GQOD PAINTERS " Te - 1- ( r•-• , r wiatiorwiat lAA Etch, Taptrusti t i r . 21 7 W Vrtn WAlgr • Afi B ; KT4-411 BALL , ter xtearn -• • mil t r hnr.,..;;Lia.i... rd. aAdana. -• - Igeinc! w_ l =jraer aro, iot,V= l -V u alo as " l ll7, r i t r a t f ir mairtysit . 414: xlll.. Mt iliy * A, 4l % ' ler strealsto. Wm* JO • 11014111k.glieslavait pm, p a. • air acul, • c IftrANTED.—$l25 PER MONTR. g V , Ageatainattat esta.awassi to Ilu.e the end IMAM at CLAIM 11111PAIIILY CI 111A0lata ?iow prke &saline le the eenstrkflah la Seem/ be Orator & Baku, Alaska , Uses; ti•w•,..taassir St Oa, sad "istalatdst - otter torrioroststs.• sat the sada, aad leer we Habra to Jim cad tow 01.10Ottig. Salary • 4 'setups, or lane ooze, asrusa. &aims& Mutts ,td alroalats ae t AAlnee SHAW & CLARK, ftwilacce, Males. lairaesda Marl' • Irkggi l irity V t iZ BO D i l i 1 1 0 - 4.-p. 1 miaow, 4nalu 6 rr 9 Ling d Pig: lc tim=lotzTimpmiellt, iv t m i#o 243 A l l . ; , bt i 0ta.. 0 6t. 1 i WearZ1 70 -4AnriEL7I Ifni . 1 to Nat nrritirts ARTICL4I27 mili. Nail pirtioalars ....11,44m1 .- 1, , i FIG-81A1,Kalist.. - . ' 84Z.8..rfp1; AEXT. VEt —.00A4-IV.ORKR-bt the . •:. -l eereettee.ulles.4peee Leck No; •.:4Aettatatlaiier 1011 sem of excellent OeaVoelth Ts Wages* and int Illideat for the Railroad. RI" haebt_ ataraaaataa tn tem et earfuls Croatia( on the LI 'Wallin hinnies '..amt Ran UMW - lifterifeetteareald ere,- hs t epet.digitltakey Vaasa See laid. : . 213‘41 . 7 — Vaal Wails no above, arlaah no Tr ve 'saras: Iraq . ?i, 4 4o: 4 o::l l 4.:Yff.DiAtstad Fjetrintur46 !A-AVM:WA -, ~ :•. -, .:, , : ! IGHTFUL RitsloENdt I . tam as.7liElitrt `HOPP: at lyiaje , Elm, (noir 1 = i nirm P. liaalta - Ika Amur _mt. 41 1 i iILU4t. .;• 4 = l"l lli=hgr, ° V.,4 ' i , :x 4 . j u ri i. r ,qualarblaittor=itirgit. :I.; .0.,.. ,linairlatravt.'l(giacasatet i nr i Y .41 If A stir B:a:A:v.v.-I „, g , t , a..... a , tt=a rion farthrl_ - law ...1' b• 2 44 of '44 bitibi lr bb Ms yea& pit iiiittaig::=- - nnt AVBRIr litmistoN r • Salm Ite. 40 Damper Wan. Nun._ , atm pm twlistal/- .Nyamal, . i .._ ~,, , lI,OIiFtP U. lAOLT. • A.? ” g h2lll3W t Illik qt ,gb r. i dire Lot 01 1 l aa,rmalialaa 0.41 Em, late the nailease id oi • trd. 5u1...114104...L44. Moat a Mims : • . r I N •Room os mica street. Let n rest Pant by MI dam labs the madman et A. Beetle.. _I ROUlili aa Titled atm& iariacrg knows aa The I 4. : 4 41Zilirril ika t ireertgael4rtaidbeie - Di , pr. Rata. Lot I acne. - ! f : . 'MODlSZlliThirdlitsiteti, tart Ow brick berew 1 ' lifelbi 111211 a, Lot Meat, 'II test troll. StIILkIISO LIM ..aad saaataliatila Attu CM I 1 Ohs ataatawalkals River, ',nth the city district: b •-• &Ml' , allill 001.1=RT Sty to „ ma% aTlttYinnoehtp,„ltsaliciy /jab* StaK Mr • a istrie l t Plea. 4 u Lour NI, civre. stmt. n Nam'. t .. ila rr lyibaii Asa TM) LAM on Overall! 'treat. i - Eiliturrs big Liberti blem4. AI *sway ,- "z ritty. sit NM* t LOT sal tha Peappymta pant. . , - 44 Lox mvcatisint Wit IN feet . ' lob 414 • P Wr a, 4l l l4P. ides c•. 4 laatary ant astattla 44 ' liaaa 1 „„. _ • IL 1 /.',41111i1i. , ' a.. -- aapartatat I ~• , - - , .ln Peat* "treat. '. s.: 11 1 0 0 E.BALX - 4.4e0 ,- muniude L FAttis In i1 , ,, , A. • Barry tannahly, Wastatoralaal. amok/. Pa, 4 : ,,.... zet .. HI war, wan latyroya4, and at - I M a PAP.lni t i i r T ilitolib in lit date laws. 14114ed=s oancay Pa, so Tab a wmule from rho Peaa , a liana& qiii , .ocam gag • ges4,/esaaa lama sad a foam aa•asaiiiia - itirdidka4 wt.. ' slik*lrs Ooeotyt PA, r,_ •-• . -woo" aanaat ROO limit la pan. is l ira aoaaty ' Pa.. dp • : &Mx a very Womb Tara of *limns,. astir Iha 1 , ,:=l . trras ral JtticrouriteaNstriral:f :AVM' the larylvasia la li n& lb. i 'irZhggz . Iwo stags h ams bus Us., ntr sw alitys.a nlo3,t:ru. wlta .V ' • INtaaff lira batik Am awl about, eas banana meta e •• at No. 1 lalklia aralt: 41 . Wm. Paramana lava ,a 11 14rAi awes Wasted It fdrudettaingp, Weatosangra *pasty. Pa, ad h taka co at 1 I V E git ilie. 'Alit s tactitstalticiana - ALa =luso. tit, tai• borough at -1 4011ir,.• 'FM be Moo Wes at laud. tp,il SlMlRlisillitetria VA= P or h 'ism, ;mantic i: , isashule.. i - •- 4 rm. et about OP saes Le Minna Ir +- e i . Alkoftr *mit P. :4164.4,4 Zia* The Itapnvesteeta'at• goo& an/ t...• ••• Meal 'lle• PM styr., wine s M 4 0 il •ii Oak MO VIM, eactitidiutl. aarea, sal a ;.!.',', Atraoltrive: .l lo4 )ll l' loo i .110,01,404 fft" . a Parlacees, sear tin tom! at ~ , Witatuaralasit minty. Pa, very alnay. ~. AO& •Lry, Hotel as. Elatt lanrasact.n, awake eamaWla Rattread., Thit Ililay WU rasa way ~av aan avited Sir altatat Wal h ston. 72,18 3 pyagerty irl.4 boson at a 1111 past haal43.a. p m A ug u m puibid.bow....r_ , 1 _O. x,„ mo, 11Ellal• UM. . . , , Im , . ~. No. tac Fauna anat. 1 1 a BAWL " 4 .1 AMMON, ...VrpPertra ~.4011116$11P3iCt niter AllminlArnepotrialiaAate ;al oprialtd*ositakomiar. AL% as ; Etewt ReisideTthe. a. •P imiskie , Tol_talowsis -seirdr• as inks 44 ! ° 1 "115.114 :aims _ F0 1 1::aYL : ; 4/3 . 9 . 11/ND el h a ir .7 6 a r _ d mete /mg Imo** issairearseit stdemit .r. ?..gtopillimlLlVe r rahat. re .1.1.61,11110 WOIIXIL ! 'llslnt ttARGEs. . . . . . ..•ymii:4ll,:iiiik,i4;4l,4ll 1.1beii.141#44 , ,-, iiiii on Mit griel . allilitiii,:aatisles Ot i : • 1 ~ , . -..:. 1,,;.: ',..., .:,....: ~•.:- .4 eak,LONO-1 CO. e.. 1 • / , .. , , l' ..!, 1. ~,,,, , .11- :v I , ....,-- _ _- .•,. rr tet , ~-• s I. r.,., Aralitliress wan. .r , l , 4tOtelel4l4o4ll4Elniar ~ ,', alit Ini a i O•atittrut uaxiad saii eft .... iting-ba ;,, 0. 0 . , W 4 Ptilign VI Dert . 1 4 .14411. . 112: - Mir 401:0/14 potty :arH,r_.... Le. , i , i malisliliniMilriliorke wa ~ :1171 . 341. =At = us..l , , ~ r ...,..,11... olirk".81T11% . . aye "Ow WM, Lanstimnas, Fs. MilitiLll.l.4_oo ATlRWarlii - Cirds l / 44 % - 1 irtfrmel sou la posiNe.ll i oar .. 4 7 it 4ted zalbsed..ami ..ittibir is. -- waffler Marts pool no. a - tic r i cn lini agibirnr Mar sad r alseltiMoVaroill P:„P;via •-•• tl'ibili•ori 7 je vow 011 Gess strisL '. , IDO It -SAWS CHEAre-A. MULE, m,Becriwtt mako alt• Wawa Illiuts4 iler• 41111rairisra Ateaus - Mapipsy. dlr. t.,..iiiial lii n ; r, • . WillEr‘WißL,ll l 11 M ..spad - 01141 A. Mt/WO . . . Tans3ol2l9l ..16h=talr. ' 7, l l o4.lrE4OCAMMlVolcligvmpoimi, mom ItilhalsOMAllll &Ind& Jugs v. unic.:4inucuas...aosrx mai/at; 11)/XliN:111 . :401;;Rif: • 411111rtilling **ft *Ai - Inn t 41114113614iiiii inn* nasermisi - cti=ga 11 7 1111 114MINGITIsoasstethil=" -- 42Nuevera gmwmaskis nem ,agirr tV"WIDALOC??,'-13401M moviacmarimom4iiiirj;_. .t,^~}r.,~M~lMaeii~tDrsyalvßsei~ Sri 5, CO 4'."4,02.C7,'"A0i 1.4 ...,1,-,...,, , ,z,,t,,,,,..-,.,,,...v.... , ,:..,... , ..i.,,5...-:,.....i;.. i ... „. , . , : ...f., . . . . . -;-w ...... ~ -..- '4=s"i4Mtt=t unnsaUliterr X k.,,otrffitaltrArly, .room Los kosasoa.....Wa. i itooilpeoeso - loolloooottijo, ~LAt„Aoi • zai. wK kl:atf. fallout, Ufa •=.. Titer, wbovitLl app iris • PO/4W X. 04 . 0 ,1.44 4 ^ Been 11gcni.4,tt, MR: AND MM; OAKLEI7 11510144 - Itia , it.:III,TROART, .11tAt &WOE. PALIT 'mot Moo ttliAPUAlf, of tte Drruy LsooNtail Prisons Thestral.oottat. • • 771113 - 111f.121111,W bltl prifornitit Shlk *tares tt..uto set Ulf( .1/fitioSif, carotnallrolary OtrarivilCeln. lineowfostrortoo - Kniouboo. KJNAIL . To ounladintith ;J9 • " , :...1.48.3zAu99 wner. --••• • • st.r.:COLos.3roao. OsYAra.Hein."Prier. on f dmi Or, wt., nfoo—Sowaiso sesta, fitio; Drees c so !aim VABISTab ., TeeTRE. a saltTlaik. Lama sa4 ; • Attanopw, coSzdo -luarcu4. antpl . PelK~a ;o(W fl!maidan .•.• 4, CIAII3OI. , 11.1rtiaje,gepLIGItlX ' or -- triteepßiEti!.. . Immense aciedZ344:,-'4-f:i. FATT/E PAWA.RT,.. nutty. nittEradm , ' • AMA Z txraarri. zwE 4.4 r DOOdLS COMPANY: • • _1 eigAUCTI Qin Wagi r gi r El . , VA ,9,rx9(??T_WIED' inolri itilkiikailtlAtsts 011 iF si01113 "". 3, i I .......s_.,, , PrersArelsgs, rA.ovir 0, sass. , , :, —. 444.01.1113 g. mud. asides or 4cadeviiiinV Propos y will les' sole at AVMs Astedisa, was: 'highest wider, at Or Pablla- Warehouse Da Penni iNclWillt i s t a4 Fiefs .' SA ei l l/s fl;Wessitk,' we - 1 1 r t l l7r"o l aa r t: *T " j" F - Citakill:' -.1 i anit ,6 4 ,4 , , , nirtk. „ 11.,_ Tinned& _ .., , =sa . i'... a j im a jui • L .... s -, Mt deasssea Testa. II Pally Trawlers. - - 841 Abell* Tanta. MO FIIIIZIADISIM*O9I4II ^ilk ilosnlast Tents. + rl Flannel Sallie. — St LioeldlalTeat Filed .34 Palta Dtlillero+ +,. A .Slier t., , , i se Palls Stoslstays. - ' 4 ',lion • •• ' ' 4 0,4 4 4 :• 4 . 1 94t1y in - I Pi4eAkurs: - ranter*. ~ , :IS &Grim _. NS 'Water ProdPenels X. 4 TotinisStors Plps, z as,.- - . n• , * wsgacttlevets. • -. _'oil. - --,_ 4 Wbselharrosni. i I Great Ospata,-)PtaL t ribtt4 1 44R4444. t $ Zonate Jaaada. ' 1 Bellow, * i'll.7 . .Zatuttlflllosalgs. . 1 Snell. , .. - lt" Zdasee'rrowas re. I Rarlsints. 1 Bed Seek,hingle. 4 Stadia Forma. t 4 S. S Flat Axes. • EU •inapeadca- 4 Axes. 4 0 164-44ress whs. , It 71 a. Ow - Cantimai 44 8 to. - . I 111. knee. It rata Sherds. 1 4Ss A tailipietalesi. . see Shorets_.-. -_ t , 644 ,Alsee Pane. 114 Pounds mean Itm. , VA Hatchets. 1 Inns S 110: 1 . 1.-0004 en Fly- 4400 Walk Saelfs. 1 .-Sale - tossiontense at to Tessur..-D. I. Unlik The property SO De tai from d!li °(llals ' 'it..l3oL 44111esntl atylfsStayse *Walk a. • - - States mammy. I oral wittda. taro Audi fL aims. cp, Ice. tr. s. A. H - ANDSO • • LYSITUATE 1311,VICNTEI _,,WARD -WES . W.ITHIIt. THE NEARS OP - CtOELVORTABIHY.ARGINtes, WEDNEZDAT emptoorc, May Stu, ISIS, o'clock, wilt be added the promisee, near Hants, kreaue, oreollte_tbestid “diehos Hoosstesdn: lomkbstao!.lita4*llll***4 , Eilli streetsi Dttnean street, (a 44100 t street., riirstfel with ire Meeklithkesets.dreattet 1 41. f 0 04.00 1 1:4 40 f BO4 depth.. _ ..... 12 / o tsoldos6oo-fliet, treatoiDeir alien street aid m fret 7% Indies [imp, situate, bet levee .Huatuta end and-- - • 3 lots, um* size es &bore. fret:Hist 0a :Mit 1 PVtueite sod Webster streets. • at. folk Siete she asi . adie" fe , froldiselie street, "Ws le /1 50, foot street, e xtending froia Damian lireliderlitreetit,fietweed 1/41,11.11etiaad Erin streets. . iwlete,Sestiltfeettlre!reesWitimitsi; street, sold 100 feet deep; Situate beteeed Huth:tree sad Leta - iiitiolii.totreiti L • belstee In ete,;tero "eud threir_yeats, ittqs-patetelit ! , serene 1.1 Wee end atatoge• _ Plena eat be obtamed the Awl %mg, etfe.e . 6:epp a rte tbe Poet Mho. Jars tuarengs. Auetuniber4 A RARE CRANED FOR GOOD IN VEsTMENT:IN:VALIIABLE ST a Wlll be olbsrol on wood 11- or of Coin envel.l, s l / 4 .• .b eomL bitr_bfle'd2street, AS pposlte P 0810 e/ TIILOSDLY EVE:CIAO, 3(v s 4 / 4 4IS edools, the folleirisislSSable_stipsraz Cross zo tii , o 9=st i 4e 4 r a t i t r alau • 55 0 •V , bet. to /nstaronee ee.;" • • SIS • Eureka, Inenranse CLL. • • to Altiseets —de . do; . se Monnegat Instranee Ce ; 10 u Pee ples' Insurance Oa; ; SO odellauds; , 641 " »& K. do; 211-- '0_,. , -Bank of Pittsburgh;- ' 4.111.15en0 Snaky. ;Talton 01 PL. EltbllbLilidids -03527 r: !..4 AL 11:01LWAINF4.-tnetleneet. (NROCER,Ir- SWIM - 0.. St Wt %. 3 STltt ET.=HOItbAICI ArEEE I 39OiE" , 13 / 4 ' :Lb. at I o'clock, will be sob at use "Irwery St , be. Is .Warae tweet, isqlrßrowe Sr Co.'s Ina Steel Wotka, belay Pisa street; tie entire .tk,! complisitg, draw Ware; Chios Wan, Altos.' (boar, Gliss — Ware; Ices Tea Usaalsters„,, !Noce , biteksta, :Brous. , ErsuA Jars,Citars Jae, • Eusklrbest -Sloan Some*, 13sw!p, Aosp, candles. Beans. oiled Apace. Mockery, lierrla6,l3 l / 1 3/cap,,' )pool Liettow:rtu:ola.!, , Aloe Platform boles, with - Flour Scoop- , A. blell.W.slisE,Au tauter. FIFTH. Writ .COLUMBLV biIiEIif.—TUESRAT A FEERNCON.. 1114sy 10th, at a Valock, will be :old na the pataltes, ember of Columbia street sal iiinoserry Allsyy 14 :-Poodle* lots. aversaleg :Offset /bout us o.4ltautta - streetand 51 feet 7 Unless le depth. - _ AsAttobla,street Hof airmaslde Wallmaa. /1 Oats. Iroa•Worluveetaesa H-111{11037 sae e streets' extendas from the illeaksay 111 to `lllefter7 - Eltaao—tlse I:tlt4e/SE; balsam fa ova AO we - Ttows. walbspuelAreedif lat bond canton mlet- A. -1111e VW/UN& Abottemedr. DPPANS'r,. POURT ; WITH WAND VEri.t ,, tra - P•riVftutair. ORNlNGatater /baron 100 , 410444, wi 4i..3kt" at the Coma. Ilottes l ia to,4p. of 14 1 4almput417otass ..etataborof:ol4o4.434, Alambrea 1 Jesse% T. o Lota.bros.43 and Cl la Ki•lor naLig suenta Nitta Wt. iiiiittritt feet ,amalsta Dims* 'strime4, 'abaosteo4l atonic annillsms,l 101 set,! '4l = - PdWi r esl4 l•4 747l ° llllir " !EU Esq. II Gralltatiest. , .: . • as?. A. aprii*Amt, P.ll.4.ros:Js v le. - JEW AIM giLtiGitiCALi t - Itetdrit ipproyernetts, .7 • i i9LP*69l4 i iiiiiHD 102 14 6iti8ta i Olj i Cle i • . twin la Os MOAK lapis OW ON IrA r a P, la FFCfr, • • ; re a& •Go,x) seigr& MU= 0. AUELLOZ- • ifra-thet avo viva aq•zr TidIyTERY Bfk!T. L 'EWIRITaIEW YON; kiesuidtei. •.twcrs, ALSIP B. D.'"es siirrirs Ansertcan Organs Trni LIMIT:, " 111,4110113 t a,;;An - irittiaterftelis 7.64. - nweimaitidpiiietOttyyneirigiewa"._ kilie_And.'"l"..;... At i rti • AM ires ' in4 :' 7 -port .1,1,1 t r. 6.-1,7 . ."' ''• naCit'44kalir t , ,,, Ji t io.:4 ' 44Z.Vaijiii...pgditir rm ..... fellifiti trali"liNENS A .. . r '—' B4olBllkiiiitit ~ , J.-:, • . _... , k.;ft.. , i: - orml.: BA ~. umm.ol me - . ~.., „ ,4 Jill • ~ ia. :at 1 , "4 1 ' !: ik - :;;".i..- ...t., - ,K 1 .!•40 ,, ,, . ,1_ 4AM/ha .. fflogispigAirielime-wa - ' 1 177 e Krli ,'"77w wwla r °'# ip - ' ,-.:,-(:; 4 .- ii t - `l7ct .-Tr..,1-7k.Thir..1747i ' 'A • - ' ''' ' ',.. liipi flikilia.iliMeglanip* 11(14- ~•[;'l', : ' ;: , Y - d ' i::-'.'.4111011E!rni, : ill .. 7--7 :., I TA - !.t, Mr i::"...-:,.....f11111011/110,00 i 4 f.09 11 0.':.:.f1.;. 6..... , ..,..% .- -- rnit ~,. .Rts- , ?it ~, , :v. i i ;,,i. , v...: - 1 , ~,..- Yet;V:A. :+:44,kiti ..., ' - 0- 4 . `• 1 .L-'''''! .~, ~F7M~Rll~i•.sdilltf./Cq.;¢~ W:L': -.i..~t~. Bailer Mike' 411liegbORZ Webn! NC 11 0.40 . ' ;1 • iw *lib it mast iscreorai irs am, prepoi• Kirull sTl,l7ftel****VSlP44 in SOO best laminar, lA and inowantAir eel" made La litickm*t7l. • _ GAI L .% EPi MEW N& PIP% rf,"Arnfrimpt9ll Lowe:Ur? PI.JENI3I,PANSi 23 1 ( l atlVION; 49 r 4 aEgi smut P wed Nile manaListimurs ar WWII PA 4101.14136, on the aborted Mtge._l***llolZir.".., • IFErTillineopot. atikw - wessahr fibikBATIO;I3I:I4 - 11eCa ..... ‘ ' ^:!. -1 :-.%l4.irinrii***A.Pr -,-. - • - . , - - -- PATENT GROUND GIRCIILANIC 2 11 ,, ,. -1 . ,,,, iraresatai air 'di= sainCer min' satima.,. ariet es. anu,..Kuts7, area outs Aug. gm; fn 'other vi - • I AR Wide onGOVNEtsitNENDO4Noesis hem IfteetiCiat Medi ;VarrioNstol limarla AND MOWING RIME% he. , • 1 410•Widebosolesad W . wow wawa& and 19EORT STREETS, r t ..., ~,....,,,,,...=eirvi " ~,.......,„.141...,—„ 1aii?9111'd844 ' 114 ,,,i 7 4 07, ..._, ,fl. _ .:. ,i L___, arr,vo44 41/,-11440 71.,: . if,'.:;i:.;:i '•;4i. , , , .:.: Co,liier killCazid; Smalling.:Works., ~• D..pITT3ENFROEL, !; . ' , - - PARK, i:icdukirt ic do: ,•, r. 41aaitaaiireil at sazigiuriciomitAZlCßS, BuLT CoPpER, pResSED uOPPSS 1, TOM MISER STU)Li SPA.I.7!;, tSOTDER. Al . so i. to . ipearneidar vi and loM d o l gialrr_ l o P s" NI I IWIIIRSIitIABINE7 and 1 TOOLS. Warehouse,No.l4l.FOST azd uoS 01411 STREETtlyntbibutrig , 4lpeallil oases OaPPer-cut to 4 4 1 1(4 1 14Papp*TrA, , - -_ , , IriOf fel 11111171,7 4...W..ZW1LL1JU1....5. IP. JI.O LLA.I lar i uk - saux . rpissuk. , Matutatinitte - artrAST - STBELLiPRING , PLOW Just BUSIER, ISTEESASPRIIIGS, AX. LES, CROWBARS, AA. IR•Works, FIRST WARD,lLllogyany. - Paai eee addrots;P/ITSBUROIL 1..! 2. - JAM, - - prz. BOBINSON. REA de 00...( to Boarsaos, Aims tr. WimussiL ... ~.. AsstanartuFlitorks. - . 4 • 4 FollNDials AND atEcitnsi Eansltelnierb of BOAT ATlu7Aß Tis r r. MACHINERY, GEARING, SHAFTING OA , INGS sf all dessrillons, OIL TANKS lr. S BOILER AND SHEET IROX WORK. Air Ateats lot OIFFAIIIPS PATENT IN ,_VS. for feedlot holler& - • ~Tti lIHKAtvoE* '..vmsEnt3 Or .:111QTR SF:AES:-A rev'►soled getdßazusa Us Altbeea 1140114,tot4salt* tees. tear Aim aftst no I Os mall ins t kapsostso it =Hest meatielthott, aussasksonaldera It Ms - Mated dots Ao eansmosdastsl i . nit seldom fellow: creatures [he meaapotAll#o;: , PE B nkVe" l P% of an addressed eavelms, be Rem y •••. 0 41•15 • VOW \ (the,pfesol4o4o*-11 ---_.., - Dirkst to - Dr; JUICI U. Daoirilipanhileas I t reet.tfPri.•-: ,, , : 1;•• :. :,• - ab Urban' • .110111 S COCHRAN £ MO" Mmes. toners DC/SEM VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING WINDOW SHUT. TERS,NDOWOUARIts.e., Nos. et !MO ON!) sad THIRD STRE ET, between Wood sad Pdsrket, trace co ,vsrfAttot sow pstterns, Wary indlobdo,sultstds Rasa VDRoms. . Alir.Vrartleulsr =Wks ;old o Mass/Ng grim Lots. Jobbisplans atsbort Alr! ' lsr erwrvuor , ,A•roitriaLer or moled i :n=t i :V alee liego e Vramta l r g. ee D 7 addremotwitil sumo 48Zu' . . 4 1.4.tbousehtt 3.ta.,KrarßAcir. R 0402 -Pea Earr i atlarDAL ABISICA. AN E Oa TIOPf FOA :YOUNG. tda treatment at the Urfnary . and SemuTl Plateau.A d dramDe. J. MLLES HOUGIIITON Plow. 11. COLLINS. FORWARD DMZ.: AITHCOMAUSRIORAttERCHANI and wholesale defile' in - CHEESE, SEEDS,-FISH_ u-and-produas.-geserallrin 'WOOD SERV= nce • 'WDIDdI'EB. ----- Fon covrEzir 130t1011."- ofjlJpper St. Clei Township. private of the elf Rermest P. V., will Spate, enhjeet to. Us deaden of...the ihicettkoatt Oenveatioa. - . layehloda • . I+~~ DAI'ID NUAlrigli. WILL, AZ A taadidita [Y Assrattlia-, word to the dmisiot. of !he .17eloo. 9oesity qoaveeflos onalle •.• , • , ~soyllkto3her orsAistiT., NALitura.*RlPS*. +SW the teeth Prima; Vole. from Lower St. will be it caadkLete for melee. thee to t torotete Legislature saltiest talks Miele, ion el the Sales Cleanly Coioreatleek , • • ie - • rti.Oewr • • <reit Lam ` INICJIBJE_ .11It OF IFAL& ••=9. TURF--BILLTIOIS3I. Utr ILDS,PI46: burgh. rijhrt - to • nondaitioa Unlocklimn!) , DeesimiSms • syr:tehlow, IUAVT. JAIL P. e LaOLP, gam:gam mg eildblate tbt DISTRICT-LT •RIRtl • tatilkiceawT ~e 42181:10 Or mgt. ualli • Irmo., • . 71114,141111igit • ;..4001.. J. IS— *m, YLIn I OO Vlll' lie avestutylate far tIo• lleuttrrt;Aullregelcspig - deafrion of*" tralW ayrtaiitawr 11111 JIVE? Ai Lit2t WAL th 1 1 6 . Itlt . 1 2 , 011 4 NiV'TKFIL IA 81341 i Et...oefnie MOM if Coaveatteft; witlo „ , outla JUsllth, taw. ...quirt • • • - Agrlt444e=4" lafit LittigirPrE' -4INIMA r N 0 1l 0 X E R.— ville6rlll be ssollista; 'OM ths asei l r a ! m i thiMnfen Camay t, .1. ,sar WhLL DE A CANDIDATIII - Pci* iii ths olSot of DISTRICT ATTORNIIT, oubßot to Cm tomktrioUtut at lb. ant Daioa Clottotrgoarreattoo. • - 404t0 - ADDIC:IIIL - WATSON. Gartrwrs. OIL. CLOTlis. ic. GREAT REDUCTION - 01= • rums' As rop rarpMgesdif , 7 9 4 ,= U t ir a lireUdist . • • VfmAid Aiwa igifee; , ' Thrown.ons out •Alinf offiff. - • • ' • 4. " aficaprArAll Of Alm •Atf - awrpoOtorma p . • . iffa lti w l I ° o -6 2.%1 Tfieer l7 irD AS teflortico et T.•••••.aiititastti4ow sadsowntra par Mit IMPARLANDAMILLaii, I.,iffiITIFLITOFFILEAT . • • Neil doorlio Mahn Tinsso eat P. O. O. Atha . Carpets AT AiatostvraCE PRICES; -- • I • Bawd anierairassinlsisiet4l ter tlimasupoc bargl4.4t tbsIIIII3IIOTION. 14 1 44r0111,1Pur,aftra a1. 1", 4 ,, 1 , 45ta g a ! 16* "The Iran* sqles:And wai t ' ifer ' —yr irennsit‘ arrainny CARPETS!- CIABEISTEI CAILEPFI: igIIPTT 1 1 T 0111 _cfffrße-.!.1, -cterfna !mom thAbl*Att ,r 6, a :412w004 Ampoz.,A Oa! 0 .1 otif lidlalahldia ihrdp4V , :, - - pimagrrams.. ~:_cupori:oraufnii.4l4lo, • • - =EMI . . • _• - . .. . - . . . . . . . . - 1, ,, ...0.4 - 4- - ?..,,,..,,,,, ii • •,,,,,,:,,.....az1z.•,....r04.• ‘...4,..;:”..•,-.441.•;,..,?,,,..1.`,,,,,••,..,44 ....4 ,-- 0 ,,. • ...,-,,,,,,. . 4 ,, qt;4•4,...4.1.,,,,..i..4-4•,...„ , i•-,AW ..- 4- .$44, -, 4.; ' - • -•• , .. 3 . 4,...:;44.1•..7 . ...i.,.-V ----- -.•-••••.-'''" . 0 "-`, 4 4.7•14:::•,..2Z4',...t•1: '' .. . ,•;, '. 4 .• 4 •• •, ' -1 ;Pa1,..`1Za.'i:5•tr.:' , ` , .... , 41....r. ...-• -.. • -- • --...•.,". • ' •••• - ,-(c. ' I . • .• . ' the Vid.4,e,lics4 (fiNvie. _A, "‘ mozi:l.o4;l44CT W, real c,kz,k,sll.; 11 .. - 1 1, A1 4 10114111-ftga. I sittsiieiviiteresiu ' =M!MI I. ..14( ri L. ono tuns.. 0V 0 40• .31 IP '0 i :7 6 "11'.." . .I'. -:- i -:i • i ~- . n ro ni ur t tl t. m . .. 3 1 ,0 • :- it le i . .. , ~ . One o ak.. ft 110 .1 170 i • 1111• • IS -- •40 Two w 413 . 2 2 101 - 170 -• 1 -13 7.3 n144'44 0 - 3 '' 4C0.500--2 00 , 1 10 One.ment* '7 VD ' 4 •SCO . 170. 11 73 IMI Two m o'4; 11 , 4 -700 . 4 .40 ,2 I* ThrekinVe 1115 1700 ' 5111 - 4 711 w . sas Zit minithe ,20731t00111N .1 09 1 * •4 00 E 13 4.0 10 4* ;34 01 - 16 i* 'ii co , te -• +616 1 - 4443. ' 41,1* . *4O 40411 111110 '4O -4 00 l • n... , caiAagatastaiuquislatawas. , For we square, s IDgea6la mil thaa'saatareat; Cho. business at Abe ',Ares larger adrartimmta Hame JUNO' lu‘urJallsOLlll,WeetLiii the %oath S Thrisi oioallts;.v 117:11 ,1 0 0 1 114 00 ‘0110.Y.010F,:4,41::: • 4000 !♦07: - 1000 ~...'8 4 0-00 10 1%) If 76 .10 SO 11600 2010 7. , 111 00 4 . • ---- Sr JjskNotbesdoutgetile,aspre hiter..,: ,:.••••'' le il T trip Y.... . .:: . 15. 51e5i56965 A 4 Isettent‘per ' 5 0 5! Exqguto=m .:5 miblat.ndoesoltotlses. 515 L0C4,111 luidie,speelAl hamt. " • • ' ' .15i• . “ - ' Losslsollitror. • " AO. CITY. AND - SUBURBIN. • 1 1 / 1 031 BATI7IIOA.ThI MGM* P 1.111,114 ; G ePera 1 0.02,14 7. - .1110:A44104 Pet ofl the used hour.-. liter devollosal exercises, the sitoutei Were mid sadiiworid: • °. • • Aev• F-.?'"otus from the Committee Pre.i Pam a pspetna ,the ,iivezaire — W.*.f.tlie Malan, and the death arm:eldest ,Lineolo, (which we bay, Ai+ Madam& Aid -:ins reeilm Milted ibr,alterations)' submitted the ifor.omtme In its amended form—ilte itselotleas.-howeilmf. being precisely the deice ;railway siren, ttei. A: B. cross, of BAltiborn, offensti sun agate ibr the whole paper. ,d.w...larleg that the Atieeibly ntlinitiVelidering thanks to Almighty Mid for that divine providence ' and him. which ..bee beeP ebelea ee an a intim, in eollectlog and traltiloviirtaveles,:prepartog and building our uivy. perfectiogand esUblishing - the dances, etc., eto., and tendering **del 'thinks far the raising oriel ♦ chletutagistrateef the calmocu, Modems', integtity,4ldelity, energy, and patriot ism of Abraham Lincoln, lamenting.his death; • .fi.motiou wastnede toroter botit papers to the Committee, which Was lost. . Mr.,crom then addressed the Asian!)ly la support of Lis itibetitute. Ills objection to the report Oftlie Committee was mainly on account .of Us great length, mad the Introduction of Ir. 'resident matter.. Dr. Writ found .nothing In the first paper to tilde: he could objfffm, tdat It did not rise to the *airmen, end toe dignity of the subject. As to the subetitute; there was too much . fideuee" In it, 'and not enough of the Providence of Gad. lle nitored the drafting of an entirely new pa llet. D. D.• D., thwered .the &lop tioti of the intistituter; •, • • • :Bev: W. Y. Brown. of Washington city, ob jects* to one or two phrases In the misdeal pa . per,. and scald prefer the substitute.. lie unwed the reference of both pipers to a sputa! c. m- Witter, of which the venerable Dr. Billot should be chairman. This motion prevailed. • .Rev. Mr. Wight submitted the report of the Committee on hysterastic Benevolence. • ,The re prit directs attention to the fact that of the tweetr six "hundred ' ohnrches, only flr ken hundred contribute to Poreign Missions, twelve hundred and seventy to Domestic Mis sions,' seven headrest and eighty to the Beard of Publication, seven hundred and fifty to the Board .of Vocation, and onlysix hundred and ninety to tothe Fond for Disabled Ministers. Poe hslf of the Murtha?, therefore, are doing little or uoth -Ing-Mbegn at work of benevolence, and that In tWo-thlrde °Ellie churches the claims of three of the Boards are either never presented OM to ob. Udning . any response. The 230,000Weentztuni amts. are reported as giving to benevolent ob jects 1400.000; dr lead than anaverszeots3.per egembgv . . The Committee believe that systems:- lehenevolence • Should be urged neon neoPlo ' Christian duty,: but they Make no special •rteommendatlone, leaving &debate be arranged . the respg:..tive elm:then. • • • The report was:. adopted. and ordered to be pettier! and read frolutimpedpits. .The Moderator annoneced u the Speeder! Com rolttee to whom should be referred the papers on : the state 'Mate country, overthrow of the rebel ete..7)r. Elliott. Dr, green, Dr. Drew:tan:l • Atldera Judge Egeleg and Judge &tong. Mr. Chamberlain offered& rstolutloa that tie Assembly direct the several Presbyterial, at as , early • say as promotable; to stad ono of their number as s miselonaryto the aetriPeMS to 'Serve doting of not toss than thirr Months; Said t r expunges to be.-paid by the, Board. .alae reaolatiou wee referred '-to' Me . Mending Committee on Domestic 8ar...8. B. Chapin; on' behalf of the Tellers *pinta tin - receive theballota Mr; the election of sountert of the several Boards, etc., reported the milts. Latin: • ' • Board .1 Dewaisrk"Miadour -SI misters, R. J. Bo ektnelute, D. Et. J. 111. Lwrler, D. D., &ad's, XrEtwaltte, J. H. Nixon, Cyrus Maims, D. D., 'B. 3. linnets. E. P. Humphrey, D. D., Th. 1.. Joaeway. D. D r , J. 11. , Ereba, D. D., X. C. Su pra:. N. L. Stec, D. D., F. Bad, P. 8. Caffrey, Ater. Bad, J. 13. Monktd, D.D. Layman, Sar a= leelm„ J. McKee. W. Dalts,ll 8. Swart. 8.3). Powell; 'A. Maraca, 'D. A. Bare, J. 1), . strum.. A. X. PP4TAY/TiPIP. ' ln place or Ro"' -Dr. PhMlps, -deceased, Z. W . Newman.' D. D. In piing , of J .1: Potter. B. IL Allen. In place Of Wm: Beni, 0. Groggy. . • • - ctslandutor on Friedront-Xlststers, .W. P. _Rued, D. D; 3. H. Nlzoo. 8. F. Colt. 8. C. lo gin, W. D. Howard, D. D. W. M: Parton, D.' • D.; IL J. Willent: .1111401111 - Anima. J.' O. Marray. ,11111 Inst• BOWS; Ilne"...lL'X'Zintlla, Flasbratta Ala. Cameros), Allegbeay; J. D. WOW, Paw :14ugli; Wm. Bakewell. PaSstrarEbt . noli• 3. Gal loirsv Colston's.. Moeda Pattersog, PbUadd phis; Jamee Lentil, New Tork; 11. Id. Wayd6a, Ilsnisl art; Arenlaald Styria:ly, Jr., Baltlmarn. - ~ /grerd qt Poblirefirri-Mbusterri, W. C. Mat thews, 1) D.. Charles K. Janda. 11.2., ,Wm If. Arm). D. 114 John C. Barton, D. /g A. T. M. W ' O - 1):11'4= Fas: 11. Crowell. D.D., Wm. Ban. aersl.l).D., Cyrus Mason, LLD,' Wra,.C: Oat hil, D.D. 11.. C.. Itartak.D.: - .1; IL Beekman. D.D.,71.1.: ' D. 10,, G. W. 11sPball. D.D. Laynaltlllntbrop Bement, Robert, L. Stuart, Mastbew 'Newkirk, James Russell, James •N. Dickson, ALM 'Omer. George Sampson, test . W. Ifeerlattot. Moeda Pattancs, 811ws B. Wler, Grams C. Naphrys, flideklaud Knows, • Alfred Maraea._•',For. tha'nerptred term of W. • W. Pblllll*. deeesaed, Maeda Kell*: ' TA' that or the Rey. Daniel fissiet,'daasse_ .Arti - Aleinador Zlaedt b: note; D. b., C. biciwon, D. b I. iv itifcdonald, D. D., ~ .Clesste.Burrotres. IL NI L P. P. W. Wad. D•• D., L. 11. Si lien , 8. J. Bs' J:11.• Behar.; B. It. Bower, iff glamor Dr.Ai Swift. I. N• am dal". 13! pace ;sifter. Dr. lips. Bltlarsorohn -14 Planter. Ti.8.1111/prey,'6omze 81;miwood, IL. Sears Hodge, James Andrews, B.H. Watson, F, B'e-WeJtaos4 Zara 11;,11aat,Edwin B. XtHer, In theront .3 4. . Sarin. 1:11' .1" In plsoe of ' ID 11;118tA - 000.: :' '--, - •';- - . , .' - . ', aponf I t ltrip• ifoisior. - =,,voistori, Wm. 8. , Amor. b,,b.; °inflow Spring, D. D, Richard W. DlSkloson.. P. 0.; 'John Way, D. 0., Ed ward „IL YON; .13.0;, ,Bamge; L T. Wilams, D. D., ' William' Balusiat, , Do D. Enact; WlFlies. De 4 / 4 76atipb 11:11eneort. 0. D.. John D. Walls.' D. 11, David J. Waller, D: D.. XIX Jlatelc*t D.D.,- Amid J.. Iltiltes: gala tt. 'Born: DIM' Si. Holliday. LL D., AlmusiditeDMMAlmia,D, D.,, 0; Itokul, D.- Do ' Etder..-Komaser , Nati; At. ' MATbamat, :Reston' it. -Walwomb," John Di, no*. jotio'lltle;"Jamb D. Verrallya. Rthert , L. iltaart.: Henry lfeKsan, D. B.,ladanti, O. L'Talballdlypluare,l.Obialtort Henry,- Eli Beard, -' Williamb. Ciniteld,' J. Minot Brown, Jaw .Ir.lFlßlams, A. &Nelms, Francis O. Ballet. I.osintailffaireB ,Atlioalm-=XlnitittriV. M. ' PlaisM, 'X. 0411411 Lyon V. 8, V 8. A, Illiegvis. , Layne. Archibald : tumble, ' . IL ' IttaWA'.4. FAwards, Cornwall an& ' ' ' Dirrderfl fg , I m le . otoi r fleot Semblarios-Fir 48atiort , - Mitten,. IL-A. Board: ,man. D. D., John - Krebs, D. D., J. C. Back. ! ta, L l); b.,- Wni. E.! litheatic, D.:D..' In plate of tly.rhestee, Vroi.'o; Nueva. E. flookrien,' D.' D..10‘,111030T Dr,' Tow; /ant Thokaos. - Ti. .0., la place ofDr. Thlillm g. yi. CtiVeNT D. D,. to Swett Dr. liagle., _atom EidersolameiN. Pfelcsoff.'Wnlea 4141411. IL 'per; Danish,.' lo.tdams otliii,;patignot. -r- , - - - - Militia ' TAtat &fisiaast,4tialiknit Iltil lwaVittgii.:D3Di; jitiofalL vat; 94tinti -701'Clatie Wald W. Irliklier.l). - D: Clarke, D., • .Ntiamr ;i i-jw. wa r Elam; Allacendne Cairgsbi ilatAati -Galititit„, Atatintir Boots'. • Data /Ely ..11.b..f0 olooo,OrLf,Jorlft , _" :Arun soolesowals work Ja ., ' woo' ll Cooltg,,zativ ic h A. Allintakrr.l4% Dltliall,f.: ' hard Et. - Alien !LA . ,. Jciutom.tillet 1. - r" toblapW4W, Oaf . RilinE_Miallibbet;Nirtimalati adA, J. C. maiireli - qopo W. , Nefsh,Veo Den ny, W. yr.pitiatf I:),...X;ProsSot, L. ti c s ". •XsaretffilrilWait of a,' WiOris 'rho ~ ~, firiiiiiiiii- - ,t,;" - Be,: 4 r F r Voi isset ei r l Dr i :A r Rm..* Lti.; , 1 01 24 tit je M le. ~.. A r 07.7f1r . . 41 i *tatpeat • . e ' l4l'.l W .1•BlVewell. Z --to JA) tilt .; la of Bop.; b • t k f e et /1•, "0:3 fl 1 P/OSe: Itßik i ••• •, r . gOTABY tea. , ?get 0 1 ,-:ra .-tlit Amemoirmatetiw b ' ' Itat e r rl lo l ).: .-. tow Xerdart,adoklynow laagibbito r tins} '! gMtillinttr 7 4 11 00F4 -Dr ' liffo. FaaWas ,1 1 119 i la .4314‘03tegl _Wad • 301 Skaimitbl wormutparaMata , i. AO;I:n1 1.-:-.1": ',l.* ~-... 2,•,.: 1.- it , I _ ••• r• g• Li* in• 4 It •G tf 40 ex: .art to At a Atat we•••:e•r 4 Ilion: 4 •••,:v•r4t. „Sr. •7_lll wt.:elated .4 1 4 . tta at,.28 ma, (a. t•ll•tiq. , *lt% ttlx • 14.,r. WU 47 ft 10 1 .44.• tq, el.ter.. t b mraanazu. fur tha For our frW rt that ha linen itr,,,,Taid f it tho'ebatv• sat - vyats +en at aaat. a in.,ltara.- atm% •Ick Impamarisk Oa. palter, ltd Wbtt.l.lF usetnln:ma. • . , t!qa ..orrOnationi for the Ilea:m.lcml & pinary, at . Was ctla• staled sad put r , ttt iller• T he " le m b /l ' *u ,%10,z-S7'aim --__ - dilleglintir Cailw9 , -TeLslidtaO , mnetatiens .' Theidiaocialks met last -,;,, , iiii',tlet the id ettf r, .„ ....„., ilttitlCrib, 01.140 and =net fidelity eftecouseof *dims beinsisainneted - Johts• trees,: req.,.. being called to the dindr, as preeldiag eines, delivered his Tien on the itieetinn, l i=d th,Oonjetite Or etteution, In a truly *spent manner. die 'defrayed nil Step= of adinnelloO CD the indiVideil.' aala en`the state at Isle; ailing *Olt splice o f =sena. imPottance le the eirealtali of good citizens; and traced ' Its twit 9 ' . nen the tuled, which it tiskett Inerse ion oPedit t . that'wosideeftir extent , ' ths relies It to the es. and chalices= the ' adult =don Of mantle.. - ",:. 1' - ' ' -', - 1 ~:, '-, ' 1 ' . Afler ter b i Rev. Wifillaig;Rern De e Ifni laeS et tt beriells See Introduced Sigdeliesed a sectn n the education Of the dayonad lie ef ts= is 'the coantrys . ,:Thla nobleieffort, on a nate t e; hair been gurelversiettedi'' litli •of :phi le teaching and Islastio teSiarch,ehili • tisodoetrine,:and patriotism,. - It:wea. ,Well ra: =lced end appreciated by: the , audisiace. :obit &use leder on the necessity of educating those ~ whOnieta takeetse idaces,Afartia-liutheea Si the elector -of-thionts, Wastdustosea farewell address, all yielded Walter PrOkella interest. ,Tele, ketone wilt, dottetleaa, at some retire day; ' botb the. well •re t ' • COM , re public,, a late Nam tmaahneuity mete fore eopy ter Yiblicitfoni The =wars ciereteee elceed‘ with a - vote of thante to the Revel end Doctor for Ida lettere; to, 1 the denotes of- the Church: for ',the one of Vale ' Chianti, and to the choWlbe the excelleutut: Itlard .by Dian. 4nOnied In Qardi r a Elemalilire'cireue: . wei•,ilety: the "kick tante , ou'TkUrsdty Wed, diving the Iserfonnaiee. and almestjr3lled.. The matkpre tending bi be an awkward Jake. from the:crowd, stepped foto the ri(f wltti an air of confidence as to htt ability to ride the :animal, but gettitut too close to In boas he. was kicked over tha tight rr and Ireocked senseless. It le "aid that he will Joie the alight of the eye. If he hid been an Inch closer to the animal be would have bun instantly killed. .It It about time that the "trick nods" fe.atani In circuses was elsfilshed, , Rey. Mr. Dlckereetf ' the ' , chosen; pastorof the First Baptist Church of Ude city, arrive:l.ln !Vail yesterday, to enter epos the dude' of hie sacred profrunoo. It will be remembered that some time ago we potlcel.the fact that this k 4 out /foul ,boeug, Iliniugton, Delaware, accompanied by his family; and that, open anteing la Philadelphia, ble wife took 1 1 1 sod died, "ditch delayed _his coming until how. We feelassured that he will meet her ea cordial welcome, aad warm sympathy from his brethren in the ministry and other friends aids own and all ether denominations. Tennyson Club.—At Me annual - Menthol of c facers of this dub, held last Monday evenlog, the following gentlemen were utoulimmuly Xresblent--Geo. T. Van Doren. NianTriddent—Res. John MonxLia, D. D.' Recritarj-Jotterth M. Osszion. Tretounx—H. Richard Davis. . /tette of thanks was-Atetarned to the retiring dhotis for the able and egleler.t manner they had diechirged their duties. "Frank Leslie. Chimney Corner' , is tha title of a new weekly Just commenced, the first number of 'which Is before us. It Is very neatly minted,flutly Illustrated, and full of scrod iced leg teattr.r. ?or Cale by Glldcarceny, No. 43 Edna street. Laborers Wanted.—Fltty rood laborers wanted to work in Allegheny City. Highest wares Oren. Payment weekly. Apply at 643 &olthtleld Meet.. - it. Scientific American, The Independent, Nettnel Pollee Gazette, and Harper's Weekly, are for Bale by Glldeefeeney, No. 45 L'lftb etreat. The Vdinburgßei rew ror Aprli. 1565, with an Intaallnir table of *petal te, for sale by P. A. GU4enfoocei, No. 4S Fifth street. '•!WWFh. the AsiiesAta," le tha Me of the 'atom ince of Dewlel'e".era. mettle. For sale' by H. A. Glldenfeseey;Nct. 45 Fifth street. airmail Lesiida Chthoney Coraemw. a handsome new. week*. Is Ihr sale by John P. liana himonle MU; Fitch street; - SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICE& Time! Platzt ,:tacuesigaseiroderomo Oadsr `AtiNCOMO of . various 'alders. "Me at Alexander J.ayChlln94, war the Welke ' lircirksjittabugh, ; Reddened". No.-713 este. One— ;Orden ir ittandedio; All 'work ivitrasited water Repairing dace at tits reruneotlos. , creharralor repairs; provided berimels imilkatuoid OW, - hteimet/ei,-Clar hind. 11r.: Joke W....:. ... z ,„ No. Illd Federal street , wee la the eart .whee the glorious n ews - capture of Itlehrermd mid the surrender Me wird Gener a/ '.l:ee 'Wm Medved , and to 1r -.Mantua of flii pinla produced, and wing the mamba sesdava l ,4„ tbmwoold follow,. made vy yardmen. Mile Inert sr and sem r at about sershelf at the old priem me . the ineat 'Moak masker= ' Included lo kis Week, WhiCk Mi i d " ptlepared is maks ep re order. on Mom mike In the latest styles, and et eoweryeredlerly low rates. A. Moles amet. meat of lurelAhre goes% and mulymade. eloth ltsr will ake be Lena it fils *pat establlsh. meat- Char . 11Mflany kith& seem;Ore Um rETTZREI REMAINING UNOLLIM. aj , ED to the PAK MIS at-Allegheny Chty.Pa : Th t l i rs any of Alms hitters, the llppliosak ens tor isferrfieni esters, giving. Um➢duo of tilts lis .lie d ya wag seat tor Mystifying. • plaid fee with!. ewe siesth, tasty will be sent to the Dead Lister , • \ Pens Dimming letters by orriers, at the rest deem* of *wpm, may be eacinsio by observing the following etrtu r f. Thum letters plalely to theatre* and neap ter, aa we.) asthe Past(7o.p and State: it Hue lettere with the writer's prat cuice and Rate, stria end Ingeler, !ten plainly with full rune, sad alignaiihtbst 411111111111 be directed Isom& rev.. L - Latent° ethuieri or Inundate. +Whirs to ' townlet etty,-whose 'peen% address ma i be an. : knew% Monad be ...We on the lower tea hand earaer„with the word “Tratudent." 4. Plait the postage stamp on tbetiarritett.heed earner, and Dew epee* between the 'heap and dl. teethe' torpoitserh without .tateetertikt with Ibli-writlioe, • - ' • _2_ , I 2! ssacor for theinnVair of • Jotter to the wilierafinaelellsed..withia voserr Davy or tel milieu or printed' %%tribe - Writer% sew, Pell Oita and State emit thelett-band and of the eavelopt, ea the thee Mot wilt be emptied with at Mel:weal prepaid rata of postage, payable Li the letter le delivered te , thelowliiav tdre Lee of ItAt.) SATURDAY. MAY Wri' • anal. Waggle SentiornbsSitak Giles Mors A llelahank 8. Weser Mu, Moidstat Danals Often Beta XellnytionAL3 Grasp Rote, Wt. Mtn, David ktalltew.getAte Ellokanbottcon... MsVinod Al.ll, 13 I = 4 /Usoti, A U : AholO litlanian Inmate aitini _seltnt Okows Wesson tistab siateb Lints Neill Jails ,r:: Neely Zug Haunts. Ernes iwwklek.War bUtcArinot,S, ' irstreisar lorit!.W Mailer naaluat Oslo/ No *kW 1 . L.- Uadllitlati/k - 'betters J.-. - - Rom "Yearrpls. Pzidirw Amin*. Harper Joseph r ParseU Einalta. itartisoa Jas. Prltt•E_ Minis 'rhos Pillow George illateklanot Ri, itortoeiogia Herd Karin . Pinkerton John Ranilltot Jai 'f• - IPotter Janie. ' • .7 Prentice Ju W imirson'i.V. • mrtert Janos f Jackson Vaal Pittkln* Jon ! JaeltsbaDneld PattAnktilthew JohnstookA Moms 11C01( Jamisoc.lS__• Prwat tamp Johnston, Ilt Pounds ' . Johentok Paten rm W ,' • Plane. lilt Away Sunny, pilots Adna Kennedy, anon, • r' Krick tiassat, Moat &ea Kent. Igoe' Radallff Hwy - RusitafJoba • Keller WaWoo • Robison Jain , pandas Antis Iltod Rod pesT ' m if oeseyEdward mock Stm. Lawrence Lesill Myeloid' Wino Limb* liebistorsa Walt Ltsu r•JIW. LatgeJaateS Ra n A S eam at- 3R ts S rz * W Lnch guldi, Joseprarr rit Lowbrarothokr- WOW/ Ate Lowlllllwpwi Atenows r 8 111 Mask azig i; i e Matti J : 61I t SWII,O t ia Xat i rt t i til li nTett% Malt& new 1 y iimearsiumv voisdarar it • 7 -, ar t Altri ratilail ft"a r• Ilesnloek Wane ts• !Upham IL- Wean, JUT:, t Wools' Wle3/1 Whim.; o. WskitraiWW, Willlapsokt o iok.e v reilon - ratkadmir. , ,y wormfir'= todwic man Walkirr Wra MAUI* WISOw4r 0.7 No illwrirwa X• 111140 Nai,{ [MOW mr,s . apmentim 1i V. 4 1 6 o 4.1t4. Adam. Antoi Altsbouse• Jae.. Maold M *Aaitritwa Jaw 8 • Bvek•tdwart. DWI Ign Bgrientaff Baxta Geo Brovinitaa Buttner JE 'MAME 81. 1,, 8144•11 VessettilmAl EiLlterSiftia , “l: El tler I eon M:811111- Butler Mari's 4101dOdit'Aft Ityler W , D -• &Mon NOS daft AG , Uozommuo A • Qin &tails Oonaelly. E . I.looklt Oullaton Ova Bell . . 'Wiliam A Y Vabliviao Caldwea-I B, H CalOwaU _ CTelids - WILMA& net Osdlls• Mary I'ftwfor4 met CoPst.ka Mama Of=lies ; -Mull im= Wai - . tiardiiiii Obis :13obitialrate • • mat= Douala** ICE Dtiftesa• N fDtted Ali Don/Mellra, 'mut* t Parkt.:l ZIP*: W , 1124 7 6.5hik •ue P, JA* Tim maa t b A frr • .waniigatus• GtalkbaJa G o :01e1a3eit• oobrlis.Mica aanasi,ol4 • Goma, Thew '"; :41111L" GilirtFa • ;;••••••, • . et. , ,,t0 tee f hfLIWNBP/tlNci GOOD". • >PierM49 l SA-1.1.--(413, . ~ <`..:-... f No. 78 WAR ELT srgzET.4 illioisasts ail Retail Dagen frimmipp - and Fancy Goods, yang num en um, Ijiirdeatleleit's Farah Mpg .6.4 ANY - oat amootleo Wordsints; Vta wate meocro#7, ; te tads , err cotossivo deck 1 the above HOC arnica Our r 4.. a:; I, , : Cotton_ ame.and socks eiptitaltr..4 !mot sat be!t. Writ 1191114 t t l 4 l' ilth Mt OP? . NOTION DIPAIITIMiT. w21:10 toile ve1.64 1 11 1 111401 4314 gelsOrts Li 841 ka, baud" modal Maps Oa masa tall Lp plea, CHvi ImilatevenStaiLig *amities. . • arlf • MOURZIANG QOOD O. M. BURCHFIELD'S Black Grtmailines,i Black Tamerta, Black Bornlxisini t , Black. Mourning Ipacca, Mourning Lawns, Mourning Mosambiques, Crape Collate, English Crape, Mourning Silks. A tarp sasartmeSt of goy gimift &W rites . slyi2 JO& 130E.111F3 00., DBALRBS STRAW AN D knialnair 60016 1 B.llobnaisad Bonnet 131Lks, Timm ant Trinkmande limbroltlaries, Lase floods, Handkereldefs, Panay tdooda, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' and 4 =2) .. i ., ,r• making 001:44 Bead Hiallet_call Vented -Firmiery. and. Glom, No, Maim saw Small Warm. am is, mements ..r lam` 11PRI4 B 6,00D8, wbkb will be tome uansaalV_Meadhe. we eesegrek,leeed (10 IAL 112),ItTla 'TIT S& Ova MlNenizeartzampaall will at ail tires be Ronne well sapped. We eollalf.a Iltrekßti, Pailarkind tle Ng* Mae wo eat MX all. JOS BORNE tt Obi ial 79 awurrr STRILIST T HAVE JUST' RRIVED FROM THE EAST Nth a °arm/ I Taebatadaaaaetateat d ' FLEET AND STAPLE. WO/J, maw whleh NU be •Iband a line Sae of Elealea r li k ratt l&iinTeres, Ribbons, Plawera, Swale; awl all the ass atytea, Sala tag itahher Oollary to which I parthmlar y salt the attsatlea ay ttso ladles I Ittadame. Easerait.. var..- . 4 * atop Malta, Laa• sod Lfaei Hisdketth244, ad Masa et Unita, be* Swiss Sot" Lase Uam atmaa Barbi sae' Ootieste, Breakfast ()ape, Shattaad Shawha 1 lettee,taeN) Lam I. Chotahst, Llama, MUSA thread, Valaseteasee Om sk o tat ASplloe, WWI Liam Last ter Pillow Rabreldaete. of all Wahl IntatMs BOUM, stall Made; newels •Alassketa foe tstaatat Ealsee' EtaajJalletaes !lea, MAW Meal Map au/ Swot sow Data, Oats ADDIS. ONI sad Tamale, T M = and llettate is arms] seer etyleel Maga la Jet. DWI. atm* , aadrOleyatal cheaSh• I EISA *Silk sad I=al Pmts. Peale llatesadTriculagn Ss'. la La.., EppUista_JeL Silk, Gala 'lint aad TimetTasey Drapa;rol.A. late *ad igh sad. .varlet at athar parae, an stash Weal the atteattaa of Ay EWA arts.' same as! valets rreerelly. aysh " ALUM MOWRY; la Platift aanteL' 100KWOOD*8 ONLYBRA.TZD Cloth tined and efl roper Collis. IUSON.ILMILIIIIIkOO. . DiToil ? 'l7 sib . 240 !mirth Wit . . - soix:icistm rot LOC4WOMYI3 GOODS. . nip WA* *ID le rapplledigNsaalMistrifit LW. A 1101 amerlotestea ill. myna NEW 120t,DS I NEW GOODS! arunT 4iaspasizyzu3o W. W. 114 0011HEA.E1'13, • xi. it lioarket II let simpboes. Uarit Zweemete= , . Manna Leo palm*. te . U . . Ens ' nu Shades, Bun UMW. & &s. • 4 ali ....4twias at Gala* • WIL W. ZOO — MA - 1). et iiiniter mu= FCRALBOL I 3. .6 ..m o Vir f tba .ai r o tit - 141:33L11'1,4rAiit zazatt. aummult am. F mg" Mir MIS AND PALI town awl 1 "IV We IMO. • ••• '4I97I3BOLVTIOXII. nissourricin „Olt: Cd,:PAItTNER,:. salp...Th•rhit hiratatoni tootweaa tba laullaralgud; nadir OILUMPTON 6.004 tkokurau tb• altdraet Saver Purl sad OW Saapa,has tEL day Pam dimadva4 by.mattwasesama., . r .11MilUEL WA, - • JOILN O. out r atorrust :JOHN TOSTALB. 'iIM&SA*, • vim insmairr - -* ' L.zria - - WY. ICIUMEDY 411 k •„, lawleNnts49guie:Tot, 4' 4 %04 . r - UrfOnnfriel 011. , 80144 . it L/111127' 3111xii• L P/7701171641k . : ---- iiiirrx GO ZRIIIII2. ; -1 ',. ',- ";,, -* : ; A% hairs ammxtmed vitt ii• la tie lotte, piDearid M& budisis..7.ll= 9 JuarfixON and relEaLwri ;payment, Vgtag4PES. WART 110 1 / 2 mist th, same of Pa .. AMMO, a (kw , . ..... .. • ,,.; .. :Ir. D. PATl.niso Xt . ..wrsums.intriu waz.Frra. JOHNIP34, Alma dee talcatio c t WI the /bulk MAUI Lift iallUtlllllllloo. of Orriotbit dam. MMUS* 1.1 13• RD ThrfEre,.: ueuridoua -11FAmptairVO i --2_, THUM VAT= - Br et, ... gollitlErfrßEAtilftr issal:l•3!izessweistaale ,W , Cr sat WilOgic. ~. 'Lii ..,,6,,,;' r a i 1 7:..' , 216„... ...!!',:';,-4‘ 41 t . 7 717 7 1 1, 1 7,41'.4 ,1 ,10-',7;17frit„,"7,..-utz,F:.i."'::J:;-, t 7 bl. , a:s. - .3166«... ( • -- ' f ? 14 % - ftiWNITAWIFAIais "-I ''' 4 ' ' • ' I, , ::,4-74,8•Iiiiiesaipi-INairottles „...777-....,,,, , A011 1 1114,-- liktf,::,!!Cri.n. -,.;', ':-., •-• ' . ~,,,, i;. 4 !•;;",, r”. P. ‘..'-'-! -_,.; .:- 4 .... 1- 17 -,. .ii b.:, -,,--, z; ;,,- - =.4.4' 11Plir Gta Ow% ; asativist ass '_poussass ssa was sr °grip& xsa~r.AND mu= b EOV B L6 s.nakwf 04 T= s a d J. 101464 aiwastaii reiiena, isttst. allowed upon outwit Wales; walla "NI be alined Ilfght =tg ivarr WAWA • - - NEW - BOWES.-- - - • ' . • WWI, SI IS. • .6t Mamie - itim n insi foi tetear's! Fratigi. Methods aaL alwut ay' P TT. rinalpgsif rinses MO ,it Tp. "Tmu l lett o4 6 o 7WigaT 2l 4ll% kr r ! , f Web ikailits PLiaticeit tieet tai . itsayie .4116 111. • —0,110 4/116ecsidestbfref - Aili•lt.lraiiiil. 77 TM 7./akend "Urcola• 7 4; Vid.boaattilloAt. ctit 110. i .t ui 4 3,7 71 1 5 tt de p-,44!—, Imtat'Arisitaltt: TAG Old limit, lts ongerriust saw O. 24101,1 Wis. Ili Ullintilolll-XlMAkit br AKA** Or 10 4 11 144. 1 . 6, • • ',ln . ILASPtit , AlfolllMo2lllll sx •,011 'OWreV3,PIRN. THE MORI= OF THE _ : 111 1 76 4 4T ti ti: 1145 6 : 404k iifil. Padinall, , . - 4! rometans • .11:71.1,Masurouird.-1-T"' 010 1 1 17 1 ,: u...w L 05. A11 A5mi nntia .061.......0.1 _,, _J .A.,ll,l;!liii llr usit : . vkke,.. l • , 1 , , , s ',' ..,.,:,, ':'...4 :r.:4;1 ,1-1 ri ,).4 f,,,,,ii 4, , ,i1:, .. , j• 1144: ila . i't 1.6,4::1a 4112!kil ZL. - ; , 2Aii .11 1 11111" A t ; . , . ".. FriWrit', 40r.7.b Pt, Crli wn v. f • . --- _ : atuk_ls.4 (4,T-tit um , wr. _ chin,' .F. ow 90,,n-rn o lcor 'llls l]r escape. Wash ceiti Were% ?AIM, W it,E 0.2 ti E '.ll - UriS.Faisero r ~ , e emir:toe oresenttli to the ....47.113.:q1.,..,5e, .. f ~apipearthai 4, .Thl nRSiffXrdNAL ZtAttiC OF; (110102111 i. milde herrerVhf frirsaltelmeti in ane eteeup:nt -tatleshmirmunitirme oePtuistds, nashomidnfr =TA% 4 :; l3 : b4" 7l ,'6lb ttrattt 4 ri e le aire t t:pc " e- t' . ride ie 'flatboat Outten te caret bra of of United States Bonds, and to p -wide tbr theatre*. lotion and redemption the .n ,f," approved .ine. ad, lird„ aid has complied with all the provialons of sold eat reqedred to be aonpUde with ben,,,,,,,,, x ,„ mentor the business of !leonine_ under said set: . _low /bereforea, Fames' Visit, OomperoU ler of the Claromer, do hereby emeurahas.en. First National Bank of BittsdarthaVinflie hoe. eah s ta te ßir o m f 'pram= e t r a n= „ egheni, Mentalist hastens ot Balking aii.dettkit am akar, ,•- . , 1 0 gummy Bureau, '. In testiaioa*,Whateof Seal of "the' wttaleas my liandandeed• J Qom= of the l• I:ollV i rralby at I ooicie4TeVANC,IT:FIAX. ... , - mr...m.,,,i, Aoki 1...,, MC WAER4A,I3 . 11, 7 K .13AITEIFAOT.OR retitai - mo--&im'ftha.' ..,.....„;:,.... 1 .,,;;;, F, ~ . •1•.: : THE .EGIIANGE , ?about, atm . 10TSBUROI; le iili - ,14 oe 40;6 eatneLtr. frxenre State r Phnturylesala, has; a dalY O'frirldled ttenni"Z",2M2_l4l'LlTrua,r, vide a National Currency, waren by it,plWp,of United State* Banda, end to provide for.thy o.ti• lotion redemptiolttaeroot,"appiroVedllontrad, ism, end hes complied' with-all '•the , pro ttaiolie aof said het'requited to be 'aarstiplied'ellat before 'CM. mewing the bullies. of, banking =dee: aeidt 00 6 Mow therefore, reklacunas ,CLastit. uonintrolier of the vae• I y, - do 'hereby certify that " The Itzehanga tfa. .tional Baaltad.Pitteburnb," to the,any or Pitts. 1 11 =0, 1 4. 1 bn Anwar of Allegheny, and State of - Pennsylvania; is antWorited to commeneetbe bulb !! mega /Ailakble under the eft ger.t.,a4.: • } bewriefify liareini. , J. , ' fa refaitmaywhereof • ..._,', Beal of .phe ... J -witness .me hon 4 end , Ooloktrallaf of.ttur ' ',ear of Glee. cup "Auk unrreney. :. ', ! : day of 14144 tall. _ . . 02111tmll Oominroller of the Uorrenoy. EXCHANGE NATIONAL 01 Pittsburgh. Chattered by thel tapitaj ;Organised adder Maloof Pa.,-1616.! , sl,ooo,ooo.!Nata'l Law 18,61 This Back has been!tssliraatid• DEPOSITARY . OF THE United States Treasury i asul appointed spent tor the , sale of the '7BO Xi CO 421. Every reeky will be offered to inverters or pan. Use purehading for meal& - - E. M.- MURRAY, Cashier. apelett . THB IIOPLEr NATIONAL BANK; Of Pittsburgh. emu' 91.000Mtri ELY privilege or .1,090.000 Hankins DOM! CORNER MST ADD WOOD flatik To. ,•_ - Thu Burk, manned under the National Shak ing System Is now prepared to transact bullpen tta Banking Howie, comer of Wood and Eliot streets. Collection, made oa . all areeselble points on the most favorable term . Fps:fel Agent. for JAY C/OUBE., for the sale of the 13. 78-10 Treasuryliote?. 11.11.1EURL IiZA, Presldeat.i Y. N. GOBDONi Cashier. J. 0. NoIEfiERSON. 492611,u1 B&MCIEG HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street, Pittsburgh. DErosrrs saaErvp ...nrrss rusioa ANS . . • utritaztioy. Ckeeetiona male on all the prtialpal petals: et Q s " Vatted States sad Oatmeal.. ' : srocza, BONDS AND oTaza ascrustrus mar AND MD am comm. Putteelse atiottlos•pale to the }mime mid ate of UNITED UNTO EinIERITIES, *mot Nab* mug sr nu; • Ds. M. FEN; Es. lielesAklrtlean daskesim - M. Oertlliska of ORDERS AND *oVcirizes _;OI7GHT OE Ja1541 '• COLLECTED:. D lOLLAR bAVillt,iB 11411.04 .NO„ 85 Forum* Smarr: " day daily how to I o'clock, also ea Wems. day mid Aiturtlay evening, Irma May- Ist t to N . lumber ha, fmm 11 o'clock, ant from Noronha!' tit to Bay let from 6to okiOck. - Depoalia rateirat of all nun of Donne than 0011 dividenddeclared =wizl of the pron. intaun, ztrdeolarall.tateetv... ainoollui Bank mu orrantral, •at the rate ef per mat: irear.• - • - • - • Wawa, if not drawn out, la priced to the waist of the timooltor " priodpal, and beam the reale interest [TOM the me a dips of June awl Darmaberi eompounding Orme evenyear without tumbling the .22mAterail izldotortorai4=gothrs., Bookt, omatiralig tiia ton% teenerira tgl au a l a a t the °RBo a ilorolatat gratn oa ' ftestozeo.cmolloß-ALJDI l. DE: 1 DrlALini .. :,.__,_;.;LiOlero4 tua .t. " 4 1 7 - jfoill. 21 :p, ~....,.. .i.V.i.':il'ad;.l7 - ,d--. John a i rstrauf g m, i Jukes IlooDoan - = .:• :honor Shldis. - ' . .Onitin nianis,;- "^ ' , •Hosay.7,74isdi. - Y°l°l"ll4l ' . ,: l r 1L1164412% _____.: i ch illi ni. ; ' WaDorP....oomo% Alonzo A. • ,-., arms 8... .cjinos.ll. 0 01 1 04. - ''.:' ° a ms : ' John_ . 'I ' •= l lVUlkie li; 46L IMirie; .. ' ' Lll =l,l t y 'Arnim& Boos. , ! .:•AlosanibeTladln. '. : =ll, Danhor o v. :: r WilllsaiXantlisk, • Dm. .„.,.,-; c . Wni...11,5 .. ' 3Bl64"ll 7lsitilsg.4 r Aithi .ii: o l irrair' .. . '', Ibiotion—J/LKEB IL D. IMIXLI 1. °13111 " x/ P: • - ::;BANIXERS, Mre repaeml, WIN!. idiro . 4 it aN. 94 - dWI67 &Ma 2w2inv,irvi AMOK& 4LBUITIthIre- f Ar 11 1 J14PHRIn - ti 11 0 11 ROPArat-ORMa34$ a null f,sprOr erepingli - alt HAVE - alftr eIA e Tuft /Jiblll ...Dim ft MT VitSbr' • FalAriTBll4*: What - F,Cearee reewslkosoet4Mll4reeleetle: the 'lofts' kat tkokatatatleileiiis.'-iiiiliii3te4 S-Ourre Tartu Am' re, West Ooile leer &gm Appetita.Wettiret the DM -, Prise Oak No. e...oarea Oedie. tkothlakoCkwher mi ., ft w onivek, sad lreeskosu Ne...11-ooree ltisteririka. O'Mara% at /ado; ebotemeleetieme sad liusekee Ooneekede. f • Noe. 4 mai it e'en M voist lota . 4 Oheqol - 11 ' eats& 4r4i.vgehise irombil, far smoavlate.4kiir =pi, MIN .91 1 do r!* Propkfirt,f!aiNt lfiki.Aee etiefek obeteri Itteebeiiletiek: eatilromittegrAetimille BreetAlble, A1M . 141 4.2 , llre.7.4haree nede7aikdA: MAITOOI4I,/f ar g._ rad O onee ole F Thrit • MOOR. • • • iß4,4hirtiii"footiittet, 1 1 146440010af, slosaiigiTpopolkiesdc. Peke ssantui.'. o. , tiv7Z, 16.4:'.4)iiiiiffeadselloottekitaitotArg iteekelr Biped to the head. , Pilaf ..I.44ldttket with No. 19,0. tt surer teakte**ll.6.. ' 111-flitrespa, 37434 . 417411 01 4 , - 4 7fTttn attlinV Um* re cents. 'rip. UMW let alltsseo of a' =l.ol3khippranycbteaseaoot IMP Sdaybur,oreektikkaesai.A PW r:L=tht‘ilaucoithea:ltrzilvaufwaNgliii .11kauleePraftwe ,l l/4 , 110- ChninclrikpOloßie:Orollig72l; legal Difetial amt , m , eo we/an..ay ! liA ..14-3eres 54' Fikeili;, cieetY NryateeteefSeeldnee4Beefetrte!Nll4ll4- the nIEI:4 ariitera:' Ne.le-Oltree I.theeetetWatai LAWNY" Bereeors' the liikey„ .. skkpor Lab; as Solattea, ,aerator iik.lC-CaraTenerked AVM retteleMeAl` ter..IN.F. II 4 11 %, Ghl Inveterate knee. No. Ot }Week' 14,41* or ifleedhiiir,' Rodent or Obstkusta: :.110 oestia -11 Mae remedy, had .."4 4 4 t . h°W . • tiarthikhia. Iteik:- . 04 imago joy. or Eyelid., Faikoe or Weak eteht.. eeeMeb 14.1w.atwarabe retied kpou tor cure; • _ so. IS-L'urtee acute oi ehroW theirk*Orohl In the Heakinlinenza! Ile P( Cough, shorterd* iii radiating it, or. Sfeemodle Cones• Be seeta.-.1, It le inialllble,kodatwarcrellem east ettriek4- bor ia ed Dreathlo g, Deka and 40 mita ' • No.. 21-Curre:kar -Inselharrio. Reedy 4 1 petTed *arias. Zemke. - . N0.',23-Duree E(oiorats,' Eaused 'Cantle Swellings and Old TJleara as essteal. Hu euredbe ryeniteeees• ' " ' So. sti.-Cuzes Clooonil SobNityrrb44,o44CTilt Took Prostu. 410, ma"; No. 46.tiuttO ntoltr4l kootiirOtoitilik ; Swinfnri. WWI o , 'Neoreticu.' 'Y o ChtnioSe&SUlumo4Footiootloo,*. Nausea, Toodtine 5 oento ~- - • , • - No. re—ou6rrinarycirkies; 11.1alotaf, Dlftlault'or'Poinfttl firinotlok, :pear II mew old cogs of Sidney Ifiseileo • • ii•Foi Tovetutfit pbo_ft Aiitt4w.Adluent ProstistkisaatilMit yg= ni ft e ogvit BAWL.. Prifseltual. ‘ll/94°P.olaw-Ment*. 7 km".l4 , N. 14 NOM-4Juni Sozikouth 0fi&0.42 . Mouth' of Adtti:or. . Children, add Mod TrasiNim and Vomiting ofTzecizazdYidzu4se. triekayle the bed, - toe imaetit; PallekwiPalualLl thil• No. /Wad Ploool^ Orizep or - Speeets, Prtnittls, /Whin, eakt Utiles Yon ofFetnalee. so. It &eta Ilkifik edam • MR 13 , ...Curea Sarrertat at trmap c Lt abilities, Flushes. al Hest, ravitatlaa. Marne at the Heart. St 00. RO.ll4—Carea Inpthect. aid Maoist*. mint Bore Tbroat. e 7 cent+. . ~ • . . - No. Lltttires Clotwolst one or spasms of lithmi and Chimps of an lands. - • tow ...V o ` 3lo l l ris ebtri ninewisess, Wait d'Arodollik — • , LlverComplsto.7.7. 7 ss—vorft Ont Bolls, o= s O 4 any "Makin& . Bs , . • . . • PAL ag,thiret aU Mute Elkin Brupttocur, mass let Few., iteaslea. Ohkikea Pox, as. •.• _ No. 7f -Oures Ohrozzie (oughs, Natrona Ozz*li i Drf Consb,•and Ocinsh with expectoration. • Na se-Oores Amines or (Wank to Atli ma; ai /Plazas. Rattling of Minus In the Throat. , No. 19- . On tkdatitutlonal Disposltlo2 , 6o Ea vent Attacks of Headache. • • - Mo. fOreures Oonstantiolial. D !laptiattlemb' _ ae lb• via llal tanin r y . f . ..5e . .... ... •. .. ........i..4111 . , jot : . so TIM aw s , icdign.. a in PONFES EXTRUT: 07 ILWAIIXt roe fill ,lll a l ditilae l. Btahleec . floslum, Lane one, • ni,; Mantua , 'Sour, - Many mlaill Serve and Toothaeleat. It ed. Übe ixdume.,Pldelli se eget& The trade =Med xl trete TOl l lPrlllale , Ottir Iteinfttles'Ay.ition: _ _ ..' ~. moot over the ttet, *sae tio a ease or wi lt MN you ago* sad Luken the amen= In .* trams oatsft/r•atalipli; by Malt to; my: addies,,e63 a Eadishm..iu in ihsti /slurped Wyflail sea.- : ., .• . . - . . . .. rifill lIII F.. ( ft; ti.**.g &meaddootholotr the Po st cpg . ........ - Whotatia• wen tor-Plalbaritk led Thihddlh COUGH NO MORS. , . ' ' . • • - _My ATEICII.I4NIPS; .. , • MELLIFLUOUS. COUGH, 'Litt:l4lll "erinyxcrwiria ' onion TeaLsAir. warranted to owe Conan; Clokie .hloorilme , l , .•. Asthma,. Whooping Combo Bee Minh wnsatakinuon: Jahlit.l9llll, WO 'Throat paul Loniga. P?otm NW drat, Den ' ttelintal DognW i i Oita 3: I 3CEg.I34:ELAIL., , . /Ulna l eaduala nni thainres neansism• STRUALANIPS ANTI-uIIOLEFLA aim MBEs' the only entitle remedy tor Illartnalsoll ; asn. la a eomMeatlos of 4mrtftiedft Stlmtdenta mad 'Ctarattset , tee% lla! varmarted 'Wert is eoze allar all ;; itt sown Arai s t , Miamian. Goa. 4'11141 .tnatalANDS P I LEIONEDr, lump -1=611.....raLia *ribs worst cum of Bind Piled. n Llts immediaterepikr it teats a raataarszaaeilt sera .- Try It diteetly. • lelly For sale by all Divalent*. -.Osamatb44. allll rotatharsid,Csamaskuj.o,.. herloithimed, "Delft • • : 7 11:nt, 011111:111AMps Tom - n . Infra rusamattattaan =mar =MUM • • air, Dpip_Karypabialll . 4 ar si. tairtraa ngi l=y, to oas •Ltawil Tools it la a tragetablelusparatki, has team allatialst Remalitseswithan . +abate Mayas amps a gam appittita,uil ts . 2140 . 14= . .rgf as Maim! vaulty. dra t as*. biaa.'424l4. taamalatrest sad Vltala 170.; wait at Wood goo •tiostail t atn= tank' ant br PA,P4I tt 11.11/2.14 a; F91Tk.... 4_ 18E PRTAXOWTAIVSII IRLe tisrasik tdou ..awry y • APIP: Up i Z oats UAL, ellM AU* • maul ai . trimUil saupaillf.,lr,ll"•lll *Miami& VatiUtr zxuAr. , gal 0111111pous uldiat-lawratuah Ue inind it,.t . auk - Pliallsothaa ;PuotalbulbpliprUSW lifeßNlßlALAlLlilania.. .AIIPILUMu. aIP Any put in NUNN ' suumalag bik i st=liplir NUM uus*, 68 ITII saidglis. ~ Mall. Mimi J.W.:ALN RE. or.ets. 141MOT/im., , luso' 7111111114 elr . OW eH n ARIA, *Ore INC kaetasy .14:0-1%..11111 .W00.&11 Errilgi r Oersee ,Tlrgta_ Alky,wbare the O» vs pre tellUt all orders' Mr WHIP LASH= 413Eila promptly sCtwlowat Pleas: • ' ar. ;,t4mcraos , Cara Ofiri61.41!114111111# kt isaioyed Ids ogler ben W,SSWA#III. Ia 001i4ER or wool); 5 555T5, AIM PfeopitriXaUana Bulk. ThojlmAXltams. = A WA, 'vs 0a IA oal ai lla mwo Omit , NlPTsfans ;Wile aumi,llsaidAmmillost harstla t iday , Ikkg VW Minot tt in:tioviii4sHereim amid. 411111 t gifil Vivipam" ,nitiwAtict mriseit BORT 131 =11.401111)4114 Brll4- n. _taw ‘l7 „ - !" 1t1r4A41110111*44414MF tromiii;. , . tl. 7 .. a tt StirmaaMtim NhoY ° alwo aut." 47,7., von 711.03T-111 , SilkaTIXTAtiVit . „.. Pz I.* •r-r, 111.10Mit''' 37777 : 7 = 0.1 $7l ft? , " c,",,,,,,!"• N 0 ;4./1 ''. , „;-/i5l/‘....5 .5 / 51:41/,.5.I43 i,"l/5/ /4'4 •,/ • "'
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