~i~~~h-~~#~ AtintDAT; ifAT to, Is , • lettintan and ..... . 01 lot* it The Didl ol /08- 10 /In as oeciwhieoh no w Webbst" Inhitit Wise, 'aid kiintas aa.Mae PY0 4 .." ‘.° _ .. , , Aposam mz ,Z.vrtelir W011m.47. , / 11 e:. .tegest at ilia raitioamew soet Gai t iikenzin ai se-Witertd -thcruth and • Wiped Mt head. IltatitaryStatton was seated,between Grant it'd tlatZmident, Get. laterauma - aparaithel• the Traddeat, exteadlwe his hue, wide &weary 86140, a Mae awl extended his. ' Gill. elitatlA9 E.tuai. aw kW bees bad Rated bizakiiiit the far= Sad Of the platform s eilgeatt ma hewing . • - illtaltela be imeregy reported tt presents fit of feikeoek ranity.rtnnt. higialaktiitta the attire North tail Antlinirdon" neither more mew lea in tholes. 1011141duartheyinanteof theloyal litateebare done *pit natelinity hardly. puelleted In %Warn* isf the war. 2retithe coppertpressjobsed 13=tterman's. *banning Int l 4' • Intelerndlilf. li able and leMmhtiMe, Wit waa net ended apolitical mommunt behind scents.tha they gradually b tolled gala. V' Ifforecorik. the get of. *Manton matte ad of = ti m Pregident end the Ltent.4jen. dire Ga.' Chun deliberately lambed ei la be fieerebny of War and the . 4 41 181011030 fii of Pan& Who equally condemn qua lit Ituantions with Johnston. If GM Sha ie' bed been studying, since the 18th of April, . bombe coal corer his Mend* with monition- Olitit.lind p s e fitting climax to his other fiasco, be could not bare ' , chosen a more happy form alba occadOn - than eds. fie has now added =apt' to the condemnation . which had been opera& action In Nceth Ostelins, for he c litm "dragged the - while that. he d ma mamba. ' Moto 271421 m" Perverted IllaterY• "' l 'M' New York . Ikrald of Wednesday, in ai Jo i e article denunclato — ry of Chief Julia Chaselor some of his recent utters-lea la re: ''''''fttus Ware political condition of the treed= tratia - aUre.flonth, pate to him the following nod- Chase ignorant of the horrors of St. 7- Dratlagg Is he numinflibl of the fact that those ',berme arose, not from the actual proclamation , of freedom, baton, the efforts to readitur the obass of the emancipated blacks'' , lithe offence of Jndce Chase coneint ed tp nrg• ling the reanalarremeat of the liberated blacks, tritstioency of the Herald's categorical In. late the'extent and accuracy of tie Dial lore would be patent to the most imperil; dal reader. But the burden of the Inmate Is litd as theassumed fact that the Chief Juinlea has been verging to the 'Opposite extreme. c'entlia ..ollaana„,accorang to . the Hang& La; that ha Is tea merely an: Abolitielia, bit an -advocate a politica equality between the blicks and' whites. We will now dwell ,upin • • the factAat the Herald avowed Itself In favor •efthe same Vire radical policy within thfroi 'weeks; but we wish to point out the sla.gular • batellcity 'Of its historical. reference: It' the 'editor will amsult any re tesetablef standard his. todau—end we can -meter him to .Alilson, whif tarnstai a lucid chapter to St. Domingo—he will And that'"the aftas to readjust the slams of the einanelpktedblacke , vonsisted la 'making war _mon them, M order to reenslave then. This ''ffala *pada of dlnstrient athich'Sainto had ao Amoy for, and which, ha misted successfully. - Nor we cannot feel the foreo of the Herald's r.logic which maintains that the same conseence . ..43:11 , would . tgkfw' the 'enfranchisement of the negro. which malted ham the wicked and cruel torasnalare.hinit—: Wadi. 0/ weskit': . , .' • . Badly Warn out.. the N . Y. World of the 294 lust. in spwitirig • ' of Chief Justice Chase's recent visit to Charles ton,•atett his remarks to the colored population there oo"this rtiestion "of negroitiffrage, We fall to prrcejec how it either Otimports With - 'lLedigniiy; or Is co.__Atent with the 'oroprietied, of that grist Vuitton, to be perambulaUttg a portion of the country making': ha -tongues on a disturblng uneation which the an theritleahave tot yet decided.w . 7e_; This tke Nate old sling. against-agitation against. . the dhenstion of ' , disturbing quest:on'," , lildelraiilbeg ha; be en held in kreonsx oVertho r• -- BOO; lead sonic:bode might-do or say am:oath : ln -Wellhatiti pre - rake the cholcric . chirsirytediasolve -^4 the, utr%.7PPthir, l tlthltra were*hour tatoam , i to'l'Odigia eirryt The ef ProTock rr BOA hancor. however_ folly pant, and &co apeenh la , ttew established -throughout the totireitmlia k - ; Of • Gaverturent lorlealletton. ettariertt.-...Vwe bidie:ve,litiow under the - United States' Sag; and the late 'caste U impotent to "dissolve , . Jbe , Eltdon or anything else—even 'Attar own hangtrty...pride end siubbbrak delusion, A eon ac or blacks is we loupe, in Charleston, eves, eslawfor assemblage,- and if Chief-Justice a Cilium chooses to "harangue'' -them os negro why let Itniongareby lid dbiturbet if they' and the New rork Todd, too,--thatr 'obiettagus Itatid'oventlest, have been halt add pound oti; - egeln. and agile; they hare-become fiat tad noprotitable..: Only purblind Cop . pertesads,who nee adopt is data an cute Mhos, isadulsta inch effete folly. .--OkiSator Ti'. The Payne., Hie'M The - Lone 'rrni gifts an int:Twang iiiantof the Payi,e family; ono of wkom la Oa dial Orono of the'coors.who attexataid - goo assaselliatlon of Secretary _Tito Pinar are Ecntualaiii; iad formerly 11r0 "out' ttsdamteron.: The family t eonalsted of Az . . , torothenh, tour of whom were erotorions as des pens" does'ot the most demoniac' eitaratter;wbo •, t ,• took t 9 the rebellion as naturally as , ducks take the - water. White the rebels oacroled Hop , tltuvme Kentucky, one of the brothers derod a - brother rebel tamed Brook t, and had a°, early*ow the-rebel rommand.. The brothers are known to Teeny persons in tom:aloe with the relented gold seizure by General deseklefard, while Clokmellof .a "Kentucky regiment. The , . Payees, while *penning with the Confederady, -` Viescindext to try their hand at depredating upon.. , that Concern. - They got tip pod inmates-felt' elLthe Confederate money, arida they traded go- a. 1 aaGeorgia banter for sterlthg bills.. The Coated, a"c.encey got bold of aloof the Pagan and Ileum .kim for thin oronterfehlog traftemion. of thereat of this proclaim; Lama* wait tci.Teetas " sad boeght &lame drove of cattle wi..%'86.na1 . TA& voltameter. money, and d ro ve theiatle .-Ykkodenne and sold:theta: .oas of Ibis ter la the one that was hang at Nanette:. The read.. - 11111romember that wium thole precious aeormr ;gkeTala.:ishe. novlll l l ol 4 0 . 0 :0 1 .T.' llimgegi•- ;,.. - eikraileivivitia. the neat of -Mill? giant. were pr t 1 I=g devastations upon Detroit, Vies wce lam etrosth insinements. • Supply of Gratz! at the Welti t“'• 11,"inrefat °est . tellable estimate OM the omorottlif wherkenbabd Ifoltbag Loam Mir ' • ..eittels the country north, weak, sad neettrwest of et, foot mettlion Imshets, of Willett at ar•: least ore ratnionMushels are fa the lands ar far: :"400111:'Botiab farmeri • tie' the - Citppret; 'St. 4 th•oLat , ind" htlaacha have three jelint 7 .oAtrOLlWllln;atore; • weldor tier Mom Ayrieee, "warble& •Irlar sate comes . Bet wheets is eemolS for Fort, held Wei by the Insaltelent pitee sod :etentefere fatektir.rreteet, On the tt lehOknota Ayer, abOte St, Pins, obeht L a drug td,t4ia7lltyinete,a bushel. Ulm' atmetthaseri Meet • ands of bashala are waiting , tramp:atoll* and .11101M4 11 1: 1 poo taxouranda of heads ban Mg - fend from darermentstukbedinfr-• Sams dog:. 41. 1 A Peotticrboagtetra.sear sinee alanothir;and mont, r ••• ,, vteilittillburs, Mahal theta, Awn 'beta ral n lied thelell• Preeblent erase of oe. • whet, rompanlei _lcerarat lent M one loan: - dmettotramel dollar* •by dew:Mattel Of ode*, and dimple gralndrcen Anareidahle cams, 'The years dam wheat on the "Ica ".",,',Wait worth from 'flay vents to one ' • . •4hinena: matte h• tihatirt,; gold: , At • • Mama gnat andmerchamilso the fanatatal ..tut!** • • x+x-- 'Tmoiltitstit Ihtei—A'Oarizat ago we Mrnfonter Wittentaxatio.-...Bturee , C tbrd, Who 'aecosoptaltd the late expedlika 'to Arkansas to reeeletathrinneisder' et Oem...reA Tboanpsonjelle of tfelfctalleil aOW which does credit to thdr .Ingellinty, IT net to 'their ,Itonta". While he company. with Off. • Me subordinates, wendtag their way to the place where the hwuralsartentter ,was tote. the Danko tell , Into, consenualoa' tip MO* lthetwo,.lbrtnerly slaters. South- Ytaae ; aid. amount other conversation lD *Suns I , ll..ealtot the Colonel how they , eryeetWltio pay thet,gonfederate OW. w""Et .10 -r...,;:heltoleptly paid at matenity.7 alb! the Celottel t : ;;;; ;With flpiapt twlly•stlits t 4 tt topleloit el otywatien.' Mottoes ,coatenet. 4 '1 11 4=, Übe,-he as twit ar o irderi- eked' sit snorcohisiou Mad &go' irrijapple eiridnr* HMOs of Amnia; when that " 1',..174., -- doweesilalithedehterMfoahthewhe pahltie the chaliiewh , ! . :. , ;:• , --M : Mod tumor that tbe :reticle di stil a . " ''isr. lllll" o= =Vat= ittdsaV 4 l, ..ff:- oatis'Ast tedlestloiot • anch 1.1 , .t . .;' essassoresi litsrsllyasse..lldrls i p US talthlyllllol4eus..ll.. Bade? ► ,diesmisfrwaiftda.-elds belossetto,s or, Pli armor.* Ammer is Palos* ilst was , - . ibillre isms iikerstkdassortorpdis whissi. vas ds... ..-.,..., _ Apo. Junk #so stand% As* at , ..•.,. ~.ter m g SSC ix seems thaS MM* Ike 'eMlissfs , i ill4 Allsaddi t udisr sissyish us. Oleo vgiksi ti t=l; r =ll lei ..,.....x ........,,,.......:_,....,1 i Z47 / 2 iiii/i : ted6 ,0 -46 1.)4...., i ii i t an i. lOC *St "" ' ilellt tali 14 " 10 ‘- ---- - - s•risfsat thit stir m ipsdid jaildtvsjisid. ... st , - -.%P.0 111 4 . 4Wa55u1d.,111 , 41014 1 . 1 . 1 "Irli ''' 1 • Inks ask to be'eraested, bLaslmPlarle . • - - kOr smug . .., /Elm the . iteni_,_ ...., -- atom hike se low maids am wit" sera... ildid Walt es NO &I InNsill t" IM=Haii= i "~;: ~:~~~...a • frisiaifo w ' , A uk .a..."`IF I crt: 0 4) 01 141401 i° l- 17c lu i dE: r trot amii mworneencii -hit. Pof Thalia of Oos. .tressinaktag greasteiekiai.kgfft leader: • - Ad. WWII** the 'pnidpal Of a gamed rent iddelt the Ward dens - to 2etitagnistt ma debt wig& the Inesaing of the. ad og Congress. AinajoritY this Court decide' that the set Is eimathudonal. ikd that thergronti3 rent taxi be [td hod frombseks. - The ChlefJostlek. alto sato the eonedintionallty of the net, Was la tithe of regarding the groand rent la a debt, and, fir. :mane Strong, pre the other liand; who *Shard the ainatitutionalliy of the int, did not rigged the grcrand , rent as a debt:- The following la believed tobe I fair report' of the nisi= delivered by the different members of .tho , Chief by • tfoodward„ , as already stated,' was aphid the of - thelepl tender act,. Ind reg4llo3, the Pried pal of the ground rent as a debt: • Judie, .Thosepron . was against the - act of Congress; and opposed to regarding thee:round rent as • attot..2-- Juggles Steauti c tre act of Coogan! was dearly roingto bus did not : regard the ground rent at •de , • . . , JoStlee Read ed the constitutionally of the ad, and that ground rents could be eitla gabbed bv legal tender notes. Justice qvinion was to the- wee ef (bet Si Judge Read's- He, however, added, that the law d not fo bids contract to Pay., in silvyr, and that its; Tin ears eelea no t be eothpiled with by tea ug another kind of law. fillieletleY‘ • ! ;e Chief Justice, d. the eon Salstated dr Vi at the partkedar fain of judgm tmite en tered in bath cue had net yet born neared upon, bet would boon be announced...:- - , 'MistreatSoh of t he British Provinces. Themare unmistakable sign in the neighbor-, Mg Retina of a revival of the annexation fading of nig. , Thar :Wan caused by the fad eat of the schema for th i altlag a/I theprovincea, i . . has bad its lefluenee o4hisIMIX11011: 'The pro- - , poeal to spend tfl'a — 'We (£llO,OOO sterling ai year for four years) voted by the British Pants.' , meet, !Simla at and around Quebec, while noth ing has been voted for the Wets, has naturally. provoked anomiable feelings .I.fi the peninsular districts of Upper Canada. The fear 'that no cowmen orate gain would , accrue to the Western; ' tax-payer—who contrMutea threelbearthaof the customs' dues—for buliding a military railroad' from goatee .tor Halifax, has grownletronger everyday me the procpect of a politica nulon with Um maittinseProvinCes has declined:' And *Onse of the loialjoarnahr of the Upper groYiti 4 cella* not backward to 'giving emphatic expres sion to se:Aliments 'strongly derogatory_ to, the, importance. end calneof continued British - eon: - nexion. Thelodustrial interests of the country, east and scat, are In a more backwa-d coodltion than they have been for many years. And there is a large:and steady emigration both from - Loam and Upper Cenida tolhe United flutes, , These ire facts which we record with anything but itei lapospi pleaenre. e bf this country were sot. Jelled to e colonists make an e xperiment id federation eitker its depr-ndeney of the =root ,conntry or othetwlse. as they might deem most moLitable. Their fallare—lt failure It Must be— le smatter for . regret.—N Y. Times. _ . . Paismrsie Lmcoual Hinikeivas.—The state. meat which Is obtaining currency throtigh maul' newspaperAao the effect that the late President had no blood relations ease% his two sons, bin! correct.' Josiah - Lincoln; his brother, left - Hard. ins county. :Kentucky, -at 'an early date,: and settled In Harrison comity, Indiana. lie died man/ Pain*, RA*l l 4'o74 eons. Thomas and Jacob, end several danghtens. Thomas 0 alto dead,•titit left a large family: Jacob is stlll livi rig on the old place In Harrison county - , and hai Several children living, ahhodgilt two ot•his - soni have been billed during the war. Josiah Lint. 'colo„ sons, and grandsons, were all farmers, hi plain it not.poor: circumstances, but hardy, bonsai, andindustricms. , • Tnl Brattithwo (Vt),..Phoeilti"seys - i - "On the mule of the 11th Wee. during i !header storm In JrcksoAvt le, Vt., the lightuing attack. the ground on 'he Peter irotbnask gin, halt' a mile tram the vUlage., : with tench -force as to plow a 'nib oboist five rods long and - four or floe feet • wide, and three to.five feet dem throwing out stones of several hundred Inunds welght,, a die ; twice of two or :three - rods, - Ind branched oat from the ditch in ill directions,: *doming and tearing up the earth for more than ten rolls, And performing maoycurionsfreaks *menthe trees, rootetand.stones. The "Wog of the earth was tremendous." JAMES H. WILBONWita. WI lately distil:gash. cd himself by the'espturc of Dans. Is a native of Lower lalnols, and wee born about 1910. lie graduated at West Paint 'Jain 3J, 1883, fifth to Michas. He la young I.3oklng, about five rem eight inch .% in hl„tht, light hair and eye!, rather boyleb In.tuanner; the latter peculiarity, hMr , ever, does not detract from his merles as a sot. dler. He hu the reputation lif:Woodjademetit In the &Toth:lon of troops and the management of isolated mow:lithos, Gen. %Mann% present rank In the 11 , vnlar Army le Captain In the Corps of Englucers, dating from. May 7, 1963. : A °Mull= roldleraand?..dlshli ants ening near Comb, 'siCoastaelr boosted tie was such a good start that he could Wiles la man's cap without-touching the head— A paste ant accepted the challenge. but the comsat the ball struck he fill dead.. The soldier was am- Ammea i4.)4 amtkogi imprisonment for WS lin; pude:beet. hr his difenee he alleig&l the tault yea the peasant's. and to prove lt; be weald repeat thee:minima with the ledge him self; only he would advise. ham, lot tp pall his cap too far dorrit'bisr 'eyes! , Tim propoldiliM 'made by the Century Club, that Mr. Bantvoft should be Invited to represent Amerleast the. forthcoming Dante fee:Ural, in Florence; by coAtvibutlen In verse or' prise, has been quietly anticipated by the most 'distla• gohhed our poets, Mr. Longfellow . % Mr. Longfellow, who bar for' many:yearn Peat beau engaged upon A metrical: translation of the Di vine Commedia,uhtch he hue at last completed; has caused a single copy of the work to be printed In the mat wolithike style, and 'forwarded ko . TWILCCO LII r estltriated.l4 the incichanta of Richmond that there are now about - thirty thousand Imprinted/ of tobacco In that elate; including ten thousand at Lynih bunb;- and the - belanci at Ireruiville, Denville, end he possession of the farrcurs In the country: Thenc are only a few hnndred doge in Richmond.- That In . Lynchinug Ls' lldedy of nondescript grades: In the annuity on the south aide of the Lipper James much of the Ottoman 111thlateUdn'Olate, Pluderekgaeish • . . ...r..OOCIMASTICAL RsocormissanoTr.—The New E'reibiterlatt General eisteettli tOok Off Met skew ht the ovelestastlesi evcoitstroctiou oC the South as Saturday. 'Three Presbiaerlatwertr, oritehLwAile — Kaat Tolleellaoo, - Or 'mistimes sad ebwokeit.whlett have _maintained their-loyalty dutiegehe war. They were peen coustiatal Into the Loyal Synod or :Teems= ' The Irtible sesembly emote their fax to ratify ibis lawcirt- clevair police ingeial In Paris has explained to Milniater. Angelo:4e the action of the tiovern• inept In stopplrg the proses non of 1,600 du dents whir, had set oat to present an addreaS to him on the *ataaailnation of President Lincoln. thro explanation Ass follow: 'Tour neaten ch call well widernang that this Gormitnatit cannot pew& a demcrasirsiton hilsvor of 're publlmlsm." • HAziulnono, 2f sy 24.—A deetslea 'yea ren. resod In the 'lSupnins;Comli this morning,: 11l are ease of Wei. Spallenteirger vv. Mary W. BlM fn *Peal trout NW pries. In Philadelphia. Tbe'osse Is impartant as iiiitdelpg the 'exnunitn. gonaTdeof the Vatted Bastes legal tender notes. - Jadges Edon, 'Reed and - Agnew gave opinions anirmingaheisconsiletitionality., in which Judos WoOdesol tad Thompson dissented. • ' - Illaltolfentsses tar Imatcas.—Ttt Chtcao Tritedatuili - The Orel. oegro who enree testi aey of the aorta of record to tab ells wr exatateed aa a wltiass, kw the people la the °ant .00utt..42a the stagulag thalthl, • • ewe of ixese stealing,' his evidence bearing `eheottitli iligelastthe peleenter. The setae negro wit/omen/ etatachaten la Ur. Lincoln , . fern- A table has been butted giving the merrieges,. ._„ and ta abadeg_tbs registered la England in the ottistoot" l the registration oountles In the year 1864. The number of inarrts 180,. gteli Me number of bir tbs, MOM, ng 897,503 maw and -852,170 females. The number of dailies vu 495,590; I. Meg 23,511:3 nudes : and t 331,638 females- • - Cowan Parnmano, the captorolJeff. Is • said to be a noble:specimen of a man and a model Acadia. lie ls' modest and nn.; assimlng„ but bnree ullllOll, Intl reify to lead whenner Olt duty calls:fleas about thirty years' else% sir feel h, eolitimMl7 bulit. and was, before entering the semice,niewpr . _r • Ticidevott of hi p s ntidebilwanle; 'Atha. .0010,Ps lqinishipg' to par bounties* to volunteers, was banes the Supreme VOurt yse-: - Able - mgamenta by, omelet counsel were &limn% bat' It id not ' lhis the deldc6MlaMl 4l 9 6l6l- of ,b7:O Ambled of the , Court befpnr Its next.lenne-4. file , . L Up, fiesmost, seep tellMl sand end repels_ to bit hula, sliestelit um the While Sochi, ea Ike rI=WWI 1 . 15114 'pir *ad, tke refeetedee sithlidepe.th - hadokkhro—tr_ lkz? molested by tie Illowensteeek. Blaine; veva `Ls% eke* as -thp grie sthiesd to. and Is deh~bl/p 1a' 0 410 4 4 ! mu Thom It Veep eseted ifs to etese nos elf lett& wigs" set keep lits pest haps eat of Wet. Is km hew bilk to 'sestet we WM hti, ~I`:~ ".._::~ . 11151112112 ROllllll5O act:riAA.a & oa. rzni tesj yid is OM Itair.Def • able alliiiirtatataftratel iitAtas. lag aid sell at, auntie Mani 0. lipfllmso. 184 „Bond% V. 11. 1 40. 4411 ' Q. 8.1 gir sea. MIS dim - tr. IS. lair seat: Oatilleates TDR Ms, But and Lt• e MI ric, Bs&Mf_ thlnd bu io g N Bom th a, Dm Uas Plllaalphis,'and Pitth 11111, Bd Wldti o aGernmat Securties s. ruierittlii . Arm tomitfacuL. •Ro_ Bs' ASH BAJiniSEEIP BOARD . .: ivatiriviiiiiiimassoireirmsairlitmi --,- risi BATRODAT S7 M IT. MS. . OM /LAM .. B. 'Mira t1ea....... - ....MM.. .103 72 Connillstrllle R. 11.: - 110n4:08. - :.: id 5. . ' , '4:.... IMMIX ISM 00 . ... ,-.—,-; .65 lel Counellevtile A.B. Stock,son tat 525 Oenanellinrille 14 /1., Steely Mt..- 176 Pitts it Steubenville It. B. Pitta Bank ---- klAcikifeeniab. 1758........,......:- - . nark hal bait .•..•-:•i:-:• • —.,- .I It Ifa fourth Nat. Dank ISO 011 TIM National of Allegbenr.—=llo PI In 00 le ) &wine Bank 0040 Alleittenk a Plttabttrgh— -II CO Oolumbla--........ 48 00 - V;Sgl CHI Omsk ireborri Has Ulna Rua .7s:rib:tory t Obury .Run—.... Mershants Eatable— • .—, -. Ulm , . guakPlttablunti = AleAboyOlterry %MU Bum— Central Slatents ....„.. 25 'lteportif frill the Y - county cattails*, are more favorable. We hove heard of no Yen, than two or three good strikes, from sources In which we place the utmost confidence. A letter troni the Superintendent of the Tarr, Story & Cherry Run 011 Company states 'that on the 24th inst. a very deArelit atoll was tapped In one of their wells on Cherry.Aun: . states that the well threw out a large qutAtity of gas, 01l and: water, throwing-Alt oll'imarly at high u the top of the derrick. 'The bromidic of the Bucher rod put a stop to 'operation. for it time, but this will , soon ire remedied: it - also' reported that the prospects of the Wells on ChelnlAliftod PS.hole Company's property 'ire vary flattering. Advice( from Oil Cltybring thetntelligence that this co c.; pan) have struck Avery tine well on their prop: atty. -The prospects of the Cherry Bun Central are also very flattering for a well, A few such strikes as these we have 'nursers , ted, !Sall that is necessirrtoltve a truth impetus to the stock market, and then Aerate no doubt but that - the next AA days willeatise &Mir develop. 'meats te te made. . There were but two sales at the stook board . . this evening—WO shares of Cherry Bun Ss Pitts burgh at VIX, and SOO, same stock, it i,titl. The at. tendance, as usual; Was slim; hardly sufficient to give the general tone of the market, but we expect ' Wier i'dftwen improvement In this restart with. In &army few days, as several new "Millen" e$ _steady reported.: The offerlogs and bids Were aii follower . - - • aIL dated. Bank of Pittsburgh .-- Is nnegheny.Bank.. Ou 611tOiclay 1/ 00 . 10 1 do: Blood TERM &Mk, 1!ett011,0131... •••••. , 163 . Cherry Run Centrat:— Chesty Run a blood liberty Barra Pit Role OolutubLa ' Federal Flemins li. Guest AZISINICIM . •• ==I!ME Iron City -- Alumni . Oil (Mantas= Oil Spring Yet— MeAlio, Cherry Olt Neefu, o( ?hint Oil Creek a - Cherry Bum =lMtgeM IE=CVI2IIIISI Pdtsburili Jr. Plubi. Revenuer- 1 V 43 CI [4IEM MM;;11 IStMiag)2l Western Pennwrivanta-..-.......... 1 id. erf Thepaintent of 'the 'inay (eaya the New "fork • "Tremor) will add:large* to the toippty of capital , aecklog tempOrary nee, and that lito . bethwonly way in which money. men employed for !Mile thee. The Government is ready•withledAoo43oo to, pay the army. and the Moet Of if fill be, Pea te It,. circodstion; drat in payment top,milall Unitas.' by whom it -will be returned to the consinatotal can paying in its paean& i mid* droll of debt.. Trade aidtraid throughtol.the4orlt'end Wert can no c Sfellt be active, nadir ' the tuni hy 'the taw flies mddleheot 'thisrlaryiamuMuLatton Of AV muretecy mat' ehMittast: ''AfMr the army payourota nreseadettMenaniutt ofdltiolating money is the country WYI hilreater thee 'wail' ,umo doling. the, rebellion, and - ltivrintea - tituet be. 'taken for Ito nee for awhile. - - - L The following be the tampon - Use etatetmfot,of the imports of foreiza dry good. at the pert of Few Tort for the weekAndlog Mel . ZS, and ahme For the levet nes 186$ Ent , d at the. port...: 891,401 Alrus,rn t 8 1 7 ,135 Thrown on tomitet..- fro ell 1,410,301. 1.124,10 Niece January I MU -lint tree • ' Ent'd at the port.. frrepx,42s 'axonO Plwl.add• Thrown on market . 47,1n3,404 n,711,8 , 30 . The Philadelphia Nivn of Friday sale: Throe QY score stir In oil elides about the sinking Of a new welt or, the Allegheny Hrer. a @bolt distance below. Franklin. Esar to the morning ;it Was Meted to be on the property, -of the "Allegheny. River and;Lint Sandy Oil Company," bat llturned out to be on the Cochran Farm, which adjoins ilie proieety`-cf - coapenyz. Elo far as we 'mold learn the well balmy,, to what i@ known as the '"ltalticiore Company,' and is said to tie flowing folly hernia . . , 'We take the following ,paragraph rival the PSiladdiphls Pint of Pitney The advance of niur tents Impold wax Atm Saaosial feature Of yestsr. day. -The market has been Oirengthiming for see. ,'rat asfeS.l44* 4 - 07**2. for 'cntoras limiing totems ed corudderable of Ist* The 'official trammels uPeo &if aittbeleere the South • lead bankers to the opinion thst the quantity of cotton available for tills of exchangii will; be extremely, limited, and that speedo shipMentit to therixteet of three or rope minions dollars per week ' Acquired radiomen's* to inky fer cute:tronitristlime la excess of produto exports: The decline In the - Prize of "gild 'hide emir .11ve-twenjy,..bonds dearer here than In London; netwithstandng nil :ire millet now; hi 'Frieda:me at 70. and is London st ,litX to WSK, ex-dividend, against 634 toll% dividend on, the price at the trine of llfr:-LIneolnl aemelnatton. In other-rebid'', Cretin striae gr. Lincoln's 111111111“liOD, !idled or 4rtmtidif Pint* and raft In turope,'aid retort of them In liwge nuntltles to thlittionntry, 4nany eneeted, him loon/wed the demand foe them `and Mimed their pike Is Europa from twelve ti seventeen pits cent. This great advanetytbioad I hae nay however, kept pane ...with,. On saviors! tietekte lead ef:feel ,Tho ; Price of-gad' alight to be . about Iht,to . plaes them on • par w/tb- , the LoMiloienotations. • , • - • We clip the 40114:41111. oil items ,from the last number of the 014 Belliftr date Of • canoe forth' put week was szeialingly dull. .Riots nominal and the trumastions light. Both river cr4 creek have been in good boating order. In the abeam of mitertar tralumations- we cad ` t nly give noininarquotatlons. Priam at the wells At this point :p.-• Be • lame sabre, hod; burns not ansitnis to %WO& We look upon this stets of animas only temporary. rids ls gene. rally the dullest mum of the year for oil dealers, but it L the busy one for oil seekers. Two new, walls have been @truck on the Tarr Perm. -Theta are ma what is knows as thertrriomptM4 prop. Grey, and belonato t h e Tar-Homestead Oil glom, easy, of Philadelphia.. The daily produstof the a two wells ars variously estimated 's trawl. toile barrels. The United Meta 011001,ml/4 0n.P1., hole, is now estimated to yield sae barrels, pet -day. Another wall which , has been lately struck, in the same locality, is •astlmated at 200 barrel. Site 011 City and .Pittabtuth ' 011 Ootnpany have commenced to pump their well Beliest Charley', Hun, just below the Borough line of.Oin Oily. sod It la now yielding ten barrels per day.- It ls re ported that 100,1100 =barrels of oil a 1 'now held by gsattiMinPittsblitglf, for epsoutetiatt„ T pmar. ketelame dull end quiet. - . f ' - - . Market -May 26 4 . • Flom - Men; salvo demand. , Thi following - sales • aro - reporteds.,..loo- bbls cholas .IX rod • . r04411a0 do d01i7.50; ItOdo do 175di 146.dg do/NA° , so do dead do at sr,isati dodo *by!, to 40 Wiz do at Iti .d. toi 00 bbli ekbuo Z.Z. mutant I 3 !4: p do ' thM . Namt - •• sari Not Tlando NO at $1,d336.. No salon this 4artaptios,_ , sad the ,hunkat aloosatduil'and Wavy.- , ••• 11. 1 0na,-Pol6 Won osa, luktoLtopottokyui air • fron atone 111 0.." "• - . ciate-Leandem. - _. No ialea. Nola ht WNW.' , Nre-No man sod • • . Baltimore Grain Market, .MiMite. .7.; • red wilts, itiel OM b . 1141. ,' . Dania; demand At ital - -Wan mate mu , advanced Included tit the sal i'wate WO be wafts' pit o 5 4 2, 6 gilt Gas tat of •4IP tank it Mot lomat talekeekata r teens to Lillir arla—TO•otay Woo eash — teessrat &smut Sot 'Mal% uttltaateaot Wabash Itttitasig* 40d 1100 bath_ yellow as Itataa, neatly all at • per b ash,vata..To4 o7. oo asaa. ataaktat, ta ' ' Pak " ( " bftb s a, cis, lemmumi am NO biallis . . . . ptdpule4paii 'ma market-may ir.‘ 4 13;4:2 l 4 i4 sad 17bele • i mut 11314. Con Is etereesseesU iesriereeew "" ealr yellow se errs. awl lOW p.m* at lee. OW re see i m le W see l pzikiMl% at heee W i MEIEMM Oozy stuaturiv - or_ eipsktu 1 11 WIKNtSt • i t ildtaaal r 4 itigasuoi, &rip sun tie rams ' ettmedesitler petal tamkelwraild thane?* se hellattoes at, present of ail heedless prOVeMent. As predhded, the resist advanse gold wet sot leaLlidarat, - And, Omelet% throe who imtertalnid themes tau, niate i trtrald IPPre , Matelts* been' disalppolatad. ' • - ^ GRAlN—Salsa—on 11:01 bush - cora mei Ohlo Bed At heat at SIM; and OM bash choice de as I s At, This was pirottosed by on* of our city mt..s. Oats contleuedull and negleetta; bat utichanscd; we note sales on track and whtrf, at , BO; and front store, at ,sere. Oiru—ssieSieobush orelnam Shelled at Ill—* decline. Notting dots; la Rya or Earley; the forma,is'quoted,at ar, and the latter at MUM. • „, • 0200ESIBS—Tbere *Moderate jobitng de- Mend, and the market 11 steady and prima are 11, welt atudalned„ :Cuba .bUgar to selling/At 143.4,fia to quallty; Portd 14401 Alo ee,IoISS3; Moe, I tetrAt; reit* Also Molasses, %ISOM; New Wean*. do, SIMSIIm; Ocean Teas. filacks,,tferl,lo; and Jepans, StMSS. OOR--There ts no MIW: feature, hiti• dont market- worthy of special. notice. The demand 'continues 'Yea ate o rk;te p_tices are norrgeellf .I s r= Sti. 5P " 2lr " 4 WU "' EOI7ISLONS;4Iseoa is qulat and lem settee, but unchanmeit we wanton SO quota at 11%.- Itin tOt , fitoOtiktatill..l%.l% for Ribbed' Vet; Suii,gl3l for Plain Sugar tumid Hams, and It UM for thrommied do. Lard aiy Am quoted It era for count*, and Sklar prime city. . In good s upply and dull but un changeormenote sales today of prima ICel! Uoll at 111, sad Attlee dole. • - 14141-ISo line Mackerel are queted at 111 AI Pio lido do at MOM. - Lake ' Herring are olatag at from NM to NW; as toShanty • Efitiel,—Dull, la good supply and and drooping; quotations may, be ;fairly given at 110. l—mostly IMlNtruirels. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM UARMBT Barirszav, May 17,1010. Thetniarket for Crude eontinues, ordet and dnil, the demand being very light at primal quotations —2101134, bbls returned, and WOW, bids Includ ed; the ..sly sale reported was 120 bids, far ship. ming, at 21. At • decline of loft per gallon epee ulators would ' , pitch to," as tirade 'at 20e is eon ildered a sari 'and good investment, and In the event of It dropping down to the figure just mimed, there is no doubt but what It e market would soon be cleared of thbartlole. .reeeipts continue very light—only. 411 'barrels being reported dur ing the twenty-four Lour, ending this craning— and some of our dealers have already common:ord to 'hip to the eastern markets.. Reined; in bond. remaincquist but Ora, as holders still urines s determination not to make col:legations in order to effect tales—lie mai a sale of 500 bbls, fortAtufnut delivery, op private terms. Fred Qll is dull, nod nominal at glad& Residuum tiCquoted 'firss, and lnAtrocuil at 48,00 per bbl. Niipths, lo the air 'Ones of sides, iney be quoted nominally at Mir, In bond, a..d 40(342, free, according to gravity, parkages, , and condition. . The reeelpta of en, 'as reported. AY the wiled' coulter, during the twenty-four hoots ending , this lifleesoon are as follows: John Hems, SS; John Ciallasber, 22; W. B. 'flossier, 49; Porter &Miller; IC;Duswaa & Co., 70; Jos. Wilkens, 70—t01a1,477, Fsnir.AtkrAinui terocK MARKET.: ipeelat Displace to the Plttairah,Gasette. Parcaostruia, May V, ledt , The Be/Una of this erealry lay.: Oil atocki Mallon to rule very low, Awl lam of throe or ganisations hays dissolved—paced out of este. eons. Maple Shade fell oq pet share, anftfor over twoelkirda the lint, think were no bldg. Ldull aii4 at . 3100)‘;,141aple 5ba10,11334; Call• well, flit flyd• Tartu, Ul,-1; =ago, 14j“Therry nue, 25ft Wier, 234; Atlas, .3; Tan linoestead, of* PETROLEUM STOCKS IS NEW YORE span! Dispatch to Western Praia. 165 • 180 65 • '7O 1a ----... u CO 51 03 NM 'Tonle, "lay VI, 130. The motet for Pt troletics Stocks vu eteetly to. dey with felt Irani/tellers and prices gene'raily ruled. Wilda - hit her. Etichouert Fenn sold at LOP; Chichi' Bun, 61; Excelsior, CM; Empire Zed; Brod Farm, 2,10; Teak, 1.34; U. 5.,16,33;1.8e Yankee, 1,00; Webster, M. NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. Special Dispatch to Western !ram • NrocTical, May W. IN& The market for Petroleum is quiet but arm attic prices hare n. dergoria gucitable chati,r. hales on the spot at 5155 f, for Crude; 43J80, for 14ricill, in tiocd, aaalaNDODir fres. MEM Neils York stock anal Money Matters Re— stive or the „Wholesale Market—Dry • Epsztal l6"d D a ls il yrs a te d h e' tOM ± eats -'. en I` ; reas. • • EEO . Now Toas t Nay 117,41ettway span-elation, aro 'doll and heavy- at the stock ameliuge this minl• lag anffthe market ieUwer.rapesially on western Awes; Leers halalncred .ths. net throughout th , rs ealt, sod selle' opt*** were put out Mir/ difference of NO per test. fu diadem printopsito on Belding, II lebigan Southern, .I.)larelunt .aod Pittsburgh and flunk Weatem. glare is a coo . iluited• lack of outside orders t* penalise, and trazgactio - a are one very moderato ends. GoT , ' ernments are dull but 'Wady. There were ray fear-sales and very little does in State bonds. - Back. Wawa and , raliway mottgagu are gristly heft, and Offerings were - sail The gold ZOOM tegultrato-day, and guettiatlons are main -The exaltemont fiver the demand for •expolt appears to hare passed away, The Sure- Lary of the. Treiaury - tedesiwing up a the islatlonallbiaks of.thiseity, which hu reauitsl lu • a partial calling in 01 bitans, and moreingtary for money: 't he' prevailing rate is Spit 'Om. with a • traftltertaltiher tpatationa. • . '-" Ti. Pod has the follawiag weekly review of the • wholesale market: Flour in very mitre demand and shistly speculative.. Prices hers advanced , about GO cents per barrgl, at Which the surket 'closed heavy with yerrew buyers, Owing to lied ' trd arrival& Wheat adrafteed. sibout • is. erns,. .as Web: bee checked all inmate sad most of the ntlgtatg derma* it the Mow muket .was heevy, under a great falling off In lirivals. tbini "dragged 10QIII seals, at which rots the tenrOot elotel cult Oats have mildly floattisted,sod the demand Is Active; pertly Npunlativen the trade hss l b a l an a tig=l l lir t g? " ftl: l s r ac l • antis, a o ltil t is o muket was beery. Pork n hoe been pressed ' in the market for future delivery. and Doge wiles were made for the summer auniqui ftlett,73 for Luna and July delivery. Ilse; his rated gull and prima are somewhat tower. Out 111eala . and • Smog hove declined and cold very slowly; turd, under light ...ideal" ant the advance In exchange, low Improved slightly and closed firm, Whisky his . fluctuated rapidly; early,in the week there was • strong dlspositiougo sell.holders and buyers show • lag a want of oongdente fur fear It might be felted in the Clournmeat. Slue Thureday a bettor reel ing has prevailed, and prises have advanced 11013 'mats for gallica; at the alma it was•Muc thither.'l he dry goods %rule tree been rather aull daring the past week, but there Is no chugeof Any au. meat to prices. The - stock of domarto [sprigs Is accumulating. and the supply of foreign goods!. • • • -Float Bide et Washington. . Captain Brldp, U. B. Y., . a few days ago opened the bide for ;tarnbibles. the Substitutes Desert; meat Irtth bout. Th 0603414 was quite spirltodi WACO Simla wets Ofrered at' priced ratrin from, $B,lO to Pp . This allows s great deellite trifle plea of AQUI alas*, Alsreh,, „whets a IDA , Otal" sru accepted at 1114511." The followins La a Bid of tio , „bste and bidders: B. O. 116,stertibbla at 48,,wi600 at ISt,. Bar Welsh-600 bbte at Pali 600 at 88.24. A. Bois Bay t Slo.-1030 burets At 89,88; 1000 at 28,111 i 15.0 ati8,20;10011 116,10; 1000 at 16 4 % 1000 George Witere;,6oi barridi at 0,28;500 et $6,57! too at ssoll. Yobs- W. Wright--]Wbloc; at Kai 021 at 14,3); Crud 08,40, Sequels Dubyf-760:barrels at 20,204 eee at W lieo: W. Mears-1000 bble at 18,84; 100 at Ail; 2000 at 111,44. • , . . flowbuol Itirieta7looo burets U 1 8 , 141 10 00 'at . 08 1, 44 . T. Nennialy etart—GOOD able at 0A... 6- Asthma BrookeB4oo beta at SAiii 1030 at 8 0 . 81 1 1000 at 18,14:—Wastingten Ver. • -• isoms677 sy Louis— All ' ' • II All b'at to. tssrkst O B n o s l u 6tWorh G m S BfoaeUpds t so m 6e s,ld 16 ,756 176,16t4 •6 61511 Cols, 76.1 was, 601016461 d Amer. . latter 76 bbli sold sip 0/426,06; 146 latter rats on thus. • - - Paotristoss—Ball wit h little or lo dammed; ell, Mesa Pork was offloads g• 60; Bulk Sidra sold at ills t 'lalag • further dean, a' Nothing Ooze la Lard. 'otaocattiss—Usebalttedi Cots* =ails; Sam, la el.lor Esgs, 215; Butter, 26@fect.. Bold, 1834., Prreantruoir roxy,,Waturr ItSlurctatio H. ii. ;Hay Rl—Seim potatoes, Shrenk; 5 doter; Omuta, Ibz oap, Head Melsiarl SI Sams s, Godfrey& Clarkintlibioata, Millman, co; 2Or galls atone ware, las Mlles; t, bbl &polo batter, DJo• little St Peek r2O bbialltntr,W Unhart; bbl, meat, MeUltuktm Herron k to; 21 bets on, 0 A. Fahnes• took & e0;1 bld meat, - bleak '& Armstrongtt 001 'oil, Bannock. Ball & no; 1 ear barley, J 8k00e5,•215 'oil bbis;.l Barbour; I ear inetal,Joko Hoorbeadt .bbla tour, Graf & Benin U pkp tab, H profit; t ear trbeatil B Liggett k co. . . , Of 1 0 1 L AID Prirsatratia B. E., MAY 22,1. 1141 bap wheat, ~ Wor• BondaUt a kelp arida, Wit Itailapi 20 bdti chairs, Bulger & 00, lI Mai man, • Watak & 0011 oar lumbar, Quawaa DOugtool CO ban 1200s' JOOOO , Boyd a tot 914 blooms crone Park, blothady & 04121 soaks wolatiolor 4 o o , Etob Hater & cot too.bbla lour, bkootaker, taLattaLlot "limpB Unduly, trail* do do, Botbalor k VotW t 100 do do, Wilkins Mohan) •.114 oU bbla: - g Hypos) ma aka cora, Itliaboook4l44oroory & cot bbl Ballaodifiga•Joba Iterbertr DWI' dry apple; ;ditattnnorr Praylcao; Kay 17N400 2111111 tiOur; noway & Knox; oar atavoi,Buoati& cot to OW,' 'ply, aloy, , PI Burohgald, 1 do, do, lk SWOrdil barrot altao,l 46 buttarili & Canon/ I bales tear, A. 11 , ,. I.lblltr & col 11 Ws potaacato, I pkg batter Asa Atm Tr a 11a1112. • • Cittethaiti inuitet. IMPORTS 8% _ RAILROAD. . utrenliirliT RIVER. I -• riiiimasportir rstaßinour-128 aka b.rtay,, W. .11,Chirrsoli at -pstrer, MN; Papal Os g 0,1 4 Om Faber b. Armstrong, Ire skiaitabe*Obt M•liretn 11110; ill Mall ou,,Olbrk 1, ail. I bbl rob. , pkT ri t=r4 retter , ir How, & oopOz wusi, • -nii•AuxiluoA-1 bbl rale" loos Fu mingl l dO de. X biaLarani lb elm slay• Do -alfirrinbersilbbli MIL Opp Amami We lb: 1114rosi inarry'J Ltpputrotr; hha her, rim Jobb urns; it bbl. Atmore & rot I tab cotton, Kessadr, ono. I ea;4 Iris reap, :SOO bad, ft Us blur ball .144 .1 -.IL a • bur riusrler,' Jor WWI X turbther, woo , smiler & 141 NI OW War4t PM* . 111011. 8 twin &coin Op, it To ic,o ; VII X* wheat: .1 &Lino; rib. ph ti, L; hut, Jam. fberdroo . l4ll4lllr; - 416, 4 6 m ItttMiJia too Ars -• Stoneauf & t&im - Mb, I km 'tottsose. "fia t & art UN MIA 10 pM -~--, Y~[sif3Y'TEL~Qilii'S New Tart Y a lu l Nov Tose, Way itr-Oegek twevy sad lewoe lee Ftora—Bea tortn it ir Bate State; WI ler'extra round' lags god CI tor t • beledsi =Met el -47 beery one en buyers at outside quotations. I Wrostr--lloderatey native d Wane KA- W tern U Aat 14,011, closing with no &slime no Wear Wheat gulet and without dueled change. Cora SCUP and Sure better. . Oat. Rona retire end demdedly firmer at WORM ear Walkers. PIatOLIIIVII—DuII;sGe fat Crude, OM tot Refined In Bond, and WOW for Befitted Free. . Fnovzstons—Fork !mall sae les. satire; 11232 94,59 for raw Wass, Cooing at 110,25 for regular, ovncipt tor tegiVet sash and regular wsy, chasing at 921 nab, SIB for Frio* and it ttoo or Prime Ness; also 4450.1 Dis Mew .Ifires for June and July at sellers option at Mir rfrAfil93,73.. Beef steady. Ike( Ham. In. At 26.1191 a. OOut Mats henry sc liNeliaa for Shoolden sad MUM for Base. fusee. dun Ave nominal. Lard quiet and steady. Butter guirs at Ilene for Oide and 271111 e State. Cheese 5 New York Stork and Hong Market: Yew Tuku, Nay Vo-Notrar-More 'Wit» at pet amt. Marling quiet and steady at 110. Gold quiet and without .11ealded.. abscise, openiaA at IW, lodising to leriX, and clueing at 138%. Total exports of specks today - 1i,t04.a1; total for the Week .00Vernlient stocks are quiet and Strang dia:lasge•-111:44, 1r it. Certificates WV }zit. .Budson. DTAilEsed• nowt bison, North Western, 23; do >rebated, as 34; kart syn., 91%; Ohio • and bilesissietd Certilicaies, 6 1 Canton; ad; timber lacd;l4g; Quicksilver, . Gold firm on ant asil; alter call it wild at) ;at the Ambit the report, It stood 135 X: Ettooks not eery swim . Niw .Way givalalag stocks la Itostaa to-day, were, tlanten, bids; °copper Falls, 161; Itisnallniao; Hsatook.4lBl.lloassoa, 40; Isla Royal, 0%; Irllnsarets, 17; Quincy, 67; Rook Island, 4%; $ - uvulas, ao,bldar,: - Buffalo-Market. BurtAco,Brayli.-11)1111 sod unebsaged. (FRAIII—Wbest in only moderate demand; sales 'Amber Mlcbtgan at ft,6114; No. Cornag Spring, 111,31 i Kldra Kentucky, ft,ll. lna) ?gime Dry Ka 1 kfixed,:7oc, interior and damp, €476112 Whi1e,16578e.. Oman opened at leo andcloaed at 48e tor Weatenu Barlay—oroall lOW at Pkt ate, • °• lt , . aar. FkluanTtc—To /few York, •Wbeat, to i •14e; Corn, 11-Batla; Oats, 11flo: To 6itkag7,. Corn, 10.. • _ Ismorria--Flonr, 13,T76 hbls Wheat, 14,083 blob,' Core, 411,49 e buah; Oats, k am bush. SturmaxTa—By canal, Flour, /M bbls; Wheat, 61106 Mash; Coru,'27l, bush; O U Oats, 2sl, 644 bra; Bar/ay 47,6 W; Bye, 0,930. Otsego Market. Marano, May 21.-11port—Straidy, at VAS for No. 1 Spring. $715 for, Bezuthr, 46,60N8,36 for White, es,xsaep lor No I Milwaukee Oicib, YO,IS am for o.llt do. Gams—Cora quiet 4190710 for Mixed Weal. ern. No receipts by lake. • • . shipped by railroad 1,633 bbla noun 1.003 bush Wheat. Shipped to Motd.real 0,000 bbla nour. RISER lIITELLIGIM The tiger rase several inches at this point yet. f r esday, and was still rising last evening with - full . seven feet In the channel by the Pier markt. - Thle rise appears to hays twiner. , d in the Monongahela es the Allegheny has not,' ai yet, given any dtllelf of a swell. The weather Continue, clear and . m pleasant and apparently ale& The swivels greet. °utast report includrithe Mi . ezd Bayard from Parkersburg, and the Arserica from Cis Tisi Emma Graham, from Zanesville ' and the Iron City, fromPirkersburg, were due here last ntaht, and-will doubtless' be found in ;tort this morning - . '• The Minerva, for Parkersburg, Go!dea Era, for Portsmouthh L Atem Speer, for Zanesville and Fi nancier, for Loulayille, cleated on Sattrday. Tte Camelia and Delaware were advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Saturday. The Yorktnao,in command of Capt.*. 'ilrl'Ett torts, Is annou'otted for Piashrille, leaving on Wed nesday or Thursday nest. lb, Baud, Capt, Geo. D. Moors, ls the Par kersburg packet to-lay, leaving promptly at ti o clock. Pauengers and shippers should bear this in mind. The Lorena, Capt. Conway. is the next on the list for Citelnaata and Louisville.. .. . . . .. .. ... ... . . The St. Louis. Democrat, of Thursday, gives the following. data lle of the callaloa between the Raid Times and Mercury: • An expensive collision. occurred at 12 **clock Tuesday n 1 16 t; at Ilarriscm.. Lanalla a few exiles below thin sty, between the Hard. T imes, bound down, and 'Mercury, bound up. We learn from Captain r try. Brown, commanding the Mani Times. tbat ILth teats gave the proper signals for tie statboa t, the ilgoal beteg tint elven by Otto .9 art Tim e . t and area answeard by the Mercury, t hu ens of the letter's. whistles was indisunct. Ti.. Mere , w hen nearly up, took a sheer, and ren actors ate other bows bow, and the latter, go lag at about the rate of fourteen mites an hour, struck the Mercury on the larboard quarter, *bat of. Om capitate. She was runi to the shore, add, sunk la thirty minutes, her hull being stove L. Ph. lay, yesteiday morning, with. one of her: guarde out, and the other 111 feet Underwater. It I,prtrumed the wall be raised. The - Host Times brought her- passengers. Iters,l no person beelike bete last. or lnJunsi. The,t ambers of this bo'ac were 41.0..0.3, above the water line, Mat no mire. riot Limy was 1. ducted. The Mercury was from \barbers for thin port, with soldiers from hospl t.l. Per pilot on watch was Wiley McGee.: -Ike Aleseurr we* owned in imatsralle. ----- - Th. hard Times antra:direr Cloud left St. Louts for Pittsburgh on Wednesday list'. The Kate Put; at.se,Tront St. rani, arrived at pulmine on ritrahly 'MIL. ST.E.f.MBOATS. 'TOR NABHVILLE.—The tine an 4 conatoodlnuspassenger @tenet N, Captain G. W. 'band, will leave as *lane on TUURSDAY. Juan lot, at 4 o'clock a. For Pt 40 .1 Dr Pamde apply on board, or to .1. COLLINGWOOD, *lllll 30/IN FLACK. REGULAR PITTSBLIRO PARKERSBURG ti PAWL Ti. sew, aul Light dratted tea =MON Q=T L Y, John Svie. Muter. J._l4. 1141.7ree57, clerk, 'rill have Fltubstillt every • . Tuesday and Friday, - it Slaves o'clock A. X, fir SCEIIBENVILLF, W HAY:LINO. SUN FISII,_ BULL XI SEEK. M.L. lat.'lTA sad PAAKERUIttIy sad oil Worm. 'Crew ports. Isstun.log, leaves Euritersourg INEDNESDATood HATOEDAEr al lio'skok I. IL For freight or plump spply oo board, or to 3OHN FLA.IX, .peat' JAMES COLLINS, AIiZETTA AND PARKER& jamgdp DURO PACKE. LINE —ICI.II - PASbENOLB trzentzarun WBE ING, SUN MIL SLSTERSVILLE, CREEK, MARIETTA AND PARKERSBURG. The new and fast side wheel tousenglir BAY ARD, G. D. Moore. Master. Daniel Moore. Cleat. Leaves Pittsburgh sway MONDAY & THURS. DAY, at it A. sr. Leaves Wheeling at 5 r. is. same . Returning, leaves Parkersburg TUESDAY and FRIDALY, at 21r. x. • •LesMliarietta at S mime days. Leaves Wheelies at 7 A. st. Uri:DNB:MAY and SATURDAY., , rot freight "or passage, bowleg ututurposed so• oototoodattoos, splay on board or to . • ,JSIIIN rIakIJIC, or JAS. COLLINS, Agtats, ' IS Water otnet, Plttaburgt. pEGULAR PORTEI-A .ares n • *MOUTH - AND , PITTSBURGH PACKET...4%e fns paustker steamer. GO ERA, W. H. Kerr, =witch W.• H. Bryan, clerk, leaves Pittsburghevezy fIURDAY, at Mo'clock at, end Portsmouth every :MONDAY, It a o'clock p. U. The Golden Era mekevonnectlons at Ports. mouth wltk the splendid steamer Boston* No. n for Clodosunt, and will nmelptlrekiht passer.. geratbrouth to teL atty. - 0022 ST*44= STO;IIROKERS, sau Put/Wise atisattsi.palt e. tbs:pershus.aad RATES - OF, COMMISSION Lt" rai d irMoif; W ar t ' . ' ant. 8950 Eno lass.Lloor OR Stout :ow WC471,1 1 01 s t raiVt=iVlZTOT .5e414 1 7 . 14c , 1i ars err o vA : o ust Opp Ss.,l gr a g Rtaattil with 'rosin* goal 1111P0 panMs* loi• pit Oharehat streak It. Fast Slashes and la depth 100 teli a all asat.l7 fen sal plarliod fa 'Alden: A a' - tic z ol toyllo • • ' • ' 101 Fonts! arid. . 'gum, WEBB WILL Bir-A. 'MEETING OP ••• the Stftieteleeis of - *lt 13aak et the BANE, lt01.18.1; oo. , TIIVRODAY; the atic °Chatty osealq% beiwout holm of 1 and a o'eloelt, to eessidee- the impiety or eltea4o4 Moe. toad 'Bank to • Netioskel Beak. , By °Met ef.ths Baud. ' TIROL B. 17PDtRE, Cheekier COUNTRY RESIDENCE , FOR RENT •.us FOR BALE, with immediate powecolea. 10 acre, of land, with alarge Dwelll4 Moue, well arranged; laylag three porticos, large parlor, wattle mootles, dining room, hitches, Ara Mum yam woo hoots, ho..£ beck otable,twoolotorae, valor water, fruit sad- abode trews, traps arbor , ahrobterry,_ ha.. he. awns!, sear the tof IN myriareTtaßONS, SI 'Market I% • HB FAMOUS SMITE IPBRRI OIL A•7III:GioN,-1 havls,,faciale betwires mud.* bf 1 04,1134 r1al On 'radium loottot at this Las:Beam county, Dalai Lust Pittsburg', mutter as Um Ohio Rinir,:srbleb will be sold oh al genies it applied Ow 'ac' For tartan la itosutliekapplii at th• Eiaribtate as 4 Insasisal , Roe Itatleeptzsti.la RAITGEEI MID LlCAtOlia. 7 1 -. I le' bowie Idestest Grassiest . ; ; , ,- 1, . t 0 ;do ~ do t .I.B)ttr , ~. . ~, , , . ',Jo bast ?Etat : - ~ -; ' • ',Jo Plates; • • - . f ' • Jotrtotlyed and rot wit at sea LlCharte allres‘. oyes ':. - , POTTTB, AIiCEN tratlIMPA-11.1).: -- F 'tee boss Prise ltele Obseee;ll:R.l n c ii • • • 3[o,oorat' w etihtl Prices, t• the teetsi • .0 In Plods; • : • • , Out mid Ihy Totem:it ► • l• / 1 4 16147 Ter au [Miss; ars Ka, eel Mot, streetri B INCRON REIMING.-25 boils ireciove• sal tor sue bi l s izth g. vers obi" lairt • '''' ausylian a. nos; . liog , atak. ura emus wok' stmt. . OMPETIA.2i , FRIC11(4) iron *RIZ A , rintruts.• ran .na ada w.L. - ars - ~. Inlnxii on *not imuc ':IXB. " Lim " Syt White Attain/ mast ima aw.rmtertunirms. prritaUkstAcumi wtiiyos7, vs. zzAusocak - sr," . tro. 22 Ohio Streit. Anele.or. MANUFACTURER OR OIL TOOLS, - AIS roe virtue= wen Efinking OU and s Sale Wefts. Partionbw. Marlton Is tainted to is late in. oroveolerte ti JARS and JOINTS, wale; an of brodoo toe bow IA the world. Vow are sit readie of Ow sera Sligo old Zoo Mew fres, !memo+ d jarily for Wow tools. The.. tool s one owls to l 1 7LfpED SIZ&S es that the Mae arid Sorkato my one will agree with awl 11% loose of soy ether eat el Ida ..upoubieture.. Menai the .area amber. STEAM ENGINYB mud Bleablare Wort Glade order.. tet Proloffire box P. SANWA' PAST IRONS, Om X* trouble to eboo our work... - , . Wised DITTWUROR FOUNDRY. , . AL miluasow 8 CO. immeson iiisousw.awriaon,ilt . FOUNDERS' Al D, Wanubieturers of (ding igonni or 'au dui, Yoe Iron, Steel, Br Bilver E Siohl Straw Beards, Paper 4l =tubber Wean • also. BollingYflt Castings of all .desariptioss, Dark MIA Patent Doubly Winder, with • earls tp of other patterns, always on hand and fitted to oilier an short notice and favorable' tenni. Ogles and Warehouse,finilthliald street, Pittsburgh. fe3:l7 . . BLACDLLIIIOND STEEL WORKS' prrrssintua Pd PARR, BROTHER & CO. . suinracturen awn lawasir FEFIIIID cum. STEEL, Squat e,rtat and Octagon, o a atm. Warrant• ad= no any logertal raaantaatuxed In Wt SIP Want atullrarehoruie, Won ICI and WI Pear sad 130 and 1218acono smarm Pittsburgh. rell-yd PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861. DIETHErDGE'S PATEN Oval Lamp Chimneys, IX FLINT GLASS. Theo Chimneys are Intendea for the flat Muse, nesting all parts of the glass equally, !Toes not en. Igt t ggi i i i rise W . orll, l 9 . 7l ) eht=n ll =, .Ipe7 - • Pittsburgh, Penn's w. e. itAczorrogos..a. ancrxr.L. a. E A 2T niCqi PM WORKS. tucimmross, nzieraxLL • IXP. PoIINDLBS AND ELEGRINIEIN, • GarpSf.of PIKE Lad end • . • • PINE and WALNUT STREETS, Mott MT Water Work%) • Natinfaataters of stationary and oilier ENGINIS, I . .OLLLNG KILL CASTINGS sad NAOHIND EY, of all kinds,' a:.:l i genersljobbees. • • Prompt attention yen to repairing ROLLING itELLICSCHIN • Y • SIELVZR:PLLTED WARS iId.ASTICriP.A.CMCorrIit. Walters, Outors, te., Ike. imitable for the Trade, •oabandandforsaleyl., WELEII Ez AO5B, 225 South' sth it,, PHILADELPHIA. 4163t0 JORE E. RXRRON VIOL ORRIN RL :JOHN B. HERRON & CO., iptcrvio 2!BlCEmixsaremitureirs, AND IRON FOUNDERS, flirletiand Bales Room& - NM No. 379 LIODERTIC smarm FENN MACHINE WORKS AND B: WWUT U, KNOINE BUTLLE.H. AND MACIIIERST, Lecocz eraser. between Federal and Sandusy, ALLseasefr Owe, PA. Manufacturer of WI GE TMAN , B PATEN! PORTABLE WILLATING STEAM Eli GIMES, Stufling, Pulleys, bet Repnlrlng of all kinds attended to j , BCHOONMAKER, • X.Lllll7AArtrilin OW Illlni Lt, Eta Lena. Blue Laid. 4dlnnrage,DlDe . • .. , :. .111401, DIM. an: • end. De -In . LINSEED OIL, VA13141911, Jd.PANS, PAINTERS , /WAXY.. A T /14. Wks suad Winnow*, No. 43 Wood attest. • aohladyd S. SEVERANCE; NO. 53 Water. St. kr.exittetla.4e, m . anureeturer at BOLIER HIV ETA, WILOUORT SPIDER, 'ovum= sad 'Wheel of every. description. • Parraselar Asada? abl large or gaa all, medr tb spe older dSPlL ar. alma =tam A good ampartarea aortiamalt an hood. • mese! Da& W. BEF"TETT,, Masufseturen . 1 -x• aadjtolio;taro 4,_UEERSWARE. 21, DIAMOND STREEr, Wixom& Wood sod Itarkastiorta.PittabUrgb..l% mh; ATTOAXIC r& XCILLATII2..4t, GAZII/pf Poerwrzimp j! i IegASTER, GAZZAM dG CO.t ATSOI3,NEIS FOR inarnmrs, Mcensed U. B. agents, for" prettying P 1 PRIOR?. ROUNTI'M 111., REARS OF PAT, PRIZE Motemy. - oompEte.' SATIoN FOIL HORSES, and bitter property led or destroyed while in Um rerylati in Ike Caned STOPPAGES OF PAY AND OFFICERS. ORDNANCE' AND QUARTERMASTER'S Ail COUNTS adjusted. and oartltlesies at ladebierit nesayntaurrol. • Appltealient by Mall attrnded to tut If wide In terabit. NO CELARCIE..MADE. PNLES6 SAO. OFFICE No, 98 0118 MT STREET, mut PITTSBURGH. U . B. WAR CLAM AGENOI. PENBIQNB siwcaut. PaR thei mann OF ALL lumps Imam= W. I. & HALL PMTKELB4:44 "A:ttornOYEr - at - Law, W OVI4DED 1391;DLERS. $lOO MKT Wounded 08801108, L sow balm paid le en with e i rfametuere., li -81, flamed the U. n. Goveniewl. Ilao.llll TUTU , owed dear bmiaw taw oltbsdral. walla= XS INBIO CLAIMS of every description, eollsowa by-the subscriber, et tbe following raise, Tie I Penelsna nO. eII other claims Wet a O. TAYLOR, Attaralry4o,-Law, NOM Grant Meet, Pittsburgh, Pa. )).—lfo shame are,uts If the claim dote not inicesed. and's& talbrataticeurltranaratia. setts I.IIITTSILFUSLII, OAZZAI'd dr, PO:, J.? ATTOHBIT/1 AT. .1411" TRATICLIN, PA: - *Xellaster, Gams k oo.,Plttebargh.) (1011/Miens leads, Titles eisWee4 me bther legal Dualities attended to to Weste rn Peausylvb. Eastern.ollto sad West Tleglals. References: Xesars.Le (gnarl' ar.d'Prew, John Harper, MK., ANDREW STEVENSON, • ' — i'rai4I. I OPiCIPX•3IrIDONS. No. 144 iF 6lx rtlC'Str e,eit , prrriuuraox • ?a wiurunte. uns wdow louts e! er ABagheng sod i djoining nountlasi lo SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOURTIES , '' nziiito:its'Ann imuuis or rAz , . atteadettebf inn/// 1 1MM MIDIM/4_ • r ' ''' 1.. I/ 21) in'OeriPl/0•11/i Pay 7 . . ... 1 , 14 4 ;4 C 9 3 4 4) _..YR /h I BC) ., 11 L ATTORNIVII:AT-AW: 1 - • - 144 11331218 1D.IRRn2EPOWit - itu4is t it 6 lt'ohidik •sueati.s ire* , • aromael rikoriirrai* nuaidgeii. advent* • ° awitilirielamileL' • ddils.l7 •-• ATTOPINZWAT4AWi eTsr.t.,./ritt,aztkr!L • irpo r is . ramming, - socttert,! Ina= Koos:. vis»zomatim,44o4 _ Q ar ROHUMMOLANIE.-10 bb iOho . e fogissi Sysu i p. t al seeetW . d sasep4•l nim smsltsrso loom Mutat wit AO Weft A tbr. - 7 — "V" — sias up; ,r. - Anac *oh oEwiLF,x , ozei OIL OOMYANx, Produces er_ilnele aid ZirramlimWaCcul gal" Carbon Oil. Untie and latioating Oils. Oithe No. 61 lUD street, •PITTRIDRON, Pa .W. CIIREIMAIT, BREWER, BCRICB & CO., Globe, Pulite awl Liberty Oil Works', Marti iuk aft Ow. D UQUESNE N'AT aidHINCDCE tle.4 jeSO47 • • PTSPEDRONDI, PA. WALLACE t crarriss , omasszoir MEXCHABTS. CiUDE ANDREMMD PETROLZUX, BENZINE RD rarnaxammi toms. to. 114 SOUTH wizsaras, rzawnr r para, Pi. . . larL3S We barrels. etoalle tOw es, to American and FolottlVOrtfAl l l. 00 r Att° Sallt11:111. Elver , Sl,ll P 0 .. 01 m 0 • RICH¢RDBOIT, RAMEY CO.; owns:won sna Forwsian Bnichszp!n CRUDE AHD &ITEM PEIMOLECIIL 20. 19 IRVIN STREIT. sir Liberal cad, advances' on conalgunient• tot Pittsburgh or Pastern Markets. • Vrrrannuon affeSIZIL . S. 13. Dilstorth k °lB. tap rine. HarbanO, Z.= BO* DR, !Fast. 9ornmendal Bank. - gtiaiDem! PETROLEUM 104 4 1:NERY. CLARK & SIMNEL— Works and Moe, coustirs' Tqwtisitm: . Office In Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD oTREWT. These works have the largest' as pa dtT In the country. The brand donde the h ipp est In this country and In Europe, for quality slant* teed and the oft Is put Is well seasoned berrele; prep es in d tu il iatturers of EOVES,ETELTAzreims, end rearaovia) BOR 1Y1V0454: 94 Well& detedy BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenli Warehons:ng root guy= & HAMMON Sta., Brooklyn. r• ,u4xcivBra STREIT I:=..l;3=kgLU pox Refined or crude Petroleum. maim I'ITTI3IIVIIO4. . REPLIED L Tanks and passe& Circulars. • Office, No. II MEE .STREET, New York. tErui • • 80.1 St. CLAIR ST., Plittabmsh. FORWARDING AND . COMM:VON MERCHANT, dAD DEALER IN OILS. ELLITMINATININ LUORIOATINGi °RUDY PETROLEUM OILS, &a, ennidantly On hand and for sale at the lowest market prices. Oonslgn• manta and order.. so/tatted.' atd-fat. WiliDIG & KING, 00XXIISSION PETROLEIIII AND ITS PRODUCTS And dealers La Beanbag Diatarlals.' 0e2147 No. Ili NABBBT ST. 'Mannar/0k JAMES WILKINS, • . 1120 W £?D DILLS= ta CBITDE AND =FINED OILS Peri? Block. Duquesne Way. Plltargo Aar tl pec Intel:Clan given to the SALE ANTI SHIP“ OF PETROLEUM and lta produaa Uoralgententa rtapeethalty_ - Pittabergh Ayepey_ for ITENANGO 01%.4 AWE TRANSPORTATION COXPANT. - Sir POST OFFICE BUZ 142. ash 2. y. LUCENT OIL WORM. rnnsrp&F, pinfrAp & co, Pure White 'leaned tarl)on (111 s. rto. i 2n ram= mazer. notaing J AXIS niwzi A t p T. 11213 Oil of Vitriol and Aqua &monk. bimm No. 15 izawrin. st, PrITSBITEGII, rA. NY.-I<. 11111781 AT I.IITWOZ WAL M NiTRILLIC & CO., . einninissien. Merchants . Ira dealers In CRIME AND REFINED PETRO 'LEI3bI; BENZINE, - - • • • • Airl.itus LaoUnica' for st . oling sad 102447 Ware.honee gatd Ductvzsitr. WAY, near Rand streot. Pittztnugh. . .apttilmd Tlllll LATLIta 1:092( TITS Al_ LA . (Soccestors to Zoi44. Ps.4friza4 011 Retinbrs 'and deems to Petrolattra, Nognlus, Lubricating and 'Paint MIS. Offico, • No. 7 HANOOCK WTI:MIT A fralgiet. - . rittattfulb. Po. - BTOClCB,—The'oxolorslgned• will sine puttaater attention to td• purchase ant Stooks of ALL BMA= Companies. to eau; . J. K. NOILLNOZ Aso Pro. tin Fumrrit gnu= ioTpriP redt inf itr i# an STEAM ENGINES, ' : tii niesliapprimed at Oar .wells and lithe:rm. poses, on the shortest noUee. Having &remit sized .Tagines on hands. and linistdag other% the nubile be asconuitoaateci with ahndst any laze tbmi wantlllie work Soghow for Halt' , et - TIMM% Filth Word, Irotwien Xethansd and' Harrison deans=_. , , Pitta=i, a. • rIsCII , II , TA. LIVAS PIPS Ic,ND surxr.ixam wuuss:, . - 'GIBBON. ma, _is lizemod '4%Tsait. .111dOO order. PAPIN.AND NDEETS pt ior =ee Ton= footli TOO. , aid tipiirda. rl i g i g l a r AVllt4:4. l 4 " tid 9 V:o7 . 1417" woodd lopodolly intim attontl a of Plait be eid i aoldillif • U Works so d Ott w9a McCORD & CO., 11114esale Dears int COSPlraltsii litre, fp floods.. am now in dors•the largest gni mod ono**, 419ticiiPow km.csAtss, Sow oar awl aMwetto Wom onnt. Motet , sic rogoolloil to Oa midge Monk. Wh sox • tray kw ratio. 4 2rifi BBLB -0110IOIC ; • • DB FAN tiVA , ILT FLOOR; ;OM bush OsYsi • - IPSO bu sh Eat Chnesi - - ;1 out Pesch Blow bbls Butter, la slatbst - • 7 3; st ra fie a, ( ar i l lir " ABolltOlf cm., • ill 64 sea Pima SS., 's seSS .I[ - a aB.11: .6 trirrela Prim! _ u„,„4 t . - _ i• to 'do °• • 16°1 re 44 imt 1 " 4 for .11 .1uularrito___ --.7zrzza ikuxbre POTATOES ON OONSIG • .1. Up g rtyolicrrniumue • IiT!ZAT RED 10ED wlbtalliat, quaint ad Intimated 11l 114tha6etal4 it 'moo* au oar attret, , 4 pai c r i ark - . MASK • " MOW& I MVP sow +0 moan orma &owe !fin". hie ma lir vats ft4M7il4, 14° 851 F" PAM I N 46 . ir:t. $.17;.0:- ; 0.:0:A0:..0 . :,.,; . .,:f : Net Aseete.Janttaky 1505. ars,e77,tlea L. • All 10 1111110 - 1101E3. - . , .. . Sr Avisß44B la. an: ibe.i ;0u46 OWII Towns in the Vatted Motes.' . _• , _-.. +. f teApp_lleatlona tor loantwooo win 14 rptopll7po nsed to and Pollator lamed 7• , . ; - I LLVAIUMOI#IIIIO,„,AO4 , I4 in-rams ciwerza Bon . * a MABIEdi FIRE INEMEINOE *ffirl Op: pT-TTT. A nELPIHA. ; • • - - 'hwtg en aticaras.nr 1:1844 1111.411741. myna' r, ' - ' • "When i! Ace-rued Premiums 7" 41 bai; . .••• 1,971400 Invaded Premiums • , ,14 196 , 118 . Unsettled . -* ' ts,u income far 1861 . • 1100,00111 Josses Pall lance 1841 ' ag0. 0311 -Peepetual- and Temparsry, PpliaLes . Mims Oblides N. Hlacioto 4 , "c" , igl i.Y.,i, Lje; Daly Tobias Wapner, ' Edward O. • : 1 Samuel Grant ; • . Glans Tales, .. !I. assob B. Swi t • Alfred Fitter, • - Goons W. , Frio: W.Lawia,' IL D , "-- T C. BLNOLlG= uw ast. , . DALE,* Tic. 1 . ..._toia.••'; or ./ rd i xtra it0Zi11%4 27 1274 .44 4:kik . ,1 '. •:::.EDWARD JAS.W~ ~... F' - - - higurance,4: SO, ga' pErutemr,l&,::, oio:t.9sl B ar vord fire 6.01411.11 4041 4 !3teetloe eiwa be secom (tali ibeei mimed and instable companies,. - Y - - . . ... P AiitOrey, Magri*. IATBECTERN INSUBANOB cOMPA2(I,I. AP niTSBUEG •-• 1. ' '3,4-Trits,r+4 WhL P. ROBBER; Sseretaht. Once, No. Pi Water street, Bpsitig R 00.'s War& house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. I WM tame spOut ail hinds of birs 4041 , 1fertne Bids. A .Tdor4e ilienirged by Director* toito are tall known Mahe conn_hatty, sag mileare &tem 'WWII by promptness and Übasitty, to , waistedis the duffel:ter width they haw sm=o., as Omen/ the and protection to Noss tisho *sire fobs's/net. =l3= EL Mk t ' 3 .< • alexandimSPeres ' huh " ardA "'" Davlit AL La la k os 'Ah Nmbaid"°u "" Rees 3. Thwaiii. aelTlTeDuci John MMus. I 43 ' 1144°° V%i HERBERT . secret - am myso GITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY: OF:: P/TTSHURGH.-oMee, 001:116r; Zdazis. smilirater streets, second b00r.. ; _ ~. ~... _._. -war. Ti SAGAL•sPistalw. 1 wx... , A. SZMUlRD,..Secreterry.,., . ~, Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. -•. , t ,- , Inutrei against loss and , damage In Ma ;Milo. Bon of the Southern and Western Ittrers,-,LaUif and Baous, end the navigation of the Hew: Insure spliat kaa awl damage Witfar. _'... • . 1 • Wm. Ihn . La.l!y a ' John M. Baer - 1 - - - ~7as. PatUrOrmynr. W. G. Johnstgn. • S. Barbauglr,.l-.„ B.F..linies; ' .-e -.-. ,J. all a y lion. T. M. time, ' • Jobita,, Awton,', - Barclay Prestoni. r 1.. ': Wi g - mEOPLZB' 1.2017147q' 449791. NY coiner or ireea. d mita atm FIBS. AND MAME liBM3AinThi M.1111111" . :,' • - MIA; obliliCSAmidl ZolarWsit,' . SamustP.Stttnory John - E. Parke,' ' HiMMII A =IO - • Wm.VairlOrk, • . VI Nark Jana D.lrcamt - Johnillyde;' , AL'PHILLAPS, itaidest. ' • ' ' JOHN WATT, Vim IProttiesi. WM. F. GARDNER Serrderv.;,..., INSURANCE COMPA , A LLEGHENY _ • Ig o .= - A-. RY OF PTITSB , '' street, Bulk Block. _ ___ , and mutat inswee WILLIS 4/1 or Flit ' IJOBN SAAC 'FioliFrwaiiii. D. X. NAM . ? ,471 / °r, ' ..,.. , • • ~__,.." ' • 21 D. litoooid, I bat* . 1 ....... , , . -cr t,..A4amimmen4 i1 ci,.... 1 " 11 =1, 4 '.' ' . , alt. stauz;ii, 0 ---- ck, 0. Grim 'O a ...,,t , iff W e G r . m. . John Irwin. Zr . ' '"" t, -- H. DIAL 13. L. Faltaest , A; .: Tro OIL C THE _ lEFINING MID - STORIIiti'COMMAIN now funio3ll=l2l64,4chaelpikossemeed bud new at their rearporarr ogice;•lect. WOMB STREET,(up stairs,) Pittsbuza4BandEs rum d foto a geoend toultwas in; , Sell rol P renning,- Storing and ForwsxdhY*._ Thi Works are on the banks I,llegua l i m iver above the city, and will in a short time be b of manufacturing EIGHT MINOR= B ELI 01 , REFINEDIDIL PER Wilts% widehgrill beo the best quality and in prime packages. /I is Um design ofnact this4.lmgany to Melon firstedsmr brims ler e, end no rsainewilD .s to el. that character. They will also e f t er he (fo rward ingot Oil to points east or wort,partiadar Wen Uon, and in this branch of the bosmess will ban unrivalled facilities, as the Oil will betaken (roll the boats to the ems bymachininy, and thus awl, all wharikge, drayage or delay.:' , Partles,fenshfg leg their OU to us can - rely on haunt sin thrh with yrtompUtudiF imd The 0031P1111, has a Oapltal4=ll4 With pregeftz—e. M. atinsitid,r o ; • ': Seetewi~O:eEßllf(iSS.. Tommuter-3./L. mamma, 1-4 'Directors—A. N. Masks% _ 'Ma Old. Rhicald, Arthur-110k./ X, all ReUer; David 810trindWes.'llarar soretnterideas indasslassu Muiegar=nbrAlM .-.3(=deate and Gr 111 n am 101146,4444ee5i to belddrased to t NatiOnidetaiin ilitiOnbg e !4 o /9 43/3 447 , 'Pri7ls/IMtEnt. .kilititta wurrinlit&toNd . .. _ . . . . How Oomippng , *lF.lfew. Owes. 1 Is A Va !nth /nit 86 am n Ass lOUs NJ :• :. •.‘ , PEUI4LDIEGOACI.I6 -1 A- • sidnibeen u ttirtyl pats in ihiliiiiii A4it • :air ct.t...""trieJtwlix"l l . o4 'll7loLE YARNS, and 0040W-TABlie alid eft s aga,OAtilt , seve U destredos a Ilahipaseate. the rate at ixper cant.pet astmai , --- tonania FuaalT OM - MID ittoD 0111318, • ' 4 . sac.: ..:17:Tamitersuswe eptiesite N. EiltmedsoLkErs.V. slot r <.,'• go: XclKekrfs,-, • PAR % pREMIL - 411 D ^MB," ALE • , NiregiterVe °Pirisißnzagak,i. •Glidet • - -111LIRIPA C 77 - 4:.. PO 01,4T,44t WY on dototer Onto t 4 tort Zit **Win , • ' , - mimic DIOIEIT a .4, 1 , Ibll a nu to alt 4 titsiostoo. 4 lt=talt Ws amtlasto saitt 144444 ••••••t . .J sto to eattettoOl 0tt 1114144 44184110 • Olt Ntersei !Wart - PA _ . 72-2 t ..... rzialatTAL ==l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers