-VOLUME LXXYIII tlte Wittsibmgh 6ahltg. VERY LATEST NEWS ST TELEGRAPH. PENNSYLVANIA LEUISLATURE. Special Dlspatetktothe!T,t.,bu!gb Gazette. , . • , n All ChtlltB,ll, Feb .:9,1505, ficarrst.--"Mr. Graham — presented a remon strance; nutddirtudy signed by the citizens of Allegheny and Manchester, against au lemma .07.ialifalyTtltni. : .; 7 :' — 7 • - Mr, Bighorn, a remonstrance of the citizens of ' lE . AVVtallie. towisablp against Awes school superin- Seedencies , alio an act relative to opening and ✓ widening streets in boroughs. 3" • A dispatch from the ry of War to the ..,' Governor was reed ; Innannin_ bins thsu the sot dims at Comp Curtin 'would -better act;omtrio -tq• -deed. sad if noti, be wished the Governor to -'.: provide the necessary comforts, and report to ',i,e - , l Woldngtom tlis direllet ottleer:„ „,..„) 'Messrs. Lowry mid Wilson severely censured .- PrOtorst Marshal Deelge, and Mr. Dattovan de , , : , %"'tendell Illus. ' . On motion of Mr. Blglanin it was resoled . that the Benate — ineet every Tuesday and Thorn . ' day illernaou. Tbeimpplementaryart, giving, the Pittsburgh' Gas Company ihu light to chsrge two dollars xey thousand feet, was ...amended by Mr. Gra • ' `hiss,seqUiring the temp ny tlrst to otiCaltt con ' smut from the Councils, and passed. ':" Dir. Bighorn . called up the act incorporating I the l'ittsburgit Ale and Malt Manutheturing Company, a'r'ch was passed. .I,,fieno . :Then SaFion.--11t. Graham called up the bill legalizing certain ordinances of the Loan '''. ..ell of Manchester, relative to catalog bounties, which parsed.' — The following bills also passed t Allowing the [ Blair county lron At Cool Company to bald min. ' seal landiln any' county; refusing vertain mon 1 s r to Samna liaziett, of Washington; appoint lug notalles public for Ronaeville and Tioneatt - nuthorizing tie election or six sup n,lsors of ,Independruce township, Washington county; legalising certain laud sales made by the trustees of the Kittanuing Methodist. Church. i . Adjourned. a . ...." Horst.—The following bills were prised: One increasing the fees of oflleers in Itenve county GO per cent. One enabling joint tenants and others to form companies to mates barrels: All het wrap' passed prohibiting the storage of Petroleum in the built portions of Philadelphia. The following public bills were passed: One allowing trusters to testify in judicial proceed , logs when Interested. One giving power to sar vPritus truitecs to make Investments. One at . lowing oral examination of parties against whom writs of discos cry have been issued in aid of ex ecution. The act allowing the circulation of small notes or other Siatce was defeated. The act allowing the petal:Meg of binds In river beds was consid ered the:reit - Of theThrion and throughout the allcrocon session. writ supported by Messrs. - &aright, McClure, Ids/rite . iuni reticent, and cwt. red by Messrs. Berg Wiry Sharpe, Wells,Wad- V.stterthwalte and the two Coeinzes. The opponents urge that the State could derivest int! resceu : t7Willis the Inch trgi. reis ; that under the bill the State would derive reaper cent :off the redacts of the whole with- - out assuming any riak. The bill was finally re ferred to the Committee- of Ways and m o ans by • Tote of 47 against: 43. . Ad)outhed. 'HE- FIRE lli MILADELP,BIA. Eterilge of Petroleum in the City Pro hibited. MISTY rEISOND DEAD AND CHING; Purtinistamis, Feb. it —Both 'louses of the' Pennsylvania. Legislature, today, passed a bill to prohibit the storing of petroleum In Phflatlet _ 'phis city. The loss by-the Oro yesterday Is over $500,00). The loss on coal-oil Is $75,000. Only one-third of the total iO6ll Is lisured. 'The missing and dead number twenty persons. • Eleven of one family are missing, who are supposed to be burled in the ruins of the house. From Washington. WASTMCGTOIC, Feh.q.—Quartermaster General Mcig's has Imo!, an order, cautioning the dls. burring officers against paying certain vouchers: issutd by Colonel 'John C. Caine, and captured trite rebels. Among them arc- Touchers in favor of Masholl&Barber, Michigan City, one for *417,000, and another for 1P24,98. William Car- Providenee,Tt. L $ 1616;188. Phillips & Saw, CtacLutraU, 50,440. Bng. Gen. Gays, who has been paroled iv Rich- mond to distribute supplies to the prisoners, reports the receipt of six hundred and arty. pri vate packages and fifty bates of blankets. lie has commenced the distribution a supplies on band: and mites are quisition for two thousand suits of clothing. Gen Grant says the requisi tion has been partly filled already. The Supreme Court is now engaged oa several _lmportant prize cases, touching the validity of the captures of vesseLl running 'front one-neu tral port to another, with cargoes evidently de signed for the rebels. . The President to-day commtmle.tA the cor respondence concerning the alleged violation of .the neutrality Of the United 81431 in the war between France and .Meitleo. 'Secretary Seward promised the Mexican. Minister several of the instructions already giver to the authorities of fan Francisco. relative .to trade-between that point and Acaptuce..-, Mobile Powder_Go'ng to etea—Maximit -illiii'a Prospects In Mexico. Nxw Youg,• Yeb.lo.—By the steamer Gen. • Marne' we have the New Orleans Timsa of the Ist. The only Item of. It:tonna is a stodemem that a gentleman who : left Mobile on the 16th alt., states to that, paper,t.hat the powder from the magazines was rapidly going to sea. The,steaffierMorcessile brings, Ilavatra dates to the 4th. Adviccs from Mexico show.that the imperial threes were concentrating. about Tara co, and will probably capture the , plant., bat in the meantime nearly the • whole Of the State of :Jaliela beftwe front mva . - and mid have throths . °dile yoke of the imperialists, so that other woriOrM be ready for them alter the • fell of Vazeco.- Indeed, the whole country mill lave ' to be conquered and teconquered. Maximillian't propped., are very dubious. Guerrilla/ are very troublesome, and renorts'of revolutions 14 the - City of Mexico, though Mil- Malty defied, continued. The JuarLit, Tunica, !captured the town of Witepne. Acapulco has been oftleuilly announced as abandoned. Are. togas has 2,500 insurgents Inlitorelia. The Im perialist General Vega, was *defeated - and shot at Elfuerterin Seraloa. The imperialists wits • able to hold the City of Scacialtna, only three -ear.: • 41194 ocNcliT Vork....Tbe Pahl me pc. • NawTong,Feb. 'J.—The morning papers have ihe rtvortufthe Committee frrim New York City, 'with The rota of their visit to Washington. ,No reduction is to be made In the quota of the city, and probably no postponement. Larger boun ties are to be offered In the hope of filling the quota by recruiting. The contest in tile State Senate for the Paid- Tire Department is. very exciting. The Police Commissioners charge the firemen with robbery and riot, and say the volunteer system is much more expensive than the paid ovum. Parßeilly to Regular Army Officers. I Wearturems ' Feb.. 9.—A correspondent of the New York Commercial .4rieerffxer complains Of partiall7 shown at the War Department to illicers of the regular army; most of whom Instead of being in tbe held where their services aro most urgently demanded, and whom they would be - of lacsicidable advantage, owing to • - their education in warfare , have Omit placed In pleasant positions ma of harnee way, drawing allowancos for quarters snd rations In kind and " other extras, which go to swell their pay. jOat r sf 1141 of mach officers only 113 are on duty with their regiments. . . Exebasge of Prboriero. Wow ,Yonn, Feb. V.—The . Wsrfa's Washing 'ton special mentions the arrival of Col: Miliford to testify before tho Committee on the Oototnet lho War.. Col. Mulford:Sulu s foil =change Is agreed upon, but the delivery ealroulgbemade the rate-of 3000. per month. It R G ZETTEO _ • 114 PIT op-- et- P 10. F y -NO. 45. LATFAT FROM GMT'S NitilY. THE FIGHT NEAR HATCHER'S RUN Our •Loss in Sunday- and Monday's Engagcnienis About MOO. SLIGHT FIGHTING ON TUESDAY. 01 I LINES EXTENDED MUT PIPE MILES Iffeat of the iailtge of the Peace Con •CREAtER - INFLUX Of DESERTERS THAN EVER Advices from Fort Fisher TIEIThVnItTEES. AEIIT ur THE rOTCIIIAC, Feb. r. u.—The fight near Hatcher a Itan yes- terday was out, of the most severe that has taken pbece to this army fur eomc tint; and tuittutt Into ennalderatioa the unfavorable character of the 'ettuntry through which the troops Lad to move, and the largo force opposing their advance. It is net strange that the enemy should gale a tem porary advantage. The country front the croislug Dabney'cldlil Is l'cry wooly, with MS22==l din;rtions. Tbe only route i n narrow by-road ntt wide enough to 3110 W two wagons to pass and in many places ht bad gonditiou. The 3d Ins - Salon of the sth Corps advanced suppwrittl by the lat and gd Die Worts, and. also by a brigade of the tith Corp , . The enemy were driven to, and beyond the mill on this rout about three mars from the crosalng, to aawir line or hreman mks. There were no tens than four divi akos o f the enemy opposing our men, namely 'Mahon and Pegram's, heath's and Gordan's tb- Vb inns. The latter !tree cpposra the fah Carps. while Mahon, acting independently. engaged lircgg in the Vaughan road, when Gregg dr detcd LL cavalry to dismount unit bola his op pc m cl bark, la itatug some Ins on %Ili Findlr; no chanec to neeompliih anyati,Lr In I r.Fltlon 11,3 Nlict•l,l r,un4l, ned III:Irvin,: Cu a Ly rent I unt:irz north.we,Lwardly :41-11:;;: MIMMIM=I . . . and eltneing it' to fail bark on its centre. The good, here being en thick us to render the forma th.d2 of a continuous kin invoeisible, the e .nn 'mania hecamer•tonfewhat colftesed, and the . . 'heavy tire W hieh Wall poured In by Thiftilll . 3 mat made Mega still worse, and In :t for minutes the entire lige left their position, filtieg hags rapidly torritrie the point they started . frem. ' The fcar of being eat off from the crossfog at the Vauchn road increased the confusion, and for a short time it scented as though a reg ular panic had seized 01,00 our men, but upan reaching the open country on the Vaughn read and finding no enemy there, and the bridges all safe in the pOSsesslon of our troops, they be came matured, and 1p a short time the g+ eater part df the corps were in line realy to inert the enemy as soon as he Bhould appear. A few minutes after when they did show them• s. - iv, aat the edge of the woods, they were met by such a storm of bullets as to send them back into.t he moods seen quickly. Oar leirdnring the day amounts to abonto9o, and that of Sunday to about 2:10, making alotal for dm two days of abcatboo kliled,wouniledaad missing. The loss of the enemy tarot known, but is believed to be fully as large as- our own. We hank *about IISO prisoners, among whom are a number of officers. Notwithstanding a severe, storm of rain which set In last night and continuing all day to,dav, . freezing as it fell, the SI Intl:ton of the . Stti corps advanced to the point itvcathed yesterday at Ilibio'r• the rebels before them and Into Mel , works heydind, 7. Thiensualtlealfi thla affair havewnot vet been reported, bet are said to be very few. stasnalhe lighting done to-day. Our permanent lines now extend from what wee forincrly the extreme left, at Fort Cum reinq, on the Squirrel Level road, to and across Tiatiller's run, at Armstrong's Mills, with the advance will out towards Dabney's Mills, a dia. lila of about . four Miles, all of which Evoked had been ammited from the enemy during the past three days, and maker the lint much safer and more formidable than before. special Western Associate Press Dispatch. NEw Tonic, Feb. 9.—The Trtloseds Army of Potomac special says: The object of the move ment to the left row seems to be a general re. conuoisranee of the enemy's position, strength and movements, and to inteefere with the line of fortifications which it is understood theyare meat:setting to protect the branch they are building from South bide to the Weldon rail r..ad, blow Ream's Station. The rebel force that met oars at Armstrong's Aft I • as rart of corps, including Mahon's v crap brigade. The rebels, as usual, had dsn-med Hatcher's run in several places, making d - flieult for oar troops to cross ex..VDt by damns us'u u Web the enemy's lira was nst - iicalarly concentrated. NOI.AVII hstandifig thil difficulty, oar men man aged to get arrons ender protection of our anti -ry, and to drive the enemy from their works. Prisoners taken said they were not ertsectlng an :meek, now that the pence consinhisioneva had ;..CI . O Omer. As :sou as the weather permits, further active movements will no doubt take place in this richt il. one or two like the Last will bring us whbin racy striking distance of the Southside road, witch it is hoped will soots be la our pos e...lon. YI.ST Tonu, Fri.. 9.—A T; buns special troop" the Arrry of the Fosonine says: Onr gain t: this n novement, so far, is the extension of oar line ab et five miles southwest of the Boyd , x e I Lank toad. The snow nod alert storm this morning has (Lamp .1 into a steady cold rata, which OpIT.ItC3 o:a!owt 11;11t:Mg, tut the men are improving their time in etre:sober:ls, Our new position. The reception of the reCel peace commission era within our lines had the etfect of tsliokeninz up derertious from the enemy. The (More of the commissioners is already ft:lowed by a greater halm of deserters than ever. They any that when they EMS the peace movement actually on feet they waited to see the result : as soon as they saw there was to be no peace they started own: The Trayme's spectal of the Sth says: The new gain of five miles on nur leek is 1,,i114 e•rougly fortified this morning, and will tee held at all 11EX111131. This is a magtilleent gain for ee. nod a o rresooriding loss to the enemy. The—cavalry are still reconootterit g, to the \\ - rot nod ,Southwtst. It has been developed by this movement that Lee has sect several divisions of troops against Sherman, thus materinlly weakening lets line. 04r armviine on the railroad is to be immedi atelytoaheloatln the Lloydlown plank road, Sad will soon, no doubt, ho connected with the Bond:aide railsoad. We are within easy artil lery re nee of the flcuthside railroad already. Fart Fisher dates of the Gib eny that active iwetilitin bad not been resumed. On the fith the gunboats were eng.aged in shelling the woods beyond our front line in front of Fort Anderson. The rebela hats sank a large number of tarps does connected with galvanic batteries on shore; Descriers represent that the greater portion of Orris force has been withdrawn from Gea. Welt seri 'mrnediato front and concentrated near Wit totatton. Trial or General PaSoo—lmpor:)ant Moviments-.l3epridations by 13oldters. Canto, Feb. 9.-- . :llajor Generals Hunter, lirintzclumn and Casey, Brigadier Generals Carrtheicm, Harrow and 2,l'lntosb, Colonel Con nell of the iS th lowa, and Judge Advocate Dann, constituting a gonenil court martial for the trial of Brigadier General Paine, bar:: arrived, and will convene the court immediately. General Paine has not arrived, tun Is expected 'Acre to, important military movements are tranaplt. Inc, but the details arc contraband. Numerous depredations hare beet' committed bereduring:the last thirty-six hours by the troops Tao It.g throur,h the city. The citizens hone to cc roil cd cf thousands of dollars' word' of nreoet ty; the stores bars bees Mosel and busi- mss almost entirely &amended. thutmont. •NIIR YORK, Feb. o.—The Sock Market Is wlthent special nethity. The moult of Grant's 01 - 013Cil ho variously interpreted, and the market is held In suspense under the expectation of news of a further movement. Railroad speculation is strung on Gm New York roads, bat heavy and lower ou tho Western roads. Governments in good demand and eteatly. State bonds quiet and steady. Coal Bat steady; Cumberland stood highest. * Tho gold speculation was very 'inlet, - both hulls and hears welting for further military LOW/. Money abundant, at t; per cent. Foreign exchange lower. Petroleum stocks ste.ady, and vales of Germania, at 00; Kolekerbockor, Oceanic, 4,05; Ileydelek, 14,00: Jack, 4,00; United Ntates,•23,oo; Cherry 8un,90; Buchanan form, 1,60. ticw York Stock and Many Mattera - *hip Owners' Convention. DETROIT, Feb. 9.—The Ship Owners' Conven tion met here last evening. Delegations were present from 'ill the principal lake ports. The Convention organized by electing Merrick, of Detroit, 'President, St. John Bemis, of Buffalo. Smeary, several }ice Presidents and Assistant Secretaries. A committee consisting or one Dom each delegation wo e appointed to bring 'business before the Convention, niter which they adjourned till this forenoon. . . LATE MINES FItO)1 PEPERT CF THE REBEL . FEACE COMMISSIONERS Letter of .T( ff.. Davis to the Rebel Congress ACOVNT OV UPANT,! .. OOVOMENTi BKVUEE deo, eft c 3 - p eec WA , ni;caTox, Feb. 9.—TbelCchrnlnd r tLc 4th, t aps the fullowin; ductunculi wen; a;d Li fore Corgrcm morning To at Striate owl Honse Brywesentatires of o,l7.ltfairrrite Stairstl . America: Having rerent ly reethed a writteu nottileatlan, whicli eatisfied roe that the President of the United States woo di-{weed to confer informally with unothelat gents that might be sent by me, with a view to retiorntlou of pear*, I requested lion. Alex. St: Owns. Itor.lt. M. P. Hunter and Hon. James A. Catupuell to proceed through our Hoeg jut huh! a coOrrenee with Lincoln, or such ',era us asle relied depute to represent him. 111 , whits:Muth for the inforntrai inn of Couttre4s, he ri or, of the eminent citizens chore ret showing that the enemy ',rusts to eater Ito uegotiaticam with the Coufeilerate Etta es, or any of them teparattly. or to give our For.le any other terms or guar mace Mtn lilt at, which a conqueror may grata, or to remit la la have peat, on any other basin than our unconditional su4misriou to their rule, coupled NI it h the aecaptan CC of their recent Wes t:lotion, Including an atntaidmeht to the 'Unrel- Unice, for the emanelhallou of negro ,Invea Kith the right, on the patient the Federal Con gta es, to luglelate en the subject of the relation Ictwetn the white and black populations of each &Ile. Such la, I understand, the effect of the emendment.to the Cungitntion which haa boon adoi ted M• the Cougros et the CoIDd States (wetted 3. Jt:rreitstr.: It h bin r.d, Feb. :',, 1563. Tothe Preri,:mt 11, Cm.fl.rate Slotes--Sin:— Utldur yon let ter of appointment of the 2.4 th ult., Or p•oc.t.oh. mice:: an informal conference with A btabetn Pr6 , ldent of the I.i nit ed States, open the subject twrntioned in o•anr latter. Tl.c conference was granted, and t ook pt.oeo on the i:0:11. ul., MI bawd a steam., anchored in 11411,1 cm whore, we met PreA.leni 1.111- eclu umi the nub. Mr. S:vvrEa.l. S,e^et.try of Crte of tilt- I'Lltotl F.;1:11 Tt for ..I.lt.calLcics, and Iva, full. an.l . . urrmd bum tlwm that the al . c •ident Ilit,oht to the COntrress of the felted Sim, in 1 , , r. tutor Inst, explalus clearly and tthtinctiy bin et htrtututs as to Ito , t,mns, condithms, and the tliod p r oc e ,i in; tr btca peace cult by tenured to the people ; and we woe t o t In torrucd that thty would ba n.cohtt et! or altered to obtain that end. hndcastand front hint that no tertua or torpeFais of any treaty Or agTettlint,h)OlClUZ to an ultimate settlement, would be entertsinc.l or trade by him with the authorities of the Cenfcd• crate States, because that woollier a recognition of their existence as a separate power, Which order no circumstances would be done, and like returns that net such term. would be entertained by him from the Confederate State separately; asst no extended truce or arntietiee. as at prosent ad, ifird. would be granted or allowed without eatlifixtory azturances la adeancerof a complete ituration . of the authority or the Coastltution std laws of the Culled States over ail plaect within the States of the Confederacy; that what rr consequeoces may follow from Cho retitab- O MIM. hi of that authority must he accepted, but that the individuals subject to pain' and tweet. coal the under the hoes of the United Slates might rely upon a very liberainee of the power confided to him to remit those paint and penalties If peace be restored. Curing the conference the prono, sed amend ment to the Constitution of the United States adopted by Congress on the 31st nit., wan brought to cur notice. This amendment pro vides that neither slavery nor involnntary ser vitude, except for crime, should exist within the Luriedittlott et the United .s,tit.; hod that Cos glees sinstia Save the power to enforce this renradhrent by appropriate legit.' &on. Of all the conference herein mentioned and leading to the same, you have heretofore been informeg,. Very respectfully, yonr oh% serv't, .r, A. TI. STEI'IIiNS, ' R. in. I, Ilenlry l Joan A. CamplAtt r.l,-,h,rl, ML. 6.—The enemy, yesterday, odisored In heavy form down the Vaughan reed and eeized the crossing at Ifatehtr's Gnu, deli ins bark oar pickets at that point. Taey :len mend Armstrong's mill, and the 311143. icy abet , aiding both points with Infantry, is: ik thel avalry swept around our tomes and aiveneitd cm Dlnwlddle Court House, General W. F. Lee met their advance there, and after a sharp engagement, drove them back. At the seta. time the enemy made demonstrations at other points on one right, but were easily rc pt.:fent. The enemy's cavalry retired to Hatcher's lino. - '1 here was no heavy infantry fighting. The oremy extended, hut did not advance their liar, obit the object of taking in more woodland. 11,..v cartured a few and lost some prisoners. Tt • y also lost several fursze wagons. f•ur latest )t.: die dole. 0,313 that there are 1.. 1t..: La, its 6,..:. , t: of therk.. , t:) Si :'...-azt.ale, xtt 11 lining CElrruchinenth. 'I . • 4 . 11 c e :In tOlll.ote :Or to recall them from no, -..t.1.•. re no this %W., OT, it may bc. to fore, s re O•:' i 1 - pther coot riles and Inc ready for opera:tons In the open ing of tire spring. The Carolinian says r The enemy seem content vith eceasional shelling of our fine.. nom his cuol oat% 'which are In the hound. and in the roe, r. Our men are in ...seri:eta spirits. and not et all eltreunn.ted by the enemy's naval demon streelous on tither flank. A diee tier came Into oar Mars yesterday, in ho reports that Admiral hosier and Gre. Terry are both awaiting orders from Washington, her. 114 acconspipthed the olieet of tto.: ecpertitinu try the capture of Fort Fisher. The roomy wilt out eta rant anything further. It was currently reported that Sherman's ar my had made -a lodgment on the rfiliroad be. ts..n Ittanchville and Augusta. The only fact it nfirnottory of the report is the interruption of telegraphic communicants' with Auguste, yes t. litay morning. Gen. flood had arrived at Angc'ta and made a ~per, lt to the people., Gen. Beauregard also made a spinal after Gen. flood. Ile nsviewni briefly his military career from the orbit of the, Met gun at S. amt., to the present ...he, and he wanted them te knew that lie Inter, led to tight to the hitter end, and if he failed ho catdd piv 3 I 33E33.1: to 60MC foreizn country. Au r Ricer, from the front, informs the Colum ba., (Miss.) iirinsbiic that the FrO..rrtts are eon• err trnting, large forces at Eastport for the our. I. 'e of moving on Selma anti Montgomery as stns ::, tin roads are in a better condition. •-- Now YOLK. Feb. 9.—Ttie T's., Richmond 1.7..., ,, 0rrr learns that the Federal GO, ertenent has been notified that Its existence will only be recognized after the 4th of klatch as far as Its actual civil authority ex tends, and that a separate nationality of the Confederate States will be recognized on the same principle. T..' debate on arming the negroes was con cluded-in the rebel Senate. Nearly all the Sena tor* agreed that Independence and emancipation were better than subjugation. Mr.-Sims, of Kentucky, raid that Sherman was loose and roaming at will, and unless he wan soon checked, they would have no territory to cultivate. Jeff. Davis was thorough, abased during the debate. • ream Memphis—Rebels Reported on the -Arkansas River. Csino, Feb. 9.—flue City of Cairo, from Mem phis, brings l bales of cotton for St. Louis. The Memphis DlNdtst says that a large num ber of rebels, including Klaglls' command, Biz hundred strong . , aro reported on the Arkansas aide of the river, near Mound City, under Rob- Ilbe7 are Vddelltlf lebendlng to =Bs the river Int 9 :as town. re:evenly-five of Quantrell's old band craned the deer, and made for the front of our lines several ap ago, but are now gone Late the interior., Gil:relics are tumerona near our Lam and rob beries art frequent; dead pickets are brought In every morning. The Military authorities have made a regalia- Lion on the city treasury of Memphis for $5,000. d Mill coon make another for a like amount- This money had been collected for liquor been rec. tinder the CUM license order, and the rceul, shim; ii. for refunding a inn of § , 2,00 per bait`, irrlpreld by n Military radar on Cabot, The St. Albans lla!dcre NE-or Suns, Feb. —Maretial Murray has re ceived a dispateli from Washington directing him to proccid immediately to Washington to take charge of the twil, R.-41.1mus raidem wbo.Nsill be delivered to him to be brought hero for trial. Evacuation . of Mobile Confirmed. New Thaw, Feb. 9.—The steamship Yazoo, from Ncw Orleans on the 31st ult., reports that a continuation of the evacuation of Mobil,i'was srlterapbed , to that sand from New Orleans, by the South-west l'ass. • • --- New York Gold Market. lisps Youn, Feb. 10.--Gokl exceedingly dull; the principal demand Is from Imports, while on ' , peculation there Is almost nothing.dolng. The price opened at 314, and , steadity , deeldned to Change In the Department of Kentucky. Wsannurroci, Jan. 9.—Mcd. Oen. Palmer, who is vow in Washington, has been, It Is said, or to the- command or the Department of Kentucky, In Ow of Gen. Burbrldge. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1865 (N IMEii LAIER rnom geom. Blorl:lufe lieu ntug .Icknou.l4" tddjed 'Played Out." ASE CF THE CAPTAIN OF TAE "SdENANNA3 The Alinude of Paraguay and Brasil FOREIGN' MARKETS, &c. i • 'SE %V TPux, U.—Tho steamer gOstrula ion, trout lAA rpool ou the ‘28[11,. vla QUeons town ou tke LIAO ult., arrived at ten o'eloOh to night, with news a week later. 'I he pore is very meagre No American news had been received In ,1•:ng• land for a week, nod thu oaner• consequently were unusually Intent on AmerlC - an attains. The Etna's !libelers were being received wlpn the creamer left. • The London Times publishes a letter Conn a litrodeo merchant rt-ecntly from Savannah,''; In bleb he. Pays that blockade running It about acrd out, and what retuning will noon t, eta- to d to the Confederate tinvernmmt. II .pinems the croon captured in Savannah at a low tigure. The Timer editorially, strongly opposes nay nacre Arctic expeditions. The liaok of From,: gained four million frauii ca•le In a arch. ' .. Pourik• firmer, at 671. 20e. i'al heal itemoustrotlons were thlsing place 14 Tos in, but no ditdurbarce had:occurred. In the Spanish Senate, Marshall O'Donnell told the rracnation or Son DOLUiIIISI was all Ild; OMI , II,IICd fact. ltenant he would have guar. anti .1 to put dawn the rebellion in three months, anti was still ready If the ttnecn wished It. ( atrium moil: to Dec. _.oil, and Ilene Koutc; Di . YaL, ore received. Their nave Is generally antielpeii cl. 'I he ease of Capt. Corbett, of the Shenandoah; ls rchmvitfor trial to the Court of the Queen's Der oh anal amount of Frederick To:. I, mailer the Secretary of iLc Treseury. had addrcsbed It'..l.l , l.llllClitA la ha., of roe-inlvn elation, a. Eag'iand'i p.ali-7 In erica. A Pardeuny rOrr , rowlent Inc.:The m - ri- It rt.:1.1:3r,, `lr. IA h. 1.1 corn no VII ntrd 1111. &C.; .11 from \fr. pratc.-1:1; the illt;l1241.• of 1.41-3;l.litT ntrl ern inr ~/. . h.hdi of Brull, • .) I. it di, uar ILn /I_l !lie nualit wit t to . Pitt ttic or thit rcreipl o!' !vim Pei it. • I he Fungarian Diet is to be,ull . toked for tI, :;,is of MOT. 111, triintary tillillnali have bred iii l ert. , cl rending he Earopean was Cent- I d nti the 1 7ili Janni,ry. unit ni‘gi!,, al I ., ,i.laillipareac had laOlCattal U./ the mutt agnittst the clew law •iti Oct pr.. ii. l.osoov, Jan. f2S—Kccoieq.—Yrofesbor Gold oni Smith, Di a loiter to the Daly Ness, says that now, fur the nrat lime, we Invy disci yse a gllmincring dawn of peace. lie oral., that nv ram as tlacory is virtually conceded en bath rides no.4milon remalne butthat of State rizht, 1 and the ~,sibillty of peace Id board on the ',o perable rceognition of thane rlghta. lovvi.voitt, Jan. eli---.P:ccomg.—The rtnnors of On peace urgotlatlona from Richmond, re ;r rd to.day by the Etna, created much tank in I.l' quo!, and exerted a very Supremac; Milo:t en the cotton stark t. • . • / . Ifmk, (—The Bank of England, ot, the 2 5 th, retuced its rate of discount f mn 5. 3 to 5 per vent. The weekly retume of the bank those an Increase In bullion of .£144,908. Funds Rite firm. Consols cioilag at 111/?.;(tvcJ,,3. / ;•••• rl.wl, Jut. 2,V., n, ns—The limiters' Cir cular says: Cotton has bCen in comparatively fair r•quett, last tery freely offered, and closed with a devlbre of 9, In the middling and hetter qualities. The sales of the week add up t"...M hales, Including 1900 bales to speculators Clifa) to eaportan. lireadetuffa—Walcelleld, Nash & Co., awl others., report the price of dour unsettled. Wheat without change; Red Si Worn, 7a 5..1@) 4 4 4.1; White, Set 9e. Corn held firmly; vales n lulled 2db ? d 0 pounds. ruielslois•—tlurdn:, roc: , & C . 4,. and olkes, rnynrt Mei steady. rock Arlo, at 1 100, tdihldue citiaT.ty. ilavon In good rtquest, at Is adtall:Vi 49,Ctltli. Rants alw to dearer. Cheese brat. flutter In fait demand at steady prices. land reap fine, cloeng with din leaked for fine .id. antfs76 Gd for new. TallOw to rood de mand aun auchanged. l'itrcleum —Messrs. !Molt, English .1,3 firanrion retort a very quiet market; sale* of Refitted at I. I Id(d in Id, as to quality. Ames...en Severities—S.2o's selling at 464 (51 47 , 3 , and Erie and Illinois .hares firm; the for mer at :',.5(- 3 ,36,!,3 flit! latter at Sali - M5014. /...wri.rwi, Jan. NS.—Enn,rnf.-4.:Ottou doll awl declined tidOolid, attributable la part to the ef t.. or the Etna'. news. Lkeartatnirs quiet and • tr...:3 . t h en idiom steady. I . tudund varlet t .and study. Console far money tftl‘V•ettl"r. r,- 34 ,; Illinois Central, 5o .3 (5, CONGKESS-SECOND SESSION Wan! Can, Feb. 9, is; BF.NATE. Mr. I nue, of Kansas, Introduced a bill to cx. ts bd the homestead loan for settlers tor lands re sertral for railroad purposes, which was referred to. the Cummtithe on Public Lands. Mr. Truml aft- Introduced a concurrent 1,10111- e.4lnrating the President of tho United btu yr to tratantit to the Executive of the see. cral Slates COOEM of the article or amenement, potased by Congress to he added to the Cobstit no ion, respecting the extioetion of PI .IVe5. to the . lot that if any of the States hare not isot rut it they May proceed to do so , d ad to r e . utbat the r xerralves of States that have acted to tr, ard the official matter of said action. Ad•Tt.A. The linitne hill to regulate commerce between thr several States was made the special order for a ti t.t ttia,E. The hill to odd one degree from tl.e territory of I tah to the Stmt.( Seraia was lip, ail atter some diens...Mon, passel. 1 he till to estahlish a bridge across the Ohio r; err at Citielat all was passed. The legislative, executive and judicial:appro priation toll was considered with tut acting. r. Hey Gllered a resolution directing an it..prity lido the expediency of allowing State bts, I.aealg !wenches, to become 'ational er kr. oil still use a portion of their capital for king r tsiposes, and keep an °lnce of disrmunt d gait at the place where smelt branches m.ar held. ! , 1 laVrailliCed a bill establishing ,norm militia throughout the United States, lb.-it:elm; ail . b. between twenty and fottr, aoh the Icerpti aof the following: The Vice ideut, metnbere and emcees of Congress, Custom Rouse officers and clerks, Inspectors or <7 pilots, mariners actually employed and olding commissions in the army and navy for :bre, years, soldiers and seamen in the United Status wen ice, workmen In armories, clerks, null carriers, ferrymen, telegraph operators, Quakers and Shakers, and all who are extxmpted by State lams. it was tefaTed to the Military Committee. The Senate then went Into Exeeutive session, and adjourned. HOUSE. str..Tntion reported linek from the COmmit tee on Public Lauds, the bills providing for the sub.dlvistno end sale of gold and silver lands, coltiage, kc. Then was no action on . the bill, and it war passed over. "lite Speaker then laid before the Home the following message "The Ikeloresik Stoats awl/hare of Represenfa tiara of the Mika Staler :—Thu joint resolution entitled, 'a 14int PUOIIIIIOII, declaring certain Bletes Dot entitled to renresentatlves In the Electoral College,' has besu:isignell by the Exec ellTC, In deerCIICV to the view of Congress, im plied In its passage and presented to me. In his own view, however, the two houses of Cntgress, convened under the 12th .net of the Constitution, have complete power to exclude from counting, all electoral votes deemed by them to he Illegal, and in not competent for the Executive to defeat or obstrUct the power by a veto, as would be the cure if his action were at all essential In the mat ter. Ile disclaims all right of the Executive to interfere In any way In the matter arc:turas:Mg or cm:trolling the eLotoral votes ; and he also dissianns that by signiag mid resolution he boa expreenril any opinion In the recital of the pre an11,11...0r any Judgment of his own upon the subjeo of the resolution. (tiligrosl,) "Executive Alanslon. Feh. n, Mr. Elliott called up the report from the Com mittee of Conference on the bill to establish a bureau tar freedmen. The report of the Conference Committee was concurred in, by 04 against 02. The Rouse weal into Committee of the Whole '(Mr. Pomeroy In the chair) on the amendatory Internal Revenue bill. Mr. Morrill made a brief explaullion of the features of the bill. Tho Rouse took a recess till 7. P. If. • • Erating Scuton.—The Committee proceeded to consider the various amendments in the bill pmposed to the present law. Mr. Washburn°, of Illinois, offered an amend ment that hereafter there shall bo Mammal and colleetedilfty cents pee gallon on all :domestic eplritson hand. The rote being taken there was found not to be a quorum present. After an Ineffectual attempt to obtains 9uo rum the House adjourned. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC Thr Rebels Abandoning their Position in Front of the 2d Corps. 611 ISSSES .1N TEE TWO DAYS' BATTLES &roiled Evacuation of Richmond Commenced. CUR FORCES FORTIFYING THEIR NEW POSITkON w Feb. ,1.-7 ho Ihrokra City Point dispatch says-the enemy abandoned the ground in front of the 2rl Corps that be had previously attempted to occupy and drive us from, and left hi, demi to full into our hands. Burial partl4% w - ere buoy all tiny In giving them the last rites of humanity. We are etili bolding, and intend to bold, all the ground in the direction of Hatcher's • Thrlot.cs of yesterday and day b,•fore are, la killed and wennded, between two hundred and and three hundred in the '2.1 Corps, and probably not far from fire hundred In the sth COll.. 1110 loss of the latter is rAtimatell much hirber by many, lint I think it will not greatly esr<rd nherr figures. iii Medal. tleneral F. O, ltnru•s,'rontmanding a briende of cam airy, Is .14lttly wounded. Major Tremalne, on (leueral Gregg'e stall, In reported umed, • • • . II mca reported In , t v 01.0.1110 at the front, that the en, iilry which hail once.) to Din widdie I. volt N cued the lioydtown plank road, lies,. enuttno it twenty of the etony'si wre4nits, I al 11 :10.111 a hundred :mid to cling to I Olcy .1011 tc..on's connwool. It la generally nborrved by nor (olive, ono I dies that the enemy do not Ilata a, well n.‘ for tool It Is, to a great extent. attrlbutiol 11, la n lidetinn tactic., - of General tlTant which kiep then, In enn.talit motion, marching horn ihrCulto.col to another. only to retool apaia, until thcv become 111,,lwartenad and die. ph ;h.', 1112,1 ri.idy to throw duwu their arms and yi. ld Ito tni,occra whcnever au oppll . - maity nun 3,. r . . 11.! 121 V, It MO nOnored in Wasltlng t• n 7, t-rilay that the Waz Department had re.. that General I.ro had Com the evarinition of itichannad, awl V wan ,ut 11 . 1101 1,1 these movements of the army of the l'ohonac re Ike iLnatqAl to eta Mat on the Foutta,aa• Our -trop that it has boot Ratihfic lin Ilst attt - oil al otal that haa, lq. to this ti nt at (cry rot - of Id, troops south. The ire Ipet!tal 7,44 I The rebel III 1.8,19: on I the kit of the Fifth corps woo gallmitly repulsed Ayers' di ti.lon, with conaiderable 10113 to 1.1111 etaloy. The left of the Fifth eorl4 now rush on the iloydlown plank rood, and the entire front of thi• Fifth and Second corrs are tieing fortified to the lax Of the old fortified position, which hi 'held by the Fifth Corp.. (Inn.% s cavalry is still co a reconnokanco inwards the Southside road. The whole iiinnber of rebel priFoners to eu, up to boo 1,1 ning, was about three. hundred. ant , . sierra prevails this morrtiog. New You', Feb. 9.—The Tr/batter corms- Pereieree, Item the battle field, dated the 7th, tihhh Is toe lotted, has been received. it says .Yet before dark, the evening _previous, our trvors gallantly repulsed a desperate charge made by the rebels, aad that toe left of the 7,th car,. rests ou tho 13ophown plank road, and ow entire front was being strongly fortltletl. !Ibis correspondent gives ni r iludleatlookof any snecets whatever, on the part of the.robels. Oar troops have advanrod, and bravely hold tho the trotted they have taken. - T Lt. rottX, Feb. ll.—The Richmond Angoieer, of the rAe. nays: Stibmlssion, abolition, and re col:urn:lion, were the only terms that could be t ut of Lincoln tied Seward, by their peace commissioners, and hence tbn South hos only to It says this result will have the effect to 1416,i:the Icople more closely and strongly, , it 'brill' notbluz worse to .tibmit to ttuto now demanded by the cerrny. The Noll:lel Soya: The South has been instal led. It regards the passage of the Constitu tional Amendment as on outrage and upturning of ths soclol Institutions of the South,and as rob bit g Its citizens. Lincoln's propositions were that the South should Lay down their aims and illsysise of their homes, and he would appoint for the Confederate States, lilarshals, District At test eys and Judge* for the United States Courts in executing the confiscation low; that ha would do it as leniently as possible; that he would treat neither with the Confederate States nor any State separably; that he will listen to nothing abort of recor strum ion and submission to the Constitution and laws passed under it, and the -Jere question was disposied of and was not now to le: discussed. I ' e s. Smith, of Vireinia, calls a meeting to re send to Lincoln's answer t.. the rebel Commis- diment. The Srnticiel endorses the rall and says: "I et us tut our heels on I.lneole's Insolent Insult and relent defiance to his menaces." Nits loan, Fvh. 9.—Late Richmond papers have the following: M. Is —The cm my demonstrated homily on our right, our pickets on General Jordan's (root were driven in, .d a purtion of the enemy's forces reached the V seal,an mad, and crossed Hatcher's Ran. Some sklrtnishing has occurred:4m the object of thy movement is to.t.dercloimet. 'llly to; my's trains hare been running Inces tinnily for the last two nights. -ft is sapp,sed that thev were cam lug troops front their right to Ito it lea. • 11.1,11C0 'even p. m. and one o'clock last &gilt, the hes.% leSt eannonadimt that has oe. roved ha weeks took plats on our l-it, canard 1.1 . f he eta my I.lwilinn . cur Chest,tl ,11 works. caf ion ou our side. • Constitutional Amendment Ratified-- Troops for South Carolina. CiNci-N,ll, Feb. o.—Thu Ohio Legislature bas rntlti..l the Con.litUtlittle Amendment. G.A.-rpm Ilron.lette bent a 1120.5.4 age to the K. nt achy ore yeAer.bsy, recommendio4 the ratlllention of 111.; Conblttntloual Amend- The 170 , - era*, Nashville torn pendent says wo COI tit of Hood's artny,—tilienthatn's and Lee's—have hero sent to South Carolina. rangementa tUr the Exchange of Pets ' otters Completed. Y.:IIX, Feb. 9.—The .grrad'i Fortress Nionioe correspondent ',tales that arrangements hate been made for a complete exchange of all soldiers, Including colored troops. The transfer will lie precycdeewlth as rapidly as possible till all are exchanged. The exchange will take !hive at Aikens* Landing, on the James river, mid hoot. will run regularly between Annapolis and that liner. I.ortsviirs. Veb. S.—The recent military or der disbanding the State tmopa has been rescind ed by direction of the War Department. russet, from Nashville are now required for all persons leaving this city for NILIIITHIC and points larther South. NIVW YORR, Feb. 9.—Tho steamer from nova nn, on the 4th, has a-rived. The report phout Mr. (Orin being made duke, Sze., canned merriment In Havana. (twin is ening to Europe, having (oiled with Meetmil lien. Constitutional Amenlament Rejected. Dorrn,Del., Feb. B.—The Delaware legWater° to-day rejected the proposed amendment to the Constitution by a three-fourths rote In the Sea ate sad a two-thirds vote In the House. Military Vrauda in Grant's Department. • NEw Foust, Feb. 9.—The F:rpreat Fem. We hear to-day that Grantie on the erect of abast 1,000,C00 lost to the Government by military frauds In his department. It Is particularly gratifying to hear that Major Barry <Minor's guerrilla force was badly beaten near Moorefield. Vu., ou Sunday, and that among thO captured was Gilmer himself. This uotori ous pct of the rich and fashionable secessionist. of Baltimore has done a great deal of mischief on our border. Ile led the party that last sum mer mode the raid ou the Philadelphia and Balti more Railroad, robbed the passengers, burned k li the bridges and trains, and carried o ff as a pris oner MajovGencral Franklin. II has pillaged farms and burned'houses In lidaryla d andthe border counties of Pennsylvania loan extent not equalled by any other guerrilla leader except Moseby. lie Is at lam out of the way of doing mischief and we trust that he may, as a punish ment, have a prolonged captivlty.--Thaa. Bra; Win. Amcku.tu himeoLN A DESERTER In Clinton county, Pa., who hat eluded all parties sent to arrest him, awl who It, Is alleged, had fired several times 'apon officials ; in pursuit of him, was captured listir.cek in a novel manner. The provost manilla procured. an novel coffin, tilled it with muskets, labeled It with-the name of a deceruSed soldier. and seat It In thaw of a guard of six veterans, in clti; sena' clothes, to ha tailed in Cato township. The veterans. with their solemn burden, reached the township without exciting the slightest slut , pickm,*and then and there broke open - the coffin; seised their arms and arrested the deserter. ' ~. _ ._. _ :aL ~v. ~'%., ~ --7t5. ~ w.~=fv:'W,ra hx7f~ ' sfy.*'L : r'.t~ Late, Rebel News. Stilltnry Order Rescinded From Havana Harry Glimor. ukTY AND SUSURBIN. More 011 1/Ipteuverles. We tee Le tin.:l; n l al,lo interest has tiren oecasioned 111 that taunty. by the ere,. to di-eocery ,ti' mere. "45,AG:en.." Already hundreds of se,: have be, 1 abed, and in rule plirlA of I lit, county. denick, are Icing erected, nod engines I roaglit on for the purpose of bormg. The excitement on Sllpperyta-k .tilt rout in 11,.. and lands in that locality are daily inereasioq: In value, and indeed we may safely bay this ofcie- entire county. - ,14 hind is rapidly approaching these fabuloubprices,which"the greasy treasure" always creates. lint the prevailing opinion ap pears to be that this oiengenotte treasure is not ronficied to the locality of Sllpperyrock alone, Gut that It exists in other portions of the (aunty, and that experitnett Mg, next summer will inure fully dejelopthe fart. Oil has also been discovered in a well at Wei lersiturg, Somerset county . , in such qualities . to tattle beyond cavil the fact that oil exists there. A pump was being removed from an old well width had been abandoned. as the owner said, for the reason that the water was so "stinky and greasy" as to be unlit for rise, and In raising the pump it parted, We towel. Joint falling hack - into the well, which stirred the water up from the bottom, :causing bn'ables to rise, which, upon Investigation, proved tObeoll, In cullichnt quantities as to cover the top of the water. The possibility of the "indications" having been planted there was dispelled by hav ing all the water pumped from the well and the well thoroughly cleaned, when the oil again most in greater quantities than before. It is to tally uplike the Venougn ell, being a dark, heaVy, consistent, tarry looking substance, correspond ing with the Kentucky petroleum. The font that It has forced Its way tip so near the surface—the well being only twenty feet deep—and its thick consistent character, is held by geologists to ba evidence that it exists in large quantities.. 1n...n00 that •••••0..11,,, Pittsburgh and Connelsville Railroad The city , councils of Baltimore, nt a recerrt wetting, passed a /etiolation authorizing tire I Mayor of the city fn join, on the port of that it - v, with the Pittsburgh and Connellsyille It Al road Company in the suit now pending hr the Steleb Court for the Went ern District of Prrirmt Is atria against the • Connelltville ' anti S.atilln'tll Pennsylvania Company—the' real ob ject being to test the legality of the abrogation of The charter of the Pittsburgh and Councils. llailtmad Con pony by the State of Pennsylvania. 141,111 be remembered that at tire last session of our litgitilatiire a hill was passed taklpg Cromthe l'lttthurth trust Conuelltrville Railroad the privi legent r ytending their road beyond Connella vine, un the ground that they were unable to finish their reed, and fur other alleged delinquencies. Atthe tattle time a new road waS. Chartered, stylrd the Southern Pennsylvania, which too, (T.6)l' stl with all the rights, privileges, etc.,. Liken from the Pittsburgh and Connellstrille Cutup:my. The new road agreed in their appli i calk. 10 press the construed ion of their Man to Ito tetll:lllll 4 —Cumberland—itno , liately. At the tin, of the nbrogation of their charter, the Pittsi nigh nod Conneltsville road were letting • color:vie (Or the grading and laying of their Derek, having a sufficient amount of ready money rt to their check to par out s2lld,ridO per month, which was considered enough to pay all expemr s. This sudden and upespected tMn tut a stop to their energies fo- the time . being, but they h ave very wisely thrown the mat to Into court, where the legality of a legislation will i.e tested. The question trill he argued be ' fore Li. Honor Judge Grier next month, Hiding of the Union Skating Company. A meeting of the Colon Skating Company we- held held at the office of T. N. Miller, Esq., yerterday afternoon, for the 'lmpose of perfect ing, the organization of the.Associatiou. Mr. T. N. Miller was chosen Chairman, and John K. Shinn Secretary. Ninety all the stockholders were present, and the meeting was an karma- Mons one. Sy-laws and a constltutton were adopted. oral on election was held for the pi:te pees- of choosing nine Directors, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The following named gentlemen were elected Directors T. N. Miller,•P. It. nut. D. Corwin, J. T. Stockdale, W. J. Konutz, C. H. buyer, James Down. J. 1.. Graham, and Savel Aid ale John. S. Shaam•was elected Secretary and Treasurer, The Prtsident will he elected inn ISArtra of Directors. The prospects of the Asseclation ore very reemi- leg, all the sleek having, already been iota and there eon be no donta that we shall to presided with a first-class skating park by next wiuter. The ground has already been least d in a good location, and those at the head of the enterprise arc each men as wilt not fall to early out the design of the Association. The ante out of capital to .55.000, and the constitution pros Ides that, should that arunnut prove inaulti- Mem to put the park to proper 4rdzr, the sum may be increased to 610.000. Lincoln (Ml and Mlning Company At a mc'etlog of the stockholders of the Lincoln Oil 3rd Mining Company, hell at the office of Ito).. rt Wray;tJr., No. 4 Hand street, on the Uth it tr._ the foßowing gentlemen were elected as oft err of the company : Wildam SM'Catchcou, ideal; Robert Wray, Secretary, and Jake 11 4;. Treasurer. J. K. Itforange, W. P. Logan, We'r Hampton. bt Hullngs, and Robert Wray, Jr., I iircetors. 'file company starts nut with fair prospects of suttts es. The capital of the company is $lOO,OOO. Dt, tdvd into 100,000 !Mares of one dollar each. Tie working capital being 51,50( 1 . While tin cr - rt . arty hold tlO.OOO as a contingent fund. Mel Mg a uct working, capital of reSA,OOO. vfficcrs of this cwnpany are all well known in:stress mcir;t•tand fully understand the oil bust. nee. in all Its various parts, and we hero uo doer t, will make the Llucold Oil ('empeny one t.; ru Lett Institutions of the kind in tt.lel city. Mt. Burnett as Benry Ward Beecher. Ir.: Wclntsday evening. neat, Alf. Burnett, the etnirent eloculiohist, will deliver one of his in lumable entertainments, under the auspices of Ito Tranysen •Chub, at Lafayette Hall. While• is lben,klyu, recently Mr.'Burnett attended Mr. Bei riter's church regularly, nod heard no less than eight of his sermons, dbriag which time. he ...ate familiar with nis penuliar style of orato ry, and conceived the idea of giving. imitations at the renowned preacher. Those who are fa. nit'ir r with the "great original" pronounce tie ..• imitations truly wonderful. The Brook lye ('n i ce says "Air. Burnett's mast wan•ter- Ni imitation of Henry Ward Beecher drew dawn ti to 41C11 of applause here, w•ltere everybody has he: rat and become familiar with this great sa to, ti:/.er. It was certainly the most convincing moot of Mr. Burnett's great genius in so emu ly taking our-people by storm iu his success ful and novel Inaitution." Arica:ie. Ward Coming The distinguished wit and butnerist,..trtemos Weal, is announced to deliver his torture "Life Among the Mormons," at Masonic Mall, on Wednesday everting next. Artemis drew splen did nudlcnere oh the occasion of his former vis its here, hut we predict that, with a 'abject so new and lasciratiug, be will not be able to fled. mom fur all who may deelos to hear him. Ills stitkpet Is Illustrated by a aeries of beautiful palt.lings, which aid materially to the enter taluuteat. Ills agent is now In the city making tbs necessary arrangements fur the lecture. Tbc Tax on 011--Poblic Meeting. The proposed tax on crude petroleum mill meet wltlia very decided opposition among oil merchants both here and In the eastern cities. The subject is one of vast importance to a large class of our citizens, and vigorous efforts will be Made to defect the tax. A meeting of all persons Interested In the ell trade will be held this forenoon, at eleven o'clock, at the Mer chants' Exchange, Fourth,street, for the pur. pose of taking inch measures an may Ite, deemed necessary in the promises. SAD ACCIPICSIT.—A melancholy accident occur red on Monday morning last, at Mr. R.Jamison'a mill, two miles southeast of Greensburg. The Herald sari Mr. Aunts= and another man were cutting logs into proper lengths to put up on the Mill, when, after cutting ono oil, they were about to roll it towards the mill. Ills lit tle son, some four or five years old, was with them on the upper side of the lug; and what they took hold to roll It, he did the same and was carried over, and the log rolled upon him, crush ing and killing him. It was a sad spectacle for a rather to witneis, without a moment left him to save his child, or power to avert the inevit alit. result. ACCIDENT—On Tuesday, as Mr. John B. Knowloon, of Baldwin township, was driving a two borne team from the grist milrin.that town ship, towards his residence, be stopped at the top of a IQ to fasten the rongh•lock, when theborses started, and the road being very slippery, Me • horses and wagon were precipitated down an embanking some twentyrive or thirty feet. The .:ivagon and - team turned over two or throe times, but strange to say very little damage was ' done to either. Sams AND GAYLORD'S blinernund drew anethir large and delighted audience to cowed full last evening; and the berforeienees were re ceived with mar ked ' , approbation. Te they Min entirely new programme. and the loversie tun; musio;:deneing. and nor" comic/slides will have Tare opportwity to en joy themselves: Go caritif you would secure a good seat. Their engagement clone Musa? row evening. !',.,..".:::.'-;'.:i4i4.-?,::1:-'.;'7,%.:t.i.-..;r4._:''I.'.:i...': -,.'4.'..A:: .4..,''-.:•L-j,-,kr.ki,:i,L.4.,,-,;:z:i.',,::.:.!,!,,:u;.,.-..;•_•,•ri.'.4-.k.",.. 11. e i.rvia ••S. N :1 4 ' ct catphis replier wad nietaphy,cian. J. N. Far,, the b, ro of twelve, inenreeratanin for the saki: of truth, dropped int , i our santna I eyelike, !wiry, on his way Irani tltr vremt t tha h talc capliid. w lore he wiii "lift the veil the prise?. c of the :Semite and II oieni of It..pre- Sentatiee , . II:s idea la re and to the war it the only true ant, namely—that prej.aier. in the great Obstacle in the way of rave, earl. party vi-wing thair p,sitioo a, Hein " fivoi Inch. 0, n -id ad point." To remove thin presmtre of vein lire from the Mill& of people, try maaphysival rea• SOldnr, is • `..1. N.*b“ ; and we believe with him that thirwar will never In Settled until his grand principle is put into practical cariet. We are glad to learn from him thnt he is now on bin woe to Richmond ; and if ".1. N." dons ant sneered in ntaLing peace between the two sec tions, then we may expect an Indetlulte period of isle. When it iS tintiOttlietta,, hoWeyer, that "J. N." has passed into the rebel lines, we may espect to net the " preasure"returiced, and both parties abalning bands and smoking' the pipe of peace. Adieu, .•.I. N." The Third Ward Since the division, of the Third ward, the eiti-' Zeus are going earnestly at the work of relieving , themselves-from the comitsil, draft, They are holding. ancetings at the School House every night, and are beginning to feel a little "riled" over the - nom er. They seem determined to exert themsell i es to their utmost, and their spirit, as it now begins to manifest fisetf, is commsoria. ble.- They have beld.tho meetings—Wednes day and Thursday eyenlitga—and the amount that was subscribed is about $3,000. They will have to raise 035,000 ' from $12,000 to sls,‘ WO of whirls will be paid by the School Board. anti tiley are confident of success. We hope they Pia show lhemselrint. able to do their duty In this severe teat, and lly.n.by escape the dis grace of a dealt, Which they con avoid if the eiligens will come up to the work as they should do. Truth Ward and thp Uratl The new ward is now engaged iu its efforts to dlecharge Its Bret duty to the .govertrieut, no a part of the city, by filling its i s eta of men under thLifending call for volunteers. Its citizens are holding, mectinga nightly at the Third Ward i'l.chncl Home, and Its infantile cilorta ate likely le I.e run with success. Their Out eteetlaz Was held on Wedbeiday evening. and they again met p-iterday evening. The following is the ommoo ,abecritivil and paid on the two ecert !cc, IN ' net k Imk that amount thly Ivan; in rnipe but the above :..okt. very !Inch Mc Titl:mg.—This evening NleKean Buchanan talits hts benefit, and still prove his reputation es l.eing at of the hest actors now traveling. Ile will appear in the Shakspearlan tragic of — ultyleck," and in the genteel farce entitled Ardent.” We' expert to see him pat forth his best efforts, and a full house will un doulaedly greet- him. flo early and secure a scat. YAQT Wons:.—A party of enterprising men, Wei.l NATltiti, Westmoreland county, last Sat urday neat iu work and raised the neeewary cap itol for a National Bank, sent for a notary pub lic, elected directors and organized, all within fire ~.nure.: (eneral C. P. Markle Is President, oeil S. B. Rimer, Cashier. Tar will Faye twenty-five per cent. by, buying Four boots, shoes and gaiters at McClintock's, 111 Federal street, Allegheny, as he Is closing out at quit business. Boom, shoes, balmorals and gum shoes for trdsses and pets, at private sale, at, Mc- Clelland's Auction House, 5i Filth street. GENI3 . and boys' superior custom made boots and balcnornl shoes, at McClelland's Auction Hou•c, 56 Filth street. !MAI Bargains are now bring Lad at McCUa tari,:, elaciur out sales.° f boots and shoes, sit. VG federal ctrert. Au..!—Go to McClinittters dosing out bales of boots and Awes, at nd Fod.ralatroot. C uu. at % Federal street, Allegheny, and sate Dirtily. More Frightened than Hurt• • The old story which attributed to General Pat nam extraordinary coolness-Lin the 'opinion at least of the British officers—because he at at his ease on a barrel of gunpowder with a smoking fore—but which proved tiller all to contain mere onions or onion seed, has undoubtedly been re enacted in more titan one form since his day; since his so very easy to "make believe " and pass off an empty revolver for a loaded one, as was done by an excellent and pions friend of miuc, Captain C—, in the Southwest. Having been ordered to drive in certain pickets, the Cap tain, with a small band, proceeded to "chive"— which he did with such success as to frighten . . . Into flight a larger body of men than hts own. Unfortunately, his horse was "just a little too good," and, excited by the headlong chase, bore him Into the centre of the "Johnnies." "I hadn't a shot left In my revolver, but I made the hest of things, and, riding up to a gen gentlemanly-looking officer, who woo separated somewhat front the others, put my t Istol to his free and told him to surrender. Ile held a car bine In one hand, and his only answer watto begin to search In his pocket for something. Ile did this twice, when I eripd, In a great rage, 'Surrender at once, or you're a dead man !' So lee surrendered; bat when I brought him into .camp he remarked, 'lt was lucky for you 1 eeuld'nt find a percussion cap just when I wanted one.' I replied, 'lt was luckier for you my pistol wet uot loaded at all.' Our Colonel recog nized In him an old friend front New o;lcm:ta— t.° they paroled him.'"—linged Stiles Serried ifogdzine. Tea and Coffee Freud' coffee is reputed the beat in the world, and a thousand voices have asked : What Is about French coffee t , In the first place, then, the French coffee is coffee, and not chickory, or rye, or beans, or peas. In the second place it is treshly roasted whenever made—roasted with great care and everdms in a little revolving cylinder, whloh makes part of the (brunt= of every itchen, end which keeps in the aroma of the berry. It is never overdone so as to destroy the coffee flavor, which Is, to nine cases opt of ,ten, the fault of the coffee we meet with. Then it is ground, and placed In a coffee-pot with a Alter, through which It percolates in clear drops, the coffee-pot standing on the heated stove to maintain the temperature. The noes of the coffee-pot is stopped up to prevent the escape of the aroma during this process. The extract thus obtained Is a perfectly clear dark field, brown as rap neir, or black coffee. It to black only be cause of its strength, being in fact almost the very essential oil of coffee. A tablespoonfal of this, boiled in milk, won'd make what Is ordi partly called a strong cup of coffee. The boiled milk is prepared with no less care. It Must be fresh and new not Merely warmed or even brought to a boiling point, but slowly simmered until It attains a thick, creamy richness. Tho coffee flied with this, and sweetened with the sparkling beet-root sugar, which ornaments a French table, Is the celebrated craft au fag, the name of which' has gone round the world. The Popes Encyclical Letter The English Papers contain the following statement, which shows how deliberately the Encyclical Letter. from the Vatican. lately pub lished, was drawn up, and seems to establish the fact that-it is a document to which the Church of Rome is fully committed "The document was, it appears, drawn up and dismissed some time ago by a body of learned ecclesiastics, and subsequently debated i the Congregation of the Holy Office. Thu con demned propositions were forwarded to the most erudite prelates of the Catholic Church for their °plutons, end, when returned, again carefully gone over, paragraph by paragraph, by the rope and the Cardinals. It may be taken, therefore, us the unadulterated essence of the entire wis dom and learning of 'Catholicity. The idea is believed to have ori,.inated with tor.signoro tierbet, the Bishopof rerplgarin, who forwarded a letter to the Pope, la 130, containing the draught of the obnoxious ropositions. The ilishoo has not lived to ace th e completion of his task." Not Repented. The Naahville Clam contradicts the report circulated at the North that the rebel Generals Clanton and Roddy are disposed to come over and take the oath or allegiance to the United States. The Union has reliable Intelligence that these Confederate Wilkens are aow ail determined rebels as ever and expresses 'the repentancein a the falie . repo on the subject of grow out of the humane treatment of our prig-_ miens la their bands. Generalltoddy, the Union states, has always treated our prisonerawell, and promptly Punishes stragglers and bushwhackers from his arthy who commit outrages. We are glad to have no good a report from one rebel in an important command. Tut Berm Iteta Advocate says that the bold. and, brace Captain Brain% of the Confederate navy, ,ullont the Britieh autbnrtttea were en prompt in setting at liberty, has. rammed from the_ Der . gnaw after eietlmleing merchants. hotel keepers' and * oda - nu to the amount of sereral hundred pounds. - - - . . BLISITED 17'36. ES I T, mitio32ntritt et 1v omen In Parts. ma hlm& to say a word upon the very an. morons employments to females in: Fiance, which arc not open to them at home- The books of site-tenths of the retail shops in Paris ate hoot ha- women. I do not remember a coffee hence in the rite the counter of which is not resided over he a woman. The box 'omen of 1 the theaters are teruled by women—net only those of the evening, but thoseopen during the day for the tale of reserved places. The box peners and audience-seekers are women. And • not only do women act as sellers In such estab lishments as arc naturally fitted for them. but even In groceries, hardware shore, wood yards, fruit shops, butcheries, etc. In these plasm the book-keeper is a woman, fenced in and separated from the rest by n framework 'of glass. • The ticket sellers at the railway stations are princi pally wcmen. I have had the pleasure of par s-hating a 'rat daily of a good-looking, young person of about twenty-four years. From ap pearance I would say she. was engaged to the. conductor of the four o'clock train. Women even guard the stations and some of the leas frequented vtosslntrs. Women cry the qua of exchange every afternoon after the Bourse bourn and more numbers of the newspapers are dis posed of by women than by men. I never saw yet a newsboy In France. In the Porters'lpdr.ont In the city there are as many portressca as ; ptirt ers, and landlord would prefer to lake tkir service a woman without a husband than a nMa without a wife. - In small houses, where only one person Is required, that one person is a wo men. Omnibus-conductors sabmit their, way ',ingot the transfer o ffi ces to women for inapeo- lion 'and ratiticraloi. Women let donkeys for rides at Montmorency, and saddle them too. Women undertake the moving of furniture, agree with you as to the price, andyon find theta quite as responsible as men. Without rdultiplylnc. instant., you will see that a number of intuited. are open to females here, which in England are cloned. There are other capacities In which wet- , men are employed in France, which I trust and believe would never be accepted by Women at. home; a brigade of street svreepers contains en equal number of males and femal.. There are female ettiffoniders and old eta' women. A com plete establishment of a fruit and vegetable ped lar consists of a curt, a man shout to shout, and sell, ard a woman awl a home harnessed into strays to drag. In the country women labor In the ticld, and thresh and whitlow iu Arse barns.. I might say that, front a motho of pity, I int ployvtt an old grandmother to vri..etl an alley and tend a strawberry hod mot hawthorns grove, In which I take an untouttral latervot, considering that they grow on laud not my own. —Ports TnE retaliation resolution. as ?blended and passed ha the donate on Tuesday, is not very savage. It is as tithing: 'gnat in the:maim:cm of Congress, it has heroine jusiliiable anti necessary that the Presi dent should, in order to prevent the continuance. and recurrence of such nartwities, and to in sure the observance by the insurgents of the laws of civilized wan resort as once to meaar urtz of retaliation, and he is hereby directed to retaliate upon the prisoners of the enemy la such n manner, In conformity with the Lust and usages of war among civilized nations. as will deter him from the perpetration In future, or cruel and barbarous treatment of our soldiers. Congress does not, howcver,,intend by Slut res lotion to limit or restrict the power of the Presi dent. but only to advise and require a resort to retaliation as demanded by tlac occasion." ONE OP TUE WOPDERS OF TII2 writer for a Boston paper, who has visited the great falls on the Snake river, the southera fork of the Oregon, Pays "the-distance the whole volume of water fails in one sheet, is 200 feet. Above there Is about 25 to 50 feet fall be fore it reaches the grand fall. The width of the grand tall I should judge to Se about 2500 feet. I have visited Niagara many times, but this fall eclipses It far. Four miles further. above we found another one of less note, where the water divides Into two parts and falls a distanceif 107 feet." When the Pacific railroad is completed, this will become a fashionable visiting, place, as Niagara la now, with, however, a water range of curiosities to attract the attention of clatters. W 41P rEItrISEXENTS. ANOTIIEit PANIC GREAT EXCITEMENT - Itt TAE EMT AND SHOE Kann! HEAVY ADVANCE IN ALL KINDS OF MATEIWU.tr BOOTS AND SHOES 8C1:4711.23.04343 30 per cent Z CARD TO TEE PUBLIC tfctwirhstanding the great advance in the Ease tern market,' we ate bound to clear out one Willer stock less than former price., and in many MIMI leu than rod.. We must make room for earth*. rnense spring and summer stock. now in proems, et manufacture. AU the Winter (loots now in goes will be inlet without the least regard to cost. Wsi hare thousands of nollars worth of heavy goods, which it would be unsafe and ruinous to emery over, end we ,sen MUST SELL AT ANY PRICE. CONCERT HATA'. SILOE No. 62 Fifth Street CLOSIXO OUT! CLOSIJOG OUT! CLOSIXI4 0117Tt Hea Goods Less than Coat tell PITTSBURGH SCIIOOL OF-DESIGN FOB WOMEN.—This Institution will ama. mane its first aessioon the FIRST 31012DA.Tot la Ph*lan's new bulMiMprfoXiiir Fifth street. ect of this sehool is the la. emotion and m ini ng young ladles la the= pies of drawing and painting, in stew of q them to pursue higher, more suitable, and letter paid occupations than are now open to thsmalial of bringing the cilium' of Pittsburgh and Suburbs nailer die elevating and reining influenearof AWL Circulars will be ready on Monday the 23d Wt. O. O. HUSSEY, Praddent. 314.J.irM. MADE,Tiee President..., 6. W. HAILMktf. Secretary.. FRAMOES SELLERS, Treasurer. . 3. Oen. A. Berm r 11161C . Planter, hiusiMaleMlial W.M. Lyon, , Thos. M c a . = wm. O. it Joust, Same* Park. Jr., James Laugh J. IL Lyon, Cooper, Wm. Thaw, Thos. S. auks, W. Holmes, S. Kier, D. HeUandlem, Joseph Dilworth, Pregidellt Viol Prsoldent Wade, Intnee Park, Jr., J. D. Lyon. t IJRIUTURE, AND CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS . , Selling at reduced prices, 17/110LESALE OR RETAIL. JAB. W. WOODWELL.-: Hoa. 9T and 9.3 TRIED STURM ' Opposite E. Edmunds= it Co.'s, and tnh7 cßAirro,so.lii FOURTh srusse. pAe.c - • AND BARGE YARD'. Craig Street,, Allegheny. j • ESE.- - 6ta boxes W. R. Cheese; 606 y • • 100 ^ Onahenzi rot si.le . Oaf] 13- CA.NriltLp•• CittOICE N. 0. ' SUGAI3.-4ust receifea f e w h o pema. very:doh* NM . 011~ ku • imst to =low. for r,b) - the , tr t igicgros Barcauli.ll • • ORAN FEED.—Ohotitsd , - (kilt 71124. .1-1- Sborts sad at Oltr-ratag WILL U 41 41 "1. IacIPUE; och, . lECZMII CLOSIOMO OUT! James Lallam ughllo. G. NY. Has. Wm. Thaw. lattaltWlan OUTLET SAW MILL i 1 : 3 1 1 •„ . t • , . 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers