! . . I' r . 6. L . ‘ i• ' ,lir =211:=IIIIIIP. - .-. 1 o • 1 . . ._ ' ~, : s ♦ 7 . -'4°.' -1.1. 4.1.'4: . '-. :-'4.lllii: ' . _ , . •.- 1 . 1 1 " ...' ,^ •ft littotiorgh gage*. AVtDiftgDAYi NOVlVitiiq 80, -1884. CITI Ah'D 'BI3IIFRIIAN, Convention tit Countity Iluporlntendeuts. The woad /tatt . 1 0*m - tot - ion of Connie fin-- ptria tendotts of Public • Scholl', ;6s - cued this morning las. b clock, at the Ponrth Ward . &hoof Mese, Pearl Amt.: • rotirteca delegates wt Ineootr . The conUntlon.was sailed to order by Mr. R. D. Ingrarn,:of DaniVitin cowl tr, whe,n, s : on mo ilb7nl:"Vretc..l*nlesiollLOf • Crnwford county ism chtlatn. tratkparary: Chairman. - arid . • Mr. dober• rrirociti, of nailitia g do it s ttoMiii) -810, itorZ_ ‘ • Ott - tnistitu4llto - follOwlng, caniunlttet Write& is nominati. - permaneut °Mum of .lb ' Conretition—Meawii., Jacob CV, of Northam, bettank. B. D. Ingrath,•Msaphin; A. LiOnth,: cat. Allrgewill;' Jacob Miner, Mercer; nd&Wca.. ; , ' P.DMlynowiti of Worm, TDe sttee," liftet:Cousidtalkiri . **lt Ibllsswin k repsre; which" uuUTWilopted. — papsweba„.7rof.lV/I,7ltonipion,:of Count i y._ ••,! - llet„Predarsta.4W.. , W.,-,Viroluaenr, oivhes tatTlL.Np4intith; of - Arraktiougternaty. : Dab kph* ; lulay—litertwst: fa.mar,- 0111 SKS Mr, Douthett, of Allegheny, the following ownuidttet was appointed to prowo trnsiniWa 'lack, of Weidtaartland i ,Er. p.. /harem; Dauphin; Jacob Illp, - ICortliakaptornr - . : • . Douthcit, the founding`' tams true, fixed' fo'r the SeSsions Coftelftleity Morning,' : Dont' hint .till twelve a 110=0, two i 1 O.vermin& Stun till ohm! ' Ahropotisss. Prof. Mat of • was called upon to deliver an; address, during - the Cori. mittulau Ptograranie... Plc Professor discussed. the I , orii:iftities to Ctitning tht odiet . Courtly. Stiperlitin slit lumreated" sarions • subjects lor th e. ' deration of tbd members. At' the ctrixittelois of the• eddrealc the: Cour. mitt*. haProgratrene mode the faloWittlf,repart:, • Ykiler'Ziiciw • tan - • Atilerilitendenti, seem ..the • Intiatuceotindashouof clergymen-la of. pui -schools', ..We surommond 'nem of tictoutwillltt bfthrte to upon on this jell ~ Syrowd,,,,Whal• - Plumgea s it.any, , are ' niXessary IntliCiai , ln.refertnee'to.Teschers , ,lnstituted 1 - : rhw. *tumor vitalising the labors ml., ofCcitertyllaperlatenduts 1' ' - • :efforts heerskars for ,establithing Noting &WAS In inch Norma District 1 Fifth. Theihtly of &hoot Directors in relation to public imearnitkatil*, to bp_ reported uped by a comitdriee Of three. -- ' ••• - The report was retelved; and pending the dls , cusslens.for:lts' ~on, the Court:nth:s ad- Joruit&iiitfiLaira • • ^ . , ' - • - - - ' ' :.1 • , . ICWltiCillwei r Oil.. Lands: .:..• :.- - ~ '..'••• • . - . The - tea of herini . lssited . no paper tee . ,the Peat .•. '.. few wrtilte4Je. the innitm, we hare,bp. o ff er .•for •: - nat.fiettelkx;the Volk that ' , border the Clarion -1.0 •• ': • river,' } gibe tadjotn*.ootatty of the same name: ••• de the eieltement has beat intense in that new ...•: tleld, , and Preen. froth, every-,place, are. pubs; • - bonuses; Just for' he prdstlego . of turettlag their • ...• money, sreshall In 4id(rtscotti. Clews:apart the . •,,!,he tradltlons of the new tield are • aludiarl in '• •:•.: thetelienend tadtriswit•to those of Oil Creati and •• .••• .so are thbetir T rien Indications.: , .-- . '., WhetithiCtinit:dtappierles.,trere, made upon •, ': 011 Creek : /3es:eltin was known In Open` .•.: • the Claijgtt: ticeS on the • ereeki;:mphrens ' • congsop • sibi.•: - .4 - wags.tght' jai, .tlilsinowleduo .'. was no; enutlned.tei. /tact but was general: The -:, '7 atradng . cf. nee large wails , On Oil Creek,, and '' • . the, TAM FIAllet4IR of ets,irtlebs :which, had . j . •et". to find"a' ppagret;:aett thisekiien4,sold ..: for AU: . exeeelltiglthra, ptieChatt the oectla.dletert, 1 ..:, ‹ operatin w=, steeklng to extend the area of the" : •;:i„-!i Petroleum tlldtt,, dUldfor, , gdi extioniooteritY ,;.,; ~.. . *as elation river end- thstrlhatartes,z, mion• :to z0,, , ,,' remai n ittiditfteit - end 7 inteolett; ' but Oren. ': . - 4 , ehercylinn,whloh.lB,-.now Our hest . produelsg• portlakollthis •Fistmlvania• , 011 41eglea, - _ , was , .., , also neeteetedkr - ,-. , •1 •-., k, 7 -- 3 ' • ' ' - ' 7 '' _ - , .::: '. ' •-• ,i. • •-, ,:. • • Wbcta the_ prodgegraness . „ _ . . _Ot ate : illy: 7 'nm', `1,7 • fie;,. 01htdarrhreirCitiki,-10Snaliusedr. ;.• • 1. ; =iiiitilltifie- ITlknt4 , 7l.o . Cittief alumna. ' •"' , has been themllMm rekelfellar.. True, •• ••• • none turreTet prerred so preductire as Ante ,c ats :!:.,' :, ry Anis, but It le - ,450. true that pone othens ',;:i.; ~1. . • hare been ae , ,thlXreloped : ::l Tiettott-thlr '.. . is dotte,...oitettat . ' e_ .. , _Wcot4 lxj:igttlactlpxtlii t ill' • ",t I FIR not cmlr be mad. Wart' hid th at some '• ; 1: ~, of thOSEXtlt-equal, lf.noti - piristipa, - .h9th Client ::i 2 lbw and Oitcwititeo-litp, aril 1,..,!„7,7„1 . ~,,, -,-,..,:- c.,-;,, , lei' s 'From.„-tK016:4• tsid..:47ptrience..at,tboalts 'I i wimat ac tudg_ 44mreMarkklitko, at. the laud, 0n , ... '';',l”. the •Mwer sawed as tionittkb falls which' - ..1 . i have tomne,Virdsritr-Obrerytietsa,,ACeabutif . z help gowieitfetalethe'rr Iggh'OPlstlon-,qt, Tha i l! lands* - " . ' - .o7pf.,Petngettat i Mutt 1 -•• 1 ,, thls liktd .': . 'bil - iire•pnangthasto!th-to the .. Talleper. - aaticalVas et:wry 4,C lit'. ...ugh,,,6%,k,,,,,iic_inv,ceirkat, rmltto , o l l,l l iwulM , I • - • and oftteblettletilh*li„ern A 'fatats. prog, 9 ( , ;this td*Y.l l loll4. 7 operater• Tat Itisill begot, • ' out otgie , nagkinleelsbortest posalbld space 0f... 1 ..161:1 mat= ixiiritho harieltnemed the' Iff:9.filiT4iTYn4Y;lllllll.*: • ~,. • •Th hhiAltyslt flits new..Zotrtientzt: Sad also . 1 rre ,-• stafamme driuitagee.thr , ita developmebt The Idllir T er . with • is• lticsi'y••.llprest,'Whltdk: affordi dated - 10,.eXeeellept" hunbee;,Whlle . ' • the , - .1* coal le dinar, ladpnal4i caUS'IP. 6 1. 1 / 1 04 - : . :‘,' Making. bothminbigt •; ' and relining Petroleurn. AM CallYJOb.'2,The . elver, • . which Ismayipthlet tbeflate; - - dining thelttintritit,'• reinlshieowgredeo 4 exerof tran:ipittatiott 'ail*, neededi .. whtletl4l,s.txosletang M every are eleellentilti7t p; • , ..•. ••-•., -• . ..,-..., •• Ir,. .. • •• , . Some dean creshofrill eompardes. bare already' been fbitonts:l m a4 • litei•by the Nom are Wog: , ~ rot wpdoillW - a nd ael. to work, ,ttll.this ' i rk. : i , t land uWx.i •,the • 7 ricer , and' To and other oraelnesitineenttbflti"ltare'been 'bet islgittt , ;••',: or leasitiktrui'dahlt has tottinteligedtaparneatW, ••! The m_-•.,gtyarlte,„leralltbe 'fist 'ttoW atTeAr.to, .:.• be tilted 7P l Oted' Dttik;Ckeek„ Mid..immedlatelt ...". around - the lassie( 'Clinton- ....•.--••. - • • ',;,` -,•-, • ••,:., tranLortspapp ,, Attde•weeki , presOntit''WVAME .";1; •golng more Into • detail. .hut ~,,wo:..shalt:spartetiei VaingSo 'oo l4.9 ll FivitErctsPOVALlipula *Arum i:1, arrelorm, , , I OtAii..lataltiritiliorts; of. , - ',, :•d in otmettudolip•wllhabb :fame beforeOS,,tre! .: l !,:;: can catty, rftertste the, etnlon iiire'tweed - obote; * ~.,•ti that thlefiew,deld wlltmovenot only..a. paying., :;if. one to tho4.,wlto ttroucly. develeping,p, but we .. • VIZI sec, riesuwaw- ithi..utivoit a- *ltalia''' . degree Of:: 4 dereloproenk tt :mar not lwoce.-erment .as pro,: ..• '•.• ductivo OW tbtr - _,tgley rid' Ott Creek-. Ititelt , -; 02 • : t • . city .R0117,,, n , ...,,,' :. -, ! ;.r i , , .• • ‘,. ~,,..% ~i -,.. ,' ---; CM; , aiit:tet I + orte ituree. The aneolOcitirayoregifetttotett to the elty TreastrPhitkirioilAtiFridlliine the foitiod of file ad . Atwstti a , toup :of !ho trmanne:Pato"23ll4TdccTlstrr,-W94/xisbelow, the amounts rerttera for the month of Ittost d September: sitbffrpareevillt the 'Arnow. tied lag , • • • • _ aS .111ept. Antr.- r Sept. :110-46,•;017 lg. atle IiMPIP Op 00`06 • 160 "00 ,110-10 186 allroaddt tats Ponce. Nt o 7 , 172 7 0. r. 40 7 6 C407. The tat Mutt oretied and ferfnltttros timed • MayorLowry &tidos the year; m il t' the , return for any one year In the hlstoty of ' CUT' • Ctottacira Farewell Concerts. : - " Mr ' Cllsl2l "A li t g3 t-*s'4!" l f e . arricetrffiS now making the eceaseryFtrurstlons 'for the Farewell concerts b e h eaZ e r)Gtpallig4o4 1 go o e ` i i an eat de Ire tuts semi:4lEor tide occasion thu scrrlees .csrnosethe new deburreinso "ri n itfew York war l if ic successful, WNW. lar4otte,Ar phler, ilptgd4irlasbutAirbisr.. TAO ill be given on Tuesday and Wcdatuulayurren-. ngs of nest week, and ttpdgy the dtret , {lon of the eminent comtWeer kid conductor, hluzlo. . Cacactes`r seeded . I _ - the papa . published thn l Is girl fast; glace the ac,cwltt,s7Aviu: the oupty, and the editor =poets It to be a city In is 'ewyeare:•lliscides at aireablence the increase of thurcher. B aartants 4 g° lilt )1010 1 1 15k XPIPS4-1 4.` mi t Old School rreebytzrlan and Lutheran were tn. Now sersices Cr. regularly held by the Ha woews,•Roustra Catholics, Dayabstso, Lfultedpr tlytorians, Episcopailaum, Lutherans Methodists, 0.8.nd Presbytesians. Of those, In addition to hose menthnsPd A _IN tba-gPisaada4tax4aan th um b Ihnarn.UM. , Presbyterians are. Vjr51135; a brick home, and several other deem .. fitudiona will fellow their example In a short- ' Tua .aftC.i oon, a bearing of the parties concerned in the isgraccfnll4l ht on Boyd's Hill, on Sunday morn !. g, eras; E st I.be.ldayot's °Moe: A , largo. •• wd wit; attendants, principally (deride. of , „he patties. Rogers tuid, Tyson plead.,gullty to pJe cbarge, and appeared 'very penitent. The getlor ImPlkol i r I tsa:4 oll krs . :ectclf dad tti ; bcl them liCtbeil own re ., ono era to keep , the peace for ono year. niter settlttliparitiEthumetyorobery alga& bonds : tend adjourned to a neighboring tavern; where • rey soiled their compact of peace with sundry Itakx.Gmx.rr.-,-Alnt. Landis, eteitiedr " 4,11110 g liquor on. Sillidahnl , Pear4ileStitnmayor 4,ary toslay,pleadgontjto'aectiirteritidpald Ll'o Porta" QUAY t Bhp As . taterbrAle. 1-tstal with'llttthurgli atalti police regal:Mons • - -k : od ° lre U' u k - to tkO, 404ir04 :9C-tOoliktia • frprietor i 1 1 1: 1 =7"4Ve l rirra imbov, , wansateAamot 4eiitittolse •ofloory_ • =bed, 40Elf e Aran-__Smadat;'' Ta y ''islostnd ' 7.1.1144 1 1 u ‘ 7= g . _ - ~ '; r `: r = ykatbsAmssing the Andersonville Pefainter,. The New York '77nies of Monday pabilshes .s list , of sorne three thomand, prisoners who died . at Andersomilla, Dora :Jun( 7th to July 18th, 1861, Inclusive. We stied. from the long and melancholy 11 t the, names of all the members of Penns)hitnia' regiments i ' I Jam S.-W. Whitney, Company A. F. 1.1 ; Pe 'e..r Fink. C, 73d; L. CipPas, I, 1.4115 t; Wm. Maley,- E, 1d Penna. Cavalry-. - ..jancl2.-j. Mellose.Commuly.A.Atit , Cavalry; D. S. Brooks, 11. 70th; .I. A. Cox, H, 13th Penna. Cavalry; Peter Kelly, F, 73,1; Frank Peorelt„.ll, 1811; John Gruel,. 0, 10th. J,,,,c . 14 -JohnGriffiths . . 1 1. 1036. i Milton Seam. F, tow : T. Beall, G,,.1.8t1e; Charles, Benca, F, lffld ; E. Goerit, 11, 730th ; 1 Willisorti, Robinion s ,D; 77th ellergt. W. M.. Freeman, A,. tgnittennsylermla Artillery ; D. Saida; IT, llth ; Arne 15-.11. Wyont, CI: ;10311 i , P.: Baxter, C, 734; 0. Burns, C, 13th, Cavalry; H. Stoop, C, 6241 ; M. Bigler, X, 4th Cavalry; W.'H. Mor say, A, 3d Cavalry- J. J.: Matchett,lc, 1014; Gallitxr, B, 13th Cax - any i F. Coisper,lBth vally.; A. Wrens, A, 13th Cavalry. ! J*lo .17-Corporid D. Beaty, F Ringgold's Ballationa S. D. Friday; H 10Ist; ./atati'lnladtt., N; BB'euralrfe TM*. A. Fulton,ll hn , tood, Ser eant "g /341 t A,:„ltay, E, :Rh; Corporal Jo Eliot, F, Egralryt O. Ames, Li, 4th Cavalry; fiaml Stoll; 13, 7tith-, .I`.P. Say, K, 4th Cavalry,; C. B 101111; li,4kil-/Mllll.' I .Tmet . 18-W.33tte.ltUrib, B,M Art.;;Clutries W. nth, 1014; Jared._ Flaky, 1 7 , 5Rh. 1 , Jaw 10-4.'llorrow,C o -101e4; J. B. theel, F, WI Car.; L. 'Ball `a, ' 9s thi w.,Heinback, Gs. 120th; J. Hart, 11, alst. ' - -',I - ],' - i Jane SO-Peter Itonth,\E„lblait J. T.:Barr, 11, 4 • h Car. Anse 21-Jame; Lackey, AI, 188 d; Nell Stoles, K, 27th; Geo. Far, E, :Mb; 'SU Ventelitoril co 4th cavalry; Wm. 3CRlellou, 11,"191.4 Mlemey; . Alex. G Win, D,3111 awake. \ -.. , !lime •.‘....2-D. Townsend, I, 18th 'cavalry; C, • Welter, 11, 7.151 It. Sins, 0 14th tarah7: Wed. Johnston, A, Id Admen, tictryteetc.4 1, tstb.. .: ca ralrp•Mozes ICdso, II; Bth pram'''. , ~ , June 23-George Akers. H. 901.11; . B. Carry, F, -78 d; Girth G. Greenwald. 1127th; & ,,, r. `Peter Myers, •(1,-76th; G:". LeaEh, D, 10th Cavalry; ]Shah,, Khmer, q, 7315. - \ - - i ' i4 e - 14-4 • 11001 4 s, 1). Hed;, R. Morton,. I,'. ,70th;, E. Alleson, X, &kb- H. Cayle,lF, eall Unyoke; J.•2deCabeils, 30th "IS J. Mo. Nan It, 103; Jakob Shoop M IM CsVAITY' S. Yennua, li, 7th.' .. 3 . iit• l• i' • Vow 25-11. Helm, C,sDth; E. Cause, A, 141st; L, Flay, G, 2thi.t3e.rgant James Rise', D, lout • June IM-James Murry, E, 67thr F. Rupert, if, FCavalry; Corothp: Henry QFunkhat w umbest, li, 10311; A. ;then, D, 6; John er, C. Witt. Wm. Bahly, F.2oth Cavalry; R. Wiles, I?, 103 d Jame 27--Sergt. D. Andersen, K, 1034 ; flergt:' John Hammer, G, 73d; J. Page, G, 1833. • June Di-1.. /L. Gettings, C, , Ist +Rifles; Stt-pinm Oswald, (4, 05th ; Larvid Porter; It .101st; R. sJonet., D, , ,103d ; T. FaVogiM_ in:, IC; 'ooth ;, J. Williams, r 83d. ; Join . Springer, P., lUlst ; K. J. Root:. F, 54th ;M. Brown, 0, 1.4.1 h Cavalry: • Vane 29-4. Lk Dan, B, 101st -;--• L.. Tiser, B, 14pth ; M. A. Kittle; L, 14th Cavalry; J. Able, F.,154th ; J. It. Stewart, A, 103 d; .1. MeManes, 13,77 th ; J. Donovan, li, 123 th. me 10-.1. Mipm, It 101,1; G. Morris, G, 77 hi A. Wake B, 06th J ; ames Howard, I, 834. sty 3--J. Borne, A, 13th, Car.; C. IleCuen, 8,7 C,ll4th; W. Noll, r, 6th Reserves. :Ny 5---Serg'L .E?Terwilliger, 11, 103 d; J. T. P D, 1034; A. Stamp, 1 , 11 J. E. Rock, 31 sth ' Y.; J. Blab, F, 1084; D. W. Jenks:4 B, I.;_Cotp. D. Homer P,, 13th Car.; las! Brien, 1, , 543th; John Belford, T, 146th. ) jiffy 6-M. Davis, IS, T2d cavalry; Samuel' Gr&a,E, 50the Corp. IL Gatwalt, D, tiktit•Sergt.: 'Elf Amara, F, 103 d. A ‘ .toey 7-Jorm Bogart, E, 15th Carl . I Ws Shaw;:, B, /40th; J. Griffin, I 1133 d; A. Goonso, 0,142 th; • Berg- J. Coleman, K, 10th Coy- H. Gists, 11, , 103:I; John SmWcy , K, 11:311; R. ' Thompson, F, 104 P. Bryan, A, lid An. ~ • 8..-J. Meltath, E, 48th; G. B. Ackley, 13, Ildtrt: S. Barr, G, 103 d; Corp. E. F. Reny, A, ' ,57t ;IL. Welden, 11, 50th; M.J. Rugh, 13, 103 d; J. reanni E, 48th; W. Gillelatie4 131 14th Car; G. incise, b, nih; C. MIAs, C, 6th Fart :Cori , - W.. 13. BarnsH:lolst. - ~ July ti 8....4.14 Jas. Epary 11, 1451.11..; B. M. Seaton, I, 103driCalein Harris, ' D,534; J. Lori ma', E, 11th; M. Ford, K, 834; p.•Dolon;F, Bth J. Eatler, - ily 10-L. J. ,E, 118th; 1413naael,„ G, jlt h; H. Sweet, - X, 57th; Bement. I. E..3le aa ey, K, 4th cavalry; A. •W ee, I, Illb; M. , ;Sboimaker, 0, 148thi , - L ' - i • ‘ %istab, Ti-B. lohittlima; F, 57th; W. Bettina, D, :inn; , :,.,,quonnor, 83th J. G. Painter, F, 25th., YY I - --00 tIoralIL - Kweli, A,StOrt..l. O'Nel4' • .4. ow; ...T. Harringtom, C, 55131 , ; W. IF.. &WINO, Mil A. Berdine,•B,•lst; It. 0.. , x,i oath. :. .roly - 18-JA F...t* 151 eadtryL, J. Beard, C 59th ;. M. weis ix, lead: eorp:lLlt. bin'trii. . 111 out; A. 111.k i v, iolo4•R. Robins, ti, dine , 1 f in - rz d .l.4-W. A. Wright, G, 20th • Car.; 1: .- di, 98th; A. Long, • LI, 11th; James Barna; ' l ;i ;N: PVlSChatt, D, llth Reserves; W. , TitthyD, 171st; T. 31: pti0..e.,..G, 7.14; M. Alex- Wu ,F, Ist Car. , . • f i.r yl5-112 Degelati,M s lfith C 8 74. 4m'At• 1 T ara a _, L, 18tires•c', - i • ', -47 Tv 11S-H., 'Mink, 24. 3d Art.; l l3. C. Iva,. , it, th; W. - b. Woodruff, D, 1011; Deo:Ps Alt, 'O. t Car.; Edward Lowle,-1, 101 m; W.:',.1. Pi ton, , 4 fith• .. . 7 4/y l 7-1 1 eDJ- Cotteh,`M, 50th; John 'Histtsis.,, A; 118th; S. PalaterA,`63sl; G.,,Latin, G,- 49114 E. H. Iteaker,H, 153 tit; Harris Ransom, 'l,l4Bth; E. Kemp, 4, 103• Wm. Todd, IC, 103dt IL lialli TOW; WM: e •ltak.er F, 103dr John Mori if 14Ia1{ 'J. hilltbur, ' D, 138th; B. Lo gan 11; 6011 i; .I. eluwr i n; .d. , , ...15.--D. 4obizacta, 4-45 tie B. Jettnlnp, 0, pth; Beatgt: 4.s Elarnside, It, 5714Jamcs, Leen'', lath Car.; ,J;) l4 FUlet, 9 , 4 ' h PAY.' J.P. If wiaill . Till It^"Tte-s; • iiiirctriveri iie, Melt Iron Mine .. A rrciiv *teat Cif therteattn ./ ' alanakes . ; a , valualde •comaitmleatkat' to that jotirrad, atol :ada9e r lak.fha ' AillAietiaf;e:r a .rich inntain'ala the:chanty. , He,Wija t?'"lfr; David Lykens, who. Ail& ,VWeja heen.taVani-hdairliag man, and'who rims- heen empicried" the - ffitater part otitis life • it . it 113,C, dißCOVffed, 4 loine.eight . day 'since * .; -;oac f the Largart veins of lion ore 'Jai Con-- 1 cote Valley. Aft& making known Madison , . ery t a Mr. Janice O'Neill, .they' imeeeMekin ' pro c ring a lease. of twelve acret - frienMessia. D.4a , at, D. BO*, M. Hartz and J. :Mainz, :eh lands ineetatthe place of discovery. The riot ken oat warein the centre of itwelvenetes, .whiciti_will give thine quite a- larks space tyro* : . on. , Übe mine la located about thioe.foiultal of 'a milk from Morgantown. The ore is prirititive, • . anit the 'very hest , quality. Tim have 'taken ' put e eight tons in ilvedays, and this la only 'a' .: , 'e"'Fcbilic.lghtSen feet thick, and bi t ting Las eiy,e •of it ,ding out for years. Thalia Oils to helopcdortll-repay -Mr. Ilykens for hlattialsiMd hardships la fanner • Seas. , lie is ficseninVof ii..ind the best withal' or Abe :ermunMilty are. siithAdm. Mr.lbscid : brestjuicot our .werdthlestr tanners, ia: gating rmulyiteercet lg. furnace near the min", and in a aborigine the rocks in HMI &milts, which Mated tholebride Wialon'amitheihinie pr . heaven, wili " no'bithek P1ac.6.00 DiOlett7::.:.i . ToO GOOO TO LAM . •LOIIO.--in our morning editi we called attention to the - iinugottis Or, the 0 errs Run and Pittsburgh Petroiettot:Coot, Jititty, and ccnturtul the assertion that Ow stock il 'Woul be rapidly taken: "I'lle books, It waa Ala..' -Issuneed; wintld be opened at xtbiro'cloOk this and '_continue open until ,threenkleiek 114111*i - it ernisin, 14411 tern than kelt thkr t , every dollar dike otipltal stock kth. becti, stab: - scribed. It ltskit: • `grics - J thing ,) : and otterapl;.• ,Saber sere OtilitkOr in lonillng,tiketusatltit of lhe4iiiiiin,4 Orbred• .-: ti ... ~, . • 't: t. Tint Ctn. Scum—The authorities of. Albs, shenyiellytunst txnumettoOt theUreetle.n of new n . ; icy rants toittic :settfteel Witten of 919 Dia, end... ...' 'The,' fotitidationTlS aktadY Ofcloill-cd, end It fa th e loft:Atka So:llnieh',,the building du ling the, - presatc sewn: The ;building will be nest end . totletitoisVind Its dose proximity-10, the Mirket Notide-irill tie ,4001 convallenct a Antis:* others'alknAipg•rmarket. iI .. Tirij litinirrziereiGnainao ALM:kW guns bare been shipped , front ,the :Fork Pitt ak'ounclii to Cincinnati, to go on b6ard a *Oar, Juatfiritihed there. One of theta. artirekat Ita .dtelltnit lon In safety "on Friday •night hot; nty the other left Alliance yesterday morning; in probalfly, by Ma time s aneinnarg.,_. AB ' kar, # llreninzi. , 43e6igi Beans;b 'o - i iiii was, led today, treltarge otihreatesilng 'to.' 'his wife. Geo* la a gnod , wertitatass; but Wiry has got the' tqattery 'Overland'. Le haaLbeen treating his wife most shame( y, f' late.--The MaYor:Will hold him for tilaL , 1 -, •' TuT i ker,strric IdOnTIILT ran Dal... 3 t4The meat, monthly Is Just out, and for Tao.' I :Tdaeorde Hall, J. Maack, [Fifth street, !opposite she Pass Oftlae; and W. AI. denenny, ! _flith street, neer Wood. I A ricrui Pont Tnovsssnpoi:.--A fannCr of dmestode toVnsblp, Snyder. cOnnty, had at!tbt, late hatreg &single stock of buckwheat, .schich siddcdi"fattr thousand one hundred and seventy fano loud r Anrztraordinaryyieldfrom SPIECIAL zocAkapricr.s. i Tnoaltas W.Tainar practical Slate Roatar,Ant Dealer In ;Amerlona ' Slate; ' of . rariotia ntdera: Ogico at 8 7 ,,. .i 8, . - Langlillit's, near the Walter Worke;rlttalilghil'a, - Seib:ince, No. 78 Pike street. Oniara proniitly attended to. All work "Barra i cd water . proof. Replant* .donekt,the abodes notice. ,No eluirp for mpalri);Vrizikled. the ' is not abused atter it , le petent.„l..: 1' .. Bnp las,"Cucconw's &nen Tit . le Billionmaffon of ,the'smallrtaliceisi.. glands SOnnectediiith the alembic* irtlekllne .the throat and membrane:S.many , vai Broith's Bronchial Troches afford Immedlate'ro-' Vet • Bold by all &agent... • . 45. .Ai1 1 6 #4* ~..14.1 t utFitke4 fig ' . ~! ;;: . 4 t.~., ~;xu M ~ ~:c~~: t ..:. usgyi. . _.... _ _ _. ..., 1,1 lITTSBI'RGH TII.EATH.E. iI- FIFTH S:Tft.FET,_NEAR WOOD. .lam AND MANNOsife Wm. lira torzsoff . N For one night only, TICKET-OF.I.EAS"EZt A.N. The utterjr Urpoomcleritellitoittaerity, of Ihellek.: 'elr-ofstierit.e4letn, /lilac:V.onm At .+eiliMpeil or, 5' , 1 . aght 4 in Neic Yawl, nod in Bolgoli nt three 'the, lire,' nt the anon time, eanitituted it, beyonl 3 ... .doubt, the greatest dralatle Aimee. of the age. THIS (Wednesday() EVENING, THE TICKET-CF-LEAVE-MAN. Time and pi/we—London, the present day. The (entire company In the east. , • . . i sir Sfikpa cia belretited for the Octoroon. In rehearsal, "The Pirates of Sayan:nth... _ . AT I'iIASONIC HALL FOSMVELY FIVE DAYS ONLY Innimencing VLIESDAYTEVENIPIG,- Nor. egttr, LA RUE'. • t cf444 l _ WAR ;SHOW he Wonderful Stratopatemm, or Walking Army, From the Tremont Theatre, Roston. The moat thrilling of all modern miraclei, em weintirualodanjegt=l. of ~l io(; i,r z l;IP AITIVASI, SAWS, etc., hirldly ro-cnactbig the principal battles, both Me a:idle/4.M the great Southern Rebellion. Mr. D. O—LA =UR, the greateat of living hu, moriata, will appear &teach eghibi t tort in hie emits- Mg and laughable Mole rikiloireateit•lnment, ea titled ' , LA id I.YE.S OLIO OF ODDITILN.". Tickets, Dl cents• reserrod mats,do cents. Doors - _i An altertimm exhibition-PM rho ren...021 RAT 171IDAT, at -3 o'clock, tor ther4secanimodatlon of ;mein anti OULU en.:F2IM-the. Vapllo .0 1.1 . 11b1i. 4.etmola adnaltiodfortheentaearri. _ (met tet. dgrilt• rallArrs: . • ANTED—For service in the Qtuirter masters Itepartmell,iirßashvllle, (Matta. a and Johnsonville, TOW:IO33M; Atlanta, p eo n; D,g, point*,alls Bluff and I.it tie /IoNA clte Is •4; and oth Ala/Lsorera; wages, 445 per month and rations. Teamaters; " eta " 10Tretelt Layers., . Odd -. - Yree.transportstion to plena of deitumuo... . - Algajtbyi ahle4salied Siert onlymill ho receive& • -- • - - ' - JOHN L. 'WOODS. Sr.. 'Captain mid AssistastAnartermaster, U.S. A. , Fnr (Weer Inlblinstionisestreol... . • • `4 '"k , • , ;. m t3A..MPLX,II6 Federal St., Allegheny; .. tale , : "to. to Valthington Al cone, between tth a `Rh s la;St...Louli r Ato., .. ~_ . • „ ._.. am .1. WALA , iK,Xles esavl-Agvat. WAlikT 11--$12..1, A • MONTI I.—Agents v every here, to introduee the new SOme } aprk SirkniDettar family Settiag Afecatee, the only lb* lose m hlneln the' edtmhy - Which is Ileensed . by ligover ''faker , Wheeler Zs - Wilson, Ilewe,. , Singer 8-Co., and Da chalder. Salary and expenses, Or large commhodons allowed. AR other Machine.; near sold for less than forty dollars each are fa rtaggramts, and the teller and veer liabk. Illustra ted circulars sentfcce. - s, Address SHA W &CLARK, Bildt - ford, hbilne. \ noft.lmdtwT .A I UIAISTED—Agonti, for . THE .1`; U IHE ohe'of the most Interesting and exciting bohlum ever published, embracing the adventure, of a *omen In the Union Army na Nurse and Spy, Killing n most yield loner plcaure thew= Just Lbd book the' people want. Send (or Circulars. JONE 4 BROS. k CO., Publishers, ow Chestnut. n0282a; WANTED. --1.1411 EDIKITL • .. i Twenty Good CanyassGte.dgents, Tosell the HISTORY OF THE GREATREBEL, LION, In Eastern Ohio. To such a heavy per neat n* will be given, by applying nt once, to the gen eral g l obel. R. STEWART, nomma.,-.1. ‘ L , •,. • . - .., -Nair Wilmington; Pa. • • - - ... WANTED—A man who tnproughly aerstande the manufacturline or SOAPS AND CANDLES; Erriectelly nice Soaps and Stealer fondle', can lento of an excellent sltwittonas FOREMAN, In a western city, with al inteiestin the business, by. aniheoing DRAWER '7, Pbst Mice, Detroit, Dithlean." Good m o tereticesilequirefl. None <Rh erscr be noticed. aata. THREE GOOD TEAD3TE6S. • To ?mu' coal with one-hone wagons..-Apply : at the Colil Teed ; on AlNLica , Lemeinear the Outer Depot, Allegheny, City, cif . • ~EE,VO4.I.IOPKISS. k:MONTH. —I pop, to:-*fr; expluiant Thderlfedisr..f.. edd 4,Ndn, the t.-CIicVA.T. • 0 " 3 , Melee. no92scldaier . • ANTED.-10 COOPERS WANTED, to make. Flour Borrils !rorn Moline Stem. 4d:Reiding. • 44. 4-PCZPWANIgtO• lroft suILS-lAymkiinrre --4 T —..:. M SALE— , A*.terr 'ulna Iflo FARM In Perry torrnablli,tWestknoreland county,' Pi; containing about 1111 germ, well Improved, and to a high state of cultivation. -- Also, a FARM OF 240 ACRES, in Fairfield town ' : I A W Tre tm l; ' :nlre a ol cw ee lt b r eat i riMift?. ro joa " ran n 1 Imeatone In abundant e._ t Y , ~_ A i a FARM 01 , 114 AuRES, In Derry tount7 atilt{l 'estatorelainif - tortitAf, Pa., Immrdlately on the eof the PennaylvaiMif Railroad. Mho, a FARM of 14:1ACIURS, In St. Clair town al.ll4 Westmoreland county, Pm -- • Alm. a FARM of Hi ACRE in Fntc4ld low I :. IA ' W a tP MVAT ' 2 S I.II I 3IE4, io - FJlsabe' t h to • .1.1.11 Allegheny eounty,Pa.l about Weems elenee n d ' l. The tmeimil A tuctutouinviotry opeOrdt welltho , ;be and very easy of amen to the Youghiogheny _ ,_, , . - 111 FOUR NEW DAIRIEZ,7III,IIt and didabed Ina 4 rorkmanlike manner, 'it , : i'• - - F further partietdarstlagaire Of'' C l .4l. , ffOinCß,tireiitEßlate Agent, a ..,,, pfii , vicruarwitr.t. „. 4 4 - dit SALE-- 81 7.BURRAIC•SITEs and ELAGE 1 0 15,. - Iffgalg; FORT Iliminoa. The urdelorg.e.d., Ex "cutarotif lbettestate 0 1JOILA • He deed, of .r Stir aahlianundierofLt boast One lig:11WO acres oath. MU dos WNW I' Her nia, nawiblitnitbree In I nutAi*blk Ofthe terminus oft t.Plttabargh tik Ilinerliigllet Pawl:ger Rail ways This alarreosat- erg assauttfiffly located . for , pill it. 1001.110411,1 i. ...” r , Alto, a number of mall LOOt hiAbe village of. DI indseille, fronting ow tne ,- Paramsigeeltailwafte.. thlrt r to sixty feet &unbend trout•ouir;to two hun dred feet deep. ,: .1; ; ,14,1 i :,-. _.... Fo information Inoubwortalltbei'irrtbe Inman, mimeo, or W. A. 11=11011,Clark 1 a till:Bee, Court Bole. ...r. - ... WM. AL IfERRONi.• .., ; • ..:: JOHN2,___IFERHOIff . ' 3 • • t R. o..nm...SON‘y ' ' ' jetitibn lfr.e4liais : ijOp ALT—E".-----'' I;‘ limit - Ise Brick. Dwelling Bong. No. 'Ns tryr,ri stittri, Conant* ten rooms. Fitted-with-oas, Rot and Unlit ,Vater. Largettooking flange loth kitchen. Lorrenty-four feet on Wylie greet, running Mirk o Wide alley. • rice andlermiendolin iL the , '' • ' • rrrrsnunctu FOUNDRY ornoE, • . . nt,4:lfor. street TOR ~ SALE.—One 'new...Stopt Engine ISlnclfeylinder,4o Inch itroke, on hese - y iron bat tehlance vibe governor. Orr an inch ullnder, ..10,thsh sji:•*,Froud-Imall, refit In be goal as new. . ' On , Inch cylinder, 20 Inch stroke, new. • One g u t , , 25_ , i x . r . . T TI , , , iw- 403• 1 151ei p e ,n.41alifi,atall 4 ;iireeil9nt- d \i:iniedflontnli s. tin.. , 7 ; ' L._ Aleq, Three Sets of Boring Tools, fill:0B Wells. Cheap for each. Enquire of H. AL BOLE, app I Allegheny- River Bank, near the point - F OR BALE-A FARM OF 105 / ACRES, ~..A. oil Big Sewlekly, three mile, from the railroad :statio, nett improred. Price 350 per acre. , A 4S ACRE PARISI on.Killiecle,.3l.4 . alloiffrom Of leridjile Statlunoies tetticti In &Glint. MIA stair', * ), Veiling;.-Banit.Andtrood iagpmementa; Price, -.- ' , ~..,X,OPfle z ots ;Fremont: and -Tremont :street Second ward, Allegheny. . • . • ' PO LOTS on Ellbuck at fliendale Station, , .contal log alx to ten scree. , ' , . 4. °"ltbiti 7644 ' - i.rtW'Vie'v' : . .;- . A . : i n a taro er, ' t fir r.VlEll,l.fcmt,,nliesamer• SALE--:TEMI SAW MILL op 4 REFlNERY.—Thb , ondAtilf or wfiole of *a Olt ednery and Steam . Dane irtifelon ,one.n f acres of ground; ad abundance of cont on the lot(—one mine open and heist worked. sitltatc on the lei Ricer and A. V• R. 11 : IS offered 'for sal . The Refinery 'anew Rad Of Meet* MM. i Ttat• Sow Bulb s In splendifPoteleg and well Sit* having a creek running from It to the river. Good locolity for building bonta• -• For particulars call .the Mitigate& Sir 4 LYDAY k OHORP No. SO Rand street, Pittsburgh, Ps. • • ,RA .17, . FOR - SAL ~- he . -taliscriber : or-. , -2. - . tem 'for talc a verrdestroblii 'F.A.tifif of 3 'Aeßliti, located In Cojuntbitillitonnty, Ohl% four. toilet Dom 'Wells rllle, 011 . theriver,_6o miles fame 4 Pftttb 11,. and 1.6 from . linicepoilf The farm l e• l h . gtiod Mon, and well Improved. Them= two - wad( on th e 'Dimities, and two goof framed 'Awe with a great, aduindenoe oLcordrilipe• otone, nerertillingirprinf bf tofid Water. It, more detailed descri ion of thoß r opeety intt , 8 ". OVViegit ' io a a a.). ~.z. rif., :Lott street. - raft wilaltwr .-• • . ' , : • '7 4 ' 4 nt/1 lvf ' i j b .7 . , Chcallisaas X:oesals.. . • • The tibore valuable propetty - ,-vltuatod In' CIOT. Lors TOWNSUIP, but *few Mlles from the oily, can be reached 1)y the Greensburg Plke, Pcnosyl. yard& Railroad and East Utterly Railway. 'For description of property and terms apply to nol7 . T. A. 31c014E1.L.WA r rluct7. - FOR; SALA cosirarriant.g fiousE four;rooras, within, one and a halt win/lees of,tba: retreat ears, In Mind:eater. Good srsterand emu-, thing eanrenlent. Posscialokkiven Immepllately. For terms apply to Tosireit Panc,D Federalstrest, or at Thomas Harper's Wagon Shop, Beaver street, i gA ne hllgter•—• --; , ;: r ;, ". aottgv I; oiesr. Slxilest dies BARD 730 leer long bunt fa ,the birmattner . awl of tbe beer tlet material. „-- .• . ISA A C O Ou Saw At 1111,..„ • - Abtediritreee,Allettenj.- O. I EBB RELIEF .I=D. • . ;V V. • oomonsionmee o • ''lliii• °ltderalgned Bo "1" 1 1r". 2 11 1664- ant of Re let of A eaten). • ti%,'"' u t l ' eq, E47=MSATtigalf -....„ meet at reaptvtire planes of hotding on SATURDAY, thane day of Dont WV ;ZTAT"a'wtheAoliza Oftlitedendanniamph S. la. aullamo,ilo6iii•fitee,terTlTS SON h uge duty It 'hail be to sot In conjunction. awl W 4 Dowd in the dtahributl a of thO Re. N. ; e t ,t ATRA N NE I „it t, - ;,j1, , ti1.17-1 V! i ,• .4•10 k • RABULTObt, " Oonsniadonera. '' ' '.4' , . AR 'D rthLOW„ nonlatkate y:ll ........ ~w,,.s N y.. .. - .na.a, _t ~.a= 1 f ` V ~ - }'^ ~ y'iu '_Ma...- , ;. 1 ' _ .e.l i .rl..►ldfBE.4l 860 1 I I . --CEIE A.P W . Aeletatit : atne id 'telatkiliWtiatti A v ii.d? au pt 44 at !manage bu tli z path= 3292; OA ..11111 .4 /afi a' , 1 * . lil I i } Idi Wan and Mit &earl 'tree: &Mien T. /lc FL GAtIGRAN 'n. Was MT tar, ~. , Mtpl4l3ll r ROOKS. .4 e. 1.3 UAW. 4-c Naiw. w)Ktiz: !MIMI • DOWN IN TENNESSEE.. This new• algal:at.. bi . .the or"An.ng th °' Pines," is swindle olf like said-lire, end can hardly - kr made extvit es the. orders pour in for lt. ,It is ,CrAMllle4llllll of materiel. most important to every 'ado, interested to public etrairs..militery or pout!. lieshles Grin„ All thoroughly attractive end ate aiorhing in Incident and story no the author's other books. lihno..cloth. 51 W. V lc TO I It R. A new novel. vlgnunia •nd fresh—sore to make a tilt. Mao, cloth, tinted paper. el 15. A new find promhting at Or Is det - elf*ed Dr this iheenring work of fiction. thno, cloth, tinted tt.s. TIE ART OF CONVERSATION A. :spiel:llW Dolt that-Arms ono oilght - to OtIL I.ftno, cloth. IM THE ALADAVIA AAH.OIUITrEH. lty the author of "Maylid.fir,tlic,'ll,Ocke Amsdea.'. cno, cloth. ft '3O. ''' • i 4 4- t ai t atilideicitiiieits .. i.;l , : .,... i 'W n inteaseiattd pahslonorthixetratiirr;apaHlier , yre style. t3no, cloth, tinted paper. •lit 30. , i:o4i,k,i3,4l<iiillsii :Alit - kllll4-iiii•ka, Ti ' ' , 1 i proolmee awn: navel Hato, °tont. St , 25. c TALES FROM THE oPEBA9:' , Tae plots of lilt the opervi, in the shape of ctorles., idmo, cloth. $1 Oci. ' ,F,CT SALE BY ' UpY ,KMM, , 11 and 73. Fifth street. ALBeMS? ALBUMS! • (Ann rtioroonepus cAnD PHOTO° IiA:PUS. FOLIOS AND STATIONERY. FOLIOS AND STANIONERY MAO.II 7 Z.INES ANL/ UOOKS MAGAZINES AND BOOKS AND . MM.MUYT PAPffiL4. DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPEAS. DIARIES FOR NO. DIARIES FOR UM aT worm•rocrwar, OPPOS.ITE POST OPPIOK N. IL—Orders for Flags promptly: at trodoul to. =OM BoOKB JUST ItEcEl\ RD, AT 79 4th Gross' Surgery, two large vols. Bro. A new edl vlnntoo Straits. Jinn Ingelow. Harvest—A trite story. llg~oo in Msrilage. An historial study.' Bring the Me of Lady 'locket Russell. Ily leer Casket, or the 'World and its Millman's Later Christianity, 8 vols. 'kitten's Works, to role, Riverside edition. ..Lhistes Works, 4 vols. do. do. Varlyelo'llissayst, 4 sots. • do.. do. Historical end "Atiscelhoeous Works to general. (Dolt) J. L. READ, 78 4th street.. t BASE ThIITATION of my PATENT ,-. 1 , ( 10 1'13:03.P.APE41 now :isetnig altered to the BEWARE OF, EV Itso rotten that when dampeneddampenedfor copying It oil hardly hold together by its own wcigrit. Be surd to ask Stationers forMvitlAts.-- t • AN . 74 .-4kBk4t4dts.ol4l44lßlPltlit. PLAIMOS; MIUSIC; - Sc.` p Arlos I RIA.IIOO V. - ;'::.:..... A M„. B....IOLADBUDYI3 New York,,ril end KTION,PIikVII A:00.'8 Philadelphia C*IMBRATED PIANOSt Selren find prize GOLD - AND 'AWL'S MED.' AL.I reeeired within-a month at Staterairs and I'N trtof the American Znalltilte, Kew Iftitlf; DI talgt, by 't 2tl. D. 11.11/1DBUR1", for the i . 031ACICF2t k CO. . Pkilatiiia • the `13.1-STAL,PII- .38--1.111.:'.ok on, tesldes hartnignsealsetathorne sisunerouk -Attu la, Dtploman And Sp 1, trontStat e Fat and Usditutes. Both hare nuszteboto lettef. of atendation from the highest naniical talent —(1( 101tALIC, STDAKOSOD, WAG, bid.SON, GE ' and others. :- ' • A r b AM* imintimeirtit ;mintaoO To IBST PRIZE AWERIOAN OROANS and 11E4011EXINS, all iTatranlcd for 9144 yelies. • ",, WAltdditt & No. 12, Bissell's illeek,llL °Bur St. iSitTLTNLNCrAND REPAIittSII done at the thf•T e trt netke-. SHEET.ltttnil() -Donna In any atyl no 3 iniNogf prAfry* i •',l“t. .1.• .. . • ' i NEW aItRIV.AL, '•: :. ' ' __/._. _ tVOIII 0111(IIKERING & SO,NB, . .Ana l - r splendidly carved 7 octave, finished back !old Itont with lutzwfsgaticsed legs, f 4/ superb:Tilatscr, round front cornets, Cant. legs. , • oet.al - 0, - ebund eneners bank and front, Dne. ninuldinf, grotblo e evatitig':,l•("Za,;rkur... • Ono. splmalid caned D. octave., co-ved legn, at One!hlk*nio7,oetn - nonoxilding on ease, gothin Ire. A- 4 peiOies,toiilla t'4,l l h4 oo olenta - e4 T octaves, made by litutt;l• t mule by in;eractib, - a :Wiles., , is - Warless than •racapry micas.. • , CELAS. Ci• si.woori fmEvr. .153 , 11PIII , INTIUSET, HOENE &1101 a ctrayarityi po , n • " *leopk,erigillt ia.1411622,47•11116 Sir ilest Palm In Amerlo*. 17 %*144-15 1 PSSI dt" , l ARE THE 11E6T3 BIADEI A eholib, tot .41011 , cm haMiltnerforside At less this g *nry prima Also, RAISIN BRO.'S PIANOS, tee ot' Plante at •. the prlbb la thb aoudtry., I <• 'CrtLintilprn 13liIIM 43 FIFTI3 . STREET, Sole Agar NTERED LE, 183:31iT DIFALYII IN ,Pianls and .Attoic4 ulnatramenta, Keep), ecnustantly on hand A ant CiAstutmed, At . New iIANOS, VIOLINS, OMAR% Aooolt, DEONS, STRlNGS,ern.,,whic4 ea4ridi nen for4ore prleca. ;It:711i :ow ..Amentew4o SE 1rr1.4•47 aracourzs. ; ' , ii .qf n9 7 /3 . • _ THE „ . , - • Chealiest Machin in the World! nmAuen,rr IS TILE BIMT. . . Over 140,000 oilheae Medd nee, have been sold. Overt/A/Mare bahla sold limPdtabOrgh and viclolty. • Their sales - are • r .'" • 'Greater that[; all. .'atlters Combined I. • ° Sa it g 4 r l6 m °K a i s i T r 3 eL n t4 theC n STImTCH MCH I N L ESS. No y• abould Sewing. Illaehtner mall they hare ex-, •alatoed wpv.P4. - E4 They are'llaresated for These Years. - ;fi t oti e tti n ti N h am - (, •., ./g- tearoom, No. ftriliiignizari.;_ tl9l, Agents. MjitirLeitanai;.;l!3motrltl,.'.,..L...l°Fll4l33%hkk: I~R LICLiTIIII.L `,T_^ 4/1 1 —THE ' ririri or Das. Ltattrirtt.L, 34 SI. Jtifark's ?tau, aleoo. fork WILL VISIT , PITTSBURGH, Ti 3 URSDA.Y,:Ieai. Atli AND WILL RENAIN AT TEEL ' - ,,E.• A .I . :l:l4iTtfl - "ifi .r,17;- fi.:ll-f"i;,-.:.'.• ST. CHARLES HOTEL:: Where'lke cstk be consulted until FAIDAV EVENIAG, DpMlkiEf 246:1861, DEAFNESS, OATAREN, Discharges from the 4ar, Nozszs rsTEA mien, ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES =1:11019 EAR AND.THROAT ladtiead to matte thla•rialtplt aecolulit at mimeo. ow; applimitfenefroat'partieiredding*Pittikirigh and Vicinity, who are unable to coma to New York for ttie Indirpermable peoogal examination uvular, t*migazfrmln itititinporalblitty of tommotMas. - With benent to the patledt Without it. . . . LlGFiagrLltaillfix4l.lt Pateauradiat rep, aye intereatiqaktetadiateetitsffittleffiladititiraltlia iattents under hit chart". ?fflialmiiinus in New Tart does not suffer nar.interrirptton front, tada tlelti am OGG at afiG ti Ore'. la 'Onitini 4 • 7.1. - trollkON, .a., No 3 , i able - will certify that,rbere been Mel the of lir. Lightlilll for tbesiire - oUriatarrh:erakthel:, although he has, atteuilat Me. Toir a Uttre =is week, I feel that a perMaheam are Is to he and ma so much better Wall *Veda at to warren sachl girtag elMg.t.j..ke!tbesik data, aii43VIPODU mending Dr. Jury, one mabetec With , Catarrh. Faße47/1.; Forsyth, santa.,/sCo., 74 Water street. 1 t Frans Om froSIC lestisaf,ienw La.] In eery 0.1p114,61` prODWIIIOU, Indeed In •eresy, department of scienoe otaltllL there la alwaysnathe arimawletged head—some one who stands out In 411 Icifellef sitataighll:fellonis,'ss a sort - of *Wider. the study and treatment of Deafness and Ca arri se !medal disesamylir. , B. B. LIGHTHILL, of this city, iSceuples Just Aber posltlon "shover - gm ' sambed. He has elevated years' of Ishoettithhtspis., elitlltY , and tenow rondos thwreararil of,hisindiuu try. The editorial columns of the Trifrone, of aro.. emit Mato, bear.solthess to the - Doetot , * . 111Cteill. to Stiladepartmentof .nualleine. , •We , 4lwie the parr grapiti - urns or,lainan Morn.--Lorits LoiSwlngsGla; aged fourteen yosrs of age, born In Gelman cisme twOdi city Ishetshe one shout IWO YCliff or age. Soon idler nutting Leis he war taketmiletthilitiost .ids beating. By degreesins-beeamallrst 410/4:Alitl' 'then dumb: , ror. nearly ten yteitt 14•WWrik Mute, unable to bear the Mutleilt voice4or to artiontAte a word.. About one ear ago he'seliEpteieedin!the hands of 11r. L/GI y ITHILLI . wh9 bas, 84 far 'IMO' emoted itrmmenting to - hial his loot Imurers of lie4t. log amt utterance that hr can convene with those; who speak to him distinctly mitt deliberately. Bu sing tfie past Ione:0r nye monthly be has been under. 'the tuition of Mr. Benneebe, and ha. mode consldW , 7trahle,progreos te Irteding And Arlthleetle.l. , ,14 v tog been supp li ed with - the India Address,- we Attlee Inreingetalthenuate_ , ,r antlillscoyerol that ~Pteslo to Milling no pr. -plothui, Fhb youth's. .ent , c w oo tonsidated ; Itopetemy and ha Mostar two , years art inmatestl a Dice.f i Dumb Asylum: Tho : Her. Jahn Nett; D. D ego, • Saienectsdy, In iSpabILAW Idler, tendon his mt. *.ltudn to Dr. Lighthlii for treatint SUCOMllifttilytWL cn,,,, of Dejanggs,:. I3e.V. rted.S. IlWe 'i emit 'ed fle State Noralbl Sch4x4atalb y,a fr., to' honing been. ingot et .CAtandi. Mr. twit passmseaotber toettli Wealthiest Isiintosto Ink eat from Some of the and' mast pram!. .nent and respected eltisean, wideh , euty be aeon on. :Am - McMinn. It *MUM:, ilißcaltto.spenisla any.- 114 46. but terms of praise of - hi.' treatment, In the Groot, . these Many proo f , kstsi fiketotestifylng to•hin sum; cc.. , ' Irene Rey. Pred. Jethelt, Or:Tutor the ; Stale Nur . met School Albany Neu hark.._, ; 4.IIIIITHILV—Dehr• Miler date Of March ittlxilteent you a careful statement of my casmtlait former treatment; hit,ffillurt-i.ti obtain relief in that directiomanylfseartAxiyourireatment, hod Rot benencial multil I have been,frem titettitcr the_yeartfit att Ject to t Meet perioaesa Thinks; Of Odom', ~b- l itarite, ed by strong fareibin lanenignie • tine ofghe lininklieMbhinitett the eavithre of the head, necomPanidd In •Itiblllitt it-Watery , ' dlechergo from LAOSidati,,SUbSciuently bectuaing acrid nod t#o4lUu3 obOse of the nttfielt Intwfleitt and' bloody.. eks produced. a most diatressiegimeoe4 e, occurring Wet riodically eactitleyW LokkiotLYFazuur Irmo Oa* , .tbnce, week", sothetlinet so *lntent an to Weep ; 'We Ind fordwalnemiandeonlbiameitrearebedr,A - times t m tendant Intiammatitmlappid preteryr„ttr tite,teci producing toothadhe ot to the throat, arid tw .. oecasicuting be Ike last erEep7tpaild uhf al,kweief,,Pßigati ce within y netrab ed theta% oye no to co o , ,epstfoslNceitc, to a darkened room. •• -glad coed medicine" mut tpplicattottio( kinds, "nut," Mid 'other ttterrhiaep t e , ts= ,some half a i nt r i.lthulkeePPll9 groiritt° Of camphor, , onertiql fake eardielor;' eat hinds; an connection with these the usual Sinitic" or eethatibrii llMPoymMitulitblotrairoter notion. Rot 0000 of these bad produced any per, manent; improvement"; ruid,dllose few dhataimba whkh temporal relief was afforded It was at the expense ciao uuteltithangthhirtsihuiveme greatly' exhitude4_tles 'writhes° , eliciting:mewl' was Jed, though wit h reluctance, from the supposed incurs. :WM/ of the distills% lawstakst.iattial your treat- Men , 1 found It won even beyond my r z reaching theL hop dlaeaser wit had. never, beeu before, and 'alleviating its symptom. to an extent which I had eupposeS imposaible. At the time, I'l gave you my former certificate, while I dld not feel &sewed; of a complete cure, I had obtained a mate. list relief which , amply repaid me tot stiyitrial• of your trantnient,xed Which Satiated 'Me that that • treatment was w. effective AS It W. simple and philmophisal. A substantial eadap• from my old attacks of catarrh ; for the unprecedented period of nearly half a year, and that.iri neiteof trrottigter tetuxenceg tit Ifinets tehleti would have formerly :.rendered such an attach; Inefritabliv i synn ; to gam" prooforatimlxotant sneer's& - It Is OW "LP month* 511ml:sent you that stater:teak acid:WtOile this :pleasant to appear' thin' Constantly, and In this ,guiseybefore the public, It "semi, to meg matter of - aimplejustide' to yotirseifi , ldeitO those Who may bo auderiute at I weeilo , tuld that am net:Only as, fully sallsgodnvi tithe tatllltk ernealetor rout tmthod of treating , catarrh , aw:l. r ,ires att menthh. -ago; but rem now ofthelielirf tbatlf thers Id • , 5,1 Oh&an7* e= cure"nr id * .„ t tcrstwiit.r.. Alba*, N. V., Sept. 1 um. 3 ' • EaMI ' • . ,trt•-!,2, ,!f.:1 , -...-fa.;4' :f.l*-1 . -.., `"fly. ttalmili. & -,,,--- 1— iteratcw *Tan ith 2s .visa tli ' I titf t flifidtfosi thit mmuitestii toiu t4effbotrof I liWd" , ft Toil To-apyfor, , 4 L...., , Wir m r l , llrw,., meen na V at erattiter adantiais . r 4 " yogi lir I ...i . w..wesam fttnier.4 ~ .--: aui4 . I : , T IT . 77e5pe0t, 11 77 700 41 7. ,:. 1 riXitt 1 . . w r' °A . 3, 4 4 - 19 St a rt , gek, A I E. 7 IL 7 C2, J711'3. afil a:;C': , &Ind •tt the t ntiow HR. LIGAITULLL GROCERIES, JPAROJOCCE, Fit ec . CO., COMMISSION MERCIIANTS, ! I rte..aoo SOIIIII. *ATER st; Giro speolA Cottent ion to infithaMix ,hoar, Crain, Prorisions, Fbr Eutetn he count. T.Arlniny " CEO. T. BROWN. IIENRY IVALLA.CF,'Commission *;, erellOn,t, r i 0."051 WATER. ST, 'MCCAW, 111, I:Hirtrotititr gild to Ittline bidet* for ,tuoar.FlNEs, ruovisioxs, moult, &a. yr.eue . 41 .;e BANE; a Atomic:: is ;04 1 1444i; szocertmr.; boweett Wood*Smintheld...- i 04, . : virrantinart. Iliroll.poivira.4so...tisac,eneritcw 1. istEti•Alip. 1.10,TTE14 ALKENA7 BiIEPARD;Vout ; mission Ne7 s tna• Autd allealeta liraehin 1164 Ddmestie FRUI ri4QURs CELEESE, Was, POTATOES .attt PrOZneergthemlly, No.. 1110 Lthert,ritreeti opposite Psasenpt DeMi Pith. tlugh• utvnirci. " • _ Dilliorth,dr. Va., Means & OMIln4-IDulf Si • MePlUid. AtwoUiLeetr-Co.,..lotoaDrildwi'lpft blat., Sinclair &..11ro., McDowell, Van .Bnlat le 004 Philadc/pnlarTremlotta Shamans, t.:Loi a Chant, bilror. York.: titaatbni r Like ...14; FRA!riC. Ttai UWlLtisiC . . • Pi:EL STREET emer Tint. LARDDI BROOKS, SEEDS, LADD pmaNE, PDRK, DVAIED AND GREEN Fr.,==litroqnee (Ht 04A.R.1.143 .C.• . 1iA1434.10C, Erodtiee . an Nllant, , conunisilioßtra .: •BIEROBANDISE BROKE% A odi dPlder id sU aaidiartiotrimr-pnontion.: IrritEM . ' , • • Pti-zintrueli. DUN AA X . DO3 A . ag. JAM' ARBITOICLE: Cot t bite firm of 1). af.l).-111 , Donaid Plitabeiretb. Ultio.) • •• t• I'DONA.I.D At' AIIBUCKLES, Whole. 13 3 )3 •sate Uvosers, Prddnee and Ocimmbision Ater ebn ea, Jobbers in COFFEE.. N. 0. SUGAR. and 210 REPINED SWARM and SYRUPS, PLOUR i , TOII4OOO, TEAS, RIOE, U.:EWA SKEWS, Nos. 213 and 233 Liberty strt,-Pittsburgh. n0124y S'll/1,1 'ER 6.LAZEAIt, • • WUOLESAL • .` and Cod2dgioniltelAiall* l;T ‘••• iod SMITHriELU,ST.,mor. Second, , SWIECI iL mot SALTA RD: SILEP.ZRD, Commiseion Mer . • ould dookow In FLOUR; 011AIN AND VOE, No. an Liberty street, Pfttobutatt." broads or Floor for Bakers Igo d l'ariiihr atlyouliond.i PorUcuTaratteEction poll/ orders forillerigiaadllc generalik. ••• • -ALM Flour and Grain lector and Cominiiiiton Merchant for the wile at 0 iltN, SEEDS, CHEESE. PRODUCE, tx., enct4ont fortttertx/ebrated Uniontown cExtrxr, Noe. IS' Eroxiort nod 143 :First streets, between 4n43 Etnit Wield, Pt ttebtirgh. . ' sea tiros s. itr-so, , —' ' ocottos mr.rsoArt: IRI 12 f. 1 1 1 :5t .. 41 , 5T41..k. ai l aIISZOIS and COrtli t mark '. godzi e c .acne g iwittabh li dealeei tift l ifset:4 S: r. 'Liberty streef i opposite bead of Wood, /trot Pittsburgh: . rt sp3.ly i MU' & WIL6NBON,' L l)chianlission w Werobsotw, Wbobtesto disk-rile WFISTKRit -- . WE V1111,165/s. , D4RD FRUITS, „BIM' `. 9 dVIIIII I : ' IWg/Ir d Ora d , u re ge gi e rni • street, Pit bomb. .. loth adranemente made, conifyirseiti ' 4 oaktbs; P. BECK ec- 18.5 Liberty; SheetOPltsbiugn, Pa., irhoteinde Ortie. , ets, mdeu Alentimax, not Ateliers In CM:INTIM' PROVISION:4, RATAIINi CREES.E. ,n 4.. PRO FLOUR, GRAIN, GREEK AND . FRUITS;-he. SALT -and LIBSE.•4= Ire #3 - olgi IL cAIiTIELD;• Commiashm end -,,- l'Oncarilloz 3 lerGotntasul whaleutedenier in -*GA ' N • REdERVE"GIitIGB4' iit,•Trrai, 4,1 , ~• . , WIOON, FLOOR,- } it, POT AND •'. •J . .=GIE.s: •SALEBATOS, • lam s 0 • • “. OILG,I4IMOV rupiT, and - -, ,F. Weli,ltO &ad Ist rftrAft acre," 'tiro.4l.3s mot .-:. . .i•1'.....::.'...:•Jikd Tuboux. I I cit - TRIMBLE.. -whoiesaiento -4 sn• au c.:finusson - itteretidas; 41e4tri 1,,, PROD 'OE, 11.0131 t, PAWN', CIEEMIZ IXSE, tvi . AND , BARD , OIL, 'IRON ,'- NAILS, ' Gt. COTTON TARNS, voxtTlitsbumhats. Wart pOletithritit anttlf4SeOrdotted.T/114, • - iii4littEß, ZROTILE/i B , • 04(te(nn48 to eraket eoeri :Ponta Lir FRUITS, I , l(qR toul Kriel:7j CRlp!'; . 115TIONERK; SUOARS;'IIRE • WORKS, Ka., Nrs ;Al, and t woal.soect i oare FOlth-PUtt, Yrrtrf.ttq • • - ppv,rrrnsor& azimut - A, • , ,FLOLISTI 6 / l Alli,azAlveueral P OE• kalrts,, o. STUEET, Pittsburgh egfasE- WAREHOMNE.-:,II.ENRYAL ‘:. , tlll,LlNta, PorwardloF sad Comsat.too Men :rl:notiand dealer lo BUTTER, Litte 'T/ftlt, and Produde keaelstit, &o. 23 Won:Pelmet • above Water, Plltalaugh. IntaCiLo 4 IP: . ................ .. rt.OX74 JOHN Pi - Anil:iv. ' , CO'"whoicsak. Gru een a d Commtyska Merchants, Nos. 172 Wood and= be . rty Streetta - Plttsborgh. Jets aa r to.Jits dialer In }Motile £S L. 7 (ALT)W.ELL,-(snecessor' es 1.1.4 men Co.. VORK,PAUKEIIand 'PROVISION'S, confer ,cd.Narkat and tta,-Pitteburah. jag DASIIIIL 4 ierr..• • • • " ' j:II;WW,W, , IL iVOIGT as Co., successors .to L. • l ' Elrolt• F./ W MIX/HE AND Pi ){ 741.1310 N IIY.RCUNTS,LIb estg ets•st, Pittsburgh. : Itolicitr ziAzasu, • • - /1. 1)0BEAT.: DALZELL & Who!, aLt i3riketliy-Goiniplsolon and Fortran:lla; Merthiletf,Aed deklerpln Praluce mut Pittsburgh • manufnegWeg, lemir at met; t —•— - - IV'ALLACX, /Commission . Merchant, • andmhoteseu Dealer LaTLOW2 a ItA 14. &Id Llberty"slteet,-opposito "Pennagr•ent IL. IL. PasAnwr /*Pot; PittOtar, *r&P Werrepww, coma Weran anti ena stmts. . ,aOl7-.3r ' ' ' .• . BUN rty AMMIT... JOHN Wa66glie4. AIIB a rocen Eßl\ at2IIPTuTI-"gio..T. SAIAII DICKEY & Commlnlee Meretuatlli iukteederi - rnupt;u4 NO. co mat.f.e-steeet•and ok.rnre rls.marKh. .. • ' wk. IL tincr'A•nntz " ' ' KIRKPATItICK . ierpors so. Brown , * , Rirkpiittlcki:WHOLth ' B,l 4taockass, Ntr.llt saa tiatiboyij-ptatpti' 4Altei Mr• t dreri elldret • rot AEFINEM t 11', • ..D.ALZF441.... ge • .1301 r, *lfettrtiriti.• '1 1 ; X•42•ll',olZ.4ita • Oomaisisos t e purchase an d esls al MAUDE. AND li pxraclLEumi.t4 ft. 0 - anditUratar- VsbuAgh ; AchSnces. made; ea ticaspro .j"!JEWETT & cO:IITE.V.COLTIe" qw . rews..s ,eorpAri, sa4 ,A4dua 1117 rnintlidtr, banr- 1 1 Pei - „ .44 ! Aon-moca. Cli M lAA E & -,- LitiffirCt= t e' i de t i rAVRAVAISOMIrt: t j tlaburtg. •,. 7 0.14.: • ' /.1.4041/ 11{116NCNS. k•'WILSON, Wholesnlco: . 6 knstolssloa hteraltants, and neatest in ittantzfsetures, lan ;Pittsburgh: • .. Juan , • It/e0 RIK IJVcrty str+4 :S t • mai Mum nNiwpis pDGERToN & sZEWART, Wboleamo GROCERS• CO3IIIIWON MRS. . clyS,l l o.lll: l 7W . Mistio44 4019 . 1 elm es— VC Or ' Rta starismithl die# 'Amu; rites streets, •• • • REY, a, • BRO 4 Whobfroale GROOEILS,YLOUR AND PRO. LEDS, urr Mat? street, PLltitbiush.. ALE Y, Wholesale aul *a wood street pat.., URANTURE. ' • AiNDIMOVEDIM r . I 3;T t.:41. ft.. 114; 41'44 I 43dithesti rk 9 1.*MOiterin r. t0mmi5mac.24.,4",941b,(...7 ;ri2jitiClßMOW*4—'' • *VOI4 • , I'.oltVV .k•l 4 -E'. •!? f;.;1104,110110,11/ErIMZ , s • ) • • .o•• -$ I. , BApr:!,, • , 2al 41, ,:r ; ,odt,gla 4i? A zt. l&fiesial orr.it ' • • • • lamb - • an naboasbis arose•_ _um adwitssoir STUMM boom% Lawskald agilencr OSP 'I)UQUESNI: Ell IRB WOKIi9 CARMAN & 7ifebaufeteturer orovry valiety of itaLshol , - BEASS-WORK-FOTVPLUMBERS, STEAM OE - CfAS ETTTMS, . - • • tIOPPERSAUTE.s. atinA..sS order. sTEAHBOAT WORK, AtfD I 'OAS FITT E IG, And , ILEPALRINC4.DnamPtiT aF Pargteniaz.ettention IWO tolltilesf tiiiREPIND MIL'S FOR ANDAL d.1 , 40.041.RJ801f .0 LS. /dui, Stile Agentit - gcr the Western. Dhdriet of Pennsylvania- foe- the'unle - bf LAMS.. Lth.j.L Iv 00.11 PATENT:SYPILON.PUNP, the beat ever invested. ilesing,no valverit , L not' treble Act get, ont.or..arderientittill..throw more 4 .01 1 . tan . o l .47:PnthrlOf .t Wigie I ts nos swrinnnoiv.atini_s_rAnny„,.i.;,,nin , .tv nirt. RON ;CITY * l Ml l urt9o o .lJ-Atlminlntr;:•4o,C.4, • flouter orPIX e ind al; at uit trar ce cr r, mu ' ,t ;fo raut s .9 4 iam: is r iozis musg er.. :4-ottarkihdionmonertriou..... Proratt . nttention traptforeepoihrteg.. ..4.:n r x.Dra &TS. • It 17 TA::'#Al-14411711#T14::;:4''',AL;1; zio. so Tided Il tregto - k* ,l 4'4nit , :::: . " • r Sri= gTIV,I I 4W . i.qk ot_ THAnty Itrapi , :;:• iWit,ro =ow, *liacifetct€o* r re I n • tth,/°.. P rM l Ll4,'" r d all .kt Pt: indt e: (UN and -BOW Tic ll ::“T ' ldet' ittoOlui; fae.; &e. A. 'Urea led of Bird Cages foe le low. 011 Cane of all wiermid patterns. Tin r.:lkarduetora, and • all kinds of - Jobbing °O4 tdPrdalt: - -, ate- ATENT.ED , 00T01.110 .111; ANL • ' • • Dnintsitrar"-- Oita Lamp Chimneys, X.W.L I IN ?AMA'S'S bl.4 "4 al eh l l iriftVof i c te d j' gr i dus aea tqu f a a rli t , t rio ll eto t n i :tel.! pope Lt•taenew....- • E 3 V. - Dn IiRIDGE f I FortPlt; G4ss, {Yorks, 19=W:rip:gazed a 1 47 Pitter,ugh,PentJa; BLACK DIAMOND:STEELWORiiB4.- I prrrsavacar, PA. PARK, BROTHER & CO. liLST QUALITY ler OTET! CA.IT STEEL, Squire. F,Lit. sod OctKgoo, 04111 size,. Warrant -4 clunk to ipy•lni oileat,.m.A . aufolgured. la this nn. , 410- 120 0 . 01 ?_ 11 41WItre - ho . 4se, " ii4:l:4;;And Idt Fiaea otwoß,e7lVxFeMtisbursb .... ALLEN ' AEC,OntICK .. 4 . CO., 'VAL, .•21 ire Pomttuit,Plttebumb,Pit. ' Sig-Nearehduse.'393 LIBERTY:STREET: 4 ' Blariuraeturers 111 (A)OH, PAIILOII and HEAT IND STOVES, PARIAM-_AND KITCHEN .0.ma.u.13,..,tt0r..L0w, WAR 4, - ett. , ,Vegt and I . .43 . a 'Mottles, Itolllhg 'AIM Ceding., nut/ year lag Ons, 'Water and Artitati Pipe, Eel trona Dog :De Wegna -/kraes:ldtatat, Kettlea,!;Pittliya;: Ile gen Car.lTheela, Optddlaga and outtags Po t:ally. Algo;Jobbforand Medal:el Castings melte to ceder.. Patented Portable laitkii WlJKSteam or' noel. Power-- , c -,e:-.,:i .q..., , ..-.. 11..: !,114111.4 find ji , IVSTE A ENf BEASS."I O OIJN- • Pa i te l rEkiltiaJoo';udd thel4tl 'sod " . • rltAsS . .l l 7fAl n kag iNV-111 101 . 1 10 441 BRASS CASTLNCAtI i of offlottOL,:.=;=. 'hottest notice. - - . . •--•• . _ . . t • The mettiberi of &Wreak* p •radtgU'' experinswelal her business, lte-Ithiog ageit s ts'qorttlittlttlirgottMrti'ie 'FTIi,A.SI PUMP, lot Tempi* •Watt% It?kr tuel: 13ENN ~ -M ACH.11473.., ,W 0RKS 1 FOUNDRY. ; _ ,cIIIC :,'- . a=• • . • $ BUILDER AND ALEIAMINIST. • *LA z STLEET, been-Fed OAT, lKitanturcr of Vt TT& lt• s PATENt poi . .kusa: ''VrTg.l3l ElL\7B,,Slualizr,,Pullpys,*e....• „I' s r . $ lirtalrluit of all klndt attemleil to, AS; ; X9W151..g5,ah40 . OH mrtZeZte Ai tTP ° W'" 4 M‘9 poitasoe . as 440 seamit .4. 7L'insi .4.lcr!.T•l#,tlb=kr wiTt pifide iNC, •; '" tr 13,,miii}ioN 'coo, tt RIDDLE, 47 'CO:.' Nix' 21S r s Libery fw reet np p LAstE r w= w ,.ma 'Mumo sr ste Sxt sk andeVITY delleriPtiOntal.Z.S.4 , MVO* Ip ihlPPZ lett irPer ed ta f ruot th io t tr ibl. 4*: Water 'l3k oV• Ittburgh,, minufgletureif of 130M - Ern.W.: TS, *ROUGHT SPIDIr, common and - iallzond. - • `any y desatptloni• - Torpculas sized or ihiined prat:siias x Urge Dr amitilossdel to titbit notb,_. ran totortment ennitantlr !tintt. goo*ii . - • 'n er,. • - .BENNET, .atraatdhcinreit of wuriz ,STONS calm&anti-OTKPII- Pittßa4 WEBS - dauu Warehothilak No.;11r7711, Sheet:. lialLCo 014 "PIECTF , :•:' .- :'. ••... • ' ..". •• ... - Tirescsi.,...iirs . . . 1:101JS. COUGH BAISAII - : • • ~ . - ..: t Lienitcucutievg• arEttrettrous &inn inALSAIif. In trormated to earn coughic.:glokln liontoosesii A ithtnit,' Whooping Coup, Ann . Vlttoi4. Onanomption, awl All offections 01:ttio Throat nod litttfr ig . . , rot sots- tn. ' B. fledepr.Depot,l4 Sul Awl igited,; ti, O. , . All TR. TTIR 1 1= 4111111 • hare I.or • , - I eledireil sea siall remitateid °immure t ouest the cooly (*Ards remaerly far Mantua . stud ry. It is • eaashilitstlee at Aidriateats, ota, artimateatsam4 , o•lrteleetlves' as!' !led Welled, • ours after /44 other Waage • I le bp =LI Clettrlrel Depof,lt &eat ,FILE REILEDY.. Ava. iSTRIOIELAfirrs.: PflE - .RENEDy *leed pour/mid of the worst ewe or Blind and .Meedlac Palm %it glees intfradlate 'relief, and ef. ,nnanent cure. Try It directly. it La war. • ••• ' • 1 , all Druggist& chow Depot,lEssf 7: or‘,,L ' ... • !. ti ,,, t , " .., ~ TA :;il;i ‘t* j;.![, 14., voi i . .. We $ afFulihcan ittlftillgAiltbjean 4. Jappett • on or Dyypneg i eterValtendla " q Ui • billY4 o tm , . laud% Zonis. : •ItSs 'a ••• la ont•atton; franc akob Abloom It , atztontbana the ,wbola . noravuo votntai it men • good oppeUte, and fa yarn:QUM to ants 1 , :: •. a and Noma' Drbalty ~ . . 1 , . 'or e . • ' , • generati .: Preiaied by 1).1/.. A.: a: fa. ' • 'A, a pot Fotuin stmt. Cbb , For awe by Dn. prp nco . ..., ni-En rair iit efteet e V WoOd t las dliltein alley, and U . E. MUMS tat 11)0., ornor.ot Wood and SeCO.3 atJertii burgh; nd by be y reitS & BULL ito:IT ral • . ostnaly,d-fit .• ' '.: ' It 7.1 E§TA.TE ii:.-tinis.l4o.tiigoi:-!, skirmarnpome- - - • , - .111 r cOndirlod, November I.i , ISoi, Y to, al . lily AM. pr e e,...01.: 0,4e0 i 3 17. 8. • . .at mr liR • • l 003 Co 1178. rtl ...tea, at par ' 152,000 Oo s ti r lf..3lll Bora* at 11,031 SO I of rural...Pr ' • "• r. : :ti. . . 117 OS' 'Were.. accrued 3 370 • "1 band • .... . 111,6341 assets' .1 1" *" 171 Doe to t . lootoltors Da"' r Ato renew : Ki oam 10,833 61 • • g ".1 um • oil I:J.4.AM.* • . • - • • - t •••• ten.= Att- • 4 .1? - tillAA,paautzenTrougurst. • , • Thettadirtungai b0pt.2.1t48,, Rine : . awtioTtititiK lies= utbv, taw baA4d imet U•sh4a4,cauaw ;Ice ica4b,•ad LIATa • bunk I.6lroserrett. U:ca; ber64: 40v#1, 'Pak ailit7;i7t; "ir'stx • r,iit tietti `•thisAc 401cas, President.,,Z; ,--- .V . :1111j • cf . ?' .I . tt e,.. 9 • -r laareigt zum ; . VirlN 41i . ••• e O. ANEliir7 PROPERTY FOR ` 1,1 iwon,iftwanttitii§, pm iii‘• .174.74 . ItOt ,AtAt tett Weer lig SS f i r 11 . ib ert Oft Canon et South ICO deep to Ohr.tout Wee sOO4 tor house of 1 1913 ID), attla and two Mairg:ii•nikKe;kinimiuto, ~.:~r r,:ry,:: ~: !f - ~,~ YL P r Ctdlu D_ Oi Monviseturers of I==i2:=l 11111111111= j' GARDINER -QOEM, Agent ibr Me. , .lll,riti, ~, •;Zrinklys 'pbs.lo.o.t., .4 Balloon, tsar,- ./ .. i. ape* Cap airi r e"" eaur . - .7 1 99 .1 04/ W4 • ".;'• .'; •, - - .- , ./ ..,%. 0,.. W. "P. .10 fVitrat. for lgarthlintetiot ~ : i c. , Stme a Innoingwttell o gitt fe : '.. l - 4 .Y. ifiii*Nate G l om in, Alinpaz tdes:.sllre t .: . 4 14 . . i i V ECM* rt igiagc.,,,E.67 l. E os2ial7 load WATIOv 4- er..!4,1 ft. -Siea. 1 t:; -,:' 'r - •'-;•!- ''.' 7. 47:':%!!".141.:rt: iltiwross. • ENDOW CIEASS::DRIIo4mMe . ,fg e1..1 otiASSWADSg . r..4IS WWI . 00 TTLESI/Ww4..S. :X I ~„ warsimme,,SS Ilider i.. - beleir Nlliii -," A. - .4.,..;, 1 .-1-1;:,...1. 1 t .- .. 1 a . % W. I il :We . Chti keitear aow dem lropennll weiyauf I, i‘. ' am 4r.NNEUCHILEIR...2*Eita fi a pathill-134-,ost i liao e 44,., ! ,Ct -1 , 50...fr0wbi1w4K7 IRlY94.agsta la- i ..,...Iblo4, ctr py,ifttir. - Q=o'lll;44=4 .ii..i •' OltallMil 1.4g,'14 "Ir . . Milt . ,xr cm KAM WORKS,' - -,,,,,,.--,'". 4' Dilwo rt e' s flatahate corner at Gitsat:as4SlTtia. ottept., ritt*lngth r-. . . .. . . moors .?:rim -,.:..•,- . ,,".".1. `,'„', ,- .. 2 .. -.-- e 74 .‘2 1 ssrkl-a CONCERT 43NOIFFNIttv" To.nar, . I ikon— • .44' , rapt* *.. ..... 4.l*A' t"-t 4 , , , t424 jte.tiEr ....... • j:- T AMR , • a , • .O[ the most!131) *raj ¢ 3 t4 • • 10ATZEtt , / oplarA3W/SETWOrlatkik4li:r o. •, , ON' i ,• :: eL•- , , • '7', EGMENT'Orr - • P. i!6 hon.. • :4.2• , . . LADIES', ," •MISSEB' ,, 4tiI)HILDIUSWIP , . o 1 7.1;117. **KO" i BOOTS AND:SI - 10ES ~ b 4 ,• =mums . . Attar ..... ........ *vow ..... 110. 014 , 11 . 14 Y, Q.I7BTODLEREL..- Awe, on hand a lorpg. kasortment o o w f a it ri n a n t y ce r , t o 9ae•-, Hfissesy Dope - • Youtbe; and' Chndreal. E l h ar4 l : l oL e n r li7terO i l l :4 llt"*".'s" i.' I BEET QITALITILOF EiSTkilli:4loM,i , ' , winch I will. sell ftl'i/klladeliddn l and tiiawvaiii:l6' g e i , ken. Cill:and examine mt stockligfr spooks": -... .—JiliAgOaWil*tril ; !TO 118 Market lining.' 11l toili niniiii F/Si ..4" - "- . j#IEB ROBB,. :. .....1.,,,,84,.i' 0.1 7ft, 1 No.ll9.lLarketattmeti' 4 .-yi I.R.orA - . •,-.,: i.. i r. • rii,../ C. , 4 VA szi.Ls THE HEST.: :, c 7 et 'n'.'l ....... .. 1 TH.F..I!' _JIITTLER4 - % L. 4 as-. . . - 17.. , c - int-. i i ,And TH.E..11057/04 'Om _ 7 . .is.xsT3:a sera:cox .404,, IN a n 'lodge Lriihe OW ` 4 ‘ s '''''' ' (" . 1 - . Tre h.. Just acili44 it..x4tifilieii O i au stook trwr: ..,.! •....t.,,,,,,,,,,T0 5 tat T a !'. . " STAB " 'WOWEI ''';'' CI- ' .-. , A f? f . 122 - 1 • ..; , .. .- : . • ''. ' , 31:r_s?' IR:9E67m tix- .Z .4. ,yi GEORGE ALBRER, (P & .b ± Tier . -, it isaittsTfA,," : s thikkew. Goat. aatil -- 1 1, tieg . of • • _OD& a•Mva s 4Alkoar t iepeatigt seaseiiiiit.Ls:z ate - r aj amtem.forrv_..-- . . 71 MIZTVIMMI" . 0110„`,:,7 ), FaisHlotogx , - 11 i15: , 1.1..a.‘ -- "V'telt,P.- ' •- Ootlftt: 4+ . .... .......... 1 1 1,, 1 , ; , .31..,t, 11 , ;, ,. 6! , eia..fitik 7.7 *l:r., , rok" , GaiSW4PßlntatiVilleilifik . 1 Trcs-e. / • • .^1411.4 . ' 44: . AO! . N74.920441-1-11:co --• 4a.ERAIE-wrintrit-srp-41 , Eti " EiEsEel 1 6 Eglb &Ira, • RENIf i rtLHALE akeo 4 , aal E.7ErErEE . T a .aila,rl alaa I Merchant Tailors, sx 3r: a, Itt.a • tAltms , - - -FotY Oro • • dt' . , i,.....-...1 4 ~-.- atTh • iro.ti . .. Fajl and winter- 1 - 1444 •• . . : :,; :: •, . 7 4,7. , 3 ..f.K.11,-• , 71r. is m - 14. =raj Nvlare, in awe, otseketlos ipiresl e' ' 4..* t k ..1 " .1%11, tetethet with' c e. osts" *lig w tows"' , wos et its limiest spoy willow . Oki i,.b. make tap sayable Mgr Usot ow StoUsis,O4d . _ _,. ,to first stows Opt- 4 Itstototoo - Alottt Atm'. 'Muds sal the. outdo for veg:ti eifela. =ivat tenth:on t,losineoe so Wren e noeifi. lfi thattants.... . .. ...7*.T . rmrpenev. .... :I: rtootft W. ir. moRK i*.ionsfr:, you • 10 ST. CIiAIIeSTREET . '. ' • • " • w tujeall the ttentit; - - 4" ., ":.: - ;' ''''' ' r"^'''.ti. 4 l.4 4.:d.. I rt. es. et., „„,..... 4103,,,Am zi a.40. ; . rza ., yenta* all their EVEST' Anne fouhd La OW elate homes. Oats whalng a - mit of, clothes tondoto ante*, IrU; plOllll. onit aloe f;;Aiiik4 ' -examine 'oar' sad suet tea. a 1 . 011 41111.' complete : 4;m tor . . _. . . .. . ' B /88E1 A 2 B ig4Mcit'.`7 ..-••,• ;. f as roov . .zoo. so StAlLitailitilier wmthle. • aFif;):44,49i, G00D&1,.. -.1 .9. ..4.,.... - .. • • ~.'.=.w rt in. muKiliiiiiiiiiiiii t*atml imae.i . ...f ; . ..1 1..4 lqs c!"!" , /.; - .V "%lf t ; ,31::, t0 41%61'1•44it i r fpleriwroomos i k AT lmft . ' -'. i • " ~- - . ...7 ~-::.---1, . Lr, '' • ' ion - noti'exivtiitiznike '". - ' 3 - ....- - vo-... 7 43 et, All* , , I ; ..• •• • ....-. .-.....n.tr,...(t.ri. wmveyfil. :: INC .1 I ,Q F I4T Orr& 04ttitti Ci . :144 Weill:: .•1 so .te. tAn... 1:•-t.i WI: 3.: •!-. , •711.. l'Arn l / 1 114•, 4'• yee a tia bt.:ollAr I it 4 allia . • ~, -P 0 8* . 1 14401111: e I: , A, . .., -,..,....! :Atka BT. 0i4131 criarg,,,zi,l o 3 wt., .Ernnswzr&__ •-- •.. • '31.111).13 L • IPERTIV-. ••• 4 •2•,71 1 =rWM... WE: • ..• . • •••••:,,••• toto ;ird• at!xticit:ll44 , I •• • •••AleraßtieVATALANVifft!tufttilha ram* cA An 14161 / 1 14 0 . i 0 0.10, 14telliktitr dA t iti t o S= _ .fsuci•-••.1 :•• I.riAl e•Sn gamma, awas.reestat Plysbetiv. - .I • ICle.r • aliiiniiikar____Alkyttrik.•; " '7 7 7: • J I I7TORNEY-AT-LAW, waragoryttgt. : .14.1 • .Erzw-r, _ ie. • .• • • taltMl !Worsrorm,- 2m:rimy; wpm:4l 4 .4 fus., vtgomin s prusecutect: • .." . . 1 471 UWVE GEarTS4I E!MIZ3 - QEg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers