• 1 I . .. . . .. . I ' • . • . . . , . . . ' '- , • ,I : 4 === ip- *.,-- -- 7 - ".-- _. A4i i . i . o . . .. ...• •,..., o et. .P, ,, 0; , ?-r0••,: , .', ,- .. 4" - .11r..,"5it5Vi...' , . ,,, -1:',17.• ,, 1,774..111T4-',..=.7 , ,.. , 10000r.....5.....,—...•-0.„.,..,,,...-,,,.,=,,,, , ...,- , ... •••••••,.,...0.,.0.,,,,0,0,,.••,-...,.00.,,,z,..5.;rr.5.-1T•r.1'e_:51.?•111.•11,7'...••_00.,.,,,-:..,.,-,0.,000,-,-,...:„...,....,._....5.,.--..„„.....,__...._......,.........,,,.,..,.„_„,„....---„,,,...,...0,0,,.-....,,,:,-,i7,-:,_ ..--. .- •• o . i. , . , . . . I :' • , ' • • . . . , . - • • . ; r ~. , • . . ; • . ‘ , 4. -:!!1 , .; . g.t . ..., , . : . -: : ,....,:a,• . 4 - :. , . =EMI YitAU4E LXXV 611 40t ii i -1 0 43 1-..0 LIENINIGAZInt MEG g,i:t!l9:tr;iiir,o ll l,‘,ll ;i Out Truett Aer,ogrtheikoi EN= TIE 4014ittietryfroVitrat ift,- ;.:- ,:.- .::-.... , ,341&,10311111/1/119. , ,, , ..? , ~:- .. ;•,..,-. 4 . , ..... , -..r.,' • 7 : .; • ... • . 441,2441 - tit '.; dY" ..: --..,_•',..„4..:it i i - r i i kit i w - ,',..!, , ....:1..--;.; ~..,, ,!..-.-..--. • :::-.:. ,'-'--", G ct.l.e if f() .Sri . _ .. JIBESInIBLL, , - ....„. s wtlif i 47 4 67-', 2 ,.) •,-r:•;.;;.? , ~111.) ; ,clT,„Oa,raah, ,rne.ybk , vo —6 " -r— • • 1 • - obit: . . - ' . re.4..tri.fs A!!.1,. ,!-_4., -.....11- . ! : • . ! el.. , 1!!`? 'IttifYPTIO 1!: ‘ ,-: 11 !k - ;IPE 12 ' HEM! ! : !:;4 , ' i1.43.-':•:_,_!. !!' :!.,, ~ .; ,;,!;... ......t . .1- ,'..! ' ''..'-;'..,' :.1.:47! .• Sliiiiiii i rSterAiii'ce7lo #R9T4'!ffire. - 4120iiii . stil'r tarailgtgal,i¢gpralieSlS 4! ionitmette. , 7l. 7 ,•4,fithextitirstppior — , oftfa :-, of tfiimiPtliiiii'foirnailitinder!doni.llio * • , . . ae4sAhglete;i Tkill - ar An% Ails; by, i t: the rebel papers; arc ' w dl Sterol" 'UM' nee' Slyer. ..,.....m- fr e!...rvg.!•_11..-:.!:: r , The Mott Alit 'hillkatterrille havbeen'' . - -,Xtetie ht , ealleilated, , and the- dritruetion , the throutiVirodormid ttantthies; atAlrlitithlill •.' , 7t • • ' nalhote. ebigt.„rwitti . a tiotOi dud'. ' It: •- carothui 413.tim., h: of the lereoleiNe7PO4;l Z •. ' rear, to ' .1 1 010 !line4billi 11C; el , • Ajeyy en mime of the . GeorglaundiOuth r- Mina taMtla 4 4 0.3?604 ordarikanyi: dos* ef u-LI. ' *MIS were being made to oonmenrate at A ea all army sallicientsCprOoff alialk-Wrpositi n to ; ',Sherman's advancing collurum. • The Atugesta CrisuarsiksialaCrifilial33% trial .A rphilag pans nf . enemy , tapped the ten intlitrOtr4onticon, and destroyed a um- ber of tra 'The freight trains. man- t . ". back irr: Witte: •••-.lfrs:vy.. - frainionadltigland 1 - 1. - 31 . homy illion were heard tiro • oflionion. -- *as' • 'itunponed General Waynarat' - Glaton; liar en• attacked. - - 11illedgfiville had been entirely ac- Weed ll toile/era bofora;i ll 4:•Pnetaren and_everkthltg of-Ohine Wall Wright away The Augusta DirpakA of the ' o .Inmement of Sherman on 211.111mkeyllle a *ha for the leargiseotekefaintritlrg burl tees. ' • there, and tho_rehl on thocantral,tallivad was for the.lA. keeping them ; Owe; tat.. the }mail the eat:twit:meet and , Cay_tims Augusta oe.Savantair. , t ' :: .. . '.. •.. , TheArkiroata Oonshdionattit nirerthe • ' Abo of the Volution under. Gehlgal Sioetua.".• olio=, ' thourolni• 'invalry: bare , lashed 'hrollaon; and'. burned It on the nth, and'ha thi.2oth an ty was sent up the ' road, and land the mem . • at Buzeka?-444,,eleven nit nearer App .; !. • .' . ThoAognstiOrimaciSafgie - 20tis :sap:. PA:, largocavairifolta Ad_ tiroesaille;“ fa.- U., an d . bound acroaalhetaamtry in, the dir,eethrmo ?a.! Tanta; with a SION lo‘ent , otr:ltte-Xenleee'enhamnl movilitrwii thO rarsoad.ll.nlidislirecikia.. It is . that "Hrpe..l ll l..wars."..44sleava i ppes: 'Nast 'Tcnneuiastilh-ldi • . , 01 -..the ~ for the Georglaline:,• With , t • . In idaryar,•llreek. , . , isoidge on - Ids thisibr„ and 80,000 veteran Mows In his non; Shah:ref cannot erropb,!!. 11 . -- Theysktigtata.:Yedia - iastiroati'llayari.'tfly , siio Welte, , thar glaC and? familiar shouts( Of *Olin ' hrxrpsittst: :arising atomgooth'earollni3Otthe : dePocipop=onfitvoi ateistrette.:•• If3lY9rAsrea . Alen totreat.thlainty theS'ain• hear the eleet Iputhta_ftran 411e4rwar which' he" . re e 'ten .:. been paintedlalsbe• ea on the hooka of the -. l rotcanaßaod,,tbe Jamus. Aleforiont f•Odm. sea; ehleTie6Ve tents Will tO hard to our stry.. n...,,V4 I•4 l egre -fig .. Gmet:#e*.;,-ll re 4,. ese. ,beinvi • .General e.!wvarn sval :pobaidy he. • 10. 212011.0W.4 :„.ilinasakirdato of the• !above, • - , ' ..'xication withaboillast has Ikea eat tr.by" her- man, ;oft bcgli:litiodanll -I Bradiegard ark! far: An theliStbf hini; , litiOlOalr, ArlyWo . „-and ck" ta - 711 3 10 44 1 sit'seeigtfite‘• F ite ' ' 19°11, ' 14) J i - patiors of the, Pth AM4.- M4ll up ;Sol' haie encotenathyt news from' 4050 4. hid - 1 will- oat prjlitley Sltial .3 l o4 ,l ,kes,eeellre t ' ad . .., ' hatw. f . .ni ,CkyikSgia am 1 ' fevereiffelte't4o..- .- 1 .... .I,' la"usiatiti t . jlv"•wt.' t 12mt.lifrforola04-- 4 r, 4?l:if e, Ar . :ct " Is 04111;41'404441* . . , ...svrakuoii4o3o"o,ln . .. . ilt , Pri:lll ... , Y ~...! ..1 . i17:i-ci :I': cannaiiiiaite . 43irilet*; PlOr*Sitt4.l:l ' tl.Jlp, t—ii, ,- --".46...;;( , -!.. .... 0 4 2r..11. 0 .. caps. aintidge.gon44-pihnhike-Ahy, , V:Alt . rv;tr , .Ith-.-- ''' Wsinwrioii;iforeither,Zie4'fialrobeiliC:, Sig SeueralZoger 4.. Prior, who hes beau as prime whiter la. the-CiUtideAti: ilaptured hug -fll4O - by our Whets, w e at fornpUng to..nreloppar.papeo_3 7 Thle . ,was done , • si rotalietto4 3 bi•ihe'reeeut.`earkizirdt da Vochridge by rebel Fiches. ' l ilt . ' Prior walsfm , , 410011 .'n *4 0 .4 PI,. PA • . ..or s ' f Captaln - Budungl on Satrirday, and ryor win probably be mturnal on .1100/I as 13 dge since Plior'enpquitti*MlLiii:;' -., iii--,:l ,missed from the erotratinditobeyleirtheorder: , forbidding the exchanpofpepont or holding poo . shy Intercourse whit the'eUnttf;itiat Al' an pro test whaterer i veryymtanolr in the 011 C Hof. - • The ge' 'lf iftan - cie:nr,, 3 ! , of the itp to Blindstriebbigiltideithai it/Minivan:nouns , of picks i firing is-going -4m, }Dreg Murals° to vat. ;139'4fi0. 1 4 1 06i3 1 : 3141 :ilinnoiAlgolaila ',Picket B ilt# l !Al guil4D O i riumF t •': 2- .;':...:.,' '.„! -',7 Liwrou.omomw blialatlfr.ProtraktAti 'IIOOrE , IIAIII.T. '' . JohagAol l ol44! . `Abg :, EVailea ~,,:o -..,:-,..: ,:•,_:•,,,..,•,,,,, ~ ,• - —• . ~ , . VII 1111gRI, JRN/7101 , aITLIFICTOIL . 1,5. 1, , ,,.:,,-.....-77-- • • •,•=• -..,-L ,••••.- Vococril * AW)iiblia .7:ie‘ l i . •ir Nor lol o-It thlnk fram t - 11 , • . a &nay ,cre our „Iteia•mteetred...op Jambi evealat: like trlfdiJue lien.. mode so Soma li mi. ono. wotki'at Col la; ih'uth rltelfAtotrt-ou BlitatiettimAirt l o 2 A aziapostleet of rebel e aroiry had '' • 1 ii t 00 'tf eroattag Dock Miter. . , , Hood has ma& soother dereloproont 0 hf i ' Nees, trot thus far he has acoomplishod no - bother thou ' ormserttlog some of Lis 04 There Is ptr.llA Dada. - ItallatlOW for the. ioMor th e evacuation of Jobpsoorille r ex ce pt AS a nr oporatlon for possible itentlfigeorles. .', , the milltsFy gtostiao •la satitartory to Lb *tr. tborltlea - ,Tbe Impreeelon inks mood that. will 4, ._...,..r.s the. Chattanooga an d au, possibly with : the hope of aegarepikhlog c_ ibillg by cooperating vitt' irealnrY7.- t • onhenPate „lAety--Icht i n.;_ et: • . -- 6':' - Vir I ' THE ' 6 Ifor Y=24 • ...) T 1 /roe , BOSTON ..PRINTERt ON A ' . ot.- , al ors - sh- • , • (•1 . < . ' f STRIKE ,, . ou 6 sa ys ainforinstion has - re, -,- , • --- 1 • ! ' e b ef roa lors oroto of the and fonn"ation lw ar po n 16 03:. t r e at' . t he . ..." , 8, ,, ,man n06T0 0, , , e u Noyembee 29.—The article in u . - nof those States: .. , t o Ab e ~,,egm 0 e i vr, , ...11m...-.4.rth-upop.) ....-Admalrenegen=lt loot:plasm tavern* . at its in i }4 - 0 . --- i t , ' ' --• .6, kln 4111 - 4 - -y ou r. and taken apinst the comments of aorlield, 1 els:,l'hysbela,`ln. which the ' the 'rntSish 4tail twenty men, :,...• -_ . • •-. c. • ineendolts Peak -th-whleh-naay B og u e , -St Is also saldthat leakiebels - had made tbetr . abould not be ai are gn°t*Vp, to andeeitood how ik t t b h a usltiP' fgra rince :.q.*; ~ ..;,...cq., . .' 7146-1.6 very doubt; - tbe , ,i4win.l3( Senatir Stitahe4 - -`-r , .• '-- -,-,-, , v. - ---, . , 0. . • • ar. . ~ ; . i, . ~. , , t.... _,__ ~ 1 ,„.. , ,51 1.. Itu toorn r.ord lnw eka ttewspa 4or. nee ..,,,,A hands ... a.reini A a Meths, 7,:kirens 10/111iilelelishiaLelebo . ME Captured In 7 ' - "-- 11 . 0 an i= , neut.'s! 'A166461101 tood.feintetst .."'• ' ' •Th.l. . Sienna.. ... - - • t i o . m. :,. herein INA, thdrplips , I - - La 41 .061160, Nov. , ateia Nava% .... The 'co ''''''''' x i - '''' — -' , -ea , Mani Conimithsi .mew Orleans sp,i Qb3tVas arrived.; 1 , have naminate. Thomas Datoiatf- le' Ma 1... An erVitkol,, .by Gen. DIV earn., Bosion. y~tptmdedl , , pt: o! . 1;; ; • (lanky • • • Wientlesetnf Wide ' , ; - : - Meet. H o 444 l ;thet..ethi64,MYncisiti ;-., •aortest • . l . 7reeter e ,nelide“lek the; • ' ..ibieeteStOY,P.—el 'lsln .- i," 4.*; it; A + '" ..' rAt s, g# ll,44llll r e , r e... 0" : 11,1 4 116315 1, ; t~7 - ' _, ibre , . ea stif . ....r., ~...,. it i.4,..,.„,,,,,,,..,. • ~.. ~,.. 4 , -; ribit , to .."......tsin . - ...0 , - ; , - .3. -, ...- vami,,„ , B. ' 4M 1 N .,..,..„,,,,,...-g d° L i y , ° " 11. 7.# r,. ! 3 11 i 5, , FIitVAVEOW4O( "& - if, """ g ii?Y4 - "•".. ,=7„r• v .. . - ,:• - 1 ,- .. :Y‘...!4-iimph.d.,,,,,,,::,,,,,..- ~:., ..,...-4,1..: 5. ......1 . '' Ancos , 4 - • ' Ac a .:4.37.19, -, daurt i ~ 7.-411.4:144. 1 . .Q;i A.4e4•0 .'.•...;', , - .. . , ~ r.. "NO - 299. - ;:i THE LATEST HEWS BY TELEGRAPH. -•• " ' , - REBEL CONGRESS , •• 00.8 i • ,tx PeaCe ' ltdiforlitiolgit ', 011 P 6*4 lip -lit .14.* the 'rebel lipuse of, neptesetitashvii lin the Sstii Iseetr• - c. offered' the gittpitag Priam* ang= Wagner/S,TAe unfriendly.intedtretteeet eith, •4.-m-nir mazwargeboWng *stint ,scri*et,,tigtrti :of lam:N* the 4:4`1:40, chg tilos* . d-reklltleilk*iii Walgt4i ! Ue el{ficns of die slaie Seetiifirr. asauikantlied'inoment,3lndef : Atuwise. Dimmer% 7orttbout;renturit v'esattirit -30 the , fierftgl.cenicottlinaVtuide tuctustiolk - ar Abrteartre Lincoln the occasiontor LpreoPicatin.x ' the Coistederate *stet, Oitt Hof 4he tot." lowa by. a tearful train 9f 6:l4lsoqulneiii , and • Wirmuusi Weitho lepres6riteitlvra hr th'etieo:..; Pici":desirn to - plod I.los4arei boh,re crillaedkotldas.ahzlousld'eeennt.askintorrible atntikrutauent peace; thereferr - Amami, That orry•attelttpt" tet- Waste '4 iotie. reEttveCtightsW t1i6i1,. -. 5160 4 1;.!reri." _tc4 by all IXICJIIIB. ' R ey d . That ,when..tho Failed Atates shall :signifylbs - wlllingnesi these rights, and guarantee dams their sights of pwerty, Ae - proided by the Constitution and Lswifit,Con., grees,re will agree to treat for peace- pic such , •ti-Orns as may be agreed upon by cornmlreloners ~of by States acting.tal their witterellgn ' , diameter, =mid ratified by a majority of the people: which snail Constitute the bond of mee between the .. - ortivinaixout4 r: Leach r enstabii4l these resolutions in a 4trietch, and then they wetnivoted down almost uipenimously. • .4CITEMESf IX THE GILD , MARKET. dulls agaroliing the Market. ,AißlVADAY' s nie , sEititiettgars - i:plioit f 11 1118111N4T011,_ Admiral Buchannn Sent to Ft, Warren, TEE 'LAT& TITRErNEWBERN. 1 A Nunlike Snldien Buried In the .Brains. UNION fOI7 , IcES 'NORM CAROL* TO CO was GEN. Taw Toren, Nor. 20.:—The Milli at prorent 'halt control of the goldmariset,,../nad arepterldng up She price :with ceitsideiiittle mimeo: "The. price opened at Mti, declined to 231 X, afterwards rallied to 236, fait eiigil iti o the publierdien of 'goer' PS repulse, to -Va'. 'I . , The Cemincrears Siraddliton 13oger Pryor has_ Just bectt.-esexted along Pinnsylraula Armin inder'iwird to the old CAF. Ilewore a handsome uniform of gray and tiolikd familiarly toad suxicaintanetz, Jedge Betel bass mgal..os=Stzorney General • Cot Tee to manage the Govern men t cases berme 41 - e nest Sprat eSt)te-fluo ot , s7 l o t ei E C ktiliati,lll.llhß . beLietd-4cA ,Itist York, and thence to Fort W Boston harbor 2laitimitieicieNlteritiettieorittsticks4 number or Were hided la the rules of abridge blown up during the tire at that s4ace on 81itUrluf treAng; They bticiukipt sth Connecticut and were asaWdag in 'MD41'26141'66 Eames. This correspondent intimater that a inuMneat uscoperaitsq ir/tAckueraktirauctiout , - North Carolina, may be looked *for. IMO GUNS P4O ) 111E ) FROST. iiiplttettr Ammo to. lidp pdanyyinal THEite.l7 .DAIiTUDE . OF_ NOSiBi'S ADJUTANT ,i• • t • -- . Thim, Nor. ?4).—Tfie army correspin- . -*idiot: the Dramas lays: Cane have been gent Atithb front which will throw shells into Rich -1 hem oar nearest don- The shell' is :WI We. to an. degree, and it Is .:,t?o t the rebeisyNt Op,kumactaitt r yttlt theist' noc asEnt the moil:angel' the Ol&tion" It" ttato4oo., m . the steamer Elm Clty,-,rpunlng Latium N.ewprork and Newhaven, was foand to be on titse, Ohnhar to theletlithge,...giserse, , hemp Cr, rtitsihave been Stride.. gioltei:ireeperS histr la er•w.. their reward to s9o__ #lO. A n attempt Id' AM the International Mita w ~ re made law 1 4F 11 4.' . .14 -,t , -r . •,-: '*', 4001rillaillIgtOli": ' , 11fibila at 4116t•rianzi. t&ys: - IkinslOv's Adjutant who had taken the oath of at legisfiee has been eapttmtdit . CC AI, 1..) :TiIEiATITAPI 4 IO Kt\ 1 5 .10 K. 1] • ---. Exo ions to Disetivet the Per '-' tratois. • 1, ;, • . ~ I I. c , - . ,„ .:- . LARGE REWARDS TAGITERED. . . •", 3 . . ,. .f z-rT.T.7rii:yl;l %'hlPiternitticnplaotel Fired. i t lIIIIST.EIDER SUSPICIOCa: CIATISTOTAL. C. . ~ li roux, Nov. Y 9 . — The great—ort.exertiona • eifehding made to thicoVer the ki ~ tro'i ettempt n , to burn, the, Tity..l. The Maid: lAssociation offer two ror . the Agit . •oota don, 93,000.fortheikaite; , “,00is tettie 14 . .third and $1,0300 for . .eacti additlceml num, -b&,. to ten. The city anthorittes will pro.. lialdy crease the reward. ; , i n ,; ,1 -4; , An [ tempt was - made to !burn ,tier Interns, ntlerl . lHotel last night, but , like others, wan lie: " 414- '''F ful * • - .1•;.4. , .1.-...; 4 - ",.; fr. ifkman was arrested yeaterasy at the is 'Xfona l innter ansplelons.' eiratmatthiant,' tint ll' / wit "' . . Rumored Rebel ~ R.A.td. : [. • , _ 2a. mixp,F,,,vmptimajoisr-lcs. . ,:. 'PORTED CIAPTDT . O . F. ..1. ~.:1 Air ".. .....:t0 ICE, NOT. 29.—The crenhit cn, or n • `Abe' 'ittneriant• pabltsharthe 'I lild*lng i l'A The .!.ett.T P' of rumors to-daY in rqatlon _ter:the rahl o dd_the. line of theadllniiiii add; Ohto rail :rod, ,up to the time of:going' ;to= Irsyn n t heanAlsPorpakertahroptiihe Onele ; ilk reportsls tfutt New creek has Wen -Captured' try tka I rah:tem:end nOeq.,.ter Akiae Tiedmend is siso In their' hands. - $1; e only give lho'c' tePotis 9 9 , OnTearc...lnonb irsdimEnnT etduchlor their eontetnam , ''lcesr• yea* far twen for seine time stronglyTortilled, and If it has been captured, wnithenfdl hate ;heard come of the n partiettlara by_telegnol." - • ! ' • - , .. . Senator Sumner on the; Seizure of the . . L _ i :a I ~ :MOPS WITURAWI FRU 'LEE'S ARMY. Macon .Captured. by 'G;on. Sherin. THE PRIVNRRS' THERE RELEASED Colonel North's a.' TN vr.i ov. .—The Warld'a Baltimore otter ears: Led sent off 30,000 men to Geokla to meet gherman, and filled their place; withtwo divisions from Early's army. These divisions mire Kershaw's and another. The former left narly's army on . the 17th and the latter on the,. ..ey; el ? ••• • • • itiltetirlalmaliebei :authority for saying i there ititi soofi r "* - 110.,000 men tu..Georgla;to-op 7 , pose Sheihui — n. - .... I The , TritmtstiWenhington special says it Is armed that the secessionists hamar° to posses- Von of imPoript.aeska from.Shenuan. to the er ct that hls thtraley had rnaehedrand surrounded *lion ' and held the place until his Infantry ad vaneeshad Caine np and relieved about two-thirds or•all our prisoners there. ; Thq,..temalnder.had hen ; - • , ba Yuaßiibr soldft'hefbte'ShOthi'&,, I The Herald's Washington special saps: Th.?. Jeaders of the Peace organization in .(ieorgla, Mahatma snit Miceimippi are infohmElly in corn unication 'with our authorities, and would prob e ly I -ene encouragement In their enterprise f m the forthcoming message of the President. They claim that the Eionthem. B tatet‘f eaphStr it.e*liiifetiti mile . Aglft tottergiittAtd fOr Minis of settlement and retrocession as they had to 14ede front the United States; and' they aim to edutrol the Fltat2,actionkhro* the Legislatures td this end.:'' :The trial of Col. North for alleged irregulari llis In procuring soldiers' cotes, has been farther , postponed until the 9th December. • 'NAMING'Ir,.LiCkr. M—The lOttatt. In,formak thirill-oni the '23Caltti lef prolsubly, Alma tiOm 6-c, (toteral Roger A. f`rytir, who was brought here today a prisoner, and lodged In the Old 'Capitol. 1l was captured lag Sunday-. near Peteralmrg. &rend gentlemen who were present during a conversation with him say that he admitted that Shicrinao had . captured Macon and itllledgesille, 441 that there was little, tinny,. doubt, fro:a the t ,. ta iid progress he was maLing,„that he had cap tub Augustan adult would encounter nothing se 'dna to Impede his march to the seaboard, and t t with Augusta In his possession the South wrist would be cut off from Richmond, aid tm troupe could besint from Lee to rein force Saran- General Pryor talked -freely and apparently frankness, remarking that the South now retthrcled General Sherman with morn alarm than any other officer in the 1.'11140 States service; and that the ftretie Of'thh Sotaliwittild not be ao cora. manicatlre as heretofore marling Sherman's moryenients. lie farther sag It was rumored that Sherman had liberated a number of prison erslana armed tlicto„ltt ihrti-Giatirturtor needed confirmation. • .FllOll .THE. POTOMAC ARMY. Heavy - Firing from BAH PARTIES OUT OP Idereased Taxation V ufaehm. PRISENTAITON,IO Shffiiiiis id fie Pina saimi...avas. TO RETURN 111 . . , .. . Naw Tour, ,Nor. 29.—The Tribrans's Army cd tlic Potomac special bf the Ititt- soya : Unto ternmting dimicutadlngdWas kept tip yeaterdal front lints Datil, , lielf and Riee,-thich was rig • °moldy reponded to ItY the' enemy, who. or tato onlyfreplital with mortanralong, portfoa of our tine, leading to the, belief. be boa with drawn WM field pieces to rein army- elm win*.•On riding Meng the line nolspeciat came roc ifiathing could be . aireertithicil _Third hai. 1 idiot been no firing .M . NOnt . .qt . 410 a :nen and Aldiml IBOtliPartiot liaiii , , came , of the ' pits Withttliewittital amornince of ty: - - • • Naw7conc; November 29.—Tb Comaloekgra' ..STashinghen- apeel.al, says.: The dications.ara that the pecrettn7 of the Wreasui7 will manna -men. a continuance of Or diree4 loamPand in-- 2 creased taxation especially 'upon annfeetnrers. Geneird:HancOch 'wok, to-day entod with A Iltr4l,44l4looi . SlV:POllihill Clidili iLI, NEW TbpD ibleC , Waihington - , ;says i Sam , ci", for Shannist will , be Chairma n' tho'Flnance el nadttett; .H 6 Is 'here and s - his oppoti-: tion loAtio issue of anymore ancy.. . , • • Genelni Dinka -la about 'to • ,to 2itir. Or. teat ir. FitOlit, CUY ConicifiraT U - 011 - ,e" "'COD SINM-DF SEA • I , - Dirrelf 'GAP: G. t , r . - .....- - - ,; .. -.. . Cit I r.lirastrork's Farewell, -Hu Troops. , ; • NEr Iross,,NOr.tl9,--The .stltyl'oied spe4st 'says :- - ...:. . - , • -, Noibitig4oinerallniereihita qiicab - 3 , 01:(1 the cductmicaliontof all the l mops nadir Genefula blade and Butler into e-coryr, to bo comniaadcd by-Motor , General, eitzal,-and the slni.ig of our limn r.Dredge k the rebels, In Dutch Gap canal. The former llhan'fiontent -, plated for months and the lett r was accom -ifitrr twergaßitoltEo shell( Geg li heir bt hull. i - o' , ` Th Nadirs Second- corps .. .E. cial gives Gen. .Hanebeles farewell ordri to old command. Th a dlspytek_soys the ifonln, . Preimilding huts for whiter,lntt no orders beeline !shoed for going:Onto winter quarteos. I, Neir Yoga, goiember 24. Washington sprchid son., Oat Wlhniugton ' ere .el the 15th, pay that Gm blockade is n re strict than ever, lind convey lull-melba the sertiral block ade limners arc awaltins a clan to run mit t and adds; that the lead of the Noels` daring iiitthe last four months has been great that one leadirrg hausetas abet glee up she Wetness: - Attorney General 'Bates leave/1 here today. Hls rolgoation taltdictEct. on VF elides any. He will 4md a-definite. time kt 4 gow:Yurla, Mid then ',tweed to 3liarmi , .attd, ern . takonp.his Pe r uuTent 7 6 14 , Lq.,1. , ... I ~.ti... - 0 .'..,...... . Trfpl'of Torpe TOBAOOO ..nuiHT"OO of Now ojectile. . IBOOPS -4 gfft 'Mkt . ~Elouthiera ktforip a sOlos fro Sherman. Nrr~ l Timm, Nay. 29. —About from ,prillitpiere made a trial trip 'on ay and called onflatUrday forAtimulaiown allots, and le , fully plepared for aetiveservice. A coal ention .of delegate. 'rot the tobacco trade oftiio principal cities pith° Union, will be held on:the 7th of //member. 'Their object Is to reque 6 tCoollrooslolaj }do tart wi lily on leaf to bacco going Into consumption in the United . States ' thus exempting the prod.ncer and devolv tipott the purchaaer the paymept of the tax. At the trial or the new projectile at New Haven, a rangeof seven and one-fourth' tulles inur ob table& .This shell it designed foalho destruction of Richmond ourpresent)inea. - New York Stock and Money Market. NEW hp.; Nov. Zl.—Tho !epilog. topic on . Wall street today, b the centhlued advance in gold, srtneh'isablibtifed, in part,- heary.pur. chases mCitier'ahort contract, jr 4100416 dr°4 6 V&lgath7 B. ) and t 4 !•1 1 znmor In retatian . to eho 111101 . 1:61i(1161. • situation oft3hennan.: Thee..tarkeroponed: Krung and ekood lrregulari , GotUrstrabrit's 'ant' more ripely odtrcd; In conowitanieo , of neat winnow Prtees• aro •aonnwhat it=shorn ate not-vary acticc e ita the ten- Fleet aro npwaidn The at exchints4: bad peace *included with Georgia nn Alabama, ' *idle the gold room had Nast:milk captain' by the rebels. There was a madden , . not •sintrp , dine In gold this afternoon, on the retort that - GOOittiatt _been- repulse:L - 4r Col ainblist • Ironer b 4 = . n with pair moderato demand. The eaten Isd,oientrard. :.'fitere, Is otom -14h4/ 214 4 4 , T r e - 4 1 kilt'aPandle. air tailor ,rteee. :work/dirge danoeit , ror thL.board ; wit 4 k0r,4119 car:bigar 7 ; . ' • , . ..,u ~ .,ante+ 5 -;>.. ",;e .I ) ,ITT. B [TR. /Jil, )N t S_DAY. NO VEAIBE - R. 30, 1854. Latest Scitithern News REBELS ALARM 4S TO AENERAL 'SBEHMAyS . 1110iBilfEM. Gov:Brown Calling Out the lailitia; Trial Postponed PRINTERS 'Pill EDITOR& Li" TIE 114114 Th ° 4: 4 PortgAila Into Pmt Inte the Ranks., TOttg, Nov, 20.-01it0C,441:40.- fintia gld tt4txtphilphut. wn treci and Impede SkeimMit'aimarefi;:if roe ie; ilidtitrn every thing that man or helot , am eat, and drive the stock Into the snempa. It mys tiopponsie tdreadFdtrilved!neen Virginia tine mere are on the way, and sa3 , s delay would he fatal to.B4ennan..- . ." • • . . The Anratinab Koss of she' Rhine date 'glees; !dallier ads tee. These revers Insist that Ids' "K'vePV ll lo la to =coat to 8 0 11 /0: - Ix4r4vof gout: timbleation with lilts army' In Tennessee.. Thellooki publishes Gov. Brown's proclama tion In MI, calling out the Getsfula li/Ilia; It Id a lengthy and ,lt Meo gives. geli...lder Th eOttUr hilpresting all e citizens of Angtuda and vkinity. MI, the bar zooms halm *ye eineed, and all busittes's le she :tided." One artillery , coloperry has been . "AR Ilia'. printers and editors in Augusta had been organ- . Med into n company and called the Press Guard. Wheeler's cavalry was,ordered to rendezvous at Macon. The members of the Georgia Lt7,lslan Ittrelecre arrested, and effnrts were being Made tint them in the ranks. IThe Melt - Mond IThig of the 20th has an aril-. eye Oh the worildessures of Richmond to either army. It says there never was a greater mistake than the Yankee belief that the capture of. Rids,- mend would ruin the Confederacy. Tho moral ellict In lie fall would, for a While, certainly be great, but there would he etunteryalllng advan tages that- would more thee outweigh it. It would relieve Gen. Let's army, who then, bait. tog no Capital to defend, conid mann:tune as It Creased. The Trqmp.r thinks the article prelim inary to an evacuation of the rebel Capital. • The &nettled bets a lone article' in which It praises the personal soldierly qualitle, of Grant anti Shin-man. FROM, FORTRESS MONROE. 1 AfF,ST FROM GENERAL SHERMAN 1.1111.-opeci7ri 1 fell HEAVY CONTRACTS FOR RIFLES BY DE REBELS Muller, She Railway Murderer. in ,. 'Tenn, 29.—The firruhra Fortress Mann, cpreihi gistes theymniculam . of the des truction of Gan. Buller's.. dispatch boat Gray Bound. The account. contains nothing of ma terbd Importance beyondthets already published. The Herakra special' With Sheridan says the atray has remained- undisturbed since Early made his halfaray advance, and tne. It, Wean i - cry probable that we have wen the last rebel army for this 'year. . . Gen:Sheridan bas appcduted .11.4, Q. B.,Stew -art his ChlefEnginear. lie.is a West Yoint 018- errand graduated In 1840, , General Sheridan has opened literal! road to: within four miles of Winchester, and in case of 'at interference hymn:au, he bas' npiered 'the arena all'hutie tecession,blis In the adjacent counties; and. confinement In Fon licloßany, and.thibirning of all bay, giain and substance, ,of the enemy's government, and ,thb !amoral of :mai stock belonging toanch persons. Brigadier General. S' :,n, - 4;4 . 1 hi charged with the =cu t' on of the (Inter. , ' THE PITS n Nan ILIt'SCOCK. te tammiltu NEW ORLFAN3. e Iferdes .I:Mnita letter rap:. A contract a 4 Jest been .inade between the rebel Gorion-- , mint at ilichniond , and 0. • ' Lontioni 4.210000 Elllrid rifles:T ie Yadostotie - paid tor-ilsesoirms is to bo bated cotton 400 petuida for crel' rifle. * Purge= are to be add: ally-delivered .sine port of the Confederacy, , and the cotton to be received there. The enthe ,lirk of getting In Mc guns and getting oat the, cotton 11.10 be inn by the coarse:tont. J dr. Davis ;contemplates arming negroes with the. meet sertimablo of the old muskets, while the, new rides will ho given out to the white soldiers,' Freer:Mailer was to be' executed autmeguent to the ; ; ending ;of lb; Aala. BC mado no con fession bf guilt, nor yet did be unequivocally declare his Innocence, =totting that the evide nce given In Court did not. justify pit The London riMi stip: Arrangements are rip. idly progressing by which the French flag may oe withdrawn from Mexico and Idazhnilitan left (ii proem his people with, the aid , of the na tion* army and foreign contingents, which wit amount to 10,000 or 12,000 men, composed of ileigions, Austrians and French. The Turkish goventurenCluii: divide' to im. ottedietely send an E nvoy extraordinary to the oaurt of Mexico. oiri r. d;; TrOopg. Mau' Paris letter aye . The attack on 4. Albans on authority Troia:llot Darla le going In Late a Angular result. So - era peraons are now .d6criasing whether they cannot under like mulalltances. attack and pillage tikc American lc ,gations at Paris, London amiclaeWkirt. IDRED4E IN 6AL - iVQX EAST The Late Battle at Strawberry Plains. EXTRACTS FROM REBEI PAPERS • -•,.• • , ' rOILK, NOV. BristOl, Tennessee .7felnder In Its account of the tight between the forces and the rebel forces under Breckin ritleeliat Strawberry Filthy, East Tennessee, on the 1 th, says: • .• - ,•••Thi Yankee negro soldiers suffered severely. `Tlirc hundred are reported killed.. It adds that lirceldnrklgelind Vaughanagain hare the Yon , Lets eufrotoideif at Strawberry Plains. • F , the ehe-...teceenutt - ofaltedefeat of Getif Gillen: by Broeitiarldge's forces hear Morris. town,. ' East,rentiessee.- Vangusies and Dukes cavalry have pursued the Yinkess„ and routed • the: whole. °fiber:N - ond oring - SAttrartrinspvta, tiers conslitingor seventy walms. six Parrott..gons, anununltion enough•for awn- Palen, elgittectretands .of colors three hlindred" and, ten Intszurs, attd: two Mu: idled Inirses'and Emden - Titd Illebniond Dispatch says: Gen. ti In a c,tltleal situation at-•gnoxsillei smd ctant4 ; rreeive—erry' rsinforcilitents es they haiS. airbessi• 0 Boat Tbe Bald cni the r Baltimore and Ohio • Div/wow:icy, 29. ike.tr..: :tam no far th e aa'gath'ered-"The'rind-----d '.te the mat and Ohio Railroad; on the Watt- Ahoht one o'clock on Monday afternoon a rebel force estimated at 1500 to9loo strong,.ap. : peered In front of New Creek Eitakm,whickwak. 'llefmled by a smalP 'bogy. tiooPez behind breastWorks. The latter were soon or.crewnat eitherraurrmidered or fled. - -Itiit &Wt . dale the enemy were In fall possession ~of,the p 04.. They blew okilhe wen' stworks anCticstinsad thlu 2teraporary and' other litilldloks, eseept tho ieel denee of Pol. ..limuithosit;mto• is - beds. or had to the rebel army. The cutting of the tel egraphlwirea gave a / a rm, to the railroad:men of ' nedradnt,.*berenpon all the rollingstiWk of the' company, and other moveableproperty,Wastent., of. Mon after 'VW enmity . reached Pledoloot` and deitroyed a large work. shop and other val. Imble statiouiwY machinery. 80-fares is known; no damage was done to the railroad track or bridges, The enemy are reported to have left, lgoltg in a southerly direction. There is reason to hopo that the =Went will be overtaken by a force sum in penult. . - New York liilettoralAYate. I 'A/2mm', November 29.---The 'State Call9llati ere concluded. tbrlr canvass of the eiwtorni vote hs-day, and declared the results* follow; ; • liornee 505,480 Treildn King, Colon, ar....7al;*William !Keky, Demo crat, ii 61,981 e *Washington Hunt Democrat, 301, OM . The Valt on the State ticket. has net' yet been canvassed. The soul of New York dlicikinier, end one or two !other 'counties, .bare not vet been , rweived. Idcasengers wens. dtapirtekedgbis 'eVetil4,. id ',notify' the • Hnblat.. cleat:ors . . • •- . • , . . .. , . . . A. Pr *TO fired , Ceres..tkale le' Meet 14* . (iite• — liii. -1 21.),—,-.TEW eitteeemilit `kt eergatr'ii Forereast MOnrce ebrrespondunt saps. ib ia -Irtutt kixowitiblLlGOlnfl th'ettA.Ti• BIWA . iebel ,sc eT atl _has beeefiAtehe4,lkeek LO's a a pir. ~ ~.FQiitti,ro....,•:to,"mgct _, L ,, ',.. t 0,14 03 woell. .1 1 trn4....,:q ~...-.• ~, , ;11..t. ..4-: , ::'..k.:•. , ..., .. ' CPItt4 6 ,L I.L UdAirenitigmuh PA;; Now W.—Theljr I to' V* Otis erailustatestbareetterti Ow, Kosi hem, vp ivenme conipv*ln c 6 of VeAtlraCotKrripied - to tittlrx," ~~t* ~- p -i:T.TSI- ' UnGff.-..,:r.HGAZETTE. Br—, 6.e fa(Koaa. TI New yule Inceadlarles: , ; Nrsr Youu Nov. 2P.—This morning Chief iToung , tatul Di:toothy:4' lienuet and 'knot:4oll7ln it,tvve'ted fiva young man ou suspicion of bailng Neon engaged In the recent plot to destroy the pity. The prisoners ere both 'from this South, hind hove been hanging around the city for some 'llmerntHoitlone nny visible ististness• or oven; rtten. They are detained at lleadquarVve for mintlnalton. pole. elbSed 'at.233 . 4. ' The Belgium Treaty .* • iimitiwroti, goy. 23.—tTha , Presidant has Iseued Pproclamation thata treatY behreia Shit/. i. and the Slug or Belgium for the extinguMment f Scheldt DiOf CS, has West duly :ratified! t hot h des. And antither preelamailort,mmatthe g the &change utthtalhaltleathiliiitMereithrabetweea. these GoterTiiiiitesits...._ These inailium,,urt .com flirting by nort , btirulatious- a Itt.ity or cam, meree and natigathm, - frepi *Tilly:10108:W; The Repottedlitsild iitlifew Creek. linr.vimonr., NoV.; 'A . —The .reported rafd. nt New Creek was a very email affair. No deteu. lin of !renter through' paesenger or freight ins.,-eastward ovwcaen-ard,r - otettrred on the.' Itimere•and OLIO Railroad." The'raidera were minlv driven freei thetstiad, and no farther , • *OW, iii , antteirettell., ;Airankaweiefa hive been, ,de by the mi4tory eintitinit4eoo ensure.the • wily of the entlee,linu : Sor4onameretal and( t sentiment truni,porttdlOn. : .• 4 ::- - ' ' lr erlWr i4.0Z68. ..3300E15 '/LT ArCTIOIC—PIiATT's vrrn - ANIMAL SALE ON VALUABLE tOKS, In every demrtment of Literature, lence and Art. Floe. FAMILY BIBLES, spiels. d ALBUMS, Cornsierelat NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, OULU PENS, at Auction TRIP EVENIAO, nt 7 o'clock, aid follouing evenings 11.11 the stock is all sold, ,usulatarlvate. sale eVery ley •11 , XtiOn prices. at Ote Oeionterciel 'Sales Booms, NEM street, The at Haien oil' the tending publle is respectfully in. .r edttYolla colleetton. Ire It may be found com p te sets Of Irving's "Works;27 cola.; Cooper's 3.1. Prereett's, lOtobe.; Ite Item% 10 rola.; &toll, 27:701m; queens of ,k.Mghte ,t 1 rola., one-half calf,i Appleton's Bletionery of "Mechanics, 4,000 plates; floodrleh's Natural lUstory, 1,6c0 plates, WelsterYs Met 10nery, , 1,600 plates ; , 11"ogarth, 2 large volumes, Mtplates. •Urr's Blettormry of Arts and Science., 3 lime volumes, Ulustrnted ; Clark's Commentary, ,4 Sohn; the complete work. of Shalcspeitre, Byron, • Bdros 'bore, Scott, Hood, Johnson, • 3Lassenger, Milton, Flehtlet ChatnheraDlek,Rollic;Plutareh, Josephasblo,l%* volumes of Novels, Tales. illogra, Materet - s t ePt e e. ".' n h o I n t o o d pen for " t Cka n To l l t n o atrolral 6/ Fifth street. A. MOILWAINE, A.uctlonear. PRATT, .11110TUERN, Salesmen.. 0.20 I\l ATCH 'PONIES, BUGGY; - ROCKA.- 4sx WAY, HAYINESS, kc.—Oa IVETINESDAY NOISING, Na.r atelt, at - It o'clock , 'will be sold, at Commerc ial Sales Rooms, 51 Fifth street,. one Blerk . Match' Ponlem, perfectly sound, and wait In tingle or double harness. Also, one supo. riot Top Buggy, oneltockatray;and one set double Hanes,. The Ponies ran be examined beton! . the. .nirlenlq• of saleiat the Livery Stable of Harper .& banduaky street, Allegheny City. • n 0213 .A. AlclLWAlls E,Anctir. T toT IN THIRD WARD, ALLEGHENY J. CIVIT.--On TUESDAY EVENING. Nov. 19, at Tll4 o'clock, at Commercial' S ales(R ooms, 51. Fifth - street. will be aold, a valuable' building lottn the Third ward, Allegheny City, situate on the ..wext side of Fleming street, 1,000 feet Corti:Col the North Common, fronUng 19 feet on Flemingstreat, (• pat ed atruet r ilt-with cog) nhd extend W back 90 feet too to feet alley. The lot lies handsomely to the• gnats and - adjoins good lmproveinents beet dwelling*. Terms euh. . • 'nix 2 ll • A. IdeILWAINE, Auctioneer. ‘,AVEI4II.I WARDLOTS.—On TUES. 1, - AT EVENING, Nov. 29th r at 7 14o'clOCIT, win be gold, al Commercial Saleaßoomi,ls4 Fifth street., theme two lots i n the Seventh Ward, City of. Pitta. bitgh, being LAS. N0a.,20 and 21- In John S. Shot. er z illan, Of lots, situate. on south gide of Rose • and 120 feet east ot Orerhill Tarte; haring •ene front, more orlest,nnd extending back I^3. feet to Justice street. The lota are about 200 feet south otthe residence of Gement' J. E. Moorhead. -Tering each. At BIeILWAINE, Auctioneer. , . 4:IIPETBAT ;broom, on THURSDAY ISIORNINGTMXT, In eOhneettost with the Fursitureand DeddLug; 'at 2desosiletiall Awn= Houseiffi Fifth street, a few is h r . Twts-P4r,prio s ool ues Carts, i,Tvipi I T. O ILT AUCTION,—On 2._gintaAl -, iitonarixt#, Ilecembar tat at IQ &aloe% will be aeld,liwltheit,rederre;•at Almon Hall Auction Home, a 6 I'lfth street, as triantitt Farniture and Bedding, comprial7 Bova eada Roe eni i" ,alA4 l :=, b oati t :r w ad; Comfort:, Coo St oVA - Bilreir Platiilipaana,Vorka, , • Tr A. gicIBLELL AND, Auet,r. .416Mt19 r r•vro.K OAXIGVAIL. oneezoir 211..Mokerme Airdit.s 7 rio, .GAZZA 7 K, , 7 SOLICITORS OP • C 1 AID S AND PATENTS, AND ATTORNETSAT-DAW, O. OS GRANT STREET. Pittsburg& you:wed by Gorernotent to collect BOITNTIZS, PENSIONS, BACK PAT Lott all other Military or Naval Claitcp • Airdietit, the United Statue. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, due eoldlere die. chaZ i oneeeotel ry f would. retched In Ratite, steleell - et 1113 - GRAINT,STHEET, opposite the Cathedral.. - - • asttly . N. a- au.citrzu. 8. b. 40111190 X. br*Ciiii,ELL .t- JbaNBON, • , , . ~ , TTORNM-AT-LAW, 4ICi2f . SEZD SOLDIERS' OLADI AGENTS Bounties for Wounded Sohirers eollbated to from en to twenty day,. 43 - O re No. 99 °non, amturr, rttlabwmgh.. li OM Ith dhadukrga and two-witnesses.' detOdy - - 'V I ITA.RY CLAY/11%1 PENSIONS, A ()UNTIL'S, BACK PAY and MILITARY CLAWM of orery . deoyMption, emthreted, by. the subroellmr, rat the NI/owing, rates; viz f Pensions, Co, ..n other claims td.fd. . . . ..4c l l 4 .:T i ly a LOWAttet t regis i tit,;': N. n—No . eht g ewer made lethe I t u n?, dOes a not to red, and all Inlorm:toaglypair e atlx. fetal] SoitplEßN' . 9lA*l4l.l.B, 130 UNTIES, $- rgssloirs AND ANIMANS PAT, ' ' • i "u ol7 ,"t"'aidl 6 bi ,!moirt!l4 it . D.DELL, • No. wr istr„*:mxs Pltleburgb. — Va. . . BOUNTIES. • I 15t.).411A11.144M18°N1 'Army and Navy. Agency, Noi 144 FOURTH wri.; iitisbur. pparilion t oroontbdatciturnm 'Hem PAY tehmia kir artoombrivrtpx, or and P DATIVE** TAY Or „PRISONEMS a elNAltt e n i. bedrs wn by theitwiVothm, l 4 ol,o o l nettpce. eel - AVOIMPEP:I3O,LDIBitti?:i , • • : sloeWounded , ieblier• kklow I;de6 *t towith .a 4 M Loolirpt„ iro cheep mode natll the tgoneVa collected, T.AI.TEB DAY S Licemt . t._ ll ;thell:.,Ciloternment.: 'No. 101 PUTS ,nru, epcond i doirpt. bele* the - InAlTzle ) .Dfier GOODS. JIM. witasint.'.sorns 1 CAIIIII..I3AVID IeCAIDLIM WiLSON " CARR CO. (k.I7E mi r itor, rum Is C 0.,) Whofi.iird,denleis In. FOREIGN AND DORIES. TIO DRY GOODS, No. 94 Wood mimed, Ihlrd noose above Ditunowl 4014,y. Pltteburgh. nplol CO. Wholesale and Retell Dealers In TRIM , MERGS, EM BROIDERIES and DRY. GOODS, °revery dorm* lion; N 05.17 and le FRU street, Pittaburgh.. ATACRII.M & .GLYDE, , Wholesale and . 0 . 1 - Nei 'Dealers la FANOY tatto STAPLE DDT GOODS, TEDEBUNGS, to., No. Mi Market street; between Diamond Mad Fourth; Pittsburgh: Tin IL. B ON N E TS Wood. Street, A.A. DEALER An , RATS, STRAW TRIAMINGS andSTRAW GOODS generally. DL BUROMPIELD,- Wholessle...and U getsu IDeslet la 'STAPLE AND ristqx MY OODS i i North .ft.d dormer Fourth and ALst., - 10 3 1 E • /I - HORNE, :Wh o koala and-Retail CliKaft3 a r r &P, it n iA i tt l' 'VIVO DRY T 19.1 BA,RICEIL.k. CO, .llmilere.la ity • mites of DRY 0001),4, No."M Market street, tPettreert TWA marl Fourth, Plttabitralt. • 1041.11thipti 1' ,city p &Ei1..c0,m,...-9tat4es ATLOR YLY/• ......... - 1..:)0011 . 4irldel fi to b rt t . 614 .. .01614 w VIVOWIN ger :.s _.n._.,... ~.er mot.-...,.n —•.~-.h:;^ ~'- CITY AND SUBURBAN. Convention of aonnty,qoperlntendent. 'AI iErN. - rutiN SESSION The Convention re-astiemblod ht two o'clock, ril(l3, on moilortytho. r enhject - under .dise.ngsion al l mljournment.wetAlk , ontinned, alit! Mr; eft minim prOVlaed for on the topic, impotnted- 7 ArdEre:WCodnia; 2414% and Dole..conetitating the committee. . Mr. 8. S. - Jack was appointed Assistant Sec retary.• = On motion, the remarks. ornleinbera. were . / 1 0AM 411 0 . °jitinit4 4 - •1 • - The ;seen= subject for 'discussion,. "What chang n f any,hre nectnierr In the law In' re I , temukelolmtcherst insthuteelt , wpsthen taken Mr Woodruff of Cheater - county, was In fa , siihothatring the Jaw Chan_god so as to make It dltscrellonalrwith ttlchool Directors whether 9r • not to hamt. imatitedeiu and adtanied some ..' stiong.arguments In favor of his proyositlon. 31r4 , 111Der, of licreetystated that Institutes In ARICCE 'COW% were .beconilng 'Ten =popular 'rwlttc-the= tette um, 'owing= to 'the fact that, the istidertty of thefteacheriment females, and they'. experimiced considerable dilsculty in - passing the' allotted time profitably. The speaker thought that If the Institutes met less - frequently; and If_ the Catrnty litsperintendehts &wild 'be:present the merttngs; the change 'would' be;;Nett Isjoe-': Metaisc Dablettpde, Thomp3on,-trip,-I%TaM,. Monition YeDevitt, Molder Denthett. rand others' ii4ertook part In the ' „Prof. C. L Cobam, Suite Emperinttodent„ stated that the .Convention could hot make laws to'goverh the seheols—that 'powet; Was Investiar In the State .I..egislature..-' Stlit'recommendations might 'be made, Ind na ehaiigea es possf ble should beasked for. ; Mr. Woodier moved ifi 1. a' committee of thice be oppolrrteAte..report modilleatloa the law aa may boom beet. • ' the resia.rfan Ives adopted and the renewing tow erellteo omditfedi Slessn.Doothett, Smith and. Newlin. :" The next proposition "What Is tho deity of Directors in repo:lto pulrffc exandredlOrts;" wan opened by Mr. Morrison; of Lawrence eotmti; 'who stated that, among other duties, they should be.present during nook • examinatlons,. in 'order that They conidlodge of the gruillileattons of the' applicants. • . Mr. Donthettm6Ved that no there Were persons: present besides &depict; who were interested in the cause-of edecation,' that they be Invited tts take part in the discussion of onotion ho t hwe . the Convention. The motion passed unanl. mouldy. , The Chair nppointed the following committee to report on the duties or Directors in relation to public examinations: Messrs. Evans, Fish and Mohler. Fof. Coburn stated Hist beLd been request ed by Prof. Ebbs to extend an invitation to the Con cotton to attend an Elocutionary entertain mei tie he grven at ; Excelsior Hall, Allegheny, on csday evening. On motion the Invitation was accepted ? and the 'evening sealskin dispensed wltl . " Tto following Is a list of the delegates in at. I , ten nee at the Convention. Igor. 6. 11. Coburn . , Stale Stilicrintendent. of. Bates, Deputy " •• t il e r ter en t 2 v, T . A. v4t. 7 l . ‘ Do .oodni itthe ff lt . ., rmstrong-11.1V. Sntith. ' . wford—S. R.-Thompson. Li ~. pltht—B. D. - Ingram. • p_xte-.L. T.Flak. , . linnthigdon--Roh,t. bleDetitt. Indiana—Samuel Wolf.. Caster—David-Bunn - ..aarrence,-13. A. ktorrison. • • carer-491m I. Reed.-.. t.an Mercer—Jacob Miller. ~ '• hlifilin—Atantin,.hlohler:. . •. Northumberland—Jim:o6'6Lp. t • ,• ..nylkill—JcAte Newlin. l eaaago eb 11. —C. Dale. . Varren-,-W. F.Dahlermple. Wiuitilligcon—A.. J. Italsigton.. . . IVastmoraland—Samael 41 Jack. . Book Notice& uSroftwr Sromx. Ehoro. from-the Gun of 1861 A book for boil, lientore Lorenz. " This Is the third of a se.riee of boolm for boys; . and the object of the story It contains is to tra ms* upon the boys'of to7day the duty they owe to their cotudryrtosultict them to that moral drill which all must pass through who expect to liehini trite . siildleil." , :Tb6htdifflet It interest the' YOfing tints nation, and .dOrauch Inward keeping up the gres of patriot tun :In Atte' hearts of nhose Sri4 though' Dove -youngoriust soon assume all the dales of Flit " Fla s 1 4 8 CAnratoa; or Whit Bois van do1;11 the rem for the camp, By'lleratio *ter, Tr. Bhs• Another volume of the sumo elnia is the fore-' .goLog voltune. "It .l Intended to . slum how boys, cati be of the most effectual Service 'ln aumhobtg WPM down-Aho , Rebellittrkimdwn knoWthere, re myriads of bnynhillio ding 'Who iiYia>f Ax iom' asta?Ft can. 4 040 ,ktlairMhat,they cutt.do," to that 'end. All such shitilld reittibli book., It is a fascinatintt story,' and boys will recrlt through 'with 'avidity if tkty begin It *ottee. Alger wrltea well and judiciously, and - his pin fuses of camp life, wilt boifound especially :inter eating. . "Ts; YOUNG COLTON; or S4ve rk tures Ara ship. wreckedboy. A.atory for bore' Dr-Harity. Illostrated. Boston: Wallrar,-Wlie.fr: . , Books. for boys atound, this season, and re- - mindus that the lealldalal mum be tlgh: ners. Is a book In Imitation of Robinson Cruesos. . are not qttito sure that it is equal. to Do Foe's book ; nor that It proserres the probabilities as well ; • bet it 'Will scree to amuse young readers; • and eontribite , as much as &kin:. ion - tirearo end his Swiss Family, Robinson to Amiting the heads of the lade and make them all 'dream of being cast sway on desert islands. , "A HIRTOOM or r01t 5 A3314. 4 .4t - hvirrt3-31extontt or the 37th end` 29th flooglesse.r; toot—et." ' limey ni.on. Boston! - : siker, Wale t Co.! t °r - WU": b - li•ilten Usi tieretni a vary clear, fall; connected and' satis fat tory. necount.of." the on tiOlaverilegislitkiit f Congresaiinee tiro breaking ent',.pttke'llnballiori.' Very few riled; bare an . Idea great anion* of,work done : by Congress CO extlngnish the emerged luAtltis• Bub; and'ilt*OWhe, ilke.'oitrisetrOt,liave labored on: through litany ',dark Tears, - staid continued oblogriy and reproach to obtain the grand re- sults chronicled in this volume,. will find It very pleasant reading. • • • This beck suppliei 'a in% which many ham Any one can find hero wist• Congres - has done to the Binvery,questiow, without 'ironing • on voyages of dbkerr.m7 throngli: oceans - of tlte Congressional . . Globe.. The debates urn given', Bilandnepoitiallit;'•and the record. It presents lathe record of Idstm r freo, from partisan taint; Atilt- :44 1 Pt;',Itartt Algtots.BOStott: Ttekpor htflphtt.7 K. ; • TIPAC r . TrilM 149 .ciaglicil 11K pretlona, 'solignes oftlaCskiles, will igleozna eta addition ta-etterraltsplow oniei ptiten't-olnale Included( lie did Its peedeetask*"..!letoni 'or all the eh arcb; bit 'dlffent.trom -thank 111..th0 p , ugeyr' •r;, e o; ‘ Itilin'SlilTL)/0171te s all of War hymns, and ~many plieice ants 'from 1112idaine Guyon; whose works eosin's out. of print, . book is beautifully, printed and Its appear ance barna:ease witli Its meditator; thrtViout, t , :esrfsivArkoseesso PfSfsil Ratallion; pos. , tors Ticknor 6thlebtoOtr . ••• . 4 , 4-4 - .4 • . h ;thrhttiilX Orrtter, • manages throird,. groat deal Or spice,lnti bar books. ' t .makoni.'doeinot-ftdltindi. Otte IttparpOse. is. not a •trentlso upon 'the • atmosphere, nor epoci"nrestatics,'.or , or */ of the annoyances:of Mite whabreathe a • bad:abnosphero at home or le Imbue &beet - but upoe the atmosphere that perradeawoman to this euuntrl• 13ho"staiuft: up for her sex" bravely, and utters, runny a dainy,troth. In their -behalf. Rao has' a keen, Caustic pent . and all who.wish to look at the: one of home ednektioni as pm-- seeks, by of tho.ablest women of the notlok,', will do well to read and to heed *bat Gall Ham,. lion says. The book li• deserting of the most!, careful attention fcomr'ell wino'-bare a home and, are Interested In bringing up their families cot , ' mill'. • • • 1 ~, Sscireb A!rn Leoi apAity. Asir. toy it?,, .low "Licelo tWo volume,. 'Boston: TicknorallektZ TDB Or Tax lioNAOrto Ottroate, as repro. • stake in the nne arts •By :dn. - Jameton. ton Ticknor Field.. . . Izitho twcivoluoni Bret dial, Mn. Jamosons• . given nu a delightful , 801 l aloe of legends con:, . cerning: Scriptural personages rand that prim. Invo'fathms, and those Sainted persontites Who lived or pre supposed. to j Dunn' lived I tiro first ages of Fhtlitlanity, and" Whcseo reathlatin been no •angiuseetDy-poetical : tuabroidery - _that, . they haielbe air ofKnot beinga.." In; the tblell , Toltuno, (which is a distinct work,) sheWeis reel_ ' of Ilte Montistla °nacre, especially as _ Is And statues: - ' 10 very IhtenD4lng,Vilel of research. Witmetion writeei as 3iino , Whti bsa carefolly - studied to learn before undertaking To teach, and heilinibs show thokand-oFAho diligent . audeon.-i ficinafions student: y She hi toe.. wall known to mood anotaeodathott iu ao autttottosi otatiratiatti may 'aleatttin the fact of the aPpenranco of this ,hamk/cPan pocket ,4411 40ni in blue' Dloo 4 W v hbuseourhowlto - annotate a book. ' • or tho abowe tarsals DT lienry, Ift;gkely-' t., Lon • , f•T I .1.21te J • ai1e 76 . 14.. 4114- Ti licktP ctra Depot, BOO* ' - Utitcrl Meet!age. The First Presbyterian Church. on Woad street, (Dr. Paxton's,) where the, meethop of all the evangelical denominations of these cities are • held, has hull . filled to its utmost capacity on the two past evenings. ,Rev. Dr. Howard, of the . Sc:cctur PresbytMian Church,U. S. preached mo impreeeive disco:Mrs; on' Monday evening,, on i `the necessity of a revival of iell,glon." Last evening:Rev.: Mr. Bell, of one .of the-13apttst Churches, Allegheny -4n the...place of the .Rer- Mr. Chase, who is sick—preached on the subject., of "the mennit or promoting. a reviral, , ,' frointho words., .. e .tAndhe tortnight blustadmus.l (John I, 42.) 11f3prmon wan.liho the Aext, elmpte, bmin. tiftkimpressive, and - exactly to the point. . Surely d ..gentthaer thilistlait spirit 'Must abroad in . ,our community; when such unions an • chic afe,formod, and Intended to be kept no. four erininjie nVezPaitelik4iiknidtely.. :rho old I , ae!. slob! of 114 Teiittint iosed - mdtisivebr, out of delgreneetta:t mse.whe cannot' eoneefinflodidy sing any ,other,,DeL4us ; qll9l6„one appropriate . " BeholkhOw god thing It Is, • And Ilqw.birooming well. • brethre.t. sto, tualtpkbllnell." - • "The 6ideitiiaoiiViluting gifiee. it 'win be Sian by an advertisement in enstW, eetuten. , 'Atesteis:' ir Nem A'And . e4oll -: teiM :purchased the Gazette acq044 F 4160-Ari*W. , Fergion 6: Co., and arc. ma- p greitti.V..: - on the business arits . son has lawn (*necked wittObir;;.:.- Editor, for manly foarpeam " s.r:sl bee for a number of yearth • nakfughgqicisition . , on the ekr.lishe Their rclatheekto these }in here be tied as heretoforcillteirjaiprinting l'attatt• baling bum pima la charge of dn. "experienced, practical wringer. , We cordially comniend the hew -tirm to the .batronage of our retelmy feeling , assured that all orders entrained to them ail; , faithfully and satisfactorily less- Christian ConimbialunXonventions TtanexatNus,Nov. 29.-7The ' llYeatorn Branches mid Agencies of the United 'States Quistian aim:minden ore now assenibk , d'im ConVention in this city: I ilepresentatlves,•are preitent fmns Philadelphia, Wheeling, Cincinnati, ; Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago; Peoria, Milwaukee, Bt. Louts, Louisville, Nashville, Memplils,• • MM. Bellamy. Storer, of Cincinnati, Is Chairmen, and H. Mcllvmne, .of Pisaria, Secretary. ,Ques thins Of importance bearing upon the extension and efficiency or work of the Commission will conic before the convention. The members are large hearted and earned men, and urged with success and pressing demands to prepare for the great work upon them. RESCIIRECTIONIBI% Col.l:lolMl.—The Col umbus Statesman or Monday, says that asystern atic exhuming oftho dead bodies of rebel miaow. ers buried at Camp Chase, has been going on for some time past, in order to supply a Medical College nt Cleveland with subjects for disiection. An agent - ofthe colkr from Cleveland, it sold, Las been in the. city for some time, engaged in forwarding Ibis hnsiness, through the aid of sncnperaona. as lie' could enlist in the Service: Among others,. 'Dr. Flowage,- of CleVeland; is charged with being a principal actor In the af fair. 'The Doeter was arrested on Friday' by the military authorities, and taken to 'Camp Chase,- and released on giving ball feel& appearance on a fiiture this. PAU:IXL LINT or Gini - dtatribtaidat the tropolitan'.Glft Ite ‘ r Store, No. 63 Flab ` street, orpositc Concert foVtlao wick ending NOV: ' . /813 ICO . IIIiCtICIT4 .5 sliver .cake haskors , 3 Alter bullet dialler- 4 "aliVer break fast Itlibi01)31 sliver rotary adorn; 2 Bohemian' glaisjincaL sugar bowls; 0 silver spoon holden; 011406-ponsi-3'ailVer claret plicheref6 silver card recilverst , topons klassiar 15 silver goblets; 88.01.341ried salt mmtors; 10 silver call bell; 08 silver cut; setiorvliver toricar 62 sera tart and table sitroms,beti o ea Over 600 other veleta and valpible" article. A bandatime present; .worth from' Wet-Lira 1100,;oecompany each" book Sanitoms.—The 'amtaidnf the series of revival sermons: was ..dellvered list'etainin Dr..Pacton's,cliarch,i Waal street, by. Ser.v. S. C'hase, Chamh. .Thd wattled:. annctineel vas . ; • :I t :11m,meana by which a - revival Of, rcligitai. may . ~The attendance WWI very Fargo, and (he 'exeteisM vary.lmprettsr ive., Great tnterest' ta being evineNl by . , the Chrlsilawcommtmity In these series of discount 30, and Ore love dovibt they wilt he prodttetiviedt: hutch Sim& "*.. • - . IA lit+aa fliNier.Vian ilisow.—ThinAmMst Atlblllon opened at Manor& Zell last mining to • a eraNded - heuse, and. No have rarely seen an audience better plMsed:' 'The wonderful moving flgum:.'",' the storming or Torii, thi miring ng fleets, the Muth and roar .ot artilleryare thrilling and ibeantlfop:while The "mirth -provoking lec ..tures of. lilm , LisEnifrival the celebrated Valen tine:. Personswiehing to , paas a pleasant even . ing Should vhdt. Masonic-Hall. SMeretwal Isssismanne.—On,Satarday ihe 'dead' bo.dy °tau infant. WAS foeml,lying. upon thetamkrof the 'Ohio skir t at Wheeling., The ehild was perteetly'vutked, and It is supposed that the Itttle Nroll was first Wiled and then throWn from a passing steamer. • The Coroner's jury rendered a verdict In accatlance , with this suppdeltton. . • • Aamilrftc,Dfiriliimr. 7 -IVe bate received the Deceinber'number 04.thla popular oVonthly from our.etiterp . rhlng friend; /1. L. Nort on,nerraleal or, 04 Btownsville:' It le enlitereettng number, and Ire Would recommend pe.rusal by all. Of ~ 'our rerukrra. • • TtßATillt , ..Toe "Tiriet otteate Man" wlll o OPPlant the 'tlhott", at the Theatre to-nlght. Tide *Mos bota become 'Mr' , popular hex; and always drawn thll,hrroace. !,. • F/1482.1101'S ASSOCIATIQN.-A special meeting of thd Blremen's.,Association. will in held this ovcnfa BR '3 Bnonatray.Tabcites—Contain no 'ophun r anything injurious.. • • Dr. A. A. Ul:a3s Chemist. Boston. , 'An Ole combination for Coughs. Dr. G. F. Itionow, Boston.: rmonuroma t sir us/ to Pnbilep t peihers: '44 Salami relief in Bronchitis. .- Bev.B. aintmsto, Morristonm,, Ohio. Very beneficial *ten suffering fhoM.Dobls. •, ! P. A:snzasces,BtAottis. Ainipst instantiellef in the distreislng bfealtilug pectatui to 'Asthma. Rev: A..D. Bissursivits, - lfelflfork:' They haver salted- ply 'mule Fel 11.sel,letin, my throat so' null tonbi - 44 4 etwe, • elltnibibr bout Pariah CniebNctrittesL, • =h9 tbere ere imitations, be Sure AQ Ontia 1119 dttantie Monthly for Deems; bet. ih out and ma be bad (with ant edges) at . Yintik'Qufa Baolciaamcw*DePot• Aurima.:4 kip; and' tue Auortment,* pbotooapii awanut, for' rate at low price , at . Frank ; CeilreP Bo* and. News , 0 9 0 4-M 14: hidneementa iiifbititioted Or &Jots, Shads iu3d. Dry 0064.: iik:ggpf eAuction gag* •515 • noitsis Blankets at nrClelland's Auction rionse, '''.'Wfirrz'aila ill, „jinder.;Clothla,g , Scumaideny Collate, ,Criiilita,..ll9 . slay, aknes. Imd . .ll.oOde for.'ckuts,..4,24opelland,'s Auction Bowe, • , „ „.. _:stitailiAlton • Nob Mb, 11,1, • Kn. UAT/14.RP1.F..D, 11 -iltptNlntitte'beA T y ear , • ake" place 4,:nl,the nfs4iienoe of ...The fd„. - l'eno:townshlpf on - - her tolb•4..^''-.,:i to) Pmee4 T :' D AT :pp. li1,3•110 0 C.l9Cka: .10110 AllrgiectiCepaiterp . .2=X thew Skim, fhttsbanye j sioe. 21,1861 ieneETICISO OF - TOE • STOCK. 11 , 769 BOLDEI33 of this Bank Viii be hold at . ' the Beek/or/louse, no TRURSDAY, the Mai day of December. next, atif o'clock a. m., to decide .whether this Bank abaci become an assoctatlon for Unitedrpoof Banking, under the' laws of the eltetes, and whether lt shal/ exert-hie the pewees contemnd by the Act of the general Assent, bly of: the Commonwealth' of Pennsylvania, call, tied Act enabling the Ranks of this Common wealth to become Associations for thtunirpese of 'Banking, under the /awe of the'ilnite2N. titter,ii ap proved the 2hl day of August,,lB64, and to take any further action that mar be expedient.. neo2,td ' • I.. IWAGOFFIIif •Ceshler- 14:.0A. 1 3(RE METAL. 44XICOUT01113'....NOTIM-=.Letkork, Tea, tamantary upon the agate of Dr. JORK.O., BMA= of Detioklel borough. ./.11eghtay county, • hathkr-bear granted to Abe en. Zdunigurt 111 persona. indebted to lamestate make imMedlate p cold avrat,,,And those having -claims =TA' in. F./MASA U.s.3Untirai;Sl:f V,"i :I 3 °TCPWr „... 1 1W ie n t ! eftlii)l44ll=4 t W*1511" OS striae al MONIA • 4 h i riM n i e r iu lt re residence is TM WM. , ' EalioW Bridge, 41' le r el bTalligt tr. 1 16 W441091‘ . - :!;. - 4,r.; , 1 - , , ,: - 'i'; ,,, ',;:t:A'...';',; - :.i. - ,;': . -,,ti .- :z!,; - :q ., :;: . •. .410 " • •;"--'4."1 . 4. • • ABLISHED IN 1786 I{OURTH.NATION4I'BATIR or mwrnMH. U. S. GOTERNIIES'r DEPANTOirov • . • Tale Book offers to the public; the, tollowliatadin. vantages,-and respeetthily solialta 'the TWO* lOW /mange • • • • AS - A - DEP:ost.'l'#),4*;!t-- noremeninitrantliNgtforial Dank rt B Ataiik Notes, rag, Now st ;motor Eastern 1,4 ••' • : `Z18,41• t oaent,o teDi ebta icr h tom ." ;•':' '""" - ;T:ro?!- .C&ACOM4P),l9l.3=k4lllCClC;rgrarlai.;; Purchated awl sold at market ptlalC. 't '- • OoLI coepoNs, Bought at highest, piety or twitted in gold. y "ea 7-30 IT.' S. ' LOAN, • • Subierlption's - received for account of Galterlrj . .•; Staten Government, and the PULL'0011k111:plli , • SION allowed to persons invading : i i i •• - • 5-20 BONDS, ' S. 'Otis:tort/disc . . And all els.ssei of reliable and girolitable Isiv;‘, • runts furnished to purchasers. Tai's Berm HAs iiati 13,um122.oimer no • . arranged nns to meet ev public - mud as safe, convenient lual profitable IniUtratiortiar:f Um community to transact iternonegkuainegairita, S.D.ll2olAillf -Csabisr CATARRH 4,1 ts: 'o,7t DR: R. GOODAZE' • It sweetish!" lothovery Met ed thistilitildedilei • ' ( =or o adokionalutoslirtmi loblbandbfateniß Dr: 000 DALE litho tint find pair peva ',va r ies sit weaveuabdatanti emu" wavar,,-r -- it ce e imie e ei, and what would cure 'l* Dr. OOODALE has spent a Urethra; haV t 9f E with this fell disease, exploring Its !leered t and making known to` the world the fad ths ' ' - sear ta nkth, whlth of has far years dolled the shillala Mr rb.s, medical' men and autkort this emir, end in Europe, tan nowbe tek ined. with thd maw uniform certainty that raoasing4colhatlinight. Thousands, who tried every knower 0111112= • harebeen terstumntly cured by Dr. GOO expel:two RemvetY, -and now sateen # most estravagant terms otpraLwr. st r a Ca pamphll at let. Devi se our nearest wady, oraeod stangr d N by• /13. GOOD.tLY., M. D., New YorkM prepared . , NORTON .& 00 4 sole Aresei Sw BROADWAY; NNW TOLL). • DB.C. smirsoa, sole N 0.140 WOOD STEELY, Pittabargt.,, t - COFFINS I COFFINS 'rd:7.. , 4 . 0 . ! '. ~ • -;', iiii:.:;:i,.,4t 3LtROGAIT . BLUIOdA.I,IiI _ . • : INAHOGANC , " , - , UNDERTAXING . . ROBERT MILIABIB. ' trndertikiii' maw, No. 136 Foinapl Erramr, , * 'Underrating .In sll it. kranehea. ,mainterthero • •• •L laytag out and fartdablog everything nearayry lee the proper Inteenrall, promptly attended to. 4.11 st, gj= " = "4 . ? arr !"r i . a tirTh - - - PHOTOGRAPH ALBIIMEk . .. .- • GOLD PENS, „,-13:4•11t P°RTF- 0 /49 8 .' • • p•-ii." z • rt_Vgrr : socuPs. /Tony TABLETSi 3 O,II44• I ?•; ,- Y-Ift l • • - _.' Azd s 1 •4 0 Flu;d 4 RectgArt&Oes .30 1 1e4 ( Pt ft! 14 f stirvi. ,„ , , Jj „ inveßs , sell o TlZlt.dotifc: ; . VOl4 GAN. ALW.9.1113 rinte y rt'iF rine Tme Tar -•' 17 ,'" k 4 1 / 4 Immured Blood §eil,toittr. Hooflandt faerMan)Dttare., ',Dpeer's Hamburg Pore wtae..:. - ^ r1e ! i f 41.11 4 4 9 141 ' 12 "r. At Cressitria 313iais - !)J": 1 '; Comte of Ohio and redmal Stree is thkr OtOitHr.' klCEl.Lres‘ -. 6* " :" rt.'ll.=*!baiiait 441 Mime Ineri l4 4 801Pillt ArENITLei BLINDS. " • 7, BMTN. zabwicttiret ocroiriokte Teleitiga Slit a 7 c 1 sr. • /co. sim sarrninaLzrereser- , L • -•• ) Scappaa cniatid la rge assortment of ITENreityr BLIIVDS, - or the Mei* styles; Plain, Fancy: area *31.1r711.100111.11NG51 Straight and Otroular,ooB.. . • , : NICES, of the dlearent Blinds repair. M r repainted and AlsoOkindowEllwatwa of dltferent'atylayiand Shade Featerdnga The - abort, work all warranted— • • Apt "!, „ i r 'Prat7neCt;Protinnlrly3;''''' .'" .." GAS AM) STEAM Prrft4lo. Nn 183 WAYOD.STRZET, OPpoitte batrelt.:.' PliatPrA unirriANts. Ltiti :PIPE, Piet and BAH Lwt.u, aad Plaraibeistaustog rial general. Olt Refineries fitted lapin tae atast., 'approved rasa:ter. Tanks lilted lento's:A or~: f per. Houses fitted with water artßsa fixtures. N. it..4til orders promptly. ttewm to. ioaesn usrine r' - • • JOSEPH MEYER dc SON, Ihnufactarets , ;2 1 . and Wholesal 4 Retail. ra PLUMS. • - 'SURE AND G , 6 " 1t4, 431 PEZMOTIC above' the Canal, hare on hand.. slams aaaortmegt - of FANCY" Arin`PLLSIT ututITIEFRE, In Wag.; t • nut and reatipoari or their own assnutasturosta qtplity and arra to say laangs, focttotd to tae ..tit.RA4 Will MU' reagoadget ... prices; • 1 = ; ROPOS.A.U. -.11E.013.1.viEur5 0p..t0 the tint of .7*.iitutrY . 144 4. 1 r4r th e fattgalt. fog or •*_l o z l (.4 ` pa WV ., . plank. ineaktato,- .I, 1 apply S O U ND bah ine r bes thie , and from 4 tall bates to, bre.s4th - 44 DOLtut, watt tho Alit of lotp.,to del.Wered at iquacuite or - Birmlnstiatn, foto the ant otif.ar - t .00114Chr1 AcFLOYD.Pittesdie r if^4- TRILT.-:--Otatr to the . petellsee'ePla .. IntboaribeftiAtltithoOtplty,otenzik. e fi r the D lRiak i ,',AND ,, BLAM , WWilvitlaorfrit r. rA 14 owner IS requesto4 ootoo j.:44irr,la.:‘‘ Wink ve emeety, posy Outgo and take &war, wit wm twout4 moo to taw. 0 , 11 . 1 - 4 - 1. 101 0 1 :00. . . ..,. :, ,; " ::,; ' /.4.-fa ' ,,'-'-,',. . 4•41 :Z .,-tr: a ri z .,l4.i llit i fV' - ' , ''''''=" 4 ": , ..'''' - ' , 7 4 'z''.4'g'9 - :',"-' , ? ..- . MEM ' r . '4 ~ tt MOE • _'.l•Ji,tl
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