CM==! • HOUSE - 1;. • gagi. a %tell Tallboy..., lookugly lb sNir Sight roasts,* Anteing'', oast al .rrtrt,prtferred. Tate.trom 113,X1') to .I.lrtsi, "T. 8.," - Ansitgeny Past titflts, • •) my/LAW TEt.). • • I_3OOD PAINTERS les 4 y soltdonnest toCstoody vnrk. A,. *MORROW a REED. L tettrb.:Part RYI36TPI YEN FOR AN AGENCY to son. kr IPA. ro Daly, 4 BAER 7 .TV'S y..IFE . •CY LIE. terirm=l:lll,47.llTU7l',Zailit J. o dirs.( ppIiesoPOCIAMMI 0 1 1134. let MTh STREET, Pittgbarghr - inyt44R,l TED. SITUATIPN recAw sr ISIAIVASIER. Ode Mit fully tames the auatgosiental amai•s• hors coo , •I=o A.d Pass y PosMastA. mylol4lf4 LATSD.--SITUATIoN 44 1 442 -72 MIT Bon •_ 11 ! is z-zßumPaa, 'af _DA • 14:17120P Y 00., General Aguas, fko r ttiti Sixth street, PblWielpillo. 'L.11111%.4iT $l5O MR . 151111441104111.11VASSMIn'essrs Ass* THE hUILSt A.NIVSPY. Him liiek em pubilittsl;mbrsalmeth• ;Ralf -o , woessa Is' 101.-Valturartardis 1111 74,-W We g l i aera Aterata 'midi We will prare f Soy detnettfig sat - Estd , . gor Cremator. 1441 u WO NCI,- . Ultsslasi /Amos,• INTEIY.-!-$123 PER arasist ever:warn to hareem* .b. ra7LtIHA W & MARK trent 81,4 Y. SE: e• IiA.CLUSE the terry law price emeteroale patrypeldeb Unarnt by eln.ver sleak.e. N WlJeaa," Hoe& Slaver 1 410.;,, oat alleye , algeothar suiellaes 4r. lafrisyessety, N miller sal war e Sable ba j tae and es aast: Salary 'a • • exerases; nr. 100 alle**l; -Ulmer* se , efire ears' ea t Irm a SHAW 1&131.A.R1C, Illddetre.l„, liata& : PnEll.-11711 A "MONTH =-i. want • twroitll7o a tianth, expense* inn . W. Eli. aRTIVLE•i, ibe. best .sol • • 01,rd. nu pluiletthrs fret. Address . 11r.111A - RlCTi•rAliktord. Mau*: 1.10.413.1—.00AL. WORKS the ded,Ptiol; about two stiles store Lot, Ito. puillos Its totes ot extelleat Mot with st ',xdss; aiefeeitteleat item teethe Ratle-ad. pother Sep -sem of amines trotting .ow ths, witrhith. ate, treated IS dwelltiictuultes • robot:toe. 'hosteler tiontath esidorto. !: Wittiest depth at illeisiWildolJact • pat illar i=poal *Mott the-Siore Width ai - erng: ;~;~~m: R. O. pled Re. Ert Dt•moed stre,t, Pictsburgli T DELIGHTSIJL RESI I DENCE:-!: , sicrvirr unp.p. at wip.ife linn;ptow !iii!by lac W. P Beek,) the farmer. red. Loeb., decessed—Rruk Maud of as and cellar. deli and cistern; lure bun in trees of ail kinds, groyes, de.; firre-n 47.14, embreelag • tine en ury sl'e, *pl. did 'Mb Qhlo Manshester st"the terminus of the *ADC 'ester Street' and Woods' Run Station rata. Ft. era • mop- tee vatantes rids byte le:Ur atm , tient Station. lEnnteir tillrtioullers and Vey be had of the tuteeither, *tilts ran. No. • Bearer area, tallesitenr. Pease*. Ira isunedlately. tM ntairtit:• los2lllT. BALE.—THE AVERY MA.NSICE. 4 I ilbe %mond Bank, Alyitsay of ty.. Le. i4ll Ilbotit MaIiM3MMEg EMEeMiMI . - - • • St no Third aGeot , forotw e y had** as W ited Id dlag. Lot tort by feet. T/ttik. at Ymentreaa, forauero realdeaas of tlB on Third sucett two eterylwisk, below ;twa I. mout tl feet groat. • - 111FNG LOIN turd la anoraottning alter ea Ie liloor,- - rorltrita tie city dlitNet. .01•TrINNUNTRY SE& ES how )4 to 3 pa NIG ToWnallp, tiontl4 Soho street, Olty .• 'Pus. • LOTS; on CoOlnieni liner Popon,l6, emote and, WI, L.ttS on • Mot. WWI . lik2el.i , TEI bo rAw y strong, et *thou • • ONE LOT on tits ponniry main than the Avery lineilos. •• - • • OE UM UN DEQ,P18".7113 W&Y, its foes tai teed-deep to Varlet,. now rharia,t la • factors mai dwelling boom Eno ulro of Mid • Fourth egret. BA.LS--A ve ry • oleo. FARM In ;•4 •rry tovrtuntlN atinatebuid oannty, Fa.; • • about Of sories. well. Improved. Mtd . 111 ate at euntratloa.--1- • • • • . • rAnIII OF Cl ACRES:In St Cnalr town. -' — communion oonnty, Pa., as Tub 'JEW : about one Lilo to , the Hena`a Railroad. ..."tiororetnenta aro • be :I.lrace im Antl. "•k U. Flank. Sara. ;Oa •1. • Fara. of aoout 1011 &am Fatrbeld tomb. Upunt7, Ss, • . laatio of Strromrs rditileCtO land comity, _ -slay, es. ~. a vary v aluable to of 124 salsa. war tbs , Arco fit ola F‘treeln rowneryp, sveetevere. , yentory.-Pao ani 'stoat oaa'a shall-alias ••, ihe Pennsylvania liallioad. 70. Improve. 4. an 41 lane olialthopse, grimy house. sank. i ,* • Itnasiallla.'a large traelii barn 411 ; ' same mill, a huge apple ors' art, with I, tenth trees . _IL la tuPlerlald with- etuii. 'is'• an '': i li: 1 , l a i brick it. Il i tn b t 0 bot= g r i evl acre lb . . Iss acres situated ,in -Llamas, fawn - s/and aonnty , Pa 4 allonting the Loos of • Ca late, with Aline toick bias.. A 11. .: Al th e'Sopongli or Ligonier. Will be . ••• • ' ,:- - 1 arse of land, wilii a bargeiouringralll, 010 *areas( laild,naltillithe saa• Plate. .', ' - • Fano ot about ISO area As Elizabeth PiAllegheny minty. Pa , A 4,101014 It taw nigh: , The , lapreverseeta are r _orb.' And: • . the quality. , Will beaolo at hold' : Ogle= pnassontaintne 10 asas, aloha. .. ' • p lace, r4c,,,,a pi, improvements. Pries, , . . ~ erste. ef 11/10 Seees,•bear Mr town of . ... ' WV, Wesilobeelani 'moth Ps.; very, , be.p; a t t ; arge flotel-at"Blatravills lararseetan, Peos lanai a R alt&os .Tbe b .114Ings ars . I well arranged gm • bolsi mod stole. , Thu • , riellba mat at awaiatnt bargain. • -•-• av a 13.t eic t i o , _Baal Eatateggroa, ~...- • leo. tee IPeorth street. ' Wixom hrsaPeM9• ESSION FIRST Sonopvpory In WoOloro township, won iron 41.11egnowy. Also, ao Elegant Residence. ai ~r:e~o~" 'mr'' ei d,.' u e . or.r.:. J. S. sAArrix, Had =Ma Broker Pro. ICS Federal street, Allethal% BALE.—One SECOND - NAND 11-ER,semaiyour,ss fag long, SS lactate 646 tool' rum ~, foot long, 40 lashes Cantetar 1416 lash • •' .'l l, i • ~..! Goat long, CI theses &master 11411 !soh 4 him! iTs . xP:;l . 6 .. leirti"Tralc._;''' _au thee inuuNTElAL Wung& • . ,- III7OH _XL BULL it 00 cct . tat .1 / 14114 4PN‘'. 1 41. Ira/. moth. FOUR 'fiaRGE'S. f k.ava Doti reeratlybens repalrfel. xvirod assoltioa jinn of ci. a. CO., . . , , 4 N. II wo4 ativet. A UthAVORTABLE nOVEIt room•ckinala - dise sail squariiii of the in MApeinstet: (food water sod *very% • nvazlent. - - Poweistioa gins imirelLstely. .. a ap,211 , b Ihapitru PAillt, Federal lam; amass MAPIAft Wagon Short BearerArsei ft ~ soly 84.1.11:-.160 Atret orCoalOitsik of Croat coo! tnyOo i al. ono track and railroad, and improvements fa v ticg order* a pool NO. j Oar tout on the pony elm and Conneusill.• Ridlioad of Peg t SALE 01:144,e.,773,‘ ',FRAM/ F. U Wise.** Worm sob , 4k sad Frisyls, Ilrik•so,,MlBeAky. 09.1111iiIMMI=IIMA ;DX DWILLMO .11814 Itts, OS length 'AS;'• -: AtittAletert e Lesiiiib e t rinitiOrtl ;it . ite' i:Aliki:rt.'4l,l4, •,,si • luta • ••• z u ...,••••• ot• OR at - - Blair street. lover.De.v.its. Pt. ....,............ _____ ICT,'-1132 - OFF 7 Ii3 on Ana secuad , geni:T.l4l!atry ,4 44 spfuoititit WM.. „, JOHN i WM 2 9 3,11 UP. ~ ; 115`de==f, _ . _fi" '"'r- . . • t't 713. tr - rs ger, .VE•4I Keg", Ly• •lx Kt- li.!•;lNDEftng . . . . . }.;,7 tsraraa , _ - MIS% Itll . lll titll persOnate ata- chariaters Saags and "t - tr - 1, ! 4 . • 1.4 4, 1 ,-Yr 44 ,,,,Na t t is ii 4l '.htl:Pbaiiiite ,l the iw - ci act ..11.1,...reatae: , - ;•'-, Blade irttAbbairWad....ia..hi.h.....tMlets.relta Daly. - be 41 114 0 1,1e4 . 11.i:,;: • . •Alin , ovi OP PLAOE • ;...........,..;ortbeirers. • ceiclude with three act ' tlttipaapy; THE WEAN' CHILL - wilt May.ieWitEllita - 34EL (twig: atisix.. 11 Rawer, emitted by Mt.a tutpatea, Mr. oak. cart and Mr. Everett.• • • Settecto now be 'reared: ' - CONCERT ' POAITIVELT• THE LAST, WERT; Qtyi•erjlf `tt t.asti ktts,i,.ii THE GREAT - 311±TOMAN' TABLEAUX ze-wa.ekaax,lse ma.; , • ", -. • I. emoplatelv 111.1tratIng =Wu% urateroci, sad caftTmt aut ll . lll l 4 fal.Pd.:4l l 4/ 11 ; ..4 411 . 14 I..ltaus AN D Palt ADIS& illaroaaaa, ti ilea.' (4041,4 aid Manager. ' SHER, Areas.- mysiSta !FRAM VARIETtE6;TE/BATII/L: - -1 Irwri iireasm - SISA 111. etas. ,111 MATTEIt... aad Afaasser. 4 floneraer . ala " Ar a okmoos. lClShcanvb fin,c-roz rATCYad r STEWART. Al Mr tsar, . la tae up. •L Voe entitled THE V. 110 f 4 . 0 .4/ 0 lii Itant itceptloa , , r EEr . UELL 3, Or “nOwle Tica - Illuat tutees." of the bewttahlag dteseuree, DILLLLE. hiIIeETTA - Z tN£RETTA. IitiLDIES, WT. AVER ULFLAM Miss LEltltt N• • • &act gnat Double Company la a apleadl 1.1411 dIiCTIOX A t(ITION SALE OF CONDEMNED A FROM M'. - - • - <DI2 Etearrnranshraa GlerrosVe Ofirroi,l Tin PPrrreacricut, Pa., 2lsy Le, 1655. on wing 21.0,11 snidely or tandearsel Proper y-wlll ho sold at eublie Alientra, to the barbeetztader, intro Public; Warehouse on Paul West, epoothe tea o tteourge, Fort Worn. and lnirrige RailroutiEneatt AA pot, 10 - Plttaburgh e Patel*. 1.11 roseosu, Mar ana, IS-6 " • .to FOrire Can. _• , OuldoulS . sty,Bletehe beaks, pr . & " 2 Trumpets: • ' taber., • Ruche 1, Jackets. on Uommee Tenn. "132 Pais 652 shenae-1 ears_ 112 ThreuellbeektiOate , 212, Mown. 1 .Tents. ..112 Flannel Wits. 22 itostatalAbot Flles .. t9 , ,Plan Draerrai- - 6 Shaven.- 28 ?lure Bteekrues. • Roes 4 Great (loan, In I. PalrSinale." •-••-, • • Mauro - 112 , -Woree. 216 ‘VJeterProotPouns Pooodo'St.ors Pipe to. " ' Wegefilloverc - Meter Proof Blank - Chun.. . 11 a I re ° AU.. 26 , 14. I Zotissu ...dart/. I Zoussa 1.1losks: Zeus* Tsars al. I HO. St erblngle. . St ades. 114$ Ssarsaelst. MS Eisen els. 4b a , artatna 1. us Mao Praia.. • • ' IS Intent& ".. (farrow:ll*. I qar. /bun. FiVe to warmer.. at t 0 T.•rme—.tarh. lu Vol • The oroperty to t» .lh Lt. - 1301. k styteiitinyao 111.AliDSOMILY SITUATE SBVer.NTEI WAIID LON M.' iTEIII2 Tag 23E,1,113.4 8t R CUM Ft , ItTABLE VI! M2E...DA! So 1TL1121111111., • 2) aim 0882, at • 2 o'clock, will b gold Oe the Oiegalveg, neer tteatre operulte ttioold ..142h0u Itecteeteg4 ll : . 8 Jolt. 1.422 en . krUi•stroete, oe Igutcert street.( a SktitoVetreet, °argil& *nth 1.120 ire toite,) !t* • trukt323 22 . led and tge COIL le' depth. , • 13 1,22.. nth Mien front De thivilltera street and It lo rt . thehes oeporitunte between Duman and Wtg ttrgetit • • • 3 lot tome size an st.O.r.A, 'fronting on Erin, itrart, *airmen Do.rno nod Vet4ter streets Owls. • 31 lotto/woe .12+ 04 eh ,ve; bond,. on strart, - *blen - in a bi rout 51fetst, !mewling from 11Puoceo4 to Wekkieretr22324attweett t0tt11.11.r.22.1 Erie ateele . • to by, theh 21 feet font os %Veneer street, Ire hetitieep; ittuatifbetweth Deviltiete and AAA. silethet • Tramp ow Sets—OA -fourth oath bthmee is te.le mad three faun, with naffed. • eared be Misdeed mortgeth Ile lieu. be othethed at the Aiettha Rion:4,lol Sae thatlA Innett,' opp4e rte the Post Oleo: myth ' A. IdellAVAlNtf.Auctthileer. -BALE 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT 13T.—:: n... , XXI 'kneel % E. nrutiK UP EtrE44llll thi.ll.._ WEI F RNITI - RE,—tfaltl.`rilfuLY 31.06:11...0, t Auer riot °tun - Kb:10 New arl dui nit. 1110. ut, tire Vls'ogor,,t7ll be Bold, erttbout ra• t r moor, sr ie. itil t e the "retire not It of eterutt ' furintute sonnufieldr 0 by tee J. Hert. la. of. the b. titiietr 11 dui 4 In the beat menera,ezfrouly , for welt. cox •anine, entfrtwirl to any bibelot...up ' luny o'r' uncurl.= le Invited to 'Ma the mod . t. ex net • the of turniture. ever ovule to thin atty. - era- tAbigu..m. i.e, trolly ounEthe turnliure - nee raj etexur.ed,on. tirtlany . anct oit b.dav 'pre 'Vous tO Um tale ' ' t ' • • •• • . , Tile etkre bee bee sold. and the bale of the iftpckel tursgture be'ebenlita. , 11. Tll.Oll/14 et griNcl, rn3t4 •• • •p4tutApetta. PIUiCERY ISTOR Nil. 31, A.YA E s STRt EN-310Nlbalf lAPTElifttl.lll Mb. at 2 o'clock. Sal et the 't set Store )) ' Tn. 3S Warr'. nfeft, twstifrown a Ori.W.lton and Nit.okti, below, reen sweet. the eatice . 10011,' tempt+ elrg btowl Chine Want, 'Stone' I . seeke7.. Glen - WAS,. lefts. Tea Ltanalttats, 'Woo-I 'lockets. Stooma. Value- Jut s . tn... Jan, .Bo:kßtteot. rlonr,.gpmea.• eamllea. 'Bt ant, rltel Apio ts, 1e actons CI obi 4Jol ton. Alte,Platfuner; oe.ales,w oar Saoop. ; •wl•ds: . bIeILWAINE./ku 00111.0 T. 'Orin • WARD LoTs.. coLDIIRIA. . 0 ,- ,TItt..ET.-7UF-111AY A IFTEnDRION, 0 1 .7 krtis; ay. ll ceeloekivlll be 1,41 d on tha - p•enliat, e. met i./ Colue-/14 ,, tree , Mil .1/Inlberry Alley,lf butloina lata:arerealnr 20 Seat Front on Cdtunnits .itrtoer, am/It feet 7 Ineh-n Is dental - ; ........ , . VC/n/01v et/est Um nk,nairde litltalan,;- BAD* 0 o:Elton Wanks between listrlsott an( Plot 'ht. ta • eVer.4 taj - Atif4:the:A.ll424ll7 Biter AI elder l Alley. .-, - • -: • - - - Tainao--tPle /Med - eaeh/ `Maine In 'one an. , 140 Sea/n, 44b/ntareat teen at es' bmi AIN - Islam* =VA I ••• ••• R.. 111e11111TA INS. Ansrtloneer. ORP ANS' : , COURT 8A.L11. - ."-SEV. 1/. C 1/a/ 4 .-11/o...nilTtratil/LT DIH I 'WARD • D /MN NG, Susuaa/tn, at. /0 u'al.,,aa;lirl lima/la alba t Lt ll,Auxe,th a .tr:a /In, lowan. by 0 da. to tan ar t o "0 l'oatt of linegtkear : agitate, - T. ,0 Lots. Nes. Of 1,02 . 41/ he We le 'a Man or fkininCti• 0 aid _lore. ,naeb . 94' tat .root cni Doman itlant, an, eat/nog= anon/ I lonfllleta it eta Ito teat.' • Terto4 at bolo, or &poi, to .4^om, guiltier. am. Als o ors }twain YLatlaba, or Jobn DI. 01.4/10,rey, keq. 1111/ant, egret:: -, • , . •.- • -.. . , 11,31/4avrta - :A. IkleClLW.AlNE;Aiiiititosisr. :11JDOE TB IkLERI3- LAW- LIBRitY, al , :AV vapiabla taro 'Library Of Jed go +Astor • loth WI saki .11/ baeoad float of uommeretal Nal a ,Nnua.a,R IN Smithfield aketat,,Fappoilta thaiPoat Unto.. ab..741 1 DLY.. Atio 114TU4D.S.T: /MET.: 11%(.1,4, Pay 2sa..anll.2nbiat nib stoat, Cats.: jaue. ie mow . rym i dy 'or plaaa at Ar2l ; rtalLlVAlNE.,'Atetlawn rstc;sc.. , L 311E . TEItY BEST BRADBURY, NEW YORK, ichoniacker k Co q ridlaidelphis, PIANOS, S. D, H.• W. SMITH'S American Organs, 11111 ; PAThI7 ,PEROLO . All Warranted for Fire Years. . , They one' ill abe ts le littlisates" , mreetsti: re. iceee,e4 "WAspcs eleh t , cute cu leer /sof salami dols& 1P '.4 Aux w..n rt. GLAIR otrastr. IT -M I A PAgOkPIZ C ° llolllll 5$ lIPTURTZZZ ' • niptcriaso. mama. - KI4I3BIBPIA/105, splendid new Mott, 8110 , 5 PIANOS, AAL zianithre 111!.1?0E0N0 mict4i. - CfnA/431 7 7 t - Ma l ittirl nth 8°"0", ~:: ~.r;~ ~r . WYNN . , Mar *AI akeig& Led _Noa, 24, S 1 nod se virs.rrsfarx f , Berl aPCUrid hag. 11111ineoil with modqlemeed thaetdaerrete are propel ed t he d4ubelite bfety tra Stusgir.3, to t hwt mmweei indralited: egputtSe.. Ahela the , coadtry.l., CMALNES, SHICHE . T I M E BEDS; STEAM -- PIPSS,; 2.OOIINOTIT INA E + NNE NE 114, a ALT TASKs, AGMATINLA. _MING PANS,' awl.= num BRIDGES, SUGAR PANSeselacde issallfortuedesof SILL'S PA BOITMUS., Neesuisi dose = theshortertnothoe.,,, . crtlzJA tarrirrslivittasaw %roams. CO. PATENT GROUND cracuwar. Warmitairunst , STEM - SAWS. of swam IS 'saiptlaa. MW; .15fulay, °roes (ut , , garrg.,..and other varieties. r .1 ; ~.• , Altatrids or kr. it acrisidSPltZFAl:Katada fro*" 'neat Out B.ttectra Itadartd,SWF4,4.Ml), Nar WarehaTr.;aW traria., sinker WATE:ll,askO !Boaz STREETS;PittsbOTh•_ ' Partfaularattaatoritirea scatatradlthia , Mdatraird S k =te.thil 01 20 War S ave ; I N re , prpnairdott•ltt' le rat • ligr" "11 7,, 14111 ,;, CCOPSZ :1 : 6111 /4 1 33341 ft .1 * (1,6 9 pr i ir • 38mtml_ PARK,7McCUADY &CO.. • - . . irmaa ra4S ters of ISHIStertaNG. BRAZIIIR"3 , lit Bul4T COPPER, PRED 'COPPER 'WIT TOMS RAISED STILL BIATONS, SPA/AM aOLD Moo, ipporters out dealers to• Ma. 145; 4 7t1N ift/i . „ TEi r rh.?.ET IRON in :{O. DOOLatiCAgrio44_ ,i(o.l ; 4tViiroST and t9O fig ONI: 3O, ITREET% :PLttabursbr-Spectlal ceders of Copper ut to any &Wiled pottorix. • BETTER & CO.. (Sticceators to Mors; Rox-ntosk 0o.,) Wasolltisers of OAST STE . EL, SPRING, PLOW ond BLISTER STEEL, SPRUOGS, AZ. 'Sir:Works, FIRST'WARD, `AIR& igloo aildrew, PITTSBURGH. 126.: OFIINSOD. REA & Oacessioni H 'to Roaniaos, Mina b. Diem* %Waitron Moto; -. FOUNDERS AND MAC HINISTS 7Prrmaintaa. N.Anaraduren. of BOAT AND STATIboARY STEAM ENGINDD3, BLAST ENCHNKS, MILL MAOHINERY,GEARING,'SHAFTINO_,_43AST. NOS et all desuiptions, OM TANKS& STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. - air • forGIFFAREOS PATENT 111.11X71‘ O •-itteirtiivaiscrrEsitas OF EMU SEXES-A binOrend gentleman hay neg dom bn restored to health WI few dayerafterwa Om usual routinenerl Irregular expensive o treatment without edema, Winsidersit his !mend duty to communicate tb his afflicted fellow. creatures the mean. of curs. • Hence, on the rebeibt of an andrewed envel op e, be will secul,ireq a eopy of the p vecriptios maul. • , - - Direct to Dr. JOHN IC DAGNALL, 1M Fultha trete. • .4. cahilnydeniT OHN COVIIIRAN Ilt BRO., Manua/ ... Aurora of-IRON NAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON NAILING., WINDOW SHUT. TEES, /WINDOW GUAR ,DS" Ste., , Nei.' N. SEO. ONll mi l t ril THIRD STREET, between Wood and N hereon head a variety of - new pattanw, plata, suitable caw all mposea, ;.• ;= • 7 ta a rtleularattentlib pakt to Ostdcei:"Gleiro - , . . Lots. obbing done at short notice. -• •. • safe garENT FREE.-3414 riiiiiruz.mir :or' 'lmmoa issponabes to the old and 'youtig, slants and mania of W i i i, belle sezeiterlll be lent tree by add .site.'wttli stamp Ml's: d . the spirit J. A. ENIGLON. St Up., Dom li, Roston Peet Yom" - Yom"ls ,&,. HE HIDAte CHANSF.III. - AN EN. Xl9 K AY OF WAPNING AND Mee RUG "TION E YOUNG REM Also. nee and rens ble tre rut of the trinim• - andHecina epees's. Address Dr. J. SULLEN HOUGHTON, How are Asspolation.Phtladelphla, Pa .. : splay $ 231te . elbirrows. I , Pertetne Forge. I' BritoWer I Ann!. , • Hay noo. 4 Stable Fori2 • Plat - • Axes. 2 ~ .leoges. Sped..; • I if nda Mores. 712 1 , 222212 125 Ponade Strap Ital. 1 Iwo Safe. 4400 Gran .222122. lIESET H. CULLUM, FORWARD ANDOOMMISARTW AIERCRANY And wbolreale - dealer in CHEESE. BUTTER, SEEPS, IFIS_ II and produce generally, Pro. .111 WOOD,STREEF Plttsbacan. net • • o'clock a. in. UAL!. 04T0000t' mond wllala • two alf72 rune COOSIIIT coltskumoinsa..— :JuSEPt. Ok MLitt of . Upper in. claw Township. ' , Vests 01 the e 11 Hog moot P. - V.. win '• cw adorn, suhket -to the dectsien of the ton C. only Clenvention. De DFern • wens; • s e I candidete f r ASP...ENID T, snidest to the thwisitri of use Union County Convention of Tone MOM-. _ mptsitalhwe` O. OROSS. aty Q. N.G. U. S. A. cIgrLILVT. .11AMILEIL. alAbitrlSlL •r Mae Path Penna. Vole • from Lower clear Toweettlp, will be candidate for morales. lion collie ,isle Legirlecure, culdnst co the dial♦ Con et the rel. a County I.loaveacloa.. 171 Gap roar. akE3ancoc E LiGal IN L.A. iTVRF.-1111.1.INGS G. CH EGGS, Pitts burgh. isubjert to: nomination 11Tataa County (10121COPon • ". torn:today rirlp i t .. t. l 2llBll DA OF CAPT. JAC. 1. tot DIST Rtur ° " 1"*"' oryll.lroworr ..P7M,HriIS OP THE EMS. 4 WIMPY TREMOUNIEIt —COL. 3. E. T.ll/1.00,10/1 bo,aooruldoe for Coo .ty TreMoonrriledroc.l6 !b. Clreldoo Es ablicok.criowyConifOaloO. .PVT:IC.Oarr WAVED; - Alit Elli. - Jr4 WILL' BE A Yroteand.." my ottotloottoa to thioalsoot (1..t11 , 111 - Tit E&SUREEL before too Usloa Woo. Conottitiob. width mesa Jawith. .• . IL. DUFF WELL - WE A Onnoldata for lb. oftico or biSt war AT. betoo. Itw v. too Oonoty nonventiors loons .1 Imo 6t6,16CS 2.ulooTt. sartfutfilaTlF Itelll/111114110SMIL. ;MMUS rEPOIrSOVI, of remnants*. Sea asodldste, sub eat to tho Imentna of Me Upton Cohnty astrentlas. ar i ,therolgOrDMENtlr li -rMarl ir n. subieet !to the tent.Lostlen at theturat..thtloa Goentp,Couventtom. • • • . WILTS 01111: imantPirs - • OIL CLOrigN4 da G1 . 1E21.1", WC1317PT1.031 , • CARPETS: , Destrlng to afford the publle • An oppartnelrf or puretmelng goods st PUPLIAR. PRICES, • • Oonespoodlngmilli the Deanne In fold, And the, Impredlogiumble .tdenhandlte b r i enerally, We Race Itlaiked doom pees, Throunnut our earns nook, .a offer the Largest And moat complete assortment • nem and anoint patterns, „ Nr . osii4 Three , P pi el y veli, Thran, Floor ta.clothe, Window 8//ades.fas., 4 - At &reduction of - . Tirmaraire to/buty4hzes Lodes/AWN per isin • cOLLiers :ilea FIRTH ernizar Next doecle - Oustoss - Hthase sal P.. 0. NAW 99 0 Ps• • -. Carpet,st • AT ALMOST PEACE PRICES. W. itre . sow receiving oar : . Second -Getsierai dttitortnsessf r .- • . • . :for thiseeason: bought is - be REDUOTION. We ..frer l to purtheeens Ike gteetntrAvantages of the The Newest Stylos Awl Lowest Pita': ' W. . D. aH. MCALLIIII, AIM ei FOURTH STREET. ENTERPRISE RILLS. Antootclanorr* CO., Iluithetweri and Commhaloa Radiants CARPETIIiGS, Oti Cloths; Xatlings, !qua., Se 619 CHISTEUT STEMUT. fiessa. ' PIiILtDCLPOLII 01,111eJ N. LOBO. 1.16111, LASII.;:a0117 PiXASJIT LONG, LA NE CO.; siax 'menus terisz penmut i ,. •AO 60 andthileld St. Pittiibusgb. 01 ICERDS amide! Ina&withinamassalalagaaaa, ; . TlFtll - 8110W - tIARDS ink • eassidell' paperpaper of all ta.Wfa 140110.1.14 E. Ikl a t 41313 at ataerlaidamtleallto at. eoptei t ' ~ P ICITUYtiII.DZSIONS Oa Lea Vv. z Parrititof ads, i4ritakiiiiiiiti to ets.. - tatduti b han k any at *ow, sod naataaaaaf nnua., air WC= iiritasdaahL• rum- =bats i rTA E.'aflOw c (Lit. of tb.lz i E.o..lcxos*oWJ. 1,161* .00 Ortb rare sonar Tithi stil , anst • F • • rr PrFTSMITIOIC ' Pup' E&V • TRI% lea' REMOVED T - the .01:11e* and - eliteeerihoese tuck '4 1 1.131A IRON Wenetifil al Lamer'' , writs% m)2auerr t l Ztre & poi . k •”. Titlr r-o iaacf s •4 Via,ll ESNS sairs.s2.. r. B°L"" • 'MLLE WORLLM. CANIIrDID.df TES. JPAIATERS. 'l,r2c ' ' •, . ,c0i1,..).(1;.. Olialni!` t.ATIJIIDAIr. MAY 27, 124:: I; us.; r . lob s l's LIAGEIN. t. v... The proceedings of bytertau Gen eral Assentigy (Old School) still in session jr, has city, so fir have pretty flillfro, ported for both iiiitedaity links: ' We proa• poei,to give a brief synopsis of the doings Loc tbb New School-tiody which met at Brooklyn, N. ,let, - iiit Term - lay, the 18th, . ~. i ... , h . and s.mewhiaessien t until thelbilth,day,, Thi - Assembiy, was opene'd, With's. airman by Re 4. ThomataiMlibt - etV;D:H.c ,of Thies delpli la., the jtodritittor-4:44.the that ; .wirrieth eirdstirt wietr'! , The: r fettintririi'psa.: sago from - s.aiediseo alio' his uttatietailsT this' view .... , . ~.., . . time in :of tile li)toposeit „Utdon. - Of I - the two bodies. The dotes sarttthe com lug _ministers mist run a right line be '-teiseen high-toned ecclesiastical organisms And • yanipaittrirdependency: taromnst•be. 'Atilt not to precipitate organized union be - tween rival and otposing ; stlcts. - z - The us sire for union must go before; else the re mitwill be three denosaireitions instead of • two. We never desired to be separated from our Old School brethern. We could tolerate Grim, bat they could not tolerate ea. A union between us brought about, af ter fierce; discussion, by bare majorities, - would, ber to come en one way and go our seven ways. We have alio many peints of concord with-our Congregational brethern; but we judge that isgvidusi churches should be governed. Christ has ordalged government in His Church.", lAniedi ately after the re-assembling of the As sembly in the afternoon, the Rev. James B. Stf4w, D. D., of the Presbytery ; of Rochester, was chosen MOderator I by ifeelamation. After the transaction of some merely routine business, it was deter mined by a large majority to hold the next General Assembly in the First Presbyte rian church of Bt. Louis, 310. At the close , . of the ;customary time spent I. devotional exercises on the morning of the second day, the Moderator announced the Standing Committees, also on Syreadigal Records. Reports werwthen presented. - The report on Foreign Illssione,showathat 720 church es, with a membership of 06,885 contribq ted nothing to the cause. It was stated that 72:2 churches had cortnbuted to the cause $97,62914 with 101,189 members, an average by each of ninety cents.. There are 58 , members employed In the Foreign 'work. From on Education we learn quite a number of students for the ministry have been aided. Contributions were received from 345 churches to the , amount of $23,205 35. Dr. Bend all, form erly of the Third Presbyterian church of this city, Secretary ef Mime Missions shows in the report presented by him that the ag gregate labor of the 321 missionaries em ployed during the year was equal to 255 years. The receipts for the year, with the balance in the treasury at the beginning of it, come but little short of $lOO,OOO Among - Gin overtures reported was* the question—" What shall be done with appli cants for admission to our Presbyteries, who bare during the past four years proved trai tors to thecoontryl" The reply of the Com mittee defined the sin of treason,and the guilt of th , se ministers of.the Gospel who have stirred up, encouraged a.rd sanctioned the awful enormities of this great struggle. The question comes up ter disrmsion here after. Other questionsof less interest were hntoretbe body during the day. In the evening a meeting of Ruling Elders was held. This novel measure just inaugurated is likely to be a feature of the meeting of the Assembly from year to year. About two bemired elders was present. The math object of the conference Is to promote the et:Hain:icy of this arm of the Chinch. Stirring addresses were delivered by prom inent laymen. Another • meeting was ap pointed to be hold during the session of the Assembly. The proceedings of the third day's session, immediately after its opening, was In reference to the application of Pres byteries in East Tennessee desiring to be restored to tin fellowship of the Church. Provision was made for reconstructing their Presbyteries, and it was specially enjoined upon them not to recognize any minister knowri to be disloyal to the govenatnent of the United States. Addresses. wine deliv ered by two minister?, igessrs. Sairyer . and Lamar, 'and by others mildstenq The re mainder of the day-was devoted In matters Of not much general in ierest,anctpartly of a local character. The fonittt day was largely spent on the subject of 'Foreign Ilissionti, and oaths guilt of those Minis tem and others who bad been engaged In the . Rebellion. We may give further de tails-of the actions of this body hereafter. —An important feature in the Wesley an oody of Great Britain, besides the unit' Educatiensi institutions, is the dapeolrools, under Its direction. Thirty-three now day schools had been *inert during the past , year, at an outlay of £20,003, 'and. provid. leg avommodation for five thousand five hundred children. The number of cid,. siren taught ireWcaleyan,Sondsy4choolsre Great Britain — Wes 53i;510. Of this half million .ibotti7.enia-elXtli attended' day ' • ' late nnmber Eraniaiiral Chris . . tenelata regards. French Protettantisin In a ciiricateohdition, rroin the faCt' that the . inert active enemies to the cause are of their own number; they .eren lilt thp places . of prostort; they are laboring to demolish the Church; by ailying themselves with free thinkers,;deists, pantheists, and :even Win; ists,es weli as with dernegogui4.. ' ' iFirtarn•Christian Advocate; says the entire expenses of the 'missions of the American Board to the 'Sandwich. Islands Lae been less then the cost of the exploring expedition to the Pacific Ocetm,under Cum m ()dere Wilkes; less than that of a first class ship of iron. —lt will be remembered the Unitarians resolved a few months ago .to raise $lOO,- 000, to advance their cause in this country, and to diffaise their principles, especially In the re=opened South, since which it Is stated the whole siliGl has been raised, and more se expeetcd. - -,The Rev. James IL McNeil, whore signed- a Secretaryship of the American Bible_Boclety to attach his fortunes with his native State, North; Carolina, when it rece'de'd, wee shot through the heart and killed instantly at the eattle of Petersburg. Ile was, 'colonel of the Fifth North Carolina Regiment of cavalry. —Let it be remembered by all our read ers that next Thursday is to be observed As a day of fasting and Prayer by the .Ameri, can.pepple. The President's proclamation :clearly sets forth the reline why our na ilon`shotald humble itseif trader the mighty `band Of God.y TLe tenth annual rsteethis of the `ions; Menifehifstlii - Associations of the 'United States and Britlatv-Proiliteeio,lll' tieLeldlntbp:dty,ot.Pbiladelphtaon Mon a RUM ihe First:Baptist Church.). Rev. 13 D. Rlrman in charge of the birtillkAßEAser*) :lies olitained from the goverrunenta grant of :tirelvO eictforsavxfisisl ftir 4 biiil(Jilrlithin; Indians on,the /Marriott). river. Be, reee with] drew [rat:oil:lVAC R..Churett: and eacepted it gall to ifieltatairt'li:eibitaisi, I.•atzifk p •±, I ha 7Z/1 , at „Vil4,trti.oo to id Ist 51:a.t tte /IL. E. Vr..:11 - eXi:Cfet ellurat extension sou ix. P: on dent. 'the rreSbyterlsa tieser,t Assembly MENEM The 'Assembly met at nine:o'clock, Friday ~ l i morning, and *pent th e usual time la de ' Lionel' After the minuteshadiseeuread,,Dr. Per PCs, from the Special Clutenlttee; to Ihrualtratbeee referral the complaint of the Seventh Church of Ciselbpati, repoited that :the Cciaiiiiltiee ,kid ad .earefally cousin ell the - facte', sad heard all ' Ana unii i rony ,In the ottee,weiqh.wa A i tp . , , , , ore comp!' ted and difficult owing to the feet that the t ales. in question wane 'ampoule to be la. "bOringl under .1,1 species of mempamila. . It ale tetra froW; 416 report '!fiat-pie fatalott'of, the ficienth Church of Cincinnati bed tried certain partleel upon !tre..several ,, chargolii-ramli foand i Alum i t y upon the flyst,,sceond Ind fifth, end 'dyed theta Wrortnyof seritionstidtdobilloo on the nd of the first and fifth, and suspeellon lawn e second:. Thai:eke , Preebyieryor CM. claim deciding the caseupon appeal, affirmed .the d 'Luca-the Beialoa:...Thit.Synod of-Cip-- abort taismactleg - upon , header appeal. re , versedLthe dods:on of the Presbytery . - .asd dm: aeon. The mtaittee, while they dad le the firriwed logs °tithe lotion and Presbytery, no..eviddeee et , mho. dna a kind and consciendom desire to do justice Weill Partin' enneereed,;ratiorthiend . :the al /option Of the foliating initiations r 1. 1. , T u rt the atecishis Of the Synod ravening the chop f tbo Prothro': and . Benton up,ma the Orst gilt Charges, be Itself reversed, sad the' Beni manned to ,administer the serious ad. Mould of _which th ey wisely judged the par ties to guilt . ' • ' 2. at 'the eelslon 'of the • Bynod ravening the action of e Presbytery and dewslon uped the second char -be sustained In part, out, the prone that the uspension of the parties &ceas ed was severe In the case, trod that the fis sion be recommended tp revoke the suspension and omen the parties. , : • . ~. The t i re port was accepted and the ratointions adopt The emorlal In reference to tho haildlng up sod net: a wing this churches In the rebellious Mates la came ap for consideratlon,but after consi c d4able dhcussio a It was referred back to the ' 'ulnae, Who are to take charge of all the papers on the stn.ject, a7d put them in better ahem the the coosideratiou orthe Assembly. Dr. liannard, from the Standing Committee on the Board of Foreign llistdoes, submitted • re port.. .4th rest.letions: 1. That the work calls for cry noon. 2. That the contributinne of the }molter prove the ability of the churches to auttaluithe cause with Increased liberality. ...2. lint the Central &Gem* Is iropreeiied with the vital nects&ty of (-remit an I effectual prayer fir %hellion Spirit to gire'succese to the agen— cies of the Board. . , Pending the motion to adopt the report, Dr.. Barna addressed the Assembly, alluding to the , Maher at d gloom which bad been erpoq eit e . the hoard In the put. Tne reverses to the vat mid arms, the high rate-of excbsnge, . and tbd fear that the operations of the Board, world kw sesionely affected. Molly the Union armies were triumphant, the churches meet lib. orally epsponded to the calla for ald, all claims: were tom the missionaries wee., kept at their week, eu'd at tfieckwe of the year a, small sur plus reenalned In the ticuury. If b Dr. wile, Secretary of the Board. (Dr. Wood In the air) next addressed the meeting on be. ballot e surlect. of Foreign' Missions. lie al hided lithe Teat field opened up in the Booth fee donoet c mission operations, and to the fan that the co stioo tithe poor whites and the emaa cipateekdatks au such sato excite our warmest t y &patties. lie tappet:heeded that,- In view of these Viloge, the important work of spreading the G. I In the heathen world might be over. !oohed or neglected. While every effort shoed be troploycal to redeem the people of the bomb, and beteg them Into the told of the church, the cleat ape Important work of evangelizing the teethes should be prosecuted with renewed -o'l 7 trey ate] activity. More men should be em el'''. cd, ardlncreased liberally exhiblael by all the churches in the United States. 1:141 wee calling them by Ills Providetice and His dplnt, to gs for ward lu this work, and dbcharge their wield dray to the perishlug heat hen. lb,. 1. K. Wight &opt D. Dundee ftillawel on the same porleet, In brief address.... . Rev. Johu L. Yevins, Mlialonary to Chloe, delivered an Intertivelte addrru to reference to 10e mlialeinary operations In that Important arid. Rev. R. R. Vat], Domestic Mioalonary In the Northuivt. R It Ilmom, M. 9.. hltsonum-y to Wain, abd R. v. Mr. lturll, of Coition:lla, al.o de. hooted addretmes, after which the repors was 000 pi ed. The Reertary read a letter, certify% iltt that Rev. David Hemet, of the Pm-sly - turf of &Mon:taper, North 'Odle, was appointed by the General Synod of the Reformed Prt ohyterhse thumb of North A Evertor,. to to Cettl t the tridental o.tht;rto al atoms ui Ow :body to this A.sembly. Tod potter woo t.ceivad, mot the Awlably agreed to hear Mr. Ilerrou ou Mosday. The Asermhly then proceeded to the election tortobers of the several auaido. Cmtuniates, etc. The Moderator anoontored the appointment of fh- - ro Moan , Choolo, Sutphen •id Jawett as Tenets. The ballots waro collected, but the ferult 11,1! not &nominee& TLrft;llowrlng named gentlemen were lineal. lecied as Trustees of the General As .-eablysi lieu. Atrtander Reod la plate of Rey. J,ht, MI-Dowell, D. D. Raw. V. D. Reed Is place of Rey. R &tole. D. D., RoW.M.Szbenet. D. D., In plerlof Rev, Steele Clerk. D. D., and Sans-1 Mad, Keq , a ;demo(' Aletan ler The Alletwatbly then adjourned with prayer. 'Pertained Presbyterian Pyood. CM Tuesday, the special Committee to whom the outtliet of the baptism otchlidtruof"•l4alre pareotar was refine& reported, That the prin ciple of 'depth:in H aduilseible in the baptism of children and the particular eases In. which . may be smiled be left to the direction of the local Jo. elle.:orletk. Adopted. • The Committee un Taalmody preeentel thetr report. The foll•wing.waa adopted as • subtitle_ lute fonthe ItTIN , 3 • Roo!red, That a Committee of thee be art polatiOto cooperate with other Co - ninitiees 4 1 . other 'edits to 'revue an impivred ve:ition of the psalms and • elector Variety of A ft -solution wan introchtettl decitriny that the Me Or palms, I bat arc In sewirdane, with herb:, Awe. bY the members of the Synod rhea woe. nipiox In other churches or promiscuous apses bilis la ;tot a renewable offence- This rave rise to a lode debate.' A substilitte was finally adopt., ed (on Wednesday afsernocin) declartnie that 0)13(d will adjudicate all eases of this kind that may bereporteeroaularly by the Coons Synod Ina at .WedtundS.l morning, arid ob served devotloom exercises. A vote of thank' wait pallid to ()toat If. Stuart; Eaq., for copies of the = annual resort of the Ciulatias Commilidont to the titisens of Now 'Castle for' dista hospitality, and to, the Rev. John Mehilikiin for his -sentient armee, preached at the °peados of the Synod. - It was resolvtdihatithenextannual meeting be held at Xenia"; Ohio, no the Mid Wednesday of May; 1066. at sPclock P. If. The t gotta otthecoMmitteracm the treolottra's Nhetoa and Temperance were atop - .ed. A Committee war appointed, With discretionary sewer, to takeup the subject of printing a M3l3th• ly periodical.: A. A letter from RM. A. C. Trio, In regard to Jealstrlllmions in New York city, was received and ordered to be put on Ole. • Dr. Wilsou4otrodueed a series of resolutlimi respeeting'the late President Lincrilo,reologis‘ Inn bir; character and more/aims abhorrence of his asipsalnation. A committee consisting of Nev. Drs WOO aad Mei.cod end • Itr. John .Scott *aft appointed to Prtnent them to &laid int Jobreon. A vote ofthanks war given tethe rettliThlk• nla Railroad for facilities afrwded to delegateei. Thee:enmities on the smendmert of the Nation. al Coomitutlon was not prepared to rep et and at Its own remneet wee continued. Thank.: were retttmed to Rev. James Wallace for copies of his addh PS on the ameodment of, the Constltn. lion, wild: be presented to Synod. Rev. F. till presented a enbetitnte for the report of the Committee on Covenant Rlnova.- tlon, which orders that him transferred to Pres niterice and Sessions with the folloWlng queries: Realbe time come for taking the Covenantt If an, when It shall have been taken, shell It ho made a basis of Catholic commit:lon nron as; sent thereto by member* of Evangelical bodies? A committee Was appointed to svelte a letter of encouragement and sympathy, to the Minion rules in ludia. Brood then adjourned. SPECIAI. LOt" AL NOTICES. ?Emu W. nu' merle& Blare Neon:galas iterderin Anuntean kartri of various ordere Office at Alexander Laughlin's; near the Walter Works; Ptttaburgh, Pa. Beddow, No. 'lB Pike street. Orden promptly attended to. Alt *nil warranted water' mrof. nepahtug done at the diorterst node& No ehargefor repahn. linnided the roof to not at toed alter It la traken.'! :.. • ft . edicUon.—Our friend. Ur. Weer. No. 128 federal street Allegheny, *ln the: east when the glinitms new. of tko tipuini' Richmond and the atirrendce of rebel Gems , al Lai was received,. and tainuC..,tratitage'of , the panto prodiked. 'and Inionigg the mutton that would follott, made very navy phintuiser of the damn wring and sammerr goods at. about' 'oae.haffef the old prices. fleolto of thinnest` cloths, nualmeres and vistlogr are'.lticluded hi' hls'etock, which he Is -prepare& o. , Make 10" on abort ;side* latest atylea,and at eotteepondingly, low rata. ..AL 'choke lwn. glamor famishing goods and Tesdpounito 'leg will also be fottnd It his Items istangah.. went ; Our Alleitheay friends somdd glestdmi Nest .41thol Mit eitt P Ineoln* i 'r anerbl Atarchc ifitip6i4elby.l:l%.' abthor oi . Cot. Clark% Nlaltb,libehod lobe xecaliod„ . iiiATcre sale be Witte mule *tore.. iKbboa,utti HAIM, • ot,. , No. 12, St:Clio' street. a. Dffir 6 , C car:; s. GOO OS- AA - Aerum tar":l:s-' de, No. 78 MARXET STREET, Wesley& and Retail Malan la •Trimmings and Fang finds, 181, • 10/11113, HOSIERT IND 0141 - And Gentlemen's Fundslthkg Goods wt tN INCeNI6IOI.I Si NirhaftBl, aM , t Wide seawailikto Mir very , lelre gunk 1 the strave . nste nOlis:' Our Aida - et Cotton Hose and Socks expel:44e, le the hived see beat sive opened . thle etty, she our NOTION DEPARTMENT will be IWO raw Masotti." awl towpiatil Ita bracebea, aid at prlats that samatot is plea. (Ilya usla mall balers rwoisalag aweslukta: tart§ jamgmila GOODS J. M. BURCEIFIi:LD'EI - Black Grenadines, ' Black Tamerta, Black Bombazine, Black Mourning Alpacas, Mourning Lawns, Mourning Mozambiques, Crape Collars, English Crape, Mourning Silks. • b g . ....rt.eia Of rids Jost me A co)12 Jos. UORN a CO., DEALERS 13 STRAW AND MILLINERY 63016, Moos. sad Bonnet Mika, Item* iutd Trialods4o Eakoroidertea Lace Goods_, Haadkereldets, Fano (roods. Balmoral HUHN Ladles' sod ludo Titr. ambit* Goode. Bead Gimps estd Ornamenuo Worsted Bonen , and Gloves, Hoop witty No. tin. sr. Sloan Wawa, an new raeidetad tbsY an, aseortscsat of JrEU" SPRI.)6 GOODS, which Ellice found canal:ally lailietlTS. Haruki hewn purchased at LOW tIOLD RATES we can bther SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TC BUYERS. Our Mac:Alcoa II) op az4222.orut will at all times be found wall supplied. . We solicit a *ail [row, tcrthants,hlllllam, Pedlars, and the Publle. bane ccelident Uust we iWo sly .TOS HORNE & CO., E=! HA t. JIIIST Fito.ll TUE Le ST -with • carefully .tad sweetmeat et FANCY AND STAPLE 00t1SS, amoim notch will be found a floe tine of Hosiery to Dutton sod Gloves, Ribbons. Flower., Crapes, Seines, Cohere and .11 the nee styles, includnuellobber Collars. to which 1 partleu.sir y the 'dement, of the ladit • . Madame Demotest's Comets. oar Soup ....hit t. Lace and Linen Hatiditerehiefs. s.l kinds of Culls, new Se lee Seta, Lees Caps, tterttm, Bares and Goalleai Lb oak's.", Cane, Shetland Sons., here., farsr,) Lace in Crotchet, Linen Cotton 1 bread. I, ointment... and PointiAppasus, Wide Linea Lime for Pittner Coors, Embroideries of all kite:lst Infant's Robes, of all kinds; new style • Morten for intents; Lndle,' hide /outdo'. liCi4e Allegro' Bads; ()imp site Steel Bead Sets. Cord Sete. Cable Cord. Coro and Tamale Taunts and Button* In several nes styles; Ijl te Jet, Steal Strew and ilihryettil Cheallle ; Basal, Slit and Chi" stet , Fringe, Steele Hato end Tfidenloge; Bo - Wylie. In Latta, Applique. Jet, Silk, Lest ..o Pratt, Fatal (lambs, Chryetal Drape Poles. eras and , Fake, and a variety of other geode to WhiCh I would call the attention at my klnd mat.. men Lod timipublte general)y. aptli Lit Ali fte RT. 31 north street. LUCK W OOD'S CEL 1.111114.T.ED Cloth Lined and all Paper Collars. EATON', MAMIE & co., Now. 17 ids 10 Wilda Bt., SOLE 1010173 POI LOCKWOOD'S GOODS, win b implied nit IlLiaerseturee. 1.1. t. AA II .boor meat on band. ntyla (10uTi5 I ZiEw QUODB I iwo csp elnramm, er W. W. MOORHEAD'S, Ns. Si Market import. tun abd common. the or Ein l .roiderfes, Lunt ligiVe••• Lacu'eallan, Queen Elizabeth Uollatr Bun Shades, Sun IllabrUna, AA A lull assoltauent 01 Gents Furnlshim Goo( IN X. W. 1100B.HEAD, inyll:lplunn .61 MARKET STREET. HASOLB, UJ SRAIIES. SVN UMBRELLAS Of the tievrett 'tries sa 4 at tonal Woes. tale .ad triad at rano, xaciattat a 00..5. IT Finites*, sxet!ANB! BILE, - LillES AID PALM of crag desorlppon, itt 'ELTON, MADE= 00.,51 c ai o r n i ' lt PI • Meet. ox STOCKINGS, GLOVES, •• mrrrs. COTTON AND LINEN KANSAS CRISIS closing out se - y cheap at male S. G. LAID 101 Mar ..t street. 1.0/AINUL TO o.r.f. es D ISSOLUTION OF CO-FA TNER SHIP.—The Partnership heretofo between the urdersigned, under the it • name of CROMPTON k CO., for the trainuhua be * of 131.11,0 t Pearl led other Soaps, has this dip dissolegal by mutual eonaent. - • SAMUEL - EL KIS SHUN 0. CRC Pittsburgh, Sept. fith, JOHN FOS POW • woo. Entictorai m WK. KEANE:DE.6 CO (Suavisors to CBVIIPTON 11,1111171A0TURIZIS OF Silver Pearl and Superior Roi ?ciapa . Sin LIBERTY JSTRBET, PITTSB _ dedyd COPARTNERSHIP. ' . . . . we hey* Dull th J AME S Itouj ili gesin and teoefel Modem ss, JO EON sa JOHN SOHLELEIN, partners/1p dm se FEB. HUBEI let, node: the name of esUerson ATTEtiAmmen % tads ;'" ' -- .. 4no, mninN. ==rZ=M JOHN ROBS, fge4 otlhe .then,joas: m*o'udthen= M attel Ufalngot o. of Pfillam delpbto.' Me. 1$ Miukof, Ones, Pittotugth: .1 GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for tht ifa Franklin, Phllada= .. ur , , , , and Bal and anon Companies, If nuRD. STREETS. ' Nif P. JONES,. Agent Ibr,North l / 2 11tierf 7 .ssOltata'o7 Pannenlyiula, and Rattan! in • • 7r• britalsi qz,..mvEL REA4l3ccreligisttizenelnsar mos Compw.c, mass = lad WATER '444. Soinoes# .. .. urrer :10 2[ 0 1 4 11 :do NWT. '14.• , . orrir Juliet Ddr i WORKB6 orniira }yew low% Pnt fI✓!JL'FF b o,7riti, E.Ar. cr.Y llta..l.Ft • c.v. le. • cr., u, Tut x~tli:ht, 18Z ER *-; EA Tl*l'AeTo7 Y „evldeskm tuld.ruijii24., tl3; bersi was W. appear that . . • • FIRST %MAL BANK OF BIRMINGHAM, .ukthit homer, of ittpoint, to tee Amman of tv=i;:antraeszt.cirdb,c _anir'i=l,„"utbremanlY el I/Weide of Cloogyess enUtftawilit* Aft to P ' 2.o. t. Adds a !tabula Outrenoy; ssaust bf Pantie of lted States SOOdiep_llna to Pro.Tht. for Willem- Idiot ands WinottooltAbotoot," orroYea SUMP 1564, whites, eomplrea with all the pootielona of e r. ald see-reivitted beeollorhol with bemoats. nteeethe tie andante if banktngluttlea told acts w thereionsA rawairea: Owes; tlotnotrol• lei of the Currency, do. hereby Mealy- • itisi.-The TIM riettionlo HAM' if 'lltrolaglooaroio thaboo , Gogh of Ettrneleghent„.ta tie meaty of Allegheny, and State of. Penneylveats,tr antholizen to come nonce the business of Banklo ander as eat atom { °uneasy Burma, isrtestitaoalr erbeteif Seel of the, idIZIONI artuand skui sett Chiatytrottet of the • °tees. Able 2 11 4'dsli et ' 'impiety Depute...l4. . . uomptrollre.of the.tharrettc/ - ' THEASURY - DEPIIRTSIETt; Orrlceros enitrrEtOCCSH die-rtra Uttanstroll W.enrso•ron, April Vett, WuEnz as . BY .BATISP&CTOR &mt.:fence presented to the 13.111diusliaed, It ben been mods to appear that THE EXCHANGE - NATIONAL-BANK OF ,LITTSBURGH, lb the city of Pittsburgh,tn the county of. Alla• shim) , and State - of Pennsylvania, ng has m been duly othited under and accordi to the atrectenta of rP theacts of Congress, entitled "Am Ant to pm. vide a National Currency, secured by ptlethte of .United State. Bonds, and to provide - for the aired. baton and redemptlonVethol," approved June Id, 1914, and has complied with all . tbe prodUpione said askrequlred to be complied with before tom .thencing the badness of Del:thing under eaki act, Now therefore, • I, FIIII6IIAN Mewed thnoptrivUer of g e erency, do hereby certify that "The Eludin Na tional Bank of Plttaburgd" id the' city of Pitt. burgh, in the county of Allegheny, add State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to iionthietwa the busi ness el Banking under the act aforesaid. . { Curio'sley. M % ita In teettmous whereof Seal of the • - ' , Meow my hand and C7oteptro7ler of the se-al of °Mee, Chi§ Mb aarreney. • day of fLptit, 1W Treasury'llepartmeut. ' . I . FREEM.Aff CLARICE, speled Connotelfer of the liurreuef THE: EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, O f Pitt sburgh. Cbarterrd by the l Capital !Organized under Stated Pa., 18:6.1 11.0119,000.; !king Law 1866 Ibis Bank has been designated a DEPONITARY OF THE Uidted States Treasury, and arpednted age for the sale of the 7-30 1-41 111. . FIIAT (malty will be Mitred to inesetetz.or per. ties puretia.lag for mum E. M. BECIBRAY, Cashier EOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh CAPITA& 51,500,000, wilti privilege of 113.000.000 D.nlfflng House CONVED FIRST &ND WOOD B.IIIIT . Thla Bank, orgarlted ander the Netlone] Brok• log ?Intern is n. , w prepered to trans." buena.* et it. Ranking Bouts, corner of . Wong and Pint street'. Collections made on all accessible points on the most fat oraele terms. pe.lsl Agent. far JAY COOS E, for the sale of the U. S. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. NANITEL RICA. President F. N. GORDON, Mader J. 0. fiIePTIE.VSAN. Teller. 11/NKING LIOUti& N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street, Pittebtirgh. DEPOSITS EELTEIVED IN PAS FUNDS AND Colitalicise:Me on all the principal points: of the Vatted Stat.. and flansthuo. STOMA, BONDS AND OTHER SELTDRIT/B BOUGHT AND SOLO ON COMMISSION Tartlets's, attention pall to tho parttime And tale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES, Vaned Mates Sixes K GM; to. 1140 s INK rive. HMOs: pr.Ont l i= " 47 lietale4n u. ORIGUrd. AND VOUCHERS BOUGHT OR DOLLAR ea V OMB BANK, NO, 65 recurs S?&EVT. CHAIiTiRED IN MSS. Open daily from • to 2 o'clock, oleo on Wedaei lay and Saturday evening, from May Ist to No. member Ist, from 1 to *o'clock. and from November Ist to May Ist from 11 to 8 oPelock Iwpmdra received of all sins crout less than Oat Irolikr, and a dividend of the profits declared twice • year, In June and lleoembes. Interest has been leclarett semi-annually, In June and Deoember, since the Bank was organizedd, at the rats of elk per etnt. • year. Interest, If not drawn out, ts placed to the credit of the depositor oks princip al. and bears the eame interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twiee a year without troubling the depositor to call. or even to present his pass book. At this este money will double to lota than twelve years. . , Hooka, containing the Charter, liy-Tdova, Wee and Regulatdona, imbibed gratis, on application ki;MeM= Willtosa3. Anderson, A. nt Pollack. kt.-D., Janne:Bockats. Robert Robb, He). Fohnestock, John H. Stuienberger, James Herd:wan, Jame* Sadi James AlcAnier, Almonder Spear, tau' X. Pennock, Inflation Team. UIkHID Adams, ' Duffy 3. Lynelt, Sohn U.Bindley, • - Peter A: Bistle Jobs Marshall,. ( 11= 1 1=1,. Welter'P. Manta% Alonzo A. Carrier, James B. D. Moms, Charles A.Voltem, B ffieFddmyt Wm. Douglas,: John On. John Eta s% • hery John J. Gillespie, • William H. l = "d a4s, .Wlllllnut S. lima.. Alexander ?MA* . Peter If. Honker ' William Vankirk, Rieluuti Ham W. P. Viitaa, Jam Andrew D Bann ••_ hese WhiD.W, =4.11 , 1A8.-A. oorirnie - Seereferr-MIXISSH. 21..KEEDS. sin WM. ' LOCEWOOD ea CO.; BANKERS, bare removed from No. it WHllma street, to Nos. 94 Broadway am! 6 Wall Street, NEW WC:MUM. MN 7 $ A r gl, t e ilr=rett a ll i a o S f eTertd 17a No- weal terms. • Book and lodividtud amount' reeNvedl,mad In timer silo- ed upon e trent balance.; whleb. cow be checked for at Mabt. yr tea dame !intim 4111101iS. etc NEW BOOKS. Waver noughts of a Country Parson, second mises. !I tO. - total of Se!entitle Ilteovery frr ISM fit 75 . hit t S ho O ds on of tis Ihrsaiin on hymn J., :N P. Wackenn Pltucip.l of Penn% State Normal ~.anuoll, The t tante of the'.o Jervis's . Faculties, by War ten Norton IS se Is. /..fc to Heaved sby *labor of Mean Hea ym Otlf meistotr of Mice R. Envoy. 15: The t th.ncupd lUrossi--s nem "mid' benuttnal Ml. L _He nnnli'mniqhs fawn& dit.: II 60.- . Befagernsedittittonn ChM!, and HPayttiv - ' 0 1 -1 1‘ , thi ,- -bear Seranktem Thoold hymn, Iti or lain (rectal pl,dtted I T Wm "' a ?rime ' Christlahli *lnsilco& bi 400,01. 44 . 014 a Milli 4164 • r.j : ilia uomevAlitaMon Extad. 1111 Inyte No.Sa Wpodittent - • • UST ' 0UT.—; , .11 LL9 W.NIY SONGS;: 111 1 )19 e roAt w attV1 11. S. 2 11 1"421 ti! *.- 7 - ' sold thi ANL sunlit puhlteatica;,,. Tag MOTHER OF THE .WE!ifLET . E., RI OCR loug_turood. A biography.- t THE *CHRIST THE GOSPELS. $1 Leen:des on ußeatanhi Lito 4.. 5 ' PHOTUCHIA.PIi ALHOND3. Wim)/et ZALI3I7AI OARDS,STATAONI3II!..', - - ;spa - J. 7.. REAR. 78 Fattrui.tti.ij - . `RE~BH HOO3 81 ‘bblir gresi ! ggs f. i n stoke frit MN bl• " IL-Itfifilf , a 47 , 1 317 Llbarty serf:et. 1.:i': 1211 ' 131 -2,"-i; orai)pelo sprivrll3, 4 , , a .137 ST kVAIRIVEI6 WET' HAVE lildeSl IN VOL FOR Tithe' -- AND TEE ;SAN OLTIE .011.14.34. OT TIMM. , • READ TEM tali OR. No. a-dires rere.Orliellidellesa/aPibui"• eke mite mad loetriomotere awe. Albe Es *• ••••• -Mares.Forma iftriii:Mairio Oahe add APPAII Werth:oaks flag.' Prior Mao-Corea Collo Seetrilarg, Markrir &OEM* felailtall. MOW firIGUI oat Feeblestos of UMW Ita,t-thuve Ditinhes, aellotroo'ii Wawa LitiluitToOOldl pap,s 144,4 4 mut II aft the mow of Ohtani* D Dniiitet4 - or INOOdy itas lea artiods, BlLoat Gality ravvri4444". robs .. Kai-For Cholera, elkolors alocfriph Noah sad TooltlrdkAarlimatlellreathiag. 'ffts.-/-otres Clowns., Ooldta ,linorreosora - Olt* ladies,. mad tore Throat. Priot lb oratk. !Ma and leo. I moor Vell to Min the word - LW . , "Ni..11-4ireit'rrooraktokra Taaraekia 'orsi mad Ttirnolorruo.. Pries IS audit. , = , _ oldNiies 'floods.** Sick Boo&raWa lialtiotiNdeA to the Elea. "IPrleella mita. oddirloicilltle IA &wet kgill PP t rood lafetkrato No_l4-4.A4rtiisyspap.A,; 1, 44. Add 44 Din* ' 4 - , Stest=i u. Oomettrj e ou 'Weer Oesptolalk, • . rooaaraur for all NAGS of Ire* ISlR.Haaelk . Allow Ilotaolaaota. : • . - > l. No. 11-Class hoppromel PLootoe, Nal,iet PablittL:_,Or N 0 1 1 1 0 164 Gross Stekaiss. _ Its, - t t-Otires Letioarrbes ii letildoi..!knoanc! , . , ' Howes Oteepiltoileh Wiles* sad Oppceated PO*. IN .onto. No 10-Ouror Sall- Abeam, Gnat, - &pipets., Scald lierol, Barbera' nab, IV= No. id-earei Skoiniaeliera Pato. Lotatmeoh, sorratti lir the 11:11heati: Bask; Mai% or Teo. 10-Ourei Fever sad Leos, Litterattest - • var. Drab ?Lippe, Old .11.eterste Ames. . . , 17-lhrrea Piles, internal-or Eattead. GT BlTOditlg. Boost. or Ormainate. ad cents. . • Tbta remedy hl owed Iherisooda of the peorilde eases. tO-Ouree Opthalakala, Weak se loranuill e.or Eyelids, Falling' or Weak aloha. lb wed& elefere be felled upon LOT • ann.. . No. lik-Charea Ostaiiii, satin or chronic, deg at gearing, kloidlathe Head. Ingtiens.A 'coca. thi. lot-pun Whooping 00 . 44.16 001:thNIAtit pall la I, or Spasmodic Co en eon& It is fallible. and always levee end min. , He. sii-thirea ilathais, Opp=g2Lolt ipi L s : oared Breathing, Cough pad . - eea l't' . Peds have been anted by It ' ' Hood Ne. 22.-4.7 urn Ear ' Ilischatges, Adis In as ,Hend, Impaired Hearing, Earache. 26—thwee Scrofula, Enlarged Mane. arstt Tonsils Swellings and Old Moen Si seats. . Rea eared the wand awe. . . No. at—twee enteral Detittitg. ?Reeding at LIrF . raw Washed:a& 60 Genie. rd-Outer Drotej; Fluid 4laaninniattaiw, tele Swatting*. with Small,. Searetione.- . , ga—CuresSesSiekness, Pmag;Hilfloim, VOW{ Nausea, Vomiting. im amts. No 27-4.kuos Urinm7 Di Gravid, • YHillault or Painful Minot . 40 oast . It our, old cases of Kidney Chasm% alPar etimlnal &alnico% Inenterd, fliechar and consequent Prostratton and Detail ty, Had prune of Evil Habits. PllOO tl 00. Mt AMR efficient remedy known, and . glad nodOz.a..• sure sore, . NoniaL4lorea . Sere Month or Eitoinaah, Oaxacan* Mouth of Adults or .ohildren, and also /Wang and Stualtlng of Pregnant Females. ID meta. Owes at ones: co le n nth= —ellt—enres Urinary Rattles the bed, too Prequenti Pante, or ldrina Una. ' C l". p a rgriume, P Prtuit i rla, Itent a' =ltan tlon'of Females. at 00. - It soul Hies elm= NO. itt—thires Nattering at tlmean; of Llfo, alerltlee, Metes of Heat, novitiates. and Disease of the Haan. SI Ott- No. 114-4Jurea inntherta and Monate. nant Sore Tnroat. aloents. . No. 23-Our Sratni of lobos or Adults. and Cramps of sit kids. • N0.114-Cares Batousieni, aa Want of Appetite. Loon.. of Spirits, JamdWe, lionstipstlon, aatd Liver Complaints. No. 86-.lnrea Bona, Cfattnnalea, aad anl 801 only!, kind. No.lOHJurei all. Acute /Ala Erupttoaa, aa Soli let Paver. Tileaalea. Ohtaken Poz. kat No. al—Cures Chrome tiougtui, Nervous Coach, Dry Cough. And Cough with expectoration. Nu. as—Alttru Shuttles or Catarrh to the bud ol Infanta, Rattling of Mum, In the Throat—CunsOomutunnwalltwWMWatoft ymentAttanksoMmOuqic N. 40-4112 res lloastßuUmud Dtsposltioa Asthma. .3 visa lISMily ease 411010, mvialiramilyouse momoy Sae a,vial mu.plabilN 16 vial due la vial Phyldniaa's cue Ufa • PONDS innnucT OF 'MIAMI. For Ram, Scalds, littmßrutml, kommem, Lame ores, Sprain., Rheumatism, Boi/s, Moan, ON Sores aa4 Toothaahe. It cd diem. PERM mi mists. The trade supplied Ne w York pekiee. Our liminheallim by NAIL Loot Over coo art, moos up a our of what Ids you *home, and htelose the amount in a 01317110 mate or' stamps, by mall to my address, ma medicine will be Maly returned by vial ors free of charge. J. X FULTON.. FIT lb Strati, (Digiptelli Second door below the Poet Wise, Wholesale agent tot Pittsburgh and vlairilty. COUGH NO NOEL • TRY STRICKLAND'S- ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ Ail~l i hY~:~l~It ~ : ~ :]:~ ~.yr: ~ n snethitutrara zaztaam. --- uous oo tra BALSAM Is wairantisl to sure Clough; CloldS • °arsenal:, Asthma, Whooping Ooneb, .t 30141 [Moat, • Onartuaptlon, and &II adtetlans al. Liao Throat and Lungs. " For sale by Droggista. General Depot, Lai Fourth street, Otacteundl, 0. • 32 1 79Ri t nCCELES. • All the hhatioal men an 4 the prim nismazira DR. STRICIALAND'S ANIVITHOLERA .]IIX MBE as the onlevertain remedy for Mantua& and ig ta to m =mbilloa Ar . 4.4 4.4 waTra7 - I.ted o erect stun atter ID PI I IMMO have failed. For sale by Druggists. Gene rct, lEia Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0, SMICILAED'S .PILE REMEDY.. LB. ermuxwarirs PILE EVEEDY tia• °urea thousands of the worn eases of Bllnd.aae Bleeding Mee.. It Om immediate rata, sod et, teats • i ermuumt. me. Try tt dlreetly. • DO war . Tor eats 6y all Dromaim 43.***?foloi • ••- • Dyspepsia,ervounnes, - Debility I. DE: snacaccainivi ws aut ismoitosotaose aottonai l ' g wttltlisi' eed uil U DWu D , to asirret i tbumps it Is a yogetable preparation; nee 'trout- olsobobt - 11 4ww 2 : 11 Waw9n ll , tFui Ms whole *lrmo it orootoo goo. AO WWraWkod i ZZ r • ',- Dmeptda and Norrems Deblll4. : ' DR. A. DTBZlAMd=sth P =B " ,,bit Fat Ode IT, some oil DR. GM W driit.4llVlllllll alleilL _sod ILL forma ot Wood and boom Pieta mint; am by PARR A BRILL, o. ded.Atm Foßry IX/LIM PP.A.OllO.tb I RIIUAL DI lA$ (lane mad Ma ' am,ledge .eeldata segulzed- by Mies , • dans. My leas reattlante Ude, My, and • - amount II patients treated. mussily by no, me mmeeea atrra t AVlat a ila.orSEXlDAL WIELLIMBiI And all Massage arising thendlesa, are awed In ouch 'honer timethan hemetektre toy my NEW VEOZTABLIS REMEDLEM. Medkease east to 4 1 1 7 part Otthe [Talon. All lettere mint eostala =lt t r i l i4 = s M EE.o l.l.......oodenee s ita mend. Address 1: W. sastmerW,- D,, Wide , sem gee lettetrelstu - Brato'r4zs. RE.move.L. WELLS, RIDDLE & 004 have removed their exteoelve Whip Store Owl rectory to No. HA WooD STREET, stoner "of Alley `retire' they me prepermi to fill all mtlere for WHIP' LASHES AND owrrolies promptly at thelowen pnomt -. --my2 R Eli 0V A L .-DAY. ORAWFORD,, femmlntlei nerehent In Pig lierals, l llloeid: i .• • has removed ht. Orrice from No. ISt WATER gr. 00NIVER OF WOOD and Finn' irrxteers. over render National Bank. The Irma Commove chi/ Ptuotlamal 'Clarlea Oa la all Us branches,' pun . • advaseee Outdo... Voaalgnments fondled. - g.tor. I!). iron •IlanaLsetneare 'of this. , . .1131310V.E.L..7We hare Um day rewired . , aos atis iriaa chef a No. so WI WI Pen it/eV • +Wit% iv, tnandhwes theotrvikWiiiii4 ' -Pminrazist AVM atahlair - sow • SPORT - • WS= NodalWOW -,••• •-•• drahnitiMl-MiltrlXFlXr • - • --'"•.• Invited tha attentlon otArain , and othendlo Ala ginovUd SS* ad DUN POWDER FLARES •-• taaW MT14.4174P011 Dame muss— , aid awsnaltlon ad away klad. Mont la the . weft mum armed an MD nation • MD' (ISM' STEEL' 'TUTU, f0r,8124*; Rq sig Otryo Sit* *ran) Raps le l / 4 714 A . Ear . o matt Otnla.FWartiltos4gataw IgUlan ATM ", A.l4ihaPair 8141. , I . ,'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers