MONDAY, FEBRUARY ia , 18'03 • • A VISIT TO ItIARPERM PERRT. !fr. jrc vratmo s made the, remark.that it Was worth a trip across the Atlantic. to see the wild and tremenlious gap which the waters of the Potomac have torn thrott,h the- Iliac Ridge. In the very midst of that gap Iles the famous place of which we are speak. log—a place lung famous for Its water - . power, and as the site of one of Uncle Sam's . principal armories --fatuous irslater days as _ .the elder theatre of Joins Snowst's !strange laid upon the dominions of slavery; and, obillater, as the place that wasoßenest cap , tore& and recaptured by the opposing hosts of Loyalty and Treason, Unittiet and Seces sion, Freedem and Slavery. - k‘fritt Westfo Rast the Poteinae hes cat il4 way directly through. the Blue Ridge; right in this midst'or Ma gorge its stem are Joined by those of the Sheatus - slosh; a strong and rapid river, which cornea An from the South, hailng apparently cleft - "the Mottntaln longisUdinOlt tar some die. -lance, leaving lofty,-rugged and almost per- Pendicolar cliffs on both sldee--the water . rushing down over a rough bed of solid • rock'for a tulle or . - More before it mingles • ilustrof the Potomac, which has a chan .• mei of pretty much thesame character. On the cast bank the Shenandoah washes the base of the rot-ky - Precipice, above w hich • rises the main bay of the Blue Ridge ; irhiic C a t the acs 1 side, betweerithe river tied the-Opposite piecipice, there Ise narrow strip of gretund comparatively level. It is upen This that what little town there is In ,that steangetwila Spot; is principally located. On the south hank of the POtomac there is a narrow belt of level ground upon which stand the naked walls of some large old goy : 'ernment hur-ehngs, and along which the Baltimore red Ohio Railroad rums, while along tie , west side of the Shenandoah the branch ~to Winchester sets off almost at a right aught. For many a day will Harper's Fury hear the rough scars of this war, and • for all time Radii Le a notah'e hiatoric spot. Nature, art nod history here meet and min ' glean features of no common strength. We Lad occasion to visit this place dur ing the past week, and shall briefly no rice some thinga we saw durini a sojourn of two or three days in that bustling gate of the Shenandoah valley. There are but few soldiers encamped znerliately at llarper's Ferry, yet it is the , central point of numerous little camps. The headquarters of the commanding officers are herr, and here is the general hospital, established in what we took to be as old cotton factory—n large and substantial brick building of four stories, and admirably adapted to the purpose. The nature of our • business enabled us to examine this Institn • tion very closely and with more than 0ra1..„_.-. ..„_.-. miry Intermit, and td become acquainted . with the gentleinen connected with it. It is under' the care of Dr. N. F. GIMAN, 'SIaIT Surgeon, assisted by a corps of ward surgeons 'and other appropriate officers. We confess, that as a general thing, we ha ve ' 'nets, vet" exalted opinion of army sur pods as a class; ben we are free to say that in Dr, GILAIIAY we found "the right man in-titoright place." We say this, 'not be - .'-eapse he treated us with 'gentlemanly cow , ' „may, but because we senitinized narrowly - his bearing towards those under his author .' icy end care, and observed the-'ailudiable order and discipline which everywhere pre varied, and whielLwete inaintaineewithoht any or that Metal her-Imess in which sonic. men who, happen to be clothed with. - `a littlehrief autherity,', indulge, and without any of that offelal arrogance which betrays the'lacß dr bOth brains and hettr4`and' eon- . suquently of bee mardiocid. • 'Of , Itis skill as.- • ' a surgeon we, of course, can sty nothing or our own Leoiderige, bin we heard it Willy spoken of. Of his kindness and, humanity, and of his qualities as a gentleman, how ever, we ran speak. In this In ler notice of men a n d things at' Darner's retry we should do wrong not to spiak of the Christian commieston. It, Acre, T has its headquarters for that fromepate region .'at liarper's Ferry. Among the good men we found laboring there kith all "their Might for' the bodily and aPiritaal . good of the soldiers was tile liev. Jody CAEGTURItf% of fildialla, campy, 'an old and esteemed friend, whose locks are toadied with the frOsts of not less than sixty-five - winters. The general field ;agent is 411 e MILLER, of the United Presby least' Church, a man of indefatigable in- ultistlY and Rae administrative abilities. We.. believe lie ill a native of Beaver county. A nobler or more generous man we never • me'; and were we to relate even what fell iinder our win observation of Lis deeds of . Etthatautiq kindness to all aronuthint, but 1- esOcelidly to a bereaved and sorrow-stricker, • woman,-and at serious expense to himself, our language would not be thought es -4ravagant. We believe Mr. 31tritmtWis a _ _ , student in the Theological Seminary of his Church in Allegheny city, before he assumed ids present position. - Theft. headquarters is a decent;"shanty" , containing three rooms and a little hitches: Dere they live and label: and hold their nightly meteings for raglans' worship. Dere soldiers aro avrays coming and going, ' and bere.they*agregate ever] evening one hour to sing and pray, and disclose their' joys or sorrows. Here they often linger to :Mitt orsing Wrgether f those better things Which only true believers realize and un -.'derstind. We have all heard much' ; and' - lread mud: of' the great things' which; the Christian Commission Is doing for, our, sot diets, and of the responsive , sphit which Chore Tabors call forth In the hearts of those Woble fellows=of their fervent prayers, of 'their heroic testimony, of their earnest, trim "' pie Eiomc of us, perhaps, have fan. tied flit the pictures were little too high-, c !ored, that they bordered slightly oo romance; but we can testify that they, are true, for we bare seen and heard for_ ourselves. During the present winter hun dreds Of soldiers have become earnest Christian men at ,Barper , a Ferry and In -' the camps around. ' Even tho delegtites themselves are astonished and delighted at the progress of the work.... But it Is not' wore:than might be expected; for prob ably botbing his been seen so much like the work of the great Master himself as this - work of which we are specking.. Let . it not languish 'for want of means. • Tns CIIRISTIAN Comitrestos.—The Sm. ' clay School Times, at er giving the proceed. ings of the recent Christian' Commission anniversary; says: , We will simply add that the Commiludon is in need of Sines. It is constanffatepend ent upon the Christian public for its sup. port. On the first ddy of Janturt7 only $5,420,12 were in its treasury at ,the Cen tral Office. Its daily work requires nearly ten thoweittui dollars, and is increasing in Its demairda Shall anything be wanting to it; when we remember, as was CO aptly quoted by the eloquent and distinguished general who addressed-the meeting, "that the gold - and the silver, and the cattle on thowand hills, are His l" . The - , ehurehes of Christ areinvited to t ionr in , their free-will offer ings, and to • rove - God' therewith if he • will not open' e,whadows of Heaven and" pear outs .blearing" upon the rainy and nary. upon the chtireh, upon the , nation, .and npen the world, "that there slug not:. be room enough to receive it." - - . . - - " OUR COMMON COUNTRY." zette. - Every reader of the torte spotuenee - en tie Peace queition, sent te Coegreas by the President on Friday last, will have noted that while President LINCOLN invariably speaks of Lis strong wish to restore peace to "our common country," JEFF. Davis as invariably specks of peace "between tie twit-ten:tries." Yhiimarked characte:ittic of the correspondence is even pointed out by JEFF'. Davis himself.. kids speech at the Aitken Church, after the return of tue Rubel envoys in Richmond, he said : "In the notes which paned between Mr. Lincoln and himself In the matter there was one marked difference. He (Proaldeta, Davis) spoke always of twe countries. if,.. Lineoln spoke of a common rountry. lie (D.) could have no common country with the Yankees. His life was.bound up with the - Confederacy; and if any man supposed that tinder any circumstances he couldJu an . agent of the reconstruction of the Union, he mistook every element of his nature. With the Confederacy he would live or die." It is here plainly confessed that the late conference was sought by DAVIS with a view to Peace solely upon the basis of the independence of the South. lie was for Peace; but it was for Peace "between two countries; Mr. Ltneoz.x also was for Peace, Lilt i 6 Ifgo for Poo "to our [and their] common country." • In all this the advantage is immeasurably on the at of Mr. LINCOLN. Every friend of "our common country," every opponent. of separation, must now feel compelled to take.part with him. lie went to this con ference in 'the it ost fraternal. and kindly Spirit, ready to welcome his erring brethren -back: they came to it to widen the beach, to promote separation and render the quar rel 'permanent and irreconcilable. The world cannot fall to award Mr. hiscorzr full Justice for the noble attitude occupied by /dm. Ore other point is rendered certain by the Rebel amount of this interview, to wit: that Peace cannot be made with .TEsF. DAvtd. He's for fighting it out to the hitter cod; and we have got to whip him so thor 4,ughly as to utterly exterminate his goyern ment. We may then make peace with the Si , utbern people; but it cannot be neat:ll - through their present government while it Las vitality enough to hold up its head. THE 1-30 1.0.1 N . . . Our readers are aware illat the Secretary °Nile Treasury, bearing is mind the extra ordinary success of Mr. JAY Coors, in placing the 5-20 loan has entrusted him with a similar task In getting the 7-30 loin taken ; and we refer to his advertisement in to ; days paper, for information as to the de tails arranged by him—in carrying out the wishes of the Treasury Department. 'We have no doubt of Mr. COOKE'S success in this undertaking. " The 7-30 loan ie the only loan now before the public, and the only only one likely to be brought out. The Secretary of the Treasury desires to keep the issue of geld bearing bonds within their present limits for not lees than-three years, when the 7- e. l o's will be convertible. It is certainly important that the customs revenue will Provide for and leave a satisfactory margin for contingencies. The Secretary is even more anxious to avoid any increase of Gov ernment currency, and therefore must rely upon the receipts _from internal revenue, and the 7-30 Loan for money to pay our ar mies and supply the other large deniands upon the Treasury. Although the subscrip tions to the 7-30 Loan luxe been con ider able, they have not reached the necessary amount; and this meant adopted by Mr. Ccons wilt. w trust, be thoroughly suc cessful in raising suffitient fuudi from this !ME to carry on the affairs of the govern-. ment. - Every men van has money to iavest dieted Lear the gorornnient first in mind. -It is or I.lcoulti be a preferred borrower. It 'depet.da solely upon the p...tople for ptvans to 'curry the war to a suelessful condm.ion; .and as it ofTera a secure loan, with a high r.le . of interest', it ougt.t :0 1.r.a 0 to obtain ar. the money it peed% t t pr'y. Colored 1 gaol Cement fun. Ilanatinur.o, Feb. 19.—The convention Leo., kd ioolay. An address was t;... • tit by David 1). Turner, of ho thanked God that his rs.Ce could mstzi in the capital of rtnnsylrani.t and give_ex pretsion to the view. which they eutettain• td. Prot G.. D. Vasi,ott, of Fittaliurgh, fol. it:wed in advoesey-Of the elective franchise being extended. to colored people as the gn oust j ell!. of nay government. P on. antes L. titattam,saf'the Pcnn.yi. vat la Senate, spoke at length, and argued the importance .of individual exertions of these-present to elevate their 'race. The titre when the block an was looked upon mt. a chattel has gone by. Twenty-five yenta ago he (the speaker) had advocated 04, abolition of slavery, and had been per -Ed:lent in Lis efforts fiont that day to this. V,"l:tn the rtiellion first began, we were Lie treated in nearly every contest, bud since the ancipation pmelamation„ our armies had in en more successful. (Applause.) lion. Thomas J. Bigham, Senator front A ileglienv, was loudly called for. 'vile con• fined himself to the rights of the African to vole; and Said he had seen the day when the black man under the cad cototitutioa, was .allowed his suffrage, and lie hoped the time would soon came when tgain, He referred to the decision I.! the Dred Si Ott cite, by Judge Roger B. Taney, and the determination of the southern masters to - gt iEd the Len into tho 'colored freemen of 11.• c• North. lint the scene •has changed .sievezynew lies cold in death. lie Itferred tolite prejudice that ex'sted against the black man, hut lie hoped that the t;ottiinvuotald coon come when the color of a skin or the curi of the hair would not invidiously distinguish .a man. He c'osod y :dating that their rights would. soon be sustained, and the . year of Jubilee would imowtome. * Addresses were delivered by Sergeant - 311titai - /L 11. Green, of the 727th colored in fantry, and by My. Samos Austin, Hector of St. Thomas' ChurchiPhiladelphia. • :The following, resolutions were adopted: ; Retake, Thatwe recommend our people everywhere: to ealUvate a practical knew ledge of all literary, merciptne, commercial, and Industrial pursuits. Reseved, That we extetti the right kand of fellowship to the freedmen of the South, and expresa tO them our warmest sym pathy indoor deep concern for their fare, pro-pertly and happiness; ind deslie too • bort them to thane their course - to frt.. gality, the accumulation of preperty, and above all, to leave untried no amount of Of fen and selfoicnial to acquire knowledge,. and to secure a :vigorous moral andrellgons' growth. -We desire, further, to assure then of our cooperation.aild assistance, and that our efforts in their 'behalf shall be,given without measure, and ho limitZa only by our capa c ity to give work and act. Adopted. The nettolution was also adopted.bythe Na tional Convention of colored men, held in the city of Syracuse; New York, October 4th, 1864. • .nral!re4l,.. That this convention indorse tho doings of tho delegatet-of the Late Na tional Convention from tbls State, in the preliminaries laid down by them looking to the formation or a State qual Rights Leegue, and that the movement started by them receive our heatty cooperation and support. - , EXCITANCE OP PIUROSEII3. —After can femme with Mr. Ould, rebel exehange com missioner, extending through nearly .a month, Col. John E. Mulford, Union agent for the exchange of prisoners of--war, his, under the direction . of Gen. Grant, in where' charge -everything, relating .to ex rluinge has been placed by the government, sucecet lett in. making all arrangeinttnle fora complete:exchange of all soldiers be longing to the one side held in captivity br the, other,- including , the-eolorea- troops. The, transfer will be.proceeded : with as r - hinreforauantil all are et.' changea. The .flag-of.truce _boats , will rite, .regolarlrbetromix Annapolia,'Md., and kites Landing on James rirer,.taking rebels': down mad bringing released liaktir , soldiers: P'UI2LIC A'OTICES, M U. 5 7-30 I,COA_INT. Br authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the underaigned Ole warned the General Sub. teription Agency for the sale of [lotted States Treasury Notes, beirbig seven and three tenths per rent. Interest ? per annum, know aa the SEVEN - THIRTY LOAN, • These Notes are Issued under date of August 15th, 1564, audlmyablethres 'airs from that time, in eurre-r.ry, cr tee conrertlW at the option of the bolder Lute U. & 5-20 Six Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, Thew bonds are now worth a premium of nine pet cent., including gold interest from November, • bleb makes the actual profit on the 7.30 loan, at current rates, including interest, about tea per sent. per annum, besides Its exemption /roar State and sounteipal taxation, robot adds from one to three per cent, more, according .to the rate lerlod oa other property. The interest is payable aemi-aanaally by coupons attacked to each note, whiok may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The lateren amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note Two cents " " $lOO " Ten " " " " $5OO " £0• '"' " " $lOOO " $5OOO Notes of at the denonsinstiom ns - neJ will be wiggly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET cf. - nred by the Government, Ind It to extideutly expected tint Its superior odynntag. .1111 troilre It the I eat Portear Lon of the People. 1 . 81 , t./1;1❑ 0.0,n00,n10 remain unsolj, which VIII. anbably be d rpm,. of within the rjot ed or Da nye, when the notes will undoubtedly command I lemium, as has uniformly been the ease on eloalng be oubtzriptlona to other Loan In order that the cilium, or v - ary town and aection of the founts" may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Rooks, State Bank., and Private Bankers throughout the coun- freeeritili agreed to receive subscriptloos at par. Subscribers will select their owe inertia, In whom they hsve.eonfidenee. see Wt, , O only are to be responsible for Vie delivery of flie note+ for 'Mr!, they receive orders JAY COOKE, Subscription agent, Philadelphia Nulaertptione will be received by the Firs& NlWaal Bask. PlibLirgb. Pa.. 31er. & !Wawa Bank, Pilloburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh Notional - lank of flistaisper., " iron Pity I:Meseta= Yrttecre rtrosh la rtsa In Cretan Lumber, r, pets' i r man I, r:oatdasT STAMM MEETING. AT THE FIMA WA L) PUBLIC:SC:WM. HOU.; A.Ho.. r he.,y. o t MONDAY EVENING. EebruAry 13to, of at, teclock r. x.• All ere lewd to attend. Ili order of the COMMITTEE. &MG • . Orgies 01 TEM A.I.L.MICNT TALLEY R. R. Co. • - Pittsburgh, February I, 18115. ptp-ANNVAL 321kralikroviaionsti.—lifWORD. I• - &NCR with e of the Wisner ct,tilhe Supplerents, t t h e Annual General Meet- Ira ••0 the :stockholders of the Allegheny Valley I, il•wad Company, wilt be held at the °Moe or Vie LO, corner of Washington and Pike streets, ;cot Ito of Pittsburgh, t'N rut I;Der, THE 2& . 1 . 1? day of .VEDIZIFAR T. •.: • 0 . 4::0:1: 6. 9 tert Ise the Ilrilort tLe and Managers, to civet Managers for the sr; tlt g 3 car. amd it - attn.:l tech oti•e: lousiness as • t r prflitt.ted. By order of the Board. I • 111. colt R. C. ORR, Sec. a Tress. ALLEGIMMT Nazionan Basir, L i PirtsrtenonM • J. Z 13.2. AN ECTION FOR MIN DIE IC -1.7.1 1 - 01:25 to perm until the next mutat Elot, tlo r, will be held at the Rsoking House. on the TV: eNTY-FIRST DAY OP PERRI:ARV nest, tai the hours of 'Taal 2 Wstock p. tn. j•ls•td- J. W. COOK. Cashier. • 4 ,IO . I rEARTISEME,,,rT3 . A FM OIL.--£1 bids ^ Winter to nr. is eon ete mer J. O. fl!ackArd. F saie by. I. 13 1-4.1.111 DICK ik • u. N LW GOODS. _ Table Linens; Napkins; Towelling ; . Pillow Linens ; Shf.e.tings, &c. !quo' Goods I int received sad fur sale at mimed risen, by WRITE, ORR & CO., FOURTH STREET; MEW Previous to renowiog our stock for /91 7 .MILXN CA- 19141Mau#3„ we offer our very large assortment, bought at the LOW BATES OF L &sr FALL, at' LESS THAN PRESENT EASTERN PRICES, 'comprising every variety to be Gang iris 'FiRST-CLASS CARPET STORE. W. D. E•CALLER. rf 101:18211 STREET. (›ARPET'S.TOIVE: -. ITALIAN MARBLE AND ALABAS -. TER BTATU/GIY, IMPORTRD BY PAN `.I)I)I,FIN/ er. 00,,0n TUE IDAT MORNING, Feb'. It, at 10 o'clock, mill be mold Bile talogu, an the wend floor of Commercial Ressina, 01 Filth street, a magedliceat emortment of - Groupe sad Fignren la pure white Italian Ainbaster; the tileets comprising Ilighlatul of Daiwa OP Ca nova, 'Three Graves, Birth of Venue, Summar. Spring. Baccaute, Baena and. Arian, 1,11. , Markle and AlaberirerYases, in Ronan, (*ethic, Grecian, Hebe and Florentine &Vet 1 Taszl.S. Card-receiv ers,G Taupe of Antnals, nod a great variety of other articles for decoration of faciors, library, ha. Theme goods have never been opened in any other market, SIg:O. B. Yeadelfini.havlngJust returned from Italy, mach o he 'elected them freze the best studies. . . Sllverplatedicriee, iomprlslni Tea Sete, Wine Sets , Castors, Flower Vase., Oste Bsstets,Goblete.Clups, ice, the whole will be on exhibition ell day Monday, sod ductivtles catalogues ready for dlstothution. The Ladles Cod _public' are particularl Invited to Ceamlneth4 collectlop, which super ior In ar tistica' malt tdo shrothcr °fiery' at publio . sale In this city. Sale positive. tots • '• -• A. DIALIrAna, Adele. EAGLE - GAS BEATING STOVE, POSITIVELY qUARANTEE3b TO BE num FROM SNORE OR SMELL, WILL HEAT OFFICES, PARLORS, DINIEG, sLEErix.ct DUTY:itOOMS. - • - withleaa trouble, to leis UNIIIr ald at Una expense. thou Jul . owl/ or -wood atimu They are very coo resist for' woo fa opurtatuttit Wbleb there la to rldrorW7 tlw , ' • BAlLlfri FAREFLL !Ka, tong NO. 1r1714.17/ . . CUO if; IDE GERMAN NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh, • COR SIXTH AND WOOD STREETS. Aurauslt'S 110VELE11, President. • SPRINGER HAREAUGIL Vice President.. GEORGE A. ENDLY, Cashier. This Bank invites the accounts of Banks, Bank ers and others. Governmeat Securt les of all kinds bought and sold at col7ent. rates. As SPECIAL AGENT of Jay Cooke, subscrip tions Will be received for the Popular 7-30 Loan. ?biz loan le now being absorbed at the rate at 8 .000;000 Par Dap. which tieing convertible Into eve-twenty bonds are row at a premium of over Nam Pm CENT. It C o lllll3olll.llteelf far Its •uperlor advan tages to all who en. k a safe and proetable raved meat. Liberal commiesloas on We loan will be allowed to All dealers la Government securities. GEO. A. I.TDLY, SECOND LIST OM APPLICATIONS fur SELLING LIQUOR, tiled 111 tke Olertc's oftlee, Up to February Kb, IOM: Name, [sad. flare. Charles P. 11 - ...rgele, Torero, tat Pittsbugh n Conway, • Matthias Schuler, Wni. Canton, St aeph Gibeen, Jnhn llichilne, Welsh k Mona, Wrn. ollock, Sella A. liithrmen, '• Edward Leen. Jno G. F. Miner, Eating House, Morrow &Cooper, javern. 3.1 Ward, •• Palrertniffer, H 3 topmasts Co, other grout. 31a , act Rush. Tavern, 511, George (Tech w ender, t• •• Char. Reline, Lat tag Rome, Oth Peter Berman, Intern, Andrew Gructsit, E. House. Joke Fletcher, Peter Frey, .• Thurrnot (loamy, other minds Jneult tey, Tavern. 3.1 A Om Glover,- HT Margaret Guidon, (Initri• Toon try. E. House, " Annie Frain h, Philip Ilea'. Tnvern. St ill •r, Entine lions, Brunt Fgge n, Tnvern. .Henry T. J :Hull .0. i vsvrn. 1, hn A. Ste Ile, Pt to,. Sinith. Cregan. Jr, of her goods, Monorumhel • W. W. Si Hs in, E. Hotter, IV t• Anthony Whittaker, Ten ern. Pen bl, a Tow.lllp. Be, id Johns, " Pat • o Atte Bennett, Wm Young, Mr_ dvew Boom, Hee:. Ilniiihaft, .• MY. W ant, Matthew Harbleon, Union Andrew Baker, o 11 Meeltlle Frank Wolf, Nicholas Purl, 11.1111 n, The Court trill meet on Wednealay, March the tnt, ltirA, at In coclook a. m. livanonstranced most be tiled on or before that day. Licenses must be taken nut after live days, and within fifteen days atter being granted, nr they will be revoked according to law. 4pplicants will bring their bonds to my office before the day of hearing. feta „ W. A. HEBRON I . Ii IMIEVIMEI TENruysozi CLUB LECTURES. I~Bf 8Y 'I L E HELL. ALFD BURNETT, H 'cdnesday Evening, Feb. 15th, will perform hts wonderful personation of 1-1 EN11" WARIL IIEkUI&F.R In his delivery of the eloquent Div toe's most TILUILLING PATHICITIZ: 5E14. THURSDAY EVENING, February 16th, andßivrr% IV , ( MOUS DELINEITIONS *gal almond Oa the leemw,•• ...Chars or the hate eriggitte, Hoow," ezum To be had at the Book, Moab., or Drog Store., or at the Loon Doors open at o'clock: Lecture roomette. at . t. HALL PATTERSON, JOHN Hen. AREY, J. R. BUTTERFIELD, IL RICHARD DAVIS, C. b I cCANDLME, A. W. CHtsLErr, STEPHEN WoCOS. (41-5 C Lertkea Committee. DALTO.N V:Villfril KNITTING MACHINE, TIIE /IV 31LICMC•23.43LrirmEill,,VE rr words of 1J Difturnl Kinds of .4 ppare A YAP') OF PLAIN OIL RIDOEU WORK T.iialt 1a "rem'. Ts.2.lxviato 0 U . . have coma ristrerinir testimonials iron; all •i , e of the country taatifr tag to their •anertority lor waoutraturina and family purposes. They Ate pert lin erly rldspLcal I rr benevolent Societtesaa.l, I r Circulars sad Samples, or call .o eee Oen in operation. WESTERN AGENCY rje. 27 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh, Pa F..A. f•AUPE]ITER J ONES RUN White Oak Shute Oil Company OF VENANGO COUNTY. Capital Bloch $lOO,OOO Snare. SI each. Morklna Capitol ' $2.5.000 Tao property of this COlllprall is is fee simple, is known as the Janes Tract, and contains ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE ACRES, more or lass. It lion at the junction of lento Run and the Aire , hen elver, et White Oaklibute,'lnVentingo I. P. y. fronting forty rode ca the rarer, and one hum d: ed and twenty rods on Jobes Run, and istili miles below West Hickory Creek, and about flee mites atone Pit Hole Creek. No doubt is entertained of the advantages of this property for oil purposes, as nit has been found. to all directions *round It . d in the inlinediate vicinity.. It is proposed to form a company under the man. mactoting Jaw of July 18th, UM, with a capital of I ne,tto, divided Into shares of $1 each. 1110,aou min ne reserved es a working (melte'. large amount of the stock has been already te l.• n by a number of the most t rominent bantams men of the city. Books are open and can be seen at the follonin_g placer. JOHN FULLFMTON , S, No. IS Wood st.; J J. GILLESPIE'S, No. 88 Wood at.; JOHN HAYS ' No. 1 4 Fifth et.; JOHN GRAZIERS, No. 111 First at.; Ci EOPGE KhYSEII, at Sheriff's 0111 cm L.. S. JOHNS', No. 79 Fourth st. A temporary organisation PAM been edrected by tho eloetina of the following °thaw: Pat. - hind—John Fullerton. Treasurer—J..l. Gillespie. Clent—.J. S. lergusoe. Board o f S. Pullet ton, Andrew Firmine, M. D.. W. Rinehart, John Graver, An. drew Wolfe, John Hays, George Keyser. fe8:1 wd. WilEELtat ok, wltzuN's . HIGHEST PREM/UN IMPROVED FAMILY • SEWING MitiCgl=3, . . ABE • • Simple, Reliable and Perfect. • • . There Is ne machine in the wend that can do the variety of work or glee sorb thorough going antis. faction. These machines will Item, Frill, Quilt, Bind, Turk, Plait, Gather, It AND BRAID, without previous hosting. It wilt ecw the heariest and thickest cloth, with a light, strong, els tin seam, as durable as the fabric Itself. IL will ew Cie thineet cambric, Swiss mocha, lawn, he., with equal facility Fend tor Circular, with samples of sewing, or Call at the salesroom, No. 27 FIFTH STREET, fele PITTS IT f7ROII, PJ. TIISSOLCITION.—The Partnermilp herr). tofore extolled bet ween: the .untlersixned,.nn. der the etyle of J. E. LINDSAY la albcolster Iron Work s ,) was dleeolved on the 231 OAT of De. ember, MA J. R. LINDSAY J. W. GANKIG W)L TATTNNLiw cO-PARTNETISHIP.4The, undersigned catered tato a co•partnerehlpos the aht defer j l e liZa b :t r egtf P 4 .1 trA c Ererfer ORIZIOR IRON WORKS, bear Maaebeator, Al. leskear Arouskty. noder the same and sty!, of LINDSAY, OWENS fr. CO. JAMES R. LINDSAY, JoSHEA W. ATTNEOASKILL, 'WILLIAM TLL, ROBERT MOODY,' REESE OWENS, FRANIIIIS SELLERS. • 10, ISM teDavra IPrersairsetr, .IprEMOVAT.:---FRANEL7 VAN GORDisR ...communal sad Prix:Wee' .X•roharitc bes m Wit. from No: SollUdlfld to Llbertr '7-7%7 - S rzsz.zuc-ris _ _ _ . Ilia nerves tcere r.f Intl— Ike t hollgatuiez And the dread of nil foes tv'n. his hlr heavy hstehet, With the strength of n giant he'a flash It on high, And down nub a crash, like tikunder,they *defach It. . _ HEADY TO-DAY! MUNRO'3 TEN CENT NOVEL, No. 32. HEAVY HATCHET, 8 M IOLD .51C Ca , rp-r. Wild Indian Adventure Sy tie Author of ) • Squint-Eyed Ugh “Eat t I ebnak e Diet'," dre., All that Is neeessary sly of this Book, to liVa ft Is by the author of the shave mentioned novels, which are already in almost every house In the United Males. The following Is list of Al ON RO'S REMARKABLY POPULAR NOVELS; No. I: The Hunters. 2. The Trapper's Retreat. 3. The .Patrint Highwayrean. 1. The Hunted Unionist. 8. The Track of Fire. O. The Man- Eaten. 7. CharlotteTeple. 8. The Death-Face 9. The Indian Sioyer 10. The Tiger of the Ocean. 11. The Hunter's Triumph. 12. The Ocean Rover.. 13. The Tory . Outwitted. 14. Zeke Lion-Hearted Scout. IL The Scourge of the Seas.. 16. The Captive Maiden. 17. Lone-Legged Joe; or, The Demon.ot the Wooda— to. The IVILI scout of the Mountain. 19. The Forest Lodge to. The g/ i. ke Rollicking Fan re.• 21. Rattlesna Hick; or, the Flower of the Wigwam. Sa Rtrkety Tout, the RoCer. 23. Th. tow of the Prairie; • , r, the Slasher of the C re. '24. The Rubber's Terr Jr. 2e. Toe, the Serpi t It Lightfoot. the Scoot. 17. The Giant Spy of Bunker 14111. 28. sear•Cheet, the W 314 lialf.Breed 29 Snuint.SSed Huh. SO. Sankey Snodgrass. 31. Itolling-Thunder; or, the kit at War Chic's. • Mese novels are for skle hy all Newt A:ear sod Ra narllers. and rent, port-pald. on reeeipt of pnce,Weentx each. No. an w1L1.1.131 FT., NEW YI a if. . ETTEIIS ED in the Poet Mice IN Allegheny, on the 11th day oft EHlft; Alt V. 1 red: To obtain any of these letters, the Appliennt must cell for o eftserfraerf kofir - f"." - glve the date of thin Ilia, And vny one cent for Advertising. it not calks] for within one mouth, they trill be rent to the Deed Letter Office. Yuen Dn., et:, let ii,4 4 be ertrer•ri. it Or ressl - pf postern, L , •uffts by of , fe, via; the followlr.g nr I. l ii Izttersi piste'y to fos , rt -sh I nllll- ber, o . v!i AA or Pls., I Wire 2. Hr .. ln Irtbsp, pith ths, o . siteri Po, sty,p, Italy, LIP,/ and nurse...", ffiwn than 1.1 w . 1 1.141 fostr,P red , a tequeit that asofwers to. cl.r..olfolf if soc.,r4- mmiy. bt Ward, Alle-heoy 3. - Le•tr-i, ..ti - inaern , ut vbilt•irii is It ,‘ lir Thy. ally lie un u thruld la• :Loirkiiil an the I ItaL liana trier. with the word Transient.. 4 I lir Ize slump. On the upper ruPel-Plun•l 'rat /era.. stay.. tiven the la 31Is Ina ..t I, 041-ienertlng ITl4hout it erfinia4 with r,ick, =Bllll N. B —A neon,: for the nrrr no of t letter to the order. It noel, I;nnl within •ruln - ry I tr- Or lees, I.ritten ur •prlritc.l with the writer , . “E.,/, Par( ()IX,' eon/ emir, /wross the left-hs end of the en etope, on the f ter cite, trill I.e complien with at ill • taunt prepaid 1,11. of E • 110 tee, !WV aide wben th • letter M dttioered to the writer. (Sr e. 4f,Law of ISO./ A.sersoz chn (I ray It moor 1.t..1 W Gross hewn N cltiouton It, At Ole 51 rel Wont Ell, A/Inot Martha Gtr - her F.ll ,J o h n Li :Molten IltothE O'Neill Dien - Berkley Annie Garvin Block i'ortiaiCC Griblo o Boren Poet, Ken Britt: ft It Galingh er .1 ono Poe At e l, S Benltz Llrrie Groat Mary A, f t Bolton L'erte C George 51 Pnekor }tinkle} iS C ;Graham Mary J Phelps Burk Henry It Patterson It Bronson :Vitra', I Hannay Rey S • Pattemon .1 E Rowers Jane • Hue ton Ilonnnh Pierce .1 ai Brown o f hem /14}1. Annie .'o ter 51 Irt It t N 11 mr..ilion Anot, Pot ex. II try Brown Gen /lad:welter It,' Palmer N J Bendar Win Dar./ Italph Rovelnut Holden Etch II listrerty Mrt Ilnnforel li A I 11 arley Ellett/in Iltnotra II F Huluies Edwin Rock t'tt.hrritie Rbt if , elan Elite Kelley rhos I_ utter Chas II 111.mi/ton flll Rielel Ewsi I Cor way Mr.- /Hook Henry Rtlhnrtn r Carson Ella .1 11.1toldel Sophia Itohinson Club Execlator Hill :Myth it Ithrgle W Conk Amanda .1 Hunter Sallie Rodgers for I t 'oven a ugh Iltrina St • I hider John Uothey Sudie Hollings Sarah ,Itirnon Jae II Coulter Sallie Henry John , Rider 11 ttll.l.‘ Crenh John ;Herr o n - et:doh Jane Henderson Ada •Stesens August , Cook John :Holloway J 'Steener Ann Carr John ; li/tutting John .Semple Onulry James ! Hottentot/ JnoF;Shriner Darbtra.- Curry Joseph Hood That ,Scable s:del ('shoots Thus !Hcolep Ilory A %Strver Lizzie Creere T .1 r Shrlber Etfo'bth C thy G ' , Jamison A 'Shannon LlzZie Caldwell , Jacksco 1) Speck 1' Crawford Story .Jack Hannah Smith Frank Ce.ult(r Mary Sander Fred Camp (dory :liirkpotrick Sprntly Joseph I:w Mary II Xinney Lizzie tSchtilYer Juol Carr Mar) Ann Kelly linanth 'Slattery M Rolle intact S icott inn pair Maret U 'Krebs Justin% Snyder J S Carroll Sr it ' Ktamer J C T !Sharp Cohn Country Wen L Sipe. Jas II % Tten Sat al 12alisbury Jane Dr w beret Actin: Lnughner SsulAi Steel lie M i Schreiber T I 1•1/iloon AKt can Millet ACo Swaney Mein* Ii: invbry Alive Mortimer Alice!Stewtrt northa 1 0 Ingherty("el la MVI•11101,1 ...111911SrnIth M Daniels Darld 3lartha Eliztb'h i Swlndle Wm Dune,. Ellen %51m/ridioll 135 ,Slater Wm Ilockrev Ellen Mitchell I .l.lo3•Sangeree Pet, Bards T C Milliken Little! 1f,.: Is Ilenriel te Motßaon LlitZte Thom /wan • reluly Morin Miller Jnsr E Jr;Tod Pools Mary 'Marx/tall fames' V Dilworth Sty A llorittt Jae I Yarount Win Duncan Matter Thus Into son Wm II ;More Orlando I White E ibis la BuLt Ben Wliitamt Ell. La. Is V I rile % Wiliam% Elmira lit 13 ')leLcan Bache': Wiotny Geo .tcr 31 McCune Marie ;Wrir,hr II wit Dityld 31cCosinn•I Mu% 'Ys 'tree Si aegis John tickee Too. To"owl•ol tetra niuntleum I r McCleary Jou'el V•rl Eastwood Theo Ile Mnna inn A Webb 51 try tleUlenry it, Wright Ntaty / leming A Mole: ticAlcer .113 H. rhl . o, 51.11 tree 3 to an It I locker Anna McDermott Jo, ilsrgtrt I leeger Harriet •Nlcrintigh It tile Kraut:Ls regcr Sarah.: McKean Sl3 Photo: •, Prances 0 R . 51onInch Y (A MoDonold Alla Young EllUbtk 8. Itti.m.r., ) ET I i 0 ETU 31 ! ! COMMERCIAL LIST PRICE CURREN'. SS X Ma EL 3COMT ME -X 416. The attenthn of the.s interested in Petroleum Ntocks Is called to the CIISISIERCILI.L LIST AND PPillE CURRENT. published st all Dock strett, Philadelphia, every SATURDAY. This H eehtalas 011 a CO weekly list of over THREE UNDREDMPANIES, with their capi tal, shares, par value, offering and setting pHees, dividends, assets, hr., he., eqrtected with great Care, so as to furnish reliable quotations of the saLual titer of all the CO X X-a IS 401 Xr. IN THE MARKET. A complete report of the PtiILADELPIIIA. Aau BH ETA, Expert* end Imports, Ckirllllloo4, et urr. nod teepee lons, ate., be., bete 000 of tbe most valuable liontmerdlal Paper. et lb. fi n . K ird P b u y becription price 14 On per annum. Pub, STEPHEN N. WINSLOW, 241 Dock St., Philadelphia, Those of our.Pittsburah frlenda whaling to AP- I:I:UTNE or ISILIBSCRIBE, will I.lesae leave th, it mimes and address with Yeasts. STEEL & BAILEY, Stock Brokers, WlLlklas I[all , sad our Axent, CH ARLES HERITEGE, will WI on teem. felo:3t VIE NATIONAL PETROLEUM TIKES. STEEL & DAILEY, WILXINS HALL, EDITORS A sew weekly paper, mainly devoted to the In nodteestof the large nod growing trade Is the new useful product, PETEOLEt/51 OIL. It will heir. carefully prepared for each number fun re • porta of the ell trade, report, of an.les of Stocks; reports of all the ell mnrkets, list of compan lea, amount of their capital, dividends, tro., aml ell other matters pertaining to thin great commercial interest. Able end reliable correspondence at nll the O I !legions have been engaged. It Is the object of the w ublieher to present to the public what Is evidently anted—a yelper that all connected with the oil business will be pleased to have: and it will be his aim to give them one that will most the require- Oman of the AGE OF Orr, and one that will be in every way worthy of their - generous autumn, believing Mot sunk no enterprise will be apercel. sited. • übscrlpticus, 43 80 per annum, lu advance. Ad vett influents will be inserted at 41 per square of 1! Hoeg. JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher, fele 69 FIFTH BT., MASONIC HALL. A .lIRGE - YOT - of Ready-Marie Clothing,. To be sold nut at COST, et the corner of OHIO street end the DIAMOND, opposite the Post or. gee, Allegheny city, on Bacon. t of the death of the late proprietor, JOHN . MoGRATTY, wit know* as -“Oheop Johan of Allegheny Olt. _Wised VEMALF. EDUCATION.. _ ' TEE EPRING , BEBBlotf pF Torlaing'i Sethlimy for yoring Ladies, lootasnereee February • tat. A, few 'iron Bobatira eau be admitted. fektini A TALE OF GEORGE MUNRO & CO yet limited number of shar given COmnso are to he taken, which will hr to sinnerr Lets on the original bads of ow_ dollar per ems, and may he secured by applyifik at thn OFFICE. OF THE COMPANY. More of \VILMA it Me- CUTOUEON, 1921 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, do. ring the week commencing THURSDAY, February lath, and ending February Md inst. After the time mentioned, no more stook will be given on the original baste. The working operations of this Company have been placed Under the management of 'f. fi, CLARK E, hintil Ci.y. afterserience nook as to enable to look the.lntereete of the Company Intelligently, and to pr.:meads the devel opment of the territitry Ina manner most embattle tell to promote ltsgeieral welfare and nnal suceesa. Books Open from the 16th to 23d '%L.24 E UNION CHERRY RUN MIN Oil and Mining Company, Capital Stock, IN !.:10,000 SHARES OF ONE DOLLAR EACH, 40,000 of which is srt aide for WP ING CAPITA L. Only n limit ttl number of shares yet Lo be sold C:0 3P .1 7 '14CM iri...51 : P 111.231 DEN T WM. 111. McCIITCELEON. Liburty street, R. A. GEORGE. 'n.,ialer I urritcW Ikpostt Ltiuk, Pittrb•tr;L la= JAMES McCIITCREON, Liberty ht:ret, I=l • JOHN P. KRAMER, r }jrm. National 13 nk, Allegheny. S. B. McELROY, of 3lcElroy, Di.. 4 4,40r. zz t to. , Wood •t.. WILLIAM McCUTCHEON, Liberty street, Pittalkumh DR. L. McA3OY, Plt AO la i/ JOHN M. CRAWFORD, New Cartle, Pit. EBENEZER McJUNKIN, Itu• ler, Ps HON. JOHN M. DUNLAP, =MINE StPERINTENDEN r THOMAS a CLARK, (all City, P. The property lo Icxste..l entirely In Ventingo 00., Perm.ylvarria, and cone. of neres choice territory, In too-ample, on Hickory Creek, commencing about 273 rods from lis mouth, on the Allegheny ftlrer, and extending alOLgFithel , Side Of the creek,. distance of HO rode, making a water front entire of 300 rods, or room for at least 200akella. The developmeata now being made in this locality, combined with the late strikes on Pit Hole Creek, and other trikutarlee of the river, to allow and e tabliah conclusively the fact that time Roll labor are the only necessary requte ties to the obtaining of Wee paytag areas on this te, Hines , . The land le subject to Iwo leases of one half acre each, the comps iy receiving one-li elf the oil. and being at nu expense. r . El'Ortil—One-qulrter leasehold in lots No.. ta and to, ALLEGHENY PETROLEUM COMPANY, On the• Allegheny river, about one-rourth mlin •line Horse Creek, and •bout 30 rods (rout a well now said to lie produeleir CI barrels of oil per day. These lot, join front earn a rods on the river...nil extend bads ionic 40 rids—making a frorttogo of If rods. rFW() W 1 r,r_,s n re gulag down on this property, one of which I. es rly completed—being about some 01 feet. 'no, ions ere thsl • 1,1,1..111 be s Big Well, its al- I tidy several floe veins or 01l have been struck. LEASE TWENTY YEARS ROYSALTY, 3-Bths of the Oil Tli If 1.111-346 , thn lease-hold In Lot No. 39 'SPRINGFIELD PETROLEUM COMPANY, On Cherry Run, about thi . er- quarter, of mile stove the "Reed" Well, and but ..short diet inve - front the "Auburn,""Yankee ' ' nod other goo,l writs. There is room on the for 0114, one of wrath is now being vigorously pros ecuted. Thirty . days. It. Is for believed, will make thin Well ready for testing, as the ma chinery and everything connected with It Is of tr.e test order. Lease 20 years; Ro)alty, one tall the OIL FOURTH—The entire leaee•hold of ttte ST. NICHOLAS OIL COMPANY; Cherry Run. On this property there Ia room for four Wells, one of which Is now beton. stink As Me lease Is located near the famous Reed, !faker and Grocery Kell., producing respectirely4So. lea and leo barrels, there Is scarcely a doubt of almost snt success, the record of Cherry Run chronicling no failures In this favorite locality. Lease, 13 years. Royalty, half the sits SHARES TO BE TAKES, P 1 hal Basis, Where and When. No. 196 LIBERTY STREET, PIT ISBUZGEL VP 7' 6; GI 0 Z;z4 NEW FIRM AT THE WELL-KNOWN STAND OF ALEXANDER RITES, 21 Fifth Street. $250,000. BATES & BELL, (StiCCIESSORS TO ALEK. D&TES'.) Drrided to Sell their Entire Stark at a GREAT REDUCTION BEFORE I't!IO'ItAS/Nll TIEF:11; St •F•Ptul - OF' NEW SPRING GOODS, WILL DISPOSE Cf THE FOLLOWING GOODS AT AN IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES French 'trainees worth $1 37 for .1-00 Frrnrh,ffirrinoes worth $1 62 for 81 20 French 'lifer/noes srortla SI SD for SI 113 Freurb ttortnoto worth 82 00 (or 81 50 French Nerinotka worth 82 SO for 81 87 Erearh Itferinoe, worth 83 23 for $2 23 Fzeceh Chintzes at 50, 6t and 75 eentx. French Repps worth 81.1 e for . 01 00 Spring Alapacraa at last years price,' All Wool Poplin Dvlolne• worth 91.75 for $1.25. Yard Wide Coid Colfurgo for 61t. Blankets very cheap, and of the a gest quality. All Wool Plaids for 13r., Paratkesa, an colon, greatly reduced !,4 yard wide Eng. 3lertnoes worth V.OO A full suaorlmral of floalia, of all sizes, reduced Corp per anal. Hocks, ard flooks.sold al tin old prices, to close vat Mt old stock. Conroe% Oct colors. for 13 and 22 rents A splepdld Nock of double Shawls sold st CS for SD :o. flood Lavelle Cloth for Spring Foulard Silk., floe quality, (or T.So. L• 1 Wool DeLilacs, Roduoed. 124sIzsoral Skirts as low as V 1.75 FS S/lowl Merino, Reduced ; very I.w. A full lino of Linen Gothla, Pillow Cagan. SH INGs fill IRTINGS TWEEDS, MEMO OASSIMERES, FLA NNELS OF ALL HINDS PLAIN AND BARRED . , REDUCED A FINE ASSORThEiNT OF WRITE 006113, AJOB LOT OF HOOP SKIRTS for err routs, TILE 13ESI , MARES OF KID GLOVE:3, Ln White end Vold. minionattED WINDOW CURTAINS. All the above goods enumerated will be rld at the prices mentioned. Every Monet will be used by the of the firm and those in their employ to give entire malefaction to their customers. fiord. will alwa)l be selected with the most sem iotic. rare. m as to give a large and well Selected stock of fashionnole goods at moderate price.. frSomd f•Lostma OUT BALE OF WINTER DRESS GOODS, J. M. BURCHFIELD'S EMPEDU CL151119 130111 Ag tc $1 611 —(oetter price, Is IS Do. de. d*. 76 F 10.1101.1 MERINO do. t 76 Do. do de. 2 /SO " 00 PLAID MOVAIN. do,. 75 llt 6111.1•Lel do. 10 00 It OS Do. do. 11 00 n n 17 00 °LOAM) do. 01 00 n it 00 Lo. do. 14 03 .. u 20 co SUMMER DRESS GOODS SELLING AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES ♦ LOT OF gt‘olleci MEepors CLOSING OUT CHEAP SPECIAL RALE. Sya 3D Xi' NTT , u Jac Underahlita at $2.00, WORTH 114.00. Drawers at $2.00, IirOUTII 81.00 ERE SHIRT IyILL WEIGH NEARLY! !Mot, EATON, MACRUM & CO, Have about 24 dote% of good, extewheavy WHITE Ur WEIN SH HITS wad DRAWERS, nearly all wool, which welsh from lb. to I lb. II ea. each Wart, that mutt be cloiest out Immollately. we offer theta at muck !Nu than what they east to wake, and we believe theca to be equal to any thing Ix, market at 214C41. No reduction will be made for quauttly--olla &hitt or rue handfed at the some rate. These Shirts aro a treat Bargain! EATON, MACRUM & 17 and 19 Fifth atTeet. A NEW ASSORTMENT . 01 0 BUT Drees and Cloak Ornaments, oho Pr. Chaffinßegat and Fong Meek /425 Underclass's; .Linea San fat the - Mint quality Lore and Linen coalman/34 }inn Skarn/Irk; Glo k m Hosiery, Balmoral mit Hoop Shirai. Mu 3hawle and Sampies, Of all slmw; Ilsoraway's Has marled Collars Glom,, tor afar awl mermen! Wan Leatherla allJouyin'a oloyV light colon; Rillum dots, &hoar to arde4 they with Ai Sew lot IC nrahl Warn Falls• Flowers. Will be loud at . ALICE MOWRYWTRIMMING STORM, No. M Eourth street; near Ferry street: • Particular at:WM= Mayen to clearing Pant moo all other 1k1441 of Laces. Also Bluk Lace Tills, SALE OF J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, We will offer oir Entire Stock Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Oresi Goods, Mourning °odds, Housekeeping Goods, Men's & Boys Wear, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIORS. NEWEST h. DM' DELA IN ZS 471/ Mac ri EW AND CROWE PRINTS 23 NTITRTINO :SUSI IN IS . TA RD tv IDS UNDRESSED LONG (Muni Spring fk.Surnmer Dress Goods Country Merchants Take Notice. ENCOURAGE 11 ONE MANUFAC TURES. Macrum Sz 461.1yde, Oar se extensive stock of SEASNITTABL. G OOPS of A n,ric an Manufacture. comprising grt at vftriet7 of Fancy Qcods, Notions, Small Ware' GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS in every abyle and onnlity at most renal:l24W Mac We atlll have a few good. of 'Which we will dispose of at prises to ',Ult. To Merebonts and Retailer we ofllr of At Prices nn low as mun be bought, anywliere in the Enetern Citien, as we bay exclusively firer Cub cud from ilinnufutureralior their apse._ vein , . We eollelt a TOIL fi. REAT BARGAINS 1 MOORHEAD DENNISON & CO., 81 Market street, ♦RE DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OP GOODS. Gents' Undebrarmenis, Whits Shirts, Bock s Cravats, Collars, ice. &c. , Embroideries, Lace Goods„ Gloves, Hosiery, Vita. slings, Point Lace, Venus, gibbons, dm &co - - AUCTION SALE.—Tho following U. S. Condemned !Stores will be sold atlmbliesno. lion, at the Odle° of Commissary of Subsistence, oorecr of Penn street and Garrison alloy, on MONDAY, Fcb.l3lb, 18115, al II O'clock, a. la. to barrels Men Beef, 3iAtnl , ri r ".ll tre—Casllaeeromeat fund.. OHO. W.-MURPHY Capt. and C. S. Vat . - Q.E'cosp STR}ET DWELLDIGI.7=bn TUESDAY EVENING, February 14th, at 7% o'clock, will be sold at Commercial Sales Rooms, 64 Fifth street, the good three story Dwel. RIM No. 78 Second - street, between Market and Wood streets, containing hall and 10 rooms, with gas and water. Possession given. on the stmt, April. The lot 1. 21, feet front on Second and 80 feet in depth, subject to an annual pound rent of 8128. .Terms at eale. fen A. Wit : WAX:NE, Aunt's.. soIdVALUABLEEiToCK.--TUESDAY EVENING GFeb. B ooms, o'cl Fi ft h be at Commercial Sales 04 street, in addition to improved Second street and Centre avenue Properties, (already advertisedj tal Shares Citizens' Bank Stock; to do It . and AY do do •07 do Monongahela Navigation Co; do Weeternlinion Telegraph Co: I Scholarship In Allegheny College. Meadville. fell A. McILWAINE, Ancre VXECLITOR'S SALE EIANX or. PITTSBURGII STOCK.—TITE4DAT EVE NLNG, Feb. 14th, at 7% o'clock, will be sold sr Connuercinl Sales Rooms, 51 Fifth street, by order of Executor of Alice Ingram. deceased. 4O,Sha rya Bank of Pittsburgh Stock. fell MeILWAINE. AT LOW FIGURES TRUSTEE SALE OF BRIDGE STOCK. —TAJZSDAY EVENTIVG, Feb. Irtb, at 734 o'clock, will, be sold at Commercial Sale* Rooms, Al Firth street, by order of Trust ee., 2 Shares lkleebanics , Street Rrr Co. A. N felt A Mc/IME, Auet'r ."-_,_ PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, Portable Steam Saw Mills. BLANDVS PATENT PORTABLE STE-4.11 ENGINES, fromlotir to flay horse power—(o one piece—completely equipped and reedy for wore— Acquire no brick or Dia3ol,ll7—eland on their own • her-nrady for lire and water. - A good spring or branch supplies water. Burn wood, slabs, COPIA or slack. Smaller sizes hauled on two horse. farm wagons. FAR BORING AND 'WORKING OIL WELLS,. thry are peculiarly adapted, on account of their portability, economy ot fuel, simplicity and.durs - !ditty, as well as tieing The Cheapest and Best. - They, hcrwerer, excel In all work with( the rsn,-s ro th n ta power.: Weight of Oil ggine, 3,*/ 331cciactrais PORTABLE STEAM SAWMILLS • Are strictly portable—no brick-or rumenty la Wt. Ung—can twin folloperation to twodayeafter ar ming on the ground—Um ENGINE .tai be moved from place to place on a four hone, farm ,wagan., Warranted to cut, with Onllaarylgoootreumageoeui, from. . . . .. _ . 5 to 10,00 Feet Lumber , per, Day. . • • - - Thou g h MAIO feet oak luta been ent In a - day. UIRWILARS SENT TO ANT-ADDRESS. For any Information . . and Ultustrated,ettentassi-YeSk detettptiona report/ of operatota, pans, kh., ad. Brest the mentaaeturent, . ...- . ..• . , • .U.A; F. BLANDY, : . ID steam £e 100 Work/. Zamesallle, .0/110, or Mandy., Newark DT:seethe Woratt, .. trettirdaar. Newark. Ohio. - . • —•— pITTSi3URGH SCHOOL or-DEsiGli -e• WWII:X.—This lristttutioe &titre Its Ent session on the F/R.TrdIEONDA.Y of F.SIIIII.:A.ItY, In Phelan's new building,'No. Fifth street. The object of tots school re the fa. •t ruction and limping young ladies in On pies of drawing and painting, In slew of qualifying -term to pursue higher. more suitable, and better ontr.nentlonn tenn are now open to them and of bringing the citizens of Pittsburgh and suburbs under •he elevating rend raining influences of art, Circulars wit ho rend) on Monday the 2.11 Lost. C. MaiO. RUSSET, President. • WA "Tice Prestfl G. 1.1 . HALLMA DE, N. Secretary. ecit. FRANCES SELLERS, Treasurer. DLarCTorse .1. K. Moorhesig, Geo. A.ainter Berry, H. IL P, J. H.Shoetiberger, W. he Lyon,. • Thee. IL Holm Andrew Carnegie, Woi. 0; Darla, • ' • M. Jones.' James Park, James Laughlin, I. B. Lyon, I. M. Cooper, Wm. Thus, Thoa. S. Clirki, W. Dolmen, 6. Klee, D. McCandless, Joseph Dilworth, ISZECIITITE Preddpat Honey, Vivalrrsident Wane, James Park, Jr , "1. B. Lyon, * L Crics - Astatonsarr Munoz COXPANT, Prrrantrnon, Feb. 4th. 1986. I . N ELECTION "FOR - PIIESIDENT, A Illanaren and - 01lleera of thht Company, for erecting. a Brldge over the Allegheny .//tverioppo alte DtPabutph, In the county of Allegheny, wlllbe held tbe TOLLHOUSE, tithe south hod of the Hauge on lIONDAY, Meath day of lgamhatext, -- et the boor of e'eloon r. - • reload hosiaivaci,tremurer. DR F. G OfPIS. DRY. GOODS, No. 59 Market Street. FOR ONE WEEK /VIT., our entire stook of CHEAP! CHEAP! 78 NA_RKET STREET, TRIMMINGS. HOSIERY & GL . C . 117E8 Fore!fin Marstiracture 81 art a trcrioa- Y'S PATENT anemias. : James Laighfie. :IA 6.'%T. Gallus.; Wm. Thaw. '1 jahlitwha
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