:_..._. MEE IiCES ,; Iriki;)6l iMitrot lI@INMEN GSIZEITE • • 11est from Sherman Rebel Sams. Ft VAG ENT NEAR TOO 10504R0. figure', of =Milledgeville and Gordon . • I . ILl:iterated. HE MiLITIA OF ,SOUTH canoLuIA - - AND GEORGIA. VAL4EO OUT. .• • . N r 3, YORK. *c. - • , • ,0 .575, '' ,- ) 11 041 1 11aIng the alety titan* by , 411e'relsal , aulthoritles and '• • . ' r"' pa m pel , —• ,- a'o'e6tceal advice* or - eratan'a nurkements, they cannot analdtibt ing; a grad deal In regard to then:lt - bal. Prt , '• ly , not; tudf ' they , ar., We laa'n. all th • , . . ere etlilligfo tell up tole -- t ,- • ; Arren,-,.....--t,as fheXchroond papers say, Tuned last WednesdayaonAtioirat sidabfAldt - , net: r(yet, milli' Toonattaboro, .hero AlteMtp . al Georgia. 'railhead craws the Haim', between, a rebels,, and a Adrge force of Shennadas,car-. . , irestialeh,vf 'centre, the Untold troops were . . tulscd They ale' bald Id, be stilton the weld • cof thd• Ocotade off thdAdloaingdaY... ; ~,, sso , tststw. Thr. Magusteronstittittoindtst says: Tke rati - : tad bridge over the titer was burned-by them at Sunday. The report of the burnt* of MU • sdgeullle la said be the Rletunond alltora.„to laek, motion, though it Is telicre'd that a Is:trait:llf ,- - f idbermaiia force, hart7heen • Miami bat la PP" . .ntrmnalt .Veysi 6rtte - 2'.41 inst. a despatch Te-' r . crates, that It Watt OMUTA on last Monday, and , ,_ t the State Hpuse, _Governor's—Mansion, and • , enhentlary were , burned ; and that the town' of, • n was_ altd,caphlred by the Yankees. t F lo . ' The Dorernetru a r k, South Carctlfna and'Unirgla ' • re Issued a 'preiclanuatton calling out all the . ;• • fettles of Mime !•I -; -.- • - trite '. ibt , reaa the ar t a ' ar o ' 4i la . n Ind fifty-Ilse. ' , A colWpondeti.nt Oa; Itiluretuf 04frAtel 435: The' YankeeDeieniinent cattWelarnie pay .-, one snMlon idollans per day to" , tbdinfor , .' at lon t lid Ri 'Otintittlfpapent furnish to it, gratis,' I.': ' kvirdizig thettnotements ifAeu. Sheriusdi ire .---:' ROM _iiEw.iiiiiiiiiiiri ,- : i ,• ~,,:- --...;_ :.- ,",i. , , :1 1 ., i ;.... ...*: - porinnt::Captiiret Eireetetl. .: _ i ..-,,,,,i, , .....,-r,-,...,:....•;.-1 , 4 . :J : -. ..,:ti , -., ', • EN. CANEY : _ r . R . . . ID . LY , - R ...E CAVERIAG; le i ienae:ilnuggkrt.l.4„ , ed.. ...: , -CAIRO, .Ziot-. 27; 7 -pte lttetriner f.bittinentil; ' an Mewl OriniuisNin lin' ereliinV otiha:Ttit,. Twentyerott - intieiieipitired,Whilenross." g... .g from the eM tolfteWitst , filde dr 41 4 631 . 6116 5.' i ; l, ppi Risnr, 8t ciaktiii%‘ . 'Bend, , - ,tuidartired tit New I cans. - Anvoitg.l theasmtm, copt:*: li. Monti .mery, who mos, Moving:to Texts.!-Triibad a, : ... - nsge amount of, stock twohitudied aud fifty'. L '.. ' housand dollatiflu" "forelps-rexottonge;'nit -, of ', , bleb were elipttni , 4l with Mai.' • ' .t • '. -“ '' r ;., General Canby*, mspb4l3 - Treeot - orbk,'-"Me.Mos 1-, 'Z , hie to attOnd toliusiness at his bonso, aud woad il,, „. be oht. '. :•• - -.-: ---: , ''-' - -+;:?% The demonif'fbr i•otton:senliattnktitti •italos . j - 7:- , :, madeat $1,20 for low Middling / and 81,115' : .. 'for Middling. - ..C' ''...1;' , . . - L 7 ~-'• i.- - Five notorious rel 4 ' feinale insuleii — atid -• ',.,; all-carriers ward binlitied'ontaide O our' inos,. —, •. GenurADavid f at :Vicksburg—. ',, •' " - , The ateametDarling tiasied Ulla point, tin tar: s:• oj , to clod: t wos, with 2 - 14' hales of mina' ow lc ) AtTR,Ess mokiciE, Tel - of As Betel Admiral 1 4 :1 PI TE,71.1044"1317NE • ittpArchto4odAtlOßAC. , R.• db r ;icti Icy DePr4o ,ll V , lPtii! AdinlArYOrttpy: 414 . 0 P ; °dress Moririse: t4,aity, or: 0 4' ;.cis friin,,;4ng-Ithi"Fetiei•Atintl. • • Itnehantut and hie two lads. tr. :'... The follotring• anti alto. roenlystl , ; Fortress .34.047*5ii- itteihe itiva•tiii • red a tererrpg r iStS'nitite 'CoittrOtatti.'nr Ocf. , • • sten* litformink ma that ahe • sank In Whams of.;;;;tamz;;43hei , _ht4 ; • ..... ran Into by an army steamer, and badly ; ainageg. i Tat Infotta:tbe D , epartutent when ; cc the pactuidraie-',' I , [Signed) D. D. Pont*, • A' - • t;'•,:a - r.t 4 1 c 4 . 1r 444 41011 • steamer tMie City Totift:' • NEWS FROCW.M III 46 .N.V" :penilations ileganling rainetlniniges. inKSIIICEKEUX: jaunt w. • eituatiobjEghlyilemontble. Nair Yoste,tr?tenv-itti..-ailer reieli2we . speigiigisuivionetor wobi g and Flge Lcvd, , argkiP4Eo °IA A4orneYrGezoial. no note MiosidliBailil44444l3l‘tiage • cH4t , irgandePefielitpbknce,l LinettliAlliitee he ii stanweia l rii ig Wsr Thr POO t ii9: 6l6l3 Itiectitetteas Judge Deltekegarealt; attt . delylitthlef =Me; Ana ?Ace upeoltsi pacethrlielt 144045. ~Our ramtiorkautfl*44*,4lAinlic44o7 It 3 the general sitv,atton. . , _ R01111.7)1E SOTTHWESE. • rlit r - - • Guerrg,-*FatOcl. • MANX 'MERE O TICE141(00' • es. _ ThOMIP. WI in; Barttory4infonl4. ;Ponsynx2,-Acq.27; 7 A-reatilieerfivo amt qat'ADOLT94o4lo4oii:*i4 ei, iestioyit4lOttchtli. gak9r 4 1 9 711 04, Teilatrj Oft, -thilathe!)4 ara inotatiky fitna. Tboaitaa reportad:ta Lacs .to Tettn. Tho roparraTitithorftlei bare. that Tbtanao arpro4thg ici•reeelve , lanth , . ta, raw in, way . _ „to 61E16 before iTtc! ... tto'l4od,ak. 'bag fallen' link for 7117„. . 411 ani:( 7111 0.,:tifter says:, A Erwo: eat 15 On 10011 to connect :F wammati by.wi rine and New Albany, on bO4L skies of Otto river. . . . . - 'Late Hebei intallgußnlk:„., - 2 :‘ - ::::*.i. r E y yoair, Nov. 21t—Litte rebel patent,* ii r ing accounts of theth:=o'ofirrArs p ru ff, gd ItstiM e rght, • with - ski trtddlti'ealr h - : - at Ita Eeda, ,Innalsh the , anion . =plans of -Ms: i mot ftwt -'ott-that , thiislan, - di caries dmts..gace at'thc time. Early had . d • that , . amnsidcrable r potticas of the nlOl2 anaj.had - IcH - the Talley'. - He foiled out militilto,. and was glad to get . np the Valle 5 exPea=fildble-;' -' - - ..' '--- <, • The itlclia says there arc ' pow only 'Crfour " aS ., ifseo - trtbps it iimberu, 'ottit carottlw — ,, , ---- - : _,..:-, ~; The Charteetakoeerclev . . /Man, .t;i l C:e : -.v. , -: ty,; tlu4jtkete..pre, I nkfferdli.'of Oin.":tWona: to akaaNsi litlortginr,, to . theabal. saw, now, • .. . ”Cie'Elt-gtaiir:Ali': COMlalligCatiglit: . ' l '. . .i;r 4 .9 , ..Vt!elit ^'• M '', '• • ' ,', -- timarvaklo9. M.,.k4116¢46,k6 rfte/1". ,h um itavilraOart-Nr.a;; : : - ma- ‘sniznoicemotari c iritaV , . 611 1 1 1 - essett4tiehmwd..--14,-Gordce. F -- was /*lkea byalilteekutti catlarrwitti i .` .14111 - EctitAade,inifteko'L - • , i stiW6WArd - *n ai x u !...!"- -..!'ici,,; ..0711 I,X. . . • etrtr,:govv.lNTrag ' . N• ' - 'no-- ~..:,-. THE VII4-NO. 298. THE , LATEST NEWS -~ ~_~~ 'ROM 1 FROM' CITY POINT), rough Sudden Stine on_ Our Piekefs. REBELS: SPPPDIL!ii REPULSED BiOltatilt Boat_,Barned. MARBOW'ESCAtrtAJIENS. BUTLER AHD - *Mei iDMITRiL PORTER The AinitMail Probably Lost THE•'•PIRATE :PZORIDA'B CREW. IVASiiniorAs t Erening Star ; the malletcaziteiithleh" arilratt.heiitc.4ny tro; 1 ports that ye4eedstiMoraingheaty cannonading w heard at.Piff-l'iiiiit,',fneef.iltn.illieetloti Peteromwhpt this is'of, feequent ,'occurrence, and!wasocfatiotted , hy. usual • artillery duel-. night the rebels made a snddou. ; aft* on `our Pleketst'near Bioaanny • Landlue, na the Appomattox, which was speedily ',l isPPelee "lng,tfie'rain and deflate& of the nig t, the rcikli 01.0.1 up a colonel and forty men. .I.Fbi the er Weleter woe coming down_the. dames esterdey, when.ntutrlfog Island; Axe dl ' that the steamer Greyboind, Gen. Butler's dispiitch;-boat;.wa*: ma of. Oti nearing: - the - Greyhdend , she. was _round tone 4' fire. Gene. Butler and Schenck and 'Aditdral Porter were on board' the Grey . hound, but tte Pioneer came Ad look themog.; • Gen: Butler dud lie irks:di-Vera it dinner athdios thrtc. , ..:Saddry the furnace doors blew open 'Mid acute* cools all over tho floor, driving tke .41reinen,and ngindetifroin their moms., 'I GreAouud was almost immediately in fitintes:And dotwlthstanAing retT Oran- to nave' . her. She. *up burned to the water's edge. Ten belau g ln g7 t O - Aen. -B ! ,B4 °.&ataff, were, lathed tO death. L , . .t 410111.0 B4,re the accident ' t he' had received froM the army _steamer' Cassack .the 'Oemkllitile - rtelliPartmeat Nashirigkialyt*tertlay =piing. It is supposed ;lb he The'Webster trenght itrtj•-itltte - rebel Pris;. Otters. • - —We orsnort of to-clay's newspapers erroneously the Washbant on-reporter of the Asst.: ttiate..prit,O, dpurionteterogr t : .tens saying tbiit tho Ignite Florida and crew are tope returned to Bra- Ali and pterpo4ll*:l.QMC atmeecomt of the 4e- Alois oftbetorenutteutatte entljeetl Ttlinnottgli ;fit:Preset:lt teistij, on 4414414 - ,t`pat'ilid,o"qate-' ments-are)rltbontlndukticat, - •f. • Importaht ...Wars Order. - TOLEMER • ARMY; CORPS. ' COared Macro Its' 9MMAND ,THE CORPS Weentadroz,Ziotimbez,:SF ,-riliti following order has just bm-.lstudzil ..r: .1. C.. .. ...._ I, Was Drrearamr, Aurvilwr GL'atist.'s:Gr aim" Wallington,- NPV.... `,--fizavuea. Oa hmt Z3 7 —Ohlurellaf - n gain.liakafgaalabiii a ;err Voluteer Army Corps : , Ylret,Thit en ..army carps, to consist of; tot less than-3400- infantry -- = and enlisted' fortes" - Amain one year, to be designated the- ist Gores, Shall be organized in the District of Co lunible, cOmmencitt,thq ersuipk4tipplon,thelst, of pecendeur , 1864, and continuing until the: Ist - day of Jandary, nert.z:The privates to , consist of ablobodied men who hire served honorably not less than two years, and , therefgre, not cub ' pet. to draft. Th e officals t 6 be - commlsifoubd i fsnan mit as, have honorably served not loss it. ,Ileettitir triirtre . tarnished trawl* .ParlatiSit to Washington, and will be credited tio the dishiel ifk. which 'Wry ez„. , i:iffendllet Are, dotnestletted; indltillite - Daltrn ispeidal 'bettirtf- I - of three hundred , dollars. from the substitute i finul,upm tieing musteredbuothessertice.' 'Each .recrnittrho preserves his'arms to the end of his' ;theta! niay-tclunt Okra* NVOint; VOW - Mg honOnildr discharged. Taint. Ighe atallest f eihtrovretztlionjwlll be preserved by.thq Adjutant. The heads of bu. :ream 1:411: detail competent - T:direera — foirlhe rispmpt ezimittatlon and organization, arming, „a:A*Dg and supplying thletmrps. - 4'syrf.A. Mel Gen. Hancock h assigned to the commaidot this corps, with his headquarter at By Of the Secretary of War. . tatiLl By E. D. Tow/maim, r diefiftudAdfidas t general. , . * , THEIPRICE OF Qe.illits: .. 7 7 1 - r( - >ory - ..:r: Tho New York - Inceitthary Ours. i , 7 - - 77. , ~ ~, ,c . ,-, .., LT.W 0 fORS A USE4IIIIIID2O ... ' NEW Yaps, Nov. 28 . - 99 1 i ll*. Well steady ~ during themorning, vilth no special sPeenbttive movement:4 It opened at and reached '4i: .._ I ..The pone' o arc still at work ferreting - out the • intimd.Wiebt In this city. Two more were ar rested thla morning. . ' Avast eteltement still Mcists• concerning the a to.hurn the city. No new developments alfiveP made._,The tutustsjuiva thus_ fur Aicen'elTheted; The - papal recommend thatA - . Autlrelluilly large reward be offered to indhei dome of bf Ihe coniplrators to , Mreal the plot. -.*SfarGatatller sent Simodulo wthic, 5 4 04 , 4 , emmelErgeorameridlng the( caning of rewards amounting in the aggregate to f 25,000. In l pprlmanco of Me* - F General Dli's :oider,,-ftet.homers. ate flocking to General Dies - ,114/quarters to . reghter_ thalt, DatneEr. ' nig all privately examined , byte of iiell;DiX'S Staff. • No oath of allegiance was adnilniafeto, they all claiming . itehtataiats of Tthapiditcd Btates, and Union men. " . .... 1.--,_____ 1 ~• ~..: ' , . SIEUIIAN'S GREAT itutvaßT.. .:,..„..., '' ~ ~.,,, :- liraisi , luppressed by the'lliti r liw - $ . -8- --1 ~:,41:.i1i.ii.11 8$ 11 . 11CCES8 :4 48111111414 ERN .i';'''''' P< . - 0 . ..i - .•.'1,..4c: ......,...t. - - ,-",.; T'T . scr - A~,PII to t ReadyColittrte. .... . • „ . tfrw ritr, Not l / 8 .-- 'Poser Washington r yienbtr tee : 'Mel/nomad pailers of Saturday ttippress c ltestnestroquenT),buktherc nrchadhiationd Chain ,st infozbuSa. A *mud iacwiengarjust arrived herefrom &we 'nth, rtpatta that no doubt exists of Etheri,i -iitteccah.. Bettis ready eo-openspo,with Sher ,,nnui,gfr the sea coast of Georgia'. ' v likileket;LlJ.:,“: - - ~..1 13 trTOBIrs Nay; M — GoVeratutut-sectultlea epnllnhe tp absorb the chief 1nter . 91,451.ha stock `Market. Ilia prevailing IpPreesion that the limit of tbLe tune of gold bearing heirdirfiee beep about ;red twinduclngactlvespectdolog, end. Fres} !nue to advance. Other Mocksßekt ; C . d . 'diblit prices strengthgal'itilapetme., meat was general. Goldmaisteatly.dmlng:tho morning, iand there Itts4iltr-yejlrpila• meat. Iktook a shegi - upward turn tills alter noon and. rose 33 per cent7abova the highest point of* zooming. Thogitreat otTbttwasta• Franklin was construed unfavorably. There' was many vague and unaettsfactory Imam; about Sherman. Thew was no change IN! y , mane`‘Market.: The • supply continuer !ler,' large, consldcrnblyln excessof the wants of-theigniter& Acre la but little detoand for foiel g gn exChangeSor Wednesday's:grantee; , The_Mar; ket is gcnhrally Inanimate. The first meeting of the CallfOrnhi,lievulo,And Colorado brokers' board Is anno=W•• Ihrto.morrow: - ' • • _ SiOreziperat Alm South. an YOMOlov.ltichniond' Lid N a aettottatauf-thd 01.. r- • .et tho t3outh Lac tt e t . l l la 2 : t cold sn aclllag ap the re a bl i g ) apltoL c t r i . ;It hal hecu it. to fuel at La i :price, Ott-Ifitireday"wo taiolit Aditifghi"Wfore : titetz.Bletoeeid Pollee CoW% accused of holm 4=autle xd! d the se whhotaheydifern bp,inkixus ho u , abutterifieddid nadoar . 14 - ~1 ftlefilnr Not, 26.—Th tits ,kW 01 5 ill kit 44. SAO itgalow it rogeum r aw_ =llbdiander thihatrattrat atak.m.__ W minut i a *teal robelaWina —. " : l ° +4.z . r `,Wig • i AILS Potomac Army Affairs. 14113pL SPIES CArrumm The &end • Cavalry Fight Near Milledgeville. REVENUE DECISION. Cenertils Itntoek and Pope in Washington. 'New 'Tonic, Nov. TVortra aperient altlece from the Army Of the Pbtamac aro un important. , The 112 .01 - boat bronkht up sixty rebel deserter ind" two oflicers,'who deserted on Saturday, and had been eoininitted to prison on a charge of be - The Navy Deportment has retelved a batch of ficintherik papers, via Savannah- Augusta pa pers:do not regard the cavalry fight which occur red on the Cocotte river, 'in half so favorable a light for the Confederacy, as do the Richmond papers. - It vitart very small affair. . The Columbus Guardian says: Thera are 4,000 deserted front South earolirma. The COMMiSalaller of Internal Revenue de. sides, , that all- -persons selling various kinds of bitters 'Mist: take out -a liquor dealer's license. also. derides •that BMW banks must pay a monthly tax of. one-alith of ,pqr cent. upou.the circulation of about an. average of six months, notwithstanding an increase may rise from in ereaeed capital. ..Idajor Date/ale liancock and Popo were in Washln ldent gtOn.f They had Interviews with the Pree and` Secretary of War. • The Ricluabmt,Seattoal ofthe 20th says: Noth ing unusual Occurred yetterday or the day be fore around Itfelmond. ' The army now- is re- Stfppflea of clothing,- shoes and blan kets. The Richnibnd Ea.-T . 4ra of Saturday advocates lite-passage dr the bill now before &ogress to _pfeovide uniforms for officers holding a rank In leiier to a ißrigailler General. It takes the -ground that their pails not aufflefent to feed ,them-and poi for their cloth' ... In a majority • of Caeca their; clothing. Is by the ofil cer's friends, or the money borrowed by individ nolo to pay for them. The article concludes: A General's mbothly, pay In gold would do - more to !suppiat the men. and Officers; than twelve months' pay to the present carrency. We should advise ever °Meer and &Idler to take one month's pay In gold. and give a receipt for all Xlielr'pay findng the remainder of the war. It. would he ceohomy oh the part of the govern :mem and bound policy in themes. We 'hope Congress will pass the bill to provide uniforms. Soup msodatlons have been formed in Rich mond' for thd purpose of furnishing all persons with rismnefi soup , as they need,. at 25 cents a gnarl. They, commence distributing it on the let of December. . The who of Saturday, says: There and at least one hundred. weddings, In high life, to come or een now and Mristmas. In the nth). Cougnms on YrldSz a resiilution was:ofrerod iby lir. Leach, of North Carolina, conciliatory ;to the United States GOVernment, and favarin.peelfie measures on the basis gf a rivognltlon i tSfate rights and the original d; ta of slav whichwas unanimously rejected. :During.hlew remarks made after the rejection, Sir. Leach old lie did not believe there was a :member prima who (repreaenting_the true opiniotfofhWlss constitnents)Acsired peace on any other' tenne, than an nueondltbanal recognition by the N'orth of Malin:lel:cadence of the South. alts created applause in the galleries. , A bilLpntiding for the recoversof currency from degree Lion, by cke.mpth:git from taxation and reassuring the public- ultimate' payment In fell and adetermination:la to 'money more, probalat be enacted. FROM. IRE - MORN MY; iknAvall of - ; Babel Dosertero. Lzrs AlcelY REMY 11111111=2111. Sherman'? Movements 'a Mystery to • the &bele. IIEiCRERAiD'S FORCE ESTERITED AT 40,000 Arrival- ffiscaped linden Officers. , 46. e. , New Yogic, Nov. .—The World's Potomac special says l Within the past five .dsys we have „Imm.areacivieg agreatly.thenassed number of de serters fro the enemy, who' corroborate the statement Lee's army is Sadly &Summated. Desertlo by those trusted on picket. duty are , IL generally f m Nottltilaro ll ne and Alabama tag intents. ey state that the Richmond-authori ties arc a ly wholly In the dark about Sherman's /pavements, endue extremelyappre hensive tit* he will strike smilepohst when icast..)cmeeted. , This terror caused them to !tame their force along the line of the Danville railroad, end extend their cavalry pick ets. The libel authorities. think that Sherman . may totem* to form a - Junction with the army - or with Sheridan. - The Tan.' NashvEle ciniespondent sio: Bean. regard's tinily amulets of about 25,00 D infantry, ' Tbe4llo_Eirolel gives a list of eight Union irhoseteeped lie& Columbia, South Carolina, tiarrivedituddeof ear lines. Among them were, option J. Q. Patton, 13th..Tennes ,see, cave •; Captain T. W. Rathbone. 108 d Ohio., I ty .. Captain Cl. W. Smith, lathlowa, infantry; Caput - hi Willienf J . Ritniels, 75th Ohio; Infantry; Lieutenant J. Q. Elder, 11th Ohio, in- Pl l t is rY e;se oeers confirm the statements of tubs, otters who resiously arrived, In regard to the treatment our prisoners. At Charleston they -,..Were treat bqker than at any other place; at -Miconalt eve :bably used; - and 'at Columbia ' the frelittntni was almost unendurable. They .were plea ll under tire In Mulatto% °titbit fttit, of July, redellaTtlitititaly4btulays. - On' the 4th of r I,7ol).were started for Colons., hia, and o 9 - aho ll r.fAlO 'reached there, the_ Mt: At Col !sai theyreceived forniettiazalihelr um l lebe 'food, was elusively corn meal 'and soughum . . - - They werespuided. with no, .cOoking - Utenslls, but preparp&alne u .kod with ands neprovided articles as they could obtain, They placed -Its an openlog --- itatiouhderfby - WOOdSond no eon— venience °lump mstleles. Captain lasts% Wh o Gas,captiSetLat . :Fort. Pllioits",ol4 the Pitt*- he spys that" he newspaper ' aosounkf:in reference tthe inattiare'Verr Correct. but believes t ."110020 ' asereudn'stkm was made between e white :.and Very few white 'troops ' were . The rote for Pres t, takan.et Columbia: On Abu .24:1121 Tof Octo 9 31 votes were cast for Lincoln, and 49 fisr M ellen. . IMPORT ANT- FROM. REWBERN. Tway aildizigaMestroyed by Fire; LEA'S DLITAI GAP CAMIL: Thanks trittirOsii in filtitriiiiiii'it'Artiy, . Nrw YABir;"Noiember , 23.-The Xi If; „Chi DiTatell of tho SOth sayss i The flge here Saturday height, Autroyettr! twenty: aiklingsj -Diestly bwiliess houses,. some Con4ltling - large: stocks, mostly,unlosured. . Thu `letatipal.tuf .feiers were i'Satthwt & McLean; Flobeit.flonti. _ ~.1 X. Oulty, J. A. Thompson J. N. Allen J. Netilorely,3l. _Lewis, L. Bair; 4 m gotriuL j ',,,,*, . itow, It. *fatuity, J. J.; Sc I Inv n r . : 11„ A a . r 1 ii, and Mr. lig ert. . . .. „ 1,;.J 'A skl sh occurred at Plymouth , the other" day, in * eh the enemy were 'repulsed. 'lt is re rted the euemrla Swaying Roanoke ;gold Chow uripars, with the 11014 , of emanating , :6 dallyillnUqf steamers it now rtuuiltig, to ; Votress Motirciet`z The Dutch - Erepiut is ht an advanced stake' oi cotistructipm,,Tbe,lower half has.been - :Snished and dredta.. out at its 'entrancoi. , The greater =putt of thp second section has been. cut down be. low the wsteitne. 'Toward *heaver and bank . from Ace ildlwentyfeet of the batik has Wen, left to keet. off the =r ms.- The Canal will.tio. log feet lap Including dredging .it will boar*.:' The broad prat 1116 - tep rq. , 125 - lbet, and at. the bottoM Salted: The shies wahine am y steep sloPe:?-It frilliliutro:fifteen save of miter at low Wids.short eat *IS save the nayisation of leseentiles. . 'gThe Mrdirtri" " . of the i'otanise 41944 lee?n acarant, .of virgin th is marina cope,butmaDitari no news ofspeelal Impartanee. Thei the distribution of !Sheridan's - army , imam attribution' of 49,000 pounds of IseVlTY.tot ~____ ~.;.ixtKtlS elt Thearagling PT. ' ";"' , • ..' ; ' IThvissis4wioltothig*" . . --.-:, .101:m . eY441,2101:264.11 ' • • fortitiais 1 , 0 44theAtituitJpgleptrak, ti rseei;t o .42v 1 0.4 im.xonlik 10.413 ___ro_tesoki_ s . - ..... imarsigiediketrinit dine aluE47 biomes unliqpixic PITTSBURGH : GAZETTE, TITIFASO4.Y, .NOVE-MBER JORGE BATES' RESIGNATION. Col. North' the Election Forger THE FLORiDA'S CREW WASHINGTON, Nov. 53.--.lutlge raims llama as Attorney General will take effect on Wednesday. • -The trial of Col. North, Jones and•Cohin, charged with actin; contrary to law.in the mat ter of obtaining New York soldiers' votes, will not be resumed before the Oth of December.. A statement ..appeared• In one or more. of to day's papers, erroneously attributed to the Washington agent and reporter for the Associate Press, that Commander Collins has been ordered to return to Bahia with his quasi prize °Mears and crew, and limp:King to give the emit . of the 'attention of the Government upon that na iad. No Such telegram originated with the' agent and reporter of the Associate Press, but we have the best authority for saying that the statements to the effect that differences of °pin ,lon have arisen In the cabinet concerning the case of the pirate Florida, or that a decision has been made for or against her restitution, are without fcamdation. . . . No action of the Government - lies - been 'taken In the case, and no discussion of it has been ,held, and the nary department authorizes the following statement The original order for the Wachuseett upon her arrival at Hampton toads, was to proceed to Boston for repair ' taking with her the prisonens captured on the Florida, to be consigned to fort Warren. Before the or der reached the vessel, the prisoners had been sent to Point Ltaiond, rind In a day or two were transferred by the army authorities to the Old Capital. They were Immediately ordered back to Point Lookout ; to be-returned to . the WO eltusett, which at Ottee-salledlorltoston. LATE FROM WASHINGTON. The Rebel Incendiary Plot RIGHT OF TRADE IN REBEL STATES Prize Claims Adjusted. SURRENDER OF THE PIRATE FLORIDA PROBABLE New Tonx,Nov. 2S.—Thc Tribunes Washing ton pi:eclat, says : The Government has become awake. The rebel incendary plot, had ramifica tions in Washington and Alexandria. • The coming proclamation by the President, defending the rights of trade in the rebel States, has been prepared; after careful consultation with the Sectetaay of War and Secretary of -the Treasury. The Fourth Auditor, during the week, adjusted theclaims of the United States steamers Tylor, Signal, General Litoa, Black llawk,'Ds lia,llLlß,y, Pansy, Curlew-, Forrest Bose, - Nets Era, and General Pillow, for cotton esptuies from the rebels. The Herald says: By the news from Wash itimon,lhere can be no doubt that the dminis [ration will Issue orders for the' surrender of the Florida and her crew to the authorities of the IMPORTANT NAVY YARD ORDER Gra. Webb and the Rebel Piraate Florida Eln NEW Tons, November' 53.—Adnalral Pauld ing has honed en order prohibiting all peraons who arc not employed in thenavy yard from anteing without a pass. AU mach found within its walls will be arrested and confined in cells until their case can bo investigated. A spetial to the Conunerriat front Washing ton, dated November 28th, says :. There is no fears of a diplomatic rinaurO -tween this country and Brazil, as Gamut Webb took steps • imMedlatidy upon the seizure of the tirra:lr allay . n any 24 1 V onrendterheatart of f a t ire adjustment of the difficulty . certain. It is 1.10. Bared here that In a few (hip we Shall have in: : renitence dimes from Gen. Sherman by way of. Savannah or Charleston. The friends of Mr. Chase have given up all hope of his appointment to the Chief JustleeeldP. - - Jeff: Davis' Salary to be Paid in Gold-- Reported Discovery of a Plot to Over..' throw the Richmond Dynasty... The Re. duction of Richinond Soon Respected. Naw Yana, Nov. 29.—The Tnlansb army of the Potoinae special says: The statement in a Georgla paper lately that the rebel Congress =enact to pay Jett. Darts' salary In gold, was My denied by the . Rielunondjournals. We hare positive istormatkm, howerer,,shat the n bet Congress, In secret sawdon, did pas each an net. Itsreported that there had been discolored a wide 'Tread conspiracy In the South, overthrowing .the Ilichniond diaastx. ]tent arrests have been made In North Carotin, Booth Carotin and Georgia andsome in Virginia, have also been dia. ccvered and has created considerable consterna tion. Almost the first business In the Confederate Government alter assembling, was discussed In scent session, to take measures to countereact the dangerous use of some shells recently of ex maordlnary Inflammable power, has demotunrat -ed feasibility of reducing to ashes, either Peters burg or Richmond. • Gime; are now on their way here, Which wil throw ehella Into Richmond from our batteries In front of the I.Bth Corps, a distanCe of seven idles. With these guns In position, tho pro jectilespreferred by. our gunners can destroy Richmond In forty-eight hours. A particular kind of shell has been prepared, and In this con sists the main.feature of the propospl p th The Rebell Can Factory •at Montgomery, Also-miliazeity of Clothing Among lieb. el Trooros,.Attempted 'Escape of Union Prisoners. ' • NEW Yana, Nov. .118.—Thc coirespondent of the Mobile 'Regiater in describing the gun factory at Montgomery, Alai, says it Is turning out large supplies of arms for the rebti4Frnment. The rebel troopatiAlitha saki to he inf. '*ring greatly for want of clot g. In one com lry twenty-four men were barefooted. , The Columbia Guardian mentions a daring and Ingenious but mistaWiessful attempt of Yankee p sonerdin that city to escape. John Mitchell challenged the rebel FoOte, Me. Swan, of ".Tennessee, carrying the challenge. Footeund Swan quarreled on their own account. The. affair; was settled. in the police coal on Wednesday last. Foote and:Swan ware bontidin $6,000 each, and Mitchell In V 3,000, to keep the .otweefor twelve months. I Priff , of the Flertda---Mijor • Geneial Couch—Willi and raetorlei at Laivrenee • Stopped Running. Boarotr, or . 28.—The . captured 'officers' mid mmanf the pirate Florida hare been tent to Fort Warren. Major General. conch hat been framiTcrred from the 9epinincent of ihe•thesoncluttinalf and ordered to report to Major General Thomaa, lle lehjodej, for Tennessee. *idly ail the mllls ottut. Leilenee lave - Mopped running, owing to a break in the canal. ' Reyalre are being rapidly made, and they, will soon resume worly : - Rebel News. Nitir - Tomt, Nor. 28.7-ThcrNichmond Dk patch, in'an editorial, favors the a pp ointment of en. Leo as military adviser to Congress, with hnderstandlng that his doclsions will Always 'bo abided! by. It also •farors the granting of plenary powers to the Secretary of the Treasury. Btigndkv G e neral Joh; IFluder baa Won. • r int en = m6" cers :inirtlyl of prlaoaera ands the various mill. tory:Adams arc placed under his command. The Legislature of Alabania was convened the 14th l4st.,lbut neither House had ti quorum., Chain Cable PrOtection, NEW Int; Nov, 28.—The lirinah war cor vine Beran has been selected by the Admiralty to have her plan Wes 'protected by chain cable, on p plan Similar" to that adopted by the Rearsarg , when in action with the Alabama. ;The Iron. Chid Dictator. , . , New Your, , Nor. 28.—1 t witt:So no:meow to .dock the lion clad. Dictator, to remove the sand and mud from her rudder. She la lying of 'anchor. no, heirnhig• her coat tollghtem her. . . : ' ' , Slele, and Wounded at Cite Point..'_ : ".. ?fuets:Y.oittr, Noy. 28.—Tho Washington's nonfat says tho stele and tesunded at City arobeing sent North as rapidly 113 possi ble. you CAN - ALWATWPItOouRt -77 ; Wlaliattls great AntertosidDlnOoPla ' Wlatolt's Pine Tree Tar (lOld Ur. 'Lindsay's koproirod Blood Boucher ffoollAnd , ackereolualltton. . Bieeekaseiburgrort Wide: • Mulptille of Lime, dt bfe , cfputi - , i=. , ra=6 atei , e4 — ittxuai ot Tao iinere rat . • ' ' WO. mama Hw o CitORGE 4 aMgr 0111044014 0 WItitik , at,11,,a 4.tsc - 4,14, - ign ItT rl ONE AND SUBIRBAN. PennitylTaila Freedmen'. Relief An.oed- • A pf•elingnary meeting was In,:d last evenr.,;„ In Cobeert Iftill, with a view to the organization in thi6 city o.w-operatire branch of the Penn sylvania Free Men's Relief Association. 010112: to the unfayarable state of the weather, tho shortness of-.lhe. not ke, and the face that other Interesting inklings acre being held in the cite, the atteudable tran not so large as was cicala* by the frictititf:Of the cause, yet the spirit mani fested was of i ihe most favorable anti encourag ing character. • , On Motion; F. it. Brunot, Esq., was called to prcsid i d s :nd on fitkin the chair apologized for - the all Cis of the audience. but legged to as sure iit diatillguiShed gentlemen who had come to us fr rutgannul, as the representatives of the Penusylvimfa Freedmot's Relief Assoeintiou, thin netwithstandlog the limitdd number pres ent, theist vat e deep feeling in this community in behnif of 'the fre.dmen of the eolith. Our people Were desplY and sensibly impressed with' the huportance of the question, " What shall he done with The Freedmen ?" Thlsapatt at ready become 'the question of questions, and our o f t e t o l Lle so lv i t i trld ia,.. te found ready and williagto , • - Mr. Brunet then introdued' to the audience. Rev. A. M. lideßint, Correspoed'ug Secretary of the Pennsylvania Freedmen's }teller Association, who gave an ihiteresting history of the organi zation and Pfegroes of the society. He showed what wonderful progress had already been made towards "atunikrtating the condition of the freed people, and donating and improx leg them, soci ally and morel*. lie stated that the object of their visit to itlitis city was to enlist the sympa thies and coxilltion of bur people in behalf of the suffering and oppressed men and women who had WO transformed from a state of bond . agiund'ilc Olen to that of freedom and self reilanee. Ooncluded by paying a hand . ..onto 'tributoto th lienevolence and liberality of our citizens, and '. aching Iteml,o aid in the great_ riiii work Sy the formation of an aintiliary society. AV= F. 3lgtehcll, Esq., tiniatriutendent of the Frcedmen's Bet ats in Tennessee and Alabama, followed In ini Interesting address. descriptive of the operations edam Society in his department.. Ile described the condition of - the . schools at Nashville, Murf ro reesbo', Stevitusim ' anal Ilunt, vine, and Ira , 1r 3,,. ! .., e most encouraging and satis factory acco of the propesa of the glorion; work. i Bev. Phillips Brook, of Philadelphia, was next introduced, and delivered a brief but most elfee, tilt and eloquent address. The speaker had but recently visited the Freedmen's Schools in Wash ington City dad the District of Columbia, and narrated what he there sour. He dwelt mainly upon the neleselty of the work, Its practicability, and the best:Means to be employed in its accom plishment. He argued that it had become once, stay for thb people of the Christian church to educate elates mode free by the war. Aim' bad placed i this great work before them, and they could not. escape the responsibility. of Ito prompt and faithful performance. The Litimatus and benevoldut seberue of eolontr.ation had proved hupmeticablk-4he millions of slaves In the land were deAlnid 'to remain here. The Idea that they would pock by thousands to. the North had not been rem !zed. They dune to their (tomes In the South with, as it were the instinct of an animal; and/ although teddy at all times to lien from bondage, they had no disposition to for sake the milli which they had watered with their sweat and Their tears. It was our duty, there fore, to r Willem, and by earnest, enlightened and Climatal effort, make them tit for the enjoyment of our social and political institutions. Ile contended farther that the work WAS prae ticalde—that -what had already been accom plished abut tightly proved this, and that the bed mean to' till' Mid were those instrumentalities. employcsll4 the Pendsylvalda Freedmen's 11,c, lief AMOCiailOtl. Tllll . l is a mete outline of the very . able and Tidtjuent remarks'Of the speaker,' . 110 was frl , ll/antly Interrupted by are warmest' demonstrations of approbation. At the dose of Mr. Brook's address. E. 11. 'frith, .F...e.q.,;tifter a few prefatory remarks, in; which he tonitcatrislon to express, on behalf' of - the- andiencS, the pleasure and gratification which' • had 'beet, afforded by .tho excellent addresses to: which thevfhaditust listened, submitted the fol." , t lowlug resOliaLitms: . . • Itaeteed,- That We hare tistened wits, Die deepest Interest to the. Matements made bribe gentlemen . who havoaddmased. us la regard to the Freedmen ' of the South', and that we owe our obligations to them the utu serf. - !koraluable light tluntrn upon the aub- Regan* Thai*elienrtily approre of the priori- ' „em s . ple attain' Ogler Penoxylrardo Freedmen Re-' llefAssoe onpund that. acknowledzing.nur duty In the - p - e hereby express our desire to be - em-laborefle 'l.lMer in this great and useful' Fesoleed, That la e it gmeat of this meeting It It expedient to appoint a Committee of too. with • power to add to their' number, whoa, Modems. It - ghat! be t qmapo oclid tanes .with the Verinsyleenta . Freedmen Relief octanes, to mite funds - for the. benefit of the men, tonsil future meeting* to consider thin aulimt, and to adopt suet, other linfesures for the promotion of theca= as to them ' IDlcy area pnoper. • • , .: - adoOn ed motio . n, Ma imalutiods were unanimously pt , • . Rev. J. 8. Trardli, 'Of Snickly, suggested were that if It potstblefor__them to ?Inman, the gentlemen sito had just addressed them on be. half of the Freedmen's Association should be re quested to address another meeting to be held on Wednesday evening. He was satisfied that, If they would remain here until that time, they would be favored by an audience large to fill ;the most capacious hall in the city. Mr. Brook and Mr. McKim then made a few remarks expressive of; their entire satisfaction with ..the spirt; which had been manifested on' this occasion. It would be utterly inapmalble, however, for them to remain longer In the city. The seed had been soan, and the fruit would be reaped In doe time. Any ;Information which our people :might require would be cheerfully tarnished, either through cheaters from the so ciety, Or by special agents sent to us for that purpose. The meeting then adjourned. • Cherry Run and Pittsburgh Petroleum Company. _ This is the title of a new company Just about • being orgardoed by a number of our most exper ienced and tellable business men. As ' will' be seen by reference to' their - advertisement In an other coin* the capital stock hail . N 41 2. fixed at V 00,000; in Shares Pf one dollar each, with $ working capital of 00,000. Unlike many com panies nowhelng formed r the public are advised in advance of the interests and property which , form the turls of the comptny. Those who de sign taking stock, thereibm, can do so with a fell knowledge of what they are about. The oil now - - obtained is MACICIIt to yield a handsome divi dead 'lapin', the capital stock, while there am three wells nearly completed, and three; others which will be bored - to, the remilsite depth within the next thrtM or: flier weeks. In addition to theselinportant interests, the Company own six . hundred acres of valnable lands on Cherry run, and other cilnally. favored localities. Compared with theamount of the capital stock, the work ing capital le unusually large, and we know rot. no more favorable chance Of Investment than is hire ellbred. The books for subscription will be Opened this morning at nide o'clock, at the office: of Mr. JacoVOlosser, Fourth street, a few doors! below the Mayor's pfece, where a more complete description',of tlie property can be seen. This stCte.k.will deaden be lan absotbed,.end . those • Aeslrthg io Invest should be prompt In availing thmseives:of the - opportunity. The thnelor re- ceiving subscription Is between the tours Of nine atutilltreo o'clock to-day • Th 4 Tennyson Club Lectures. . ~* -, -'the. Arra of, the series of lectures before .11u) Tennyson Club was delivered last ermilmby Dr. Holland, iiit ;ad:Vette' Han. : Owing. to thotact . . . meet ings . that severe other interesting were being held in the city. at the same time; the ball was pot filled, „but 'those present wee greatly pleased with the lectutcylt bell:cone of the poe,, toe's best Warta. fr. - -. ' ... . We Would direct the ' attention of the Janitotof the hall to a I t em feet that it la etuitomary ln well re* , mated a 'th, rooms to 'hare the. dust cleaned from the s ts:, If sock bad beet . - the ease lait evening, a 't Cause of - 0011aldaint'would Intro beat removed. Wo hope the matter will he at, tended to lit future. 0 • .-4 - - • CorreCtlon of the Enrollment Edit. Capt. Meigcni' roster, Protest Marshal of , the toistrlct, has received orders from the Provoit, Marshal General, requiring - Mtn to stiller: (11e name tof any person off the list may • appear benne the Board of Enrollment and shod to. the satisfaction of the Board that ho . Is: not properly enrolled, on account of allenage, non reeldenee, over age, permanent physical dlsablit lty, or having served in the naval or military service two: years daring the present. war:. and been honorably (filcher ed. The eallatmeiat ihns can be insPccld al the Marshal's office, Fourth street,: Fall details of the order can be seen la our advertising whom. 1 - • TIIIS " /Immo ma '' dtvren.--Yosterday after, itopt4n hearing of thapartles concerned In the disgraceful Ilght ceißoyd'a Hill, on Sendai morn big,'wea held: at the Mayor's office.. A large crowd wat he attendeenn, principally Mende of the panic& fillopta - and , plead galltitO , the - charge i - Wad appeared Yerki . Mita The -a tine of ten ea c h and Mayor r- npod , -- ilinii, And held thorn In their own are.. .... :esaaohautcoa ',to 'keep the: peace for one year. Altereettilnii,whkthoMayor, they, shookhands' land adjourned to a neqghboting. taunt where. , nctwftled their peace ImWa s tlii 1 -: , .1 ,4, :. , L , ',4i , 1, .c , ...' ;-; ~ .I.'l\- . l.rt .r. at m * , sib' Ide mat gratii;4 .leather till„11191411.11:1ACO, *M n I - ~34e11. 4 7: . i t ',--,,,,,..-tg,i'iq,2 Meet.lag of City Councilm The regular moutlty mectinq of Cc. uncile v. 4d bold on .Monthly crening, Norera ber Sized Council—Present, Brown, Berdnian, McClintock, Quinn, Thom?- non, J. IL Bred, l'onnu. and McAuley. dent. The minutes of the last meeting were read and appro,,,d. • • ~ ; Mr. Phillips presented a . comninnieation from Mr. A. 11.. Mills. representative of the firm of Messrs. (t., R. Long ,fir Co.. oil dealers, praying 1 for an abatement of business tax. Referred to the Finnan Committee, with power to art. Hr. Morrow presented a remonstranee from property holders on Watson street, against the opeuinF of said street . Rend and referred to the Committee on Streets. The President pre , eined n petition from the Columbia Oil Company, praying fin an abate ment of the business tax. • Re_ut and referred to the Finance Counnitte, Mr: J. 11". heed presented a petition from prop erty holders ire Penn street, praying that view- ors be opts/Mica to assess damages arising from the change of p•zide on said street. near the old bowl Midge. Referred to 'the viewers alreadv appointed. Also, a petition from' Michael Mullen, asking payment for damages sustained by the breaking of Penns) It anla avenue sewer. Read and re ferred tattle Finance Committee. The President presentell'a communication from Mr,. J. F. Duncan, praying fee the abatement in his hardness tax. Read and referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. J. It. Reed presented a report of the Street Committee, including an ordinance Tor the ex tension of Duncan street, 'ln the Seventh ward. Report accepted and onlinence read three times . and adopted, Mr. Quin offered a resolution authorizing , the Street C'onnuissioner . of the Second District to male a cinder path on the extension of Pennsyl- Vlllll9 mimed. Read three Owes and adopted. Mr. McMillan resented a petition from prop erly holders on heating's alley, praying for the s grading and paving of said alley from the Meth-' °dist grave yard toltoberts street. Read and referred so Street Committee. The petitions of Thomas 'Divine and - Robert' Stiller, for damages sustained on Pennsylvania avenue hv the breaking of the sewerovhich were, in S. G. October filst, referred to Street Commit tee. and in r. C. November 10th, referred to Fi nance Committee. S. C. adhered to former ae bon. C. t'. refuse to recede out adhere tolls own action, .1 bt infltion *jeered. Cousins couNett..—Pretehl: iltersrs. Arm- strong. Barekley, Beek, Coffin, Calvine, Davis, Diek.4.ll. liars, Jeremy, :Tone-, Leonanl, Mar key, Mota,, ,, ,onteA•, McCandless. McClelland; Me- KUM 11 , O'Neill, Faterson Itebman, ' White and Steel President. r. Milll.teP of last meeting read and adopted. Mr. O'Neill, from the Second Wool, presented 0 petitiotsfrorn the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Citteago Railroad, asking permission t? pave the side-walk in front of thew property, on Penn street wit itottecobble-stones,nttheir own expense. Referisil to that Conandt to with power to act. Mr. Alontgomery, Third Want, presented a Paper - from the h irernen:i Association asking that a committee of Councils be appointed to Inquire Into the feasibility of adopting the new fire nlarm telegraph proposed to be erected in this city. Referred to Commptee on Fire En- gines and Hose, with instructions to report at nett meeting. • A. G. Mc Candless, SNtl, trard. a petition ash- Eng the opening of an alter through the property of the late Judge Porter. from Center Avenue to the.property of the late W. W. Fetterman, The Nrillon was among - smiled by a resolution that the prayer be granted, the grading to be done at the expense of the petitioner. The Select Coun cil non-e'oneur, and refer jet Street Committee. C. C. reaede from its action and ttmetir in ac tion of S. C. Mr. Barclay, Seventh ward, 'iwtition front dames Mills, stating that the military authori ties were about to remove the three-inch water Pipe from the upper basin to the hospital, and replacing the same with it four-Inch pipe, and desiring the 'city imrchase the same, as they will be sold low, and laying down water pipe for the use of persona residinein Bedford and other streets. Referred to the Water Committee with power to act, Mr. White, Eighth Ward, a remonstrance from certain. citizens residing on Watson, be• heceu Boyd to Chestnut streets, against contin uing Watson street through the prlcato prop erty of the remonstrant.. Referred to Street Committee. • Mr. Davis, Ninth Ward, a report from the - firinitiers•of Council from said Ward, to whom had been referred the• petition of ,Mi%ece. Kier,' b Porter. asking the , privilege of ericting . 'Coke ovens in the ward, reported adverse to the same: After discuailon; the matter wag remitted to the mtnithers from the Ninth Wetd. The President read a communication- from 'Mayor Lowry transmitting a letter froth Mayor Alcuunder covering a paper, with the action of * Councils on the same, in militia' to the cleinnel of the Allegheny titer at the Point. The paPers were received and ordered to be flied. • •• • 13111 of Samuel Allender and Zanies Newman, for wahine out tax duplicates, for 859, was-pre sented and - reared to the Finance Committee. 11116 of John Magee for Facing street crossing: $40430; Mclntire & McNaughton, ?d till 70 ; O'Neil 'ltcown. $1.113 99; Hastings & fr 3 tO 79; O'Neill & M'Keown„ $2Bl 58. The Controller was authorized to certify Warrants for he Asruc old charge to coontingent feud No. 11. Select Council non-concur, and refer to street committee. . . Mr. O'Neil offered a resolution ' abating. for the . present, ell. wharfage on every. description 'of water croft landlig coal it the Pittsburgh. and Allegheny Wtarva. Passed. Select Connell concur. • The Free'dent presented sundry petitions, re- Mitre to business tax. Referred to the Fiona Committee with pon-er to act. • The bill of Adam Benny for Ica for use of Councils of Pittsburgh, amounted to the DOM of V 137 was ordered to he paid. On motion, ad journed. Book Noßees. "Tan Jona Oar - Scants. :By Jacob Abbott. 4 . TOIL ra mo. Drew York : Hurd a. Boughton: , A reties or four neat, well-bound, handsonkely, .printed, aqd finely Illustrated volumes, potpptn • neat ease. It Is an attractive compend of lark for lbeija," and a volume is, glven to the :frork of each season—Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn,. Boys will Sod these TIATUIIO3 on. . tcrtainiug as well as instreetive. They are era . Meetly. practical in their purpose, and parCnis t Who wishace their children usefully employed,' Mid orllng, at work that will please the instead ofroving drudgery, should put tigma* excellent sviumcs into the hands of their chit: dna. Mr.: Abbott is an author well adapted, by , long experipce. to write for children. • Yons Gooriiva Towrossa ; Related by Himself. A story of American We: By Bayard Taylor.. New lorli: Hard ac Houghton. Price 112.26. . , . . This Is the second 'nbvel by Bayard Taller, . . and all wilonro aoquelnted with Bayardre}-lor de. not 'n our asseranco that tboy will And. John 0 a very readable book. Mr. Taylor. puts the nn lois of genius '.. upon everythinthe , writes.- ,forixier =mei, Hannah* Thurston, 0 1 stacked somewhat ,in the conliniwitase.hlncry of ' tiered', beitikbare'of * plot .rnd sensational char- • .. acteriaties; *it:orrery reader was' mat favorably - Impressed Is - fib it„ . and awardottiaiha onthor rat JIM In the delineation of iimiactso and . dellty In dap the pecalpirliksagAtaatican e. The Tolima Is anketiprervioaent upon th at, allArgspectik: It. t oo, 4 an.4lltort can novel, and IS - milittaidaJmuldulia IA this country mink limn 'Antony tbanthisai ever been done Walk Jobs Godthy Is•glaillaitely the best Anicrlositiorel that has appeal*. tor a IDYLL! '0 / Barka AND roan or TDB Agar,. ; LION. By, Laura O. Redden. New YOrkir ittutt •a. Houghton.. Price tip: , , . . , . s . We do not Dineit:alreet 111 C poetry horn of: Me-Won, but this volume Impresses us favorably; Many of.tbo poems have tho true, poctlp rlng, end their authores s may fairly ctatm. credit for . having risen above the dead level of Otero versa. - which seems [abaft, contented most of her pee.. decagon. Tbo book Ls sexy handsomely gut up, and will prove a welcome addition to the centre' , . . 'mac-runes on the Pititheistio Idea of an lapels. roust substance, Delty as contiasted with the • Christian faith, concerning Almighty God. ..By iter.ldorgan Dl.l. New York: Bud & lionsh ., . . . . Rev. Mr. Dix, In N 3 itoloine very ably andpon: astrely defends the Chrietlan • Dies of God . . .againsithe Panthelitie Idea, and wo commend the little voltimo of Bermes to the attention of Elitlatlan raiders. They lire not dry, controver sial acrreonti, ha full of bre and energy, and far from wearimme,eren to the cl am of iriidcre Inclined to Gila kind of llteintnre. •••All of the above works am for sale by Darts,,' Clark ec C0.,.W00d etreet. . • Nztv COMILIEMION ijOtt B Z.MCS/111. Uppeo... colt, Fry a Co., ban, opened - an *.pgiallsluacza. at No. 14,FIrsr Wed, for 'the stansaalon grneral commit/Jon and nterr_tuuldlza brotcrage, hossfoots. prikcial attention will' bofrost to coupignntetto or crude oEt. Oil stocks ad refined oils bought and sold. .Ivo would direct &JAW= to the card ottho Arm, wbkh Will pp', 4,114 In= another tauten.) - . . Ntrw oa. itatitOfaitinla Ran, Ifilth . ttriter,'hia haf. larucd large:tad' otja oil 'metal:dot Ohio t - V V . •II t•tall=4 ICeti can b 4 00, . . . • •10000 0g 47190 /0 Ra l44 / ta• .r • • 11.3 Rue's Great IVar Stole. r,T-0, - Atlas; the prinel ui seater of-the:tresent wee, by means of move-. nide ill:tures, worked by ar. Ingenious mechanical copra thls evening, at Sfasonic anu.. The (,lith;tl, - ., reprc-F-entr life in tuotioa--tnen rurltintr to battle, hose: darbing of cr the field, nruticisurging, the Uatlit and war of musketry sod artillery. mad all the dread realities. of battle. !luting ehattgerAn the, exhibition, Me: La Rue will favor the audience with IL scriesof hamoronS and mirth-provoking petronatious. See adrer ment. lie. iva I sermons Last evening the tir.it of a reries of Olertno with a:vicw of promotive a revival of religion, wns preached hy- Rev: W . l). Iloward, D.. D., In the Fret Pree.byterian Church, Wood street. The fatlitiCii - “111101111Ced wee" The Necessity for a Res - lent of Religion." The church was densely crowded. Alter the delivery •of the sermon a meeting jW11.5 held fin- prayer and con ference. CONTENTION OF SCPERINTL`NDENT.3.— This body will meet In the Fourth Ward Public School Itonse, In this city. this morninz at ten - o'clock. It is expected that a laree proportion of the Superintendents of the State will be pres ent and take part in the exercises. • Tile Con- tendon will be in session for three days, and its proceedings will be Interesting to the of education. . . Ifcerm.t.A - _,Wc Auction House, 55 Fifth street L—Dry-goodc, lur.icry, gloves, .umbrellas , boots, shoes' and gulag, at - private 'Sale diiiiptc, the day, at lor prices. . T 4 0 0 K E.EP gat :WANTED—Sy a Wholesale and RetSIF 'Hauer!.in Pittst?nrgtl. , Address, to-dsy, with name air/ references, . • enFriat • 4, 4," GAZETTX 0/7ICE. CATAILIth DR. x. GibODALE!S CATARRH BE ALEDY • penelictcs to the very,nect of thin terrible dls ease, and eritermlostes It, root end branchilorever. Dr. GOODALL; to the Linat end only portion nrbo ever told thnworld ghat Cato rrh really :re% Where tbeommencell, and whet would cure It. • • • Dr. GOODALE has spent a lifetime in bsttlin with this fell disease, exploring Its sextet ambush and malting k nown to the world - the fact' tha Ca tarrh. whielkims for years. defied the skill o a re sesteleof mediefil men and authors in this ceunrry and in Enrope.„ can now be. cared, with MI stun° Thousands ainty tried ev ery follows night: - who tried every known cure In vain, have been permanently cured by Dr. GOODA_LE'S CATARRH:EMI:MY, And now praise It in tho most extravagant terms of praise. at our nearest agency, - or send a stamp for n pamphlet. Devised awl prepared by R. fi110D.11,14 - 21. D., New York. NORTON & CO., 'Sole Agent., 612 BROADIVAYOSEIV YORE DM G. H. KEYSER, Sole Agent, No. tie WOOD STEER% !niabuigh oea AVRTON'S OINTMENT,-, For Snit Itheuns and Scrohela, 'Permanently cures' TETtlial; sOALDiIEAti, iLIENVWOI4.II.4, ell .tTOMING AND atritrarvi suitzs mumurnoNspiisEssm This (Nutmeat penetrates to thehests of the ars.' ease—goes to the very source—sat clues It -how the flesh beneethto the skin on the surfsee—thmove - the poison of the dliesse upwardijusl every partl-• ale of ft Is alsihargud through the 'pores—the seeds of the- disease are expelled from the flesh, cause priestly there can be no relapse. 'NORTON ECCO., Sole Agents,; eit BROADWAY, NEW YORE. Sold by . AS, KEINIER;Agent. • 16 WOOD STREET; PITTSBURGH. oc3, - METROPOLITAN GIFT 1300 X STORE :74.1.: OP= ON Tuesday, Nov. 'lst, 1864, ljad is penatuic;t4rlcwated'at XScr.l43B, 35n*C::a Ef.:kropt, TITTSBI7I . IGII, orrosrine *sum seuvesse enlcz, alki latholetaeaL &densest Minn/ elfllagioted establishment West of New Tort. At this estab lialaneat you eau get ally boot you, sissy Maize. Books la every put of Llteratuso.. Atul_yosi have the-advantage of retelling, with :el unit thSt you buy, 1 EANDSOME raguNi • Worth froin.FIITY IDEriTB to cilittiOlPOl, • DOLLARS, which la given with e . aek hal*. Lll hooka are eold ► at .p ' a enn select fronuthe largestloitUllatadrsuart city, including MI the Stoodarl Works," norm of rhotori: Altuunk all , stylor and Prayer 800 Itshe late DubliontlonhAU the. oarletles of p in , all patterns of Portfolios,. BOOki for all clapon all subjects; In emery 'style of blndhig, b alm radian variety., Heroem• bee that puivtualng kooks at the. . . Metropolitan Gift Book Store, • =4 ,,k es , :d e a::g u sd w rtiTta l i g VflY o t her n. ' yA.titrA.B.LE PRESENT. .319th bpsicittiat you .serbuy.' One ttial will cos. i =a s ioli b iSt4eisillatillep Ar ee to auks than . . ova' SToo p op paceroGaspu Ar.Alpte, 81114..ESAND PRA.I , . . .. • L the lamest hi the cAty, and Will be raid at tie LOWEST PUBLISHERS , PRICES, and• a en with each porebase varying Irma My cent' to one r .. air Desolptire Oatatopes mailed fret 94 addretir upon appllcatton. w. I - "'TER* k"'" • XTOTICE TO.LEBSEES ON 41.71 1 7.4.t . 1%; •AA OIL CREEK,' N ov:_ Prrrentton, o 1 4th, .• At a + meeting of the proprietor. and lelsoni of ilia . Buchanan Vann, held on the 11th day of. litrYdab: her, 1864, It was determined that alit leases on said. farm should become null and veld, if the Una and. cdaditlona of. mid Main are. not fully oompll4 -*Rh by the 29th day of November, 1914. Therefore this nottee,(whleh ls not required by law; tun lir given m an act of emorterh) In given to &apemen holding lease. on said farm that Went the, terms .and eoruiltions, of said leases are fully compiled with, the sanuswal be forfeited and the pteudiee will et once be Moines/red, the aide as If no eon: treat bad bMo mole.' On the first day of - Deoembrr,, :ISM, Lire proprietors Of said farm will be at tbs. Ofhoe of Mitchell. Brown at Boueville, pro. pared te make from forty to Oily new leases on uld farm. Parnell. wishing to obtain leases will nod, In the Meseta:re, a blot of the fartn at N. II& 130.'s °Moe intludlor the tot. which will be to /et VIRANAN.FAIiaI OIL CO,— 0 - BAIRN PETROLEUM. COS ' nvouezieN Roy4LlT.cotu,436: aciasertne,-Nor: Bole W 1 10 ITTLIFIV A • D.. •1 ' 9taCit; lip. :354 • Briadwiy, New Tork; W. H; BODENHaII3I . .M. D • • . 1 Office? 149 Third Street, Plttablirgh, • Devote their etolosire atlentban to Lba acd Surgical treatment of Chronic Dlsoase4 cope, olaily tbeu of the Lower Bowel, loch as PH*. Fistula, Flosaro, ConstipationOyalllog of tbo Bow. 61,UB:oration and Striotureof the Bowel, Co. Also; the various Ohroalo Moose's 'of the Womb, , toys; the Bladder, tre. .• • COFFINS ! COFFU(B I ZEL'ALLIO I nrer ALrao ILUIOGANY I . ' M.AIIO4AXT I ' • ‘s,.. 7.l7Auarreirrivot • ' ' • v .--, `" 24lr - • 1 uNDEKT .. ui t BC43larr Im!umifiklimi,a# lkeT OWce,>Yo u 9 , Foolo .T 1 .; using osa tor • " Wr t tendia l°- ;.- Zionabta Inuivehestr i ftv g o r g me, ' 4 O c:Widta s u d ar I ilahtolea 1511t2tbi,,46 , . . 1103 llCLhalt .I**lgr4 a: Vag r alt 4 • .•••••• lEEE ESTABLISHED --178&-- JfGED/C4L. 119.3rkOPAT410 1 Eruirrassym stbsx‘rto. Homeopathic Remedies • • - • • Stand confessedly at the head of remedial means . for the use of the people. They are alike _removed frees the Peieeeeher derkgerona, and reptdaigil &MN of quackery, or Old School practice, the inconve , nience of water;cure, or the intricate and perplex. log obscurities of the =al Homeopathic bcioltit and . 7. medicines. Consisting of simple species/ for this— 'sellout diseases to .Which they smug/LW—put qp tr, the form of simply sugar pellets—and prepar of ingredient* neither dangerous nor disgusting. they are the ingredient _ aid of the parent or nurser, an d , the comforts,' the complaining and Invalid: They phloem,!these positive advantages. They are hattnirita—nd injury can arise from their Use. '• They are simploLyea always know what-to take. and hoir.to take it. They are convenient-10u cart give the proper Sugar Pills ate, mbutentls warning," r without hesitation or delay. They are estent,..., in thoutands of - eases disease 111 it arrested at owe,_ and the system cured without prottratlon ortlelay, No. i—Curee Teser, o o o Seenee eeec , i ilhereleetiela Heat, Pain and Restlessness, and the t States the acute and indarematery disease Price 33 eta. 7--Curee Forty ierei, Worm Cotialnd Irem. acioue Appetite, Wetting the Bed. Prim 35 vents.; • • Ne. 3—Cures Colic:Teething, Crying aid Wake.. fete.h . Siew,erovith Yeebleneut Of lotiiiita. Price 35 eentz . , No. 4—Curde Diarrhea,of Children or Adults. Cholera Infantum and Summer Complgota:. Prim Zio;. and 6 cure tho worst muds of cm niniy or Eloixi ts. grippings,l3lllnuspolic, :7. Prising& cen • ; • . . No.1:-Crirtis Coughs, Colds, thaarsenewitiffili: . :, chitin, Imiumizaltrul Sore •Throst. - PriaelS eentig. ' • This and No. I never fail to ours the deli ••r":".w - and Courts, No.;'B—Cur;rs Tbolirsehe, Paco-a - chi, • • s null and Tic Doloreux: 'Price 35 cents, No. ii—Cures lleadache, Sick Headache, Vertigo. - Bush of Blood to the Haul. Price 25 emits, • `ln addition 4 sith No. 10, It never Leila to awe - .. most lnvetettte cue,. No.lo—Oures Dyspeilia, WealtAnid or tiering. ' 1 ed Stomach"- Constipation, 'rater COntlasint, -• • .= Bilious Condition. Price 35 cents. . IsrAtaßLs Tor all cues of Weak ' • •:•-s Bilious Complaints. ' • , • No.ll—Cutripuppressed Menses, or .sositz.oe Painful, or Delaying, Green Sickness. 59 °eau. • 1. , No. Ir—Cures.Leueorrhea or Whites, Bearing Down'too Profuse Menses. 35 cents. • - • No. 15-oUres Croup. Hoarse ,Crotip7 golighs' Difficult and Oppressed Breathing. '35 oents. • • No 14—Cu'res Salt Rheum, Onisty Etupttonti . • .• ' Erysipelas, Scald Head, Barbers' Itch, PlMplei Oh : • the pane. • 35 cents. No. 15-. Cares Rheumatism, Pain, Lameneus t , Soreness in 'the ittest, Back, Bide, or -Sciatica. 35 cent.. -• • • Zll, No. 17—Curea Piles, Internal 'or Extertial;Blinti.`-' Or Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate- 60 cents. , • • ' This remedy' has cured thousands of theworst possible cases. •. • : -171 A No. le—Cures Opildhalm _,Ls Weak or InflartiarC, Eyes or Eyelids, Falling or Weak eight. po,ce.A4, it may always be relied upon for a oure. No. 19-Curea Catarrh; acute or iihronle; drf trc: • flowing, Cold in the Head, Influenza. , enowes...!.. r•l - Ifo'' , 1;,;I.s `AL-Clariv•Whireph2,l Co Cough ,,' ehdlieddra • d, ? , . pnlinthrg tt, or Spasmodic Cougn.. Woman. • o f 111. lnfallible, and always reileves and ewes. H0,21--Cnree dithnia, Opeteseed,o4,„z bored , Bresitting, Cough And =rimoration y leer Hundreds have been dip NtbS, I ~. E No; gi—Clitres ScrofcdsLEntankl.Ghuldl!,•63l4.., Tonsils Swelling* u. 0.011 'ke". 6° °eat ''' . Has cured the worst Calle.ll. - Let. No. et—Cures General DebilitriPhyslealeilfeto ' VOIL 'Weakness. 60 cents. • ~1 'No. 26—Curcs Dropsy, Yluld AccUtoulliAtawhTd,r.:;,i • Swelihnts, HeentY . Sicret/Pal• cm 4 P 6 , " t ` Ho.2s—Crtinut See:Sleltneee,ProgiritPr!rol.ll! ,e i. , 1;) , ';'4,1 Nausea , Y 6 , l ting" eqPcnts• ' • leo.ll.Ocirestriinaryt. Diseases, atiti ol ; Rabat - Calculi, Difficult or Painful I:lrina . n. oentit...r It cures old cases or dney Diseases, . No. 29—P pr Seminal P, f '. plachargos and consequent Prostration and Debut:. • -• ty . ,111.3 Results of HAL Habits. - Prima, GO. y.; • T ll b l a roost efficient, CU reme t. dy kff Derry, and Gan • No. 20—Ciires Sore Month Or Stomach, Ciudreffedl" Month or Adults or Children, and" Ida 'N OOl t ll l --. ' and Nbroitizt or Pregnant. rentablik.frO gents. ‘.• ' NO. 31—.thirell rainfai htemtruatloo, Priestise.,l Crimitoe.Spasms, Prurittis, ;torus, hod tergio: 'Donut Pcmsles.. ID W.: . • - . . ~ No. es-441res Sußating lie fliwereor -, Physaireera .., i•• • • •••. • aOseitles,. Flosbes of Heat, PalplWlol3, '!laallt ... • Disease of lie lieut. 111. 00. • • ; ..,•• 4 -.• " . •--, t N0.16J-Cores Spasms snit CkAnialslocui,EtOlepsi .: -,. -. L. .{.. r • 1.41 or Fall learnt's,- °boles or fit. Vitus' Duos, •' , ~,es E , Jerklors, Itehlatpi, Ifyirtetts. et est. , -• . • • . • .... f'/:••S N 0.31-0 res Diptherla soli 17leerstedor Arelics. • ‘• . , ' •,c) met Sore Throat. 02 cents. •• • . . • . 03 vial famliy case 0) vial family ease, 0 2070000 . ..... S6•Vnie.. ' 6 OCI ' , ' , L 1 OD alai case i ca i plelo. .... . ... ..................... ais , . se vial Physician's am ' ' l5 Cs% . " "• ; t '• • • POHD'STitatiff QF ItAXAMXLIS - F9r.Bilzelh *ail; *Abet, Soreuesa,Laate. - .• ,? waeli .Bprr!tb4• . tunas mat Toothbbe..i itit 0 &ern. mee "Nate/ pie trade supplied at New York prices.' Our Remedial Nam Look creee the list, make up e ease of MUM kind 1 1 , 6tPekoon4nlyi..fahme the •amount in it Gwent note or.stname, by mill fo my a4them Ind the •, menteine will be dolt rftlifflott ll ' mci Pr', • free 9f - 1 3,1 4 1 9Xe• , • ••. 7,41 . • ",••. OLit • J. IL 21174011; •' TL.:,en , A17:4- • f iec oaddoorbelowtherost,ollll.6 - • , oa „ • Wboleisie agent for Pitßintridt 1 , 11 THE - • • I COCOANUT CREAM. EYr# LUBIN'S _ ~.4410.4 For.!OiliagrTheasthiame ,—/ 4 • ••;•••;,44 • . .1••• • •• • i • •'t. l loll , ,ert , W7XCEI 3:3.1%.XE1L 44 ZT SK:T=.4 AND OILS THE HALLE.: AAn'giveses it a perisusett giro; wide& it truitairlt: ' days atter using It- Lilt aaliprowitim..l air Lint tip grcnirtti th.e tulr, 4 • - GAR t W • :47 ..4:1 • • +ln LUBIN'S 0000ANIPT OREtilf ti.ra O,I2CITOT StIRPIII3.9ED. ' - , - tr:;iiiige-: miotheyireparsuilpp•mHths_pomluit tructwnu wacquau,E .al La its Auzuut hat we. N.tC h - •• • Wiis, C. :sat „ /Lad It all LW beautiffixt,g erects for 413,,rk. Dressieralli -1111inithe k • - I • ; - 7- • : • Airk.or kr Dmie;ll4. ' ; - • ; 7 :•• °•-•- ; L - LP.; •:*1 7,1 ' f ,-- 6841'; •ciwn ism „ rco.' ei" irrateveeiwrieso , tj4iartxcAr:, , • •Z , . Air/ innawrinis a t o rromarr ott ziottee. - • • " 2 ' DRAWING Watilarredeag‘ uf4 ' IUB NO EQUAL. .7; 111" ! 11 1 1 p . =BE "" ./
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers