ghe Oantit. pBD t Y ROMNSON. MaMAN lc CO., Slack and Exchange itrakers; BUY AU EEL ON .00(61313N ONLY, • Capper, Clas,, Ratlroul •• • sand 011 Snacks. doeeramioit semi ties of all kinds , on hand. L . .L. NOV 26,1884. 4 1 11 4ftrit4sitt- tt +t•ii.Sll(eVfaigilo ' . ithara ..... I : = • g 2 attati- I•Moillet-1.4WC tta - 88 • . - C914118111.75ui. -. • ' w is% • —.- 104 --- a ;. •71aeRMalaga. Thema' 66,-4 syg' 7 1 at 10tdoYiliter 196 . IVOR — IV 1 111,4 00111 , ati= 2lol 2M3oi -°W-7454-d4l 1414 - 411101.stionl, 21434 FIVe , -.Witty:atm at toilK;Oottlefostes, taxi to tax .T odlit - .atdeta ve ... v a ttkr a wattiatat.tba n WaftatWthi tie tot .Dittl slB tot I*4 ' • Steak rarroail. .7'111!. - alitta No sales repolltook ittsiires. It avoid, Wido.not Touch for lib Teton, ithot UK Wall Pohl ttkairialrar .Mairtllt9Ptiot Fourth riathoaal Dank. frWe tell it as 'twos toltuibo siallorw wa t molanT D. 1.4 • Mot** , 4tAint:l44vicamiquotitift swith the 'of Dolan, for which Masi 4 vldtVlri 4 MtegaallSS.alkoWs 'Aar/ able to salty to oar malefaction) or ---u mew well, end si settlement of thi lons. 'Wing difficulty totatWilethgetaitli4illithaStaliihibia. the new ootopanles are pliantly loicer than yes. ally' y~•lff ,••• IS': E i • Rates ofTirr , Story tc. Chereritun at . .... Rosa ahem limit/antral- •• • 1,87 wa let ci t ztvormxt .. . . s ,llO . oblo Talley' • • ' 1 t So The transaelfona &ON ehdldidirth coModcl. - 4 0 !4 , 7 ' moor** • ditirtartA; 'tint prieei, erkl y irotrkideretdrrheinr e thq Tom 01;.' gal preyarfs:teletierdedirk The ki teodiriee,drk vidskiras r weir tall,"snit therevere Plenkr "d" 919e.Iftar i troaltedi oilfired sad dot Bold were Byai , a t3betngbld sm . ealkkaiitrult /*cleat,* bla '.. - .ThelbllOwldgi 'tie iiartVulars 1008haroSONNaliodtt Ram 13 EA do do do I it Sinn CeoltsaL ...,./t 00 S aW i t itZle,nm+ 5..., do Itorseneek • rill do Identhanta. at Atli do Itoblittleheinsaidg.:lT.XJ op?: ON do Ohio - Valley 2 00 000 do . do litititt .115 40 _ (kw r 9110 'i - . 90 6110- do do ... . ..... 2,, • . . t 2.5 4 , 400 do da ' 123 INlMl:fitit;t4 4110 ' ' , NA t Mai UTatr, Story k O.R. I W., • 4 • • ' dos de do do tistir We'd' - ate do do ~dit Oa do du do do - dd l'2o 'do do 4 ~, . - ) do 0 o It o 1 o do lb do ilete.z do L, do do NO do do 'de • do 03 do do Mtn do , Unidso4hrikethe.i t 'Nell do' do ' 04. • 1111 L 40 do ift° 4 ° Whiter, Sink. 1 SO leal '44 etas Siddarnstiofitis Tdeoldr*tAdaN t Welk Oittli'ir Collmrretal.Baltlls . 54 PEW sheet 3y £ Al to ISlonloolo Eldanstaeturers Bankl: 1 / 4 -.1=we 4 lughenet W a No. "4 11 MKT: &Pitt v note Oil Co. 1 to It Oil El 'o Oti - Teo OA, 'korai banks, with a sailtat otOtt, j l_t_ O it .. l eO4lo=ll lo jWirtinkeSlhattatitanthislr the National Banking dyne:a -L ht vote, with a easdtalof9o/.,T, hat evoted• to Otsllai2o 0040? thi'adt' tVirsteni,'itut hare not yet Joined tho Clearing Nouse is that capacity. idateen Argiteti•begdfl} either orgraitti4 - 40 ate firtibasi *darn* galrlf voted to do *a. The Olbsts in oohs In New Tack O.WIMdt throfarket are various and PurriktMk7 Aker 01•Aingo deddo„ appearla the shape Ore bli‘ust lamed in that city, declaring 114the7.0111.1.1W4?5,t65.°114/.4°16611,e!g; U m I rt a l ure htifold lla ila Per . reat; Boat 'le4 - temteerfo - iiiimeat of ttfelohli Mat* ' Ulla 1" the lama as 'Old bearing bondi la Orsrreacy, The the New York CoaDeercha aari ta, foomted. ' ,zilisoi i.g.;'l. fit :..: # u ., 5.17: _The Xchtlberlay Oil Company 111111011 WM a Mel . aerut if one percent, yabie oa the Id of December. Me %an, ._. _ 1152""11:' date told The retrolesua Domtwir emamacee a • after Alrid= 44s. ettwo.andohallperorat. payable on and Mt.— no.Moir.k.brlarrie aallfeirdtct%, _P IM P MulPect=NOW‘ 2l3 * c , Floor - ~ !leg iiictiorta llliii - a-th Ames a t, closing dull. .no trenasettons la other I" 'Obsnde. but prime aorta 'AM la Till - : 01111T - 416ndegii She' Corn En. 400 bit whlhtt,ROollo g :n23,73. *•it= 4111111.rieg-lintleaVehla'Dtitellye,,q4o3- t Worgoekrabdprln . . 1 bVW . m* ll,4 l 4ll 'do , ... 1 4= 2 . 2 a 4 ;lip '_: ! =aref,..4".datisiwir Aque: ahmeemie. Rye sold at Marft, --b US/tinter an extreme ..Whidcf—lto sales reported. Oily Ahd Akio now. .Ja.R.PriPalarli,- ,-.F•romt,-At . ~ Stock of 14 Chicago. 7 riL4 IV. Dore, renussent iriapectiv of litstt, lianhatakia:the followingstatement: 4.4554 1 44 ft W c t - ZPAFe .2 , 7,111t4 . V.:eas. • 1.1 SWIPed tOlOttiv - Th ; tor. 21ilptiihXZ: * agil? bard 21 VW • 6i 436 Oo .ull% tto to '44 10.611 0!"-klifimiliariAstleavN"'" IT, u 7 ' 4 w** from ! 43,144 _.,. . . _ , '' VOitiositatthl iOuttuuesevue !wain &woad, but = B kfilffilge It m tirpetvountr ottnai laklgia forc. iolloP4, , ~e V i ' ""4 ' l 9" a f i r Amok sit to gnat . tilta..l, ...1..C., it',. ~4 ~...,.. . 1100.-are fa.beaer demand .mad pekes are WI ; d iaddlill s =eabftdAddliktiletielbsnd ebt, s t m eosumu l He {billet ill %MIMI% scum, about MN he-cd sold at orllbr Sa haresitymped. 'obl the_denuttui Is aboamlabeiMMired old . sold at the Ai , - ...ease •MeTbribtvert . - earealata - *Ara; -.. v..., ' .$•"..../ ~,, ~,,,, • - • roilr.lei dlin g lirSt Mautt : 77o*..4o; The bother of hog killing and packing la Poo--• .••Itoato to ai n tbhenirsa l_otr,lk _w o i k ll . f o al d l f h o e r y a b f of last O eatafactorOYdthli t Altia O Amysta p t y bay. y brroie Ont f od:t s o he num e b p 3. f NAV miat e norooteparroonbymitthe . ofraosif seasons.. Priori range at to to • 10MILLor to heavy,' sad tin por thgtoio.for ere. ' Thework of our packers to . 4 a: . ie s atdountatoebout • the - followlig Ilgureglitt,r,: • Rae* Oo Ie,OM bend Ashbrook & ... OW • • - Whittaker & t3l:ogi urea. .... . 2 ' • tcetainer4w.4"......? .. '" ,,.. ." i•••4I2..P.QAeId -........„.. - ........, ............ ~ , ~ , ... 090011T8' BY 'RAILROAD. ._. , ..._? INlASnicro' ..... iq0un. " 2 ' 1 11 71. 1 7 ....... 1 " 4 10 " .... ,son, . mortz.sxo &PriTseniriart ilizaoAn, Nor 20- =rlettil ""1 . lrkt?,:r4l.ll.ciiii-745iisci. boa tretasfrins, Homsfrsdcfress fr. so. -- ' 4440 PoPrs_ ,-, . ;Pi/keg 1 , bOhir, g.a., .: tobeicor m4tiartar .4.172 - aher; 47 bbil . .s ... ca r on 4; bb l 'Ufkalailveakt•Bia - . ',.+W ( eitte_ , Vl9l bides, liarbautik Doptplates inn4 eop W prr, . . MIMI, ee lo B Toon. to, CO 5 7 swedes. CI li Jones.: Der ' a • C mi rOsVg a tilfs t Artsl i r e-T4 ' ls & bd " ° V .r..1af,....431r0ihia ' . milatt whamoi , usiussiss , fra. p,,,,•0.:15P: buk: •:, cal .00"00e tri" .*Brot a -.oturrewstussi Isar ' - tsViofrafr.,%2,l', ki n o . - .lstasfratfro Thisfrfrisfr sods, .T.p tie. 124 s sposs . cinsfrl t f r - -- -- , telt .11E.17.11 LergrillleltiLsr 4 , 910 kale - do;leo d§q - Httaimook, ~...j2.1...,, Lk" 0 12 , T. Bolin OS • , %bags liteasair ,arAil I .167:bloboispa_ tr, it gotarso .Bartus. , , , --. ' M A W .. 1.485 .Y - P k Brote bb.s - whisky; .D 1 O'Harat 4 , -Prilikett 'pr W " . ewes, gs limbs rev is co; 00 barrels - wi ' ' AT" -&o ifia+ oo a/Z. 4 W' .LOS{ F , Petteeormg. pligs;, Thos Battgitirm.- - 25-4 oars 05t5,4.9 COI 6;06. i - '' nab: s ei arnil.2l2.grkg,:ptifu,.._,/,', :' `A co; i con, mann. , 21LtalduCW Niebeidsp , re AVM • 17 11 e 3 PNA — Efiseks - ~. • 11"mc°1232 dodo, 8 Warr' °elle, g Robin , 11.1 Jat,-,=.1, . p m 0..,... Is Ali s bias. 60118110 abfWahll gromi kw , ..... ...., . &PRIM A. aillalk 94 Oka barkrpl/4 . ..frtfrifr frissauskssecs cm Will en la bbls Doter, I lti ' W Doti ''' BMW= kepi - 'ITU* -11guer,111 :•Liklaki sqmp...- %rag i too ,ike, P - Leo; ,lbox buttiri iv Clll, - ,' ...:=l4esses,,,,,, .r , sfrfrler_ ,jt keg liquor, .1' . Tay or 110 tertisragegssa t t enn" --- ; " i X e it, * ,-,t' , _T , Att iviko.# ; I s o , bii c a r , ; Iff . ?".I," r- - i.. 1 ?": 1 1 , / BZgqi tar TA4 44 : : ,5 0iimn . sthousior, . mai ., ~.z..1. , ~...a „ .. .. . ~, (.. •i : A ~.:,, , , ( :H.n. ,:-.•._7-, , :',12.1..,-, .f.c., illtupbgt.itat beasts ' ' oragml.kgeg..lll.-11Z W 44=7.0/.11-00101koksk: 4 - • Wl:=4k= '01.,k411 'll ~ . 1444191,*!a•SWPT0 WOO ) . MN* litg skoei..(74: - . •,,g,.x la . . a? -Anis. -. . .. ' 411!. 1 - 4 . 4: &UP „f. pa =1 ,e ,:i ..i, tz.-;.'3i ~--, 4 ' t A 51' , z , +‘ 0 :V e- ,,r- '; iZ.k . g441 - ' , . ti,'+%***PaTE W l '42 1: . ' J 4.3.1 Aat t 1.:', , ' , , t;' , ..;4 .. - . . 11-04,7 At,114150 Aii-<;' - a ft Var.4 .. 4 ', W0 , .i;',' . _ ~ Y ~.~. _, 1-~ ~,~'_ r a~ d - -, ~~ ~ ~ .r te. ~ :+rte-~ .`~. DA ILI E - - 1 , , Tmokr, Nor. Z, mot ~ Biiminets eeeentliftl , 'Wewegabegt, *Alt WA i..- ; gleeted to•daY,ltbere-belig but lintel* or anlMa. . lion In any of.-dhi Widths artlelesei ttroduee, eiel : prima genimillY remain unehmed,.Thge It! ii laded fallthklOCrii icizAiipti or'grAin, etc , - -betb by rail Mid Myer, and to Mit fact, perhaps aday be attributed the Inutility:which priialled to.d.iy. itodytherMltbklltolact.that *early all id Otiel.mikle ere oyeMitlngitioOntiOcki"nt tormlng.Miror emu lopee.'tnttilleigtiiiei 'titan.= in rooked upih*liis 0.12:111N' The ietcridi of *big and Biliepada Lou* eweeedittiskolght mut we. Awe butfew sloe loief ort; hop* Arliti . hiode; the nom i na l tatea 're 10 3 0, .. , - . ft far the!Prnify and diMatlin for,the lalt r. Mlthudidlo,4o,Mipidypeoutllastee from it . ittt.6. Clorstetewly but utelatugel. '' -. ' 'y ," i l.ll—lsqulet buttlnn wlth'antoderate - - al pluton* eutatr , Salworltibbbls Etta penny from it ore,' Willi-Tot fittaw Wheal*, noall,nd for Melted& oa . irw - 44 - pe mn .t. 'boa store at beeper el '-' - , --.--'-' patpwlayme,..veritvdt==. larreirlyo tllefelaxprAd_ucto ; h orn " a t /Pere. Seleof Ribble WA— revilletietueiatNi,lts; -in: t il bble countiz,enlr) ptin,..l44.m i,r t, .. kthrMit,,eumly,. s, but wl * I„tibeil lteUttluffruW. trey 111 . g. well Ebtbest ot.lo 0du1ea,1,...... *.r BaleilllakteldUtherieukrluittliaA depot let CCElStentW O oit UraigaiticA;lA4es• liaPer tent Marl .;-,,1i.,-,:,7:-..11:.:11 stricrEß—Tb. demand to lai d alettni s niai ' 6 Midraith tabu, of natl.; 40,tosgerloretigluitiirpo". ip prime fresh: Th e aupylieully equal to e demand. 3, ... ~ - ' • t Ell OS-71int,d le tieniiia 'olden oer doz. 1 POTAV4I23:-The -market Is-qulet bqbitem,wlth gnlar Wes of,inime eTtotatildoira'. tram store tit E—M steal= nniti ._na; mall eaten A mona tarNefiern Y. Tre atotk 'WA': b 1, 74 p 4 WitztET2ivevi...ttlY, I;•`=4.,a„„ *WWI *Woolentitelt t lo:Tooot Nkti,tles iebtili• NOV. 80, 1864 ktriptiuLitait ,TPETlNOLgit.ilit : 11 - Vt , .•....✓', EU- 71rt.,. , .. 7;"iji ~j.,...., I,:tgatair, N OV. i was a fair demand for (Ira ''tgAlity, WC' T idrlftitipter*'.**the =Mid/arida . d iiii-t gravities rated steady at prerlotta quotatlai e rttthen, M.4 .8 41 1 1 er it h 9 4 '4 11 r. n of 1 1 4 3:Plgre ' . f a ywaary, as at e ala iri aam ena ufaat at une wiair re p ti ,. .n n o tar margi tta o n ia fb eaa r re =neat &OW -A 16 1Inglieer-VreTtiotilhatee C r e ignAo bad l "taa at at1..4.; .100, 30 and 400 at 45, and at rag, heas;lneluiled, Refined, In bond, I. held a ihade OrtnerFbut there has not born/ single sate fof come two 'Week.. Bennett, Free, la In fair 4.- 1 4 cd for ebiliOmioreS4,4ed-lismattatte to quote at'.Bo to fde, and these appear to be the extremes et the itail4t. Bale of 200 bbli , ‘Chatoplor.braqd, it. ~..d3 .ln 'ililift"o. 61,- *.*- 4 4,4 4 ;b‘ . ' , 1 4 6 -. Wet to thing itatqteserilolitt In tireiptfla at Resktun i• In tbembsesiee otsalesove omit diietationi. .! , e ivielitiiiierisdi.lT the Allegiumf . rivet, 51 . 1100, 0 iiiitilificki 44iiitizerg: "'-, ~ • • z• '- , Psi Wilkins. . i .... r .fa,l .WrdElL.lteawr " 3 0 .17 Logan.. I . ..... ~. It 11 D mtuer an 4 I 11e5p1e...44, .. ;.. i lk- 1 ..- ; rt. i .1 — .. J.: Total 4.1. • • .:J..4.44 I= NEW YORK poritoLEupt , lNAßKE.e. - 4yrtial Dlattatch to the PAtaburgh Gazette., . • ' New YOZIK, ifor..WP, 1861 ?Ter market far Oval e riled cerY - triatolday, and l:i ~, tee,' generally wire demandl4 higher rites, a 'eat. we. regarded as the price on the !pot. 'There anti, aliOalali dentand . fOrVedkled; in bond, ' 6.4 prima adritaeid r eia Ilaiiirc On: the . iiiiol.;'aiid,* Volley/4 narth,l seller'. option...l:recall, too ; le eif ,, ? Ili& and'itield at - An - adilice, ":Otli:.ealei Or We on sne . po t .t lciptha 9..10.4.4-43, for Be ..11:13 Itl:INF..$4: ~ 1 :4' ...!7:L0::: : , : :-.2 - :.; %1.:........: :... • ~_. ,i , •-• NEW ! U'4311 100 IC AID r , ox - 011 I fPilint., Spdclakia;aeletothe Pittahao . easette; • Y.: 2 ' r f , ' :l"irltiaXorue,!N o .e. isi - 4 prii ll .. i ,. it A- _,!'itifetleoid Stockii iiissiatiactlrn : F` 4 1 8 T 1 4 1,2 1, ruled a shade higher; Plttabruitt A. to*. yenie,:;l(4,s‘4,,,Olevelatal..k. Pltta6ntrgb, - 3sl3(r .aitmerniaenta Ink at. gemajty *her; TS Vii' l*4ll24 One 1- I'. ocuitu4**-914; 114'rk: 036400k.4) 9 1.1;n:. still, ;nether ad- - r • : 'elosii4.ob.alierndort at 23L ..' - ' ' .- MILIIREPIPMFA 4 11 0 C SIZ NOUKET: Pl*falfte . 01+14=6 'ctuitti; :.12ULAI!IrLIIITA b NOT 4111019011. ; 11 4 tr "l icito intigalß a lower. defter .o.ltations were as tollaws: Dalreft, E iYre, 6,r ,,P , WlKE 6 iieit; dm; A t bert, C7reew, 4.0 Walwit LIAM, 4,1 i; Conk Mater • • eTt TX 44 ; Mbbi,6NrifOCkA;Ctur. et; l i t h EgadintiWAP " LttxnE~xY,~;~'!'~S~.t: D(wRLET. 4 &inland for :withstanding il,,:tha nungat• 4.austslued, • CO' credit...we beLlese,, OM* th l / 1 NMI 0 : eta laitt ol l pm *tat' The A y r :. bank for wore .s. ... pritni- mare par , IV 0_ atter. —.ra. Enterisk a: (304 also report harts retailed about ror rand ithlelPeS4 rangthq . li t way from ell '1414 per ewt, the • . lancet -ore for extra-Hogs averardrig : osllpeanda. -ttrotte Hothebildt report hirthg retitled eared , I .4 l M4hilWpti-Sen'atail; iaeai;slcritl Oen stre • Wahled;: lbw aupply seems Jo hare been Tr 2ftß e e; t t; ,demandtArl_ , lttl.ituttt AP CI IHer ound il " i t e Ar t ' a . eiiirate'i4.;it of j.w ki tlrotr - -/ im esgag_talest With: Pm 'lull= of 'MP , :11: 1 1=M.Zo t e et 2X Ilhegtere.sold :1 -.- t veir ; : ,,Illno efnerie; arreleggirOthi,st 4163,egabtr4 An stock st to. _ - (-re); 01011 0 1 tftslitlI 0 d • 43 inactibto•smoo 4.10:., gwo _.....A -,„ . ib. Dedatuteld VI headeemmardah oleo stock ; 4 ;I - ... - ,sitoo A 2 hem oi:tood ' ' • ,•-• ~.. - 410-113 iismr.bsoilit , l4. head •.: -'.... •." • AO par bead.- • : .." :. AT y • , 3 7 Astd-0f.,• media= gustitt steer s: "El h .. 4 1 7 W., .. 'ti . rc - 4all4"itll iendm4.atly ; em . .. zrit r i:O6 ,4 5.1 % . ; a' -.-. k . • a u ..:r- r e.ta . 1• ,• : .•: , ~-1-. 1 ; .-. . . -. . jesrlliuntlt't btr • l I ftt,, cco:l m .s , • d het, o -/ 1,ii4,446 - da. ithi. , rj :'iii 'l.tii";;4,. i..,-;:„lin g . EX eStoleialed=head, Lawrence Oa. Penns, - eiqns kelfers, at 4! f. - , • , 'it !I a E"ju t i " 4l t i 7 ' 1 •• ?e1 ?"• f • r'' " i ll " " e 15. ' .7! 1114 l ieialla 4i I lend Oi ieeieer bd. Penn` stock Ws: • _ '-.' * ) . l .."49144 0 *1d .11taitta:$11t0 *toot ki. I - • • :• 11 ylotl rotate!' 00 head of Ohio stock at ' • 6 •1 1 1 71110910 " 4 1 4 */ 4 q 14 1 10, 0 1 /- 01110 Otoek - 111t1.5.L lettfi to Ar;;4444 - 4,44 ii v ititiiiigi;!ato l 4 ' . at 41 3 i. ,:' ." "'• - - , 1" .".- : ",-, /I ^,.e aleft,il Shpa 44 : 1 . , # 4 r, SO r I tit . 1 it stack 1 V. °1 0 P 4 1 4 21 h* 4 4 I "iliiiiih iihlit ', O. A. WelifigtiVoi,ti Yo.ii`tOrittl(rOit'., • Arm It Jrteera andlallara, at •c. Va ll i: - , • -• H ilek.loll6llo 416hetlintg p stack 3 e4toiSike44ll,o 4 t,l'!44**#lfikO*lli. " 1 hi d , c r ld. c r le ß 4 l l . l l, 6 o mtir h t o =t .e Vi L i mcr io. "Wag at . 4.1514. • ' : head • r ,•-• ..: • R. 13oose reports haring wholesaled 64 Ohio stoek at 4t-that.4. ,- • :4 atordok &Dread !stalled 0 beAd of so4 l ,4l e ido nor,- .. .took, on etitowisalott,l*l4a6e..•": tr I .- . '• ••• 't' L. , - CIETCIdn4 blar. 7/4. - ". 41ot+Haldera tailfirm at thetOifoiVini : Doable f extra fad Wr1 , 0,60! yatteol9,3oa .411 At' , . inittaioaid.iumettbid: Salem or ear . No wllitanfil22,3o;2oara.Nol.rod on ttacit at Win . aadifeare dodo at 92,03. . .... . ....:,:;. • Corn+. Vtr,in....:41a1e.. I.ear.puta .stb.tte - tasek at ft,;3 2 fan feet onboard at 8458; and 3 can do at _ . • L Uata.-Ftlan Bala 3 oars on.tinele at Loc. I, ;'.''8.3.0-04illet.nillifiCarcun store. 'parley—NeintnaL ; - - -11- .t.t e,o;* . . • • VISLW OF Pzrrsuunc MAIIKETS. ttlielpds r trket .krie (Or stoerituV_ ) I .*llktiourrta- Artie, suitable for tabitillratafiefiittal 7 . as alistayela the ektremep = rieri ;mutt et nice ini 4 *ere but rank rta kterutra_: - amber of tows: 'Omit farmer pay very lateral - t quite a number: seek-.or Morkb aj=- leossit, failedto Mal the balk ',paton the FRET/ . AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, are„ •&VELE, we hire' some MAIO; sad of sit he .teadleye tatleileimart,,proltalge tenthda leeatlea. We hare extra toe treastaallarty-lierredillaldea Bluth,ltellandPipple,Baldirtn, Tralltwater, Oates, KIM of romPidni ao,elikadsiolaMtkieni.Home ilessatyoßandoo, traolte.housa, .Toltasa.a Sweet. S P2 l 2 l ;kli der Eit i lll? w nittt, ~."71 ; r 4' 11"1" EVER ,GB samentzwi-Ros, mai-SHRUB . • e414,_ =mamas - warms - so.. aw. - As jOur Meg 10 Ihiticsie ore r great aduodnents.ll.: c i a tegrat wholesale pute,bilaltri. Orders left at :ftrikte promptly fQi attetufle& tw °f. .•- 044 1 0010 1 41P1i11a g laic .g 3.. MARKETS J. - a TE.1.,:5;14a22. , - CHICAGO DIAREET: ; Srctial Dim - Welttn. tr.e PlttiburgS itaietir. .-"-= • Cumin°, Nov- M.--Pleur quiet nail utt t:otag2.l. Sitirm of IN blabs ehotlat tlpilog 'Malin, it dtei..B-1 Mo t.14.141,1ng _Ent*, at. WM . ; Lid, tddeeinager. I : 14e I lour; at 47;36. = Cori; DlVat nide; ct lig is fsr ecnrse, and 4P.C• 50 for....fitte... i .Wltest asttre„osid•nd• 'wanted 36:',.; f.ti C o( Icii. 2 Spring, a: $1,71431 ..7t131. Onte ardit r and vivatteed 10 1 ; elosing at 01%i - e.ric for No. t,.11 . ye In Utttet demand, and.firm at 81,111 ( 1,18. Mho - loft allite, and opeolnkat 61 ; f1s; ad- timer,' toifir,M, and ;dosed dull;-buyer, anlielleti;' ;at art. Provialuna—tittte ~ yr„..a.a.. rather more in iqurty.. Reef nominal, at 811447;00 For. plait; City 111'1(44; $164.16,60 for choke Country, and .19070 for iEntra Nees. Beef Limns sestet, AM Ignatioil feta 'CoMMOZt to Choice braids. York dull, at fixtrfifilstek for Primo . New, , - had Ayosacias i a, _Re. -.Mess •l , wietifiekled Itams'thill, - al 1 1 13•4111 . 730 foicjioks; , Laud a / a td /grid' 'At filglitWe° •ftheetillininielittam ' iace! -.1'!".4 freely ‘Mi ' fit .Prallios :Oarbow (Mkt arty itrareo and firm, atinfitute, with an active; fiemood: lAA OlrachtViiitil'sti;sditinfitX2l,99 (or Pure LidE Beef Cattle tooelred, fiallealr, Bslll.lldLerior grades dull cud &large teiNO:Atienl: itlttlitlCS am seam% link Ml' keffnitdidiand t Ca' Writ 0-11.ay.ritra,1$5,0 I . 9 rA4WWI. . C IS findSl*sitt ;sllfortlonu nuo co liteilliun; siestiter too Farm foe pasking:Morfnaftf 17012; .airyr4X 110-16;750105cidgaii Wt. li+atle+ tre itioretWU - V.liiitiie to - r 'and 'pisCes Slie brmer; IPpfsi:trottli..tniy atorclveli; kilt lot irk:Will= rt,iiktkiliwikalpal routes !wing ..,... t ai roadkb l ori et7tka!PLkl P4lAl44#rttraii(htieT74l" "'.co'F.T..._. _loDrattbai.;A WOkiii FA( litioku Wu. umlat4.4 unso4:7'.;',l'',-tQ.;'-.-,' ___, •:: !::: 1 *.„' ' . 1 :` -- " - W,Ii*lr4: VOA*.. t - mx*riatici = . Anti. 01.--Cotton tonna heaveann` h Cr i l l e o r tir i lfiWi a e f Z i a . d ra lt i ae a tt iotoe bette r; 5 10.10 7 ./ 11 ; 1 1 . tralttot7 o rtere . for S utra 't. It. t . osemirdt,' — '" a lr* w with milks* at •limelde gilltatlount -I,,eltur satibe i salrarefinall Obis Extra State, for Or 141f.M.Tannasy,atel0.10. • ;-`•;•-• ' • - -.• AVMs y opened firm and closed heat)", unskilled 2 stul 4 wwer - t - Westeen, , AtkateMfin, datum 4411, at SP.", and MO UAL, at $141,41,90,6105t0rat $l,BB. :. Wheat tin e cutter for ripring„pittt mode rat e de..... p il ots, IX alViater:mittiont s sl,4B.M ehruetrit Y, ° 6 t • 2, ('7th-ago Spring, ;Min for Milwaukee • ib, orni 4 ; 4 alor4 lll kerAlloBllPUNi ,I , i -..• K.; . • :. W )' erellat•e, kW I'M at $l,BO fur Western. Panty mom-mitre i Vennolat,nr.,ceg.4l ..1 ! -u . -- fain dirootil .",..bittlitinntn and clusedduu nertl, .d lInfog; at si,sa - for.M.Med safostern to starer ; • • MO - 1 efie •fiettutkilt,9l/01,04 fot. -Westeen sitimt sod In store. runs. stem; y, at staikfortlignayrs, Oftlie it:P. Rio. MOM° for blarkabo, 60e for ,faun, and 41.041 s_ ll* Ft. D o m n 4 ' 7 0 , -•, . -•- fV o ar n4ste t y; tiRa A aacs Wusee.: b.= steady . , o" yeateldtyoKstado, ~ a . .tivaeum tcry firm; Crude, at tiesill‘ei Reflood I in aid, OSCaloe ; 'Bedard - Free goof Pork opened deeideq firmer andloVeary, all 011,00 fqt Meks,. a 47,W or eta. do,. o•Odt alid•urspilar troy, c using at tdiferTprh• -445e' r il'r. " nie rtIe m sZ l i ' M r al ,:e"tioree7 - 1 • .1110 bids New Or MUT, . p. Cain, at t 08,50. wasll,oool.Mls do, MarDesienalme,same bltio-.4-__Ved.,At IP": ;: : ~.- Beet tktt sup" firm, and. 41-rio : demand, -at :nbotit first usprleetu- -•; . .: - ; .. a`bou ;ite•ida•Shfitl Mbbiels ' entheispot andsosos• to Isrfife,:ar 11l Se. -; -- -- - - Zan) Mtn azia In good demand, ot•2l*2l/C--• cloning at 7•442ltitS for goal toltrletly prime Wtist. Butter very firm and ki goodisaland, af..1.14 lac • lor'Clido, and 44g2lic fOr State. lihcese in moderate re punt - and tlrm, at tsl* - 33c. , New York Stobey . nud..„Stoolk Market. _ ..... . Pinir TOnk, - Nov. 26.-3 Tony easy at il,ii per Merlinginiet, at 109,1.::.61(0; t. (Sold. kilold firmer, :rag at "42, declining to 232?. -advoneingto 236 and closing nen.:l4, . , ' Government ka scarthly rm..- , . . - , SP 3 eltsioner.:ll. S. ritetti Gonna:ool2N •.6,23's 'Coupons. UM; ID/Ps Coupons,llkTneuoryMores, 74paotti that Sear Cettillcates,fil4pOkioh.7lll6- - nlsalppi Ccalincatos26,4s Quicksilrer,, OM- Mar lob. : i; Rea 1 Rocki _:•,...0ar.e..., Ithdion, iiBtl; Reading, blea lsla: ig. 1 11, ' michlgsn Contrail. ..1...1),,1at X1ch164.1 Soutlern'K rrottnem Pam+ r., , ; , nunid, , oentrm; ley" Pittsburgh, l 06; hcottnrosterni II; tio - prefeneC4P; lhadrle tin Chirn,-60; 'Fad "WnYner -101 - " The following are thb sales at Gall Ws Bawd: . "Mitothisippl, .253 ;-.Nesr "York • Cent DV; • Erie, 2214; 'Watson River. calf ; Reading, i ; Mehl gamSoutbern, eft; MIXIOiII Central, r tilers la ea and „Pittebuml4 1 3 134; Rock -Ialallde.103)1..; S Mort 13 'Western preened; MN ; Port Wayne, loktg; Chip and -3tissitalppl Oertllitatesi• Mkt Cumber-, Land Coal, 4IS ; Mailman. Mining;3l; eau; on= .crilll sold down to 732, and lett Mr at M.N. "i: i . , St. Louis Market. : . y ' lot. Loses; Nor. th...-Tobaccolowor. ....' • '-'• •-• Cettools bell Above thmtlews ol* buyers. ' Ro ssini. so balm .. • .• • . • . :our and Wheat dull:. ;-n• : -, : : • " ; Coen nod Okla 4lrm. kyligter at b1.95'1;t0t.,.• • - ,Bulfalo Market. • -, A - 4 nrirabo t Nov. st.e.Fionr tineh s oma.:' • h " Ca o. radullan4 nominal.' ulb uieint it,ol. - • ' I..aae biretta-41par; straa bei.: Whist, TOMS Corn;=l;lbill44 , ,tilliklini 'ilarlFF,l4 o . t it Mal g; "l. 4l 4l*. L l: Zlitirig i g::o.4l r atiz w C irr m, '7l - .e'4lll l lllVe e etriah*a .ll " 2 ',W*l427;. t Spring, 112,L6 ; other graneeßuirt. Nev . Arazir - cattte 'market. • ihe ear rent hrieen Yur tbextek at ail tan csrila .. r-. cattle-41m ;touts, et ,aetmavrair :a dea l Ir4l6Floo;:,cl,96Aints, Inferbse7." I,ola slid Calves-11W olglelik'Orti bary4PlslB63: COmnam Mcga.' S; Inferior, 1021(33. I keel Calves—First <Amin . al2far i Surry, 03.4e1 Manama, 1344/10_ej flu; iabeep. and .. awmbe,•sustresi,, iv .Pd, • Ordinary, sll64v.eamunow itineilts; Sw aeop isitatrie 4 mote* Lida aim NUM. - -• Beef Cattle - are about the same as last week. •Therti • were, but few prime tattle on bands and no choir* awing tow ider!. hr; to • lowenthan last week. - ; • • • MIS total nreeHipts Of stack at tharniiv Fo able Week Mal week.were as .follows „Farrow, n 702 , Wows., Veal ,Calses, • knit Sheep;atal: rain* 21,317; Swine, 22,09. Total last week—.' - ;Pievesibt e l Ci e = la. Skimp ; an; . trim EGENCrte •• u• ~illitsvaus. ruirawrontil.. surers' WhecUrig. fErnmaGrislialla,Zanarve 1 ate IX Porter, Cineinli,lKide Patna m% #4 tsoutn, m aide, reefer,- de: • ilt'etl2ll-?,9llFtx t 01 • ' irs inc is 4 o mol Theiriver weil welting sloWly it this laintleii, witit.sasen . feet' seven lintel In the eirek. the pier Marti.' The weather conttnues', -vollrylasurtinacitied, with every appearange .or ~..13Urfirerri continuos tolenkly active Mite wharf, tbe rielpts, Mike lair, while tfierote, !Warningly, en insrovement .in the shipment....Tfirm ' bowel r.tentirely too many tMitein gag! fcti sniuuit of freight that L orming,and thirtingt is ,llsatlitakes ani'lusis bf , lliOni agoed whileto pick tri,ll.. The ferries:is fillugn• tlle illoTorter . Illnil • , Epic. EL Porter, front (Aneinuati, and the Minerva, Intl abygr +Alf; doot , te Inund2at. the. yliarf Mousing: • . • ' The Emma Grasitain; far Zanesville, Kate Wit: ,nom, for Ht. Louis, G. MePorter, for Cincinnati,. ?.otut (} torte The' for. Porten:loMb, were the depat. , torts. ;The Putnam; hatittilfneelletit'trip,itrhile the Potter des dying light. ,; The Eve, eat Graham • raeh hedmodetste trips' _. The retrofits le ft for Oil City about llve,o'cloeft , lAA °strain, and the Inslialiv. was. ratio' malting:. 'ilreparttiona toles:refer the Ream ..' • The Arroure ‘ ii new bonj;imilt and orrned.prinsi: prlly, If not altogether, by Capt. Andrew Killer, : we...taking on government freight praiterday for tOneingatL tlartialtilsetrisNmollagrT s Iv,: finder • s -stand, to ter bare command.'command.'• •••• • illistdelo_rermilroonaritlyof the•Coninit.-, done Perry-and PM • id-Wilding oars belt' t•t the rharf, and it ii sa that he intends to name-. her them Haul Timm"' • 2 'Thestermeerliiigrirnieftlfit lends 6.lhii sillrtr traturdl i slow on =l . the AnnenlaMsearstbutree • . „titoTots'. •-_• The Bermuda wee sold bj C ,ampbelLtftreeny to putties in Loulevilletorllo,. thAand le ft Wheeling for LoutsvUle,meibeZd •••tine.psseenger.fteatner,:Anna,, in colninlail • sit ew e t J Ititlistrattis, llne up mpislly•tertiftir :chianti:and Imuistille,"imi will bo'tmdylo. Move. this evening. • The Argonaut Diet 'Copt lltoCarty, la also announced to leave for ,, MUM' pobite at : th e same t lose. They are both wet liaMlenglitimek*. The s estussrilitlat,lett lit. Lout fotJtas *IV •,, Melton ,Cdt altdelesuA.Siese Sdvsitiseit..tO lesoreClooltuis I for ttabOrsh art Woodsy. , Vstoheloes new stssauer Guidoo, while .onottnt la to thoLoulivllle wharf, ou Sundsr• ziotat ai dstftektoo itow , ftwitAtuLtras **opt out oaths Of .U 0 LILL, As the 'riser. Strooollug. Jr:My tiAsSattluitlottStsf; 04 00=4 orittcaL RTIVANCEIOATS. FOR ENOINNATI.&. LOUIS. AltiM i k ,„ ;.'• YALE—The Apo steamer ANNA, ()apt. 3. H, Msratta, win Joave for Abinc:ed, Iti tcrmedlate pod, on 114E1DAY,2H.44%. 'l.°r ft f ight4l - I .7rmetaartiv. JOHN ,FLAOK, As iIgOULAR.WEEKLYPORTE..,xim a •Aw 112TRITTL' AND PITTSBURGH' -PAORAT.' , -The hue powenger eteiwocr GOLil ERA, ii!".'ll. - Kere,'meeter; W. 11. Bryan, clerk, Wives Pittsburgh every SATURDAY, et 12 woke* m, sod Porismouthrvery HONDAY,Ot o'cloek it obi The GoilleALnimake eunnectlous at Ports. mouth with ihe splendid 'teenier Bostons 'No. 2, tor.Olnelmslitt, and will vcclpt freight.uutsquisen. gerifthreuighAtitliktilllY. - - • : 9029 VOR ILOUISVILLE.:=The. iluoljaa A- Ate/Amer ARGONAUT No. 2, "GAO Alceartiv,' will leave for Above And interne .prpis THIS DAY, 29th lest., At 4 o'clock p. ra. For freight orpiment appir oilbrialaL per .. 1.4'.5 - Vid.l-Vf! CLIARTEItIB29. -yEI{PETCAL• PRA MMT • , : FIRE IMMUNE . OOMPA . .: Op:- ' - • '-'. 1 1,- . #, . . . . PHLLADELPHIA.' , Assets on January I, 18114, 11 3.431.8 9 99,, ' 000 ' Cleated Premiums 97l, a . Vosettled Claim. 8,118 /ncome for 11XI mime 7...osees Paid lance 1629 ' 8,000.9a0 i P "P dWit .iA44. 2 :VEPOWY,.goliclen oz liberal { DI/LECTOR. L . t Charles N. Ban:kyr, Isaac Lee, Tobias Wagner, ..Ethrar..l O. Theo, iSamuel Grant George pales, Jacob 11.4imilL Alfred eltk , r," • Georp Weßle . Fras. W. Lewis, CA. D .CRAW vist:N t A,ROIC= Pestdent.' EDWARD O. DALE, Vice President. 1 JAS. W. IdeALLLSTER, See. pro. tem. J. G. tIOFFIN, Aleht, corner Wood and Third streets. ‘, • `IRE /LED BIARINE :111.1 , "111•-;27,: C :A Insurance Co. of North America. PHILADELPHIA: I,tissess L et,iscia,ooo. : Hanford Fire Insurance Company. • lifirfrotectioa can be stowed in the Above Amami and rellAble W. P. JONES, Auswr, 's Buildings, /37 Witter 8t T . :•.,.5Ti4,,,,,,..........,,....,,,,,„,,y. ~,,.........,„,.,., •,.,. . R. MILLER, Jr., President, F. M. GORDON &enemy. Mee, No. 92 Water street, Spang is Co.'s Warm use, up stairs, Pittsburgh. 'ill ism,. against oil bands of Fire and Marine R .. A Ilene Institution snantreted by Director. te6o ft* tea known in the ccusessnity, d mho are dole, inbred by promptness and liberolite, gon to rnabliain the Artier whin% [bey haw =ranted, as offering Mc bee/ ration to !hose sena desire to be insured, 1 • r. ' ' , LIM it , ibus ' Miller, Jr. , re j i. Andw Ackley, ' omen McAuley. Alexxoder sever, .., nthoniel liotroos, /Mild AL Loot • lex. Nimick, - Rees J. Thom.., eorge Dude, Reid. Finkeivell, • Onkrell 11. Herron. John R. McCune. ~ Y P2 , E., ':-' !•. 'l.': 3 t.i3 , 01ad334 - O r edeetaii. 11_ FTOPLES' I..Nb CHAN(' E CO3II'AN Y. 0 ce, N. E. corner of Wood and Icifch Sts. • . I .1"403 AND MARINE INEITTRAIN E. I .:,?.. ,. DIRLC ...TOll , .. 3 : •-' Wm. Phillips, JAM. D. Verner • ' Arta, Watt, Capt. John L.. Ithovls, Wm. 11. tiny,. Jklhn K Pnrke. Samuel P. shriven, George P. Jones, • ilhirles S. Illossell, C. Hanson Love, Woo. Van Kirk, • Ghsrles Arbuck I • I WA!. PIIILLIPS, President. • JOAN W AIT, rt. President. \4M. P. GARDNER, Serretory. jultay VITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF ~ P ITTSBURGIL-13ffica, corner Market .sru Water streets, second floor. W.ll. I.l.aktd.LET, President. siuniTEL BEA, Sec - Marl/. ,!airs Stesmbonta nod Cargoes. Inaulea again 4 loos and damage in the naviga tion of the Southern and Wept= Rivera, Lakes anitilayous, and the navigation of the 'lnsures againat loss and damage by tire. Wm. plunc - roma : Bag,aiey, ' S. Hier, Jas. Parki•Jr.,. ..lohrkJihtort, W. 0:7011•4011,r • .7narbs3L ; Hooper, - . ..i F,Jornist, ~ r S. Hairbsisigh;: itbese Owens, 3. Campbell, Jr. Hbn. T. IC Howe, John S. Dilworth, • Barclay Preston, 'Wm. A. Bodeen. George Bingham, detthl •d LLEGIIENY INSURANCE CO3IPA iNY OF PITTSBURGH--03fice,No. 37 Fifth - sheet, Bank Block. . . . lairures against ail Rie - Mid 'Of 'The' and Marine ks. ISAAO lONVI, Presided. Vice -Prelident. nr,. 80914 Serrefery. • • termenenn: Wee Toner; ' ' 3rmn D. iireCed, itunery, • ' Capt...ttlete'Srmabe, Liblfde, Sterling, R. C. Grey, Capt. Wm. Deaa 7otle Irate, Jr., H. L. illeOreg. B. Tahneetoefr, NebeTtir.•neri.. B. AWL ~-, ..--,---------------..--„,_ TigtrE SATINGB,INSTITITTLO.N NO. Jur :110 - SMITTIFIELD STREET, (oploske the tins tiom Howie.) Chartered by the . Lego store. 1 ::- OFFICERS. • I President E -O r W 4,, JON :S. - Ww.:ll. stilth, ..Joatola Motes, Those D. Meister( " • Alex: Wadley, Frariels !tellers, . A. Retnetiot, . John F. Jettatinp!,•/, Jitter!. Sing, ...TR S.l3lelE,' , ' B. IL Eastman, • - • 'll Lloyd', ' " - V. listith;• 4 _.,- -- - -- • Taorrixt; • ' : ''.. • jam Mr . k; .. .11,4' , • 8. 8.. ' .' • ' 1 ' D. Att Lang, • , J. Rt, tt,' ...Dr. Jos. Oarothets, . R. F. 'Tont% A-S. Bel 4 • - .' - , • • • ' tt. R. Wolff, ''' - • . - Jpit iworth, B. D. Cochran, )TV ,. . ,. = we), W. A.- Reed, t i W. H. Phelps, IT. o..,Etehmerts,, . D. E. Melitaley, ' • T. NCR. Cowman. O. H. Paulson, It.. Xi Smyth, . • Jacob Otusitrath, '[L. Vollensbee, Alfred Slack, C. Ztly, , sortwieng Treasurer-D. E. WEITILEY. • 'I Opep daily, trams a.m. tcri p.m. into; Satter. .cltr st'snittll, flown to It &dock. - , . . - - t . istroaiiersvett of enedisse And torrents "Inti ro,.; denda ftderd in Deassiber and J Foe °tenth Merida niloWint. to. 'Wanda are placed to the . ',gist( of the depositor no tension', and bear inter-. . eat I compoundinn It. Matti otintalnlegettattes,Ry-Lawsi: Re-Muni:a. ed at the place. ••• ' • ' ,- , nialda. tosl.4tußnit ittlime, estsesdally. to Those retso4s trbooseuntnes sow entaU, the opportunity , weeetaaintnte,. by midi depeetts r ewdly *need, a .-. 1 .4t4 *lash, willba • toectoren . when needed, their tPhltett of oldi: Won OK* WI Overlay interat, .ftsstned - Win twproductive, • ...mama.. 1:10LLAB' 6ILVINOS .114..: ll', NO. Talent Simon. OIIARTERED I- Open aitily (rank to 2 o'clock, aleo:on lieticars. de f and. Saturday eveninit,,from, May- tat to No vel:Aber-tit, from 7 tO ill o'clock, andrroutHevember I et to Hey Ist front 6 to 8 o'clock: • Depbeitereeeleed of oil sures rrrnot lets thatiOno • Dollar, and b4fridentinf the profiredeelared twice 'a tear, la Arne and Deersaber. Interest hai keen deelarrd eventneawetly, •In Jude' end' Deekunbe :Mote the Dank' wse:oresehtetr, trer Mt* of six 'Meted, if not drown out, Dr piked to the Credit of the tispoidior se wintered - , cwt hens the same toter* from the teal dere Of June Mel; Peoember; compounding twice ft -.year without troukling the depoeito.eall,4creven to•preseet his pass book. At thn retemoner will doable in leset.en twelve Booksi eontaining tho'Cleater, By-Lame,ltules • unit liestuistimat, fornlined gnats, on appiication at~t' therermurY-41EARGE MOIRES. vice rnestowere. James ilcAu l ey, James D. D. Heeds John H. Shoen .bancr, Wm. nought. - James kierdman, Isaac m.. PeLacir, Peter 4.•Madeire, Yentas 'Shldie - . William J. Anderson; Joitalt. inct - itdden, A. M. Pollock, EL D., John G., tiactrofen., CelHotAdems, ' . 'Henry I:Lynch; ! ' John - Harshen, flee le, • Waiter P. Hershall, frill rgwin, John Orr,. „ ;,AlobroA. Carrier, Bokert Robb, ' ' .Charlei A. Colton, 'Henry L ail ' Jobellvans, ' • •' WintataT. Sokoserix, ":HenJt L. Pahnestocki 'Alekeneer Sp.per, John it Gillespie, • - AlexanderTintit , . W illiamS. Haven, • Wiln ki aar anrk , „ Peter H. Hanker, • ' UMW ler, :Dither(' Ham = • •Wm:Je. e 'armee D.•Kelly,' •• •Obrietbut eawer.d :* derrefery.ent Terraiwer 4 -pHAS.4t.,AcroLTurf. 1 lio4 - 43110oLt,EGB, — . • 414.1 !” relniii,d . St. C140:-Strieis. 1A*1.4; and. aid& . 4fiIiTCJEMS MAWS 'COLLEGE, . TUE MUTED Elitideata enter and review at any iinte.• • gar: alreniars, criotabung fullArtimsnation. salt fnel to 'nap addteskon application to the 'Prinat • • 4 - ILNKINS emrrn. SoiedswdMewT • PITT:VT* I ;I(IK Pa. NORTON , B.OINTBIENT, For Balt Rheum and_ Sfero Ada, Permanently earn' TRITER, SCALD HEAP, itrigairmw+si 4;cl 4 / 1 1 1 7 43 4 11 E 1' i qq ll- 9 , SPRS 'nee .priTioNsprruE'sluat-: . , Tliii Ointment peietrates to the Nixie of the Ms esae—yoes to the very souree.-and eurea ft from ibe flesh lieneathto the akin on the surface-4411m0 the pont:lo'6f the ittseeseolrvierdi nett every earth. elo of It taituoutgod.thttniah the Doren-the stale of tho.tliser. 'AM etra ChM; the.gesbi cow quentlyttle canto 'relapse., .. , . 1110 4TON„lir , M. -801 O'Allents, • 819 BR)4Dii.ily, NEW Yoir, Sold pp DRY. KEYSER, Agent, tick irooll erststr,,zrrngi(litpit pug , ! 17 - .1 21): in , : — L„inau ser . J.. ili ii .p.-gur" anowAnyr :4o „ .. in th olotiounessirermß cr, tufh , prepaid toils-MI inotketst to them. 'oopotiontootheo, at !tort sot,* and Mk kalicA#l , o4ll4K4kcillusai was** t aw , 4 .. 44 i: ' i t , fTi - 417,11 M" - aMl. , ' •I% p , - -,`, . i -4ea. - , i- .16 ittiv , irirmiEti ~kck4a ...._. ~ .....,.-.a... s~z•~ri:'w~~T..i~.—riy:..-i::7sv-~ BONDED I9AREIIOE:AD OF Phenix ►iarehons'ng Company, Foot of BALTIO b. HARBISON Stn., Brooklyn r. oar:uta or. or rrP! REFINED PETROLEUM, In Tr aka anißarcla.[See Circular.] ' °Rico, N0:95 DEAVER STREET, New York. ne.3.4y '../1117it R. WALLACE WILLIAM OliftTLOM WALLA (,'E & CURTISS, ( O. PussraN JIEHCILI STS, Ain DI:MA:R.3 FIUME AND REFINEDISTROLEIIII, , BENZINE AND LVDRICATLNG ro. tat SOUTH IVAARrES, PHILADELPHIA, PA: 1 , 414, DintAM.:IfTidiY. (undenn corer.) - "far 76 ,00 0 antrelii...Ao excellent facilities for shipping to Aracrinapjtpxt ; Koreigh ports , at our: wharf eco t list 8 cAnk T ill Inver, near the platform of the P.D. . AMES =WILIMS, r' r '. '• . ' ~ . •t • ' .' nnoiin . Airi . piAiki . pr . ~ .."; "::. 1 . ~ RUDEAIerSEEINED OHS, 114 , 4.2 8k0rk, way. rtet.bvt, !ara- A ,,,,,s . ' . l,4•Ri!tentl'oil given to the SALE: AND siurawarvar.ezraOLEtliVl anditaprodneta: Consignments respectfully Tlielt.i. rtm.AlNAnlfi} Olt . ANDlatzlTATa; Y. . IPS- POST OFFICE:110X 112: ^ robily j-iCHAl:{p§p., .2sT ,t r iA, 41.4;T & (0.,'. Commtssion and Porwarding lilettdiacits In clauDE Am waiTifims*friaatannt, No. in Iltiililf kTREET. • • 1 .•. • •• ''VlTTfilifißol4. .81,2155,000 ~ rLabors] cash stlesuces on consignments (or P ttsburgh or Eastern Al arkets: , , P trrstn7 non nert,nos.ecs. essra. J. tj, Dilworth D...1. , 0., prlngtiegsrbsngh, E 04., hompson Bell, Peg., rrest.Ciontnerclei Bonk. • . _ . . lIICTOZON JAI. A. lIIMUON, an elike. 267 PEN STREET. (One door brloir Mud.) orrimissiOnAlerchants, dnalera in Pit labarnh Mannfinaurra and CRUDE AND REFINED OILS, Mr', I Advances uin,li• otirt,Ot , R, (MAIN , SHEDS, awl ti It EEN AND Mt lED FRUITS. 003-am lIION CITY OIL WORK'S. • LYDAY CHOB,PERIDIG Manufmati rent sod Refiners of Cat bon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils, • • Crude Petroleum. i r s Works OPPOSITE : SHAIIPSLIITRII. Office, No fig HAND STREET . Pittsburgh, P. • 11-61 n irtgwEn, BURKE CO., I-Ai • comusgroN mEßcultisirs, - AGENT 4 OP THE I Glebe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works - : . ,l4beral mob advances mode on oonsignments of Refined or eintde Petroienns. Cgr. DIiqUESNE Ird and NOCK !Zs., ROBERT Ns.IBt..CLAIR RT., Pletsbneigh, FORWARDING _AND FPAULfSSION MERCLati,T, AND DRUM mons. ILLUMINATING IXORICATXNG. CRUDE PETROLEUM OlLet,l.o.,ronataatly oo hand end for tale. at. the loweetmarket paces. Conalgo meek, ackorklre orviJetted, . 7 4t0 . -......... _ H. 11.;WAP.Tatf --- lICNUT IL 6130 WART 4; KING, .1 contiussioN ISLEHMIANTS, ►MD UTtOrtnitS IN • PETROLATUM AND TT& ADDUCTS. And desidis'lA ReAnbigUiteitals. oc2l-ty No. 33 MARKET ST:, Pittxburgh. JA3IES ixn ix, ' wilivrac-rrnintcir Oil iof Vitriol and Aqua .Ammonia. ifir•Ordefs teR at John Porter - o,ld & Co.'s oltlee, eornOr or SIA.I)/41.'"tand 1:/.14.13r..1701.,.wIlL receive prompt &lionises. : , , nom sirporr7ic , rriiical:4 Phre White Relined Carbon Oft& ' ' No. Zn LIREETY P. - Utak, WOOL, . *OO itl M.E.A.AL STYELT , I6 11.111 OAD .4 I?oston, Mass. j Wing Yolk. ALL WOOL fIONSIONED TOitll3 Li - TAN FULLY GRADED TO SUIT . TITS N'AxicEr.. Out atquolutonre with mmiathetutrtala extend..., One Of us hosing been In the WoOI trade for more than tee'yelars. Wo.betiora ShoLlsy emiducting' lottOodas in the two largest snorkels in the country, wordThr to conolgnors timnual faellltleis for bring ing their Wool to the notion of the toast trade In tho New England and Middle Stahl. OUrteoramission 'for selling Is Owe. Omer Pen sons*, and Otilerastemiltr. du. Luarou. Lanoc, STMIAGE, And INRIInAnC7., for ru nts XONTnni be. pond Chit Ltmo octant lumens.. charges!' in oddl- Hon. ;Thin Includes. G UALeAy °wall sate., v/thether for..essih. or per Untie, And, sar at,40140 . tWittillelpits settlement of sumounts no- dertdatt.enrrent rate ford:maw .'ll-Neatnilter , 41:4l foreash only. ‘' lIALLOnto • HALLO YELL i WE mor LL,Bi nEns, n. New York. anitsrtm • - 1311LbGEWATER PAINT AND COLORIVO/iNB;,-; ' XintdAcruntrr:' White Lad and Zino Patna and calms, of i,very de.criptton, dry andigrausal to aLL BRIII6EWATER METALLIC PAINT, 4TERt _ 'Foy Villas, Colleges, &o. *LOST. UEYAOLD6, lllTscr!lAgsat. set7itrulS • ' la THAN6Eri smAiLL oAp BILLS.' J 7 JellOrivell's Gas Saving GovernOr, .tealtively eavieiCtinj iittial - PC4 cent: ' • The Only perfect and teilatiedefeittoi be use. No ottlekellyer or other fluid used la this rawhide. Tr.11,--Ench moehior Is tested i)y ILo meter, end in rt ara w will It btileft mikes It derompllahei ell w e prpixilse. Applied by BALI;19!*. FA 11 , 47•1+ IDOs. wig wiroulrtn STREET. 'WHISKERS & BIUSTACIII If yott desire eliher Whiskers Ear Mustache, pro. rtt a pet O [ ONcitrENT, At s. JtMtNSTOPP.S. Corner Smithfield nod Fourth nireets. . Wirdiulr Dyes,,Pematurae, 'Flea , Ilair. Oils, Icc., In endlese variety. noW . ' • M PROVED Little Giant hewing lineltlne. ; Pried ONLY gad M.' Unsurpassed for certainty,' reliability and green to movement• and for real worth it has rut rival. For simplicity, durability and exetutionr t unetjualled by any other ebony rmsehtne heretofore offered to the nubile, and need only to be aret. thtp he apprixdated. ;It will hem, guilt? Legit or Dd. •D all ano owning, for your select. Every machine warranted. : • S. li. BARNES, Agent, 1. - No. Its THIRD St., oppcuilte St. Charles Holed. • • ~150 POZEN DV4.4.1?,!13 pg,LEBRATED i Plantation Biteety ;7 For role! by ~1351:1T,Vp}.{,T7011.; _ 8131-• ciiil49i.,ll.‘ :: **I4IrITK. ' -,---,;; = ..*l‘ rkvir7 ~t•-11,1.4,4` , :.,,, 1.1,...-L'!-;1,, " i ',,,11-4, ..(;-' - '-'-' s ' :, mmiit I ems, me For ill reliable Proprietaci Medlolnehylrz Dr. D. JAYNES' Espectorant..., • • '1 Alterative. " z Carminative. ,• • Xidr Tonle end Hair Die " Sanitise Pills. 'DV J. C. ATEM'S CherryPectorah • :. •c.temikruts. • • .• u flarsts=lla.,. • IlliLMßOLlPSeelehmted.litemediel, .Ruchet, fondieresses of Bladder ; • • :Rose Wash. . (the blood.' • . .blarmparilha. foe Impurities of '• R2,DvallEM Sdndinnslare BloodMuriller. • " • Bitters._ ••.> • SCHIMCK'S Pulmenie Wafers - .• • ' 2 3 d e etri7rftt l e KE.WHEDYM Medical Misoovery- • Salt-Rheum Ottatmema: • . W5.1(.4/11 4 S celebrstedlndisn Vegetable Pills. • 1111 ANDRETIPS.Pllis. HOST A T .W E LS S O c N e M br P a l e U d S tomach Bitters. DRAKE'S Piantetion Bitters. (HITTER'S Nervine English Bitters, an antidote, for Intemperance. And all the reliable Patent Medicines of the day. Plats, Leads....Zinca Colort, 011s,.Yaralshess r : Brushes, Putty Tab* Paints, Told Leaf, A.e. Neat/Ice Utilities for (grackles theseartkles at turtnuractnvers prices. • " • • Chreertork at 11/ttep sal Medicines are selected eeratennuatly, mita great care, by no experienced pluustacentist andipluenclen, and we guarantee all drugs and zardleines'we sell pure and orrtadlignated.. . . All Pear Arnrrloay .Chetaluels trb klur (nun the , otebrit.a baulie of PONVEILS ;I , llll: o trt h ly so w it ' , f!mily playsiciark patiiff ,Our own Impartailon, we guarantee 'Yeah Annotta, Tltiet. Midi Wood, der, Me en*, Wood. Cochineal, Upppevui 3 OutlbeornExtrxer Mood, Bid Uttar. Sidirg Lac Dm Locwocld , Nue Vitrol, he. , iunaci F9 [ ,/ Mna, Brandies, Gins, Zilluass, bile stook ehtipiCes sirme,of the flahlt!)hicmh:q Reveal Cigar, vh" • , Cabenta,: Imperlake, Lowhesi Regattas, Manu 4 cturedirom IrtlNttobacco,-viz t =- M b., bri= 4 , Andvariety °Manila. Our, stork of Cignrairsaiptreharicd - tir-ledi and we are entrlng them to consumers et ei slight ad vance orerourteloon before the tax law,nrben poi% chased - hi ,qunntlties of One hundred nod' uparnrdi. TO `TICE DENTAL PROFESSION, . : We ofr a large and,earetully selected stank et Dented' Chain, Dental Lathes, r_oteeDi, Pinson. Bunt, Drilla,.Diearatora, Frantaltoe,Ww; eantte Base Gold and Silent:Plato,. Tin Font, and Dental. Malaria nt*" denatlptlad, . f, '-' • i :.;-:,'.!" '-•'':-' ''•;:i-..7.-''•:'`. ',4.--.,, .Conkt a fy i vithi n imi t iAiti l i l 7:,. ~.,.. .{,s, v , •.-...1, 4. 1: i Kr?, ,-....' r I -., ''--ice ~. -..,.;..s fp ra - .l,teAt :;,; eciat i t PrrnimMat, , ' . - ' - - K - a :- - I=, ~. . " n:-FT.f, 1 - i 4 —.1- .i,;t=-'.•!:L',..*,::-:'7 i ,V.S"':l.kl-1:;-ii >iw-..;e~w .zr .to S.:z::av } ti.~t;~;:~ws. ✓-.;'~,,,.~•, ~~;as+. STRICTLY PURE A.P.TICLES. Pittsburgh Drug House, DENTAL DEPOT • JAMES' (swxessoi Toßrtmov: & Bt;ckliiti asa .421 ct.a. ar Atizlitirath IN gorelga and Domestic, Drug., Medicine , ' and Cheri; Seals, Dyes and Dyeatutra• Alcohol; ;Pen. rfumerp, Faster•Atttoles - and Toilet • - . .. • .Sospa Winea and Lielticirs, To bseeo h (ages, Palate, Oils • • and Varnishes, SOpport • ere and: - -Bnwea - Pro , - -. " '••••"" printery Wadi- .., • rilitrsst's : iRtrmSFA • mOnsforture nil the /ate atyko_ of Itptogooti :Timor% nog keep constantly on hind . larakk,, Pilate% Ritter's, Chose's,' and nII other mOnufecturers. in vines requiring hny peahlior style of,"Trittia, or order when parties desire • It we Will InonaLteturo to ATIDOMINAL SVPPOIMItiS, SHOULDER lIRACEZi, ELASTIC IMO/LING& . Int:trachuln t ! cc. to the &POW ontlon of Truss., 0.c., end to the ttivitment,of Rapture: Physician's Prescription's annErui.Lr 00111POVIIDED Qut Piescriptlon Department Is always In charge of an experienced l'hannacautist, "rind ail articles user in compounding prescriptions, are selected with regard to purft, freehnres and strength. Prescriptions carefully composimital et all hours of the nighL lifelefic and Culinary articles END , ' Cream of Taltar. Englirt Baking Soda.. °tattooed Powdered Clover, pure. ' . , Pepper, 4 , Alkaplee, 4, Moot " flinger, 4, Bark " Clamataon. Oswego Corn Starch. Cox's astatine, Pricais Glycerine,' • docker ii Parim.• Pure lit'ines, tor coolalag purpose', Thirilett's Cookipa 'Extracts, Caraway seed, " &Mae Seed, ' Coriander Seed, Mace and Nut megs, k Saleratus, . Pearl MI HOUSE IQLD AgTIOLES.,. Voricnittile4 Sol Soda, lverSorol, Tripoli, Pure Poled, Alum, Bath Brkk, &a., Ile.a. [ SUNDRIES tem Seed tape p Seed, , VarjoZed,. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. CHEMICALS., DYE F 6 r me 4 / 1 4,14 61 4 1 9, Ws* bardAtice Pute Juice of Gr.apo, lese Port, Wlne PupsOhlS Pate old MAdelra Wthe..7 Vote liCabst, - Jtopoldk 44 grpix iimrotzzy.D Preneadoli; Brttaaleas, • Ws; I IXlMEErricacau.s, . S. S. S'hlte's Patent Teeth . Ornum, Armstroctit tc ittitt's A. - Dulttc Cch's Teeth. • Neal, McCurdy tc WalPe•Teettf. Tollipson h Lttntric Teeth. . •, . • il~CitafagucajOticLW,ocaPßl[aeliai. = - c; t. I ] - ?.Aird -.MEZDIS!.:II ITZ. CU.'.. CHEROKEE MEDICINES. COMPOUNDED FROM . • 1 7 101Y114,' ARIL. A NI) Lti.lll:P•ei. . -,.\ • °its:nog • e • as 1.: nT. '3llsl:V., 1 ift3lll thence:it I ,II fl . Motet_ ,In :DIM It 111 11 .11 emnss nl nisess,nt of the 1111 l'tl . 111, :31.1' , 1 urinary - rgsns,auctito. In- -4 in . ..At Pt ...1131 rontin nee of the ('rife, PIM ill 1%1 - MAI , Infinin tally not.the Hi i.n. arm,: m lir _.' Ittn• il, , r, In inninottion of the :Ix[ 31! - ' Kidney , Stone If, the AT.:II 211..11 - M. - - Ithsthl , Stalctute, Ctrs, 71111 mm sit '•' el,Gledl, Gonorthies, tont 1131 • :st:nf: -724 L.,.. • Is even ly ,reetimniend- ed In th se oA.W.ulkluor Alh or White{ in re, null's !where fu ll the old 1 . • , • .. . nait4esins aSidleines . haye ' • failed. . J ' It is, prnparei In slilnli .l.yeontentrate,l form, the' . OtIt1;13:1 dose only being front' mut ' - . (11.X;411.:t1 ~ . tiiterotenspaontiOn 7 three ".' eell ' • 7.' tnii ''" times ner day:, ~ , ,' • 4141 •-, 'OO- '." It is ltur,e,t In end ifiteri: • ! ..:.00 ... 7 • , - ,tive 7 let it s action: iineifg: CR: . ,: i ~.7t. ; . beg: gent i- ctieliesit*„ the . .00 - blood, -eluting .11,: to floss - li CU , .C,„ .infillogitnoeiginiipur:ig, ' . on. "-- 03,.' - ithd 'vigor; tens nrotorl ig- • t n :Gel Xi , .• from the systeni all pera .- ' . UCEII, ' cleue•ennses 'which barer .:,. . _ Amin:led glen, ne• . : . • _. I,!T PV.l•ga - rms t • ...•. is Intended na an oily or Assistant: to the UREA°. • • • z• - sillemEDY, and should EEEEtilitiEiiE Id: used ittcoojectlon EEEEEKIIEEE ' • that inedinittehysil motes ' Eel of (loaOretwee r • (b e t', • Eli Fluor)/116=: : or'. EEEEE Its effects are heeling EEEVE sootitioz,nod tlemoleent; EE- • re tads' in gall mudding hent„, chordee. nod pain, . EEEEEEEKEti • , 'instemittor the burningsng EEt.itiEEEEEE.. almost unendurable pain • ' thnt-la expethineed with •" nt nrly all theehenp (monk • Injection,. ; Hy the use of the Cher okee Ilemedy And liher,ei itro Injection—the two Alb HE. • • nmallettrea' nt the - same - 11H ' • - -Improper- If flHit ohsrges are reu. sad. , ' fill the wenknong amanrarn AHHISHISHHH' restored to full yiEet sod : litilltlllll II II strength. , III! For" pittfoulars get Hlt • • till our pamphlet • from nay • lilt dreg store In theeonntry, 1111 , write 101, and we will. • mail free to any vlslre.ia a • Culllrentlae. Congos.. I , rne.—An unfailing care Tor Spetn.• • atorrhea, Seminal Weak ness, Nocturnal Etats, alone, and all diseases! 111/1/DDOID) coated by self-pollution; DDIDIDDIPTip such as Longo[ illidmory, 1)1) !Universal T. as al to le. Ill) OD Paini In the Back: Dina PO nets of Vlslon,Prenintiare OD UD Old Age, Weak Nerve's, •DD s'ao, DitEculty of B 111) reathing,' Trembling, Waktfniness, Eruption an the Pace. DDIJOLIDOD • Pale Countenance, luaan. lty, Consumption, and all the dlrefll I complaints by departing from the path of nature. This medicine is a simple reget able eSt. tort, and one on n'hlch &loan rely, silt has been used in our prac tice Tor many years, and with thousands treated; ft has not felled in a single ' instance. time curet ire EE pOirers have been sat& dent to gain victory toter I.Za.:Et: • the most stubborn Vs.& EEEEE • To those who have trilled 1/:E with their eonntltution until they think them ' fiIIEEEEF.E.F.Ii selves beyond the reach of • IllitiEtaillEEE • medical aid, ore would Lay: drapair notttheCherokee Cure will redone you to , health and rigor, sail af ter all quack duct ore havo Ito. Worner's Rem. rt. 3 sTl3e Ell.' re; or Es. pence or /Arc! Prepared Qom Pure Vegetable Ex traateContaining nothing injuriotio to tie most del lente. The 10pr/stating Is the resultof mod ern dieeoveries in he reg. qtable kingdom; being on entirely new and abstract taethat of cure Irrespec tive-of all the old and Ale. wont qut systenlS. Thls medicine has been tested by the most mai , neat m.. 10a1 Men Of the daremd by them pronoun , . cea to be DOD or tin, ERIIRRIIRR • est medical discoveries of RItRRRRRIIR the age. One bottle will RER ERR cure general debility. A REA • • E.llll. few doors cures Hysterics' ERR ERR In females. One bottle ERREDERR cum Palpitation of the RIM • BRE , - • lieut.' A. few doses,res.'' ERR • . ,ERR torn the oisans of geiterC foot ! •ERRation. Fro:none to three. • • ' bottlefirestores the, mpu. ~lte_t 11 . . and - full vigor: of • 1 A few doses restores the • ' appetite; Three .bottles- accoca . curet, the worst ease of CUOCCett . ' • - InipOtency, few 4004% _ muss the low spirited: CC CC . One bottle teeter,. men- CC • • lalower. IA few dose's •CO • • br back the rose to the CU cheek. This medicine res.. CO 00- : -.• 'torts to manly rigor and CC CC , robust 'health thepoorde-' ; :tIOCCCCO bilitated, worndowdi and • • 'COMM, ' .• '- •dcatutiring devotee °Dieu. -• • • sual pleasure. , Tire Entseit ctireeHys. • . . tarts Oeneral -Debility, ! ' ' Plitotion Of the Mart, • an , Impotency.' It te r .' . . . torts mental - power and 0000 ; • the -appetite, end eause*:- . 00000( the swift to mount to, fito ' •' 00 — 00 - ' cheek' of - Palor, and the 100 00 debilitstedmanorwomair 00 00 to feel' r Igorous and 00 -,:.()CL • Woos; this - yoanganded.. 00 00 • bingos ,blood to course 00 .... ........ every rein, the! 00 _OO beeosee.stroo„ 000000 and the Ares of new We • . woo- and stigoeto'"reattireote . •••, , the entire _bialy, building , - up the Constitutlon, res. ' toringloyand Etat° many a sod. and darkened lire. _ . • aide. - • Caenowax Pitts Se n-eteterio 'Firm A-T.l • It sorgta•rozi„ll a A Z. T.rg i`naatitgaws, CERTAIN 6r. FkArg. For the removal if Ottstructlana; And the nauranae. L'Ergulttrity in the leourrence of the Monthly Periods.. They • . epre or obviate those nu memos- dike noes - that spring Rent irregularity, by reboring the irregt° irity . • Tog auto Suppressed EXCellaiTei and Painful . . ' Menstruation. Ilieyeuro . ; - ' Green Sickness (flitter°. els.) They,oure. Nervous - Xli S K - -.and palm-to,pl n 1 - afections; the, brook. and ES lower:parte of the fie'f, X-K XX ~ Ifenvinem, 'Fatigue_ n XXYZI exertion,- Palo! KI: KM Hors offline Heart, Low.. XX , XX . nese of Spirit; Hysteria, • XX XX Sick ~.Headache, taiddi• X X • XX siessy fox,. fcc In, a mord,, EX XX - by Tempting 'the' Trregu betty, they - remora the Call/Wand. with it all the . • . .cifecte.tbstoptlogfrotnit. Cempokad of simple re g. . etable,eitra4s, they con- • _ tain nottiteu-' deleterious • . to any constltutiod, how•-. - eler.dellcate Melt tune- XXX; NN • 'lion' being eo.qubstitute NN strength.. Tor weakness,... NN NN which; when propyerly NN NN used; theynever todo. NN• NN • Alley may m safols4xiied. •NN NH.. Nyi• - •id any:age, and at toy Pe-, NN . ' NN IQ DITAIZO NY, ~NN NN - the PIPATTURIU mourns, NH , NNNN. during which the unfelt- NN ' NNN 'lug nature of their action . - mottldiubillblyrainwarr• • -Pregnancy....Passe' or TOE 01111130. , . Mtotousza.--Chero, =-- - .EstA,SE..t,anftE kee .bottle • , ;EXESENEEEE -• ors bottles foe g 5. - Cher : ES• • .. • ~ - olieelniedlocr:-#3 a bob' 'BE , • . 1.. o tie,' or tbSeebOttlellierild. ."VIPPWIP ,OheroksetCore-ga bet; ElgEttfg - - ,• tle,or threebottleafor 113: :EE • •-'• - • `Da . Prrlght'Alllixtr-del a ' • battle, or tbteebottbla for EKEEEKEESE SO: Chenakee - Pittz, for PPP 1 7 1 1 11 1 1 P11 • -- fasoales-11A -, or olt • • • boos tor $4. - - • lig'thit Che ro kee ritdat, • eines titeuttfortunitewill' lind,a day' of dellverartdr from sttlfering and pals. • , • A day, splendid and s gteri. . • t pils,When they - shall no. - • . looger suftbr without gest , EENIEEESi.ES satien 'or- repose, either EXIEEKEEEES, through .atorcenary•- , ES* ' . Cptaelts;egthe ineMcienor .EK• • ofnauabouspreparattons. 'EPA= . • , Tbo Cherokee' Medicines LEEKS accomplish' their ransom . -theirrnancipatton. An SE ' emend ation po great, so IiIiSSESEEEE • - tointira le; and so prollfia ESENESEESE of universel f ood.• Thee° ••. - . es any and every ease, ' ful and:neyer fa it I og friends - in time of need, We send all tlie Ohrio. keodledielnes by motto. I'Uis tho are ee tbesu sent by. mail free 9f postage) on EEF.SESESES recei o t ee prke, to any part fthtllized World - Es ; ' securely packed,in such a , • manner that, no • one IfEacrt • through wbosohondsthey. • - EEEEE may pass would know • ES' Thoohe Yee DieCtleines • SEESEEP___,BE aro sold by At: etorpristna• zetiex, a"wwipzz: druggist* in the ; world. - Some, unprinci. I. • - pled iteders.howerer,try ,- Conan dwerth less coma • ' - pounds tapiocas Of ifioite w litet Can tot- • : • .ats,ehe pyttice_tandmixo ' mere Money- --, SS • ,-.- thanthlyeanontheCher- •ES= -.• Aa you ss - lift • !value y9tirhealtittentke‘ ••*, • (39.-• 'lioulth_qf your offipring—;- • -- gg :donor ba de, , ekqed by such SS 4 S S . ".' ' • gs- ••• tor.thers..3learr Aurd tilt! no-otbis. rl.; . . a l a 8, . aurawor & cio: ' ~.-;.,:. . - . --_----- urprop: -, so netork ,r 4,... . . .'. - No. A ILdbextvaNatTink; : • ', att4"PUtaburaarrit... lAKR.A4,IIc, 1 .4 , - ' • _ :7; e:` I' 64• CLNYT AL R. H.—WINTER, AREANG....rnr. —YEN liA I LY TIZAINS- Pa art] aft. r hiONDAY, Odtdber 3lat,lSß.tralto n leave the Repot nsrollown: • rAsT ll.' SL, a!scr.ikt Sunday, a! In A. - at„, mopping only tt prlce4.4l ii*ion an./ m *hid; divert CF , rnectioni nt i m foriarrialUt Neo York, linktirnore and Waaldnytoo. P:111.1e1N114 Loaton nod late.-mettettol,,a,a, • coat Sunealy, nt G. 33 n. mp atoppinC At all re.parte nvitlons Letxt ton L,t.gll and 11.1r.inbo,.- nod • Emaking eione ennnerti,o w . frith t - Vin. on ' Braurh, Weal renne3 iv,lnia It.. tan anby-g an 3 Crehxon Awl 1:01114 Vniql g Itrlneh. . RITTSHUIttiIt h ef iilll4' et. - rear tirday. nt 11.30 p. nt nes . fall the at at ions Let. ye.; And Oa !dila, • Plod snallng count:Ma with train' on the Even* burr, 'ad Cresson It. 11. Hollidaysburg EranEh Z R Tyrone end Cledeld and of Haiihlnlier—e." !OIiNSTO,WN,A.CH.IOII.EGEa.. , • eelit elcmdny; nt 3,0 e p. - 1117, stopping at regular staw,:' 11040 betwEeninttaburgh sad Johnstown, aniDetne.,. neeting nt .131.11.ntrille Intersection with trains on • the , Indlimn branch and West Pennnydrands It. H. PHILADELPHIA .E.S.TdiESS, doily, at p,•• • stopping nt Lstroho, tlonomsugh,-litalitsoni. x AI t bow., En nlingtlou, Loyelstowne Atigitn,•Nespi„., rt;liferrenille,ltErrintearg; LdnEAstet.Enn. Doge._ Mantel:li' linrsisbing direct; tonnectiosui_ _nen - t; made for Baltimore, NV aahlatton awl Kew. rotilp .- -L I Et ,Philatlelphlo,iondfow,Ystax Bott•"' 114* " 1 ",,, „ mediate pelt!. Sleopli4Dars run rorough on thsa:s. trnln from Ilttsbitreh toltAittasere,TH4del•PhhE inltliew York, by the Atlenteden tonte. • . R , A at N o T pp LINK except tiumlny,at Irie r pef. muy,im Altoe‘, t10.1..w -Z u ='ll. town3ltior, Landiavdle, Lanetaanr.:ttLDOWA• ingienem' ilktrilblll.4 cOnetveLloll2 xatt made for New York, Baltimore. and Wnaltlnnt - on, at Philae"'" delphin, for. Nell , York, Roston, and intertsedtme rust AecOnharatlon" Train for Walls Stith* .• . lenrendnily (eleeditetundnir) at $.20 X. M.' . leeond AceotntntnintlonTralif tor w ers:stsgoi k ' • lessen daily (except Sunday) nt is. - • , rhlrd Accommodation -Train. lb; rinirElittertiro leariat (eatepi Sunda)) nt 3.13 p. EL Fourth AreonimadatiOn Itnin for WaillsZtELlOlLei lenses daffy (except Sunday) at atm - m., 'the Mauch Thin-leaves Wails LitrntioseinU Sunday at 9.4 G returning leaved rattans • .p . m . ....•• . • returning. Trains arrivetti Pittsburgh - se Sofictire..., , , Plitsbrugh b. Erie Esidvars lbcpreas.., 'Philadelphia Enrols. • - 2.83 p. Fast Hail • taxra. m. :Fart Une , johnstalrn • Actattunodatlon 10.16 s s m.,, 'FiratiValra Station , Accdtanardation...; Second Wall's Station Areommodstion 860 c'ta.: trlntlon Accommodation.. . 230 D. Fourth 14A 11 'a Station Aceorumodstion o.o3pite: ...t Baltimore exprtros will arrive with Phlbsdelphte ppreas at 2.30 p. le. on Yiondays. (rTIO.E..—In• ease of toss, ' th e lUOtripany 'arite hold th emselves reaminalblelt; personal , 'Mongol only, and for mramount not excordlog elder , B Omallnli blue, has betnanmproyal con, es passengers and traggagr to nod. from She Beitot, at a eharge not - to . .exceed M tante, for Cacti passenger and baggage.- For tickets' apply to J. STEIVA.RT, 2140nt4 Al the Pennsylvania tientrnl liallroad•F station, on Liberty and Grant streets. . ,- TIITTSBUIII4II, • FT. •fitL — , WAYNE fr. CIIICAGOr.W' , 'RAILWAY, AND CLEVELNANAA •Y/Ttelo. DU Mill It AILIII s WINTER. ,ARRANGESIEXP. I On ',ad after October .hatti, ISSI; trains relit run as follou a, viz. . '• • - Learea I For Fcii I Foe, ,- PlttsburghiChleasm. 10Iareland. WM:10110g. ..„ Exprera.......... TIO 0 rm.! 2.10 a. m. 2.t0 ii. M.. Tess . Expess— ..... , 26.0 p 2.00 p . fr. m.I 2.45 . 03. - I 2.45 , ''.- p "Tail 6.30 A. 1.6.10 For If esr Castle and Erie 5.50 a. m. Arrive.M. Alleitheny—P: F. W. l • .50 m., 5.30 m., 230 m. and 41.55P:E...• G.E61101: PAR.NlN,Tiaket,Agfmt, Onion PnssenFer Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. i. A. Q. ClAS:4l.LBEfinlf,TlaketAgent; General oho AgentAllouheu . oct:34e F, k. MY A LLEGIIENY 'VAL- fir i ggimakt LEY'RAILROA ORANGE OF TIME.—On anti after MONDA.To , May i6lll, 1664, the followingnrwmgement wilt take effret. MAIL TR AlN.—Leaves Pittsburgh at TIM arriving at Kittanning at 10.60 4. in. Leaves .. tanning at 3.00 p. ni., arrira at pittsktiegb ati„ p. m. EKTIMM,S TRAlN—Laver VI. m., arriving at Pittsburgh at 845 w. Lams Pittsburgh at 4.301 p. M., anteing at if.ittatudng 7.3) p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.-Leaser WOW' 11, - mks at 5.20 arriring.M.PittsburghatTATliit , m. Leaven Pittsburgh at 3,00 p. m., artirkts.„ - A Soda Works-at 6.00 p.. .myto F. KUM • 't. 1111 1111 111 1111 MI MI 1111 1111 1111 1111 - - - - - 'REIMS • - FOREIGN ERIGRAtION' 4E04 " .rlrsinagn; PEMEA, Passage from the "Old Cooktri.''"."' uh TheLlverpool, Neer Yinleand Philadelphia (ria' „ inan,)StranuihCompairt. haling -appolatorilte,-;, U. their Airean here, eireAlreThOtal= , , hems Pasmr he ra.notiv W e P hVearners t"th it i ot. vik VNIISTJ Y L 11,11.1"MV. -^The2Steasisotoli.,...„t thisraeorite ieaveLlverpoorsvery WENNS. ; ,DAY,for New York; touching at Qwwittrt,aorp.! ,twe Itra Ls o2 Ms fastest, salon, and most The. u YeNkIA ngervighed la silo Agent', or thnawranel and i"nge 1;4 rerry fo l %ish Mummer; and Malls.. 'Thir'steani." Yl en/ f. thiqs linsambublt in strotigrah Napier; f"n% and punish ahobie accommodations forpamengens,,i-A - ahniagent forTAPSOOTT'I3 L INE of wilsi.„ brated Clipper Sailing Packets, leaving. •LliVirlicool„.., for Near:Turk twke a week, and the ,, X.Lirarbt . „London"Parkets. leaving . London every ten The ship* of TaFecottli Line have long been limo led tor their quick inutsages and Mr ,esselienceol , ...--.r.a the proVillons furnished Ito passengers r alattheirp. kind treatnient while on board: Parties who wish. their friends brought out by lwaling.Telibbah°ll4l: bi,4l/ means at u r= Mb „. • at greatlYsAblimil to • -iil a tT b . /LIFTS un all pans of EuroPc for saki at the lowest rafts .: APP/740 ' 071 - EILT4' onilgnEntigration ometj: "t S 3 N hinilthilebtinreat. !QM'' WEEKLY ',TO - L1VER42&,...., POOL,itouehlug. II titrzeiverowN,==';-,,,i., (Cork Harbor) Tbowell.known Steamed,' et the ' '' Liverpool, New. York ateiPlatedelphlatitatmehlp •••!. • Company (Inman Lino) rallying the U. are Intended to fall as ‘ , OIIOIVB. • - ETNA'Sotntday Dee. -6. r -.K0114111/101111..i ' Saturday, Dee:l6. , oLesacrw Allaturday, - Dett s. And erery_enceeeaug Saturday, hoary fromPl4 to North Etter, - . ~. • „ ~, n)ieso Pitiabll.lll . l(o/d, or lie equiraTeatli - eiitiOier, Pint —*Val to ....Laudod, - ..: hd.Bs .YU) boudoir::: st ;to, Part 40 r.? , to Itemburg::' COW . ' to Humdrum.lllolkt -Pairenti , realso - forwardeetty Havre, Bretuesh , „4tottentanri•AUturetp,•lol', , ereqtmUytow nttes. ramp from Ltreeptiot or ttrusenstowu-‘lat Cabhh-' 8 *B6, NW., Stetage,,o4. • Thom whourtsh to. for 'that yileude buy rates - .ttelcpte .10014 For further Intormatton apply at the Company.' -•• ..• vmce. iowf EritrinAcenN . , /LAM •tril I - Zip. ft &nit , MeM — aar. =6' nu 1111 nu.. ri:VN 8.11 D iL I 3*1 . E.--Stain ttourAwvAl uriatroot Ins In gold; or Ito equivalent:4n currency. • - NEVI PORK, Isb.ta eurreaeyr • . Tif tlille °llAß ll stmt, '" be tri tiree "N. a • • , • -PlttatottrEk. C4IIIPINTA,•OIL CLOVIS'S' ; ~* ` .4 1 • •." , • ; - CRUMB MOTEE, OIL OLOTE ind 41 c 1 . - • •-• oAtriikiV H , &04-ralc4 • Soniht when Prices were atAtieltnrest - 'potnt..4o: A-? lug She Istepsnie, • .„4.;_•0 W D dcB ailkAimmt; E/iGLI§Ii:D/POI?Fr%' W ooum citmEt DIEDAIAION CENTRES. , . aeemtid assortment. of bear plattqltias aA4,best quail as Isupoilitililuat °Pined b 7 '- • McFARLAND gt COMNBs ~; Neststdolto Post ciegae, seCdad now. , wag lieb -15 4. 4 4C9te: MuSwal, DoII4"JF -co ini - and Istraw 01144 14'; Ilan now In itore the WSW sad moot eomp ] etra 1-000befoR CiW• !Mies toillithei wait fkratikesar As4 cionaitit tquizalie id,ocacOrldet sl, • Nay tow 10-110.0,67.4 11r.411,R1:1.1DR Mjn!P. l .l4lrOs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers