Vp1.,13.1E Tiftobuyeit Gukett. VERY LATEST. NEWS TELEGRAF'II. - - , LATEST FROM GrR N 11. Particulars of .Tuesday Eu- gagcment. AN IMPOIrrANtWiATION GAINML, 'Ai Low:in the Fifth Corps 1,180:0111attri • and Men. ra ... • ' • EVEDATiIiNn QUIET 'WEDNESDAY. Anui The result of yesterday'. engage:nem was more . intetewtinf-thnuseliorts&•; The.pattlCutiti,x2et ot. fully littown at !.hett time. When the Fifth fell-lutch. tothe Iltulpfworks.nlllatehelll Run ou Siciday ulght, the enemy did not follow may vigorowly, nor Ind they make itp, attempt to safiiiit!tft; positfoi.; It was beileitod; ItoKevcrt they +could do so ..t. ,,, t , nlsy rnoteduz, but up, to noun, no alga of nu attack appeared, doe did the in 'sttonglaree Iti 'the vlelci -11y. it wan tbercrnre iklerinlnecl to send 111 rc connolesance out on the grotrott occopio:1 by us tbo dal pret hats, and ain' where the rebels were inJ iefoaolble; toforez tb - eintiaA to their works at Dabney's Milt. arterstennefOrd:s alvishiff of UM. ugh hill', hark': lathe advance the day before, and iva lug I•nt.actpaini ea with the nature of the coati- Sty, was sefertntfor the duty, which' they, per for.ned.totke main: satisfsenon of.tho General.. The column aimed about noun, taking:4llu Dab- Ley's 31111 iona, anti after advancing :Omit half _alr.llr, they "truck the_ rebel pieneta, wkl toll bark ni cur men advanced, The'. Ilile of battle was then formed, the•right rv , ting ou Ilatoltet's Run. and Dm left was supported by, part of tint. Wltraton's - n4fittirtfill of the tith corp=„ • The entire line then advanced eautitt.ly tkrrugh the 'luck wood.; on each_siJo of Of 'read; and Fefore gtiffiglarmet the rttheliinioree, sant a =burp oto.ragorneul,juonoillately ne:2,-.ot. The rebels wore steadily driven back Until 1117 s. ' lock refuge" behlml their works at a where they blade ti &it milted stand. 1101tim: bare was kept up till &nit, when our men commoleoi thru% 44 up light bron4tworks to protect them selsca. - s. 1 he rebels did not feel &Posed in attack again, ne they hind dont:the day previous, and the oajeet of the 1110VCInnutbnving been accomplished by • the developYritint 'd_thalr posltioi* our troops were withdrawnthe night to thcit Wm= ground on thet-Vaughs; f which stretlli9fk.t„ teP.crected. Itifits in the mOtement torus one to he 'lgnite heavy, conslderiuk the small force en gegni. The ltditis'lskit of the•sth Corps suffer . v",l . The following 3113.U:in ; figures: Kilted oTh u rrs Ana ;, %Vanuatu'. 45 oUI - arid. itn men* .31issine. - 4 aelecrs and 3% min.' total 37 adooriVann men.. 'The 1 1 1",„ • grtgate 10f$ to 1,11•0 tlkers. mad'lnes.„ c'' out about 40,0(41 who went luto .thc action. No sloth% n three proportion of; those - tun down •aa nate int:Aril! apt ear in Tow tlaYit. Tlidleary loss In tho- division dedicates_ the manner' in labia' the 'man acquitted • thennelvw, and they have been highly complimented for their 1,. ov a is' by their rutunuidingblllecrs. • • The loss in pe,Oth.curpa Is not reported, bat Is tit" , *ll,the, tlscy an inr as a supporting Col man rather than an attacking for.fe. mung, the castuttlek`rePorted.erh the follow ing: lAtut. Col. Haines; neveftly; Capt. Lanney, 6th 4Vinetetslll,7 IL la tarn, CUE' wtiunded: J. B. I V l riar 4 4 1 1 1 hilehigitni..wounthal; Um/L. lieu,. drithnoWrWintotisin; Wtiandittit ...tudd i y7th New Ylith, leg amputated; Dr.:Jnhn siedhaeilhithaleg: Lie,ro.t. Cat. 'l4.ltabsse. , 4sour,rrthisigipi ,rehrt 'regiment was neverdy srodifted.lnid landed: !ilia the sth. p be,witerebt.died. • „.: . :.Teerdaw-Itha 'here very. ri diet. The ooly i ttrio heard us 'from tbeksperits near th« Apparnittos thh'evenfrig,qviitillig'oialY - trahnrt time, aciweSAr: • !the weather lies cleared - off bat' 'Oe aendawre,,ttra bad - iontlitlea s fron . the to %erethirmAirlitakidaf.' • • • • Now 5 T014 . ,Yeb..10.--The TribTAA. speeial Slated, Ileitdoieters'3,rmy.:of thdrDtOlf . l3C, sayaf,.d.anonglbe , wounded lathe tight %wren the stlicorps and the enemy, on the BOyd ton plank road, hut] night,: Wero ; Gen. &Trot,. l•otnniamilng the :id division, 6th corps, intim *ltoulder, severelvf Gen. Gwyn, commanding Ilse :,'d irderule i ld division, in the foot, slightly; • atilt on‘dtttY., Capt. linwthorp, ...ktet-General; :.d brigade, '3d division, hip, Might: 51 Or Gir ter, Irepretcr General, zttl _brizade.. dlrition nevh. Might. - It le reported to-day we bare sOO rebel pH*- . . . Threir.:4—.lltorn entrenching toori andj ra. tione are coining tip, and It Is thedetbrminailon to hold the five mules gained on the left of our old fortified lines at - ill harass's. This gain. as have said, brings to the Boyduni plank road, and within short range - of the Months:We railroad. tins Lee has again been outgoneraled, aid an I thee Yankee trhit,playud upon :he main army or the Confirderney. - t fro.inasfirif, Fth. ne.—A - bright sunny, moralqr dawns Upon; our army operations,. threringibe• hearts of,the brave who hartlest ,endured - and' asenitiplished En mach: Therbeis with of Mk milt; on our left Is tiring strately fOrtilled this nioThltty; and wilt La held at all bazars's. This Is a tpa,Lmitieeeft gain for us and . a ecirretitonding Ile enemy. Thu cavalry are still resonnoiteritr to the west and It has hien developed by tide moremmt that Lee had sent eiNtral flirt:lons' of his tronPt . " .galost 'Sherman, lhaa materially weakeninx Iluca.•" - Our array line "on - *the railroad la to ha immediately petalled out to , the Uoydtown plank tant, and wllleoan, no doubt, be connected with the toutbsidc Railroad. : • f. . ' . FENNSYLVANIA LEULSLATURE. [. SPerit! ploi , elvntrr the riusnurge, oseetto. liannientmo, Teb..lo, 9eyt..nr..-11r. Granam, ',retuned- a remon . tlie Boartor*Coldrol Allegtieny City. ars:lust two Eittrrintdadenelea. in7.l"rstl9-1, the 61 9 1 rd•rimin.Pg-luali , r a • • .1t aWi.. &bill validating all muuleipakaaretainenta ptilte bountylanr, ex-, reeding two Rrr nett.; prior to • lila 10440. or the fai!;:er*.ita or. . 11 /11 . 0 . 1 k 0q04.1 . 44 act relating lo Oarporarline, and entitle 'belt Dre - enrilca.nte, mindena . eat etiarititdi;ia4a; l l;a4a74. : , Theitilittennidlng th 6 *Ufa . all relative to lb° H4tollira4 'rditilli't Hai point qq;npapA.cf4V7ilo,ol.!'s...c4;. Yev 13; • na/4 1 /• 4 Col rare:lied , atrance oi,the Councils or Hniielietter against an lam:Dein iassenger valtwiy fare. _- 814; renionitrin6. again! t'ili..k.isterf ' can 31Iners' .Aaretation: Mrnel3. Herron: ant' Slaelr; a remonstrariee from eltlzens ot. Allegheny Alty against - addl- tioisairsater4e4ca. 31r. Black; the peillloraofiiro hundred. eltizenS of )linehester agalast ttti I . llfrcilSO la railway Also, the resolutions . passed by the Board of Controllers of Allegheny citY against .two . perratendentl. " Mr...llerron, a petition relative to inspection of flour. Also, resOlutiOns relative to two So peril:dm:dents. . 3lestra. McKee and Glass presented irtitions from various new school districts: Mr. Seihth offered n raolutiou requesting the covernor to demand.a suspension of the draft mall (mut:ware jastly twigned.. - MG. ll'elureofTered as a substitute a resolution requesting the Go;rerner to oomMunleate' with " Wishington and procure such : postpdatruent as will snake for Its adjustment, which,passcd. Adjoamed. Indiana mod Ms Conitltutiesal Amend- Irtnranayous, Feb. 10,—The joint retaliation ratifying tbe,conetitational amendment, passed the Senate io-day be , • vote -of 30 to 9. One Democrat voting In the affirmative. - Tim/louse ez p . cere levant the.grat'iactlon •-g _ E!=::=== 1 ounsviuds, Feb 10.--A:Fraukftirt special' to toe ,losi sal of the Otb, says thatQatttala Bridge water attacked the guerrillas at Ruatotivllle oZ two o'elearlc . this tnornlng,laUnag four aud seat re.t in the woAdi baridhotet . fl sisa'eilitured thlrti•fito'h9oo4' .. . . _. .. . . . .- “ , ~,,, 2 "..r• ..: , _.= • * . , Pi -,,, •To_.T3 4 R '''‘ 'll . G . 41. I,ATE PEICE CONFI:VENI.O. TIESIPENT I..INCOINS 111 , 1iZSA , ;F Ti) RIM TIIK INTERYIKAY WAS KioHdi r ABUT AND Tllli KEHLT. La:1110f Prmidnt Littroln, Jill 011111. Strrrtarirs Neward, and Stanton, Ir remmi”ionrm; kr. ihe "'twisty hvintasenstis'icess ln response to yOni"Totoltd ,of the Sth resttettiol in formation in relation to a confer cl*e lecently held In liamptunitonds, I ha,: tho lurnor tosiatetbat on the day of the date, I gavo. F: Y. ISlarr Sr.; a card wiitteil on it at , folloiot the bearer, Franel. 1.. Illair, tir., to p tot our limo to go South and return. (Signed) at the 11me, i ,wet informed tt n MY.111141. settiht tha earl as a means oflremina to'illiehtnend, irginfa; but ho cm* zirinl no an. thswity to speak or net for the (hweratuenl. nor els I Inthrnied or an3thlte2 he would nay or do on Lis (aUtt automat or otherwise. Mr. 'Blair me but he had been 101th:booted. and led seen Masle, minm gine Apil irttL Int a innFituerija "I:icusiosi., Vs., Jan. 12, l!ht:i. "Y. P. 11? air, • ' - Sir: I hare deemed it proper, :hod it it pro. - I;ably Jcslrabie to ton, to give you In Chit form the suhltaiet; of thurtairarks made (uproot io • nl•orttd by you to Prosldent lAntoln. 1 hare no disponltlon to nod obit:tel... to fonut, ant , am willing hour, as hurcl.,rory., t o no . ' .. jtur Into negotiations the the reiloratlon of h.:Ar.. sl am rfady JO feud a tounultrioa whenever I hare reaFen to r.uppi•it• It Wilt loa neared, or to reitire a etiriMilicloit, If Stales ffre rrn front thntl eh:woe to send one. Not with-ital. tug the rejection of our former off:rt, I trou'd (if you eculd pronliSe that n eornrni,doner, into ,I,ter or other agent Dodd be ireeirol) app.Aut one immediately,-aml renew tire effort to enter into' a oh ferec'et , to' the Iwo countrii-s. Yours, &e. Triiemett) "Jury. U t roartl4. with the view tltat it .tr..d•l Lc ntt : tt la to I)acim, I =rte :1111i tlrlivered to Itlair .1 ].ti.ro ryilOWS Vlitsc;:cw,lan. In, 1*15.• F. P. .1k7.;,.. 47.11 " . t•••ir : Von hiscitm eiumn Inc Mr. Dank' i..tt'or to you on the lthit Inst., you may-a) to Lim di it I 1131, coneluady l tu , am now and Allah Cow: ready to raavive any agatt wham im or am of r influential iter,on, who now ra,istia•z tha military wttisoritity, may larMtnally coo 1 is ,Wishington with a rhar, It la loop-ad, or securm% t•euce to our common country. (' ligned) Allerwards Mr. Walt dictated for and authar irrd !tic to make &ream* au back or re. lain ti c 0. 1 .1 KIK leittr lag above recited, triticit . tit Ai fellows: " 1 ~ "Sevrtny “Teeday Mr. ••• Blair tell. the that on the 214 in:emit he delivered ro Mr. „Weis the pit:its% or-which the within la a' cony, and lett it u.ith him. That at the time ul-the .l. livery Mr. Darts : read' it over inlet - in Mr. illair's lir:fence, clove elc or which ho bluetit ninarkeil that the :put nimul our one t.otraaar reltdoC to -thalfar& of Darin' h tier about the two canntriew : to whtei Perla_ replied ilea he tio loiderstoail it.' 1 131 enco nem follows a number or tetetealis riating to the admitaton of Stialthi;llisittio• anti Canto belt ibto:onr Una, thelF ,icinet some delay., tvhn great lltiatAeifee of Ch;n:Drant. The Prriiident then says "Aftenratt4,:hy, ray di; matt], the Secraary of War tedwarhed (len. Ord, as nPrAßTXF:7s7,.wmitmoaxt , ' • *D;181IT. ' 74 Nitior, - Frin.mi Ont. "errrinY Vee ! - the alrecilon. of the Preilitimloent are is-_ slimmed to Inform the thmo gentlemen, t'itepleas, Hunter and.Carriffhell, that-a.lineaainriv :will' tie illaptoctwid to them at or near what they mow, at, Ilhout ntincecs F ary delay. (t. , igned) , 4 - -F.: - M: Sratrici, Secretary of. War.- AfterWinliti piepircd 'arid pulictu t :io-hen In. of; klajor Thomas T. Et eel. the folithvint vituctleow woll-messaa..ei •• • ! llNgtt-rics 3lsicistov,,Tv:trartv, r +), 1964. T.• ~ Fartl-:•;;Sitt,=-YOu' p ceisior , w ilt the doenm.nt plate:Um, yrmr bands ; and on Trichiag General Ord; will dearer him the later •nadreeced to him by the Steret.iry of War.. Than. hylGencral OrT't esslstavee,procare anintertiew wish ElteplienSlllrliiici and Campbell, or any of thin and 4cliver to him-.or them the papers on, w+ick sour own litter Is written. Note on the cony which you retain, the time of delivery. and to: wham delivered. neceive their answer in writing; walling a reasonable time far It; and w Lich, if it contain+ thels decision, to come through without further conditions, it will be 'Our warrant to ask General thvv-to yens them through. ma directed In the letter or the Secre t. re of War. Ihby their answerviiel decline to e Plc. cr fror , c other travrc:, da not here flout ymistal throfteh. And ihis toeing your whale duty. return andrepori me. ;Taunt. truly. tSizncl) A. I.txcm.N. 11. Nts i sasas, ,r.l, f ire! ff. IT. T. Hunir: ~1 CENTuatrx lam invtruetcli by the Preti drupbt , tfie Usitiet State. to ptaraials paper In y..ur hands, with the inforwat lon that If_ win go through the linked StatetAllitai7 lines It wILI 'betnitictstroad that you da so for the'parpose of r4informal conference. on the begs of that let ter, a copy of which is on the racers., side of • this sheet. and If you choose _to shard. in ratek at:de:viand's:A', and so nritify to writing, I will yr: cure theComManding General to: "pass you bathtub the lines and to Fortress Monroe utter. MTh :unitary prcetwitionsAs he may deem . pro. acist,and at which Phiec you will •I:dniet, , in due time, by sonic maven ur person for ttrt purpo‘c °Tench informal olnlcrencr; and further, that sc a n shall hate - protection, raja conduct and a safe return in all CTenta. (.'cited] Taos. T. Et:mom, Major and Aid4o-Camp. Cit. Point. Va.. Veto 1 . ,.1W;:p. Afterwards, but beforn, Maim Eckert bid de yam& dm following dispatch waii ranked from flrant,at the Uulted States 'Military Tel .egrarli Department: Cm Polar, VA., 10i31.1 a. m.; lan. 31. lags. „A. -. l4,7xelebf, :Pee.“(l, fl Unitrd Sfairs:--Tlai Colluding communication • es received berelastesenlng: • Prrtraditmo, To., Jan. al, is.n. (lateral. a S. tont, Cumingteliigg MR A,,ofra f the United Sfares:—Sir:*—Wc desire to toss your lines under safe conduct and pro. cad to tYailtitigionl6 'bold a' conference with President Lincoln upon the subject of the exist ing war, and with n • view of aecer. tabling upon what terms It may he ter ininated, In pursuanceof .the course indimted tee him in his letter to Mr. Blair of Jan. Pita, taa, of wkkh nurpresume you hone -a copy; sad if not we wish to aea.you, is-the person if mo ves:ant, and t n i et eonfer with you ou the sub .3lst. Be Shiny Years, -• • Aux. 11. Brerstrta, J. A , :Csarnat.t., M.T. Ito:even. bare scat dircraimis tts - texive theic gentle.' men, and tapect to,have them at my. quartets • this evening, awaiting yourinstructions. (Signed.) ' • U. 8. tinkers • , 'l.laul. Gen'l Coind'g Armies U. Si; - 'Thi, it will be permircd, transferred General Ord'a agency in the:topper to General (leant. rewired, howeisr, to nand Major Eclttrt forward with has message, and neectreingly telegraphed hi General Grant as follows: •EseccYna Manton, Wasursorms, Met January. 1551. . Lteopoong G o nernt Vrant, eity,Polat„ Va : • —A messenger Incoming to you on the business 'contained lu .rour dispatch... -Detain! the gentle -4111 n In comfontablemumters until he arrives, and then act upon the MettllWl he bAllies, at far as Arsphenble. It baring been made`op to pass (Mauch General Ord's bands; and when the gen- Omuta are supposed to be buond our lines. (Signed,) , A. fanclos.n. ,Sapposing the proper point - to be:then reach! ed. I dispatched 'therikeretnry of State with the fallowing Instructions, hfajor itcltert, however, going ahead of him: EXECUTI Cf. M•NSION, WARIIINGTON, Jan. 31, 160. 1 Mu. Win. 11 ~ti•ward, Secretary of Soar: You will proceed to F ottresaMouroe,thcre to meet and informatly confer with Messrs. Stephens. Hunter and Cottiltell on the haws Of my letter to V. Blair, Eaq.Tof January lath, latti, a copy of which you have. Yoh will woke known' to them that three thiti,w are indlapensible, to wit: " First—The restoration of the natimid author. ity throughout all the States. Secoud—No receding by the Executive of the Culled Suites on the slavery question, from the poElllollassamed thereon in the law annual ma- StIV to "Tblrd—No cessation of hostilities Moil o our disabling of tilt the forces hostile. to the' Gov ernment. " You will Inforat the* that all propositions of theirs not in accordimee with the above will be ccinsidered and pesstd Optos to a spirit of sin cere liberality. You will bear all the] may - chase to ray. and report It to me. You willnot assume to definitely commtuifeate 'anything ot , u self. 0:41:1 111 ) - Lnircg' .l * .! When 'Major Eckert : departed. he, bore with - Idna a letter of the. Secretary of - War to General Grant, as follows: 'Win Dxr.urninc?, WA SIMMITOINASOU3ITZOth, 1965. $ T Dela. General lomat, Comma/Why, ttc.— General :—The Presitleut debits* that, .7oa shall z ;.1 . tONCtIESS WA, Illtrom, 10, 1.107. MEM , ore , !or 11. , "lu - hi . tr. .11n) 1r T I. n "k 1 ••,.. linotvr and (.Ifinpl!cli, and If.on Ida olu r. s tn 3ml_, ~ 1.,:.,•ts I:al:sill. to It.ro m.... 11 our too. 4 1 , to ~r tr,, 'Monroe, stiAt'a rattle rind mutt prkwantion3 a. erne noty de..,!tt pen:- Crlit, ;thing Own' p - Oltretlon and eornfiirtaht. iiaartsrit, nhi:o there; and 44./.4 you! lot Male or lids tone any — etreet upon soar as - 11\111CM I or Vans. Ile or der of the President. (Signed) F— ).1. Stanton, Secretary of (tar. On tins dny of an dellyrryrthe following tele grim woo sent to GCneral (*tint: • • 'W.1.4 I)zrtnTmCNT, . . • ..WAitiihcS7oX Feb. 1, 1,:•115. .fie,,. Gran!, , (I:t2 Mnt: 1.4 • nothing; which Is troof.piting non &Jay your tuov . .,:ncqt9 (Bii,ncd) Aflcr%vwds tne-follrnduk 'e,tepateltoratt re ...o%rd from gearral grant, at the Ottl , m of the Nlllltary Telegraph, 'War hupirtnteut. Wagli lap,toa, at 10 p. ta, I'vbruat7 lit: OTT Purr, FebruaryA. m. § To !ha I , ,retli.Joelh 4. 1.461 n, Pregithosi ol rlm I ',ON( NAM. noir received. 'lliere hi iriosrrhionco of. the .1 men& or kr. Sti . phrls nail othtl4 %Wile ocr Tho trhogi kept fu 0% Ihe olio-tett notice if r,..inired. MMT=2=l To tifully Unjot lert that the ScuEutari u Stale uoulti be at Vortref %tarot% and to put tlitto :ti colullllllliVilkloll, t he ro/lotYlug' atilt I,lt. scnl : WAN 1)10.1,11710:NT, 'Sr )1 , ..0 0' T. T. 1.4,7, Ay 'Pao, 4 - 11.: • . Furores .lloun,e awl put yourself na ayr thy dint-tiro of Mr. zs:tward,.whom you tied there. A. hsTai.v. Jrl: moruintr of thy the foll,mittg. tilt was recelVE4l by Inc: .Clll 1 . 1 , 1 ST. V 44 W. 1 .. M.. 0 February 1_18415. 11;s .1. 1.;445,1, /4-• t I trove hi.' bon, to report the den fy o f -}our conwitatiw,a‘ion. 411114 -111 E Ict ter at 1:13 [id. ..ftr•ranan, to tyltlelp I t el.:4ra I it reply nt r thi alternonn, hat not t• ithsr-wtory. At a 1111 , 8, fivn l'eFau the fallowing, address-,1 to tithe:4i Itttolt,wits receive It "CltY I".mar. L/-t: rood-Golan/. U. .5 Grant 41. fiiie to en to Wnshinghila City to eotill'r informally with the PreAhleot ptr.t,nally is rt•rert.tle, to the nuitt,r, mentlotiel in his let • It rtn Me. Muir on - the 10th of ilionitr). hare 11... per to do en fun, ti, nn Vet y reepeel billy, yon,, At.hs.. 11. STONE,i, It. Al: 11, A. CAM ront.;.." At ht.,. I hint tia , l C.. 111,1 1., Vt.it faith, nine , - they complied with tlni rin:eNprenied in in, letier.And the;, .int of eettnt.t detiKhatt in -Ow above unit., would MA. ih 010 epinliwt; he "inbie-ted up in.' I thick Fortte”. Menem AVOUiII i.e netepinhle, 11/icing reinpliell with in Ingtruetion3, I will return t . 3 It nt-liti,gttilt ta , utorttA utth,..s• tiet4,ll, • (Edguod) T. T, Ou thiv.disletteh of. )t or Eckert, I ma, ntamt to recall hlin and the Sreretary or L'ialo. o brit the followtng teirgratn of tie'.. Grant to the YrtrotrtiT of War, was •tntrn toe Ulm v -Fcbetlll7 lit, 10:10 r. m. )r. Shrotoa, .N.rerel.dry Wir • ZCo. that the interview t/etween Erk,rt. Lid/ r his wrier m inskruetiont, and Mr. 9:eplten4 viol 1 urt s, Ita;'etided,Litill state. rattn.leatially, r•il Id !-' , Jot: a Matter of fecord, et I amtroth Vet r.rr. Shillturt.4 and hunter, that the,, intra l4ms are good and their desire Mnesre, to fO• stroce ptneo and union. I have not Irk tnyactf nt Iftwoty to explas even vicava or toy own, or to over nt t for my reticence. This has pl ice I rn in :en awkwaal ienitinn, which r cool have avoided hr nut using them In the first inst into. rear HON their going had. v. (thou: any exprri. ..ion to any one iu authority. will have a had in• (Monte. dd the Salim time. I recognize thv dill Vnitles in the wily of receiving their informal -commksioners at this time, nod I (14 not know .. - what to recommend. laN sorry, however, that Mr. Lincoln t...nnei have Audi:Mendel/1 with.the two named In thti.;:lir.Oritelt: If nut all thfeo now nor Imes. nick letter to rat was all that Ytrvident'a instrimtlnns contemplated—to teetne their safe coronet-, If they had ti,e,l ti r same taut,-cage to Major Eckert_ (Edgeted) S. l;ar.7 Lion. Gen. 11ir;Apideti'r Gm. Griot Jul pir -f74e:itriritiehrgly.lneftrtrpginif.hlat and the *rretety oh War as followo Thefrdlowing: man sent in eypherat 9 a. m.../ lEMI=nII "IlAbut3cmo, •'l:iH.t..t:.w. Grant, City Point— : Say to the gentiemeu that I will meet Omen periaamlly at Fmtree 11tottree Ai 400 n at I eaa get there. (Signed) A..i.tatan.v." • (&io In rypherat t. a. m.) • "Watt DaraTtaltßat. "WARRINGTON. Feb.,: j •• Semard, Parrresi 31rotrue: Induced ity a iliapideb from Gen. I ulll Join you at Fort:L.:AA Monroe eut soon a. I t-ea rem (Signed) A. 1.1•:...1E.N." P, F n: rtnrtirg t ttla , Vl3 t:busse me, but I started ave.:rib. : urricE OF THE U. S. M ILITA Hi TIV.R: o t PH, alt 4..• T. lier] a a. a s lte fulloring telegr.int nll3 rwe' eel oi idf.asit- Irgtcm, dated. Yeti. front City Point, Va.. It Forrkr.. !!Dunn 2. To Ito, Mo. 11. &wag. : (Copy sent to E. M. c , tautosi. :tccretary or ne grotlemen here loom accepted the nom:toed terms, nod will Wove tor F.,rirce. Man rue at fh3o a. no V. S. G Mt ‘T. LiCIIL Gel On the night of the nil I rends Marston Roads and found the Seems ary of s:mte au.l . !tfah Arrt, to a steamer, 0uri,..r..4 r 1r th e s h o r e , are honed of them that the Rid:mond :end-- own were In soother Iteainger, alll , li , trC , l off ),cre; In the Rands, and the ilecrotary of State had not yet Kea or communicated lath therm. I iecettalbed that Ma). Eckert had literally tam- Witt) with his Instrnctlons, and I saw, for the first time the answer of the Richmond gentle men to him, which, iu his dispatch to me of the let, @c characterizes al not satisfactory. That ttestrer Is as follows, to wit: CITY POINT, Feb. 1, 1.65 To Th , o. T. 1.:41-rt, ..Ifaior.r../ .1. D. 513.10111 YOU; 0010 1L313111M.0. 10 reply we have to-eay that we arc fuenlelie.l ,r".th 3 wily of the letter of President Lincoln to F. Y. Blair. of tLe 18th of J3oUary, ult., another copy of winch Is lippeuded to your note. Oar totentions are el.bfalutil in a letter, or which the followlint is n t•lttriturmit,Jan.2o, C.lnformlty with the lettrr of Mr. Lincoln, of which tho forrvintr, hi a copy, you are W procord to Washington city, for an Informal confer:nee with hiawiptipon the itsucalnyolvedla tho ccrlatingr war, and for tbb purpose of securing peace to the. two coati tan. With great rerpeet, your obedient per .ant. • • JErinntmr4 lbe substantial object to be obtained by the informal conference is to ascertain upon what terms the evlsting war can be terminated honor ably, Our Instructions contemplate_ a formal interview between 'Prteldent Lincoln and our selves, at Washington, but with title explanation we are ready fog , meet any person, or persons, that President Lincoln may appoint, at such place as he may.dcsignate. Our earnest &wire a to hat a just aud honorable peace May be agreed utiun, and we arc prepared to receive or 10 sub mit propositions, width may: possibly lead to tlienttainmeut °filet end. Very respectfully yours, • Amu. frotplutm., ' 11. M. llrureu. A note of thejc geutletnen, subsequently ad drt estd to Gen. Grant. has already been nisco In Ms). Eckert's dispatch of• the tot inst. I also saw here. for the first Gale. the following note. ad tressed by thallielimond ircntlemen to teicir Eckert t CITY Pourr, VA., Felt. 2, 1955. ..'T. T. F:ctrrt, lfrj. & " Major: In reply to your verbal statement that your irstructlons did not allow you to alter the conditions upon which a passport could he given to us, we sap that we are willing to pro• ceed to Fortreas Monroe, and there to havo an informal conference with any person or persons that President Lincoln may appoint, on the baste of his letter to F. P. Blair of the 18th of Jantv ars nit., or upon any other terms or conditions that he may. hereafter propose, not locausietcut with the essential principles of self-government and vomiter rights upon which our instittitlonsi are fouuded. tis our earnest wish to ascertain. after n ficelnterchange of ideas and informs :ion, upon what ;which les (If any) a Jest and honorable peace can he established without further effusion of blood, and to con tribute the our utmost efforte to accomplish MILCII a :emit. We think It better to add, the', In ac cililng your passport, we aro not to be under itoBd. as committing onrsel-reo to anything hot to carry this Informal - conference as above, en incased. Very,respectfullirytrurs, &c. - A. II: STEPUttrts, M. T. nUallat. J. CAXPIOILf." % The above cotnmuuleation was delivered to zee at:Fortress hienroa„ at 4:30 P. si., February' 34, hj Lieutenant , Colonel,ribenek.of 'General Grunt's emit . , T. T.T.cicairr,. , Major and .11.4.1e.Camp. ,i On the tnornhhear the Sd.the three gentle-4 -71 u a,Stevets , heater and Caudsheli Caine ihozrd of our steamer end !rid an hitervlew wish the SeerMary..of Stabs rod myself of 'severat hours' duration. No question of prelim's:M . lM to the niettlauvas the:rand there made or um- SAIIiRDAY. TEBRUA I bit 1. No artier press,: otP.rl I..ere ot mot o red or pnyttleDl, and a Wa,:i inter borer d that the ennrer,DiD,Pl, 0.15 to nliu lenrai and vt‘rt.rd men If. Ito on 7 part than hole •tiletturee of the lust ruettons hureinhefure Deviled W 3,6 stated anti insisted oo.sa, anti not:, ing coo said inernoist tot IiItIVAA it h; Mill, by the other party it was not said that in any cruet br en nny condition they ever wotthi 1., I t•11111011 r and yet they enwtily Ottlitherto doelore that they would not so conktit. They seehe.l to c'efire n postpernernent or 1.11 , 11. the adoption of room other course (trot, which, as some of them teemed to lirque, might or might not lend to regnion, but 10'1 , 111,111r. 1 , 5 thought wovid, amount to ail • stout p sat iDonement. the conference et ;led witiontt re• suit. The form:Jam:, contaittitur. as Se Itelicer all the Information el:might; is f oit.pc.elfully sub mitted. (Signed,) t. fascoot.N. Exert - dive Mansion, Feb. Id, ithrt. Tlic following was engtofed iht the message neat to the Senate: To the Presith - nr—Theyiecretorr • d Ateite, to a horn wall tsfcfMtdti ribtolutiSti of the Senate of the SO ,faars, rennesting the Presidrat of the' rnittd Stotts, If, In hit opinion, it is not itt tompatible with the potato Interrata, to famish to the Senate any information. in his possession voncen•ing the recent eonsertation or (.00111111. hleallon n ith'verttiht rebel, mild 'teD tle mitred finer EXtettLiY, wv,rt inn. 111M:until: ertnin solicit inns with this - rebel ,I L Direry,n, Davis. and any correepondiatee relining thereto, has the honor to report that th! Senate mu to referred too special tncsanzr of at Prrshi of beat leg Inroad he tuidert of line reolatiott , ant trausmlt frd CO. the itoitFe l his tic.. Apo:milts( to the Cu port is a roily or Liao ioetruetiont boon been addressed to Ch.. VI on I, E tl., En yey Est rnorilitirte:y 'Mlniorrr.Pleniontentittry or Ise United States to Vrghlutl, anti u Melt 1., he Ohly rot rtepondence found in this Depe— 'it tilt, u. tang the cultiK-t referred to in the t itni Th.,peet hilly DeeniiiileDl (S•11:1.e.1) . EEC= Nfm. 11. SIIVVI{II. -1:n AI:II to 1111. W.1.,111 , f , T0N, Fr)t. 11. 1465 II it a lenient iu time, of pimm, thor a 3ro :11,1:13% tottigaiaori of 1, Ir. SO $1,11,, al a war be _inn-I lll; are eltiven4 wlrt empttntirally ftrzotlat lon,. of I..arv. The adror:itr of )outer x ,lal.?rtvt. ary ;tam Ibcir 1.-arfld t nil, 11,411411 iii. tr de (. I ..rcii iE hit nuotyucully warm eggary and ut• rea,r 11q, ar .1111 I.ring nhtno. :01 31,.1 , 0!0n01,111 ni th, 11,111 o". 0 w. 111 e :1.1 , 1111 , .111• n 1.14 1 , v rr 01;zinaly 1 . 1 . ...11 :In . rani,l. 11 c,21 . .114- :I, War 111 clot, 01 1•' •. 1• ., ore! / * Or in I tit, .11 ,rar arr 1.01 nevewwarily. or per. 1/....ra:lririly. orpn.lrir , tlr it I.nruoi A or a , livvr. .Wl* 41•114, .1.1,1%11110 wheal, &Ivey ulev or itivwl..r. 411 - 1, vats' ,•!od(d ;,t II i•Lazo. vms aeratrul 5,1 Irreillar .Le sanction of e go% rllincr . b„-n made to hringalm.ut ne;.,,Aiations to.'euliutv war nreknoon lo the wLole world bzertnio ;?..is have emi,leyrd forvlgu as well f. 14 dottoitlC, ar'cnts. Others with whom &al ary I;ioWa .• 11 . ,, 4 1 1 141 1 , La" h ,l 11.0 , 14 ly trAmptra,i. cflort, haw occurred here, which are Li .“‘ n ruin 1.. lilt I vr- arti :V a tny tnd•inein 'l,lll, 111..11 to On: vovvrnto/ . ui, I, atn 11111 V to git., Taut ipinrlnat inn, an 5 - ,ltnt of all altdr of 1! - • •we em !tic% r...,11:1, re. it td nlut.•ll attention lit—c; and trlticlt, doubt 1,. P °writ, ii, { nlry almond. • atztt Fran,' otattln.-1 fr o the PI e-idt nt a sinapia lease copal thron,i, •, o nt definite vi , sl, wto - n to jot r Mr. 111 tir entered Itleitni,al; tut ti 0 . tt , t urn 1, •1, -teed to It. Prtlittictit a l<tt,r iel.'t-1 I ‘a.. i- had written to Mr. itt ilr. la Parle Wrote that Mr- Diair ITa. at 1P3,147 t , say n Linec..to, ii, .i 633.1 A Wat n. ire always bait bee; 3- to tonvi t-olulatt id. nee.; If assztred - aliny would reef:iv:a; rat to 1,-.OIVC ntly thlt ,- thOttht be vent—that it he was to t r I=i (wed to .end, Lavin informs bit. that be etadd tone emnatheloners. to confer with the nt, with a +lna. ton reatnrailon e 8 po.nez l•rtm o 1 lhC lace renttri&•,.' if- he r.. 3111,1 tic d thr y lie rerelvet. rm,le,,,t,,thcref...rt, oat il/c i;th of ' j g . ,a,filrerarit n molt to Ilr: aftit ,iteblttoNlthigiv, that Ito 11.1. rd..; ..e , re•l the rt:te , cf lUYIA, tuld th4t ht, waif. .00l .1 way* wottW .I;re. wiilin, I tiny %eat, t hot 31t. thisik, or fully other .alt moo , nriattlly r I&tI the aoth,rity of 1114 ~,or, i nctettt, nt!ght itint to 'cob luttrauttly; l'ret4ilvot with it of - j• Y., to 11.. temple or boitionvutgl e•mntry. Mr. ea , t trlth thig lotte•, and ttn It 3 , zn',l rt.toe hack to Washingtan. l'e th titt.,•re won from :be ~ np trtroant that A. 11. S:eplt• ere. It. It. T. Itutitti and , J. 1. Cootthett were at i! , ribt; for leave to pus tltnnt;4 the UllO3 to W.,ltingtou a. Peace Ctontot‘thmeri, l'reslcleot. They wee. it'millet by the 1.1. tlt..t,aht (ktieral to root 10 his tiC.lll(l4llcr. In ;it r, t there -tht. dreislon of tlrt Prenlleat. ekert ?Tat down to toed tht , ptrty homed 01? Gent ral Grarit'A herl.ta tr 11. r 1t0}... a.o dirteteil driivvr to item 8, ry .1 the l'reArtent , i irtkr to Mr. IllAlr, Rt lt ' , near rf. lx ....14“1 to them awl olziled he I he In .Yirb they were direCtly inforoei 1.• T I to p Ali our it ti.; roulo Le ittnientno.l at entztino, for as u • eiinfriructi .. , 11 the Niels of Lilt atol,2.itl et" 1.1. e Pst.ll, ,3( Januery, to Mr. Blair. If they Abutild express their Recut to this coo dirt.. lit *riling. then 11aJ. Eckert wee "Reamed t 4.lre.them fart: eontlitet. 10 Fortnti• itaotrOe.. irtitee xpareoU tOintor, tmin the President wotthl inei I Owlet. It bolo; probable that from o re. taat th•le roneereation with rlau.Grint. the hon,t,l party moat& to the ueintier pre‘crth. ed. a, erpt the lermd. mentlottea, the S-Ctrtary of S:dte was charted by the President with Ihr Amy o' repreictitioz 1111. iiofettleitent in the exptb`ted Ittf.wn a reuferenet, The Secretary arrlred ret Fortresa Monroe en the niebt of the tat ttey of February. SI elm l'eten uqt hlm on the morning of the 3,1 with Ibfarmatlau that the prerems who meta front hi. bowed hod not aect•plol in writing. the condi 'len> 111.'1re/bleb he woo afield-14 to Mee them etatilict to Fortress Monroe. The Mskir bad gli cti i tie same Information by get rapt to . the Preseltnt nt Washlmoon. Oa tiii,ifillt: this inforie,atien the President prepared a tale. gram, din'/ It, the Sscretary to return to %Voila- Ingto.. lie was preparing at the•aame m lomat to retion whhent waiting for information from tlie Peisident, Ind at this jai tore Lieut. Gee. Grunt tide-graphed to the Es center,' of War, ii ai It a lotto• ssermary of Clam, that the Rich mond rely hot recon•hicred amr'secepto.l the einidition tie:meet-ft them through ?Nip • Regert„ WO tic:, Grant urgently seltiscd the Prenideut to o, lifer in pentun with the Richmond party. Under 'loon ritrurastances the Secretary, by it, 11,..illassl's direction, remained at Forto“ Min roe, :Mil /lit, Prealdent Jellied him there on !be night of Fed.. ^_:l. The Riehmotul party war ',ought draw a the (toes rife/ In a 1%5. straitier :run , tort intone tit , day, and the traus!iirt wit, iintihoreil in i tampion Rands. On the tnoroiit of Abu il.l, the I' icsident, attended by the Secr4' tory, reetived Sloan. Stephens. Hunter mind t, toptial toe board the U. IS. steamer tom/part !liver queen in Hampton Roads. The miller enee was alts ether informal. There was not In attendance any of the Secretary's clerks or other rittltalf(O. Nothing was written or-rent. The convernation, although earnest and free, was corm, Courteous maids.) on both aides. The 'Helmond party npproachtst the discus , elm, rather thillrertly, and at no' time dill thes molar categorical densautir, or tender formal silo utttions or absolute refusals.. Nevertheir4, didasig the confercune, width lauded rotas boom, the several points et Inane between the govern- Meld MO tan tOottrgettta were distinctly read and disclneied fatly, intelligently . , a nd t o ~j , _ &tillable aphit. ' .: , . . , !nut the Insurgent party !teemed chiefly to . fattr Wits ILE. Postponement of the question of . upend lou, epos{ whlch tho war wtm to be winkel, and the mutual dircetions or the eillirta M lin, ',government. as well as those of the Insargests, to' some policy or scheme for en agreeinant, tinting , - which the powers might ho expected to subside, and the armies be• reduced, and trade and Intercourse between the people of both sm..' tines be resumed. It, was suggested by them that thrOugh such twoitamerhent 1,16,164 k now have Immediate penre, nith Some not very cer. Lain proapeePof an ultimata and satisfactory ad. fulitment of rilltical relations between the Revs erurnent and the States now engaged in Conflict with it. Ton suggestlon,though deliberately considered, was, neverthelees, rejected on our part. can . can agrto to no Cessation , or suaponsioa of hostil•'- thee, except on the basis of the diatiandusent of the Insurgent forties end the restoration of the national authority throughout 'all the States of the t' ion. • The anti-slavery policy of the Uni ted Side, wait noted in all Its hearing. and the President announced that he could not be ex pected to depart f atm the position he had here,: t ,iot a ace' need In his p-Oclantallon of ematt,l - ation and other eocninents, end the positions reiti rated In bin annunl mere ag.t., It was further declared by the Preside* that thecompicte restitution of the nailoual authority wierywitern was an Indispenauble rendition of 4y assent on our part to whatever form' of ponce' rtilcht be proposed. The President uttered dhe hero i i pmts tlnt whihi t eun r tidhl°tlie ! e iit3ho.ouldbepronrslsofar: laWtrls 'I ged with the Executive, to eareehmit liberahl. The power, howeyr,lfilinited by, the O stistltu thin, and Irlich peaculdionlifire Made, Cougemis nitot necessarily act la regard to appropriations of tnoney end to the -ndrnisaion of repreirientlt-. tOien from the Insurrectionar,y States. 't ' The Richmond paity ireie then' !donned thut ()Ingram hod, on the list nit., adopted, :tiy ‘ll Constitutional majority, a Joint re: olutios sub n Sting to the several Statkettha propositio, to 'a offish alarery throughout the Union, and thili titan if (miry reison't6 expect that tt wilt.lm, ea • ' • . .. .• ft l'n,-foui 0.- art, N,, 00r r ri t t nalLoont . (.osiler..utennr!... lb an tnni by Inuto.ti Ae iitiirr-ritiCi., without printnoing . nit !FC - 7 , 4ecerkt IItE r , .di- , •u.0- , 1.0r:u,y of !Ult. Nit ottholr,s it I. porrtp4 ionn-int • .f<ZIDI; t, I : 0410 to rntnnit Our op lifrilA tenet iltor,threof ly to the prant!tontt lraing to A, n int to scar; tinni in , ;notwor. in. n 6taltvl, tO 11 i , i unrrlondlyinanner. . LATEST" REBEL fiDVICE3 Rebell ;central Lowetli Killed ha I,' Tuesday's Figl4. • • • _ 1 . :611(') SO1,1)1E11 1i11.1,11P EC KED , SupplWs for LARGE 3IEETING IN RICHMOND. Speech of 7eff t D e a Vn i ff n e ße ncz. lation to the PRESIDENT LIMN'S TERMS !WHINED. Lee's Account of the Fight et Hatcher's Run. *I,IIINGTON, Feb. 10.—The Governmea re thc following illApatchm thin Inman: :fl/ roia, rd.. n ii. ¶ l .—,The Richmond im 1+ rt., ol 1041dy contain no new-e. They have en I=ll i na• roan noneral Stiermon. Getieral Lowell, of Georgin, was klilo.l in the liphl of me.d.y. • The note, hy in ultnqsl 1111/1.1111.11A Vote, re '3,llll the'l.lll putt iT:I4 ht•grop into the nom,. t I to. I.'nvoitrr se”.: 7tltttetn. 11:n•ilnr and W. (•. Mkt:, of the Itirtiomed -.to:hula:ter Coot:nit ire,mlll term. the rity rnorolitg In ettary of n 1:1',..,11:11111111/ . :4 hrontrht 0111111st1111; all ticv 14,1 1111 th, l'tt..ral Moaners (twitter:l nt Part ;it,. Va. and ti.:11 , .but7, • •,;(47.-C. Three rat ahem at earl: place .hate-bftn.paruleti to attend to the di:Aril:1100n or the 117.;.1 earn: Thr Ceitton la•arrl it it:OI.MA hr err lanai of totelli• tr.at altot::rth, r proltahl , • that nn fur tt.i;r will Iry trade to hot( the r.metry tw in e. n tire 1 . :1.,'" and Hie itlach .bran, err to tem- Irt Ita . :It: ral railroad, tott tl“t oar N: 111 I t• MU, E J bit k 40 re: ai Itralelon— pr further (awl .. .J. only bop, train, Ira hotti Ihe Nuit'l!, tort rob, railroad, „ fo „ rear.: Ise tueetio: called hr Smith on thst race 0011 of S or the ressti. of the inters in etas mon• lamely attended than nay ts.vesing re, r ischl at liistino-t.l. ;Jeff. Davis fund, IT.: :Ad he had entertained bat Iscle isonswahle tsrms su long r.. CIATIFf was meeting with reverses, yet, in si,ers nor to site ststlioisigs of tho Ample, he had swolerti.:ll tts untitst slot etrort to obtain that intl 911.it•It MI latter power on earth Unt the en would think of don yhur. Astotlmcmdl tt—. of peace, hey emphatically asserted, nothing: swe.: the ludependerseo of We Confederacy meld et relre his .auelion. With the nilpotent of Prneldenro, a kWh he ttenselentiontly belierut w.. 0. on their wide. And the united resolve or chic prot.l.t, he sloplsted not stint victory trout:l-yet neon thrtr labors. Before trouping. ho tr,)uld tlrte lhing Lehi.' on earth awl arterithat 11, Le .p.ake three quarters of an *or In this sl A wits of resolutions spttrnioa rreaitient k.14411'S itralf; CXPIN"alir of ex/still:ides an the itilers raid pledziog the )11:es, fortunes and so cttal Itenor 10 OW rouse were a.lopted. hotel ssalts were male for Stephens and flunt.t, lust tiny JO net re.. mut. .7i heat •ar meeting waa called to meet their`liay, )at which Darn:, Stephens, nt,na r mrd other trading men Wert nnntrunced tit, apt :AL.' -, • lo tLe lirlad &e t, on Monday Mr. S:atnmer. of Lod4arnt, in rrply to • demand for reit - - . Mather GeIL Jar Jchnsinn. said he had newer . It - d i dlM l l2l l' nen ' l and that :3 . 4 4 11' ;Mendota traaban - AtLidta . 4 4 Mr. MOND, of Texas, defended Johnston% and atm:mired the admhttstratlan. Riper he undertook to use the high and holy or 1 taco niaklug to servo the love and ( 0,14 of ion!, the pltOlk. of ;bolo Sletov every oiducithat divided. A portion of them he. that the i army would give Orem honorable .truer the Unto). trial nadar tbl thtre was a rn•a to raltY..uhieh iu-•isw , d on negotiation. It it not ttni‘...dtde that the tam, dlscont that dittrEttied thrtity, made Lttuonty and din:tu t, I.{ it(' I.vpic of Iha<r Alfa V.* u claul r tin buoyant ridrit of our army, may hate rundsrudrol turarard t,. pro:mate hi. Mahon/arable bum.. That lieu enemy might linable to 4eie, tipim 1111 HI a 11141ITICIA o f JiAt:ortia:l, er, 001 V. Sin wondered at. The fatritrt" t ray, Mr. Ilea ard originated the nibelon or !flair to. denchn Parts int., *audio.; Nun bisriontere, and then itecd the fart of *end ing rommissicmers to dace:ire tho United 51.1111,1 C 01.2,111 foto the adoption of an amendment el oiblilng Nary ha all the &atm The A . N. ;pin r mace/the rebel government to olden all the gold itt the Confederacy and approliriate It to the 1 unlie tree. It rato the epeentathm in gold Mt• nll 1t.111: as to &sire a union with thO Yonitawa.: t Lim Itiow that he cannot 'bs stinting...l to tapta.s assralanon Ni 4.111.{.1 even - with neakett 1.1 critolosts and outlaws, who has forfeited, tent, room . Snell n f . 0114i11.111 . The r.,n.titntion na lt ht. romitinect' with the Union nn lIIC3II/k ,ttilre,sion of State pint crigmlM, crew:,) sulrrrlin.tt ion of the &null the North, vonitoention of all Socabern 'prop erty, for the henctit of Nbrthern airencurrrA, or 1 , 1 , 3 the debt itteurnnt in nutkittipting tut, the MAN ipastiali of iho' Mores by the:reuerolly eve' , du! CllnctinCnt of the Tooke° Congrnii. In 11.r:41121i,, Of on nmendttent to tho (rotitltutiou. The 111.10 rontaltotatto 'apart of a4peeeh ilellr I Gen. IleanaTkini, of Tupelo. Ho out - I.lm!elft.,artteutorjyto the huldias from nod nrged.them ln remember that, thotuth their troinMi were In the Lands of ilia rem!, they still hailtilione• left In front. Ile ',limed laical las nillltary Mover. and told 'lime be barndnf to fight to the bitter end; and if he failed ite could beg passage to some foreign country. The P;..porch thanits the Federal Congress for, pa.t.ieg the anti-slavery amendment, WP it Will smite their people on the warnisestkm. It uys wearc going to resist them as ose loan, end to, defend our hiarthdoones and our lives as men who have no hope but In lied and their own, right Ann. The moral strength or the Confecie , ' eney to this day restored 2115 by udreele. We' ark ne more for peace, nor do we expwt Itr our will we have it while the foot of the 'Psalm(' soldier Pollutes ties :Mil; or the Yankee ling Is , fueled title continent. The Faun:Owe says : "Ws soon at the result o,fl the peace mission is pmperly anaounced, Nies, President Stephens will go. to:'Georgia and can.; rats the State ror a elgehed pro:mention Of the , war.", ' The Errtmfa , e also tem a long muorin; Intend-, rl Ito beat tiouthern blood. It rays "If any man talks of subtuboden. hang him to Via nearest lamp-pest... . Thu same paper doubts the truth of the state;, meet that a general exchange of prOmners will soon take plane, and says they bare always bend ready to to exchange, but the Tanks hare brokers It MT solder various pretexts. The Svinael has an article containing refer-', 1 .0. • • 3 . 61. 11. ST:TrAltl, Nos' Tri.llN., Ptb. IS).—The Rich no Ext ,ol.. lit 11,1- article. atmslog Mr. Unwire awl 1.4 , ct, says Mr. ferrate' ha. dons us service.. rm=or PUtoei Pr , lvi4ed Sl.l atreed to rtron • private rislictir Is ;try datniging w the rebel Tbo 117.:6 of the 711, says: 1f thrre la noW trniplrg among the o.46ler:tic pcoplo any ty right; whom: lym no 1,11.. fer 1 , e10t17, to int; wlnnu dtars nrc In 6c lienectnitt tant 14 In 11t1 coVellpiisll by soma fnt nnnin Sew England eullgranl., and whnin tun.. =MCI Efi=lllMl cure to the conduct of the soldiers after the bat tle of Canna. and urges the pimple, by that ex ample, to coulluuu Jinn In the determination to achieve soecers. Tt draws it terrible picture of the horrible condition of the people of the South in case they are defeated, and if they are subju gated, they Maim made meulals td the-African race. It says there Is no cause for panic, and thinks that the end of the summer-will ace them entirely successful. - The Mobile and ReryWei• of. January Oth makcy the fonowiug remqrkEkble co:ire3skm : We do not attempt in disgulso'tha fact that thb Confederate catkin Is poising through its mpst dangerous crisis. faint:l.:numbers of the peOple, perhaps •a fair majority, are. boort- Melt of the- war, and willing to end it upon :suns which would have beat scouted as treason; able . two yeans or even wydar ago. , Phren gist, class of slareholdem hiving the doopest peeuni-. lag was sold Inconsistent therardilt bY ary In:crrat in the struggle fOrindependence, are'- ready to make sondem thomention of which a. short time ago would not hare been tolerated:• We have not a doubt that the country,titieltidlug slate proprietors, large and small, would .cont promise to-day forpetce and independenortwast 'basis of ordeal and 'llblVerallt eMattelpatiOn the blacks. Wp may go farther and say that: large numbers would be willing-to giro up their cherished• thoughts of intleptindanos, and change the. institution fin* nalted•Peette'tiP *Mum ot tteur..;truction. This% lances.; dhulgo revnltviAn r •mnnlrsr natitivial r• from faul . yehr;• tro,n.•mkms Fvb. fol:owttludniefill 'or tho 11z11(iii4 : 3>Ql ANTE, IuNIT VoItTIIID;• I.ri-try ar.h. 1.1;g", (*. q t. r : rroanyiw.mal a fort - , yi - rtenlay to 11:40, r. Rau. Part a hi. hatimtry, wItl• Gre..ze, rivalry, ur,,,,T . Arflr-4. icetlerl-ou the Vity,:l.an road. The In failtty tools. the rrerk. au the vavalry f )11, wi.t. Court Haute. when: Its advane eneounteivi portion it our rivalry an 1-retirecl. in rho afternoon, a porter IIiWA and (ininlinrie 'troop% deniOnatratrA anoint the enemy on the left Of Bateher's run, near Arinetroniev Mill, and finding hint entrenched they •witlittreer arum dark:. Intring• the night. the torcr that ha+l .:cored beyond ihevieeltrvturned to it, and we, irported to he reertmeing. :Ills morning Pegraui'n •1196irm moved to tier right liatibef the creek to rimilutiOltrc, when It woo signintislY :Wetted. The haute wen "Logi- Oct rlp contented :or meal hours, bitt.77enenni Pi grout being killed, while bravely encouraging hi, men, and Cot. !badman tvonnded, some cai rn:44u oceurted, and the 'division was . preesel back. to its oftinal ponition.' • Ennui,' division vial oedered to' the support of Pegranes, mlch:smut the enemy and forced liim Itack;but.was iu turn 'mrnlirlled to retire. 31shonearrivroon arriving., the enemy won drive On rapidly to the defenses on Hatcher's- Uncle. in reported to r ten emulla tint of the ene my le not annealed to to great.. f Signed) • .11: J. Leg.. puling the tilActuislon in the rebel iiznate on .Morday last an the hid to place, blares lu the army. Jeff: oppolients again dealt their tirmihriatious MI Lint roe pot coloring General Jew ilelinebin to riontnntul.. 3r.'fleintntni, of Georgia, one of .Tofr. , s anrl - era, ,are them to understand that till • their aloae would lune no eireet, and tint General' .10111,1611 uotill; not be again placed In art im portant praltion t •becante he inns deemed tneant patent. 'tiro Ifome amendment, piscine no limitation on the number of to Inc conscripted, wan whgaed by it note of twelve to ele,ltt. Gen. Drvekittrialm has been eon:lrmeel rebel t ,. .neltury of IVar. llcu. Ectloki Sticeooded to 11, Fran, Eiee i% est and New OricalLs. Nrw ions, Fth. 10,—Ttie/Probr: Key Wert e.orpondent rays: The wreeker , hare net fire i • WV/ lon urd 4111111 AL ItiPPLI.,II above he water or U nit. d States steamer eiaff Jacinto, wrecked Ain't time ago on "No Name. Key" Bahamas y aftcward- attacked the ship-wrecked officers and crew, hut they I,l'll atronp,ly rerkted, and. titorcli o numb,' 4111(.13 were exclutpzed, no Tale tt ai ',Toned InJur. I. Ino mere Fuglirli blockade runners, the Pt Iri , (4leri Augusta and Fanny Mites. captured ly lfe Colleft Staten steamer I foneysnelfle an I -IF,: sell, user Fox. hod ari iced nt Key WCAIt • 7 be It.Trit,"• Yew (blear„ earrtspon,lent say: 1,11.11i.s have lota forw.udkt to oar p: io-mcere at I onq.. Ulan! and Vu: d, in TOW. Colonel ar, t:m;l01 tI, 1. OW>e sunlit, have irlic erect, as hi ail ram, In tchl.th he has 'rut ntr.r:Py to our Nisnartro reei.tivb4 re• era than ullcnrazd;. ibterito and Money in New York Sp, 1.11 Western Astork re Pres. Dispatch. Nun YORK, Feb. 10.—The Shirek market is ilnil but steady. The war spirit displayed at Ito tm oud hue not had any effect upon the a i rket. and the military pews from the armies lot not twill of our :lent imtrirtanee to mute a nine, meal either tray. Government smells wore all lel Irr on Gold.bearingl/onth: The Illnet hue, tk 11.14% 0011: Cumberland continuer the • rt , sre. or Cool sharer ; oilier i.liareg are nmiti no Ily the r nine. The Gold market in very and V. .v Mile tin:loess ilJne. It is hinted that a outfdeuileu et heavy peratkirs is Lein f.nn.d iirice bulhlr the market. The lloar ennthines eery, and the de uand for lA ideunte Is At %Lc Petroleum lioerd there was more s e a - its;. C ermnaLY was active, wiles a moo nt to M.lO 'Mares: also Knlckertuiclier bold. al: creek. 1.730: Oceanic:l Ryitil Finn Elmore City »50. intern N 3% al ilepot--;Promations In Sherman's Army. Ni n 1 - 111:E. Veil. 10.— The 'Moe.' Washinet fir , r;A .n 34: The . Scnrta Nisral Committee are - ctosaidering the question o" tataß•hing a na • red 1 , 1 I($1. •n t hotiortbern lakes. Parties Cu land hare lind a hearing. The Cont. hear &legate* arr. , : other POlnig Oa the lairs, beiere they make a report.. he Id rah.'s Vfm.liington et...els! says: Cot. Won. r wayne and 43 others an licea brevetted Brie. Beer:Bl,pr gallant imodurt_ In the reeetrt campaign through rioareis. ilisney Market-Alry Cootie Auction Post poned. ti . Tone, Yeti. 10.—The (tot& market rob- Unto ,hotnetnt and inters weak. She very tow F4chauga lexis down. the quotations fur t ;old, and ortobrrees a diennaltinn fear% The sul4-ly nt eselt gold no the market le cuttolartte. The estretnoi durbv.:: the morning bore been t I ..b4210!,. The Dry Goods anefiente have attain trmopost !woo ti, owing to the tut rllted t•lnte or Wales, th t--,awitt,l.A. by the puce ft rt The 3tlmantaLegialature Lora Feb. I 0-I..mbetalure, yesterday Pans- I e n. .oBttilun2qtv adjourn from 31tIt the Iltst of November Nut. A ref.olu, lOU oriaoltoontly patted that Haute declaring. It a tivo determine:lon of the people to llquittatte at.,t, bolebtedneart unt pro - Ad:rag for a commit ter t • ronferrtlib her ens litort:and sport M the a, 0 artsien tome plan to retrere Lite etas, of Mu helot trouble. the Arre.to In Nen, Wort:. • e inns. Feb. 10.--CM, Eater Is still tusk- Ir.: n st• of sotedltitte broker', and others .wt _t .I !It defranditor the Coternment. Volt de a;+. runt be mimic public for soceral days. It h •ngbt tt)ree-fourths of the etptes of - the in tCu.r here been tilled by forgedccrtlll •b~... ,Several town mid county SuperriAard uvr ken Into town to-day, and prove the (mutt o here tem very elteuslTe. Tile taterlatid Mall Mettle.. Your, February 10.—The Te;Now learn from 111341. lioliaday.rontrart wforthe ov:rland ruar.runte,that the reverser the reopening of that 111 ars an error, For a.distance;of JBO ntlict r. ItoUnday's stations are destwiyed, and th 3 murk withdrawn. llusluess domed be retaumcd tit the stations arc rebuilt., and corn and for a; usupplitd, The teed River Captured Cotton. lC ksniatros, Feb. 10.—The ease of.the cotton cant tired up Red River by unrgunboates aed held at Tires. will be argued in the United States Sul rem, Court on the 20th. The cute la•teedeelde et het her cotton thus captured shall.ho held sub jet t to the same rotes as if taten on theltighsess. Ilarry Gilmore in tenet Warren lh virus, Feb..lo.—Maj.ilairy Gilman arrived at F.c t Warren to-daj, in charge of Mj. Tou.ng o who rapturen Row The Rebel Stephen. Talked- o.lnted that Vice President Stephens was the. ,no; Illseral of the rebel mace delcmutoo, acid the most an slows for a settlement of again. 7o an army officer, while at Gen. Gratralleadranar ter*, he reworked that "We are but one people and .houltipare but one common interest." - 11 e also saltl—"yhe leaden! , who hare brought en this enutest, -cannot now say to their ptssple,, Wi have drawn you lute this war, and tow that 'you Levu paired out 'your blood and ticostnetiui -Hi want .and woe, sit by.crery Amble of the South, yod.tnust... abandod.lt. That! tens: of thousands of genre* would be -dishodored, • If the maimed' and emaciated - sohlkra ,- whoa • ' hate followed -, the Hag of, revolution', lin.' pelted in campaign 'by . mama.. and Staters, .wlth the motto of independ; case upon their Bag, should now. turn hack without having'acconsplisbed anythhig. As yet ..we bare gabled nothing but desolatlou and - dis. trots. Von should uot ask, yod. cannot think we meat abandon nil and 'turn. back to our old allegiance. .Yon say slavery Is gene. admit it bolds its tenure upon a vary blonder thread; then there la the more reason why you shotild - concede us something.",lnt 'theory was, If we could but treat with them as nu independent nation, that ouch an agreement . could be bad .as would praalcally unlte both the North and.the South. Ito did not • net!' to think that they could 'get through mother campaign without fearful losses, but he thought outs would be as great; and though we would Winn& in the end, It would be far better for both to cease this war and treat of peace. The Popes Cireuler to Catholic, Conti, tries. Auetriti in the only notion In Europe th whlcb the recent ;trailer of the:Popo has, ken iseilyo,r ted and:. proclaimed by the foyernment. Franco its pribllcation has beau' prohlhlicd; In Italy the government hie allovie4 the &Wu han ,of,tho "Juhilpoir 'Ault, forbidden'. the re.. &duller, iihick . contains the hiportarit, este* 1113116 and commands; Inßriain the ministryhice anhouneed • that 'thoY. "will act eßelEetiwali" sAalost sit• priest who're:T:6RA the inert' ' BAT.l4o.the cabinet has,Vesolved to ;!`malntaln the privileges of the State." It ',lkeda thathei ~ r.ropemr Ries!' Mtehds to weer thoi circaliir as ' , .an excuse [Dregthinning the yokel , opthe Pope hy 6rdea.that all thu:linuretaturcr,.. toroni PesiUmed' by the , PO&uf .0 113.6,4 . 00utir,. t Catholics In Pnland r ahalt hereafter he nearolseit hll ap ArebbMwlt ht %44'nanloied TIT that*. ' . • ' CITY AM MOM. l'ittstairgli School of 'Design for SToluett: We ;riii.ll to direct special a!ttmitort to the 64t that there bas been opened and Is now in tureesafal optraiiin in this chy,.3 school fir the Pystcmatir training of youngladies Mite prao ilm of ,Yrt and in the knowleduc or lei sclentitip principles; with a view to ghatifyinir the:it to Impart to others 6 cart:fill Art-education, Mid to dept lop its applleition to the common airs of life, and ifs reiatlan to the rialtilrenients of trade f e. and ,mannfoetures: St, is call' 41.rflie School of Design for Women." and as holiere this is the drat attempt that has ever li til . =do to found cacti; as u:wain this city., 2:l p t.ittist.sessiir,i eaos menceil on Monday, ,titlit a ve y foal eins. + has. been !Oftneik - wialt .fait pro. ls of nipidly , 1.6- erea63 . n . 4 the numher.'" . . Thiasehintris )Iqt al:terrain enterprise, !tut .is under the atipertnrendeoly of,. Olt association formed for the purpoieofentiaan4r,iii,,.• the skirl.* of One arts. It Is trot openixt in the hiittil that' it will prove a semen of protivroiltaltrojeotoral but is opened in the, full icnowledge . thatAbo , school will not be selF-suatairling, la I:wr enniary point of stew, atsi heavy donations will' constantly Itio - m to he niade In those *tut have andel-taken the, enterprise. • A. large portnyt, of .the east lucre already Istettlioreltakal, au apt. priatton haying heed made by tha - Sratit . tin ' purpose. 'The. A'asoelation•ltas l*it‘ Mena* . 'tra tad bran art of'tho Leei statinr, and evet - rthiMz. appears farm-alder to the estaldisitment of this rleseridag.lustitotlim - , . The nflleCrs -atv, L C, (I.l(nasey, 1 1 111,41, dent; Major .Willlaut Wicle, Vice l'resident; F. Sellers, Esit., a afal.G. W. Itaihnan, Secretary, . 'Fite Board ?t• DiroClairS ineinde ttrent.fof beat eittrams,. attl . t.hlg, fuel will' be cpmelrut 'to'•,glen' character Xnd' iwlidlty , iu th, l'btr faculty neeala• no ACOrti hr emnatendation at our hands. 'lt 'ealti.istk• . Slary (3,24, bear! teacher, alshtc'deby itar•Nres - Lt.. Crawley; F. W. Ilritidwood, Vrinelpsl; ' Trevor Mleittsg, leather of li;tures, lu oil; 4:outgo I latsel, tmettef of landscape in oil; lames Riag, lecturer Ott pc listle anatomy; and Dr. AV. C. Iteiter, lecturer, od the general principles of natural science aud td etnentary botany. The Institution comprehends. the following studies Preparatory exercise:, Ornament from the flat la outline ' practical geometry. 114.ara draw kg from the.ilat in outline, eletututary pertpectit e;lhading in India Mk. from tbri 'tat, iloutr painting, theory of toior, wahine. orna ment; landFcape lu hcitcil , .landsvap, In sepitia, and navurareolors, advanced perspective. o tistle anatomy and aletuentary botany, from lectures; anatomical drawing foam face, 1(9 ca=t' and tkeleton; drnwing from ratty of lift, in out line and . ,ltnde; shading front linthin, bu=ts in crarnn and ail, awl I . :white styles of Portraiture and inn&N,p,.. There lire two lectures deliverwl each week, one 611 2111•11( 1 anatomy and the miler on tie gent rat prit. tildes of natural 'cum,. and elemea tDry Cclany. I'mlieula, in de; all can 112 Ilmrazl by • app)11:t1; at the . to - mts N. ttl Fifth stregt. We bore - to sec this new and worthy school receive such eccouragement as it de42rred; and the stem of instruction and the object of the trisect must SeCII and understood to-be ap prmintcd. Tbcse has ing daughters whom they wish to educate ht Otte of the finest of the (Inc arts. can now gratify their des-Arcs without Unto: temrelied to send s bent away from home, add a vr.sit to Use .evhOol will lie sufficient to convince the stbssl-ting mind, if Users are auy such, that IMF is sins inn:Autism of merit, and worthy the run tof the city and !Fs , ate. A Ntw Ferri at tin rolnt. Out Ile ritberg aispatclint have animav madd it entice of the bill introduced by Mr. Me.• e, for the erection of a ferry between Ole city and tie south side of the river. The bill provitle,ilett batitt ftnbi.on, 'Tomei Wood, Geo. K. elittolle. 3. Iliehieresen and James Col vic.aiteir heirs and assigns, shall have the ex choice richt to maintain a public Steam Pm/ over the-Ohio and Monongahela rivers' from nay tsint In the berough of West Pittsburgh, in the ousts of Allegheny, tet the city of Pittsburgh, end 'be exclusive right and pririlogc to use any iasecte,'wharves or landings secured try them, snit fur that pitrytese 2007 purchise or lease from 11 ablation, city or borou A L counrits;the neces sary, lonilluv, tic- It also prohibits. any other t' Items from landing a ferry In the borough of Ww.ollMsbnrgh,. wt. bin three hundred yards aburt to'belear-the location selected by the par. tits otiose named; that a sufficient; UtWaiO INNItS abaft ti-keye all'itimeoessary'do-' lave, arid that the ferry shall be kept Itt good or , d. r anti repair. The rates of fare art aitfolkuri s Foot passengers, for each male, net_ queer:ding al a cents ; foot Fasteners, for each, famalc„nc4 minting two cents ; for each horse, mule sad elder. not exceeding five cents; for each horse, mole nod buggy, not exceeding ten cants ;.for each two horses, mules 'had buggy - or carriage, nn. exereding *item cents; for each one horse, or male and wagon not exceeding ten cents ; for each two borers , mules and wagon, not eseretileg twenty. cents; for every additional horse or mate, not to exceed live MILS; for each head of cowls, not exceeding tine cents; for each head of hogs, net cleeedlug three emu.; for each hood of sheep, not meccellag two cents, .with authority to compound with Individuals, fami • Ike add firms, by the month or year, et such lesser rotes as may be agreed upon; provided that nothing herein contained 'hell Ise rmaaracd to Interns& with the present landings , of the ferry nown as done. Ferry, coxless .wttly the muscat orate present owners thereof, so long as they may use the acme for tho purpose of a ferry. The gentleman named in the bill have the rt quisite energy gad means to accomplish the poor jean as scan as the necessary legislation Is OW mined, and if t h e tali puteses,they are determines to establish oh the earliest possible moment, ferry line which will meet the wants of the lard y number of pertains residing on the south bid of the liter. . Tribute e Res t Caur Ivisnua, Nava Wrlcami,m, Jinuary sth, 1045. Z. - 110,.Gurtte,--Ate a publie meeting of Co. It, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, the following preamble and resolution, ware adopted on the occasion of the raising toad sending of the body -of David M. Pollock home to the residence of his parents, in Baldwin township, Allegheny e nact y,. Penna. : artMtAs, DevilM. Pollock, a 'member of our I eclat any, having met era fate on the battle-field, on the 17th of December last, mar Mllwood, In the tibenandoah Valley; Therefore, .71trolsor, That, In the death of David M. Poi- lock. of, our company, we have lost a dear and s slued friend; the courary,a brace add skillful soldier; anti his- sorrowing family, noon and a brother, whose loss will be tooti, keenly felt than the mere sympathy that admiring Mends can express. Rtsorred, That In his solaer's life, Ids manly cotangents, and even henna coodoct,,in • more than a teem of wellonlestedbaule-flclde, where be assisted in earryhm Averilre .old bettle-flag , ntereSlien once through the seri-heart of, Vir ginia, man the name of 'hia chief Warne a ter nor to bombe= horsemen; and afterwards fol lowing tbe atandard of the 2.1 Ale - taloa in the great' campaign of 1864., which resulted in the complete overthrow of Early's boosted' army, and freed the Shenandealt•Valley tvrinny,. and treason; we see the patriot soldiers all votive to the maintaloanee of U,. Uukxt. attik tho prinelplei of our National liberty. ~ Roared, Thane is to be regretted, .tl4( slionld hive to yield bib Jong Life to a Arlan: Of .iferrllla tramcar., Ilea. allows Mt quarter; kale the wounded. and 'matlistate :the dead; Mall' , 'savage cruelty would blush athobthern-bnmva= Ity, and Ahle, loco, after hL eatinaigning, done,-and the Valley Its the almost . peaceable poessession of the liederal.forces. But his labor is done. The strainers.weary kted,the long 'and I.wetuied march/ the, days, of, hunger, 0.0 cloptl; tha'Aerta "lloaat . Of, battle,' the vtetory, all la dime Rrehlni ai . Ttut bugle - blatt ' will awaken Mai no More.' Borne Vora his rude grave lu the Sorest he la again In the keeping of , sin faithful comrades, sand we' here consign' has: . remains so his swear-stricken family 'and weep ing friends; :iodide memory to the keeping of a watefut country. Rtritrell, That we tender to his family and friends, oar &Metre syrupithy, In this great be. nearement, and trend to them a copy of the pro ceedings,.oas an cipressiou of our sentiments. Prsc;lyrd, That n copy of these pi , sceedings be publlstall In the Iltlahnrgh daily papers. .I'realng oMeer, Moor. F01423C1C, Captain:Co. 0,14 th ra.,Car. *erkt. httum. Pot.i.ocra. gee'y. Tim . Navn29.4.11. 'Bsvnt."-8roon; the National hanks now in ;operation In; this clip, ' nue or the movtoMmitinetit : is She .oerman Ilona! Bank of Pittsburgh' It Is • known as ono 01 the solid Institutions, and en:o.vs nn enriahlo popularity, not-ouly among the German popula tion, but Is recogrdandby everybody.as a• gonad. con cern.• - They deal In all MAU of Government accurilier, and have a. speeltd•agoney. ETcln - J r - ar ,Cooke, toireeelvlng anbsetiptlona to the popular, 74010 in. - 'rho attentkon of dealers IVoVent., meat pec , witleis and altnitietis, a direct to their advertise:nem, to be found . . elainahere. " • Slane &GAltioltriNt Blotornout.litt- It the lost 'night of this talented and , popabir tioripo,• and the kiters of for ault untolp should itcOlLttt l'otha ,l6- . 1 4 0 1 11 ge? orl.tPaYlordaroashoropo. wag e 44 thenaMotightel,Vikue-onoctm-listeu to hiftutithma thaktitgAto obtlei..tiolutuftionruil's Niue:l[lB.oo'ra" Is a "mat clloet " au l Oro 4ttres immoderate laughter: Then; 'are • thanv other goottAttbigit In tho nrogrpaitao , which will. 'huciro Rey appearn'at eltfeert Ifott to 7fight ;, I • Ittromorst Dad - Fitanolo; , vOff ctitairt%-4 114 ' Cialtaronr srEVifa4 • MEE ESTA.I3 , ; 1111bIt 1)31.cf. clitya Fillet, trr nc2tic.Ll;llir ft.lr ',LC A t,,c,t iatrtt.Prer w.tre care:llll(M' or niancif4ctur::l4 basks: znaa•den t tlita r lona or ol,m-htt. , .ka, and flit:ira Stt utx.nville Paper ilt ter t: wade, and thuB , far. ev: ',titian. bruNith: It ..17,1 ot Fr) Cr, 'sa,r,t : per scateeday mornit, ,tedlug,lluely. Thcql di - lithe pulp, wlsicli i# ;" equal we fhonlilil 7 guy. to the pulp nt or litter, rag+. We c Ade to aunoance th tq,til t la: experiment: apt twartnenprot tite 1 0' i'AltiVo the tie.. , f itt.blAh price fidithie t. nulece attn. Is ssire e,peterpapere, In 1,111: ectif•el those ahle :It I till,ltrrtlicr Sven:nee i I 'lll he, matt, there:l:Kt Ite'fdildl,dterP, pare a of tide e4Crtureilt. • - - - • Crail ate& t . " I .o'. Glltog•h;,M.Api!lnviTtl; Wegt 10.epipPomythr,.I'litaburghli ( . 4.9rtr t UMW Slallen;Jeir.fr."o,o, . , Wut; U. fur.' St , tir Cutnbotinotl; Jolth.Wlllteltn t !Wat:uleutt, Ikatanr c04,1%4'; Joht; (.....)lonana.ll9ot,brad,Allaihanye,9„Ahr.... W, J. &it'd 1., • • • • • ThOitAtampay. Itallintore;ll,l.;'• ' John laany. Butler, Va.; . ' • • - :Wand flarri., Pa.; Ge6rgil N'nhlti.town, ' • • Outfit% 2t..Wallua% Uutnrht, . If. 11. Bop', Itnikr.. 1'a.7,• • 11. Ifull Hug h, , 11.31 ford, 1'3.; All of whom 'imated a tatt.f...t.try trtanitnat dun. anti ah , t.", will. on 110104. t•errarter. dioln.;. • d . :(111. I.‘Cfr by an honorable innticieuey in bualnes.s. Ur:Wu:Jo virus at.nrd yI ibe, Dl rlntnn:of the Collige; gftlittod,to, any but thoen who, ILat 1.44: 111,41-iba3 T=llll,- 1100 Fatistaetnnly. Singular Accident--Nlan' killed In Friday, a fit.rmair named .I•.,hn J.:mane:Tian wag accideu tally bilk while at wort: in the. Clitsten Mill, Monongahela Borough. Coroner 'Jammu held an. Inquest. net. from the-fads do eloped, it appears that oar of the unni employett about the mill had . pickeil up a gni) barrel which had t.•een parchatied . whit, :mom old romp Iron, earl lilted it with water. Noticing that the water did not (Ma clircogb the trio, he threw it down-. A *Nei time alter lie earn' It up, arid beret the beemM of It into the furnace, for the pumice of heating It to light a i;.tr. - It ex ploded .altumt lo,talitly, the ball entering Mu, head of the deceaed, who was at llet than en gaged In piling iron a few feet (torn the furnace. lie was about yeats of ago. Ile 113 7 been en gaged in the Clinton Mills for tea ya.trs, attithalit 'always borne a gratiteltaraeter. Ile leavi.,lwca • mall child; mourn 166 lass. Y,-t illYl Puo ICTSTS.—Three DigyS, altM from liielYe lillcen, were yesterday arrested and 146nlit into polka: ci art, for attacking auti hcatlng in a very Fe, etc mincer a young than who hallelrended thtm to sonic way.. Theln;* jursd party, at theirstance of the Mayor,. wink. Ortw the proEctuthth upon receiving a .prumieu fmcri the hays that they would not molest hint q an,. The apps took the Joke with satprislic al grope, any were.discharged tl'on PPTIDY hr MAP , anti receiving art aEgitranen flrn tins Mor itiot If they were :0113 caught !melt or . Moor uvula not ,Tet off so .ensay. ltev. Mu. thcxmcwor.---ftiffs 'elopetti and earn ea Baptist mluleter, preaches at the "First. liataiet Church,' twinerrow at. 10;,; am.17!.4. We learn that Mr. Dickerson wllf.perlwi re-, main In the thy this craning week. would it. not be well fur some of our pedaled to. wienra, eervleos fur one cc more evoutnp,,as he is cu- teemed in the cart as one of our mostrpOpttLer arid k-arced- lectonerst , Mr. Mt:hereon •now'rew . *Wes la Wllmlnetm. Pelaware. , Utz Duerr.- . --All who have enbectliejti t bounty fund of theborougb.of,:therpsOurg, moat 't .come" ,forrrard and Jety.tbetr subscription , or . bofore Saturday 'create»; na-there Wilt be n'tingi ' rut Wm; at Igfgbeet,liotiatreriti be paid tor. ratuutrers; as the. committee .have , tussle iu reegements to etintmerice operattOos. .Tnnaarr..,4lritenn Buchanan had lb crowded . botue boa nt,tht, and. his parts were weal ran. stared. He apprarud td. three different plays—a. ' tragedy,,,comedy, and a faree—and way t applauded. „He concludes his present. eulip , went this ,s ening. Go and see him. , A :.tr.' .krinotnr.—On Wednesday, whifst. sleighing ~ume of his friends in Weston:- land county, ;fltd.' John Metillnlock was thrown from the sleigh, and so badly injured as to reuse his death. If e died 'yesterday 'Morning at La, trobe,MesttCoreland county. ' RO PAIRS Men and Boys' Calf, Kip, and Grain , Leather Butts to be closed ont immediately. Call' and he t clue( d that you can get bargains _at: '1 Mcbielland's Auction 5 Fifth ESL . Buwim.—The Tennyson Lector* , Club. ;1 announ•e that Alf. Hu uett will dellYer Alio first lecture at Lnfayette on Wedurs lay wren, ing next, the ItlL. Bee notice eliewhern. " WZRELIKS.—WC have received Cross Runt, Musoole Rill, Fifth street, l ull the New:: York Werklies. .They.nre all iztetvellug:pptid . bers. Call and get one. . , TIIEATHIL---19zarci:and Rob Itrii • are the trsttions to-night, at the Theatre—Bnehlithlic' appearing fp both, and waking his kit -appear,: 5 canis a spool for best quality of Threw% at, McClelland's, 55 Filth SUeet, where thagreitt* bargains In the city are to be found. Posttire,sale to dose out Index goods; eribra, ring eters description of Dl7 Goods, tihnwlsite.:' • r• tto to Mtbleilands,..ls, Filth street. • ' ' . . floor &mars,' 'Balmoral Skirts, - at any priet~ to make room for Spring Goals; at, •BleClellartilt4,. 5$ Filth Bt. sAleo* aceoyt, a &mous Indira mlnlstei; tutor of the hymn, "Awaked by ethers awful imk" tall° ln London, In 1755, fa obtain. ennons • Do Dartmonth College, wroth the ibllowtag letter hems to two Members: of his fazallWat Norwich, Conn.: "My Dear Naawood Zithor PahMil Imams/ query hetluxittob.., welt. I came from home wall; wai b,y the wow well; 1 got over- wen; am remdved -at :London well; and am treated extremely well; yea, anal am eareec'd too well: . And do you pray that may he welt, and thael may do well; and 111 time , return home well; and I .hope you arc well, Mull wish you well, and as t think you hegha GO, . . keep uu well, that you. may -end Andats • ' Cuntairi Citerrnt:—Ttio London Orchdeno says Few peoplo In. England know, that at dos seam of the Epl,phaity, her , graelouoFajoitty x. mimics by derstyietterings to the altar, to main- ' • ' sory of thegold, the. linstklatamstomdttherroptii which theXings of the East brodg,ht to fat, staple., 'at Nett:tants, More, 'than eighteen ego! et , Thls Carlotta • tradßionary Itsinge'netrviteit td from the • reign of, tbe, „Stuarts,' Innk,is,:9l3lt formed at the Chapel Epp* Si. James'. , ettremony took place at noon on Friday week, when two gentlemen of the 'ilKil*ObOidAitlit thee carket, containing , the on Tltt..lusioriinee Monitor forlinuat7 redisettois tlon to what-is tenned - aW" - Apopies? of -]stir % ; &nee In a Welfteni Village," Instances 'tie cams of The tootq of,W,arm, Ottl9, liatere•la POPa,f !anon Of 2,E , 00 so u ls, tbete Are tivoistriske-flps= „ insure - see cbiopatdts tire: sealed ttwintetti 4 **- 1 .; lerly estobilsbed• egeneles. , - In'athorwoeditlifwei , id a eompoay to. t 'err hundfta totiabitaotiL.l Tlte - coere - also .ight life InStnUtleelaitetaetal AA' 'the town; end three local soutisl , Wrobstorauta: einovunics. The business 4.`.7. must, tia.,„„, done to desdhin inch a spot. „ • . . tir IG' twenty-fico ractat.cra- pi'thugs,: F..tiate, not ono Is a native - of. that . Btate,litiltt axe arc ttatlyes (Milo, and two. of:lndtwta, . And yrt• Scintitern Illinois wat. consldenbly. , .." Fettled before the wilderness was broken Of the eighty-lire ruesnbets ofthe FlOase;nlaywor. are natives of that State, and ten 0f.91/3.04 3 I'AJAiON who sax John C.Bcpck4Vri4lo fa* z weas ,afI:1; SAyS that h e appeicmoo thist',or person t he'hablt of con , Ftunlng a 'vast AttilliAT ()Chad witisky:' • ito seedy and, blcsat,e(VaidC,' coudittoo, so tar as an observe, mull i5,4„6,,, , ,* 4 - was that of a,Nrsan decidedtr'played out" ' ' ' . • . , .KAEILS,NUISPA Ilion-lay errn. , 1. la s ap refilikb;tetts;i4, the Rai,. Mr'. W. It. to Mao ' KICK; oll'ot ttitiotti. ;, PAT . T,YSSQN4-411. ThOrolv. - February-?.. l §rilh 1 4 . the ..tFsb*P-13kUr fMber. DJ the"..llor,.J. IpFA4 . . I...Crirlitisois ant,. sus ht&Gcbi doVgtitio . Of Wtri: .Ttotis 116.1i° cards, m r . u .orc_oriii.hoidriwti.;wm7arMika h . yauct2tat son at l:Japtaba 1a2 10 . 412 1,P4 aged flue part sad WO moral. &int.& lon ta,ke .!itOttit' at 2 q•eloac; 01113vfmkt . ..Va tai !r(o.2ll4:Fern:y.tve,r,q, 4' _„, zr:s•:-:,, .tit. totts• 'to Aret.qat. ImAs fa y> bl .v. in ro( ni •nt !) he • • luau cane. l sista +eh • r, ent. ig tli ell., I clerk sent us e as while a 4 udgs?, map fade id' the i llt I . hich Will pie ri P su ri l ths ut p i'l . Paper 11 a y relief, d entry out unite the kites uts that the r deep Inter ;loon , Ort.a la I. . w torr 4111-: cor the '• .ling half f r, l h : . . a : i l s t Men ; hc. Teti . fit th •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers