i • b 4. art eettlV? •'• 1, 1 4 e • tibl 1,.. rt 1 NALTIMD A.T;./ 1 4Ttlt - UBll --- ram at '2sl2Nemar. So. Tr otaria resionass asa ors. maks allpiresotthilosSadegat•L' sad rL k arrttd ratan - 17.5. a 1710.6 OeNotes. rtileetat eSt E.B. 74 sEnmairt ETESEOO JTs . J. VAS _slir SELL ON 00 N . Del! porly and Plitabangb 1 =11: 1 44,:f w r i o 8 111 'IMAM W I W I, "We' t 4 n 1., th , . . . , V-411IrD 13ANICIEGRIP • ROAR La •. . • . (tamalotalla IT imiurreift. rots/mit °cal • , - .11111kir N&y IS. M 8... L . life . . „ westkv. • . Ini a 101 Of t IR:rturUsti. jtett:-..40, et '••••• • --- .8.'14: 9144. Int..- • 11.. ,' ' ili anlabeevilli it R." ' ---' , . IIN ~ aauelms ••••••••... ..... ' n.a =a1ie1ta 1 t." 1 1......,....; . ...,.. "...... 11 : 7 7 :: --.- . ft at 2 .... filarramemle tlavt=4; ' ''' a "' . fS •• • ....A...., • ..7.••.... a) 00 , ........... Insedn..-:. - .......,, —.. •, - 7 to, I:kodett. Cheers Rui--.... --. - . - a 0 1: .. , Nun Ventral...-. 1 If ' ' ! if rrsr. . Scan li Cherry's . . . .. .......:. !. ~ ' - Nl' kip; ..".• k'ils.flois..,--...••••4 ..... - ' ICO +- 1 4,40.4.•••••• ' . ;••••••• .. .•• eii ~ gun Stilttalmusk ---• .: INI " _»••• ..-- ----.; . - i--....... 1110 . iNaLber (Natty ipan ! ...........,.. - .... —l , • . 1I; Names - ..................: ....... -6.; .llat . 21.18tr0 Coal-, 1661 .Plalla.Lanthster i ,7 ol4tryllun... -- tis JinekelmlrPoengeum 1.14............. -,... I N ranters Penna..... 4... ' • as I I ea tatiotheartuosu DA., %di N0n.... - . toe laitnept:6 Deposit Yet....... . ...._.... la NI- . Kurth, Oa ' Amine twu oelbertsee - Ire • mem lroo new festal* In atineosial point of Weir worthy of special notice. Gold. oontrary to itemethl expectation, is again ! on .the wrote, tieing tg beitd . WlreiYOrit at i11e34, u4aY.ltitainatArni• yustemlay. • Governments hareundergo.th no mu. - target ehagge, whtiontooke, getthially;Ora ritpOrttid . lend week white firttrioing . rentiondy. . odletail nod bids, toget her with thi 'ales at the moraine bord,will be found above. Oil stoats bblittiattatoil LW butt'. and, as by been theorise •lasboma Go., inhere greatly outniorbered buyers. - , glksturobta /a in tether evinces, lode stool, brier. Wee tilkei 4 e4 'freely' without boding sellers. ahem Hun tterrtra‘ also, is in demand, nod PG wee bid, WO caked. We heard of a sale of Payette it the street at. 25. - ' The branaaeilene at the steak board *era again 1111.1 this evesisor, IA wu 101.0 aid _ prises ruled Sieree... The e.t.a • 41010fien3 'Rea t ittood • ,r Ile 111Pdonitio The ofesuare aid Wei weinna follows --..15 . 00 , • Id Gale Pateoleum... -- I 6.1 11 US ItuUmtrat. . .... hi . id • Merry, has. e. ritteburgh 1 ot 1.1 1 Maui a Pic /hoe ea se SS la &role Rau oil a.41.,a1er • - - u _ U ...... 4=l.r Bererve Amertun 6tarlooa allattn2l 0110 Vollay LBaata, ...... g-93 Cheek a Cherry" Bun Pittsburgh ad Yhtla. NON—.... • ' • * Ittetba. .... - Taer,, Lerma Merry /tun 66 • 01 6/n/na Loom,— Vattern. Poona clvints:.--...• 6at l - 11 ea The Kew Tort Tends or Thtual.y, rote/riot to the uddrdnen In red ray I.len in lb. woy3 I'dade ha fix Let rtre tv,ey tutue price or golx ul ed.l4, per MA., luutnt,t_t a rot export dein Wu tor 1111711 . a..w &tn. nue pottimay on ordeUt tie aorta .41P Steel oextteets, xxere tbe gold had been inexaoux- Ip bort. trra to eleentete vs for tuella., the ab; gam olio ad Me Cal ',WIWI (2 rho 0.011 MariLv and the pear Lt L1361,1,1(.11.41 Or ilOpOttera to r mlt the pion-cos of thdir rt<eoY inyoutble axles of ton edge geode:bah *ntrlbuta to tbl export .lealnd leered; though nal tkpO=OLloll Is not todolgal that au turther otatertof olreare price oat Do Naito or atom., In a rtioortur-, checittog or iteloylog thettemana., at win not be forgotten. that the re. MA fiat frottel46 per 'cent., .1 the name stood oo the Met to )961:8 ler e et. souk pada • von li 4 4.tili; d woo lovelpttoted, atom as trite, at or Main seallby et.eentstots, atotioxt_the atnek adakdt. as nen ad sena; the gold me.. The pobae ' for the tfroe being accepted ttO per • . Cebt. tLe [sir *slue of got., sal told them M.y divicen, o on iinuen Wows 162iJa and tendered Leans, necordlugly. • - —The OLIO State Bulks report as fallow,: Alas - 'GS; Fab.. I 'SS I.lsy 1. '61 Specie •" ' iTI; frils7ll' el,Stm 174 .-8494.713 11341)4 2,09,89 OA. IWO Leti.om 2,te3,912 34/62 - .7,adlekrl /Sepia , 7,1M6 W 3 8.7.51.A5T 11.3041.1 hialitereoeposlt• 1,011,5,8 1;273,r22 2641,142 Th. diapers Ia the capitol and Individual dope-, dee are. tot great part, attrlbutable to tog triya& fps to the national ayctem, oral ate most proms nett In MA blue Doak. , New lurk Met ka • Ifaw Pik —Corros—Daltit 44833*. - !Lout—L.os as Ire - 1313,,iu r's noon& lexip UA.O bud y 7,4149 fur Slade Almada; wear Witleicy—Decld..4ly firrucel: 11*. tor 'Siago V l L f figtr .S .c.„w "i'l Ltiiiniitel et it.3" l : tga Swing. $144 S P .ikr.ta Hyo Br.ll. B UV was Mau quiet. il.tr 'same aa - I felts Wier for t ctipize for New &fixed Hreatorot is•cor fliim for I - W.2ynod 923 fur "4. totem polo U.I. 4.41 sae Vie homer.' Paoesessel—Coffee quiet. eel steady. Sagas , Asks& Cuba a l. tilsoovacto 51uloadosaluiA. • WOOL—DuI Ballar • . - • • IrtaswiEvw-A-Plrat; '45,4e for Made, 414300 C..U; d. Irsoviaiows—Vork heavy and lower; i'/W4M1,15 for Tlew Wear, elostag- at a ti Sl , gularratleito for Prime hired; Prima Mesa tw Usus aoJ Jaly_4l. mars opus,* at ow,dattla uv .f steady at IV, to gar plat* Mews. Beef twos aegriks.:,toos :741 1 tesoy; blaankletli 330.7. , 13.01141[11111511 Domed -01111111111.184111aus avia3itylapia. odeweadt ag Loa' , leo Warsaw. hlauter firm *147403a for thwo sad sigt . Jae lattkata. Cheese, Amy, a:aady at, 1041110 .41r . =====3 The woo dealers of ;Ms sit? , se e * dtspoeenl to =r iv e:n*lls; o etinelti T o p:taut; • pea Ittenteek, se 'bey cl 4 ttinoptunc. unbolt et emoodeet el belowsbac prima &one of tae. Yeeltarn deal* ere, brie underateodS, ate re4l,T 40 110 N 114410 Os - tlestlebein, , ut very inane' at ttui • tumble ore dfa 'moo to bold Mani:4l.4e pains Tub Irecupoet, up.; es the obole..appetre to be time A:movement of UM Coop rill be rionint ,son .pubeDe ow:bloat/ =red; tto consenuenee tit troleh would be la baliedulte Oralzat..l rui Hier pa Neer , Tot anolkeuen, ineusseettotiwitti de - beast* boolitese, teat be *ouch belay Want It bee tub' ettellot It* aptitn goat yetr , tor not only erl.l . the lionedlateparehnees be =nab foie la q wentlty. bat Übe. peso. whit bif 'UAW:more tbaiettua tbet ot Crops t'enirill MM& the Mamie cwt irrafagraph amyl _ . Vern w • p /tette very rseally lest weiSt.. sad soi sear ma %ewes Jura Ise - we:pen to Meal for tea Aunts{ 44 a laterbosadtb of bust . °weary toes. rag apleadte awl Tries% could wit Awe better.; ft es at want Washes tugh twatatmes gr.est. 'A (Seal awaurea that the wetter we=lt Is the tharghbasuatt •Iles, atotatao tele• alee of Item Awe, ta . weer thrti/Ciallax. Not oae 1144 4 / 1 141,11 pelt to srtater kilsah •stprios wheat betwesa ewe sad St. Swale 1. greet Where tragoretta Vero Is New* sea. - equity plant/teeny Uwe tanker 'south. We teem that, lb. LIMIIHMIar -winker. tedlsatt and Vale ass aluwesdlaceuregal, the bed Is atm as rerrwet.: It. all amounts It NW Mal that our own prospect* an not Oil) wood, bat bets? thus our aalghtters. 'VI astern Crop Pr** ddtd, • The tat her. Meng th e pan ter daye has bees -uneasily %situ. *au the repo. to from' Deady all I - be anibwest are (eau/slits f..r tee grow. interobe be winter wheat' lens web,' sod the • nupe nuoinly be minus mu usual. T/ie atop of laptops whaat will protrabn be huni,siad, • IS was lerY early,sus quAll is Do dun La .Tba.C.to lug wail a ba be over, sal the lanuta will Shen kayo o briug taide pelted/ o unmet, when out negro wit Sc. L.1..‘ -At tersest, Lands ere eery num the nut rs, but befste buses, wit gapers mat larre*u ul th e Warne stray wld be die dont seri lee, whleti will yesileY lenne • atipiito.t .tales-iberwo retinae, Mooddy, , . • . . • •rhasilelphlii.Graln • Mutat, Kay U. 7fe . , reteiplan 'Whaii notions sashl sad with 'were dimness laaea4 , ,aala Or fate a* • inane m Pienyie sun. assi Dalaiene ai a u tb a ritta t el it l i tt eisaela m ob s tie• itiouisaky . nut* la Sera lb in Vole quahog. n i sta pills, la ha asairl at lamasb, sr hobnob ark al gene laid boahets Denson OKs 'void 4414 mita, as Udall .11441, they au la deliebeh: , - • , 1 Cl l ol4 l 4 l .44hiddildit. Atif *Ss. )Mot-Tasadvanos Is the New - 110U nwellan. lea had Clio alhadnisilhe thirtaidikat. Slid insis. 444 .00111141111dier to Me asatini • Mar or neaddits toaav-r.trodtat-ilottar rod 1 1 4:41 dtol Ina Ira sot sr. Ssotaota use. fruallantat Ins N hu. 2 Bed: hall at six. 13. e• nua, . Oale-Inendathao: beaus, lamas, oars *ire must Me. ears do dual ale . lisetast pairmittkolattanstri./Prsit . ,IPloolopidis :41 Zas-I;arltittes i TA'' asius—wbefig ti notellne NO: RIZ - l i g: s 4cy.4l4,4aed SL Ln•itoistisit4 . , , .. garret. Ear Si t M. • , . Mires"le markets emboss - A.lkt nag dant sad,. yet, the eArmee LI Lot. Jots produced to need& eilla4 ow way or the other. rt, te tow p mr dour nerataats howl act their /WA uP • iitaia ja retard to Waal, but the guars - I **pow slat "waste be that Am adarsose la - gold erUl eel Le anstakati, bases, lt ..liuts . not Es 4 Ale elan It weal dillenrkeletaildliai. led. '. ' -.. ~--, . • - ONAIK-Witeitt - le quiet tuutiout little• ,oltetiag, sad Init inun worn. , wt. annuinotay . ao . , nounn it preoknis Meal sok ri;7oo lockout trod . -at MICA and fa" leek. la store. .1 11. Gera, "el te qnoted. al !roc II Seek We at es lamb, la. owl. at Mt aad ele basbtorletly,plas dulled Si - ed, lie mustiest titlark/ or NM, ... . ~ . ' -., - , 11,017110..11tere Ii so etsrlotel . calwileskect le Otte le 14 daluadotor its, there arty essitattai "Maga Ii peon, the kadvskaite la sold to toe Goo. kat, aetintluaaadiag., We letlatowl to dilate at ell to Ile,ll for Yearly la a small way frost 'to.", of la quidity, kale al ae Ms as Rivas* lama . • .. . itlittlrie/0116-Bacioa Is geodeneely attire, ead with a taktalobtee demand . vices are yreel well, stulained.. Lard is "all with gaol et actuary at Mt red say at It. Ito daaaad or salatottellecli --- HAT-L4katlaties meedlwy deli "all deprera we. the . allP/41 tab/ lazdta Ail sum of tno dit• Nand. We Oats sake today at pesos natio; Irmo Ile to etflikt par toe, me "amount to strictly t o rir a re" , * -6' day. lel ' D M iris woes au - rriac--Ttnnn is no laprorwasat is the di. stall fat Me ellictwittr, aid the wicket is dull , slat drooping; we 'quote at ' le, 'Ude), for Ws to vestry prime 8011 . . „ -. .. b-Dati , tals sod la tar ter euy-ply,but cooksated • -.'ila - 8-ntoini SW. it at ittittgaiiii• old 11, salt qataaa at 21. _ - . • , ;tileAt4olW AIM . Lavonrssoloo‘nt tlaleitito Orsagotat snows per boot rdlrealas d0..ai11,00 _Paktum .leseoa t flitllt,ao per la; *ad ilLessina klel'ATOF2Dall int haelitiiid. it . .iell tales iris stile, .% svis fur. Bads, ,also to :s fopPoosk Pir rrolstritcliPknitt)Le.usiumititickFj, ' .'• rammr, May NORM • There Wan, ipptreatly, jitOrsAnqulk y Fer.Orude . to bay , but 0e tlght*fee, as general thing, MS; :tweak the views °lbises:l andeellete temided over • Wu note n male or an Ms; at MX; bide returned; and., KO bbla to be dellvated Is •:York, it in, Mile Included: There nosy have bee of her eater, but the above were all we could hear or, ion" quotationi inn) be tally Elena at bbls returned, and asters3.4mis included: Ribero no late adonis trombil Olt, In nor" to i the market there. Refined, both in 'bond 'and ( tree,' stoatinues eery quiet. though an ImProvement la Otiently expected within the next thirty Jaya. Itaptits Li flailed at lIMU, is WO, and Yirgei 4sor, araistiflonlo gravity,' eondititut': and' ages.. Residuum Is Ora' and In "light' :. supply,' and 'otlii readily at 118,60 per 664 ' - Them !abut one angle lentil oI t..xudeliittui Alireheny„tlverto report, w harm lir forl Flare Speslal timpatah to the Plttstrangh Oaten& } . 222aoscrica, nay 22, 1814 - CII Stroelts had a downward titadeney to.d ay, and the market, seat rallr, was lremprlar and.F.l. dosii4 followite I.lteny Bun 2 25 Dig Teak. 1 SO archaise& Allialitiaire sT atua 1./1114sek codst. i uu.kut TS' a Oil Cheek h I fat WaluuT Lased.-- I 00 . Loused '3 et Ofiaszolul a ueetio2 125 Tarr Huesertead.:- 011 Zama " 2 Se Jerre, 1 Se Corcplaater.. " 'f 70 Caldwell uo ' 00'/Aapie Stade. ----al" 01 ismAmoLcuil *moots ix NEW TOME. dpealal Dispatch to Wasters Nem. .Igsw,l(aaa, May. 31 , 1, ISM hatolatua Stacks itaadlat; mita Mk /3011 . 6 Una : Merry Rm, 601 Excelsior, 11.0 a; 441alloAliattaa, 46; Oceania, 5,46; Slat, rack, I,St; 18,50. MEW YORK PETROLIiIIIt MARKET. Special Alapaha to waityira Sou: , - Agra Yeas , XL/ W. VW % Petroleum Inn; al% Ica: Crude; in basal, and . •• • - • New York filtoct and -Henry Plaritet. NEwtOhit. May 26 . — NONSr—uautet- rrnd envy: St. Ulng, 16646110 on fl at otaaa bur,. Oa d Irrrati ;l&r. a . rd . ..utAbettird--opaidar. 44 IN44.deellnlng to aadoloalna at 1464 iror.. erawent Stoolll Wli.bout derided eh *age; North . a!arn.N3"o Noah Western oraferrod,64: thara. • lard and kittahurgh,62?.-4,• Headlagdig• L t li 6a a. York tray ra 6930 Er a,7th; kludaoui ael taXa gAilekak , /f.114 VW° and Altrudadopt cams. 20;4 Vtripals b1aa, , 66; .imair , -14.1.; a. cowl mei ha, VW; 1640 Chlupons, 91 Y1 oud- 12.1- 1411U,166,46; n.w ramie, (101.1, f.' • Galitkvici/ Errata, dannlarap—thord. i46:41 Now it-antral, tart4Enr,l6,..; 611a.40ata .6,4444.4 mkt 1 . 1 aLtugh, I Irma Irdaragiii3 •=s6:co. rfile.red• WA; 'Ohm ..ad 3 11140url tirk6peri 246; llartaa MN, ithiparurrer 61. Alluker. pull. arm ter transardloas. • . au 9w 6.93 4 19 ..- 996 • 7 66 140 --- I 44 • --- I &I ChIrCIiNNATT" Itter 2.—nocm—uneum v a aed qu.4-quipa1&e,.0,7461.41 ; the latter the asklag 'nate, llama—Wheat to fair demsad; Tied. gt,181,4.4 Cv busti Ptizee Kentucky Walk. aual .t a sa." ' N tiled—q WPM; small macs a •4.0 Pnoeiroone—Quset and not roan Oily Stns Pork Is lulu at as,uo. 7.500 kr Bulk choiftloy, sold at 111,4 m. mami'm hold at tie, but , Gaumicuits—golet and unchalird. Moe ax idaexce-4Yeld, 136. Mein arta not much Madam done on la.,nauge, in Major tle oral ntaituae tame is toward tee clone pro:Weed sock *a:vett:caul that . buitsi,u was could. atm; penned. He remained about halfau boor coo cart nog osiU the mertimula iintralo Market. . tiorr.4co ; May Gum Urm but uull sue hell %bore the rirs%ol boj rte. Ilona dull; sales.os Petal. 7ml o e seed et Mc. Usti closed dal at ouc it..neY 1 100 14 11.41...a1. • :• ty—Fleakee sod 130 1111100. . . r. 41C/14. ill.X.lollll4—ro New. YOrll,.*lllll.llt, 14a: Cell.. 1ia1.,731681. - Istruds—Huur, 4,96) ho bbin.Vrbeht, 4,400 burin' s bush ; glats, //WM: - Au - boy, Val uusli 17,001 bush, . -- • ..•" s Exroars—Flour; 2172 Wtwats 714 4661.4•11; 9,48, 2 EPA buisi thug, ZOO& buia; 3 1M54.1,1. enicsaa; May. 2 1 L—Itrairra—rfloar SSW Ws; AI - hest. 0 , , 610 bush: ears; 41.6w au; tiou l / 2 4700... au. , SsarsharTs—nour, 1,75; tas ; 5Y55a,..36,1".0 rua., t sra. VAS Uu; (Mrs, Tr, ts. U... . h Irissz—Ae , ire cat Maur, st , l'uovauturs—Frimer; Ideas 1r.. , 22,10 . ; Tricia au, • • • ' ' • ' • -. ;Isms—Les; satire sad 110111b.r. ' eisstri—.Whearolau. UI lIMMISLIS urr fur NS I, spa tr,llia 1,5 tor So: St., ;1.1c; uti d st 6.34,0 fur,tin. I; •ad. 14436"; fur Pru: S. Usts.nras, s • rems:74 for No. 1. suusills—Neglected sod nand:2st Oawz6o May, 1111.—Yr.ous—Sumtly, * I .D for • Nu. :rim WO lUd - .loLkoer, ir4,60841,1e lot " 41 1 2a..10 for Double Zurw. SAE 80. I Uabta.go Soklogr, No. I YAwookn Utak SL44. INNar auto; imhair . LAIR , IXPORTIP -, Whaito egAr NIA _l.e.rrsasr BAYLAOAD—riour, bbls; Wb.s , Tt , te,d• Market. • ~ • TaLiao, Nay IS—tisam:— .W heat La. goal de, d a, a at a oeaie of atf4aLtkikit,', 4 aappla 4 : 11 ); a,ber Ilttee,g.n at,ba ; ga , a, alAtei,ft. Cora to at Sae fur Data 12911,as ase.. IMPORT" BY RIVER. . • . , LooMmtcai rut Teassiowx-13 lads tobsotts.! _.144/1 (t.mtlre; 10 OW - Oss Joh:. it o;31 obit m. 37 ;ale bbla. &Midair& Mims( mom gumboot., . o eo ftEmos; Sbykgs. do, 41.11abispo; 3.0061a1 .11.11.14 - 413 Jens lam& yap soap and 1•4 a. I raft 1 4 bi pron. 21 Mum bulkohoMoars, It B Tomo. , '..1; 16 !Oda to&smo, 220 bbl. ...bashol, trt 6,bs 11 , .• o teatima,..l% do Plea Inslr,2l by tuuri 411stk & . PAusimaiatrao .TX:111071. a ks. oats,: • Hs jar; Malt do. 2 bblaillyor rIA Snot; 661.41 Itlallroy, Dickson & so; I do do, Mottsa4- , LAM,. Jameson 0 co; 7 empty-a 3; bob. Burma /la Saba;{ 24 bales Paper. Rltbibruysb llautg. , aut &mat. (Da, Dalull 0 ao4_ 101 Obi h.p, Pm•druio , Aommia; 101 do do, J , Herbert; 1 too wrap Moo, .trtoos.bistrer; 2, bbl. eggs. Dm4 Haedsurissllll. 21.2 aka oats,. import & McKay; M.% dot casin o ,13 syckm. }Dully & }lockets/mosso. . . . • 111141,J11.11. raw As= brass—Olatim .11; co :173 oitiollour, 20 bids obsceo 3 bins cow Wis. 1 • am' so* ibis flax and 41 WA' egsa, 6 ants 'NI. I 1,6 Putts, tat*: china: 'Fltzer a . Ana aborts, 0 hhl. air., a bits beaus, Lbox mac; Jas. •1 .13.1.1 6064,11111 bbl -now; 3.l3emb-ouna an,is 2 - bat esti:vine; A La factioniolak. PM oats: Wm &Ma., bbla sap; T colMts. W bblonour; .811. a.thorn, 1 air po Ob i s gasometer t box tools; Lidmied an es, 01l Jai Swallow, 21 Obis' s 11 4 bbls Ilszsca4; alaKeOuci 8 bids .sull Mat Joi.es 3 . bb1a0111.3511 eardoat 60 bibs noir; -Apples' .6.13,14 bbla tout; • Miners.' 13 ' bbls flour; Rt bins 3 bat 2.30.110ut; &les Taylor. &Maks taitdal rbl n t3 B lo l , -& 11 0 ,11011gs monads; (4 id Suattbor. • 'bbl 418 I bak egtoiltamusEWhisemr, 3 coils rope; D if,pser, 1 toll umber; Asir yrs. 71 egad pump.; 1 " ch i' Dliwort4 1 bi 4 5.4 1 6021 • IMPORTS_ BY it 411.1KatAD. Prrhovina. Fors Waras hinchoo R. R. 21-40 ppm flab. Watt k Wilsoo; 206 barrels I r, C '6eliklas; 'IP dotal;'washboard*. $0 ao.kera La I.lg 6do to. Lambert apmo; fl 11l pat.s, eh, etc, Little,. Calyd a I'm too; to b.• ay .p. rhilars a ecy 2 oho wh a at.. 7 4.l - Lllgait a en; 1, tar •ori, L irobibtl t 1.1c.r l iabothiri6/ & ; Cloak/0 care barley, Rtblea; mIR feed, Jar. courtaLawn 411(0 Pirrafusoit R . }2., May . a. boat, TOMMI hs 001 Pdl 01 'oces, Pam. Bros t en 40.811 M . f a bblesobfen al Ram ef a a grind W oof Waltam l a tr. lustatr,ll6cqueiraii k DoogluishP b.. ,011,.****, liakley & Vas Hord 20 Ma 00 06000.. aarok2 Yahoo; 10 Oka Ohne. II .11 a 7. 7 11 do def Potter. 'Aiken Shephsl II do do. tibomater rO l tzlateroll,- .1101211Pck . 0u; to. Lint datay sTArtenr, May 211.....1 ear Wheal, idr trl=1 1, 01: *brg , isl.wrartj its sawing. , Beam bb d dart aft. 41114.12_ & I ahokkili:600111110101,.. L4*Bll :NOM, do rock J blanch WO DMA - lbw. RI ago. A go A, 1624 auk potatoes: IP Wu oat& (Woos_ 4"Ket"WdSl4,l&.l244,eilIC:Pl-4,411i1.10/4. 5T104411 BAILEY', STOOKBEIONStk: P. 1111 , ;. • list=z !!'sa re Miss at( ItATILO OF , 00MM0151014 fit limmks Nam at 111 1,4166 - • 46. t es sod op toltiki- u . 66. mg, 41 saw, Mm. do. awl imm. %sr 6 p it e Nat. ClnelstnaU Marko eagn Market' OrvigOlkaripc. L'ATELLiuFZCE. The ginr taattaus to monde sinalUy at this plat, b about as het la the Sheri by the , . _ Morin. coin's bridge mast. Ste weather yestedisy was art and pleasant, I lad verY favorable bar outdoor openitionj. The astrolabes' below larbida the Alai* Speer Efts Zahn, t ll O. e 44.0 1 4 friNi PagarAunt; sad 'the Yorictoira trcun Lotdarille. The inures from lErarkereourg Is due hut this morning, add the Areirrica from Oltudenati May be expooted.la bee Veen ilds and YondaY. Tlate were no departures aside tura the Iron tot Patteasblug.-, She had • vary good fadillit sad quite a number of passengers.— ! • 004164 Ers, (UMW Eezr, le the at 'regular ...picket • feu Pariterekurg to4ler, leavlAg prom,dly 11 o'clock. She has szendlent seems laudations fa' 'pincer, en. ane I. In charge of carob:dine en premed 'stamina& Mous, lQ.wla s Bnaa uw rritable' Dusmesa them/we. ouuUsues eery dull at the Ivrea, the ellelinge of ,fralAt beins:en t rikt, at haste earl ra l ar=rrtip r ! c . , alslllas tel faUsi a t tc altelis i g era hut th e put aw dem The Deleware mem alverthied to leave Ohmlanatl doe Pittsburgh ma nand., lest. The seta Lama authorities at °Malang! and Lotunille have employed a large number of steam. Sr. arable tics vast-few day; and- mis yof Mom are already going to Earkenbmg. when It guinea they enti toad with tamps. The followidg named bum were taken Y. E. Ride, blalor do. deism, Gera Lit* at quirks, Lawrenee,,Emer aid, Cameo, Muad_ander. Bewails, lieu Vann Zramultos, Eno Faber, tiuldon, ir•inmosr, NOR. Moore, Geuten Eagle, Sherman. Iffeemnia, Prime Donna, rfarlgator, Anna, J. IL Gilmore, gg •`lllanl!rtYa awe i' 9 Ol NiedhealeY lett ha ' t ihe faqir wing imp. mutt item In rehlteette to thdeikuld: The canal 101 l have to be ed into use todsy, torah heavy bonito; Our we lesre thlit It le pretty Mikettially blockaded with mud. ..Tbe.noper dims, Oat. 4.lipteta Luekhert. Waa blur at wo k day, wilt a sating foresof suds euu mci eudtuel, layuhg rn wars ..art the mud and eedlutent le the cant. , The doodirdew were kept open, attar a sawed eurrent"dcwa the tenni, and the' dredge boats were bony, etUTUiff up Ito mss. • • Erz.muecx,l2 l zi. - It h p li A llg en tl T TSßUßGH The ney and Led dia r Zht,T ACK Er— C7lT^Sr i , Iota! Nou, Mattel. J. L. 1 1 1.:Orwery, ilerly will Wove Ilttaburth every Tuesday and Friday, - at Waren o'clockit. tar sruunswv-u.rx, • trr.mo, s pis it, 'HULL (MERL; MA. ill1;1721. and PA kEERSRUHte, sad all name : 'late_ pens. Neiman's, leans Finemn; oa -WEIINESPAY aad SKTUR DA r, ate Welee; e. For trrghl opYYea• H 1p oa herd, or to arnSai JANIF S tI —oats. I }ll ETTA AND PA WE. it 37 4 "- DEMO MORE. LINE-112:4. MAR PASSENOSIL STEAMER FS WH E ISO, SUN Fif th SISTCRSVILL.P., MILER, MARIETTA AND PARKERSIDIR,I. The OM and last aple wheel ausenor BAY ARD. O; D. Moore. Natter, Denial Moore. Clerk, Leaven Pittamagh t Tory MONDAY' • THERtie 118 V, at it o. i. Leaves Wheeling at 5 r. i, num daya. Neter:dog. /eases Parkersnuriy,TEßSDAY and ' FRIDAY., at 2 a , . 11. Leases Marietta at 11 r. N. same days. Leaves Wheeling at 7 A Lt, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. For (r. ht. or plolati,_him*/ tuttu wmmodialons, apply on oogra or to Faased as JOHN MAUR, or n JAS.. , OLLINS, sigma. Nn. W Water wreet,Pittabwllh. ,REGULAR WEEKLY PORT& MOUTH AND PITTSBURGH ,4114 PAORET.—The pessenipw. steamer GOLD ERA, W. H. Rem, mastimilW. H. Bryan, dark., leaves Pittsburgh every SARDAY, Wo'6looll xi, and Portsmouth every MONDAY, at a o'clock p. The Bohlen De make conaeotions PorM. mouth with the splendid' steamer Bostona No. It, roe thocindatt, and will reeelpt &slight and pass es. mere throurb totbst city. arse _ A N ORDINANCE' authorizing *he con structton .1 • Poblbs /Sewer on. Heassytyants Avenue and Tr) strset. •Sse. I. He It remembered, that tit. Reeorling beirulat. r be, and la hereby antaarlar4 mil direct ed , o advelVes Ibt projoaal• for the a.nstna-tloa of lo we r ',war with the nesassary Inlets (rum the end et Second etrest along Pennaytwanta Avenue to Try street. and along Trs street to street, and to contract, ander r. ths dt eat Ida Cl. the ettset Mod. atop. with tee lower. bad Kidd -r and that the same be bulk u.det the Iw. W. Ware 'leper...Lenience and dlneetioa of sail Frestshator. Pre S. That for the payment of the cows ant rapers a of 15.14 serer and MIMS, It le hereby or. net. d nod Illos,red, that the property henent,.l by the a. ..emotion of uld sewer atr.ll •.11931.4 lilust;:bly Mad (Mar, cod the Unused's do barony eppolat tau Is .1. Halley, .4th bard. Scone/ McKee. alb ward. and J. Raba., a .r.d, pilaw, to make 1,11111 levy and aesoesene , 4B, eel h utseentoests eh W. . ashen a'i.ph.Ved br the be sal. to aeaordenw wt h se 111.01. of A.. sesta4), a pprotsd January 4th. lent' dad that any oid•notorre or part of at Enhance eon. attawitak.to sad the masa bar.lby rp • JAMES MeAIILET, Atte S . wo P i c...Mont • et Helm* Oates& LClerk.st• 1444.0:150%11;eiL THOMAS t STEEL. Presiden street. Neon mom Ae. of (Ammar 0011111 AL Clerk of Commits Muneil• ' • rottket A p raisers LORDINANUt: appointmg Ap. id praisers is re-Reeding et Ptah and Rom :ve. • sae I. 'tie If ordainedsad eeeekd by the Mayer, Aldermen wed attune et Pirteburgt, Scket etn4 reams Coenciie asaresbrei, and if labaeby enacted by aut b o w . f Jame. T.. lout S amt. or tan ,rd B. .klcelleUand. ot the Third abol Aareo Fiord, of. the :rood Wan of the cdyl I c, and they. areChrue , e 'appointed Ay i.rats. Y. euel•r the - like Section of the a of 49. e. rxe.iy, entitled "op *et Uvaterulne earsets ertd Lee, to the cr., of Ptttaborgh. , !aareored i.e. en*" kh, le•4. • 0. appraise the rt , m'efen tot. ees. lice en eny prop. rty terldert b t tan lowering ocrtata portion. of Vat it street 4 Vo.i .t. eft.. 4- need urcuitoed be ord,a +ace lapsed ma 3 ls . tete, mad to avers lbe gain d taltora UpOia the eropertlea that may be wow ce.d hereby. JAMES M:MILEY. • Attest: P. S. Mumm er teleran of Select Uoun:11. • (Serb of tided. Connell: inomns %fem. . Preitident of Coma /13L.lattaelL !Meg: Boon MeSlasene, • Clerk of Common Council. mrklar. 1 4k 431.AUE, a." • liaaa on lianas largo amaerrtisaat of MOWING.MACHINES. xicortjerso .ra..asttna. Straw tatters, Scythes and Hay Rakes, AT• do. 28 and 80 OHIO BTILPEZ • _ AtrAGHENT Oripv.w.urt.w.T.lo:itl BUILI,!Z8 - cornurrons, Having Lately Removed :70 IG9 eat 171 LEAEOCIL STRUT, .1; e81.13.0/08. , 0,187' City. tber lowly to l'undsi all taste simonises lied WgAti • tr4 t WUR AT, n'tt" 1 21 SHILITTBIIet,, 280 u t.DINCI,4 Sod MI. TAT R 8 made to Cider i s annirtsotiv.oe What .?ieentl seraleg sad arseksts dniahad somslata. GENGEMIINE; • • l'lrtr and Noehasstaal if EXTRAS. DRATP:MTTNIS . 07:101: AND • PATZNT It 6 T, ULAIE ST., sear Suite's:toe 'MVO. Drasisio, mad wows. Dons tot memo Costae. sad zuschiesry gensrstly. 'Plass sod specifications for Ilsontastorte; Neficeries - sod Arsintestars4; Drsenno.,_ ..*Svm sad Owloirtial PurveyeasestalicessentalL Naddecoo No. 14 Hap meet. whit SUN . ba 1,411. , ilolod brawls Tamtly !lour; *so buss (hoe, • is , 41, White Bess.; . ;SO do 1 . 0 e,, Apiorsi its Ittustby Need; ;t0 Ism.% isms saw W. E. O&M& - tads Poutoes; 150 looks. • dal • . • •-• • Ia Ito sarlor sate ST • • . rn • . DOOLITTLE & ?ar. 10 -, 24 • anon so EstWatersEwiL. . JAR — EE BALP,J34 . env's* WWII? littAWlNCtil and . 1111.E01 tot all lands of buildings, and sumo intends their erect on onlearonabla tonna. Moos 00 At:10E100N STELLET. betwser Lownek and RnAlttiona.Allarnems .11. • FOR:BAL 11.6 pr'mo New (Them, W. R.I •700 O. do doi., to nir•wet uomm &Iron low p um; to the ands; . • sh , • Oita Plegiff 40 do Chit cod trey Tobacco; by: • •j 11.114. LEV ar. VAN INIR2) I 0 rya% No. 401 Liberty' stn.% .1 3 101.1..1Ab40A lirailtlNti.-10 bores fies: ll A t stk h oZiouTt brate vi i iil i s a lZe twa I tA u st ode b• Hosea at hoz, et, - tae Peutt7 q$1 . 1N1111" • 40EINA.'111126titt myti amvort-Ltherty /00 rtmid.stnor .3 00 LiE y lLg t glilolo/4 1 BRANDS FAN 8,010 bush I ult: li. * .' '• . i Irmo 4 eau baled Lisp_ ~' ~. 1 cur Peach Mow retabsou ' :1 Was Bum, to skabit - .Tit Amami lo -We I t t t , _. - . :Fiji& .."Aintwrsosto,' ai l s : n u° " v " ." de°ll4": O . iimPt 245.1101 . 411.4 71114 01111014, ; . ,T 4 ,- , . - " • ...- --- '' ,-' '' •-- '.' I Attni.,, kW*por,ili . ateir st►ga as ti.r.v• Jattrained gad isr ''" ' 0 ....." -- SO I.Oill ROelples } fink NODS 5510 r0 . ... ' t t : ', AO oasts ( o bl ,, lroatli SWIM •-- • , sing . , Wu. 10 , ,W6C11 al , 13URLINGTON HER1U140..."-tt- boxes :!itta/r 6 N S" tikoka,ilvibiftrii. lingo& viol fOolfd. /WO 'nis PI ZR-ALWROS.: ' ` ' If In ow MI Wood Amok. laslll - cuk - 4a. ' ''§o6(o:2B r 14 241 11;" V in!osIO lii' . or , ll* - /H. oskesszek . Tilt/NV=IAM nmscors FOR VW. ..a 71i1uL26. WAmvolefladicaufotoll42 pia t. W. /1% MAXSUAL4 =MS _ 4 _ L tc.;;T.S. CIRAILPION 01.1, Prodneet• of Onide Itssoihotivas a SAWA Carbon andiakicatng CR4,. 'WORM orPosrrE giUMP9IO.IIIO. Mitt le. 0 DID saw, IFITEDWIGII, Pa W. D.ICUSHIMAN, Stun. . -pia'. BRKIvER, mum a OM, 00iiinsmOlt 1133xnum, AMMITS OPM Globe, Podia end Liberty Oil Warts! Liberal 11641 Mimeos was ea amigiumatiie# Regned or Crigd• Ptetreinsou Pr. DRUM war aid R47ooCir aft. -ASO • niTlianapaff. PAL WW/b a la OURTIBB,. ‘11311" °lnv's" CXIMMISSION stsacHarzvi. !MD DITAIX6II TS cam AND Ruts= przuomx BENZINE AND LOBRICIMING Oita Re. 1M JOFFE' WITARIZT, P HILADELP H IA;I PA SlrStoregir impurity. (under ocleerd for LAO b_arrels. Aim azoelleat Isellitise for shipping to mierfeao hod Forelgh porta, at our wharf on the Ekhoylklll Bttv r Dear tII. plotforsa of the Y. Wit. sen-ly RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., Commis.lon iwal Forwarding Mowohaata la CHI7DE AND REFINED PETROLEUM. • Naas; IRWIN RT66ET. PITISBTIROB, Inv Ltheral cash advances on oonsismnonto tot Pittsburgh or Eastorn Markets. PUITIMMOB Mourn. J. S. Lillworth Sprinr-- Tinthnugh, Esq., Tliencon Pron. Commercial Bank. STANDARD PETROLEUM REFINERY. CLUB & STRINEE. Work. end °Dice, COI44ENS TOWNSHIP. Office in Pittsburgh, 94 WOOD . STREET. These works hove the largest espiatty in the Downey. Vbe bran ds Doi highest to Mb country sod in Europe , or quality sad tire test. and the oil Is pot ti well seasonal barrels. prepared lii=u ll l= l e P or IiOILERS. STILLS. TAMES. and IMPROVED SOIONII /OOLS for Oil Wells. dowdy BONDED WAAEHOUBB OF •••• Phenix Waretrousingtompany. Feat sr BALTIC & HAISDION BM. BrusAIPL 11201/AOll OW REFINED PETROLEUM, L Tanis sod Barrel 4. Be• Olrinthira. Otlee, N. le BEAY.E STREET, Novrjotit. or:114y _1 • BEIM J, No. I et. CLAM ST.. Pittsburg*. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEECH/LI?. AND DEALER IN OILS. ILLUMMATING, LIAIRIUkTING, CRUM ALTROLEVAI O ILS , km, constantly on hand ats to eale at the Wrest market mimes. Uottairti meats led artlera whetted. .•**X•4 WeIUNG.t KING, 00)LTLISSION MERMUI.NrN PETROLEUM AHD ITS PRODUCTS Asa dealers In Bbtlalag Materls4s. • No.= IiLARILET ST. Plitsbunth.. ILKthb I:1=1 CRIID.V AND REFINED 0113 Peri* 111.ek. lisseissossiso Woo . . Pitlnsteigb M} iipcond ounisHon ovum to Spa SALE ANP SHIM ENT tir PETIisiLEUM Sad 14 products Consignments respectfully solicited. . httsburgl. Agency for VENAM/O Ono MU TRANSPORTATION Ire POST OFFICE BOX 112. Ws* y CENT 01 WORKS. DUCAN, DUNLAP & CO. 11 . 1 .3 , 171/AO7lllllll/12 Pure White Refined Caries Oils. No. et LIIB,Leri IeeZET. " U. .......... JAMEt3 IR‘li Ilsi CO., I=l Oil of Vitriol and Aqtui Ammonia am= No. 15 111ARXIIT at, PITTSIIITROH. PA. =ICE= "M. IL MURRAY & CO., Commission Merchants. and dralren on 4 111.11. E AND 11151111 NO PETRO. Ll.l M. BEn ZIN k• taira InntliMen fee aiming MI And eon, ssehnuen nod I.lllca DUC...IIEWIIN WAY, non e Hal 41 red. reel. Pitutnactb. spallad 111gLa L/16 M. RUST A. Lana■ ORlOlti OIL REFINERY. 'WITS * LATELY. (Sonsonw. d Buda f haersonl/2) 011 Rennet, crud deekts is Painlaw& Benslna, Lubtteauar alba Paint Ulla bra. 111APIIM1 'bTltlerr. ' I . ll2abarit. Pa. ' FlRw;pm;;:= Stocks of ALL ItELLSZLI Coimusior I Lints Imy'ren modftellore to 8. IL. 1111111AINGIS, Aa 101 rumeru mama fUL WELL eTEA.II JOGINEIIi STEAM EHOIIrE&r ' sie sub approved! of for MI walla out odor pm poesy to the abortest sottea Haeltss dilAteso adapt Arstaesoo Sanaa., mad eatables o th er; the potaL,Le be aorommoaezed wlttialsoet ea? else ' Ur matt tbe wort to snow tor Hasa WILLIAM FISHER. nth Wool, dtdesmower kladautale sad Mardian CIBCINNATI . L 1 MD PIPE AIM M'CORMICK &GM;OZi, No. 1.0 =won reisatia. Mt. CINFLVNIT4 01110 Make .te . ruder PIP'S AHD SHEETS ad s ally required map& aid Hee. bbeete _per tot foot 2 Ike. sad upwaide. Pipes, canbre, be* Lleof very LIOHT PLPH Hydra Hau l ed toe drala• cur *elle '-We areeid espridally irk tin alteitleo of Plum ben sad Proprietary of WI Werke and 011 Wens lubaisad hiCCORD G Co., Wholesale Maisie 10 Data, Caps and Straw goods Hine f new In store the lurk% sad Mot eosplete stock o. . ' 00003 FORPALL 'ALF% ' Zen sabred la the vett Mae seel tell eedad to te and eestehie ear stoel• teh . c ecdel • leery low rata. own ',mart Mims Prise Lad f , k.pol do -• • 40 • - JuM rim tvjoi aid tot is. b opro...•::: i • •,4 , Atig 1111adus u 4 leastiski, •100iTIWIlfVN,CONPION )(EXT.: 41. raw* Psisk Blow% at IS' Llieet) arm. , - • orOli • wx. - r. In= & TirATIIXR BELTING LT-REDUCED' yr plum -A I.lp stook. of !Its Map. qualdif ad **mote tel gin dat4didt . 3ol, Ifoi. oaf amok , •-• t 3.• n PRI:LIPS. • T:3318.-200.bbli =aired anti in 'ml •••• la) . 1. a, imarrisaa. Luber,s PAID IN 4G YMARS t 17,000,600. Net Assets. Januarv.lB6s. sa,e77,ause 1111 10 1 LIND 111111111011 11311. l'o senates 'P la aft tkit ptiastpat Otto sal urnt in %b. edates. A pplteatteas t r ya s rance will Its promptly at. ••• adat ta aut Foliate! basalt by L A. CA1121221 &3 CTS 1829. FRABICLIN FIRE INSURANCE ► PHILADELP ; %mete ea Jantluary I. 111111. tocrurti Premiums everted PreadUm. Jneettleal Claims wont. for WM , msses Pad rinse 1818 Pdrmerpetualin amt Temporary Pelle DIIIICTOILS. Charles R. Banokat, luso toldu Wagner, Edward t Diu. Slitauel Oran Giorgi 4.: „Ewald R. Sad Allred Fl ter, George. W. Rte Fria. W. wU, let D UHARL}ZANUYER, Preekbent. EDWARD C. 'DALE, Vice Prodded:a. JAS. W. itadiEß, See. pre. tan. J. U. ItOFFIN, ma= • corner Wood and ThirdVnea. —•-- FIRE. AND KA.RINR_ Insurance Co. of North /melon. 4:20/.19:4A4:1/.4 artlbrd Fire Insurance Company. m0t0,00.4. ..~... air 4 t.t.tectios can be secured in the above named . u eatable companies. • ESTERNCOMPANY OF IL MILLER, Jr., Prorktend, WM. P. HEEHEET , tlocrotory. (Moe, Nu. OR Iv met Pittsburgh. street, bpaog t Co.', War& runor, up oct It ill Inourrant, prom oI kin& of Pers soul Motu. lute. A borne 1./thorax stomiout by &nectars lotor ur Almon In au sat ado tow &gni *med. by prompt...at awl Itber sir; to ',HAW* the dorm:tor u*soll theilLoor am; assdjortertAt irotC orotaltou to Woo olio *etre to bo , x Miller , Jr:, James Aquiley. Nwthsnael Holm* Alex. Nhawk, Uru parsin, ki. lierroa, Rniurtsua. =3 ae W M. 0:11Elt BERT. I ITIZEIVgi, INSURANCE COMPANY ~..- tit' PITTOSUEtift..-tialoin_. earner Market thJWater inmate. second now. WM. tiAtIA.LET, PratidoeL WAL.A. SHEPARD, Secretary. Howes Steamboats and Cargoes. Worms against Inn and damage In . n.l= ion of the Southern and Western Ws , ffeyoue, • Lel the tlechenthan of the • WWI , . &grind, lam and damage by Wei. DULSOSOMe : Be John Klee, Smut/ nettek",. Shinto Is Park, Jr., Jame. AL R. U. Johnston. S. Hach. S. F. J axes, • J. Llehlere it Hon. T. At. Horn, John S. DU oak, fierclay Preston, W.. A. Oconee Hine hare. . 11 10 . 4yd PEOPLES' INSURANCE CO PANT 111 11161 re, N. E. earner Of Wood and Fifth Sts MIS ABII MARDIR El/3171tA2iClit 111512.1632 , 010 i Wm. Phillips, IJapt. John 1.. Chords John E. Jobs Watt, • Hamm{ P. Skarlvar . Parka, V. Haase. Les-, Merles S. Nissen. Charles Arbor- Pim. Can Kirk. Jahn F. Kirk flak lames D. *erase . John elyde. WIC MULLEN, !Wining. • J 0111.: WATT. Woe Preside's:. WM. F. WiltbNEß Seerreero. 'Wetly A LLEGNENY INSURANCE COMPA PI 7 TSBUltali,-oMee, No. it Mt ertet, Bank Block. lemurs* simian WI Wads et' Pint aid Mails Maks. - • MARI./ JO_NED, hair/rd. • JOHN D. DeWR.D, Yier Narklad. D. X. noox, Secntere. 01 1 / 1 0 . 111MI apt. &D D. M a rd,isOo Jacobs. H. H. Stet thaw R. D. !Rdrew. Robert R. 'MID. limo Jaws, .... al liatasy Capt. R. C. Orti. Joao Ja.„ Ft. OIL co.upoirdrißs. _ _ NATIONAL AND STORING CON:PAWS to sow logy organtged, and hea .omeuossa hub nese at theta tewpantry take, No. le 1170eLN sIISLLT,Ossr stain%) Pfueburgh, and We am. ',mimed tot o • general business pa and selt , t11,./tehnlng,.Bl.artne and Forwardlag OIL The St mks ere on the hanks of he Allegheny rarer dant the city, and wit' In • sl t ort time be onpabli inehntaeturing EIOHI HUNDRED BAK/M.B to ALP 1.811) UIL PER W EEK, which will beef the beat fluent, end tact s owe packages. :It le tbe leapt of this l.pany to wake a erabobwe bread. tor =wort, and es paint 'wilt be. spend to eve It that character. They will ales glee the forward. leg of oil to points at or west, pastlenlar alien. end In this broth of. the twinges wilt have untivalled faellttle., as the Ott .111 be taken hum the boats to the can by taschtnery and.the, atoll all wharfage, drayage or delay.. oenelge.. tag their Oil to tie can rely tin baring tt sent, through with pmetpUt.nde and dlagatteh., •", following oaken The llontpany Laa iStbspltal 0f..1131118,004, !LIU the, Proaldent.—A. M.. MAILSHALL. • ternary—U. 1181111 , 1088.' Treseuret-J:k. hluill818; • • Inreteurs—A. M . katsballa. P. Hanna, James 014..1. T. Kliseald, Arthur Kirk , J. id. Little, 8. U. lieller, , loatid Kirk end Wm. Ilasegton; • - Superintendent and anther Manager—DAVlD Correspondence and °slats .olloitcl. ppi "Jima muutaitious to be addreesed to tt, W 's)/' ALEXABDERWITILLDINA SONS. Row Occupying 'flair New Stores, re iU. Eagle hint' - Rad II .11 is Limits: Pzuziumtalits. BliVitig been thirty years to tbetrade And knew. leg ally tbe inanulactiueni In thin VlChilly._wotild walelt : ernalgninrats .o .1 WOOL. WOOLEN ynkNII, and corms YARNS sad will Make MOH advances, If desired, on a ...shipments, at the rate ot ale ler tent. two annul". - framed pational Storing and Refining end) FUBNITURE, AND , 'MEE AND WOOD OHMS; J'Ili , 3111.1111!;11 09421 4 314 44 1. 04 , . w WOOD WET.I4O • work, iki.k.u.ditos.«,(kos o mdi _ ill rrovnernwrimirr. , SPE CE# DoILADB ' , PAU,- MUM I , AID 43131134L1S ' /*mown/ • 4 ' - PITTSIII7itiIIIAPA -IArALIF PA PERlkir dll"0 d" " "dtadd mon" Watt • 6 0 1 . Pot 41. Mass a 089. B.T'.}' T Plrl XCs;. OVER' Agents. STREET. RPET Ult. EMI IMA 41.5es,coae. W. P. JONES, Aarrit, Bagaley's Buildings, 87 Water at. Duiscrow. : 4 1 I Andrew Anklet, daexander Speer. ihnold IL Long Seen J. Thom" Chas. 3.11.11 ark, John B. McCune. SELLS THE BLS; PITTSBURGH, Of ,any M 1011614 the . eier. tie ham Jost ratetred a isa&c CRAIG'S , . /81 4 U 4A l 4 ll Bit ai 00 Beal ..Efift&ite aa4 &dim tir'otr: AND' oittataumt Pala q! •l 4 4 .." l !i. Mid iri+o34. • ,01es, r 1lifP Cif eel Larriin AM, 110732111 i ; • !miming's.. pi "" m sTiiris BelLEY. 7 ""'" u1 """ Brekiiii 'gift Real Anal Igen) eters waircal ia «owe RAU. GLA MAN UFAOTtritERS POT ()Lat.?* tdds oastoran.intrit te.tr poi in* by d , 1L.4141,11 1111 l Kat a • -110 e Wade to pea euptarta Male of tea tut W eealnnNatt'.Wdage-oda-atd4ailpet pa. elate tetreeposa wabbowast ateast fete tat ilia Cr pue Quali ty. art it,. r.f _ :,12; 112 • .113 Maliarr"N". `Um 32 Obi . * Street. Allegbacky. MANUFACTUSIS OP OIL TOOLS, 4212 AU. ass 1 12111z1s OxiiP 711 Winking. , 417'd 'Sail- irdie. • Pirtkrstar. Sttsattra is invited to his Ws ka• provoke:as to JABS sod wtusn ars of. freed - u the beet to the World. They ors oil isado kt rr a jeret op ead Mem Frs., bsatsursd forth's, book. Misr fools we arida to ,ANDARD SIZES, so &loathe Plat sad tioakilte of say . ass - ktll sines with sod St those or soy ether set of Mir asaufseturs, Mistook as sass 'Somber. STEAM =OINKS sad Maeda* Work =Ms to ardor. • Postrodko box IL SANSCIW POST IRONS, ks. No trouble he slow oar P. astlka4 pITTBEURGH FOUNDRY. minim , • • 4OBlll n 12011:111,011 GAIMSON it CO. • cem...i.e. to Ben... chirbas. 61:44 • FOUNDERS AND MAMINIEM Muuttaaturars of °Mot licenser Add sin= /rah Meet, Banns, Mos, Copper, Works Straw Boantr, Pap Mil l% &au tada Moose Works Bark 1411 x, Patent Pottgrlttd: l , 47.1Ptint ty or other patterns, always on hand and fitted to order on short norloe and tavorablo rams. Mies and Wars/muss, 111 1 8ndshdakt street, Pasoan:lh way BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITIPIIVROR PA. emul, BROTHER & CO. Manufacturan of qtreirrr FErtrizo oesr emu Sonar Ylat sod Octagon, o a idea: Warrant ed equa Ito any imported or raar.ulasturrat Lii country. , . Mr °Mee and warehouse, Nos. ICI and 161 Pita, and 'MI and 122 Savona ernsurrs, Pittsburgh. rell.yd FATES:TED OCTOBER 8, 1861. DIRTERIDGE'S PATENT Oral Lamp Chimneys, XANC7IPTITZI2, 07 IX FLINT These Chimaera are intending for the flat flame orating all mart. of the glass equally, dose not ex pose it to crackling. E. T. tIITAAIt E, Fort Pitt Glass Works, Washington atreet, *pit Pittsborgh. Poem. W. S. DisCRISTOSII...I. lISK.H.LI.. P. HAAT IRON CITY WORKS. • MILICELINTONII, nisarinit a CO. YOUNDEREI AND BL&ORINISTS. Canter of MEE and (MAMA, acid , PIKE sod weLtnar erarera, (Near Olty Water Worke,) Manufacturer' of stationary and other Ern:arms, ROLLING MILL CASTINGS and MAURINE. BY, of all kinds, andieoerallobbers. Prompt auentlon van to repairing ROLLING MILL MACHINE V SILVER PLATED IVA:RJ .a.•o9rcoxt-sr. Walters,Casten, xsol Ltd es. suitable tor the Trade hA Cos Ws by, witaiat & Etm, 225 South sth st., PHILADELPhiId. • letitste ammo 6. lIILIIIOIII v4l< *WAN/ AZ. 0/114 B. HERRON & lEttcr.ves ZMuzufaxcwtz=Ner*, AND IRON FOUNDERS, Odlce and Gila Rooney • felfi No. ITO LIBERTY, STREET lIENN MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY. • • • WIGUIIIII.III/1 E7Col7cEltulLau4 Asti zdirsinnsr; LAvorx mime", betworsk Federal and SaiulUly. ALLlcolizare erry, Pa.. Illeuattiteturer 01 W 1 t3ll TMA N • S "PATEN" WATABLE OSCILLATING STEAM EN 61Nk-S, ah Inc Pulley., Oa. kin/Airing • ol on kinds ott , eoded LO 01.1 J . SCIIOONDLAKER, llAlMPAtrelnura 01, White z d, Lei Leila Clor Elm Patin*. rutty. at:, and Deakr to 1.1.31bEk.1. UIIy., VAR.NII4II, JA.PA WS, PAINTLIIS' 2dATLKIAL, a• (Moe and %VarelaOtilitiNo. Si Wood street. • oth18:1 d • 6EVEILINCE, 4O a 3 Water: tr_; FlootooKlL, aumuliketures A . AJBO LIE S, WSOrGHT SPIDES. i n smnl 2 I .nd ."tha" , lPvety .ttenription. Pantleularatied orabapodSPlSMlsodlt fir LIS arr. a. •to&U, made LS order to abort Dot.. A rod upowt...en U• BE,. NkAri •11.••••11t,e4 (wen, • &DJ Importers AUEENSWARE. • No. DIAMOND STMEEP, between _mood sad Market streets. Plttshunrly F . mill 4.l'u mits•ixo T AIWE AND FlCEsit ARRIVAL OF Beata, Moe% Oslo,* and Balmoral', at BOR.L A ND'S. Mao. SECOND• VOOR PROM rtrra, . • .. The best and ettesport Lsite• Onstyrisas Lula 0 - alters lb the vitt. alla.es Loops a vul.tb, 'a a, thesis; blen'a Calf. Button .0 Votntiv,a flab ten: Boy% Pl,, Patent Lembortbtogresstfaitt rai Youth Vasty 13•116101.18; Oblides.** Re t -.bars; Some r bop tt nth eltes. at a bargain, 0•11 early today am avolu the tug,. it. BORLAN/P9„ m Ntsfiet street. NEW GOODS • HEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! • 1 emote vett the atteatloa of the letbile to ay lattostosk of SHOES, churnits, ow on hand and inistigkoery jto y ot• ok embraces oi,essta Mg In inn Bkoo Llaa treat IL TEN OF Arr 1 . 0 - AT 6 11 DI IL LAU PAUL AD / oidc Is for imulbod,! to soil at "No. 92 FaiteralSeniet, andipassithammanek kitnro nufekiuneg Oloiwkwe Dunk form the plww, No. &dwn! west. W. E..4.mdr(P.nt. -I*.Pad•nd ot/w Mimeo • °lto. BOOTS AND StiONS. 7 —We are meaty !scour Spring and Snmmer Stock 80011, t 110121 IND GAITIRS, wlrdek wean Wales WI The • prioe e. ifirdil work inmate& WY inn 4 41:1415. Nißtcrr STREET, AMES Russ, 111 "/' atfrket !lirtuot • • TEX szkrasr. FTITING; • .•Nirat xpeT DORABIas, SPRING AND SUMMER STOOK• TAY 8311. in . 011110:241W, ELL, AND BARGE , lump ~lleesy. Of I: 27". 4.2 , I f ACC . C. T.c: a 4rj Al r eei-Ohant, BUD 1. X 23 MJ "V" CS 'Z'n, &ND 'PURCHASING MIEN?. ' PITTSBUIDR-11. PA. Dealer la Plow, (Irate, Seeds, }lutist, Cheese. Pruitt, and all Vann Products. Best brands Pans siiii,QDß (warranted) always at kw& .Alme a:IMM VILS. Primps attention ewe Se sottwywnewe and eatrespowienos. Weekly Prim Currants WO la Paludebsol• Ordel Sad OwnignasatsaellstbeL serinylawir B . F. QUIMBY di co.. COMMISSION MERCIWITS. ■w NO SOUTH WATEZ HT.. CHICAANIA Gin aPecial 6ttaatioa to pad hour, ! Grata% Provision:4 ea. For Zama aaaae;st. IL P. Q YIIIMB natio GEO. T. 112101011 L W. D. PATTERSON. £D& AMMON, JA JULiStkin; JIALP4 SOKLALEIN PATTERSON, AMMON di CO., Cainsniation Xerchaide, Naar, Grain and QENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Nala, See sad 11831 rasa •TUMM* Soott's New Belldlog, lip'peolta 0. ► P. E. H. Depot. splay WW. W. El ; ... IMAM, J IIERROI4 411 Corner of Penn and Wayne sta., (W;atariore Ibilheetwo,)FrITSBUEGEL PA.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For , he purchase of (*RAIN of allitinda. Akre, wholesale ocalcrs In BALED KAY. Weetcni, dram:win tlnd It to thetradvaatege kmarrespocur with eur House, as ere have greeter fecilitlas for Hearsay, and put, tag goods into this and Eastern Market. than most of the delete in this city. The best oi city reel:races given wheel muffed. JaftlMad imam ■ ye. ArßstliE & A.NJER,. Commission Merchants Flour, Grain and Produce; El SECOND ST., between Woad ir. Smithfield, tidy PITTSBURGH TROO. POTTRIL...INO..4IXXI.7;IITRI. ORS IL sa7QV) .1/OTTER, AMEN & SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Potrero and Domes*le Elmthy Flour Butter, Meese, Ears, Pouiteen, and produce generally. No. en LIBERTY STREET, feld Opposite , Psuenzer Dopnt. PittaNaß • W i. ralIaLL. J ORDAIi, HOLLItiTER Cointraission Merchants, In the sale of FLOUR, GRAIN, RAY, GRASS hk ADS, LARD, BUTTES, EGO N GREEN Y o AN but,b 844. 2414 LIURRTY ISTRISA — T. Pitt. , elerences—Beal k Metzger, Pittsburgh; WU , sou,t;etrA t/0., Pittsburgh.. sp2l:l yd It . IL JACK, Cl- R O C 7 MI R. Nos. 1 and 2 Diamond PITTSBURGR, PA. WILKINS LINBART, Soo:mason To NLACKEOWN t LIIPHART, =ECM 4363EL11.11.17,, Produce and l'aiemballon. Merchant, 331:13 No. 351 Llnettyrt. , Pituburgh. U. C. DOOLITTLE. bOULFI TkE & PECK, General Commission Mordants, No. Se and 70 , Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa, for the sale of Flour, Oraht, (Meese, Butter, Niel.% Fronk Provisions and Produce of AU IL: g ra: an omen for Carbon Oil kited at taus lomat ow , krt pnork. So- tntosignatents nonmed. U. O. /I.lll..Liti 1/../.IIC VAN 00111311.1 L pALSLEY & VAN GORDEK Produm . A-0 awl Commission Merchants. Warehouse No. MI Liberty st., Pittsburgh, Pa: Wholesale di.l. era zn butter, t:heese, Lard, Eggs, Porr.,,, Bacon, Beaux, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Hon. toy, Dried 'Fruits, Green Frults, Onions, Flour. tiraln.trlover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flax Seed', Game and Poultry Particular attention given to Produce Consignments. jai, • ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, iffluge, salt Lroeers and Conuaissiou Mere Lints, deal. ere In PRODUCE, FLOUR, RAWL, ORLESE, 1 , 17,11, CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, end Pitts burgh luanufsefures generally, Of sad 114 Seoonti street Pittsburgh. I ORD B. CANFIELD, CommimalcAd borwardlog Merchant and wholesale de . WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, B LARD,' PURR, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, PO AND PEARL ASHES, SALEIULTO „s LUC SEED AND LARD OILS,. DR= FROM, and Produce Kriehally,Hos. ill mad. 141 Frail street, Pittsburg odd w cctr • OM ditirialz ('ULP SHEPARDi:Commission Mer , a.ma and desiers In FLOUR, GRAIN AND. PRODUCE, No. 347 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice brds of Flour for Bakers ad Fatally Use constan a tl n y on heurd. Particular atte n nU on paid tooniers for bierchawlite getierally: ocitioly 7.NR & ARMSTRONG; Foriiarding umt commtiaton Merchants, for the side - tit 11.0111, (MAIN, BACON. LARD, BUTLEbi. B ARDS, !MILD FRU.IT, and Prodoortireoerally. Merkel rime, comer of Fast, rluebutTh. aoa. . ECK URAL MITTOMILL lt M. P. 'BECK CO., No. 185 Liberty Street „Pittsburgh. Pa., Wholesale Grocers, Comalselort Merchants, and. dealers In COUNTRY PIiCILLEE- PROVISIONS- ' BACON LARD, Burrim„ - Inos,- kuu,_Pßo. LR.CE. FLOUR_ CRAIN, Sl.F.Dh L oil m sh.LN AND DRIED STMTS. he. SALT and F.: • brie . . °sonar s: meshatoms usezoss. EAD KETZGAR, Groans and Com missito Merchants, and dealers la sU kingbolt Country Produce and Pittsburgh ManuLatur eL No. Mu Liberty street, opposite LW of Wood. street, , . siO4y _ sunita.• " a. • satin:a. , U. atoms& 1/EYRER BROTILL'ittI, (sumeosors to Reynteric Anderson,) Wholittota Dealers to t UREION'FRUTTSNUTSIeutd oP/ORKOIy- FICTIONERY,. SUGARS, FIRE WOR late 1.111.1a0al ISEL.WoOd ,stiaa!, abals..FROW Rot , jy2s4y T"1 WALLACE,' Conininsion .Iftlirctuulk 1-••• and Wholesale Dealer IisPLOUR k Gamic No. Mg Liberty street, opposite Pennsylvania. R. Passenger Depot, Pitisir.„*, Pa. Storage Wereitouse, oornar. Wayne arid PIM stmts. , „ . r..x.iumerr • • " ions' Lunn ty J 8: LIGGETT & G 0.,. CITYELIERTR • DM 'MILLS, ofernar Liberty and Mao ;tr. eta, Pittsburgh, . • Capaeltriloo barrel. par day.. hPle V. M. 1 1 C1101CLZWIL SCIIONAKER & MIL LANG, Commbusion . Merchants and Wholesale Sealers la -GROOS. RI ,ES FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCEpIe., No. RN LlbertF street,. Pittsburgh. • @Melly JOHI wart ithllt WI/40C WATT ' : WILSON; . Wholesale-Are v term, Oommisiloit hteretuusts, and dealers in Produce' and Pittsburgh manufsaltim :We; 1513 Liberty, street. Pittsburgh. . . KIIIKPATELICR OtiLIOL: RIRKPATRICK ILROTILER, eno etieLOl to Firowp•a Kirkg stitch...WHOLE SALE.OIIOCLILS. Nos.. lit tsitin.Liberty stret,* Pittsburgh. • • DALZELL & SON, Manufac- Ai turns' of LARD - 0114 iuul'Oorartitstion Ken' 'aunts for the purchase and nle ol URUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM. Noe. 09 and 10 Mater m etreet Pittsburgh. Atiesaerts 'made, On eassigto • . CHEESE WARE:HUL:M.—HENRY IL uULLINS, Porwerdlag.audOmeml3llol2 Mer. chant and dealer In ÜB..ME„ BUTTER, LABE. I , ISH, sad Produce generally, 80. El Wood street, abort Water, Pittsburgh. . my 9 10111 1. 110051 L ' • ' =MAID 1101711. OLIN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale GROLitR S AND COMMISSION MM. CHANTS, comer.- Smithfield had Water strut, IPittOursh. 10111t1T DALZILL., .110 BERT DALZELL & CO. Whole: AA ado Grocers, Commission an . I tir= Merchants, and (Waters in Produce and Pit manufactures, Uteri). street, Pittsburgh. • .11:60. /LOYD WILLIAM FLOYD 1 OEN FLOYD 44__CO., Wholesale Oro sere atignommlialssi xeratussua.Nes. ret Wood aM CB Liberty Omuta, Pittsburgh. . CARLES L CALDWELS (succesisiii 31412141 Holmes a Ow, poi= AMER aad :ealer la P.ROVISIONS, -maser Xartsi agull 'rola streets, Pittsbzugh. , J L. L 41.00? l ' "3"11. 1 1 - a gn i r aGT & Ch, 10 ,0 % PROW 1=7.111= RUH warm', Llbert ' 7 7:1 7 ag~ Dnt rairigintiMeggi' 'Woo m4Prouimp.*434.4VOW ISAIAH DICKEY CO.; WlRrault - Oroderradadatillteidmais, and 414144141: 1 1111.11 M, 51 4441 , Wa1er Welt sad 45 resat- BAGALRY. w , wastoora,Nci. 1 Wood divot TIMID M. .11DGERT__ t ON Wholesale t . :jmetw o in l tia.twos sleresasort WM* reht,-"r" IC= __.. _ .~a~:t~~F=sir..- Ml== elreurnr Trwur 11M!LNia, vUB E t Want totessimmettli -sit respeembleattlamas if Wlpailitiwai !Was* DlNlCeyseilitilafedfie s , . • „ , • ld '!4. Deiteetioetetdeeiie ate beriboi - ' ' ' ens need be deeolved rietrad tie proneteideli DU. Elio. EL ladalm: I bona* idll/dad Pllee about twenty Mt, liad "Tars yeeetit mites:me r les mime. s• 10 to Matilde ae wary Itteil s o seen Wet tame as to twat ma for tfeelt„11001 - Ines I was so had that I tadld bat dip allithlis • count of them tbayeamedad aa am as had* aer hickory aut. / had tiled a wrest deal of medtalaa for them risotto bitrand fake whet/read , anal hear of or reed Of Ist Qiettlerie and peradedese that MI is my war; but I md: fiat at aural; mem time, they would de mesoraegoodforli Intl@ wad* ' at atuniaida than :mild , ' Telma hate u seet rid mod I also applied to two Doctor% who stetted ' me ataxy house and gave me sOmeatelmuse, but ht would not do. 1 coati let gut -well.. yeal Me I got en edvertlestasat afloat /dastard Weed Somme. undo by - Yourself.. Waaa you Bola tt me you told me one bottle Would mom*►ant std • - that ay whale MUM would ILIVetO be ireemul the medicine before /trot well. . I . boodlit one bottat and took It hosts with tie, and used IteMmedlod h. your direction.. I then salled t. we. you eilltS when yousauf I could not mensal mum benett him „tow bottle. I bought it, one tattle at a time s until lhed used dye bottles. /Mr Ws eunatlty Wa used. I was enactor well Si the Plies, whale had tortured me or twenty yawn la other teepee s ; -y health te Implored, and I as es well as soul.' be expected for ono of my ap t fain /data' Mal past. 1 hare been wall low for stu .tenth., ends( thew , la oe. oPPemanee Or the rat* 41 they dlieutalil l eau do any land of fusing law Without wort he Piles coming Strati sad boiling me. 1 sae osas - hay, shop wood, Illtose do any kind of wait -flak before wad to hart as. Wham I found out Vona 4 Blood Searcher I kept oa baled It until 1 dee a' cutely well. 1 Gone:Met It o 7 duty to Make enienew • ,v known to the country for the benedt W Wein orb- .1 may ne suntrtne es 1 WS% and do not taw IMP • .1 wens of your 00411100. Yon may . Publish you Ilk.. I Ilse In Wilkins township, awl Wltl pored to satisfy any one of the track ed thistle ; 3 (Late they wish to fall ea me. ' assember Nth. 11311 i. S. Dl. 8:11*-Look out toe Mathieu of DIV GIMPS II lILYStat on the cover et the - Doti* Alpe konetee over the °ark; eiso for hie Mame oa the trailer , Mateo euup on the top ot the boaile, to prevent being inly•••• 090111 b a:epatlew ~ arWla WM& the market. ay -sold by the revytietor,"Pro..l•l AtiOD BT and by SIMON JO:INSTON, conker otFourth Smithele.kt strenta, Pittibuigh. aat , HERNIA OR RIIPTURZ HERNLI OR annuls mu* Emma- ott aurrului azieza EM13331 BLBRIB OR BOTTUM,: anIX,X BRIU(lit OR RUPTIYR COMM WICRNIA OE' SUPTORB :ROBED eaaxie oit attpreat'cr;i:EA HERNIA OR RUPTURE CURED azzrzA OR evrrtrag afriflitE Ol HICILIfit 1111112 111' 1/4 -Priam ea isouunkavivab 117217E1 01 wawa (ma arsspat c sour i mu* 111/Wite 01 ENSIkk 171714.111 aorrvive 03 ritia - su mis. Alarms ea maira anus zest's.' Loma cems ma": iriTiv as PI TEXT TWOS& arrcirs eviToßrza nava =7:17:=1 Mee. Props. far th• support so *in Pito Klastitt Kneen, for wea CAP knee Ankle Suppe:Mae, for weak iinkis ii4ll* Belf-A4jug..and every ether kind pt IlardAabber Syringes. Dr.. &amine. is Lace or. Body Brook the cure of I'Dplupeue Uteri, Phes, nal and Spinal . Wealumwee, Dr. S. 13.1iltali's Silver Plate, Saprati:: • . '•• ALISTRZR All Apv.. :mese meeme • ' ; Alta. Applicaticia Ail.TroamrstAts .ud obildni: . ho Ls intAillod•RAA,wAttranamentemet tows.' "sr vete be•will iinal44 te Psitalk*lmh - , VAIROMie his Deo. . ROOD Ve ia of. chip GAIRA Monet. rlseg.AM . Rom mi e 'Trump should "oaths maims or OR .the boar, blintedbit. l 7 Ont.ea MUM. au . , CATARRH -npuNtratie to tn. re 27 or au wear ins ease, sac eatenninarea ikrout a lt heamlha garsver Dr:0001/6Lk Is the - first and only person who taa er told the world what/Mardi really walla idllaw : commenced, awl What would dun (300 DALL has syerda lifetime is beat* with ULU fell dimaae, imploring Its secret atabusal, and making known to the nor kl the fact t h e dad ant, which hue far yeas moiled tka suW w • search of medical ace ...era authors in Ma aeruitty: alto fa Latour -an now is cured. with tad soma indium cerudy,.that morning*. follow' aunt Thousands, who; tried every knows curs to vain, have been permanently cured by Dr. G00DA.111915, CATARRH RfildFDT, and bow pain it In that::: moat extravagant terms of prates. Sir ChM at ouistranit steacy r az mad a 'Om, c'r alViNett 1Y • iriumnt ex, •,.. 111213BOADlit4;111W It 011;:. . en. 0.11. ZIMMER, Bole Avid, !, ' Pro. u•wOoD IMUntell 114rip m or i RTO2III OniTIMMT, i N° _ iior stan Achim * ems among: w.. .it lan% stump !r.e.si; „ •. • a mama AND • suimaxa stuck— • - • fad zuvprume sr Tex spit • 21do allittrat Ipristriiiso to la: Ititii4llllil;. atat-vms tba nap souti SAO Seib boantate taw idla wi t Ito potion el the dhows mitrattl.art ono pu :eta It ta etttb at* doixert 44;grAipikk tt.t, ktto-Oliq toultl the Oman 'gamma trim we gyikti. no • • • • - • saft i reit*.tk4itibigNik - ; aisollarrtr i o thadiir • , 1 WOW italkltijitilllSPlßlV • PILES, =bum atm ••_...:.•,:.'i - .;., : _ 4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers