tat', SttrigPliO t id. 4,1 4 14" 4 .t FEI3nUARY l 1357. INTE.I.I.IGCNCI The Pri , :ttvie,..,: o o or In-t. week ein'Lainc an trlliCi iul cft "Cwrgletration:iliEni sitvi lack pr udroe3'.'' tsith t r eah; fonie h6nry at the :rrepillarltie , ;ono e:nrer . 0! Cc rc: at which some of th e rtrenuat adv.' err , :if thiii siietie, of in : 10 reta2incy I;cron,i,T: alanuctl.- Jlower, or cestun:a or the =rite, .rit; with all theicesntuginaW to li, lCb irneeney twroints tienry .rIL, troit-t 'alarming ancjobjecitonable Lint Itrrerene Is . nuale to th(• iiiiinhgsten% of prominent plinitters of Congregational elancheii EnanntL. Ilci., lkirry Allen; of J i onVoin; ;Via opening nilqreu before the Iltrltir•h Congregational 'Union at its late meeting, enuninraiel OinOtig the - `iiracitie.l 4 3treil,k s 7SerPOngregationitlhen no ahirnitirg :terydnt y?Lo COO entioitnln aturliringing many hi velalt"fet:' tome '"ccelesinat ,power to en: ere° or to puniih. The late Jilin Angell .1 /Ina to, one.ol'Alte greit lights of Intlepend- eney EnglnpV, withal Ms exalted view of Indei cntleury, as it exit-tell' in his dap, "winth.l hate infused a r queen cir tiro of Prest:cicrienism In to eel chliren." The aya 1111'd:stile came tendencies are prreefitible in the Cortgregttiomil churches in tlihtentaptly.... The Cunpre;atirm,fig .certrithitt„Tqcw England potties are "poison: leg t*gregtitloiitilifini with Thdr liatsbyte- tr. : (1 the Recorder .of I.llc.sme city 011) Bays that, for Itsixtri, it would "al .out RR lief hare -Presbyterinnistans bold Incici4inlency." ChureLes insiitheir fingers et culinary councils, when the advicegiven (toes not ruit them ; 1, as in the late case in I S errlnue, engage rultristcri to serve as acting restore whore it corqcil ,reinseel to imtal terante of heretiral reariments - rery candidly r.votretl. This is one of the nat ural . fprits InCepcnrlency., Eloims how ever, are entertained ti at the . National Council to hp' Led rest the louse iircFpontlble way of t:oing things hrtc,torote. Con,i.lorab2o. tlo , n given to a lint is t( trnt.3, "I'rc.Ly;:;Nsnizsl Cong.! cr .lional:rno,"gratcino oat of the nl lionto iu tonle intertAti of 1.11:or 'was es:Int:IPA in 13131 tint 266,0(9 FerF.ons of-adult yenr.., in - .7tlttryLtutl, 'were tent:Loci Ityrthe ininistry, out of population of 700,,C0.. , statistics of Bonitiniam In Britain. in 1884 there were 21 bishops, 1,1' . 0,...pther priests; • 1412 churches and chapels, ZiB religions 'llOuses of moil, 2111 convents; and 12 colleges, being an increase shim 1880 of 21 bishops,,sll2- prinits, clturtlies and chapeti, 41 yeligloll3 'Moises of mcn, 148 convents, andl college. k tiession's iniftitilrOUß in iwt of blanding during the singing, and kneeling at prayer, idpublie worabil), was read in the banomgate church, areceut Sunday. Datia 'Makers approved the 'change. ' ' - -The Confederate flitettodist church, on 31adison avenue, Baltimore, *us deJi cnted Sunday the 29th of January. ------ Rev. John Chambers, of Philadelphia, and Inv. Henry Slicer, liD:, - offlelailng on the occa sion.- Thii church I.:Mrbeen built sons 'who 'withdrew front E: church on account of the anti 7 tlatery and' loyal' j °Flan It casein:llcl - Is Rev. John (Mam bo's In sympathy with their Indcpindency or dhl'oyally? Dr. Slicer is said to be a Deruocad, or at lest not very partic- about the quertion of wharconstitute3. ti loyal 'retiree,' It Is also7afdrmed thia choral:is cis disloyal. to the'scrierntneat as to the DL E. Churcii,l ' —=-Dtning Ahe;. : past,, two wechK over ll,Collneeetisiona 'to the thirrch are e toried pxchangeg.' Recent ,luttlliget: states thst„ a gin. dons work' of revisal exists In the Western' 'Cotege, Oxford, All the young latlics.'who were unconverted, save one, bate professed faith Christ... - —Tho Committee of the V. P. General AssemblYen the New Version of the Book of Psalms, Lase just closed a session of four wceka,,during which lithe they examined rerslons of upwards of one butbdredPashus. Most of these selections hive beeilmodiaed more or less„so as to meet itiPY the.demend of the church for a new version.- The Committee expect to have preParsid fOr dis‘ tribntion fitly of these rsahns, befere' the ntectitir of the General Assembly. 'The nekt meeting of the dotrunittee Is to held be in %male; Ohio, Tuesdsy next, I.4th. inst._ Is stated by the.'rttles of the Epts copal' Chutch- in this .Icountry,.the.. senior bishop ; possesses some, of the' perSgati bus here which in churches Icgalfy,eonstituted o belong to theoffice of arch bishop. By the death tOtbihop 11rownell, Dr. Hopkins, of •Vermont, bcconics'presideut. Owing to the peculiar views of .Dlthop 'Hopkins on the slavery question and'his course three "tron-, Ideas -- times," his eleration. to Allis posi tion is not relished , by loyal, churchmen. The foundation of & . Catholic cache drat has recently been laid 'at Centen, China. The cathedral is to be crested at the eipanse"' of the French emperor..... , • ---Allegheny- College, at- Ifeaderille,- 'Ps:, under theatistleestirthe3l....E. Church; has recelied itaslibillefactions Niitbin a few anonthiainoitiittni ti) 480;400. • One young =an, mop, opident Jim oil. trait:l4lw just, glien $23,05A - The cpllpgo aulllctrides intend etpeildlng-P,OOO In ornament ingflike colicge campastlie-rotning spring nod Mai =CT. • CtIr.,,Mi°IgkeAY.X.t.CMAIR'gROF. "Itic'foltowlng la the report . In full, of the Joint Unitary Oetah3litet, mac' to'llin"Banato Feb. 8, 1805, and re,fered . An„..n . n.F.tclegraphic dirpatehLe r ' klagnrantrna, Feb. 8,1 The Committee au the :tillitia; report, thee they. In company . in gbh the Conlitstiry Goneral ' of the Etate, this day visited Camp Cartlu t near this city. Theyflnglitst,, quarters at Camp Curtin arc altogether lisatiliieue far the ticessi: tirn of ilia, thnes,,Thn airoady con - ti.tructed ar all !alma tbr hoipltais. storehouses, cook listasq - Invalid corps, guard houses, tkc. Soldicritstro enlist liar theierotnitry'a de fence come'. to. Camp' tintin; - the second tiezroaifor our Slate troops,' and dna no quar ters to protect theta: lour Committee saw tho frall,csarass tints' in whirl-the Soldiers last Light rested, and conrersed - with roast men - frees from their comfortablo,horom, who laid In -- these lints without blankets." They here no lir; lexclAlL a log wood/Ine hulk lu the.op.:n air and upon the snow and Pozen taithinutt th4e shir cuing yourg-mcn, with the tears front their math crs ryes scarcely dry upon their temples. eon. _grczate to cat thcirmeals from tinplates. These things era an wrong, and rennsylraula should mot tcirratk. thing , - . rtnir Conitnittm were info:mid (by twilit op- _reared to them Ftxtd. authdilty) that Captain Dagr. tl.c rotrnar.do: of the post, .11tad often tern retested to provide raldltlonal accommo dati...ps. -They ere further Informed that he bad not henna the camp for mOoths, , . They are infolraed and believe that the persooal lamas' utt en the tscrutire of the State and Captain Dodge ore not of the most. friendly. character. IL Is not feryon`r Committee to enquire who IS to Unto far this state of thin;!; bat It touch as the Irate turn of Pennsylvania suffer by It, we thlok. It for the Interest of the service that a n medy be sagdeittal. Me- tberefOre recom mend Out the Lrgblature of Pennsylvania ro qnearthe Preildept to remove. Captain Dodge from this posltion,:snit-Asnil Ip his - pace come oincerWho will aoperato with the State hathor- Ulm and tire such: comforts to the soldiers .of: Pennsylvania as the common -mandates of. Mt =filthy require., • ' hi. B. Loyster,..- • - . • Chstrlnso of FAnateCommMee. Chairman of Heine Committee.. Masi,WAstenvoTas of Smltbaold, B. l .bas resentlyytasesrsem/ty. yards of asa. 4)EI /It old. Willi - Med liand4oons, „spirit:4l% ale thread from nal" rallied forty yeirs'iro. G.I.ZEITP E.:1:11!q!if: a Vr;:-.3 Dot +:r•. .1 -S S. .111 s s ' s . 4 Two tar co. •.1 -,'l, 70 ' • • I Three Una! :.'. 1 2.3, . 95 -Foam t1n,".3 , 1 443. 1 '5 : • • ' Pitt thr.e2 2:7. 139 ' i 1 . 1 net , , , 1:.. 22. 1 43' I ':, 33 Si .11 Taro tvort., 4 ;11 2GU . 2 1 1 .14 1 l'o, ILS +1 That, ..'lc, 000 333 .1 00!32 , 31, 11 3 t (!ne mont3' 7LO 4 IX1!. &.oy3 '7O 2 ,f. I l'• ' To co 1/!(. 4 .F.:, 11 25'' 000, 150 4 ila 4 1:4 .... 0 4 I iltre Olo's , 72'3 12 rl2! s 13. 2 22. 155 3 ,1 343 raoralts' 13 n 20.15 12 no: 2re 9 9 u 0 4 03 1 6 :1r . ..e mot's . 27 00 IS 63' 13 51 10 30 999 5 ;; 0 . 7 m Y41 , 7..1-.22 Oo scc 21 31 12 90 to 7'; ; :;; Cl/AlifirAnl.m For Ore aqtsre, drawable onr tleir evtflned thelamaatate bullneg4 ofjthe %Incr. All laraar advedlsrmeata In axlat nap : '3 thitof tt71,!1 I work., me^•r. n weet:. Gee Meath 2 8 1 o i 1 $ j OD 1 hree mouth.— t 7 20.. II .1.5. c 6O Bcm Si. mcw.tEs.. ... 24 ea. , 1! 0 , to 75', 75 so ()N. Yeer.. 006 11 24 53 .54 03 • 4/ . Viet Nnlieet doul.le the ribo:e rsfes. . Moth Notice., ex.% Insertion 1. 51 Merv - lege notice% Strasubontailvert It esnent,, per trip 2 eo Eire%itrors! qr Adroloistrottors' Notteee 15 1.81.11 notices, under .apeel,tl head 15 " le Local column tv (ITT AND SEEUEIBIN. the Crest r.re In Phllsdelpllla.-Appall- LECIMM We bacir alreadj• announced by telegraph the terrible dram oa:un. of Itre and property in l'biladelphia, co 'Wednesday incoming last, by file. The mmi brings ter inure additional par • Cedars. Leona which we learn that the amount of oil eOntunull was between two and three ttoustuol barrels. It was wider txteudee 'shed ding, known as Mad:hart CO's' tousled ware house. It was all in boo•l to tin United States. It was all relined oil it Inch la Large -Pio Richard eon, ]parley Co., Tank, Brothers h Co.. Dil worth C Ew and ofintr parties. The loss upon it is abOnt 510,000, n Nth is fully covered he haaaranee. Tbri tire brake-out at half past tam o'cloA,. and the flames spread throtrzh the greater part cf it n ithaltut Ft ILE , t mach roplillty as thoagn IL had been . • gunpowder. About 2,003 liarrids of the it flammable material were soot abbr.!, nod rat ding up It to the sky a huge column of llama. Tke fstailies In the utiletiforhood sprang from tlicir I.eas, nid v. - hhum t.toppin;.l to secure ego a slecle art icic of clothing, I ashcit into the 51rat to .cos tied with Snow cud stunk. 'rose. tint WIN omit I.Llnti to eFtope flieir theelQ3ed letLef rtt a ;in th:lr yes ; but those a 'are:. the • I the r et Igrot!or fin crew. Lb.; U .:. i , ..0m;.1 to cOOO.N n . o:n 1!.. It I, Olin, nut c n :err; We scene. 'lle I.lL,inz 1,1 that from I eon it et •-t I: - ; t Ninth street and doom Fath•ral, 11!it,e, the cut Ire strffet with a of spin, both 1 , 1,, cf for In a simar,, and carrying dc saslalleu ittiit Washingt,tr; lilt-north wad tr..l elmuti twit: above an .1 bel ,tv Ninth etree:. . 'As: eye : wilt - Irv- who was upon the .spot when the oil pourtli hat ictit the street, tielerlbas the fa-Tee Ilitnly of tame as resembling a screw In Its pre -tress; it • !lilt sihitird ui• Ninth stu-et; and thrii the fiery torrent rnshtd down the street for a distance of two squares, and then bank again Mahe caprlee of the wind, il,troying aU ilying th!tgs that come In lit true, burning dwellings and t lielfcontents at though they were so much straw, cud even splitting. into fragmanis the pat log. tones in the street liith.lll.3 illttlll3o beat- Telly five squares of houses, had they been planed In a row, were on fire atom, and the taCCYC was relic to MAC the etodest heart gnat'. l'eople escaping front 'their blazing homes, Ith no covering bat their night clothes : pa nate fur their children and terrified little once looking fur safety in - the horrid tem -11;pil, were all dreadful enough but there were still more ter r ible scenes witnessed. Nem,_ et boo am: rhadten tare Wm:ly sedan/ Wire in trac :ern to. Caputlt. Joecph IL Ware occupied the-dwell ing No. 112$ Ninth street, the second house low the coal-yard already described. Ills family eumirted of himself, wife, tire daughters and two RMS. They all . got Into the street jut as tiny left their heat" and there they found th.m,elica In a river of tire. The family be vane scattered. :qrs. Ware had her youngest alb', a girl of about tire years of age, in her mum. WIC -fell, and Lewis C. Williams. a matter of,the Aloystuentim Hose Couipany mac's , a desperate effort to save them. Ile hail lsoLi of the. - unfortunate woman, but he -was compelled by the flercenma of the fiery blast to bare her toiser fate and seek safety for himself hi light. . Wares, her thud and a daughter ' Oln-iit,filteen or sixteen years of age, were barn to death In the street and co horribly mad lat e that thcir remains can oat, try Identified by the teculiar circumstances surrounding them. Cilecin Ware and his two sons es:a:KA; lint elf - te of the daughters arc missing. Captain Ware and bin runs were all badly homed. There Vine nix bodies [tall recovered; they were taken lie Eccond District, Station linukt. Three of tint in dies bare been recognized as belonging to 'the Were family. Onc, the body of a mad sup. pored to be !dr. Sumes Gibbons, the proprietor of s dry goods store, 1133 lnorth Ninth street. 1 here is also a toy not yet recognized, and a own whose body was found in Ninth street. a chart distance below Washington street.. fr4g ru of of red cloth, resembling the lining of a fireman's coat, leads to the :seller that Ilia cie nte eas a fireman. It is thencht there ace ptr i CIA 55 ha, hare perished and whose bolls, arc burled under the ruins. • A gcntnal alarm was attack upon the Sale me WI, and the ftremat from all parts of the city hurried to the tome of Ord coati agratlon. l"Lo Omit; were In a frightful- condition from 'the num and rain that had Sall= the evening pt. ak.us, and the flretnen. alter reaching the rut. tuuld accomplish' nothing except tic. pre , ri ,ution of the spread of the flames. , Nearly every house fromWe.,hino:tota strew' ri duel, a distance of two sounMs, is burned, with MI their contents, nothing but the barn - . walls remaining. The same scene of rain is pra tested on Washington, Ellsworth and Fede ral suede, both above end below -Ninth street. e maim number of buildings burned is about -fluty-La:Ten. Singulnr .Chue bf beat% 'Dr. 'Frederick T. Ilnathai, an • cid ant to mad citizen or Siastillon, Ohio, cams to his otstli • undcr the ((dinnin' eireumstanon: .<S Life awaiting at the railroad station at Mas.7ll - Inn On. Tuesday eveulng, the coming of Oa Er . press train due at 7:50. on which he expected his `wife to artivi from New fork, the telegraph an t:Dotard that 014 train . W5l . off the track naar _Casstcu fecliatt confident that MM. liurzthral Wl!e an train, treat once started with Ida ca. riegr to Canton, and , prOceetied 141 .tho railway • ttiAtt,ti there; while walking. along the narrow lir.tfoint that separates thh track" in front of the' station house, his foot tripped, and be tell on a pit ec.of boiler !ton which was laying on its con vaz side on the platform, a corner of which et- tats d Lis brain through the socket of his right 'eye. and caused his death. , Ile was fifty-two „Taira of age, and had resided at -Itasslllon for ittlity.three years. Schooltxhlbitlpa. The ciholariof the district school of Patton - tcy nehip gaveAn exhibition itt the. Selioolllonse , 'atatirtinCreci, on Thursda y evening, the 9th snit., Melt Was Teri 'Creditabli. conducted by Mtn Emma flawdon, of this city. The perfonn aM•is consisted; of,. recitations and dialogues tonal on suctroceasions; interspersed with vocal' ,Instrumental -accompaniment by the loarnir. At *tho closeof the performance, Mr. Thiulhtl;cotnty superltdendent, who was pres ent, complemented -Miss Rawdon on the prolkicomerbibited.by her 'school, after a sleet session 'rot roar. .months,"-and commended, the audiencnTeir the st they exhibited li , n the intelkettial-nvifore of the scholnrs. City Iltortailty. br. acorge L McCook, Pbyelciafibi the Bear& of:Elealtn, report. the'folloorini . 4embe In tbe city, from Joe. 28, toFcb. 4, 1865: lifates...-...15 I White. ^ Tnt n i. .23 Females.... 8 I Colored. • Af tho above diseases there. were •Typhus feta'. COnsumption 3; aceldtmt 1; a:dither itle exhaustion of, brain, 1; pneumonia, 1; op). very, 1; old ago, :1; stillborn, 4; inflamatition of brain and spinal column, 1; Inaammatiori of brain, I; diphtheria. 1; premature birth. I; lung fever, 2; concalsions,•l; eonglion of luns, 1; -whooping congh, I; unknown, 1. THE At.t.ronmit 'POLICE AreomrsraNts Tee • Pollee Committee of Allegheny COUUCII3, held a inv.:Ong last evening, In reference to the 'aipahitment'cf &nigh Constable. Mayor Mor rison nnmioatetMesld McKelvey, but the Corn: mitten refused to confirm the nomination. them b e i n g , objections to his-fitness for the position.— Tllc panted William Ethic, hut: here being no raembrr of the Cominitrtro who seemad to ho actin:dotal with him, further action was postponed.; The Committee will not ratify the r.ernication until they arc satisfied that Mr. El. kin 13 a fitand.totopetent person for the office. - SID Acotnis7.—A' youn' g man named David Thompson, son of Diehard Thompsoa member of Council from-the Fifth ward, - -tnet with:other on unfortunate accident on Wednesday morning, In getting the two fore-lingers andlhnmb of the. right band caught In the belting at Shoeuberger's ..woslts, and mutilated- In such a manner WI ;to necessitate the amputation of the thumb E the tlrst joint, and the two are-Angers close to the body of the hand. Di:rm.—The Altoona ;Tribune- says that deer are exceedingly plenty In the =matelot In that I, og PreneintArihinr. , ‘ Old hunters 'sar z theyarnof .110rereuX spsetail t rain‘ the - deer, nanaihr found' • eiCiftlieger . ..ll4 ditrdrciat shaped antlers. =MEM a , Oar • a Teo .y thet on the 14th or 1-",hrgt.., _ . tin - I.ltrrint: ti) "4,0 , 10;4 ti ."' ltac. Itilidt to 0.0 V,11.1 tt,trA,l, t!. hot. ullto. in intt, day,-; no. ' stn.!, it 1,,r vi.catitp, re,•+t,‘, t. 1 ,, •IV lief re..., oil 'inn, of jetititte; itt hit ;o,tettir' 4.! lit're. trhilti formerly h wet r .1 tt. a doy 'upon erhiett ail pat-von ratood 01,1115.1,1,11 Inter I,', their • atto•lt'y loved' the quintev.steee Of tht it heart% yearn legs. But the cuitku ho- titaretteratial with the there, -to such a degrtert that itit.teati td the '.'ernitteu Etrainu" haNittt the exette.tee rittittt of ithellay, to Fond to their "jnyi. — anal `atolt:... , krOulne old-falltioned W11111:11111,. /3 - taken 3 tirtirtage alto sena to at cot, it.;lllq pielarrs owl mart ritilealou4 tit:tr.:e.t.a that can hr fOllll,l. &Mo of the tnie,ires ar., hau and rrtny appropriate enough. lait the _neater panics of them are Ind:rept. ttattOs. an I only , • slitove Low the, tiltEctionea of the day has h,,eu abused, - • The tvatairs, of obsor.lt; tfti+ day bye par t:loiter rhstont; situ. 'very early, but thdro is FOlOO 410111.1. ail to its origin, as it Is variously de-. rived. It It. sold hr some that the custom of (-hooting a,,valeutlue arose in imitation of th. rr poled habit - of birds In mating on this day; but It le MOM probable that It woo derived front the practice iii ancient Rome, nt the f.stival kncwil as issfrverd/a, (vddelt woe Celebes[*[ at • ildsotutrow) which ‘1 1 .41 , 1%) olare the liaalt, • 01111.7 00011 n In.a box, from which the young 13100 drew, thus riskior thelr fur to chatte mare modern time, it was 11.,r potions of both Ell.ex , to drm.o.dr va: 0110 were ter-tote time bang . ...hrir,apee:al 111is•rastom was mat-1, pra,aise.l in rag laud sod Continental Euroi.... too. It nv.v/ ehaaq- Nl' by the t torts of tbe pa.t.,,C 07 tit- early whpsueteeded du bringing. ahstu re• for . ut 1g inta,vatiot.a upon eu-aams With which were afroeinted so tunny 1. upt-rF:IJ in , ), The ionn, Itrelf derived tout hr. V.,:.attile, o bra.e eFiwelai vie tees were 10,, ,001 e1ia . 1 1, 1.110.1 who oven beheaded ht home, A. I).Tr.", • r uhith he wa, men's,' u The Pielnietl Pax t,” Crude Oft—Pablle . Meeting. i'vt,ani,t to a roil, a Lataber of the Oil 'a:ttilants of this elty, 11,14 at ti Met. clootitt,' Exthatica, Fourth bars , to 0,• cx. /1 lira• prc tax or ill: toils per c'ailati in Critic P.:- 0:,1101. " • N C 111 , A.1{',15 utzmilzed by aly..intiaz .1.11 I Cuti.l,.., E.. 1., 0-I'.-m m, barld., C. Stetetary: . A rtc: O.FJ:•"t of th- Ins't; lg. ha I at, tent, It tan !. ! ,..111 1 h; ,11,1,0 10 V 1,41 W...ll.lact.in, an Ai!: 1 I ^M ier elf. II a all !heontri, i ttoi, iliT.irro-1 in ilk! A I.nilitirr ah'ee r nAnh 'tile; Cal!, he!! a fez:l.:llion on q . v.! , sint tll,l.ll4 I ,o lllllllll,ear direr L1111 . ,111 roel . llll, 016 C,I.I . ESIVe nt the eeilse Of 1 , 110 111,11,114. Ihe 4.. 1 0111111, ana heyhh, a - I -I 'tf Chi. Lect:htv t . 1 . F. Ifs:t eat! Wer,1141011.1 . :4aS Said erilatililleo. r a lyrist al.-rue the cant.st. IC , sa ,- nltt,l a mst,lution In rpitosillon to nun tee ap.ol eelah..! whi, It was adopted. cu trotian, Messrs. James O'llsra, \V at. Fri it rod tt: W. :Burke trent ;try tinta-t. a e 11111:ee tn. ti.il NVasbiagton and tlse tit it eirJrts prt..005,1 the pass4ge of any law taxis; crib .reiroleurn. he tut,ctinz then adjourned. Ft ccdmee's hid Sleeting to 'Wheellng„ WIILEI,ING, FED. S, ISGS.—A meeting Careen ', hie re the olgeete of the Erefalinee's Assoeititien, was held In the city of Wheeling, on th i even. inc of the Gth Inst., in the Secznit Pr,i.bytcri on Cheryl, Gmernor Borifman_ tin:slit:el. What the LS.IliaLlOll bad accomplisSid, and what it pep:Hied to do in *behoove, were rally and nhly .....,,1 rrerentco In speeches made by'llr. Tear 'III. ilia general scent of the association. nod II .E. IL Irish. of Pittsburgh , Rev. Dr. tittengS , ei '‘e tvickley„ nod Rev. 8. B: Bamitz, of W elln ~ -Among thoee In attendance, and she toalt rt in the meeting, were a number of 111,1 mist ilflu entinl clergymen and business men of the cite. The Morality. of .our citizens. has been taxed to a yen - great il,xtent to relieve the wants of the fen.iiies of our tirave sofdlers, and to supply the scants of the soldiera thennielves, through the cgtvey of the Sanitary and Chruitian CainallA• Fl. pn, not notwithstanding all this, [1,21. will — ft-9111 , 1 to this last call from an !Stated and in urns race. A committee to provide ti form of organiza tion tune appointed, to conslat of tho following. gi ',Seinen : Itobert Cramde,• 11,7. .1 T. 31 , •Lure, Rev. S. D. Datvite, Daniel Peak, Ert., A. : W. Campbell, Esq.. Ur. T. U. Lonatt,lter. D. W. Fisher Rev. J. D. Illakenev , Rev. John Ifon. ' C. D. Hubbard, Ocr, "r1+.1.. `MI. Dr. Dni.ntuond, Thoants Irtorulmook, Fatal .terldrnt at Enon Station The Ira Castle Courant gives the particulars of a fatal free fire-arms, which m ot:trial at Eaton Station; on Weinenley of last sic k, no rseph Cuthbertaon, brother of the. Provost invshril of tlua Dlsulet, and Samuel Pergumu, bodt di teethes In. the employ of the Gevern r...m.t, were sent to arrest a deserter, suppose,' to tn.- in the...neighborhood cif Enon. To their business, they carded shot guns. At Eau Enation, they rink some oyators tog,ther In an fel,ain. Atom the tetra td..y Were going thicegh the manual with theirt - cons, natein a playful . way got to ,Barrio;, C.to ell of P:romm's ...,stet r (.•..ut to ,the Lauds oC Cnthuertson, .....in bar the contents of which enter,: I F.,...mson's I. ft bre - mt, causing instant death. The body was taken . to his bon: s. tic tr New ItOglarm, for Interment; but Opt. who la deoplyidllieted on nee not of the Demm e:Lee_ st t a !nem encer toSew . castl.t. rot Co en, illatker, facts rrlitien Li the re' liter.;, may be brought out. The Politest woe to be kohl at Enos ,Station. mu FriJav morning hitt, et $ o'cl,tek. The men Vi 0:4 rill cousins. n. REGIGNS—LAw fieneoeh, of thi.i'ehr, hire n T at Feot id n : ra, 'Where inr. Ileneeek is pzenst i,ily loenloa, to attend to business of elients in t ti oil ri gions. He lea careful and ludiutrions I‘ , ler, and those entrusting reactant° him will 'Properly looked to. The Pitt.lenrgli Are tF nt 81 Diamond 'street. The beet of ref tr.:Lees are given. Ste nerd. Tats ESTGI'DPn.-7'ite time for recruiting for new ornanlnatlocehas been extended to thelfdh lest: Officers' who arc raising companies i'nua be enabled to fill np their organizations. The carious wards and townelloi should go to Ante at ores and endeavor to fill their quot.o. Let all work and a draft can bo neol led. • LOCAL , Tawas W. Pour, practical Elate Roofer, and water in American. Slate, of varioni orders.. 'olAce at Alexander Laughlin's, near the Walter Works, Pittehtuy,b, Po. Residenc.:. No. 78 Pike street. Orders . promptly attended tu. AU work warranted water 3,,pr00f. Repairing done at the shortest notice. No charge for repairs, provided the roof Is not dined after it is out on. genOtit Nortcn.—rho attention of our read; ens Is directed to :tho. brilisut assortment of Pail-and Winter Hood!) Just received. by our 'friend Hr:Jolns ,Weler,' No. 225 Federal Street, ,Allegheni,. His stock comprises a great variety Of :Fancy Fresch, English, , t.ch and American Casalmeres nod Cloths,. and fine Silk and Canal mire Vestings, all of which will , be Made up to order in the latent styles audio the bow manner. choice selection'of Furnlehhig Gixxis - also on land and for sale, together 'with a full stock of ft, edir Hade Clothing, <well and fashionably lade. : • ' !law GOODS JOSS recented at me Merchant Tailoring -tristablishmmit Of Orate* t MeCtind leas, 73 13mIthfldd Street. We would niaseret-' pectfillly invite "rho attention of our friends and. the public in general, to our new stock of fall and winter anode, - .They contain all - the 'Teri 'Mint styles of Pinzilsh, French and American elothes,eassimerta and vestings, ell of the ducat finality, mulls Selected with. the greateit Gesilemta desiring fashionable "and well made clothing. weld do , well to glie us a dell before Ptifelmsitie eh/ember& Every" garment la war- ranted to'give full satisfaction In both price and genii y. GDAD.US k McCaNnuris, Merchant Tailor,. No. 7:1. Smithfield stseet. ScTattrynts AND V.LITINT/11:10 WANTED t o. 12 Market ctrect, rittsbnrch. tilzhast cnalt bounty paid. (tentlemen unutind substi tutes. and Comnilttco men can save time and money by call.ng• at No. (2 Market street. A prendnut paid to any one bringing a recruit or Eattittne.! fc9a6t It to well to get clear of n e.thl the Iltr,t week, but It Is lunch eater and 'better to rid your,Atof It the first forty-dr:la hoot - a—the proper remedy for the purpose 'being Dr. Jayne's Expectorant. Sold reerprhare. . 1,1 WANTED- , -$12,5 A 'ONTII —A gents TT • everywhere, to Introduce the new Shaw t. Cork Sic Bair Family &wing Machine, the only low price machine in the country which la ifeenaht bp -Grover Baker, heeler re Rowe, Co:, Banger/a andßarl 'W eliter. Salary andexpenam, or large oomaniasions slloired. All other Machines now sold for Ina them forty dollars each are in: fringenisnts, and the seller and user Aside. ted Maulers sentines. AddremßHAW 3ti LABX Biddeford. , 'ainaMmllaorT .11,TANTED_-171.1 2fOI , ITA--4 Whitt T Agents ererywbere at r° emonth,_expeanee pnld, to sell Wrens Arttitier, the best sellingsier oifered. Yell partUnders Ass. 'Address .OTT T. GARET. Biddeford. Maine. ittenatadVtrr rANTED—A GA.RDNER, to take care IT ors smell garden near the city, upon which i iut s a elner eenudader is orchard., Beeurumeadl• anon required. Innulre at the 4incur cm muds, Lthertigtrert• vra..rr 8. • •••. tz,44 ,:z6:t,..owfz,_r_t4:ztfkuu Boillf M.',17: - .rh.&S'w..otr.rxt Woriccrs .2.: • LI! I: T`ZN ' e....ltArnlsh , l mil.. ra,El.lznpr,-.i tr.• ni ~.e.,,nut er deperlpti,ta its !!a, 41 , 1,1 , 1 ••••••••: t•• in the. rtert I). 1117,!•• !.y l. P' Pi, y!: Pt f.1...14,. ?!. 'Ca /, .• E. e; IANI:S. (•!L ti 711.1 . ,. 41;I:e..11:ORS, NET TIAN!: 1 . k 11011(.1%1i 11.:(0X, lilt InliES, trrf 1A.12 PANS, mai r•• 1•• el ,. .relifw!erterv. or DARN II !1.1,*!•!. PAT LS'l le !I 1.E125. Ital. sirla4 done ph the sleatest eta ,•• . . E.L.,:49C.13. • . - Copper Mill and Smelting Warks, =CI PARK, NPOUROY & CO., 'Maculae; tirersof SHEATILINtt. BRAZIERS' St BOLT C. PII Kt:SET) t't klft BOT TOMS, lIAISED STILT. Burn ins, SPALTKII SOLIOEI7. Attu. Inspot ten and 4lalera In M T. TIN PLATE. SFIUNT fae, 1 , 4 - Ist n tic on hand, TINN.ERS' A.t. ELZ•TES nun '‘Varehonae.i . i orntKr ,:nd, SW. ONTO STILE:ET:a, i•ntanurxh. Special orders of Copper cut to On dusts - cal patteru. a)) . :Sdydan T 0 - 0 - -rairrsuricui. , ii BAIT %VDU Us. HUBBAR9S &-LONG, PATENT GROUND CIRCW.ARS, Wprrarded VAST STR,ILL SAWS. of every do- kr .14 orn ..:I.‘ool I, NI ulny, , Cot, GAM:. and all v0:1010P. All kovt.. of I( SIDE. nrid SPRI:4I4.S, wide (con sl.ret re.a meet ; Extra lir Ono' AND Mt :NV I Nl' tiNt Are. ti - W • t.•'I4•US” Ind Works, corner IP ATllit nn.) II I' ST it E rittaborg h. I•Arlicolar .;[cotton given to Retoothing. (.1ton• tot!, r.. n{ SZ:n1011.111ing Caguiqr Syro; Also, re , - ;vv.. t.f nll kind... Flinching nod Drilling vi.ne nt rc.i.svonble rate, norel3. • 1:011:Innelh. ItLt ek CU., Oswoo.sort , to L0t:tw0...7, 7.IItwIN . 1 / 4 MIL:. :As, ll' a ellnglon Work', r;' AXIf MACIIINISTS, Pyrro,:ra3tt. mi: , -tet.l7ll, 130.1 T A\if !NiSTATIIIo ALT -L LoNtilN LS, LAST ENOINKS, DULL. t tiIIAFTIN.L lone, L TA:I tM Ie STILLS, 10.11-L1: ANI, ~ ,..t.f,r(VXl-,11C.1., I'ATI:NT IN.TFArr- CM,. L . Ftrritr U. P. lI.ILLARD • IA LiTEL,4 EMMI. & CO., L"tm. u=oie 1. ilErrrft, iin^.rues fa C.1..1 , .:\ /.I.l' AX ''' • 1,1••• r "r ;1 i r 4 )4.* ==tl ..t . t•I I,z,..ttn.ent '1..1.1L1P, hit • • • 1 . ( be :76,11F ct.,e. the , re,:ipt ; e pre, , r471.,0n 117.011. 31:grogfAo tore,, ..1 1111`N .11 I..TN .XUInT 11. 1 111 S. 11 - 11• N 11`11.1N.1. WINp(I SrlllT. }.1.b.W1N1:1)15" CH:AIWA, 1,, Non. 91 ,kO , :1 , 1: sO • riuut , STREET, boigvg.g.n h t,e oti hood rirty of n o ew I. went.,tor.•) tnl nuitoln vo .1 purpreo 6o• n srt I.•oba anent lan i ..1 enlo010.: Jose • Jobb:on:tone at r.bort ~ .1, _ . • • OF TTIE • Sk.:0110:A1.. T:111NA11.0: ,'NI) SEXUAL. gbgo STE11: 1 •1-. now ni,.l rolloble troArment —in No • ,s Elge 110,3 tg.: AJogoogltloy. Sent 1n • .rd latter orgy: !One, Imo• of chor6n. :1 1101 - ‘1111 , 11N,11..,..trd A nno. 111,4., No. 0 I. l outil Ninth %front, n•ll,:iy litEri H. C4.11.1.1fi5, tit %V A tt.ll ING ANT, et/MAlltit , it EMI! ,1111 ot! whuttoot in tlooter In CTIEF:-.}:t tarrrEic. ,i . rps, }lSt:. 00 , 1 t , rotttnv genet 4.11 y, No. t 5 t .1) Si - Rl:l7r Pittattoreh. not I=3 Josi rr, U. GAM", ...... olt.tintur U. W1C...../Tleit .1)p MASTER & GAZZAM, FOLIC:MIMS OF CLAIMS AND PATENTS AND AT rOaNEYS-AT-I)2l.Vir, No. 9S GRAVY Pittsburg/I Licensed by (lovernment to collect BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAY Lad .11 other Military QF Naval Claims Agni.st Lho United Since's. ON Y. HUNDRED DOLLARS, don soldlets enamel: no account of wounds reccirod In battle conectell Immediately. Ce-csll GRANT STRELT, opposite as lastlsernl. 0c22:1i I) E.:.:SIONS, BOUNTIES. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON :rny and Navy Agency \it, 14-I I OUI{7III ST.. PittAntrgh FFlsZSlMsprocuzed; BOUNTLFS, BACK PAY am: P 12121 hIONET, mud CONDIUTATION OF ATIONS or released prinoners collected. J'AY %IF PRISONERS OF MAR con be drown by their ml•vet or seuluerrvt mothers. o \V 0 UNDED BULDIEICI3. ICO Eounty to all Wounded Soldiers, !rllO,l oaring paid to all with • "Diarlintgo." No o.orgr;tvide until the moor) is T. WALTER DAY, I.lcensed !Jy the 11. S. (inrernroent. . v. 13 FIFTH STREET, second door below thy n 11.4,1,1. iscrta pax A. S. JOHN - 161i . . 111 /telt KULL ACHILELL & JOIINSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, vu MS LICENSED SUM+ lERS' CLAIM &LIENTS Bnucalra Tor Wounded Sol.llcre collected Iri Iron r t welity it, U ee X 0.4 ti Hoar AVIZITT, Pittaburgh. tall kith Aitcharve and two ,v It em,. deLli-ly MIiILITAItY` — .CLAAMS, PENSIONS, nolnSTltis, 13ACK PAS and )lILITA-n CLAIMS or every description, collected by the Inharril•er, at the following rates, vis r Pensions fin, All other claims id. 10.. , . O. 0. TKYLOU, - Altoiney.t-ttw, • No. 13 (trout storm Pittsburgh, Pa. • N. 1.1.—N0 charges I.IIV , mailo.ll , the claim loge not sur,rd. nil hi fisiroattou 01,00 gratis. se4;l3 loan W. KILLFEIt, • ATTORNEY-AT-CAW, No LOG nv-ril Snow:, PMgbArgh, Po. Claim for FENSIONS, BOUNTY, PR MI MON KY. ace., rigoroutly protecut t j..43IES LA.FFERTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, dll Legal amineu promPUY attended Se; ()Into, No. 108 FOUGTII STUII7, near GOMA ' ap23-3mtar qOt;IiIEILS' CLAIMS, BOUNTIES — L. PENSIONS Awn ARREARS OF PAY, Promptly encoded to by JIRTIIVIIN it RIDDELL, -Pro. :R. OURTD ST., MDlrmh, Pa. deao:Dodowr 1111 , VDE.4 4 05. ...---- , Pi l / 4 -1/intliOn ictiiiavott MINI No Co., j. PitVantiltair, Feb. eth,1833. TiIIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Directors of the PlD•hureh h Boston 51tning On., pore title day deellareds Dividend of ?WE DOLLAIDI per their., payable at the attire of the Company on and after theleth WI. TILOS. M. nowt:, Son's , rind 'Cry.. ALLIELIIIKNY NATIO3O.I. BANK, Pmrsurnolf, Feb. 6, inas. THE DIRECTORS OP /Tilts IiA.NK hare this day' declared a &Milani% of TdRBE l'Eff CENT. 011 the Uniothl Sto,Uh out of thessro. inpl of the Allegheny Jinni; to January ntrt, 1953, nble on owl after- the Pith Inst. free of Gov erurnent tax. J. W. COOK, Onahler. • _ _ cwl%fam&will hervnfter be decinrcd In Jan nary and July. fel nos City Pt rlo ti. 13.* s¢nr PITTABITItkt It, t PITT,II: non, FehrUnry it, ttsal THE' DritE("ro.RS Tins BA,MC: e tleelored n 41,1•1,o1 of TII REF: CG'S T. no the I'Apll,l SO.elt, out of the c,rolno of the "MON CIFY BANK" nod IIE MON CITY NATIONAL. RANK Llh PITTSIIIIHrIIi," for the three input!a endln; with the llet r. 141 Janus:3.oB6S, psyntue to the Btoelthoblers oethelr legal rep mect) tnt I reg.—free of tioserninent tax—on or otter the 14th inst. • - Hy onlcr of tha Barad of Directors. • ' ft edet .3 A lIIEs AIcAUI.,WIC, Pre.ldes!. hlareelora 3. MASUIACTCREItH NAT'L BANC, (LAW Darrell/mil k AltoufActurers Book.). Pernsor non, .Ten. 2S, ISO. THE REGULAR DIVIDENDS of IL Hank will hereafter t, made to JANUARY cud JULY, lute.' of May nod Norember, 'and for this orreogemcst the Boom of Dlreatora hove this day declared ►lllvide.od Of ONE PER CENT., out of th e pro fi ts to December .25th ult.. payable to. Stockholders forthwith, free of Uolted States Tours. JOHN SOOTY, Jr., °ashler. Foolnal. 'DEAMTISTR JOSEPH ADAMS, Dentist. • Connelly's corner of Driat(hlll and (AUNT urgb. Rg fercuris— Tr 1. M. PoHoola, hr. Hilicelc.Theodura Bobbins, Rutarli &oaf ... L 1' > ' I lit( %TA It lr LEE AND ce_te va M 6., I,' , night nrll, ,nr! , ,ermjr,, T.r,..! ST , MAY ,, Z , 7 LOl TB be prcaali .I C.c...,:ular trip , t, rjZ.Vri'9..; f , :r Dr:7lft or I:a:Yu. Pan, , • Syl,is.st,..r. Fu cf.ncliolo with !h,. 1111.1• of Fob Pc? IP.N..'et a 13q,!rin In. . v ....._ Vii.3111.1/E 8 V111:1 - EITit:a. re.N,. Y TFM.T.C. nr.A ti. RT. CI. MR. W. C. EX YTIIF Ideasee and XL/M1.14C, GO /1 T. r. A l C. , AT 9 0':Lc.:114.... • SA) I:VOL,AY lirST 1111,1. OF TILE SEASON t ,, t: F )11,141 :Ip. Tlix. , :reat Os matits, T:lePoinitnr .A, FA5,G31•11,.; DA:1•101, Nl , l, Negro Acts. .11,a11t123 ; • TlmPolandric En,hmating V kib1:11 P.M. 'my+ AIIIES—ALL THE a k::kr LI.: it EN to; Is:s. n ; orlater eornp.sny at 39 puf.rake.r.t. To canc.ll:, n v..th tho BLACK AnONkC lIALI FCSITINILY rtiß FOUR DAYS ONLY, "Wednertlay !Evening, FGb. 15th, AI; p TBRIE FOLLOWING !TIGHTS. Ala en !eV rear. Art renon :it 1.11 Iretork. -AnTrmrs WARD AEONS THE ?IIiSMONS. From EC6 Ercadway, Now York r,pet 01f0r,r,04 1.1.1 TZTF, 111 S ;.MuNi; Thy ; ',lt II: WINS 1.1 pro rti,•ll the lane w Mel It. recently nod' brillisat successes id Ow sef My: oft, aasl illult,ra::vo o I101i :41./N 41.1).1u1,bt San Fr:km-Ise, Wa a hne, t lee ol of Siker, •ho I trail, (bent S It la ....to t it,. Mormon Tla•at..., Itri,ham bchcz C. I...:a.baTe C:llnt Snit. Lake, the raffrarnent llnttad, 1-7 who t , f lIHT , a .411ra Ytla.; la I i 11 gar, foam the 1,1,,hee of the of s 17111 rhe•rfally lII_AT a'. .1: - ',9 EiVICTS WAR. 9 13e4rce.1 ,elt4, 50 cants. t rt n, , 4% , 'clark L. an I, n vr-3 , acroltaa t:Inarlo:to aad Mait,r'a ,tor Ili., at he 'aarett Hall Shoo SLore • • .1n fro ort:: '..tors: on ea..lly ;.! • ..ioigl,en m Ttc..t.c for Ike MAtt.ote will Ise Y. r , r••curll pnrtn c.f . . 1 'l4' ri , n.) Cnbiurt lignn sd art' t 7,l.Nit• St MY. fol.St - I,‘ X lillsl T lON. 1: .!;21*Nr.r.".: CLASS irera Exhibitfun or Gyzn.nats ricsets, T , "I.:STIAY EVENT NO, i AI.L. Thy ch.. ntipc.tr In rut& costume. The cerve. 1,1 the t•e:;1 inttitt In the city litvelleen prootottl trr orrli‘r n the err' et t I nnient No 'sine will l.c eporeo to evenrog pn.st off plass az,t . hr !at the IV Ur, ! 4 to — c, Mo. Nl,Let ytr, ti commence 3, of It 3:1t,.1 & n Ls GREAT EASTERN TROUPE, CONAIt4TTNo o• THE FINEST gEARTETTE IN THE WORLD: rINEST COMEDIANS 1 Don't fall to Pa.v. the 11(11.'13LE C LON DANCE. is eturoge of programme rich creates. CONCERT HALL, lc rilrt , ezr.narazy,,FrlCAy A A2turday tren,!?7,* Feb. Bth, 9th, 160/ amt 11th, 7.4 Lott a. Gar. Cildren. tSt CONCERT ti ALL. ITSITITELY THREE NIGHTS ONLY, Plondny. roes.day and Wednepidai, Fcbmary Mit, lah, ana 15th. THE CEIC.NAL AND CRY CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS. 1 'went) catahlishml Artiste, in the Ethloeen pet °finance, suit the world renowned comeillan, Utrtl:GE CU LUSTY. J. W. Slaynor, hinne4er. 'll.c resource, of the Christy'', nre superior to ,I.yminsl rot orgeolicrt JOH la existence, schlan en. this I, them to pt. sent In A * Pupritt In saner all the r. nod o ilt Ice Or Southern °Lint:trim, life, in all ii. Amend,mlgirvilmirl mirthful !Miami. air riot which hare ovule Um flour of Cnristy's tlt 'trots as familiar as lireisehold Wori;s, will ho prot.uced duffer: their sojourn here. A .i.misaien, 60 cent,. Children, 23 cent., -firtired . J. li. SUltitlfklE, Agent. BOOKS, .ILHUMS. ETIWPOLITAN direßooi I=l PERMANENTLY TOL; AYER PETQLVIIENTTLT LICIOATED 63 Fifth Street OPPOSITE CONCERT HALL. OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE This la the Isrc'est and raost Sher!'lly ettodurted (1 Ito. Store In the World without nape ex rp:i,•e. Ther el. no Gift Book Vatsblishruent in r;ru 'York, Phlthdelphis, Balthrire, Mese*, or nos. efts In the United States thst Ls conducted an Shunt's' and.exterodvely as THE 31E1110POLITAN OF PITTSBURGH. At this estabishment you can it tut all sires of from the Small Pocket Edition to the lair eat Pamily blSle published. All the Late Publications! All the Late Publications I Atl thn Standard Books! .All the Standard hooka! OVER ONE THOUSAND PIIOTOONAPII ALBUMSI PIiOTOGRAPH ALBUMS! ,PLOTOGRARIt ALBUNLSjI , From the small.lloth Bound Album. at $1 each to Ihr largest and most elegant Album mule. I or Albums or Hooka of all deacrlptlons call at The Metropolitan Gift Book. Stores Olit large Descriptive Catalogue moiled free to any address in the United States on application to wla. 63 rani at., Pittibnrghr Pa. JalSAttemodal '4 NEW BOOK BY M. (JLIIZOT. on the &trace of OhriAnlty; Hni 0,, the Religh we Quedions of the der $1,75 Lou'r's Commentary on stathea, tritest, homllelleal. and doetilaal 5,00 Comal Diary on Matthew' and Stark e cell Icel. itendletichl and doctrinal ' 0,00 Life and Eplatlea of St. Paul, by L'odeyboiee lioween • 7,50 The Fede, !Jet, with en introduction, ti 11.03. • Daweon 3,73 The Urinitt fittiory of the Eagiten Lan guage and tie Early /X....a: urn that It' EillhO I t, by U. P. Marsh 4,00 Letti-rea ot.the English Language, by O. P. March 4,00 I , ,eni Pan to liembeba, by Nesrmln, 1 , .1)., with Mate and Eng-avings: a good ac companist, eat far the ,Land and the R00k.... 1,75 ',aeons for ErmVSunday to the Year. 3 ae rie, A 111.etal direentnt to clergymen Neander , a P131.441:1 and Tratulm; of the Churches by the Apoatleg J. L. READ, 78 Puerta Street. DTA/ILES • • • FOR 3.43430. A Inrmstock . ;tll.l4l . l,44lil: SEIJ.ZYG,OFF LOD DAyim,l9 3 171,013 ri P. GENGEMBRE, civil and XectrazdentEnglneer, N.J. II lIAt STRVE% nosr Psat4 DRAWINGS of BIADDINi RY . , BUILDING% MONUMENTS, LIRLDOBS;;6.4., exesute'll NBA acciilt short notice. - DRAWING SOBOGL, with smells situ's,* for adorn* style's of iitswinv "au4 • CLOVER bus.ime Ohio Closer 'rea:lll.'Stoit. Riad forisiathf - ft 6 J. Enuipz.Tatca. a. DWI- I,3LPaItEII - 5 HOMEOPAtIC SPECIFICS. A FRESH SUPPLY JSST RECEIVED). itEEti IP 1 , -1: Ft):: YEARS Alit) TEIM•SANDS NAVE CI.VED B4i" READ THE LIST OVER No. I—Curen Fever,Oonnolition and Inflammation, Heal, Pain mud iiesticer.non., nO tlse ilrat stages of the acute qnd Intion,r.mtma di:move. Price 95 ctn. - No...l—Corea Forme Lever, WOVII (WO; and Tor nclous Appetite. Wet , . in. 7 the Iled. Price It cents. No. I—(ltirre talia. Toethine, Out.; end Wnke fulness. Slow Growth and ieebleness of lafeet, Price 15 cent,. . No. 4—Corps Dvlrrhe,. .Chil , lr,n or I,lu It Cholera Infautum and Suramer Complaints. Price ea coal. Non. 4 owl 6 cure the ivorat rtscs of Chronic M. &nem No. s—Cures Dreentery or !Laxly Flux. Collo Grlinings, Bilious Gulle, Fall Dysent.cry. Yrlao l 3 cent.. NP. —For Cpol.re. Cholitta alorbar. Naitses and Voinitin:, !tat butatie IlreAthing. No. 7.—Cure Cough., Colds, lioarsenen, Bro.- chit Influenza and Sou• Throat.. Prlee 95 cent.. TU. and No. I never fall to cure •he worst Cold and Cough.. No. 15--eurra Tootn-ache, Pao...Ache, Nen on• nets mad Tin Doloteux. Price 3.5 cent.A. No. ft—Cutra 'Headache, Sink Headache, Vertigo, Hugh of tilgrA to the Head. ?rice :4 , reels.. . . Lu Addition with No. 10, 1t never falls to slim the most inveterate swiss ?o. In—Cures 1)1s cyst , , Weak, Ada ed Stomach. Constipation, Liver Complitlitt, ur tilliout Condition. Prise a 3 cents. , v AILLIELN for all eases of Weak I.l7,estion nod 1311i.J. Kam. Il—Gums pp r i r ' red illeakco, or ricrinty, 4rcon Striates,. 1.5 coots. tin. 11—thire, Lrnzenrrltes nt \Vlattni, Basrir.g in WO Profuse MenSt . S. 11:1 Of! cl3--C . crx, Croup, H , ,trae Croupy (lough uAt mud llppre.ssed itreittlan,,,, db c ett , a. r: 11--Cures .It Photon, Sent , Item!, liArhere itch, Plltt.frc ttA :hi N . ta—t Jute. gErunt.at ten. Phtn, Lartr...h:, 4 1. tte la the Cheri, M. 0., i et Lich e, 7cin.,,,t. 14—Cun, Ac... rmi' t , s! re t. Agu.e. Vidlnveterato 1 7 —iure3 Mk!. INtcrtml or ENlrrrnl, r 011:F, 12rcent iwtto. c e ll. a ;, re.iirtly I,no ertred thott.W.l. of the wr.rit /. :3--(;tires Ortht ti end or Inftansed kor Eycllclo. I'Mling or Well siert. co cents. It tr.,y w1w,.l a be .41.1 upon los ....are. N.• 10-4 r':0,:r11. 6,0t0 n: Chronic. , Iry or Gov tog, 1:041 lialoonzot. 60 cords. RO--(:111-.11 (:o=h, [hone:11117 snd pnA,EII:: IL. ar Spnatro..lic enutrd a cent,. 1. 1.1 rind itlw.tys rellcvea and cur.. fo 11—Cures Asthins, Oppressed, 1)t (Boni , Ln ForErnstning, eaugl, .snd Expt,tnerd..<ns. pace Hundreds blot been cured by It. 9.2—Curta EAr Noh, In ;he l'ArAcho. —jr,,ete Serer. E:.ldrged Wea.l3, Judd Tot .1$ t•Welltngs and 1711 Cioerlf. fitt cent.. hos ettred the wend eases. Oenerml I obtllty, I'llyelesl or Nei , 411.1 We Alines.. W cents. ::'—Curve ',ropey, Fluid Accurnulatioda, Tu cm. sx,ntiuga, with se3nty Secretions. 60 cent.. N • 2a-- , •urrot Sea-Sirknosn, Prostration, Vertiga N•mses, taltine. 10 cent.. No 21—Cures Urinary Dtetaien, Gravel, Ittrial 141:163i1t or Painful Urination. 63 cents. It curve old caeca 01 Kidney Diseases. Nu. 23—For Seminal Emissions, Involuntary Inschsrres mu) consequent Prostration and DAM -1.3 . Lm' 'Results of I.`ril Habits. Price 41 03. TIA most efficient remedy known, ant can be relied upon as A sure cure. No."9—Cutes Sore Mouth or Stomoch, Cankered Mouth of Adults or Children, and also Misesu mud Vomiting of rmi4kut Females. 60 cents. I.ures At once. • T'• m—Cures Vrinnry : TveooUnvace \V tting llm L'ca, too Frequent, P..tnfut, or Qrtoo. t.w. a7—Cures Painful Menstruation, Pressure, Crs rep ur S 7, uma t Vrtirittis, Itching, and Irrita tion of Females. ti CU_ It nets like a charm. SUIrCrIII4 at OltesaKe of Life, Irreg. 01,1 . !e4, 6luehro of Heat, PliAtetioe, and este I)lseAet of the lieut. 41 00. 31--1 lures Diptherla and Ulcerate .tr..aLtg near Sore Thread. , IL. cents. No.m—Curre llonvulalovur Sossoiv of Inf.soti or Adults; eO.l ernmpa of all kinds. 1 , Q.:Li—Cum Biliounnooto. WAnt of Appetite. Lett r. tot of : 4 piritn, Jaunnice, Cowttpation, and I..tt r CompLants. curel Boils, Carbusclee, nod any Sores CI t tie Ural. ze—Curronli Ante Skin Eruption., se Scar. rr, Alcnalea, Clarke. Pox, &c. Cough, '., 0. 3-(:urea SouVlee Catarrh in the 1.34 of - nt., Cattlinc of Mucus to the Throat. rn—Cures(Nnatitutionst Daposittoa to fre e+, at Attacks of Iteadaste. . 10-I.)Otts Countituttount Dlooattion to .I,kOtto. 23 I ,a 1 family ease 4:0 40 • t , ) :41 famtlrease, nioraros 00 '46 in 1 case. plain 300 IF Itsl case 3 00 ,tllllPhyltelan's este Id 00 . PC ND'S =IIiCT OF Tr A I WVRT Te o. Borns, Scalds, Olds, Bruises, Boreaess, Lams Itheusutlim, 110111, Clean, owl Toothache. it asts like a aura. Pelee C( a. The trade supplied at New York prices. Ons Brinedlca by Hail I.ok OTer the nit, make up n eglie Ot what kind you choose, and Inclose the amount In a current m.e.• or stamps, by mall to my address, Ind the rnslleine mill be duly returned by mall or express. fret , of charge. J M. FULTON, iifth Street. (Divala Dalldlng, Second door below the Poet °Mee, G Wlu:desale agent (or Pittabt7,h and vicinity COUGH NO MORE. TRY STRICRLAND•S MLIUMUOUS COUGH BALSAM ~TKIGILLA.ND'S MELLIFLIIOI73 COUGH BA LicAM le trarriusted to cure Conghs, Golds trer.isenes., Asthma, Whooping Gough, Zara Throat, Consumption, and all %Motions of the Throat and Lungs. For rale by :Druggists. General Depot, el Eu Fourth street, Olneinnatl, U. • 3:IIIIII?.PLIECCELEL. An the Medical men and the prom recommend Ult. STRICKLAND'S ANTI-CHOLERA NIX TORE as the only certain remedy for Dlareneaand Yir " „ n rtre r 4 :l 4,,tiit, ' am,ll.= l Tutt, warrented to etrent a cure alter all other mama • For sale by Druggists. General Depot, a East Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0. S'TpCKLAMYS PILE REMEDY. DR. STRIERIANTIB PILE- REMEDY has cured thousands of. the worst easeeoV Blind and •Bitedthit ft.givef immediate enlief,And of Teets a permanent cure. Try It directly. .It,is teat • treated to cure. • . • • . . For We by all Druggists. General Depot, Zur Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0. Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Debility DR. STRICKLAND'S TONIO. Wicean recommend those guttering with loss Appetite, Indisestion or Dycl !t pda, Norvouanea and Nervoussh,butty,, to nap Strickland'. Tonle. It L 'Acegetable tireparatlon, Dee frorn alcoholic liquor.; it strengthens the whole nervous system It creates a COCA appetite, sod is warranted to out Dyspepsia and Nerroue For sale by Peeiggists generally. Prepared by DE. A. STRIO.H., 6Rut Fourth street, CIA cLitnati, 0. For sale by DR. OEO. R. gsrsEit, corner ol Wood stret and Virgin alley, sod R. E. SELLERS A. CO., corner of Wool and Second street. burgh; ilud by PARK S. BRILL, N 0.71 ,Fedellicl street, Allegheny. octftilvd-asst it...rANITOOD: HOW LOST I HOW RES rubu&ne4,la n. sealed eneel , filx.tleala. &Lecture on the Nature,' Treatment:and Radical Cure of Apermatorrhma, -or Seminal Weakness, Lnroluntam UMUMOWI Sexual. Debility, and leopetltnimits to Marriage' generallyvNerrotteness. tionsuzutton, Epilepsy, aml Fite; Mental and Physical -lenepeolty, result: tog from Self-Abuee, Ka. 'lrony. 3. Ouiviin mut., M.D. , nuthor of the Green Donk, &u.- "A BOON TO TIIOI7SANDS OF FDFFEREES." Sent, under seal, to &Flat. .arian/e9e, to any ad dregs, poet pald, on reeetptnr . 97 2 1 . 7,0 e tore ge n w ta -rog= b attl p e ß e 'h i t& tntaAtterta.: FORT). I:WARS . IN r.Extrha, HINEMIEN.. 011-es me a knowledge seldom sat:pared by Physt, • inans. ,Sly long residence In tide city, and ,the . amount of patients treated: annuity by. mei, am, sulneient print of my "success. . EpERMATORREM, orSEENAL WEAKNESS ,And all diseases arleingtherotrontique 'anted In • :much abotter Niue than bentofore by my NEW VEQEMBLEIIENCEDIM: 'Medicines dent to any liatt'of the Ilnion; 'All lettere Must mid:ltalie& Amp to pavanes' .poetogik._commpoadosnoobeld - sacred. Murree,lS3 f3.stkititeintfnearlDlei. 4iiond• Addier, i. : :WaNtd•NSTRW, N. 1),, jawity - - iNN=uPltrgh, Pa. • 47's . 111 ea,. et. n fl .re "kith Inn "fly TI FueLTH Nt1 . 1,1eA1... N., or 1•11'1".1111.1.1.111, 1,1,11,11,...5/ Dtposi:ary, Pn 11- i! Februnry Ist, 1?51 TO FL S. like Hest net like NATIONAL BAIN: N. - L Uniform System of Currency, FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, OV PITTSBUBUII Will, on and After February Ist, 14i5, fro , * her reptlnr Delablrors, customery and dealers, er,lutr..vcr P.m By this emtrpe the public will obt" PA I R . MONEY FREE OF AUL 4:IIIRGE in ryrfmrge for their currency. By ordrr.f the floe rd. S. D. HERItON. Cashier fel.ll TIII; I'L 1;1.1C ! J. FOUBTB NATIONAL BANK, U. S. Government Depositary, P:rr.nur.sn. rebrUary let, 1353. We epee:fun', count your buelneaa aid offer you am fy. t nee ,tIIJ profit: e n-eelve currvot fund, at par. , We [ornlab exchange Nen , York and Phila• delp!:1 at par. We Allow totereet on dei.nelta , euttjaat to .kook Or I.ale, an ngrtc4 on. We tanehnne Gold a Silver, er, Cr.rr. S. 0 1,1 cap. pen, nue March ; May nd .l•lly, tees , at klylsest rxtes. We hare on hand, for intrac. 9. o.e .elircry to pup• lute, ea, 7-00 U. S. TREASURY NOTEjI, Mal ed 1410 C. S. 1.-P) at par , . alaot 1.0-10 V. S. GOLD vo.rns try i T'. nt ^ . rnionlioll in. P3 le . t - L 7 r u ri t t l i;; -' s ' ; ' ; ‘ t ' o " ift - lii :NI list of our Pr . :tarot, essilier snit liirrstors, viro would tic happy to motley tn.:Maros. Vr.ti O'CONN S It.triJii Ups!, or. 111 .T.tMl.--; M. 13 If. II , :17; .10 IIN T. N DAVI]. :.: :011711, t: 11; H PAI'INCIC, IAS. 0' , 4. , 11c(11:. TI-ItEMASDONNEf.I.I7. PANIiING HOUSE. N. ITOLMES 3,-. SONS, X3,E!..MT=OX , L.. No. 67!het Street Pittsburgh I:= Collect:cot made on all the prtnefrat points of the United Staten end germles. EGUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to the purchase and tale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES, tented Man Sixes of Pal; tin. do. 11.20 s; Co. Elves 10.4C5; l'o. Senn-ft:Mrs; Co. Certificates of Indebtedness. ORDERS AND VOUCHERS BOUGUT OE TltTin.SUlt Y DEPARTRYNT, OF ' ° C ""FTi'" 6 .xn.., o .7tffete Ousuencv, V..1121n OTON, !CHUM' d; {set. ix7IIEREAS. BY BATISFACTOR evidence presented to the undersigned, It has been mule to uppear that the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF ALLEGHENY CITY, in the city of Pittsburgh, In the county of Alle gheny and State of Peen•ylvanta, has been dely orm„ nixed tinder and according to the requirements of the acts of Congress, entitled "An Act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the tilrett lationduld redomptios thereof." approved June Al, lent, end has compiled with all the provisions of said net required to In complied with before com mencing the business of banking under said act ; Now therefore, 1, Mean litiOnimmit, Cornett. tier er the Cur rency, do hereby certify that "The Second Nation nl Bank of Allegheny City," in the city of Alle gheny, In the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to commence the bust neas of Banking under the act aferessid. , Currency Comma, In testimony wherrof Seal of the witness my Imnd end Comptroller of the seal of °Mee, Lids didny Uumenoy. of February, IBES. `L'lrcesury Department. HTJGH IitcOIILLOCK, Comptroller of the Currency— TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OrrICZ Or 007ITTIIOLLED. Or Thu CITHRICSOr t Washington, Jitnuary 12th, Me. IT H BREA B BY SATISFACTO Y evidence prevented to the undersigned, tt Env been mile to sppearthat • • THE GERMAN NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, in the City of Pittsburgh, in the county of Alleghe ny and State of Pennsylvania, lots been duly or. genized under and according to the requirements of the Acts of Congress entitled "An Act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bondi, and to provide for the arch lotion and redetmption thereof," approved June 3,1, IE6I, and boo complied with all the provisions of sold act required to be complied with before com mencing the business of banking , under said act: Now therefore, I, HUGH hicOur.vocrt, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The German National Bank of Pittsburgh," in the city of 'Pittsburgh, In the county of Allegheny, and State otPennsylvanta, is authorisod to commence the business of Banking under the act aforesaid. Currency Bureau, In testimony whereof { Seal of the witness my hand and se•l Comptroller of the of odiee, this 26th day of Currency. . huniau, ISM Treasury Department.) . ---- -7 - 4 - -. ---. /11;(11( McOULLOUn t ' ja2llotd Comptroller of tho Currency. TactstraT 7/trent - Naar; Oman or Tin Courrnochrs op OtrunENOT, WonnusaTon, Deeeniber 31, MOIL 'WHEREAS, BY SATISFACTORY tt emldence presented to the anderaticaod, it hat been mode to appear that time • • • • IRON CITY RITIIINAL BINH OF PITTSBURG! • . In the city of Pittsburgh, In the county of Ails • gheny, and State of Pennsylvania, has beta dolt organised under and according to'the respdaiments of the Acts of Cloogress, entitled "An Act. to pre vide a Notional Currency, secured by a picidge o United States Bonds, and to provide for tie Musa tattoo and redemption thereof," epproval June 3 Met, and ties complied • with ail the provistols o !mid act required to be compliederith before com mencing the business of Ban - king under eald act; Note, therefore, I. thigh McCulloch, Courtarsile of the ,thirrency, do. hereby certify that 111 ON NATiONAL ,BANK OF 1/TTS BURGH," in the city 'of Pittsburgh, in the *aunty' of Allegheny, aad State of Pennsylvania, is au theorised to commence the business of Banking un der the act aforesaid. ' —ln teettmony wheteof,'wttnese my ban n.ll • And seal of nMea, thin thicty-ntst nay o Decanter, A. D.lBBl. . HUGH XeCILLOUR., 14430xt Comptroller of the Currency. DOLLAR bAViNGS BANK, NO. &I rOttitTll STRZirr. CHARTERED El 1455. Open daily - from Bto 2 o'clock, also on Weines• day and Saturday evening., from May let to No.- vember let, from 1 to 9 &crock, and Gem November lot to tlny Ist from 8 to O o'clock. Depeartaaccetred of all SMcra of not loss than One Dollar and a dividend of the pro fi ts 'declared twice a year. June And Decenaldtr. Interest has been declared anal-annually, le June and December, since the Bank was or - gaol:Ai, at the rate of six per cent. a year,. tereit, itnot drawn out, 18 placed to the credit of t he depositor ea principal, and bears the same 'Merest from the first days of Tune end December.. com Pounding twice a year without troublituf the depositor to call. or even to present his in. book. At thus into money will double to less-Lhasa twelve Years. Books, containing the Charter., , BLws Hulce and Regulations,.furnished grotto on ap application at.the office. ' Pruanneren—GEOßGE ALBEEE. Irma riLESIDENTS. oh. lla G m . An ie gr en rso . n, Benj. L. rahneateek, Shoenberper s Sanwa Berdman, • . „Tames Stddle, , • James McAuley, • Alexander Speer, . bane 31. Pennock, Christian 'Yeager. ' • .zayszins. • . Melvin Adman, D" Henry J. Lynch, - John Bindley, Peter A. Madeira, • Beluga Black, Yoluthtsralhalt, - • RBI Burgwht, ' Walter P. MAriltal; AlOaro A. Curter, • llamas 8 . - D;Meet.la, • - ..Clalow.k. Colton, - • John Meyoung •- • l' m. Doughty, John Ozq hn Ermary • • -• ea .rohn..7. William E. 9I ••• wham &Maven, :AletanderTlndle,.., - • Meter Thinker." ••••••' Nrinklrly • James P. Rely Tesao 9211 ae • - Thei reniver—lMAJA.A. thYl/7. - • sta.mrs—JAllES • ' ' jaltxtair • CORNER of WOOD oM N MAIM F. S. 11FAS.11111 FIN cNCI I!..ViENCY V . V.-10 Tilts 14nk ke4.1., an Lana for 11410 the 7 Olt T nil yd 5tr:11.1111,,,,y Note',, take.' sobloiip tines for the oat.. This to the I'OPPLA it LOAN—the oniy five& ernmcot Wen now. in tune,et at p.•••••• 4, thove who hate money a Safe amt dentymbletl • [unity for inreatmeht. • • .• :noTWO .CIJOFTS-1\ DAT FOR EAUIL CIO . . ' Throb ted loc'erl dated 15th August, 1901.+ Interest pityrble send-annually on the lath of Pc miry and .t."..th of August, - 0. Lhr rate of ca 30. n WO per annum. At the rapiration,of .thrt - IPlat , (only Mlle over two and n httf norrY.they.. •r.. !v ehonynble Into the 5-20 GiAd Honda; Cominfitre" • ed to purchasers. Juiciest will be pale our Banking Route. 'WM. E. SCHMERTZ, Prea JOHN 0 Id VI WIE:MN (Meth, Ml=l= n2=! TR I.IASURY l'/EPA RTMEZI 1 . , • ' V; ITCH OF 011 , e1 u.nr: OP TnC 11c mussel . ARKIEWTAN. ,Innimry Plch PRA, 1.... IN T. I i lt l e ll er F t " gln li tle c ' T it evidence de "a made to appear that the . . THE ALLEGHENY N.ITIONAL BINIE; • of rillsbureb, In the county of Allegheny. and State of Perinoylvanln, hna beta duly orrnn h ell and asetiedlee to the iequireltents of the Act of Coneresa, entitled "Au Act to provide* Net twin! CUE - ivory, .*tared by n pledge of United States Bonds, awl to provide for the eitenisUoa and redemption theteoho approved June 1864, wad ban complied with nil the provisions of said art: n q uitr i lobe complied Wits berCite cOnamentss firm the business of banking under said act : New, therefore. troller of the Gureency.'do hefeby 'certify that' the "Alter hens. 'National Bank" of Pitt.x.hurgh, to tIIe city .4 PIO hburgh, in the county of A Ilezheny, sad ritaic of Perna)) fronts, Is ,uthorizel to COMSCIIIII tile busine,b of linfikb:g under the act nforesart.. T. tertimony a herer.f, itney4 my hand e.. Clefa of elYce, tltio lab day of isnhlry,l7.3. IL. e.] 111.*(111 1.021-1, Inhitn en9: , troller of the t it; y 131.;PA.E'T . Onncz or I:O3ITTI:OLLER OF TUN WITINOT, Jei11.ry,1 . 27.11, I X.. 3. 11 IT I: r 13: sATIsrAcToRI T evhtence preyente4 to t4C•Untlzrelsnc , d, It IA • ralt,le to appC.YT Lhlt TUE I;NI:iN NATIONAL 'IIINR NTTSBEAGU, an the y of PH[O,lll7ll. In the coonty of Al ~a gay Rtal State of Penaßylattota. ham been rtfraLtred othler andßecording to the re. noirtßnents of the Act of Congest entitled ntlis Act to provide a Nnttooni Currency, lectured try a pledge of I;nited States Bonds, nod to provide for the cirettlation nod redemption thergof," ap. proved .lune gtl, 1061, and has complied with all the proviltionn of 'Rid net regutirei to ho complied with. hero, enhattenttng the businees of hnakin,g under Pir v.r therefore, 1, iirott Meri•stbo-u, clamptrob ler of the Currency, do hereu. ecrtay bbet -The Poing, ic.ttliral Lituk of Piteshurr„ii.” the city of l'lrtst,rgh. in the crustal of Mie,,heny, end State of Pennsvivania, is authorized to entrinsence the business of Banking under thew; aforesaid. { Currency Bureau, In teathnie...y whereof Seal of the %Meese ray' haul a nd .eal Comptroller of the of office, this twelfth day Ourrency. of January. ISO. "Li einuty Ptpartment. . lICOR jal92m Comptroller of the, llorreocy. 1)I211i, ::•A V INGS INSTITUTSON, ato YIITUFIELD STREET tomeazito Lik Clodoor lloPae.) Chartered by the loostal.t.tro. ovrieEns. Preriderl—GEO. B. MINES. VICE W,.. H. Smith, Joshun Rhodes, Thos. D. Messier, Alex. 131-Jdley, Fronds Sellers, - A. BCE:MIEN • John F. Jennings, Joseph Ling, Thos. S. Blair, S. 11. tar ;al n, Henry Lloyd. I'. Rah= Tarran - ake. • • • . Jr mes Pork, Jr, • S. S.V , reler, D. I. Lor.c., ,J..IL Vernon, Dr. Jas. Carothers, • Ii: F. JoneN A. S. Ben,' • 0. H. WOlff, Jo*. Dilworth, R. D. Cochran, Win. Smith, J. W: Woodwerl, W.A. Reed, W. H. Phelps, R. C. Schmertz, D. E. McKinley. J. McD. Crossman, 0. H. Paulson. IL 11. Smyth. Jacob Sluckratk. 0. Foller....Lee, Alfred Slack. (.1.L4, 47 ; and Trecuvrer 7 D. IVKIHLEY Open daily, front 9 a. m. to 2p. m. Liao, Sato& 4T evening, Crum 6 to 6 o'clanc. Deposits rec..tred of one dime and upteards. Dtridemie declared In December and rune Monet year. DI. blends allowed to remain are ohm] to the, credit of the depositor as pAncipal. sal boar Inter est thud compoureLog it. Books containing . Chat ter, By-Laws, ed at the otter. air This Institution offers, especially to those Revco, who.. esrningn are small, the opportiatitY, to accumulate by small deposlto; easily saved, • sum which will be a resource whim riodled, their money not only being safe but beating Interest. • stead of remaining unpro ductive. • eexum., mssaivrio.rs, COPARTNERSHIP Mn. JOTIN S. BELL, for a number of yeirs In chars of my (Moak Department, has purrhased sn Interest In 'my hastens to date from Sarattaryl9tb, te6s, the style. of the Bra to be BALES St BMLL.. ALEXANDER BATES, freaw 21 Fifth Street.. COPAHTNERSIIIP. We hare nerociated with us in the flour, drain and generalpr,tuce business, JAMES JOHNSO.,I rind JOHN St Litt:LEIN, partner& ty dating FED RDARY let, under the name of eatteraon, Ammon & Co. W. D. PATTE.H.soN. feint( ADAM AMMON. CO -PA II t T d IsiE23III i P. 7 I. hare this daL I.llllSru e usirtEs E s ° , ° 2lr. I h ITTIM:11 2 0 2 11 1 11. " DOLE. irrrearnan, 1565, 22G2 hi INDUSTRIAL WORKS. ILGH M. BOLE & CO-, Founders & Machinists, Manufacturer' of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES. LIASTINGS Llgtd and '- Heavy, MADE TO . ORDER. Special a teetton paid to the manufacture of Engines for OR Welt Pu MITIIRT, THIRD Stre t, near AI k t - troot. MA CHIN E SHOP end e OFFlCE, ar co e rn i of POINT alley and DDQL7ESNE WAY, PITTS BURGH, Ps. Haring dimmed of. our Interest hi tbe Potmdry business to ]fears. IIt.IGEII.I. BMX & Utr, we would recommend them to our friends and former patrons. A. DAS7S & t.lO Pittsburgh, lan. 9, PICA felamd DISSOLUTION OF CO-RARTNER— SHIP.—The Partnership heretofore existing between the unassigned, under the firm name of CHUNTTON &lip., for the rannufeeture of Sties, Perri and other Soaps, Ilse thirds,' been dilsoleel by mutual consent: SAMUEL X. KIER ' • • JOHN O. ontrmrrom OHN POSTER. Pittsburgh, Sept. Mb, 1 J BSt. . , . mt. 101/11fEDIL • S. IL Krick WM. ICEMIDY & CO., • - • ISCatperl to XA.III7PACT ARCIII PIP Silver Pearl and SnDerim Rosin Soap, Iser LIBERTY :TROT, Pr TSB [UMW TIIBSOLUTION.—The firth 'of LITTLE, & TRIMBLE le this day dissolved bj mutest cossent, the dissolution to take east from the IL inst...l be business of the lath Arm wilt beseitiod by THOS. LITTLE, Es.; who will continue stlhei- Its mid 514 Seemed street. , • . Tilos.„Lrrrr.E. JAMES TRIMBLE. haling disposed of MY intereet In the Wholesaler 0 merry business to THI).9. LITTLE, Sr.; rehear:. fully recommend him to my [deeds and eustosneteu JAMES TRIMBLE, CO-PARTNEPSHIPTIIOgAITT Sr.: has associated. with ills,, us "auccessora 'LITTLE h TRINBLE t tIAItI'L H. HAIR% (tato of the Armor ROIrT , HANNA fa CO., ,Arnondssul. .Ohio,) . and ,JAMEE PATTON, Sr. under the caste and style or LITTLE, BAU M , PATTON, to takeeßeet oa and after January 211,1865, at the - old 'tend, Nos. HI and lit Second street. Pada., hutch, Pa. . LITTLE, BAIRD ha PATTON. TIISSOLUTION NOTICE.—TIie Part- .nershly heretofore existing between HENRY. G. 'DALE and J. 11. LITTLE, under the style of HENRY G. HALE ha GO. r Oates a g mend Tab. Ruing Nosiness at the corner of Penn and EL Mar streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., is this day silesoircst by mutant coracnt, the dissolutlon to date from San. nary W, 1001. - RENEY G. HALE is nuthorlandl to settle the business of the late ftrm. HENRY. . • rit.t.bnr g b;.T.uum-3oihoss.-,. . . • CA: retielne from the firm of HENRY-I}. HALE a. CO., I take this method of recommending Mr-BALE es beLug every way werthy, th e p a v en . age of the public., Re will In future, ea Iso has lie time past, by honest earlier dftlint. maintain Ma reputation as tt skillful mind an necompliabed me chanic, and.l knew will give entire satlafactlaft to all who: May favor him with Mete patroosge,_ Jane:sod • • 3. Ikt.,LILTLX. D"' lISSOLUTI.ON ' Or SUlP.Notioe is hereby 'Overt that the pert neeehip htely auhairting. twftri V 71111.13. ILLS LEIT mid ALP. DA IS, of the City of Pittaber2ll, under the firm of A, DAVIS : fa 00., limak-dialahrel -014 the eth day of Jamuary, IS6s,bir mutual consent, An debts ow id in to ma R ini are tb be rtmeleetiZ, Bahl:WM. uesr.rxr, And all deituteda _fetaind DANIS. ( 1 9-PARTNERSUIRNOTUM--011tat. "-JO. BALSEEY mut FILAI(X' VAN °ORDER, hese this dirt , asscialsted , there wives tosetlifie f•tt the tessesetiese au •• reneral PSODITOS AN*. COMMISSION BUSINESS. Yamek 010 ...,, / ",,,. 1 , 1. Liberty street: . ' f• VAIL' PAPER f 'IVALfw-P&Pra 0 for -Mir goods wevlll seUQu stock at reduced vacs tilt the tl‘otOdaseh 00111•:' Bums can nod impels of; all Widest and tasks Alt:' their - interio IQ stre'wr 1 suer. st.Non3T AlAtial4 street.. B.liTagrkft,:aitait',
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