4 ~_ VOLUME LXXVIII- rc tittOtivgit Guide. VERY LATEST NEWS - gt TELEGRIPIL . FROM BEFORE RICHMOND lEEEtilliAlit CC-MAKS ,ALONG ;THE' NEW LINES, 71IE ROSIIIOYEIINn-As IMPRITANT ONR. A3O DUD Lr.dimtiolis 'of 'the Evactiation of Bach -, mon& • REBELS'MOVINO FRONt THE VALLEY 11th athiv I.:.xEctrrr.n NOR . The Icelse s the Late thtiles .IttitArp . ninus ~.i'ntir. o r :cur ?ores er, ?contorts, il p. tn. Nothing of Interort-lmi transpired on the lines •of the tinny to-day, although the weather has been rborefacorable than fur secant days mg. 'Thenrcepa urn I;niy liuildidg trellis along the newly established line, which will take alma days .to compleCe, when they wfirra - nonnrnee erecting nen; quarters far themselves. This will Std. be n.difcult j 91.. no there lc plenty of e'reel lent timber' in the neighborhood and the wan Lase gat used to the work. Col: Trenudne, wrongly reported as Major Ta = e• . ..mair.e, of thnlOth Moots cocain., whn was bad ly wounded in the etlagehleut . of Monday, dead. Ile was a gallant officer, and ouloh re spected and loved by Ids comrsfkA In the ser vice. Gaps. Forton, Cottonirsary of9.tbsletcaro of the cavalry division, who felt from horse vas bs4lr injured, a dar or two slum!, die 1 tali rnoridig. The aCcident occurezd by the h00f...f Alial.oraehetua,.. cau:;lit between tho logi of On • coiduroy roeul,•whcn frll,:Ahlowinzthe ThiCIAV rigsinS, ti.c 10V. nil rkttit ti Fedi/ fractured runt rhunduci illica,lUte up '"t olitatfincofbitdatith; - • • K'he total nnawr of C.ll9l4lilek• in Cid VW: en gagement bare not yet been onlcially obtaluea, but will . prore tomes - ha; lar,p.r• than /1Z !trot ro .litrx YORK, Feb: 10.—The caLra carrespon-. Zencermth In frout of Ittelanond baye:T .Titere are'onntintual IndlentLins of- the er.multion. of Rletanco4, 'malt is believed the Felicia • contain plate a concentration In Nofth Carolina, far a grand Oral strazgle 'tan, carly,day, Icnos-a that the ra. troops, among them Breckinridge's o command of Earley's Corpa; ',Armoring fratn title Tolley, annual It la at this writhor, wholly di :sided whither they get - Wit:khan:Ca brfgAde Of " caralry arrired,ln Richmond within a fear %%ye. • . . The ftraLd's carraspradance of th: Sih'says: • Tim theta:lent weather had ftaxidal, and the brigade-surgeons -report no men as having be ,- . -.amine diselded by tbe morm. It also Says; it is now danitely settled that thhline now occupied, covering llabehtes am, - 11 to beZperman entlytireld.- That the meavreent which has thus eaceasf +bear erannplished may have other objects is .doulitiets Din one4hing IS Certain, it will fully evenly - the Waited 'anis' iireortitun Virgin ., Is, and will prevent . Gee.. Lee from sealing off' Imola to - reinforce:the • - armies oppased. to Gen.: Sberman's operations and enable that gal tent lender to carriiiie with easc 'the pro gramme lel. down for tams- The fifth cerpecorraiPeadence says: Them-- sults begin to manifest themselves. It in-now clesilliat everything la jereatly lo our adieu /4104 and that, in the successful lengthening of . our „Macs,' and fortifylog . our progress, a decisive .and brilliant, victory has been igatinede•—• , The -- =used to were hurled In vale easiest our advancing • " Column's to prevent our establishing a permanent foothold. This foothold has been gained. ITe are a move farther toward the possession" et the. -tianditkide Itallrpad: ,The rattling of the cars on thsynal, and the :thrill whistle of this engine pan • sow be plainly heard. It is saying a /mod deal, tint I don't think it is saying trio mush,* that this `entire rebel army in our host eau:at drive it . from our.positlon; and furthermore,' for, them to "withdraw my considerable forceto aid lu tha dc - fence of Charleston. Is extra hazardous now.; cum. -* pared with what such a withdrawal would hare been before th e present Movement. . . . ITPLTGUARSCIS AT:MT 01 , POTOULC, Feb.lo. —Two Men were executed to-day In this army -• for desertion. Their names were Jas. L. flicks, 4th Pennsylvania. Sd Division, 11th corps. and Samuel Clement, 3d Ifaine reri. merit. The lat ter Was an tinted of cowardice In addition to de sertion l'ingif 2. Tilley. Itch Massa:liasstta, was sisoto have been shot to-4ay for desertion,, but the citation of his sentence has been ins. The losses hi the late battles at Ildeber's pion foot up *1 follows, not eonating. the misstog, whk4: will not exceed two hundred: FlubPorps-7m . filceri : lit Division, { - killed; . 13 wounded. Division. 5 killed ;' 10 wound " ed. rid Dleklcm, 7 kited; 57 vonaded..- Men_ 'killed and wounded : Ist Divielon, 18 ; 141 wiStroded: 2d Division, 10 ; 175 nouuded. " 24 Division, 09 killed ; .498 wounded. ' - Becond•Corpe"---cilicers : 24 Division, killed, 34 wounded, - 13. • 541 Division, wourided 4. Idea killed and wounded :ed Dietitian, 27 . .. wounded. fd 14,killed ; 07 wounded. Caroler Division—o" Mears: Killed, 4. 2feet hued. 11; wounded, b 2. - • . . Blxth Corps—Alen titled, none; wounded, 17, In Ist.Divie ion. Total killed and wounded, In the first day's fight it was stated that the 24 Division of the Second Corns were tho only -: troops actively cox:bred, whiEdirreport did - Lajas We to the Sib Brigade of. the SS rowed by Prexeslirigadier General McAllister: Ilia brigade was detuebed — from the _hasten and salt: to Ilie , support of Gaterel 'Balkh. They ' took position nu- his right, "near the Tucker licente, where they threw up a strong breast work. About the, time they bad it completed they:Wire relieved by General Itainsers brigade, " ' l / 1 0.wera ordered to occupy the ground between •the barer, and General : Smith's right: Before • 7 ' thij bed time to get it into position the enemy • ' , made %lute appearance to three lines: Of battle, • &Meetly expecting little - opposition at that - whore-the right of Friday. afternoon -'took I lace, - and 'tad McAlister's brigade not goal their egrund , as, they did, repulsing three dopiest:a aisser(e. the',2l division would have been peeked, and the enemygalalog the position would have ten a in the "position to cut off the sfandvimeld.Pnevir- and would undoubtedly laic naiad' a miter 'heavier loss than that re • Oen•llleOrlilatee wee 'highly complimented' by General Meade and other °Meets, for the gallant; ,v/ mti dldslef.„-.4:Otani:Dann:ay himself was No ghtingtiro taken piece glace Tuesday: 'Daertgrs who ame 'yesterday, say that remora were current in their Duet that Bbermati -rub 'possession. or Branchville, after a sharp -.• ..ngagtetent,lnit they harano particulars. • They also atato that Gen. Lew. was p re sent at ' the ilia t „Rabb:eel Mb, CM Moo d ay, And not . wlthffording his personal efforts to urge his, ;meth; Ibex - Could not be .4dio :ted light with anylblbg like the spirit they did formerly. • This • fact 'war also betided by many of our °Moors; who Said' the rebel officers endsaronad In Yuba to ' • ' urge the unalifbrward,as different potuts. Nrw Yoax, Feb: 12.—Thia Richmond Dispatch of the I M•b_ - SOP:* Grant's inurement on Sunday and !denary on lair right southwest of Peters.: . ham', was a serious and determined attempt to • ' plant Isle left near the Soothede railroad," and by so doing, odvance another step In the Incest . noent,of Petersburg. lie znay eq.:a have raved ; 'lid the capture of that road as possible. In this /se was disappointed, but ho succeeded In effect,: .• tog a lodgment on Ratchet's Creek., and there latratching himself. This pots him certainly nearer the Southelde railroad, whlch_ls the im mediate objective point. 'We, however, are well z* satisfied, that as General Lee has not made any • •sitteuspvto dislodge , him, the position cannot be .•••:- of stret From - ilarganria. La. New Yozur, Feb. 11.—A Moro:mall letter Mates that Vial.. (My, liuribut had boon 'on a tour el Inspection to that post, where he saw the forte Mid troopaof Gen. Ullman.in the bighest. ktateof eillelency. Continued emitting puttied end- reconnolasances from Mortal:la keep thl rvbcis at a tare distance from the Incality, Copt= Guest. of tber;d regiment, was recently iseeldentally shot by a sentinel. The'rectnt exottlen against fradmer's pier, rillas on Itaccourac bayou, succeeded In destropi log lone half dozen oFtbelr rendezvous, and the maortue of two /Memo," load of stages, and Um *Niue:leg of a band - of these gimrriWas, • • The st. Albans Hilders. Wasursoress, Feb. 11.--The statement which c E cr i t h i t e d through the papem,lttatt, • • • bares raiders are to be sent to Now . York for trial • :=Strath. they are retained upon complaints pro .'fen tokagaltat them In the oanßaor the Sotto of . • Vermont, and If surrendered they win be mirror, gered to the authorities of that State for trial , -oonling• to the laws thereof. Mazer' 1-ktarrar • it s proceeded to Vermont apoo entirely Sitrirtat .beslotas from what Abe newaropers harp allegAl. - yr _ r7v4 "T"VrNh. Air \ rari 4 1 AY. r rs - i r Ex 4 ' IT . •2 - tn , imitu 5.: is- fit ,, 1E TT.rriA . _ At -NO. 47. GO. tilltiT pi..wAnna:rot 113ILDIATE EXCHANGE VF 11.:10N ERS. AGI:EED UPON: The Lieutenant General COlK vilanCri fed by Congress. WARTIINGTON, Feb. 11.—Gen. Grant wc . :` f fore the crown :nee tin the Conduct or thu War this morning: Ike Conant hir, cineAlona were asktd 11' . . . "It is 'Stated, upen whit anthority I da no not know s that you are charged entirely with the ex change of priatmerar Answer—Thatistcorreet; and what is more, I hareeffected .an.. =augment furjhe exclotaze Of Prlsonces, men for men, and odlearTar oh lder, or hls equivalent, arCildlag to the old cartels, until min or the other party has exhausted the number they now hold. I get n great many Il tan from friend ofprisoners In the Smith, every Otte Of ithiebl eau:tutu be: answer 4 tell thins that - Ulla arrdegetnent has been male, and that I + appose exchanges will be madam% the sate of 3.000 a week, as fast es they can deliver than. 1 toysrlf caw Col.. Ilatrit, the Assisting erer.missioncr of Exchange on the part of the Bouth, - . and. be. to , d ,me that, the Salisbury and DbnifiteTr!Fotrt *or.bt - be 'eembig"rlOwt. on A or cc. Be sold that be would foirrard :heat at the rate . of 5.0(1) ortl,ooo a week. cnerltor —There is no Impullinent in thewsy I Animus—nert. Is no hope , linient on our side. dellt er anti revolve erery one of theme to 'ti eery short time It they will deliver those Ow! lu r id. Wuhane lost sonic two weeks, lately on account of the icein the river. Fran After the reading or this part of the teatlmeny porno the Comratite on the Conduct of the War;-Lie en enaat General Grant came Iwo tl.ei hall. ncrompanled be 'cereal friends. . :\+ rain 80 be vas notici d. erunde dtthered amoral Wm to rurlt an extent r.. to Interfere with the order of hisinetri. Mr. Mallory moved that tho liistr, take a re• else /WV tailltltCe to pay their respects to Ulm; Grant. ills wet Ituttuintot.ty are. ,t to, and 'the members generally then thrun-ze3 arounA him lle the n coon to the errs, In frout of the fleas clerk; rte. rt by ropresentative U lett. The tr.rml.rr, wi-re frmulit introda:ed to Ulm is ti.e Speaker of th, that,. There were tre . to ellttollte it of al plat,o from the Close and ealleries. Ith.pre,etntivo Soh, k, in order that the Lieu tt•talm Conceal 01nel:tile lotr t the lletretmlativLs of the people. mires th-t: he he Invited and ks,,rtel . to the Speaker's maul. Tbts Was aclaleßeell in. pi.. craw. 14 - 3 A. -4...6.1.411.1! , y tl. stand v lien the la:lrr said Gent —1 line, SL,: borer tc, itanyloce - to pA L our lo the O l 1. the. Lieu..eaant Gen,..i•of the arn.lcs of the IlaiteiL.State4, illysei S. Grant. The tritroducti.m w.re ty another it buret nt applause Troni thdtloar and the .Gen. Grant bocrial azknoirle.l.4 - ment of the compliment ac ! after a blight parse re ttrecl-ft om the cland,•thentelience again ap aml lug.as he sktuf.rea - .. • JEFF. DAVIS ON RINOIXTIONS CON DE?INING CABINET OFFICERS. Paraila Between .Great Britain and the tonrclieracy, Nirr Yottx; Feb. EL—The TiltSone has the futitoring=finmthe ltiebtriond papers of the 9th I aral.Pith—correspondenee between Jett Davis and Mr. SZeden, the iebel Secretary of War, en the rt,lgni,tion of the latter, width . is pahlislio3 in roil. Mr. Seddon tendered his resignation on utepunt of the resolution of the Virglnialegis. Jethro, taking that he be removed from oglta. Kr. Darts in response ' assured Mr. Seldon of the v:annest personal feeling towardS hire, and said tic had delayed answering id the hops that Mr: Sudden wrinla change his miutband Condole to rennin in oillee, I.a Sayll anus: I'B6lZ- BiZelllecaiiEeof his resigralion, and ergiost the chic tit length. - Denys: a., Great Britain the vote.of the Mese O'f C013:/2..106 eXpTE3iDZ tt s9DLor seallilence in Ittinistif infidence hecaa.•- Parliamentgerverns. ..With in It Is the rovers& The two cases are en. distinct as TO ha Menasha trailer_ than paralcil to etch ocher: In Great Britiin the Sac • • Is •h - nnpoasible and can do no wrong and the 'ethitry alone any respini= eitile..-1 In-' the' Confederacy the President may do. wrong and is 'responsible' for so duina. The remedy his - wrong doing 1- impeachment by the gismo of Representa tives.. The Senate le without power to impeach, nod scan only art as .11111ge3 when the Horse tat pa aches. In Great Britain, the crown being liarWitnry, as welt en responsßile the control of the people over the policy of the govern:neat, revs sts in mfueing by their Commone, to grant the surereigia supplies necessary for the carrying es of the government. In the Contidertcy, the rel. le choose a - Presldent as well es a Congress, nen by giving him a term of six years and mak- Ing the tenure °ranee of the Cabinet his pleas °toe to Lave -,..l,bartui • ithussif Coo- wirliage of enforcing • any changes of the admin istration policy dining- that term. It Is .well known , that. this lengthy term of sit years eithont reelee'len, was conferred by our cotatitntion on the Executive for the PorP 3 bs of Implentiog stability--in the Government, and withdrawing all motive* fot securing poi ultr faror at, the express ',racily, In' Great 'Britain • "Ministers am memberi of the Lc:es:Mire mamma., originate laws, guile admi a barn tion s, extrc4e appointing power to all races, sover 7 dere power bring In practice purelynominal, arc apprized in adranceof the'gnuttnis of apropored v'de of want of - conlidence, arni,have power and mince of defending thenvrivue, to the Coo f.dcraur the exact testae of all this Is the case. nrd the beatS of departments are i!' t revot admitted to the right of debate on sidjelds appertaining . to that departments as is contemplated by the Constitution. In Greet Britain even after the rote'of eeouv, the iidnittry may. &mire Parliament nut pea to' the country, which has not mare quo ntly rtrcrrett the vote. The Common. ere thus restrained , from frivolous or unfoanded charges by toe responsibility of talking them at the peril of heing disconntemanced by the pm ride. old thus losing, their own seat.. In the Confederacy the exact reverse of all thlals again the rase, , and the vote of want of confidence w,..uhl be free froln all salamory restraint or re evaiPhility. lily purpose in simply to deny that .a etc:antler( of a orate dae4ation or b Att Inuees are entitled to he considered as ell all. tboritzulve expression_ of cal -opinloo or rtquiring 'concession froth the Co ordinaet de yortnieut of the itorcrutnect. Mr, &dawn, In response to this letter. thank. Darla fpr his high consideration, bat refuses .to recall liTeresignatien. The lesmittner, In commenting upon Daris and Seddrm's Correspondence; thinks It Is not ellen ;strata have good effect on the people. It says: - There was ono Vcrglitlan in the Cabl nit who knew' that. be would ho disgraced •In pnhllc opinion here if he continued to bold Ali ,position. ...Whether bls example will be followed 'ls another former thequestion, whether pultlio confident!. will be rewired in our reeve, cud whether onundenott will continue to exist." The Erqulrtr, and Sealinricentain articles In . the samz strain. , • Preaching by a Colored Man In the tlooont of IltpresentaUves..--Derdructon of. a ' - riortade Beiner—Atileticart.Alition Cerny"lesion ffteetfairs ' , . • Wlent;tervir, Feb. Henry If'pied Garnett. colored rnlalster Yrreached in the of the House of RepreseataSleeo thls nornlnc, by Invitation - of Rev. Dr.• Channlng, Chaplain H of the anle. A largo crowd of both white and colored andliori was in titteidanca. • This Is the tint Instance of a colored clergyman preachlnz at the Capitol and occasions mach comment !In all circles. .• The - Nary Department has received a comfit!• vexation announcing the destruction or a bleek.:, ade runner MI Charleston: - She was diseovered aground by the Potimae: and Walcutta on tits outside - of the blockade, which Tassels, loosed towards her, When aiia was almadoned and flied the crew. . She is._a. nom:date wreck, being intent entirely sin .— :Iler boll was of hoe. The American Union Commission held a pub- Ile meeting at the Cnpitol to-night 'to urge - measures of relict rev the white refugees within the milluity lines of the Union and of - East Teticako.. and other - .Poitmastor General [Meehan presided. Tim .meeting was addressed by . Colouelli. G. Taylor, of East Ten nessee,' &radar Doolittle and °them._ Erond : Cavally Expedition, - . . ' Nor Yonit;Ten. - 11.;—The Timestspecial ao nounemi that n great carob" , campaign, omslat. lug oranextmordinary movement through the cotton Gulf States, is about to take place. Gen erals Thnenas and Wilson are to command the force, which' will be ample for the parpOse. Montgomery. Selma andlioldle canto be visited, and there will.be co.operatlon frOut Opt. Canby.. The expedition wlllstrut about the middle of next .week from Eastport.. The opening of the' Alabema and . TOmblabee rivers, and the occupa tion-of Selma; Montgomery and Mobile, will vir tuality coms ,i lete our military work In the cotton Masi Bold to the Itebip. • • Natr Yon=, Feb..l9.—A. Washlngtciti spacial . Jugs: Consul Dudley. at LOndon, Informs our 'government that. the .Bordostre; ram Whom _sold by.the . Danish. Government. to the rebels and she is to sail from tbelsland of Iforluntisn medtstly, tome fifty sailors having been shlpiled frcns'psgland to men her. . • ' TAPE REBEL NEWS ADVANCE OF SHERMAN'S FORCEV Branchville Occupiod. by Kil patrick's Troops. ETICUATION OF CHARLESTON CONFIRMED Communication Between Charleston and 4inguatt!,:Se7...Fed. ) GRFAT GA MERINO OF TICAITOEIS Iii4USLS ALT RICIIIIOND, two.. cco., crc. ICt:w YOTIN, Feb. 13.-1111: HaralcralVashinz ton sfecial says: It Is amierriond titers that die patelms base been reeeire-1 from City Polar, eta romers of the I tehreo`a film the report of the capture of Branchville; and also synth in the report that Charleston was Ey:lowed. Thefilik.Contalo a partial account or a greet rebel meeting In Illeh ond, at which, Mader, . as, president, wade a speech, follow.' by Jell: flilnion% and others. Jett and all MA eat Wet, Lca, Lon.grareet, !fill, and Mee, in full nnlfortn, and all thr rahal fuer (invades. 111 ,Richmond, worn present, and that the gathering of traltora and rebel t was one of the gteateft ever hold. WAYTIINGTON, Feb. 12.—The Richman l Ir leig of the 10th per.taiut , the P,llawinz: (1,r1g.101.—.1.6:3ate4 fmm Gen. IV:m.ILT, dried I.lo`utef Wek - e the 7th. p. m.. r - aps: 1.10.0..verr tuaruing. arer.a thdrgrd 6y three tirigtrias of escnin• which drove Oath Legend tto., Dcbrilrs Tend ers., I rig:d.le I.2ritig iv :11• rieitdly !mit and chary:. 41 Ow cLetv, driring tticm back 1, an the in the line of IL, :3•; inlleo from Uranch ri!:e., 4° fr.,o Auglltia ar..! only 49 xtV.1,75 South 4...4: of :t1.1,41, • A n!.l•alr•ti (real tht: tt , tt tqt , n•r It:: ma.lr thr!r aivanrc CliativrAott liailravd, ha.v.al 1 :a 1, titter, 'and burred a'hettie within n nut.• aryl e I ntl of the railroad tbrld:7o. About 7 o'elmq: yr:o ent r y eyeul.z aar mn.apt ware will:. Ittaina to ittlb eltle. the lei:lv,. The deal rem lon of bridle 11tors all ra;lroad ctaamauicatiou Wit It tIVISIAL fiet•. Winder died soldroly 111, moruing or oppol4, , xy. A ChaTl,ten n:+7+atch tu.dAy %Ay, (1,1 en,.my :srr in front IA the Et'.l,lto flue, from ne.‘r Se* ntidge to Duhrsh.' 'They enemy show no tlisp,- ~:11s.m to force ICl,lslsltlg. A dr.p.noie from General Whe-ler, d.rte.l Peh. n. F:1) - E :A Innv colunto of the ene my's lofmtry•AnCek the early. ajd Kilpatry:k is at Agr2aldliine wi~L 1131,1: brigitll..., ftrrno...,rp, lib. S.—There wai 11 . 1(1.4'.1:111 4 ": to <la! yairt was once mnre. resarne:l. Tn. en .. , y •tm hello his pcir.:tion on I/ ateh,r'A Ran 1:i; 1 nt.:: I,nra bell) estelvde,l : bill not adraartal Gen. Ismsll was wnuud,•d La Um lung•, bit It., waird Dec con%lderot mortal. liorman, oC Vlrglnta, raa killed in • tie lit of Ment`ay. Oar locs will not reach —. 11. r eurmy'..•lo.s thought to b' treble. Tho dI.:A h.re all been buried, and the leo:role-1 (.nglit from the Bab Tbe !Ivory gring yesterday tr.ti cease.' be one artillery eliellit , the eartny'A lie. a. Brett .11e. mere engaged to-day In strengthening their !WA' Uses. New TORIC, rOb. IL—The Richmond Whig of rho fib, contains the folios - in; : Toe %cll. inincien Jesaitai says: Two yanks.: triaboals e lolled Fort Anderson on Friday last. No il,atet rtgcwar, done to the fort. Six ef our men were wrundrd, two Aeripthdr. Tau vitro up the river, but critter came n %' to ;ear- Cir. : Qat. The fort replied end put n she: througle or r of the girds:ate, compelling her to haul MI. me Enici;, , , ctlfteorafc . 1.V.1: Tim Cent ^ , AitA,I)..A from :+7,.irtli CovOlina, wha rti‘tentiv vie Itcd Illelemellt43-w-twaislMltted to an in-trite/g -ate and - pnctracted • interview with Prvtiltient Davie. Theimatters of the ronforenee wcre eon fideotiM, Ind we are enable to say that tits Przo „ Vela won frank and enitildlng; that he pretence , ' .4.ll.emnanieeloncni a faU Iwtory.of ax t"n'eticaliifts 0,6 Pnraxlclen, and that the Intilvirst resulted axtreently and useful.. (bit. Enrols feivora'the arming of liDd e o e o se psis. lie declares that If ho over had Melina tito, to tight for revenge that tbneand Cm:Pm:has peeled. lie now contends ter principle, home, tt in- and children, to prevent subjugation, but to need of eeence of blood. lirigade, of Forrest . .. meant, I, yet at Cr' imb. II'!L hrignde Is la Beet Teases. e' re-raitlag. scat etatad la a liteorirnexcemetl a fete lay* tha , teary AlilrwiPlung 1144 lmea on at irlz, brld4e is eerroteen u,i!ee tet,t otoca6anee r ,elt. n 61,11 11.111,1U - t.t c 1•••• ill e,,a t:Lilet.atl. n-d Tel to learn that t r i; nlat Opr enamcwrable tot, corn a 01 , 1), r]ttn of -11eLrf MOW. y, .11,1 C.. ntt I he Gth iPst. The Marion Any= ; 741 0. 1;.., /anti nPf IMP ittetl irlieTcd front 4i.f.y . Its (Y.; 1 -; .r.- meat. 3114.G-tn.:W. S. .11.. it; aNnr;;lt 1:k lie r.iehtnond Eriun:ter I.3th, In n tong. ediwirkl, endeavor.. to eon via,: It, that kleraind...lice Is rear if they will only , tu a Frr•p-r effort to olda4. It. itt at:: "Terre 13 a pico . und and powerrol rerielll.4 pss• nien. wrath and rritetivo In the Coitri• ierlto Lear plf:. flux It will et no n-v, It •ei 1.•. el to on if., 41, Mal will auwi it into it • apathy .414 i dereattlency. utile, It rtr •uu: d IlliTETltrr: be at once taizen tp r..nder It avalla'tle, it d (ot.tinre the people that tliii, rbn go 'no thry Ltocarnmeut know how to rive it-the right inipuiplee to drive It to Its Iggblutatc rata by its .treng nod Steady bind. The present erscit:toont at 0 home+, reseamont at the carefully proptre.l and t le.orateti outrage put upon us Ity Lincoln Emil 'Seward most not he allotted to evap.wata rid less ahoy in rhetoric sod by the cheers of tan or 'lire° nubile meetings. Tho truslness fore ux In or the moot practical, !MAIL VA co Lind. it tare:natal, the Ingle depatida. maioly upon 71.6tOtirq, the coallden , e of the pea pL•, and making then) real that tin• !iarernment. to all its brat:l6ol, Is fully commt!t•-d along with ; that eternal liberty fur an all is to m241,- 1411 our Independence, or dee dlo Ntle Yona. Feb. 12.-111clituub.1 ospon. or the 7 tb, contain severe Items on the course of • Ji ff.. Davis In advising his Cabinet that they should rot resign, in deference to the expressed wish Of the rebel Congress, sae hey (the Cahl . net) are responsible unit to sow., and not to COTIgTOOIS or the people. The papers `demand a reform on the pan of the 'Executive, claiming that although they ate numerous, and Tinton dismal) to defy subjugation, and the material re -sources of the country are ample for the Stip rly of the army and people, yet the papers claim -that the Brat have been scattered awl the latter 'meandered until the field II insufilelent to breast Thrash:at, and the supplies are growing more jitelted every day. The capture of ,Barannah Is claimed ase disgrace to Um Confederacy. and there is a painful total want of ton datum In the administration - 1n Richmond. In iharebel Congress, -Messrs. Mean awl Rayne made a carious onslaught on Davis on' The WMg her an aiticle be the etiolation& made bylintleeconcenting the military move ments on the James River. It to very severe on 'The recentatateMent of .(IFneral• Rader that the _exchange was stopped by ostler - of Gen. Grant.' It says Butler takes care to cast the blame of this transaction be GCII. . Grant.- It appears That Gen. Grant gave. orders" to stop' the ex change of prisoners after Butler Lad made ar rangements to perfect It. Butler then wrote, an anionic:it, not for tine purpose of supporting the position . deemed to be just In Itself, Inn to mate ' a rase by which the violation of the cartel might be justified to the world. IThlimend Ai.remitarr has .an article atm= breahing up/a-Davie Cabled. It tirst mentions the retiresuenj, Tlemmlager and Seddon, and then demand% 'Mallory's removal onthocharee that the Navy. Department has not met the wishes- of the people. it attacks the Mate De part nient, and "One great cause of Mr. • liiiit o tnln's unpopularityhas been the fact that In no climatic% signed by him as Secretary of. - State. has ever the existence of a triune God been admitted. Be has confined LIB State papers - to Dtistleal belief, and etampod Upon the religions faith of the countrf,.. practical denial...of a trlunitarian Jehovah. This- Is Ida faith, but '. not the faith of that wide-spread religions send ' neat that prevails throat:bent This country. fronds do not like to he made to choose between Jen•us Christ and' Judah I'. Benjamin, add to take the latter In preference. Appealing to tied and cot recognizing the divinity of llis Bon Is mocking Jehovah with a vain repetition of words which have uo reran:rig." _, iksharndlsetursint *lt ph= ha the t4bela 312- ate en the 6th bust; concerningtha nitrite or.loo Johnston, and a history of all his carapsigns was reviewed. Long -and bitter speeches were be; lug made on boa:sides, aid, as . usual,. Jeff Davis was furiously assailed forthe W success of the Confederate cause. •A. Richmond, awteeponant at a Sentient - per - sayer- •Gen. Lee told-.W. C.-Rives that ('sari was but a single thing to fear, and that Irma Ina spreading of despondency iniong the people: 17croot that and nil would be well.. :They tad - strength Eithingh left to win their Indo*ideiee, and were to certain win it if tie people will not. give way to despelr,.:•„ ' • w f,...:=..j n... - PITTSBURGH. MON XIY. VI ith COMilti'f',S;--Si (7,17 i it SEFSILt WAF7irta-nv Feb. li t ia6si SENATt. Mr. tnotrr lot Art ted Ui. moratoria! or tho Erreutlve Coruinitice nr the IL,dld of Otto vit.:3 of tht Ana glean I •realites, rentonstrating• against the adoption of anyAutzndment' to the CLlCletittl- I ion of the United &attts rreoguLsing the divini ty of Christ. Mr. Wilson, froth the Itilitstl,eenttnittest, re ported beck the joint eesolatlos irf thanks to Mrjor litmus) Thomas, with tt recommendation that it pass. • •• • Mr.. Woven Introduced a hill entitled an act to continue In the serviee of thelJnitedStstag, (yr tale regiments In the sertieeof the St:de of Nth sodri, 'which traa'referred to the - 1111Itiiry "Come • Mr. Foote off ored a resolution ivrbleh was ref ferred to the Committee on Muting, providinz. for the publication of a congestion nf.the - prir-' , visions of the Constitution, and the laws pastaC in pUrWilarleU thereof; respecting an extra *vision of the-Senate and Congress. lir. limner asked leAre to e - • 11 itp the rep rt of the Committee of'Conferents on trite Freed mea'a hilt. Derided In the iltiirmative. Teal t.. 1. oats 11. Alr...Siounar then mowed to ina Om bill a Fp dal ortlcrlot.ltouday noon. If was to in dak • Men‘adteson preauntel :4 44...mentorial of the At letbuit.i.e„ctittore phylott - that eolTera rkAtikkiltvd itTPIA be dleelsarzatil when thea tegitetit's are muter Out. Wade, front thu Cam - nit:ea on 013 CAn. ttrt of the War,twtotenterl tb., testlway of flee tirant. on the subject of ctio•thulte.l pri,auota N 1 Lids was teet iced. limgetiont tieuerel Grant ap;i,•xrel npou the r0.,0 the Semite et one o'clock and was lotro wvot to the rumutier, sevorelte. Mr. Wilime otkrrd » reimilition, wild, was rtt, that the &time meet on thu evenings' of limy and IVeiltenluy next o,r the considera -1 ion 41 the eseentive bequest- Vt. Wilson sin:ea that 'th&ra were betannm I.`-'OO and 1,500 emuinatious :voidal; the aztion ot the i,zeriate. .Nlr. (.1.41k prustl4.:l th, errdeut.44.7 of Ran. .A.a.,n 11. Crowln 34 a S.-nAtor (ova New Ilan{p• y...trz., :tom utz 4th I.lM.treh.wlll ' eli NT by ITCCIVCd. Ur kone-Ideroreon of the Judicial r -e Eervelliero A:11,k,14 - 131.1... Lill Ka, ro-ql:e.w.l 1 Le ,Iln.:4l.llln.ritrn..l on 111- mot ion l'lirwrznen 11, n ttp - nt.o.i or ei/4tl, Jnagt, oz' (toll 1 ;.i.ll it. Z.3.1.'00. • at:lon of Mr. Slierin la it a., itr • I aL Yr. 6aulh!,ury ^aidhrl: !;rant far the. 1.114 time, III!! inormaz, on rh, 0 ear Of and it ..cured It!in (6,2n1,.tm0y) that ll,c Prulacnt 11:0 =flu a grant tnl+ta!“, In or, Int ta,.! lit m to Vial That a • .3., uLa tad not koo, bow In Cal a Qs.at 1. i•ts he. on,ht 110 t to be. n Liosteannt tressaral. y, thrte sr as noon(' thir.lit,o, golril in tlin f Pelanare that c4.nitt 11 , 4 keep st;J I , ',..ztr 41 . 1 e than stars:lh Wham the Prealdant 11..4 it jairiiiiirisly .e., , ctt - 4t31 - Lieutenant %lief, vast 01 n pot:: Pron.at M tr,L il that Mr. titalsnost sons d..reu the lICSIIIII3 of D:la n, tram voting that mold 0.4 cat ft btlt, wUlll than Get;t:rul (leant. Mr. Halt ramrod an a 11.3ndra •It in=rea=lnt; :Lc snlndto of all na. , l,t4stil: atn . rs•tari,, and tit.± , tits ar.i CAM wsittant from and alit r h.-ot 'I,W Sir. Co',lamer demanded the vitae and nap. tots If the F. mito eolantencauf Incrimsloz eel n thine was on teliin4 when it wank! stop. Ma•re Green hacks would hare to tic tamed. TL t tens the or ly way to do it. The Tioitton s decided In the alllrmatiec— _tea. t 1 snit ha. • in. •fr. Milano offered as an arrireadment to 11.1 a till Ito folioarinr proposition : That from and aft r the Ist day of March, Iwo tin, conatunta- Cam j.riec of the 'ration for ',dicers In then:lld, In low the rank of Brimlier General, 'hall he tin) cents. That hereafter there shall be en In cc mr lax upon the salaries of oftl wwit In the arms, and that all oftricera who shall continue in tie xe elder until the 'close of the war shall re f elle three months pay upon being trinalored oat of no urtice. S7:UI131211 did not like La azz inch a pros V . A:I•9 In title bili and at his su.e.tmatlim Sir. Wit eon withdrew It with the understamtio; that It he offered no an amendment to the Army Atli ( - relation pill. ' "Mr. Colismer offered an amendment to appro.. riale for improvinz and ralarniu; the i.ibrarie 1, I. hie] Iron adopted. Tim sill tie - am...rola was reported to the lassiate am! ros•wd. - "" Thi.S.,rtrate thin - irtirt thlb - Vrt:rairiar` eeietno and afterwards adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. Rice, In a guardian of pririlev, defeadel hlmwlf IMITI* charge In the New Torn N.,.moti that. being a paper menufictarer, be op peavil a redaction of the papa diity In order to sot mimes In Ms own pocket. lia said be was not ioirreeted in any paper insnofsenwy. therms mend the etsittlaion of the core req., I.dent lA' the Errn :lug Po ( from the gallery. I:lle—The charge being is the editorial oilinins, did not belloso that 16 corroapsadtat iihyttitag to do with it. titescon who only wanted to punish the ihie - r. a:Al:drew hie motion. The Ilsitee then 0 .0. t Into Committee on the Whole on the are.oilet-re internal Tat Bill. A tnntlen woe made Ly kir. Ifolman to strike en Ifr prepcstal 'lncrease of filly emits per tuir. rig en WO Beer, I.eger, Ale; Porter and othhr nub.r fermented lintinra. V. inn, Johnson, Eason and Brown support- Le nu tint, which was agrwi to by GS egnisid Title traces the tax, a. now earned: 41, e, per barrel. • Clark read the following autgadnicul Pro fo.rd lathe Committee of Wisp and Means 7.1 it.e . * than pay for every license, tan Jailers. ry sou, thin or comp any who allati • ern other In the business of mining for coal or e,lrt, silver, copper. lead, Iron, sine, aultpurri :ma oilier naturals, not having' taken Dreamt at a :,.,,,nr,eurer, s hall tut reg us a miller nu r t. Ilerien 'tit,. debate which ensiled Mr. Alley thc !reentry dratted nor thing 'core than aci-Ilir it vas that the taxes nhouhl tie Increaged as the means or preserving the credit of the country. W. El said that the tf tmmlttee had been venrtantly fg. work on this hill and hal endeav ored to wane the lar,test amount or duty coal , p: tilde with the buflnesa or the evintry,but that the Ihfuse had ries away s:',„ortaxio by reins. lag to put an additional tax of Oily cents on tw in) ham tor !Wu and other malt liquors. This ttin;•-ft was slightly modified. Oilier inns of the hill were ermalderefl. The Confirnittne ro.r. :did the House adjourned. Reported capinre of Branchville by Gen. _Sherman. GENERAL ORLERSON PROMOTED 1,1;111111 , :70:1, Feb. 11.—A special dispidch to the rhllaclelphla .Ths dated Wasblagtou, to day, raps: Richmond papers, of yesterday, an nounce unofficially the capture of Branchville by Gen. Eherman's forces. : Brig. Geo. (Frierson, the -groat raider, who Is now - was yesterday *emoted by the Pict!dent, at the request of LIAM. General Gram, to ho Major Odberal, by brevet,. Today die Senate continued Ids nomination, and also ;be ronotring't Commander Elatell to be Captain and brevet Commodore In the Nary; Beni. Moran; of Pennsylvania. to be Reordersand Bennie R. divot., of New York, Aseletan ' t Sne retary of Legation at London, and Jeremiah' Curtin - of IFrlsconein, Secretary: of Legation St. l'ctenbarg.. New Yonx, Feb. IL—The steamer Constltit- Goa from 1111 ton need, on the stEi Inst. has sr- Weed. No) n,:a ra have bean reccleed by ecr. There lea t umor ost-Wel street tbat Branch ville bibs Wen coon' cil, and Charleston creep tad, but It Is not crucible to any reliable soaks:, Untou - 11 — ion — h - s : Southent Prisotlit Nur Tonic, 'rah appears that tbe re!). els have lingering In their prison taanygonthum Union mon, and civilians, charged with Union Proclivities. There men hays no friends, who. under the existing state of affairs in the. South, dare not intercede for them. and the conseune ice la,lthey are Made to suffer u badly as cur soldier; who are prlinners. It Is said our government has a nnmher of civilian prisoners, and ends are being mad:. to got up au exchange, which will relieve these sufferers It will require, how ever, n.neb effort In their behalf, and it Is hoped that I,oolCitittllll will old the undertaking. Nu Inoxgrur.lll.3 Since Wed disday..Depar lure of Ilextry 15. Foote•. , Nsw You', Yeb. 12.-sTha army of the Pato mac specials glens no news. Thsre hare beet .an movements slam the Mb. Henry B. Foote rebel • Couiressman. sailed yeskrday for Liver pool In the steal:tulip City of Cork. Ile had been stopping several days at the SA. Nicholas:Hotel; end steadily reftiod - to take the. oath of allegimlee.. ' Itesignation of Gen. Gregg. ~- XXI! Tom Feb 12Eliteetal . dispatches of the 9tb, from the _vicinity of. Ihttcher'c itno, mention the revignolinn *ram. tr. Gregg. Tbc . artier asinttnvely mad, an tteniors were mttuslog in amsiderable *umbers. GoltAnotatteu. . . If aw . Youx; Feb. 11.--The gala market - con: . !lune& dull._ The reported capture of Menai! ride has produced a decline of 9e, audAbe price shows aArtber downward tendency, opening at 9.9 and falling to 905 M. NENE i FiIIiZII.A.ICY 1?, 1865 111. e Recent Peace Califorelre. rum, rah. 10.—The !it riii.Pa ton el rase Ihtrivg thn rneent ioi 6geriiel in fintariton proi n e.hh.ea war :All to Pret ut tit • reYA Cetntn1,1 , ,,,,, for if t. I.lll i nt or the rend HUI n 314•711 I :mews, fier the ea f irveineut or tha Mane lee eGeti:ll , , lea. ins - the tine , ton of re-Itniqn . for thi• pren-et in ah,l i•I •lenhlel thn entimn (1•071,.. • Corroborative of hie state tite,t, the t :lei a pa.;,:e in the Presicent , a re fort, whet e'he nave Stephenclrun ter and Campbell Pealed to desire a po4notte rilelli of the ~ tiegth.n or a return to the Caine, std adoption or some other enure.: first, which might , or might not lead to re.tielien. lie elm quotes Sr ward'u lam:nage to Mr. {dams, as What the ineurgent party eeeinel chlilly to fh.cr, was the postponement of the 'quratlon of arpratJen upon which the 'war la waged, uud the mutual direction of the elforts oar gcrtwunient, on well as those of the Maur- Meat... 10 mums extricate 'policy orachenie for the the Mind:, has the speech of Nit. Benjamin At a war meeting In Richmond. lie reviews the raitent 'rare negotiations and any. they knew spat failure would cause a grand uprising of the people to carry the war to a aueenssfal termina tion. Ile demands mere men and money to pfenecute the war. Ile Stems arming the tie-- Ova and snys,that all who do-spode of the rebel route deem e banging. Rh speech was lengthy and evidently der pod to tire the Southern heart. ditto Yone, 11.—The TForinra Washing ton rin soya: Tito, who hae3 had strong h in eventual • peace, thmugh negotiation, 4111 claim that the acne-manhunt character of lie rtpart of the Richmond depattution, coupled with tire a-lancing paragraphs of Presid-.tit Lie irnitn's Message, will yet lead to peace, despite Je tl. - Inovin. l apposition to continue the efrlrt, tuk U c !ma 01 certain peace men tit that Coaled- Clary. Another, and much more general opinion in, that t h e war will go on until peace in eon quera d in the delal. aw Tot.e, Feb. 11.—The Richmond Pi-101- OS,ot.tte telt ell. urislir rove: The peace eon firmer is to have en excell•ht effect nputt the hem people In silencing all dissensions and rahit, the entire of the rebel currency, dud. hn-nc"by eav imp In gimmlittl.ng mint the legi timate rdrect of this row declaration of war on the v alue Of the curritcy, we have taken no account of rash ainuzin4 and fabulous aunt mira- Envious blur:Carl In our Treasury administra tion as that an latch Iras just hcen brought to 11:ld, :In er. or of roar or tire hannireal lied dutiesof the government. We have been trot.-mooing the cire.A. an her things being equal, Fut,iret oily to au average amount of odium. air mea t. Floc!: and Money Nl:lna:sin New York NE - A Itu.s., Fa, 1 1.--The Btm - k Market ii 1 - 110 expectation of M pre tem. noab nyetniation though It ha, not nba-nd n.. Railroad at- .du art ,temly at ahout yl.tercl.,y nuntati. nA. Gnynnitn , qtts continua Slate I.nntli , lel. and st,‘3ly. Cna Pat er en but very little change Itt .ham. Miseellancoui cenernily richt. Itcport, of Celli to-day 410,000. It rer, tell on the Nr.ut thin afternoon that Sherman bad captured Branehvilbt aud Charlen ton bad been nt anorand. Gold c.ll in eons, (Mei en of Ibe 11"11 , ,, Money is abundant. Fenton rsrliance in' dull,. Prtnll,llstuelc, are RuickeriAxt‘er hold at ill: ltyntl Etr; . i - e Coy 74'0, Pre ,. airut 125; Ik . rniAnlni 97. 1 la Pr:rah:um mm t, t has been unsettled during' tbr vet, k. Early in the work, with le;ltt arirain and ail 'erne in ExchAntze, (alders obtained het 'kr t tit,. although thy Luckless WWI confined to Mali 1 , 4 n. :Once Wednesday the market bat (ban null, and tare arrival, and n progtnxi of Krtey re etittia has ranted n downwanl tendeney. The Into kit cleEne at 4:' , .;(4•4S for mole: fattiefot • for rt hued In load nod Wiii4Fin for refined free. From Cairo ll.—Ono.hundred and arty bd., f tut tau arrlced front Memphis to dad for I r an i:seine. Oro. I..cw %Vinare ha+ arrived here. It la t ramble that he trill act o• Court Itartialin aten,ls4 t;ctsralCarrlnrt.sn, rho, it Is toulcratood, bra Iteu rellserd. Court %TM adjourn to r.- t„lrreral Paine ha: not yet arrived. liebelTrea snry Frauds. nsw Yowl. Feb. 11.—The etearnercian , Watit legion stacial Trio Rebel CO2I,VPIS tom In secret session t 6 laccallzate enormous Oratorlal (rands In the Treasurer's accounts. list Meer Lad rioted the total Indebtedness et F114.0(.0.000. tut it Is found that additional rail liabilities exist amounting to '10,00,000. ,ES2=iMMI the Labor itegulatlons in Louisiana. NIA, TORT, Feb. I2.—A New Orleans letter ,3” rite le,Or system went out of opt-ratio's on the Sint of Jatmary, and the new rtuutsCon.. of the Treasury Idthartment were adopted. The latter arc not complete, ant wont , ' Le scut to Washlegion for rue:sloe. , ------- The Overloud Moll Route. HT. Loma, Feb. 11.—Geners1 Dodge telegraphs Gceerst rope front I.rovenst.trsh, that he will hare telegraph 0p..., to Definer and Salt Lake in Sunday . , And In now ready to protect theovc, ;and sot.:l through. For the Putsbercs Doty ti.retts. Wastisxossce, C , Feb. 9, Enreens i—The question of the sue ecroinn to the oriee of Secretary of the Treasury, seem to be made vacant by the withdrawal of Mr. Frturrolen, Is already receiving a very con siderable degice of attention, and I observe that the Flute of Powisylvania Is, to a very consider able ...gout, interested in the appointment of one of tier own sons to that very important and re, eporsible position. lof course allude to the lion. T. M. Howe, of Allegheny. - No came has twee suggested which ists te•en received inure favorably by Mote alto are desirous of 11444011 e best possible thing for the country, o Lila they satisfy the local deminds of your State. Mr. Howe' s past c_xperlitce and history ate•very strong neiritments in favor of 1113 ap loifilneutfi and .although I do not pretend to speak from nuthnttty, I may say, that those who hare the true inti;rosAs of the country at heart, and who bzel the deepest solicitude' edneerning the financial condition of the cduutry, would be gratlllcd by the . 01,1411g:taut' of Sir. ilsiwe, sad would consider such . an net on 010 part of the President as an additional . ' security for the sol vency of the country in the future. Theconntry, nine needs the . genteel of Just such men as your dlidinguished fellow-eitisen, 'and we sincerely hope that the people of Pennsylvania will urge his appointment by every honorable means. - New ENOLVID. General-Heusseauts ['reposed New Corps. General liossean has applied to the War Da- Istrunent fey authority to raise an independent gory', under the .general regulations, for servfee its the district of the Cumberland, though not to be limited to that, anti to mount of ton regi., meats ot _lnfantry armed with SponeCr tillas,and flea four.gan biaterles. The Government has already lnatwurated the policy a f authorizing particular commanders to• raise corps, in the ease of t ietterel . Hancock, an as to make the name of the commander - nihilist.. epee in recruiting. It may not have been en- . tirelyauecessful in that ease, MO such influences •rvre effective In rattling the first armies in the. war. . General ROUMNIU Rimini whereof be rrn proposie,. nod we putne that his popularity, hie good. fame as a soldier, and the local Influence which he and that field of garlic° will bring to bear, will be effective lit raising the corps. It would present peculiar attractions to the young *Mu of Kentucky . and Tennessee, and to the refugees, from the districts Itelby the enemy. General: Rousseau Is e.minents . qualified by his distinr. pitched patriellempn his unvarying success as a soldier to minuend curb a body of men. Ile., sides the reinforcement for decisive operations which such a corps would hri•;, it would anake au cud of bushwhacking' in -Ke.itucky anti Ten itcsere.-- Cut. Gar. TIIF. GOOD Ecvccvs or IT.—The Prealdent's reattluqs to confer with the rebel commissioners le having a. Oyu' effeet upon public. opinion. Tinny or these who thought the gar was pro. longed needlessly or purposely, arc nowaallated that itmlust be pushed vigorously to a conelu -14011. There will be a more united North to aid the tioversmient, and with purpose In view, backhd by. all the resources of the people, there can be but one end to the contest,and that end will be all the sooner reaehed--PAllo. Ledger. .Mowroostinr Coottiv BANK BILLB.--Tho now ono-dollar bills reemo j kly ironed by the. Bank of Montgomery county are the first the bank has had In circulation Jur a long time. Some Individ ual in Philadelphia received one, and was as sured by every one. that it was a counterfelt. To teat the matter, he presented It at the counter. of one of the city banks, which also 'Area/ itos4; wager having been made on its character," a visit had lobe paid to Norristown to have-Its genulness prayed. • - • , T..N.ll9wm—A Washingtein dispatch to the Chichtoati Commercial says: ,` A delegation is here from Pittsburgh urging the appointment of T. Bowe, of that. city , for liemetary °Ulm Treasury. wait-formal) a .member of Congnun; and la Bald to pOsmatiemi sent abilitiM for the poeldon. Most of theCon gresalonal delegation froM Pennsylvania _bloc signed a memorial to the President, asking for hie appoluttnent. CITY In) Stilt 1;1117i; IConittyrtelt r...t ;LI Cnrr•nty Oar city lU Qo,, dcd %Cab opurfsrap fiesta! cur rency, and, nib p v esc , fifi, our ir r bads and “ti,,, by it. Can, ra are reaping's, rid: barn •a:. inl heir ne farialis lonsinso. , ,ausl it is singular till' .0 few or the ronlien, and .ranver: or hoz,. scrip are • brought. to Justice by our zovernment detective". It i r(411 . 11O1C41 that newly ripe is, cent. of tire green half-dollars new In circulation, are (-oinks terfelto, while the in:ld-ring 14.01 it or il Sty and t wend -tine edits pre imitated el rlO4rly th , none bat cnert judges of money can detect the slightest difference 'between the mini and bad ones. The old lourof ten cent notes is ale, imitated, but very few of the bogus ones are in circulation here. Some plan should be reloptel by our merchants and money-bauillens where',y ths• number of comae:4lu in circulation would he diminished. A stamp "Counterfeit." in non- spieunuo lattro, alicubt ho placed upon all the donna money ofliodl, and thus prevent theta from being pooped or ever offered again. 'llse government fliclalo should use more dilligenco in arrerting parties engaged In the work of coun terfeiting. and at least endow-or to protect our citizens from loss in this way. A young friend, cashier in one of'onr leading business honors and a good Judge of money, has shown no eight counterfeit fifty cent notes, and one twenty-five cent note—all of which, with perhaps one Or WO 1114CCIAIODS, would n-e4iily be taken as genuine by the great mass of our chliens. And pt., if 'inch note is taboo and permit-07,-0, the fraud rosy be detected without much difficulty. There notes, however, income so much worn by constant handling that the chars( ter of the eugnavltig cannot lie readily ascertained, mid this very . appearance • of conotant TIS.11:t1 induces many people to jump rtt the Conchnien tliatthe note must he genuine. The ''skorei bii" taking advantage of tide eircum- Ptlo•ce, doubtless rumple and soli the notes be fml• efferfira them, and the only oafs: way 14 to tut jct.' rah bill to close examination. If the rUinrill Out lioritits do not r , oon tint a Step to thin I•n%lnets. the emilltUffelLere. trill innuopoltz•l the trade and drive Ear: genuine postal cur 1, ilty tilt of the market. . / MOD Cherry Hun Basin Oil and Mining Company. We ref r revilers to the advertise:emit in to rclumns, of the "Union Cherry tom Basil ;aid Mining Company." The capital stle: is fscd at (:250,G(.0, in shares of -57,00 each, the libercl proportion of ret,no) being laid aside for are lsinecapital, \Vol, M. 3.l,,Cutrheon, of this city. annonneed ns 6 President, and Messrs. .1. 1% Reamer, S. If. McElroy, William M. Me• Cti!ehren, Dr. It. MeAboy and John M. Craw foot, nt (New Castle,) Ebenezer MeJatikfn lanler,) and M. Dunlap (of Laneastmi D.rt co•rS. The .otscrlisenicnt txhi;jt. , in full Ili: r..ricos properties abd int t—e.is of y cnrsislue of nest I,llnit,le land.. in rev sintpic, abet iee-tai lease lehis, on which w,dls are now being sunk. fliel,m3 Creek tract is r, idcrel, :hve the late sulks. en Pit flats, is' zoos( boring territory-as any In Olbiont, and only Lomds ample and thortMeh development to become eery pro dur tire. • The proJeeters of this company claim thrt it IS tin good a one as was ever ...dozked hi this market. They hart only a limited number of id.arrs r.ow to sell, which will be giten Ira in February 160 and 5:1,1. to subscribers, on the taistltal basis of trie dollar per share; but after lire :rid no more stbek tell be given on the original basis. The worlsin; operations or the rowpany liner brsu I , l,evd ander the snalage meld el Mr. T. It. Clarke, of Oil City, saes hoc the niutatien of being a 1mA:1n: and expert: eneed oil operator. We would advise all inter et tol in oil to read over the adrerdsement la hill. Its t bane to their Supra-tare so tally set forth that Lothing more Deed be !old by as. The New Fity-Cent Pieces The new filly-cent promsies to pay of the. Gay er:Anent arc getting itito circulation. The "frac.- tinned" ir shout as aide aa either of the old Is ofthe Fame denomination, and somewhat lengtr.:mt.eh eel:end:ling a bank bill. The paper I• rf t tie:lent , tiatity. but the engravinp are tat eery reed itubk either in design or ere:entail. An as exchange %nye, the face of the hill repro seats the Geddes. of Jo•tire leaning upon a Fhb 1.1 Ilion which are the brad and shoulders of something that might hr called a hiplotpotsarss. I%).teler It Is, t!-•r ratmt of the thing should lest e bt en print"d underneath. as Teutonic 61411- 1411G14 r Inestibedl434l, .1,14 pietnnat—"This Is to r," and ..Ihta I. General Washington." If it liipirtpatanu*, wal;i1.11k0 to know wI et Ink of qualtly that Tvesch,r-dertetitionsOri-* entrlirt I.:Fermi.% which renders It • lit tont.el- hmrsa for an AitirricAn unto, "third. nal rorrenev. - Cput a accord look at Lr d‘nlgu of the st.ialtl, we are inalined to think It (1:4,y bt int, tided fur a bear. Tito only doubt that ial,ta in f-ur mind as to ita boin..; a bear, 1* ere:, tdi by the fact that Ira do not obeerre any it on the (Aber slily that can hy any effort of the animation be suinviii4 to reereaent Gener al 1\ eilliti*m." Ttr Cetiyliburg liemlnar - y. Is is elated in the Lutheran Ob.:seer that a sir x'e family, belortglax. to the Lethoraneongre unt,, of Plftstotrub, Peertylrania, hare deler. mitod to notlettae the endowment of a Theo -100; al Professorship tbrmstires. It Is to be de•isto ted by the fiontly name of the donor*, not 'urn be known as •`The Graff Profetsorshlp" In tie Tffeologleal Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa. Of ;be V.:0.000 required, 5t3,500 hare already ieau coutributed by the *writing widow and thot tore of Henry Graff, Esq., late of Pitts looeh. The mother, Mn. Eibtaiwth Grationd ; blest son, John, paid $10,000; Christopher sot-. INA $3,000, and Matthew, the you:great, Jest somtreneintrbwinerst $5OO, with the anti- Opt ;ion of doubling it should kis expectaUons Pc r all,o d. it Is further *toted that a mire/i -lk, optics friends of the Seminary is to meet In liai; mote ell the record Wednesdar in March to adopt a plan, and ihammrato measures for ;he ceffrphition of its endowment. A ••(.wey" en the 3louongaheln 'The Ta:rmont Nazi:mai saps: " On Wed ut..ge ay tie Swisher writ, five tulles below Fair mont, en the Monongahela ricer, suddenly:trate pre, i Inswing water several feet Meeve the month of Ow well. After a short time the pressure of gas somewhat abated-) but at last accounts the water was still boiling over the mouth of the. cost:lnger at a tremendous, rate. The water Is of tottlltty color, and strongly Impregnated with eli,,ltt though unmistakable Indications of oil. Ti t e fairing had only proceeded to ,the depth of in hundred and twenty-two feet wham the era halsn occurred, and bas been temporality Rus e) ee d'astil tanks can ne prepared to contain he • it which Is confidently expected soon after oast:4n °muttons. Who knows but Marion (Obit fy will yet be the greatest Oil-dorado to the woe l e i . ." . . Deserted Ills Willi. A man ceiling himself William U. Roland, went to Johnstown last fall, and represented , 'Limit-1(1d be engaged In the purchase of grain for tho Government. , Shortly aftdr going to that I lace, be met Itfica Louisa Stremel, profess: ed to loin Ler, and prevailed upon her to outcry him, and tley were united in October last. He remained with halo wife until the middle of. No veml.Tr, and then, pretending that he was going. to T 3 n thi the purpose of. buying grain, left for Inns unknown. and Las not been heard of It is astern. ease of,desertion, and is In to, be larped the villein roahhe brought to justice. Roland la probahlyna assumed name. The man laperhaps , thirty.titti yearn mid; about See feet eight 'inches' bigb, nod Las a' rdwarkably high tbreliced. HAMM his wife that he formerly re sided In Dfasslllon, Ohio.. Eire at Sewlekley-.Edgeworth Seminary - Burned. • - We learn that the Female Seminary, located at Sewickley, was burned on Saturday evening. All we could. learn ofthe matter was obtained from pmeengere who came in on the- eight o'clock train on. Saturday night. They mate ,that as. they passed thcough Sewickley, they SAW the fames. bursting from all the windows, , 'and the probabilities are that the Seminary was burned down: We expect to get fall particulara for this ellen:mobs edition. t Isrronrwr TO AIL( BOWS= TO DITATT.—It ought to be generallyhnown that every non-re porting dratted man who may have been drafted, either In Mail or 1804, who shall ho returned to the Provost:Marshals, and found tit for service, will be credited on tho pending draft to his own proper subdistrict. Any person IA authorized to arrest such men, and for each one who shall be brought brand found lit for service, a reward or fee of thirty dollars will be paid by the Provost. Marshal to the person to bringing him. POLIOIS CCPYILTOiIy Scenes are usually pre-, seated at the Mayer's °Mee on Sunday morntng, but yesterday. perhaps owing to the cold wepth er that prevailed on Baturdirrnight, the busTheier. was decidedly dull. Tom. Conner, the unfeeling' wretch; furnisped . the only nose . th at , was la the least Intormting. had ban' whipping his wife, and the only pity Is that she was not . to give him a sound pummelling. for be dp— served It richly. Tam gave bail for his appetispisbel at Meiners term ormurt. Annansm POE Iturrnci ♦ G Volans. The proprietors of the Club Am* "Fattrtb" Street, were qulstly . taken Into custody, a lbw days. into, and heldusbalk by:Alderman Strain, In the enniot 11700, to alumni • dune or keep: lug a embling bouse, preferred b officer Pen-. 'der. - Pirtle% are wider Indictment for tble MG:me, and both imam will be tried of the nest term of the Quetta' llosslons. 4h. r,ll,l!'y i 1 , 4.? ts a es, est i on of dividing Allegheny toonty tor.ll two Srl;o,7itstral cia.e Is ll•fore. the Legislature, I propose to exam ine KWIC Of the arguments Oct forth In relation to the suljert, and elm to Mier arms sayrgealtlol3 rillalite to the preet oared measure. Ail alma that the attempt to superintend the relate.' or this county ty one man hese :salmi in a com plete; failure, as'far as any benefit from visitation and superintendence tar concerned; ennsequont iy, a remedy Is - serteght in a distrust] of thrirdel rend employment of hdditioom It is thus, fore unnecessary to consider the advantage of a diyiritas ; nil friends or an all deed hir,nrisitt,- cy concede the point. But the m antler in wlehde the division shall be mode, appear: to have en listeelanenslelernhle effort en the dinconstou of dif ferent plates and elicited quits a dillitronce of o l i o n n i o o ri district party ne ..d the wishing un 4ra t , h i e e d graded d t cid u, s bon a c „,, l while the other putty whales the nehooll I. e. each district to embrace a part of the graded schools. The main question then is, are the graded and ungraded schools organized so ditto catly as to tie I,ceriitttd by separate classitica lion? The city schools, as well an those. In the boroughs adjoining, arc graded, thattt , pupils of one Mato of advancement are put together un der one Weller, and those of greater attainment-1 under another, end so on, white the country schools have all grades{ together under the same teacher. The city rebottle are elltt ',nowt thrones rut the entire school yeNa —llwso in the country for ft ear months and ujeseareis. Very many of the country rchools are, of necessity, taught by prehOIIR wine ore teachers only ter the• timo, and the net of the year are toglip,rud la other pur suits, while In the city, geared teaching la the role hnsine on of these engaged In It—la many eases the deliberately cleiam frofessinn of active life. Now those differences e. rlainivisuggest to the mired sat sill Conver.a , st !111loapbical classification that one division should he m tele coon to throw all the school. of the same kind together, as far an priFFILI . . 0 . , that one uniform system sassy be . rdopeed to the schools in his din ts ect. A geod, e flicient nrse, stele to el:enroll the Walls he his district two or three tines - in the course of the year,. could avreempilsh enente to ed Introducing saystem and noir ermlty into the seta •Oiii in 10, district, e • traialej it he 5hi11114 make a jullieleass and Intelli.fent use of t h e vas,- t, tot edible his and 1•11,,I•lit'l S. I ass not prepared to speak doll thsty scr i a: el to the cometry sr:hotels, but I I.now the airy nclervieln need just stink Ail agency ~. it live. rlltie. thrtou.:l.ly tlooated, va st and tcll urlast man 'mutt 1,111,14 Idie of 1.14 6110% at n 1.7101,e Whclin r e zn . 1.0011, 101,3114 4,1 erly or the teach, worthy of the rame—ore Isla, could. in n 1,1! an hour. old the 11 - 11 - 71.‘r1 me, d hut otirrwl, trIZIe.I t. orker vi ore 111311, Wn l ll.l lot trained in moot:,, "Cu tract, 4,1 exporietteo. The 141 , 41i 44, of the too 1,11 . 1,4 and hurongLs .1171( end: og, r.tol the .ervi-c+ of 'itch and It the evonly rupttlot,ndent 'tore rrlievel it 1 , 0 many schools—nearly bolt In t 11.• ronatry— Lr r.rutiuly do much more rfECient and bent.flaial get-vire to those remainlnz. • yi.ur pCrtoltafun, 3t,rre. Edicori., I will 01-Jextlote In my nest. A. I% urd Among 'the 'ilurnmits Ward', emertainment opened for the Ft:•FGTI nn llc:•dap eTtning. trial complete and lagllant Hlect.s. Th‘throrill lii l teas Illled,rrith an neurflowing andlynce, and great numbers .tt ere turned from the door, unable to procure wren standing room. The entertainment ihor our,bly justified public espeetation. In Its htt morom qualities, indeed, It seemed to surpais cztrr t idiom 'We do not re memlyer ever to have Leard i.uch continuous and uncontrolled laugh ter oF that excited by the rmtline ; narative which preceded the pictorial exhibitions. Every phrase appeared to Lit the mark with unerring precis ion. There was comparatively little of tin I realise sort f humor triad' dieltinguishes As t‘elits Ward'd ' tut cast deal of the quirk, keen. and pnlatisl• jocularity, which ap peals most strongly to the mirthful sense of a pc 11:ar tor.rtnlilac... Asa writer sat aq a lac turcr, firternes Wird, "any ' , at .1 . men," ntunt ncelasarily be two dill . ..rent liellagA. IL Is certain, horrervr, If we Inty jetlt;e by the reault of Yilonday errr.ing's exporiturat, that hie :tbility to Lot tors in one capacity than In the other. The record of a' tour among the elormcms forms the subs. tenths] part of the entertainment at Derisconh Mall, an.: tire relation of personal experience and clone otreervation In that strange region afk:ads much "matterof itationaltiterest and instrnetion. Bat' to counteract' any suspi cion of tediousness that mht creep ore. 412 andience, thagecturerhai .I.ivened the whole subject by dr.rwing,liberally upon inch hamar ous elements no It obviously...possesses. The onion of practical Information with odd and mirthful fancies. is very eltiMfolly contrived. Ire iiirsaratlve part of the exhibition makes fewer demands upon the merriment of the audi ence than that in which the imagination of the speaker la wholly free and untrammelled, but all is veal of Its various kinds. . The pictures themselves arc unquestionably the only. authen tic representations of Mormon Ilfe and scenery that have la= 'submitted to tho public. They. • aro f.litirfnlly executed, and in some cases artis tically so. It Is nevertheless palpable that their value is subordinate to the rhetorical part of the entertainment. This is of so clever rre order that; with the additional advantage of the rare comical aptness and felicity of manlier which the lecturer enjoys, we shall be surprised If "Among the Mormons" does not enjoy a profit able and protracted season In New York. S. P. TrOuser. cum If it is liasnow Esc irr..—The Wheeling Insiligeneer says that on Wednesday. .last, as a passenger train of alx. cars was ascending whit: is known As Cranberry grade on the Baltimore anti•Ohin fieliroad, a rail gave way under the engine end vas forced several feet away from the track. The delving wheels of the engine made a track In the ice and snow, and slaguriarly enough, the 'whole train passed rapidly over the spot. The prigincer feeling that something was wrong, -whistled for down brakes, and luckily the rear car had barely passed over before the train stopped. We learn dltat there is a great deal of snow tho mountains along the line of the road, and that trains are - compelled to-move along slowly" send with caution. Rim Dismay OP STAITART, frOU3tIIOLD OR &c.—Tbe elegant goods (advertised) ou sceotni floor of Mellwaine's Auction Rooms, are now open and will be all day to public exam ination. It Is the finest collection ever brought to this city, and Includes beautiful work of Ital ian art, beside the large variety of bonsehold or earns uts. All are Invited to visit the collection today. Catalogues will be furnishod for the kale to-morrow morning. • ALI , . ThITINII4T AS HENRY WAIST) Bitsonta:— This justly celebrated humorist and elocutionist, will deliver his lecture after the manner and style of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher oa Wed nesday evening next, at Lafayette Ha lt, • before the Tennyson Club. This lecture has created an Immense sensation throughout the entire coun- try, and bas given Mr. Burnett an enviable rep •ntation as one of OM Most eminent elemationbita. Trtmn Winn.--The citizens state Third Ward are very rigorous in their efforts to relieve them selves Item the draft, and are holding enthwil istic meetings every night. They_ are getting along flnely,'stnd ere confident that the required asnonnt will be subscribed. They moot again at the school house this evening. Tastwuortur, io . su OLD Acorn.—Sir. Charles 8. Porto; ormerly manager of the theatre fa • this at*. end oae of the oldest actors la the country, received a splendid benefit irahlladel- OM a - few days ago. The total receipts were 82881.50—expanses, 1tA115.68. Amount handed over 31r. Porter, $2,=5.06. eIiVILLE.—On Tuesday, Rh Inst., of inilfult nuttion of the lungs, EDWARD T. J. SEVILLE, of Co. C. 6th Penult heavy Art:Miry, aged is yeah, and. 6 ottnitha s 'Notice of runeral given to the titiperi. ' O IL CLOTHS! OIL CLOTHS!-Floor, Trade, Stair, Counter,. and Wagon Qll Cloth., of allaidabiand styles, A largo stook on Wool aral for sale wheleelle and retailer • J. tc IL. PHILLIPS. • fe7 , . de add St. Clair et. -RACON AND'. I. 1.1). .A. , 1.1 tierces S. o.•llneee; • - SO • • ',.. Primo Shoulder.; III!2o ••• Leaf Lank for We by WATT & NI. u.soN, fcB - . 248 Liberty &treat. WM FRUIT. 50 boxes Laser Raistas; s 4 . M. R. •4. . eases Figs; just received and for sale by fel REYMER BROS. (IDEA? DWELLING DOUSE AND :ROT FOR SiLLlG—bit te °nears itstreit, Routh Pittsburgu S . OTITLI ° BERT ei'SONS, re . . .. 51 Market street. 3 °TArfEiI TANOES t car, loadl u d r e et ! iANLEY YWstERm , • • I % ' t Um. xtra Family Flour; la demo's,. tor sale by ... .3. KIBJEPATRIOK BR(.). Geese -a- Feathers, In stem and for Ills by 'J. KIRKPATRICK & RHO. 811ED••=4110 , byl.' • a'imothj, +; B ee4 Stare 15t4 tor male bi • , fee , .T. KIRKPATRICK Jr. BRO." „ T. , A111) .01L-0 Ws. Minter; flow - 11-1 boding. for role by ISAIAH, nroatzt *AM- V_LUE-30 stare, sad for sal&by fee MALMO. DIQILEY Rvv. LILISLIED IN 17,36. ~.7~feQ:~;1.7 ~.A:z:0i~.4. ANOTIIEIt Nlc GREAT ExciTEm EWE' iT \ AND SHOE MARKET!, HEAVY ADVANCE IN ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL BOOTS AND SHOES ALctvrtaascocl. 80 pox' oo.ss.t r CARD TO Tilt PUBLIC h eta , ' t Wending the' gre al - advance In iSet Mas ten, market, we are bound to clear out our winter stuck less than former prlem and In many eases In. than cost. We must make room for our it moose apriagand summer stock. now In process at manufacture, All the Winter Hoods now la Mars will he sold without the least - re - Old to Obn. ' We have tbotes.urds of dollars worth of heavy goods. which It ironic!' be unsafe and ruinous to sassy MIST SELL AT ANY PRICE. REMENBER, CONCERT HALL Sl-3f (I:3]E: Sr_VCO.l. t,E24. No. 62 Fifth Street. CLO.S.F.VG OUTS CLOS LIM OUT S CLOSI.VG 011 T! Heavy Goods Less than Cost re. -••-• - - - - - S. SPBCI.II. 1NC0.511.: TAX.— a- , • Bailor received the hot of Special Tax, a.. eroord on income, of Idea in accordance with the ncL of Congress, nptroved Jody 4111. Mat, for the Div hdon mmpriaing the 13ortmohs of Birmingham, Eset Birmingham, South Pittsburgh, Moucuishe. la, West Pittsburgh and Teuiperancerille, mad the Townships of linidvehi, Snewuen, Lower St. tilair, Upper St. Clair, Scott, .Untoo; Chortler,. Bob!. , son, North Fayette, South Fayette,Findley, Moon, Crescent and Neville. f will attend for therecetir leg of mild taxes at the Office of A. B. ...Stievenunt, Esq., Itirminghom. dolly (Sundays and Saionlaya excepted) until Jtondoy; January 30th, het wee* the hour, of I and tp. to. Also at the following p lnetAc ed 'Wurstioy,Fcb.tst, rattle house of Peter Boyer, Snowden townsldp. Thuradaii, Feb. lot. at the house of U. W. Boyd, 13 1117i r oVY, Pet. r .rth at S tfie house of 3. N. Tt shall, Robinson townshi Tursdny: Feb. Ito, at the horse of 'Elijah Mar. 'hall, in Clinton. Wednesday, Feb: Mb, at the louse of .Mitthow Mcf3regor,Noldestown. o rlday, peb. 10th. at the oißce Of D. Bobinoon, Faqy Temperancerille., Monday, Feb.l3th, at the office of W. U. Barker. Esq., South Pittsburgh. I will 'also attend at the oMce of the Collector of Internal Revenue, No. 67 Fourth st.,_Plttabdrgb. -no Saturdays,'until 11th of Feliruary,.frete a a. in. to .1 p. in. After aforesaid dates le per cent penalty wth be. added. Payment tenet temade H I N A. SERn United GEANT, States remarry. 'JO Dep. Collector ad CMS:Id/het Persons preferring may remit their chec ks , par. able to my neder,_through the Plltaburghp. jallolhwtfebt3F 31. CORD k CO., 61EMEM Mats, Caps and Straw Cloolllt, ar now fs store th . e is vest dnd 14 , o'st..etraplalts . • GOODSE.ORFJU.LSAL.FS, . - Ever °aimed In the west. itterV.rar. are embedded to evil and emuntne our stork. "- te will be lola at very low rates. - hot v I ...MOD STREET. Titißß. • . 42- 1 •. 6o lbla. No. I Large 166ekerel; 100.34 bbl. as.l I 4 it 4 4 , 4 c. • . 6 2 i a • a g hp. ' " t • IA •.1 bbl. " 1 22 " " 2 • 62 kltts " 1 2 .. a a 2 a 450f0 poundal:7o4llst]; • 10 drums Hake; 60 1 ,, - bal.: No. 1 White rish,• • '' " 1. Plekere__,l4 for sale by " ' . WATT A WILS4IN, fee , . geB Liberty It. S,;UNDIC ES-NOW RECEIVING, 1 , 7 60 baler Fvolly Benin; bbl. Lake Bats; Is quarter do. 404 101444 Sorghum Nolsasee; " nlee Apple Butter; Ge " choler - 4144M CO lbs. extra fresh nutter; • 1050 doz. Fresh Eggs; Goo boxer. mild, ilea. cutting Cheese; For sale at PEACE PRICES, b 11. BIDDLE, let fie. IBS LTherty street. P. GENGEMBItE, Civil and Neshnoleal Endinier. No. ti HAY STREET, nen. Fenn, . PRAWINGS of NACTIIIIVICRY, BUILDING; MONUMENTS, • BRIDOES, Ste., executed wit& ac a n rifilVVl r t t- ZWV4 sinker., with .2 %;edit ' claws for different tiles of drawinr OTIOE. Letters •of Admi strobe. n. A. , having been granted to the undetsignial, ori the estate of W. A. Black, deceased, late of FAIL Deer township, Allegheny motley, Peruni. • All penman having claims,on the estate an, h ereby, notified to present them properly authenticated' for settle moot, and atipersons indebted' to add estate, will make inasedinto payment to 'the subscribes* la Borough. WY. T. VVANS. Admr. jailloswdoisw 310 FEDERAL itc AL sTrr. p 04,1 E A lot of ground, re feet. froile trorfret den., 'extending to an alley, a THEE R _aroity - BRICK liW ELLIZZG HOUSE, if. hall. And four rooms on first Root; hall, three end:Bl.l,lml cony and porch - on second flogs three .rooms third floor, and garret. ce lar, coal-holm and stable.. roueulen on April let. Apply to'. ' . 2 - ' B. CUTHBERT A 80H, fen) - 6I Market street. Taos . STEEL & BAILEY; Steck Brokers and Real Estate Agenta Stooks bought ms 4 sokl exelustrely, ea umaliii OIL air Dem, MUMS MALL. . . PRESSES _FOR SALE. • .; Ono TAYLOR. OTTARDZI&I*_I2:SO One TAYLOR DOUBLE TAADRik-ingtrt. Inebeel ali in good w,orking Will be sold M a borutn,__Rbquire of 4i addriali endikU Pitdebuglailbt. PRIVATE DISEASES. — -' • Mee 253 1.223 f 2Taugratimiritslo.2 For the mire of all disease* of "a priests satin, 12 from two to tour days, by so entirely new end sale treatment. Also, Seminal Weakness, sad al o th er diseases of thegeultal ermine, and thetiprereneSsia A cure warranted or money refunded. Address ustereaW 21: Penn street SOThim TillllOlPll. OIL CO.bil'ANY.—Notica is hereby given that the first Meettnif at Sttiak,- holders vtllthe held st.'wrcsiss , IiALL, Pleb bomb. on THU }MALY. Attach 2d, 1825, at a o'clock r. v., for the putpote of orgsoltatiOn, u Speeldeli under the set of Assembly of the Commonwoaltla of Pennsylvania, approved Jplr 16th, 1883. • , KING,' t• Prealdeut, pro fem. Flttston2h, Feb. 11.18132. . ,feltrAd Perrenrian, Feb- 2, 1/10. A N ELECTION FOR TILIRTEXN Menagera of the Company foe "erecting Bridge over the Monongahela - Elver, opposite rittabuegb, lathe enmity of Allegheny, In confer mity to an act of Assembly peewit Jan. Yntb, rIll•be held at the Toll Boner. on ;lONDAY: 'arch 6. 1E64, at 2 o'eloetw.m. ,N.IIOI.MES, feldwd Beerelsti. G 3 ''UGARS. 100 bbh A and iteotree Sonar. 10 do- Crushed do it do Grow, do • 10 do Pulu - do :raja received and for 11610 by • fegt. . REYNER 14..880 TACCARONI.—Gennine Italian - .Ma fluent and Veradrella; pui t.t.e up 1111111 CUM_the for: family use , at for sale . puund,,S t _ .Family pnxery Store! of ..310). A. IMNSITAWA L fen ' .Conior of Llberty.and Bud GL . TaBRINE - For' =ate _prim, at Ns,tnickUlr?,:corl MOTO in"' itteTBEILAI sta.trli Oeteit!' orLtbstty owl Bard RNb ' 3 z , d0,1 4 Goo . 3 .11erlrout liAanz 33 . 340 4 ' • ••28614ber11.street:'. iILoVER "SEED.;--100: his: "Prima 011ie. doter geO, in Store and or sale by .ft 9 J. KIIIKYATEUOL CI I O.9IGTO OUT! =2=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers