=MEM .ilt. Vitt l ! Iti . gft. algeff'.l us cams 1111411111t11110. •t SA.TTIrtDAT MAY IT, tees. liTAl‘ l l%. Toe sirsggle WhiCh•his been going on in lititricotorepwirds of forty years, keeping flat unhappy tuition In inn disturbed 4d3g12, :conilitlop, and rendeitt s ig a& vancenmetin prosperity, population or eiv= , * mate, eit:reinudatliti,-PrinciPlee in intact, elttioagti Alfferein in their , therdfestetions' , as the oPpOishairiniritipiesWiiret4eve long: Waterton iblitainitiy, end . flnelly:ended in the sharpWlivinervion, struggle through which*.likiejest ;aimed,' It la straggle between conacivetiatte aid pregniav be tween libertf and tinidage;bilween les iico utd the iightsOf .man ..the one side; Mel, oppression LW the other; betties% -true 7de tit. mitetieny' Weiniit Om re'. n7nt r : c 4dairaleonney;"iri Word, , betel of the ;Deny 'plait a privileged few, and of a Pthilege,d SU menu! the triudiry, of ' the 917110111111 t: _brae nee ; fetttle: on -_,both olden:Amoco. • their struggie for the - mastery: zbecatee• chronic-elinither was strong; enough to crush thei ether- oet, Liberalism hla 126 , wad foundnilintmotlaktg tieyonifthe blind lanalitaffe ye tlegi of ibeAmiiuni hash fot . Mom freMiona, more • light, more L of '10190 7 ' 1 - thing which It needed, but knew riot whenO to And,: Tile_ mantel:Mee - 1.4. tie' people were boned, not their bodies, eswerethose of our alktea = Vast nanittia: of theta :were'. afraid tatitep 'beyond the meriow cUtie of thoughtdlawsi t tbond tbenitty the Wend a a non• greas ive biersichy,lest,by Ise do- i t*, they 'hand forfeit their , alive tion. BOr some did. latak 'these , bowie and .looked ^:atireed 'freely bet'very feW of these I :l4At fn i their dwellingi;" and ,Wholi they : Came to liOnire sato the . degree cot liberty 'which their .11iker allows to ;his 'rational !raattureti,ihey bid nothing to, dire - et them 'or restrain them from 'wild. lioentionsnese• :The Bible regulated the life of that people,. 'At ~forbidden by. the priest• hood; and it was In a great degree repudia ted by tlin;rationalisdc One party tho true light under a - budiel;the other (had it not at , - Thiti wee the; condition of things, when 11/POLEOS invaded the country and',par- • tiaUy crushed the liberal party, Whieh alone offered sty resistance to 113 foreign legions; but althOtigh'S Oven to the mountains and to the bcollere, thiit party Is, by no means vanquished. , Our grtat struggle With slavery and ads. toasty aria seized; by, liaiouson as his opportunity; and so • long es the rebellion' was shell:S.lnd hopeful . , of so long were lineorntra and 31.asammaes secure in illezied. They 'and our rebels were tights In one reuse, their interests were one, and their sucoess would have riven enemas to the imperial partners to Mexico. There WU no necessity far a formal treaty of ail. once betwi% these usurping parties, for their mutual turiathy and support were well understood, This fact is now clear. ictintmin, its Texas, when he would en courage his followers' to hold on, siguill candy Pointed to Maxrermaatt, and through him to ICarotaubs, as their friends; and on the other handout soon as it became known in,Mealeo that LExhad surrendered, that moment the Liberate renewed the war aggressively, and have already gained some signal advantarei. In, the North-eastem pates the - Republicans have made great progress,ind have captured and - ant 'Dc, i -py many ite'portant place; among them . SaltUlo, In the State of Coahuila, and Mon terey. the capital of Nuevo Leon, (wheni, General TAYLOR gained one of his vie tortes;) ron eveil Metome, on . the Rio Grande, the great port of blockade runners and rebel cotton spectlators, 'abotit to be wrested dom. the gram of :the /mperi These traders have petitioned MAY=II.- 1.1.124 tor Niermisdon to reship 'their goods without the payment of duly, , for they now very weli 'hat they might as well fall into the hands of Yankee soidiers as into those of the Mealcart-Iterrab4ans. General trainees wit) wort be in Tesas with hie invincible cavalry, and will make *butt wink ,with the poor remnant of the rebellion' aMill lingering there, and will slavery on that aide of the Mississippi: But the tide of Freedom will not atop at the Rio Grar:de, poi 'honor the Southern con. fineeol *rake. The war is ono, 'and the triumph ot Liberty here will insure Its tn. umph theta. • • • We haveleard much of emigrants cohig • - Into Mt:ice—and we all kutiv what that word, meanst—hut other soldiers will fol armed with better and more potent weapons than tnuskete and bayonets. At.- ' -Giant, teitchers, colmteura, 'the printing press, the , newspaper, the Bible,- will all have fnaeiworai; junil poor diatracted Meat= co will receive a better urettutti sho has vier know,r4 • J* - Beiturde d , , alledieg' to.. the; Ala . bin' floodeut of IClvecerelViercay,ltecukoix eaystl Fifty thotisind **lf: Accustomed: to •the inufeneon of to m5,...V108.4.1. OW? throw nen . the world . ; and[enperfende earned to ' war rant the taller ihat . thli change would 'ern- . ,duce much Alfieri and Ctitoc-.{;tat,be , charged veterans would US limn begging in: every street, or would be driven by hearer Ilut tr, such result followed. In. a few mastitis there remained not a trace in- Meeting th'st the mese'formif able army . . Int the worid:bait JGstbeen absorbed "intir the taw of the cofinnunity. The .royaltats, thilmerreirrOOkaled that,in every.depart- Inept of industryi the discarded warriors prospered 'beyond other men, " that none was charged with anytheft or robbery; that none was beard to salcni alms; nod trist,if a baker, a thrown, or a ,wagener rittractSd , notice by lila 'diligence and sobriety, he W 13,4, all sool.4o4l.lb..iiiie or ; sot Again, 4insts Burrs writing of the last ~ struggle prior .. Suglish struggle prior to the contest with the American, colonies ' says: . . By theledation of the army snit :nark. -I stare than hundred thousand soldiers add . stamen, a niimber equal to what Is employ ed in. the greatest:manufactures, were la at ". 0:1106 thrown ant of Altair ordinary employ ment, but though they- no doubt suffered . , some inconvenience, .tLey were not there by.deprived of ail - employment and sub , thd. -men. .Thu greater part of the sea ' men, it Is . ptehabte - ,„ gradually betook _ themselves to the merchant service as they , could , tlnd. occasion, and in the -meantime both they snd the soldiers sere absorbed in -Athe great mass of the people, and employed in argreat variviy of ocenpalens Not only -... Fir great convutsionc but no semsible diser ': trove frppi so grea; a cbange.iii the, situ, : Ilan of more shuts hundred thousand men. sill_scalatorped to tins use armfuls, and many -` SW them to rapine and plunder. The nuns ; • ter of saviour/vas scarce-anywhere - settal- . bly Memseed by it iivenalmWagea Of !Wai vers not tended by it in soy occutiothia; - - :an fa as /111toSsittible ollestO, ok.Opt lA :.- . lbst of marogitthths Marchint service. ".",, ~, , .Iflutt waslrdis'ol.togland.aill.boi true " -.. America...lip Jog osi.lre :hale t mammon sad - wealth, so 4 veal. all our tam led. :.'. esuployment:. •-• , soldlues, -on r returning ' braves will'imari - wing the advice given iby Gamut 13bOtiosit in hisMsiteli List even' . ing, become dither* and tionttifthus to ' L the publicitoltitt iuiult'eallitp o 4!:p, rtalhOff Lava In with'.. - - - . ' ' ' , ' ..-' . , . . Post once Departmemt-Isivasily on.- i - , eased In minting arrangementa Cot opeolng 1 .. special - cOmmtnrioition nn , .man*' tows! * . routes In tb*illontb...it'wfille*lxstiedlA - ' SIM 'com r ae of a fotn)ght.,. . - - ~ ..'-:''. T ~"~ t l i`.+'i} ' r kt' i~ .~ Y.y~~~rtit~"'~'t{'Rwnllh: i"~w'tale t+..:'ll+E•ir6.tiS"7k'i~s4``.s'~a%`.~~'W~`rTh' .:t fi+I.'r:~~~:". w z- ei. c ~ ' `~~~, IMEMBE , a anti tho Wcrraes. -._. A fith- , -4'Vrti Ark—Of CM: tnoit Lrete- Yeb liggthler tin our .try: h eve no. yet oat aekharri lichat' , .eutill be Tote with - the-. %LOU! V 44 have bona wade free by. the Relielliont-- It. lbw become a habit witi,„thero to ask, as it is with us it pieasere!to flamer. One bugfear has already • •vanished—that... "Which held ap, to view ,Fotn,lfilltino . of, regabond tegroes, - OieMpiending th e entire ; arra of the brie ,IStat6, beng,. stea li ng ) - and- ' 'AS h ggi alf of them - are id; teady free; yet wirer : 3l*a . banditti Urfa li ft the South. > There - they wine born; there ' tally bate lived; there they:meow- to live • Olvdle; They used to run Northwest:ripe horn Bhtvery; but that impulse foie dints , • "paiired..-. There are:many him- many in Canada, who now hope- 'tcrrefuntand lire • wittily theisierern hoy thiT4 are 'Yeti fe'vr... liver t on quitting ' that-'favared lied. " climate agrees Nith L A113134.-thej are ierire4 'CO its wnys;lf .they nitwits, A : Will:he. southward:' They are no ionger.attisteted_ by the ;IMO, Star. • - ' So the blood aid i'urYthenrY inexploßed;. - Ilient g roes,. whether...freed by the war or behdage, have had'the tailed otiptyr.' "Juicier' for carnage and..devagtttiooLbut t they h a v e‘ riat'iniproved them : `' IA; Many . Mionties; they were 'ter years Milo - sone Of' ihe ten itining adult male ' Whites f they , knave their. strengthlint Alid,'not abuse it. , Under the old andespele inight4.lilive . made ed ravage an d.tilay now, their mew.bortE hopei - arid. prespects toff:add ilt ;There , are- bad fellbwle !mien 137, and some crimes bar beeti'Corriinit6 ay.eftlire'difutit - iihettir, any'uttieelteni' :tone Otteriple bait' perOrMated''fnerer annspinary revolting. putraps. dining, the list foto; yeantthau t .have the Southern no, It seitislit.then,.that. they willrremain*. at thq South, will be hie,. and , will sot 'ante their liberty by bloodshed' and raplue;, -Wat is to be:tione With , theutt'• ' .liVe onswel— _ , - ' Treatttiern exactly _likeanjexactly 'People. ' , Judge eithliadordnur to his- conduct rather than his color., If, you - want their._ work,: 'litieand: recuintiazise . them; if you desire , the' Products of their labor , buy and pay for them; if Joey want your ands or • goods; •r. quite pey. tor them.. Help them to work if they are needy; give alms to the, sick or disabled; Vet teach them . ' that everything Rood price, and that they ' cati obtain . ; what they want by ‘paYing, for if, :'1 be lessim is sluiPle, and no one, though a negro, vied belong htletinitogit. . • sumer)! tbemtaßilla Of Course. Whites are; also , subject to that , inhrniity. There are always Many ti °worlds of in thievery City who ' prefer to tug or steal, to live by swindling or iteniucheq,vather than work. 'every ' year loads:our wharves:with tlitnisands of inviligrantl who come hither , espncting:th' I-c without work+ .7 who deeirt theta mis erable country in which they must work . for , Our alma-booths and, prisons are fall of them; our garrets, cellars, blind al b ys Dna :••bitek-slutairk-swarm with' the , * ' , Thete are flaj-thinisand Whites in this city today who would Bye mom comfortably, hehaye tune :creditably' 'and be far , :est "abrordnatildindsances, if they belonged"to,. good vnawers;there. is s not one, of us, who would be . better men or in, boner:drew:a, stances Ar:wehmezed them. abuse ltbetty--always did abuse it.-always will taw.° t : - bat that does not rove tbattliey, .melt to be slaves:: *Let them still be free,' and Tat the fruit of their doings., Fret dont and - Opportunity—these are all that the .hest - Government - can secure to. White or Week. Give every one a ;c4n6e.' and let his behaviour '.control hii tate. If negroes will tot work; they must starve or tor al; and r if they steal, they must : be shut up,. like ,other - 'thieves. If there be any ' ...incng them who fancy that they, being Wee, can live bacomfort without work. they _row „have entered a school in which they w ill certainly and speedily be taught better. There is - just one thing necessary at pres tnt—s frank, cheerful, ungrudging recog. _milieu of the fact. that Slavery has ceased in this ccluntry—that all bur people are free. We believe this tectighltion ts being gener ally and heartily matte by the southern ti Otte lately in rebellion, and we_will do all in our power to encourage them In - this course. Only clear away the wreck of Slavery, dispel the lingering fear of n rt:r. tom to it, and We. may soon-breakup our Freedmen's Brawls and all Manner of cot dung ,dot ices. and let negroes take care of themselves.—.2r. P. Traune. Rebel Contpirators. Of the six Lead rebels; for whom the n 14 0 ,40 offers - rewards, Its accomplices in the guilt of Wroth, two. are already caged. Davis was caught and Olay gave himself up, islsing for a , fair trial. • Thompson. • dander and TucUcer lave - - each paraddd long etepts,-*ln which • they have assorted tlArYiniocence and expressed a desire to hare . ii trial - The first round of letters nor hating been steepled raptOotof they guilt. arlir,r , s. Sanders and- Tucker now cause. out:with 'moat'. virulent epistles In whirh they tall to cursing like a very drab, accuse the President of the murder of his pi eeecresor, end overwhelm all the °Meals • tioi3ected with the trial and prosecution of i assasiins, lath the most unseemly epl-, Team : 'Oho hail' sneaked away' fiom danger Mice the war begun; and who has itaalled '!villainous saltpetro'konithrpach. Natalia up by an apothecary, or as an -la ,. reelent in cured meats, is as bellicose as . Macs, and as Maudlin ploui as a Pecksniff. Lie g el a that:he ieforeed to,turn bit back , n yhtunia, lu this, the , darkest hour of her bistory,",. a , hypocritical reflection, Ines. much as he has been a volunteer runaway for t: e lest four years.. - -He has never "wished inrviTe the sublngstion of Virginia"— a _with in. which most-of ti..6se who knew 'Lim unite toast' Cordially, - while they are coniclOWl that beds much more likely-to imitate Jeff. Davis in the mock heroics of his t eking off. tban to emulate any ' of the nanteetvlioacnightdeath'when they . !chid not .11Ve *UV Nos, ' Ito7r, Texans Telt. : Oa"the'24: of .May, Paivaaa's : Brigade held a meeting, andiendered.a hearty sup port to Jays.-Darta• It also passed • the foltimlog -resolaticras: • 'Resolved, That We condeinn all 'tenon stnatfoil terolutiortn; 'end every;other foul steuth, sickening to the hearts of patriots„ andbat nothing than.hidependence, ;Tee'and unconditional,. !111 ,be aeheptable as a blots ofpeace: , . Refolvd, That we Pledge oniselvei, iodi vidually, to our fellow-rolilerseverywhere, illet Ise min novlsy down env stint is long nsthe breath of a Yankez:miscretat , poG lutes the pure sir, ofonr,own sunny -South. • '.Wacent 4a Son 'Maul Thfs lit an port sot onestiola,bowthat the tebilliai 'been entahed..and the chivalry wofally :Bob Atart_,Philadelphia ...about tonty'fara aso MA great hurry, .going 'path to beirom one of the bitterest: reseals m re. tit Mon.' v ilinever. had any position in lire, until he came north, to earn his living; He 'v ca appall:lied s a Prothoticibry or he Frrtt CONTI of this State, °ter the heals i,i a grim Timmy . deserving Men 'who were vritacards,and . wa believe left without **Wing tie =wenta wi th l the State Treas urer. The question" As to his whereabouts therefora the moreintecuting„ , lie should haiten hack to.Peansylvaele,- where . his old post of political_ honor, Chairman of the Denintratie State Centr al Committee, would deobtleas be againtendered to.hl risburg Tilegrapk.. EANAIVIEDI - COMM—Tho citizens of Charleston and Kanawha county, assent , bled in the Court Rouse in that county, on *Saturday. the 20th instant, and passe.i. some very strong resolutions expressive or. Weir. feelings in regard to rebels and rebel gym: pathizeia. They also appointed a commit tee of thirteen to give notice to elmoximis rebel leaders, that unless they , volun tartly left tire county, wrthiii a reasonable; time. ' they will be, rigorously prosecuted for their ofhnses; against the laws or ;tke' . United Buttes, and this State, Dr. Patrick. of Kat, Lis who, end Cole Ders-Wilson, of Harrison , county, !owned the action 41 the meeting, but,wertt not able Prevent the adoption- of the resointionnentiretAiley - Were -es'— tied try 4 ottrwitOzipt ~r tirtty , :;--Fresur: fop inteiltgaitaii.' ' ' r', .„; ' „ ~.:,, ' ' - Tan Chicago -, Arsenal istveatte placte= t at Dam Douglas ate being rapidly retook - much .abeirjoy.c About . ilia 'lttindied,- took tb oath of allegiance_orrHatinfOp and we thrnished erith transportation to' 'their beiben : Nearly:ell otthem. lammed- -- l i -chills o the cotton , States, and- adem.'.de - light id itit , the prospect- of' once niore See _ log ,tlie 'Sunny Soutit”. SS freetriel - AD* 7( main inge,ring out th e eitg, 4 beamingly' not lam Pg 1 1,1 1;liteniktura. In :Punk of .boar a d i ittende.. ', _ Thera are: over .seven t fthOtaiin pittonerntill in .capp; - fsslio *iv be tele el is quickly al - the pasessaq tills. 'lid f a re can be made out, . ~ ,0102 5 .::Li 4 .1 . 617.11M.Y.5. knitn-tatrabervoccartvan. stk. , "v. , t or .r.,:tit...,,arALllC l r, 11A/err: - xamarrar Tedt , ria aad lereozle itreeza. 4 altar. 3081P13 . Screlsre nt Pr a. ex.en/ d Ir.*. Prayer hieettn un sv - rainmpkt yaps lb attend. my 971td lIIELIGIOIIR strrvicEs.—mr. FIRST _BAPTIST CRlL'aell-CONCIRE. Gh.TOle bereausr hula Abeir chinth amiss, RASONIO h PHU *treat. -Preaching 61 Um Paster. Rev. JAMBLS.-- D.tomusso Wry: 1.011.104 ; DAN Min 7.23.5 810144 gebool at goodark r; IC - Stillgere eld.the phlpla auarerdalally intitedUsheng. fialtrOat.: ; COUNT 52 4 00.111-,Vqs . PEi TVA. la& .Sha_loyaf teeit alleeheayoeuray, c 0. .• petaled the Untba pent; are requwatedlo mem We es the plena of hohhaa ear etionr to thetr..-Woate., lieletleAToWneldpe "aid Ihiclosta:reepee4veli, oo BAT ÜBLAY, Jon- AM/head 4les, te- re tea emit d‘ittia isferesela la a,' /t g 4. DO:qv - Am Cloll,l* be aelt • la the 00,1r1 toe, .1a . letttsootahr on , 11,11.111lX.E..ruee'. ezti;.'allfp• (Meth a.. ter the pvrpae of •nenstaallog., Vales ntie( sat tmao.uttas Nash 'other hominess ay lelee}eel e brought echoer.: _ . MTheW Wartlike of deleeeteela the. Waste OW . 2 ele shall tarbFballot. hawses ltuftenteibt Mr' And Week 0119ek n,ir..; mita the Teortelopli tvLsaa Lb. hours ef four and Nx e'oloalt y ceder el Ilea (Weir Itoseastinelaea; .• • c DROWIT , emho: linollatat I • 'etiletoC"'"' • 21.4Yleart. spat rares NeIiTION TO.- ALI. - .ISSLIJIMIUENT ' OCEPORATLINS. 01111A-ViZEU. UN MEE ANY 14.1 k UP MESTA= OF.F.ront, , . Notioels bilre'by given to of "eirepaties Mimi by we wader our In. of the tkosmosiwealth •Pennitylesoles; and organised at any time prior • tie the t h at. Hondas of feersmber. Hee that A r a i. • Jailed to' MIMI report (a the ,An. liar Ifena • motor the Act 'motored atirfllletelle Mud tag are-ropalred Ur report te the'Sledltortlenewal forkwatle, salaltriesiLvtim • • 4 Aloe* dlyul end namtwan detlsred' the Mew. Writ Will relent, under oa ,i t: , t,lone t rotuat of ork.a . . Ittli fi grett " AgrNrig etwg ' s tftfere. pLitll.lP .. of Novembeete4,L'and ptevfois year brySara ' In widen tbetklat. angstaybare beedsatairdedeei Mid incase nod • yldeed bas been declared se Mons . sand, their an apprabonment. of the. easkvalue of, ,tbe qapluel stock.el It existed bet.wsep the Mit • and fifteenth 'Wave of Nereather. must br Made ,by tiro Proddes%* sr lftesardrei Lek W major. the Ilientersainder:ostin , When an sp.- , pmiseinent. is meel ,, , t ub. : repots should _Mass at what time the Company woe organissi. " _ln &W ithin to the /Arose rePort, under the set of ApnlM, ISM, sena emotes' not onylrg a tar on its. sage are required to male /separate report, under - eath pf the. tomourer. of the amount of net em. • Mover income teceivelAarit g Alm period from April SO to' IciWer.ber I, ldal in &sew dance er•tli the 1ie0024, section of the ,act, approved April so., COMPANIES iNeoupoßkren ET OTHER STATES, and Yelaind business in. this. OrM811201)• wealth,” arc notfied tent they are mite 'oldest, to the ties ton net "earnings or Income nude- the 21 section of the act of &oral 10,1664. and are retulred 30 report to - theAnditor (lemma the amount of math net earnings or hams renewed betw en the Nab SI April and 1.1 at "November, left : Ail delinquent. Coruptides Incorpora tedi by or - tinder say law of the State of Peansylvaala wdl _be Mended a reanatabSs tune to to make the menial reports required by law aid at.. .e rammer ' kited; out continued newleet ,efusal .eb oat ' them no fbendholi of darter, unie , . Mend provise of the Sekaweirin ot April M, NM, wrdott la in the ldiowlrl words: . • Provided further, That any inspiration *Mei has tailed to make returns to tbeiJommonwealtb, ' ,as required by the act of Anil it A. 0, ente End aAn sot forth* beisersecurim Vie Or/Miaow *Wealth the velment et tames • , ue by trunwp o neted. companies; may make small return wPtiin days a ter the immerge of this ant, any law t • the aleatory notwlrhatandeng ; and all L delhaqaent companies failing err gnaws to tasks full returns and memos% to the State, as , mulled by Abe ten ' coal laws of_this Commoraweelth be relation tnereto, shall b se sit their rignts'or privileges de , elated mrtedad by pr.. elamedlon from the tier. tram." - L Sa.ENKER, rat; -3V. H. KERMA, . _ State ' e Tr, as rer. Hat aresvne, Nay Pk INS.. mytinnut JIOTItE.—AT Or Ttl 00111MIS'ILINERS srths Tre:TIONA.f. TRAPISPOUTATIOII siIIPELNY, hshl M. &ay lit auilioard of 'lnds Roma In Pittsburgh, Ps., It ism Remised, That !kis ineeting *thorn to meet et. the ltursOlitiATi &La...HOU:M.In shit oily on JUN}. tete Whel. at I o'clock A. tr., 'where rank. wUI fe opined for entweriptloo to the Cl. end Strew of said Oon perky, is aatoraance with dle Aet of Inorrporstioo. _ B. F. JONES. Chairman. SFRINGED' HAIM a 13111 H, .Aerretary. Piresnemon. May t2u, IWO. myttti .ovw ADPERTIw6.HEXTa. RAWYER'S BARBERS' BOA - Pa. —1 have for the peer four year. aced v&WYEIVS SUAP, mod consider It eup , iPor to any other 1 have ever rived. either forth° toilet or blueing. A. w. 1.01.11.A 0 . so), htf 'Fourth Street Searle, Saloon. ATEW DRESS GOODS, A.LAPACIJAN, POPLINS, SILKS, OREN • EINE m 23.27 BATES & BELL, 2t Filth St. SAWYER'S BARBERS' SOAPS —The taxer) or • good Dom, and the ptrogure of Um' toilet me poet y enhanced by solos • superior snide of Sap. ....AWYF IDS a AIHROSI AL. SIIAVIKO AID TOILLT ektPOrlNLen Iso - - - itank to coatees, makes the Moat tether tar elem. !ogi hed Is the Sheet for "toilet purpnees, that I hare Itbr ears hod the pleaeure u.la d t to MI busmen. - NATHANIEL ALLV.Pir, of the Monolyetela Hone. Shaving Baleen, 11)271.8 NEW £HEETINGS. TAtiLli. L'IN ENS, - NAM WS, • DO Lir.% at rt duce/ rats. my. 27 BATES k SELL,St PIM St. AA RARE CLIAN.GE EWA (10.)D IN. VISTIO /PIC IN PAttUAirttb. nt 11. K 4 - it ft be 000 ed on 5re0....1 a or of Conme.el r writ eon.Aloo =trio d street. opoeite Pat Ottee. on TU. SOAY E'. tN MI, 21 ty I th, at 5 o'clock, the lalln leg • atnebbs Qookn, polln; front 10 to b., percent per am : • to shares Iron City blank; 05' • rot rn nsurenertOn.; 25, " .F.xtreka Insurance Co.; 10 t mama . do dot 00 1 . lelonangs 1.141 000 00 10 • " Peeples! Lowrance Co.; to a .11 :change blank; 60 Id is. id. dot 25 a Bork a 1 Pittsburgti; 25 a Citizens Bank; 25 Itertril, Ltd ye; TI B qtr. r do; 60 • •`Ptnnit . dot -20 A drabs., Valley E. H.; • -Plltsounktien to 2T A. 61c11.WAIN P., AneUeneet. tOWLIE Of. THE ' t Cowntothns s. Al.upoll JoaiTT. PA , /Thinvuoi, Air co" Oa TOfOONTRAtiI•ORS.—SZ.i.LED PR. ). POSI,I›. vrtil be received it dd. odic.. tothil hlll 11• Alt 'OF JUNO' locionive, for bothtioC• NEW tilittlGEWiroveThom • mil' Rao, on. the Neittune %erudite, lr Petvon 'rb rnithip. • • torjoiththg le • Nzur esiLl. nod repairing the if idg- *a o.i — Peterte Creek. ',ln Jeditison loarnah.p, on the Ivade of Andrew PAr4le6ll,ll and miriade/41one ton e Snows On • j •thotetheo of the County COnlnaltillOarrA q HENNA LACIIIERT, tthotr.slier. -. nthillMtiaftwr , 15 4Vi thrd florrosamtzhe Isruramthe N... la Water street. Kay 29 48115 -The Direetors bar a Ms tyty deduce! a Wield- met on the Maptrol Sunk of 1211 Lromputy ME -111113111 - rut the prOala of too last tlx :mantra, tree of °overmaster Tim Two Lobate far share r to-be opelbel to , theterealt. of. ctoek - Due Bills, and Terve D diva payable la ash on and after Mold ay. !Mb last. - rdllldadt... , JOHN It. 1.11.,/,NEYr Tresearer. inereliTitlrtg£;lDENdiflftiit NT ox Iva SALEYwith tomoodbiter posisselev.' le eats, oft lisull,"-atlth -.a' Ism Dodd ((Borst: well arranged, hadeg three porttess, Imre parlrr. warble W Wks. de tag room, kiroora Ibis ahem bees, wash houam fra. h• Nadi , atabl - 9 tire 016.ents, wall of water, fruit and shads trees. ar the arbor, ,shrabbery Mi. 'Woe le Dew rho OMervatery. own , OTITHBERT k SUNS. 61 Market St.. • --- Xo7lf B,18•11BBE11.7(' OPTIENI HAT . ' OIOOLiIOI of th• Stockholdets or the ti r ENC. OIL COMPANY will be held *nth, PEOPLES. 4:XCHANt Poueth Moen' orr,TumAtoly; , roe. tatti G .1016, at 10 for the trot Jdfra of or , aratllloA acid Cutopiapt,nder Mt, Ml:dag Law* fit t concordat% electing , olyer% • V.S. - AI A MC, Arc...tate pre fera. Pei Tivrag. May 111,1;1006. ' ".002L-3M NNOTICE TO CONTILACTOES-Pro •.• FIMIAL 4 for the roostrueloit of 4 Fulitto sewer. sod Inlets no Peousylvenla Arens sod 'Try strait will he rewired at the ogee of the uo. deist nee In tn.. M Boating, unt,l SATUR DAY., Me) Flth. . ' • . For further particulars apply to CHARLES It eIORSPFATM, m eon •••• •-• • ••Rmordimg Kegut tor. NOTICE TO OONTRAC I ORS.—Pro- A °SALM foi the tie Wiley. Pavia/awl Setting with Curtmtone, of 'Tottredlli Line awl Wisdom's Alley, 'nth* Mth Wiled .4 So city apt-PittsbaqM, vlll*e ratetved it t he °Aloe of the um , orsigtord to the Market Btuldimg, until Ow rUstDA:gt ISlty :rah, inlMert CIIARLES P.EICIESPF ARIL Tieotrdlog itegulator MAINCSAVITS Pa flat - 1 WIPIT AINCHSATIM Ni PA , o ti tom DIVIDEND NUTIGE.THE G -1088 0 4 tn.n....800n Imo 41 elAy'ent.:(4 A InvideLCl of FIVE Pk& DENT. on too spital Stock. ost , of toe proflti!.ot the ban 'K .U omi" to• et Goya:moon f as, payobta oM too ni , n lode .11* . truwa TaOS. B. UPDIKE. Clablar• .BARBERS' hails Dm isitor SAWYER'S BARBERS , SOAP ter War Era o Ars, ands= see urfAint herataUres -test It to superior to mu otbsr chat I hive Al Im,a ,., tpr TAAL and ShavtlaramosA A Miaow'. An!npirpr O OEB. AND I4EMIMB, • • - - .171 "., • 4 . 20- 115"1 "trf • ••• togs l't total& Ira Ono oabia-Piokoh l .Joat 1.13 latoTss*at. No Latent otroot.. -- , • ,POITER. AIKEN a sitlikattu, °TICS. —Persons holding BuNEM: Oft , vreAbrAliTsa. be Borouga.of.lll.Witbabiteh" 'Mb% b e Miaow moloodoo to potions 1b.% ‘ 1 . 1 . 6 ,L 064 ei *'' l3 q/Lta , * O T I A U4 . '' isryialoit • Taos.'S QPD PS7I..I:IOLD'I,O I : II C.IIT, - wi tit the Ilke. ; ' Disc o' *maned relnanm. winnows Pro.sly I vn• nta Battottao4atatt Pit 'street, 0 , tzt:tbsCittosaue, :Pao - tuff /Immo lie•tho ten vie ,Etstlon on Tociday Wit ta'• t abutit , 0410=k; like ender' fent ~:rotoattleit•sy, l leitV4l.l Ott Nat ton moat RTis Pgaionrygni Palw:;, ' , Airlift • 61;6 • "1 - 2,T1V1 'l' 1:4 Alv VArtt V.A.P 01:6' 17.6. N 4 --Al 6- eel' ri"ed is WITAT'S HAI:HERS' SteitY, Ted her._ no beeltetir.4 re ...F -TT lIAT It Is tb. 1,4 et. 'oep T hers ever wet feTT !Le akueFe abvtag. 3. - • i rPtrrtti Street jsTuiviziK V.NECVTOR'B 0 10E.—Letters Icer.tary bac* bet uthe, dor granted to t he tio- deni,-,ceS en.thel ectrie . e ItORGAT tirrier, deed, 'Late ,of root Inez Tow n s idp, Aeluthesy county, Po - , ell 1,/zerslilde.yted-tolksie eatAtelen' eleby aotitled to inolde terizediAtli usYnceut3nsd. those Lefts; claims, wilt eresent 'hem, ertthout, Geisy, cob autitentlested eietfiescort. tcyeetd;ease BeiBERT Sreertz,.Enomr. LDREN'S CABS, TOY CARTS MID PiTLYEL BAREOWS, /SOWS AND CIILER TOTS, st qEORGE W. HIIIILEV3, 4R3 Fed. atroet Wlestomy fltti -STRAYED OR STOLEN, FROST 'TRE an canses of tbr subterid.r,rerlAitsr "BULI. Thit/Df,'l. on the tweolng of Itimuky,Uto Inst fo sliest. TWO Bel Dt aIIES, the one 0h0..t the.cnterl4 beads Itligh . WerW hi etsosnaeor mitt Bo lion's ' *tete, on _the Vroahlanton PlkO. Any Tenon Veterans tiestete the subaut. her, or eiviattsforawaan' where , they eat be fop ia4 out b-imitsbly yeerereed.' _ sra:“Fdektyrio „BALM AMPP.I.EWILITC, CZENTLICMEN'S FINS SHOES.—We Sato mamas Lim aisortoonti4 MEN AND ..13CNIP. 3riuna illiaapamixies• tillaa.crems. GiovO RIO Ortos!*l &tett int - I BaLOqiiti: Bu f kis °sit " , reo ; „ ii l t .orpbcpes; • A:Ad i hc i Aer za l Banta; And all tabor atelia, le at to Our spatial otter, aid watrailld la lb* bill WA& GEO. do 0 ilißitOsOON COB. WOOD D,TuIIRTTE STREETS. tooladwd ARM. mime le Barret Township, Westmoteland coesty, iylag on he water. al Yucherty Creek, welds tare wiles 01 Pausaus elation, Alit near A alley a ale...t d. a. neoning.UN- Him iIIB.OIO4I,ThEitiIr•THELEIC !LORI:S.100' acres eltand, twriaa of whatt is creek bottom' - bow once - ender lien; cesnforta.ls dwelling WAN with onteY at the Woo; Vona bait, sill' other ow. bulldwir ftedisreldint chtrehea, and school house on the premises. Will be rola on mown. elf Sena, . „ . T. noilihsobalf east ; Wanes on thin. In, f. rther_paiticulw• enquire of M an. Arre. C) HER stlls ag , No. 1143 l-lserty wren, or 'Qs promises. Poasr.ssin Steen at spy ti.e. 1).)011tArF B. B. BOJLORHATI'. SOAP I BOAPI I SOAP 1 1 I-Thu OURS IOAL OLIVE ER&SITE SOAP. manufaw to by B. U. A J. U. SA WYER, Is acknowledged to be the most. BeIVISCAtIA niirkin4l yet offers& to the. pnblfe. Ita superior anvatitases are (mad IA its : cheapness, sawing of labor; aid 'lts *Mew to retnerlng • Erma, point, tar, non 'without in. luring SA skirt, or in tho least idea damaging the Anawt Mutiny of good& Zt can bs woo with alt *lob of water. . . Releases ts Dade with plessiin to the subjoined Oerttheate, emenatinit from rtesithimenweU snows in this eontoonity sad who had every hietiltt of. Prided of resins it litsly and fairly teased s Quartersen.oa Dipertesent of UmwdJibTAlrfaratt ' sad trowleedlt Reotswurs Pa. Vans ' 4Sawletre Mealiest Chive Emotes Siiiipn been eked- Ivy eztenSively In one nighaeata, ere hare no !magi= in writhing that It wan found admirably. adapted to the use of the aoldius, and ~deroehofuerdetdy,the *oat superior Soap Whish eoliht be for ail artica., • JAMES- A. -MIN, Qnarteresnetir-Inth Neg. - ALEY PI , ESYTH. QUarteraillitar sath Rm. ptoujeßEAD, Quartermaster tits I have used tiserver's %then:deal Evasive Soap ter the past twelve months, and believe it to be the most economical and eatufsetory soap Duo has been introduosd to the American people ED. EitillEN SAW, Bellevidere Hotel, Shafer Township, dllegheny county, Ye. • Messrs. B. C. t J. H. Selopm—My family hays us.d your Obetal.l Oliva Erasive fur immoral months, and havo found it up to what It by boon roomer Wed. For using to hard grater they UAW, it la superior to any soap to Use. A. G. Mao, All•ghedy ml ritf DESIRABLE GOODS . AT LOW PRICES. Immense stock of Boots. Shoes and Gaiters, TOR LADIES. GENTS AND CHIUMEN. HOUSE TIIIMISHING GOODS HOOP SKIRTS, DOXESTIO (soots, &a, at pivots tale. cheap, at. ' MYCLELLAND'S AUCTION HOUSE. 68 Wirth le treoet. NI MCAT , 4=OX-T-. ClearkirE",B6.l\7lr. W, P. MURRAY. Preiddent. M:==== The Company Dens In fre simple • farm a:ttain ing eql,4-e•rals amp and 1 rty-ev• hercher,l , 4s. tad on Bte•ort Ron (a trsautary to tlomry (t 0.,) a. d Inns to t+ nn 4.4.c.ry ituo and all orsa It. elits4lstit Isaacs hare , already 111.1 made to mitammtde part! s manna bound the names of s •arrf. alert sad rani•saccsafal mentors an she 0 mt. 1 ha entitle tract Isla accommodate [mint to led Wells. 'ILI. farm to aurround-41 by for • the most celebrated oil rodceuas lamas. on 011 Creek and Cfmrty flan. and ta la elms prostatty I. tee "heed' and Moor-talc. Wel a, and litmus one all, from the Wain nt Bead Well The Co:nom% . Dem • halted number of &areal at the surs.rlptlnn ;hie% SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER SHARE. Nap. of h• pt-per y. torether sal ► all talcum.. tins the pro pity sad .orgaotattsoa of the Ealuy.asy cant* abtalwat at the aurae ot STEEL Agoutis, WILKIE:" HILL. OIIVICZ Cosh ,-.ass Or r rOsIoTONION, h., (toiler Peen turret an t Oarrisou Ort lanai on. ea., bitty h SEALED PROP. ISA LS, In duplicate, .111 be leeched at ibis nines uhtil W e Lt. ig Elgin Y. the S,n day of May, IMO for the sup pillar and drlor,r Kt II ts put at each LOD. and In .orb qu'ocities as ibe undersigned guy) ,s. quit., tuft and . Herd }head, of good 0114 werket• ante quehty„ sublet.; to hespection. fur .40, el: month. or stun bog time so 11.0 Cita airway Ger. argil may glow L' Lads Old. stud be eecemosnled by ait tOranty fir the execution of a coutrastort-wwe the tit& Int wonted, sod paid sad. sullicaeat security for tae dui perlormanct Int two. - A piloted" tory ladenrtlscineat moat be' sitracd. to step' oroyota. • rn. weer act ie n. wayntistlawie eh tor parties Inetrof. SOO ff not lin canny why w, tLe abort voitirescolla titer w,ll Ihrifeie must it,iliieiterit ie , ciu the tads ari °vexed and Ills tight to meta wing widen iweerred. Blank targinor hint and *um-sidles In ay he rue cureu..ee ylioutou Wait orrice, tiersotia.l , tiy Ittter, r,t teleirritph, which • 04-to entuoied in an el yelp' .yo the undereiglatd - end WV dotted tieropositle tot Bread. o - oxount'u. Illrfarier wypiltd " (lantana 'and U.S.' Vols. 124 . . , TILE FUNEBAIg OBSEQUIES OP THE wag Her. Ellett; P. Swift, D.D. ADDRESS 9s' 6e'. J. L Wihen, DJ) , V. IV. Jambes; DA, SEP.MCKS gEV. D. W. HowAno. DID., • Pamphlet. CO imirom eenle. tun_ re vele dAP RI% O. N • Oh; iII..IOM(P. md o et ) t Ete • PRE SBY TERIAN Iit B d: O WT-.IIOX4P.LE sy76Altd • , • Lit' PURUBLE3S A. LOT OF 805,0,ijandslinata to Menet est* r, hteloq II float hal:lkea of 21 :eat sod elsteaile Oadta6 on which ars erected a test two sow, flaws dweliles,tidot porch. good cellar; pounds ors fain pinateo Icb grapes in good bearing,. raw will pun hue a lot on (111. , rolier street, 21 {pet 6 inches and to depth 100 feet; all neatly kneed and planted to go.deu. aptly to B. bIn4AIN.Z 00. itiT2l 1 0 .1 Valtri 2 street. , _ _ rfilE FAMOUS .SMITH FBRRw OIL pEOluit--1 .pave for ails Detainee 8 ant sere, of good Milos Oil Tirettory. locate t at this , place; Beaver Iryonty, 39 miles Irom Plflabuno, rotting ion the Onin Itivar,:ohlen will he soli oh If a ,pilaf int a .Ba. For further 10 animation alpplr Oa Thud &into and Laflamme% t•frice of, BATEA ini2o Butler atreet*Lamteneeville, CIAAE_LAWBENCEVXLLE LOTS kuilditti loot ranging tmminta.4l3l6, awl 114 A .ona.thlrnub; tala.te In two, three and fo tr yearn,'" , now, idltred for ask 4 -Shay are Wiwi* 10117 attineedi sad ttticried... rot rootherfafor. maws 0p1jr.4.0../!fak,Zirtattt sad 'wan rano' W _ , 0. S. BtT wain '" 'BOtteratiiratiLaWniitorAt i o,'Ph. - J-lA' ADVX -itItoOIaRIMOUBIN, • - I gavvirAcrirom i6o rraltaliz 1179p32.,.. ID11% 2 ID: 15 lteseet tevemteritevet . . 41116. rrntlie *ILL - rar.. .10 4 / 1 .Egil i fiG. tbe tualitokledi-orthi. HANK !raiz um., oe-IlitatefDAYishi- ue:elJumt, evoulemg eon , tie swan of. mut giogosoci4 to to:miser; 4hl propriety'. of Insaglit the iluit4 Book t ITO feast Thigh: ' ^ • BY multi of tbe"Beent: agq g - , 110 1 4.. 8.. llPDlKE..ll , tblet; , = TtAili g11.0W5:446 — t . ,;:,4 , t,.... now , leerfegfrouitteitner • sw3hs IOIIIAII DitllLearnis 00. dVelp • ;:tia sv:as7:lBß. Ef.;}-ILp' 3 .Y 2 NVEP.SPZIZ. Ilie — Erett Eli straied Paper, FOR JUNE ad, HAS The Trill of the Compiist= View of. the Court Rani — Portrsitef CoL Prioherd. leff. Arming for the null Straggle ate. ISt4.r - ALSO, RARmits , WEEKLY, .A.t the traL.sia r•rtoo. 59 Irma ST, lICASONTO las Chickering Piaaos or niz NEW IND ERLIEGEN NILE cone= wan . Recent Improvements AND ARE UNSURPASSED FOR . Power and Depth of PIM% beget Staying Pone. l'" ll.; l2 t; fo Tth ,"l atitrtilan. m T ita l orsrg.R U NAT I , ll7L°""°"' PITTSEURGH• AGENCY: T o. ell 11W CA 0 ICIO BT. CHABISS 0. =ILO& ST Every Imam:meat warranted for d•e years. w) PERMANENTLY LOCATED. EOOl PUBLISHERS' PRESENTATION DEPOT No. 74 Filth Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ViLTJABLE PRESENT Fifty cents to 6500 EACH BOOK OR ALBUM SOLD. TM. to the Isrmert and meet liberal coma/meted lITAIIISBEEISII I IN Tag WORLD ALL WANTING FUOITIIR A IPR ALARMS, FAMILY POOL' Rl' RI FILE4', PRAY ER at KRKS, FUETIOAL WORKS. JUVENILE.' AULIKS, AND A VALUABLE PRESENT, SHOULD HALL AT THE Book Publishers Presentation Depot, 74 FIFTH STREET, Opposite the Post Office, 811 CD rote 0/LTALLOOWN. I Illyt I 1 a GREAT PuRDIPLICIL 11 Af APANAKA. kande the baron= Lion at MenMee, the Goya o 4leethe nth perhaps teen the tabs* at mantr thaw taw *mita!, sionsisteratthel%the now learned of the pruession then not o Goanected with tats the Ortht Ottatori not few hey Otrtalbdtg that en eissithee neos Melt irn la ths warmth; °trans the ealtat of th e It otters them, wet by oar us pastas number. Wean awl reason that the sumo Itself it the very Sionista or title—that it SI beetteme Uppers, then Oldest* Ili its cams i'o tinme—Scratute, Canoe?, ttistertote.ppoiatt eon Indere, experience 10 treettia tale oils ter eases by :tairstymg the Nona end teensy,. afeetits, then enallcetent and gum prime thilto-os the' Correct theory Owning epee Which theary,the ied tete* tam karma th,ellSANthine.l. was compost. the broach& sits ipthetithieradwilnethe with trying mum. ' . its tool axon exerelom numb • suoat!py Wig SCROVIILA, lILCERATIUNE, - MAPLES VIII FACE, TETTEII, BALT RHEUM. LIVER. AP OCAIPLAI't •LUSSIo• PETITE, 111 IM 1".F.XSIA.1 _ • LIEVAIATI II PAIiickEIe• KRAL DEBILITY( • • .Asw. am. so. : : an t• stk . Irma 'toe woe it is Kist tang& .moat agrineitt to the patient, by making both seen sad felt, tha;good It is Spout to aoixoapilah. It was tbolught,best to trOt - It oti In born*, lidit awl W.* esonr-al man, persona srodlaposed to. try a* an,. .1. Out 04. often detebred, et the esienots Lrrao tb s . trial wile can air Made at a modefaleouusy,sa4 satisfy the • parttime • that , th e , • Article 'hi "nut , Is el/awed:lw:So boi •ries Ihosposteed seven: orris freldf-brcusta, before •Um WS* Anicati Femme lad lAA the susatsute , bat the public torn Some Ides' of Us .to der maim • yenta, tut banjoin • not of Um ptinsi use artlipi• of willed, It. ta immuutedocith 1100 e 601.101111 Of Mir woo *ad adaptation of sub. boo ties th• highest authority !most tu stint aleaoal - • 'EOKDV Z AO senaresizza , • Is mei 4nd' a beneficial effeet • aneaces OJ Blum* turn, Scrolulora Altections t Cutaneous Memo and other depraved condltioni ol haaltd Is tonle, diuretic, mud *period. W action upon the liver, 41 , 01ithalt.oheit languid, ts ercrettou. It has heti much uomi le Gerediug b. 'Swum of tat digestive orgens: • Mete ire few diseeiwe In which it Monet proved -.nutlet.] ; It lensed ID Serofulone Affections with gent beneft; It has Also been used with mush sue' 7 ..Intreatment for Inflammation of th• Eye, 1 Aroserall, increases the, appesito and • flak - ' LAVENDER- FLOPTIZS 'Are eretaatie, tonic, Awl ewe or Nervous Debility. • - Io modally vitiate In ww . of flaroittio w u t : Torib igritioss_7 l2 , arm Immo* orna entror: musts ort?„, ALLEGOENT•CTZT. • z foes laethilmt Midst= ids epiates. tubs shots resit*. g.: A . 4 - ull t? ulalitOLA SSE ti,-10 bbl&Chore E spunk Wimp , ' 4lestlt•syn.swiik t by r' ' - 11 , P, ZFR 1L,A11.111•Titt1, , ,u.,,.., torill ; - *.votne.Alarlul iisid niitittiti.tlf:' AT HITNTEI, EirEMED=I PIT rsnusan, PA. DANDEIJON lODIDE POTASSIUM =II CHAMOMILJ /LS ff&Lt EMS i?r,rED . Evrep44 7-30 OAK TH IRD SERIES 0230.000.000. By Rothe:lly et the Soattery et the Towere. the anderaygeed . .. the the . sersk • Subeolipttp. elan for the sale of Vetted States Saturnia!, effete to the publle the,thltd settee sm. Ttessurytiotes, ace ifireisteetha It Hat Wei." pee Oars% know. no the - . 7:80 I!, 0 A N - newt Petra ate Weed flatter Age et July 114 . MA awl ere payable three Tears from *senate to eurreery, er are earretlaill at w , yWaK the Mtge, lege . 11.-8. 6-20 Oh Ptreent GOLD. BEARING BOEDB, Thep Bohai inflow Werth • habdioneorreal* and the exempt, as elf alitbetiovernatest - par htige,therety mot Ysterefitsl Option, ,ern ad& frost oret it - Nies per amt. par ; Muftis to thew "Woe, axotduyt Il k Ito rote tenol opal other orOperti. Illmixtterest bi riyibloitesol-hitobally by etilpoitz iettatheit- to • /oda :note, with* nay be eat eel sad bold hank,ar banker. • , : ihf *tonal at per oat. 110101111 - CO n 4 cia 0 1 .„,/ 11 ? 'ats woo Tei • $lOOO . 24.) ' " Noted °tett the decomliatloss aimed will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subserlpttocui The it °tea OUtlic TWzi Sodas are preoUudY sun liar in iota dad prlirtlegei to Alm fierlitonittties sircady.eoldennemithat the Gsydrnmeefroberveli to itself ae optkitiot voting Interest in wild coin at g per Cent. -ftutead.of,l g Piths huourresey.. Subsinibers . oeduct the faintest surreasy ap to JUly 16 h, at the time w hen they scbscribe. - The debtor, of the notes of this third vetted of the beveri-Toutke will atheneum en the 14 of June, and will t e made promptly and continuously altar that mad 111. sitgbl changemode Is the comilltions of this Tlllllli Itl silken" only the trotter of bitter est. The a n er n if made. will di equiv. aient 10 tug thrteuey Interest of the higher m . o. • The return to Stock payitOMM, is the event of nly will the opth.n to pay Inter. , la Go 4 be acad. d of. t-ould IV reduce sad equalize paces that purchases made with• Ms pet mot. la gold wi.uki be funy equal to thew, made with sores mut three-tombs par coat La currency.' This Is TEE OLT LOIN IN TUE MINKET, MOW - ofd tM 00 . 1801:1211011t. sad U.. iadviuM,ca maim it. The Great Popular Loan of the People. eau fftwoopo of the Loan authoring by the lest Commits are now on the [rustle. Tam amount, as the rot. at Avatar it to befog absorbed, well all be Subs abed for within twe seontbs, wham ten notes wilt untlobbtedly 0001¢1••• • preinlutui so hue niSlornity been theism einelbead be enteerlittions Soother Leans In oilier bias tits citizens of weary VMS Sad section of gm cornetts sus to afforded laselltree On buena Inc loan. Use National Sanaa, State Hubs, and Private Bennett throblhota the mum fly rolteral.y quota to move sebessintlwas at bar renteanners .modest their own mans. la whom they. nave sontidenee, mad wno only are to to tosyonnble for A. tlailiree7 at the note. to Which they moans orders. AT COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. Buleartptiers wines reeelved by trui Mt IVBasal Baal. flaalarif. Pao' Beanie r 41 MAN • uses; Pars• Minn Pin National teat. !Materna. Par eittalintal National Yak of Camera. • Iron no • • " ' Pamir Oftattit • liteltaltko ' • Plias - 11 3 / 1 3'bel.1 MOlllllO 4erioss weans! nem " .• lilegbort. Strand iiismsdAkoT FOR SALE. OIL. 1_4.A.:14-1193 FARMING PRICES!! a Tract of NO acres of Oil Territory, ESE= 3ZEICIEKEIVL'iS osIMrIIIEC, ?MAR MORGANTOWN. Wnt Virgins. IMAM • few mae of the Rine and R. A O. Ratiroad,:abouning ta COAL, IRON ORE, M: =NE BURNING SPRINGS, trill be tell at ■ bargain, if applied for aeon. There are 011 WILLS being bored in the lam mediate vicinity, waft gond proapeeta of an eels. No property in the market ornate better Proarecta to enterpetidas Oil Clacapanies. . Will be Sold fa Fee. This Luditpdatble. 8. BRYAN, Broker, We- 6 FOURTH ISTRIPET. p GEIS.I LIAILN OR&Y, roMEL 6c BEBE. Merchant, 'Tailors; hove opened out setheir ieer store No. SI FIFTH t.ll, ISA . under Concert. Halt, on I also at • gime old staid, No. le STOW STREET, a most ele gant a/cipil dent of New Summer Goods for gentle. seas wpm. ohlch hits Moonily nein purchased to the bast, and which tn., will mate to Order at atentip•teduced • • • • In oto Sock will he the le *Mu* sad desirable sty les ol tie sea.oo,-etich aa onireart Oa tousle at a Slit 'asp eitabliskiineter,eualaktlag ln past of • Oberon sisortnietit of Planck Oosttol sod tiactrinortet, and at full line orldormillles Ted moil, which , * e wild make up toorderin a superior eatly'eaU (root Our ona6mers and the pukka to 'entrails re solicit. it•hot , P. iSSIEL It EWE, microssora to at•PON. Old Stand No. al fifth Ptmt, New. Stand, No. ea Fifth Sweet. in)iirtnattoo KY* GOOMi.--SVF: ARE -, -NDIV RE + VINO our Ganda I.l—, Summer Wear, which we hay . • Doubt at the lowest market Sloe, are elll be Made up -at. - the lowest Ileum tome. tee Idaho et our (threes-and the public. We UO alsoiseettleg a lot Of ' ' FINE ' GOODS MADE UP, AN/ ♦ 0/01011 IBILIPIMOX OP first-Clapl Furnishi.ntGoods. BURY fkIIALE, .titEnbzuNT Nerth.west eoresr.reue and Bt. Olstr streets. 1)1?TBBUEGH AND PIiILADELPHIA.. COMPAIL Picl64bereby,,glTto meHllaatoi tau StAaltoolbio• of tbii PP I:l4ifel sal 01111o:di stqf,w446o.lko/4411..-.;:: ( v . - The Offlee et /A.' T l l *liteeteeht imp' a:tit. Ptttabattkraa• • • WEpNwitar alit DAY OF MAY. at to sql.Neit ,t i; of .0014 4 irina proprtet befirsfor. the . tlapttal Stoat ,asut 4,o:tramettsir limb' wish OW. oux es ?tar moo bearoftbsokootl; - FARINZOwunn Chem. Yn~sevibd:'Miy i;, t,;IIV - 0E LADIEtt AND _ ,L.titfer 8. .JENZIM . 2.DRlPi a t t ear p oafier_pt an Ea • tomb Iswatea.th m00tt,4.4 4 .0 fe pnrpsied lb lead ttratty peaatt..„ lbe ,liadatrocior shdriuture huh tfal•altif Eta 46 een l I - in 'SA rafini,' ',Malt tie; ealor,cl dyisa • int! balt;aoltraWaroB, ' "D. DOH f bliab.ear. end , ouirl4 reaelve the platen amatif,a att. jar 25 mats unapt. sae .na semi, las 0./101 and lath en 01 pair futilte playlet • • sal2MadalatwlF Q . 7-ao TAI Mart SAFE. PrtiFITADLE 6NI Pill MOM 9607 . CE1TT, U for pea to tuna of $5O, $lOO, $5OO and $1 000 ALT ME FOIBITHIATIONAL BANKS OF PITT:IBI7RM'. 0 B. Goveimment Depcisita:l7. FISCAL AGENCY. It Is fiord nery Mai and WIZIIOIII who wliha II the g OF ii r et the country and to aid the will rosepth - verehseto '. S. THLASIIBERN trittellt s;futuiehol to Itereisees, malts at tee doe notlee. heemig SEC PER CET. XIMIELEMS. Interest allowed 0. stihr and Wes &Perna SI agreed ea. GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS 'Aguish& at Zsgbest Market Price. This hank otters =it tll an Issas of the pub!! positors is. JAMES OVONNOR, Prouldimt. DUNN. 4lNialtier I:MTED BTATM Loan. THIRD JATIONAL sue. Comer of Wood Street odd Timid Alley FLSOAL AGENT OF THE . EXITED STATEN sad SPECIAL AGENT of Say Geeks. 11. S. Avid tor Qs We ot the Seven-Thirty Loan, rOFFLAR LOAN OF ME PEOPLE, Only Loan in. the Market CONVERTIBLE INTO V. N. 6-20 lif/X PER CEA* GOLD srauume BONDS Oomalsolonsiiiiewed Is desks. 3. B. LIVINGSTON. Cashier mews" SECOND NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. • Corner of Hand and Liberty Streets, Swell Agents of Joy Cooke for the eels of NEW SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. 7 his. install the People's Loan, and Is being abseil:ld at the rate of about lave nalllonn per So. These bonds beer PP Interest of Wvcrca Ctozates Per na p each headrest dollars, and an, 000rertible at mat. rlty S. Five-1 sweaty Sts Par Beat tlohl Beeline Bonds. Full swami...tons will be allowed to BUMP, Baskars.'asul Brokers, who purchase for rwaale. "BB rrl MAGIC RUFFLE COMPANY, to be found ea each box said each 'does of GENU INE BIAGIO ELF" LE. All Rutff ea, of what ever mime, not be ring GU mark. ars worthless Lnation', and.infriowernsuta on the patenra of toe blame Ruffle Company. The 3ENUINE HAUIU RUFFLES are NU UR yard. In each piece arc well loadeof tho best sa muco'. and glee-pe r toe oattataLtaa to *sant- For call by &litho Principal .Tobbea sad Retell. en. 011 as of the Company, 95 CHAMBgEtS STREW. BMW YORK. A LL,LBOUT MISSOIIRL—WiII be pulp. tutiod, May Ma, 1886, P4IMERI3 MISSOMII,SAID-BOOS. itaf Dpscziption .of bllesotud I Elabreelln all information required by the Capt. tallst, Fenner, Stook Grower,Miner or Inual. great, with rownallp and Ra ilroad Asps. • 11Y N. PASSER. PIGOE,—In Cloth, pi ; In Paper,ls cents. tsp_ler I.nt by well on tempt of price. - • Wll.l be pold by all klopluellera and on the earn. , • Odra* ordueto. . - at. ritscitAitio, 4.4. r 8 end 'ail ruin Street , sc. Lou% /itch wyglhlerd J Ern i MCRIVED. - • • Boys' Cl.othin.g; POETHE PRESENT SEASON. At Greetly Reduced Price& BAILXT, .F . ARREL & CO., 129 FOURTH STREET, errrSBIROH, Gas‘Fltlers and Plumbers; • continue to glee their proemial attention to all moils entrusted to tner este; employing none but competentworamen, and buying thebest material, they hope to malntain tbe ieputatlon ahvady aos . imr.tP3 always on bond aid at lawnat my= TAMMY AND, WaterAcrrusate KNIWIIMACHINE , 16 1 , 6 41 , 'O4ll "'t " 6 " 0 " 44 ; 1 4 .6 " a4ana - Z l i r 'CAMEO= REILVANASA; r 2. =Tar rf A w et iriullabla ant•le slut poitlifve maw foi: 14111 •EULA.._IIIIIStatAT*III, 1 1 110.11141,A11,f, Misr XTUI ,034 all 40 44611 . of ;Jail :3kla, besdo td Iti . piAreits MU! ::1411441 JOEIN2TIM u ;; :. 1 IF; ENS. AND . VIZ C. 8 RIGGS, Cashier CODITAINIXII A. SUPPLY OF GRAY & LOCUS, ==! .jrzirra teeter Eft+400.14404 *le% . A el 4:l;fn isiCrt 44 S r LANCE COMPANY , Of Pittsburg-h. OFFICE: No. 87 WATER EITREiI (13AGALEI , S BVIIJERG) J. I. SlONETT,lPrailient. J. N. CHALVAIIT,TIce President. P. JONES . , iteatitry. NOUS AELEIST- LOSS.IIIIIIII. Insures Steamboats mad-Cargoes. JAMES L M AI A. IL W; PAITTEIk SALVOR SCIWASE2,IJ: W. OiI.ALA,M F 7.. RUMAT LTA • ,ISAIAIL r k. E r s t fißG. tWILLSAAL WALLAS. M. 'W.. WATS( 44_ R. O. DU il are' L. R. RGARKIT. • . RPM: LICNST - AL WATall. 01.TM.U1S' FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. MCC: - 011111iL 11013 co, People% NAWaal Emak.) • RICHARD c =UT, Preiddiat. DAVID - R PARK. ViimPrestisiat. ROBERT FINNEY, georstary. • Will Insure Against all Kinds A Of i FIER.AND lainuni nuas. E=l R. 0. GMAT, - .II P MK, .TAblEr HEI.V. - ... T. W: HAMM%•• • E. W. PLINIO', la. JAMS BMA,. . . • 11)NRY LLON D, JAMES IL wievire. JUIUn ORA 6 7, 161117 P." 83111•11, •N. J. bIuLEY, DA.V. OZAWIN)/a. . lIREILA INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh.. Office Corner Water and Market Slew (stall.t.vs sou.buta.) J. U. SHOEMBESSES, lircoldsot. W. H. SHIMS, Wes !resilient. ROBERT FEENEY. Seereitalti. WITS INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS Marine and Fire Risks. W. K. NIXIOR I R. J. AN Di. RSOW let. w. ast.Tmooht S. A. 0 4.UGAR V. , W. W.. MAILTIN. • 24 ay awl A. rAutrimi. .I.IIL J. H. RHOENBERGEII, W. J ANDENs , .N. JAMES I. BENNETT, S.l) CCU:ARAN, A T. LEELP , 1. M. rEiIIiOUK, 4. D. r03.215amd LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—We; `the subscriber., have this day entered Into - [ Ilia had partnership agreeably to the Ast of Assembly of the Vommsowe Ith of Pennsylvania, approved March 11, 1636, and do hereby ecrtifyt• - 'that toe name and style under whiett add Partnership Is to oty conducted, is ttPLULLP WEIts.ENUERGER.i . 2: Tint the general nature of the business' in' tended to be transacted is the business of Relining Dalian or Mins ral Oil ,t n certain premises situ.. ate on :.he Allegheny River In Pitt toWnshit, Al,. legheny county, and State of Peons ;Wants. ,• • S. That the general partners are PHILIP - WEIS: 'ENBEROLR, absee place' of residence is too bolo ough of Lao renceville,_ A.legteny county •sad state of Penuylvants, and BOLIN 'WEILEB,, whose Place of. residence L the borough, county and slit_ efortoodi ; and the Special Partners a NAL`BOLASI ,f. BIGLEY, whose pima of red dens. L. Lower St Moir township. in the awl , and-state aforesaid, and JAME.; trOONNE whose pines Of residence IA tae Fourih Ward , the Oily of nttsbursh, In the county end State aforesaid. That the amount of 'mond Witch esen speedsl twiner has contributed to the "common stook is as • iellows. viz., aal4 Mcoolas J. Btgley - has contrib. awe Teo Thousand D liars to cash. and add James totoonner hoe so contributed Tea Thousand Dols Lars to euh. 6. That the period at which wild Partnerships's to 001palenCe 1. tut FIRST DAY (Jr APRIL. Ai 'Li. PLS. and the period at which It tsto.termlnato 1. the PlRsr LAY 'IF JANIJAJLT, A.- L. tam. unless sold Partnership shall be sooner terminated hi ten days notioe in Writing of his election to Mg, wive sold -Pa rtnetarip, It bldi each of Uhl part nen Wail heve the right to give his ea-partisan whereupon, and after public notice of such diem. lotion Wall have been Mod and recorded and pub! . liohed. ld armordance ith the piorislime or We. lath Wilton of the Act of Assembly Mush My 1830, said Punnet...hip shall be dissolved.' PILL •11 , NV LIS ENBELCIERt lGeed partners, JUrNWELL • ' • $ • • JAIYILM OtriONTIER, Special liartnes.' J I HIGLEY, g S. 8. PRYAN, . „. •••-• BIiOLER 111 STOCKS; BONN IMIL WILL BUT iifill2SßLl• litre and in New York or Ildiadels4l Without ftuther charge Visa ea FLER'ULAR ' COMMISBIOria, EI;N=N=NM:i . PITTSBURGH BATES—On Stooks Ike fastirei value of Which la 12 or under, t par eent.; over .12 and up to 112.. 1 per cont. , On Stoats selling from 212 - to 160 th e sum of I2A Amnia per snide, sod on stoeha selling at Woe over, onsfenull One per cent. NEW YORK RATES—On Stooks, the marital value of which lsll6 or under. Rn coats pee Okozo{ over that te cents. - - • - PIIILADELPHIA n.sxmo.-4‘ • and u art at • • IT Orderse aolWtM. - - Office Hari: in.. to 8 collorlp. No. 59 P 017114111 STELENT, cßoics • . GUENROTSEAND BODING PLOW TR GREAT VARIETY • ' At the Oakland Omadmm mo. R. & A. N1TTR.60454. Maeeesm . mte Sob= illordwlLSr.) . - /Sr.Ckiklnd• and 7:11.t Liberty State to the 0 reenturasis zabanuia. ~ • - toysswarantaat. WFLEELF t it & witsaits • HIGHEST PREdIUM LOU( STlldl Sgwipg .Ma.c)*;(46.- ale "irtgiolit a rival.. sart th• 7 . k! kterijk.l.writris;; WARItitliED POE THREE TRW. Selesreom No. 27 Thth St., Mk/211.- • DR. SWA.Y.I4 XSALL MULLING 01241"=' m =Tr, .urea Tettex sat all 2:captious'sa tho suzonutr, jor*eadwas ibe teeth andl-osto. • THE LouttDCrt EMIR .RESTORRIL AND DRRRSI ovlll rektor, Oray ats. • • • DR. ShALLENUERGEWS ...FEVER AND . AGUE ANTI VOTE. for am apse 0r...t• sad catt lota tor* 91 Fever and/Wu. ,:JOHNeONN RHEUMATIC 001LPtatmD„toi' the ttrectil onto ct Rheumatism.. DR. JEartY2S.,Ex.rEcTußarr. a ry, Azusa, for obrouto or tomcat= Uotilihstotways ah had . ,zIIT Cower Oblo sad Fedar4 atztelati Ikihdt:Xadrat, AllabsaP;• GLORMIrt.'IOCriT- AVOID .TII; D11E1T,.11.111/134OKii, 111011 et riireettie .. • ; , ts: r•-•••e-ri. ; • • . . r • r t' • •.... • _ umsluattii , suitor' , - Alnid•-dassAuisciagiodor hum doors reidwumserri Paw: you ,wit.t.4 abd,,b,Wa4ollMadeiha" ' 4 121 . ,:ii?u!! ) k591 4 ..,!*/** e IT ; rile s = WI ji_i! A4II .3c HITE, 11:011.E.7.ANIMEiNoini•a/k1 -171 . lOW ...I antic et94.6.llrtbeny 010..111* abems ftrptiFlag Alts.*.solusiso mkt IA 411eghiruir Uoaaty ic.6m6;,416.1.•0k, , 'r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers