- - 91: ` t a ' :'4 r!M. ~. a at . ..,,:,..}:. .'~O~~A'tL `I'.Xx,"V2I~ =NO. ~ , 140. iltueftwzit VERTILATEtTIiEWS TBLEs2AtiBEL- THE; ASSASSINS j,TRuL Testitnony Take!! on Situtiday: ifil®lffi evicantsii T. tam luta itIENTT - •.:11(9111f11,NO . fel THE , VICE PRESIDENT. Etrdwr Testhaeny for<the krona. R. MUDD'S CHARACTER Mint, &TEO. Wastuatrrott, May, X7.—After the etidenee of yeateidajlithein taltd the :thatklimwitualaes were renal it tte prowleMlon gee. P. Ed-, verde, *Weed brltehtwEtoll;—Artt -conned- I or; ha dim or met . tomfor the (Increment of the "lifted seas ht - the trial of theWL "items 'Tiourp - siin.7W.': C. Ckarb o ..Clah,geo• elindeg , .. sad WON. Were engaged in court there; theca officers yen ,liktsewded *the detente 01, the raiderratiltweie reeogetzed by the raiders u each; they wore then at different times, and Cleary was examln cd ea a witnenitia the taut of the 'defendants, - the the! during Which Ilk (Cleary) represented that the raids a were mop; ed in the,pettedeiato Seed; and that the raid! was nade'undetthe ant-horny of 'fbe rebel rev • ant?). ' Ther fellow/11g pipet war blentidet b.T. /dr. -Edwards as a CV, Wed In . :evidence im thd trial Of 61 raiderne • • Convent's/Ms tlestss orAmenkc.A., Wan Daman:mum, itionworue, Va ; .• June. DI, 1664. Ti Lieutenant Bennett H. Young :. - ±~' :,—Yon have been appointed, tom. Lleatenint' In Abe" • Pimasional s t he em will proceed 'without delay to the British T ptovinces Son will report , to: Thompson "an& Clay for tai strut-Bons.- Ton will, under their direction, take lath Comfederate .solcilers wee"-have, escaped • ri obi Das 'chewy; kieeed leg - twenty in num: her, as you may deem suitable for the purpose, and you will execute euelt oidiri a may be In. insted.to yon. Ton will take care to commit n•Vsintion of the local: brw. 'and to obey their nstmethaa,.„ Ton and your men rill .recelri Ttomt tee miliMeit;.`transpottatioit 'and the tattoos:ere eli tt erne"and - the comurntatioulherM for. • StifFned] cc 7 glat."Al httimott, • ...., Bl.wrotery of War: Toungliftdneed this coeduient as his atitliteitf lOr the . :had eotomntedot _ Judge Bolt add thalamic calling the case on the gut of tl-e goyerumeta;ho fir as concerned •••• „this' hedlildira pawners, be had discove red an Impaling:Witnessbetbro unknown YC; bins • • Piton Immtuatlon , lee deared ehonld, nieW•blv Mr. Ewing enquired u to which of She pas. Lets prtApmed testimony Was likely toe f feet. Judge Molt replied Wit It referred directly • to Atrerott. . li r. Dotter said he had not opened the defense '..firtAtierat, and he ibeefore•weedd .not-object •- to Ike reetption of testimony; witaria was then called.- . Cok Wm. R . . ?Edna,cif New To - rh, testified; . was in Washington, on the 1.2.11 of April, atthe Kirtme • Mid . • Q. Look at the prizoners; which one of them. . do you recognize ies being in that house on that day? A. That one there, (pointing to Atserott) lit Wale .•'.. ' Q. State under what cliCtu ‘ nistauccs you met lam slid whashe stadia you. A. ile hs3 os'a coat - &ulcer than, that; as I was coming out hei• 'aired DM if I knew where , the .Vlee!PresiddiVe - rconivrai. `I; told: him the' Thee Piveldent was „t o t , sa. • There ',was no' ono there: Dim. eieept •-• him "and me; • bee alba .where the room itt-Ttee . .ftetident Johueon war; that was lila drat gum. did "not know tee numherof bin room. and Itold him he was st" dinner. I pawed op; J" be looked ht - ihe. &tang ribm. . Tao-not know whether be went to or t.ot. I pointed out the room; it was in view Mohr where we stwodtit. wet Male panage as yea go In the dining meat " 'Ana betWeew that and tile steles-mileage down to it/moth's man met me. • Crime-Membied by him Mostet , ;-.1. think- this - •us between tute and eve o'eltirk ; there was no other person at dinner hat the Vice Pn:sideut ; I. was gulag away at the time and was In a great barn; leouversationiook Van M the pads. age leading tolhis dining ideas. • A • •, i • Q. DM We prisoner look trak into th e ItOMU.A.; Tram. the passage you cannot . loitk ' back lr tD ly but bigethg down a reyrsteri you . Q.,funderetocd you to say he looked Into the .dining room. A. I pointed to vice President Johnson,'who was sitting at the far end of the ta.de whtr ysllaw lacking rasa standing behted , do iuppme over'aeree minutes was oc cupied in convervallon ; have not seen the piss ~. „osier shuts Mkt timeitutil to. day eras Ina harry, o when I met.thelsismir, and:Amines ablotherrev, . fere to give a minute deaerialm, of his dmes ;• swam dark ;-he had on alomanermid. Met, but UM! his countenance by s bleb 'now know ; 8y7,-Jodget. Holt—I• recognised •Atserott this • atenute. on. Miming lan Ids' prelate*, without. hie being rotated out to me., • ct -Mettle Wallington, colored, testified:that situ,. lived at Dr. aimed Mudd's; lived theme since ' tie Morday atter Christmas • was a alive behire - - the Pruldent's• Proclamackl was leaned • „rot besys ;Maud from- Mtuld'e house bluetit drat went there tintil sitticaese here; during that time Mndakad_beee stoma awed times, drat at Kr; • Jr' , ilehry'l he:vakik tilt 1144 14 the evening; second at Blesboro, where he went to buy come horde feed: • • • .•; Q. med celled Harold and , Booth - A: Saw only our, the' sionlironel was ••--'ileadlog at the kitchen window, and Jost got ....,..ohopee of him gang to the direction of 414 wasp rind. not see Dr. Mudd the Sean"; saw tbelloctor thircior Coto* litirmies after at tho , ' font , door. A photograph of Booth was shawl lief;blksh - e felled to Wad* it as the .ThofasaX.Otierabeorcr,sair. ~ .., ..._•„ ,. . .-: .I.': , On erne examination she: testified that anis , , Aural aro nada nr farobad taken idace betwiren , ' ~ labs 4rlscareeo dennUrre from, home, and bit brother accompanying Wm.•• . , , • ; , -. • ” '-. illetesi .T ordnatloa ,pf - . Medd by, Air. E wing—:. Am antimisted with writing organ:l4 Ueda; .• - .. repoolsel-hhhirand. writing on, a page of the r - Veglatered the Pennsylvania llotel, dated Warit; , logien. Friday, December 27tb, 1364; know Daniel Thomu ' , a Witness for the remeemition, - . his " reputation for bulb la not the beat; do not thlak he betabibellihre him zuldtrbath. = • Cretan:enticed—Bases his reputation anon ,- . , ','"Fafedael blerdellge; nut what I generally heard 'r• ~ " =l l or •bril- et Unruh% he could name a „ . otheri..ho had ypoken ot his bad repute - " tin; earned one:Dr. G. trindd,:whohad add tbs. •• .—aimeralthanseUr or Mows for..trath was bad ..., ' •• or late as two rem ago; the omits) Aron& • i ""- " •' . .bleii this reniert; was made was die amen of a Ltd named Tafieiho - being arrested at the In - n - • Mterlece of •Ibutu, for entertaining rebel °Moms. Dr. ii. Moddirsa not the only mai that ass.led Thomas' character ; don't know thrill can mama • ''' "' ' 'Q; If itirii CS6ot''aanie tiro it.lWhe; me as. dalkAhla clutrader, haw van 3 , ‘ n come to tbe con - wileamn that ••bls.repdtation lc bad. -A. Well I , heard a ;amber so state. . • . ;4, ....Billie Conet.--Ily father indirrisoper'a father vas Ant mules ; have' been moderately Intl. mato attahlts) met .frequostly at times in kis Rehab:4ood: - !`" By Mr. Dawson—Rare sened on Juries In the . r• ' --00eiteferlters'l live a do not recollect of Thomas " Ardor beta a wltassi In cond. ' :;. .By Judge Birgbaro—Never. beard any one as. Graf that Thomas had been a supporter of the . caravans:Dl, and had been an official of the ger . . ;"4" , earnment dace the rebtilkm broke out ;am aware -• that iltrvieral ,joneg um from mu.isecticrn, tit. . • Charles: county, have gone Into the rebel army; !":' 2 Parelet Maarldli Mahar bass been making a -- : .lllood,iag.of, elassoraisattPS Sho aosstameati sad K fkroe of, reb Mik—not Id say greal'extent. • • •• .41301".1s;tho geassiVsepsrt, is- is tot? A. 4 - : assii.imstr,t I - "MAO do eel hams ttoSt*themea rla ban e wpoltaa *lave Thomarrintrof that . o : 4 ' • • elms wholomvtlie gentral• reputation of being ,-adelneltir be etstrunatt ch. °z 0 loreldedds of ''' - 1 = -.oo6tegot,hethat teghbosbood by a sem atm la .11amitoralsollhi • ISA ... :_sePSlSrlts.J was told were rebels. Hy ..uor.rbllrif—Zirird- Dr Gee. . Mali as . ~ 0 - 4.cflafgfolMliAlifecWif. IhSt vat as grit a r , 'Villa mamas iajtittiCtlatioi4 Btataik newer . " .v sk ' heed himaxpteutbselightest trintrabi WRII . -'. ---- thrt tebeincmi MU OA Men woidd be very lit -4 Stelnikalty ta.madOshlbg thi fact that bts,nps.• • Vag= for *ally Du Imo vexi good. ~ ays - iiipijib stior4NlA beard ibl* my • mageditecitteft-thorisbillka. - ~ r - -.. _IOW. A.---31r. Thomas said that he ism, .._a Asmtert - ant be ealened the act under the . , A-AlMM4loll.llo:brad,„ponost.Nawshal. lienj.Ea. conalned by Mr. Baffle—. -.- ricers Miss, ot: Tennessee; Captala tr ant Perry had sot been In Dr. , 1 ...lin hinnies sheer about the first of November s ~ .•- - -i-411111; at Oa lbw tlmpro was with 'aty : brother is t..7",.,dio.trodlorry - D _abort that date Gut.' K ee essidebyorloto Mlnlaadarrinfinjorarl psi - T staittbssistmastsrttitarklivast tsft air . " li; eanath Malin( Idik ist saisteeis ,`,..gw.-46.;-.N.4...:-,--,,"1 Gitz , • ,U - _ •-• ATTE. - eee4igijetio int - me; Weals - WM 'e gaol deed ratetleg , ahortfet that Owe; Judge Bingos ud to yellow Mat al" if',44to aired Waif father Otia point, ste, Irina-not at.itiust. • , Nr. Ewing &apnea; It had been anent that Fatties of 'whom witema was one, had been =- ceded in the nines in the neighborhood of Dr. Meet:to:Kids 'errant. brotught their-meals to them; rend eleo atterwided; to Ilhow.itaat. Wens in the rebel service, and that Mudd was guilty of Waren In athemptingto secrete th em. Defence 'Whited to show that thet'tairty was entailer than tested ;ad war. not la the rebel sank:cold that their concealment onemeedit sonother.litne, dio nylag the accused thli would be withholding the legitimate line of defence, and to ado,. to allow than to Wets this whole mass of loose testimopreplfeeMe,lleftelitte. !paid' be most Judge tinhorn contended that there Was no toter lathe excuse for the attempt to hatrodaca the testimohtin regard no the year 1861. Is proper to 'weir the. wheat to-Ills where; ebonite, - itileteectittradict the testimony cf Ma ry Simme, who bad 'when to having stme• him hen ram oteri,toiro thither was not legitimate. If the. coulee wes:poisisteCia;iferenn witness called In regard to 1861, was to awes, Mabee lisig false , these would be nresetwer In court to nniebilesi foe pedal; the reason that no issue was before the court, tidier lo the evidence or the charges! and vp.aditcationi width would arrest any Inquiry about it. C The e ob. Jtction was sustained, Beam Ou to-Assembling the esamluation of B. F. Gwynn - was coistblued oy:Nr.:Nwing=-,Theipar. ty In the pines time in a barn near the spring, .ort bedding Imbibed from Dr. Mudd's- house, -.Ltd the snala,wcro furalAhed by I:l4.,.sfede; we remained there four or dye 4111311:- /,' stayed a short time at the home of Dr: Dined, and part of the lime elaostierf; .oar Vomit. were at the 'table; dotet know who attended to them; thlnk. John B. hurrah was et . College Witte time; came up to di sehington abtal the that of November; gate myself tigbaving got tired of shying away; they adminletered to rue thee:4ll;J then went home *lifting 'dial there were to. eharges nabs It me; the party went to the pines to so-Ad arreatialmost everybody was being Arrested In ongerlibberbood;l went down there; have not Befilliarrett In Charles Middy Since.. - .Witness here stated that it was in August; not in Novem ber:that be Went to plaeskAndrow J. Gwynn la my brother; he has been South since that time ht ard he wen In Prince George county durin g 'teat Winters' think he went touch' In • donna; Crtes-examisatioulryJodgelfolt—lnderiftiod the arrests In 1161 were of persons suspected of disloyalty; there were several volunteer, compa.t niriswhossniembent were liaTeSto: ; The c_Ompa.l nieswtre commissloned by Governor Hicks; was; cat tam of a company of Home 'Guards to Prn't: tect the neighborhood; at that Ume"there was a: mod drat of disaffection amocig the blacks;ll; was understood, that the companies were organ !red to star,d by She &Mein any disloyal • Uon; I understood that several members ofthe ' company ware arrested, and I understood there was a warrant oat-' for tie when I left; don't; know what Dr. Mudd's sentiments were at that: By kri gating.4he conidany 3 witicapign o was ommtned in the fall of 1859; Mink we coma menord organising-ihekre " - As. election of Mei Lir,ooln, but was not fully - orginlask 'until-after we were located about ten miles from Dr. kfadd'at think Dr.littddwas alstember of a mato:dam , earopiLy getting up In Biyantowni don't know? positivity. . Jar - sea Dyer examined by. Mramint—Live la Baltimore; did live In Charles county; Dr. Hudd lived shout s mile and a half ftom.G. Mudd two, yiiiilago; wee raised" In "Charlet" county; knew Byhveter Eglen by the name of Et ; he Is a boy seuaotrof,the, father of -Dr. Mmlii; knew hls irothcr Prank. - • Q. Do you ?mow Dick Gardiner? A. Nut by that name; know Dick and Luke Washer, who 1 presume are the ones you Mean. • Q.. Mate whether, in: Aumut,.133.5, at Shp house of A Mudd; accused. Dr: udd, „ Ha der in oak Me, when yon were In couventatiOnwlOiltiralurf Bowie and accuse:., the accused said he would send Sylyeater Sigel and Frank and others of Lis le:Tanta to Richmond? A. - No. Never-had such a-conyersation with him in my life, and in August valis:kin 'the country; went. to :Bahl'. more thelinst day of August, and remained not tit October, when hereog that some of my handl bad left, I ' went *twit So see-about, cambia' on the farm; anent thirty or forty hands had left the neighborhood about that thus; news heard "lir..4ludslthriseten tis:send. serveupttp); ch. mond; never Oct Dr. Mudd In company with Mr. Bowie; readied abort two years ago, In 'the 1862 or spring of 1863; whets some - one rode in the lade, I timned.and asked who the party was coming; he said that is Mi. Bowie, I wonder what he wants here and-tumid and went -into the house; be stayed enact some two hours, got some whisky and went away; don't recollect whethor Dr.,,AtudA was there or not, my impres. - aim is he was. tot; Xllollf, A. Or:spier; he Ina bten In the rebel army Silica IS. it have not ele"aa • kin sitter never met with Dr—Shun' ford at Di. - Mudd's; never saw Surrent •there; , .rhe only tints aver saw- flunratt was coming Intr. Bryn-town Swot:l. - three years sgo; Strrratt he. a slates at school there at the time; did not lest Sweatt drive etptei the residence of Dr. Melee, father; know Milo Semmes. Rachel Sieneel; Metre Washingun, Eliza_Eigan sad Mary Betimes were all Pt-remits ; of ,Dr. bitld; I bought the women Efinira abbutlMlO. or 1861; was Dr. Mcdtre house wltithiell Winne in Sept., 1861; we were in the nagthinintoti abont a week; Mt. Groyne came dqwn and said they had bee& to the Lomeli. arrest as; Maid 14ont Dr. Mall s Bleeping In the pines between his house and W 3 Ht's;; eevr_ral n4ghts we got our bed clothing at Dirdd's house; be brought our meals souse- Minis; twoo.ght WbrulAM of, bread,: mest., , whia• key, Zie.,and 31 - 107 Simon sometimes brought ccff a; suppose the boy took care Of the troika at the stable; arid the oldeichtlitniziltept Pokort, toe u.j 'Alblitt Brooks - oftmi,' tame `fierce; did not know there was any warrant far my arrest; -.have:- known Daniel J. Thomas :quitelathesately stem he was a boy; are very in -4lnistei amine no confidence in him; I would not believe him under oath; hays, known, Dr: Mule !rem a bet; be wall etifirdeliJet S' good cuss and a mad of peace; always eanildered ;Win klAdibtimankmaster; never toew sprains to thews Crary except. the ShOothig of his boy. -Crce • crammalon • by Judge hlolt. Golf% tsar .es , l• ever-beard: he was - ciarged with . Wang ilthely; halt the mutation or being th. Arna l y loyal; do, not irsor'al have been gallty of StrY .lu* satinet the roarnment; I never ,arantell to see this government broken to); have endeavored to ..penmede . young men from going lora the Southern army; _base no knowleoge'or the irnighterif the Golder' Caere or Bons of Lib. rnlyi do itOt.knewthat the. 'subject of the Dees. Inure puking, .ordininee of sects. .alaa wad In -our ministrant do not know scrl have bald etymon Drawee loralty, speak of Mr. Tbatuarras not tokle believed un .ekr oar doe'Skstoir as rrepleed at the maces _Miler rebels In &at Dail Itua; saPpovlriny sym- I petkies wear with - than at that time; when Rich teendltas Ideal my sympathies were with tho „Cultyd.Mates Gaya? mien:,'• 'Fyittr: ?Wag— I space of the mail:colla tion for y ears back; It ?SS _sot boas* pod repo- .cation aster be war a boy., •, - By the mere. Were there anyWnly loyal teen 'Di your cannily; ' - • Our company inol , a cup at else commencement •at .the- war and: some went to. Bitted' and jolted the S outhern. array, Those ..who did pat go - istie. made to lake the esth,ef nilisidanse and held by the goieinmeet a 6 members of disloyal, organisatlona I believe they were; Daniel Thomas see.* candidate ttrc:. thoiltage of Drl6'.. gates of Wayland. P.. By Exley—Think ea was not- nominated; by an Convention. flaw his name le the, paps?. Truk Waihtneten; etibired, was exasorned by Mr: Berne: Lived last year at DrAdukd's; was hired; was plowmen; did not know , Baja da a Andrew-Gwyn e; did not lee anyone. camp int , near-the never 'tawny strange, hornet' in the stable. ' was also In the , nrnzhborhood of the apthers good tlashtook tameals in Mudd's kitchen; knew Mary Semen; the was tamer ! bows to tell the trtabi would not , btlieve her under oath; Dr. Mudd treats his servants pretty web; otiftc saw' ADahn'M.' Barrett; only lived st Dr. sindd's last season; had hired there the - year; never sew tbeTerin or G *Yam at Dr, Mudd's. Cram ernisdned by /edge WU at barns, the day after the President was killed and took the horses of two men who ease to pr. jests darytight;got • glimpse of one of them. By Col. Barsett—Ton say there have been no horses or strangers at Dr. Mudd'a within the last year. A. No sir Q. Do yott recollectaceiag /sr ?omit let the stable tea text day after the President was kill , ad I A. No sir. Do yet recollect Rehm any:hordes brought oat of the stable that day ? A. No sir, Q. Were you In the stable that day? A. po, Q. Who fed die barrel 'that day? A. r [Laughter.] yop red thend A. In the stable. 4. Whit Aria did you feed? A. I fed the two stray horses that came there about day_ Q. *hit irml the color Otis horns. A. One was a osy and =Wiese - a dart too. • • ; . .3tet feed: theet:epla , ,oa soda ?Mighty 'serapes et noon. , - nos *u Pitt tiayente. Ana - Whlelt hoe or De. Nad i rho3nawu PQ. ken( 91 1 10PZZ d Did Fos leas =Stoat .for the doctor?! A. air.. , , • " Did ai l s alalfiricild ride 41th the doctor? A. Ido s% Mow. Q. Do you knatiaben he ease hack? A. I 'Wtititthia -Secs ~fad the honws..aadtatisktlltSbdel son thscir; Ili bona vire/one ties. rt.l horses, the rem sod lett „111.. - tftih: seilensemt-YOS Uraity ',yea ataikily saw -ma etsitimbauker> POT Pel!a,tll/IMji ttid: "arecdforbett etc. - v;-1' •• • 4 . 1 • - 's3a - obitiols notfi3i ;bola 3? A: No elr. By the Court—Q. What is the name of th , r. other_man'tsbn ,IntoWlCry'Benitsea A. ais name Is Dap By. Mr. Stone—ls-Ibis man Bap or asralot at walk atDraindd'at No. he is not odratal; there; .be hr a carpenter and trarkink ty.ont• ' be'' has not 'worked at Dr. Madd's thin Tear eaute . than a week„l think. z ifyibre , Court,-Whaiereges do you - gerf- 'A.• One dollar and flftv tenet. - • .• . ; ; Q. And something extra for this job? . A. I' do not know. . , , . • Q. Wu nothing said to you about that? A. Nothing of • that kind. • 0.• Don't You c 8 16 ,8 ' uOutUtbrOll ..foiladajokt A. I don't know air.• 11Th , Q. Da, know .waitar 00. tro,alr. Q. Did you me* min of - that'Pito at %If: Iltuld's house last year? A. No, air; the =auk talk or Mary Etkums war ththshe not truth fel; no one promised me anything for lily teed mony. Begird Waehingtor talon:di thetided that he deed at Dr: - Eudd's; a l.o about nine nienthaliat year; don't know Bthjateinor• Andrew Gwyn; ecrer saw :C. B litMtV•WhiteCthe % Perm:" Ow n' the Gwyn at .;,Dr. Mudd's; 'dld know or lay poison sleeping neer the spring laat Isamtner; never knew of any horses Wok kept at the sta ble not belonging to the place; never knew any the who ninth conlidenoe. ha Mary flitares; Dr. Mudd treated kb' portraits • well; mat knowlohn enrratj. Albion BroDk tellitIrl1; resided butt mist the house of Dr. Simnel Mudd; wept there In Jams. ary, 1881; did tot see Pony at Mudd'i; seir.Ben and Andrew Uterine there last year; ea* John H. Burratt there last year; did not know oriny peseta 'Seeping in the woods or on the farm; Old not see any strange horses at the stable; lived with Jury Dyer in 1661; have known of Dyer, Ben sad Andrew Gwynn° sleeping in a swami, in 1681; bavottot seen Andrew Gwyrine since. • Vinat-examitied- , -Identlded John Surtatt"s pidorr; saw him In Prince Gouge county; lest August, about neon solicit Dom Mudd's; never saw Booth at Mudd's. Wm. L. Howmas, et Bryantown, testified that ke knew Booth; that'he (Booth) came to BrYao towa to thir lase; that Mudd had said his land was for tale, and wee la treaty with parties to GCb. Boole*. colon-dimwit of Dr. Mudd, tes tititd that be tut* Mndd on Raster Satnrdaynce coming from Dryantown-on Alm road from Bri antown 'to the swamp; qt• was three or four o'clock, and be was alone, and there was no one glee ha tbe vicinityappafttlyl Mudd wee riding at hos natal get; thit was hiadd's usual raid to Bryantown; he spoke to witness and asked him vbere he - had been: 'On emir; es analealfoid Wilma testified that be told Hat that be (witness) .. bad been In the railitoP taking:lnas of the bogs. ,-, This • enures- Fetish was about a mile from Bryantown. Maid was on his bay fl ley. Witaessadmlted that he ceuld not est all over the swamp, and that then might bate .been persons there off their :horses nod witness not : able to see them. Mary J. Simms testified- that she aced with ttis fame , Mudd and had not stayed away one three w tio3 is a part stolid a stght• aegaint- , Andrew! Gerine: George Gwyhe and John adroit irell.! Elbe tient' eaw any of theta at Mudd'a lintyear; 'hied heard ot any staying In . the woods and be tag fed from ritihowsL, , , • • He7:4l, fif f.:; .-- a4 ieallfled thst' tie knew Mrs.:Durrett; bad beta at her twii.ebt 're:teen:a and 'also at her bone in Washing ' tali; tttMgh tie was lit le the hall, in the lease I n Washlncton, Mts. funitt_didjuat recognize Lim until bespoke; eltaeas knew Weidman; wi ;co :croaked et Mrs. Durrett's two dap; wort oa a tisit;lll d no busincea; was short of u cney; did .not: go,to a hotel; witness *hawed ,Welebs..en how to'fnaltif a cypher - and could tell the rypber Jibe eaw.ll; witness bad a converse • 'EL w th Welchman Omit his going Boutin he we: tad Into and get'a pima there; said his ay rn- T.Ota. ewe wits the &mat and he bad done all be could for the &nab; mad had' alwayi been a hind of the South. desoclide Judge Advocate Blosham objected - to this, and thought We ne‘bla 'Judie& The objection was suatairs litritneas did not learn of' any tromonable plot while at Burratt's; ttioratt never gave the yrlL rests a message to Richmend. Wetchroan save the witness the full returns or tho_number of pileeners, and said he had documents in his own effice subatantiatloz it. ' • On cross-examination witness testified that ho ,knew &monk but ho never ancomyanied witness to Richmond; withers had not been do. log - anything since leaving the rebel army; had made tripe to Richmond, sometime* two motith*; had been twice chore the lat of. April a year • ago,' in -December^ and February; there might base been roma gentleman ?with, Ity Mr. Ewing, earn Dr. Maid shout Bryantown; don't think I hare been In his house at any time. • By Col. Barnet. Don't think there was any other personcnsalt. when themonvervation toot place between Welshman and myself. Q 'Don't-you know Al *feet that when Welch. Iran• was picking out orlon about your visite to Richmond that be was trying to find ons your he ?did_ he 'did not. succeed. [Linghtir.)' - Wilehmat itated that he bad done all be could fee the Booth; can't recollect the sractswords..• - •," ,• e Cam{ here 4 , 11)0=4321mM 10 o 4 clack'on Monday. . FROM _ln ORLEANS AND. MEXICO. Dispatekektrem fenitit to Gen. Can►l LATE ADVIOES FROM MBX[CO. • attempt to S ,tdnsp thektitspres!. -• _ • TEXAS IN A TERRI B LY DISORGANIZED CONDITION. .canio, May r.--Tbp, Ifew, Ptieous noes of the 2241,' says ' the' gunboat ' Little Rebel arrind YestordsT- from thif obnotil of Sad Rifora . 1 !* 'despatches froskideutiCommandlog Potter iold Kirby Smith, for Gen. Canby... She rebel lbw of truce lost Champion; that .bfbiriht the Ifedertil utliCeitc Col. Kpraigne aed MN. Bawd/. ffPfo ! I . 7 FAcffPOrta. !t.41,4 t• l oleo the mord/atif Red The cuittsuge.of pris oners agreed upoi'd the unith,of Red Mayor, 'au the 25t101,24fa.' ezehasva Prlson-: ers arrived stShrlescport on the kith, r • Iltryeutelsa7licre of. Wm. C. Bryant, Ira ramify. asotrae4.olle-hathlog 'the - Gulf of Mexico, , . • nun' Brasov , cOrreapoudeitt of thelfith; nye the Liberal foie width eifitiredfilentterey, was 7;000 Woad. - Oite.lfetretiofter neeopying the plate, kited sad forced . a loan it .Bed Fp lt~ibe fight at fialtifics the .ruiperial General Victorians tepedo' lierro 'was' 'wounded, but 000. IstAbla .filtht cOrteesa captured 000 in specie 1 1 1 4110 0 '.. 1 1 010, eriC . Wfinit Negrete was atteeklog Matamoros on ' the 29. h ult., the rebel Gea,Blaughter fortified. the lett bank of. the Me Grande , dßeied.aeiartilleri fire to prevent - blu Mori &Om melting the dyer for water. , - • K . Vail/ bf imenillat recently attempted ; tO ktdroip the Empress from the City of !dealt*. The trapoptamity of bliaxlmplan Is 'WI farther : , Tbe liiterlorof Temente In a terribly 4111Mrm. condltbat.: A telegraph bi en be ecentructed Ban'Aatonla and Anodic, to Mstamorai. Tbeffrench ud Englleh war .usee's off Rio, Graodevereloined h 7 the - Vetted Btstes 84 .Gueldit. firing tin hotir guns Id hotter of. Fr4l. op, dent Three hundred analkety lialee °rutted, passed Len : for St. Look,: and--upwards of . - 1,000 for Foci Serra, bilay;fiT.--Rebel . deieeteis and escaped prisoners of the W ledbutun Just arrived fopm Temaiii report that the F ederal nrieorers confined at Tezu , are allowed to ea. cape. In large number"; the guards saying when tip y are all gene they will have nothing to des and then can gs home. The. collided met iin the rebel arty are unwilling to fight-any longer, and do noknipondlo Kirby Smith's poxisma tion. ?bey acknowledge tbemseives whipped aid are anions for peace. The surrender oldie: rebels east of tbe Mksissippl wu not at MO, tut It is not now generally heifer's!. General. Sum) L ucu.ltegotlating with the rebel allars of Westin Athlone for the •surrender of their 'commando. Quite a number have already come and abets will do so. Gierzllise have ceased mideliGng boats and telegrams; ' Cr. lithenain.....Bolease of John T. loord Sixth Corps' to be Rorfloorel; on klondsy . .lfsw nix, May 37,5 s t iectals 4!l *slitt: dated Washington -the: 37th, says 2 General b i n °,ll 6 . 01,0 4 lkire!Oo his soldiers, preflaratCeito leaking' it 04 SO Ithitiooto;dia: encamped oh the nerth edger the l'!:deutae. I 4 Jobi . "1". pmprtatar et' roma. theatre, kas tat* uneondltoeahy rattail:4l'MM genet, -The Shah Corps to enema to entre to Wash: thgtaa and, together whir the reaceiterthlidy of the of . the gohnethei itl4 be' nraured on Monday. • • 3 64 4 Pea Owes Abe !loath. oisen WagnEg . , GlTO vii ft i ff 'dud* N l mik ost.%• Cleollat 4ual eatable, are Prefect ,bilniged ,sPeedat AVOW appotategents :of Postauatera :wilt be oak .catil the Peet • lambi ate reepfabladeat, eat a nbabktelker , beaky mem toe caosaleleg tie peak eatereaei• eriabeeree ;theyemeelfee Wel , ‘. 4. 1 04.04 611 !" , : Zratt - v; • .I'll:ISITUR0 1 -1.,1 1 0bIt:, 1 44'r, 29 . '1865: DEISM Ilig irionxi! usial . ;spas Or BE assesti'esoeitintoi The Confiscation Act lust Stand ILECTIOI OF DELEGATES 111-1111WIELk II" the Rebel hzehituwere -Cteiftitt tiut eshtit Fs* ndium ,010:111. Wt O kP rOhr oll t4 llo .o l l l 4 dRAND.MILITAET TORRMAINZ MUM; PAROLED MEN ON DICK TAYLOR mum Gold Medal for President Johnson. PAYMENT OF THE NATIONAL DEBT hhiw Toni,*iy epeehtl to elievatme. from Washington on the Nth filly The ittdr fkiiPrel pst mice a moit fmportan 4e He gapes thikthe amnesty pa:Saints ticn-Ws. only to wore a. specified pir pcee.which wee the enPpression of the rebellion. The rebelikno being. ended,Ase -summate is void: if does not restore citieelistipe"Ps?Peril or vested•righte. ThersEreddent haa no power tq pardon enSepthr what Is past; The exam . Ilya clemency cannot stretch to the Dater% there (bre the decree of condseationninst stand. The tieCision will be given Ina few • ' The Tribune's special win' In the election for the House of Delegates yesterday the disunion lets swept Virginia as far as known. Ia the Al exandria District Wm. Delany, of Fairfax Court Home, • who has a bitter hatred tulle! Union, led became • • etieple in the rebel service, has teen elected to the Senate. ,end .f. English, no lees hiller;to the Ilome. 'English took rho oath of allestanceouly the gight before he announced himself as secandidate. . .The limpid's Raleigh correspondent explains how the it bel; archlems fell Into ow —halide. Gen. Johnston notified Gen. fichodeld that they were at Charlotte; and the Utter sent Lieut. Washbunni for ylietn. -Gen. Johnston received. Lltnt. 15'15411mm* very coirteonsly,lind told him a here the documents were secreted in a cellar. He bad already turned thezkoveapo the Union cr mmander of the post, as he had gm troop' to _ pet over them es guard. .They were found la , eighty-three boxes of all sizes and discriptioni. A large number of captured Union flags, Map ii.beled, were found. Goy. trifle° claims that, Rough arrested, be was not `adeited u a fugitive, for he bad wait- onely offered to surrender lalmseltta G 4 . Scho- , field, but Was ratted, and allowed to urn to Tbo Herald's Flftb .corps coins, podent says; the work of mustering out, under the Lite - order, regiments whose terms of service expires prior ; ' to October Ist, has been entered upon In earnest. Muster - cart rolls are being put In readiness as rapidly as possible. It la sapposed that within ten data the whole work will be accomplished. On Thursday night the corps which Iles near Wanittigtori bad agreed 'terchllght•processlon. General °riffle i cowman dosg the corps, has ham pitosented with a corps badge casing twenty rive hundred dollars. The Sixth Corp, which huhoen at Manches ter, on the Jima% his Maned for Wathington to be to ttrtd out 0' the sersice. 7be Hera:Xs Mohilesorrespondent or,Chelsth says: The city h atilt* tip by the's:llll.3lot pa. ruled officers and soldle.-s, from Drck Taylor's army. They meet our officers and mei in the streets and botals with the. utmost good (Ming. and quirt and giMr . prvraih throughout the city. 'Trade Is Improvlog and goods aro ar riving frOtrl ilex Orleans by, every steamer. •Beth Gahm! Steele acd preit Tay] gene to the city. A 'reeled to the TriSene, from ITashlngtotC 26th, es's: A gold lineal, commemorative or the Inanzoratlon of theSocth Ametioin inter•+ nattocal Cuestas, his been sent to the ?real- , dent by the Pr•sidcnt of Peru. . Specie litre pule currency used , in southwest-1 'ernr Virginia. The corn And wheat cops there ere abundant and rail np, Union men rcturutne from to north are 1111 exposed to social perseentlon. . A black gbh . was Inhumanly wbipped and lace.; rated by 1:1..r lato master for refellez to work without pay. An order for Ms arrest was issued; but be bud fled. The ifrrakt bas'taoallf prt»poeuton tud enbnriptiersa to pay off the nallnual debt by roi duelog the sham to $lOO,OOO !loch, pohlish.i ea a notabkr of tobteflptiens, ttiey folt up 111 *bares taken, etcouallnx to $11.100,000. A 'metal to the Trevite, dated Wastilacton, May pays Frank Seward's condition eoutla4 nw twszcita apprehensions. . • Got:Fentati:vraitcd the New , Tork - tresms to. day and mrt with a hearty receition. Re was highly rimed with their appearance. • ; The Attempt to Rill Can DavaiPrometion et Army Officers—The Fort hconsleg Prue: lomat:on—The Recent Military Review— , r'-; - ,Capture'offilapposed Important Rebels. ; firm Toot, May 27.—The afristd's Special to mentioning the attempt to use:Must° Gee. Da- Stanton; asyk, IM'aftle .111.11 - blidt3g twit* to a' lady - whom ker. ,ad been visit'. leg. The door Into the back yard was open, and jpstp he was analog hands_ with the lady, etio'rwis fired and the ball paired between them, fortunately bluing neither. Immediate search was made., but._the _miscreants escaped. Such was the feellug among the soldiers. that if Ole shot bad taken alms, the teem would have boa? destroyed. Lkut. Cel. Hecker I , oper, of orn4 Lied. Col. W. E. Strong. of Wisconsin, staff officers to theists. bt.j.Gen.*Thorson, areprented Brig. adirer Clkertali. Maj. . ff Gem., John A. Rawlins Gen. Gran Grant' s Mel ofata, wits honored. at his resident* In Gormettwo, by an navxpected visit lind 66111- made, from a poticzt of the old army of the Ten metier. Tati,rrffiuits'i Viriuhingtoi opvcial says. Gant. Cadle,*l Mar. Om. Blair's stat'bu lately beM promoted-to a 'Lieut. Coloneley and mutates Asilstant AdJatsiir General of .the 1711 sr* corr.!. ,Capt, J. I). DeGreta„ of fdsJ.-Gen.hirtir-' ca mad* a Mijorand D:C e_ - Gen. Vitt Hugh Lee returned to -Alexandria yesterday. Useaythe doe* not Intend to recog nize any,formbr fetid who did not tab part -wpb the-South, -- Tberraeramition otielloh nadeistotut to tare been up In Cabinet meeting today. The cialay,lkiesuing i&Ltainsequent upon the, Ex motive's ato, bare It as , pctis possible in &tills.exernan.. 1 An Etuopesut Minister, himself a Tetuan oRI-; eer, renmsked cyesterday, thetrihe revieww - wits thiii'etteEttilepley he 'tad erte'seeif 'Anothisr. MO European authority said that la a review pf . this extent, ar.rdss Me water. the. uniforms of the officers would bard beenilner„ but the . m4it would hare been far Inferior. - The Smite 'wild says, loyal naives wbek l • bile returned tolaudelfaid 'Valdez cenuties„, Virginia, state that the guerrillas have entirely abvidoned that tendon, andrhe Inhabitants are , ramming to theirimainoss unmolested. Terra era &repaying In crops, and a number of north- 4 - itre Men have invade la land. with aviewto its imutedlite-occupstlois. ^.J few eases of-horse' stealing have occurred, ended* this excepticsn, the eountry has quiet as before the war. Lien. Badly, eommouidlog I detachment Of. ;of tlie 98J Florida Cavalry; reader: date Of. Reim Sable, reports having captured a boat, on the paypret,..llorida„, containing , seven whltanien and a negro, endeaverieg to escape , Seatana. The. whiteout gave tha following stamen Frank flandersim u ßtehard & Findtrick Maple, Henry. IV.- Keewatin, Jellas o.'Pratt,M. - & Rants, and Isaac A. JIM- Iter.. Their truths contained cooslderaNis rebel currency, some gold arena file :pipet 'racy tudoubtedly had teettlholdEutif linporbnt peti tions In Richmond, width place they tclenowl edged bailee ristentirleftt! This colored Man swell that he - yrantdred at ten dollen a day Led hinfriedom on arriving is Itayani, to guide them &out TaiLshasse:- 'Their conduct leads to the be lief that they were men of Importance. They havenotyu arrived at. Hey Nest: • Pion Cairo tad ',tempblih CAM: Nag 37.—Gan,•Wilson hu ordered all the Cot federate States midge, horns. harness, wegoni and leation., not,toqiired fbethe use of the care.ry corm to terlornedtrue:to VoL Yoder; Quarter Id ester.deneril, to Nisbet:finned sinew the poet,yeople, se ICIII trots the United States, but returnable whlaneee;Odledrdr b 7 *Pet Ott* thorny. I Genillunrigara - stair aniwid on tas Stu. litio hundred sad tt dity baled of ;cotton pied. uPtOthlitld tor Cincinnati,' alsouot hundred and Mee' 134.1k0d5. • •Midepldi detest& tht Elltieeida that telegra phic commanicados is open to Ned 9rlidett , . 4 "Oen:-Yorreet lido his edantalkdt- IdGATT; • .ractson:sdriceiAtati that,thetubelTratur2.. non there on the 20th, and Instructed rereo... Clay tb , appolut Judges .bloulter; fisher And GO' RCM twounlesioneri to go to . teashiagtod to confer with the rraddeu on the subject of tall . log a convention. tuth A view tes!.ol4 lls ' aiufppt to the Union. The leghlature rto. ed the same dap• „Pm OluVisifiC-0/ 6 4 13 * 70' .: -~y.- ►uvtits: Fl cutOtINI. Zvary Officers Attacked by Gniirrillasl , . 111E11 lie j lapAiß O,VOC COLD YOUND. itikumiirt.BETWEEN THE MASTER AND SLAVES; FIITIS RATIONS Dracortrwmin ~ , ..._ . xi* 'Thai, May 24+LieittXdf. Mina, and auterantoAiduv•adloopy, Prlttit 3 d Penn lIATIndll C 3 7 ll ;js, -WW I -3 4 4 9f 3 4 ItbQui, cif ' agies, Dam 7a7eii isitliiiitd:o* i r T ir'rii irom-tiiii-k(tiailciiagry. poida.—Attar-isida 701 their utonty, watches and hones, the gut ial thent.:, The cnantry kin been th&ottittt• 17 .: la the 'telnhy. bat mi . - tricis of the .... rresatbs him . beenfillictiveyed, " They - -are; p d to have been -of Johttetnni's fbrce,i T o e we: su a rret hom d r . Alt Ir.aw : n learns) [ditty tel .:tasductin :sixty sadse venty thousand dollars i pa bagold was retwntly filamd at 'the Company's stops- me the North Carolina railroad. by some of' Ott triWps who ware enca ere. It was: Immediately rendscited tit h esoldiers who{ found it, who belonged to ths tenth Ohm carat-, viand the matter-is row undergoing lavestl, gallon at the headqnstters. :I The money.bekmged to thrDsalOofCommeree which was located at - Newberia; before the war, I . Dr. J. T. Leach, one of the. prominent Union ' met North Carolina, 'nide a contract with his regrow to give theta food and clothing O as Iv- ILO, and pay them ten dollars' per month, and: the result Is only a few have lefahlm. :- Dm. Echoteld has issued an' order prohibiting: 'the free distribution of rations to the Inhabitants and. the last - • " Jeff Davis Placed in Irons THE IkORTILCAROIANA DELEGATIONS •• Brittkinrldge 1±1 . ;401y , Calgurtd.' New :Toms, May 2T.—The Commeterelel /deer , Itsci a Army of the Potomac correspondent ssysi ; There Is trouble In the army, the mem thin gl it a hardship to be . ordered put: for four h re. drill ;every - day, when 'they' are so soon be' , tituatertaria. tof service. They complain of o' hardness Of their otteers. The ammunition e u, bite ;akin away fawn them to araldserbtuis t - Au outbreak occurred In the fith corps nd a regiment of regulars was sent to quell It, but were so bird pressed by the Tolnuteera that they. neraddlged to retreat. 7." • .**" 7 .1 The Commercial dcbartiter's Washingtor; special Says; The demonstration of ludlinatban qf .Tett. Dirilfenbeing placed on- army ra tion Who the eitisil 'otitis being pleeedri trans. The conservative delegation from Nortls Caro- lina:N now ponfloing effortl . tQaeconng the' otAerranee of the old Bta a lade,tu tate elections far the formation of the new State government: This Niels wilt probably be sustained by Presi dent Janson, who doubts the ititholity of the Federal Government to Interfere with the Stater prokrite to atcesaloti.• 'The other North Carolina iliandsda tTiesnenige for colored men. Fbetterr:e 'Allen are feted by our citls - Jos beicipeit their lotuses ftoely to them. • There's reason to believe that John C. Itteekl inridge Is brae of the party captured to Florida. gait Itentkonxh named is believed Lobe the mon *Co priparLd the eninhestibles to burn Ner.tern elks. CatIITION FOR' FtTURE PARDONS. Union PrisOners Pitroled Tons, May S.—The ifscrArs Washing ton 4614 talk; IC L . tinder:toad that mks of the essential conditions In all future azniestles, pitrdoris and vacates from disabilities for treason still bus renunciation , on the part °tile apPil- Mint. for clemency, of t -$1 right, tittle, and Inter- eat, meant 'or prosmt, tie,. is slave property. NO panting will -hereafter .ber granted withal:it eicb matmetatlon. ... , , . Daring tke last three months overtwemtv thous. and . lloton prisoners have been paroled at \rad re_ end Aprons! Landing, cm OA Jams river; ever ten tilbusaad from Wilmington. and final t lernendina and Jar.ktonvllle over. three t ont. ,and- Out of .thirty-tive thousand.. rot ed :-.llnbus prisoners or war paid otf geringsh le tt, itheeeltantittinaV ono , ...thoetand were " the .nomber taken prisoners in 1863, audit/ems five hundred of these wore paid in hospltals. It is known that owing to , the suspension o ex changes during 1864; a large number of the ris oners captured darlagytte• previous year ere held by the rebels. Evidence 'cleated 'on the present trial or Abe alaillSlialUloll cooping= explair.s where they ars. . - ..,. • , ...... Rebel Geo. Magiudir....Ram. Ilbuston— Vestracilve Flre; • New Tpuir, May Maj 27.—The Ekpreut noted the arrival here of Samuel B. Hall, of Kass., con scripted Into the rebel army In 1561. and serving • In that army part of the llamas Magruder's ep io six or seven weeks ego, when be made his escape into Mexrco, with sixty of his comrades. Before leaving he, exthanged 111,000 in Coated crate money for 1/20 In gold, while those of his contpaatons were paying, *lOO In Confederate money for a pound of tobacco. Hall tells that Sam Mutton was a true Union man at the time of bladestb, and before. The rebellion preyed so .upon , his mind as to histeu his death. - and especially the fact that his son watt one of the ebtefeet of the rebels. Gen. Magruder% army Is note large one—be thinks 15;090 or thereabouts, end a very few of these are of the artillery or regulars. They are known's' rangers and they are generally the very roughest kind of boys. They don't like the trench nor the French goy ernment In Mexico, giving as a reason, that the Freath'did hot takevart with them against the Union. Many of these fellows will dr to Mex- - leo when. the Unlon..army reaches Texas, and take part with the Mt Timms: Magruder la re ported as coarse and, bard. - He bits made a gold thing out of the war and his' shlpore large olden titles of cotton to Havana and Spain. on Ills men • account. and has reached .riew Orleans from Matanicirfa on - a Spanish Mud: - There ;are still very • large quantities of cotton on.the Rio Grande and It daily finds la way-intolfdico. • A, most deskrueilve Gee. occurred Ibis afterdodu Id NOWA' chat/ flieliny,'whielCresulred In the total destruction Of the building lid fly cant/Infs. Eight pesions - emOloyed•coi the preitilies were • NuMd- Loaff, - 460,000. - • . Gen. Staidly's Ainij—lietiellsFbnaldablei t 'ln Tezas4:ReberiVltpeuithl for ttte Con. splrators—TbeHoltilorsiiißand,WaLlOng• WAsulsol'olt,*ST Oda; Sheridan . will establish his head'quarters'at Ratoikßouge,. foie short; 1165;4n - ring tha 'mash:Mum of 'army for Teem The material awdlable Is that _department licindea, the Infintri:dorlisld Pea' 1 Mali Steele, Grimm and •rA. J. Smlth, and a lArliti force of d - rva, all In theduest. condition. Gen. Merritt will denbtlesk*' Unlined to the command of the Cavalry corns, with Generals Custar,Lee and Wilson as division ementanders. Throe corps are also undendood to be en-route to, that department from - Other point/se !, • The armies of Kirby Smith and Meander ire' reported to be quite formidable, - .. probably 80,C(10 - men and are paid to be well supplied with "pro• visions and Munitions of war. • - • The rebel Ids): ilea. - Edward John/Lon, :who was captured at Nashville,. In December bat" his been - brought to tldi city, nom Volt' Warren, and will appearos s witness, for_ the defence ho. fore the commission trying the Conspirators. .is said that several officers of his sing have also been nmmoaed..., Th unlit!, of seiatiri are- rambling thMugh thin city and neighborhood. , • In view of this fact Gen. diger commander of the department' of Washington?. has Issued an order that all' bar . rooms and places wbere intoxicating liquors sr* sold, be closed between the hours of seven P. N. of the troor rill —' . The mans of ;be commenced ma weep; • llnlea Meethignaktik-410ters Mir!". , ' _ .IJAPI• Nini Ton; )fey 'Eire/ft maw pendent 'glees taooountaof trawl meetings bed recently attar7ous pleas a d! la . Wald, MI& slppl Lonlidais ' pndFlorida . '. - At Initiosof ells= beld tke, osplti pn io , f Abboud°, th e 1.1211 last.; a patellal. was pared to be forwarded to the + e Ilea eltberta perelt the Mel Gardner to all the bgether., . appoint a Ittd• terjeoreeitor (bribe , of the people. The city of Cbartaloa la , dal receiving wees. acme to Its popubatiat be'partletLeedal plaid said former reddest" who led at the appmachof. the Ipadonal derv* The Dula* uric taw POTertYp. Baer careinitttakteatim bbets eon uht.tbe mimes of about alin# l " Paws a/bolters beat terthlriiitemelag weld:tett Am 'et &aflame the occupation of the city by thins ::o4)*,l2l. allaki ß n99 l l l4 _ ?AoletenuaL lieds.4ammas 11611}01ilule'llthliffitgiVeldreqk' grrgsto. l 44 l 44irgaiite MAWS EMMiI 'iY•~ ' 6111111 SIIIIII,IOMIS.IIIRIEDDIM SENTDCES BY MILITARY TRIBUNMS REMITTED , [cirricw..] . ..,• Wiic Ditrixnsamt, , Nirlintrsoros May 27 1.8135.1...,. , . . To Jfejor drenerai• Di= - A destastetk from Gam Canby, 4stel i New. 00; leans *lathe ItOth; states that arraagemetits for tbe amender of the Confederate L3rees Ia the DePartFe have 'been tale , elided. They Include the men ,end material of the army end,navy. [Signed] .• E. H..e!►nsoir ..Ntw. Toits,•lfay ST.—The New. Orleans Nal letherspeclal of the 2Sd says: Gens. Pelee, Beek: net. Brent arid nine stair officers arrived to.dax Ii ou) nib stoners from;Kirby Smith to nemWate with Canbj. for terms of i:winder Price and Nibbler tuld • Dick ?Oar on the pa rt e of the rebels. and Canby and Herron had. a consults. Hon' which resulted fa the amender of all the rebels of the trane.Mlselsalppt Depattment on the same terms as Johnston and Taylor. • • 'Sr. Lon*?dnyWt.:—The New Orleans Rev alue of The .11if f leans from Jebel sources that the tratelitlealasippi army will soon surrender or.dlebimdi in the , absence of ' s large Federal force pleasing them; the latter course will Proh. WAsitlNGTqc,;.. May; 47.-,The following oiller has just been Issued From the War Averment: That In all ewe of sentences by military trlbn. nails; et imprisonme t during tne war, that sem tette be remitted th e_inisoners be. Machu-s -td. The Adjutant ensral will lune, initnedt. lately, necessary Ins etions to carry this order into eObet, -By ord r .of the President. - -.— Signed. Eirwist . Sraii-101!„ See. of War. WASHINGTO2f, If y 28.—The late order the War Department that - In all .eases of: sea, tsetse by military tiilinnalf .or imprisonment during Dm .witr, thei:•aentenod: lie.• remitted and the prisoners ba.dlsebarged. applies In part to a number of deserters who were sent to the Dry Tortugas; am a punishment for their 'crime. Tar act of denims" by the direction of the President was coueldered Just to our own citi zens, before loaning an amnesty preelaination, affecting rebels' recently In arms against the United States authorities. FACTS IN RELATION TO THE VILtiAN BLACkBURN, T3rii!t7t corg:ias4Loccanralciei tirm Yong, May 27.—The Halifax Met, of the .10th. ban Mel pll.vrlng relatire. to,the tria l ot the alleged accomplice of Blackburn, and a few facts relation to that Tillida: The ease of Swan, the alleged' accomplice 'of Blackburn, alter ,'a strictjudlelatheinitigelion, hasbeea brought to. the Attorney General' for trial at the next sullen. Swan femairilin custody until liberated on ball. _Eierj Ingest paper execrates the infernal man .Silo dmisedthe dastardly.scheme, and the Ca nadian pre/index:lounce Dr. Blackburn as a hell ish plotter, the greatest villain untnag, and so on. We are sorry %oleo the editor. of the Tinton. , .itt, In a paragraph this morning, attelnprio de fend this fellow' front the charge. It Is well known in.this city that on his return from Bermuda he boasted of his Intentions to de strej the Yankees en mesas; by Introducing:el. low fever in the northern cities, by means of in fected garments and hospital clothing,' and jet we are told by this organ that Ms antecedents are too magnantmous gentlemanly to warrant the simpleton. Ne- beg to say that his Halifax antecedents .were neither manly nor well bred. In fact, . beishowed himself to be an Insolent brawler. and a pistol carrying bully, but we did not glee film full credit for all the cowardly imilence of a niters murderotut, and malignant .to the last degree: . . . Trial of Zeit Pails—Payment ott he Troops —Tqcker's Famtly—Sherldas'i Cum. matkd7.-Alattars at Mitamilms.. Niw ions, May 87.-The Pasts special says, the Unit* d States Markt Attorney has untitled the pro; er inthoritics thalthe, Circnit.Court'ls ready to prcceed *Mb the trial of Jeff Dar% on the: Indictment &aid Sialast Mrs. the Treionty Inft ample means and the pay ment of the army.wEll begin Inimediately. 'fbe Govertisient ban keewledge that the specie of tho'rebillion is - now entirely 'vanished, gild It lOU be neceeeary, In many portlomi of the BJuth to.maltiteln the military rower for acme time. , Sheridan will not take (troops from this section to Term. • Beverly Tacker'. family arrived here from Richmond. on their way Rost tot were sent -71e.comoveretat's special says, the Government 'expects to have. rallroteLesmmutileation -with .Ifoblgomery ere long via Salisbury; Columbia, and Augusts,' lite guerrillas do net interfere with the navi gation of the Alabama river. ' ' • Sheridan will nave eommandof 00,009 men. Re learn that a fresh up-rising' agahtst the fmperiallats will take place at Matarnoraa. Ow. allil Las i6OO American, eoldiera, and the num ber is ditty increasing by desertions from the forces of Magruder and Smith. .• Einiceisthl.Espedition up Roanoke River. liVattnisorotr, May W.—Acting Rear Admiral - Zradford, COlitilancting the North Atbutie block. adleg mluadton,.has forwarded- to the Navy Der psilment, the copy of a letter from Commander Maconib, giving details of the - successful expe- Altion up Roanoke river, North Carolina, by • Astro Valley city, and picket boat, number Ave, under commend of ' Lieutenant Cgmcattnder Thornton of the first tiamed.ltessel. The MINN proceededdltloa as far up the -Roanoke river as the rebel naval station, Delfts and succeeded In capenring the steamers Cott on Plant, -Fisher and Dail% with the engines of Cushing's torpti do beat, and ancither' craft of some kind," bolit by the rebels:- The: vessels were laden- with staves, corn, thiny bags of cotton. three cases of geode and sly barrels Of brandy., .The. hype. dition tiro found,twenty•three bales of cotton on' the Letts of the river, which were taken pat seuion of and brought oft :The cinntsmitication of Commander Thornton discloses. the fact that; the Roanoke has been cleared of -obstructions, , end a ruinbei of gems, sttek'hytkirebels raise:L A.lam quantity of. Confederate cotton In stored away on the hooka of the direr and will be cap tured. The retel -station has" been taken pos.- session of by our forces - and wIR be held until further orders, Siterntan's •Rejnort—sCen. Thamatt--Arnty of the , Topteesee—Geni:Lagan. Kin linalt,lllay 2!1:11e ffeinkNlWasblog.., .ton dl9ateh less: - General lithermaa's repo'ra, irllllro liabllibid,pentt week nicirder el, the Wit.- Ikpartment., .BbermanwM retalnq)Cll3l•ll,l - the MUltary Maiden 'of the : ie.ialsaippl, coin pising:Kentucky...Tennessee, •Altibanta eft* sad, Louisiana, with kla beillguarters et It Is,reportedibat General.Geerge H. Thenase baslreeir ordered to lillsabltristoa, and Is to be irlaceil In command of ths , Department of Vlr.' ears." General Steadman Is ordered to rem& at' Waihint= until their:teal of Thomas. r The Army of Tennessee VIII: be br4Oted t o Louisville and Mustered out there. - , General Logan bee leased a &tient: Genet•-::' Cait l in the regulu mut and rake to pit.' The Passage of the Sixth Corps Throegh , ha Yon!, Ma) 25.-06• Wedimeday lact, the auk. corps Passed through Richmond cm ha way fro .Dacllle, Weittlagton.'Llte troopii • prelented win , appearranee. .Their nuicemenethamgh the city occuided Matt tire • The Ttaree Raleigh • aerrespondeat , sajer' Querritlia are Asirlyat work In I , ,Torth Carollgs; moot: . 41 . 5 :0 1, are aide prevent theeeputragea. ' Trade at etatameras Ruined; Maw You, May 28.—The' 4ibra hLdareo ras,lettarsays The breaking ,np of the reheat hal reined the trade of Mationoras and.eleinhy. The fall" In ,eollon L rezdered it nriproLliableto transport it moil Timm : The Liberia, forma ontaldtTof Mailmen's have . cutoff aft stage and wagon lines to the Laterior A large nuantity of goods ire being "told at unction atonelourth and one-elghth their relies. probabli Handel and Hoyden Hordes! Festival, Home, May Handel and Hayden mgaleal festival. width tuts been In progress du, All the 'week lout proved a complete inceens: attractulg Mtge and delighted:audiences.. All the sesta In the Musk HaUlave been taken tor': Elijah iuidsdadtor the Messiah. which Fill elpie. the fealvalotallmdat night. • The Proceeds !Ilk shown handsome net Income, half of 'fah sto.a to the Christian and Sanitary Cgattalsge*, , .": 4 1Hameidye:Itlre. Bosiosr; 27.--TheeitemehreitrnlttirOti. tabllshreent ot.Wllerdi Hymn& O ,La Oath Dedlutinorse &Stoned" by Ors Itagerday i tr. log ti Motu& of.limber, - &Wahine ed lochs& vlelnlttr, The left Iseithratalit 115 C .. 000, Adair lamed for $130.000.. - 1 ratturazig4:lGbi:Gt.4.-Gairf KOHN' .tirrilittliriviribtpf , ialotby In th e .G nmil winlEbtoaottaisAt„S Drs rteeday *pg: IMS/Vie yeati:.!..llcifidlTA §Kvbabbt .book by Ike yrolissan l 4i Z. • !~'_- ~'f-~fi t e , L --" 2 ... • St.TenTolry A.pau raubsegiptlvipi. 4 rutrarmirnm, May Jay .Cooka. at; Co.; reiort the euMMptlons el Saturday to the 700 loan al 1.570,900. The, barges& Wmtarh, sub. scripticate were 550,0100 from the That National Think ''Of Kentucky; *so.a fm at the rfarrlabsug. Pa., National Bach ; 549,000 f OM. Ale Becoad , Natlopal ; Hank of Chicago. This *gat Eastern anbactipUon.. was from the Pint National Bank' - et , 211bany. "There 'were 1.057 indlriAnat subectiptlons. • Total ppm for tho Week i9" 6 0 0 . • Wizetwertwar. Max 84—The tonteratone of the monument at the- aoldime Matimal Came , lay at' fiettyalmw,TaOtill itie 'on the 4th et July nem with thilitinaldelvitreerianoults: The oratioe en the pension will be delivered by Major Galena Mower/. the 'late coin blander ot"the - of Test:mallet.. • Thli Gen eral. Reda be , bitre , a • eatiploncnis FF thelletgry of, 0 eitythilra. ._ • • Wastrooreor, Msy .to note glue►t an the wUnesees In the conspiracy trial wilt be examined before Thursday, and aftet - thif. du the argunientn will be . commenced.: Theta Mlll probably be In &Written form from all: the PM' ties engaged In }he mewling'. An- effort will made to close the • ono by din end Of the week. Wasanerrox, May 27—The Post - oMee .Dei• pertinent has contracted with .1. E. Reside for tha conveyance of the and back, on the mute t Otp Litwin, galenite, to Penland. Oregon, Inclnelost Intermediate placss...tlte'ser vice to commence ea the yet of ' The esm peniatirm li 2222,000 per annum. • • Saw Yon', Map 28.—Adadral Worded, of the Flying Squadron. which were to - capture the Stonewall andaubsiquently death:mite the Bra 'Mlles widow' ban .obarleatmt-tet the 00th. . Von.o[ - South Candle% ,han run away from Columbla., , ; , • . Lome, MsY.2B.—Generallltieridan arrived here yesterday afternoon, vitd Weil met On the. opposite side of the ricer by a'delegatton of MU-' sena, who gore Mm a warm welcome. The aer anode at night was •paradiatted la by a lirge crowd of eathastaatlopeople. Niw 'Max, May 28.—Tho3dore Banana was', garroted and robbed In Ma own house, on 10th etreet4lo thli/rlty, 'last 'eveldag. no house was full of boarders at the tittle. • Dtail Cciiimatiliattons . Establlabed . with Chattanooga.' ' • ; Lotrisvnta, May 97.•; ,, thaftadooga mail eom-* am Indian from bare is now established with the* cavalry 03T14 Of, the Military Division of the. Revenue Millet! In . htsibiztta. ASIIINGTON, May VT.—Alabama has teen fit.' 'elded Into three Intersiel Reieteht Distrietbi bet DO arpolotmenti 9f base/lots and ceillectors have yet. beee.tnade. . tffT AND SilERBA''.: . • Arrest mid Escape of an Alleged Connter- On Saturday emitting; a roan walked into the grocery store of Mr. Eisimuel Dfir..Federal street, A.Wrglieiensied called.for a cigar, thtow leg down a ; lifky cast- note •In payment. kr: Dyer examined the bill, and Informed hint that It was counter f e it . He then threw out another . . which was'also pronounced sperions, whereupon . . be tendered ii.wo dollar bill, Which was accepted - and. the chanre given, after which the man left. , The circrineganee of , offering two bad notes at the same time -.tidied- the onspicions of& gen; ueman . who was in the store, and he ecineloded to follow the fellow,: to ascertain whether he was not out on '.a t'sboidern. speculation.- He wasnot long in discoyerturthathis stupid orue were well founded, as be entered sayers( other getting small articles, such atisclgar or a glass of ale, - and each time tendering a fifty cent note in payment, and imckettag the change} . 'lhe attention of Mayor Morrison 's police was directed to the moyements p 1 the Man; and- he was coon after takes. Ist° custody. He gave his tame as Ibtert McKean, and raid that he resid ed on Rebecca etreet. On marching him only one ernmerfelt lifty-cent note , was found, Ing ho bad to bls'pockets seven or eight little rolls Hof - postal (tens and ihnes.)..each one con, xelnlor forty or forty,-flya cents, Jost as t.ti had received It In change. The note found, ripen him was quite new,and.was calculated -to dt eche any one noskilled in the art of detecting 'COnnterfelta,.7. McKean was locked ow It teeing the intentlon of Mayor Mattison to hind 'him over to the emetody of Commissioner Sproul', on Monday fora heartier, as the offense tad -been ammittedagainst the taws ofthelinged States, and over w—leh he 'bad no ingsdiction, further tban.to arrest, During the evening the prison er was gaited. in his cell, by his br?ther, James McKean, residing on Rebeccaretreet, who exhib ited *good deal of concerdin consequence of his rarest. Mayor gerrison told him that he-would retain the prisoner until Monday morning, when he would be given into the custody of the Hob, tad Stites Commissioner. ' On Sudsy, about noon,' Jamet -*Bain and hie wife visited the Mayor's office and &sited au I toylew with the - prisoner, which was granted. TLe door leading to the cella low opened, and they.were • pertillited to converse with him for about fire minutes: • Boon after they left, the (Dicer in charge walked along In 'front of the mils, and wan amazed. to find that Mcffain bed escaped. The cells - are so cm:intruded tau it Is simplf Impossible for a prisoner. to amps with out areinacce, as the cell doors are barred and the bar fastened with a padlock—both bar and leek Mink nit of reach of the - prisoner. ' His brother bad evidently gone prorfded with a key, and removed the bar, thus leaving the prisoner: at th'ng to do Int above the cell door open and escape through a window opporita. • The brother and hie wife warded ; off , samtelott .by coming out through the room. where the ot firer wasorbile the priuner Otada,miod his - es.: cape through the wt dow immedlately.opposite his cell door.' Janine McKean and his wife were follOwid and Overtaken below their reildenca on Babette - strevet;,•heading• towards "Maischeater. The lid. tad in bar poesesslon a small; batsket,' containing a Menet:et, witch It is supposed, -sae intended to be' used py the 'fugitive me . divide. -.The supposition to that they kat - a.r• raaged to meet. him' ta a certain oolnt,. and were en their Few thither when arrested. Be thla as att;it may, the fact :.was." palpable that they had' insisted " in Ids .esca and they' Were both taken into custody and pe, locked up le answer the charge. '.A. - ligortemssearch was - main tor - •the hignive,lint'no trams ofbita" was found. The escape was well planned mod sktlfally exit- ruled; and the offiters.'in charge as welt as the, „ Mayor; are deeply 'mortified' at being ,sct• badly entwined. The house of the lieffeaus - will be • searched to-day, .sts their 'great anxiety to get% the Tirltmuir o ff leaden:l the belief that they may be interested elute the:l=slnm of "shoving"! counterfeit, gnovey,:7 They hive .succedad, ' . all eremite, In getting themselves Into trouble, an the hesbmid will beheld to answer ler aisistiet the es cape a t a Orin:Men ' . -. • • . . . •`• '.:lCourt of quarter gossAdops. z• •'' • •Ongaturday, before efollbenchlthe following *lea teas iranaacteeln thle courts •• . .• : • deurte ganderii,arionted and conrlcted in De: einiber hurt, on I. charge of entering the store of Moire. Thompson and•Groetainger, Aikibe, nyoras sentenced to oneyear lathe Penitntiary:- Ana made to rednee the bail of the; ten etch, charged whh pick ing the pocket of Dr. A.. 0.• McCandlow, at the Sanitary Pair, which had been land bpitufge.Btowe at. 1.4400,, Richmond. SolllenkNattonal Cemstery; The Conspiracy Test:: :' Overland Hall. to Callfbrnts: Fruix Cllnrleeten. Gen. Sheridan in St. Gauls. Garroted and robbed. In the case if Patrick Morrow, recently 'con ,Ticted of manslaughter, a new - teal was granted: - John Gordon, the man wholndleted.snch Goes wounds on the Fuson of officer Williams sometime eince;iise handed over to the Guard!! ins of the Poor, It being e,ident that be wu in sane at the time he committed the offence, and •Is not yet is &healthy state of mind. Why was be not soot to Dimwit: the institution ProTide 4l -for hoagies Y. We think It hinelther wise, core mendatde or proper that the Prair House shordd be concerted into eV mad how. There are read/ save:rates:sea of lunacy there now. More. c' str yt'r on ' iy -th ett Yr at en D t ' t° lxmon "m t, s es ene peciall "El y i f a or a t t la g des u p p e a - Thia mu * when onli visit there befora. LUitriet Cooiti—Ot 13atardaj. In this' Court, a not pros was entered-In the cues of, Jelly- *nit, Mrs. -Simsbury; -Thomas Bmith, Aimee Brady - and James Xenia, Indicted 'foe selling Honor without license, it appearing Us t they had proper . I the ova of 1110 8. on motto far reslatineo to the disk ,nttionf the U.B. pleirint'Atiorneilt watt ordered that beisnetitor the arrest of David idN • cumuli,'Clime Miller; 'Unite" McKee, Jamea 'ideCullough'and',feeob' Arnold. 41efeadaute In the atiefe case. , ; • • „. A Moieties oflearmal 'Wayne and Peter G. „Meek; werezatelfmtmotlonofthel/.8, Dlshiet Attomey;amtinited for trial it the./ one term at trime — hi Smith' Pittsburgit,-4imel . ;lea o'clock; Saturday morning, two 'frame houses, embed mid templed 'respectively by KrAtilli• gob emd Mcc. BlemPlim3s. od Cason starts her' men Third sad lborth,doutli dreAcrelratthe hoots Of botlaulikes completely; bat beans !millet amp Sochi be hillicted Ike :deism bad abstedtber Amu Tim*. crighis - • KAU= orillikeuto Soh tlingsaoh • • :1 r t il • - BLISEIED IN -1 1 86. i i —,, ••••• . "-Zl=l :4 P!*/ Beaceeb et 1 Pr t.ouer- Pollee-. t• • ii : ‘. ---, awe..u..„""a" r ottely.' iffert—Arreat sr the • ' :it . .t. ecro Bel 4 krict . `' `.. willinurday seesing, Oil. ._ fe• a sun ~,,, ih named neb,l , ...llesuates,tireesped , l'l Filth ward, for atiardt e a s t `"....Zittoott In the from among a crowd of rowelei, ''illili •• i la m to the swabs, a large crew,* fallalr t.t. --- on ineculnithe prisoner. whei t e ekkom.o .- ..t A ; street; Steven's was amok An the" twat sisis o , ';',• a a tone, and turning 'wound tars ibs', to gai e-TZ::: who threw. -They proceeded witti:nbep e t iour as far as.the Callum. noose,. at - the ..earear: of • -i., , ili Penn iindCalmi 'trade. when the crowd alltamse. • •,7•:" . . ; :•+.4t ed a rescue. linlicer Knee was !Wrack on elos , ~.5- . 4. ' , ,1 ' back of the head with apiece of brick, reed** - ~ :,..„t , i i'severeleprrytnna falling on hill face - bestrew • -_,•_fy - ft. •- taloa We • wagon severely. The officerSas. •,' , -- - .1" ,, taken to DrAlamilknea, and after hternandlk . - I' . T7'., were 'dressed he was conveyed , to le iidetei,.: . •- •'.• 'f., i Where ha tenor lying In a very prekarione 40111. ' . - : - .N.Z.,iN Onion, and It la thought that his ',,inlarjoa l psi., - . -•; ,2 . prove fatal. Ito wee dclirioas yes)ealp ' -..;' 4r Peter Magee is the only one of tho"pwly.witit' _ 1., ~, A has yet been arrested. There eeelnh IA Lk* OM' ',:-?; elf:wive aeidence that he was the ruffian who • -.; R threw' both the atone and the brick at Rites. Ile t. •• 1;•••., - . was arrested abouithrie home Inert/feral: The„... - ?:', , 4 ethcemecarehed the borne In whack , he reeh,W • i ; -,,,i without raceme, and finally dienovered him upon i i• - 4 - •`";,, the roof of the hoist,' hieing: ehlnds chintz's,: '-'"=” A: hearing will &Plied to•day. ~., . ~.-.. 4.1 , 1 j • Pa tai Accident • at the-Railroads 'Bridge, ' dc;ni • .igMiir's 'Ol '• A man Dame DebOlsCollins,' a n a employ C. tr.: it.; =eel:fib's terribledenth iiii . "l3atirday; 'about 'thine 'o'clock In the afierboorf,nt the 'ltartfad Bridge scan the' Allegheny. "lie was. ingsg•id with -Other workmen in pinioning - a heartelfeklihdefftust . the tew abutment made in extendiag Atio - heidge - scrota to the new-pier also erected, and _while the casting was being ekrated to its positkni, it 'fell; One end Striking' Mr. Collins, -who was standing alongside on the place where: iteres resting, crushiug hira fearfully.. Both legs were broken, alio the pelvic and tibia bodes, and; ha was otherwise terribly laderated.- While the un fecinnato man was beiag taken to his, home. on Pike street, his , wife, who had intard'Af the accident; met the tarty, and mood:114,1h" 'mangled remal e sof bar basbatid,:fainted: She was metered to conscienumess, but fahltßifkahi after reacting 'the hottie. •Mr. CollinsAiss tended by Dr. Cowley, who.pronoiteed the life hopeless; when Father Garland administered the last rites of his church; immediate), after which the poor man "expired. '• • The. deceased was' Mort forty Tiara- of. An; a., man of quiet, indnatrims hahltei•atid- had . AMU: of three children.. - The Coroner hid inquest on the body'at Aid: Taylor's; - ad Via , diet of "accidental death was "rendered.? •Thens- • mains were Intirre4Ju ctPletIAT Sunday afternoon. . - A Ilan Haled an the Railroad,. An M tmlucat was held yesterday aftertioott at the allen, Allegheny, on the.body of a n Sifhea rt..w. L c. aPpcitis the deceased, 'who fs 'between:thirty and forty yearn otagei !witawarlp iDg oti the tract, and when at Woatrit .seelag an out going freight trainCocain etowarde'hins, stepped on the other track and cantindeibbla walking:. without naleing that the Wellsville Accommoditted was coining ntibehlild him on • the track .. Theenglieer whist?eit tiorgybyekee„ biit owing . to the ' nols.e of thothdf train the Man did notMpprehend•hla danker, andibeirida •passedoeer him, craihinghlm I a frightfuttn.4n sm., and- killing him Instantlyt; The deceassat "lau'pecamitd.f a etringer, as nor one eduldlden. Iffy Wm, and tbe jury renderetb.• eadlillrOf cidental diath: . • • . • r t Fleeter Creek Pctroleti Compitty: The lforyantotrn'Vreekite Poi '(Weit Vireibt) s of Satirdiy last, etibtalti the .11oitingf'i"Ttila - enterprising trompatty , have ' e•liltiyed Ostia =timber of hands addwre now engagdd, ,rmdge tbd superintendence, and Min erupt of lewd 4. Fitch, in - erecting Intildiags,kt i leirldka;Ac,'on Decker',Creek, near Gwent ht.inills, 'boat fit= reties. flyxi n Morgantown, r, boring,walLs. The loalations at this "point .rah abundant* of oil aie u 'good, If not bet er, thafl lit'atty other, .-eutiok In .Monopgalia county„. , ,,Mx. 'Fitch, the gentlemanly, and en , rgetle manazor. wbo t I.roughly tmds.rstands t• e business'. Wilt • siare. toliwine or Mesas top= , the machlah4 into enceessfai...petation,and t is company bids fair to be one of tbe most eaten lye In this eodn. try. 'Me wish It atundant • ,on : Land fur Ba l ee—The died - arid arid biddy acres of 'oirter Mr. 'B. FL, .81 yen; I. sites Vreek Prottoo.Nouuty, Watts law cumber - of wells are not the taithediate *fet id ly '; add many' nomptales refugee to- 41 er'e Cruet, hundreds of .monss the mune of a few wicks. ' trorebase this - nroperty should immediately; as it Is, the owl withdraw it from, the math Innis; in a few days, - • Plttebr Ir. . act of tar_butt: Wary; sidiettLic4 DickriPs Quite ri goinic,4 ol Fala llnagin • V e ir ; peratetaa . rdti arta be sant holm desiring to dl oziMr: Briaq :sia'...lnterittatr•to ; on the Pmant tstaturgh Thentre.—To-night the, engage 'meat of those sterling artistee, Mr, -ad Wr. Char ea Kean, 'commences.- l'bey-witt be Ai; sl a ted by Mr..l. F. Cathcart, Mr. George strer tit alid MISS Chapman. of thDrury Lane mkt Priseees Theatre, London. 86 kspeaes tragedy. btthree area of "Henry Vlll., 'will bo prodaced. with Mr . Kean as Cardinal Oozy andjits. Keen as Queen Margaret. To followed by the '"Jealressr Wife," Mr. and Mrs. can as Mr. MA Mrs.Dskley. :Vire• may say I advance that the house will .eis crowded .to its tmost inanity, men at th Mrs "fixed for emission:— • • . . e .HOnor th e Brave.—With 4t nch pleasare,wa .ainoiince the promotion of LI otenant'Cion. W. Smith, Of Colonel Gslinpa's r ment of Heavy r is ..estlliery/to- the position of ptain,-bia com. mission dating from the 10th inst. We 'know the young Captain to - be a wo thy and 'efficient/ (Mese; and -- his record of se coo- rendered one -eamtry since the otubreaking f theyebeillem IS vi t a very enviable one, he being in every 'mama the Wend a- " veteran," he '' envied in= the grey -Wallin' duAng the fo •:yeira..of tfflid. .through which our nation has j t passed., , , : Fatal Aceident.— On Tuesday, laistllloorgs ~11.:Ahmsadev, fireman for, Messrs. Litigan t & Co., - opaatlng on Ryid Farm, Ven ango minty, whL'e drawls% the tubing of a well, -by Its timbers, which broke froeithe tape iks derrick. His aka was badiy.fractured, Atud-al- Jbongli everything that skill' could dd, - Wai promptly rendered by the attendant . ptiyidehins, Dr. Tyler, of Rouserille„and Drst,flirtya ecoLA.r, itev, t ofOil.Chy, be died tint ;test day, :Maims ind Chemicalsee,WersFeesip,r4g. eta to the advertisement of , the esteaalye eitab lishmeat 'of • Woodside. Wallace.' ST "'Mad street,' opposite • the" Be. Charles, lbeg_gla it wholesale druggist business, an k tical Largay in Ake sale of white and red leak airralf articles lard by palatal aid glaziers. Th.iy , bits Lila a variety of spites, perfumery, blissidso...y!::: , A teitenarlau.—]Sr: tiobittliarttrot rtel. deft of ttaist,- Deer Soionshlp, died it IfeW Aire . ago, at the achaneed age of moil hominid ant dye rtU leafs: !A - sho 'rns before Ails tioath he i • exeentod will; which was: probated.es4 ark, bY Register Richardson . . Hr. Itartlomas,, before bti death; peolebly 'the oldoei''flue '- eenatry. • • ' Fatal Accident,—Mr. Henry Toriter.'s .Iyrispottable• and leading ccitizen ..of .thazoi. was run over and killed trite ears AIM. too** on Mondiy nizbt. Mr. .Forter,'ein panyiriltiothers was on'thalroad to Washhtgtos to thta to witnesstbe grand review. He riallfeiltnOwn Dbeliarged.--The three men arrestod . .nr ad ..aaniting Dirs. Kalibal on. Thursday plant. 17 throwing a stone through an open windowlib she was putttyg het child to , had shearing on lantnrday, and as It could not be prpven that either, of them threw stole, they worn all din charged. False Retarns.--lohn ' man iaa ' h estQ before U. B.•Commlosioner • proall on Saturday. - charged with making false returns to.the Oom- Waldo:ter of Internal 55T0111t10, and held to • is the sum 0(12.000 for a farther hemitaxi „; Tuesday afternonn, a man lima George Alexander, was killed on the Brad rim. near Oil City, by a miley failinft.tenm derrick won the top of his bead: Ilellngered %mid wed.. "today month:lir, when he exphed. ' .Canard.—An unfounded . rumor iriCourrear •n the struts on Saturday that James Halllll. ihe champion lillllltl2l/4 ,Irsa drummed— He ha . . . ' CaTenimett fhle—By IN'et • COL ,Cf061.._ up TbursdiT. 1 14 10 o'clock. .4 , thek . , bum) cm Perin sired. T. A. WCIL, Alarge, Amiottaiest:Or BOOto;' gocid 'goods; at low 'Mead , .Auction Holly% 5 5 Ygth • VeyGoodr,ltooli Skids, Etaideiy and Gloom ;pedal bargains on these ..XeCh?llsinCi Aso-. pon house, Filth street: ; , ' • patstikgy. Nay ,111.3 i, situ inIDDLE. UM'S sea oil lisniud Emma miced,2 prar,lniatlul soli! ,Irtural Via ; ApapAri,J ll /4 11 !, 411 4,1 14 ifi.10 1101 % '1110.611i44iK er' WARM Atilt - aurgliter Llw - 0115114 lota ‘Wai. t Mates. sc Ms; „tot 100.011„ Vantea strast . , /MO, • ikitisaitor or giottansta `:~: ;' •.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers