hs marked change. The &mirky yesterday in 111. was not emulated to day.' The morapiiimtl Aran prl° have been of_a spigulative charchar . . fte export of gold - toritirriw • will xite. be 1 1 . 3 .). ii3llZe as exp. mei Totem., Etch muse les, active than yesterday. money was In great deanstil to-day, but the rate unchanged. Geiversur Curtin bun the Pennsylvania Troops. nikRX".IMEGe Kay 25 .—tlar. :Garth bu do- . ailed Wore the Peunsylvallar troops are mu,. toned nat, to till up the vacancies In all compa nies alai regimental organizations by regular pmmotlini. lie is now In Washington pentme airy - nuiendloir this duty and examining the c.sima lif those eithirk the line of promotion. By thla arrangement many brave men wh i were de harmed from promotion by the rigid enforcement of the order Braising to the maximum number In commands. will receive honor sod be Lodi teftd out whit ecisimlsslons, which they have mirky earned. Coot of the hew Yo'k hooey Agent. Nzw Toni. Hay 25.—The trial or Isaac Hen derson. lite Navy Agrot, broke dawn this rent. web for rant of evidooco to sustain the cha The District Attorney desired to. cuter • voile prom., brt this could hot b e dune. Judge Newly' thin chord the peek' oft of the use. and thepoy. without IcArlug their sesta, rendered • verdict of hot gulity. Beslghatione le the Army. Wastimovon, May 26.—The following named Ornerai :Mears have real-pied [Der 15,8002D11110111 ID tbn et:Newer service : Mayer Gauen! A. E buiv:lle. Carl Senors, Wrens Lee, and lirltaMer Giberelllanm. / I .. Cold In Veaangvennnty. Pa. Ears: PA.. May 26.—dt Cooperstown, Vell3ll. go mita', es., kr. Lsmbertosi, wale dlreitor discovered a rock eoutaining bitter of lead, and a white land rock. 1111 P0 0 $ 6 1 b 7 11 / 1 , that exatokted it to contain dad. The 11111bar1' , 7eurnanteat et Dank. Birr/u.o. May 26.—The BUllird tournament dune liey6 164 erenla f. Tee grab prier, avid tuentdeti ewe; woe Woo by Wank Kerlin sod the ..leyeed prtse,'• sneer asoasited 064 Wite web, C. &aut. itikiusler Meteor. instingaroir, May tosiniryitt the Do paw:Drat it 4 aseerudned that'tee mauve. et. Peor rehently errreked, was not the Ilett-d fitaWr uPenter of then lame attached to the - Went Oplftlgtradror. .. . Arlington and Km Gen. Lens • h doubted Met llika;,Lee, the wife Of the rebel leader; Roberts. Lee, sas formally ant netnews her deterusinatioe to lay claim, to kr. lington lielahts, and le:in • very 11l hauler be: canoe tbat tiartmial estate bee not been- set- Mettle cared for by the rile Tinton. Title le the eublimeat specimen .pt ansuranca we hare reed since the celebrated -offer of a certain cloven footed gentleman to eve sway a planta tion that did ant belong to him. There is lu the vicinity of Arlington House, Indeed an apart of the property, a tom/Loth'. enot, which - 11341e hundred', of Union heroes, riserderrd by Veropkrs Leda - lisoload, Or by he ambeast's troops, ereihirled.Theme mcred remelts shall not be pro:Maned by the unhallowed Much, mach lam outraged by the usarplog demand-of tide race of mirages and traitors. Heaver' lave the nation hom the hataillettan Ortrasielaj • RATILIFA, acurday, May 80.;—Tea uneaten of the - dtunewall way be considered as settled. There was on Thursday evening a owed; at which the principal authorities of the Island were prisent,sed preald.ed era by the Captain General, who that morning had returner: from a short trip trio the:country near Callen's. At this causal the Captain of toe fitnnerwill (Paine) ettgareduo deliver ap bls ship to the adthorides of to to tw had by them la trust for the tifaltot Maw Government. As he wait *about lauds to pa 7 off his 'new, the minima hero km agreed to . advance him 635.000 for that purpose. The enterr by the by, Is much smaller than. it was • week`since, for at lout twenty-are men hare armlet This 'wagtails.; lamb not yet aurkd Lao effect, soon wlll be. Tani imeetkm at to . the adralesion again of disloyal! minhners, at the soak into the New . &hoot Preebyterlaa fold, to agitating** Goner. el deseibbly of this denomlastion • new la see slat at the Lafayette arenas eintreb; Brooklyn. This point was the sublets of aptriteddbleastot at Ihkrritabgd'Of the fend tops dare. Betnatta in opposition to admitting three disloyal daiiVa men' were made - by Rev. Dr. Spear; Bens Mr. • Lamar. Bei. Mi. &toyer' andkithers. ' It was - 11- wally *minded to exclude those erring otuss,, Sudan (them, si:lt.werk•ln,querietine for a short time, so that there is still a trainee lett for them .to some back,- medullas'. WaV also *Rd staborlatee the assembly , to send ten ram biers to Rest Teatiesime. ~ , . Earsau. to:portal% rioptoreinents itre now be. tug made aloes Latayet . t.a. to beim desiticht 'twat With hanteelOSS are Vl* coastid;-" lairdhl some foto labiadd—iad 1,118 &hods sr• beat sialgralls Buvagitt 2 tli. . " • _ . • II•Ipm c : •-• . - - fit ..- _,--- -, , .: - . - ifx--,.., v . (.2 ,- . . , . 0 . 1 , I ' ... - 1 ' A .t : ~. . - Ir j. _ _. . - A Letter frost the-Elder Booth. The widow or the WO 36. Ban Cowell has •pbtredin car heads the eopylor- the tbiltrwlag Atatreorillaary aflame tolltr: Java Mir -411, eilebrated American eoteedlatt,aid rat or gam Cowell, by Ambit' Braes Beetk, the at the ealasabs of Preableat Ltaepla. 111 no that aoesithitti like goodness was car- Ilitair *sedan payeholittical latetbalttei of the ,laths of theAow autotioaa mardirow • - Exterkir of Lie Jail '• Year of _ Oblisi Praise be to Allah ! Veb'r E. 1834. Of the Meet 0984. Tour loving commenhisiMmt has Jog been de-. therm, after my tided lei in the above; low tarrying ou.selely an :nu table and die itaiseftil buslntsr; namely rig the test! to ernandtels. snared an* what k called ryslea tielo-stiatataud taimm4al , feel (I wish dtethot) mere supers's! eta pt has ever of y race. I whit could 'lrk,' ein-I minuet cannot say "Forgive them, they know- not . *bat they do t" 1 Ps advice. I Taw yea - Intend making mosey by sale of Rugs Blood-which la the life. , It Is nose a my "buattiew-outi he sure blood es/la tur blood; your bortieultand viotlen 'prefer. ,anly be gentle to thy merattnes, eves there, for there's an ever-dylag woman. The }Undo.> re ligion is the only one I believe! to beat all like. truth. , r feel so certain of It that were this say kw moment and Death flaaglag over me on the .net eye to MI6 whs. tier nogerfair It ay Dart I wcmlA declare myself find in ver ses 'lntiodunu , Had illievi'brea'nii tisk there have bees no 0=164m1-do-yea taker flood bad pen, hurry-dirty hand, torn piper, IMI - ittianaboat about to go. Many thanks to 'Yeses and lay last matting to Ms earomatetro. • Yountriv tr. J. B. ithowth*Cowelk Esq., M's store, art newsier Township j w ilamilton county. Ohio. —• r. Cowell states that woes Booth vtrntittles ame he wee walkln.r slant the sit, of Luets• villurwi s t t. h nothing bat it- Means cia.-Binisisr him te, 114.110 Papplles. . i f be Moldiest Wilmot militate tbatepoit of Gomm' rlterkiaa, :bat be capture!, with otier nixl war tardertal, Ova Arups!arag caaa of eat tett 13titItti labribation, and !lilts deals! Takes, &brut muter air better=rttry cabildaraidi 'Tba Seem rays: le la the highest degree Improbable that the lib Intl government 'would act to each a &- Fir g manner in opposition to their mimed policy tontrality.', Et The Bnfiett government has boot distinctly denied having seat .ftraTetzhag lint either to the Federal. or the confederates.. be Story of probabilities mast always yield to - iseertaint d. facts. The eat:sere of. the gone Is ,treof of rebel tameable. The mark on the gone prof of their origin. The eat* m ,of the Brit tth government to their exclusive; ata"lad use it notorious. They mtue, -- therefore, here been greeted to the rebel by the government orgag. lend'. The ballet that ibis grant wu madela rendered still morn easy by a reo allectbm °title cased of the Alabama, .riorkla r 11AppalaanOck and StopenaU, the former of which received the aid of British- Anklets, while both of the litter to titled out .d sailed notwithstanding their tardy stral.—Pktleal N. AM 11. Intelngest licre - uen Paper. The Parte comeepondest cif the New Turk Ter twee gtvos the fellowlogertract from La farts lah!e: "Whet will the gieele ray If It come to be , mud that this clsvery, to which the &sets at, ii It Mt e the late h-rrlble crime, Is to be pet to le eecctiot of the clue Republican party—if It (isiortd that the brothers B have beta the who, It the school of Mazzlei„ limodste North America? • • • • Why, then, Idly smuts. I whole toiletry (the Bomb) of bele; ha ! Ilestol It the essastlnattou," when Ile people eveelways fought-fairly sdrersittitti NrAciskolvi dolled for aurae time at New Otleivas, mai Vas miaow tare ewe aft, Me priiewutatti ,tr Astor ; be patted come day* AIL HICISIUMI4 11.11:4444) sfi rI Lee'e deleit, Mid the prima° G. tynS dse Preeldent; he genie, ;Yew York aa,l ap p. I,si !while, and is Mere Mesa By we assesses haw gated r, the Colonel soldier's Monument. The doldiers of the Stil and Bth U. 8. C.A.Car airy' isiti=ta have set a movement on foot to effete meet to Mr. Lincoln. to be called `ICA: **wed Soldier ' ' Manument."' The plan . . 'Dr.' ire' the guarterinaster breach colored resin nut retain out dollar for each man on each , t *three successive pay days: Tee . Chaplain of .1305 , 1 h ease that his rechnerit would raise at least three thnusand. and be thinks that Millais red regiments would idupt the plan, there cvti.d be raised one hundred and dlly thousbod dollars for this purpose. lie expects that many oersous wouldpay more than thrmidollars. It any OW Is under obligations to build menu mono to Mr. Lincoln, It Is the colored people, td,r a brim he did on mtwh; sad yen It Wad no. for them alone, but for the whole cotters and for 'he tutor, In proclalmlag them free. Hoer Do You Like It, Jefferson 0,1 AI agii`sono w ern • WOW MIPAWING. Oh, Um do yap in s lt, As tae as you're goat Jentriwn 1 , .1 f,fAssoft Arc Tau giao 700 inert 11, or 41',0 with you had Lott Jefferson, Jtffersan D.l People say,. (though, of coon. I 4W/ know that 11.0 soh has your aplHta are getting deoldediflnar, Ana you'tp •wk and dlacoutaged, and 1 thuet bet,-- Dm say, though, do you, tits it as far as your.. gut I -• 01 ho Jererson D.l 'I blotto look ratb rr shot,. Itw, x t Too and nN tit be dr Je,soo and s hat do you think of ibst .out obplo tree t • • cede d . Tne tenet omen In Irehinand (the Time.) !inures IlOveruor Pairpout, except as • pon letti al appall:atr of the, and ap vren, nevm to .beve heard of the amen. -td Stare conetttutlon. ft of course Fr i:soda Hevident LIIIVOIIe. tainnelpatt•• sea bruise* Nowt, and la therefore betty to ”adaili, ,, In reply to an obi champion cif the premier that 'lowly . bag - net 'teed abelland In ifirttlota. Bull the neat Ineltra that the old atatem Is prartlertly overturned or hart, ttemorallied by actual military Intervent.oo. It may he b'ptd that In the tam.. lineral tptrtc It will rntctdn that the diatlntubbed oceneant of a castumnln futures &Worm la ed lever ereatte ut de fade of a them or more of • e trilabert btates. But the quettinn de Pere ut m tiree_he t rees , ...atll their Win -miltatleese the Vim ramlllea.l2l.ll have mat In aolean ate. ulate, stld,pasica. upon It.— Wohtagteta (threat- Tai Amuse . Asrants an SiLTANOIRS Pram's the admatos of losperlahrias to ldexliso ran wee/Alt, or explain away, the news from Si membrane. But if this cannot he done, we Aid be folic d to the COOdullon that the /unlit forth on alb Rio Grande are much more numer ous and fintaldahle thou tan Ifratico.llnotice• arroto ma rricesett. On the Nth of April there yeas Republican army - of 4,ouOntim wader Gen. tlegreto. encamped within two hotfoot of the thy. Judging 'by the WhOlotatto numeration to the Tcxam side of the river, welch the announce. Meat of Ma fact seemed to have catuod. and judleg also from the extreme ineasarot taken by GI o.ld.ila to improvise a defensive army, the situation mint have become to some extent cat fur the Itupetiallats. It Is clear at :east that the work of inlineatiou In yet to !mm hung coutpleted.-rN. Y. Timm. , - - Iv would be more politic for George ff. San ders, Jacob Thompson. and the other fitaitiveS from Justlee for whose apprehension is abettors' asstoeineGun President Johnson offers are. ward, to follow the example of C. C. Clay, and sorren der themselves for trial on the charge, than to busy themselves wilting letters from a safe retreat In Cotd.,- dm:tying their guilt, - and punning the motives of the Government in the imocredinS ainst them. I f they are conscious of their Is itno against and - thei r atdlity to establish it. the way la open for. them to' do it, and thus clear their characters - of a stain that, like the spot on lady Macbeth's hand, will never wash out. Their innocence of toe Unmated crime can not he made clear by assaults upon President J. boson, however vlgtestudy delivered.--Onsein. Raft Commereted. /X 7721 Pltddarotaoa 01 the Episcopal Con wentlon, mcnilz session st Philo:l4phi% ilad - Abe following; The hoof , having preload; foe the elation of delegates to the General Ttiaantal Oonventko.. the Chide appointed the Be% Hod. Watmon,-D... 0., aid Hew Adieus, Claxtoneat., Abet as tist• le upon the Rant of : the deem and Miaow .Jeo. D. Tgbr.Biehsrd Yomdpmary . rad.Vhas, Robbies tells* to receive the lay cote. - The tellers reported-that the Rae. Des: Ems, G. Emlch Hare end D. IL Goodwin - we ;sleeted as cleekal delegates, aid 'Wm. lftdat,'llnreos Blaney.4r., and, Pallg , H... Homo% „Esgoorens, dedanst elected - allay delegides: . A contonteetreselsoappoeggd,lo reoriv xm o the proposed tllvlakm of the diocese. 114 Doylestown IMimarat MUM that !Wats' . um baa been found la Backs county en • rano In Ebdeterry toe/nobly, situate d be. *wallet thermal: erbleb theiranestus stream. front the Ore* Ie lum Britt, now,. aid Mktg on thaw olds or tt ire lards bilk, kltthd DON 'abate** arthe oil lands of Oro west; Tko deposit Is dasedbed sen dark nihnanee, with a arming odor ot rock oil l'ortions bare beau and pronounced raindrop, From Treat - * Innen:eel t h at prdzolatin edits there -be a Urge, G:: CITY AND' I IMMT. Prebyteillax Oral Asesiabyy. ILGSTI DAT- The fret baldness in order wee the hearing sea consideration of Byatmlical Reports: Report.Thßeport.of the Synods of Ohl* and New' Jersey wen received, and their joeveral ntscastions approval. i The Chairmen of the Committee on the Bee lords of reported that the minutes had been carried sway and had not been iv:septum!. The iefl of the dynode was called, and the Com mittees made verbal and written reportk which were adopted. The repiors of the Wheeling Coin_ suuee, appointed to examine the Recadi of the Wheeling &mod, reported two exceptions to the minutes, widen, on motion, were laid ma the is- Mr. Crosby. of the Cosimittes on Mao, re- - Toned that }516, 16 had beeti paid Into the fend; .thatithe distance travelled by Commissioners to the General Aebeaddr. was 14,01 e miles going and resuming, which at the rms of four ciente mile maid amount to $563.16. The Commit• tee also offer Orem4ation duccanwtheTressurar to Fay the mileage due to members. Tae report was adopted... The iinthilshed tinslacss. VII: A OCAGIAMAIna of the Report of the Committee oa Dementia ,Misskois t was then taken ' . The question was on sulking out the word "disloyalty" from the Snulti resolution, which Instructed the lloard of Domestic /dialogs to fluky none but ministers or undoubted loyalty to labor in the Southern States. ' Rev. Mr. Allen, of Nashville. made an earnest addro,s in advocacy of the policy of eradicating .disloyal persons from theilouthern Presbyteries. He refuted the sinument - sum Committees were unable ,to distiognisk between loyal and dislo y al trginstlftrglawlil hot t nT z L e gr. t, And no .111/..,i5, in deciding the matter down there. and' the speaker saw no reason for . making obj..mlons here- Rev. Dr. Lord said : The testimony of the General Assembly was to decide the regulations 011Ls.intabOttirs, mad It was not expected that they should look through thespectacles of douth ern Presbyttrles The General Assembly coming from all nuts ottbe event ry are better judges of the subject limn any Meal synod, composed partly of loyal and panty dieloyel men. Let the General. As. eembly petioles reaulatiott In view of that own Mr. C. PrtUlitin.oftUvington, slid be approved the acts of the General Assembly In. every par- ticular with reference to their settoOlaregard to the flovaticrn Presbyteries. Be ensured and was prepared to auto for the Report. it .sus ab solutely necessary that* feeling of !elan oe built up in the bout, and In order to Wald up loyalty to. the Government you must build up . loyalty to the Church.: The question of slavery was. the etlieulag . •wedget to treason and 're bellion. If the churches had remained solid and united against. It, there would have been no rebellion. We must bays a union of all the 'thumb denomine.ions aspen. lively, If we expect to maintain a hat moutons government. heed loyal men, who love tzar country, and obey the laws of the land, through love ot their counti, and not by coercion. If ow want to aresdnestablish the Presbyterian Cour ' In Its purity and power and glory hi the dom.h. Dr. 8. R. Wiliam, of Kentucky, said be could hardly realize that he was in a Court of Ctinat knead of at a palates! meeting. It he etelleved the latter, he would follow on the course of reasunieg of the shakers and show whet little sattelection there was fu It to a candid and re . fleeting man. lie wished to show that therm fla tten of the standard of loyalty was shifting a-id loxes tele. lie referred to the paper of the date Ctnirultue at lientneky of 1861, which he nes , lu drib It was declared as the policy at the bate not to take sites with the G were meta or the rsrellitm, bat that they would fight them hob If teressary. [The Moderator ruled hoot of order, to quote from newspapers.] rue speak, r then extract from au address of Dr. .14 usurate, prong his standard of loyalty, ' justifying the govern Meet he allies military eels, arid tetnatken that he thought there were few in the Araerobly who would 'merle that standard of royalty. He then spoke in•opeosidou to the sp- . whit:nem ul the Cottniiilleu. Its thoug h t they were not capable of juaglug of a Luau's loyalty. Be had those of his own klunred un both sides of this war. 8111 he continued Ida miuttiturial litters. He was loyal to his country, and vra, 'loyal to Lbrist, and yet he would not put it la [Le pout r id a maid committee an ettil.tdelottla to lett his loyalty, and menially when It bad peeve been impeached... Will you have a cate- Omni of Mesa) and one of freedoitt l Wtll yen cauchtee a WILD whether /MU In firer of whites l.tsbnarrymg_ Is IL h rdacinl lie bad 'seen .3 pri.pioalto gritiriteuro • stilhage;auti perhaps that questien was tole aaked. gunge Strorg, of Bt. L"uia, remarked that he bad never torn able to appreciate the difference In the nituds of many in the subject or loyalty. /it answer to the qtlieStioli which ties been asked doting the last four years, as to what standard of loyalty should be reale, ho would say, the principle difficulty Is that there are ones who know nothing about loyalty. Nis man who ever knew the meaning of the term had anydifficulty In &tett:ool4El, He should ati stem expx. a wife, who has beets flirting about, abusing her Lushest contldence and breaking the vows of _wedlock. to determine what loyalty consists as cam as one of those disloyal men in ldissoust. The wife who loves her borne and her husband, and the hnuhaud who lures and cher. s his wile have no difficulty In deciding the question ; neither will the patriotic mss, the Zan who I. tea his colliery, who feels the blow that is aimed at Its existence, bate any trouble stout the meaning of the word luralty. If were Is any difficulty In deciding the matter, we men of Missend. tor the present ask to be excused num tech men as ask, W hat Is loyalty! He . asked the Assembly to past a resolution that-the Men who ten um out there be loyal. Rethought It Ismael/at tto talk In the same csatinexl of loyalty to the country and loyalty to God.' int hate crtonet.tie t , p111101.16 about turret obit meters and udlelcnl duty. compounding Come ;Asti& r. Ile did not stab tube molted whether he was a wily r a democrat. or In Gear of a National Rankles. Law.- The contingency, which has been aria!! one, Is to he settled on the question of loyalty. Dlebleilty will have ti be roped out. lie believed It would not be ten pen beton these who have been tinciunxi with It Will be ashamed of themselves. In Missouri We had got through with it, but he wasuorry to Peet the same disease fastening on the people of Kentucky.' • Juc de Akre, der. of Mr! ICI' kp. said he would be man iling to be held respencinie for all the Tic we ot the meanhere of the Kentucky Synod. liracm 'ha patret, tt ..appeared to him that ,we orge t to ert on the principle of law and Justice winch ems the entrainment of the Committee evutratplatrd. On the prirmitd, that k a man roc nuking an therej . bed tht. rigot to show his Mesita end ealtitCl.l3tll. al hare the General A*, 'ruddy the light to do so In this malty. He tookible °remain) to say' that he yielded to no mien in lila devotion to ths,tibion. Woof Ken tucky hate gone through seas of blood, bit that we bare been unfeithitn. and unworthy he. was sorry to say. Yet, If. Unmet/as anything in the principle of chicly. it. shouldbe'stroanio Ken tucky. under her peculiar and trying dream- Rey. Mr. Braddock, of Kautucky,; said he bad been In Kentucky 'veers, was,* pa tine of \Bentisylvania,..educated in the Theolodi, cal Seminary of -Alleghenj city, but that Is not what be wanted to talk about. We are not dl.. loyal in thelleabytivian Church la Kentucky • a a mass, lie was glad that the ministers wham we would send down there would be loyal rum. Upon one occasion, when the State was infested with rebels,' nrpe was prepared for him. and the only thine which prevented It was the timely ar rival of Union troops who drove the rebels off. On account of his devotion nacho Union all the prOperty he owned was hid tn.anhes. ' When we tb so t btouch melt eftelnall, aid make inch sacrifices, Is it not In swop:dance with the broad toßwiples of charity, that It should be melded to the people of Kennickyy lie wu'glad that the Assembly was taking a position, whim' if carried out with modenttlon would set all mat ten right. The fourth resolution was then adopted. Thu filth, sixth, seventh 'aud eighth resolu tions were then adopted,and on moilou;the whole "w w as approved. Rev Dr. Howard, Chairman of the Committee on Devotional &aerobics, read the appututmeats for neat dabbatb, wldeb will be found elsewhere la qitr. PePtf- • The Assembly then adjourned until this morn ing. •• _Preston:gamin Against Dogs. - Mayor Morrison. of Allegliminh has itaalial a .prookonstion under the deg ordiamee, giving , -notice that all dogs ruining to large , within the 'slip will be killed, list provided with collars oso, taming tbe names of the owners, sad badost =nudes so as to prevent them ham biting sal t seaming. It is.siatedtbst.two mid dogs have Wes kUled ia,tbat city, latell.,inatitin nyfir, desert:geed:to enforce the ordinance. As ant one dog owner to tow bandrotwill Oqmply with . the movistons of tbe ordbilusea; V. too moot toSest a great slaughter Of dmi Mongrels sad minim which infest brat The Willey 'Oil Weld:=Tdo liotpotoos VIrOlo) Nit ens 4 thd Mock IA 'Ws ingils beteg rapidly; tan wand Oodod Is to orsouseoce shonly as the mouth or tholoo o o Crud. .Thee only did.thai' the taterptee irltbln the mar of persons of limited Othrr,w•lia sit being barei vrttbia thee-mi1:W.034 lumrl"l94- • 1111ilbrkkos Tableaus._ is etrentook and :evertokirni be el/Vatted the bet eberow otirbit, lok tick Ivry:mow work of es we Oro to rosted Gatti wiri . not cols rotors to Wed* Assiguawits et OttiVAtini T - ..ll4rrosi. . pansea - Th • Committee ttee ries z tizian Dervotkaial acner t ismenu ercisee i y tt•- • _ . slit,. notice et the Reel/tag arrangements hr , ta.sicrr•w. (Sabbath): . Past rreebyterlan Chercb—Morntor at 10)i • &clock; Dr. J. D. L•wrieklioderator; afternoon, i ongpidniitoe, et the Lonl'a Rapper; evealnc.• o'cleel Dr. W. P. Breed. St-cood Oltatch ' lif °ruing, 1035 o'clock. Rev. IL o.' Sulphite; evening, , Rev: T. Murphy. ' - ,Thlre Church—Moeart 'llan. Seventh, state;Morning. Itc ming. 10); o'clock, Bev. & Dart; mat & 73; o'clock. R..v. 8. o. FUtmore. • Yhtmh Chirch—Morolnlf ; 10% o'clock. nor. N, Oaks- evening. 7%, Rem. W. 8. Wilson. Central durch—.M.rnlng. 104 o'clock. Ilse. Dr. Craves; afternoon, 8 o'cbxlc, Rath B. H. Ad<n.. kixib Chrirett4ornlng,lo% o'clock. Tim 8. F. Colt; erettloc 3 o'clock, Rev. 8. J. NimUs. ahyterlaa Cbrircb, Ternoeranceclllo—Affor soca. 3 o'clock. 1{.4. Dr_. D Hervey. Preeto fed= COtircti,‘Mancbaster—Mornlng, 1035 o'clock, Rey. B. D. Bryan; avoalng; 735, John A. Kelley.. First chatch, Allestrany—llorrtlair, 10% . D. W. Barnard; ortalrof, 7.% o'cicek, Dr. R. R. Craven. Central CDnreD , Allegheny-310min/ 10%, Rev. R. H. Allen; afternoon, 3 o'clock, RIO. Dr. N. West. Nunn Church Seminary . aeinil--VOrniwt. 1034. Rev. Dr. Breed; afternoon, i delock,fter. 1`; tit-near. Frwayteetan Chinch. Btrinrenttam-doralni, lON (Moen. Rev. (1. W. NewelL b.ennd U. P. Church, Allegheny —Morn irg. 10,14 o'clock, Ray. James M. Platt; Roy. E. C. Co ggswell. _ • Flan D. Y. Church—Allegheny. Morning,loM di„ Ebeoeser Erskine; evening, 3 • Her: Dr..l. W. Martin. 3% Tharch—Motting, •10% o'clock, Ern. Charles H. Taylor; 'evening, 7,ki Iti4. Dr, ...John 2 1 cliaier. , • • • Third G.' P. Church—Morning,' 103 f &dock, Rev. H. G. lib:Male; alternuon, g o'clock. Rey. C. W. Minus. Fourth U. P. Murk, Allegbeny--Morolew, 10% ebrkek. Rev. P. B. Mowry; evening, 73 v. Dr. N. W.-et. . • 'Mid U. P. Church,. Allegheny—Morning. 10% o'clock, Rev. J. A. Hedge; afternoon, 3. 0b. 4 0 k, Rev. W. A. Pergusom , U. P.: Clrreh, L.6wren crville--Noralar,lo34 o'clock, Acv. A. C. Junkie; allernoon,So'clock; Rev.rDr. J. R.LDtualass. • Seivrid,U.. P.,Cnureb--Morsdroz,lo% Rev: •Soeridi Sanderson; afternoon, 8 o'clock, Rev. Jceel.b'Neablc. . Cumberland Preabiterlan Choreb--MOrning, :10% o'clock.' Ric A. 'nominal. evenlog, 714 o'elock, fle . i...Jobn Mark. • Reformed Preebyterbm Church, Allegheny— hlorting..W.% o'clock, Rev. A. Armstrong; af terboon, 2% . clock;.Rev. Dr. W: L. Brocken . . . Pmehrbriao, , ta.TRIIIXT Ile—X.rtang, 1034 reel, emit; eyenlog, 734 o'clock, B.V F.tßnal. ' • , L.w,everville, M. 10% o'clnek, Iry D. T. CarepOeh•;etening, Rem. A. B. Cm.s. Fust, 114orroed Presby.terlsti Church-. ( Rev. Dr. Douhs)—Marsisg.l.o,44 o'clock, . us ph Nesbit.; afternoon, 113.i.o'cLick., Adv. Joseph assdersou. - _ . - Poi t. P. P. Cberalk-.-'NOttlitlfr. 10% .o'clock, B. y. J'Altsancer; afterpooo, S 4 oclock, Rev. J. G. Wrlls. Erelith Lutheran Church, Allegheny—Unru h- g 1P34 Wog .c,k. Rev. F. &now; atternodn, u'. . B. H. Shipley. Liolsee M. • E. Church—Morning, 1033 o'clock, Rev. James A. Reed; evening, Tx Rev. J. D. Waller. Ilheny street M. E. Church—Morning. 1034 o , E.irrk, Arr. H. Is. Chapin; evening, 734 in. v. A D. L J.Avetc. Finithfield M. E. Church—Morning. 10 Delos% Pe.. T. B. Valli; eventug, 7g o'cluar, Ray. J. B. Pratt. & nth Como M. E. Church, Allegheny— Mortouz 10 , 4 .. , ekek. Rev. J. 13. Cialnq even. he 4i'chrek, Rev. W. A. duurtatt. Methodist E. Church. Duquesne. through— Moritog 1034 o'clock, Rev. T. S. 'Leeson; even. log 734 .01.1 r, ker. Fr R. Wotrlog. Sittocbent r M. E. Church Storming 1034 k, Rev. Jewett Gitchrout evenihg 734 oho rk. Rev. G. W. Stouffer. - • Trinity Si. E. Church—Evening 7% o'clock, Rev. J. L. 244 vine. Ea,.‘ Liberty M. E. Church—Mornlag 10% o'clock, —; afternoon 3% o'clock, Bair. C4oc. H. Tell let. Iriret 31•41indist Prltestent Chural—Horsitte 103Go'tjork. Dry. Dr. d. Wilson; evening 13‘ Wei*, k. Rix Jan 11. Bongos. - - "" M. R. G'borch—Pennsylissis a v enue 11.412 4 . 103,4 o'.l,uk, Rey. W. G. draws; erasing, 73; o'ciockk, Rvr G. 8. Rice. German Room:1M Cburel—Webtter street. M: ruing, 1034 oarlock, Rev. 8. A. Freeman; tr.,nien, 734 o'clock. Rev. it. .IfaConan.ttry. 11 . 1.1, /thaVel—Nisruiac, 1034 o'clock. lin. H. A. Renew; avestsg, 7:4 o'clock, Rev. 8. D. ughead. Second Meth dl•eTrotestant Church—Morn- Irk. 104 o'clock. R • 'v R Wilson; evening, 734 oeh tk , Rev. JO _xi Wine. • Arrest tot an Alleged Gurglar...Pulle.e 01R-. MIME On Thursday right , root one o'clock, as Lieut. and teem (hemmers] were making their minds rear the corner of Federal street and the North Common, Ailed:way; they ob served a man sledging behind. some wagons, a:d !irked him what ho was doing there at that hour of the eight. He made a very common, though convenient excuse, wh'ell was by no means satisfactory, and just as officer - Whams t,ok blm into custody. °Dicer Greenwood started rived the corner In purvult of another party whit bad evidebtly been lurking about, o kite [be r facers were scoaratol, the man in the custody et-Milli= attempted to eficapd, and in doing so hod two stows mon a revolver. The shout did not take effect, all hourh one of them came So close as to pots thowigh the officer's coot. The pioneer was then thrown down by !Antrim ant Williams, ( woo had no weapon of any Mod.) and railer storm ely bandied. • The _pistol ohms tronght Gnenwood back to Williams' anlatauce, aid the prisoner, who proved to ne a 64,wed man named Taylor, wan conveyed to the 11,rck-np. serneb of - the premises was snimeciamtly made, and a bag or coffee sack; looker with a bed tick,: were found near where Taylor was ar rested. The revolver was Mao found, the cham ber, saving fallen out, widen prevented him t rom Sting alter the second shot. Several ranches, aixt a piece of candle were faunal on Taylor, and be watt 'Wroth/ out on aniuuderin o expelitbm. lila coMpautori eneceededie escaping. Taylor sighs Mid be lives on Butcher's rue. and was on hie way tome when igrentd. 'Re denim that he had a Nino', or that he shot - at the officer. Re bad a loath g lesterday afternoon, on a charge 0 . 1 assault and battery with Intent to 1411,-and was trot 1..J.11 for safekeeping until - the neat , term of Court. • • • A Brutal Assault. A most outrageous assault and 'battery was committed about ten o'clock oh Thanniar night In Pitt township, on a- female. Mrs. Johanna Lanaahin,•keeps a drinking house near Miller's brewery; and entertains hoarder., and it menus that their conduct has beet rather *untying to • the neighbors, and thilfonse altogether hail had reputatkrp. On Thilitiday night, as the fatt: Hy of Mr. Malibu were realties' to test, sad 'wtre closing up the hoist; for the night, Mra. Lannahan,, Iniegining that the Kalittle went watching bar; Wed mot opproblous epithets to ws/Os them. the also. called cue of her board. ere, and holding thel4ltt pointed ont.,Ntra. hal, who bad Jam i er infatt Chill on a but;: -and.waselosicg the • I dew,' end directed him to knock out the NUM of the d--41 ii—b.• He' threw a stone - u dirt , which-struck Mrs.' Malibu] Jest 'twee the lett eye; billeting terri ble path. Previous to this the parties made an. wank on Mr. Kalikal. revpolleeatecneded in arresting three parties,- among ~ thern two na med Michael Conway and Patrick Bandectim , will hares bearing today. • A Yotuse Lady Hunted to. Death. - - - - On Monday night. last a you= lady named &betroth, limy; at Joseph [limbic's, Canton.M, was horned to death. She went to ber room about 10 o'clock P. If. with a candle.which she set upon a trunk. when she threw herself opera the bed without 'indorsing: Awakening Meant *delight, she gotwp to =Mem, when her cloth., inr, coming in mmtact , with the caacite, was !gaited. When she herself on are s h e ran acrestailog to Mrs. Measles mom, and tee , lummilly ran 30 a neighbor's frir help, tot bowed so closely` by the girl' that bee Madam cuao yelp semmtaing trej. Mos. B. ran Into the street, still Billowed oy Was Schafroth, Who wee now enveloped in se street of dame: 'Same wbo fIIW her my thel,at thictime the datum as. melded eirfeet - ;•ubirre her head. ; Jost -then A youpg man came to the rams; and ested•Me4 :her to a pomp, whets the Ira Alma speedily er. subbed.: A - plenkatia was= called,' , woo ; all .rverittdne,lit lila -pollee tetlasy bee Milfertng; but alter the meet.eirredf.targelYs she orpliedem • *folioed* mersler.,- Denature of thelPrevatt Gitatt.-6(taa. pyaray /. of •tbe 21is, Raulatint Priem' • &writ ,*epe, ebtdb hes beet.= prevail amyl* oar dieter the last Ashton =quasi ; .uolier draws BriAsst , iraorrellevi4 Yesterdm- Red took its detesters to Atie. haikeetters of the lretosittt a Tzetittet,liteW,Jetsey. astatetuo eitioett trahs of .the': reeetileeeiHi Harowt. cosutecl e.urutliatverneatAnitarckitnie elf . Celt. Hoetohylier s snivel lava eisr ear Incia Barriabsz ba!trig beasotdeed war 1..10 thl:}l6 •- • , =SE! EBMBLIstiRD IN 1780. a - oh Dee Mersa Creep. Wait Virttata. e extract tbellillorrlntparegrap% tem Ma . bum et a pollatelphla cemspoadenta • ' "Imo by tempo:tepees" et the.DothertOreels- Pet/ohms aunpoulotPhiladelphla OM arts- - • - she prieerattons and makhit to derelea that . .. put of Mau Virghda this' simmer. This soot. latt7 has a Capital 014500.009:41 ten della% pee • t share. Other parties la this city and New Talk are Investing largely In trialPey In Presto% sad . : Monougslla candles. The' WasillysPriss;lpote, Melted at Mormatorra„ at the ittoeta of thaw% Oneekisayi there Call Minot a particle*? desta aimed there btlag all Is lute quatuftles la OM neighborhood; and that thete ore already easy • • welts going down. and prepatations mallet hoe . : slaking lonadreds more. This will be . pleadat uteri to owners of land la- the coaalles Mom' umatlootd. Parties perclemlag, Utterer. shoal be careful ibis the tide la • mmtl, aid flee trot : a t 11l incembraucta. as there Is much lead la Weit- , VbElnbc the titled which ts'la Maputo.* - Mr. 8..8. Myth, NO. SO rent%•Stilld, Whir- t thee for •ale • tract of fin madted ant Wady acne ot land' on Deeltera Omek, Oti vin wblrb to 11-dlslattable. • See the. advert/swum an the auxond page's Paper. . Ezpiratidis or *Mears: - A rata was Maned flolll' the Wester, Peed. tendsai ?Cawley 1 / 1 0r11114,' who via jolt tir: fished a term et &odium yams sad institution. Previous to this Imprisonment, ke had completed • sentence of three mists leiter; 'll.l omaaty jell, under Jailor Forsyth, on conviction, of anon. The hart interisoantent In the P aul. tertiaryßßl the result of a oonvlctlear fir SUN Ploy. the St 'twice - for which was Imps ea lar - 1 Judge Patton. Ile appears In pretty ism*, letalthard If experience tuts trot Dada him any . , seeder,' we trust It NM made him wiser; and that " be will profit by Its dear boned. to • ;Vries 1 he ranee thelatste }when. raliroadelladerawkdi „; ) vot Jun • reunion, se dwe bed in Plums' ' buisb.- Brad bait as rekseed ybiterday-ha ,* bit. r Wen a locomotive, aed the march of bah. provemeet In ~ur two rule Mai mimeo! mplely,dutleg his absence from thaouter Ina* - that tWeryttbag appeared new sod. safamee;de • ' , him. The old faces be need to know had Dully', all dleipPeared, aid nearly elf of Ids eO 6 / 1 111:1011 Dad Wee. Thl*Oirtiiablitaiieftle - Mr.afittletlilk has Riven dating, the last .ten.3unst , tnerisharn t. , : ~. o three thousand coneerts,at which he has abysm ,t,y turd] the Chleken U. Pianos. - Ho 'chef:hews stood aid eat) Bed the, la rammed In the fol.; , ' • '' .l Killen nuotation us , ma recent letterof hier—tlet: ; :it' ~-... a perice of t tt(l3 Ltlndftd concerns I have enter • • : --iT• er hrokin a r ring., ahhotuth. my Pt oe,''frana .1 constant eh 1 - e of loesittr.:Stre expo to all ••• ,P li the wear or tramportation, .- and a , tha , •:- ':. itteltmeney of the weather. The mee militatit. --: ..), the Chlehming Plume is eo simple, as to 'imns' ' -- - them against /11V. demeaned or the scroca .4' C.s : . '" - 1 Ihir.-Gottaihalh also says that he consider them, ,ct.,.._lL avatar to imy ix Me world," end. hair deckled ~.. to use no other.tban the ettielterinn darter file '`. •' ' tour thrtmen California.. and 'llmeo, and till. , :. ...T. eontemptatedjrnrney :to Eempe. , The Crops —The libanotiing Reporter, priuted at Tonegatown, Ohlo v aSys the growitur wheat loots finely all through that section or oeuntry r and could not prouslea batter. Oats stew loot well.- The grass is already bettor than It was la the middle of June last leer.. Fruit prospects are Till' poor. . Apples will be far below nave - rage yield, and missy orchards will be errand, bare. The drat sprouts (tithe grapes are killed, but the second may produce a lair crap. There will probably be u, peaches except to ableterod lecaUties, where the treat did oat teal the full force of the fro. is: 'The general (taproot's stem% to be that there will he an excellent crap of strawberries and raspberries. Cowries aid pears are likely to Delta the same category with the peaches. New I/tarter HOW!. ProJect,-Certain par. • ~. ties are reviving the project for the erection of' another market boosts. nil!' site of the Lutheran church, corner or Wylie and Lllgh streets, Is spo ken of as a suitable location, and a project ts. now on foot to steute tbe lot—the church adidmi bating been serlotoly injured by the railroad stmt. •'' = neL. The proposition is to build the maraca bonne oc the same linsocitil bails as the tharatind, . market a - as con/booted—that Is, to turn this ;Wu.' •• pert) , over to the city as soon as tha • cost and six oar cert. la paid to the stockholders. litaitroari 'Friday) afternoon "'r'l" as the New Brithum occometiodati.m train ma • the Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Oitleasot • way was or ersnitia towards this city. and Whea' altar Condit ey'a it eras run isdo bygs 7 .."l irehalt train Krieg; In ibeW: oo AlftedniX• Allr4 theparsemnrcara *ere inialderanly damaged. , 'mid the freight locomotive was throve off'tha 7 • -0 track overthe unbanknavoi, weans it Several Of the passengers are &haul, injured. lt is stated that the irsigbc trade was reusAgJE ' ahead of Ulna. which canard the accident. • - Lincoln Base IBull Clab.—This club had a meth g for field practice isod boaters' on Triers: day afientoon, on their 'rounds, the northwest eon er of Allegheny, and after a very ; interest. kg game im.neded to the business - Of perms., nett orgarizatidu, and elected the following of to serve for the ei suing year:. Possident.. J. Id. C. Lett t Viit-frendent„, L., W. Smith; Secretary. C. H. Repo; Treasticer, 0. IL M Inn noon, W. II Itid4le,lFiorenee Bey- gin and S. A. Barr. Tne ie4nlar field days of the club are Tuesdays and fridayi.„ . . To the Publie.—We 'diem all hi need oft Reed to-k, to ran at 74 Ff h moot. onmetie the Posh Mee. 'tole [h.? tk Id .mka by UM . lost ambore, to h clot d mod e Nat Mitt regular t üblither's preca Tn si I. alto re ceive •pi teem h tr. 4. non fittr. g,tita to Am hundred R mamba tbel plate 411 wk Publiebet's rlf SYrt.lll4l DePeS 74, Path emit. m 'mite tbr. Poet, 111 , e. . _ District t ourt.—in the eme or Ettilirld.a. - Clyde ca E. E‘.., a AD Sell= to heron:, a' iodiim.l4, dict was mg-v.B rester sr. for the y laintift lu tnn AVM of $1 800 80. VV.,. ' ADIA n Ts. 14. m.. and lur num: Wane, yard'ot rot 11.1utiff ior $1.200.50. 8 .me whet. esateswera i disoomd or, ba‘i,,a oo wocutor Rudest,. the . itAohed 1 ". ;IV I • . 14 . , fttsld. , • Saturday'. pr,%ate the entire.: ,- day at hteCiellantl'e Auction. Elfret=tioy gooda, nheßle , balainral and hoop „ • darts, eloakirg cloths, hones ftwnishing .gooda, btaitty, gloves. ,Str., together with • large and j .14.3t1;- varied ate ek of boots, .Lora and zaliwi for ladle% • mime', gents', bop', loathe'. and children% , • Another- Oil Strike on - itiel Clarlon,--k 7 few wicks ,elnee we announced a tea barrel • euike on Dios Creek In the Whirawroll• wen. IA unit. a-aa obi/aced on the 17th In a new well, calltil the f ftwahoutan, a short Mamie° beloW the womb of Met Creek, On the Marion; in, in• -•r- I, rlf l, depth DI 1103 Ira, fie:Whiz 10 turrets per 4y. First Etat ILA _Ctittrchs.:;•The oewiy sleek& Tarter elites Itsrst Bated t 0 numb. Rev. James B Dickerson. attired in the city yeautrday. sea' wlL.preaeh Deferents new eonforgation Wow, - • • • rear at 10:30 A. it. and 7:30 T. K.. al Masonic , ••.• = • Ball, Filth alms:.where the eertleee• of thin: church will brrealter be bent.. • • nedY neeevetl4—The body of While acat rot Thotaaa Caveiday, woo was &deted the Motaitgehrla rifx, ottlfriday_laactry fain rs. from a raft, war .Aed yeetenlay Magog to ; the river eppealte• the ellatoa Mill: The body ; waa very mach - deeetepoeed. andtardly'reterg.. • An aceltrnt Opportoolty V °gored! 41 parsois who do*lro a oul,trY hine*743lPf.. city,= by sttendiag the sreoud.`stito of hostratils',; building slutsop Shady Laine, Elk; Llberty, this 'day. A special ?map 'toes the Pitinsyirsati . • !loot at I,ti o'clock, teturoing at six . • Admissions to the Bar..--00 motiosof.rmi. Esq.. Cohold Ibtitaii Joint T. Lambiu adminoi , ; ,„ the Mimics Court,: to also on Motion...of Immo , Vetch, Esq., Ed. C. 001,14 W Itltilittpi: tO.P# 14 0, , too in the mum court. - • ' - s The First U. P. .4.lberth, or Allegheepi' Dr. Fierily's, will be open for public service la.', morrow, .bth lest. Rey. Joseph. Banlarion i ," of - New Tolls, will preach at 103 , 1-1., hi., and J. Wynne bia,tln, D. D.,l"resident of '2l.obroon Institute, at 3F. . . , . • Religious Nutice.--There will be preaching lo Or; bint Reformed Preeblterbtoeboteti (Sew.' • ' Dr. to-morrow (Sabbath) trytbe Rev Joretk Ncabit; or Lock Doyen, Pa, at 10)f a. in., and Rea. Joseph flatidereobe of Sew••Tert, IPrisbargh Theatrefltos versatfle Seta= Daly wakes her last appearance. gi, 2111111 t, The performance .111 consist of the "trials' GM , uL In America,' "In and-. 00 1. atria/seer, ant ila Ocean :); _Cent to, V 416111 4 ., OD Valtbt}l,llol2/d31,4 ft.tio smog. f Ittlko of el,,alas.salp briltiKk .tr:c (Os :Bei; oLrefetences given. t °Wag thcoilei , , j l„is itatea„ IT iid 10 ?11th atnr4- • .7 . Ti Cliestatiotyi Gamey fats • etretteinatte ihaa sill the itold aid ellftr. ;Ai* palmation of the paroled rebel prism= satildnig-'3 ,, .aitriv at that plate Is of tbsiaoluage Prorhnes / 10 /.'" 4 .11 be* to see the. JIM . money adited ita irtee data In poileesshro pt mot teem. :Thla show v 4, ti {bit bat gold mad Ana wail the Small wiltik .1 be 'skald= eoonstoised was Imikildtatelp hoard._ - ;110:7ilgrOa0" that UM7 late reeeltl - . T ra .:garkiisatt. stripes Imre ,Dasist .40.11-4be_kime day, t b.; fkigleFal +#131111118911.4 , ..;",„..3 rtikvt Zag 451 rot • ...1., ,- : , :. , ..: ' - •-•-='. - - f.". , I • > r.l i r MIME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers