. . , A mai 3. _ - - , • PC.< • i , 4 9, - 4 ....... rOLf v.v. tre .24.0 - 3 • 41 - A • • 11 , r i . INING &igIifTEIBIEIIOIIO., r onass TO .lIIIP ? . 30 1 / 1 .0. , _ ... , • •. —...... 7. 1 1 i fiiilV {:" Yr? " ilif IMO ' . Minis lif ts a • . t... , a. E,. .Mi1? , T, '• ,Lcs .7:=17 MAIL mnilk s t.firg A SM IRI l a ;1 fl ..,. . --- •- • ..4-,iliiii4 "bel ForieMlitintsikitTOM , •iktrf.) 7 r, 47- :l •ls Asit .71St!-; ,f, , I .. '' , :.-Iti , ` ?:trlfinnitl4 Wit ti ta l tit i litliYFFPlMae,.. 6 . ' .. * sierenibiEltairli- Ihreeirbiono hay a. a .-. • Mtbourias - annah, hale saggtestiusra....4 J. 1451,.,,: unu , ! pea Ole there in '. • - , arnhaleatstinaaairefikat Ala , * 44 4 .gnatato. , • • ? 4, . • 'dirwt,M,44l/04WP0 ..y wawa • •!' • • 7 iiitwat4thaalhavanititray, to , .., :..,. . .. t - . ~,, losetnts, C 41 514 3 . 1 ? ) .' at sa ••• , .9" • .tta ',-;_' 4 ,11i.,7 ~, t r.,'• .‘, a &sra ~ • * ..," -, int.tho2tthi: eoui ~ con , ~, , ,,,i t ~.. ~ 1, 1,1., ViSbentualr •rements." ....a- ,- I la • ip . '...thig.on.:`, Georgia. At ft' - el.Xe,„alaft . ... I= , catingE9 t ~.',.. '4 - ..,..,.tet t nrzattrig a nx) ' . A.I. . riFe 051 4..,%., trolly f;tatvbit&actOtityp4to . ?Iknting She 4,Ain5AlO Al . at' itaftwlt rrest Ina: ni 4 . - ,Altf :i, mr . op,..mg.. jar and daibilirkit . ,fl - 41 - itii it:l . .i .4 111ii..3 . 1 ; cip riEu. no t Is Sanguine of ,664.4.1vZ - zw ion; 2 Nc0t4 3 0 , -AttihsKopilligAofc irmy correemukoh,. 4 . l.. 3f f i ll9 . sap , ture of - OM A. P 44 — WPM : qr..3 2 iiretwa:ooll l :4c 7 ulne of tbeintrin,l4ll.noMoSpie repellinfOnkin Menke the Wang our ptulbelititli in;.4. It, ~ est= euts Of deserters and Minim: ,ire . -• . ,• Meer to be mn , ftdo_leAp,,tlde.- dvtadure, • but , W .- n*6ldt s%ddin . •; • him as , not accordant„ nth ...th‘code ,• thonor and as nicest partlehlarly scidre - Ya Me p . . - teac, as ho bad used let,.ltit.lsitycydel.o9 " chase otEnrbri nd preyent. tbe rcurrence. • tench eh r,,.,....„....,,„. 'Re bus • Loiii.posikico!hi h ... i lest saw .lateni tit gWn,-,'.lk.tcincend* ' - bat the elactiononf? lt c -IsAist.:nlia,kstbt • • uttiSrLsbettnit idthookkappyhondoathat/f. y prolourerprykeinnthet Itior ,- yeatids:l . • res that Thlw^dhlted‘ filch. - ,,Teldb,. tectetteiW '-derect the probabilities. of thei r ultlinatb sum* itanch greaenreqimle ,i,. ~,,41, •..:FS - i ,t ,:i% ',EX- , ~i 1 "•Te ,s Ha vrouldnidussosh4l3ll4l4oll4l 1 a 4,, t 011, 1 i P. r the opmaticass , beitiaatedandoe ,Valley,,ati 0- a dla , an y subject - • pactcd IM l 7Pliii.X lll s+!; - • , r DOD'S 14111=sri'AN:ANNESSM , - Conummicathaa -- Ate - ffwii NEn' , YoKtiellOrotThti:.llaesi:Slkaitikar- ; ton Special jai; s atge,..144114ii/li-'.' see sitin to Rtn.545,141,1:911.0.0r.1A111011144 stay to East TainutiseaestUditticicitiAiaitlik moving~EO,tntßti ' Tale on therlkie . .l 4l l46loll9#6.ldifilltylo AMA' )1111CliC41 ' , Wi r .tr,lebegqted bd.' will then ere bilis OtatatußslGlMleCTia,r4fri Tennessee hind .tate:mr , alltiyarith , lLnrg and luehmond.l7,lt. 41.• . TiNsMlCLCiiii*Sli,e_ M 0.% /NM ,Serea& — eotittnital Wen:the - WY reb e l minks, sactBao4l moat m uT ow.fo t to be ¬e. d tonarda s . continuo I cotton hy . O4M. In Mil ease, sabtildlaiitstscpoaltlint'An; PWI bLOidd Ligterbirtieliatintde. ' I , •rua r i . i ,cC rs s : ' • CAERO, Nov . 04/..--/ Fort] -I'o 011101 01 coECori aniTed hMVP4lVilrigid97l7.Am §5.17-rif ; v.Y !lgr , ' - Thii*44'c vieirgt4o!Atiaffaavt. • . -4 414, teraal , 'eft ttdatJen preeent kigth'.* the 4th 13eyeral of tbui hays.7ftfp -1- splAnisossot Imre beenrckwaillitikll-sigOkTlN*K*: The outgeltiVilebattuattreinaifonmw -11-illard.SaWsbury, of.:Melawara'tiitata. tion, re-elected; Vilrouck-` , l3 l chja44 l o( Illinoistinzsillr , Aodlnoloogod.:l7;,s t Union ntoarmA OtuyAssana . G rimes, Idwa v ;Unlmr-eleclid , .Jiinunt IL liana, Of , Han-i sae, who'is,iiez-Mettisb ; Litiaric :Poq ell, of Kentneky,Opsition, , Whe be reelected ; albeit A. Parnell, onlltdtte;i Union, whWllte n twucce4ed by_synicm hna }regWiltiltbli,Citf4irsantoltaselfi, Union, do. ; J. M. Howard; of 'Michigan, Union, do.;llorton S.l/Wilkinson, 3 o4; lin nesota, Unloo,fio.; J. G. Ten Eyck, of New Jersey, illntorrArhp'-will - ,tati truemetied•by: an. Opposition Senator- John P. Hale of Mew Ibmpshireilftileti; 'to* toceeedeli by . Aaron Cragip,.Alidonjanda,.PAsrd- . I in g, of Oregon; Uttlo,Will be etteefee ed by George Ft Williorui,',Ainion; Henry- B. ,Antlictar, orlthode. Island, Union, re -elected; -WeltiffittilTMVilkjy, of Wiest h. Ugon, , to he re-elected .or succeeded by a Leman;,' ':- : '' • ' The Irnkin , iinialqiie;li',SeitatOrlii**t- -. Jersey, rase 'be'tiVo from icesndavtitn . psof zLieviAw -stand as folioltarrrittotr - W-Oppe , ,-14. , • Tide ; nE APP. ` 7 O Ii NV.: carenteatstikqw:Arbrorvie..Pifitomay tinder of tke2Atior • n line et, two 4TO-1450.0'.4P-oPIL(4.t.;* the Einttillots.ptissed Imes. the 4.ppornay lox, to Generni Butier`idhiarttnent.' It is Se s signed to ankhdlre Otristivf tileassai! ble soldiers, , and leave the Army of the'Po tonne with thathingtellts , recalol swarthier. than the fliirrHidiatterwliti Maybe founds:eV tered supop&riaric jY titdn and, _M.cW. r gan respintlerdVi-ettetOrd did lWaltiel , are : spokenp( with this _now • conintatab* , Ua&nbtedly .: this 'the Aesti; plan prune. Mali*, WIWI Otroops, -, give art" . tioTroircf,. andseedie; on 4C31 extraordinary nature. There is nothing in the worldpdertthepten - makint oellent Cioit*s;redriiien;in io billty,are e no telatana, - , and refit* kittried - tirsoldiertof tiny come *aim - More carols reqnhed.. levities*. l t E ri them.w i ttlys_ - n rp beesuse their t of exaWatidif is- such. . . tthep endeavor to - coviyi akeorrnetly os possitdeeTery action:Or thelestiperfors: iii the hands or the :white officers reposes the geritativoibtiNdirs soldiera new tam queen", Speech Ls Written. In a latobyl4.,•!( of the ItrittaliWatienl, dn - piiblic affairs; bo thus described, the maiuter..in which the Queen's speech wassmnporeo; • . . dare say/Iterecnuty:? be• :Mime : in Ws room silo may innocently • suppose that • what is milled the Queen's smelt ix actually the speech of the = Oben.' =[A t laugh. j, Wen, Herjesty jos. nothing to do with. jt, .Stard P?••.this sOcech' which, is 'callCd;therQueMita, opeeeh—and• which is neither The. Queen's roglied not the pee._ ple's grahithSr-Tisughterl—lfer Majesty is in foetid Little-wested for theopinions as tind]et3nt#l7,,,Li -Ter the rules of grab. rear. gorraQtuorrt's speeches tire itothg more thervina t misrepresentaans - of the'QuetWs Brig fib; and 'contaluitittho most. gonoroha perksis of what II know n , , Cablatit Englsh:- 4 ILinghterd . These: f+NediaB .nrc.pm..de,l =Tien fon, in this luanner.t. Que•mth - buts roAvitrd °Pi. EL• tence Itlld'another 'man%anotheriond,Wlren they OforriOtlivelhor.ft that! patio the' tote; wittOne , nuOrutitte LeLig has WOW; this cottlemeotte together and lunitc:•;*ll4:lie east out IL [Loud laughtoil:, r • . a, of the ?thacteenth Corps, about sixteen yearn oldiwos et saol.lloll4liiitbilit W;t the war birika out' He wilAPeSP_P•Aektomiudn, lived &Intikl4%U wastinaliYinduoc4 i t yenttr,thq rebo:tutild getrictl,ln witp or, tri o , parelpti 1114.frieris at . home . lftlS,ll., I 0 4.~4A 4 c 1 COAS I A LW"' '3:?CF'• 'i' , Ef LTIM IWI' ATM& aanl' Z mil .llffi,,,ifillphlil IgOVIIIENTP A --- : Rebel Opinion ortiarleSSititiiiil- ..4.11.4. 1 1 a- , 17.-hy r crossz. su r .. . ~ „m.... , ..--paumr, FLORIDA VASIL: 71,A.:,-“,`'. ;' I ‘Etrr - " --- ; , A2:4.. - .^2- - r! , 31.0 ISi . • . . 11104? in the Citizens 'of Bahia. .g : :' ' ' 7-AUXOZtrt teZCiP, re , - 1 'lv; t:e . • t4t.Nev,:tr , November 30.—The 0/01inn`- iiiirl46/0 • i wmi t iogya l 1 . • - , , Sleldf.et 4 ft t _T.ll9 . eiw Jai 1110 . 144*Zr ifacoli is cud' 1 6elltevel41 ,en.' Shamus had cut the ointnec- Itt9& gifi:44.l7,tiiKo,,t vklialaw irt COrdtrli catifainstbsii.of-i6linalla,;....Bllefe; 'AA; Pr;ba YiftiotatitAW4lloPi';4lut lojbought t helesumeidiMicalaimia soils; lite 7: ,',E,rftte . . .:gym *MI 0 ,,,, , ,.. ! 41:41.4 wit bc 0 ~0 Iv; cP,.--04, ' 7, „ . .114 - "Ne Witabhigion _special 8.271 that the lgokasokt pourmany *IOW trt-, / Atm a pummeats, but they show the *.lli.wetd be n great trellldattee.lraltursillrettaX .keis•wvi: Neve that .Sherman Is malting Ms .40J:Vp,1 antlyltitheltbalenaWs: l•an.'lltl ill It : ilis g" 1 ir l iV r i i .ai l it c a lh e l cl i ri:i tld - . I ra ad ' lte rettiff at be had eat! that Macon and 3111: 11lville d been captured, but sash that Au ly.had fallen.. lie says Shermanlls Walt _ t *heat:Mit' 4.4444 tlik-tan S FI c IS toi l , iii . A.4 fear from Ms movements u tn . ill% a:elsewhere. --- ' Nals,,..th , Southern ref gees in ttilk4;4lllllt, :.said.tharr had acted disgracefully. ' ' • '' , litrbratcyastrarlee has been reectro,lfry,pler, ;eimaibeve Coma/ere; from the merchants' of i'lliddlt,l st pavlug the 1500,000 swinutts* the e of the Florida. .. fo g r it Mr li K INCBMItittII- 1 4111W c: ware T, , -1 , ki 1' ),, 1, WiltrAl I f oft ve Fire—Loss $lOO,OOl, 0 BURN GOVERNMENT' mi t sf.. .1; . `,FV 4.Pf I New 174ux, Nov. 30.,-adke •krult,O, ........ morning abouidS o,clock, which, It is said, was ci4iii_ UK 'C OS.; 4- !At:P t Autipi. via ::54 °, kuPb e Fi • --„yantpfLOglicn 3: Co., in Hubert' * strecter:.*: Alititti. au tko.e-,Vin„thg•irEed• AMPue 116 - 4eprefir,+td II 11121126 ff coltadelikv4Wciectiliedil ilbeWeeupigs adjoinhig. —Lose estluutted:vitH ',,, ~fl T ArL i PhO, d 'horusArne. 11,1344 ~it stettfif a tims . - 3q Mention was to destroy the Govern-I'' rtneniNet house adjoining, wherein Immense Jinatitttga f army cloikititieTiffuellaq 'I, - Disiaveu.—The lifahopni lum p ,Ysertir en IC Co. whlChwas almost tofallyi • i l4iii - l!?:L te Ar 9 t _'_Te.. l 4 o .ejl . , I sioncr 4 I nod acme*, , u l'P lta '• - • "t ; 1f : g the above block, on Hubert between ,Iya nginn and West streets.' The yard Was MIMS-Zan hpmenee, stock %;.(' mahogany end ',:fininalle IFo ol l.!fablo4WllBo;CON.,,.The/Ilee• . Was,: d erect' In ' the - tenter'of the-y*4;4.6.r , likugti,.4lttrrell, who at once gave the alaruL i ~.The °rigid of the lire is sulk enveloped In nitya. l -•beiv - yalshOugh Item an invest made; there! 1016 &nib* but WI 1 1,-141 ndid<nill boll `,tuuktpir apt in the recent abolical - plot to 101 l • the•inty 14 nehm • - -;,:' There elven° lights used In the yard, which is *tritiM,seatebad and - vassilde n ln ek ntipsaieed,. • tlat'icone cbiebeintbkr teateried , wialthrowteby.4 ;the Incendiary into the midst of the luiebtell •,*; i Sr''ln-th,b ticinitylot the lumber yard, within half 's)4l - 4kiti an, immense government senretiouse, I Anon( 4bb largest In the eltyountH wail conk°. Anted Shot the oltetetlbtarrAireejtey NHshertlds, but no Icons could be gained te 14' MAW gan armed guard constantly on duty. i it g Ate to, the lumber y.ard, the whole 1 • - 'ln Wing tinntlittlitiiale ;Artnejeopardleed I, eand.H3! .6- Itzbil... onar ic ` . ma any Perl .tioniie Ives ',. : ' - Egremi effo rt s evribetegleeede,to4hee rio t the Incendiary, but no Amalie ikreirobtaluiediltal II:16).104W hie Identification. .. , . ,FrOmillhe Army of thi jeim t "ni.ltylFTß27 - iffis a y.) . - ituinbols 8 a uPPos*At ,Eggigek fhf tf -1 4VS1 FROM , 2HF. Toone AthEY,, Coxpls! 43prie S. 4144. ase., I - onmororg i foimober,3o.-21teoutlasmiun, '7ciltons bits Point repmtio , that quSavy artillery and irmeiket 4bin g Iris heard early on yesterday aiorning on the north aide' of the James Itirei e, 60 - 5 - 64ifeia .414.T v itiad tk : .44,...4,hi .'iipoge,d to be at work: Firitti t had Itt•arty ctased at It o'clock. --No rart!calars have beta re4eicedsei "' 7 NEw your, Mar. kg.. &c. ..._ -., r.,,.--tnt Zen Ara army Ist the Potomac correspondent says: Moro thing then uefrsl was Indulpdhi,p , B the-rah. * the 'AlAfize. the rebcli area From theldr.:64 *polut oi thehi new line just,- beyond the famous Ber ,lnnit*-- mindr o 4 f, etAwrrr4wiro44;o3444i iia tbitatrair was termin c itelt nt e morning of the ffilth tiring was guile, brisk, the musketry .parttelpatln4but, nO bugle,,, , . n Rebel desoFtax4Nuls firift P r a l ' al ',*4 4 1 ,, '1......2,11...i,,,,; iirlbi -- ra tiring Beek ap eanal was uncommonly heavy and b elfirecaltimighlf4l3ll l Catig nn' an wi k = t i the a ft ernoon they delivered acsevere Arc upoia Brady.: No damage was done there.= Iti o . Mier harlasued an orderthat - MajorD. B, of the Blot New York volunteers, can nEa . are the place of antler In his army. Ile ,sayi Itald officers leaving the service voluntarily cannot take the place of boot blacks here. Ilf they have no respect for the service they have 10, ihs4 morefind the4l/hera EMIT. White wan fret ef ihe department. Although In Some I steam!". %kJ • ._,; : •fee.pt re c the so ars ter fiats atrrortfficttraßsyrt .d hou s e Atiltunl, tbesoldlers ate them,V n ii ' kill as tit& Mlllit and thafficlitinAti. "-4 •t [ "' .l , c MIMI • g rAKi*Peit il d°4 n a k i Kelo934' brum. liamcitts trailaillt mak Al mie t w" Welco e, bound up. The vessels from MIASCRLI Bay all. In kw thls year. No farther Odle's la --ttpe4ed until t3gpt , - Bo( 'The lifoottee* *willwater at Two Broth6rs bey, bdrth of 'Ches. terfishl Inlet, writhe sehoouerseAferble /siattft. TO-troy . the , attachment , JgriMalikdataler 11113., 1 WOOL tAagi iporftv i eftittiollons t tram' Ithe oleo tioulthel3dnot9lho .1= * , •f entne, .-- but the metion-yras owoao Its', PI ketheNewAlrleanapi*thrs. - ~ , Na Youtr,tiov. At.—A correspondent of the *Om' diriblockaffing Beet off WII- FanXtens strYin AOnsMerl Iyytwitite klock. ode le open daY, passing' arUMe eight of the stitffie Poet at anchor. The' 7frpe's army of the Potomac special says _ - thlttat•ent attempt of the rebels to destroy a por -tk,,, our D ue , by darning a atretunOma Biretta the water back through a bred upoe 11.11gq1141kOr the rebel line, and threatetia, serious damage to Loa's 000 moo. . ..." 1 • Thet3llllbotitoilkindtn. ktkeeCeePMV2 miles fartiteion Basler"; Gee. Leo to belling 4 Apolko44,oritbaocpum nindedion of Ills cavWri.-" At. +us •• , 1, try. .j The jrcr#l4 , 4 Fartrms Monroe special says that the Florida stink Testi uuknottsfel l t. it is sayfpu s i• ithcqprung,aleok le tbei value weakened by thohlow ahomerricillent BMWs.- 0 4,tneill• ' '''' ‘• - • , Rive AC Our Gunboats neat-MO tolli;:-; INEyr 'naz i .rtactlubOr ; Fort we have late advice,' from thp ftnlfj . lflre of 6nr..ganboatedie In Nebtfe Be 7, =IT dime mllm from the thy: , Theribele have Important*rthiorko, !dila - below it the city p . .Pog RTer . ,l3ar.. fires r lairletsneno: pitrato at Bagdad on'. QM 114' Sfeidean 'aide' of - ebb - RIO Srande.7. An - .expeditionary Union G3rea finder Langeland,- kolond emnibulag of the 'Bettald Xalne eanhr eapturetn company of tabel4 a.114,-.4'w.9,!.'5t#4171•n* 41PalTe4 I The Richunnsul?l'llim-7t ritur."*Y. iheligßilleant. .the'reber • newspape rs alchinond HIV of ' theDinh_ t -inst:,nrkixig the, 'llWe 'peiadnitiortiliten:to the , Coninderneynt. theil WA of Itletiznond. This a" „evidently lint `Lath, hesheek the. tilieek-iiii:XVltilliii_se• V oo dle.onehtindtidAdhiti - pee-eoIVI li Hie*, MOW) and =my andilezaro,irithout •" , :"Ibe Ciaa-iitiarket Ndn . • • 'roux. Noy. ii9.,•Tzte gold mariet'Ni:2i ; OW frith no spagi••olfrionttomit.:: Tbdprteo toein' krX l2 .4,biltdetiTheod t • ~. -., .. st_ Seized for Govern , enenniNliVaftti 1 a go Nan RERFEED. lhe PI, alti'y NEW To Von, ads- L elik . en I Got (atm= • transferred **o 4/ 0 1 far* 410 ltsitary • The Ch , *ALVA repro , trib't the nfber f. i tni t tess.,:a Brhith Co No Imp° .ttat RcOlce • to the 'plot making a Usual a 'MOO for bertha of t kulit been 41:gulhat EOM i i I _deputed to 8116 the Canadian and Americad `Mttler to report on a system of defense, re tinae(' the Canada can be effectively defended, Aya mod e force against aggression, afiaNavot • "Ws a eine of defense approved by the mil ,' *try anth yes. 1 ~. . e etc er Fort Morgan from tlioNhckaidina earptadron, rrived this morning. ~,,, Only fo hundred Sontiliernen hare as yet - mastered air names with General Mx._ New Y nx, Nov. 30.—The Puircentainis it : long, aril on blockade running front Nassau, iiiithlidtl stlYsi Thevcs.el Clerk, item New 'York . for ,Ilavana gent- sap Nassau under a . 1 jaimpr, , pitreSB. T har koode Wert "then . 1 - nailed - niictstippcd on blockade, runners and were open ly regaled so that the rebels, through merchants mot a can get what Rods they desire from the tall States In largoquisititiesorporii,nOir: being sal Eocene becoming a depot of blockade runners. Three- st era left Natant% ,rocontly, ,to roil, between arena and GalvditOnV a largeliniM-.. thy of 'being sent from New Yorkto Cana dian•ports d from there to -Nassau. • NEspiT at; Nov..lo. , alloillribitnes Itrmy-of tlic'Jahres pedal, of the 28th, says: The rebels have exhi fe d increased uneasiness for the last two or th days, at the supposed approach to' -avmptett of Butler's canal. Oar Wring from .Fortitred has succeeded in silencing completely thin; r battery with which they so long annoyed nr,lll4hitit.cfactlnotacvr becq late sinking, with great secrecy, at the ..xpkw e f the Gap, sometorpeddes, Ingenious °Vi•-c•onst tcd of copper , and In form and gener al ap ce like a s t odaCcomtain. -; ... This ng our pickets alenellie riverne.:' ,carjetned t the rebel pickets had.ordent to fire hp 'nriry ma:tuned officer. A number of our offi ocomto.d#,yrere Axed upo . baante hit. . m The rebelaittlidrilLi 4 . I .li4fieki is 1:71 1 =y early completed, and a second Of tiresome has been commenced. They 'taro abo one hundred negootantorerkermtit works the rear .of zettotaittliggrj:ift 'fronts 11, and constructing an Interior Aka, rtept Vat; their ' abaft. skinciAth rat .Alvitr a dbp fronsof rt Harrison - wifity mortars d ,planed, parOordiftVle t l; MA' rnoveme onhakitom, as - , l i i M, tion ;thief afte %MC . . i dark lomight. OFFIR TOIDENITiDEPARTMEATi ci.o. Hzal.J: . . Oiticer4: Dismiss:AV &sir The Service: , z - 1 ,Ki:i i i•• , . us 1;; . e2s.i Slt I' I t iv.up - FE)TR ,PISTARIa 'ROM ..-7 1215" :.17 - 1-rt-?,, II a 1 4 - 2 oek TigN•va iivi 6 0: - .; tr,p4A; .., Av...+F, i 7o?: ' Nov. .71.—An dalcial report to. ti*N,Nteisiiiiii,ie...l - .0, ~,i,,,, 6 #.6,4,1,- . marPris e SqrP, }F pdikt theP l 4stlkris„*.!.l l its .0.f., .thosrt . haroard of the Flor i da to pim the latter' '-i'eSSei;"arldinstasiablroffen thittitnpinteibillif,oti preventligher from slaking that It became tm. _parent t While attempts' rain “abarifforMe . Relit i • 'ilv a 1.4 ~ooutt Airithet::: - ixo . :*:6' or ft , four tall ariWillee-are cachigf-pr0M ,. u404, 1 Theft elude two:.Liententratscolquelailfwers. :Union., etteencatitains, .eighosm eranlealcM.7.. „tuns:and cigkt:secolui - Lientetraitte.;' , They , hady. conmdttal Vailfritie OfliaMoa .t .- iuelk:lic Illtik false redarni, disobedience 'of' tinders, I:partflu. ' tautly receiving . money; misbehavioi..-bafore tha enemy, garntang 'and - thinking' with dillatett men, .te.,nrid 'Peen Were convicteflof 'drunk , roam.' i Nearlf so:er Atte 'bri/C2R3 were 41,7' 1311141.%1 611111 f the service..., .6 . -lrealon.. f 1ti..4121 . • ag Parmilhig 41 cludienge to fight - A sines was imweneed ' • to be caSkicred, hurdle `sebtenielyas mhigamd; to are d . toolta, Tor', . t4 L ew t tholtunion' a . Alto oth of the quartermasters artepayinto: ;'torts lit enta,'.,lowe .bons cstabilahed In dif r rliwtstV porta of the country, so ad to emllrace all mElltarg,divhdraisi IF ; ,;-., , 72. ~ ,-. . . __ The . ary Derailment:lM 9'. betMJ irlithilly44. , i formed that the yellow fever has disappeared i foam N bem, N. C. i Titc ,„ Tanlzing of the Arm Corps , toConsht i c ,of not css than 90 ,000 in try... nod* tour !mood Major General Ilan k, excites much i late -•'llin headquarters hate been establish. led in 1.1 city. I ,_, u . j Vete n soldiers not now 1 ilia l lie . reviles, d 4 shams entering; thisnew organization shook!, tdo f wher notified; report , org anization should, to the !office o Colonel - C....F..,J0hu50rt., . Him Rest, lEar It tlmore, and' the - %%Wan on , Rellroad .Station i n Washington. No Person should no ipirex pt such as have seen two years service, Ana -honorably discharged; and am physl ,_- . q w E ln e r d d u eshe vet t e o rn a n en ill e e rta6l 4 mt corps, -LoOn, Tdsnake application In dim to the Adm tant Grateful of the army at Washingtoo., giving e ttost al jbelrlstpry of their services, Muir m ..Mt.Ullitary ..4Mrttendatlona from their former commandos id0E.0.3, "eau PnWIFe. .. tvjlfeitr s i''ork Stocrin fri diriiii‘keir' ' ,; *iiiii Yong, Nov. 36.—The stock market is 'generally weak tinder the T kw e. aline, sind the WWI' 44 Fl op (, Spani4tlve combinatlons•Trom the difficulty of Araduclug outsiders to come into the market. 'Wall itrect is discussht Mu pmhabloildoms . ; . width be Secretary of the Treasury will mora -1 lend or the adoption of Congress. Govern entsi firm,_withant uncle sett riOt.l itallniagi harm al weak and closed with an lowa, : 6 4* ° ;ir' 14 4 , 9 1 #44:!% , c 4 /Ur_ at Z.,-be•Mr 4 lls. atfongrt rattlhettstiitxmm. :googo •;,,., k w: , lower.) ! Ara4ng the , rumom of to•doioras the sendlag Of lituntddaphd •zi tarp army _ !to' The: coast DT ' Georgia to aielet:and eo-Okratit With Shaman.' ' I Themonc7 market, showouthtued ease, acid the Moonlit Offered "dice& -the wants - of , titc.. loan Market. Foreign exchange dull.' -.. ..,-, Arrived From Havana. If.Swaws, €ea ' ijcr Baehr kit Tor Vera Cruz yesterday. Among . her pas-, amnions are Baron •Wetteistadt, minister or' ;Owed= at Washington,who gOes to Mexico to officially recognize the •new irendre. Thci new. Mash consul for croon, Mr. Bunch . , Arrival yesterday. I.—'; saps. that 7,ool)DomlntcaneetiditiWl, , 'Be: Domingo City, after overposiming -the,gkra •iidd, which is however, evidently a canard. z Key iValition of Army *Meer& I.WstinIXOTOX; !item MY:—.ltie , '-rlisagnsitiona 'of the fallowing named officers have boon Accented 47ivsliVitt040 -10ca nd; B relifeva'tollayz Major General r Joni - A. MetlernalWA& General nocistinlpfigndlor..o4l4nd Neal Dew. • Ithectbeit Notified of it;iottl.lfi!iic,lion, L Iliihoroacho, Nov. .39,-113W • Pontutyltedis 'declare hare bcea notified by the Oovatnor of 'thole:election, oplficiect NoiFois, /Y O l-5.- receiVcd to Intllcatii the cloctikin 'or the radial -nbtielfd- ':e• ..", ,/ i Flannel Dll4l lunitil l , P n tilal3443i; li. 'l V;Ntr.Sl:r/CfeottiAtitini; I d in North Placksto4p, his!,o7l:nyA I:i.i. Awkew , LiChattar;w,gelternfoll.likis iiidttimA ll A IVO 18 q9 l 4° bArT. . •• „ . - asb f ,70:31 - ‘1., ~72rek''a~r~iar ~:>~4;tsar:tv4i4rt,?':ic2~~i4~w~=;t7'"=d`.. to Burn New York. REWAk tr to Destroy a Steamer 4 to sell today for New Orleans, esterday by the Quartermaster for purposes. Her passengers were the Engle, which sailed at the ! r "ia is lc i rig ry of p -frn ersona.Aw at Gat. Peck's office. It is t there aro 25,000 Southerners In ut one hundred welgegistered two hundred be-day. her of Commerce will take action .r rAtglr k la el P a in: cec from merchants of Bahia ymcnt of $lOO,OOO, offered by the the capture of the Florida, has by thirty-four firms transacting that P°l4,efllellMtvt.iiiffhco nt discoveries have been made by thin the past day.ur two In regard fire the city. The emhorities are ve exertions. The Mayor- to-day emotion, offeriug a reward of c detection of one or more of the The rewards now offered amount teb tW i leer ittie l dmqV ir ik ti r ed, but became extingtilshod. It torpedo was placed on hoard just met started •ffinnycw,Yorlf. . a papers annoince nig (heolitceii PITTSRUit:GII, THURSDAY, l*p_ElilßEß 'l, FRO NkSHNILLE.- -soc• t enteal o the Rebel Brig. Gen. jhaury. ELEBEL CAVALRY REPULSIM. r ataifigNEMA SHELJ3TVILLE EVACUATED -BY THE I UNION FORCE3fi:/.:2' =S - . Cr . ...._. i NAsnma.t. Zr.i' 80.:-..-A' tiaiii,' - aitifv&T 14 5 . tor rp g ,hi w trom, Chaitazotiga, with lam , / we/titled meit'hiiif •,eieliiriF'relSeb /prisiirkisr Among ther waS Brigadier Gentree) lanuag.,-. of Cheatha 's command. - There are breaks on the Chattanooga road, he though the rebel eavalry areprowling-ncp.rAhe line. Five hundred crossed Ake trackninaila ecegue, last ght, fifteen mike south of Nash- The '2ln -13 bellIciv;rtirer ateielrMi by body of ,ctoralry, on last Alonday.hut ' after dome, biffintadhetyroliClaletiro.. &hauls g:•at.thernisaf i5t . 00 4 441,. eklekie. -. 1 MUM. , There is Midrange In'ticitad'idtaialthati: ' - -:- In eveg skirmish so far the k'oderabsappear to 14t1;11a15, advantage. ' rt o have evacuated SheltrVa , and It tallow in e bands of the rebels. • Opinionsiare rife as to Hood's movements. Ample pre aratlons have been made to defend Nashville. . ill EL RES BIOVIND TO GEORGIA. 1 .0 croxa. - Ate , - ;].... - KY:,-. .1 Oen. Bra Assigned to the Department of , aiforth, , Caroliptre ,„. e a t v; , ..,.1 e i. 6 4..,/.. &: ,,, :i -,..*, i. t .-. ~, ~.. Nett' DER , N. C., Nov../47 . .-4t. Is reported that all the ava le rebel forces at inliningten ind other point in this State are moving to the as sistance of eorgla..' /./I .c/ , 0.0ef , . ' , Goa. Br "e has been psai g nal to the Bengt, went of,...North Carotid/I, Whtch donstittnes his command. ;;;The relxi papers of this State report theaban. d/Snment of . the Villmington es podition by.the Colon forcte, which appears to give theist groat relief. i " " 160 y. Vs ee Is fi ghting for admhTion Into the Senate wit pros*is of auteep. Nnw To tt, Nov. 20.—There is pothlinfhtier , from SberMan, no rebel papers having been re ceived witln the past twenty-four hours. The very latest bel intei ll ethreelieni either hattnin of Gen. 8 man's army, placed Gen. Slocum's column at, Greensboro , on the Gcoqin State Railroad, eighty-fonr miles' weld of.Anglita„on . I l e the Malt, Mid Gen. Howard's column at TOOIXIA taro, on the Georgia Central Railroad, one him arid andoriPive mike noiti 'Sadannah, .ea the Wd. Roth Odinans had mossed•theOcomul gee and Geodie Avers, ilie two principal streams on the canto Of iixarehomd were at the date* so entior.cd, fully halfway, to Savannah. • '. The Trora allnkili 13 1 likely that Lee sent a large foTato. Georgia, and soya that the rebels must e rion-theleraysiallea.inn by GO. Brown, 'Of Ge' a. and Goy. Bonham, of ScallinGarnilna, to rein to •the troop which have . probably reached Attmustotsoin - the garrisons at Savatmah, Charleston and 'W‘firsOlgtenr-......, ...../ - . Itr Oilcans ,Martet. cusro e tv..3l:l l —The steamer Malode. from , 'arcked. , The Papers eontaiu no news. 301 ilf naqien. Is TM cold—ice newt an loch Wm.. Gen. Lawler has come up to Memphis; t Cotton quiet. There Is ito disnceltion among , buyers to operate, and holders are unwilliturlo make concessions. Low mtddling $1,30. filo lassmi Old clarified sugar 23c. Flour rangp,at $12,40414; AA/Darman luttreartivert Talmaillui West for rffipmeht North; abill kitten have beezi received ordering several thousand blares In Store sent to New York; also advising. that.eonsiderable onantkies In the West begot Ler afar litr 1113pment bfili'er It aid New Orleans . ' r Ye* 'York prices Jnistifk it. t'Mtpu trl New York by steamer Va. Flour papers haie tie 'A • • rley, the Lake Erie - Pirates- , e , „ Tpaayro, Nov. 30e—Ben +ilia; Bur l ey s Jlns lxlisrethil Court today. --The kaitkilinf eltne ito against him was abandoned, and- he was. d cluned. i Ile was at once re.arrested, on a fresh poternint„chargi.ng him with being connected Ont . thelalke Plioinpfratlcal . affair. , 1:10 wW be Irroll In Omni aanks teweriarnn ry , - , I • .404...4.,, irsisisrs tenser Signalled...l ME New "Ciiir; "tifor..33A-rhoErtanner . ... l6,o ,Blid i ttioin Aspinwail. with California dales and ' , cowman of the Whist., was Biplane& Gold Is 22034; r,I : *- •- . s 11Wi t i e )n)3210T1.- 7 - - Pilibtirih sub -I'l' EL DO " MI A -wa Ai on aM Rividend at the Union /linking ' A t . trrelrF r ll,.' Secrets' . •:" ! 1 ~,, : ' lOLOTOWIdAZAHAVN 071 . 1 ...C . i, 270 DLITIff"rr,PA., 901Pciurth St:, Pittsborrh:Nor. M, Mt. i - ' 'ORBEIffffICIIIf. OF TILE ENROLL. lar.i. , NENT.—In a c cordance with eirmalkm No. fft.ms*.N6. XI, of the Provost kremlin!' amietnlia Offii , i, - the Board of Enrolfteent of ' the - Twenty- Second Madrid of Pennsylvania hereby glee -'•' PUBLIC KOTIOB ' . , Thilt , nny person may nppenr before the Bonet and 'hare say ammo Stricken off the list, Ithacan show, • - to:thie netlsfaction of the limn(, that the personrlnmeff lie nekroserly corollod, on neconakt of 'zioriammu or:. .• . •-" ii.filTHlt• AOl4 - , • loi; MANIYEST . PHYSI6A.I. DisAnitary,L. -,...h..p.d. w .‘" as to muter.. the penons not n Koper 'Mikity; for enrollment under the laws and regllkl. !thins. ^' - ..3..E.A.V1NG SEIITF4f in Rd ;unitary or naval lannilee TWO TEARll4OllAgthe present wariatad . (Pltgbir orntg.biled,t'cje"rg ed. men sad all other promt• `iii , 4 citizens are livdeil En ,appear at all times, be. fore the Ikdiel, - to pedal' tiut mars in the Data att4' ' to jelly such Information to thelepomession asmar Me liAt he correction end revisloa thereat:" • • The Board will devote all the time that can be emoted Mon other dupes to hearing And acting ug on correeticms of to3.4ooplivioit-ton add , , Itlfe enrollment the mama:loi all persona liable:to Onintilltduty,gaking up their realdence In a sub. ndletelgt, as weld as all those In Um aubdistrict-who, from lime td tlizeilieenine littblet' nod the tonnes of perltOtili lIFIOY:k2dOrtiOtO the. military Or Animal men vice, or eller:calmly pentiniently from - adistrica. or whose liability - lenislaatea Airidle in 11, 4trtil 4* stricken off on eilderuin being , . pßodiefinE to untidy the Boatil of the fact, '• • • , .' ..: ' 2 - ...- The elOollnient , ltsttewm be impacted at this offiee —and.tlie Boird earnestly request the enrolled eibi hens °Bench subdistrict AT ONCE to are to the rorrectdess of their enrollment, through commit. t....4*.7." genG' °th i t •gteo r fsii , ' vr QUOI4B 11.1. AS on "74 . . as It stands when a draft Is ordered, and It will be TOO LATE:to , anlect,,thcos by corrections, Cubic-. quently:Ul4l6.l . 1: , ...i k. 1 , In nil Ames sibere prisons enroljnaye Serb' Sed n i fa7l " e ' lhai T e AITI." =Len offrit2 Alit!' ble thaw evidence. b e ' alsOlSmished the Board of theirseat resideueNfe,o;der, to their re-egtol meat lief mom or aliens And persons over forty- Ore, u ose pnpers,,lkrete tiled. but the easels not heard, wi pkt e ng to the draft, Can now hare A hearktg. When person. alleged to be allena, over forty five or had*PAinicaryasts A:4 , o*ra 'or otherwise'. ex.,,pa refuse or neglect, after befit requested, to ape pp to hareEssir sumo* stricken from the. yoLla, 'and thereXely t 6 add to the quota of ,t,lig.aln„," Blot, Bed - . t=veo „exempted . If drano4,74 - 0 Board 'en ~' it , Matahowing of the Asa re e quire theatre lof anelf.personeas witnesses and eximialntbeci am Milli*, 'to thelr,llabllity, to _ draft. t -, i7.13/Anderef the Board,- , ~., . ''.• -` .._,:_, .i. inutorfrosTrx.• ••• 14;i• Ca t and Fro Marshal SU' d Dist Pi: dsittr V L . '. '. . ' . ,'lll'lrl. , ;,•tr , •r. ~{ c,..,.....•. GRN4TRAP'wPFI.rN_I 31 ,i( ,.. ;::;:: „ 1 , Ant pim: , .: .. ,..' li.V.- re 141 tilft-'Assiviatioxy... , ^ gi r /461;t0 lat it - 4 1 T's , rktt!..11: l at l iP -1 i . 1 siscoa,coiamo. ' - 41iiinimi9VaiiIide:'fa LIUI following man. . Certifies : tat/ping_ each article and IL. twine, . 11 1'"Piacodia LED ENVELOMi which aro well mixed:: ado! these onvelepes xr 2 l be deli , = ered nt our co, or 'cent by mall n ip address withont ard to choi ce , on receipt of cent.. For ON E DOLLAR we will teed by mall or ex press the nrticie named on the Certillonte drawn, or wa4esehangyor pay pytfr ortick on our ited,,of the num entae.• 't.tt to: go • ;;;; • . 4- itO BLANES! "' Entire. iatisinotion guartmteeilln OJI cases. *Miele may to obtained for the 'netednepriete of ONE :DOLLAR, which need' not. be paid until tt . I known what haa been drawn and Fitt value. . ~ 'lll-111v ilealed, enve!trs for st. EloVeif for $1 TWO, fot W. ' Bend for Ctroular. ' Agents wonted. ' , . , • , ' " GOODWIN, HUNT & Op., .' 196 mid 19t Bioadway,ltew Toik. Irttersiobodld nprtased 'to Box PM Post • Ike York, 'RPURTSAIRN'S HEADQUARTERS,-,- - - ISOWOOD STEM'. ; z...iisammeo 230Virig. " . o r ;unit!. the , iitterittoni of en Joni others hi. wetted mock or ( t TIN ZPWitt? 31 4ESi 7 fluor smoo and EVU /Mom FILanK.S.._ Ana srenwritios of elegy :Ms stlck ij i lii ~ MICA ever bred 4 lit 14* rO-V440:,. .000:,61,1:1 -,.,...-..,. <l.- , J. :c..:,, i , • : - .41: • . ..., ,' 1 •: t - • , . . • -~ na" , Y;o;`~s„asn:,~l;` x a.,.~`.~,..,,~ ~3 ~ ::~?Sxa~..d:~ "s ; a i ' CITY. Arip susuirriAri. tikillpi , sitanitett,, of dile )inneetil!' kit Dedford,' ant ...e'diffeitlit.itaintibeingiis. ~4-order named:- 'Thu next' question wa5, , .., owlean morn accuracy nod "r6g3iliiity 'be seelreffl4 Distriet,Reportsl 2, .... , r ..- •' - I - Prof. Coburn, -State Suiiiintelident, gave i- ' detailed stet/I:tient • of tho -ream eriti which re-.' ports should ho, made to the dtipartmett at Hal. „ I nd risburg. H alskrafelit , tiktho Many:inecepra dle the ports made otd, and Made a num a lice•Oppt:ae cal - sugges nit to correct these brili,,',Sde the Co y Superintendents so 11444 , :ffm aryl of D tors to send In. their annual I,epats, honied" - iy - 16itiiii ,- thiceliise'Of , theirAndall term, ; lf .1. Is were .dote the re- , lib ' fait' pall al .by, the partmtmt . would .• tie rte Mkt , turd a vast . 11 Lot 'labor saved.. e haught t might ffer rte have, the Leg- L i Islature to amentrthe latelhat irthe annual'. reports we not forwarded to Hard/dung befit& , the first of niy the State appropriation to the delinquent stricts be forfeited for the following year. After a g unnihit . cfrAionge ofi'Opinlou'on this. subject, the ' v ilig _ dyturned till seven o'. , F / ?7 / S P'4. l I . '' -pg.-0 ~ - -•., i . 1 z- :., , 1., • : Ireagto - snares. i The cora Mimi tic- itt'seven o'clock. Mr. Smith of Armstrong , iu the chair. The ling Sidesti called up for discussion was "Myst seill,(4liurei la Common §ehttt?.'' The mem- herb' or thl , convention ' extife.Aql their views li ftilrftupon Ihe r sidiject,mnd as a general thing;. were stronly.irtlavor of the 04st - calks well as' • the mental nd moral culture of children In pub- ' Ile sehoolsi Thetas* differences Of opinion I t ,mlgbt =la iii"lti' minor 1)4)113 , 4the great net scentedtril militated that 04401 culture rould. be Intruder ' into our public schools with de... tided advantage. • Deputy 4uperintenilent Of 'Coalmen Schools, - S. P. Bates" whilst lie thought It was necessary to , give eidlilren prom:ideas of the laws of life and health, anti to extend to them all the bow -1 fits of ph eel cotton!, there were other essen- Alals to. he a tended to. School .lionser, as a gat oral th ing, ere badly - ventilated, and pure air was Jut an MA tial to the physical development of childhood d manhood ho. the hest devised .sys tem of g*unnstitre. Cleanliness was another 'vbry impoilant point and ascutlak to the mental and phvelfal enthire of the pupil:NOl 'only, should tile phildren tie kept clean , tint the sellout mom shelf be frquentivjorttitewashed arid ail proper di, fecimits uncut to ward - tiff' disease. Sunlight as another very important matter. The plan hat Llano:Nl {tithe shade never ex hibited tli same lovely hums ay those which rear their h in the pure sunlight of heaven. So with eld intprisoned , In ~ d ark,..and dingyschool roans. The nature of children was to I chase the nf,bullSdillns' across tiny streatrot, , and roam through fields and foresta, and it o would not oto pen them tip In' a dark, cheerless school roe for eight or ten hears a day . . Ile RIM in (astir of drilling children id gynninade extrelaes * suitable times In the day, either In the schonikdoui' a out of It, Str:lnico,of Dauphin, whilst lie : ns not opposed t d vox culture, was stmugly in fa vor of voic' amonsthia,ab being best emenk i t e d to prodned the mull mimed et. t Prof X d tit hig 'lst the inciio It Stots.' moved: Abat.ha 3 3 the conycutlon on the subject of physical ultnre. In complying the Professor , said. ilmt it had always been a wonder to him that p 1 O-3._ . I ftfitur e *us sopisey„ neglected in schools. Jouit'in pr oportion as a Meat:id - control of his m lea he wouldAdolde tOstsehlamalial. -faculties the beat advantage. The Professor's ;remarks ere of a practleil_nahire, acid were' well recel cd tor...the mealier*, 'lle wais strongly in favor the Introduction or gymnastics in public simple. , lie -did . not ,undertake to say aria( Dirt cedar kindofjphysledt.ettitnie. 3 ,l, (n im be: . adol'4lf;;:t4l._-:b0me.,03,011: W:ltk,io4oll4o,Y, ntreetatryi At the: elose:ofr the proftektor's remarks, on Motiont :Mfr. ;Dettit i ltk , he was revaested to favor th ConvailicitL .aome practical Ulu streams ttymustellay.Whlat he did. . . Da make,. the 'Contention adjourned until nine o'cW(thla therning, when the following or der of tiV is `affil b taken up: , '' First ' of ,Cominittecs. Sann 'Welshed business. -- Malt: l ;6mM. of Methods of Examine qtrillirt, " ffend Grummur. -- -- , ~ -v , --.-- Fourtillitliceislon." Should Sopctio'endents strlctlyaShere to the' ListructlOos or school Do - - , portnioni ". , granting certificates? Pdr I The Death of Fraijk Ott—Coroner'il In on Widnetainy afternoon,,Coroner Clawson was (Altai upon to bold an inquest on the body of Fronk' Ott, who died on Tuesday night Croat _- Injuries stlilialnell by being allot on Saturday bight, the r,th utst., at the Von City floret, on Penn strict. A postmortem examination was held on the body by Drs.. (lib.. NreCOok and Win. D. Xeorns. After the examinalloo, Dr. hi Cook testified before the jury that he datum* devemed)on the morning of the 6th inst., in Dr. Kenrns' ;dike; Dr. Kearns and witnesa remove() the lull from the bark tart of the right side of the chest, fast at the point of the shoul der blade. The kill entercd atjhe igget ore of tho collar bone and lb, betas % boneipasying Own.' .words and Infel:wardS, and slightly fracturing the fourth rib , about nu inch to_the right of the spine; ihn :hock of the injury woo very severe, the pati4nt evidently approaching. a eolinp,, e; the.- , reseflon was slow, and seemed promising; his ease pro g ressed with much promise fur about ten (invs*opt this time unfaVornble symptoms 3rerediveloNd. ..On Winking a post-mortem ox atulnatiob Aland the right lung. broken down. and entlifelydborgatibed; the righlaide of the chest was filledvith 'Absolved !Arm(' and disor ganized tung,', being the ',result of the man-ohne wooed which cause_,]his death. Dr. Ttina.D.l.earn , s testimony was siaair to that triverr-by Dr: McCook. Thera being no other wilnlisses present, the Jory adjourned until this aftetntion 'at two, o'clock, when they.wiii re asaentillii at Aid. rkmaitlion's oMee, Penn street. . ' . Itstied#cOrk!iii Aid COMMlaalon: . . __„.,le„ar ---- tra cc with the resolutions adoitextat the meeting ou last 3fitAdtireeOtting;thefolloW lug geqeman have been aPpeinted a 'tramline° to eorrelpond with the rettatdircuila.Freedmen's Relief lodation of Plilladelplda, and to organ , Ise aFr en's, Ald Commlsslon for this'elty i Rev. W ;It:Howard; IC. It. linssey„ Felix' Ri Brawn. -' ' ' 4 E. 11.11110 Rev. 'hawk& J,olinatns;' ijotdalt Copley, Afr im joill° l l.3Cioll, . •., S - rov. Wm. F. J.dtinstort, Thome linkewell,s .-- Rev. Joe. Trevino. Rev. J. J .B . Clark • Allen Krasner, Wm. a 3, , i Wm. Fa - ewi- Rev. J es Preatley ; !Wm: Little. ' , ' ' We ale reqmeted to state that a nicettagiirthls. T t commlt!ep will be held at theatrics of Mr. Rowe on Sat inday,'the Bd Inst.," , , at 1 - teeloeltp. In. , I t Is expetted that one of the flint acts of the cpm mitton rill be to calra Meeting to 'consider the importontimktecll of educating. anti asslatitur the Freedmen -in all .Its , bearings, and to hear ad.. dreesee'fiom gentleinen'of rhiladelphia, or else . wisem, 'competent to Interest and ,instruct the ....r e l iv e ts to the bes e t means , of earrriag , forward r 5 ....... - .1 t n '.. r t --- • - - 1 Tani nittrints Paiwritlitrst • Couriarr . ,' or ratISI NT, VILIA2IOO Pratti.—The adiert ement of complete arganizationis pub -11410 !on another page, and fatly orplalus the .plan of the Corporation/ be area that the 'oolcor4 and directors aro rifeiceUentoattimetelall !standingand Influence. .Pery liberal adfantages ;are 614r0d to subserlhara, and th e territory of the canipany'la no ample, that there Is a very far: pnmPert of immensoritunts to the Stockholders. Il appCars that this company has secured, on the Aftlieny river and favorite tribatarles, an oil. twang territory of over ten and a half miles In extent. Immediately adjoining the Muds of the _President Company, several auccasaful wells have .been Antic, arid there is strong testimony In favor -of 'a great success for this euterywise. It la In tended th - form two or more commodes out of the "President," which will, of course, enure to the helicat of tho. original stockholders. The sub. seriptlon' agents in. New, York, hlessrs. 1.. 11. Ensirsies tc Co., Cedar street, supply all In formation as to details that may be desired by subscribers. MO now paid la secures $5lO of the Crtgheal stoek. ERarroreil Burntrrv—Mr, Bolton the excellent tioniniedlan hi the Theatre,' will hike ii benefit at that Cbtablishment on Friday evenlng r ishen an excellent bIU presented -Mr. Soften is one of the best' commedhuis *thst has 'ever been engaged at '!Old,rlntry'! and , he gayer falls to brlngidown the house In . the "funny" parts. Blemtuneren sfriesial Vili be out In full force on Exonitoon.-6 irant has been 'falti this city for sonic . time for a place trAgrfe!, • stock dealers and others mild congregatortOrig bits Alisa boars, and dispose of oil stocks; rte. Thin ant is about tobo awpll64 ty Charles A. dorson, olio 4111 - opear elf 611 exchange at 'Caintral Dbludelr building; thlaafternoctif; and eveir"dtty'theliikifter i '• - froot ,three • to Avow to Pperators la stocks we latitedttrilkiadi_ to, A Bold - BabDefy Detected. ` On the night ofthe sth of October last.,!the of fice. ms' of the Ada Express Company, In Onitton, `Weal iltrit, siti„.Was broken Into, and 'robbed of a package rentainhsg $15,000 in notes, which had tteen shipped from the First Nationni It ink of Pittsburgh to the 'lrirst - Naticinal Bank of'Par keroburg. Thieempanrdeternoirned that 3 fedi- - bery of ouelt tos , extent idiudd4tiostugHttnished,, . and :teeordingly the leiViees of several CtSpert Ile ' ieNIVCS was seethed ter - f4rret Cat the indter."A reward of ss,oo4Ndsa.tid 4 idr,:t r of 111 C arms& Oftbe.. , o . From facts'obtuinedly the demetives'ouspiMon felt upon three residents of dream, named Ar theellestey,Chatletalmcdith and Andrew Marks,. Aud 4 tiole witich* . no pieced ttpotittielr- Move- - ettents, live tidfllectid Partatrafetted through -thdemintry thesoottiltm4 odPokilotiowa bi the offieels, Mid liiM.Witerwhile tiOeiMt lifieldgair ;tin:Aware taken Bite.enilodY• 'Trpen the pees= of Ansley WAS 4:414415_,0W; and .3fitilis hat! 47,000'," lt ,e l 'ids poasCook;M: 7. T4Or . liot if adoottted The ron. 7, l radivere'lieti to Wheellng_itiltdddy last; ad confined It{ a -mom In 'the 31 Chge Mime. thorlog the might Rmley succeeded' In making is escape, but was captured at Grafton on Iron y hikbti The partharbad'abostingst Grafton • .Moncliiy and , rtere , . committed , fin.. trial, Thtfr6 being, sioJailin , Taylor canUty, the. parties; wererepoied4o Itoemdsollietee nate keeping. .. • A-young inimliarneitliolatulita,Oteighborof. , 1 Reslay> , whoj had i Mane; sportLig a Iconoldecable amount`of Money t .lorao also arrested:, .Bolond aceontitafon his- peoaesiono by aWadmisition that he .bekmed ,end abstracted a Mt-of geeenbacks. from a theitage which he had been entrusted 'With by WS uncle .tercherr to Wheeling., lie has also,Leen committed for trial. .. ... -•-, .., . tp itt e t n , :n . l7p: . rilt_ f :e : l7 B_ in comatenctNi. at two o'. i t was i I 16 ing , notation: "How _ca notions In Ortiniers- TltiM.nr. Tnopl,ing 1 Tile,, ' ai did `iiiiiiitcii to each' 3K0. - lifoieen. grolio; . or a cr,Dziliiitiple, otWar- Infr a NNO94lrnli.. of Cites • • A special inOeting of this Isati Is l as I hehl their hall on Stiedneaday 6;411111g, Tbi•thaptr,llioio,' - of taking., fOrtheroeticai in relation to the adop-f -tion ,of the' recently- 'propissed fire - slant tele graph. Praent, Messrs. Dorrin . glon, crekati, ,1111 . 10, "Ittuntpmeiy, Sims, : McCarthy, Myer., Lennard, Ttompaon, Porter •Killen, Saint, an Litt c.. J0A1,4 PrestdentiMeCarthy stated that the Comtnittea on gnltiltes and Rota were pr vaunt and wished to net cell.l o 4 ll llY with the Eiremenla Asscoalittion Mettle exanaluntibn, of the ay/4cm refcavett There being cm of .to the Coutmhtec act-. Me. With the Associalloti, &alien/en were Milted to takusents In tha hall. . - Mr. Mcintgomery moved that 'a Committee of five be appointed to act conjointly with the Com mittee on Fire Engitioc and . Hose. Adopted. The Chair appointed illeasnl: Montgomery, Leon:nal, Vick, Ilare;and:CePPlos• )Ir. Leonard moved that the Joint Committee' he empowered to Invite iecdraf gentlemen (aqui are not members of the Aseociation) to abrom !pally them, tweletelaud,. to order' !to examine iatosbe practical working of the PV24CM as It .is In operation In that' ty. Adopted;' On motion, adjourned. - ' ! - After the adjournment of the Association, the Joint Cotentin:co Met, and 'concluded to visit Cleveland on Satnrdar : , . Or. George L. iteCook, Physician to the. Roan) ' P )r f .itt, mplrts' the following deaths In the city, from Noe: ]9 to .titiv: ^_0,.1841} , . Of the diecaises them yero , ,: . -Coustimption, f.l; gest titis, 1; Or„billty, 1; • _Heart dliease ? 1; cerebral disease, 1; still-horn, 1; Meida4it4, valYu4rr theca=e of hcAL - 6 , 4041.440.tica.1.._- . - OF TOF. A80y1!..7 tlt - fi/5 - T1 5; , , - r/ISIOF ~ year.. - 4. Z.i'roro.-130 .to 40 0 Viianil to 2: "‘: 2 to :J.:— :.... ‘O . 50 1460" S tolo " ta7o 1 " .10 70 to 00 0. 411 to I . SO to ..0. Goa. Couch itelliiiirdiulkeir !IL Consauind,,, vi - a; xecciied,ot, a igte hour last Watt:: : '1 tHEADQ I .Itb Direr err roe BUSQLI:III,NNA, • M etwassumnato, Va., ,Dee 44; Vikit 1 , r r thnovi OnleisNo. 74.-411.0beltneel0 0 i. r j than the Lieutenant, Gentlei commanding the arnaleti of the United Statt 4 t, 1' hereby tern:Nubile coMinand of the Departni6nt of the Sumnebitrum.', In doing so, I desire to ekprees t sincere thinks, .to the ettlecrsin charge of the :several /Raft Do-, liartments, and those lh connnand cf. districts! and poets, for the able and sallafactoty. . Mintier' in which Theildere discharged their doilvsolndi to the Chierkteentlie of The Stote,The heads of • the different State Depart.menti r - and Illepitleene, , 'savors to for their , hearty co - operation In 'nty.en... deivors to maintain law and order" and Oar cor dial support, to the measures adopted : thr their , Ineteetion. ":. [Signe< - •D. N. Porto, Major General t'..B. role. Tin: Atiora.m.tx LiFE Natty:gen COMPAST or New Pons.-The assets of tilt erimpluiy are nearly two million!: of dollar's. Organized is 1853, with a eapiralpffi httudied thogsapd &Oar% It Las, au odnr progressed 'to la-nrcierli monetary lm I'A . ..once! nudity new building In Proidiyay. tWeexi Liberty stied find Malden /artai now tieing cool Oiled, Its orie or tbc.ldindhoni6l n ate city. Its receipts , bk.. year wero Mere: ibio $ 7 . 5 2, 0 00. The policies of the tympany are ineoutcstilde atter flee yeaS fer nue' errorpi omissions or inn . , statements hi the pfplicagoo, ei&lit. cis to age . and • Wetter. :hewe, . a personal pecuniary Interest In the J nclicious muisgemeut of its affairs. Win. if. 1.. Itiugwalt Is the Agent, of the Um pain in our city; • - CONCERT rox—rtre usseerr ON Ten - POOlfe. Prutemeor IHlllnr, and lady will Wrenn enter taiument attencert.ll3ll thla eireaing, anger the qug pi (vs of rinCtnit. Do Paul's. Society. As the , ohjcet Is a weithy one, ice hope to - acts the hell crowded. • '- Fon me Wnifr.-,We uittleistnad that „Elite Henderson; the actress, will Inre for the west. to-day, on a !darting lour, Thb lady Is rising rapidly In heripmfe.sion, and we Itope-lier trip trill pisavc pleasant and pp:tillable. Jior !list ap pearance will,bq at parenpUrt,iowa. Nsw -fuTzdture, 6 0 4 11 1ng4444; t rip l . eludes, queensware, silver-plated. spoone, :mut forte, neered at suction thtsznonting, at ten ii!clock at'' 3 ecleilands No. 55: Filth street: 13e - wwq 3 pm - ea.—A. _poeltlve "sale of Ibree emsieg mob emerl be mode Ilia . .morefog, at "liction No. 5.5, Filth suers, . new bus just scuds' plnno, entitl, l Leyback, Ik don. l's3B B •.: DIED: SHERIDAM.,2O II'N n . •JATHAItIIiE iS.S.E.4I/14.N, in the eCth Teel' The hiheridw,_ta t•'`4 *le? 4 ° lo. th Tr ii e n ae or her ton4.4ale, Schell Irelmid..renis lowish*, ph TirenswitTieC. let, tit SliVeloak proceed to, the.AlthiiikiiCeisnierk.,' dikroiritag, b'elooki;i1131:: ( 6/Otk. irOM the residence of his soes'itsclen BoYd, No. Seventh stint' o'proctied to Mount Vision Come tiry. Ti - irticidi ofi thee )163 , iespFattall) , ". Invited to • • „ Appy rnec6ta,t ! panda:lts, • • • CAS AND ,STEAMAkeITTESS, Pro. tfiS WOOD. ll'ltErr, opposite Pirst.,Chureb. PUMPS, HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD,. LEAD PIP.F4-PICI• and LIAR LEAD, and Plumber'' , Mate rial irrgeneraL MilleArteries fitted spin ttie most approred =mote Trudes lined with teed or cop. per. !Immolated rith.tvater Add gas fixtunta •. •• N. IL—All orders promptly i attended to. poet Jon IPRINTINGAJFVOR—L, aw l= ec 00, No; It} Tedend street; Al*bestybar- Lig Intreased their facilities for .1011 aro,Llimetotaarremited t6Jtaall worhantrurted to saese,ln a superior manner,,atilhort notice, and on =le ternital Alive them C call and examlng NOr IA C M oun ICH.-10 ty °ANSON FOVNiel 1111 Mk MAO trvn4l4 INSOK •./Pfielgjr. xsi t,- GAZETTE. Olftmitieg AsiWchltiolt, City, !Mitality. I . c,74.911110. ....001°1►ota'1.16 —Mn. C. Blume, 43 Vllth street, n new ploco of mu*, ter the .Meichera," by J. Yorki - '.' , 1 . 41 1 11 , 3110 4 : by — S. 'r:Obr-' i'vV* .Trreurautt Owrintr.r.avirAm E. R. i.47iiTrx.,j , Plitibur November Otb, NIVTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. stonunl meet of the stocaptders of the bargh^ etudomellsvßte Rottroul • Cto gorcwor .4.-A.l.l_oghenT be Itelititt tlu?e , ttlee of to otripti Joi mPa qi w il l " fotuid i4` Chi FORT - WTI , ' ler, FOURTH EMERT . uft's k Ilf " ---- 4 ;froctleMll tho nsopins. on too kon.mo o d as Afki, d kr , Tp icei agnaisb.; littilrootamoo,is ROR.T., alt !o'olookiis._l2.% Alf the litttpo ' ' se r - oi t o,: zwi tin." / 411 rwid Muse, twelve I.thwtors tor theirn n. t -.• _ RT, '...w.titumxiforfat .isfig,fli w- .OGUA wdst Q. 0 ,414 rst : • : 1865. PITTSqI:TZGE GAZETTE; ' }S,,T,ABL/1311,F-D IN tm. . . p)U rATIO:tt, I TWO IRlElity ?1 4 1;pkingan41 , 4n69: )t - ewao.s.e som-d.y. Att , PittsbnrgitSuilto Pltlllis~ulg .t ci ,ion ;havin g - prkuro M Tow: , OTLINT/ER HOE hew and beautiful set of type, mai se cured the eery loci df 44 efficient 'comsat' editors, Alm paper eiders uiron another yoar of lea ieng.corp ; - tinned end , vlg•brous life,'ititi, high hopes and en cougsging prospetta. • . ' .%r• Gazusgs bas neveibeen Rooted litter air untert min Iwutal;atnct to its steady and utittring art— retency of cerrect political principles is, to be at t . :.cited, to.a large degree,' the 'prottlf position Whirl, AlleßbenyPountr hold among the loyal corapattoi 'ties of the United Stales.'- Its voice to the future wilf be iso less decided and emphstie, • ;: nutactreie Daimmierr or tax entrig •Neel o f With ,Is n o w PIM pride' to the publishers. . emps of sMeriirtio: and talented eipecial Corse. ' Opoitnenti et the new . . centre!, of,. the day,plsey, are' enabted-tOgit•e; day to day, RELIABLE tuld IMPLORE DISPATOILES, and . place It on 1% par 'trith* the moat' enterprising . 'journals of the ',II East ,Threamejlberat outlay for ear • and Tellet,te news by Telegraph will be eontieu • ••••n...,_ 4 41 , 4.9a4...tpt1tt1g Melee/ nalthelacreasedexpenee ~• • . " 4 11filitqty . toteripOhdellt. , frolt , thaiAnny, . • Lry out on'n Spectol Correspon $n root ,o Untett OontObuttniNhall bontinue tole k promi nent non interestlog flat o, • - • . THE; CO *lll2lc :DEPARTMEN ~: I: . iVielhstod bi - ttne atoll:highly 'Qualified 8o Rirefsh linble. reports:of dopy, trnstmetons,, from. actual inlet '•Tho (potations pf PRODUCE CATTLE, TLOURI , GROL`ERIMI OILS.. Reg may be rolled: upon:as'. the ac(tutt pr nes front tiny to ttny, (Imo , fornlablng eUrridit lister stlhk rmdl - nlihible festure fothll classes of techdors. , Ifoexpessen, Insp., real In prAturthrtelegraphip.quotMlons rrot4 abroad, id additlob to house seportl, '•',• • i. •, ' • TERMS: '1:01:11,Y" iritrEti 31;orning Edition, per year. mailed . ... ...• .4010 00 • t per month, o so • io per week, delivered • 02 ening Edition, per year; =MINI - ' " 0 SO per r Iu ' WE Eh: L.TOP4P .`, . „ Single copies, per year, mailed 3 ., Oo Fire copies, per year, by.mal, melt • t 72 Ten or more copies to.one ouldacss,..nsul one tree to club,„efich ' • t Ol .11W All stiberrliitioilearii. : n4 oilif adC:iioce, plod the papers to he 'stopped - 0' the capitation of the tiroe tom - filch they were :pal& • Iternittaums, by., mall can Ito registered through thEIP9.4 Office, at pulittshere' ;• -GAZETTE ASSOC/UNION,- 11030 r Vt ' ' MEILICEI4.I - 7' Fesracrx.A.nii•: DESIVATILE GOODS, .liVii` ; 'sirs rolith'ii Clot,h,fn.gt. .11i ENO, ORDER, IN' THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. B. B. NORMS, zizacirAT =mom, N0.,79 FENILIIAL Allegheny. stiEls.RY Merchant . Tailors, N.V. Maar Pam' & 'Clair &eats, Are now reociring then., woad arrival of Fall and Winter Good§., , • Which, lo choice of eeleetionniul bust of quality,' together iditil ; lair prices, being bonght whee gold erns nt Its tovreetngure, they 'ate now - prepnrM• to - -make up aintkilug t in their line onetime notice Anit c ant clam, sty . Batilintng thanka to. thole' friends and the u Ile for past term* liberal elate a;tentlon to business to Ogre apa [renege in thetattite,: •, BISSELL'S 131,,0CK:-, , mem. 10 St; CLAM STREET Would eall the :throng* 'of thyme: to hli.atock - of Roods- .I.t his been eelected w Ithgreat CMIC, had contain. all the NEWEST STYLES OF GOODS to butound la thin class houses. :Gents crlahlog a aulhof Gelber made to order; will please, call nod examine oui goods bud prloes. Also, and complete itock.of , • . =l=l TAILOg. No. to si;.'or,Nra STREET. WINTER GOODS ,- Wo 2lOre mow in More a large assortment of Eihalties AClrverraavetaii, FOR. BOYS AND CHILDREN, OF THE LATEST EASTERN STYLE. caulr &Lamm, noT, 4 ' 47 ST. OL&IR srnEsr 17 . 1.111T1AN BLINDS. L BBOWN, - idinufnciurer of Portibilelrefiellian allade • • So. 123 sanzurrELD siager. ':‘ Kee on hands line assortment. of VIINICTULIT• of• the latestatyleap.Pials,,Yaner. IA Gl* Strakrkt and On:au 008- .NICO;t, Of the dfabrent style*. Old Banda repafte ed „ repainted and trbedaed. Alre,"Wlnelow Shades . of dfferent atyfea, and Shade - Faatenlnfra,,,Tbn : - above i work all warranted,. • apt , TO PRINTERS. •;;. ~IP,REISSES. FOR 13AXE. . One ADA2IIN'PATENT MESS—plat= :33143 Ono TATLOE OTLINDE , bed 33x50 inches. • One TAYLOR, DOUBLE . tIYLINDER—bed - r% at•lnehohyall fa goOd wcrOngonfer.; :4 WM be gold at into in: • Loquiro of or Address astadi Pittibnegni Po. VX..E eUTOREVNOTT 01 . • - -...t0nn00.-- EX.CUTORB' , No.llolo.“—Leitera Tos matigtirariouorblegeiclnel gl A r Allegheny . cotioty,:deoemed, .h.. 14 been vented to the no. .designed; all Lotman*. indebted to 'said estate will Tenho trnmedleterlynientotnlttheso haring claims: ; 44:11 i ntlahl r esta 111 pztrxt ; thola l proper/y mi ta' 1 " rAeatIO.A.MAIELL, Jr.,. IIonuarLELHATIZe FacetettOn. no*lnir del r r ' „ .... , orrictostritotiunotrAttlinuiturr , • —Pittsburgh, Note:ober pd, URA. -TO C u be .N".%A.CTORS. - --Sq Pxoposals * 4 1.• received at Ahls once until ml.a OF. ' for /sestinas new *node* 'Ankle St any' hrtnite soros. dicitisonis Ron, on the h' tests:mu nc go. the and. the .11no of :forth son SO th Fayette tow nsidpig the plank on the pmbent-bridketo.bp used in flooring , the eew one. Specifications on-appliestion: . • • 13,y infection of Oo_ unty Commissioners. - HENRY LAMBERT Uoutroller .; niStklndfdtwF. rioyi.e.L• rittabUrgh,'Novomber lent, 184„. - Therrealdentaiallßrectors of this Bank, . reverting the aurplus fund required by act of Qua= grew, entitled an act to provide a National Hue- Alley. approved Juno ail, 1%4, and Akio receiving an aitional aurplus fund, have this.- day.declared Dividend out of the mats of tbb last at months 'of THIRTEEN DOLT. auxt pE4BLIARE, flea at. IJulted States tax, payable forthwith. lIEIIRON, Mahler. OIISIGNMENTS: • .• .., . W bble. Ssivet Potatond 800 Mutt Peach Blow,Potototar . - , IWO Wis. prism GrBB4 Apples; ~ • ..000 bonne W. B. Chem; Val gallotui cboloolimde.ltutteri • . ,UM pnokagre, Lake Fish- •• • • •, VI 0 idneketrel;. . • , Sulit rketted and for sale at No. aii Litiert:irlreei. eg2 l l ~ : 4 . COMFA . II,A.I4NIT & slit AND. • :.. ~$ ARLISIrED IN 17§13 a ucTiro..r 8•41,1Ef1e,:,•,. -, ..................... . LOKS AT .. AUCTION.-;-Pitarrw - - ... • tyvn -ANNUAL FAI.E OF VALUABLE: BOWLS, in every department orTilteratitter - - Feltner. and Art. . Fine , FVULT RLI/EARkliititkii -7, did • PROIDOGRAPH ALBUMS, occ cmer am NOTEPAPER, ENFELOPEF I - CIOLn PEENS,- tia lit Auetioiv TIII4 ZVAl4lllO,ht T. rdtddaktl7, - k4 .. pecit and follon - lng erenlnge.tlll the Oliva is a ll , , , • and Id private Pile eserf delr at amities s , • 3 the Commercial SAO ROOM; qi Firth Spat, ~ , t .. • attention dt the reading phidlelp: its lia. ',AN teithot eollectlna, - .JAL:It '.110,x te finial sem= 1..., plete seta of ln - Indla Worke r ft ;TO.L. , 4. 000 r 1 34 ..., vols.: Preacoltic a thin.; Iftilledo4lo26l2. Re. Ste;•• . -;- ' - ' 7 v alt; Wrens of EnSlaak Plrob4cae.sisE,_ r.. rr; ', • • Apple ono Dictionary; of Pchazdena'doam : Good rieWsNatuisillisioryil,dakplaianW , - Dictionary, Val plates ; Hopputb, 2 taro volgiaes..', _ ‘ SW Mateo; 111reep Dietfotiary of Artlf nod Salitnam- , J 3 3 larze vaismrs,,llluatrated i Olarkeatsen • ~, ..; q 4 vole.; the complete worka of Sltabrprat% BMW: ' `" - hlunti, Moore, Scott, Hood Johnson, Maass/igen .v Milton, Fielding, Chambers,blejc,Rollle,Plataish, __, '3oseptrap3o,Cm) Volttraer'of Nevelt, Talosaiegfae. T.' t 7. ) pay, "Itc., all new, fresh and perfect, and to be iiiid„„... ^,, .• without reserve. 'ls now open /dr . exanktnatatim 110:;., '', f 4 Fifth Pater. A. AlclLVFAlFF.,Aticitaatent ~i v--,:t -,- PRATT PROTIIEIis, iiiieaiets,..„, „ „ii..l, /- • VIALS, , TINCTURES, _PICKLE '.1411113,- ; 17, . 40 •;. at 0 t:iCg&Tifft u if s ;ig,ATAMl4=l 4 , rig= Remms, 64,/lnit street/ , 28 grvpia Jusorttal ." • 6! 3E37 403. ltvels; • • B. oneares; tar-' Vt• •43 " • I%xsorted DUAL . 41 darto Pint Pan - kern .o.: t • ",.- • do; 14. " ilallon ' do; 60 " 34 do: 42 'Pickle Jars; • • ,• Antra ladle variety of other Bottles,Ae.,. 40 wick ,the attpflon of Druggists and others' ti invited: •••• t 'nom • A. nrciiLWAlNKAuoiezi* - f:‘ `- litU RN ITT' RE • •AT, AUCTION...4IW): ‘P r . . , T 1 11 , 31M.4.1f; December Ili, at. o'clock, will be sold,ttaithout rioeteo, or.mmoo Ball Auction Ygdeq to Fifth -sirt o lOt fift . hi r iZE -Furniture and Bedding, comprising lin BoUnges; Citric. Tablet, talanda. Thalateatis;Boo - goi,Citifdla Carriage, Feather Bed, pomforte, Cook , Plated Spoons,t.l:?,rl;.t4";-, CARPETKAZ4VCITIA34 = WiII, , . 1 1' be sold, on TIII344DAY UORNIN_CIt • in connection veltli tbatFumittOdllntl , BeddlrtrenX , ff . tt liresonleall Auction llowsej43,Elfthateeet.a few,, • Mitres new Two-ply Incenin tffia h emp` Rug,. 1:0:4.4491.4:41.4riPtAUcV!'. =BIM TDATRIOT VOI,VNTERR4:BII4II OR I..I.rETT, with 'Moroi. 'fieifkpoilegiby-SABIES ., . .F.. SIALATIXT, of 311ssott; gdoe,.,l9ptuato., , Come go with me, come go,with me, . You true born kill. of liberty; •-•• ••• ° Your Country now demsnas-yOut, Your righia'and ilbeit les lo ...Ye: .• A traftorous foe, With hattilbildOr• • • • seeks your loved country to mote, - Led by Jeff Basis, treaxon'Steol,"; , -J And by Ms power they seek t Orals, The land our fathers nobly wcfn: , - Led oh by our great Wmthington. • ' , (lfoncs—Then go with me, Come go *Rho*, ' (:onte, °owe, come, • , , • , Come go with me. Tills b.e aplendld' national long; oft fire 011011. , The melody' is charming, and within the reae,:kfq-1::',,, all, with rich, full, Sowing chorus: ' Alma by the'sama e uthor,IIIENEB'AL .; THE BRAVE. Price, Su cent.. ' We ore n host of :soldiers bold & _ 'With hearts both light and gay,' We cheerily.) °hail...los - tat Wog ) .1 4 - 3.1.E;;C:.; Pre' A And prom Phe time away. - We care not for the rebel: hod, ."! . Whereer they allow their hand. . , We ore fighting for our coufitryl rights,"' • • , Oninst traitors in our land,' • • And with General Grant to lead us 00, , Well chase the - rebel foe;' , " " Well storm their forts sad • • Wherever they may go. • • Camera—Htirrah; • ' r:t , to: The heaven* .•, •-• while loud we' .lo ' -••••• Of General 13xuat,, Thl. Fong cannot fail to please4-cThif i• r meek. ore excellent,' With antnis fog choz - ' ' - rm.. But% Tits the Instant AV ttn;' l lnksPry hICA:P-d Rolls of was ington, Baltimore and Phlladelp ' rocelsed with the re pronounced to be the hat songs Of the IM/tic ,• - • v., 4 For sale at all the /duals Storeertn this alt,y, and • J, J. EAST'S BoOk Store; wet tog FtiletalsOtpee,, , ,,A-1 Id tut Alteghiny. , r ( 1031 310NWEALTIt OF PFANNaI, • , i STLVANTA. . : . , ~ , . ~,,, - ...54.Yri , Alletteny Venhlk,•ns.,,,-; - "11 , "f ,:: • fJ•, -:t:T . :,: t .t, To 'HOIIIAI3I.IIIch.EAN, Facecutor of lbelast.,.. • . will and teata milli of THOMAS MoKßAN,ferseter'-'" 0 ." " 141 Governor of ritel:Armenantreskli •01-Pconsylvaseda,.).-“,"i .pm dee-eased. and SAHA MARLA T111.11113A.,101.11. ' - Clillirt - ESS DIA (USA 'YOUrjl3,' wife Of ghtfilev.tAt e V:11111p . Amer Minister. Plenipcdoetiy,of Spaln,ant ar1.,..,.‘„.. - ., • so• others interested in the re late offTILOMAS Sick,- •'' ."- • • litiArt, deceased. • '„,' . ~ t ;,,i - „, ..- ...,‘ t.,,, ~' 1 ..-,;"0. ......i. la pormiance of the 15th iection.'of an ' act o f A 1 :" ' • aernbly +if mid Comesomeel3lll3, , entfiled "an Use;act' rr .?0.3` - create a ainhing fund and to provide for lheiiiir" ''.. • - ual and certain extinguishment 'l3f thedebt ar• I'' •-• • • l 'Commoturealth, palmed the letkday 0f , Apr114.1y..1. -; c l -121, D. 111111.0 ion are hereby riled to be and appear terms ri6M1171,1 3- rust WM.T. RICIIL112)11301 1 1", Degisler of Wills,_ ,M. Lis ~ and far ti aforesaid county, en or befonvireslatlylW "`1 ~.. ',',"- the 16th day of Deceniber 1 3critivit- D. 1004, Chersaa-. ' ,- "1' •••;i: there to slims muse, Irony you have, why' tile C. ; Lateral . Inheritance. tai :upon the estate iit , it0tv.f.:......... - said not be paid. • , T ..i. •—•- 1 , • Said estath eberists of about ( 3,6111 three ramp .• ~.. St sand three hundred-acres of -land &Rusted dabs. •,, , ,o'.. ,•• " Lug to the' township of Sew/title!, hounded by " ' - - line of Heaver,Heaver, cOnntyi land of Darla SNOW altil" . ..- -•- *--'l • others.. '- • ~t '"" - , Tterrin fall not limier the penXtiy thit Ojai eriliti •'-'.'•- ''' ''•• ' Mien under my hand and Seal of Mine 36 Pitta. burp, this 14th day of November, A. D. ISM WM. J. RIUILABDSOIT, EVA*. '''' ..,:.),;:./ • no266twT . ' .• - - iA: ' .7: '.-, TfrE WRIGIIT FARM' FOR , ' l3AfiN,to , ; , i:. containing 116 acres, well imProreat adalfb.a- part of the homestea d :arm formerly milled y''''•: 4 ' Enoch Wright, Paq., aid •lonste•66nu mile ,frsea • .. -,-, • .. Finleyville, 14 nines from L'lttabUrgit;'and terallea - ' ' - from the Monongahela river, and 6 hoe the river. ' , : 1 111 it vein of coal; three banks are OPCIled. The instudog ' boom, is .15 by 45' feet, c o ntaining eight reetes,' be. ?. ' ' --,- I ride the hall, 1 , 1 lam frnme bank ! barn 60 bi.Mt feet, ,- .1....,, ..., brides a statitc, and a corn Crib Why %feet, two ' • '"' tenant houst•* in good repair: And& srater'amindlit,it,, ,, i, _, r; in good running order., There, are more Marisa -panels of board fence soh the" firm " i nArl'of'thel'"u"L'' . "I pests are. locust . There are 275 applottnesorde) • um peach trees, beside 40 plum "ant' etter3l stem . the moat of them bearing.. and . ntquantity,Of entr-r3,.1 _ Oro-, rants, grapes, raspberries. as., There 'ls over.= . acres' of good oak 'timber, besides ' a good - 'llhantlty" , 7" :1 of locust; the balan,* is yet a 113 gram. Tne fare As ~., '',-1 ~ in good neighborhood. hi:N. WSIIIIIT. ' - • ~.„, noriliwwit '' ' ' - 1 . ,", • • OIL LANDS' FOR :SALE—TO: 01,08)47 44- THE ESTATE OF :.DVIN4I/L.N,.rdoEldrEfa, ; „ Dreassro--Eituate at, . Stunrt's Eno :Allegheny " ' toirrtohip. Vettaervcaunly,;Penlaylvinia.--bottadd aeloud. owned by John Do w son. ‘ and Wan. Mo. y. Lois no antlx4l: 'Theland:ls finely with while and'red oaltrstreatoOl'oratersa the foot of-the 1t acre lot bati been disoovered ' . within a toile alt.': The: other tract onotartnitaill'-!ti7r acres. The .sbove land is within three atlewoX • Lomb liotel. Wilt be sold ot by sonnlv , i. - ---7 Draper& 00.,. at the Merchant's Exchange .11ooto, 'on '/lIVILSIUY. DEO.' Bth, lett - - aCtt: P. Ot.: I3 EIZTIKE.- 1 1bdodidstratat„ _,... o-: ' , Adw . ,PdWarrect ell:ex:C.A.' . •-; 1 ) ROOSA 1 3 , 1V:114. 43E; .REOBLVAD up to the firstet 3hnuiiry,. taw; for the furnish; kog, 14. ' turbo.' thick; ittad'itonVe td lit tabbed taeltdt stall be, em! Vat the dia 01. 4 0 6%. tat* 01',wed et 1 etsbtagh or Ihrmingliatn,.on delto"' ltdethe tint Dtty next.. - .ltddreso, - 4. I t0.T,R,:54 tP O UA'IIwX. • nA. [?:r4T..YD...P4W•msk t .. • - • icttxan Q ! Trz UOILLINTS " T. 11.0ISSOL, FOURTII - STREET tPROLSTERY• - • Fe. 83 Wenwth' Ntriaet,Teir Wood. The pubacriben manufacturn and kyepoonatanWt .e,.,,„ on hand e i re t iacle in their Übe; vin:UORRIOM 31,7, ORN A2ll CONTAIN DOCAEONFONTD. „ YEATLLINI. 11 ' NATTRA.9 .of all• Ethan' "t • d also the xelebrated PATENT GBED.I , Ani 11nda of,SEADES, BLINDS and Firrunes.( , Prompt attention I. Itiven to all ordeis for Dog and/sling down Oloweta. Oil OlotlaL etc., , , I ` 4 _ • __ ; • 1 /°Br.urs • Lf SUPPLEItENT TO THE ELEVENTIF . ..LIST OF APPLIOATIONSqoi, aelltdr.-14;.1 1:i Ra 7 quota; Pled In the Olerk'aOttion Nov. Iv= George a trber, tavern, ath , frardoWB , TDAVourt.tvilt - meet on ,SATUBDA the.,101111k,:„ day. of December,..wei, ,itezao trs mum% ' fled on br before that day. • ' ' fi'.3'tt 313:4,A.':11810101c 01a34 • 7 _ Cosiumwourstes. Ole Me, 401 , ...WL1844,' The ruileielgued 'Board of Reiter or Atiegbewr • ay. ,t Bounty would wspeetfulty veined , the ettlseus Af l ± r.aZ ; t hetseverolWartiliCOVlDlOSAWATQPnihileellileid. county to meet et thole reepeotivetibiota of bok 1j Ocbtione;on SATVIIDA.Y. - the &I dor of Deeetuttee , r- l• next, between the honer°, three mut seven cp.elodiri' p. nt.easui tippedoC Uommittoe SONS Vhesq duty Itshall be to ant In oonlunotima - • 4 • • 'with the .Aid Board' bilhe illitelbaloiebtstkezFe., .3 4 4traTir,Ahi :ODD. erotunissioners. "Aliolvt) pthmowi 'lol4.4a:et* F 4 :slf; BALE. '' • '• • ittb'elues•BAßClES, MO fet lou, built It •the bed, Attune?, and of tha heat Inatetha. • /134.4.0 OAAIG, Outlet Saw Will; nuargf ' • • Craig' Kral:4" Allegheny,- Irr C. JENKINS, , conami-76 4 0;i Mercha tit -r *a .1 Dealer in Flone„ anion, Meese; an d Gik.en• intilAsil Warm " dlled for alltne relisnillse;ritislidtgti sunk ufsetutes and Refined OHS, at abiders eed mitinttss tutees- rates, No. Ms t ri litatY . AtpAraosdpr, t ~;_ site Weed street,) rittstettet, rat. • ' c.-.. 'Menaces' made and prompt ittentiortjsisen VOA coesigetneuts-andoonespeedeese„ ; Perrentdtott Ritrencseresinall speer;ra , • t bDiseici Wu'. ItteOully is Clo.; MoDousld- rt ckA. , 10 ; Jelin * House 6, Co., Sotto flaii vo.: ''.* lit OTI .-- - Letters or Administratiateg = r<`; Y C.'" . 4.1 , hiringteen,teanted to the-undersigned on • :.- estateo.l • oll.llT W. 31010X1h7.1.41ath Elltso.: both township., Allegheny county, deceased, all •„, ;" t.• ;penults knqw - Inthemsel tea IndebteattillatdoOttite:!r',O , Pletiaerecontr,fonrard Irattutellatttrzatid*Ohiit;l4l, lLtuen tho =nougat. claimed, ana gglagiliC.A( -hating any:chtlati against said estate Will preaoat,; , the saner td the - undersigned; at his othoh tn. Ettnapt.i bethtowde. , 4At3 "tif••/::•:.1 Atln4of theisinte of no. W. ,tdoOonnou.,:::4 ,19 11 8 ti .E llo r ing li;AD ftv* All' ar El ini D 4oz en o tt rI sc 4 ,,, , C ,m_ e7 I n uit cll frr .'ir arept...Pteuburgh.-_,Rerettoen—n r , iCaUeokertia9o4o • • ,- . •- - - - _ " • • r 1~4r::~b:~Y~ ~:'~.. ,:r , e:! =TO =ER=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers