~ i.,;,....:2,0.,11,,, ~ „,,,:„...,,,,,,,:,,,z,,‘ , ,; 1 4,:5t.,,...,,,; _, ,,,,1 1 ...,. ., : t., ,,,,, ;, , , ,: 1t, - 2- 1,,? , - --,11, ,, P1*-,,,, - , : ,----- ". f'4'7. , :...4 - : - .;:., - ..- • - 2 , : , --;,= -, ' - , „.-- ~ : :- ,•-•. ,, :,1, - ---1 7 , , - 3 ` ' ,7" - t';:...1.,:i -"?.:7.C.-4.1:',:::-"N''''''/Z1t9',,Z;r5.2-1.,5'- ; ::,' '' ''' '' . -' '' F- 1'' ''I' :'• ' --' ''- ' - _-- - -- -- -- - ------ .--. , ....... . ' •b krttirburgv(qautit rrnumrczn TIE 61zErr. - IttLISRING ISS9KIATI4X SiTIIIIDXI',II.IIIIIK2LBY 11, 1931 • TILE villiawstrws istinextr. - • congress hag passed the act to eitabllsto. Iturcan for Freedmen. The bill passed is not in the shape In which it was introduced, bus-. . has been mozlitled or change kby the Comm Wee of. Conference between the two We are not able, therefore,. to speek.dellhltely,about its' dotal* but It is enough to know,. for the present, that the policy of confiding the care of - the Freed• men to a disiinet branch of the Government; ilastrt ondorsFd by Congress; and that a tne'asurilof far-teachinginfluenca and tm- p °Haute to the' colored ratii..taslc•en dm: surnmattd;to far as the.pction'bt Congress is . .conm;riied.. . . \ • The close vote bred:doh:o;li hill tonic, 04 to •62,-waso - iiiftvaio,„ t rnare - teroppcisitinit to ItS details than to the arandpriaciple intuit : ea In the bill. It tan hardly be that any Republican gave a negatiro, vote through opposition to the policYof creating this Bureau. The separate department of the Croirern:. tient thus created, responsible alone to the President; and stipported.by rnllitary'Pow -er from hire, IN according to the original bill,-to take charge of the abandoned lands or the rebels, settle them. With'freednien; guard the intrestnof the latter, eta ad justing wages, in enforcing contacts, and' protecting these hitherto . rmfortunste.• pets; pie front Injusticeoutd securing them. their liberty. The commissioner of the bureau 'and Ids ngents Is entrusted with power to establish regulations, and cause them to be Enforced' for tbe protection of this great eats, and.before any civil or military court thr y are to net. as their legalsthiscrs. IQ tct Min cases they may hire, out the freed- Men willesnitable persons at a proper corn pcnsaicon: The assistant- commissioners and Sends can, under certain specified con : ditions, be teed by court. inartiat in their . rt spective districts. The - original hill 01 Mr. Eraao - rr,, of Masseelmsetts, contained a provision repeal leg the 6ction of the confiscation act which. limited the confiscation of..real estate to the life-time of the rebel owners. We arc not adviied whether this section is ineliaed in the len as It cane from the Committee of Cor.firence, but if so it -would not hurt the • - bill in ottr eyes. - • 11111 EXEMPTION . OF CLERGY3IEN The Secretary of War, in answer to a resolution of the Moine; luis sent ina, state. meal or, the Provost Marshal Geneml, that lie knew of no Instance in' which boards of entailment hate ezeiripteil preachers of the Gospel-belonging to-churches .Whose re- , tenefildo not bring them within the scope of link act of February last, 'for en rolling and trilling out the notional forces, norhe know ,of Any priviler;es baring LecuTrgratileif to...the preachers of. one.de nominatiOn thatimva not been ganted to all. tide, Stitipenerd 'of _the ProvostMaralial General is conclusive, as far as it goes, bet it &fee not ' : teach the point aimed at bythy . rtsolntiOntie inquiry fatised..44he House. It la well knew's, tiott," - after ad draft last summer, two or smore Catholic clergymend of Bt. Louis were drafted and afterweritrO J leased ' parole", by somebody's o rder, , tide release being tantamount toe discharge rim the, draft. A? no one ever heard of a Protestant' clergyman ieleased from ihe draft in itsimilar way, the object of the res:„, el utiPit Of: inquiry passed, by the lieu:soil - as to aseprtain why this privilege of parole wets' given to Cattiolla PrieSts aid withheld , or, Atleassl not extended to. Protestant cler, .t We would like to see this inquiry ansvrers_ ed, and,So 'Would thri4ige body of Protest... ant eli!rgym'en thyoughnut the country....lf Catholic clergymen are to be let out of tint draft'ribrOugls thls dOor, the some fivor cu • not injustice be denied to Protesmnt clergy. men. It is donbtlesi tine that the Preivost Marshal General knows - of no instaneolu whiciirl.oards of enrollment hive auh'e but it has imen , done and now that 'pub- lit attention lies teen o:it, there Is no impropriety in (loitering That the Protes tant Or the Vountri shall slam, here- • after, in any,farors of this kind that may be esti Mied. _- • : r We are.weli. assured " that . the 13teretary of War-bad nothing .to do with this `rattolt," and that be has ofileial knoWlege ofthe:facis riot &%y . - tidal' 0 the "parole". was. wrong, - in itself. What , we object 4 l 4 kb, partiality evinced,. la its, • application. lf-confined to Catholics', and notrgade.gcaentl;,lt tut, rte` son, Aguevritis ‘ .4 sT° l 4%4A f g:AlßX•a til— r -i N , Thilate her inauolt.vidisgdAioi - )0010y. 14, ding Aieustnicall'of Ikeirtrietuar,trithin -*lop corpolete'llaiitisil *Mit eitYr .) vtotc4 ;lay city, and llato•grast - carO used in its ; but It is n sari, otii ton the safety. or the -1)eople : does , PO% rintt.t exelnilon, et eat m t b ue ings that ere is contsettrith'iditer buildings, We do not ipen the exact plate inwhich the matter 'has been plowed - by unudeipsi leglestiori f;:-1)14 - . 7 ave ' subtult IthethEr 'the ealsraltiphy ghihaelptda.*heidd ,not Witch our dawn to see to itzthltt suckle terrible affair 1s nit - Pea 4bl.oete. ...,:rreyetitieri elweji better,than cure arid it is the.psit ' of wisdesirin ptoet by the , experience - of othcfs,! ' • 'l. -1 ~~~.;:.i=Nni Otigotn , . The liewltork Trihuns Is not rery com plimentary lif„,flenerallita.,kns for lds_man , agerospo` „Itite.forward moveMcul. It "The present neireniiirit of theArit '.of the Futon& books; wo . are sorry to, my, like taditplieste-of the.llatcher's Rae n frac of last October. It Is too soon to say what , was the alma . purpose of General Grant— whether or nothe we - aid have brought on a geseiatengagement had the circumstan ces seemed favorable—bat it is clear that his ietention has been Unrolled by a failure in the execution of prescribed . naorements. It is the old story. General Meade could' nt get his different corps to connect; the ene my dashed is between them. and a part, of the array found itself whipped beforethe rest knovr-that a fight was going on. The Associated Press correspondent is particu lar to lay that General Meade was all day on the ground; so that we can hardly be mistaken in charging him with , the respon sibility of , the whole affair. If nuotc Invewv.:-It seems that the solid opposition with which" the , .lDemocratic members of our.. Legislature tioyiedlyCOXL-. fronted the :Constitutional A'mendment to abolish slavery was the result of a solemn _caumichi which they deliberately resolved that'itor. party Of Copperhead DemOcisek shouldslick loy,Slavery tO'the last, and so . town, With the black flying. Perhaps theyhre tight. they must ilafamous, 'there is some satisfaction per. in making, infamy heroic. '‘i'l 1113 : OLD .oAl4l.6l:lllinKm 9kcretar • . - cl3tantop kaa directed that in Pullin._ no o ii • ier or misted man in the service shall •by committed to the Old Cap Vol Prison, ass. upon his personal order. Other Tetra's is the administration of this . establishment . - mill immediately-take place, thanks to the :crgress of the people. - • 'lll Praise es citeM !' flitt ut HnU. 4 The following bit (Cfun, which tip Pests, Id the Veshingtort liip , il4lictait, 'is' a neat travesty of certain peace articles which have lately-been published in Colonel For sera Washingten Chronicie "notr,...liotrrox Itsunen, Idsss., , ;Febrnaryl, 18'35. :"There litt"tiemendous excitement here in fat or a peace. Wo have supported she enthusiastically, up Jo this momont,but reaction has set in. The editor of the Daily Morning Barnacle, Colonel john W. lone-'; whose voice WILli Mild for war (while the circulation • of Ills journal in the army was pretty large) say* that his thedghts. lie must confess, arc turned on peace. Ile conics nut this morning; wills an article which was italicized in such a meaner that ot ite number of our citixeng were in duced to read it: uColonel Jones asys in this article that the Union anti - rebel .armies Iratensizer, 'warmly whenever they get a chance, be. cane they have fought eked slyother sa'blood an so- manly battle-fields, and that - this shows bow - they Jove the old flag. He - also' gone that sinc els friend, the President, boa' one to utert e the ' rebel ecebralsiontest he his peen oVerwhelniedwith.telegrams and. lettertK.from friends who. are anxious .to . -knownheth these efforts to secure peace betwet the established governments of the lJnited,States and the unfortunate and mill. rided people assailing it havearty. fouls " The editor neicnoWledgei that the Presi dent has - given him no hints Which. enable him to , give any Information in reply to road telegrams from the gold speculators, but he fulminates the following in large type: "'For out own part, !slavery being preset cally.and constitutionally abolished, we are ready to concede everything else,to recall our erring brethren.' _ "Theeditor of the Barmaele, then goes Anto e6tacies in YieW of the ; prospects of the taxi chiefs; some of - whom ware his personal friend' and boon copaniocontl nacom. mg back .- He would repeal m tho acation act, and pile amnesty on the rebs to any ex tent.. Ho eiciairate ' " 'Are we afraid of thenil. Do we fear their ..„ I eappearancent the federal capital?' "Of course be Is not'afraid of them. He has dm'nit whiskey with them too often to be afraid, and there,fOre he ob)ects to their &oh% to Mexico. llq adds with force: "`,Shall we allow the desperate men who may be expelled from the United States in the event of it sudden peace, to intrigue against thnconntry they mice dearly loved, or shall we take them back to meet the free ptople of the tree States pf America?' • ni"Old Squire Jeduthan Simon. , , a venehara t ble ngistiale of Hull; says positively t lie believes the editor of the Morning Bar nacle was so fuddled be didn't, know what town he was in when be wrote the follow ing, which is the last paragraph in his, don ble-leaded article. "'Whatever Mr. Lincoln's policy is, whether he Is at Fortress. Monrcri or In the city of 'Washington, we believe he possesses the sublime attribute of rewarding the friends of the Union and forgiving all thu enemies of. the Union who are ready to m emo to the old (lag.' "Semite Simons stands out against the peace movement, declaring his unwilling ness' to concede_ everything else except slavery to Jeff.' Davis. Ile we mimetic the right of secession and a number ot ether .thing:;liut we' are all convinced that when Col. J. W. J. gets a pence It will lie ri lasting bne. "P, dispatch from Roston, just re cc ived, denies that . Robert Toombs called the roll of his slaves on Runker : Rill yester day." The arrests of Boanty-Jumpers. The repOrt' sahle.W• wo published -yes - teltlay of the investigation by Colonel Baker Ira). the, bo unty jumping frauds in this city might serve to startle even those Who knew in n: general we* what sort of swindling been practiced. Its enor -lies: mity,appesui for the first time when the de tails of the business are brought • to light. - r , Colonel Baker has devoted the-last three • , lict4. - slo thre investigation, end'hasarreared utty 16>a:than teddy-seven of the Most prom: 'itientlnintkere, bounty-jumpers and ..c".111311-144S -41s is this city. It is a own tort to:Le-assuroththat ' that ' number of ras ' eels are safely jneuniody. . • Di ifetentlonui of Mil:ldling ars disclosed. , Ono :Is :by•lneiris ' , btu Wholesale - forgery. , Gtmulne pokers' of re.erults-who were actu -aßy•enliste - lad ' copte4 • from the *rerdater , :at the ',llioltlyn iebeearous. bnpllcate en ' ' liatmerit ••patora:Me: then fprgad.' ,l 4 the chotinty swindlor i ldad being preseni4d to the "• sigents2w lie pay .boeu;tiles, aye se ntli - essked•by,them,-all necessiry o'llo4l slg ' rildures and , seals • being • couuterfAte•l so Trtfeetly an to excite no-su'Apicion. It is -A wirmd t hat one man, nip ili'Cilitt) ly Or. , s nitte 1 2.7,0,t011 in 'ads war al:Iez", and that ri ton derable prhisntion of ourcra tits fos naval recruits. may have beds dErirad f:cm this iTst-e-14-or fits l• -,,' , ' , Army enactments arosaanaged more sim ' py. , lien who, make...bounty-jumping a plo.easloi, enilit, ,, recebie ' then bounties, ; end desert by bribing the-guard, or other luellus-L ':sotile'ofsthose now streaked , bave 'true through. this . process 'or nOi'leag' than twenty 'tbries,lle: prof beide course ' Aitormous. A l distinct professing, is that of tie agent slope Inaluess it la—not to ge A t 'ir c n into the army but to gel theuvout. pike la paid to him by the friends of on n -•- listed man dealring to escape, ant the es•-•_ re Ite is immediately accomplished bycertain well-defined tariffs' of briberof balccrs of tic gnat ti. Boil( the Orbiters and the con - niving wards ' arenroong the pret , ent arrests. Still Another and more catensise fraud is Itceihvid by filling tiuotss without men. ,Tilere aredtrokera who wildfill,, for a given rum, any given quota. , ,- They tilled 7a few , ''•at.titiously. for CoL Baker, who was kind cfLUtigh to pay Over thesreealneks but sub-. Eequenn , y aireste swm,.. - rs au. geetd. 032c1:3, together, with all ,the, papers and tiorged iignatuies,,Consatuting Use ev s idence not their :Valhi Alto,ther lt. seem as if. 39kis arrest ought to do mnelt toward k break ig iup'4lol present wbolesalelraudi upon 1'.., 0 Governinent.• If two or three dozen of 1 , 1 0 plecipal scoundrels "nre".shot, and not l i'ardar.o, ,It• Wilt rainsitlerablj illicouisge the rest.--2147.‘--Y;;',TrOults';:'. ' - ',.. ,flatifitation in Virginia.. A dispatch from Alexandria, ..V.2.,. ssys a r muted ropy of the' proposed ".anti.shtvery 11 reelidnignt to the Gonstittnion ,or the Vr.it6l 'State swas ricilved by the Governor , c f the; ,commontVealth from'. Eieereutiv` .f tward., it Illi Pri)ipil 'laid before botii 'Houses of i the, Genera ;Assembly, awl; ;nnerdroonely ratified by,ttie Senate. n it leaner. • '' :The Gomm will take .setiorto Tow, , when: there will , be two dissenting *ores. , ' By tittle lending a certified copy of the:: Congressional joint Vsolution to the Goverinnent 'of -Virginia, which is inter mediate' of-those at Wheellog and 'Rich. `Mond, It would appear the E recnti re branch of nur.Govensment reCognizes the State of Virenia,- notwithatandrfig the Ifortsc of Representatives has refused to receive mem bers from that Common Wealth. '. ~ I. .; . .....-;.-'•,...-•••-.... I • tetil - BE EEL .' . . IATION ON ' A EEL PETTY TY unicT;--It is said . that Captain Tibb, who was,. last summer, in 'Oommand of_Canip Oglethorpe, at . _Macon, Ga. where, from . twelve to fourteen hundred 'Union officers were confined; Is now a' prisoner in our hands at Johnston's Island: - This officer , distinguished himself for brutality to Ids prisonerr,'herer,'it it said, losing an opOr= turd!) , to insult one or our officers, frequent. li compelling them to perform menial du ties,- and using tpwards them upon all oc casions, the most abusive . language. A - colonel of a Wisconsin regiment, who was formerly in hie hands, - is about to prefer charges against him, Elitist, if he is actuslly in the hands of our authorities, they may -take suitable measures for teaching him a reu-ch needed lemon. Inn case like 4.11.13 re taliation in kind could hardly bo obJectod to. RRIVAL OY EXCIIANORD PRISONERS.--. I Col., blulfdid, the most welcome importing merchant who evernavigated-the Chess:- peat, landed a cargo of a thousand of our Teak!, prisoners ,al"..kribisPOlis to-day; ,"Thebed conditioned lot ,itf our poor boil," says be, "ever delivered to me. Nearly. all ":could walk." lie endeavored .to bring away from Farina more: of oar sick and :_wounded priement, but.he ice ore the ri tri ver lank' 'ode. it. , .impossible to - ship-them. ':The . boats mord& net; he forced up ": to OM' dock: The tidied:46:mi both sidoto luto • been' fully agreed to and iftankeq, for.'.- Wash. Cot. N. Y. Tis 7., EIGHT; llt nnsra AN 9 • TrunTit;'Buzs of cotton; comprising thecergo which canto to this porkrecontly - from Mobile. .by per. lohsion of our Government, tbr the henna of rebefprisoners, were sold xesterany prices lunging from seventy-110? to ninety three cents s pound.—/f. Y. Trth, ''','-;.." '.. 1- fv`Ci . .L?: I.*--.--',: :_-, Gun Ricrs t..— , s. letter in tit 1 - 71:v et (torn a distinguished E.- g'i-h , ni.!! , !- Icrgint, givri sat . , 1ntet,..5..1:1•.; ~ ,.11. ic , tl ;a resrecting the new gun metal lately re it ed in Antstria by Baron von Ha-Allot Hs says: The new alloy, which has reeeiveil the name of "sterrometal." front aiOreick word signifying tough or firm, is emmiassed of copper, speller, iron and tin, in pro lortions that may be slightly varied nititot t mueli 'suiting the result. Ira color t• r sembles brass-rather than gun metal; It s very close in its grain.and free front po sity. It is tes sesseti of considerable hard ess and will teat n tine polish.. Several e ne t Vienna engineers have tried It for the' cyl, nders of byZraulieptCases with great a • is. The SC riter gliti,it - lißillS opinion tbat t e data of 'set ought iron are numbered, end 'tits, its plate will, he.. eon supplied byati. in :oats totes or other. . .... . I I - VUOTOGIIMI Of the eyea of a Win •121nr tiered in Florence has been taken with auoh EIICCCED 111 10 lead the.ehier of-police In that: 'city to -hope tali: a net -:netting for the de.-' ,tectiorr crimthals - has teen thscovered. :Experiments lire , to he, tried on theeyes of the patierda in the ithspitals of. Florence, 'Naples arid The theory has been •steted tcatediuld disproved a number of tirccthefore. \ . -Ii lhomonth of November last; these- coed Christian church •in Japan was con seeratmbin Yoktlatama. The first church is - as established In - Nagasiki, and tic ground for a third has already been ob tained. ! , • ' Lithe month of NA' wemberlast, the second ChliStil3l3 church in :Japan was consecrated in Yokohama. ' The first church wee estab lii-hed in 'Nagasaki, and the tround for a third brs already. been obtained. AT a recent eleetion for,the Ilebol mem bers of Congress, in Arkansas, only 3,000 votes weao cast. The free constitution had 1:400 Totes. - JrOTICES. ElRta ISAIPTIII 4 T. VII CRC 11,-111E UqY. att. Diex.Easos, of Wilmington, 'preach •t the "First. Ilsotti,t enrcer of Omni And Third atrools, on SUN 1.1.1%; st to,so A. Y. Itiel 1= 1.. 11. 101 l at 1 .... .0 n 1.49----------L'i—.-------.--------1" "6"1- FIANT C tats . I.NNUT.NY . iIX.O EL11: HALL, rcinrr or ktvieral and Lscoci Streets. Pater, .loi,llll XING.' Services st p!!4 N. yl-___ e_!_k..:,- : p. in. Prayer Slectog on \PEON it.oDAS bte:i MG. The public arc cordially invited to a .n . ft tilt , gar 1.001 : OUT VOTI DRAFT.— The cool cd men of the roußril wr AND, Pitipturgli, are requested to meet at the StliiinP. ltt 13 E; on SATURDAY EVENING, the tith Irst., la 1 o'cicok. A. full atteuranae is earutotly u; FCA, or hullo.. of traport.st,oc will be brorEr.titnt Inure the tieetthg. . tell :It Orr:cm or lug ALLEOHE.XY F V ALLIST IL IL CO. i ~ 1 Pittsburgh, ebruory 1,1.365. D... ANNUI.2IIE ti ETIA.—IN ,SCUBIS ' T..' A. AI si CR with the provisions of the Charter Ord the Sopples ruts. the Annual Ocoee:it s o heti stflee. Meet- - it.a of the atockhohlerilf thv Allgloy mer V of t all he ey Roltroad Company, wl be ta l'lnor..y, corner of V; iishingtop and Pike at I cots, in the City of Pittsburgh, 0:k TUESDAY, 1 - lIE 2.51 - n ant . of VEBRIIARY. \ ' at eleven o'clock n. In , to receive the Report uf the Pt I kident and Atnongera. to elect Mannaer3 for the comin year. anti Usnot such other business as n. 5 be g presented. fly order of the Boned. Celli:neon R. C. Oktit, See. is. Tien , .. ALLatolliN i NATIONAL Banc, t ?ITU. oraoN, lap. is, 1443. i WAN ELEBYSION VON. 111 . 1:116 DIIIINC TORS to sore until the tiest annurtl Elec thin, will be held at the. Ranking noose, on the TWERTY-FIRST BAY OF FEBRUARY nest, to meeki the hours o[l2 and 2 tell p. ra jsi9:td . ' . Yr. COOK., Callhier. -- xr lir - 4D Milli EArEJrTS. I,7CA PE THE DRAFT, —1 FEW MEN a. warted at No. St FLFTIL s tul vver.r. E a . list moo as the company tc ncarly N. TRY. VILLO, Iteecuitiny OMMr._ 44 *OR SALE.—CIIEAT 110133 E AND LOT.—Situated in the Eighth ward. Cio:I.1 two story Amick dcrelling,frnnting on t:iblr3s circa:, With rooms and Mashed. stile, (No RI). • LAIN bk. Apply to hia chapped ‘l ii. e tn . d t. A, Put . G ur re one poun . l.l bottles . au e d ,F ro s r t a o, crate price, at the J i ! i lt u A.. imNsinivr. ter or libereSsrd /la" . 1... VIZGLIfSII .111tEA:KFAbChoT. TRA..--Jost J- 1 welora, esh lot ot ta, t Tea. For Late bYthotolllll2 , or Moly+ pourl, by • 3N 0.- A. ICKNSIIALW, - Cornir of Liberty and ILsod sta. fen • AfACCARONL- Mac. Si record and Vendee:L Germine b, put up to ' aortll easel 101" Wally or or for sale by tie pound,-at. tho Fa Grocery Store of 5990. A. IIENSIII 9 C, fop Conserv( Liberty, nod Heed AC 1, -OR SAfI7DII4O...UOUSES aatiD LOT.—Siluated comer of Chartl , ra and Fr - month:l streett, Itlnanheater. Lot 2l he [(root nod extrude bock 94 sect to taro (tame .ne new and not Anlebtrt. Thls property it orered at the lore. prize of arro. Apply to ' • • , Diel...llrr b. (30. • 11USTEELERITGE ITTOC —TUESDLY, EVENING. Feb. MS: at ' o'eltek, pill be sold at Commercial Sales itoomi, 154 1 11th street, by order of Trustee, t hazes bleeksates , Stree t.t Co. ,frti • AueCr. 1 XECETOR'S SALE •ZINK OF TSBUItOIt STOCK.—TULSDAY ::4C. 4:0, Feb. Mb. al 11.1. &clone. .111 he iobl at I t. melt I al Sales Rooma, 51 Fifth street, by order et t rotor of ttlleelegram, deceased, • <o rre Henke Pt, taboret Stout: • 1.11 A. IteLLW Attetieseer.' € 1,0-SING OUT OLE AND:46IT-F.ll STUOK Of Voir.tris, Roy 's, Misses, Youth's, and ClAldtea's Boots of all kinds, ut •. • • - .• • BstillattlYst, fslt PI Market street,la door Irons E • sT 'RECEIVED AT 3 • ... • BORLAND'S, and Gent's nufftio nod Yelt,l3rershoes. sr.:f 3urlile Boots, for this irrathrr. telt Sit sad 6'4 0. 'NOT ICH. --F lITTICDIV - Di. xp...=ltoss OIL (.It7All'lllfli.—Thilloar. l of lorrrtors of Ibis .Clesnrmy bare to Is day de t d nia - of TIM Er: Ptlll : h; r en sodlvidend a(le) lbt Lath last" at thei A. r °dice,os7s- i IL id duct. 'I be Director, of this Company hare eanclu.lit.l to Sake the dividends payable go- :trey ha:ratter, Iv order of the liosrd, .rettat "r. ROBERT Seiretary, ALUABLEFeb. STOCK. ---T to DA BS Y 1 ErL""Litco , r ittlx;lt 7 1 ,4 o'clock, all% be rel.! kV.Commerelal Sales Booms, di Falls street, In 'cddltlois Co Impreved 'Second street and Centre execue Properties, (already advertirrio ..1)or 1. Shes Citlzens' Bank Stock ; - Is do Pand M. do do :3 do ~Alornlngabela SnolgaLloa 4..10 ; , ' ' I do Western Union Teleeraph Co.; I Scholoroblp In Allegheny College. Mecde Illa. b 11 .., - - A.. KeII...MAINE. A na'r. ..____ yr—cObT. _ MOTE_ 'PIDAJT.B ..,-73401.01. Wool En:L0m:1718, A GOOD AgSournre.Nr, kr %pleat. vot - bx . .P.. • P WRITE, ORR & CO., rifsTiZ% - , Aik.ttiovx-xsaysrowest .. x . ..gicw , Sz;VITTs.VIIII7a, PA, rZaueli CW-.. ee .at rraalalri. P. -; . - Will attend promptly Wall proteislonal Duals:ma " mounted to them and especially to matters eon sleeted with the Oielaterdst tereither Pittsburgh or Pr aukliu,ldr. Ilaneoeithelluy pen:tau:AV located in lqualtlity and nr../teeparrlo Pittsbuyih. • Refer to' the Jukes ot the Supreme Court-of Peeurylvinial lion. U. W. Willinuts;Judge nt the Dlitriet COUrtillee. Walter It. Doterle, Bx• Oh. 5 . Supreme Court; Smith dt Bunter Brewer, Burke - k t-o•• Henry B. Collins; W.lf f W.M . 4, of White, oq b:00. ...-, , Ir:!aalreod TIifBOLIITION.—The Parttleranip here ,. ....., tofu/ ' eats ' tin . o bet Omni ' the underalamed. un der the styli of 1.11. liIIiDSAY St DO., (Excelsior Ifoe Worts.) me:lx dissolvet Da the Odder of De comber, 1544, . . . J • It. bIND3AYJ • ' J. W..i.IA.S Elf+, WS. TATTiI DLL: . . ---- f %)PARTisi ERIII P.—The intler.ll4ned NJ enters! Into 111 co-partnership on the 23.1 day of December, IBM, fee the purpose of catering on the manufneture of IRON sod HINGES, at the E.X... ( ELBIOR IRON WORK-s!' lacer Manchester, Ai lest CUf Counly, r _rs, under the oasis and Istria of LINDbAT; OWENS &CIO. JAMES IL LINDSAY, JOSHUA W. °ARBIL It, W ILLIAiLTATTN ELL, , . ROBERT DIOODY, It ETME. OWENS, i FRANCIS SELLERS. Pirraattiton, Feb. to, MM. tell:turd rIIRIVI4PII' OIL COItIPANY7--Ici-)iice is A- berth, even that the IRA 'Meeting ot Stools hotness; mill be held at IarILKILOP HALL, Pitts ' buse,h, en TRURP.DAY,Itnrchn4,II366, at a_otoloolr. P. st., for the purpose of organtestton, sespeclllett unties the sot of Addembly of the Commonwealth, fif ,l'enAili7ania, approved Jot? tetb 1803. .I" 7 '' • ' '-'• • amilert !Kiwi, ... ," PrenJdent,prsieel.- titlabuntlf, Feb. O. NO. - - - feURRI I I flAaslloo Ancluestor BRIMS GOE7ANT; r , .. •, --= . - Trmrlutruou,..Feb. Mk, lade. - S • ii. 'ELEOTiOr.d. .Irolt, i s ' • .atiTer.s. and .oificers of this Efnipsny,fne„ ' esirecAf atr i lirg nit= ctigtihrij,g7,,,:iim ~ E ,„ „ t ~,,,,...popd,rs MOUSE, lathe douth tnd of the . ' • Btldge, on lIIONDAY tha intinay.of 31sinti mit, at. the hone of toicloeifir. w... ....., _fennid Nfld. ONEBIIRG,Teessuer.... t - ittifiltiOVAL.—FRANK VAN (IDIIDCtIt,' AA. Oommtuttin end Produce Merchant, has et ' morns from Av.. to and, to No. Zit .t.gb•rty . stita.t. te431,1 47:1.3 ' 2; ,*4 ' CiLlinAV NATIONAL BApIK. C,/ COR. Gi3:ZTEC ./D WOOD STREETS ACC l'S UOVELLII, Preri•lent., t‘PI:11 , 101tTI• 11 A RBSU(ili. Ron Privation': CakolloE.l. ESOLT, Cevtarc. This Rack invites the coconuts of ilrfrt..ll.4uk ar.. and others. floreriitomit !..eeuri les of ea ktci bought cud sot, at eon eat rotes. As SPECIAL AUE7:T of Jay Cool.e, sabruip.. Ups. swill Ire received for tbe Popular 7-30 LO:blt, Thin loan in now being stwortw4 et the rube • sca,ociO i>33.ra. sod oeing convertible Into ❑ve•tren: bona, which are cqw at et pocrutunrof 0000 P elr CENT. G otwaternsle GeOlf for its Ornerier airin gn to all who sc..le a aide and MGR:able Wrest etkl. • Liberal cototalasions en this titan will be siletre.l to all dealers In Oorernmatairiiitltlea. • ! felL•tf., GLO. A..ENDLET. Cashier: • • 1.-10IIREOTI01,1:=3IESSES. EDITORS GAZETTE.—Gentlerara r In the report Of Us,. I Chronicle, of Friday, of an alleged wasull and 1 , bsttery by tidatini Spina° utiota. M. Strati, inane . 1 vi ry maim Lai wars occur, which, as an eye wit. I hese, I tnir.k but justice to corteot. The report la tel plesume, bared entirely on Smith's statements, or rather utiasastaente.. Thn,faaturrer Smith thl ; a German CI rather eh tom ! rippearanc:, .at en lurnitura Room!bettreen awl: !mien o'clock on NV edneaTaN evening, to buy a bedstead, selected ono at 4113,514. an tendered in paynscata MOO Dill of a Itiltianore bnk, a gra.' counterfeit. The b di n g Keened by myself, by another party standing by, and by Mr.:tot-ans., and wo all pronounced It couoterfeit.. Ile lasistod It was good, but took It back, nal after trimarans!. Hay, put out a Men bill ofethe Exchange Bank, Pitsaburgh. and asked me to put inn sai d ' ioitial on it s '• which I rid. Spheric loolsod -at It mot d MD is good; but where is that on the liAltimote lexhith intitted that Ws was this aame bill be fore presend. -Some wordy conteoveray foTowedf but no v iolence %tea committed, and Smith ordered the bedstead to be asnt to his plat, on Fifth at rector here he beurtno change, .d would pay for it. It was cent, and he paid for it there. 11./.t rooming . , Smith, actOmpanial lye filthily deo Feat comrade, c;;me to •Spleine's earner and tw ee at irg lan; at the door, told him he mod a—a of t—h, .d used a good east of abusive language. Splate roorW towards him, both parties talking and serer. persona lathering around, but no col. Ilvicn occurred, ea Smith.lend Ids b.l..ing and nosily croesea shoat met. commit. kepi' .1. ST II . 60N CLUB LECTURES. .T,..e..r..a..z . E..r . r - sa ALPE BURNETT, crecinesciny Evening, Fete. 15Th, sr l l porlam.hle Ujoeerful prreonr tloa of it WA IIk:WU - EH la his cry of the elocornt l'ivinc'e most NIIRILLINtir eA riti( ic SEN. TIIGRSDAY EVFSING, February ISth, will Ore Ilts 110M111(013:: DELLS' 1.T1l ) LelT.l.lll/1111.,,, •NPutiisnend on the Jeetnt...• ..t beret. of the Mote iirttrovt , •-nettilLttut !Wet...* ricKL - rb • „, To be hhd at the Rook, NNW. or Druz Stores. or at the, -Doom Doors open at 1 o'clock; Lecture commences at B. - .. - • II ALL rAr;txtsirig, •IJoctx ne..llL.A.itz N., J. Ir.131'1'11:11 ELD„ 11. ItICII &RD D A.N LS, M. O. IIIeOANDI. FI L...,,5, 'A. SC. CHIS LE FT, , b i O L AZZA.II, • ,STEPHEN WoeS)F, • . Lecture Committee. ,nRPBA.NS' COUBT SALE.—By virtue • -. 1 Of an order of the Urahans , Court of Allothe.7 COILIV, 1 will sell la public sale, en the prcaown, tt. FATURDAY. FIRISRI24.IRY 1 Ith, rriS, or id o'cLek a. r All that - Certain Lo Y OF On I he can a. side of Ssoithfield at reel. in the City of Pllt,laufb, harlart rk. front of nlceteen feet on , ;lint, htle.o Stietl, And entendlag been ely.ly feet, ' übeleall la - e - recteil a thrie story' BRICK NOUSE. No. 44 Snlithheld Went, late the property of Den a rs,or, deed. " , . Tte property is i.ii• • ;,,...et to 3 le•se Di the present occupant, which will expire on the lat Of April, liftr... at 4315.00 per annUrn. '1 WIMP: Gee-third cash, and the balance at Owl deerascot Mr.. Itelloh Oyer, the laterert thereon 1 . 13 , , s . b . bondt t ...e‘ , t a , e i Ea . I r ia g n k ..,,, u a o l . 1y ,„ hi': rpea 5: 11. t o . Ire an cur- Ti . e purchaser to pay for deed, siortßnge, sad stamps thereon. t'ar farther pattkillare Ingram of C. linahrouen, Esq., No. WA InOrtnstreet. Tlit/II AS AIaTAT, Guardian, of Henry' Ayir, micor child Of Henry Oyer, dee' talstlawdttebtt , • . , , _ .., r IrEliti'6l:X7Afib FITS..; - - ' B fris,-A s uie for these Afstreise a ern . —1'41114 1! 30W 1113 , 3! nue ken to a TreDae FITS—on -Forelgeovad Native Iltrbal prep'''. —Dons, pribllehed by Br, O. PilEI.Pi F,ITS.--ltliOWN... 'rue preurrivtilmar. faralahel —hint in such Sr rockiest/almanac: that he "7 !l ie"iri3O t 'wt`f,'V l s "a w e.'" e"a f tZ e .t o, r7T3 l ; WITR—a ho hos toed It. Dever having failed in • '• —stogie case. It is equally .sure it tans FlTS—et efts ea of Dyspepsia, and the lankeat -cuts may be obtained from any DrugAist. FlTS—Feat free to all on receipt of dee sena, to —gre•Tray postage, ae. •Addreea I.lr. O. FFILS—FIiBLI'S BROWN, Na to firszal street, ,-.lerssy,Cay, N.. 1. fstriStd (CLELLAN D' S AIICI 1 oak or balance of Stook. ,•• Dry . floods, • 13.1 an vas,. Hoop I,ltlrtr. Flax nets, Checs. 'nage Lioca, limes tSoclexe emsaimtrea,. and Otoths • lco, BOOTS, SHOBS,GBSii, trio RS VI T', STREET. A _ —_-------------- , V LI: A ISLE REAL ESTATE AT Are -1 110-0111 be meld at 1.17121.10 , SALE, oa., the prendres, on TIIVINDAY, the 23d of Yoko.. to 7, et 1 a e - r,k, r. 31.. If LOT OF GIIOUNDodto . fool Itt the Vhst Ward, of the 0117 of Al Do d s frartiPli FO letl 00 111,11 ObOXI street, and extending - back aloN'orrl ot eet 130 feet, on which are erect.,,, cd 11•0 1 St ii.ory Brick 'looms. Terms made.. known 0 1. r r. 115 order of WSI. At.F.:CANDF.tc Esecuto , to r at . J. isttumr., Executrix of Ih._ll. F. 1111:111rLr.il ed. For further Information, inquire at John DI*M'S . . A1t18,68D . ) 4 War. or corner of Federal and Lea, , took streets, Anegtesl,. or of .1. s.P..hlarrh. non: Attorneys at Low, No. 131 Your, h at.,•Vitte-' Luna,. feDlord 2' I . .1 tin BAER - ELS - I I t: It ..,' ,- A I'I'LE CIDER • Auw ruit sta.E. ~ PftErA it El) VW! DrilltilitNa ,srel Simms? C•iacr, Eight miles Weg of Se.tr3n, 1.? 11. LY Cm: lb NOW MAN LIFAC. TtiltlNG s [DIPL•OVLD OIL TOOL% t (Markey.) corner of ()AY alley and FIE the old tvrA rt . t, era to WEBSTER et., oppoelte to Jrriten Asylum, Aileghany; aud as the tools are ,ode out of the best materie*wetild Invite Ma ; oldie to give biro ;a call And examtne them for ./ ntielvuer.' r 300 A.CRES • OIL •LAND roE, SALE, la Preston. County, West Virginia, A good oi SS FIiTIL STREET vortunitl 'or forol7l4a Consynny. Address , T.-Lr. 1..," 0 azirrra fe2 Th titt.7 N'4filiii - 1: 4 7- 7 - .1-.1. The undercigned harini obtained theere:pil af re ant . loiltypop °timed nn offlee in the ad story of 1,7115, raJILDING con sth and tl intersd latehe puryom of recrulthim'a Oom_pany the' lcell for POO,lOl men: The tiltiligT.L oo A.T.. 1101TYITY -theme be paid.. °apt, 11.01111115.UltEld, '1"u311 t4e s"un'ain the compay. lelMtd First. Lielatailitit. -- M==l FOR BAL. • VALUABLE OIL LANDS fty.five Acres on Ole IVltiokim n uivirirt,aa to rwl to be one of tbo best trse ng ts o ttrskingum For th . lnlre of N_ o. 4 lin7.z.treat. HOlll WRAY, • •10--FEDERAI; -ISTREta YOR iA.IE , A lot of ground, 39 feet iront i by 131feot MilVe flkinfTll?kilatlMl7S.l2,lßa: ...hg°,lY., four room. on first boor; hall, three room .bib cony and poreh on aeconti flom - ; limo roont3 on third Coot, and garret. ea lar, co il-ho use and &Lade. roisca.lon on April 0... Apply to S. CUTILIIIiIIT .k. 801 , 1, fell) Al Market atreet. ~ . I._,',EM A%1:: 'ED UCAT 1 o r N . • U. 51.11rinIng's %culinary for Young Ladics, I eorniereces .Februery it. A feir ',more Scholars mirk be admitted. let:twit _.51)15 PITTOM.IIIOII Feb . t, 1. N ELECTION. FOR. T 111 RT El!: N A4,sansgerig of • the Company for @renting a i Bride . over . the Monongahela River, °Waite Initeburgh, In the ootinty of leneey, intoaw, tin e@ ant the o a tr, g;ltir t at4: )lath 6. Oar at II Oda* re. ri:IIOI.MES, _.. Fieentery. rift '"NDIi _ Acurs,•oo the Matilda gum River, Deer Summed Coke the bat Oil Land .uttbe m ul kingurn. Vaisp i rwerstort qUire , Ne. C IL"1 St. frdBLE Cr fine Mum AK • Ivorir Rubber and .13oso Mum Tat& xstsoiAssi perfen, just received geld for isle by SW . • JA]rtv...s nowx•rmilxr ,, i,t , t. i...EViilit—RS..—A full supply of the all brit tirmuls, for sstr by Jcil JA LAWN. An ?NO Aged. Sair AT IiTTNI , . AT u+:nr.:, ,LT BUNT'S. ALI. STYL: : : , ALL FITYLI-S TRADE SUPPLIED, TRADE SU PPLI%t), TIIADE SUPPLIEIi JittSTERN PRIORS.. STER N Pli It' IiAS CE} NN PR IC h.,. Send I'm trade prleo JOHN P. HUNT, fell 69 FIFTH T. ISASONIO HALT lAANos!riKNYfi O ENTLIIEWC NEW . STOW' NINT, DIFII:RENT m&KES PLAIN AND CARVED FURNITURE. PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY CHOICE LOT OF OfIEKP.PIea;O3 1111 LT U.\ • KNITTING T,T na:comr..a.rc-xviria oils Dpsrardli of !ODD fereut kinds of Xpparel 11 YAUI' or (PLAIN VII RIBBED Wont( =At 13k. Tc+23. • Re bare most flattering testimonial. from sill part s of the country t estify I ng to thair sanertoritY fot manufacturing and family pa :poses. They art peculiarly adapted far heaerolent Socleta . 3 Itp , l In stitutiona.-. Fend for ' ', Circulars and Samples. or call and see them to operation. Tip. 27 Fifth Strert. Pittsburgh, Pa. CARPENTER to T Esiir DECisto N. 3::MOXIIVX EMIL, 3804 STErN WAY PIANOS Solely and excicsively in public nod private, and rreordmcnd them Invariably to our frienda and the public: •we knee at difLrent times expressed our noire icon regarding the _Pianos of serious makers, 'hut freely and unhesitating pronounce the S I' WIN- Ata k SONS Plan.* ly Pfk.ll SUPERIOR TO TRZ:n ALL. • S. W. MILLS, ..101IN N. PATTLSON, • ROBERT HELLER. ,OEO. W. MORGAN, ROWERTLUILIMIECK, ALICRED 11. PEASE, WILLIAM DIASON, • MAX. MARETZEK. P. I.:RITTER, ,/ ;CARL BEROKANN, TIIEO. XlSFEhris ITIIP.O. THOMAS. C. CCOLVIaIION,,...' , C A RL ANSRUTZ, A nun stock of 'STEINWATIi Incomparable pubs reeeired'and for sale at KW- Sots agents for Stens. ay'. Pianos. let:intend • -- • JONES RUN • elan • White Oak Shute Oil Company Capital Mott ..—• Klbe ark ....... .... IN ark tag apital VIENNA.. Trumbull courdy,U TWE SPRING SE•ASION: OF AT I,OIVITir PRIeiKI Loir AT how EST Pir, .•ES• FEDI% C o l: It' w•h . • r • Theta t tenth . . of these Interested In Petrol—vs s is eslird to the comnEncixt, LISTAN!. P CI Tit ENT. published nt gll 1100 k 01.1, 111 tdelphis, every SAIVIZ.II.I.Y. Thin ' I ITIP':,'„F Vil lr (311, rtZWlTAVEA';ftv?ty!f rthle?rUte°pt! i t s t..,..tre., l e, vnlue, offering anti selling peen. i eivt,!. ,nlt, 1019Ctl, if,, k 1... e11t000.4..1 Willi lO'Sl. turtle! , relishie quotrti . ..:o3 , l of the nett.n: saint or nil the AT VEL: 1.61 Y EST .I.T hitY 1,1, VI EST AT VERY I.9n*EiT CALL ANI) EXtIQIN E. MAPLES C. MELLOR, al WOW) STRE6T.... THE CROWNING TR 11-31.141 WESTERN AGENCY WE USE Tilt H. HIABHEI. & BRO, NO. 172 WOOD STREET OF' YEINP.N9O COUNTY Tte prcperty of this Gempany Is in fee simplevto known as the Jaen 'Tract. nnd contsios ONE DUNDEE') AND FIVE ADDY:S. more of less_ It it, et the jutetton oiler , . Nun And the Atte pLe vy river, at White (Ink Shut& in V-GtltLago - Go., p... fronting tarty rods co the Hs e. and one hun decd and twenty reds en Junes It un, out dye and isaii mites mles below Wee Maury Creek, and ab acne. PP. golf/Creek- No doubt Is entertain of the sdrantsves of this property (Vio ll purposes. ed es oil has been !Lund in all directions around It nod in the immeolai e vicinity. It Is proposed to form it company under the man ta:tansies law of July 16th, tied, ultra • capital of WOO, &Tided into Ours of Ii erten. laspo) will be referred as a workiicapital. A torte nmount of the at has been alrendy tn. ken by n nuntter of the mo i romlnent business no aof the eq. Books are open and can be teen " t"IBMTAVITiVreat,s, No. o Won't St.. ' 1..7. GILLESPIE'S, No. 80 Wood at.; JOIIN NAYS', No. 60 Fifth at.; 301 IN 011AZIER'S, No. Ire First at.; GEORGE KETSEI 4 , at Sheritr• Offtee; 1 L. s. Joillis', N 0.19 Fourth st. A. temporary organisation ..as been effected by the election of the following offirers: Piroisri:en,l;.7o:frt Fulle.rton. l'rostorn—. l . J. Gillespie. Clerk-1 4 Feorustm csierl—Jvhn FUllattnn, Andre . / ......talnc,:-...1).. W. Hine an r t., John G tier, An. . ;De* Wolfe, John illays, George Keyser. ri foowd. AvuEELEIt wuxoN's • lIIGIIEST PREMIUM IMPROVED FAIELY SEWING MAGGINES, Ihnple, lieuabii and Perfect. Ileac la no taiwitine in the world that can do th. vnrl,l3. . of work. or into ouch thoroutth going satin (Action 'I bow_ ranchinekw -. Ate. Frill, quilt, Mind, Tuck,: Plait, Gather / twill AND. DitlD,witbocit previous basting. tew the heatiest aad thickest cloth, with A tight, strong, elm tic seam, as durable as the fabric itself. • It will sew the thinest .cambrtc, Swiss -I,.ogllrt, lawn, , with equal Send for Ciroubtr, with Samples at Sevin:. or call at the saleelooni, 27 FIFTH STREET, •YEA.II'3 EPERIENCE Say established the fact that PROF. MEMO IHELONEVO OIL Ia the only reliable cure tor flbeonuttlain,Nevi:Ogler. Old Noree, any of all Still 801 l et the old prier! of 0 cents per bottle SIMON .101INSTON, Solo gent, !4:l3Smithriold and ith stn. SUN Eli PLATEirWLIti 745.43.1V1G—V.A.Cfri,C>.-Sr. Wolters. Castors, i‘c., Sos. suitable for tho Tradi oa band sad for solo by ViribEß & MOSS, 225 South sth at„ PITILADELI'HIA. pos.. _________. - - F '811 6 . 0 Dbl.. No. a Lftrpe naekerel.; . 1,, a 1 i bb,.. 4 , 4; 14 44 60 V. bbL 0 t ' LO V, k ii' tg :: 4 1 &3ro gITIVI . I I. C al d r h i ' . , 1:454 . bblit, O. e l White Fiths .. DO 0 " ' Pickerel; for sale by ',E.,suN .I.E. • fee ZS Liberty at. . . , SUGARS. toabbls A sod II to ao orashe.. 3 • do - 10 do arses . to do Palo do Snit received and for asleAtruEß lottos; fed) • • $l2OO AMU PURCIIABE BItIOK, HOUSE AM/ LOT, at comer of Clark and Colwell geets. S. ClTranura & SON, teto 01 Otatigt. welt. • . ;19 'FC:ft 17.1!5a1. 7 1f:3 - T`S. • - 1) , '1 .'t. COMMERCIAL LIST X"' X 3. I X-e.a.r:rn ICJ X' XX O I rr 0 0 Mr- E 3 IN THE MARKET A con , plete report of the. I'ititth.DELPILLA IttAlfE}X.S, Exports Fuel Import., elesraneta, nnufnettll ,l and Inspections, he... ho. being one of the n.nat unifiable Conintenlini Paans of the Vat Subamiption price Vu per ann v um. pub It.l by STEPHEN N. WINSLOW, 941 Dock St., Philadelphia. T 1 oar B , f, our Pittybut - ah fr:e.r.da wishing to Al) V1:1:11Sti or SUkstiOlilliE, ple4se their nailed and add...l.loth • ffiessrs. STEEL & BAILEY, Steck 13roL•cn, Wilkins 1101, ruld our Ag,.l. CHA TILES EMT EGE will coil on 'born. ' I'ATEN'r PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES Portable Steam Saw Mills. SLAP:DT'S PATENT voirr.unx ST in ortc SAM ENGIN (tom four to flay borne power— —completely tottipped owl rotttly for wont— require oo brie/ or btattonry—tstond on their own feet retttly for the nod water. A good altrtm; or !month tolppllea wetter. Burn woo.l, slnhs. cool or clack. lintnllvr etze. hauled on two horre form witgon.. YOE 110OG IM) WORKING OIL WELLS. tb , 1 are peculloily.ndopted. on 11,00,1 t of their por,boity, economy 01 fuel, simplicity nn 1 dors- Witty, as bete; .Lhe Cheapestt and Best. lta y, excel in ell work within the inocre 01 I/4 . tt Wclg,l,/ of Oil Well Eng,lne, a,503 pout.n. ]Etleomci - res PORTABLE STEVII SAW MILLS Are strictly poriable—r:o brick or Klasonry in set tinc—can be in full operation in twn days otter or as fog on the gtound—tbe EIVIINKcan be mused tram pince to Waco en a four horse farm warm. Warranted to Cnt;with ordinary good inAnAvmeat, irons 5 to IMO Feet Lumber per Da} 'll,Ol.Fh tfiSco feet - o f .has 'peen cut in a day. C. ail CLANS SENT 10 /1.1‘ , 1 10..13.11E55. For my Infotmatti.D. and Illustrated circular, i t art ectesips woe. reports of operatois, prices, Esc., t ar( the inanufactuters, It. 45: F. ItLANDY, 's Nl3lndr, Ala r. : , team F..n*ewark MAchinone Wm - Its. ZaorWorks. srillo, Olkto 0 .4 frest wdhsr. Dletmrk. Ohio. THE GREAT LTRIFIER. • . liEDIAPAN T AIiA• Since the introduction of medians. the or mo ig re see in et Lague has perhaps beep Dle subject Of nous and *Melanie consideration by the moat with of the profession than nay other connected with the lasts of the Greet Creator, nota few here cm/tended that all dizeases have their origin in the atornach; abaft. the solid. a - the body; Otters ',fain, and ter tar the fleetest number . , contend and reesen tint the stoop Itself Is the eery fountain of Ilfe—trot if ft besomes Impure, then discese o f worst forms—Straula, Cancer, Moers, tsc.,appra; coo Indeed, experience in treating this ref ceses by yirrUffsg the blood and thereny cling that eradicator' end cure, peoye Alas to or the n o wc teory t sett og opor. which theory, the aL.I. lane n known U 11110tA.PAZIANA, WOO composed and brotight nto 'practice, producing the most gran Dying results. its use icon exercises such a mastery over SCROPULA, IILORRATIONS, -PIMPLES es • rue FACE, TETTE% SALT ItHEIJ3I,' LIVER COIIPLAINT, LOSS or APPETITE. DYSPEPSIA, IMATISAI, teEN. VIAL DELDLITT, sc.. !km. ne. as to Ore, from the time It is lira taken, en and agelpeut to the patient, by making both seen felt, the Food It th SLOW. CO ACCOMpllan. It was thought ocst to put it up in bottles at SOC. ael.%) alien, many penman a re dlapolied to try en arri. Me but are often deterred at the eapenae.—ao the trial here can he medc at a moderate outlef, sod satisfy the pturharer that the grade is what is cleimed for brought , Mt: the greatest gaunt myna before the people I ieucate Pcmeks will find in It too mecitcuie they need. lhnt the public may form eomesideit of Its peen liar curative merits, we ratijoin a list of the princi pal articles of which it is composed, with eshe" descron of the uses and adaptation of medi c s ken front the highest slattern' , known to medics science. HONDURAS SASSAPARILLA OVWOOO ..8 WNhoooleneb. • Is used with a eneficial etln eases of Rheutas iars, Screfulouba Itifectlon lr s, ec Cutaneous lbseases and other deprave conditions of bculth. • • . • la lento, diuretic, sad aperient. It has a specifi aettou upon the User, exciting it when languid, to seerctlon. It tots loonii much used In Germauy to Mows of the digzatiso organs. lODIDE POT4SSIOI There arc few iticensts to Which Ithas not prilY4 pent bene beneficial; it is usnl in Scrofulous ft 'teeth,. with fit; it has also bocci used with much sue. treatinent.tor ge Indian:nation il he nerally I.torettscs the appetite te a k.nah Ilye. 1.1 LA VENDER FL() wr as A T r m N a c t i co, ou to s n m ie tw an t tl y. Alga l, invigorating In I of/WET GRk:l-1.7 eqreerlalli valuable le C. 6.1. of Sezarula and Clidhlo3ift.E FLOWERS 11l- Arr. edvantsgeouily used in eases or Eofrebt.t ffcgiloo' but are, ewenst.v.t..ll,kagmhel.o: to °Ass! .o! . . At Atte fitr orably as an alteratire la Chenille An ketions, Chronic, Rheumatism nal obutinate teases or the Skin. 'the balance of tte formula Is withheld m a pm fantail m aittal fraud. Eel sale SIXON JOHNSTON , CUR & YOUIII3I 'STS., . lgrAlk tatelligent Pbp' WAIL Als s_s; n ki.l t io . d of 0 ... Z. aboi 1-TA-iltai . . OPERA SINGERS' LETTER, - . , Near Tone, December, On. MESSRS. STEI:f ir AY ' ,;- soy's. • ... nur unqualified for some time In public eft :- Re Thee Are !laving used your Plane' ihn'talrtranoßlie'llrnivietilleilbyre g a d4 s rle O i n mt illy be , harm° nib n:_ rle °.c.? and roundness of tone; combined with no At ...... ' leg prolongation of sound, most beautifully Were- - fry with end reppbrany /he moire, to e degree that leave; neshing to he desired. Indeed we hnre never met With any instruments, not even of the most cele brated manufer tort e of Europe, which hove'„Aveu. us such ENTIRE SATISFAIJILON, especially ss regards their unequalled ountitie. for •aeroirip..l37in7 thettoter, end keeping In tune for so long a time, as your Pinner, end we therefore cheerfully remon. wend thenv before ail othrra to students of vocal music, nod the public eenet ally. • Maw Mittel:oe, Director, it. D. Lorinl, Soprano. F. Alessi:Milani, Tenor, tt:,e. sal Zucht, I' Donne, F. Ilelltni,-13Arfinne, E. D'Anktri, 0 ntrato, W. MAU. Tenor, denote , " an landt, Sops. J: Vielnfich,lleaso, P. Ivo *hello, Conductor. --- . I GELIAN .. OPT.IIA SINGEBS' . ENDORSEMENT , . . . . *e beatify concur Pia no s ' high opinion of this STEINWAY fs - SONS'as eaprresed by the \ - singers of the Itallestlnverar and eon only full that to cortequeree of their •wonderful capacity . terser,- FOIL , . g and- blersang with the voice, sr e prefer Churl, And USG •AO other, Ware of Pantos whe recommend NI WAY loot .011. b 0 had. We them Ito alrstudenteof - voted muele, dia a ' rellsble °ulna In the avail/Axton of_.the col o. esrl,Ansbutz, : , ~- BalhO7Ottlanetetl, cart Pursues , ~ -. '.. Marta reedetlat, • POLlicnueit 1:11, • •., "• Pauline Coit3lN • !nein: . mmtper,. 1. , adore Lelunsn, ;Theetllfahelittann, •,, .0; Tamale. '/liirlEble Agency of stetowsra . Plano....at -. . • ibtß. . , - 400 bbii.. o Stair of tbe West.,Fiour; . XCI Fordo do.; COO al:ol,re:a O. Sone. do : for Was by WATT*. WlLrilKi, . an Liberty 'treat, %SiT,LL.W Ea.l.-KtiowN sr ALFX,IiN. DER Fi tTE4, 21 Fifth Street BATES & BELL, (NrCCESSORS TO ALES. Batt:so killed to Sell their. Entire Stork at u GREAT REDUCTION.. lIEFORE VT:nt'llAsiNO Tlluin SUPPLY OF NEW SPRING GOODS, WILL DISPOSE OF THE FOLLOWING GOOF, AT A MUSE REDUCTION IN PRICES French 3.lcrinoes worth SI . A7 for 81 00. Irreneh 'Alrrinoes worth $1:63 for $1 20. Event* MerinOro worth Si SO for SI 13, rreurbolllertnoes north $2 00 for 01 50, I'l.er:oh Merit:toes worth 82 50 for At 97 Erestch 31erinoes worth S 3 ZS for 82 23. 1211!M rrenrb Repps wovU SI GO for et 00 "FrWs_o, At;paecw, et peers prices. All Wool Poplin De_ worth 81.75 for 41.7; Yerd Wide COI Coburg' for 62c. Blenkets very cheap, end of. the Claret ghelliY All 'Wool Plaids for 150 r area. car, all color., greatly reduced. I;,', yard wide Eni. Merinoes worth tem for 1.50 A full ausortinent or (Usk., of all sizes, reduced forty per rent. elotie Hoslay And Clos et the old helm, to out the oid Bloch. Canters. Dal calory. for 13 and 22 etigi. `fplradld Stock of double Shawls sold • at MS for 411. noo4i I.nvelLa Clath for 12)4a. 5i41114 Foulard Silk., fine qualk, for 13almoral Skirts as tow as $2.13. Siks,wl Merino. ReAuced i very low. ... 6IIEETINGS r-LANNEL'A or ALL KANDs, A FINE AS.SORTBIENT OF ThGTE GOODS A. }OD LOT OF 'IIOOP sarais for B 7 cents; in Tkii: BEST MAKES OF KID .GLOVES, 'white and void. EMBSOIDLILED WINDOW biIIITAINS. DANDELION diEZVSEp BA ritt.burzh, Pn, H. ELY:SKII B$0.: 122 WOOD STItEtT 1)11:N" (_;,1)4).1)5i4i, -t Wool Dclsluee, Reduced. A full line of Linen Goods, Pllloet Cnninge IRTINCIS; TWEEDS, MASS and OASSIML:IIES, AT LOW. FIGURES PLAIN AND BAURED, REDUCED. All the above goods enumerated will be s-Id at the briers mentioned. Every effort will be need by the twrmlie.is of the arm and those In their employ to hive entire satisfaction to their customers. GO( 3Vill alum) sbe selected with the most b u ll care; rto as to gtve a large and well selected atcrli of fashlonaole gooda at moderate prices. 3‘'mE 4 l 6- Wz 4 , 138 Wood Street, Pittssi DIANCFLOTURER OF Nth - ROVED BORLN TOOLS, Bilking CH, Salt and other Wells. • Tod;• warranted made of thevery best JUNIATA '• • AND LOW MOOR IRON. WELL uotEnsirusnisuErb X.Jceocroekt Choush P..rie cos, With such art.tcles arCneeeasory to cooduet opera . ttousi'vlet II NORMS, SAWS. SW:ARES; OkILSELS R PLANES, LEVELS, NAILS, &A. S. l^tES, SLEDGWL RAMNIERS, SHIA FIOK EL%. A!aES, POPE, MenER, AED 43-1:721d 333317-erX2V ar, tea., All of which I have con/fenny lo atom• islleemdts saINIMIEN G uA-R1 BOILER AND SHEET-IRON WORK!, sEt ;pren and LIIIVITY Streets, Plat bur;ll 3101:110W. • JAP. PI. Mkt:MULL. MORROW & BARNHILL, • Atenufacturers of every deserlption of Stenna Boll er., 011 Salle, Agitators. Tanks,-. Snit I'nes, Gas- umetcre, Wrought Iron Bridges, Stennt- Pipes, rd. M Boiler., i , hinsorys, Brecehen. Fire' Bcdn, nirdle In the beat rummer. not warranted cqunt to no y In the country.' ItErAIRINct done penraptiy. fellind • To -BUILD ERS--SEPAII.AT E ROP°. SALS Will be received utlt the goth Fetirst ary• for S'one.work, Brick-work and Carpenter' work of aiditions to be made to the buildings of the 'Western I'cnosylvanin 'Hospital at Dtxmant, Bons orwurk no w . V; c° b r o di a"e g e t n o 3.11.‘";ica01:r:f4.1°.',,,,. Kerr, Architect, No. a St. Emir ftreet, where all requisite Baur. m6"un NBl i. given. SOUN.BISSELL,. ISAAC JONFa,,• • JAS. McOANDL &SS,' • , • . CALNIN• " • B:ll.3ulitlatfaLlttee. Ptrresonon,Fcortiary 4th, teas. WAS Q.ENDRIES-340W , be balenFamtly Batting; ," • half bbl. Lake Bass; 16 quarter do. do.; • 10,bbla. Sorghturt 31011.104. . 3- d•nice Apple }hitter; 5d 55 . - choler ArPleat • ' N W lbs. vitro fresh Butter;•• • • . • 1000 dot:Fresh UV; • ; . ra • goo baste nd., Lich. rutting Ch i4se; . For sale at PEAer.; 1.111 Ch., by IL lILUDLE ri0,1.55 lAbertyatookt. ( • ~._ .--~. J. W. BAR. .ER & CO.'S, T 9 IT %nu' ET STREET We will otkir ow. EN TI STOOK SILKS, SHAWLS. CLONES, DRESS amp MOURNING tioUDS, 110USEKEEPING GOODS, AIEN'S AND BUY'S WEAR, GREATLY REDUCED PRICE& Er-E.ST LAITIIVe'S ..... 4i eta. AM) C1101111:1 PRINTS tl TIVSLIN.- . IS Y ADD WIDE Inv nrallsi;l:ii ............. . ....... . ......... Also our calico stock of Spring& Summer , Dress Goods Country Merchants Take Notice., Am . • _ _ N COURAGE 11 O 3111 MAN INAC T ITLi Lam, 'Nlaeruirrn 78 11rE.ET STREET, T, en exc.netre . • I.cv.lc of SI:APA:INTAB , isO( ,f is of A weevil' , 7.l,xnufut.Ure, COmprLslng Ere Lo. ♦arivty of TRThth HOSMRY & GLOVES, Fancy Gccds, Notions, _Small Wares GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS In every style and quality at most rentonable pee ICe ctID to.ve n, few gook of Foreign Jlla tau rad is re Which we will dispose of at prices to suit To Dierehonto and Retailers we offer se v‘ rxxcpx-ems' , At riles r. low as can be bought anywhere fn the Eastern ei• as we buy exclusively ter matt and 'rota Maradacturere or their agar . , .nair j W. solicit a zaII.EC L a 74 QT BALE. 113 'VP .LIL. Undershirts at $2.00, ivoteril 91;00 Drawers at $2.00, WORTH 61.00 EACIISIIIRT IFILL riElGll IiEIPIT I 1b.60a EATON, ItLACRIIVE & CO, • Ilii7ll about St dozen of good, extrahrayy warm UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, routrly all wool, which weigh from Ili lb. to I lb. • on. each;shirt, th+i must be closed ont Immediately. We oiler them at much less than wkat they cost to make, and we believe them to be equal to 'any thing In niarket at el 0:1. . Ice reduction will be made for itualtity — oze shirt or one haudred at the same rate. ' These Shirts are a Great Bargain EATOV, roLS.CRITIM & co., 17 MA 19 Fifth street. .6LOSENO OUT BALE OF WINTER DRESS GOODS, J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. EIMPIIESS CLOTHS. ~.. , telling at 111 50-4brmer price, r 0 1 Do. do. dn. IA ~ , i 222 1 Ph 1:17C11 IdERINO do. 1 0 , 11 2 IM. do do. 2 1541 , 11 11 300 i PLAID 311011/ILR do. 0 ,fl 11 1 12' i SIIMYLS , do. - 10 00 , 1 " 11 " 15 01 De. 40. 11.00 •." . " 17 00 CLOAKS do, .12 01,, 11 " 002 I Do. do. 111 02 " " 20 00 S ig DRESS GOODS II SELLING AT LAST YEAR'S PRICE Eicri4oc3. Mractr0.713.741-Ire 10.8 , CLOSING OUT cow,. nmiewst . _ MOORtFIDD-BITNISON & CO., 4 11 Marizet. streat, DLTERBILINEO TO OL SE OUT ViediKE. ATOCIS.. : GODS. d *hts 3 G f at` l a eSrliolrartuCittisrs, "3 _.. . "1". Einbroi ries, Lace oods,o Loves, eatery, Trim, ming", Point, Lace, cellars, Sib ns,nrc, !nu s i-AciliagEcit 1- i_ • ja6 . ,„. µs — t _ A EW ,ABSORTDEgSZF ,BBUL T S, Dress and" Cloak I 0 Gimps, Chenille and Segal Fri -; VW", Under' eeres .I.lnen Sera dot the , t. oality,) Lace d Linen Collars and Haildkcirohlefs Moires, 4.4 Hoak 'end s' tlaLet,lints ruislMh . 1 y....it amyl Collars and Oaths, for lad rind ttent _ ,en Wash - her Gloves, in all ; „Ton li NIL Glove ,to light colors; gibbon " Ds, nged to order, together with s' new lot f B . waxer Falls nd Flowers: Will bejirant at, • 10E MOWRY'S THIN (Fts .RE,. Ho. = Eourth street, De rTe street. Pea ocular attention glyen,to el suing • oint and all of er ;kinds of Lace,a. bar IncICL a Vella. _.-7,.."." VI TBBURGII:SCEICieIL OF 1 1 a V. R , 13 : 11, ' , 0 . N vrE i r : v . , d i e : 1, 1:1: a 1 t o a n e n hien ite lint echelon on the rufgrld. 1 1 FE VARIC,. In Yhalan'h• herr builill. nit street. The o ldest of. thLisehoOl b :SU lion and Wining young I les 'in pies ;f drawing higher.pintg ln Lew of the to pi:nue more sultable, phid oceophtiu - no t,loho ors now Ohm; zo of li Irlng the eit.: 1 , 41 und r I e e'er Ming atm Y42' l:l°l ' sl' ; 5 are liars will be.ready on i...7a 0 r Iti 4 . V. ItAILMAN. ecret:og'. RANGES SELLER:I, Trermurer. ' _ _ DIALCTOLIA: , 3 men Park, Sr., J:. a LAuglaln, J L'. Lyon. J SI Cooper, 1 13 0.. 7: K31 9 . 11 .. : E r . 5 11,1 1 ,.ra ' . 1 :4.: : :: v .i 1 d 5 u ' ,1 r .,, ;:e u : ,;,, . 1 . 11 11 ,.,,.,17_, . ,: : .,,; iIiCST-EtN.7Z Cp ja resident Hussey, I L „... Ice Presidert. V Wade '' Vaci nine!! ParS', Jr., . . , r :U. L 0.., , iTiiftI S 2CTORA. I .I • hone twins , • I A DiSTRtEitIN '; . ad an pt no thing- to" , irl ". : roc= a bottle Of. HONEY t r by ctat lel, .and will 0: IPrepared and. fold at th , outer cot Ohio Tad Federal , L arket litre& '. H 1 jaTh• ~'. II ' .:13 r.. MARC4E'LOT fit To to outberteahieli,7tMerceT: street and the , PI ANON to' flee; Allegheny gay. on ate late proprietor. JOHN M is “uhev Solyg" Of *lce I 'Siiillia*aeliali f e.-•P4 • •;,• Mil A LOT OP rESION [ 1 11 corn , No. Si,: s the la bs pried usllfylag ad better them, end d suburbs ess of art. lust. 4 Moor) a A. Her K. Plant I ',toe I. Lyty e. AL 11 ra w Ca O f 1)1 tones. ME= A BAD OR 1 1 tb-rn. •. Lilt a Imm . Coat Itef..•.Sboakt I RAL,•es It !thatentlet. !1 ptid Store; :Roan TALY :tr. CO. thing, L e.rnEr of °HUI .0p1,7 Post OF 1 ,..A t . ! h ot I: c c . ,;%: 11 , 11 k 0 n f . 1330 up r. Wawa. h ~ra`,a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers